Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

russia as the biden administration warns it will impose severe penalties if russia invades ukraine. we'll tell you how russia is now respond. we could learn soon whether tennis star novak djokovic will be allowed to stay in australia where he's being detained amid a fight over his visa. no red carpet, audience or tv coverage. why the golden globe awards will look very different tonight. sometimes we need a little help here. you're waking up on sunday, jan january 9th. good morning to you. >> great to be with you, christi. we start with the omicron variant surging rapidly across the united states. cases are rising at an alarming rate, as some of the nation's largest school districts fight to get student back into classrooms this week. in chicago, a standoff after the teachers union voted to teach remotely while the city wants in-person learning. chicago's mayor rejected a new proposal from the teachers union had virtual beginning wednesday and in-person classes starting the following week. right now she case kids are safest in the classroom. >> we have a lot of single parent households, moms who cannot afford to miss work. we need our kids back in school. remote learning for any period of time is off the table. >> the other side is the growing numbers of children are being admitted to hospitals with covid infections. los angeles county is seeing its highest number of covid cases in a single week. that was just days before schools are reopening, too, and hospitalizations there have doubled in that same period. the children's hospital of l.a. is reporting that a quarter of kids admitted with covid are requiring icu attention. cnn's polo sandoval is in new york and that's where hospitals are struggling to handle the surge as well. >> reporter: with covid hospitalizations at record highs in new york, state officials are ordering dozens of health care facilities to put nonessential and nonurgent surgical procedures on hold for a week. four facilities in central and northern new york are experiencing 90% bed occupancy according to authorities. new york state, just the latest racing to help hospitals and health care networks with shortages of staff and supplies amid the omicron surge. at the university of kansas health system, similar concerns about their facility's approaching a breaking point. >> you go from normal operations to contingency and contingency planning means i have to put patients in unusual situations, you say i have to cancel surgeries, but you say we're too overwhelmed to do our normal daily work and can't meet all of our patients' demands and at that point we have to turn on a switch that says we have to triage to the people we can help the most and let some people die who we might have been able to help. >> reporter: the u.s. is seeing a record number of hospitalizations for children under 5 years old and new admissions for children under 18 are averaging nearly 800 a day. the figures are fueling the debate about how the nation's schoolchildren should continue their spring semester. in georgia, officials say public school teachers and staff are allowed to return to work even after testing positive or being exposed to covid-19, as long as they don't have symptoms and mask up. though each school district can make its own isolation guidelines. >> i believe that anything that we do that is not putting the priority on keeping students and educators and their families safe is a mistake. we should be using every tool we have in our toolbox to mitigate the spread of covid-19 in our classrooms. >> reporter: the biden administration says it plans to make up to 500 million tests available to americans for free this month. one emergency physician in houston remains skeptical that's going to be enough. >> we need them now. 500 million won't be enough. every american should have at least two to three tests per week to be testing and 500 million is not even going to get us near there. >> reporter: with demand for covid testing still high an additional problem is emerging. fraudulent testing kits. according to federal authorities, experts warning using fake testing products won't just be a waste of your money but increase the risk of knowingly spreading the virus and delaying treatment for it. the federal trade commission recommending you only purchase tests authorized by the fda as listed on the agency's website. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. thanks for that report. the biden administration is preparing for talks tomorrow over russia's troop buildup along the border with ukraine and the stakes are high. >> the u.s. has warned of, quote, severe and overwhelming costs to russia's economy if vladimir putin invades ukraine. as many as 100,000 russian troops are amassed along the border there. the talks in geneva, switzerland r aimed at averting a war and deescalating the situation. but russia's foreign deputy minister says moscow is, quote, disappointed with the signals it's received from the united states ahead of the meeting. our reporters are tracking the latest developments ahead of that. white house correspondent jasmine wright and senior international correspondent fred pleitgen and europe editor nina dos santos. jeff, want to start with you. the white house as we said is threatening to impose these high-impact sanctions should russia invade ukraine. what more can you tell us? >> senior administration officials declined in a call with reporters to specifically get into exactly what they are preparing to impose should russia invade ukraine, but they use those words, severe and overwhelming economic costs, should the kremlin do what many fear that they might and now these sanctions would start big and that kind of bucks past administration strategy when trying to deter russia. now my colleague natasha said -- reported that sources told her that these could have really big, devastating impacts for russian consumers, russian industrial operations and employment. these restrictions could leave russia to face the same type of export restrictions, in some cases country likes iran, syria and cuba. u.s. officials say on the other side that there are places where u.s. and russia concerns overlap and that potentially opens up places for negotiations, and that could be on missile deployment in ukraine, also nato and u.s. military exercises. those are places that they feel like they could proceed with talks on. again, reciprocity for senior administration officials, is a big word they told reporters yesterday. they want to see russian actions match u.s. actions so they want to see russia's offers match u.s. offers in terms of size and scope, and without that, officials say the u.s. will not move forward. now while officials aren't necessarily optimistic about what could come out of these talks starting tomorrow, they say that they are realistic about the high stakes situation that lies ahead. christi and boris? >> jasmine wright from the white house, thanks for walking us through that. let's dig deeper on the crisis in ukraine and also in kazakhstan. we have cnn's nina dos santos in london and fred pleitgen is on the border between kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. something christi alluded to the russian foreign deputy minister saying that the nation is disappointed with signals it's received from the u.s. in advance of the meetings this week, saying that u.s. doesn't understand russia's needs. what exactly does that mean? limiting the expansion of nato? >> yeah. that's exactly what russia has been talking about for nam of months now. it's put a list of demands, draft demands, in writing a couple times in the run up to these key summits that are taking place in geneva, brussels and vienna throughout the course of the next week or so. those demands notably try to get nato to sign on the dotted line, push back a lot of its eastern european presence and commit to not allowing further post-soviet states to expand nato further. that would rule out the likes of countries like ukraine and georgia that both face annexation of their territories since 2008 for georgia and 2014 for crukraine, to become nato members. as you heard from jasmine and western diplomats is a nonstarter because there isn't an element of reciprocity where the russians would make concessions themselves. is russia serious of getting around the negotiating table to talk to make any concessions or just a pretext for talks to happen and fail and for the invasion of ukraine to come any how with 100,000 troops amassed on the border. they've been there for months. it's starting to get closer and closer towards the spring when the ground will get soggier and the snow falls in ukraine and it could get more difficult for a russian invasion to happen then. these are considerations in the back of diplomats' minds. boris and christi. >> fred, to you, amid the unrest in kazakhstan, putin has been in regular contact with the president, the pair speaking just yesterday. help us understand the