Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

then in the best of all worlds it would also remind us of all we have done since then to honestly reckon with what happened, to bind up our wounds and in a bipartisan way strengthen the underpinnings of our democracy. that's how the past year might have played out. it might have, but it didn't. because it didn't, we come to you tonight at a moment that feels no less pregnant with dark possibilities than january 5th did a year ago tonight. >> all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. just understand this. all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. it is going to be moving, it is going to be quick. it is all converging, and now we are on, as i say, the point of attack, right. the point of attack tomorrow. >> when steve bannon said that he was knee deep in the planning for what would come the next day, the fact that only nine republican house members could bring themselves to cite him for contempt after he openly defied a subpoena from the house select committee investigating january 6th speaks to why we are at what feels like such a dark moment for democracy. so does the fact that only two republicans voted to cite former white house chief of staff mark meadows for also defying the committee when only ten voted to impeach the former president. it all speaks volumes. so does the fact until cooler heads prevail, cobb county's republican party had been planning to mark tomorrow's anniversary in part with a candlelight vigil for mens of the violent mob now in jail awaiting trial. that's right. they were going to hail as heroes the alleged worst of the worst people who attacked the capitol. take a look at the agenda uncovered by a political reporter for "the atlanta journal constitution." 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., candlelight vigil for patriots held in washington. it speaks to where we are tonight. so does it speak to the party that cannot bring themselves to say that it was a real insurrection. today former president jimmy carter in a "new york times" essay titled "i fear for our democracy" did not identify the gop by name. he did, however, clearly identify the party's role over the past year. he believes in taking us all to the brink. one year on, former president carter writes, promoters of the lie that the election was stolen have taken over one political party and stoked distrust in our electoral systems. these forces exert power and influence through relentless disinformation which continues to turn americans against americans. mr. carter concludes with a warning. our great nation, he writes, now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss. without immediate action we are at engenuine risk of losing our democracy. what makes it so sad is it did not have to be this way. republicans, at least initially saw the insurrection for what it was. you heard them say it. they understood clearly what happened and who was responsible. >> the mob was fed lies. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress. >> they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. >> he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. >> trump and i, we've had a hell of a journey. i hate it to end this way. oh, my god, i hate it. >> the violence, destruction and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic and unamerican. it was the saddest day i have ever had serving as a member of this institution. >> to those who wreaked havoc in our capitol today, you did not win. violence never wins. freedom wins. >> this has been a truly tragic day for america, and we all join together in fully condemning the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today in our nation's capitol. >> today the people's house was attacked, which is an attack on the republic itself. there is no excuse for it. a woman died and people need to go to jail, and the president should never have spun up certain americans to believe something that simply cannot be. >> chaos, anarchy, the violence today was wrong and unamerican. >> wow. on that day and over the days that followed republicans were saying virtually the same things that democrats were saying about the assault and who was responsible, but the back sliding, it began almost immediately. on the evening of the 6th, 147 republican lawmakers including elise stefanik who you saw there and kevin mccarthy who you just saw still voted to overturn electoral counts from the states. again, all but ten house republicans would later go on to vote against impeaching the former president. kevin mccarthy, of course, would pave the way for others to make the pilgrimage to mar-a-lago to make nice with the man he said bore responsibility for the attack on congress. elise stefanik would release liz cheney in reward. so began the year of gaslighting. >> the president didn't incite anything. >> we have a january 6th committee that nancy pelosi is leading that is nothing but a political witch hunt on republicans and trump supporters. >> as they've proven yet again today over and over again, they only care about attacking their political enemies. >> it really has turned out to be nothing more than a partisan committee just to investigate the former president. >> we've seen plenty of video of people in the capitol, and they weren't rioting. they don't -- it doesn't look like an armed insurrection when you have people that breach the capitol, and i don't condone it, but they're staying within the rope lines in the rotunda. that's not what an armed insurrection would look like. >> deezero firearms from suspec charged with breaching the capitol. >> in fact, it was trump supporters who lost their lives that day, not trump supporters who were taking the lives of others. >> i can tell you the house floor was never breached and it was not an insurrection. you know, if you didn't know the tv footage was a video from january 6th you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit. >> that's pretty shameful. there was that. there was the so-called election audit in arizona. there's been one republican controlled state legislature after another passing new restrictive voting laws based on the big lie, which a majority of republicans now believe. as we've been reporting recently growing percentage of republicans are saying that political violence is sometimes justified. 40% in a recent "washington post" poll. that is where the year has taken us, but, again, it didn't have to be. listen to what might have been a far different party line, but sadly wasn't. here is republican congressman adam kinzinger today. >> some say it is time to move on from january 6th, but we can't move on without addressing what happened or by pretending it never happened. we can't move on without taking action to make sure it never happens again. that starts by admitting the facts. the 2020 election was not stolen. joe biden won and donald trump lost. we have to admit it, but the leadership of the republican party won't. they lied to the american people and they still are. >> they still are. presumably in that the former president planned to hold a press conference tomorrow. he cancelled it yesterday in a statement blaming the media and the house select committee and, yes, lying about the election. tonight the committee heard from stephanie grisham, the white house press secretary who famously never held a press conference when she actually was in a position where her influence might have mattered. joining us now, committee member adam schiff. thank you for joining us. stephanie grisham said to reporters when she was leaving she was