Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

put the right stuff on the document and so many questions now that he's going to have to answer to and it is a nightmare. it is really quite extraordinary what we have seen over the last few days. >> you know, in the true spirit of a tennis match going back and forth and back and forth here, at first it seemed like djokovic wasn't going to be able to play, wasn't going to be able to stay, then the judge ruled and he'll stay and play, and now i wonder if everyone turns their head the other direction and starting to say, it is not looking good for djokovic right now because of his own actions. >> yeah. 100%. and, you know, going into the first original court case, about a 90% plus australians felt that they wanted him out of the country. then after the court case, apparently there was a big swing from the public just saying, okay, well, the court case is done now. they have adjudicated he can stay in the country. so people sort of thought, okay, let's just let him play. now this has come out over the last 24 hours and now so i suspect that the polls may tell the government that maybe it is time to kick him out of the country, but as we said, this is in the hands of the government. nothing to do with the australian open. it has nothing to do with the victorian government. this is everything to do with the federal government now and the decision that they will make in the next 24 to 48 hours. >> i got to let you run. the wee hours of god knows what morning, i'm not good with the time difference. do you believe novak djokovic? >> that's a tough question. look, it looks very suspicious, doesn't it, over the last 24 hours. it was very convenient for somebody who is not into vaccination to all of a sudden get covid positive at a very convenient time and then now the suspicion behind those documents and why would somebody who really does care about children and, you know, says he cares about people obviously, you know, put somebody in that kind of a situation of being covid positive and doing an interview. look, there is too many questions really for me and too much of an unknown for us to guess. it is not looking good for novak if he plays or is he going to get a rousing few boos when he walks on to the court here in melbourne. >> it is an honor to speak with you. long time fan. thank you for speaking to us this morning. >> thank you very much, guys. a blunt warning from the acting commissioner of the fda this morning, most people are going to get covid. dr. janet woodcook made the comet during a hearing yesterday why lawmakers were drill grilling top biden officials on the state of the pandemic amid the omicron surge. >> most people are going to get covid. all right. and what we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function. >> omicron, with its extraordinary unprecedented degree of efficiency, of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody. unfortunately, those who are still unvaccinated are going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this. >> joining me now is the chair of uc san francisco's department of medicine, dr. robert walker. thank you for joining us this morning. those comments from dr. janet woodcock, the acting commissioner of the fda, it seems like that's what a lot of people have been saying since the omicron surge around thanksgiving, we first learned about this new variant. but to hear a top federal health official put it so plainly was really striking. >> yeah, i'm struck by that too. it is clear it is spreading like wildfire in all of us. know friends and family who have it. whether all of us get it or virtually all of us, that seems a little hyperbolic to me. the numbers say about 1% of people a day are getting it. so a lot of people are going to get it. but i still am not of the attitude that it is inevitable you're going to get it. and the signs are that it is going to peak relatively quickly and come down quickly. so to me, the right call is to be careful for the next few weeks until this hurricane passes. >> is there a concern hearing comments like that that maybe it will encourage people to not follow the guidance as much, to not mask up as much, to not hesitate from doing as many public or group activities as they had been, if you have this mentality, how does that affect people's behavior, do you think? >> that would be my concern. my concern is that it is very infectious, there is a decent chance if you're out and about you're going to get it. but it seems likelier than not that you would need to be careful for probably the next month. it is already peaking in new york. it is peaking in washington, d.c. there is some evidence it is peaking in boston. and the rest of the country likely will peak in a couple of weeks and come down over the next few weeks after that. so i'm still in be careful, this is a time where don't take unnecessary risks and because in part because i think when we get to february, we'll probably be in a pretty good place. many people are going to get it. even the unvaccinated, virtually all of them will have some measure of immunity they should have gotten from the vaccine but they'll get it from the virus if they don't succumb to it. we'll find ourselves in a good place. i don't think the right call is to say it is inevitable and throw your hands up at this point. >> dr. fauci seemed to draw more of a distinction saying everyone could be exposed to it. that's not the same of getting infected. i wonder what you also made about the testing plan from the administration, of course. this has been a nationwide shortage of rapid tests, it is very difficult to easily get your hands on one. but there is this plan from the white house to distribute half a billion for free to people who sign up on a website. but, of course, that website is not yet available and we heard of health officials saying yesterday they have secured about 50 million of the tests. they're still working on getting the rest of them and they think it could be about over the next 60 days that you see those tests distributed. so i'm wondering what you make of that timeline. >> yeah, kaitlan, it is good. we need the tests. people are using the tests to try to figure out whether they're infected. to figure out when they can come out of isolation. but it is a little bit too late. i think the likeliest thing is that all of a sudden we're going to have a lot of tests around, about two, three, four weeks after we really needed them. we need them now. i found my son got covid about five days ago and i went around san francisco and tried to find a test, went to three pharmacies, couldn't find anything. tried to sign up for a pcr, five days away, not useful. we need it now. we will need it later too. so that's good. but they should have been working on this months ago. >> so what is your advice to people who are in that situation? because i heard the same thing, it is hard to get a rapid test, you can't find one, you try to schedule one, it is several days before you can get an appointment. what should people be doing if they're worried they are infected in that period? >> yeah, you're in a sticky situation. if you have symptoms that can be covid, and the problem is they are pretty -- almost everything, you know, a fever, a sore throat, a cough, any of those things, at this point the disease is so prevalent, so many people have it, that i think the right assumption is that you have it until you can get tested. and once you make that assumption, what you should do is isolate yourself and stay home, don't come in contact with other people. and wait until you can get a test to confirm that. and so, you know, it is a tough situation, but i don't think there is any way to be sure whether you have covid if you have compatible symptoms and when it is as prevalent as it is. the best estimates here in san francisco, which is a highly vaccinated city, is right now about one in ten people walking around the street have it. and are test positivity rate for people that have symptoms is about 40%. there is a pretty good chance you have it if you have any compatible symptoms. you have to act as if you do. >> good advice, dr. robert wachter, thank you for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure. president biden launching a major public push for voting rights, speaking from the battleground of the fight yesterday in atlanta. the president and vice president urged congress to pass two federal voting rights bills that are currently being blocked by republicans. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet! even strom thurmond came to support voting rights. not a single republican has displayed the courage to stand up to a defeated president to protect america's right to vote. not one. not one. >> joining us, cnn senior political correspondent and anchor of "inside politics" sunday abby phillip. wonderful to have you back. welcome back. >> hey, john. hey, kaitlan. good to be here. >> hi. >> so besides you being back, look, the president laid a lot on the line yesterday. my question is what is different this morning? >> i don't think there is really anything different this morning, frankly. i mean, the facts of the situation are pretty much the same. democrats are talking to each other. they're trying to convince the holdouts on filibuster reform to come over, but we're focusing a lot on senator manchin, we're focusing a lot on senator sinema but there are others. there is a very steep hill to climb to get folks to say we're willing to take a lower threshold for voting rights and i don't see much of an opening from any of these senators on that point. and there is really no hope. i think we can pretty much say that now. republicans are not going to come over on this issue of voting and so it is really all about whether democrats can all get on the same page. and there has been very little movement on that front. >> yeah, that dose of realism from senator schumer last night saying i don't want to delude people into thinking this is happening. they don't have senator manchin and senator sinema on board. i want to ask you about something else we have been talking about this morning, which is what former president trump is now sayinging ing when comes to getting a booster shot. he