Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

covid. all right? what we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function. >> omicron with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency, of transmizability, will ultimately find just about everybody. unfortunately, those who are still unvaccinated are going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this. >> so it will find you. what does that mean? well if you're vaccinated and boosted like dr. fauci said there, almost definitely not much. you are largely protected against severe infection, but the unvaccinated are not. the unvaccinated are pushing hospitals to the breaking point this morning. we're going have much more on that in just a moment. also new this morning, a scary incident on an american airlines plane in honhonduras. a man breached the cockpit and damaged it before trying to climb out of a window, as you see him doing here. passengers delayed eight hours before they got a new plane and that flight could finally take off and the suspect arrested, though still no details on his identity or what drove him to do this. >> that is really scary video right there. we begin, though, with breaking news out of australia. tennis star novak djokovic is now admitting lies in his papers, and admitting that he broke covid protocols after testing positive. he put out a lengthy statement that reads in part, while i went home after the interview to isolate for the required period, on reflection, this was an error of judgment and i accept i should have rescheduled this commitment. referring to after he tested positive, he did an interview after he knew he tested positive, he did an interview with reporters and took a photograph with them unmasked there. joining us now is ben rothenberg contributing righter for the "new york times." thanks for joining us. djokovic put out a long statement, a lot of words in it, but if you parse it down to its root, what he says is, he admits his papers to enter australia had lied in them and admits he broke covid protocols in serbia. what's the takeaway this morning? >> reporter: you hit the two main points for sure. a long statement but the two main things he said. tried to sort of skate a bit between some of the what we've seen in the timeline people reconstructing his movements. basically djokovic admitted in affidavits and submissions to the court during appeal to the deportation tested positive on the 16th. shows he was very much active in belgrade around a bunch of kids giving out trophies at his center in belgrade and 17th did an interview with a company he was receiving an award from them. he says he only received word of the test a day after done and only positive for this one interaction, interview there. a serious admission saying he was knowingly positive with covid and yet still sat down for an in-person interview and maskless photo shoot with journalists from france who had come to interview hill. you are mentioned inconsisten inconsistencies for travel, he admitted his agent checked the boxes incorrectly. it's not the case. in both serbia and spain before this 14-day arrival into serbia. >> that's quite a difference. whether or not you signed a document or have not. could impact rules on re-entry. as far as what he did or didn't do in serbia breaking protocols. i don't know how it impacts him allowed in australia. just makes him irresponsible. a different subject. reporting that australian authorities are opening a new investigation into the timeline of his testing positive. where do things stand right now? what might happen in terms of djokovic being allowed to stay and being allowed to play in the open? >> reporter: so djokovic is facing a wider scrutiny basically winning the first appeal on grounds he didn't get enough time at the airport detained. not enough access to people to call, middle of the night, 4:00, 5:00 a.m. at the airport held and sources and contacts in tennis australia and other bodies weren't around to assist him. how he got the first overturned. looking back at his whole application all over again a lot of inconsistencies. things like checking the wrong box about previous travel in the past 14 days could be held against him firmly by government officials if they want to make a case against him. a lot of political will and resentment ghent djokovic here in australia. diligent in following the rules and dedicated to quarantines, lockdowns things like this and a thought djokovic is trying to flout these things and get around them and become a bit of a pinata, different politicians lining up for a whack at djokovic saying they're being tough around people trying to get around the covid rules. and the immigration minister here who can decide fairly unilaterally to cancel his visa. >> if the judge let him out of his sort of detainment in the hotel was the end of the story. huh-uh. a ton of new questions this morning. this story from being over. thanks for being with us. dr. anthony fauci firing back at two republican senators during a pair of tense exchanges. senator rand paul tried to portray him as a dangerous government official. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there, and i have life -- threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children with obscene phone calls because people are lying about me. >> fauci suggested the kentucky republican was attacking him as a way of raising money. >> i asked myself, why would the senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website and you see, "fire dr. fauci" with a little box that says, contribute here. you can do $5. $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> fauci also firing back at senator roger marshall after the kansas republican falsely accused him of withholding financial disclosure forms. >> my financial disclosures are public knowledge, and have been so. you are getting amazingly wrong information. >> so -- i cannot find them. our office cannot find them. where would they be if they're public knowledge? where? >> it is totally accessible to you if you want it. >> to the public? >> to the public. >> great. we look forward to reviewing it. >> you are totally incorrect. >> we look forward to reviewing it. >> senator marshall, dr. fauci has answered you, it is public information, and he's happy to give it to you if you would ask. senator moran? >> that was an open mic moment you could hear fauci say, what a moron. joining us now, "washington post" global opinions reporter, thanks for being with us. sounds like fauci reached a breaking point there. what did you hear, james? >> yet another example how sad it is that the gop chooses to demonize and stigmatize the top, essentially the country's top public health official instead of trying to get to the bottom of how we can protect as many americans as we can. especially as the omicron variant ravages the country. so it's sad that it's really nothing new in that sense. >> yeah. almost comes to be expected in these hearings. clearly dr. fauci was prepared there. he brought the printouts of senator rand paul's website about the fund-raising when it comes to firing fauci. also i want your perspective on what's happening in france given what we've seen the french president say recently about how his really no holds barred coming to the vaccination and making cheer he's fine with provoking them and angering them over restrictions of what vaccinated people can do versus what unvaccinated people can do. >> absolutely. so last week macron made headlines when he said that his strategy moving forward from here on out was to, was to piss off -- how we translated it at the "post," to piss off the unvaccinated who continued to refuse the free vaccine at this time. but in french the word he used literally means something closer to, i'll say, just cover with excrement. leave it at that. the comment triggered a lot of blowback, a lot of criticism. but the truth is, it -- it -- i think it's absolutely right. i mean, what macron has done at this point is a really successful strategy against vaccine skeptics. so, let's not forget that at the beginning of last year, when the vaccines were just being rolled out, france consistently had some of the highest anti-vax numbers. so it's a deeply vaccine skeptical country, but once the government said that, you know, you cannot -- like, it's not a matter of your opinion or your personal freedoms or your choices. if you want to refuse the vaccine, that's fine. but then you cannot go to movie theaters. you cannot go to cafes. you can't go to restaurants. you can't have any sort of semblance of a normal public life. lo and behold, a lot of the anti-vaccine sentiment melted into air. which perhaps suggests that the convictions behind a lot of that are not actually convictions, but just sort of irrational and selfish. i think macron is absolutely right to refuse to kowtow to that, that resistance, which, in the u.s., at least, is really, really holding us back. >> james, i got a d in french. seriously. dot a d in french. the word was what? >> the word is [ speaking in foreign language ]. >> why i got a d. >> which means, as i said, just say covered in excrement. >> pronounce it your way there. do you feel like doing that? covering with excrement can work in the united states? >> i think -- look, what macron has shown, the -- the big picture here is that it doesn't seem to work to couch getting your vaccine as a form of civic duty that you have to do to protect other people. what the french have done remarkedly successfully is to say, no, it's not about that. if you don't get your vaccine, you cannot have a glass of wine or a restaurant meal. lo and behold, that really works on people. so i think if we maybe looked across the ocean and saw what was happening in france and tried something similar here, we might have lower levels of vaccine skepticism in the states. >> yeah. i think no matter what language you speak, everybody wants to be able to go and get a glass of wine. james, thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much for having me. up next, president biden is pushing voting rights and shaming senators who so far have blocked it. >> not a single republican has displayed the courage to stand up to a defeated president. >> a top white house adviser is standing by to talk to cnn live. plus, donald trump wants to get rid of mitch mcconnell. how that working out? new reporting ahead. and why parents are being pressed into duty as substitute school teachers. you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. president biden is calling on the senate to pass key voting rights bills and forcefully getting behind a change to the senate's rules to do so. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet! >> i believe the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. debate them. vote. let the majority prevail! and if that bear minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this! >> joining us now is cedric richmond senior adviser to the president. good morning and thank you for joining us's to step back and look at that speech for a president who served in the senate nearly three decades to come out and call for this exception to the filibuster is a pretty big shift for him. so i wonder how he got to this breaking point? >> well, it's clear. you have minority of republicans that are able to block any significant legislation. i think you also heard him say yesterday that voting rights are the rights from which all other rights flow. we've seen the attack on voting rights. 19 states. 