fully cooperating with the committee. can you give us insight into what was discussed. >> i can't go into the substance of it and i was not part of what was described to me as an informal interview so i can't shed much light on it. obviously we would prefer to have people cooperate at any level than some of the others from the former administration who are fighting tooth and nail. but i don't have the particulars on that. >> you heard your colleague from the select committee, representative kinzinger, he is probably from a party which with few exceptions is still not telling the truth of who won the presidential election. is it possible to have a functional democracy when one sidle not accept when it loses and will try to, i mean in legtle legislatures across the country to change history? >> no, it isn't possible. anderson, i have the exact same sentiment that you express tonight, and i was there on the house floor during that attempted coup. that is the aftermath didn't have to turn out this way. it certainly appeared in the hours and days that followed that it might lead to repudiation of the big lie about the election, a repudiation of all the damage that donald trump had done to the country and to his own party, but instead there was a quick capitulation by the mccarthys, mcconnells, the stefaniks who, you know, sought elizabeth -- liz cheney's position when liz cheney wouldn't go along with the big lie. elise stefanik said, well, then, take me. tragically we are now in a more dangerous place than we were a year ago. i think president carter was exactly right about that. but, no, if we don't accept when our party loses and vow to do better next time, if we somehow think any loss is illegitimate, that's the end of our democracy. >> attorney general merrick garland said today, i'm quoting, the justice department remains committing to holding all january 6th perpetrators accountable under law. secretary vice chair liz cheney said that the key question before your committee pursuant to applicable law, quote, did donald trump through action or inaction corruptly seek to obstruct congress's official proceedings to count electoral votes, end quote. what, if any, direct evidence have you seen that the former president committed a crime on january 6th? >> well, i can't comment on the evidence that we've gathered. i have watched the speech by the attorney general today. i was heartened as someone who spent almost six years in the department to see the department once again led by a person with great integrity, and i think he said the right things about holding people accountable for the violence of january 6th, whether they were there on the ground or were elsewhere. what was left unsaid, anderson, though is what about the role of those involved, not just on the 6th but in the days leading up to the 6th and the aftermath of the 6th, who may have broken the law to try to overturn the presidential election? in particular, what comes to me to me is the efforts of the former president to get the secretary of state of georgia to essentially find 11,780 votes that don't exist. there was no indication from the attorney general that issues like that were under investigation, and i don't believe that can be left to a local district attorney's office. so there was a lot unsaid today. maybe it was an excess of discretion or suitable discretion on the attorney general's part, but i think those issues need to be investigated by the department as well. >> you would like to see the department of justice investigating that? >> absolutely. i think given that the department took the position for four years that you could not prosecute a sitting president, it would be very dangerous to take a position either formally or informally that as a practical matter you also can't investigator prosecute a former president. that would make the president above the law, and that's a dangerous proposition to begin with, but it is also something that the founding fathers never would have contemplated. >> you said to "the new york times" recently, and i'm quoting, you said, some witnesses are far more important than others, and i think that some really important witnesses are attempting to deprive the committee and the american people of what they know. can you say who the witnesses are that you believe are most important to speak to in order to get the full picture of what happened that day? i mean obviously steve bannon would be important. mark meadows would. >> well, i think both of those witnesses, but in particular mark meadows, you know, given what we have already disclosed publicly in terms of the texts that were coming and going to his office and to him rather. he would be a key insider who could tell us what was happening in the white house on january 6th, what was happening in the days leading up to it in terms of the plotting about how to overturn the election. what they knew about the propensity for violence that day and why the president didn't act for hours. so he's a key witness and he has already acknowledged that the production of 9,000 documents, there's a lot he could testify to that is in no way privileged. so that's who i'm referring to, but there are others who are resisting as well. of course, the former president is suing to try to prevent us from getting records from the archives. i would hope that the courts recognize he's using the same tactic he used for four years, which was simply to use the courts to deprive the country and the congress of important information to protect our democracy. >> just finally, are you confident that whatever records there are were turned over to the national archives? because i was talking to a former archivist last night who said there's really no mechanism that forces people in the white house to turn over, if they chose not to, if they have -- you know, if they want to delete stuff and not turn it over. i mean do you have knowledge that there is information there that's important? >> i don't know, and i'm deeply concerned about it. there's certainly indications, for example, of people using encrypted apps like signal to make sure that their -- you know, their conversations were confidential. did that also mean that those text conversations were not turned over to the archives? i don't know. there were voluminous, apparently, records and messages on personal e-mails, you know, notwithstanding the fact many of these same people viciously attacked secretary clinton for much the same thing. so that is a very prevalent concern of mine and i think other committee members, and we're determined to get to the bottom of it. >> congressman schiff, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. joining us, chief political analyst gloria borsher. bob woodward, you heard congressman schiff and attorney general guarland today. i wonder what your reaction is to how it is playing out? >> i think this january 6th committee is being aggressive and very thorough, but you can't measure it by the number of interviews. the question is are there firsthand witnesses and participants who are going to explain what happened? let's also deal with the political reality here. it is a divided nation, not just about trump or the election but about january 6th. there are lots of people who think, oh, this was fine. in my view, having done this for decades, what happened on january 6th was a crime against the constitution. so are they going to find witnesses or evidence that will get people to look more clearly and understand the nature of that crime? i mean they've -- you know, just trying to overturn an election is, as you point out, an