says if you won't publicly admit you've gotten one, you are, quote, gutless. >> yeah. >> we have that sound bite. >> i've taken it. i've had the booster. many politicians, i watched a couple of politicians be interviewed, and one of the questions is did you get the booster because they had the vaccine. and they oh -- they're answering it, like, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it because they're gutless. you got to say it. >> have you gotten the booster? >> so, i've done whatever i did the normal shot, and, you know, that at the end of the day is people's individual decisions about what they want to do. >> abby, i wonder who the former president could be talking about. >> look, i mean, i'm going to say it, trump is right. you should say wlhether you've been vaccinated and boosted. vaccines save lives. if he wants to take credit for it and if that's the reason he's speaking up for it, that's great. i think it is interesting, like you said, governor desantis is trying to position himself somewhere between trump and trump, which is amazing. he wants to be so in line with trump, and yet at the same time blaze his own path to 2024. i think trump sees that and is trying to create a distinction on the issue of vaccines to some extent. i think we should be clear, former president trump is also very much opposed to vaccine mandates. he's very much opposed to this idea of forcing people to be vaccinated in any sort of atmosphere. so he's trying to kind of have it both ways a little bit on the issue of vaccines. >> yeah, i think there is no denying, john, clearly the former president here is -- it is not just because he believes everyone should be completely up front about being vaccinated and getting a booster, given the former president got vaccinated initially and it wasn't publicly revealed. it wasn't on camera or anything like that. booster shot as well. i think it also is driven by the fact that desantis is seen as a potential 2024 presidential front-runner. >> to me, the interesting part about this has nothing to do with the vaccines and everything to do with the fact that ron desantis is getting under donald trump's skin and trump is trying to do some pretty overt things about it. also getting under trump's skin, the truth. listen and watch and hanging up on npr. >> people have no idea how big this issue is and they don't want it to happen again. it shouldn't be allowed to happen and they don't want it to happen again. the only way it is not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. so, steve, thank you very much. >> whoa, whoa, one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th, judge mehta -- he's gone, okay. >> this all reminds me of, you know, winter, 2015, spring 2016, it is not a sign that the president is popping up only for interviews. he previously denied to have because this is his currency, this is how he gets himself back in the game for 2024. and i mean, honestly, i listen to that, i hear trump spewing lies about the last election and then hanging up to have the last word on that front without -- steve, i know him, he's a great journalist, but didn't even have the opportunity to push back and shows the perils of give a platform to those kinds of lies because, you know, he wants to use these opportunities as ways to continue to spread the big lie and then hang up when there is pushback. and i think that's a real red, frankly, for journalists as we go into the new season as trump tries to re-establish himself politically for the next presidential election. >> an interesting point. abby philip, again, great to see you, congratulations. >> great to see you guys too. >> welcome back. >> thank you. breaking, moments ago, downing street. >> he was hosting a boozy party in downing street. >> boris johnson being eviscerated by members of parliament for partying while the country was under strict lockdown. he has apologized and we'll show you that next. plus, we'll ask a member of the january 6th committee what exactly did they plan to ask trump's lawyer rudy giuliani. a cockpit breach, just before takeoff, this shocking case of a passenger behaving badly, very badly. this is just amazing video. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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>> thanks for having me, john. i think what the committee announced last evening is that these three individuals have information that is helpful to our investigation. as you indicated, two of them were coordinating with donald trump jr. and kimberly guilfoyle and other rally organizers, leading up to the event of the ellipse. and then the third is someone who was involved with the president's speech, who might be able to shed some light on the 187 minutes that we have talked about, where the president's inaction in stopping the capitol insurrection was a key point in time that we want to continue to have clarity on. >> that's interesting. because i was going to ask you about the speechwriter. i was going to say, look, we heard the words out loud. so what do you want to learn from the person who helped write them? it is not about the before. it is about the after? >> well, it can be about both. this is why we feel it is important to have a conversation with someone, how many drafts were undertaken, what was the president's posture, the former president's posture, leading up to that. those are some of the important questions that we feel need to be addressed. >> cnn is reporting this morning about the discussions and the considerations taking place inside the committee about how to get testimony or how to get conversations with republican members of congress. jim jordan, scott perry, who you want to talk to because of their obvious connections to the president that day. what are the considerations for how to get them to talk? what are some of the possibilities? >> well, we're going to continue to appeal to them, to come before us. they took the same oath that we did, to protect and uphold the constitution. it is unfortunate that as of now they have not come before the committee or voluntarily given us testimony. these are people who had conversations with the president, the former president about the conspiracy theories that he continued and those two specifically helped fan those flames. but they have key information on what the president was thinking and is in the case of my colleague mr. jordan, he admitted he talked to the president on january 6th, which is important. >> so why not issue a subpoena? >> well, we respect the prerogatives of the house. chairman thompson has said that no door is closed. we're going to continue to do our work. but i would just reiterate, john, there are hundreds of people who we have talked to and interviewed. while i know it is important to focus and ask questions about individuals who have not come before us, we continue every day, including yesterday and including today to get meaningful interviews that will help our investigation. >> you mentioned conspiracy theories. adam kinzinger, your colleague, put out a tweet thread last night that dealt with one of the conspiracy theorys that continues to be spewed by senators ted cruz and others that there was this one person and i'm not going to name the person, i don't want to make this guy's life more difficult than it even is, who republicans are saying, he was an fbi informant or agent and he fomented the entire insurrection and they said, no, we talked to the guy and he's not. what is that story there and why is it important to address these cons conspiracies. >> you have to address that to senator cruz and an entire network who continues to give oxygen to these dangerous conspiracy theories. senator cruz knows that this is not true. but he is aided by tucker carlson and other folks who continue to fan this flame. it is dangerous, dangerous rhetoric. and it is unfortunate that they continue to fan those flames and support those conspiracy theorys that we debunked. >> i know it is a big few weeks with the committee. we look forward to speaking with you again when there are some new developments. appreciate it. >> thanks, john. all right, breaking moments ago, british prime minister boris johnson apologizing for partying at ten downing street when the country was on lockdown. one british leader calls him a pathetic spectacle of a man. they got a way with words there. and tom brady is helping his teammate cash in on a million dollar incentive. >> a million. >> you got a million? 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does he still have the moral authority to tell people to follow the rules if his very government wasn't doing that, kaitlan? >> and until now he hadn't even admitted he had been at this party, so far they just stopped answering questions. so, bianca, i know there is an internal investigation happening here. the prime minister cited that today. but he did make pretty clear that even despite based on what the opposition party is saying, he has no plans to step down for right now. >> based on this prime minister's reputation and his career long fixation on the office of prime minister, he will need to be pushed. he's not going to go quietly. that would take around 15% of his own mps, around 54 of them, to write letters of no confidence to then trigger a leadership contest. and the reason that's more likely today than it has been over recent months is because the loyalty that boris johnson inspires within his own party is actually pretty shallow. it is not like, for example, margaret thatcher used to inspire in the conservative party. that was a deep loyalty that even continues now after her death. the allegiance to boris johnson is more superficial. and it is transactional. it is based on his ability to win elections, which he's always been very good at doing. now that his reputation is taking such a hammering and that is reflecting on the party and also trust in politics in general, this could be a moment that more mps consider moving. because let's face it, what's happening right now is the opposite of electorally advantageous and as salma was laying out, have the option of the prime minister being hypocritical and treating the british public with contempt, saying that he even suggested in the house of commons today that this party on the 25th of may 2020 may have been his idea, as a way to thank staff. we have yet to find out the youm come of the investigation. but if that's true, or even if he just attended, this was a moment where people in hospital were dying alone because no friends, no family were allowed to go in and see them. so people were grieving alone. they couldn't go to funerals of their nearest and dearest. so the fact that with such flippantsy this was sent, it is hypocritical. that is one way of reading the situation. and to be given the facts, it is hard not to. the other option is that the prime minister didn't understand his own rules or forgot them. and that, frankly looks like idiocy. he may not realize he was at a party, as was suggested, contempt, hypocrisy or naivete and idiocy. none advantageous for the prime minister, which puts him in the acute moment of political peril. >> it is hard to argue it wasn't a party when it told them on the invitation to bring their own booze to this event. thank you for updating us and we'll pay close attention to what happens to boris johnson's political future. here's what else to watch today. there was a hot mic moment during dr. fauci's appearance before the senate yesterday. he called one republican senator, quote, a moron. and an incredible story of survival after a helicopter carrying a baby crashes. 