motive here for vladimir putin in imposing that russian influence on former soviet countries like kazakhstan and the importance for him of getting the situation in kazakhstan under control so he can focus on ukraine. >> well, i think it was extremely important for him, boris, to get that situation under control and get it under control as fast as possible. the last thing that vladimir putin needed as he was in the run up to those negotiations with the u.s. as far as ukraine was concerned and eastern europe was concerned was for somewhere else to have unrest happen. certainly an allied nation like kazakhstan. the post-soviet spaces are very important to russia, they have very close economic and military ties. the russians sort of see that as their security zone and quite frankly they are in a security treaty with kazakhstan and other countries here in the neighborhood as well. it was certainly very important for vladimir putin on the one hand, of course, it did bind some of the assets that he has, which, of course, makes it more difficult for him to operate freely in that area close to the border with ukraine. it was a big problem for vladimir putin, but one of the things we're seeing a couple days in, he appears to have come out of it stronger than he was before, at least here in this region and the wider region. what vladimir putin has managed to do is fully get on side the president of kazakhstan who has requested russian and other troops to move into his country to help quell much the uprising going on. i got the latest numbers a couple minutes ago, more than 5,000 people detained, more than 160 people were killed. 100 in one town alone. certainly a bloody crackdown. what the russians have shown is on the one hand they do have a sphere of influence here that governments of the nations here are allied with russia and certain cases depend on russia, and that russians are able to effectively and quickly mobilize large amounts of forces. what they did within just a matter of hours really is mobilize 3,000 paratroopers using 70 planes and mobilize armor as well and did make a pretty big statement here in this region that has shown that vladimir putin is very capable of moving an army very quickly and having that army operate effectively on a very short notice, boris? >> for the west, fred, some have been calling for a more aggressive track when it comes to dealing with ukraine and to capitalize on the instability in kazakhstan, but i don't get the sense there is an opening in kazakhstan for the west, right? >> well, certainly, i mean there may have been, but i think it's something that would prove to be very difficult at this point in time. there is no doubt that kazakhstan was definitely shaken by these protests and a lot of people were unhappy in kazakhstan, not necessarily because they don't like russia or because they want to move cl closer to the west, but fuel prices was the main reason, is that they were unhappy with their economic situation. they did also want political reforms and that certainly might have been a chance for the west to capitalize on that. what we're seeing over the past couple days and past couple hours is that the regime of the current president there, really cementing his grip on power. there was a bit of an internal power struggle that was going on. that seems to also be decided. if anything, i would say right now at this point in time the russians have solidified not only their position as far as kazakhstan is concerned, but really also as far as the neighboring countries here in this region are concerned as well. as i've mentioned they are in this collective security treaty and for the first time ever, that collective security treaty was mobilized and you don't only have russian troops that have been deployed to kazakhstan but troops from belarus as well and also even from armenia. boris? >> the biden administration has ruled out any kind of unilateral military action in defending ukrainian sovereignty and essentially said they are willing to impose even harsher economic sanctions that they did after russia invaded crimea in 2014, but do you get the sense any amount of sanctions are going to prevent vladimir putin from pursuing this aggressive behavior? >> this is a really big and important question, boris, and i'm really glad that you asked it. the answer is, we simply at this point don't know. we know that since 2014 and those sanctions were imposed, as you said n a slightly tepid fashion upon people close to the kremlin and politically and economically as well, that they had a limited impact initially the thinking would be that while russia is essentially a dollar linked economy, a commodity based economy, exports oil, so if you could in a certain way extricate its ability to access the dollar banking system that would have a big impact on the kremlin. what essentially it did is it allowed certain sanctioned individuals to trade in other dollar proxy assets influencing other parts of the world, et cetera. so what they would have to do here would be something much bigger than last time. they would have to cut them out of the swiss banking system, they would have to curtail their access to technologies and also consumer goods on a much broader scale. we don't know and many western and european diplomats don't know whether a strategy like that might backfire, whether essentially ordinary russians would then blame europe, blame the united states, for not being able to have the same standard of living as they had before. this is where the gamble really comes in to play and the question is, we just don't know how far vladimir putin really wants to push it. boris and christi. >> it is a complex situation. all eyes will be on the talks coming up this week. nina and fred, thank you both. coming up, we're going live to melbourne as novak djokovic, the world's most famous unvaccinated tennis player, fights to stay in the country ahead of the australian open. and later, can you have an awards show if no actors are attending and no one is there to accept awards? why tonight's golden globes will be so much different this year and what is the impact. to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fulle? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis 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and save at ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ hours from now, an australian court will rule on whether serbian tennis star novak djokovic can remain in australia to compete in the australian open. >> the 34-year-old received a letter from tennis australia said he had a medical exemption after testing positive for covid last month, but the australian government canceled his visa after border agents determined his exemption was invalid. paula hancocks is live outside the facility where djokovic is detained. paula, what's the latest? >> boris, we are hearing new information and know there have been some concessions made to the world tennis star and know he has been allowed, for example, gluten-free foods and some exercise equipment, but he has, according to his lawyers, been continually saying can he be moved elsewhere so he can continue to train for the australian open. that has been denied up until this point. there are supporters of novak djokovic outside the facility calling for his release. monday is the day and just hours from now we will hear whether or not he will be deported or whether he will be allowed to stay in australia and be above the australian open. now, we are hearing nor details about the timeline of how this evolved and raising questions, for example, december 10th, that was the deadline to be brought forward to tennis australia, december 16th when novak djokovic apparently tested positive. this is according to court documents. this is what his lawyers are saying, that december 16th was the first pcr test testing positive. the same day he was seen in public and then on december 17th also seen in public. both days he was not wearing a mask. he was at a panel on the one day and the second day surrounded by a group of young tennis players at a tennis academy. so we're not certain if djokovic knew he had tested positive. we have reached out to his representatives and haven't heard back. this is racing questions. the home affairs minister asked for a delay to hisering that until the 12th of january. that was denied. we will be hearing on monday whether or not he will be allowed to play in the australian open. there are many unanswered questions still as to what the medical exemption was. the lawyer saying that novak djokovic came to australia believing he had the medical exemption even though we're hearing tennis officials said a simple covid-19 infection within the last 16 months would not be enough to enter the country. >> what's interesting is the situation has evolved into a two-pronged story. you've got what's happening in the world of tennis, but now you've also got some revelations about australia's immigration policy which is not sitting well with a lot