34 laws. and the president is just fed up with the obstruction. this is so important that he went down to georgia, which is ground zero, to raise, again, the conscience of the country on the attack and assault on voting rights. >> one point at the speech, the president asked, posed the question, do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? john lewis or conner, abraham lincoln or justin david? my question, was he talking to republicans or democrat holdout there's. >> no. you heard in the speech. he said everyone should vote for voting rights. independents, democrats and republicans. and he went on to point out that when we renewed the voting rights act in 2006 and other times even strom thurmond voted for it pt mitch mcconnell voted for it. it was 98-0 in the united states senate and now we can't get one republican? so he was highlighting the fact that voting rights have always been bipartisan. but the minority republicans in the senate have obstructed and weaponized the filibuster so we can't even debate it much less vote on it. >> does that sentiment of equating those who were standing in the way of getting this legislation passed, equating them to segregationists, that applies to democrats as well as republicans? >> i think what the president was doing in a very crystal clear manner was defining the moment, and he started the speech saying that this is one of those moments where you want to be on the right side of history. before and after a vote, people will decide what your legacy is. those were clear examples of the past where you had people obstructing voting rights, civil rights and progress and those fighting for it. >> saidcedric, we interviewed t president of naacp, of course, there with the president on this trip yesterday who praised his speech but said his actions need to match his words. i wonder what is the president's plan to match his actions yesterday in atlanta, match his words yesterday in atlanta with action? >> i want to be clear. yesterday the president of the united states and the vice president of the united states being in atlanta, taking the fight to the belly of the beast for lack of a better description is putting the full weight of the president and the vice president behind voting rights. that's what activists and civil rights leaders have been calling for. including derek, who i talk to often. they want the weight of the presidency behind it, and yesterday was the beginning. you heard the president say that we will use january 6th, we will use the anniversary as a renaissance of the fight for voting rights. this is not the end. it's the beginning. and i have watched this president and vice president work on voting rights from doubling the civil rights division in the department of justice, putting two civil rights leaders in there, vinita and kristen. suing states who are enacting these laws, and signing an executive order so that we could advance voter registration. this is not been an administration that turned a blind eye to voting rights. this is one that has fully engaged on protecting the right to vote and doing those things and now we're going to continue to take the fight to the people, and continue to urge members in the united states senate to do their job and pass the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act. >> you talk about the president and the vice president putting their full weight behind this effort but i wonder what you say to some of the civil rights leaders and activists who have said maybe he should have given that speech sooner than yesterday? >> well, remember, we talked about the -- the president talk and voting rights, and the need to pass this legislation in his inauguration speech. in his speech to the joint session of congress. went down to constitution hall in philadelphia to raise it again. and part of it is, you have to raise awareness in the country of what's going on. when we went to philadelphia, this was a humongous issue and georgia and in texas, and we needed to raise the issue so the rest of the country could see what was going on. so this has been a steady drum beat of fighting on, for voting rights. >> so when it comes to now that you're back in washington, he's given this speech. is he going to personally call senator manchin and senator sinema, since senator schumer said last night they have not yet agreed to get onboard with any changes? >> well, i won't speak for the president, but i will tell you the president has been and will continue to talk to members of the senate. republicans, democrats, independents, about this very important issue. >> has he spoken to senator manchin lately? >> well, i won't get into his private conversations but i think that we can all expect the president to make significant outreach on the need to pass the freedom to vote act and the voting rights advancement act. >> i guess the big question we've heard from other democrats, too, is, if these holdouts refuse to budge when it comes to changing the senate rules, making an exception to get voting rights legislation passed, like the president asked for yesterday. what is the white house's backup plan? >> we're going to keep fighting, and we're not going to -- the president was very clear yesterday. failure is not an option on this issue. we're not planning to fail. we're going to keep fighting until we get it donedone, and t president said he was for reforming senate rules, eliminating the filibuster if that's what it took and doing whatever was necessary to make sure we protect the sacred right to vote. >> do you feel like there is kind of, this is about where we can go? call senator manchin, call senator sinema and talk to them, but is there any other steps he could take, if that doesn't work? >> we have to keep pushing them. we will keep pushing. look, this is a legislative progress. i was in congress over ten years. this is how it works. as frustrating as it is. it's a process. you have to make sure you have the votes to get it done and the president will weigh in and push and talk and do all the necessary work along with the vice president to make sure that we get this done. >> we'll be watching to see what those holdouts on capitol hill say. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i know it's cold out there on the lawn. >> thank you. coming up, a texas sheriff is under investigation this morning. what he's accused of ordering his deputies to do when it comes to undocumented immigrants. and donald trump learning there are limits to his power over senate republicans. we have new cnn reporting. tions as low as zero dollars? ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? that's even less to medicare about. fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. ♪ ♪ maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. better skin from your body wash? 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>> because mitch mcconnell is a loser and frankly, mitch mcconnell on the other side and schumer put in his position he would have been fighting this like you've never seen before. he would have been fighting this. >> cnn's reporter joins us now. what is your making of what the president said about mcconnell overnight and what you hear from sources what this means about the fact he views the fact mcconnell still has a lot of power in the republican party? >> reporter: mcconnell still does have quite a bit of power in the republican party, kaitlan, but also donald trump does, and he has been asking republican candidates meeting with down at mar-a-lago to come out and say if elected to the u.s. senate they would work to depose mcconnell as one of the top republican leaders in that chamber. and yet he's found very little support among republican candidates seeking donald trump's endorsement to actually go that far. so far only two republicans who are running for senate, kelly shbaqa in alaska challenging lisa murkowski and running for the seat in moissouri would not support senator mcconnell as majority leader. a very small number of republicans willing to go that far. aides and allies of the former president do tell me this has been somewhat of a reality check for him. on his ability to control what republicans say on the campaign trail and the relationships that they look to build as they try to get into the senate. remember, mitch mcconnell is aligned with a number of very powerful and very heavy-handed super pacs that will spend quite a bit of money in the 2022 midterm elections and a lot of candidates have to weigh losing out on that potential support against aligning themselves against donald trump i across the board. >> a fascination of the former president's. i think he and mcconnell have spoken in over a year but fascinating to see how it's playing out within the republican party given it is, of course two warring factions. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. i want to bring in cnn political commentator and former trump campaign adviser david urban and former republican congressman joe walsh. david, welcome back. look, it's interesting. mike brown, mitch mcconnell and shelley moore capito, thune, kramer and others don't seem to be afraid of donald trump right now on this subject. what this move mment -- what's this movement we're seeing in the republican senate? >> i'm not sure a movement. luxury of a six-year term. roughly five nor years on their them. not as much to fear as a house member who has to run this coming year in '22. as you all know, most house members fear, not losing in a general election. they fear losing in a primary. so, you know, donald trump, former president, is incredibly popular amongst republican-based voters. so those house members are very, very concerned about their districts and the sway that president trump holds over those republican base voters. that's not so true of the senate and i think senators are just, you know, they recognize that reality. >> joe, i want you to listen to this npr interview the former president did where he hung up on the host after about nine minutes. they had a 15-minute interview. talking about the election and what we all know, which is what the outcome was. this, of course, is stemming also from this fight that the president has, the former president has now picked with senator mike brown after he bluntly stated what happened and during this interview trump was asked about those claims and about his attacks on senator rounds. >> people have no idea how big this issue is and they don't want it to happen again. it shouldn't be allowed to happen and they don't want it to happen again. the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. >> mr. president, if i might -- one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. judge amit mehta -- he's gone. okay. >> joe what do you make of that? >> look, kaitlan, trump speaks for the base. i agree with david. you know, mitch mcconnell and some of, you know, the inside baseball that's being played in the republican caucus in the senate really doesn't matter. this is donald trump's party, and mike rounds, you know, as david said, he's not up for re-election for four years. one republican senator in a safe seat in south dakota, 431 days after the election was called, he finally comes out and speaks the truth that joe biden won, and all of a sudden this is a big story? no. it would be a big story, kaitlan, if mike pence said what mike rounds said. if ted cruz said what mike rounds said. if tom cotton or marco rubio or any republican that wanted to run for president or be a leader viable in the party with the base. this is trump's party. i just don't think this is a story at all. >> not at all? joe? >> not at all. john, you're talking about a handful of senators, and i know it's more in private, but my god. we're five or six years removed from republicans in private, but publicly, you show me one republican, john, that wants to be president in 2024 that would have the you know what to say what mike rounds said. then i will tell you, oh, that's interesting. >> david, you worked for donald trump. can i just ask you, david, will you say right here and now, donald trump lost? >> yeah. the president lost the election. he lost the election. unfortunately democrats played the game better. i mean, it's a painful truth, but it's what happened. we won a very close election in 2016. lost a very close election in 2020. i -- look, i think -- i wish the president would spend time focusing on his accomplishments and comparing and contrasting those accomplishments of that of the current biden administration. talk about what the president's doing. talk about what speaker pelosi is doing. talk about what schumer is doing. i think the president would be best, you know, best use of his time would be focusing outward not inward. focusing forward not backwards. >> joe what do you think? >> kaitlan, there's so much, and you know this. because you hear it every day. there is so gosh darn much wishful thinking that goes on privately among republicans. oh, we just want to move on from trump. let's just do whatever we can, and that's why when you get an inconsequential senator like a guy like mike rounds who says 431 days after the election was called that joe biden won, republicans want to think maybe this will be something. i'm sorry. the party will not move on from trump. if trump wants the nomination in '24, it's his, and they know that. >> well, it's notable -- go ahead, david. >> i was going to say. 100% agree with joe in terms of, donald trump is incredibly popular amongst republican base voters. if he chooses to run in '24 he'll be the nominee and, you know, dare i say the next president in '24 again. that's my prediction. so strap in, america. >> what's notable about this it's not like senator rounds is trying to provoke the former president with these comments. he was, he's a pretty mild-mannered guy. doesn't often get in the headlines. was just saying what happened. what actually happened in the election and that is what his, gotten the wrath of president trump in these interviews in this back and forth. thank you both for joining us this morning. meanwhile, a desperate school district what's moms and dads to sub in for sick teachers. we'll talk to the superintendent about that, next. and i didn't see this tease coming up. a stunning admission from former adult film actress jenna jameson. how did panera come up with the idea to combine their famous mac and cheese with their iconic grilled cheese? 