Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709

matter what storm. and she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom. >> good evening. i'm fareed zakaria. the light of american democracy shining into the darkest corners of the world. it wasn't just rhetoric. it was real. the cold war ended. the soviet union collapsed. democracy flowered. now, 30 years later, american democracy is in trouble. abraham lincoln warned us this country's destruction will not come from abroad but instead will spring up amongst us. he was right, of course. the danger is here at home. republican versus democrat. american versus american. >> jews will not replace us! >> the ascendance of old fears and ugly prejudice. across the world we see the same divisions. democracy everywhere is under attack. but remember, america has been here before. america has vanquished demagogues before. how do we do it now? for answers, i turn to the smartest experts i could find. our story begins with two of them. a former republican, an adviser to presidents on foreign policy. and a harvard professor who has studied democracy for decades. listen closely as they describe what could happen in 2024, the next presidential election. >> i am having a hard time seeing how we avoid the train wreck that is now visibly before us. >> i think most of us still have not gotten our heads around the very real prospect that we could have a stolen election. >> i think trump will easily take the nomination. i don't think any republican who has any chance would dare to run against him. >> we know it's going to be a very close election. it's an election that almost certainly a small handful of st states, very closely contested states, will decide. >> trump doesn't win, at least according to whatever objective count of the vote you may have. a contested 2024 election, which is not settled. >> republicans declare that they think the election was stolen or that something was wrong. >> the state legislatures in various states challenge the vote in the state as it was counted. >> and there's intense protest, maybe violence, contestation over the election because we don't know for sure who won. >> everybody is accusing everybody else of lying and subverting the election. there will be calls for the military to deal with insurrections. >> at that point, it's possible that no candidate would win a majority. the election would be thrown into the house. >> the supreme court could make a decision one way or the other. but i doubt that either side will accept the decision. the possibility of violence is very high. does president biden declare a national emergency and send in the troops? do the states use their national guard? >> you could plausibly, constitutionally, have a stolen election. >> we're at that point in a situation of chaos. and it's hard to know how we get out of it, actually. >> this is not a crazy scare scenario. there's a good chance this could happen. from the moment donald trump came down that escalator, he made a seemingly endless number of bizarre and provocative statements. but perhaps the most dangerous was this. >> this system is rigged. we're competing in a rigged election. this is a rigged election. >> constantly repeating. it became just another trump punch line. >> it's a rigged election. >> in reality, it was a shot at the heart of democracy. the free and fair election. >> i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election? >> i will look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. >> are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle? >> i'll tell you at the time. i'll keep you in suspense. >> the repeated statement that he might not accept the results of an election if he lost is unthinkable in the u.s. >> professor steven livitsky is worried. >> we have really not seen that in american democracy. >> an astounding upset victory. >> livitsky and fellow professor daniel ziblatt began writing a book called "how democracies die." when trump won, they published their concerns in "the new york times." >> we're a month after the election and "the new york times" is seriously going to put on the front of "sunday review" that the future of democracy is threatened. >> the warnings met with skepticism. >> does anybody around this table or at "the new york times" really believe that our constitutional republic's future survival is now at risk because a reality tv show guy got elected? >> there were a lot of people who viewed our book as overly alarmist. and i think in retrospect, we were actually insufficiently alarmist. >> in fact the alarms began going off just four days into the trump presidency. >> if true, this would be the biggest presidential election story in history. >> trump alleged that 3 million people had voted illegally in 2016. >> you have people that are registered who are dead, who are illegals. >> you're now president of the united states. when you say -- >> of course, i want the voting process to be legitimate. >> what i'm asking, when you say in your opinion millions of illegal votes, that is something that is extremely fundamental to our functioning democracy, a fair and free election. what you have presented so far has been debunked. it's been called false. >> take a look at pugh reports. >> i spoke to the author last night and he told me he found no evidence of fraud. >> really? then why did he write the report? >> so began the dangerous erosion of faith in the american election process. >> he believes what he believes based on the information he's provided. >> what does that mean for democracy? >> it means that -- i've answered your question. >> have you? >> it would become the defining question of the trump presidency. >> is the president a threat to our democracy? >> mr. president, is this still a democracy? >> that growing fear did not exist for the many who watched pro-trump news channels. >> the people in charge rigged the game. >> the media has been lying to you. >> most trump loyalists believe only what trump tells them. >> don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. >> even when the facts overwhelmingly contradict those views. >> trump has captured the republican party. >> so much so that for trump's people, the party itself is no longer important. >> i don't even think it's the republican party anymore. i think this is just trump. >> this fanatical loyalty, says robert kagan, may actually be destroying the system the founding fathers created to protect democracy. >> the checks and balances they set up were really checks and balances between and among the different branches. they didn't anticipate that people in congress, for instance, would be more loyal to the republican party than to the interests, the institutional interests of congress. >> this is very important. what you're saying is that party partisanship has become so great that basically it's broken the checks and balances system? >> i would say there was let's say a flaw or a trap door in the system that the founders didn't anticipate, that they didn't prepare for. i think it took a particular individual with particular personal qualities to really exploit this gap or this weakness in our constitutional protections. >> the damage done became starkly clear on january 6th, 2021. >> it's anarchy, it really is anarchy. >> this is the united states of america? >> i am in tears today to see this scene. this is not an american scene. >> we love trump! >> now loyalty to trump remains for many stronger than truth. 71% of republicans still say trump won the 2020 election. but the heart of the crisis goes still deeper. tens of millions of americans no longer have faith in democracy itself. >> pretty much everybody knows the government is corrupt. >> i don't trust the government. i don't trust the cdc. i don't trust none of them. >> the tragedy of america is not trump. trump is a side story, really. the tragedy is that 70 million people voted for trump. >> it is all hauntingly familiar to ann applebaum. she reports on autocratic leaders from hungary to turkey to poland. >> one of the strangest things for me in my career has been the sudden realization that these are exactly the kind of things that you see very often in other parts of the world. >> the number of countries where democracy is failing or autocracy growing is now the highest it has been since the end of the cold war. one reason why? >> during the cold war, the united states presented itself as the leader of the democratic camp. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> and that was something that bound together democrats and republicans. it was something that a lot of americans felt proud of. >> the global superpower promoted democracy abroad and proudly embraced it at home. but can america still be ronald reagan's shining city on a hill? >> there's nothing inevitable about american democracy. this is a fragile, fallible, complicated experiment. >> that experiment has faltered before. it's almost failed, only to return triumphant. to understand how that happened, we need to go back almost a century ago. >> it was an existential crisis. >> the early 1930s. the great depression is battering a nearly broken country. >> depression, fear and failure stalk the nation. >> the jobs are gone. farms are foreclosing. there are riots in the streets, fights over scraps of food. franklin delano roosevelt has just been elected. >> this great nation will endure has it has endured. >> but few can see any hope. a desperate america is fertile ground for a demagogue. >> we're through with the sham politicians and now we're on our own. >> father charles coughlin was the brightest political star in the darkness of the depression. >> he had such a soothing voice that you forgot you were poor, you forgot there was a depression. >> father coughlin was a popular divisive figure who broadcast a message of fear and tribalism and anxiety. >> you have paid the price, democratic america. >> every handshake that adds another individual to his colossal following. >> every sunday night, he broadcast to 30 million people. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. >> coughlin's audience is vast. >> he was answering a million letters every single week. >> it was about this anxiety that the other was coming to take what you had. >> coughlin told his followers exactly who the other was. an ugly message. >> we are christian insofar as we believe in christ's principle of love your neighbor as yourself and with that principle i challenge every jew in this nation to tell me that he does not believe in it. >> even as hitler began his march of terror, the same brand of hate became a potent weapon for charles coughlin. >> drive the money changers from the temple! >> his political power surged. >> amazed by his influence, we uneasily watch the newspapers. >> people are calling on him to run for president. >> but he did not. instead he made the president his favorite target. >> the president of the united states, one step towards dictatorship. >> there were other would-be demagogues grasping for power. charles lindbergh. huey long. but coughlin had the greatest platform. >> radio was one of the great revolutionary forces. it brought this distant world into people's living rooms. suddenly these people that you only read about were in your house. >> over time, the catholic church tried to rein in this dangerous priest. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. >> then, president roosevelt found a way to turn the tables, using coughlin's most potent weapon, the radio. fdr's fireside chats became a key part of american life. >> i want to tell you what has been done in the last few days and why it was done and what the next steps are going to be. >> he used them to sell the program that would turn the country around. the new deal. >> we are definitely rebuilding our political and economic system on the lines laid down by the new deal. >> there was the civilian conservation corps. there was the workers progress administration. >> many thousands of such jobs as these dot the map of the united states. >> dozens of programs that put people back to work and put food back on american dinner tables. >> today depression is a fading memory. >> roosevelt's insistence was that the only way to save democracy was to save the people who formed that democracy. >> finally, with the ramp-up to world war ii, the depression was over. the hate and demagoguery that tore at democracy in the 1930s gradually faded. and so did father coughlin. a threat from abroad revived patriotism and national unity. and so did franklin roosevelt's new deal. he used the tools of democracy to help save democracy. just ahead, while america was rising from the ashes of the depression, in germany democracy was losing to a fanatical madman. how did it win here but lose there? >> the german republic was dead. >> a story with a twist that has haunting echoes to the current american crisis. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just 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1920s. the thriving and sophisticated wiemar republic. it was a proud and advanced democracy with a state of the art constitution. women's suffrage. and a hundred years ago, a strong gay rights movement. but in a few short years, all of it was gone. adolf hitler came to power. >> in the crucial presidential campaign, every vote counts. >> by killing democracy from within. >> his first cabinet speech. >> he was enabled, crucially, by germany's conservative establishment that tried to use him, underestimated him. >> hitler assumed dictatorial powers. >> and eventually was destroyed by him. >> the responsibility of the conservative leaders was massive. >> the german republic was dead. >> hitler's rise is the most deadly example of a chilling pattern. >> mussolini, hailed by his compatriots as a genius of italy. >> political insiders willingly giving power. two ca to a charismatic strongman. and the scholars who wrote "how democracies die" worry. >> the time for action has come. >> that this pattern may be repeating itself in america. >> i alone can fix it. >> establishment republicans. >> i'm pleased to be here with majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> thought that they saw an opportunity in donald trump and decided they need to form an unholy alliance with him. we see this dynamic of conservative elites aligning themselves with demagogic outsiders throughout history. >> it was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election. >> let's be very clear. donald trump is not adolf hitler. but weimar's death highlights a death for all democracies, specifically the way conservative elites, determined to keep the left out of power, align themselves with an anti-democratic demagogue. the story in germany began with a big lie. after the nation was defeated in world war i, a baseless right wing conspiracy theory was born, that the military had not lost in battle. >> states men assembled to draw up the peace treaty. >> but was forced to surrender by treacherous right wing politicians. >> it was called the stab in the back. >> a young adolf hitler eagerly embraced this conspiracy theory. >> he blamed the men who had signed the peace. >> and used it to come to national attention. >> adolf hitler calls for action. >> he tried to seize power by force in a coup. >> in this munich beer hall, he proclaims a national revolution. >> but his beer hall putsch was a spectacular failure. hitler went to prison, wrote "mein kampf," and learned ann a valuable lesson. >> it is far less likely that a leader will come to power by seizing it militarily. it is far more likely that democracies die at the hands of elected prime ministers and elected presidents. >> so hitler and the nazis hit the campaign trail. at first, they were a laughingstock, getting less than 10% of the vote through 1928. >> it is 1929. >> but then came the great depression. >> shadows over germany. and unemployment grows. >> unemployment reached 40%. >> hunger was added to resentment, bitterness. >> severe economic crises kill democracies. >> on top of a krcratering economy, there was a crisis at the border. >> streams of refugees. >> more than a million refugees. >> there began the greatest mass exodus of modern times. >> including thousands and thousands of jews from eastern europe, came to germany. >> the border became a very loaded political issue. >> as the historian benjamin hett points out in his recent account of weimar, the nazis were fundamentally opposed to globalization before it was a catch phrase. >> hitler says something which really seems to jump out at us all these years later. he talks about german companies outsourcing manufacturing operations to china. >> by 1930, the nazis won the second most seats in the legislature. that was still less than 20% of the reichstag. >> one man represents the age-old virtues of germany. >> but there was one man who could still make hitler germany's leader. >> aging symbol of the ruling weimar republic. >> the nation's right wing president, paul vonn min hinden. a war hero, he had the power to appoint a chancellor. he disdained hitler's humble origins but he hated germany's left wing parties even more. >> he thought this is a figure we can use to keep the socialists out of power. >> hindenberg wanted to control hitler, offering him a cabinet post but not the chancellorship. but the fuhrer was holding out for the top job. by the end of 1932. >> now there is a new sense of urgency. >> hitler's