attack on democracy and its central premise. >> gloria, chairman bennie thompson yesterday called on vice president pence voluntarily to speak to the committee. >> right. >> you have been talking to sources. is that really a possibility? i mean obviously we've been -- there's been reporting by you and others, jimmy king and others about mark short and others around the vice president speaking. >> right, who are talking to the committee, who are cooperating with the committee, numbers of staff and also people who are protected, the vice president, don't forget were witnesses here. i would have to say after talking to my sources that it would be highly unlikely that the former vice president would just walk in and say, oh, yeah, i'm going to voluntarily cooperate here. i think they would have to subpoena him, and that's kind of iffy. you know that that would be litigated and it would take a long time for that to go through. i think one thing that has been suggested to me and could happen is that perhaps the committee would give him written questions, and he might answer those written questions. i mean, remember, donald trump did that in the mueller investigation. i don't know that it did them a lot of good, but that is a potential way to kind of work a compromise here if it were to come to that. >> robert, i mean here we are one year later, based on everything that we know about the investigation so far, how does it square with the reporting of your book and your reporting since then? >> congressman schiff brought up an important point. so much of this story is not only about january 6th, 2021, it is but the days prior. i think back to a year ago tonight, anderson, january 5th when i was outside the willard hotel, pen and pad in hand, as proud boys and oath keepers passed me on pennsylvania avenue. inside giuliani, bannon, talking to trump, talking to trump's lawyers, talking to other trump allies. this was a coordinated pressure campaign in addition to an insurrection, and both of those lines of reporting demand more answers. >> well, i mean how much do you think, robert, has actually been reported from inside or at least gone -- the january 6th committee, do you think they have access to anything of really what was going on inside the willard? >> bob woodward and i have talked a lot about this and compared it to watergate. what helped break watergate open was a john dean testimony, someone from the inside. but if they don't have that this time, an insider who is going to give public, dramatic testimony, they're going to have to rely on facts, on documents. we unearthed as many as we could in our book "peril" like the john eastman memo. what will be important for the committee is to find more documentation of the coordinated pressure campaign, to show paper, to give people who are skeptical of the committee and the fact that this was an insurrection real evidence of that pressure campaign. that's how text messages come into part of the equation in addition to phone calls and other memos that might be out there. >> bob, former white house press secretary stephanie grisham, who was remarkably silent when she was press secretary, she now met with the january 6th committee tonight. how helpful do you think she could be on this investigation based on what you know from your reporting? >> well, she could be very significant. again, i'm sorry to go back almost 50 years to watergate, but as my co-author bob costa said, it was john dean, a person from the inside, saying, "i met with nixon, it was a coverup, nixon said, lie, stonewall the grand jury." but that really didn't break it open until alexander butterfield, who was in the white house -- nixon white house inner circle disclosed the secret taping system. but the secret taping system in all of that detail about the criminal activity of nixon didn't turn what was going -- going to happen. it was the republican party then, almost 50 years ago, exemplified by barry goldwater, saying -- going to nixon and saying, you're going to be impeached, the trial in the senate, you maybe have five shaky votes, and one of those is not mine. >> yeah. >> and then next day nixon announced his resignation. so now in this situation the burden and the ball is with the republican party. how are they going to respond to this crime against the constitution? are they just going to say, well, we love trump and we love our political base? >> i mean you have to wonder, even if there were tapes now whether any republicans would turn against donald trump. i mean you have to wonder, given his hold on the republican party. >> yeah. we're going to take a short break. we're going to pick up the conversation in just a moment, talk a bit more what it felt like here in washington a year ago tonight. later, covid and the showdown between chicago's mayor and the teachers there who are refusing to work under what they say are dangerous conditions. just a moment ago we got the word classes are again cancelled in chicago tomorrow. we will bring you a live update. tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. qunol's ultra purified omega -3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrrs! can you hand me some potato skins. theyyyy're loooaded! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out 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follow? later, we went back and forth on whether to include the detail on rats in the book and decided against it. extraneous. robert, i can tell you there were plenty of rats on the street in new york city last night as i was getting a late dinner on the street. so main they -- i don't know about d.c. but i can tell you the rats are in full force. take us back, robert, to what was happening on the night of january 5th a year ago when you were outside. i mean the scene -- the whole notion of the city kind of being empty but this hotbed of activity at the willard hotel is fascinating. >> well, it is really -- it gives me almost a chill to think back to a year ago tonight because you have these power centers. there's a power center outside with the outsiders, the right-wing militia groups gathering outside of the willard, freedom plaza they call it. inside the willard, trump lawyers, bannon, giuliani, setting up war rooms. what i noticed was a fleet of black cars and suvs coming through the back, their heads ducked down. it was a bitter cold night. another power center steps away. the oval office, trump meeting with pence, meeting with his aides, keeping the door of the oval office open so he could hear his supporters outside, the mob gathering in the streets. these all were interconnected. i didn't know it all at the time and i remember calling woodward around 11:00 that night and talking to him about the scene, about the rats. we were talking about what this all meant. we didn't really know. it took us months to fully understand that this was coordinated and that this had a coherency that wasn't immediately clear in early january. >> bob, a year ago on -- >> but what was -- >> go ahead, bob. >> no, i -- what is so important is that robert costa's instinct here was that something was going on. he knew the players. he understands trump as well as any reporter, has reported on him for years, understands the republican party, and i think in our business the job is to continue to be aggressive. find new people who are witnesses and participants. i always go back to that phrase. and when robert and i talked take night, he was saying, i can't get in, i can't get in the hotel, and actually wished he had rented a room so he had access to the hotel. so i think lots of people, this