of people. >> that's right. this is something that has really throne focus on what's happening in the building behind me. it's not just about novak djokovic. there are refugees and asylum seekers in that building, some of whom have been there for years waiting for the slow wheels of australian immigration to turn, waiting for the decision on whether or not they would be allow to stay in this country. this is throwing light on the system here. it has come under criticism in the past, including from the united nations. we spoke to one of the men inside who had been detained for eight years, and he still doesn't know when he will hear if he can remain here. >> paula hancocks, appreciate it so much. thank you. let's talk now to stephanie who writes for tennis news site open court. it's good to have you with us. first and foremost, after everything we heard from paula, is there any clarity at this point as to who advised djokovic that he was clear to go to australia and what is the consequence for that either person or tinty? -- entity? >> i don't doubt for a minute he was told he had the green light because you don't book four first-class flights to australia for yourself and team without getting, you know, getting the go. i think that probably the blame lies with the tournament director of the australian open craig tiley on television tonight after having reappeared from, you know, hiding somewhere, to say that no, it really wasn't their fault. but, you know, i imagine that if he's not successful in this appeal, and he has to be deported, i bet tennis australia is, you know, going to have a lawsuit on its hands. this is just probably part one of a lot of things that can happen. >> let's talk about this hotel where he is staying or being housed that's also, as we talked to paula about, this immigration detention center. you were there. talk to us, i mean describe this place for us? what is it like? >> well, i didn't get to go inside because everything is sealed up. i tried to book a room but that was not possible. they've sealed up all the windows in this hotel because at the previous hotel the refugees were passing notes through tiny openings and so, basically, it's bug infested, a roach motel, basically, and novak djokovic has $150 million in the bank and he's sitting in this place with apparently some gluten-free food, i guess perhaps the insects are gluten-free and wheen while his supporters were singing and dancing on the street across the street while there are dozens of mostly men, i believe n there who have been waiting in there for years and years and looking outside and seeing these people partying. the antivaxxers came on to have their say. it is the most insane -- it's not my first rodeo and this is the most insane thing i've seen and probably not half over. >> so let me ask you this, what is the risk level for him in the public sphere? you cannot escape the fact that it looks like there's some special treatment going on when you know what is also happening in there with refugees who have been there for some up to eight or nine years allegedly? >> of course. it took about 24 hours for him to get his first hearing. of course, we know life is not fair. we know he's going to get special treatment. he's not getting special treatment in that hotel. but ultimately, you know, his problem is if he doesn't win this, you know, he's going to get deported and then who knows how long it will be before he's allowed back in the country. that affects his legacy, career, tennis history. the fact that he can afford to have, you know, a lawyer fight this for him, where the other two people who were in the same situation, you know, sort of an obscure double specialist and an official had to go home and they had already gotten in. it is going to be very interesting because right now, the governments and the tennis organization that runs the australian open are just leaking to the media everywhere. letters and, you know, back and forth to try to buttress their own cases, but ultimately, you know, djokovic holds a share of the blame, both governments do, and tennis australia does, and i'm not sure how they're going to apportion that, but it just feels expensive. >> wow. stephanie miles, have you given us some great insight here. thank you for taking time for us. take good care. it's hard to believe that some trump supporters are still trying to undermine the 2020 election. next, we'll tell you how some inside the republican party are making a full-court press to influence the next election. 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because peace of mind is something you just can't get in a cardboard box. that's how healthier happens together with cvs. across the country millions are getting hit with severe weather. here's the video out of southwest washington where severe storms prompted road closures after heavy rain and snow. >> the national guard was killed in to assist residents in lewis county, two hours south of seattle. there is relief because washington is expected to get a much-needed break from all of that rain today. look at that picture and think how do you get around in i see the one road on the left-hand side and after that looks like they're stuck. so the nfl's biggest season ever has come down to the final weekend and the first ever week 18. a wild start. >> yeah. coy wire is with us now. coy, still a lot to be settled in terms of playoff seeding. i think five different teams are trying to get in on the afc side. >> yeah. that extra game the league added, those players are probably feeling it. lots on the line. kansas city found themselves still in the hunt to secure the top seed in the afc and that crucial first round bye and home-field advantage in the playoffs. the broncos came out swinging at mile high. drew lock finding his footing, hoofing it for two rushing touchdowns. only had three in his career before this. denver with a 14-10 lead at the half. less than 8 minutes to go, chiefs down and they find some unlikely heros. melvin engram meets melvin gordon for malicious melting of melvins. the ball pops out. nick bolton is bolting to the house 86 yards and almost falls, but he holds on and so do the chiefs 28-24. bolton gets the play of the game and ribbing from his teammates like listen to this. >> pretty slow, though. i don't understand. you almost pulled a hamstring. i'm trying to figure it out, bro. >> the cowboys, they chose to play their starters most of the game, despite having a playoff spot on lock. the dallas cowboys put the bow on their first 12-win season since 2016. dak prescott throwing for five touchdowns in a beat down of the east. philly rested several of their key players because they had secured a wild card spot in the playoffs. dac's career night giving him 37 touchdown passes, breaking tony romo's team record for a season. 16-year-old figure skating phenom alysa liu's dreams are still alive. tested positive friday at nationals but petitioned a selection committee and makes the team. she joins karen chen who is making her second straight olympic appearance for team usa and the newly crowned u.s. champ more ria bell who becomes the oldest skater in 94 years. the games in beijing are 26 days away. what a moment for an australian team and baseball. 17-year-old genevieve becomto pitch in a pro game in australia. she plays for the melbourne aces and the lefty more than held her own. one inning, zero hits against the adelaide giants. you go, girl. finally, there are dynasties and then north dakota state football. the bison facing montana state in the championship playing in the title game for the first time in 37 years. the offensive line walking the bobcats like lumberjacks attacking toothpicks. look at him bulldozing dudes even his own, first of three touchdowns. bison fans having a great time. check out the beer cup snake they built. that's impressive. their ninth championship in 11 years. that sets up the big stage for tomorrow night's fbs national championship where we'll find out if alabama will win back-to-back titles or if those georgia bulldogs from here near atlanta are going to win their first title in more than four decades. christi and boris? >> a huge game, coy. i think the bulldogs are favored by 2.5 points. are you taking the over or under? >> beat down by bama in the sec championship game and in the title game a few years ago they lost to bama. i think they're ready. i think they're hungry and i think the dogs are going to eat. >> we will be watching. coy wire, lumber jack, something about toothpicks, that was awesome. >> that was good, wasn't it? all right. alec baldwin is speaking out on instagram now. >> any suggestion that i am not complying with requests or orders or demands or search warrants about my phone, that [ bleep ] that's a lie. this is a process where one state -- >> what else he has to say about the "rust" investigation next. n for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. trelegy for copd. 