all or nothing strategy was failing. >> hitler knows that his nazi party is in danger. >> nazi votes were declining. >> the nazis are running out of money. >> campaign coffers were dwindling. and the party was in chaos. >> one of the real tragic ironies of history was that hitler was put into power right at the moment where his movement looked like it was going to fall apart. >> a right wing insider brought the fuhrer back to life. >> one man emerges with a dangerous idea. >> former chancellor franz von papen was trying to get back into power. he set out to convince his friend, president hindenberg, to make hitler chancellor if hitler would make papen vice chancellor. seeing this as the best way to keep the left out of power. hindenberg, fatefully, agreed. and on january 30th, 1933, a hate-filled demagogue -- >> the third reich of adolf hitler is born. >> -- seized power. everything was under control, papen said. >> famously, at this moment, papen said to a friend, we have hired him. he says, in six weeks, we will have pushed him so far into a corner, he will squeak. >> but within weeks, adolf hitler made himself a dictator and soon he was killing off enemies and rivals including many of the right wing insiders who had enabled his rise. democracy in germany was dead. >> you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength and you have to be strong. >> it's lessons for america. >> we will not take it anymore. >> are sobering. >> stop the steal. >> the willingness of mainstream conservatives to back a potentially authoritarian option. because of fear of their rivals, is something that i think we're seeing playing out in the united states today. >> it's over! until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. got lingering odors? grab febreze small spaces. press firmly to activate... and small spaces continuously eliminates and prevents odors... freshen up any small room... ...for up to 45 days. febreze. ♪la la la♪ chase first banking. a debit card for kids, and a set of tools to help them learn good money habits. by creating allowances and assigning chores, they can practice earning every day. with a debit card just for them, they'll learn smart spending firsthand, while you monitor and set account alerts. and using their own chase mobile app, they can set big savings goals. all with no monthly service fee. chase first banking. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. since november of 2020. >> we're coming after you and every mother [ bleep ] that stole this election with our second amendment. >> these are the kind of threatening phone calls local election officials have received. >> you ruined my [ bleep ] election, you [ bleep ] piece of [ bleep ]. >> the callers are trompeump loyalists who believe in his big lie. >> we want trump! >> we won this election and we won it by a landslide. >> we won in a landslide! >> a year into joe biden's presidency. >> he cheated. >> there was fraud. you have to revisit. >> trump won. >> across the country, donald trump's allies are still at war to overturn the last election, forcing local election officials to revisit the 2020 vote count again and again and again. >> in wisconsin, local republicans have conducted three separate partisan audits in an attempt to prove joe biden should not be president. no widespread fraud has ever been found. the third review is still ongoing. behind closed doors. the man republicans have put in charge is michael gableman. he dodged questions from cnn crews. >> can we talk to you about your investigation, sir? >> have a good night. >> and even called for the arrest of madison's democratic mayor who refuses to testify in private. >> if it comes down to it and i have to go to jail for democracy, i certainly won't be the first person to have done so. >> the audit is likely to cost taxpayers close to $700,000. >> i think this is really about 2022 and 2024. i mean, this is an effort to reduce people's confidence in our election results. >> efforts like the one in wisconsin are taking place across the country. in maricopa county in arizona. >> we've never seen a private company be able to come in and take command and control of live ballots. >> in idaho, where the secretary of state's office recently hand-recounted ballots to refute claims of vote flipping. >> after reviewing almost 10,000 ballots over three different counties, officials found a margin of error of less than 1%. >> and in oklahoma, state officials there opened an investigation to counter allegations of hacked voting machines. similar cries of fraud from governors and state legislators have gone on and continue to go on in nearly 40 states. >> the fact is, election fraud does occur. >> charges of widespread fraud have all been proven false. but the claims have succeeded in one critical way. they have shattered trust in the election system. a poll published in november found that only 33% of republicans said that they would trust the results of the 2024 election if their candidate didn't win. that compares to 82% of democrats. >> there will be no faith whatsoever in election results. >> there's 70 million people who do not believe this. >> so i think it's much more likely that we have a full-blown national crisis in 2024. >> the crisis is unfolding right now. with republicans passing new laws. >> the bill passes. >> that tighten their grip on how elections are run and who counts the votes. they have also been removing, replacing, or demoting election officials who would not endorse donald trump's false allegations of fraud. a dozen states enacted 17 laws last year that paved the way for future election subversion. at least 19 have passed laws that simply make it harder to vote. republicans argue that the bills are necessary to restore what they call election integrity and will make future elections more secure. >> i urge your favorable vote for the election integrity act. >> but the most worrying laws give republican state officials even more power to control local elections. remember georgia's republican secretary of state, brad raffensperger, who bravely refused to give in to trump? >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> georgia republicans stripped raffensperger of his role as chief election officer and purged other election officials. >> a body of unelected officials in atlanta appointed by the state legislature and not us can fire our employees without a lick of input from us. >> georgia is just one target in a carefully planned effort by the gop that could enable them to steal the next election, perfectly legally. some new laws promise harsh punishments for election officials and poll workers for simple mistakes. >> there are a series of laws in states that are put in to criminalize election officials for doing their jobs. that has a really corrosive effect on the general public's belief in the accuracy of our election results. >> in texas, an election official can now go to jail for sending citizens unrequested vote by mail applications. >> we're going to have to educate our own volunteers to make sure they don't make a mistake. >> in florida, officials can be fined up to $25,000 if they allow voters to deposit ballots in dropboxes outside of official hours. in addition to the intimidation tactics. >> rigged the 2020 election. >> widespread fraud. >> a wave of trump-supporting stop the steal candidates are running for office across the country. some with direct oversight of elections. all of it paints a grim picture of what could happen in 2024. >> it is incredibly alarming. in fact in every swing state where we have a secretary of state race, there is someone who has either spread the big lie or was at the insurrection running to oversee elections. >> to understand how it could play out, just look at the razor-thin margins in these battleground states from 2020. narrow everywhere. 0.3 of 1% in georgia. the fear is that state boards could intervene and override local authorities. >> we could plausibly constitutionally have a stolen election. >> for many in 2020, democracy was saved at the state level about heroic officials and election workers who stood up to trump's demands. >> the republican party at every level has engaged in a full scale purge of anyone who looks like they're not completely on board with the trump agenda. >> as these officials disappear, who will be left to stand up to defend democracy in 2024? 