committee, reporters are going to keep driving for more evidence and witnesses. >> bob, i wonder what you make of where the country is tonight. i mean did you ever imagine on january 6th, late at night when the attack was finished, they came back in to do the people's business and certify the election, you -- we heard lindsey graham saying, you know, i'm done -- you know, i hate that it has ended this way. you heard mcconnell, you heard mccarthy. did you ever imagine that they would fold so quickly and that we would be in this position one year from now? >> well, it is a manifestation of trump's power in the republican party. and robert costa knows more about this than i do, but i sense in talking to some republicans in the senate, there's nervousness about what the january 6th committee is doing, how this is all going to end and be defined. i think a lot of republican senators and leaders are thinking, wait a minute, this is not a good thing. let's step back and, you know, maybe step back a great distance here. this is violent. this is not something i think sensible republicans -- and there are many sensible republicans -- want to embrace. >> robert, i mean we don't hear from a lot of sensible republicans, so do you confirm that, that there are and that they do want to step back? >> there's anxiety that the more you pull up this rug, the more that's there. everyone's fingerprints seem to be on this, and there's been recent news about sean hannity and his communications with white house officials and president trump at the time. you see a lot of uneasiness within the republican party that even if they don't like this committee and they want to move away from january 6th, trump at the end was pulling every lever of power. his own vice president, lawmakers, state officials, and the more this committee finds with text messages, it is almost like a cloud that won't go away over the gop. >> gloria, the former president cancelled this -- i don't know if it was going to be a press conference. >> whatever. >> a night, a steak event like he has had in the past at mar-a-lago on january 6th. i guess the reporting had been there was advice from lindsey graham, laura ingraham had been reported to convince him not to do that. i don't know if that's the case. but why do you think he cancelled and why do you think he would want to have a sort of campaign-style event? >> well, first of all, he loves the attention, but i think he cancelled because he thought he wasn't going to get enough of it. he was going to be embarrassed because i was told today by a republican source with knowledge that the president when he heard that the networks weren't going to take it live, that cable networks weren't going to take it live, sort of said, wait a minute, i'm not going to get the attention that i want and this could look bad for me. he had been warned by people he really shouldn't be doing this now, maybe it would be in bad taste, not that he cares about that, but that he -- it wasn't going to make the splash that he thought it was going to make. so in the end -- and maybe his lawyers, by the way, told him it is probably not a good idea for you to go talk about this publicly right now, although he is going to do it in a rally sometime soon. but i think it wasn't the people who got to him, his supporters that got to him. it was the fact that he thought, you know what? i'm not going to get the light, not going to get enough. >> robert borger, bob costa, robert woodward, thank you. the fight to reopen schools in chicago is next. we will have a live report as the mayor's battle with the teachers union cancels classes for hundreds of thousands of students. we will be right back. that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? 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>> reporter: well, anderson, bottom line, they are frustrated, especially since at least here this is the second year in a row parents are going through this. parents like roberto costas who is reminded with his experience with virtual learning and his first grade son. [ crying ] >> and the teacher is talking in the background. >> reporter: how did you feel in that moment? >> i felt heart broken. i felt heart broken because it was isaac versus the computer versus mom basically versus the world, and i felt helpless. we don't know how to plan out the next 24 hours let alone the next 24 days. they point the fingers at the district, then they point the fingers to the teachers. i'm pointing the finger at my child, you know, because he's the one that end up losing out in this whole argument. >> every time i go to my room, it gets harder than in person. i didn't want this to -- to happen, so that's why i want to get my school open. >> reporter: now, casas, noberto casas wants people to go back in person. while not every parent feels that way, one sentiment they appear to share is they want consistency in where they will be sending their kids every day. now, moving forward some of the dates we are keeping an eye on is january 18th is when the teachers union said they intend to continue refusing to go in person until or at least until they reach an agreement on this. the teacher -- or the school district just said moments ago they want teachers back in the classroom on friday, but, of course, in the meantime we are in a standoff where bottom line the teachers union does not feel the district has provided adequate enough resources for them to return to class safely. the school district disagrees. >> reporter: omar jimenez, i appreciate it. thank you. coming up next, the cdc and biden administration have left a lot of people confused about which kind of mask you should use and whether testing is necessary. we will talk with a bioethicist who deals in just these kind of questions ahead. as america begins to reunite big oil executives saw a chance to make more money. they hiked up gas prices, right before the holiday season. sky-high gas prices for you meant record profits for them. 174 billion dollars. big oil executives took advantage of a recovering nation. just to make more money. it's time to tell big oil executives that their rigged game is over. america: it's time for clean energy. our priorities, they've changed. hey lexus, play my music. it's not just about getting ahead. or the constant grind. it's about knowing what you want... 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we are joined by arthur kaplan, director of division of medical ethics at langone medical center. 