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moments ago, brand-new numbers on inflation and they are a wow. cnn's chief business correspondent christine romans joins us now. a wow and maybe a yikes. >> yeah. let me just show you the numbers and we'll talk about what they mean. overall inflation, consumer prices, what we all pay for things, up 7% over the past year in december. december versus december last year. that is the fastest rate of consumer inflation since 1982, when ronald reagan was president, ebony and ivory was the top song on the billboard charts. from november to december that inflation rose 0.5%. that's a big one-month jump. core inflation, stripping out volatile food and energy, that rose 5.5% on an annual basis. that is the fastest inflation since 1991. and the core rate of 0.6%. john, really important here on energy, energy costs cooled off in december. these numbers would have been even worse if it weren't for a cooling off in energy. for just about everything else, prices went up -- i'm trying to find where prices fell. i can only see vehicle, motor vehicle insurance, and some recreation categories, prices fell just about everything really running at a hot pace here. this is why the economy is strong. this is why the polls show people say they don't feel it because thisere are higher wage. it is sapping confidence. it is dangerous for the lowest income americans, that's where inflation really bites the worst here. so this is still an economic problem and a political problem. the inflation fighter is the fed, of course, the fed switching gears for this year and will be raising interest rates to try to make sure this doesn't become entrenched in the american economy. >> it is a dangerous political problem for the white house because yesterday they were bracing for this, saying we know the number is going to be high. i'm not sure they expected it to be this high. what you were saying the record since 1982, when it comes to prices. the white house has been saying, well, if we get president biden's build back better plan passed, we believe that will lower prices. that is completely stalled in congress right now. there has been virtually no movement on it. so, you know what is the path forward here for the white house when making that argument to voters that you noted are pretty down on the economy right now. >> so much of the conversation around build back better is political. guys, it is just the facts. the message about prices is help for your -- help for your child care costs, you know, school, you know, quality pre-k, these are the things that can lower costs for families. that's where the white house, i think, the message hasn't been securely on that. at least in the minds of so many voters and people when you talk to the people, they're polled and say they feel pretty rotten about the economy overall. so, yeah, that is the political messaging that is so interesting here. the fed, by the way, is the inflation fighter. it is in the fed's wheel house to fight inflation. that might be something if they do it wrong could hurt the economy overall. here into 2022, we have a real interesting balancing act in terms of the economy. it is roaring ahead, prices are rising because of it, and now it is the fed's job to try to get things back in balance. >> highest inflation since 1982, ebony and ivory as christine romans says, number one on the charts. the political agenda from the white house and inflation not together in perfect harmony. >> well done. well done. >> thank you very much. >> john berman who wears a rugby from 1982. >> proudly. thank you so much, romans. meanwhile, after two years after tacks from right wing personalities and lawmakers, dr. anthony fauci is firing back and he brought the receipts this time. john avlon is here your reality check. >> thanks, kaitlan. look, self-awareness, not a strong suit among trumpers. self-owning irony is. take a listen to former trump press secretary kayleigh mcenany on right wing talk tv yesterday. >> we are at a really, really dangerous point in this country. when you stop trusting public health officials, that's when we have a problem. and we have gotten to that point. there is so -- such lack of faith in the messengers coming out of this white house. >> of course, this is just another version of the old arsonist as a firefighter routine. because those comments came at the same day dr. anthony fauci was getting hit by rhetorical sock full of manure by rand paul and roger marshall. it was the latest bs-based assault on fauci after almost two years of right wing demonization designed to blame him for the covid mismanagement, initially birthed by trump's politization of the pandemic. because criticisms of the big lie are not really possible inside the cult of trump, fauci has been the prime target in that game of deflect and project. and because political grift is the only constant there, the doctor point out that rand paul had been fund-raising off this. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and i have life -- threats upon my life, harassments of my family, and my children, with obscene phone calls, because people are lying about me. so i ask myself, why would the senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website, and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says contribute here. you can do $5, $10, $20, $100, so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> and as if to confirm that accusation, senator paul's office fired off a fund-raising email soon after the exchange with the subject header, fauci is hysterical. now, look there are many legitimate areas where dr. fauci can and should be grilled by u.s. senators. among these are the test shortages that have compounded omicron confusion, why the u.s. government didn't seem better prepared to confront this variant, and investigations into the origin of the virus, including possible lab leaks from the wuhan institute of virology. maybe we still can be tough and civil at the same time. you think an actual medical doctor on the committee might be able to shed some light rather than just heat on those proceedings. but kansas senator roger marshall who voted to overturn the election after the attack on the capitol, again showed his priority is playing to the base with baseless claims. marshall tried to imply that fauci might be personally profiting off the pandemic, asking if he would submit a financial disclosure, which led to this heated exchange. >> maybe some shenanigans are going on. you know, i don't -- i assume that's not the case -- >> what are you talking about? my financial disclosures are public knowledge and have been so. you are getting amazingly wrong information. >> so -- i cannot find them. our office cannot find them. where would they be if they're public knowledge? >> maybe senator marshall's office should get better googling. because in fact as fauci said, his financial disclosures are a matter of public record. it shouldn't have to be this hard to have a civil fact-based inquiry in the u.s. senate. but it is this fixation on personal attacks that is straight out of the paranoid style of politics. it is designed to deceive and it does push us to a more dangerous place, where hard partisan stop trusting our public officials during a pandemic. rather than showing that we can meet the challenges of this moment as a strong, deliberative democracy. and that's your reality check. >> john avlon, as always, thank you. >> thanks, kaitlan. coming up, a double fault for novak djokovic, the two admissions to lying he's made overnight. and a scary moment on an american airlines flight, see what happened when a passenger stormed the cockpit. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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>> yeah. i don't get the extra cash. i have to go get a real job. >> what does that mean? ka-ching, gronkowski has his pass bonus. >> thank you. >> you just got a million? >> yeah. >> you just got a million! we going -- where are we going? >> to the city. >> i think he owes tom brady lunch or something maybe. >> yeah, tom brady is doing okay. he doesn't need the handout. look, gronk is such a nice guy. congratulations to him. he doesn't need it either. on another note, jerome bettis, a pretty good football player in his own right, an nfl hall of famer who played ten seasons with pittsburgh, three with the rams, he ended his career with a super bowl ring, but the bus has another achievement that he is working toward now, his bachelor's degree. bettis left the university of notre dame before his senior year to enter the nfl draft. 