Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 202

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709

we're live at the u.s. capitol, on this january 6. on the historic ground invaded and defiled by rioters unone year ago. our correspondents and contributors are covering every angle of this day. a day of remembrance and the escalating threats to american democracy. let's begin with cnn chief correspondent jeff zeleny. we heard president biden call out former president trump today in a way he hasn't done so before. update our viewers. >> the president is talking about a sharp departure for fr anything he said over last year when he tried to move beyond his predecessor. not wanting to him to hijack his administration or simply politics in america. but the president of course has been becoming increasingly alarmed by the spreading of these election lies. so his advisers said on this historic day, he intended to mince no words. >> i will stand in this breach, i will defend this facing, not allow no one to place a dagger at the throat of democracy. >> reporter: tonight president biden delivering a blistering rebuke of former president trump and republicans who continue to mislead americans with lies about the 2020 election. >> he's not just a former president, he's a defeated former president. defeated by a margin of over 7 million of your votes. and a full and free and fair election. >> reporter: in a stark and somber address on the first anniversary, biden stood in statuary hall, the very scene of the january 6 attack and blamed his predecessor for the carnage that day and the fallout. >> you can't love your country only when you win. you can't obey the law only when it is convenient. you can't be patriotic when you embrace and enable lies. fwlf >> reporter: the president -- and as congress was certifying the results of electoral college. >> what did we not see? we didn't see a former president who had just rallied the mob to attack sitting in a private dining room off the oval office in the white house watching it all on television. and doing nothing for hours. as police were assaulted, lives at risk, and nation's capitol under siege. >> reporter: the morning remarks from the president and vice president. >> the american spirit is being tested. >> reporter: opened a solemn day to mark one of the darkest periods in the nation's history. speaker nancy pelosi led a moment of silence after reminding americans of the true heroes from the rampage. >> i want to acknowledge our fallen heroes of that day. u.s. capitol police officer brian sicknick, u.s. police officer howard livinggood, jeffrey smith, u.s. capitol police officer billy evans of a later assault. >> reporter: ome two republicans stood on the house floor. liz cheney, a member of the select committee investigating at tack, and her father, former vice president dick cheney. it was a symbolic rift inside of a republican party still led by trump. cheney took aim at the absent gop leaders. >> it is a matter of leadership that resembles any of the folks that i knew when i was here for ten years. >> reporter: tonight democrats are accusing republican, but many were silent when which biden took note of. >> they seem no longer to be the party of lincoln, eisenhower, reagan, the bushes. or whatever my other disagreements are with republicans that support the rule of law and not the rule of a single man, i will always seek to work together with them. >> reporter: as he left the capitol, biden said his shorp words were not intended to divide. >> you have to recognize the extent of the wound. that is what great nations do. they face the truth. deal with it. and move on. >> reporter: now the president was also asked why he did not mention trump by name. and mr. biden said that was intentional. he said he did not want this to become part of a contemporary political battle in his words. he said it is much bigger than that. and, wolf, the next chapter will come next week in atlanta when the president and vice president are traveling to atlanta, of course the civil rights movement to talk about voting rights and election reform. it is an open question if mr. biden will continue this tone against the former president. aides tell me that is not likely. he doesn't believe this is helpful to the country to talk like this every day, but on this historic day on this historic moment, he thought it was appropriate to tell the country the truth. >> he was very powerful and very, very blunt. jeff zeleny at the white house. thank you very much. now to the january 6 investigation that is underway here in washington. and new information about former president trump's mindset on the day of the attack. our congressional correspondent ryan nobles is joining us up here up on capitol hill. so what did one of trump's aides at time say, what is this aide saying now about trump's mindset on that day? >> wolf, the january 6 select committee is so interested in every decision and movement the former president made on january 6. and it zeroed in on this tweet about 20 minutes after rioters broke in the capitol. it said please support our capitol police and law enforcement, they are on the side of our country and then is said stay peaceful. according to the aide it is the stay peaceful part that the president was resit ant to include in his tweet. of course we have a lot of testimony that the january 6 select committee is uncovered about the president's mood and his disposition at that time, watching television and even sometimes cheering on the rioters safing those were his people. the committee believes that is an example of dereliction of duty by the former president and talked to a number of former tr officials and they are compiling what happened on january 6. >> you did some important reporting this week on the select committee wanting to interview the former vice president mike pence. what are you learning now? >> that is right, wolf. we talked to the chairman bennie thompson and he told us that the committee would like to talk to the former vice president, mike pence, about what happened to him on that day and the pressure campaign that was put on him to decertify the election results. since that interview, a number of committee members have echoed that desire for the committee to talk to vice president mike pence. listen to what liz cheney, the vice chair of the committee, said earlier today. >> former vice president pence was a hero on january 6. he refused the pressure of the former president, he did his duty, and the nation should be very grateful for the actions that he took that day. we look forward to continuing the cooperation that we've had with members of former vice president's team and look forward as well to his cooperation. >> now it is important, what liz cheney said there at the end of her remarks, that they have enjoyed the cooperation of many of pence's former aides. they truly believe that pence's connection to all of this is a key part of the investigation and they've already learned a lot from people very close to pence still an open question as to whether or not the former vice president will speak to the committee as well. >> his most senior aides are cooperating. thank you very much. ryan nobles reporting for us. i want to bring in now our chief political correspondent dana bash. our commenter david axelrod and our law enforcement analyst former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. dana, what about president biden's speech today, he laid out the blame squarely directly right at the feet of donald trump. >> absolutely. and if you want to ask whether or not that is going to change any minds, the answer came pretty immediately in hearing some high-profile republican response saying that it was partisan. and it really strikes me, wolf, when you see those kinds of responses because it's gaslighting. it is more of the same of what we've seen since a year ago, a year ago plus, since the last election. which is this -- these lies that are told by the former president to the people around him and then those are bolstered and amplified by a conservative media and then those who dare to call them out are called partisan when what they are doing isn't partisan, it is not just partisan, but not only partisan, it is unamerican. so they're setting up this straw man by saying if and when the former -- excuse me, the current president did what he did today, which is call out the danger that is eroding democracy, then that is partisan. well it is not. it is the anti-thesis of partisanship. >> david, this is certainly one of the toughest speeches we've ever heard from biden. certainly during his presidency. what does it tell you that biden felt now was the time for this powerful speech, what does it tell you about the state of our country? >> well, wolf, i don't know how you could tell the story of january 6 without telling the story of donald trump's involvement in it because he laid the groundwork for it months even before the election, through the election, up to the 6th of january and the damage that he's done continues. it is not just about what happened on that horrific day. it is about the fact that