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>> reporter: kaitlan, good morning. i can tell you students after five days of no learning returned to the classroom later this morning. teachers were at the schools yesterday preparing for those students. let's take a look at this tentative agreement. we know the district has agreed to provide enhanced weekly testing at schools across the district, on top of that the city will provide kn95 masks for staff and students, and there will be paid contact tracing. perhaps most significant for members of the union. there will be a threshold, talking about a threshold, a metric that would trigger individual schools to flip to remote learning while in high transmission or if there's a surge in covid cases, and that surge will be outlined by what the cdc recommends. as students prepare to return to the classroom, a local dermatologist said safety is top of mind. >> i think that everyone has a valid, you know, point in this, and we just have to work together, because end of the day we need to educate our kids. that's the only side to take. i think in terms of health and safety, being a physician, i'll really conservative. even if those safety steps are maybe some would deem not exceptionally necessary, i want to take every extra step, every extra measure. >> reporter: that was dr. caroline robinson, who has two daughters in public schools here in chicago. there was so much bickering but didn't engage instead took the opportunity to teach outside of the classroom. took her girls with her to work as she continued to treat her patients showing them what they could become. and she is relieved, she and her husband, that the kids will be back in school today. kaitlan and john? >> yeah. a sense of relief not just for the doctor and her daughters but all the other parents dealing with this as well. adrienne broadus, thank you. new this morning, one texas school district trying an innovative, some might say desperate approach to stay hope. hayes consolidated innovative school district south of austin is asking parents to fill in as substitute teachers. joining me, the superintendent for the hayes consolidated independent school district, eric wright. mr. superintendent, thank you for being with us. why asking parents to step in? >> just because we have a shortage at the moment, as do all schools across the nation. we just decided to be innovative, i prefer that instead of desperate, obviously. we are extending the offer to parents just to allow them to come in and help us out. we know many of them prefer to have in-person learning, and many of them, i think, will be willing to step in and bridge that gap so that we can continue to have in-person learning, because we know it's so crucial for kids. >> i didn't mean desperate to be bad. i meant everyone wants schools to stay open so much right now you're willing to try almost anything. what's the response been? >> so far we've gotten i think three total that have signed up and, know, it's a process. they still have to go through our normal substitute orientation and they have to obviously have the background checks for safety. but what we are doing is, we are just deferring the 30 collegiate hour requirement if necessary if they can be vouched for by their campus principal, and we've had that in place, but never advertised it until now, and we're doing so, because typically in an average year we have about 500 substitutes and this year we're down to a pool of 300. and so in order to make it work we just thought we would market that opportunity that has always been there but we just haven't really taken advantage of it. >> three parents so far. how many do you think you need? >> as many as we can get. three is more than we had, and i'm hopeful that we'll be able to get 50 to 100. you know, we're a school district of 21,600 students, and obviously, many of them have two parents or guardians. so i mean, if we could get 50 to 100, even more, that's better than what we have right now. >> again, this isn't forever. the goal is to stay open. right? the goal here, if you don't have enough teachers, a lot of teachers sick, you can't stay open, but they won't be sick forever. it's five days, ten days, depending on your rules. just need a few days' help here, right? >> that's right. if you can have a few extra puzzle pieces to utilize to help us out, then it goes a long way. right now, you know, we're using assistant principals and individuals from our curriculum instruction department to fill the voids, and also paying teachers to take classes during their conference periods. so we're making it work, but it would be more optimal if we had more individuals to help out. >> i'm sure there will be parents willing to step in to keep these schools open. eric wright, thanks so much for being with us, mr. superintendent. >> absolutely. my pleasure. minutes ago the british prime minister apologizing before parliament. this is big. we're going live to london. plus, also new this morning -- the world's number one tennis star just made a big admission in the standoff over his vaccine status. also this morning, why john legend's songs are no longer his. ♪ all of you ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ (dragon roar from phone) ♪ ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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is he still on the job while all of this is happening? >> the sheriff is still serve and no charges have been filed against him. he is part of an ongoing investigation. last month, texas rangers and the texas attorney general's office conducted search warrants as part of that investigation. and those search warrants, which were first reported by the "texas tribune," include details of the traffic stops where money was taken from undocumented immigrants. for example, last may, body camera footage shows johnson asking or directing deputies to take money from undocumented immigrants. now, according to the warrants, that money was to be filed as a band of cash and deposited with a could county fund. then later in october, more than $2,000 was seized from undocumented immigrants as part of a stop that stemmed from a report of a suspicious vehicle and no insurance. now, the investigator in these warrants did interview johnson. and in that interview johnson said that currency and property was held as evidence in trafficking crimes, but still, the officer found and i quote here, i believe nathan johnson is committing felony offenses of theft by public servants, abuse of official capacity, and other possible offenses. again, there are no charges against johnson. johnson has acknowledged this investigation in a facebook post, saying that he doesn't know what prompted it, but will continue to serve, but, kaitlan, a lot of questions still surrounding his conduct. >> and major questions about that. interesting to see what happens next.alvarez, thank you for bringing us the latest. john legend just made a huge new deal. ♪ because all of me loves all of you ♪ >> legend is now the latest and the youngest star to sell his music catalog. the price is unknown, but, of course, unlike bruce springsteen and bob dillon, legend is 43 years old and still making hits. the adult film star jenna jamison is saying she is battling guillain-barre syndrome. she had become unable to walk. she's currently in the hospital undergoing treatment. elvis costello says he will no longer sing his 1979 hit "oliver's army" because it contains a racial slur. he said he had written a new verse for the song, but decided to retire it. he is also asking radio stations who have been krensecensoring td to stop playing the song as well. >> do you believe in the boogie man? >> no. >> whatever you do, don't fall asleep. >> the los angeles home best known as the house haunted by freddy krueger in "a nightmare on elm street" is selling for nearly $3 million. the iconic house has three bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms with a pool and a guest house and some notoriety. ♪ who's that kid with the oreo cookie ♪ >> don't you love it when they call you kid? >> finally, oreo is celebrating 110 years with a new flavor. chocolate confetti cake cookie. >> what? >> it is first ever oreo cookie made with rainbow sprinkles, both in the cookie and on the outside. because who wants an oreo with confetti on the inside? >> why you to seem repulsed by that? >> how often do you eat confetti? >> maybe once a year, but when i do eat it, i want it on the inside and outside of the cookie that i'm eating. >> it has been around for 110 y years, why not celebrate the fact it is pretty awesome in and of itself? >> i love a classic oreo. but i'm going to try this and i'll let you know what i think. >> well, be safe. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. it is wednesday, january 12th. i'm john berman, brianna is off. chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins with me here this morning. and breaking overnight, tennis star novak djokovic opening up all kinds of new questions about his behavior, and his honesty. he now admits to not immediately isolating after testing positive for coronavirus last month, instead he did an interview and he was in a maskless photo shoot. now, this is also big. he also admits to a false travel declaration as the australian government considers another move to deport him. >> djokovic writing in a statement, overnight, quote, this was an error of judgment and i accept that i should have rescheduled this commitment on the issue of my travel declaration, this was submitted by my support team on my behalf. this was a human error and certainly not deliberate. of course, john, that's going to raise a lot of questions. >> it does. joining us now is renee stubbs, former world number one in doubles. she joins us from melbourne in australia. and, look, i got to say, novak djokovic put out this really long winding statement overnight. but the nugget or the two nuggets in here that are hugely important, number one, he didn't follow covid protocols when he tested positive. and number two, huge implications for where you are, there were lies in his travel documents. your takeaway this morning? >> yeah, i mean, unfortunately novak keeps getting himself into problems from his own volition, really. when he put out the tweet he was coming to australia with a medical exemption, that's when sort of the firestorm started. i think he was probably better off not putting that out originally. now he's put out another statement trying to correct some of the problems which he's been facing over the last few days. and now again he's gotten himself into hot trouble. if you had covid, why would you do an interview and there are so many questions he has to answer over the next couple of days mr. or not he stays in the country or not. >> doing the interview after he tested positive, i'm not sure that has the direct impact on whether or not australia lets him stay. it just means he was irresponsible. the false travel documents, whether or not it was his agent or whoever filled it in, that's, you know, that's a dishonest legal document there. >> yeah. and that's where i think over the last couple of days the australian government is trying to probe into those particular documents, just to see if there is any discrepancies in them and obviously filling out the wrong form and saying he didn't go to spain, for example, before he came to australia, that's a no-no. that is really an offense that can get you deported either way. so, again, he's filled out the incorrect form, he sort of lied about that he didn't stay in serbia, he went to spaindi