25 years later, he's ready to finish what he started. >> first day of school. just getting on campus. it is cold as ever. but i'm excited. and here we go. here goes nothing. >> so joining us now is hall of fame running back and i guess we can call you college senior, jerome bettis. >> yes, that's accurate. college senior. >> so tell us about why you made this decision. i think it is wonderful. >> well, it was -- it was a long time coming. it was something i had promised my mother a long time ago that i would do it, and now having children, i've got a daughter, jade is 16, son jerome jr. is 14, they're watching me and my wife and i discussed it and said, you know what, it would be a great thing to get done, not only for myself, but for my family as well. so we looked at the possibility, but i had to come back to campus for my last four courses. so that was the hard part. so we had to figure out when could i get back and get the job done, so my wife was so gracious and taking care of the house and the family that she allowed me to come and finish. >> i think it is so cool and what a great example to set. i think that's just so meaningful. but i also have to ask, what is it like to be back on campus, because i imagine things have changed some, and so what was -- did anything kind of catch you off guard or surprise you? >> yes, everything is kind surprised me. i had a class yesterday, i go into the class and i'm the only one there, and i'm looking around thinking to myself, what is going on? well, what i didn't realize was that the class was canceled, my professor sent emails to everyone, but i don't check emails before a class, i just didn't think to do that. so i'm in the classroom, just sitting there by myself, so that's a lesson learned. >> didn't have emails when you were last in college. >> yeah. >> they didn't have cell phones when you were last in college. i have to ask, favorite class, favorite teacher. >> oh, my goodness. you know what, i just got into class the last two days so i'm just reading syllabuses and so i haven't really got there yet. but i'm excited about strategic management, and i got a entrepreneurship class that i'm excited about. so i've got some classes that i'm looking forward to, to taking. i think that's the great part of my situation. these are classes that i'm going to enjoy, but i'm also going to be able to use in business. >> i thought it was funny that what if you had a phys ed requirement left. >> you know what, that would be pretty difficult, but i want to check and see if i have any -- any eligibility left. i think i -- i want to look at maybe a little golf. >> got a new football coach there, maybe see if he needs any help. i do wonder, though, some other people probably find themselves in your situation, where maybe they just have a few more courses to take to -- a few more credits to get. what would you say to people like that who are on the line, thinking about doing this? >> i would say it is never too late to take advantage of the opportunity. and, you know, education is always going to be critical. because if we're not learning, a lot of people say if you're not learning, you're dying. i would just tell people that, you know, don't ever think that it is too late. you can always find a way to get it done, and believe it or not, it will add to your legacy. >> jerome bettis, you are always one of my favorite nonpatriot players. and i have to say, this only makes it more so. so thank you so much for being with us this morning. congratulations on this. and good luck on your last semester. study hard. >> and invite us to your graduation. >> absolutely. you know i'm going to walk. that's for sure. >> you should wear the yellow jacket, the hall of fame jacket. jerome bettis, thank you very much. >> thank you. cnn's coverage continues right now. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. the breaking news this hour, new u.s. inflation hours are out, they show consumer prices continuing to rise, up 7% over the past year alone. it is the steepest climb in prices since 1982. the white house is attempting to calm concerns, more on what it means for that in the months ahead in just a moment. >> plus, in a fiery speech, president bide

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, Omicron , Everybody , Brunt , Transmissibility , Unvaccinated , Aspect , Lot , Janet Woodcock , Comments , Chair , Uc San Francisco , Department Of Medicine , Robert Walker , Official , Health , Variant , Family , Friends , Numbers , Wildfire , Hyperbolic , 1 , Call , Signs , Attitude , Hurricane Passes , Concern , Hearing Comments , Activities , Guidance , Much , Group , Chance , Behavior , Mentality , Rest , Peaking , Evidence , New York , Washington D C , Boston , They Don T , Part , Place , Where , Risks , Vaccine , Virus , Immunity , Measure , Point , Course , Anthony Fauci , Distinction , Same , Testing Plan , Administration , Medicare Supplement Plan , Isn T One , Tests , Website , White House , Health Officials , Shortage , A Billion , One , Timeline , 60 , 50 Million , Thing , Bit , Kaitlan , Isolation , Two , Son , Five , Three , Four , Test , Couldn T , Advice , Pharmacies , Pcr , San Francisco , Appointment , Things , Problem , Symptoms , Any , Disease , Sore Throat , Cough , Assumption , Contact , Home , Estimates , City , Street , Test Positivity Rate , 40 , Ten , Biden , Voting Rights , Public Push , Fight , Pleasure , Battleground , Robert Wachter , Congress , Republicans , Conversations , Voting Rights Bills , Vice President , Members , Atlanta , Strom Thurmond , Cnn , Courage , Senior , Correspondent , Anchor , Inside Politics , Sunday Abby Phillip , John Avlon , Line , Back , Facts , Democrats , Each Other , Filibuster Reform , Holdouts , Senators , Senator , Folks , Others , Threshold , Hill , Opening , Senator Manchin , Front , Issue , Movement , Voting , Hope , Page , Dose , Realism , Sinema On Board , Senator Schumer , Donald Trump Jr , Something , Quote , Booster Shot , Gutless , Let S Face It , Booster , Politicians , Sound Bite , Answer , President , Decisions , Shot , Ron Desantis , Reason , Vaccines , Lives , Credit , Wlhether , Trump , Path , Somewhere , Blaze , 2024 , Idea , Extent , Vaccine Mandates , Former , Atmosphere , Sort , Fact , Anything , It Wasn T On Camera , Skin , Front Runner , Truth , Npr , It Shouldn T , Election , Steve , Whoa , 2020 , Court Hearing , Mehta , January 6th , 6 , Interviews , Sign , Currency , Winter , 2015 , 2016 , Game , Lies , Word , Didn T , Opportunity , Kinds , Journalist , Platform , Perils , Ways , Opportunities , Pushback , Season , Journalists , Big Lie , Red , Downing Street , Congratulations , Breaking , Abby Philip , Boris Johnson , Party , Partying , Members Of Parliament , Committee , Lockdown , Rudy Giuliani , Cockpit Breach , Member , Story , Car , Vo , Passenger , Woman , Windshield , Video , Wheels , Safelite , Decompression Zone , Someone , Experts , Safety Systems , Camera , Technology , Glass , Diabetes , Service , Singers , Challenge , System , Musician , Fingersticks , Austin James , My Name , Safelite Repair , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Help , Information , Answers , At Humana , Number , Screen , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Seven , Obligation , Agent Producer , Expenses , Medicare , 80 , Some , Plans , Money , Humana , Insurance , Medicare Doesn T , Doctor Visits , Copayments , Deductibles , Emergency Care , Anywhere , Doctors , Hospital Stays , Trust , Referrals , Ones , Healthcare Partner , Healthcare , Premium , Range , Save You , Guide , Needs , Budget , Call Humana , Making Healthcare Simpler , Costs , Won T , Ww , Points , Company , Shopping , James Corden , 28 , Food , Foods , Limits , Ice Cream , Clothes , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Pay , 17 , January 17th , Individuals , Testimony , Panel , Records , Round , Draft , Subpoenas , January 6th Committee , Pete Aguilar , Ellipse , Advisers , Rally , January 6th Rally Speech , John Berman , Thanks , January 6th House Select Committee , California , Investigation , Event , Rally Organizers , Kimberly Guilfoyle , Speech , Third , Inaction , Capitol Insurrection , 187 , Person , Words , Speechwriter , Clarity On , Conversation , Posture , Drafts , Both , Considerations , Discussions , Jim Jordan , Connections , Scott Perry , Constitution , Possibilities , Oath , Conspiracy Theories , Flames , Subpoena , Colleague , On January 6th , Work , Door , House , Prerogatives , Hundreds , Chairman Thompson , Night , Conspiracy Theorys , Ted Cruz , Tweet Thread , Adam Kinzinger , Guy , Life , Saying , Insurrection , Informant , Fbi , Cons Conspiracies , Network , Flame , Oxygen , Tucker Carlson , Rhetoric , Developments , Right , British , Leader , Apologizing , One British , Man , Cash , Tom Brady , Spectacle , Teammate , Dollar Incentive , A Million , A Million Dollar , Odds , Team , Fanduel Sportsbook , Playoffs , Playoff Game , Lifetime , Catch , Customers , Feel , Bet , 30 , Job , Baby , Law , Health Coverage , , 82 , 150 , 5 , 182 , 50 , Coverage , Plan , Stress , Vision , Assistance , Dental , Meds , 14 , 4 , Prices , Advisor , Picture , Wealth , Investing Strategies , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Planning Effect , Defenses , Immune System , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Students , Remote Learning , Parent , Teachers , Best , 18 , Classroom , Kids , Schools , Sake , School Board Members , School Board , Cost , Security , Start , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity , Parents , Family Safe Browsing , Control , Pause Wifi , Garden Party , Households , Being , Rage , Rules , Inquiry , Conclusions , Salma Abdelaziz , Responsibility , London , Scene , Parliament , Critics , Times , Bianca Nobilo , Parties , Lockdowns , Contradiction , Listen , Opposition Labor Leader , Me Wrongdoing , Room , Defense , Deceit , Deception , Jeers , Ap , Laughter , Garden Parties , Booze Parties , Opposition Lawmakers , Reports , Sentiment , Handling , Many , Controversy , Attendance , Reputation , Prime Minister , Fighting , Matters , Crisis , Answering Questions , Authority , Bianca , Wasn T Doing That , Opposition Party , Fixation , Career , Office , Confidence , Mps , Letters , Them , 54 , 15 , Conservative Party , Loyalty , Leadership Contest , Margaret Thatcher , Ability , Elections , Allegiance , Doing , Death , Politics , Opposite , Hammering , General , Electorally Advantageous , Contempt , Option , House Of Commons , 25th Of May , 25th Of May 2020 , 25 , Hospital , Youm , Staff , Funerals , Flippantsy , They Couldn T Go , Nearest And Dearest , Idiocy , Naivete , Hypocrisy , None , Wasn T A Party , Peril , Invitation , Attention , Booze , U S Senate , Mic , Appearance , Helicopter , Survival , Speaking , A Moron , Fun , Daring , Progress Isn T , Gamechanger , Bladder Leaks , Trelegy , Copd , Smoothest , High , Softest , Coughing , Depend , Stand , On By , Feelin Good , Breeze Driftin , Medicines , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Power , Lung Function , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Risk , Chest Pain , Heart Condition , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Swelling , Mouth , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Vision Changes , Pain , Trelegy Com , Eye , 05 , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Pill , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Cgrp Protein , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Next , Health Insurance , Preventive Care , Blood Pressure Checkups , Cholesterol , Coveredca Com , Enrollment Ends , 31 , January 31st , Inflation , Consumer Prices , Wow , Chief Business Correspondent , Yikes , Christine Romans , Consumer Inflation , Rate , December Versus Last , Ronald Reagan , 7 , 1982 , Energy , Big One , Core Inflation , Song , Ebony And Ivory , Billboard Charts , 0 5 , Weren T , Core Rate , Basis , 1991 , 0 6 , Motor Vehicle Insurance , Vehicle , Recreation Categories , Cooling Off , Everything Else , Economy , Pace , Income , Wage , Thisere , Fed , Inflation Fighter , Interest Rates , Record , Voters , Build , Argument , Message , Child Care Costs , School , Hasn T , Families , Minds , Pre K , Least , Messaging , Fed S Wheel House , Balancing , Balance , Terms , Act , 2022 , Rugby , Agenda , Charts , Number One , Perfect Harmony , Reality Check , Wing , Personalities , Receipts , Firing , Romans , Proudly , Kayleigh Mcenany , Trumpers , Former Trump , Irony , Suit , Talk Tv Yesterday , Self Awareness , Version , Messengers , Faith , Lack , Roger Marshall , Firefighter Routine , Arsonist , Manure , Sock , Hit , Rand Paul , Politization , Demonization , Criticisms , Assault , Cult , Covid Mismanagement , Constant , Doctor Point , Fund Raising , Grift , Target , Project , Game Of Deflect , Sudden , Threats , Crazies , Phone Calls , Harassments , My Family , Box , Fire Dr , 00 , 0 , 20 , 10 , Exchange , Accusation , Epidemic , Email , Subject Header , Gain , Areas , Senator Paul S , Test Shortages , Investigations , Origin , Omicron Confusion , Lab Leaks , Wuhan Institute Of Virology , Light , Capitol , Attack , Proceedings , Kansas , Disclosure , Base , Claims , Priority , Knowledge , Disclosures , Shenanigans , I Don T , Googling , Style , Public Record , Attacks , Matter , Challenges , Stop , Deliberative Democracy , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Coming Up , Admissions , Flight , American Airlines , Cockpit , World , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Gasps , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , Vacation Request , Suite Special , Employees , Single , Software , Vacation Request Approvals , Hr Data , Schedule A Demo Today , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Um , Strokes , Cancers , Well , Definition , Johnson , Millions , Growing Up , Love , Memories , Mom , Cooking , Kitchen , Planning , Most , Meal , Northwestern Mutual , Offer , Cheering , Carvana , Feeling , Big , Spot , Voting Rights Bill , Plea , Move , Court Challenge , Coronavirus Last Month , False Travel Declaration , Uphill Battle In Congress , Biden Doesn T , Support , Bills , Incidents , Votes , Passengers , Cockpit Window , Aircraft , Jet , Damage , Honduras , Miami , Building , Conditions , Transport , Landlord , Structure , Infant , Deadly Bronx Fire , Sunday , A Billion Dollars , More , Delaware County , Stories , Church , Pennsylvania , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Podcasts , Rob Gronkowski , Catches , Dollar Bonus , Bonuses , Panthers , Buccaneers , 85 , A Million Dollars , Quarterback , Tight End , Payday , Pass Bonus , Ka Ching , Jerome Bettis , Handout , Note , Nfl , Hall Of Famer , Bus , Bachelor S Degree , Achievement , Draft , Seasons , Rams , Pittsburgh , Super Bowl Ring , University Of Notre Dame , Campus , Cold , First Day Of School , College Senior , Running Back , Hall Of Fame , Yes , Daughter , Mother , Jade , Son Jerome Jr , 16 , Wife , Courses , Possibility , Finish , Class , Guard , Emails , Professor , College , Cell Phones , Lesson , Haven T , Teacher , Goodness , Syllabuses , Classes , Entrepreneurship Class , Management , Business , Phys Ed Requirement Left , Wonder , Football Coach , Left , Eligibility , Golf , Advantage , Credits , Learning , Education , Players , It Done , Legacy , Luck , Semester , Graduation , Sure , Jacket , Rise , Breaking News , Bianna Golodryga , Jim Sciutto , Bide , Concerns , Plus , Climb ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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put the right stuff on the document and so many questions now that he's going to have to answer to and it is a nightmare. it is really quite extraordinary what we have seen over the last few days. >> you know, in the true spirit of a tennis match going back and forth and back and forth here, at first it seemed like djokovic wasn't going to be able to play, wasn't going to be able to stay, then the judge ruled and he'll stay and play, and now i wonder if everyone turns their head the other direction and starting to say, it is not looking good for djokovic right now because of his own actions. >> yeah. 100%. and, you know, going into the first original court case, about a 90% plus australians felt that they wanted him out of the country. then after the court case, apparently there was a big swing from the public just saying, okay, well, the court case is done now. they have adjudicated he can stay in the country. so people sort of thought, okay, let's just let him play. now this has come out over the last 24 hours and now so i suspect that the polls may tell the government that maybe it is time to kick him out of the country, but as we said, this is in the hands of the government. nothing to do with the australian open. it has nothing to do with the victorian government. this is everything to do with the federal government now and the decision that they will make in the next 24 to 48 hours. >> i got to let you run. the wee hours of god knows what morning, i'm not good with the time difference. do you believe novak djokovic? >> that's a tough question. look, it looks very suspicious, doesn't it, over the last 24 hours. it was very convenient for somebody who is not into vaccination to all of a sudden get covid positive at a very convenient time and then now the suspicion behind those documents and why would somebody who really does care about children and, you know, says he cares about people obviously, you know, put somebody in that kind of a situation of being covid positive and doing an interview. look, there is too many questions really for me and too much of an unknown for us to guess. it is not looking good for novak if he plays or is he going to get a rousing few boos when he walks on to the court here in melbourne. >> it is an honor to speak with you. long time fan. thank you for speaking to us this morning. >> thank you very much, guys. a blunt warning from the acting commissioner of the fda this morning, most people are going to get covid. dr. janet woodcook made the comet during a hearing yesterday why lawmakers were drill grilling top biden officials on the state of the pandemic amid the omicron surge. >> most people are going to get covid. all right. and what we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function. >> omicron, with its extraordinary unprecedented degree of efficiency, of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody. unfortunately, those who are still unvaccinated are going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this. >> joining me now is the chair of uc san francisco's department of medicine, dr. robert walker. thank you for joining us this morning. those comments from dr. janet woodcock, the acting commissioner of the fda, it seems like that's what a lot of people have been saying since the omicron surge around thanksgiving, we first learned about this new variant. but to hear a top federal health official put it so plainly was really striking. >> yeah, i'm struck by that too. it is clear it is spreading like wildfire in all of us. know friends and family who have it. whether all of us get it or virtually all of us, that seems a little hyperbolic to me. the numbers say about 1% of people a day are getting it. so a lot of people are going to get it. but i still am not of the attitude that it is inevitable you're going to get it. and the signs are that it is going to peak relatively quickly and come down quickly. so to me, the right call is to be careful for the next few weeks until this hurricane passes. >> is there a concern hearing comments like that that maybe it will encourage people to not follow the guidance as much, to not mask up as much, to not hesitate from doing as many public or group activities as they had been, if you have this mentality, how does that affect people's behavior, do you think? >> that would be my concern. my concern is that it is very infectious, there is a decent chance if you're out and about you're going to get it. but it seems likelier than not that you would need to be careful for probably the next month. it is already peaking in new york. it is peaking in washington, d.c. there is some evidence it is peaking in boston. and the rest of the country likely will peak in a couple of weeks and come down over the next few weeks after that. so i'm still in be careful, this is a time where don't take unnecessary risks and because in part because i think when we get to february, we'll probably be in a pretty good place. many people are going to get it. even the unvaccinated, virtually all of them will have some measure of immunity they should have gotten from the vaccine but they'll get it from the virus if they don't succumb to it. we'll find ourselves in a good place. i don't think the right call is to say it is inevitable and throw