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some of the reasons are familiar. an age of rapid technological change accelerating, globalization and increasing ethnic diversity created great anxiety. these anxieties then lead to distrust in traditional institutions and blibed parties. new figures crash on to the political scene. some of who peddle simple solutions to get rid of the complexity and take the country back, back to when times were more stable. back to when the country was great. in the misty often mistaken memory of some. but why does american democracy feel more threatened than say france or spanish democracy? it approaches the next presidential election. if the scenarios outlines here come true, donald trump runs, wins the nomination and it's a close election we will almost certainly face a crisis. more worrying given the changes to procedures we will likely face this kind of con testation after every close election in america. the basic legitimacy of the american electoral system has been eroded. republicans in particular have embraced a big lie that american elections are filled with fraud. it may be that we have exposed a flaw in the founder fathers' constitution. they believe that you did not need to ensure people acted virtuously. if men were angels japs madison famously wrote no government would be necessary. ambition would be made to counter act ambition and this system of checks and balances would preserve liberty and democracy. but can a system really work without human beings acting responsibly even virtuously? one branch of government congress is supposed to check the other. but today for republicans party politics trumps institutional loyalty. the real scandal of january 6th is not what happened outside the capitol alone. it's what happened inside when a majority of house republicans voted to overturn the valid results of a lex to curry favor with donald trump. is the that vote not the violence that almost broke the american system. we often hear that unlike in fledgling democracies america's institutions are strong. but as emerson said an institution is the length and shadow of one man. if people abuse them, attack them, disregard them, these storied institutions will slowly collapse. and so all our efforts must be devoted to making people act responsibly even virtuously. in particular, republicans must come to realize they can and should disagree with democrats vigorously on taxing, regulation, inflation, environment, whatever they want. but now they must come together with these same democrats to preserve a credible and legitimate political system. for all of us, this is the most important political issue right now. not the views on iran or inflation or green subsidies. let's first save american democracy. i'm fareed zakaria. thanks for watching. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at the following is a cnn special report. the violence at the capitol on january 6th, 2021, was just the most visible part of donald trump's attempt to hold on to power. [ chants ] >> tonight we talk to those who witnessed the whole plot unfurl and tried to stop it. the lies -- >> this election was stolen from you, from me, and from the country. >> if you ask how many republican congressmen believe donald trump was re-elected, i'd say maybe a couple. but 60% of our base does

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Candidate , House , Possibility , Insurrections , Side , Supreme Court , One , Joe Biden , Have A Stolen Election , Emergency , Troops , Guard , It , Chaos , Scenario , Situation , Scare , Statements , Number , Dangerous , Escalator , System , Reality , Punch Line , Shot , Sir , Heart , Result , Stage , Commitment , Principle , Anything , Suspense , Results , Statement , Steven Livitsky , Democracies , Book , Daniel Ziblatt , Victory , Livitsky , Front , The New York Times , Concerns , Warnings , Sunday Review , People , Lot , Table , Skepticism , Reality Tv Show Guy , Risk , Constitutional Republic S Future Survival , Fact , Alarms , Retrospect , Four , Presidency , 3 Million , 2016 , Millions , Votes , Voting Process , President Of The United States , Opinion , Illegals , Author , Functioning Democracy , False , Last Night , Take A Look At Pugh , Debunked , Fraud , Faith , Report , Evidence , Erosion , Information , Mr , Question , President A Threat , Fear , Many , News Channels , Game , Media , Don T , Views , Loyalists , Facts , News , Crap , Party , Loyalty , Robert Kagan , Balances , Fathers , Checks , Branches , Congress , Party Partisanship , Interests , Instance , Saying , Flaw , Trap Door , Founders , Individual , Weakness , Protections , Qualities , Gap , Scene , Anarchy , January 6th , Damage , Tears , January 6th 2021 , 2021 , 6 , 71 , 2020 , Crisis , Government , Tens , Tragedy , Trust , Side Story , None , I Don T Trust The Cdc , 70 Million , Things , Kind , Leaders , Career , Realization , Ann Applebaum , Hungary , Poland , Parts , Countries , Failing , Growing , End , Autocracy , Leader , Democratic , Reason , Camp , Gorbachev , Home , Global Superpower , Nothing , Fallible , Fragile , Experiment , Complicated Experiment , Depression , Failure , Great Depression , 1930 , Nation , Food , Franklin Delano Roosevelt , Jobs , Streets , Fights , Scraps , Farms , Foreclosing , Riots , Demagogue , Ground , Hope , Few , Charles Coughlin , Politicians , Voice , Star , The Darkness , Anxiety , Figure , Message , Tribalism , Price , Handshake , Ladies And Gentlemen , Sunday Night , 30 Million , Followers , Audience , Letters , A Million , Love , Jew , Neighbor , Christ , Adolf Hitler , Hate , Weapon , March Of Terror , Power , Money Changers , Newspapers , Influence , Temple , President , Target , Dictatorship , Step , Radio , Platform , Forces , Grasping , Charles Lindbergh , Huey Long , Rooms , Catholic Church , Priest , Tables , Program , Part , Steps , Fireside Chats , American Life , Deal , Lines , Programs , Thousands , Workers , Dozens , Administration , Map , Civilian Conservation Corps , Dot , Fading Memory , Insistence , Dinner Tables , Demagoguery , Ramp Up To World War Ii , Tools , Unity , Threat , Patriotism , Germany , Save Democracy , The Ashes , Twist , German Republic , Madman , Echoes , 26 , Questions , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Foods , Ww , Goals , Personalpoints Program , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Trial , 14 , Immune System , Defenses , Life , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Customers , Plan , Magenta , Iphone 13 , T Mobile , 13 , Trees , Green Red , Me And You , Money , Owner , Future , Investor , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Times , Feel , Electorlytes , Sugar , Company , Carvana , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Three , Car , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , 100 , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Value , Film Industry , Rivaled Hollywood , Albert Einstein , Winners , Groundbreaking Expressionist Art , Nobel Prize , 1920 , State Of The Art Constitution , Gay Rights Movement , Women S Suffrage , A Hundred , Vote Counts , Campaign , Cabinet , Speech , Establishment , Powers , Pattern , Rise , Responsibility , Example , Mussolini , Italy , Compatriots , Insiders , Genius , Action , Scholars , Strongman , Mitch Mcconnell , Thought , Opportunity , Attempt , Elites , Unholy Alliance , Dynamic , Outsiders , Death , Out , Big Lie , World War I , Right Wing Conspiracy Theory , Wing , Men , Battle , Peace Treaty , Conspiracy Theory , Peace , Back , Stab , Munich Beer Hall , Attention , Coup , Force , National Revolution , Ann A , Lesson , Prison , Mein Kampf , Nazis , Hands , Prime Ministers , Campaign Trail , Laughingstock , 10 , 1929 , 1928 , Unemployment , Crises , Hunger , Resentment , Bitterness , Shadows Over , 40 , Refugees , Greatest Mass Exodus Of Modern Times , Streams , Border , Economy , Benjamin Hett , Issue , Eastern Europe , Globalization , Account , Points , Catch Phrase , Companies , Manufacturing Operations , China , Man , Legislature , Seats , Virtues , Reichstag , 20 , Min Hinden , Aging Symbol , Paul Vonn , He Disdained Hitler , To Make Hitler , Origins , War Hero , Parties , Wanted To Control Hitler , Socialists , Hindenberg , Chancellorship , Sense , Job , Cabinet Post , Fuhrer , The End , 1932 , Strategy , Urgency , All Or Nothing , Campaign Coffers , Movement , History , Ironies , Franz Von Papen , Idea , Insider , Friend , Fatefully , January 30th 1933 , 1933 , Everything , Third Reich , Adolf Hitler Is Born , Corner , Six , Rivals , Dictator , Enemies , Strength , Lessons , Steal , Willingness , Mainstream , Conservatives , Option , Aa Battery , Cupcake , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Odors , Spaces , Room , Grab Febreze Small Spaces , Febreze , La Chase First Banking , Case Closed , 45 , Debit Card , Kids , Set , Money Habits , Chores , Allowances , Savings Goals , Mobile App , Spending , Alerts , Service Fee , Chase , Chase First Banking , Some , Growing Up , Memories , Cooking , Mom , Kitchen , Version , Advisor , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Meal , Nm Com , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief , Clerk , Vicks Vapocool , Wooo Vaporize , Honey Lemon , Honey Lemon Chill , Lotion , Nose , Puffs , Tissues , Lotion Tissue , Theo Blows , Need , Relief , 1 , 50 , Diet Food , Lifestyle , Extra , Assessment , Arugula , Ww Personalpoints , Cheese , Wine , Vegetables , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com , Hurry , January 10th , Body , Vitamin C , Centrum , Season , Support , Ace , Routine , Look , Sports , Place , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Xfinity , Nice , Touchdown , Cost , The Hits Won T Quit , Cheering , Irish , Peacock Premium , November Of 2020 , Officials , Bleep , Phone Calls , Mother , Second Amendment , Landslide , Callers , War , Allies , Wisconsin , Review , Audits , Michael Gableman , Charge , Behind Closed Doors , Jail , Investigation , Night , Crews , Mayor , Arrest , Madison , Effort , Audit , Person , Taxpayers , Won T , 2022 , 700000 , 00000 , Election Results , Efforts , Maricopa County , Confidence , Arizona , Secretary Of State , Office , Ballots , Claims , Idaho , Control , Command , Vote Flipping , 10000 , State Officials , Allegations , Counties , Margin , Voting Machines , Error , Cries , Oklahoma , Election Fraud , Governors , Charges , State Legislators , Election System , Poll , 33 , Didn T Win , 82 , Elections , Laws , Grip , Bill Passes , Demoting , 17 , Election Integrity , Bills , Election Subversion , 19 , Election Integrity Act , Georgia , Brad Raffensperger , Who , 11780 , Chief Election Officer , State Legislature , Georgia Republicans , Role , Atlanta , Employees , Input , Lick , Series , Election Officials , Poll Workers , Mistakes , Punishments , Election Official , Effect , Accuracy , Belief , General Public , Texas , Volunteers , Applications , Mistake , Citizens Unrequested , Florida , 5000 , 25000 , Voters , Addition , Intimidation Tactics , Dropboxes , Candidates , Picture , Oversight , Wave , Stop , Someone , Swing State , Race , Insurrection Running , Margins , State Boards , Authorities , 0 3 , Level , Demands , Election Workers , Scale , Agenda , Purge , Anyone , Vitamins , Protein , Energy , Nutrition , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Student Loan Debt , Move , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Descent , Merkel , Finance Minister , Moderate , Kts , 16 , Political Parties , Lie , Policies , Left , Currents , Ways , Scholar Notes , Fragmentation , 90 , Socialist Party , Shadow , France , Self , Poll List , Workable Coalition , Spain , 2018 , Politics , Coalition Government , Turmoil , Record , Netherlands , 225 , 2017 , Happening , Age , Reasons , Diversity , Institutions , Figures , Anxieties , Complexity , Country Back , Distrust , Solutions , Blibed , Who Peddle , Memory , Misty , Scenarios , Runs , Spanish , Worrying , Changes , Procedures , Con Testation , Republicans , Electoral System , Legitimacy , Constitution , Founder , Virtuously , Men Were Angels Japs Madison , Ambition , Act , Liberty , Branch , Party Politics , Scandal , Human Beings , Capitol , Lex , Institution , Length , Emerson , Particular , Inflation , Regulation , Environment , Watching , Subsidies , Thanks , Save American Democracy , Iran , Customer , Moms , Experience , Respect , Birthday , Care , Running , Meetings , Errands , Dream , Capitol On January 6th , Chants , Plot Unfurl , Couple , Lies , Base , Congressmen , 60 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709

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matter what storm. and she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom. >> good evening. i'm fareed zakaria. the light of american democracy shining into the darkest corners of the world. it wasn't just rhetoric. it was real. the cold war ended. the soviet union collapsed. democracy flowered. now, 30 years later, american democracy is in trouble. abraham lincoln warned us this country's destruction will not come from abroad but instead will spring up amongst us. he was right, of course. the danger is here at home. republican versus democrat. american versus american. >> jews will not replace us! >> the ascendance of old fears and ugly prejudice. across the world we see the same divisions. democracy everywhere is under attack. but remember, america has been here before. america has vanquished demagogues before. how do we do it now? for answers, i turn to the smartest experts i could find. our story begins with two of them. a former republican, an adviser to presidents on foreign policy. and a harvard professor who has studied democracy for decades. listen closely as they describe what could happen in 2024, the next presidential election. >> i am having a hard time seeing how we avoid the train wreck that is now visibly before us. >> i think most of us still have not gotten our heads around the very real prospect that we could have a stolen election. >> i think trump will easily take the nomination. i don't think any republican who has any chance would dare to run against him. >> we know it's going to be a very close election. it's an election that almost certainly a small handful of st states, very closely contested states, will decide. >> trump doesn't win, at least according to whatever objective count of the vote you may have. a contested 2024 election, which is not settled. >> republicans declare that they think the election was stolen or that something was wrong. >> the state legislatures in various states challenge the vote in the state as it was counted. >> and there's intense protest, maybe violence, contestation over the election because we don't know for sure who won. >> everybody is accusing everybody else of lying and subverting the election. there will be calls for the military to deal with insurrections. >> at that point, it's possible that no candidate would win a majority. the election would be thrown into the house. >> the supreme court could make a decision one way or the other. but i doubt that either side will accept the decision. the possibility of violence is very high. does president biden declare a national emergency and send in the troops? do the states use their national guard? >> you could plausibly, constitutionally, have a stolen election. >> we're at that point in a situation of chaos. and it's hard to know how we get out of it, actually. >> this is not a crazy scare scenario. there's a good chance this could happen. from the moment donald trump came down that escalator, he made a seemingly endless number of bizarre and provocative statements. but perhaps the most dangerous was this. >> this system is rigged. we're competing in a rigged election. this is a rigged election. >> constantly repeating. it became just another trump punch line. >> it's a rigged election. >> in reality, it was a shot at the heart of democracy. the free and fair election. >> i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election? >> i will look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. >> are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle? >> i'll tell you at the time. i'll keep you in suspense. >> the repeated statement that he might not accept the results of an election if he lost is unthinkable in the u.s. >> professor steven livitsky is worried. >> we have really not seen that in american democracy. >> an astounding upset victory. >> livitsky and fellow professor daniel ziblatt began writing a book called "how democracies die." when trump won, they published their concerns in "the new york times." >> we're a month after the election and "the new york times" is seriously going to put on the front of "sunday review" that the future of democracy is threatened. >> the warnings met with skepticism. >> does anybody around this table or at "the new york times" really believe that our constitutional republic's future survival is now at risk because a reality tv show guy got elected? >> there were a lot of people who viewed our book as overly alarmist. and i think in retrospect, we were actually insufficiently alarmist. >> in fact the alarms began going off just four days into the trump presidency. >> if true, this would be the biggest presidential election story in history. >> trump alleged that 3 million people had voted illegally in 2016. >> you have people that are registered who are dead, who are illegals. >> you're now president of the united states. when you say -- >> of course, i want the voting process to be legitimate. >> what i'm asking, when you say in your opinion millions of illegal votes, that is something that is extremely fundamental to our functioning democracy, a fair and free election. what you have presented so far has been debunked. it's been called