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United States , All Around The World , Viewers , Kaitlan Collins , John Lewis , White House , Brianna , January 12th , Wednesday January 12th , 12 , People , Administration , Language , Surge In Covid , Numbers , Many , Shift In Posture , Acting Head , Kind , Fda , Anthony Fauci , Official , Dr , Omicron , Meaning , Most , Hospitals , Efficiency , Degree , Everybody , Unvaccinated , Brunt , Aspect , Transmizability , Point , Infection , Man , Morning , Incident , Cockpit , Honhonduras , American Airlines , It , Suspect , Passengers , Details , Flight , Window , Plane , Eight , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Papers , Protocols , Positive , Video , Lies , Australia , Identity , Breaking News , Interview , Statement , Part , Home , Commitment , Judgment , Error , Reflection , Reporters , Thanks , Photograph , Ben Rothenberg Contributing Righter , New York Times , Djokovic Put Out A Long Statement , Words , Takeaway , Serbia , Root , Things , Reporter , Timeline , Some , Points , Movements , Two , Djokovic , Kids , Appeal , Court , Deportation , Shows , Submissions , Affidavits , Bunch , 16 , Word , Award , Company , Center , Trophies , Belgrade , 17 , Admission , Interaction , Test , One , France , Journalists , Inconsisten Inconsistencies For Travel , Maskless , Agent , Photo Shoot , Hill , Case , Whether , Difference , Boxes , Spain , 14 , Covid Rules , Document , Didn T , Re Entry , Serbia Breaking Protocols , Investigation , Subject , Authorities , Terms , Testing Positive , The Open , Airport , Grounds , Scrutiny , Sources , Contacts , Inconsistencies , Tennis Australia , Middle , Bodies , Application , Overturned , 4 , 5 , 00 , Box , Government Officials , Political , Resentment Ghent Djokovic Here In Australia , Bit , Politicians , Whack , Pinata , Quarantines , Thought , Immigration Minister , Visa , Story , Sort , Judge , Questions , Detainment , Hotel , Ton , Firing , Huh Uh , Senators , Rand Paul , Government Official , Exchanges , Pair , All Of You , Life , Sudden , Threats , Family , Crazies , Harassment , Way , Republican , Money , Phone Calls , Children , Kentucky , Website , Fire Dr , 0 , 10 , , 20 , 100 , Senator Marshall , Disclosure , Forms , Epidemic , Gain , Withholding Financial , Kansas , Office , Knowledge , Information , Disclosures , Public , Washington Post , Opinions , Mic , Moron , Fauci Say , Senator Moran , Example , Breaking Point , James , Sounds Like Fauci , Country , Top , Public Health , Americans , Bottom , Omicron Variant Ravages , Sense , Sad , Printouts , Hearings , Fund Raising , Nothing , Firing Fauci , President , French , Vaccination , Perspective , Cheer , Macron , Restrictions , Vaccine , Strategy , Truth , Something , Excrement , Comment , Blowback , Criticism , Vaccines , Vaccine Skeptics , Matter , Government , Opinion , Freedoms , Restaurants , Choices , Fine , Movie Theaters , Cafes , Semblance , Lo And Behold , Convictions , Sentiment , Which , Least , Resistance , Dot Ad , D Which Means , Doesn T , Form , Civic Duty , The Big Picture , Glass , Remarkedly , Wine , Restaurant Meal , States , Vaccine Skepticism , Ocean , Saw , Levels , Voting Rights , Joe Biden , Shaming , Up Next , Donald Trump , Mitch Mcconnell , Cnn , Courage , Plus , Adviser Is Standing , Parents , Reporting , Substitute School Teachers , Duty , Cough , Works , Purchases , Discover Card , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Liz , Nerd , Coughs , Mucinex Dm , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 05 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Tiredness , Nausea , Side Effects , Network , Big Deal , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , Internet , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , Save , Store , Hundreds , Switch Squad , Xfinity , United States Senate , Bills , Democracy , Members , Threat , Conversations , Congress , Change , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Option , Majority , Minimum , Voting Rights Bills , Senate Rules , Speech , Filibuster , Cedric Richmond , Three , Exception , Minority , Shift , Rights , Legislation , Attack , Laws , Voting , 34 , 19 , Ground Zero , Raise , Georgia , Obstruction , Assault , Zero , Question , Side , Justin David , King , George Wallace , Abraham Lincoln , Conner , Everyone , Independents , Holdout , Voting Rights Act , Democrat , Fact , Times , Strom Thurmond , It Pt , 2006 , 98 , Standing , Manner , Crystal , Equating Them To Segregationists , Examples , Legacy , History , Course , Fighting , Progress , Of Naacp , Trip Yesterday , Saidcedric , Actions , Action , Plan , Match , Atlanta , Vice President , Fight , Leaders , Activists , Weight , Beast , Description , Lack , Belly , Beginning , Say , Including Derek , Presidency , Renaissance , Anniversary , 6 , January 6th , Civil Rights Division , Work On Voting Rights , Kristen , Department Of Justice , Vinita , Executive Order , Voter Registration , Eye , Job , Freedom , Act , Talk , Effort , Need , Inauguration Speech , Awareness , What S Going On , Philadelphia , Session Of Congress , Constitution Hall , Issue , Texas , Drum Beat , Fighting On , Rest , Senator Manchin , Sinema , Talk About What Schumer , Changes , Washington , Voting Rights Advancement Act , Outreach , Holdouts , Voting Rights Legislation , Failure , Donedone , Doing , Right , Worth C Call , Steps , Ten , Process , Work , Votes , Done , Push , Sheriff , Lawn , Cold , Coming Up , Capitol Hill Say , Learning , Immigrants , Deputies , Power , Limits , Cnn Reporting , Tions , World , Delivery , Medicare , Zero Dollars , 90 , Prescriptions , Refill , Diner , Larry , Walgreens , Waiting , Bus , Aisle , Reach , Routine , Pfizer , 7 , Lives , Generation , Millions , Pursuit , Narrator , Beach , Greatest , Preacher , Tyranny , Oval , Bridge , Nuclear War , Alabama , Selma , Wall , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , Continent , West Berlin , Generations , Ideals , Justice , The Call , Liberty , Back , Body Wash , Skin , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Someone , Neuroscientist , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay Body , Olay , Tv , 3 , Science , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Yes , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Six , Idea , Result , Best , Barnes , Worth , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Truck Hit , Car , Insurance Companyed , Wasn T Fair , Accident Case , Worth H Barnes , Firm , Rich Barnes , Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , T Ouour , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , Trump , Allies , Loser , Position , Schumer , Making , Candidates , Does , Support , Depose Mcconnell , Chamber , Endorsement , Mar A Lago , Running , Kelly Shbaqa , Lisa Murkowski , Alaska , Number , Senator , Majority Leader , Seat , Reality Check , Aides , Moissouri , Campaign Trail , Ability , Relationships , Elections , Super Pacs , 2022 , Fascination , Board , Joe Walsh , David Urban , Factions , Commentator , Mike Brown , Others , Welcome Back , Shelley Moore Capito , Thune , Kramer , Movement , Term , Move Mment , Luxury , Election , Know , House Members , House Member , Them , Primary , Five , 22 , Base Voters , Sway , Voters , Districts , Reality , Host , Npr , Nine , Outcome , 15 , It Shouldn T , Interview Trump , Attacks , Claims , Mr , Problem , Court Hearing Yesterday On January 6th , 2020 , Base , Inside Baseball , Amit Mehta , Party , Mike Rounds , Caucus , Doesn T Matter , Re Election , Safe Seat , South Dakota , Four , 431 , Leader , Marco Rubio , Mike Pence , Tom Cotton , Ted Cruz , Republicans , Private , Handful , God , 2024 , David , Here And Now , Lost A , Game , 2016 , Accomplishments , Speaker Pelosi Is Doing , Use , Thinking , Guy , Won , Joe In Terms Of , Nomination , Notable , 24 , Nominee , Dare , Prediction , Strap In , Comments , Headlines , Interviews , Forth , Wrath , Teachers , Superintendent , School District , Jenna Jameson , Dads , Moms , Tease , Grilled Cheese , Cheese , Mac , Hair Damage , Inventions , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Panera , Sandra , 1 , Sleep Number , Areas , Sleep , Dove , Hair , Damage , Lock , Repair , Animals , Signs , Bed , Play , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , 360 , Care , Sale , Students , Chicago , Standoff , School , Body , Slick , The Union , Adrian , 63 , 37 , Schools , Classroom , Walkout , District , Look , Testing , Agreement , City , Threshold , Contact Tracing , Staff , Metric , Cases , Surge , Cdc , Safety , Mind , Valid , Dermatologist , Health , Safety Steps , Physician , Caroline Robinson , Daughters , Step , Measure , Opportunity , Girls , Patients , Bickering , Doctor , Husband , Relief , Adrienne Broadus , One Texas School District , School Today , Substitute Teachers , Innovative , Hope , Approach , Hayes Consolidated Independent School District , School District South Of Austin , Hayes , Eric Wright , Nation , Shortage , Offer , Gap , Response , Anything , Substitute Orientation , Campus Principal , Requirement , Background Checks , Pool , Order , Place , 500 , 300 , Haven T , Advantage , Guardians , 21600 , 50 , Goal , Rules , Sick , Stay Open , Isn T Forever , Assistant Principals , Puzzle , Pieces , Help , Making It Work , Individuals , Classes , Curriculum Instruction Department , Voids , Prime Minister , Pleasure , Parliament , Apologizing , British , London , Star , Number One , John Legend , Vaccine Status , Tennis , Songs , Battle Sounds From Phone , Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Dragon Roar , Protein , High Protein , Immune Support , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Boost , Move , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Circle , Therapies , Medicines , Healthcare , Researchers , Mental Illness , Professionals , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Mental Illness To Wellness , Migraine Medicine , Serena , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , App , Slash Classroom , Vrbo , Ordering , Search Warrants , Nathan Johnson , Cash , Traffic Stops , State Attorney General S Office , Texas Rangers , Priscilla Alvarez , Status , Charges , Big Question , Texas Attorney General S Office , Texas Tribune , Warrants , Traffic , Last May , Body Camera Footage , Report , County , Stop , Fund , Band , Vehicle , 2000 , Officer , Investigator , Property , Currency , Interview Johnson , Insurance , Evidence , Trafficking Crimes , Offenses , Felony Offenses , Abuse , Servants , Theft , Capacity , Post , Conduct , Next Alvarez , Facebook , Latest , Deal , All Of You Legend , Adult Film Star Jenna Jamison , Legend , Hits , Price , Music Catalog , Bruce Springsteen , Bob Dillon , 43 , Hospital , Treatment , Guillain Barre Syndrome , Elvis Costello , Oliver S Army , Radio Stations , Song , Verse , Slur , 1979 , Whatever , House , Td , Krensecensoring , Don T Fall , Los Angeles , Guest House , Selling , Bedrooms , Bathrooms , Notoriety , A Nightmare On Elm Street , Freddy Krueger , 3 Million , Million , Classic Oreo , Oreo Cookie , Don T , Flavor , Kid , 110 , Cookie , Confetti , Rainbow Sprinkles , Inside , Chocolate , Outside , Eat It , Safe , Kinds , John Berman , Behavior , Honesty , Writing , Quote , Australian Government , False Travel Declaration , Renee Stubbs , Human Error , Behalf , Support Team , My Travel Declaration , Nugget , Nuggets , Doubles , Melbourne , Travel Documents , Covid Protocols , Implications , Problems , Firestorm , Volition , Tweet , Exemption , Couple , Trouble , Impact , Discrepancies , Documents , Offense , No , Didn T Go To Spain , Spaindi , He Didn T Stay ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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covid. all right? what we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function. >> omicron with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency, of transmizability, will ultimately find just about everybody. unfortunately, those who are still unvaccinated are going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this. >> so it will find you. what does that mean? well if you're vaccinated and boosted like dr. fauci said there, almost definitely not much. you are largely protected against severe infection, but the unvaccinated are not. the unvaccinated are pushing hospitals to the breaking point this morning. we're going have much more on that in just a moment. also new this morning, a scary incident on an american airlines plane in honhonduras. a man breached the cockpit and damaged it before trying to climb out of a window, as you see him doing here. passengers delayed eight hours before they got a new plane and that flight could finally take off and the suspect arrested, though still no details on his identity or what drove him to do this. >> that is really scary video right there. we begin, though, with breaking news out of australia. tennis star novak djokovic is now admitting lies in his papers, and admitting that he broke covid protocols after testing positive. he put out a lengthy statement that reads in part, while i went home after the interview to isolate for the required period, on reflection, this was an error of judgment and i accept i should have rescheduled this commitment. referring to after he tested positive, he did an interview after he knew he tested positive, he did an interview with reporters and took a photograph with them unmasked there. joining us now is ben rothenberg contributing righter for the "new york times." thanks for joining us. djokovic put out a long statement, a lot of words in it, but if you parse it down to its root, what he says is, he admits his papers to enter australia had lied in them and admits he broke covid protocols in serbia. what's the takeaway this morning? >> reporter: you hit the two main points for sure. a long statement but the two main things he said. tried to sort of skate a bit between some of the what we've seen in the timeline people reconstructing his movements. basically djokovic admitted in affidavits and submissions to the court during appeal to the deportation tested positive on the 16th. shows he was very much active in belgrade around a bunch of kids giving out trophies at his center in belgrade and 17th did an interview with a company he was receiving an award from them. he says he only received word of the test a day after done and only positive for this one interaction, interview there. a serious admission saying he was knowingly positive with covid and yet still sat down for an in-person interview and maskless photo shoot with journalists from france who had come to interview hill. you are mentioned inconsisten inconsistencies for travel, he admitted his agent checked the boxes incorrectly. it's not the case. in both serbia and spain before this 14-day arrival into serbia. >> that's quite a difference. whether or not you signed a document or have not. could impact rules on re-entry. as far as what he did or didn't do in serbia breaking protocols. i don't know how it impacts him allowed in australia. just makes him irresponsible. a different subject. reporting that australian authorities are opening a new investigation into the timeline of his testing positive. where do things stand right now? what might happen in terms of djokovic being allowed to stay and being allowed to play in the open? >> reporter: so djokovic is facing a wider scrutiny basically winning the first appeal on grounds he didn't get enough time at the airport detained. not enough access to people to call, middle of the night, 4:00, 5:00 a.m. at the airport held and sources and contacts in tennis australia and other bodies weren't around to assist him. how he got the first overturned. looking back at his whole application all over again a lot of inconsistencies. things like checking the wrong box about previous travel in the past 14 days could be held against him firmly by government officials if they want to make a case against him. a lot of political will and resentment ghent djokovic here in australia. diligent in following the rules and dedicated to quarantines, lockdowns things like this and a thought djokovic is trying to flout these things and get around them and become a bit of a pinata, different politicians lining up for a whack at djokovic saying they're being tough around people trying to get around the covid rules. and the immigration minister here who can decide fairly unilaterally to cancel his visa. >> if the judge let him out of his sort of detainment in the hotel was the end of the story. huh-uh. a ton of new questions this morning. this story from being over. thanks for being with us. dr. anthony fauci firing back at two republican senators during a pair of tense exchanges. senator rand paul tried to portray him as a dangerous government official. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there, and i have life -- threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children with obscene phone calls because people are lying about me. >> fauci suggested the kentucky republican was attacking him as a way of raising money. >> i asked myself, why would the senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website and you see, "fire dr. fauci" with a little box that says, contribute here. you can do $5. $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> fauci also firing back at senator roger marshall after the kansas republican falsely accused him of withholding financial disclosure forms. >> my financial disclosures are public knowledge, and have been so. you are getting amazingly wrong information. >> so -- i cannot find them. our office cannot find them. where would they be if they're public knowledge? where? >> it is totally accessible to you if you want it. >> to the public? >> to the public. >> great. we look forward to reviewing it. >> you are totally incorrect. >> we look forward to reviewing it. >> senator marshall, dr. fauci has answered you, it is public information, and he's happy to give it to you if you would ask. senator moran? >> that was an open mic moment you could hear fauci say, what a moron. joining us now, "washington post" global opinions reporter, thanks for being with us. sounds like fauci reached a breaking point there. what did you hear, james? >> yet another example how sad it is that the gop chooses to demonize and stigmatize the top, essentially the country's top public health official instead of trying to get to the bottom of how we can protect as many americans as we can. especially as the omicron variant ravages the country. so it's sad that it's really nothing new in that sense. >> yeah. almost comes to be expected in these hearings. clearly dr. fauci was prepared there. he brought the printouts of senator rand paul's website about the fund-raising when it comes to firing fauci. also i want your perspective on what's happening in france given what we've seen the french president say recently about how his really no holds barred coming to the vaccination and making cheer he's fine with provoking them and angering them over restrictions of what vaccinated people can do versus what unvaccinated people can do. >> absolutely. so last week macron made headlines when he said that his strategy moving forward from here on out was to, was to piss off -- how we translated it at the "post," to piss off the unvaccinated who continued to refuse the free vaccine at this time. but in french the word he used literally means something closer to, i'll say, just cover with excrement. leave it at that. the comment triggered a lot of blowback, a lot of criticism. but the truth is, it -- it -- i think it's absolutely right. i mean, what macron has done at this point is a really successful strategy against vaccine skeptics. so, let's not forget that at the beginning of last year, when the vaccines were just being rolled out, france consistently had some of the highest anti-vax numbers. so it's a deeply vaccine skeptical country, but once the government said that, you know, you cannot -- like, it's not a matter of your opinion or your personal freedoms or your choices. if you want to refuse the vaccine, that's fine. but then you cannot go to movie theaters. you cannot go to cafes. you can't go to restaurants. you can't have any sort of semblance of a normal public life. lo and behold, a lot of the anti-vaccine sentiment melted into air. which perhaps suggests that the convictions behind a lot of that are not actually convictions, but just sort of irrational and selfish. i think macron is absolutely right to refuse to kowtow to that, that resistance, which, in the u.s., at least, is really, really holding us back. >> james, i got a d in french. seriously. dot a d in french. the word was what? >> the word is [ speaking in foreign language ]. >> why i got a d. >> which means, as i said, just say covered in excrement. >> pronounce it your way there. do you feel like doing that? covering with excrement can work in the united states? >> i think -- look, what macron has shown, the -- the big picture here is that it doesn't seem to work to couch getting your vaccine as a form of civic duty that you have to do to protect other people. what the french have done remarkedly successfully is to say, no, it's not about that. if you don't get your vaccine, you cannot have a glass of wine or a restaurant meal. lo and behold, that really works on people. so i think if we maybe looked across the ocean and saw what was happening in france and tried something similar here, we might have lower levels of vaccine skepticism in the states. >> yeah. i think no matter what language you speak, everybody wants to be able to go and get a glass of wine. james, thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much for having me. up next, president biden is pushing voting rights and shaming senators who so far have blocked it. >> not a single republican has displayed the courage to stand up to a defeated president. >> a top white house adviser is standing by to talk to cnn live. plus, donald trump wants to get rid of mitch mcconnell. how that working out? new reporting ahead. and why parents are being pressed into duty as substitute school teachers. you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. president biden is calling on the senate to pass key voting rights bills and forcefully getting behind a change to the senate's rules to do so. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet! >> i believe the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. debate them. vote. let the majority prevail! and if that bear minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this! >> joining us now is cedric richmond senior adviser to the president. good morning and thank you for joining us's to step back and look at that speech for a president who served in the senate nearly three decades to come out and call for this exception to the filibuster is a pretty big shift for him. so i wonder how he got to this breaking point? >> well, it's clear. you have minority of republicans that are able to block any significant legislation. i think you also heard him say yesterday that voting rights are the rights from which all other rights flow. we've seen the attack on voting rights. 19 states. 