your hands up at this point. >> dr. fauci seemed to draw more of a distinction saying everyone could be exposed to it. that's not the same of getting infected. i wonder what you also made about the testing plan from the administration, of course. this has been a nationwide shortage of rapid tests, it is very difficult to easily get your hands on one. but there is this plan from the white house to distribute half a billion for free to people who sign up on a website. but, of course, that website is not yet available and we heard of health officials saying yesterday they have secured about 50 million of the tests. they're still working on getting the rest of them and they think it could be about over the next 60 days that you see those tests distributed. so i'm wondering what you make of that timeline. >> yeah, kaitlan, it is good. we need the tests. people are using the tests to try to figure out whether they're infected. to figure out when they can come out of isolation. but it is a little bit too late. i think the likeliest thing is that all of a sudden we're going to have a lot of tests around, about two, three, four weeks after we really needed them. we need them now. i found my son got covid about five days ago and i went around san francisco and tried to find a test, went to three pharmacies, couldn't find anything. tried to sign up for a pcr, five days away, not useful. we need it now. we will need it later too. so that's good. but they should have been working on this months ago. >> so what is your advice to people who are in that situation? because i heard the same thing, it is hard to get a rapid test, you can't find one, you try to schedule one, it is several days before you can get an appointment. what should people be doing if they're worried they are infected in that period? >> yeah, you're in a sticky situation. if you have symptoms that can be covid, and the problem is they are pretty -- almost everything, you know, a fever, a sore throat, a cough, any of those things, at this point the disease is so prevalent, so many people have it, that i think the right assumption is that you have it until you can get tested. and once you make that assumption, what you should do is isolate yourself and stay home, don't come in contact with other people. and wait until you can get a test to confirm that. and so, you know, it is a tough situation, but i don't think there is any way to be sure whether you have covid if you have compatible symptoms and when it is as prevalent as it is. the best estimates here in san francisco, which is a highly vaccinated city, is right now about one in ten people walking around the street have it. and are test positivity rate for people that have symptoms is about 40%. there is a pretty good chance you have it if you have any compatible symptoms. you have to act as if you do. >> good advice, dr. robert wachter, thank you for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure. president biden launching a major public push for voting rights, speaking from the battleground of the fight yesterday in atlanta. the president and vice president urged congress to pass two federal voting rights bills that are currently being blocked by republicans. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet! even strom thurmond came to support voting rights. not a single republican has displayed the courage to stand up to a defeated president to protect america's right to vote. not one. not one. >> joining us, cnn senior political correspondent and anchor of "inside politics" sunday abby phillip. wonderful to have you back. welcome back. >> hey, john. hey, kaitlan. good to be here. >> hi. >> so besides you being back, look, the president laid a lot on the line yesterday. my question is what is different this morning? >> i don't think there is really anything different this morning, frankly. i mean, the facts of the situation are pretty much the same. democrats are talking to each other. they're trying to convince the holdouts on filibuster reform to come over, but we're focusing a lot on senator manchin, we're focusing a lot on senator sinema but there are others. there is a very steep hill to climb to get folks to say we're willing to take a lower threshold for voting rights and i don't see much of an opening from any of these senators on that point. and there is really no hope. i think we can pretty much say that now. republicans are not going to come over on this issue of voting and so it is really all about whether democrats can all get on the same page. and there has been very little movement on that front. >> yeah, that dose of realism from senator schumer last night saying i don't want to delude people into thinking this is happening. they don't have senator manchin and senator sinema on board. i want to ask you about something else we have been talking about this morning, which is what former president trump is now sayinging ing when comes to getting a booster shot. he says if you won't publicly admit you've gotten one, you are, quote, gutless. >> yeah. >> we have that sound bite. >> i've taken it. i've had the booster. many politicians, i watched a couple of politicians be interviewed, and one of the questions is did you get the booster because they had the vaccine. and they oh -- they're answering it, like, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it because they're gutless. you got to say it. >> have you gotten the booster? >> so, i've done whatever i did the normal shot, and, you know, that at the end of the day is people's individual decisions about what they want to do. >> abby, i wonder who the former president could be talking about. >> look, i mean, i'm going to say it, trump is right. you should say wlhether you've been vaccinated and boosted. vaccines save lives. if he wants to take credit for it and if that's the reason he's speaking up for it, that's great. i think it is interesting, like you said, governor desantis is trying to position himself somewhere between trump and trump, which is amazing. he wants to be so in line with trump, and yet at the same time blaze his own path to 2024. i think trump sees that and is trying to create a distinction on the issue of vaccines to some extent. i think we should be clear, former president trump is also very much opposed to vaccine mandates. he's very much opposed to this idea of forcing people to be vaccinated in any sort of atmosphere. so he's trying to kind of have it both ways a little bit on the issue of vaccines. >> yeah, i think there is no denying, john, clearly the former president here is -- it is not just because he believes everyone should be completely up front about being vaccinated and getting a booster, given the former president got vaccinated initially and it wasn't publicly revealed. it wasn't on camera or anything like that. booster shot as well. i think it also is driven by the fact that desantis is seen as a potential 2024 presidential front-runner. >> to me, the interesting part about this has nothing to do with the vaccines and everything to do with the fact that ron desantis is getting under donald trump's skin and trump is trying to do some pretty overt things about it. also getting under trump's skin, the truth. listen and watch and hanging up on npr. >> people have no idea how big this issue is and they don't want it to happen again. it shouldn't be allowed to happen and they don't want it to happen again. the only way it is not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. so, steve, thank you very much. >> whoa, whoa, one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th, judge mehta -- he's gone, okay. >> this all reminds me of, you know, winter, 2015, spring 2016, it is not a sign that the president is popping up only for interviews. he previously denied to have because this is his currency, this is how he gets himself back in the game for 2024. and i mean, honestly, i listen to that, i hear trump spewing lies about the last election and then hanging up to have the last word on that front without -- steve, i know him, he's a great journalist, but didn't even have the opportunity to push back and shows the perils of give a platform to those kinds of lies because, you know, he wants to use these opportunities as ways to continue to spread the big lie and then hang up when there is pushback. and i think that's a real red, frankly, for journalists as we go into the new season as trump tries to re-establish himself politically for the next presidential election. >> an interesting point. abby philip, again, great to see you, congratulations. >> great to see you guys too. >> welcome back. >> thank you. breaking, moments ago, downing street. >> he was hosting a boozy party in downing street. >> boris johnson being eviscerated by members of parliament for partying while the country was under strict lockdown. he has apologized and we'll show you that next. plus, we'll ask a member of the january 6th committee what exactly did they plan to ask trump's lawyer rudy giuliani. a cockpit breach, just before takeoff, this shocking case of a passenger behaving badly, very badly. this is just amazing video. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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>> thanks for having me, john. i think what the committee announced last evening is that these three individuals have information that is helpful to our investigation. as you indicated, two of them were coordinating with donald trump jr. and kimberly guilfoyle and other rally organizers, leading up to the event of the ellipse. and then the third is someone who was involved with the president's speech, who might be able to shed some light on the 187 minutes that we have talked about, where the president's inaction in stopping the capitol insurrection was a key point in time that we want to continue to have clarity on. >> that's interesting. because i was going to ask you about the speechwriter. i was going to say, look, we heard the words out loud. so what do you want to learn from the person who helped write them? it is not about the before. it is about the after? >> well, it can be about both. this is why we feel it is important to have a conversation with someone, how many drafts were undertaken, what was the president's posture, the former president's posture, leading up to that. those are some of the important questions that we feel need to be addressed. >> cnn is reporting this morning about the discussions and the considerations taking place inside the committee about how to get testimony or how to get conversations with republican members of congress. jim jordan, scott perry, who you want to talk to because of their obvious connections to the president that day. what are the considerations for how to get them to talk? what are some of the possibilities? >> well, we're going to continue to appeal to them, to come before us. they took the same oath that we did, to protect and uphold the constitution. it is unfortunate that as of now they have not come before the committee or voluntarily given us testimony. these are people who had conversations with the president, the former president about the conspiracy theories that he continued and those two specifically helped fan those flames. but they have key information on what the president was thinking and is in the case of my colleague mr. jordan, he admitted he talked to the president on january 6th, which is important. >> so why not issue a subpoena? >> well, we respect the prerogatives of the house. chairman thompson has said that no door is closed. we're going to continue to do our work. but i would just reiterate, john, there are hundreds of people who we have talked to and interviewed. while i know it is important to focus and ask questions about individuals who have not come before us, we continue every day, including yesterday and including today to get meaningful interviews that will help our investigation. >> you mentioned conspiracy theories. adam kinzinger, your colleague, put out a tweet thread last night that dealt with one of the conspiracy theorys that continues to be spewed by senators ted cruz and others that there was this one person and i'm not going to name the person, i don't want to make this guy's life more difficult than it even is, who republicans are saying, he was an fbi informant or agent and he fomented the entire insurrection and they said, no, we talked to the guy and he's not. what is that story there and why is it important to address these cons conspiracies. >> you have to address that to senator cruz and an entire network who continues to give oxygen to these dangerous conspiracy theories. senator cruz knows that this is not true. but he is aided by tucker carlson and other folks who continue to fan this flame. it is dangerous, dangerous rhetoric. and it is unfortunate that they continue to fan those flames and support those conspiracy theorys that we debunked. >> i know it is a big few weeks with the committee. we look forward to speaking with you again when there are some new developments. appreciate it. >> thanks, john. all right, breaking moments ago, british prime minister boris johnson apologizing for partying at ten downing street when the country was on lockdown. one british leader calls him a pathetic spectacle of a man. they got a way with words there. and tom brady is helping his teammate cash in on a million dollar incentive. >> a million. >> you got a million? 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does he still have the moral authority to tell people to follow the rules if his very government wasn't doing that, kaitlan? >> and until now he hadn't even admitted he had been at this party, so far they just stopped answering questions. so, bianca, i know there is an internal investigation happening here. the prime minister cited that today. but he did make pretty clear that even despite based on what the opposition party is saying, he has no plans to step down for right now. >> based on this prime minister's reputation and his career long fixation on the office of prime minister, he will need to be pushed. he's not going to go quietly. that would take around 15% of his own mps, around 54 of them, to write letters of no confidence to then trigger a leadership contest. and the reason that's more likely today than it has been over recent months is because the loyalty that boris johnson inspires within his own party is actually pretty shallow. it is not like, for example, margaret thatcher used to inspire in the conservative party. that was a deep loyalty that even continues now after her death. the allegiance to boris johnson is more superficial. and it is transactional. it is based on his ability to win elections, which he's always been very good at doing. now that his reputation is taking such a hammering and that is reflecting on the party and also trust in politics in general, this could be a moment that more mps consider moving. because let's face it, what's happening right now is the opposite of electorally advantageous and as salma was laying out, have the option of the prime minister being hypocritical and treating the british public with contempt, saying that he even suggested in the house of commons today that this party on the 25th of may 2020 may have been his idea, as a way to thank staff. we have yet to find out the youm come of the investigation. but if that's true, or even if he just attended, this was a moment where people in hospital were dying alone because no friends, no family were allowed to go in and see them. so people were grieving alone. they couldn't go to funerals of their nearest and dearest. so the fact that with such flippantsy this was sent, it is hypocritical. that is one way of reading the situation. and to be given the facts, it is hard not to. the other option is that the prime minister didn't understand his own rules or forgot them. and that, frankly looks like idiocy. he may not realize he was at a party, as was suggested, contempt, hypocrisy or naivete and idiocy. none advantageous for the prime minister, which puts him in the acute moment of political peril. >> it is hard to argue it wasn't a party when it told them on the invitation to bring their own booze to this event. thank you for updating us and we'll pay close attention to what happens to boris johnson's political future. here's what else to watch today. there was a hot mic moment during dr. fauci's appearance before the senate yesterday. he called one republican senator, quote, a moron. and an incredible story of survival after a helicopter carrying a baby crashes. 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moments ago, brand-new numbers on inflation and they are a wow. cnn's chief business correspondent christine romans joins us now. a wow and maybe a yikes. >> yeah. let me just show you the numbers and we'll talk about what they mean. overall inflation, consumer prices, what we all pay for things, up 7% over the past year in december. december versus december last year. that is the fastest rate of consumer inflation since 1982, when ronald reagan was president, ebony and ivory was the top song on the billboard charts. from november to december that inflation rose 0.5%. that's a big one-month jump. core inflation, stripping out volatile food and energy, that rose 5.5% on an annual basis. that is the fastest inflation since 1991. and the core rate of 0.6%. john, really important here on energy, energy costs cooled off in december. these numbers would have been even worse if it weren't for a cooling off in energy. for just about everything else, prices went up -- i'm trying to find where prices fell. i can only see vehicle, motor vehicle insurance, and some recreation categories, prices fell just about everything really running at a hot pace here. this is why the economy is strong. this is why the polls show people say they don't feel it because thisere are higher wage. it is sapping confidence. it is dangerous for the lowest income americans, that's where inflation really bites the worst here. so this is still an economic problem and a political problem. the inflation fighter is the fed, of course, the fed switching gears for this year and will be raising interest rates to try to make sure this doesn't become entrenched in the american economy. >> it is a dangerous political problem for the white house because yesterday they were bracing for this, saying we know the number is going to be high. i'm not sure they expected it to be this high. what you were saying the record since 1982, when it comes to prices. the white house has been saying, well, if we get president biden's build back better plan passed, we believe that will lower prices. that is completely stalled in congress right now. there has been virtually no movement on it. so, you know what is the path forward here for the white house when making that argument to voters that you noted are pretty down on the economy right now. >> so much of the conversation around build back better is political. guys, it is just the facts. the message about prices is help for your -- help for your child care costs, you know, school, you know, quality pre-k, these are the things that can lower costs for families. that's where the white house, i think, the message hasn't been securely on that. at least in the minds of so many voters and people when you talk to the people, they're polled and say they feel pretty rotten about the economy overall. so, yeah, that is the political messaging that is so interesting here. the fed, by the way, is the inflation fighter. it is in the fed's wheel house to fight inflation. that might be something if they do it wrong could hurt the economy overall. here into 2022, we have a real interesting balancing act in terms of the economy. it is roaring ahead, prices are rising because of it, and now it is the fed's job to try to get things back in balance. >> highest inflation since 1982, ebony and ivory as christine romans says, number one on the charts. the political agenda from the white house and inflation not together in perfect harmony. >> well done. well done. >> thank you very much. >> john berman who wears a rugby from 1982. >> proudly. thank you so much, romans. meanwhile, after two years after tacks from right wing personalities and lawmakers, dr. anthony fauci is firing back and he brought the receipts this time. john avlon is here your reality check. >> thanks, kaitlan. look, self-awareness, not a strong suit among trumpers. self-owning irony is. take a listen to former trump press secretary kayleigh mcenany on right wing talk tv yesterday. >> we are at a really, really dangerous point in this country. when you stop trusting public health officials, that's when we have a problem. and we have gotten to that point. there is so -- such lack of faith in the messengers coming out of this white house. >> of course, this is just another version of the old arsonist as a firefighter routine. because those comments came at the same day dr. anthony fauci was getting hit by rhetorical sock full of manure by rand paul and roger marshall. it was the latest bs-based assault on fauci after almost two years of right wing demonization designed to blame him for the covid mismanagement, initially birthed by trump's politization of the pandemic. because criticisms of the big lie are not really possible inside the cult of trump, fauci has been the prime target in that game of deflect and project. and because political grift is the only constant there, the doctor point out that rand paul had been fund-raising off this. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and i have life -- threats upon my life, harassments of my family, and my children, with obscene phone calls, because people are lying about me. so i ask myself, why would the senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website, and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says contribute here. you can do $5, $10, $20, $100, so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> and as if to confirm that accusation, senator paul's office fired off a fund-raising email soon after the exchange with the subject header, fauci is hysterical. now, look there are many legitimate areas where dr. fauci can and should be grilled by u.s. senators. among these are the test shortages that have compounded omicron confusion, why the u.s. government didn't seem better prepared to confront this variant, and investigations into the origin of the virus, including possible lab leaks from the wuhan institute of virology. maybe we still can be tough and civil at the same time. you think an actual medical doctor on the committee might be able to shed some light rather than just heat on those proceedings. but kansas senator roger marshall who voted to overturn the election after the attack on the capitol, again showed his priority is playing to the base with baseless claims. marshall tried to imply that fauci might be personally profiting off the pandemic, asking if he would submit a financial disclosure, which led to this heated exchange. >> maybe some shenanigans are going on. you know, i don't -- i assume that's not the case -- >> what are you talking about? my financial disclosures are public knowledge and have been so. you are getting amazingly wrong information. >> so -- i cannot find them. our office cannot find them. where would they be if they're public knowledge? >> maybe senator marshall's office should get better googling. because in fact as fauci said, his financial disclosures are a matter of public record. it shouldn't have to be this hard to have a civil fact-based inquiry in the u.s. senate. but it is this fixation on personal attacks that is straight out of the paranoid style of politics. it is designed to deceive and it does push us to a more dangerous place, where hard partisan stop trusting our public officials during a pandemic. rather than showing that we can meet the challenges of this moment as a strong, deliberative democracy. and that's your reality check. >> john avlon, as always, thank you. >> thanks, kaitlan. coming up, a double fault for novak djokovic, the two admissions to lying he's made overnight. and a scary moment on an american airlines flight, see what happened when a passenger stormed the cockpit. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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>> yeah. i don't get the extra cash. i have to go get a real job. >> what does that mean? ka-ching, gronkowski has his pass bonus. >> thank you. >> you just got a million? >> yeah. >> you just got a million! we going -- where are we going? >> to the city. >> i think he owes tom brady lunch or something maybe. >> yeah, tom brady is doing okay. he doesn't need the handout. look, gronk is such a nice guy. congratulations to him. he doesn't need it either. on another note, jerome bettis, a pretty good football player in his own right, an nfl hall of famer who played ten seasons with pittsburgh, three with the rams, he ended his career with a super bowl ring, but the bus has another achievement that he is working toward now, his bachelor's degree. bettis left the university of notre dame before his senior year to enter the nfl draft. 25 years later, he's ready to finish what he started. >> first day of school. just getting on campus. it is cold as ever. but i'm excited. and here we go. here goes nothing. >> so joining us now is hall of fame running back and i guess we can call you college senior, jerome bettis. >> yes, that's accurate. college senior. >> so tell us about why you made this decision. i think it is wonderful. >> well, it was -- it was a long time coming. it was something i had promised my mother a long time ago that i would do it, and now having children, i've got a daughter, jade is 16, son jerome jr. is 14, they're watching me and my wife and i discussed it and said, you know what, it would be a great thing to get done, not only for myself, but for my family as well. so we looked at the possibility, but i had to come back to campus for my last four courses. so that was the hard part. so we had to figure out when could i get back and get the job done, so my wife was so gracious and taking care of the house and the family that she allowed me to come and finish. >> i think it is so cool and what a great example to set. i think that's just so meaningful. but i also have to ask, what is it like to be back on campus, because i imagine things have changed some, and so what was -- did anything kind of catch you off guard or surprise you? >> yes, everything is kind surprised me. i had a class yesterday, i go into the class and i'm the only one there, and i'm looking around thinking to myself, what is going on? well, what i didn't realize was that the class was canceled, my professor sent emails to everyone, but i don't check emails before a class, i just didn't think to do that. so i'm in the classroom, just sitting there by myself, so that's a lesson learned. >> didn't have emails when you were last in college. >> yeah. >> they didn't have cell phones when you were last in college. i have to ask, favorite class, favorite teacher. >> oh, my goodness. you know what, i just got into class the last two days so i'm just reading syllabuses and so i haven't really got there yet. but i'm excited about strategic management, and i got a entrepreneurship class that i'm excited about. so i've got some classes that i'm looking forward to, to taking. i think that's the great part of my situation. these are classes that i'm going to enjoy, but i'm also going to be able to use in business. >> i thought it was funny that what if you had a phys ed requirement left. >> you know what, that would be pretty difficult, but i want to check and see if i have any -- any eligibility left. i think i -- i want to look at maybe a little golf. >> got a new football coach there, maybe see if he needs any help. i do wonder, though, some other people probably find themselves in your situation, where maybe they just have a few more courses to take to -- a few more credits to get. what would you say to people like that who are on the line, thinking about doing this? >> i would say it is never too late to take advantage of the opportunity. and, you know, education is always going to be critical. because if we're not learning, a lot of people say if you're not learning, you're dying. i would just tell people that, you know, don't ever think that it is too late. you can always find a way to get it done, and believe it or not, it will add to your legacy. >> jerome bettis, you are always one of my favorite nonpatriot players. and i have to say, this only makes it more so. so thank you so much for being with us this morning. congratulations on this. and good luck on your last semester. study hard. >> and invite us to your graduation. >> absolutely. you know i'm going to walk. that's for sure. >> you should wear the yellow jacket, the hall of fame jacket. jerome bettis, thank you very much. >> thank you. cnn's coverage continues right now. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. the breaking news this hour, new u.s. inflation hours are out, they show consumer prices continuing to rise, up 7% over the past year alone. it is the steepest climb in prices since 1982. the white house is attempting to calm concerns, more on what it means for that in the months ahead in just a moment. >> plus, in a fiery speech, president bide

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Votes , Passengers , Cockpit Window , Aircraft , Jet , Damage , Honduras , Miami , Building , Conditions , Transport , Landlord , Structure , Infant , Deadly Bronx Fire , Sunday , A Billion Dollars , More , Delaware County , Stories , Church , Pennsylvania , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Podcasts , Rob Gronkowski , Catches , Dollar Bonus , Bonuses , Panthers , Buccaneers , 85 , A Million Dollars , Quarterback , Tight End , Payday , Pass Bonus , Ka Ching , Jerome Bettis , Handout , Note , Nfl , Hall Of Famer , Bus , Bachelor S Degree , Achievement , Draft , Seasons , Rams , Pittsburgh , Super Bowl Ring , University Of Notre Dame , Campus , Cold , First Day Of School , College Senior , Running Back , Hall Of Fame , Yes , Daughter , Mother , Jade , Son Jerome Jr , 16 , Wife , Courses , Possibility , Finish , Class , Guard , Emails , Professor , College , Cell Phones , Lesson , Haven T , Teacher , Goodness , Syllabuses , Classes , Entrepreneurship Class , Management , Business , Phys Ed Requirement Left , Wonder , Football Coach , Left , Eligibility , Golf , Advantage , Credits , Learning , Education , Players , It Done , Legacy , Luck , Semester , Graduation , Sure , Jacket , Rise , Breaking News , Bianna Golodryga , Jim Sciutto , Bide , Concerns , Plus , Climb ,

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