40,000 students and families left in the lurch until the city and teachers union come to an agreement. from an ethics point of view, what do you make of what is happening in chicago? >> well, i think in chicago and many other cities we have got political misconduct. what i mean is this omicron variant was coming here, we knew it for weeks. we should have had policies in place about what we were going to do with the schools. the one that i favored was don't go to school unless we have got tests in the home, then you know not to send your kid to school if they were infected. we don't have the tests. i don't think we're going to get them any time soon, which is a different policy failure. but parents deserve consistency. you know, anderson shall i don't know why we're trying to sail into this omicron storm and run school. why don't we just say take off two weeks, take off three weeks, let this thing peak. it looks like it may burn out, and give some help to people who need, you know, daycare and babysitting assistance and all of that. have a reasonable period of time and just wait and then extend the school year. to me it looks hopeless as the teachers, staff, many people are just not going in. >> there's -- i mean covid fatigue is obviously affecting a lot of folks. there's rightfully a lot of talk about where the biden administration has come up short. what about personal responsibility? i mean does each individual in this country -- what does each individual in the country owe to their communities, morally, ethically? i was reading articles about teachers in chicago and the union there did support mandates that the governor put in that all teachers had to get vaccinated, but there were dozens if not more than 100 teachers who were against having vaccine mandates. what is the ethical responsibility of a teacher to make sure that they do everything to protect their students? >> well, look, if you are going to be around people who are vulnerable, and that's many kids who can't be vaccinated, haven't been vaccinated, and i mean fully with boosters, then they're at risk of getting sick. they may not get as sick, you know, as others, but we've seen hospitalizations and some deaths among children. it is not nothing. if you are going to be working around nursing home residents, you are going to be working around people that have undergone cancer treatment or transplants, it isn't enough to say, i'm making a choice. i respect the choice. if you don't want to vaccinate, but you have to, you know, take responsibility. either mask or don't go to work or don't visit. if your employer, and i keep coming back to this. a lot of folks say i don't want the government telling me what to do. your employer says, we have to make the workplace safe. you have to take responsibility for protecting -- you know, we don't want people out sick. we don't want people infecting one another, and we may have vulnerable employees working here who really would get sick if exposed to you. i think it is the employer's job to make a safe place, whether it is the military, a nursing home or, for that matter, a restaurant. >> for those who argue that, you know, well for those who argue i'm against mandates, and the government shouldn't force somebody to do something like this, does the comparison to wearing seat belts, obviously, when seat belts were, when i was g growing up, there weren't really seat belts and now, that are seat belts. everybody does that. and it makes sense and it saves lives. is that a fair comparison, do you think? some people are willing to accept seat belts, why not accept mandatory vaccinations? >> well, i want people to voluntarily accept vaccination of it's safe. it works. the boosters really keep us out of the hospital. i understand that this new variant is still very contagious and can get around the vaccine. but if you look at the numbers, the people who are at the hospital, the huge proportion are the unvaccinated. so the rational thing to do is take a safe vaccine, protect yourself, protect others, protect your grand parents, others that might be around you who are at risk. we have restricted second-hand smoking if you will in public spaces due to second-hand smoke. drunk driving -- you can lose your ability to drive if you engage in risky behavior. so we don't live in a society that says freedom means i can do whatever i want or i have choice without accountable or responsibility. when you hurt others, our mothers, put other at risk, you have got to take some responsibility. >> art kaplan, i appreciate it. head qanon -- none of the conspiracy spreader group, none of their wild claims ever have come true. it's all made up stuff. yet its mission of deceit continues and people continue to believe it. that's next. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit mass general brigham. when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. tomorrow marks not only a year since one of the darkest chapters in american democracy, the attempted coup, also qanon's attempt to spread its misinformation beyond the web with echos of anti-semitic and anti-catholic bigotry. qanon doesn't get as much attention these days, but it is far from gone. time after time, qanon members still find ways to keep the con going. [ chanting ] >> reporter: on january 6th, qanon's presence in the mob was unmistakable. >> freedom! >> i'm here because q sent me. do you know what that is? [ chanting ] >> reporter: q supporters believed then as they do now that former president donald trump won the election and is not only the rightful leader of the u.s. but is also a kind of messiah who will save america. it all started as part of an online conspiracy four years ago. someone started posting cryptic messages on an onlime forum. the posts began soon after trump said this in january 207. >> could be the calm before the storm. >> what storm, mr. president? >> you will find out. >> reporter: the storm is interpreted by q followers who mean a day of reckoning. they are under the delusion trump is fighting a holy war against a deep state, which includes democrats and celebrities who they say worship war ship satan, molest children, and harvest their blood. qanon followers believe trump was recruited by the military to bring down this global cabal, and that he would do it before he left office. >> jozef robinette biden jr. do columnly swear. >> reporter: after joe biden was sworn in, there was one last post on december 8th, 2020. we still don't know q's identity. qanon followers have found other forums to spread their lice. >> seen as since after the insurrection when twitter and facebook really started kicking off a lot of qanon accounts, we have seen a lot of qanon followers move to platforms like gab. gab has been around a few years this. one qanon group called qanon and the great awakening has more than 200,000 members. and if you are in it, you basically live in a parallel universe. >> hey, hey, hey, it's your favorite truth seeker holding the light for everyone out there who has given up hope that trump is not the president of the united states of america. when, in fact, he is. >> reporter: though the group has faded into the shadows this past year, their loyalty remains to one person, former president trump. they predicted he was going to be reinstated on march 4th and proceed with public executions of pedophiles on march 5th. >> executions will be happening on march 5th. that's a big statement. and i'm really looking forward to it. >> reporter: when that didn't happen, q followers predicted trump would really be reinstated on august 13th, a day which also came and went. >> we are q. we are qanon. we are the anon. we follow q. >> reporter: in november a new prediction for trump's return, which would include a surprise announcement by john f. kennedy jr. he died in a plane crash in 1999 but q followers believed he would arise and announce trump's new presidency. hundreds arrived to the place where his father was assassinated to see it happen. some q followers believe john f. kennedy and others are only pretending to be dead. >> can you give me any names? >> michael jackson. >> michael jackson is coming back? >> michael jackson. robin williams. he was with our group last night. >> reporter: none of their predictions have ever come true. so they embraced other conspiracies about the election, the pandemic, and any other topic that fits their agenda. no conspiracy is too wild, no prediction too unlikely for a movement that continues on. up next, president biden, vice president harris are set to speak at the capitol tomorrow on the one-year anniversary of the insurrection. what we can expect to hear from them, next. 