34 laws. and the president is just fed up with the obstruction. this is so important that he went down to georgia, which is ground zero, to raise, again, the conscience of the country on the attack and assault on voting rights. >> one point at the speech, the president asked, posed the question, do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? john lewis or conner, abraham lincoln or justin david? my question, was he talking to republicans or democrat holdout there's. >> no. you heard in the speech. he said everyone should vote for voting rights. independents, democrats and republicans. and he went on to point out that when we renewed the voting rights act in 2006 and other times even strom thurmond voted for it pt mitch mcconnell voted for it. it was 98-0 in the united states senate and now we can't get one republican? so he was highlighting the fact that voting rights have always been bipartisan. but the minority republicans in the senate have obstructed and weaponized the filibuster so we can't even debate it much less vote on it. >> does that sentiment of equating those who were standing in the way of getting this legislation passed, equating them to segregationists, that applies to democrats as well as republicans? >> i think what the president was doing in a very crystal clear manner was defining the moment, and he started the speech saying that this is one of those moments where you want to be on the right side of history. before and after a vote, people will decide what your legacy is. those were clear examples of the past where you had people obstructing voting rights, civil rights and progress and those fighting for it. >> saidcedric, we interviewed t president of naacp, of course, there with the president on this trip yesterday who praised his speech but said his actions need to match his words. i wonder what is the president's plan to match his actions yesterday in atlanta, match his words yesterday in atlanta with action? >> i want to be clear. yesterday the president of the united states and the vice president of the united states being in atlanta, taking the fight to the belly of the beast for lack of a better description is putting the full weight of the president and the vice president behind voting rights. that's what activists and civil rights leaders have been calling for. including derek, who i talk to often. they want the weight of the presidency behind it, and yesterday was the beginning. you heard the president say that we will use january 6th, we will use the anniversary as a renaissance of the fight for voting rights. this is not the end. it's the beginning. and i have watched this president and vice president work on voting rights from doubling the civil rights division in the department of justice, putting two civil rights leaders in there, vinita and kristen. suing states who are enacting these laws, and signing an executive order so that we could advance voter registration. this is not been an administration that turned a blind eye to voting rights. this is one that has fully engaged on protecting the right to vote and doing those things and now we're going to continue to take the fight to the people, and continue to urge members in the united states senate to do their job and pass the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act. >> you talk about the president and the vice president putting their full weight behind this effort but i wonder what you say to some of the civil rights leaders and activists who have said maybe he should have given that speech sooner than yesterday? >> well, remember, we talked about the -- the president talk and voting rights, and the need to pass this legislation in his inauguration speech. in his speech to the joint session of congress. went down to constitution hall in philadelphia to raise it again. and part of it is, you have to raise awareness in the country of what's going on. when we went to philadelphia, this was a humongous issue and georgia and in texas, and we needed to raise the issue so the rest of the country could see what was going on. so this has been a steady drum beat of fighting on, for voting rights. >> so when it comes to now that you're back in washington, he's given this speech. is he going to personally call senator manchin and senator sinema, since senator schumer said last night they have not yet agreed to get onboard with any changes? >> well, i won't speak for the president, but i will tell you the president has been and will continue to talk to members of the senate. republicans, democrats, independents, about this very important issue. >> has he spoken to senator manchin lately? >> well, i won't get into his private conversations but i think that we can all expect the president to make significant outreach on the need to pass the freedom to vote act and the voting rights advancement act. >> i guess the big question we've heard from other democrats, too, is, if these holdouts refuse to budge when it comes to changing the senate rules, making an exception to get voting rights legislation passed, like the president asked for yesterday. what is the white house's backup plan? >> we're going to keep fighting, and we're not going to -- the president was very clear yesterday. failure is not an option on this issue. we're not planning to fail. we're going to keep fighting until we get it donedone, and t president said he was for reforming senate rules, eliminating the filibuster if that's what it took and doing whatever was necessary to make sure we protect the sacred right to vote. >> do you feel like there is kind of, this is about where we can go? call senator manchin, call senator sinema and talk to them, but is there any other steps he could take, if that doesn't work? >> we have to keep pushing them. we will keep pushing. look, this is a legislative progress. i was in congress over ten years. this is how it works. as frustrating as it is. it's a process. you have to make sure you have the votes to get it done and the president will weigh in and push and talk and do all the necessary work along with the vice president to make sure that we get this done. >> we'll be watching to see what those holdouts on capitol hill say. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i know it's cold out there on the lawn. >> thank you. coming up, a texas sheriff is under investigation this morning. what he's accused of ordering his deputies to do when it comes to undocumented immigrants. and donald trump learning there are limits to his power over senate republicans. we have new cnn reporting. tions as low as zero dollars? ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? that's even less to medicare about. fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. ♪ ♪ maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. better skin from your body wash? 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>> because mitch mcconnell is a loser and frankly, mitch mcconnell on the other side and schumer put in his position he would have been fighting this like you've never seen before. he would have been fighting this. >> cnn's reporter joins us now. what is your making of what the president said about mcconnell overnight and what you hear from sources what this means about the fact he views the fact mcconnell still has a lot of power in the republican party? >> reporter: mcconnell still does have quite a bit of power in the republican party, kaitlan, but also donald trump does, and he has been asking republican candidates meeting with down at mar-a-lago to come out and say if elected to the u.s. senate they would work to depose mcconnell as one of the top republican leaders in that chamber. and yet he's found very little support among republican candidates seeking donald trump's endorsement to actually go that far. so far only two republicans who are running for senate, kelly shbaqa in alaska challenging lisa murkowski and running for the seat in moissouri would not support senator mcconnell as majority leader. a very small number of republicans willing to go that far. aides and allies of the former president do tell me this has been somewhat of a reality check for him. on his ability to control what republicans say on the campaign trail and the relationships that they look to build as they try to get into the senate. remember, mitch mcconnell is aligned with a number of very powerful and very heavy-handed super pacs that will spend quite a bit of money in the 2022 midterm elections and a lot of candidates have to weigh losing out on that potential support against aligning themselves against donald trump i across the board. >> a fascination of the former president's. i think he and mcconnell have spoken in over a year but fascinating to see how it's playing out within the republican party given it is, of course two warring factions. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. i want to bring in cnn political commentator and former trump campaign adviser david urban and former republican congressman joe walsh. david, welcome back. look, it's interesting. mike brown, mitch mcconnell and shelley moore capito, thune, kramer and others don't seem to be afraid of donald trump right now on this subject. what this move mment -- what's this movement we're seeing in the republican senate? >> i'm not sure a movement. luxury of a six-year term. roughly five nor years on their them. not as much to fear as a house member who has to run this coming year in '22. as you all know, most house members fear, not losing in a general election. they fear losing in a primary. so, you know, donald trump, former president, is incredibly popular amongst republican-based voters. so those house members are very, very concerned about their districts and the sway that president trump holds over those republican base voters. that's not so true of the senate and i think senators are just, you know, they recognize that reality. >> joe, i want you to listen to this npr interview the former president did where he hung up on the host after about nine minutes. they had a 15-minute interview. talking about the election and what we all know, which is what the outcome was. this, of course, is stemming also from this fight that the president has, the former president has now picked with senator mike brown after he bluntly stated what happened and during this interview trump was asked about those claims and about his attacks on senator rounds. >> people have no idea how big this issue is and they don't want it to happen again. it shouldn't be allowed to happen and they don't want it to happen again. the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. >> mr. president, if i might -- one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. judge amit mehta -- he's gone. okay. >> joe what do you make of that? >> look, kaitlan, trump speaks for the base. i agree with david. you know, mitch mcconnell and some of, you know, the inside baseball that's being played in the republican caucus in the senate really doesn't matter. this is donald trump's party, and mike rounds, you know, as david said, he's not up for re-election for four years. one republican senator in a safe seat in south dakota, 431 days after the election was called, he finally comes out and speaks the truth that joe biden won, and all of a sudden this is a big story? no. it would be a big story, kaitlan, if mike pence said what mike rounds said. if ted cruz said what mike rounds said. if tom cotton or marco rubio or any republican that wanted to run for president or be a leader viable in the party with the base. this is trump's party. i just don't think this is a story at all. >> not at all? joe? >> not at all. john, you're talking about a handful of senators, and i know it's more in private, but my god. we're five or six years removed from republicans in private, but publicly, you show me one republican, john, that wants to be president in 2024 that would have the you know what to say what mike rounds said. then i will tell you, oh, that's interesting. >> david, you worked for donald trump. can i just ask you, david, will you say right here and now, donald trump lost? >> yeah. the president lost the election. he lost the election. unfortunately democrats played the game better. i mean, it's a painful truth, but it's what happened. we won a very close election in 2016. lost a very close election in 2020. i -- look, i think -- i wish the president would spend time focusing on his accomplishments and comparing and contrasting those accomplishments of that of the current biden administration. talk about what the president's doing. talk about what speaker pelosi is doing. talk about what schumer is doing. i think the president would be best, you know, best use of his time would be focusing outward not inward. focusing forward not backwards. >> joe what do you think? >> kaitlan, there's so much, and you know this. because you hear it every day. there is so gosh darn much wishful thinking that goes on privately among republicans. oh, we just want to move on from trump. let's just do whatever we can, and that's why when you get an inconsequential senator like a guy like mike rounds who says 431 days after the election was called that joe biden won, republicans want to think maybe this will be something. i'm sorry. the party will not move on from trump. if trump wants the nomination in '24, it's his, and they know that. >> well, it's notable -- go ahead, david. >> i was going to say. 100% agree with joe in terms of, donald trump is incredibly popular amongst republican base voters. if he chooses to run in '24 he'll be the nominee and, you know, dare i say the next president in '24 again. that's my prediction. so strap in, america. >> what's notable about this it's not like senator rounds is trying to provoke the former president with these comments. he was, he's a pretty mild-mannered guy. doesn't often get in the headlines. was just saying what happened. what actually happened in the election and that is what his, gotten the wrath of president trump in these interviews in this back and forth. thank you both for joining us this morning. meanwhile, a desperate school district what's moms and dads to sub in for sick teachers. we'll talk to the superintendent about that, next. and i didn't see this tease coming up. a stunning admission from former adult film actress jenna jameson. how did panera come up with the idea to combine their famous mac and cheese with their iconic grilled cheese? 