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"the los angeles times" found out of the 80-person body of members that votes on this called the hfpa, the hollywood forum press association, it's a bunch of journalist all over the world that vote in these categories, not one black person so how are they supposed to have diverse nominees when they aren't diverse themselves? then "the new york times" found perhaps they were misappropriating funds, millions of dollars, private jets, millions of dollars of salaries to certain people. so it's because of this nbc said no more and a bunch of celebrities boycotting it, too. the bigger question for me is kristen stewart, will smith, big actors that are nominated in the major categories, are they going to tweet about their wins or put out statements like in years past and be excited about it or will it be like you said as if it never happened? how will we find out about the winners? hfpa will be tweeting the winners as they happen. so lucky me, i'll be the one watching the twitter feed tonight writing about who wins. okay? so yeah, it's a bit of a mess. will we see the globes come back like they used to be? i don't know. definitely not next year i don't think. >> you don't think so. all right. it sounds like there are changes that have to happen before we'll get all of that back. chloe, good to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. the james webb space telescope is one step closer to sending us pictures of the universe from billions of light years in the past. >> you see people clapping? yes. wonderful. >> everyone on their feet clapping. >> just two weeks after launch, nasa scientists, look at them cheering after the telescope reached the final spot after applying the golden mirrors. that is the largest mirror nasa has built. it was so big it had to be folded oragomi style to fit. it will take months of alignment before it can transmit images. we should get the images i believe they said june or july. there you have it. thank you for being with us. we hope you make good memories today. >> "inside politics sunday" is next. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat ouown moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are e big things. which is why we do everying in our power to make buying a car annforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at one year later. >> we held the line. >> if you can keep it and we get. >> president biden calls his predecessor an ongoing threat to his nation. >> you can't love your dcountry only when you win. the hail mary on voting rights. >> the american people are not buying this nonsensical talk of jim crow 2.0 or a

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December 16th , December 10th , 10 , 16 , Public , Mask , Panel , Documents , Saying , Pcr Test Testing Positive , December 17th , 17 , Players , Tennis , Group , Tennis Academy , Representatives , Home Affairs Minister , Delay , Haven T Heard Back , 12th Of January , Lawyer , Infection , Tennis Officials , Story , World , Immigration Policy , Revelations , Building , Asylum Seekers , Refugees , Immigration , Throne , Wheels , Turn , Men , System , Whether , United Nations , Decision , Criticism , Tennis News Site Open Court , Eight , Consequence , Clarity , Person , Team , Doubt , Light , Tinty , Entity , Flights , Don T Book Four First , The Go , Blame , No , Wasn T , Hiding Somewhere , Tournament Director , Fault , Craig Tiley On Television Tonight , Hands , Appeal , Lawsuit , Hotel , Talk , Immigration Detention Center , Paula About , Windows , Notes , Room , Roach Motel , Openings , Bank , Bug Infested , 50 Million , 150 Million , Waiting , Street , Food , Dozens , Singing , 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Former , 25 , Murder , Idea , Weapon , Office , Legislation , Republicans , Rioters , Running , Others , U S Capitol , Efforts , Interests , Bills , Mechanics , Me Meddle , 32 , Battleground States , Election Results , Confidence , Crusade , Ad , Copy Machine , Justin , State Representative , Rifle , Voting Systems First Hand , Hanks , Locations , Research , Nothing , Evidence , Argument , Compounding , Theories , Alabama , Debunked , Merrill , Mike Lindell , Election Deniers , Commissioner , Constituents , Sharing , Doing A Google Search Of Addresses , Interview Request , Audit Supporters , Interview , Board Ministers , E Mail , The Fight To Save American Democracy , Motion Passes , Fareed Zakaria , Playoffs , Push , Its , Nfl , 00 , Coy Wire , Nutrients , Investigation Next , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Protein , Bleacher Report , Mr , Boost , Witn , Vo , Man , Well Mannered , Wahoooo , Adventure , Look , Love , Well Adventured , Subaru Forester Wilderness , Ooooooo , Stop Rybelsus , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Majority , 7 , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Changes , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Possibility , 0 , Cosentyx , Fail , Tuberculosis , Try , Hope , Five , Move , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Dermatologist , Someone , Version , Antibiotics , Door , Cvs , Aren T , Peace , Mind , Cardboard Box , Hit , Video , Relief , Lewis County , Southwest Washington , Heavy Rain , Storms , National Guard , Seattle , Picture , Season , Looks , Break , Road , Rain Today , Coy , Weekend , Teams , Playoff Seeding , Game , League , Seed , Home Field Advantage , Afc Side , Lots , Round , Bye , Hunt , Broncos , Kansas City , Chiefs , Touchdowns , Footing , Half , Lead , Mile High , Hoofing , Drew Lock Finding , Denver , 14 , 8 , Nick Bolton , Melvin Engram , Bolting , Heros , Melting , Ball , Melvins , Melvin Gordon , 86 , Play , Teammates , Ribbing , Bolton , 28 , Dallas Cowboys , On Lock , Bow , Cowboys , Hamstring , Starters , Bro , Spot , East , Dak Prescott , Beat , Wild Card , Philly , Career Night Giving Him , Dac , 2016 , Alysa Liu , Team Record , Touchdown Passes , Dreams , Tony Romo , 37 , Ria Bell , Selection Committee , Champ , Appearance , Skater , Karen Chen , Olympic , Team Usa , Games , Genevieve Becomto , 26 , 94 , North Dakota State , Lefty , Football , Bison , Hits , Giants , Dynasties , Melbourne Aces , Adelaide , Girl , Title Game , Toothpicks , Championship , Playing , Offensive Line , Montana State , Lumberjacks , Bobcats , Dudes , Own , Big Stage For Tomorrow Night S Fbs National Championship , Bison Fans , Beer Cup , 11 , Georgia Bulldogs , Titles , Title , Bulldogs , Atlanta , Over , Dogs , Sec Championship Game , Bama , Beat Down By Bama , 2 5 , Suggestion , Alec Baldwin , Instagram , Lumber Jack , Phone , Requests , Bleep , Lie , Process , Balance , Orders , Planning Effect , Reward , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , High , Feelin Good , On By , Breeze Driftin , Migraine Medicine , Serena , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Migraine , Tracks , Cause , Older Medicines , Dose , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Brain Performance , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Count , Add On Injection , Indicators , Nucala , Neuriva , Six , Infections , Reactions , Asthma , Face , Trouble , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Back Pain , High Standards , Bath , Quality , Fatigue , Two Million , Homes , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Consultation , Cell Phone Investigation , Request , Cell Phone , Search Warrant , Call Logs , New Mexico , 1000 , Text Messages , Videos , Photos , Shooting , Globes , Hutchinson , Scaled Down Ceremony , 79 , Nobody , Let S Go , Om Kicron Variant , If A Tree Falls In The Woods , Award , Variant , Somebody , Awwweeee , Celebrities , Millions , Broadcasting Rights , Nbc , The New York Times , Hfpa , Body , Investigations , Los Angeles Times , 80 , All Over The World , Categories , Vote , Journalist , Nominees , The Hollywood Forum Press Association , More , Salaries , Jets , Funds , Statements , Wins , Kristen Stewart , Will Smith , Winners , I Ll Be The One , Writing , Twitter , Mess , I Don T Know , Pictures , Billions , Universe , James Webb Space Telescope , Chloe , Nasa Scientists , Everyone , Clapping , Feet Clapping , Telescope , Wonderful , Mirror Nasa , Mirrors , Oragomi , Images , Style , Alignment , Inside Politics Sunday , Customer , Best , Emergen C , Blend , Emergen C At Carvana , Everying , Respect , Birthday , Experience , Ouown Moms , Car Annforgettable , Moms , Voltaren , Husband , Arthritis Pain Gel , Pills , Alternative , Gel , Arthritis Pain Relief , Movement , Trees , Green Red , Me And You , Heartburn , Anna , Night , Sleep , What A Wonderful World , Nexium 24hr , It Starts , Reality , Dream , Acid , Night Protection , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Xfinity , Movers , Address , Services , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Predecessor , Threat , Dcountry , Hail Mary On Voting Rights , Jim Crow , 2 0 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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russia as the biden administration warns it will impose