large numbers of americans, because he told them, came to believe and have come to believe that there was something fraudulent about the last election and in contradiction of all evidence. there is no evidence to support that. and yet he has led people to believe that, that is why so many came to the capitol and stormed the capitol. they thought they were doing their patriotic duty because he told them that something untoward was happening there. they thought they were fighting for democracy when they invaded the capitol on his say so. so you can't talk about this without talking about him. and i think the president put it in the right context. it is not over. this is not over. the fact that so many people, a vast majority of republicans, believe there was something fraudulent about the last election, the fact that there are efforts all over the country to replace election officials who did their duty with people who were willing to buy into this big lie, suggest that this is only the first chapter in a long-running story here, that is going to really determine the future of democracy. and when the president talked about a dagger at the throat of democracy, i think that wasn't hyperbole. what he didn't say but what was obvious from the absence of any republicans but liz cheney is is that former president trump also has his hands around the throat of the republican party and this was their strategy, to -- because remember they were all victims of this. they were there. many of them stood up at that time and denounced what happened and they late laid it at the feet of president. no longer. now the strategy is, as dana described it, try and make it everything look partisan. so when this committee, when this committee reports, they can dismiss the results of it, damning as they will be likely, as partisan. >> and it may not, andrew, be the last chapter in the security threats that the u.s. is facing, the department of homeland security is now warning that online threats on extremist platforms have actually increased dramatically over the past 48 hours with some threats once again targeting lawmakers. how concerning is that? >> well, it is very concerning, wolf. i think on the positive side, what you're seeing with this release today is what we didn't see in the lead up to january 6, 2021, and that is a coordinated, timely and widely distributed intelligence bulletin that shows us first the feds are looking at this and taking it seriously and sending it out to state and local officials in position to try to push back the threat that may very well erupt in places other than the capitol. on the concerning side, this is consistent with a massive uptick in threats that we're seeing against political leadership, against the folks up on capitol hill. i think the u.s. capitol police indicated this week they had 9,600 threats in the last year which was a huge increase over the year before and it is just been going up in the last few years. so it is very concerning. it rings also with the attorney general's comments the other day in the middle part of his speech, he spent some time talking about the wave of political violence we're seeing wash up across the country, not just on gymnjanuary 6 but in sc board meetings and health care centers. it is the new and future aspect of this threat. >> i've spoken with several lawmakers who are deeply concerned, they themselves have had to increase their own security over these past several weeks and months given all of the threats that are unfolding right now. guys, thank you very much. just ahead, representative pramila jayapal said the threat to democracy is a clear and present danger tonight she's standing by live. we'll discuss, we're here at the u.s. capitol and you're in "the situation room." our priorities, they've changed. hey lexus, play my music. it's not just about getting ahead. or the constant grind. it's about knowing what you want... 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>> yes, wolf, it is good to see you. thanks for having me. i think it was very important for the president to make the speech that he did and he delivered it beautifully. because the reality is the danger is clear and present. the thing that is different about this anniversary, if you will, is we're not marking something that was in the past, we're marking something that continues. the big lie continues. the insurrection and the people who were involved with it are continuing to try to overturn the election of 2020 and to seed people that will do it in the future. so i think what the president did today was very important because we cannot ever forget how fragile our democracy is, how close we were to losing it and how critically important it is right now in this moment that we protect it. >> you say that the danger is still clear, that it is still present. are things better or worse today than they were one year ago on january 6? >> well, obviously we're not in the middle of an insurrection today. but the reality of the former president continuing to be out there promoting the big lie and the entire republican party except for just a few courageous people, i saw liz cheney on the floor and i hugged her and thanked her. because there are very few republicans who are willing to even say that january 6 happened, that it was real and that we need to get to the bottom of it. in that sense, it is terrible because had you had a situation where january 6 happened an then the entire country came together and said we need to get to the bottom of this. we'll never let this happen again. that is one situation, wolf. what we have today is really only two members of congress in the house, liz cheney and adam kinzinger, who are willing to say it. and by denying or diminishing what happened on january 6, that is its own form of violence. >> yeah, we saw liz cheney, the congresswoman and her dad, the former vice president dick cheney on the floor of the u.s. congress earlier in the day. what does that suggest to you, that dick cheney and liz cheney, they're both republicans, very conservative, they're there and remembering this day in history? >> well i think they're trying to save the republican party. they're trying to bring the republican party back to a party that has values and that believes in the constitution and in democracy. which is not what it is today. the rest of the republican party is the party of the cult of the big lie. there is only one qualification now, it appears, which is to pledge feet to donald trump and the big lie. so the fact that the cheneys were there on the floor, dick and liz cheney were there on the floor to mark this day, sent a very strong signal that this is not a partisan thing, what happened on january 6 is about america. no matter what party you're from. and i think that is an important message that they were sending. >> you also said today that january 6th in your words is not divorced from the 400 plus pieces of voter suppression legislation introduced in the past 365 days. that is a quote from you. how important is it in your view that democrats pass strong voting rights legislation? >> that is the top priority, wolf. because we just have to be clear that this was a concerted effort to overturn the elections and to suppress the vote and those two things are tied together. you do not have 400 pieces of voter suppression legislation introduced across the country unless it is a concerted plan. and so that is why if we don't recognize that january 6 is deeply tied to that voter suppression, then we are missing the boat. and if we don't pass the john lewis voting rights act and the freedom to vote act which we have passed in the house, we're waiting for the senate, then we really have to answer only to ourselves about why democracy did not survive. it will not survive if we don't protect the core of it which is the right to vote. >> and the white house said the president will be delivering a major speech on this issue next tuesday. we'll watch that. congresswoman pramila jayapal, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. >> coming up, experts worn that the threat from domestic extremism has not diminished since at tack on the u.s. capitol one year ago. just ahead i'll ask the washington, d.c. police chief how his department is responding. we're live in the capitol and you're in "the situation room." . they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 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>> cnn has obtained the memo and it is daunting. it warned of a spike in extremist rhetoric leading up to this anniversary. tonight we have new information on the warning and on security concerns that remain here at the capitol. >> reporter: on the anniversary of the capitol riot, an increase in online extremist content in the past 48 hours, according to a new dhs memo sent today and obtained by cnn. it warns that potential violence could be directed against political and other government officials, including members of congress or the president and not limited to washington, d.c. one recent online video flagged by the fbi and dhs listed 93 members of congress who voted to certify the 2020 election. and