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>> reporter: kaitlan, good morning. i can tell you students after five days of no learning returned to the classroom later this morning. teachers were at the schools yesterday preparing for those students. let's take a look at this tentative agreement. we know the district has agreed to provide enhanced weekly testing at schools across the district, on top of that the city will provide kn95 masks for staff and students, and there will be paid contact tracing. perhaps most significant for members of the union. there will be a threshold, talking about a threshold, a metric that would trigger individual schools to flip to remote learning while in high transmission or if there's a surge in covid cases, and that surge will be outlined by what the cdc recommends. as students prepare to return to the classroom, a local dermatologist said safety is top of mind. >> i think that everyone has a valid, you know, point in this, and we just have to work together, because end of the day we need to educate our kids. that's the only side to take. i think in terms of health and safety, being a physician, i'll really conservative. even if those safety steps are maybe some would deem not exceptionally necessary, i want to take every extra step, every extra measure. >> reporter: that was dr. caroline robinson, who has two daughters in public schools here in chicago. there was so much bickering but didn't engage instead took the opportunity to teach outside of the classroom. took her girls with her to work as she continued to treat her patients showing them what they could become. and she is relieved, she and her husband, that the kids will be back in school today. kaitlan and john? >> yeah. a sense of relief not just for the doctor and her daughters but all the other parents dealing with this as well. adrienne broadus, thank you. new this morning, one texas school district trying an innovative, some might say desperate approach to stay hope. hayes consolidated innovative school district south of austin is asking parents to fill in as substitute teachers. joining me, the superintendent for the hayes consolidated independent school district, eric wright. mr. superintendent, thank you for being with us. why asking parents to step in? >> just because we have a shortage at the moment, as do all schools across the nation. we just decided to be innovative, i prefer that instead of desperate, obviously. we are extending the offer to parents just to allow them to come in and help us out. we know many of them prefer to have in-person learning, and many of them, i think, will be willing to step in and bridge that gap so that we can continue to have in-person learning, because we know it's so crucial for kids. >> i didn't mean desperate to be bad. i meant everyone wants schools to stay open so much right now you're willing to try almost anything. what's the response been? >> so far we've gotten i think three total that have signed up and, know, it's a process. they still have to go through our normal substitute orientation and they have to obviously have the background checks for safety. but what we are doing is, we are just deferring the 30 collegiate hour requirement if necessary if they can be vouched for by their campus principal, and we've had that in place, but never advertised it until now, and we're doing so, because typically in an average year we have about 500 substitutes and this year we're down to a pool of 300. and so in order to make it work we just thought we would market that opportunity that has always been there but we just haven't really taken advantage of it. >> three parents so far. how many do you think you need? >> as many as we can get. three is more than we had, and i'm hopeful that we'll be able to get 50 to 100. you know, we're a school district of 21,600 students, and obviously, many of them have two parents or guardians. so i mean, if we could get 50 to 100, even more, that's better than what we have right now. >> again, this isn't forever. the goal is to stay open. right? the goal here, if you don't have enough teachers, a lot of teachers sick, you can't stay open, but they won't be sick forever. it's five days, ten days, depending on your rules. just need a few days' help here, right? >> that's right. if you can have a few extra puzzle pieces to utilize to help us out, then it goes a long way. right now, you know, we're using assistant principals and individuals from our curriculum instruction department to fill the voids, and also paying teachers to take classes during their conference periods. so we're making it work, but it would be more optimal if we had more individuals to help out. >> i'm sure there will be parents willing to step in to keep these schools open. eric wright, thanks so much for being with us, mr. superintendent. >> absolutely. my pleasure. minutes ago the british prime minister apologizing before parliament. this is big. we're going live to london. plus, also new this morning -- the world's number one tennis star just made a big admission in the standoff over his vaccine status. also this morning, why john legend's songs are no longer his. ♪ all of you ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ (dragon roar from phone) ♪ ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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is he still on the job while all of this is happening? >> the sheriff is still serve and no charges have been filed against him. he is part of an ongoing investigation. last month, texas rangers and the texas attorney general's office conducted search warrants as part of that investigation. and those search warrants, which were first reported by the "texas tribune," include details of the traffic stops where money was taken from undocumented immigrants. for example, last may, body camera footage shows johnson asking or directing deputies to take money from undocumented immigrants. now, according to the warrants, that money was to be filed as a band of cash and deposited with a could county fund. then later in october, more than $2,000 was seized from undocumented immigrants as part of a stop that stemmed from a report of a suspicious vehicle and no insurance. now, the investigator in these warrants did interview johnson. and in that interview johnson said that currency and property was held as evidence in trafficking crimes, but still, the officer found and i quote here, i believe nathan johnson is committing felony offenses of theft by public servants, abuse of official capacity, and other possible offenses. again, there are no charges against johnson. johnson has acknowledged this investigation in a facebook post, saying that he doesn't know what prompted it, but will continue to serve, but, kaitlan, a lot of questions still surrounding his conduct. >> and major questions about that. interesting to see what happens next.alvarez, thank you for bringing us the latest. john legend just made a huge new deal. ♪ because all of me loves all of you ♪ >> legend is now the latest and the youngest star to sell his music catalog. the price is unknown, but, of course, unlike bruce springsteen and bob dillon, legend is 43 years old and still making hits. the adult film star jenna jamison is saying she is battling guillain-barre syndrome. she had become unable to walk. she's currently in the hospital undergoing treatment. elvis costello says he will no longer sing his 1979 hit "oliver's army" because it contains a racial slur. he said he had written a new verse for the song, but decided to retire it. he is also asking radio stations who have been krensecensoring td to stop playing the song as well. >> do you believe in the boogie man? >> no. >> whatever you do, don't fall asleep. >> the los angeles home best known as the house haunted by freddy krueger in "a nightmare on elm street" is selling for nearly $3 million. the iconic house has three bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms with a pool and a guest house and some notoriety. ♪ who's that kid with the oreo cookie ♪ >> don't you love it when they call you kid? >> finally, oreo is celebrating 110 years with a new flavor. chocolate confetti cake cookie. >> what? >> it is first ever oreo cookie made with rainbow sprinkles, both in the cookie and on the outside. because who wants an oreo with confetti on the inside? >> why you to seem repulsed by that? >> how often do you eat confetti? >> maybe once a year, but when i do eat it, i want it on the inside and outside of the cookie that i'm eating. >> it has been around for 110 y years, why not celebrate the fact it is pretty awesome in and of itself? >> i love a classic oreo. but i'm going to try this and i'll let you know what i think. >> well, be safe. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. it is wednesday, january 12th. i'm john berman, brianna is off. chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins with me here this morning. and breaking overnight, tennis star novak djokovic opening up all kinds of new questions about his behavior, and his honesty. he now admits to not immediately isolating after testing positive for coronavirus last month, instead he did an interview and he was in a maskless photo shoot. now, this is also big. he also admits to a false travel declaration as the australian government considers another move to deport him. >> djokovic writing in a statement, overnight, quote, this was an error of judgment and i accept that i should have rescheduled this commitment on the issue of my travel declaration, this was submitted by my support team on my behalf. this was a human error and certainly not deliberate. of course, john, that's going to raise a lot of questions. >> it does. joining us now is renee stubbs, former world number one in doubles. she joins us from melbourne in australia. and, look, i got to say, novak djokovic put out this really long winding statement overnight. but the nugget or the two nuggets in here that are hugely important, number one, he didn't follow covid protocols when he tested positive. and number two, huge implications for where you are, there were lies in his travel documents. your takeaway this morning? >> yeah, i mean, unfortunately novak keeps getting himself into problems from his own volition, really. when he put out the tweet he was coming to australia with a medical exemption, that's when sort of the firestorm started. i think he was probably better off not putting that out originally. now he's put out another statement trying to correct some of the problems which he's been facing over the last few days. and now again he's gotten himself into hot trouble. if you had covid, why would you do an interview and there are so many questions he has to answer over the next couple of days mr. or not he stays in the country or not. >> doing the interview after he tested positive, i'm not sure that has the direct impact on whether or not australia lets him stay. it just means he was irresponsible. the false travel documents, whether or not it was his agent or whoever filled it in, that's, you know, that's a dishonest legal document there. >> yeah. and that's where i think over the last couple of days the australian government is trying to probe into those particular documents, just to see if there is any discrepancies in them and obviously filling out the wrong form and saying he didn't go to spain, for example, before he came to australia, that's a no-no. that is really an offense that can get you deported either way. so, again, he's filled out the incorrect form, he sort of lied about that he didn't stay in serbia, he went to spaindi