severe penalties if russia invades ukraine. we'll tell you how russia is now respond. we could learn soon whether tennis star novak djokovic will be allowed to stay in australia where he's being detained amid a fight over his visa. no red carpet, audience or tv coverage. why the golden globe awards will look very different tonight. sometimes we need a little help here. you're waking up on sunday, jan january 9th. good morning to you. >> great to be with you, christi. we start with the omicron variant surging rapidly across the united states. cases are rising at an alarming rate, as some of the nation's largest school districts fight to get student back into classrooms this week. in chicago, a standoff after the teachers union voted to teach remotely while the city wants in-person learning. chicago's mayor rejected a new proposal from the teachers union had virtual beginning wednesday and in-person classes starting the following week. right now she case kids are safest in the classroom. >> we have a lot of single parent households, moms who cannot afford to miss work. we need our kids back in school. remote learning for any period of time is off the table. >> the other side is the growing numbers of children are being admitted to hospitals with covid infections. los angeles county is seeing its highest number of covid cases in a single week. that was just days before schools are reopening, too, and hospitalizations there have doubled in that same period. the children's hospital of l.a. is reporting that a quarter of kids admitted with covid are requiring icu attention. cnn's polo sandoval is in new york and that's where hospitals are struggling to handle the surge as well. >> reporter: with covid hospitalizations at record highs in new york, state officials are ordering dozens of health care facilities to put nonessential and nonurgent surgical procedures on hold for a week. four facilities in central and northern new york are experiencing 90% bed occupancy according to authorities. new york state, just the latest racing to help hospitals and health care networks with shortages of staff and supplies amid the omicron surge. at the university of kansas health system, similar concerns about their facility's approaching a breaking point. >> you go from normal operations to contingency and contingency planning means i have to put patients in unusual situations, you say i have to cancel surgeries, but you say we're too overwhelmed to do our normal daily work and can't meet all of our patients' demands and at that point we have to turn on a switch that says we have to triage to the people we can help the most and let some people die who we might have been able to help. >> reporter: the u.s. is seeing a record number of hospitalizations for children under 5 years old and new admissions for children under 18 are averaging nearly 800 a day. the figures are fueling the debate about how the nation's schoolchildren should continue their spring semester. in georgia, officials say public school teachers and staff are allowed to return to work even after testing positive or being exposed to covid-19, as long as they don't have symptoms and mask up. though each school district can make its own isolation guidelines. >> i believe that anything that we do that is not putting the priority on keeping students and educators and their families safe is a mistake. we should be using every tool we have in our toolbox to mitigate the spread of covid-19 in our classrooms. >> reporter: the biden administration says it plans to make up to 500 million tests available to americans for free this month. one emergency physician in houston remains skeptical that's going to be enough. >> we need them now. 500 million won't be enough. every american should have at least two to three tests per week to be testing and 500 million is not even going to get us near there. >> reporter: with demand for covid testing still high an additional problem is emerging. fraudulent testing kits. according to federal authorities, experts warning using fake testing products won't just be a waste of your money but increase the risk of knowingly spreading the virus and delaying treatment for it. the federal trade commission recommending you only purchase tests authorized by the fda as listed on the agency's website. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. thanks for that report. the biden administration is preparing for talks tomorrow over russia's troop buildup along the border with ukraine and the stakes are high. >> the u.s. has warned of, quote, severe and overwhelming costs to russia's economy if vladimir putin invades ukraine. as many as 100,000 russian troops are amassed along the border there. the talks in geneva, switzerland r aimed at averting a war and deescalating the situation. but russia's foreign deputy minister says moscow is, quote, disappointed with the signals it's received from the united states ahead of the meeting. our reporters are tracking the latest developments ahead of that. white house correspondent jasmine wright and senior international correspondent fred pleitgen and europe editor nina dos santos. jeff, want to start with you. the white house as we said is threatening to impose these high-impact sanctions should russia invade ukraine. what more can you tell us? >> senior administration officials declined in a call with reporters to specifically get into exactly what they are preparing to impose should russia invade ukraine, but they use those words, severe and overwhelming economic costs, should the kremlin do what many fear that they might and now these sanctions would start big and that kind of bucks past administration strategy when trying to deter russia. now my colleague natasha said -- reported that sources told her that these could have really big, devastating impacts for russian consumers, russian industrial operations and employment. these restrictions could leave russia to face the same type of export restrictions, in some cases country likes iran, syria and cuba. u.s. officials say on the other side that there are places where u.s. and russia concerns overlap and that potentially opens up places for negotiations, and that could be on missile deployment in ukraine, also nato and u.s. military exercises. those are places that they feel like they could proceed with talks on. again, reciprocity for senior administration officials, is a big word they told reporters yesterday. they want to see russian actions match u.s. actions so they want to see russia's offers match u.s. offers in terms of size and scope, and without that, officials say the u.s. will not move forward. now while officials aren't necessarily optimistic about what could come out of these talks starting tomorrow, they say that they are realistic about the high stakes situation that lies ahead. christi and boris? >> jasmine wright from the white house, thanks for walking us through that. let's dig deeper on the crisis in ukraine and also in kazakhstan. we have cnn's nina dos santos in london and fred pleitgen is on the border between kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. something christi alluded to the russian foreign deputy minister saying that the nation is disappointed with signals it's received from the u.s. in advance of the meetings this week, saying that u.s. doesn't understand russia's needs. what exactly does that mean? limiting the expansion of nato? >> yeah. that's exactly what russia has been talking about for nam of months now. it's put a list of demands, draft demands, in writing a couple times in the run up to these key summits that are taking place in geneva, brussels and vienna throughout the course of the next week or so. those demands notably try to get nato to sign on the dotted line, push back a lot of its eastern european presence and commit to not allowing further post-soviet states to expand nato further. that would rule out the likes of countries like ukraine and georgia that both face annexation of their territories since 2008 for georgia and 2014 for crukraine, to become nato members. as you heard from jasmine and western diplomats is a nonstarter because there isn't an element of reciprocity where the russians would make concessions themselves. is russia serious of getting around the negotiating table to talk to make any concessions or just a pretext for talks to happen and fail and for the invasion of ukraine to come any how with 100,000 troops amassed on the border. they've been there for months. it's starting to get closer and closer towards the spring when the ground will get soggier and the snow falls in ukraine and it could get more difficult for a russian invasion to happen then. these are considerations in the back of diplomats' minds. boris and christi. >> fred, to you, amid the unrest in kazakhstan, putin has been in regular contact with the president, the pair speaking just yesterday. help us understand the motive here for vladimir putin in imposing that russian influence on former soviet countries like kazakhstan and