calls for them to be hanged in front of the white house. the memo said, quote, no indication of a specific and credible plot, but security in washington has been stepped up, amid particular concern about the potential for lone actors. >> the threat is real. >> reporter: administration officials in part blaming today's divisiveness and misinformation. >> ideology are primary sources of the threat landscape we confront in the united states today. >> reporter: the threat has not diminished. >> the extremists are not done now that we're a year out of january 6. they have not been swayed as a group or movement from stopping their activity. >> reporter: tom manger expects his force to be tested again, to protect the capitol, he said they have improved intelligence gathering and sharing. streamlined procedures for calling national guard back-up, conducted joint exercises, are improving equipment and training, and planned to hire 280 officers a year for the next three years. but former d.c. metropolitan police officer michael fanone said the work is not yet done. >> they also have to address the security posture, the training, the equipment that is provided to their officers, and also the physical security of the capitol complex. >> reporter: a former capitol police chief said one vulnerability, the fact there are still so maniy entrances to the capitol building. >> we still don't have a safe way to get into the capitol complex. the capitol police have to be everywhere at once and keep a lot of doors open that are done for convenience. >> reporter: over the last year threats to lawmakers hit a disturbing high with the u.s. capitol police reporting 9600 instances, about 26 aday. >> the ones that concern us the most are the ones where we've had previous contact with the individual making the threat and we're concerned about their actions. >> reporter: and a full year later, another indication of just how intense this investigation remains, a key suspect still out there, the fbi tweeting just a few hours ago, another plea for the public's help in finding the person who placed pipe bombs just outside of the republican and democratic national committee officers on january 5th, the night before the attack. there is a $100,000 reward out for that person's information. the fbi said video and photos show the suspect wearing a face mask, a gray hoodie, black and gray nike air max speed turf shoes and a yellow logo, that suspect is still out there. the fbi still needing help in identifying that person. also, wolf, new information tonight from former law enforcement official and a white house official saying that then vice president elect kamala harris was evacuated from the democratic national committee offices just a few minutes after the pipe bomb there was discovered. those sources telling cnn they evacuated her at 1:14 p.m., seven minutes after the bomb was discovered and they started investigating it. >> that is new information. brian todd reporting for us. thank you very much. very disturbing information as well. let's get more from the head of the metropolitan police department here in the nation's capital, washington, d.c. chief robert contee is joining us now. i know there is an up tick in rhetoric lead up to today. are there any significant cre credible threats to the nation's capitol tonight. >> thank you for having me, wolf. we have not received any credible threats that we're aware of. obviously we take all of the threats that come in seriously and we want to make sure that we continue to work with our federal partners to investigate those threats, run that information down and to ensure that our residents, our visitors and lawmakers are safe here in the nation's capital. >> the insurrection took a huge toll on your own police department. how are your officers doing right now from a mental health standpoint? i'm concerned. >> yeah, i'm concerned about that, too. as i was the day that all of this happened. a lot of our officers, i'm sure, as i am today, reflecting on what happened on january 6, a year ago. we're doing best that we can to make sure that they're getting the treatment and the help that they need. we have a fantastic employees assistant program, that our officers are taking advantage of. we have done de briefings with all of the members who were assigned on january 6. so, today is a day of reflection for them for what happened, this event that happened on january 6. >> yeah, and we're grateful to all of your police officers for all you're doing to help protect us. i spoke with one of your former colleagues, former metropolitan police michael fanone, while he's doing better physically and psychologically than he was this night a year ago, this week, this week has proven to be very difficult for him. i imagine that is true for so many of your officers, right? >> that is absolutely true. i think a lot of our officers are certainly reflecting on the things that we're going on, certainly as all of the media images are out there in the forefront. some of them seeing some of the images for the first time. i know of many officers who just kind of refused to be engaged, obviously the day of they were not watching the reports, they actually lived through this. but to now see these images played over and over again really brings back a lot of memories from that day. >> chief robert coulntee, thank you for what you are doing. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, again. just ahead, we have more on the january 6 anniversary. and another major milestone we're following right now. schools in chicago shuttered, shuttered once again amid a clash between the teachers union and city officials. i'll ask the city's public health commissioner what it is going to take to get those kids back in the classroom. 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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. we have much more on the january 6 anniversary in just a few moments. but first, another major story we're following tonight. the omicron surge in the united states now pushing hospitalizations closer and closer to last year's record high and now causing major headaches for the country's third largest school district. 345,000 students in chicago will be stuck at home for a third straight day tomorrow as city officials and the teachers' union are clashing over plans to return to the classroom. let's discuss with chicago's commissioner of public health, doc doctoral allison arwady, where are those in chicago refusing to work in person yet again tomorrow? >> their worried that the schools are not safe. i get that we are in a covid surge and that there is a lot of worries in chicago overall. but when i look at risk benefit in chicago, more than 90% of our staff fully vaccinated, much higher vaccination rates among children than in the national average. we're not seeing, thank god, people who are vaccinated and boosted, if their adults, getting seriously ill and we're not seeing schools be the source of spread. they're looking for additional testing resources, which we're working on getting on a -- in place there. i'm all in favor of additional testing. there is already ventilation information available at the classroom level each week. there is masks, kn-95s and for taf first day back and there is conversations around for example decisions to move a school remote, which makes sense if you have a large number of staff and students out. not because of spread in the school, but because there is a lot of covid. but the decision to take the whole district remote is one that means we can't count those days toward education, but more importantly we see our kids not do well here. we had 100,000 kids disconnected from school when we tried to do remote learning. if i knew omicron would be done today, it would be an easy decision. but we can't keep pushing this when we know schools are critical to be in person and essential. >> i totally agree. it is really critical for these kids to be in school. not just for the education, and that is priority number one, but for so many of the kids it is the only good meal they actually get every day. >> that is right. >> they have to be in school. and we do know that other large cities -- >> that is right. >> -- here in washington, d.c. >> they have figured out how to reopen schools despite the threat of the omicron variant. why can't chicago follow these models? >> i think we can follow those models. those are cities with higher positivity and higher case counts. we have the same and better mitigation in place in many cases. and these schools are safe. it is just helping people come together around understanding that the things are in place even before a vaccine that let schools be open in person and with a vaccine we think they are the right place to be here. so i'm hopeful this will be resolved very soon. schools are open here for things like nutrition and covid testing and covid vaccination and other activities. but education is not going on. and i hope that this is something that gets done quick as possible. let me tell you, every chicagoan feels the same. >> so how do you do it and break through and get the kids back in class? >> yeah, so, i know that the teachers' union and the chicago public schools officials have been at the bargaining table again all day. i certainly have been weighing in where i can, can i get you additional resources for testing, what else can we do on masks, yes i agree that is a good metric for closing a school. i really think at the end of the day, this has been a good, important conversation so that we're all looking at the data to see that schools are not the major source of spread but i just -- you know, recognizing that remote is not likely to be something that we can keep returning to over and over again. i'm hopeful that with all of these ongoing conversations and additional safety measures in place, that teachers will feel comfortable, that we'll get to an agreement here and we'll be back in person soon. >> i hope so as well. i know this is critically important. doctor, thank you for joining us. >> of course, thank you for having me. >> coming up, a closer look at right wing media seizing on former president trump's lies about the january 6 insurrection. we're live here up on the u.s. capitol and you're in "the situation room." goals, allowances and chores from your chase mobile app. all with no monthly service fee. chase first banking. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as 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congress, in the 1800s. there's also a desk from abraham lincoln in this room. it's an extraordinary place for our broadcast tonight. we'll be broadcasting for at least two hours tonight, speaking with former house speaker -- with the current house speaker, nancy pelosi. we'll talk to congresswoman liz cheney about her efforts on the january 6th commission on this, the one-year anniversary of january 6th. we'll also speak to members of congress who were barricaded in on that day. it's not only a night to look back at what happened one year ago tonight on january 6th but also to look forward about the state of american democracy and where we go from here. there's a lot to look forward to. i'm looking forward to it with jake tapper, myself, a whole lot of members of congress, law enforcement officers who were here who defended democracy on that day. i hope you join us. that starts at 8:00 p.m., wolf. >> we'll definitely be watching and looking forward to it. anderson, thank you very, very much. once again, this important note to our viewers. stay with cnn live from the capitol, january 6 one year later. anderson and jake tapper will be hosting at 8:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. just ahead we'll have more on the right-wing media universe promoting and amplifying president trump's lies about the attack on the u.s. capitol one year ago today. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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"erin burnett outfront" starts right now. outfront next, one year after the deadly insurrection, president biden addresses the nation, placing the blame squarely on trump, as we're learning new details about the former president's actions one year ago today. plus she lost her long-time partner. officer brian sicknick after the deadly riot. tonight, she has a message for those in washington. also this hour an alarming report. how so many republicans are seizing of trump's big lie in order to win their elections a

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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709

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we're live at the u.s. capitol, on this january 6. on the historic ground invaded and defiled by rioters unone year ago. our correspondents and contributors are covering every angle of this day. a day of remembrance and the escalating threats to american democracy. let's begin with cnn chief correspondent jeff zeleny. we heard president biden call out former president trump today in a way he hasn't done so before. update our viewers. >> the president is talking about a sharp departure for fr anything he said over last year when he tried to move beyond his predecessor. not wanting to him to hijack his administration or simply politics in america. but the president of course has been becoming increasingly alarmed by the spreading of these election lies. so his advisers said on this historic day, he intended to mince no words. >> i will stand in this breach, i will defend this facing, not allow no one to place a dagger at the throat of democracy. >> reporter: tonight president biden delivering a blistering rebuke of former president trump and republicans who continue to mislead americans with lies about the 2020 election. >> he's not just a former president, he's a defeated former president. defeated by a margin of over 7 million of your votes. and a full and free and fair election. >> reporter: in a stark and somber address on the first anniversary, biden stood in statuary hall, the very scene of the january 6 attack and blamed his predecessor for the carnage that day and the fallout. >> you can't love your country only when you win. you can't obey the law only when it is convenient. you can't be patriotic when you embrace and enable lies. fwlf >> reporter: the president -- and as congress was certifying the results of electoral college. >> what did we not see? we didn't see a former president who had just rallied the mob to attack sitting in a private dining room off the oval office in the white house watching it all on television. and doing nothing for hours. as police were assaulted, lives at risk, and nation's capitol under siege. >> reporter: the morning remarks from the president and vice president. >> the american spirit is being tested. >> reporter: opened a solemn day to mark one of the darkest periods in the nation's history. speaker nancy pelosi led a moment of silence after reminding americans of the true heroes from the rampage. >> i want to acknowledge our fallen heroes of that day. u.s. capitol police officer brian sicknick, u.s. police officer howard livinggood, jeffrey smith, u.s. capitol police officer billy evans of a later assault. >> reporter: ome two republicans stood on the house floor. liz cheney, a member of the select committee investigating at tack, and her father, former vice president dick cheney. it was a symbolic rift inside of a republican party still led by trump. cheney took aim at the absent gop leaders. >> it is a matter of leadership that resembles any of the folks that i knew when i was here for ten years. >> reporter: tonight democrats are accusing republican, but many were silent when which biden took note of. >> they seem no longer to be the party of lincoln, eisenhower, reagan, the bushes. or whatever my other disagreements are with republicans that support the rule of law and not the rule of a single man, i will always seek to work together with them. >> reporter: as he left the capitol, biden said his shorp words were not intended to divide. >> you have to recognize the extent of the wound. that is what great nations do. they face the truth. deal with it. and move on. >> reporter: now the president was also asked why he did not mention trump by name. and mr. biden said that was intentional. he said he did not want this to become part of a contemporary political battle in his words. he said it is much bigger than that. and, wolf, the next chapter will come next week in atlanta when the president and vice president are traveling to atlanta, of course the civil rights movement to talk about voting rights and election reform. it is an open question if mr. biden will continue this tone against the former president. aides tell me that is not likely. he doesn't believe this is helpful to the country to talk like this every day, but on this historic day on this historic moment, he thought it was appropriate to tell the country the truth. >> he was very powerful and very, very blunt. jeff zeleny at the white house. thank you very much. now to the january 6 investigation that is underway here in washington. and new information about former president trump's mindset on the day of the attack. our congressional correspondent ryan nobles is joining us up here up on capitol hill. so what did one of trump's aides at time say, what is this aide saying now about trump's mindset on that day? >> wolf, the january 6 select committee is so interested in every decision and movement the former president made on january 6. and it zeroed in on this tweet about 20 minutes after rioters broke in the capitol. it said please support our capitol police and law enforcement, they are on the side of our country and then is said stay peaceful. according to the aide it is the stay peaceful part that the president was resit ant to include in his tweet. of course we have a lot of testimony that the january 6 select committee is uncovered about the president's mood and his disposition at that time, watching television and even sometimes cheering on the rioters safing those were his people. the committee believes that is an example of dereliction of duty by the former president and talked to a number of former tr officials and they are compiling what happened on