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Mob , Responsibility , Congress , Saw , Fed Lies , Trump , Violence , Destruction , Chaos , Journey , Undemocratic , God , Member , Institution , Capitol Today , Havoc , Serving , Freedom Wins , Join , Republic , Excuse , Jail , Woman , Nation S Capitol , Something , Unamerican , Anarchy , Democrats , Elise Stefanik , Things , Kevin Mccarthy , Lawmakers , Evening , Mar A Lago On January 6th , 147 , Others , Course , Counts , States , Pilgrimage , Mar A Lago , Liz Cheney , Man , Reward , January 6th Committee , Supporters , Nothing , Anything , Enemies , Gaslighting , Witch Hunt , Nancy Pelosi , Doesn T , Video , They Weren T Rioting , Rope Lines , Rotunda , Their , Deezero Firearms , Suspec , House Floor , Lives , Tv Footage , Tourist , Big Lie , Visit , State Legislature , Election Audit , Voting Laws , Majority , Arizona , Reporting , Washington Post , Percentage , 40 , Adam Kinzinger , Wasn T , Party Line , Some , Facts , Joe Biden , It , 2020 , Won T , Leadership , Lost , Stephanie Grisham , White House Press Secretary , Press Conference , Statement , Media , House Select Committee , Yes , Position , Congressman Schiff , Committee Member , Administration , Level , Interview , Substance , Representative Kinzinger , Particulars , Colleague , Exceptions , Truth , Tooth And Nail , Country , Isn T , Legtle Legislatures , Sentiment , Anderson , House , Coup , Aftermath , Floor , Repudiation , Party , Capitulation , Damage , Elizabeth , Wouldn T Go , Mccarthys , Mcconnells , Stefaniks Who , Place , Vow , Department Of Public Health , Merrick Garland , End , Loss , Justice , January 6th Perpetrators Accountable Under Law , Question , Law , End Quote , Inaction , Corruptly , Evidence , Crime , District Attorney , Votes , Comment , Speech , Proceedings , Someone , Person , Integrity , Six , Unsaid , Ground , Elsewhere , Particular , Efforts , Secretary Of State Georgia , 11780 , Investigation , Discretion , Office , Issues , Indication , Excess , Department Of Justice , Matter , Investigator , Sitting , Above The Law , Four , Witnesses , Proposition , Fathers , Picture , Both , Terms , Texts , Insider , Plotting , Lot , Documents , Witness , Propensity , Production , Didn T Act , 9000 , Records , Courts , Archives , Tactic , Information , Knowledge , Stuff , Last Night , Archivist , Mechanism , I Don T Know , Indications , Apps , Example , Signal , Text Conversations , Conversations , Voluminous , Thing , Many , Messages , Concern , E Mails , Gloria Borsher , Committee Members , Bottom , Bob Woodward , Reaction , Interviews , Number , Guarland Today , Participants , Reality , Lots , View , Constitution , Nature , Pence , Sources , Bennie Thompson , Possibility , Premise , Jimmy King , Numbers , Staff , Don T , Vice President Speaking , Vice President , Kind , Say , Iffy , Questions , Everything , Good , Compromise , Robert Costa , Mueller Investigation , Book , Story , 2021 , January 6th 2021 , Willard Hotel , Oath Keepers , Pen , Boys , Pad , Talking To Trump , Hand , Inside Giuliani , Pennsylvania Avenue , Lawyers , Addition , Pressure , Lines , Campaign , Allies , Demand , Answers , Testimony , The Inside , John Dean , Public , Watergate Open , Peril , Pressure Campaign , Documentation , Memo , John Eastman , Paper , Text Messages , Phone Calls , Memos , Equation , Press Secretary , January 6th Committee Tonight , 50 , Alexander Butterfield , Day Nixon , Coverup , Stonewall The Grand Jury , Detail , Taping System , System , Taping , Inner Circle , Activity , Nixon Didn T Turn , Barry Goldwater , Exemplified , The One , Saying , Trial , Senate , Five , Situation , Resignation , Burden , Ball , Wonder , Base , Tapes , Break , Conversation , Hold , Teachers , Classes , Mayor , Chicago , Covid , Washington A Year , Showdown , Word , Conditions , Heart Health , Nutrient , Fish Oil , Omega 3 , Centrum Multigummies , Update , Qunol , Ultra Purified , 3 , , Brand , Shipping Manager , Mini Pill , Ocean Fish , Find Themself , Candidates , 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Crowd , 1 5 , Police , Maga , Whether , Rats Everywhere , Trash Uncollected , Willard A Hot Spot , Rowdy , Rats , Force , The Street , Dinner , New York City , Extraneous , Back , Scene , Hotbed , Notion , Night Of January 5th A , Power Center , Outsiders , Power Centers , Militia Groups , Chill , Suvs , Fleet , Setting Up War Rooms , Freedom Plaza , Meeting , Cold Night , Heads , Streets , Door , Gathering , Aides , 11 , Coherency , Instinct , Players , Job , Business , Phrase , Room , Reporters , Access , Driving , Lindsey Graham , Manifestation , Nervousness , Leaders , Thinking , Doing , Senators , Distance , Everyone , More , Communications , News , Officials , Fingerprints , Anxiety , Rug , Sean Hannity , State Officials , Lever , Uneasiness , The End , Whatever , Steak Event , Cloud , Won T Go Away , Case , Advice , Laura Ingraham , Attention , Event , Sort , Source , Cable Networks , Weren T , Shouldn T , Now , Splash , Bad Taste , Wasn T The People , Talk , Idea , Rally , Schools , Light , Fight , Robert Borger , Teachers Union , Students , Report , Standards , Thousands , Hundreds , Purity , Battle , Touch , Supplement , Pharmacist , Skin , Pediatrician , Baby , Vitamin , Pampers , First , 1 , Planning Options , Binders , Broker , Thanks , Page , Uh Carl , 188 , Plans , Help , Son , Retirement Plan , Schwab , Consultant , Options , Uhhh , Immune Systems , Energy , Excuses , Cvs , Selection , Nutrition , Wellness Support Products , Sleep , Necessities , Bare Necessities Of Life , Strife , Little , Worries , Delivery , Delivery Fees , Dashpass , Recording Artist , Recording , Internet , Elodia , 10 , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Millions , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Foster Kid Need , Show Up , Manicure , First Day Of School , Wrong , Address , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Cdc , Children , Director , Booster , Educators , Approval , The Agency , Pfizer , 12 , Parents , Kids , Doors , 340000 , School District , There , School Officials , Latest , Details , Row , Starters , Omar Jimenez , Safe , School , Distancing , Masking , Head , Vaccination Rates , Union , Testing , Standoff , School Walls , Points , Risks , Official , Note , Progress , Me A Little Bit , Movement , Families , Negotiating Table , Middle , Bottom Line , Experience , Learning , Roberto Costas , Teacher , Background , Grade , Mom , Helpless , Computer , Versus The World , 24 , Child , Fingers , District , Finger , Argument , My School Open , Noberto Casas , Consistency , Parent , Eye , January 18th , 18 , Agreement , Classroom , Jozef Robinette Biden Jr , Class , Resources , Mask , Bioethicist , Oil , Gas Prices , Money , Executives , Chance , Holiday Season , Oil Executives , Game , Advantage , Profits , 174 Billion , 174 Billion Dollars , Grind , It S Time , Priorities , Lexus , Music , Car Sfx , Safety System , Traffic , Park , Lexus Nx , Beep , Insights , Market , Market Events , Alerts , Moves , Decision Tech , Statin Medication , Levels , Statin Drug , Fidelity , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , At T , Deals , Lollipop , Aren T , Deal , Choice , Customers , 000 , Smartphones , 1000 , Hero , Kid , Foster Child Isn T , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Peter Hotez , Testing Standards , Broadcast Dr , Texas Children S Hospital , Cdc Guidance On Testing Isn T , Agency , Omicron Variant , Experts , Cloth , Division , Arthur Kaplan , Point Of View , Ethics , Lurch , Cities , Langone Medical Center , 40000 , Tests , Policies , Misconduct , Don T Go , Policy Failure , Thing Peak , Omicron Storm