the importance for him of getting the situation in kazakhstan under control so he can focus on ukraine. >> well, i think it was extremely important for him, boris, to get that situation under control and get it under control as fast as possible. the last thing that vladimir putin needed as he was in the run up to those negotiations with the u.s. as far as ukraine was concerned and eastern europe was concerned was for somewhere else to have unrest happen. certainly an allied nation like kazakhstan. the post-soviet spaces are very important to russia, they have very close economic and military ties. the russians sort of see that as their security zone and quite frankly they are in a security treaty with kazakhstan and other countries here in the neighborhood as well. it was certainly very important for vladimir putin on the one hand, of course, it did bind some of the assets that he has, which, of course, makes it more difficult for him to operate freely in that area close to the border with ukraine. it was a big problem for vladimir putin, but one of the things we're seeing a couple days in, he appears to have come out of it stronger than he was before, at least here in this region and the wider region. what vladimir putin has managed to do is fully get on side the president of kazakhstan who has requested russian and other troops to move into his country to help quell much the uprising going on. i got the latest numbers a couple minutes ago, more than 5,000 people detained, more than 160 people were killed. 100 in one town alone. certainly a bloody crackdown. what the russians have shown is on the one hand they do have a sphere of influence here that governments of the nations here are allied with russia and certain cases depend on russia, and that russians are able to effectively and quickly mobilize large amounts of forces. what they did within just a matter of hours really is mobilize 3,000 paratroopers using 70 planes and mobilize armor as well and did make a pretty big statement here in this region that has shown that vladimir putin is very capable of moving an army very quickly and having that army operate effectively on a very short notice, boris? >> for the west, fred, some have been calling for a more aggressive track when it comes to dealing with ukraine and to capitalize on the instability in kazakhstan, but i don't get the sense there is an opening in kazakhstan for the west, right? >> well, certainly, i mean there may have been, but i think it's something that would prove to be very difficult at this point in time. there is no doubt that kazakhstan was definitely shaken by these protests and a lot of people were unhappy in kazakhstan, not necessarily because they don't like russia or because they want to move cl closer to the west, but fuel prices was the main reason, is that they were unhappy with their economic situation. they did also want political reforms and that certainly might have been a chance for the west to capitalize on that. what we're seeing over the past couple days and past couple hours is that the regime of the current president there, really cementing his grip on power. there was a bit of an internal power struggle that was going on. that seems to also be decided. if anything, i would say right now at this point in time the russians have solidified not only their position as far as kazakhstan is concerned, but really also as far as the neighboring countries here in this region are concerned as well. as i've mentioned they are in this collective security treaty and for the first time ever, that collective security treaty was mobilized and you don't only have russian troops that have been deployed to kazakhstan but troops from belarus as well and also even from armenia. boris? >> the biden administration has ruled out any kind of unilateral military action in defending ukrainian sovereignty and essentially said they are willing to impose even harsher economic sanctions that they did after russia invaded crimea in 2014, but do you get the sense any amount of sanctions are going to prevent vladimir putin from pursuing this aggressive behavior? >> this is a really big and important question, boris, and i'm really glad that you asked it. the answer is, we simply at this point don't know. we know that since 2014 and those sanctions were imposed, as you said n a slightly tepid fashion upon people close to the kremlin and politically and economically as well, that they had a limited impact initially the thinking would be that while russia is essentially a dollar linked economy, a commodity based economy, exports oil, so if you could in a certain way extricate its ability to access the dollar banking system that would have a big impact on the kremlin. what essentially it did is it allowed certain sanctioned individuals to trade in other dollar proxy assets influencing other parts of the world, et cetera. so what they would have to do here would be something much bigger than last time. they would have to cut them out of the swiss banking system, they would have to curtail their access to technologies and also consumer goods on a much broader scale. we don't know and many western and european diplomats don't know whether a strategy like that might backfire, whether essentially ordinary russians would then blame europe, blame the united states, for not being able to have the same standard of living as they had before. this is where the gamble really comes in to play and the question is, we just don't know how far vladimir putin really wants to push it. boris and christi. >> it is a complex situation. all eyes will be on the talks coming up this week. nina and fred, thank you both. coming up, we're going live to melbourne as novak djokovic, the world's most famous unvaccinated tennis player, fights to stay in the country ahead of the australian open. and later, can you have an awards show if no actors are attending and no one is there to accept awards? why tonight's golden globes will be so much different this year and what is the impact. to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fulle? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis 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and save at ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ hours from now, an australian court will rule on whether serbian tennis star novak djokovic can remain in australia to compete in the australian open. >> the 34-year-old received a letter from tennis australia said he had a medical exemption after testing positive for covid last month, but the australian government canceled his visa after border agents determined his exemption was invalid. paula hancocks is live outside the facility where djokovic is detained. paula, what's the latest? >> boris, we are hearing new information and know there have been some concessions made to the world tennis star and know he has been allowed, for example, gluten-free foods and some exercise equipment, but he has, according to his lawyers, been continually saying can he be moved elsewhere so he can continue to train for the australian open. that has been denied up until this point. there are supporters of novak djokovic outside the facility calling for his release. monday is the day and just hours from now we will hear whether or not he will be deported or whether he will be allowed to stay in australia and be above the australian open. now, we are hearing nor details about the timeline of how this evolved and raising questions, for example, december 10th, that was the deadline to be brought forward to tennis australia, december 16th when novak djokovic apparently tested positive. this is according to court documents. this is what his lawyers are saying, that december 16th was the first pcr test testing positive. the same day he was seen in public and then on december 17th also seen in public. both days he was not wearing a mask. he was at a panel on the one day and the second day surrounded by a group of young tennis players at a tennis academy. so we're not certain if djokovic knew he had tested positive. we have reached out to his representatives and haven't heard back. this is racing questions. the home affairs minister asked for a delay to hisering that until the 12th of january. that was denied. we will be hearing on monday whether or not he will be allowed to play in the australian open. there are many unanswered questions still as to what the medical exemption was. the lawyer saying that novak djokovic came to australia believing he had the medical exemption even though we're hearing tennis officials said a simple covid-19 infection within the last 16 months would not be enough to enter the country. >> what's interesting is the situation has evolved into a two-pronged story. you've got what's happening in the world of tennis, but now you've also got some revelations about australia's immigration policy which is not sitting well with a lot of people. >> that's right. this is something that has really throne focus on what's happening in the building behind