january 6. >> you did some important reporting this week on the select committee wanting to interview the former vice president mike pence. what are you learning now? >> that is right, wolf. we talked to the chairman bennie thompson and he told us that the committee would like to talk to the former vice president, mike pence, about what happened to him on that day and the pressure campaign that was put on him to decertify the election results. since that interview, a number of committee members have echoed that desire for the committee to talk to vice president mike pence. listen to what liz cheney, the vice chair of the committee, said earlier today. >> former vice president pence was a hero on january 6. he refused the pressure of the former president, he did his duty, and the nation should be very grateful for the actions that he took that day. we look forward to continuing the cooperation that we've had with members of former vice president's team and look forward as well to his cooperation. >> now it is important, what liz cheney said there at the end of her remarks, that they have enjoyed the cooperation of many of pence's former aides. they truly believe that pence's connection to all of this is a key part of the investigation and they've already learned a lot from people very close to pence still an open question as to whether or not the former vice president will speak to the committee as well. >> his most senior aides are cooperating. thank you very much. ryan nobles reporting for us. i want to bring in now our chief political correspondent dana bash. our commenter david axelrod and our law enforcement analyst former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. dana, what about president biden's speech today, he laid out the blame squarely directly right at the feet of donald trump. >> absolutely. and if you want to ask whether or not that is going to change any minds, the answer came pretty immediately in hearing some high-profile republican response saying that it was partisan. and it really strikes me, wolf, when you see those kinds of responses because it's gaslighting. it is more of the same of what we've seen since a year ago, a year ago plus, since the last election. which is this -- these lies that are told by the former president to the people around him and then those are bolstered and amplified by a conservative media and then those who dare to call them out are called partisan when what they are doing isn't partisan, it is not just partisan, but not only partisan, it is unamerican. so they're setting up this straw man by saying if and when the former -- excuse me, the current president did what he did today, which is call out the danger that is eroding democracy, then that is partisan. well it is not. it is the anti-thesis of partisanship. >> david, this is certainly one of the toughest speeches we've ever heard from biden. certainly during his presidency. what does it tell you that biden felt now was the time for this powerful speech, what does it tell you about the state of our country? >> well, wolf, i don't know how you could tell the story of january 6 without telling the story of donald trump's involvement in it because he laid the groundwork for it months even before the election, through the election, up to the 6th of january and the damage that he's done continues. it is not just about what happened on that horrific day. it is about the fact that large numbers of americans, because he told them, came to believe and have come to believe that there was something fraudulent about the last election and in contradiction of all evidence. there is no evidence to support that. and yet he has led people to believe that, that is why so many came to the capitol and stormed the capitol. they thought they were doing their patriotic duty because he told them that something untoward was happening there. they thought they were fighting for democracy when they invaded the capitol on his say so. so you can't talk about this without talking about him. and i think the president put it in the right context. it is not over. this is not over. the fact that so many people, a vast majority of republicans, believe there was something fraudulent about the last election, the fact that there are efforts all over the country to replace election officials who did their duty with people who were willing to buy into this big lie, suggest that this is only the first chapter in a long-running story here, that is going to really determine the future of democracy. and when the president talked about a dagger at the throat of democracy, i think that wasn't hyperbole. what he didn't say but what was obvious from the absence of any republicans but liz cheney is is that former president trump also has his hands around the throat of the republican party and this was their strategy, to -- because remember they were all victims of this. they were there. many of them stood up at that time and denounced what happened and they late laid it at the feet of president. no longer. now the strategy is, as dana described it, try and make it everything look partisan. so when this committee, when this committee reports, they can dismiss the results of it, damning as they will be likely, as partisan. >> and it may not, andrew, be the last chapter in the security threats that the u.s. is facing, the department of homeland security is now warning that online threats on extremist platforms have actually increased dramatically over the past 48 hours with some threats once again targeting lawmakers. how concerning is that? >> well, it is very concerning, wolf. i think on the positive side, what you're seeing with this release today is what we didn't see in the lead up to january 6, 2021, and that is a coordinated, timely and widely distributed intelligence bulletin that shows us first the feds are looking at this and taking it seriously and sending it out to state and local officials in position to try to push back the threat that may very well erupt in places other than the capitol. on the concerning side, this is consistent with a massive uptick in threats that we're seeing against political leadership, against the folks up on capitol hill. i think the u.s. capitol police indicated this week they had 9,600 threats in the last year which was a huge increase over the year before and it is just been going up in the last few years. so it is very concerning. it rings also with the attorney general's comments the other day in the middle part of his speech, he spent some time talking about the wave of political violence we're seeing wash up across the country, not just on gymnjanuary 6 but in sc board meetings and health care centers. it is the new and future aspect of this threat. >> i've spoken with several lawmakers who are deeply concerned, they themselves have had to increase their own security over these past several weeks and months given all of the threats that are unfolding right now. guys, thank you very much. just ahead, representative pramila jayapal said the threat to democracy is a clear and present danger tonight she's standing by live. we'll discuss, we're here at the u.s. capitol and you're in "the situation room." our priorities, they've changed. hey lexus, play my music. it's not just about getting ahead. or the constant grind. it's about knowing what you want... 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>> yes, wolf, it is good to see you. thanks for having me. i think it was very important for the president to make the speech that he did and he delivered it beautifully. because the reality is the danger is clear and present. the thing that is different about this anniversary, if you will, is we're not marking something that was in the past, we're marking something that continues. the big lie continues. the insurrection and the people who were involved with it are continuing to try to overturn the election of 2020 and to seed people that will do it in the future. so i think what the president did today was very important because we cannot ever forget how fragile our democracy is, how close we were to losing it and how critically important it is right now in this moment that we protect it. >> you say that the danger is still clear, that it is still present. are things better or worse today than they were one year ago on january 6? >> well, obviously we're not in the middle of an insurrection today. but the reality of the former president continuing to be out there promoting the big lie and the entire republican party except for just a few courageous people, i saw liz cheney on the floor and i hugged her and thanked her. because there are very few republicans who are willing to even say that january 6 happened, that it was real and that we need to get to the bottom of it. in that sense, it is terrible because had you had a situation where january 6 happened an then the entire country came together and said we need to get to the bottom of this. we'll never let this happen again. that is one situation, wolf. what we have today is really only two members of congress in the house, liz cheney and adam kinzinger, who are willing to say it. and by denying or diminishing