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United States , All Around The World , Viewers , Kaitlan Collins , John Lewis , White House , Brianna , January 12th , Wednesday January 12th , 12 , People , Administration , Language , Surge In Covid , Numbers , Many , Shift In Posture , Acting Head , Kind , Fda , Anthony Fauci , Official , Dr , Omicron , Meaning , Most , Hospitals , Efficiency , Degree , Everybody , Unvaccinated , Brunt , Aspect , Transmizability , Point , Infection , Man , Morning , Incident , Cockpit , Honhonduras , American Airlines , It , Suspect , Passengers , Details , Flight , Window , Plane , Eight , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Papers , Protocols , Positive , Video , Lies , Australia , Identity , Breaking News , Interview , Statement , Part , Home , Commitment , Judgment , Error , Reflection , Reporters , Thanks , Photograph , Ben Rothenberg Contributing Righter , New York Times , Djokovic Put Out A Long Statement , Words , Takeaway , Serbia , Root , Things , Reporter , Timeline , Some , Points , Movements , Two , Djokovic , Kids , Appeal , Court , Deportation , Shows , Submissions , Affidavits , Bunch , 16 , Word , Award , Company , Center , Trophies , Belgrade , 17 , Admission , Interaction , Test , One , France , Journalists , Inconsisten Inconsistencies For Travel , Maskless , Agent , Photo Shoot , Hill , Case , Whether , Difference , Boxes , Spain , 14 , Covid Rules , Document , Didn T , Re Entry , Serbia Breaking Protocols , Investigation , Subject , Authorities , Terms , Testing Positive , The Open , Airport , Grounds , Scrutiny , Sources , Contacts , Inconsistencies , Tennis Australia , Middle , Bodies , Application , Overturned , 4 , 5 , 00 , Box , Government Officials , Political , Resentment Ghent Djokovic Here In Australia , Bit , Politicians , Whack , Pinata , Quarantines , Thought , Immigration Minister , Visa , Story , Sort , Judge , Questions , Detainment , Hotel , Ton , Firing , Huh Uh , Senators , Rand Paul , Government Official , Exchanges , Pair , All Of You , Life , Sudden , Threats , Family , Crazies , Harassment , Way , Republican , Money , Phone Calls , Children , Kentucky , Website , Fire Dr , 0 , 10 , , 20 , 100 , Senator Marshall , Disclosure , Forms , Epidemic , Gain , Withholding Financial , Kansas , Office , Knowledge , Information , Disclosures , Public , Washington Post , Opinions , Mic , Moron , Fauci Say , Senator Moran , Example , Breaking Point , James , Sounds Like Fauci , Country , Top , Public Health , Americans , Bottom , Omicron Variant Ravages , Sense , Sad , Printouts , Hearings , Fund Raising , Nothing , Firing Fauci , President , French , Vaccination , Perspective , Cheer , Macron , Restrictions , Vaccine , Strategy , Truth , Something , Excrement , Comment , Blowback , Criticism , Vaccines , Vaccine Skeptics , Matter , Government , Opinion , Freedoms , Restaurants , Choices , Fine , Movie Theaters , Cafes , Semblance , Lo And Behold , Convictions , Sentiment , Which , Least , Resistance , Dot Ad , D Which Means , Doesn T , Form , Civic Duty , The Big Picture , Glass , Remarkedly , Wine , Restaurant Meal , States , Vaccine Skepticism , Ocean , Saw , Levels , Voting Rights , Joe Biden , Shaming , Up Next , Donald Trump , Mitch Mcconnell , Cnn , Courage , Plus , Adviser Is Standing , Parents , Reporting , Substitute School Teachers , Duty , Cough , Works , Purchases , Discover Card , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Liz , Nerd , Coughs , Mucinex Dm , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 05 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Tiredness , Nausea , Side Effects , Network , Big Deal , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , Internet , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , Save , Store , Hundreds , Switch Squad , Xfinity , United States Senate , Bills , Democracy , Members , Threat , Conversations , Congress , Change , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Option , Majority , Minimum , Voting Rights Bills , Senate Rules , Speech , Filibuster , Cedric Richmond , Three , Exception , Minority , Shift , Rights , Legislation , Attack , Laws , Voting , 34 , 19 , Ground Zero , Raise , Georgia , Obstruction , Assault , Zero , Question , Side , Justin David , King , George Wallace , Abraham Lincoln , Conner , Everyone , Independents , Holdout , Voting Rights Act , Democrat , Fact , Times , Strom Thurmond , It Pt , 2006 , 98 , Standing , Manner , Crystal , Equating Them To Segregationists , Examples , Legacy , History , Course , Fighting , Progress , Of Naacp , Trip Yesterday , Saidcedric , Actions , Action , Plan , Match , Atlanta , Vice President , Fight , Leaders , Activists , Weight , Beast , Description , Lack , Belly , Beginning , Say , Including Derek , Presidency , Renaissance , Anniversary , 6 , January 6th , Civil Rights Division , Work On Voting Rights , Kristen , Department Of Justice , Vinita , Executive Order , Voter Registration , Eye , Job , Freedom , Act , Talk , Effort , Need , Inauguration Speech , Awareness , What S Going On , Philadelphia , Session Of Congress , Constitution Hall , Issue , Texas , Drum Beat , Fighting On , Rest , Senator Manchin , Sinema , Talk About What Schumer , Changes , Washington , Voting Rights Advancement Act , Outreach , Holdouts , Voting Rights Legislation , Failure , Donedone , Doing , Right , Worth C Call , Steps , Ten , Process , Work , Votes , Done , Push , Sheriff , Lawn , Cold , Coming Up , Capitol Hill Say , Learning , Immigrants , Deputies , Power , Limits , Cnn Reporting , Tions , World , Delivery , Medicare , Zero Dollars , 90 , Prescriptions , Refill , Diner , Larry , Walgreens , Waiting , Bus , Aisle , Reach , Routine , Pfizer , 7 , Lives , Generation , Millions , Pursuit , Narrator , Beach , Greatest , Preacher , Tyranny , Oval , Bridge , Nuclear War , Alabama , Selma , Wall , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , Continent , West Berlin , Generations , Ideals , Justice , The Call , Liberty , Back , Body Wash , Skin , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Someone , Neuroscientist , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay Body , Olay , Tv , 3 , Science , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Yes , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Six , Idea , Result , Best , Barnes , Worth , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Truck Hit , Car , Insurance Companyed , Wasn T Fair , Accident Case , Worth H Barnes , Firm , Rich Barnes , Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , T Ouour , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , Trump , Allies , Loser , Position , Schumer , Making , Candidates , Does , Support , Depose Mcconnell , Chamber , Endorsement , Mar A Lago , Running , Kelly Shbaqa , Lisa Murkowski , Alaska , Number , Senator , Majority Leader , Seat , Reality Check , Aides , Moissouri , Campaign Trail , Ability , Relationships , Elections , Super Pacs , 2022 , Fascination , Board , Joe Walsh , David Urban , Factions , Commentator , Mike Brown , Others , Welcome Back , Shelley Moore Capito , Thune , Kramer , Movement , Term , Move Mment , Luxury , Election , Know , House Members , House Member , Them , Primary , Five , 22 , Base Voters , Sway , Voters , Districts , Reality , Host , Npr , Nine , Outcome , 15 , It Shouldn T , Interview Trump , Attacks , Claims , Mr , Problem , Court Hearing Yesterday On January 6th , 2020 , Base , Inside Baseball , Amit Mehta , Party , Mike Rounds , Caucus , Doesn T Matter , Re Election , Safe Seat , South Dakota , Four , 431 , Leader , Marco Rubio , Mike Pence , Tom Cotton , Ted Cruz , Republicans , Private , Handful , God , 2024 , David , Here And Now , Lost A , Game , 2016 , Accomplishments , Speaker Pelosi Is Doing , Use , Thinking , Guy , Won , Joe In Terms Of , Nomination , Notable , 24 , Nominee , Dare , Prediction , Strap In , Comments , Headlines , Interviews , Forth , Wrath , Teachers , Superintendent , School District , Jenna Jameson , Dads , Moms , Tease , Grilled Cheese , Cheese , Mac , Hair Damage , Inventions , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Panera , Sandra , 1 , Sleep Number , Areas , Sleep , Dove , Hair , Damage , Lock , Repair , Animals , Signs , Bed , Play , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , 360 , Care , Sale , Students , Chicago , Standoff , School , Body , Slick , The Union , Adrian , 63 , 37 , Schools , Classroom , Walkout , District , Look , Testing , Agreement , City , Threshold , Contact Tracing , Staff , Metric , Cases , Surge , Cdc , Safety , Mind , Valid , Dermatologist , Health , Safety Steps , Physician , Caroline Robinson , Daughters , Step , Measure , Opportunity , Girls , Patients , Bickering , Doctor , Husband , Relief , Adrienne Broadus , One Texas School District , School Today , Substitute Teachers , Innovative , Hope , Approach , Hayes Consolidated Independent School District , School District South Of Austin , Hayes , Eric Wright , Nation , Shortage , Offer , Gap , Response , Anything , Substitute Orientation , Campus Principal , Requirement , Background Checks , Pool , Order , Place , 500 , 300 , Haven T , Advantage , Guardians , 21600 , 50 , Goal , Rules , Sick , Stay Open , Isn T Forever , Assistant Principals , Puzzle , Pieces , Help , Making It Work , Individuals , Classes , Curriculum Instruction Department , Voids , Prime Minister , Pleasure , Parliament , Apologizing , British , London , Star , Number One , John Legend , Vaccine Status , Tennis , Songs , Battle Sounds From Phone , Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Dragon Roar , Protein , High Protein , Immune Support , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Boost , Move , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Circle , Therapies , Medicines , Healthcare , Researchers , Mental Illness , Professionals , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Mental Illness To Wellness , Migraine Medicine , Serena , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , App , Slash Classroom , Vrbo , Ordering , Search Warrants , Nathan Johnson , Cash , Traffic Stops , State Attorney General S Office , Texas Rangers , Priscilla Alvarez , Status , Charges , Big Question , Texas Attorney General S Office , Texas Tribune , Warrants , Traffic , Last May , Body Camera Footage , Report , County , Stop , Fund , Band , Vehicle , 2000 , Officer , Investigator , Property , Currency , Interview Johnson , Insurance , Evidence , Trafficking Crimes , Offenses , Felony Offenses , Abuse , Servants , Theft , Capacity , Post , Conduct , Next Alvarez , Facebook , Latest , Deal , All Of You Legend , Adult Film Star Jenna Jamison , Legend , Hits , Price , Music Catalog , Bruce Springsteen , Bob Dillon , 43 , Hospital , Treatment , Guillain Barre Syndrome , Elvis Costello , Oliver S Army , Radio Stations , Song , Verse , Slur , 1979 , Whatever , House , Td , Krensecensoring , Don T Fall , Los Angeles , Guest House , Selling , Bedrooms , Bathrooms , Notoriety , A Nightmare On Elm Street , Freddy Krueger , 3 Million , Million , Classic Oreo , Oreo Cookie , Don T , Flavor , Kid , 110 , Cookie , Confetti , Rainbow Sprinkles , Inside , Chocolate , Outside , Eat It , Safe , Kinds , John Berman , Behavior , Honesty , Writing , Quote , Australian Government , False Travel Declaration , Renee Stubbs , Human Error , Behalf , Support Team , My Travel Declaration , Nugget , Nuggets , Doubles , Melbourne , Travel Documents , Covid Protocols , Implications , Problems , Firestorm , Volition , Tweet , Exemption , Couple , Trouble , Impact , Discrepancies , Documents , Offense , No , Didn T Go To Spain , Spaindi , He Didn T Stay ,

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