me. it's not just about novak djokovic. there are refugees and asylum seekers in that building, some of whom have been there for years waiting for the slow wheels of australian immigration to turn, waiting for the decision on whether or not they would be allow to stay in this country. this is throwing light on the system here. it has come under criticism in the past, including from the united nations. we spoke to one of the men inside who had been detained for eight years, and he still doesn't know when he will hear if he can remain here. >> paula hancocks, appreciate it so much. thank you. let's talk now to stephanie who writes for tennis news site open court. it's good to have you with us. first and foremost, after everything we heard from paula, is there any clarity at this point as to who advised djokovic that he was clear to go to australia and what is the consequence for that either person or tinty? -- entity? >> i don't doubt for a minute he was told he had the green light because you don't book four first-class flights to australia for yourself and team without getting, you know, getting the go. i think that probably the blame lies with the tournament director of the australian open craig tiley on television tonight after having reappeared from, you know, hiding somewhere, to say that no, it really wasn't their fault. but, you know, i imagine that if he's not successful in this appeal, and he has to be deported, i bet tennis australia is, you know, going to have a lawsuit on its hands. this is just probably part one of a lot of things that can happen. >> let's talk about this hotel where he is staying or being housed that's also, as we talked to paula about, this immigration detention center. you were there. talk to us, i mean describe this place for us? what is it like? >> well, i didn't get to go inside because everything is sealed up. i tried to book a room but that was not possible. they've sealed up all the windows in this hotel because at the previous hotel the refugees were passing notes through tiny openings and so, basically, it's bug infested, a roach motel, basically, and novak djokovic has $150 million in the bank and he's sitting in this place with apparently some gluten-free food, i guess perhaps the insects are gluten-free and wheen while his supporters were singing and dancing on the street across the street while there are dozens of mostly men, i believe n there who have been waiting in there for years and years and looking outside and seeing these people partying. the antivaxxers came on to have their say. it is the most insane -- it's not my first rodeo and this is the most insane thing i've seen and probably not half over. >> so let me ask you this, what is the risk level for him in the public sphere? you cannot escape the fact that it looks like there's some special treatment going on when you know what is also happening in there with refugees who have been there for some up to eight or nine years allegedly? >> of course. it took about 24 hours for him to get his first hearing. of course, we know life is not fair. we know he's going to get special treatment. he's not getting special treatment in that hotel. but ultimately, you know, his problem is if he doesn't win this, you know, he's going to get deported and then who knows how long it will be before he's allowed back in the country. that affects his legacy, career, tennis history. the fact that he can afford to have, you know, a lawyer fight this for him, where the other two people who were in the same situation, you know, sort of an obscure double specialist and an official had to go home and they had already gotten in. it is going to be very interesting because right now, the governments and the tennis organization that runs the australian open are just leaking to the media everywhere. letters and, you know, back and forth to try to buttress their own cases, but ultimately, you know, djokovic holds a share of the blame, both governments do, and tennis australia does, and i'm not sure how they're going to apportion that, but it just feels expensive. >> wow. stephanie miles, have you given us some great insight here. thank you for taking time for us. take good care. it's hard to believe that some trump supporters are still trying to undermine the 2020 election. next, we'll tell you how some inside the republican party are making a full-court press to influence the next election. 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i will tell you who is always in. mr. coy wire who has the "bleacher report" next. witn for muscle health. versus 1 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. 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because peace of mind is something you just can't get in a cardboard box. that's how healthier happens together with cvs. across the country millions are getting hit with severe weather. here's the video out of southwest washington where severe storms prompted road closures after heavy rain and snow. >> the national guard was killed in to assist residents in lewis county, two hours south of seattle. there is relief because washington is expected to get a much-needed break from all of that rain today. look at that picture and think how do you get around in i see the one road on the left-hand side and after that looks like they're stuck. so the nfl's biggest season ever has come down to the final weekend and the first ever week 18. a wild start. >> yeah. coy wire is with us now. coy, still a lot to be settled in terms of playoff seeding. i think five different teams are trying to get in on the afc side. >> yeah. that extra game the league added, those players are probably feeling it. lots on the line. kansas city found themselves still in the hunt to secure the top seed in the afc and that crucial first round bye and home-field advantage in the playoffs. the broncos came out swinging at mile high. drew lock finding his footing, hoofing it for two rushing touchdowns. only had three in his career before this. denver with a 14-10 lead at the half. less than 8 minutes to go, chiefs down and they find some unlikely heros. melvin engram meets melvin gordon for malicious melting of melvins. the ball pops out. nick bolton is bolting to the house 86 yards and almost falls, but he holds on and so do the chiefs 28-24. bolton gets the play of the game and ribbing from his teammates like listen to this. >> pretty slow, though. i don't understand. you almost pulled a hamstring. i'm trying to figure it out, bro. >> the cowboys, they chose to play their starters most of the game, despite having a playoff spot on lock. the dallas cowboys put the bow on their first 12-win season since 2016. dak prescott throwing for five touchdowns in a beat down of the east. philly rested several of their key players because they had secured a wild card spot in the playoffs. dac's career night giving him 37 touchdown passes, breaking tony romo's team record for a season. 16-year-old figure skating phenom alysa liu's dreams are still alive. tested positive friday at nationals but petitioned a selection committee and makes the team. she joins karen chen who is making her second straight olympic appearance for team usa and the newly crowned u.s. champ more ria bell who becomes the oldest skater in 94 years. the games in beijing are 26 days away. what a moment for an australian team and baseball. 17-year-old genevieve becomto pitch in a pro game in australia. she plays for the melbourne aces and the lefty more than held her own. one inning, zero hits against the adelaide giants. you go, girl. finally, there are dynasties and then north dakota state football. the bison facing montana state in the championship playing in the title game for the first time in 37 years. the offensive line walking the bobcats like lumberjacks attacking toothpicks. look at him bulldozing dudes even his own, first of three touchdowns. bison fans having a great time. check out the beer cup snake they built. that's impressive. their ninth championship in 11 years. that sets up the big stage for tomorrow night's fbs national championship where we'll find out if alabama will win back-to-back titles or if those georgia bulldogs from here near atlanta are going to win their first title in more than four decades. christi and boris? >> a huge game, coy. i think the bulldogs are favored by 2.5 points. are you taking the over or under? >> beat down by bama in the sec championship game and in the title game a few years ago they lost to bama. i think they're ready. i think they're hungry and i think the dogs are going to eat. >> we will be watching. coy wire, lumber jack, something about toothpicks, that was awesome. >> that was good, wasn't it? all right. alec baldwin is speaking out on instagram now. >> any suggestion that i am not complying with requests or orders or demands or search warrants about my phone, that [ bleep ] that's a lie. this is a process where one state -- >> what else he has to say about the "rust" investigation next. n for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. trelegy for copd. 