what happened on january 6, that is its own form of violence. >> yeah, we saw liz cheney, the congresswoman and her dad, the former vice president dick cheney on the floor of the u.s. congress earlier in the day. what does that suggest to you, that dick cheney and liz cheney, they're both republicans, very conservative, they're there and remembering this day in history? >> well i think they're trying to save the republican party. they're trying to bring the republican party back to a party that has values and that believes in the constitution and in democracy. which is not what it is today. the rest of the republican party is the party of the cult of the big lie. there is only one qualification now, it appears, which is to pledge feet to donald trump and the big lie. so the fact that the cheneys were there on the floor, dick and liz cheney were there on the floor to mark this day, sent a very strong signal that this is not a partisan thing, what happened on january 6 is about america. no matter what party you're from. and i think that is an important message that they were sending. >> you also said today that january 6th in your words is not divorced from the 400 plus pieces of voter suppression legislation introduced in the past 365 days. that is a quote from you. how important is it in your view that democrats pass strong voting rights legislation? >> that is the top priority, wolf. because we just have to be clear that this was a concerted effort to overturn the elections and to suppress the vote and those two things are tied together. you do not have 400 pieces of voter suppression legislation introduced across the country unless it is a concerted plan. and so that is why if we don't recognize that january 6 is deeply tied to that voter suppression, then we are missing the boat. and if we don't pass the john lewis voting rights act and the freedom to vote act which we have passed in the house, we're waiting for the senate, then we really have to answer only to ourselves about why democracy did not survive. it will not survive if we don't protect the core of it which is the right to vote. >> and the white house said the president will be delivering a major speech on this issue next tuesday. we'll watch that. congresswoman pramila jayapal, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. >> coming up, experts worn that the threat from domestic extremism has not diminished since at tack on the u.s. capitol one year ago. just ahead i'll ask the washington, d.c. police chief how his department is responding. we're live in the capitol and you're in "the situation room." . they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 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>> cnn has obtained the memo and it is daunting. it warned of a spike in extremist rhetoric leading up to this anniversary. tonight we have new information on the warning and on security concerns that remain here at the capitol. >> reporter: on the anniversary of the capitol riot, an increase in online extremist content in the past 48 hours, according to a new dhs memo sent today and obtained by cnn. it warns that potential violence could be directed against political and other government officials, including members of congress or the president and not limited to washington, d.c. one recent online video flagged by the fbi and dhs listed 93 members of congress who voted to certify the 2020 election. and calls for them to be hanged in front of the white house. the memo said, quote, no indication of a specific and credible plot, but security in washington has been stepped up, amid particular concern about the potential for lone actors. >> the threat is real. >> reporter: administration officials in part blaming today's divisiveness and misinformation. >> ideology are primary sources of the threat landscape we confront in the united states today. >> reporter: the threat has not diminished. >> the extremists are not done now that we're a year out of january 6. they have not been swayed as a group or movement from stopping their activity. >> reporter: tom manger expects his force to be tested again, to protect the capitol, he said they have improved intelligence gathering and sharing. streamlined procedures for calling national guard back-up, conducted joint exercises, are improving equipment and training, and planned to hire 280 officers a year for the next three years. but former d.c. metropolitan police officer michael fanone said the work is not yet done. >> they also have to address the security posture, the training, the equipment that is provided to their officers, and also the physical security of the capitol complex. >> reporter: a former capitol police chief said one vulnerability, the fact there are still so maniy entrances to the capitol building. >> we still don't have a safe way to get into the capitol complex. the capitol police have to be everywhere at once and keep a lot of doors open that are done for convenience. >> reporter: over the last year threats to lawmakers hit a disturbing high with the u.s. capitol police reporting 9600 instances, about 26 aday. >> the ones that concern us the most are the ones where we've had previous contact with the individual making the threat and we're concerned about their actions. >> reporter: and a full year later, another indication of just how intense this investigation remains, a key suspect still out there, the fbi tweeting just a few hours ago, another plea for the public's help in finding the person who placed pipe bombs just outside of the republican and democratic national committee officers on january 5th, the night before the attack. there is a $100,000 reward out for that person's information. the fbi said video and photos show the suspect wearing a face mask, a gray hoodie, black and gray nike air max speed turf shoes and a yellow logo, that suspect is still out there. the fbi still needing help in identifying that person. also, wolf, new information tonight from former law enforcement official and a white house official saying that then vice president elect kamala harris was evacuated from the democratic national committee offices just a few minutes after the pipe bomb there was discovered. those sources telling cnn they evacuated her at 1:14 p.m., seven minutes after the bomb was discovered and they started investigating it. >> that is new information. brian todd reporting for us. thank you very much. very disturbing information as well. let's get more from the head of the metropolitan police department here in the nation's capital, washington, d.c. chief robert contee is joining us now. i know there is an up tick in rhetoric lead up to today. are there any significant cre credible threats to the nation's capitol tonight. >> thank you for having me, wolf. we have not received any credible threats that we're aware of. obviously we take all of the threats that come in seriously and we want to make sure that we continue to work with our federal partners to investigate those threats, run that information down and to ensure that our residents, our visitors and lawmakers are safe here in the nation's capital. >> the insurrection took a huge toll on your own police department. how are your officers doing right now from a mental health standpoint? i'm concerned. >> yeah, i'm concerned about that, too. as i was the day that all of this happened. a lot of our officers, i'm sure, as i am today, reflecting on what happened on january 6, a year ago. we're doing best that we can to make sure that they're getting the treatment and the help that they need. we have a fantastic employees assistant program, that our officers are taking advantage of. we have done de briefings with all of the members who were assigned on january 6. so, today is a day of reflection for them for what happened, this event that happened on january 6. >> yeah, and we're grateful to all of your police officers for all you're doing to help protect us. i spoke with one of your former colleagues, former metropolitan police michael fanone, while he's doing better physically and psychologically than he was this night a year ago, this week, this week has proven to be very difficult for him. i imagine that is true for so many of your officers, right? >> that is absolutely true. i think a lot of our officers are certainly reflecting on the things that we're going on, certainly as all of the media images are out there in the forefront. some of them seeing some of the images for the first time. i know of many officers who just kind of refused to be engaged, obviously the day of they were not watching the reports, they actually lived through this. but to now see these images played over and over again really brings back a lot of memories from that day. >> chief robert coulntee, thank you for what you are doing. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, again. just ahead, we have more on the january 6 anniversary. and another major milestone we're following right now. schools in chicago shuttered, shuttered once again amid a clash between the teachers union and city officials. i'll ask the city's public health commissioner what it is going to take to get those kids back in the classroom. 