false. >> take a look at pugh reports. >> i spoke to the author last night and he told me he found no evidence of fraud. >> really? then why did he write the report? >> so began the dangerous erosion of faith in the american election process. >> he believes what he believes based on the information he's provided. >> what does that mean for democracy? >> it means that -- i've answered your question. >> have you? >> it would become the defining question of the trump presidency. >> is the president a threat to our democracy? >> mr. president, is this still a democracy? >> that growing fear did not exist for the many who watched pro-trump news channels. >> the people in charge rigged the game. >> the media has been lying to you. >> most trump loyalists believe only what trump tells them. >> don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. >> even when the facts overwhelmingly contradict those views. >> trump has captured the republican party. >> so much so that for trump's people, the party itself is no longer important. >> i don't even think it's the republican party anymore. i think this is just trump. >> this fanatical loyalty, says robert kagan, may actually be destroying the system the founding fathers created to protect democracy. >> the checks and balances they set up were really checks and balances between and among the different branches. they didn't anticipate that people in congress, for instance, would be more loyal to the republican party than to the interests, the institutional interests of congress. >> this is very important. what you're saying is that party partisanship has become so great that basically it's broken the checks and balances system? >> i would say there was let's say a flaw or a trap door in the system that the founders didn't anticipate, that they didn't prepare for. i think it took a particular individual with particular personal qualities to really exploit this gap or this weakness in our constitutional protections. >> the damage done became starkly clear on january 6th, 2021. >> it's anarchy, it really is anarchy. >> this is the united states of america? >> i am in tears today to see this scene. this is not an american scene. >> we love trump! >> now loyalty to trump remains for many stronger than truth. 71% of republicans still say trump won the 2020 election. but the heart of the crisis goes still deeper. tens of millions of americans no longer have faith in democracy itself. >> pretty much everybody knows the government is corrupt. >> i don't trust the government. i don't trust the cdc. i don't trust none of them. >> the tragedy of america is not trump. trump is a side story, really. the tragedy is that 70 million people voted for trump. >> it is all hauntingly familiar to ann applebaum. she reports on autocratic leaders from hungary to turkey to poland. >> one of the strangest things for me in my career has been the sudden realization that these are exactly the kind of things that you see very often in other parts of the world. >> the number of countries where democracy is failing or autocracy growing is now the highest it has been since the end of the cold war. one reason why? >> during the cold war, the united states presented itself as the leader of the democratic camp. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> and that was something that bound together democrats and republicans. it was something that a lot of americans felt proud of. >> the global superpower promoted democracy abroad and proudly embraced it at home. but can america still be ronald reagan's shining city on a hill? >> there's nothing inevitable about american democracy. this is a fragile, fallible, complicated experiment. >> that experiment has faltered before. it's almost failed, only to return triumphant. to understand how that happened, we need to go back almost a century ago. >> it was an existential crisis. >> the early 1930s. the great depression is battering a nearly broken country. >> depression, fear and failure stalk the nation. >> the jobs are gone. farms are foreclosing. there are riots in the streets, fights over scraps of food. franklin delano roosevelt has just been elected. >> this great nation will endure has it has endured. >> but few can see any hope. a desperate america is fertile ground for a demagogue. >> we're through with the sham politicians and now we're on our own. >> father charles coughlin was the brightest political star in the darkness of the depression. >> he had such a soothing voice that you forgot you were poor, you forgot there was a depression. >> father coughlin was a popular divisive figure who broadcast a message of fear and tribalism and anxiety. >> you have paid the price, democratic america. >> every handshake that adds another individual to his colossal following. >> every sunday night, he broadcast to 30 million people. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. >> coughlin's audience is vast. >> he was answering a million letters every single week. >> it was about this anxiety that the other was coming to take what you had. >> coughlin told his followers exactly who the other was. an ugly message. >> we are christian insofar as we believe in christ's principle of love your neighbor as yourself and with that principle i challenge every jew in this nation to tell me that he does not believe in it. >> even as hitler began his march of terror, the same brand of hate became a potent weapon for charles coughlin. >> drive the money changers from the temple! >> his political power surged. >> amazed by his influence, we uneasily watch the newspapers. >> people are calling on him to run for president. >> but he did not. instead he made the president his favorite target. >> the president of the united states, one step towards dictatorship. >> there were other would-be demagogues grasping for power. charles lindbergh. huey long. but coughlin had the greatest platform. >> radio was one of the great revolutionary forces. it brought this distant world into people's living rooms. suddenly these people that you only read about were in your house. >> over time, the catholic church tried to rein in this dangerous priest. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. >> then, president roosevelt found a way to turn the tables, using coughlin's most potent weapon, the radio. fdr's fireside chats became a key part of american life. >> i want to tell you what has been done in the last few days and why it was done and what the next steps are going to be. >> he used them to sell the program that would turn the country around. the new deal. >> we are definitely rebuilding our political and economic system on the lines laid down by the new deal. >> there was the civilian conservation corps. there was the workers progress administration. >> many thousands of such jobs as these dot the map of the united states. >> dozens of programs that put people back to work and put food back on american dinner tables. >> today depression is a fading memory. >> roosevelt's insistence was that the only way to save democracy was to save the people who formed that democracy. >> finally, with the ramp-up to world war ii, the depression was over. the hate and demagoguery that tore at democracy in the 1930s gradually faded. and so did father coughlin. a threat from abroad revived patriotism and national unity. and so did franklin roosevelt's new deal. he used the tools of democracy to help save democracy. just ahead, while america was rising from the ashes of the depression, in germany democracy was losing to a fanatical madman. how did it win here but lose there? >> the german republic was dead. >> a story with a twist that has haunting echoes to the current american crisis. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just 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1920s. the thriving and sophisticated wiemar republic. it was a proud and advanced democracy with a state of the art constitution. women's suffrage. and a hundred years ago, a strong gay rights movement. but in a few short years, all of it was gone. adolf hitler came to power. >> in the crucial presidential campaign, every vote counts. >> by killing democracy from within. >> his first cabinet speech. >> he was enabled, crucially, by germany's conservative establishment that tried to use him, underestimated him. >> hitler assumed dictatorial powers. >> and eventually was destroyed by him. >> the responsibility of the conservative leaders was massive. >> the german republic was dead. >> hitler's rise is the most deadly example of a chilling pattern. >> mussolini, hailed by his compatriots as a genius of italy. >> political insiders willingly giving power. two ca to a charismatic strongman. and the scholars who wrote "how democracies die" worry. >> the time for action has come. >> that this pattern may be repeating itself in america. >> i alone can fix it. >> establishment republicans. >> i'm pleased to be here with majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> thought that they saw an opportunity in donald trump and decided they need to form an unholy alliance with him. we see this dynamic of conservative elites aligning themselves with demagogic outsiders throughout history. >> it was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election. >> let's be very clear. donald trump is not adolf hitler. but weimar's death highlights a death for all democracies, specifically the way conservative elites, determined to keep the left out of power, align themselves with an anti-democratic demagogue. the story in germany began with a big lie. after the nation was defeated in world war i, a baseless right wing conspiracy theory was born, that the military had not lost in battle. >> states men assembled to draw up the peace treaty. >> but was forced to surrender by treacherous right wing politicians. >> it was called the stab in the back. >> a young adolf hitler eagerly embraced this conspiracy theory. >> he blamed the men who had signed the peace. >> and used it to come to national attention. >> adolf hitler calls for action. >> he tried to seize power by force in a coup. >> in this munich beer hall, he proclaims a national revolution. >> but his beer hall putsch was a spectacular failure. hitler went to prison, wrote "mein kampf," and learned ann a valuable lesson. >> it is far less likely that a leader will come to power by seizing it militarily. it is far more likely that democracies die at the hands of elected prime ministers and elected presidents. >> so hitler and the nazis hit the campaign trail. at first, they were a laughingstock, getting less than 10% of the vote through 1928. >> it is 1929. >> but then came the great depression. >> shadows over germany. and unemployment grows. >> unemployment reached 40%. >> hunger was added to resentment, bitterness. >> severe economic crises kill democracies. >> on top of a krcratering economy, there was a crisis at the border. >> streams of refugees. >> more than a million refugees. >> there began the greatest mass exodus of modern times. >> including thousands and thousands of jews from eastern europe, came to germany. >> the border became a very loaded political issue. >> as the historian benjamin hett points out in his recent account of weimar, the nazis were fundamentally opposed to globalization before it was a catch phrase. >> hitler says something which really seems to jump out at us all these years later. he talks about german companies outsourcing manufacturing operations to china. >> by 1930, the nazis won the second most seats in the legislature. that was still less than 20% of the reichstag. >> one man represents the age-old virtues of germany. >> but there was one man who could still make hitler germany's leader. >> aging symbol of the ruling weimar republic. >> the nation's right wing president, paul vonn min hinden. a war hero, he had the power to appoint a chancellor. he disdained hitler's humble origins but he hated germany's left wing parties even more. >> he thought this is a figure we can use to keep the socialists out of power. >> hindenberg wanted to control hitler, offering him a cabinet post but not the chancellorship. but the fuhrer was holding out for the top job. by the end of 1932. >> now there is a new sense of urgency. >> hitler's all or nothing strategy was failing. >> hitler knows that his nazi party is in danger. >> nazi votes were declining. >> the nazis are running out of money. >> campaign coffers were dwindling. and the party was in chaos. >> one of the real tragic ironies of history was that hitler was put into power right at the moment where his movement looked like it was going to fall apart. >> a right wing insider brought the fuhrer back to life. >> one man emerges with a dangerous idea. >> former chancellor franz von papen was trying to get back into power. he set out to convince his friend, president hindenberg, to make hitler chancellor if hitler would make papen vice chancellor. seeing this as the best way to keep the left out of power. hindenberg, fatefully, agreed. and on january 30th, 1933, a hate-filled demagogue -- >> the third reich of adolf hitler is born. >> -- seized power. everything was under control, papen said. >> famously, at this moment, papen said to a friend, we have hired him. he says, in six weeks, we will have pushed him so far into a corner, he will squeak. >> but within weeks, adolf hitler made himself a dictator and soon he was killing off enemies and rivals including many of the right wing insiders who had enabled his rise. democracy in germany was dead. >> you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength and you have to be strong. >> it's lessons for america. >> we will not take it anymore. >> are sobering. >> stop the steal. >> the willingness of mainstream conservatives to back a potentially authoritarian option. because of fear of their rivals, is something that i think we're seeing playing out in the united states today. >> it's over! until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. got lingering odors? grab febreze small spaces. press firmly to activate... and small spaces continuously eliminates and prevents odors... freshen up any small room... ...for up to 45 days. febreze. ♪la la la♪ chase first banking. a debit card for kids, and a set of tools to help them learn good money habits. by creating allowances and assigning chores, they can practice earning every day. with a debit card just for them, they'll learn smart spending firsthand, while you monitor and set account alerts. and using their own chase mobile app, they can set big savings goals. all with no monthly service fee. chase first banking. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. since november of 2020. >> we're coming after you and every mother [ bleep ] that stole this election with our second amendment. >> these are the kind of threatening phone calls local election officials have received. >> you ruined my [ bleep ] election, you [ bleep ] piece of [ bleep ]. >> the callers are trompeump loyalists who believe in his big lie. >> we want trump! >> we won this election and we won it by a landslide. >> we won in a landslide! >> a year into joe biden's presidency. >> he cheated. >> there was fraud. you have to revisit. >> trump won. >> across the country, donald trump's allies are still at war to overturn the last election, forcing local election officials to revisit the 2020 vote count again and again and again. >> in wisconsin, local republicans have conducted three separate partisan audits in an attempt to prove joe biden should not be president. no widespread fraud has ever been found. the third review is still ongoing. behind closed doors. the man republicans have put in charge is michael gableman. he dodged questions from cnn crews. >> can we talk to you about your investigation, sir? >> have a good night. >> and even called for the arrest of madison's democratic mayor who refuses to testify in private. >> if it comes down to it and i have to go to jail for democracy, i certainly won't be the first person to have done so. >> the audit is likely to cost taxpayers close to $700,000. >> i think this is really about 2022 and 2024. i mean, this is an effort to reduce people's confidence in our election results. >> efforts like the one in wisconsin are taking place across the country. in maricopa county in arizona. >> we've never seen a private company be able to come in and take command and control of live ballots. >> in idaho, where the secretary of state's office recently hand-recounted ballots to refute claims of vote flipping. >> after reviewing almost 10,000 ballots over three different counties, officials found a margin of error of less than 1%. >> and in oklahoma, state officials there opened an investigation to counter allegations of hacked voting machines. similar cries of fraud from governors and state legislators have gone on and continue to go on in nearly 40 states. >> the fact is, election fraud does occur. >> charges of widespread fraud have all been proven false. but the claims have succeeded in one critical way. they have shattered trust in the election system. a poll published in november found that only 33% of republicans said that they would trust the results of the 2024 election if their candidate didn't win. that compares to 82% of democrats. >> there will be no faith whatsoever in election results. >> there's 70 million people who do not believe this. >> so i think it's much more likely that we have a full-blown national crisis in 