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"the los angeles times" found out of the 80-person body of members that votes on this called the hfpa, the hollywood forum press association, it's a bunch of journalist all over the world that vote in these categories, not one black person so how are they supposed to have diverse nominees when they aren't diverse themselves? then "the new york times" found perhaps they were misappropriating funds, millions of dollars, private jets, millions of dollars of salaries to certain people. so it's because of this nbc said no more and a bunch of celebrities boycotting it, too. the bigger question for me is kristen stewart, will smith, big actors that are nominated in the major categories, are they going to tweet about their wins or put out statements like in years past and be excited about it or will it be like you said as if it never happened? how will we find out about the winners? hfpa will be tweeting the winners as they happen. so lucky me, i'll be the one watching the twitter feed tonight writing about who wins. okay? so yeah, it's a bit of a mess. will we see the globes come back like they used to be? i don't know. definitely not next year i don't think. >> you don't think so. all right. it sounds like there are changes that have to happen before we'll get all of that back. chloe, good to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. the james webb space telescope is one step closer to sending us pictures of the universe from billions of light years in the past. >> you see people clapping? yes. wonderful. >> everyone on their feet clapping. >> just two weeks after launch, nasa scientists, look at them cheering after the telescope reached the final spot after applying the golden mirrors. that is the largest mirror nasa has built. it was so big it had to be folded oragomi style to fit. it will take months of alignment before it can transmit images. we should get the images i believe they said june or july. there you have it. thank you for being with us. we hope you make good memories today. >> "inside politics sunday" is next. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat ouown moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are e big things. which is why we do everying in our power to make buying a car annforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at one year later. >> we held the line. >> if you can keep it and we get. >> president biden calls his predecessor an ongoing threat to his nation. >> you can't love your dcountry only when you win. the hail mary on voting rights. >> the american people are not buying this nonsensical talk of jim crow 2.0 or a

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December 16th , December 10th , 10 , 16 , Public , Mask , Panel , Documents , Saying , Pcr Test Testing Positive , December 17th , 17 , Players , Tennis , Group , Tennis Academy , Representatives , Home Affairs Minister , Delay , Haven T Heard Back , 12th Of January , Lawyer , Infection , Tennis Officials , Story , World , Immigration Policy , Revelations , Building , Asylum Seekers , Refugees , Immigration , Throne , Wheels , Turn , Men , System , Whether , United Nations , Decision , Criticism , Tennis News Site Open Court , Eight , Consequence , Clarity , Person , Team , Doubt , Light , Tinty , Entity , Flights , Don T Book Four First , The Go , Blame , No , Wasn T , Hiding Somewhere , Tournament Director , Fault , Craig Tiley On Television Tonight , Hands , Appeal , Lawsuit , Hotel , Talk , Immigration Detention Center , Paula About , Windows , Notes , Room , Roach Motel , Openings , Bank , Bug Infested , 50 Million , 150 Million , Waiting , Street , Food , Dozens , Singing , 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Former , 25 , Murder , Idea , Weapon , Office , Legislation , Republicans , Rioters , Running , Others , U S Capitol , Efforts , Interests , Bills , Mechanics , Me Meddle , 32 , Battleground States , Election Results , Confidence , Crusade , Ad , Copy Machine , Justin , State Representative , Rifle , Voting Systems First Hand , Hanks , Locations , Research , Nothing , Evidence , Argument , Compounding , Theories , Alabama , Debunked , Merrill , Mike Lindell , Election Deniers , Commissioner , Constituents , Sharing , Doing A Google Search Of Addresses , Interview Request , Audit Supporters , Interview , Board Ministers , E Mail , The Fight To Save American Democracy , Motion Passes , Fareed Zakaria , Playoffs , Push , Its , Nfl , 00 , Coy Wire , Nutrients , Investigation Next , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Protein , Bleacher Report , Mr , Boost , Witn , Vo , Man , Well Mannered , Wahoooo , Adventure , Look , Love , Well Adventured , Subaru Forester Wilderness , Ooooooo , Stop Rybelsus , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Majority , 7 , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Changes , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Possibility , 0 , Cosentyx , Fail , Tuberculosis , Try , Hope , Five , Move , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Dermatologist , Someone , Version , Antibiotics , Door , Cvs , Aren T , Peace , Mind , Cardboard Box , Hit , Video , Relief , Lewis County , Southwest Washington , Heavy Rain , Storms , National Guard , Seattle , Picture , Season , Looks , Break , Road , Rain Today , Coy , Weekend , Teams , Playoff Seeding , Game , League , Seed , Home Field Advantage , Afc Side , Lots , Round , Bye , Hunt , Broncos , Kansas City , Chiefs , Touchdowns , Footing , Half , Lead , Mile High , Hoofing , Drew Lock Finding , Denver , 14 , 8 , Nick Bolton , Melvin Engram , Bolting , Heros , Melting , Ball , Melvins , Melvin Gordon , 86 , Play , Teammates , Ribbing , Bolton , 28 , Dallas Cowboys , On Lock , Bow , Cowboys , Hamstring , Starters , Bro , Spot , East , Dak Prescott , Beat , Wild Card , Philly , Career Night Giving Him , Dac , 2016 , Alysa Liu , Team Record , Touchdown Passes , Dreams , Tony Romo , 37 , Ria Bell , Selection Committee , Champ , Appearance , Skater , Karen Chen , Olympic , Team Usa , Games , Genevieve Becomto , 26 , 94 , North Dakota State , Lefty , Football , Bison , Hits , Giants , Dynasties , Melbourne Aces , Adelaide , Girl , Title Game , Toothpicks , Championship , Playing , Offensive Line , Montana State , Lumberjacks , Bobcats , Dudes , Own , Big Stage For Tomorrow Night S Fbs National Championship , Bison Fans , Beer Cup , 11 , Georgia Bulldogs , Titles , Title , Bulldogs , Atlanta , Over , Dogs , Sec Championship Game , Bama , Beat Down By Bama , 2 5 , Suggestion , Alec Baldwin , Instagram , Lumber Jack , Phone , Requests , Bleep , Lie , Process , Balance , Orders , Planning Effect , Reward , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , High , Feelin Good , On By , Breeze Driftin , Migraine Medicine , Serena , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Migraine , Tracks , Cause , Older Medicines , Dose , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Brain Performance , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Count , Add On Injection , Indicators , Nucala , Neuriva , Six , Infections , Reactions , Asthma , Face , Trouble , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Back Pain , High Standards , Bath , Quality , Fatigue , Two Million , Homes , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Consultation , Cell Phone Investigation , Request , Cell Phone , Search Warrant , Call Logs , New Mexico , 1000 , Text Messages , Videos , Photos , Shooting , Globes , Hutchinson , Scaled Down Ceremony , 79 , Nobody , Let S Go , Om Kicron Variant , If A Tree Falls In The Woods , Award , Variant , Somebody , Awwweeee , Celebrities , Millions , Broadcasting Rights , Nbc , The New York Times , Hfpa , Body , Investigations , Los Angeles Times , 80 , All Over The World , Categories , Vote , Journalist , Nominees , The Hollywood Forum Press Association , More , Salaries , Jets , Funds , Statements , Wins , Kristen Stewart , Will Smith , Winners , I Ll Be The One , Writing , Twitter , Mess , I Don T Know , Pictures , Billions , Universe , James Webb Space Telescope , Chloe , Nasa Scientists , Everyone , Clapping , Feet Clapping , Telescope , Wonderful , Mirror Nasa , Mirrors , Oragomi , Images , Style , Alignment , Inside Politics Sunday , Customer , Best , Emergen C , Blend , Emergen C At Carvana , Everying , Respect , Birthday , Experience , Ouown Moms , Car Annforgettable , Moms , Voltaren , Husband , Arthritis Pain Gel , Pills , Alternative , Gel , Arthritis Pain Relief , Movement , Trees , Green Red , Me And You , Heartburn , Anna , Night , Sleep , What A Wonderful World , Nexium 24hr , It Starts , Reality , Dream , Acid , Night Protection , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Xfinity , Movers , Address , Services , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Predecessor , Threat , Dcountry , Hail Mary On Voting Rights , Jim Crow , 2 0 ,

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