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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. we have much more on the january 6 anniversary in just a few moments. but first, another major story we're following tonight. the omicron surge in the united states now pushing hospitalizations closer and closer to last year's record high and now causing major headaches for the country's third largest school district. 345,000 students in chicago will be stuck at home for a third straight day tomorrow as city officials and the teachers' union are clashing over plans to return to the classroom. let's discuss with chicago's commissioner of public health, doc doctoral allison arwady, where are those in chicago refusing to work in person yet again tomorrow? >> their worried that the schools are not safe. i get that we are in a covid surge and that there is a lot of worries in chicago overall. but when i look at risk benefit in chicago, more than 90% of our staff fully vaccinated, much higher vaccination rates among children than in the national average. we're not seeing, thank god, people who are vaccinated and boosted, if their adults, getting seriously ill and we're not seeing schools be the source of spread. they're looking for additional testing resources, which we're working on getting on a -- in place there. i'm all in favor of additional testing. there is already ventilation information available at the classroom level each week. there is masks, kn-95s and for taf first day back and there is conversations around for example decisions to move a school remote, which makes sense if you have a large number of staff and students out. not because of spread in the school, but because there is a lot of covid. but the decision to take the whole district remote is one that means we can't count those days toward education, but more importantly we see our kids not do well here. we had 100,000 kids disconnected from school when we tried to do remote learning. if i knew omicron would be done today, it would be an easy decision. but we can't keep pushing this when we know schools are critical to be in person and essential. >> i totally agree. it is really critical for these kids to be in school. not just for the education, and that is priority number one, but for so many of the kids it is the only good meal they actually get every day. >> that is right. >> they have to be in school. and we do know that other large cities -- >> that is right. >> -- here in washington, d.c. >> they have figured out how to reopen schools despite the threat of the omicron variant. why can't chicago follow these models? >> i think we can follow those models. those are cities with higher positivity and higher case counts. we have the same and better mitigation in place in many cases. and these schools are safe. it is just helping people come together around understanding that the things are in place even before a vaccine that let schools be open in person and with a vaccine we think they are the right place to be here. so i'm hopeful this will be resolved very soon. schools are open here for things like nutrition and covid testing and covid vaccination and other activities. but education is not going on. and i hope that this is something that gets done quick as possible. let me tell you, every chicagoan feels the same. >> so how do you do it and break through and get the kids back in class? >> yeah, so, i know that the teachers' union and the chicago public schools officials have been at the bargaining table again all day. i certainly have been weighing in where i can, can i get you additional resources for testing, what else can we do on masks, yes i agree that is a good metric for closing a school. i really think at the end of the day, this has been a good, important conversation so that we're all looking at the data to see that schools are not the major source of spread but i just -- you know, recognizing that remote is not likely to be something that we can keep returning to over and over again. i'm hopeful that with all of these ongoing conversations and additional safety measures in place, that teachers will feel comfortable, that we'll get to an agreement here and we'll be back in person soon. >> i hope so as well. i know this is critically important. doctor, thank you for joining us. >> of course, thank you for having me. >> coming up, a closer look at right wing media seizing on former president trump's lies about the january 6 insurrection. we're live here up on the u.s. capitol and you're in "the situation room." goals, allowances and chores from your chase mobile app. all with no monthly service fee. chase first banking. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as 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biktarvy is right for you. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ right now we're just over an hour away from a cnn special report live from the u.s. capitol marking the anniversary of the january 6th insurrection. joining us now for a preview of tonight's coverage, our own anderson cooper who's over at statutary hall, the historic and beautiful statutary hall. anderson, this is an unpr unprecedented event on cnn. tell our viewers what to expect. >> what a historic setting, national statutary hall, the history that has happened right here in this room. when congress was sacked by the british in 1814, this room was sacked as well. john quincy adams right over there, that is where his desk was when he served. this used to actually be the old hall of the house, the house of congress, in the 1800s. there's also a desk from abraham lincoln in this room. it's an extraordinary place for our broadcast tonight. we'll be broadcasting for at least two hours tonight, speaking with former house speaker -- with the current house speaker, nancy pelosi. we'll talk to congresswoman liz cheney about her efforts on the january 6th commission on this, the one-year anniversary of january 6th. we'll also speak to members of congress who were barricaded in on that day. it's not only a night to look back at what happened one year ago tonight on january 6th but also to look forward about the state of american democracy and where we go from here. there's a lot to look forward to. i'm looking forward to it with jake tapper, myself, a whole lot of members of congress, law enforcement officers who were here who defended democracy on that day. i hope you join us. that starts at 8:00 p.m., wolf. >> we'll definitely be watching and looking forward to it. anderson, thank you very, very much. once again, this important note to our viewers. stay with cnn live from the capitol, january 6 one year later. anderson and jake tapper will be hosting at 8:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. just ahead we'll have more on the right-wing media universe promoting and amplifying president trump's lies about the attack on the u.s. capitol one year ago today. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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"erin burnett outfront" starts right now. outfront next, one year after the deadly insurrection, president biden addresses the nation, placing the blame squarely on trump, as we're learning new details about the former president's actions one year ago today. plus she lost her long-time partner. officer brian sicknick after the deadly riot. tonight, she has a message for those in washington. also this hour an alarming report. how so many republicans are seizing of trump's big lie in order to win their elections a

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January 6th Insurrection , Democracy , Capitol Hill , Mark One , Wounds , Americans , One , President , Danger , Dagger , Lies , Biden Seizing , Predecessor , Trump , Web , Threats , Nation , Throat , Reality , Extremist , Warning , Spike , Homeland Security , American Democracy , 48 , January 6 , 6 , Wolf Blitzer , Lawmakers , Situation Room , Targets , Ruers , Around The World , Ground , Contributors , Correspondents , Rioters Unone , Defiled , Cnn , Trump Today In A Way He Hasn T , Jeff Zeleny , Remembrance , Biden Call Out , Angle , Viewers , Administration , Departure , He , Anything , Election , Course , Words , Politics , Breach , Advisers , Spreading , Biden , Reporter , Donald Trump , Republicans , Facing , Former , Rebuke , Votes , Margin , 2020 , 7 Million , Anniversary , Attack , Address , Fallout , Carnage , Scene , Statuary Hall , Country , Law , U S Congress , Results , Electoral College , Fwlf , White House , Television , Nothing , Mob , Office , Dining Room , Vice President , Police , Risk , Remarks , Capitol Under Siege , American Spirit , Nancy Pelosi , Heroes , History , Periods , Rampage , Led A Moment Of Silence , Brian Sicknick , Billy Evans , Howard Livinggood , Jeffrey Smith , Liz Cheney , Committee , Dick Cheney , Member , Tack , Assault , Rift , House Floor , Two , Matter , Leadership , Folks , Leaders , Aim , Ten , Many , Party , Note , Bushes , Democrats , Lincoln , Reagan , Eisenhower , Man , Disagreements , Capitol , Rule , Rule Of Law , Shorp , Truth , Deal , Nations , Wound , Extent , Move