And Run School , Daycare , Three , Covid Fatigue , Assistance , Individual , Folks , Communities , Articles , Governor , Support Mandates , Dozens , Vaccine Mandates , Haven T , 100 , Sick , Boosters , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Nursing Home , Vaccinate , Cancer Treatment , Residents , Transplants , Employer , Government , Workplace Safe , Don T Visit , Employees , Another , Protecting , Military , Mandates , Restaurant , Seat Belts , Comparison , Growing Up , Somebody , Everybody , There Weren T , G , Sense , Vaccinations , Vaccine , Hospital , Vaccination , Variant , Proportion , Unvaccinated , Drunk Driving , Second Hand Smoking , Spaces , Second Hand Smoke , Freedom , Society , Mothers , Ability , Behavior , None , Mission , Head Qanon , Deceit , Claims , Conspiracy Spreader Group , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Mass General Brigham , Memories , Food , Cooking , Love , Most , Kitchen , Meal , Nm Com It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Chapters , Qanon Doesn T , Attempt , Qanon , Web , Bigotry , Echos , Misinformation , Ways , Time After , Chanting , The Con Going , Leader , Conspiracy , Messiah , Posts , Calm Before The Storm , Onlime Forum , 207 , Followers , Storm , Delusion Trump , Don T Know Q , Reckoning , War , Celebrities , Deep State , Blood , Molest Children , Worship War Ship Satan , Cabal , Columnly Swear , December 8th , 8 , December 8th 2020 , Forums , Identity , Lice , Twitter , Gab , One Qanon Group , Qanon And The Great Awakening , Facebook , Parallel Universe , 200000 , Truth Seeker , President Of The United States America , Hope , Group , Executions , Loyalty , Former , March 4th , 4 , Pedophiles , March 5th , Didn T , Q Followers , 13 , August 13th , Prediction , Presidency , Father , Return , Announcement , Plane Crash , Anon , John F Kennedy Jr , 1999 , Robin Williams , Michael Jackson , Names , Conspiracies , Predictions , Topic , Forgiveness Ness , Up Next , Harris ,

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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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then in the best of all worlds it would also remind us of all we have done since then to honestly reckon with what happened, to bind up our wounds and in a bipartisan way strengthen the underpinnings of our democracy. that's how the past year might have played out. it might have, but it didn't. because it didn't, we come to you tonight at a moment that feels no less pregnant with dark possibilities than january 5th did a year ago tonight. >> all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. just understand this. all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. it is going to be moving, it is going to be quick. it is all converging, and now we are on, as i say, the point of attack, right. the point of attack tomorrow. >> when steve bannon said that he was knee deep in the planning for what would come the next day, the fact that only nine republican house members could bring themselves to cite him for contempt after he openly defied a subpoena from the house select committee investigating january 6th speaks to why we are at what feels like such a dark moment for democracy. so does the fact that only two republicans voted to cite former white house chief of staff mark meadows for also defying the committee when only ten voted to impeach the former president. it all speaks volumes. so does the fact until cooler heads prevail, cobb county's republican party had been planning to mark tomorrow's anniversary in part with a candlelight vigil for mens of the violent mob now in jail awaiting trial. that's right. they were going to hail as heroes the alleged worst of the worst people who attacked the capitol. take a look at the agenda uncovered by a political reporter for "the atlanta journal constitution." 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., candlelight vigil for patriots held in washington. it speaks to where we are tonight. so does it speak to the party that cannot bring themselves to say that it was a real insurrection. today former president jimmy carter in a "new york times" essay titled "i fear for our democracy" did not identify the gop by name. he did, however, clearly identify the party's role over the past year. he believes in taking us all to the brink. one year on, former president carter writes, promoters of the lie that the election was stolen have taken over one political party and stoked distrust in our electoral systems. these forces exert power and influence through relentless disinformation which continues to turn americans against americans. mr. carter concludes with a warning. our great nation, he writes, now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss. without immediate action we are at engenuine risk of losing our democracy. what makes it so sad is it did not have to be this way. republicans, at least initially saw the insurrection for what it was. you heard them say it. they understood clearly what happened and who was responsible. >> the mob was fed lies. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress. >> they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. >> he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. >> trump and i, we've had a hell of a journey. i hate it to end this way. oh, my god, i hate it. >> the violence, destruction and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic and unamerican. it was the saddest day i have ever had serving as a member of this institution. >> to those who wreaked havoc in our capitol today, you did not win. violence never wins. freedom wins. >> this has been a truly tragic day for america, and we all join together in fully condemning the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today in our nation's capitol. >> today the people's house was attacked, which is an attack on the republic itself. there is no excuse for it. a woman died and people need to go to jail, and the president should never have spun up certain americans to believe something that simply cannot be. >> chaos, anarchy, the violence today was wrong and unamerican. >> wow. on that day and over the days that followed republicans were saying virtually the same things that democrats were saying about the assault and who was responsible, but the back sliding, it began almost immediately. on the evening of the 6th, 147 republican lawmakers including elise stefanik who you saw there and kevin mccarthy who you just saw still voted to overturn electoral counts from the states. again, all but ten house republicans would later go on to vote against impeaching the former president. kevin mccarthy, of course, would pave the way for others to make the pilgrimage to mar-a-lago to make nice with the man he said bore responsibility for the attack on congress. elise stefanik would release liz cheney in reward. so began the year of gaslighting. >> the president didn't incite anything. >> we have a january 6th committee that nancy pelosi is leading that is nothing but a political witch hunt on republicans and trump supporters. >> as they've proven yet again today over and over again, they only care about attacking their political enemies. >> it really has turned out to be nothing more than a partisan committee just to investigate the former president. >> we've seen plenty of video of people in the capitol, and they weren't rioting. they don't -- it doesn't look like an armed insurrection when you have people that breach the capitol, and i don't condone it, but they're staying within the rope lines in the rotunda. that's not what an armed insurrection would look like. >> deezero firearms from suspec charged with breaching the capitol. >> in fact, it was trump supporters who lost their lives that day, not trump supporters who were taking the lives of others. >> i can tell you the house floor was never breached and it was not an insurrection. you know, if you didn't know the tv footage was a video from january 6th you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit. >> that's pretty shameful. there was that. there was the so-called election audit in arizona. there's been one republican controlled state legislature after another passing new restrictive voting laws based on the big lie, which a majority of republicans now believe. as we've been reporting recently growing percentage of republicans are saying that political violence is sometimes justified. 