2024. >> the crisis is unfolding right now. with republicans passing new laws. >> the bill passes. >> that tighten their grip on how elections are run and who counts the votes. they have also been removing, replacing, or demoting election officials who would not endorse donald trump's false allegations of fraud. a dozen states enacted 17 laws last year that paved the way for future election subversion. at least 19 have passed laws that simply make it harder to vote. republicans argue that the bills are necessary to restore what they call election integrity and will make future elections more secure. >> i urge your favorable vote for the election integrity act. >> but the most worrying laws give republican state officials even more power to control local elections. remember georgia's republican secretary of state, brad raffensperger, who bravely refused to give in to trump? >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> georgia republicans stripped raffensperger of his role as chief election officer and purged other election officials. >> a body of unelected officials in atlanta appointed by the state legislature and not us can fire our employees without a lick of input from us. >> georgia is just one target in a carefully planned effort by the gop that could enable them to steal the next election, perfectly legally. some new laws promise harsh punishments for election officials and poll workers for simple mistakes. >> there are a series of laws in states that are put in to criminalize election officials for doing their jobs. that has a really corrosive effect on the general public's belief in the accuracy of our election results. >> in texas, an election official can now go to jail for sending citizens unrequested vote by mail applications. >> we're going to have to educate our own volunteers to make sure they don't make a mistake. >> in florida, officials can be fined up to $25,000 if they allow voters to deposit ballots in dropboxes outside of official hours. in addition to the intimidation tactics. >> rigged the 2020 election. >> widespread fraud. >> a wave of trump-supporting stop the steal candidates are running for office across the country. some with direct oversight of elections. all of it paints a grim picture of what could happen in 2024. >> it is incredibly alarming. in fact in every swing state where we have a secretary of state race, there is someone who has either spread the big lie or was at the insurrection running to oversee elections. >> to understand how it could play out, just look at the razor-thin margins in these battleground states from 2020. narrow everywhere. 0.3 of 1% in georgia. the fear is that state boards could intervene and override local authorities. >> we could plausibly constitutionally have a stolen election. >> for many in 2020, democracy was saved at the state level about heroic officials and election workers who stood up to trump's demands. >> the republican party at every level has engaged in a full scale purge of anyone who looks like they're not completely on board with the trump agenda. >> as these officials disappear, who will be left to stand up to defend democracy in 2024? for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi- you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi- and get your money right. let me conclude this program about american democracy by looking at germany again. after its hellish descent to tyranny the country recreated itself and today germany appears to be an almost stable democracy. merkel served solidly for 16 years and she's been succeeded by the former finance minister kts another moderate. the country's policies seem to have shifted in marginal ways. but behind that calm lie more turbulent currents. as a scholar notes, for decades germany's two main political parties on the left and right taken together you recally got about 90% of the vote but they just got under 50% in the 2021 federal election. the political fragmentation and happening across the western world. france's socialist party is now a shadow of its former self. spain had to hold four elections in four years to arrive at a workable coalition. in italy to 2018 ushered poll list politics has been in turmoil. even the netherlands took a record 225 days to form a coalition government in 2017. why is this happening? some of the reasons are familiar. an age of rapid technological change accelerating, globalization and increasing ethnic diversity created great anxiety. these anxieties then lead to distrust in traditional institutions and blibed parties. new figures crash on to the political scene. some of who peddle simple solutions to get rid of the complexity and take the country back, back to when times were more stable. back to when the country was great. in the misty often mistaken memory of some. but why does american democracy feel more threatened than say france or spanish democracy? it approaches the next presidential election. if the scenarios outlines here come true, donald trump runs, wins the nomination and it's a close election we will almost certainly face a crisis. more worrying given the changes to procedures we will likely face this kind of con testation after every close election in america. the basic legitimacy of the american electoral system has been eroded. republicans in particular have embraced a big lie that american elections are filled with fraud. it may be that we have exposed a flaw in the founder fathers' constitution. they believe that you did not need to ensure people acted virtuously. if men were angels japs madison famously wrote no government would be necessary. ambition would be made to counter act ambition and this system of checks and balances would preserve liberty and democracy. but can a system really work without human beings acting responsibly even virtuously? one branch of government congress is supposed to check the other. but today for republicans party politics trumps institutional loyalty. the real scandal of january 6th is not what happened outside the capitol alone. it's what happened inside when a majority of house republicans voted to overturn the valid results of a lex to curry favor with donald trump. is the that vote not the violence that almost broke the american system. we often hear that unlike in fledgling democracies america's institutions are strong. but as emerson said an institution is the length and shadow of one man. if people abuse them, attack them, disregard them, these storied institutions will slowly collapse. and so all our efforts must be devoted to making people act responsibly even virtuously. in particular, republicans must come to realize they can and should disagree with democrats vigorously on taxing, regulation, inflation, environment, whatever they want. but now they must come together with these same democrats to preserve a credible and legitimate political system. for all of us, this is the most important political issue right now. not the views on iran or inflation or green subsidies. let's first save american democracy. i'm fareed zakaria. thanks for watching. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at the following is a cnn special report. the violence at the capitol on january 6th, 2021, was just the most visible part of donald trump's attempt to hold on to power. [ chants ] >> tonight we talk to those who witnessed the whole plot unfurl and tried to stop it. the lies -- >> this election was stolen from you, from me, and from the country. >> if you ask how many republican congressmen believe donald trump was re-elected, i'd say maybe a couple. but 60% of our base does

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Demoting , 17 , Election Integrity , Bills , Election Subversion , 19 , Election Integrity Act , Georgia , Brad Raffensperger , Who , 11780 , Chief Election Officer , State Legislature , Georgia Republicans , Role , Atlanta , Employees , Input , Lick , Series , Election Officials , Poll Workers , Mistakes , Punishments , Election Official , Effect , Accuracy , Belief , General Public , Texas , Volunteers , Applications , Mistake , Citizens Unrequested , Florida , 5000 , 25000 , Voters , Addition , Intimidation Tactics , Dropboxes , Candidates , Picture , Oversight , Wave , Stop , Someone , Swing State , Race , Insurrection Running , Margins , State Boards , Authorities , 0 3 , Level , Demands , Election Workers , Scale , Agenda , Purge , Anyone , Vitamins , Protein , Energy , Nutrition , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Student Loan Debt , Move , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Descent , Merkel , Finance Minister , Moderate , Kts , 16 , Political Parties , Lie , Policies , Left , Currents , Ways 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