On , Part , Mr , Chapter , Name , Battle , Atlanta , Question , Aides , Voting Rights , Reform , Tone , Civil Rights Movement , Investigation , Mindset , Information , Ryan Nobles , Washington D C , Democratic National Committee , Decision , Movement , Aide , Capitol Police , Rioters , Law Enforcement , Tweet , Side , 20 , Lot , Testimony , Ant , Mood , Disposition , Stay Peaceful , People , Example , Dereliction Of Duty , Mike Pence , Reporting , Bennie Thompson , Number , Tr Officials , Compiling , Pressure , Interview , Election Results , Campaign , Pence , Committee Members , Hero , Desire , Members , Actions , Cooperation , Duty , Team , Wall , Connection , Speech , Andrew Mccabe , Fbi , Dana Bash , Commenter , David Axelrod , Feet , Blame , Minds , Answer , Same , Responses , Kinds , Gaslighting , Isn T Partisan , Media , Who , Dare , Eroding Democracy , Straw Man , Presidency , Partisanship , Speeches , Anti Thesis , Story , State , It , Fact , Damage , 6th , Groundwork , Involvement , 6th Of January , Something , Evidence , Contradiction , Numbers , Fighting , Context , Say , Election Officials , Efforts , Majority , Big Lie , Hands , Absence , Wasn T Hyperbole , Strategy , Victims , Committee Reports , It Everything , Longer , Security Threats , Extremist Platforms , Department Of Homeland Security , Lead , Release , January 6 2021 , 2021 , Threat , Intelligence , Officials , Bulletin , Places , Position , Feds , U S Capitol Police , Uptick , Attorney General , Increase , 9600 , Violence , Wave , Comments , Sc Board Meetings , Gymnjanuary 6 , Security , Aspect , Health Care Centers , Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal , Guys , Clear And Present Danger , Priorities , Music , Car Sfx , Level , Grind , Traffic , Lexus , Beep , Kids , Safety System , Park , Lexus Nx , Mom , Planning , Someone , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Woman , Plaque Psoriasis , Doctor , Infections , Treatment , Ability , Infection , Skin , Tuberculosis , Skyrizi , Symptoms , Doses , 4 , 3 , 90 , Vaccine , Program , Everything , Fevers , Chills , Coughs , Personalpoints , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Dermatologist , Ww , Plan , Goals , Plans , Assessment , Foods , Oprah , 30 , 26 , Life , App , Weight , Trial , Ww Personalpoints Program , 14 , Halls , Washington State , Perspective , Role , Thing , Thanks , Yes , Seed , Things , Middle , Floor , Situation , Sense , Bottom , In The House , Form , Adam Kinzinger , Dad , Dick Cheney On The Floor , Constitution , Values , Qualification , Rest , Cult , Signal , Message , Voter Suppression , Pieces , 400 , January 6th , Quote , Legislation , Priority , View , Voting Rights Legislation , 365 , Elections , Vote , Effort , Boat , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , House , Act , Freedom , Core , Senate , Experts , Coming Up , Issue , Extremism , Department , U S Capitol One , Metropolitan Police Officer , Technology , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Family , Covid 19 , 19 , Ways , Cue , Test Results , Speed , Home Test , Cue Health , Accuracy , Go Cue , Nba , More , Mobile App , Chase , Tools , Simplicity , Marcia , Health , Dental Implants , Solution , Periodontal Disease , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , World , Business , Key , Journey , Advisor , Wealth , Tech Solutions , Challenges , Technologies , Ride , Customers , Dell , Planning Effect , Picture , Reward , Balance , Save , Ready , Set , Sale , Internet , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Backing , Installation , Voice , 2 , 64 99 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Value , Possibilities , Prepaid Card , Comcast Business , 500 , 00 , Pictures , Peril , Brian Todd , Memo , Homeland Security Memoranda , Latest , Capitol Building , Security Concerns , Rhetoric , Government Officials , Content , Dhs Memo , Video , Calls , 93 , Indication , Actors , Concern , Front , Potential , Plot , Up , Sources , Divisiveness , Misinformation , Threat Landscape , Ideology , Extremists , Group , Equipment , Tom Manger , Back Up , Activity , Force , Sharing , Exercises , Procedures , Gathering , National Guard , Streamlined , Michael Fanone , Work , Training , D C , 280 , Three , Officers , Security Posture , Vulnerability , Capitol Complex , Everywhere , Way , Doors , Entrances , Ones , Contact , Convenience , Most , Instances , High , Aday , Suspect , Making , Remains , Tweeting , Individual , Person , Help , Pipe Bombs , Public , Plea , January 5th , 5 , 100000 , 00000 , Face Mask , Black , Logo , Hoodie , Photos , Nike Air Max , Turf Shoes , Kamala Harris , Pipe Bomb , Bomb , 1 , Seven , Capital , Metropolitan Police , Head , Up Tick , Chief Robert Contee , Rhetoric Lead , Capitol Tonight , Partners , Residents , Visitors , Nation S Capital , Police Department , Mental Health Standpoint , Toll , Employees Assistant Program , Advantage , Reflection , Briefings , Event , Police Officers , Colleagues , Media Images , Reports , Some , Images , Time , Forefront , Memories , Chief Robert Coulntee , Chicago Public Schools , City Officials , Chicago , Clash , Teachers Union , Milestone , Public Health , Classroom , Commissioner , City , Discount , Burke , Policies , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Home , Hon , Honey , Coverage , Discounts , Sup , Garage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Seventeen , Forty Five , Bum , Pa Dum , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Designers , Artists , Players , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Clearer , Parents , Friends , True Self , Events , Reactions , Nervous System , Cancers , Lymphoma , Blood Disorders , Hepatitis B , Don T , Heart Failure , Fever , Have , Paleness , Bruising , Bleeding , Sores , Flu , Cuts , Visit Enbrel Com , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Must , Medicine Cabinet , Unique Zinc Formula , Patients , Zifans , , It Shortens Colds , Market , Money Manager , Judith , Fisher Investments , Views , Money Managers , Client Portfolios , Investments , Money , Clients , Commissions , Interest , Client , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Yep , Omicron Surge , Hospitalizations , Teachers , Students , Union , Headaches , School District , 345000 , Allison Arwady , Surge , Worries , Adults , Staff , Children , Average , Vaccination Rates , God , Place , Testing , Spread , Testing Resources , Schools , Ventilation Information , A , Source , Favor , Conversations , Masks , School Remote , Taf First Day , Decisions , Classroom Level , Kn 95s , 95 , School , Education , District Remote , Learning , Number One , Essential , Cities , Meal , Models , Case Counts , Positivity , Safe , Cases , Mitigation , Covid Testing , Activities , Vaccination , Nutrition , Class , Chicagoan , Resources , Bargaining Table , Metric , Conversation , Data , Good , Remote , Agreement , Safety Measures , Allowances , Chores , Service Fee , Chase First Banking , Trelegy , Copd , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Medicines , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Power , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Swelling , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Breathing , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Mouth , Tongue , Heart Condition , Pain , Vision Changes , Stand , Trelegy Com , Eye , Problems Urinating , Biktarvy , H I V , Investing Strategies , Amount , Pill , Cure , Virus , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Lab Test , Can , Kidney Failure , Sex , Research , Liver Problems , Kidney , Breastfeeding , Buildup , Hepatitis , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Nausea , Diarrhea , Car , Headache , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Windshield , Special Report , Anderson Cooper , Preview , Statutary Hall , Beautiful Statutary Hall , Setting , National Statutary Hall , John Quincy Adams , Room , Desk , Hall , House Of Congress , British , 1814 , Broadcast Tonight , House Speaker , Broadcasting , 1800 , January 6th Commission , Law Enforcement Officers , Jake Tapper , 8 , Stay , Media Universe Promoting , Amplifying , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Gasps , Pay , Spider Man , Theaters December 17th , 17 , December 17th , Type 2 Diabetes , What A Wonderful World , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Changes , Lump , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 0 , Cooking , Kitchen , Conspiracies , Nm Com Former , Riot , Media Channels , Roar , Tom Foreman , Supporters , Crowd , Antifa Sympathizers , Protest , Claims , Crowds , Dozens , First , 700 , Take , Participants , Contrary , Chants , Hosts , Flags , Fans , Commentators , Uprising , Gear , Conspiracy Theories , Antifa Or Undercover , Agents 226 Antifa , 226 , Voters , Response , Study , Allegations , Podcasts , Voter Fraud , Rush Limbaugh , Sean Hannity , Steve Bannon , 50 , Consequences , Blood , Attempt , Media Figures , Watching , Erin Burnett Outfront , Insurrection , Details , Outfront Next , Report , Partner , Elections A , Order , In Washington ,

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