40% in a recent "washington post" poll. that is where the year has taken us, but, again, it didn't have to be. listen to what might have been a far different party line, but sadly wasn't. here is republican congressman adam kinzinger today. >> some say it is time to move on from january 6th, but we can't move on without addressing what happened or by pretending it never happened. we can't move on without taking action to make sure it never happens again. that starts by admitting the facts. the 2020 election was not stolen. joe biden won and donald trump lost. we have to admit it, but the leadership of the republican party won't. they lied to the american people and they still are. >> they still are. presumably in that the former president planned to hold a press conference tomorrow. he cancelled it yesterday in a statement blaming the media and the house select committee and, yes, lying about the election. tonight the committee heard from stephanie grisham, the white house press secretary who famously never held a press conference when she actually was in a position where her influence might have mattered. joining us now, committee member adam schiff. thank you for joining us. stephanie grisham said to reporters when she was leaving she was fully cooperating with the committee. can you give us insight into what was discussed. >> i can't go into the substance of it and i was not part of what was described to me as an informal interview so i can't shed much light on it. obviously we would prefer to have people cooperate at any level than some of the others from the former administration who are fighting tooth and nail. but i don't have the particulars on that. >> you heard your colleague from the select committee, representative kinzinger, he is probably from a party which with few exceptions is still not telling the truth of who won the presidential election. is it possible to have a functional democracy when one sidle not accept when it loses and will try to, i mean in legtle legislatures across the country to change history? >> no, it isn't possible. anderson, i have the exact same sentiment that you express tonight, and i was there on the house floor during that attempted coup. that is the aftermath didn't have to turn out this way. it certainly appeared in the hours and days that followed that it might lead to repudiation of the big lie about the election, a repudiation of all the damage that donald trump had done to the country and to his own party, but instead there was a quick capitulation by the mccarthys, mcconnells, the stefaniks who, you know, sought elizabeth -- liz cheney's position when liz cheney wouldn't go along with the big lie. elise stefanik said, well, then, take me. tragically we are now in a more dangerous place than we were a year ago. i think president carter was exactly right about that. but, no, if we don't accept when our party loses and vow to do better next time, if we somehow think any loss is illegitimate, that's the end of our democracy. >> attorney general merrick garland said today, i'm quoting, the justice department remains committing to holding all january 6th perpetrators accountable under law. secretary vice chair liz cheney said that the key question before your committee pursuant to applicable law, quote, did donald trump through action or inaction corruptly seek to obstruct congress's official proceedings to count electoral votes, end quote. what, if any, direct evidence have you seen that the former president committed a crime on january 6th? >> well, i can't comment on the evidence that we've gathered. i have watched the speech by the attorney general today. i was heartened as someone who spent almost six years in the department to see the department once again led by a person with great integrity, and i think he said the right things about holding people accountable for the violence of january 6th, whether they were there on the ground or were elsewhere. what was left unsaid, anderson, though is what about the role of those involved, not just on the 6th but in the days leading up to the 6th and the aftermath of the 6th, who may have broken the law to try to overturn the presidential election? in particular, what comes to me to me is the efforts of the former president to get the secretary of state of georgia to essentially find 11,780 votes that don't exist. there was no indication from the attorney general that issues like that were under investigation, and i don't believe that can be left to a local district attorney's office. so there was a lot unsaid today. maybe it was an excess of discretion or suitable discretion on the attorney general's part, but i think those issues need to be investigated by the department as well. >> you would like to see the department of justice investigating that? >> absolutely. i think given that the department took the position for four years that you could not prosecute a sitting president, it would be very dangerous to take a position either formally or informally that as a practical matter you also can't investigator prosecute a former president. that would make the president above the law, and that's a dangerous proposition to begin with, but it is also something that the founding fathers never would have contemplated. >> you said to "the new york times" recently, and i'm quoting, you said, some witnesses are far more important than others, and i think that some really important witnesses are attempting to deprive the committee and the american people of what they know. can you say who the witnesses are that you believe are most important to speak to in order to get the full picture of what happened that day? i mean obviously steve bannon would be important. mark meadows would. >> well, i think both of those witnesses, but in particular mark meadows, you know, given what we have already disclosed publicly in terms of the texts that were coming and going to his office and to him rather. he would be a key insider who could tell us what was happening in the white house on january 6th, what was happening in the days leading up to it in terms of the plotting about how to overturn the election. what they knew about the propensity for violence that day and why the president didn't act for hours. so he's a key witness and he has already acknowledged that the production of 9,000 documents, there's a lot he could testify to that is in no way privileged. so that's who i'm referring to, but there are others who are resisting as well. of course, the former president is suing to try to prevent us from getting records from the archives. i would hope that the courts recognize he's using the same tactic he used for four years, which was simply to use the courts to deprive the country and the congress of important information to protect our democracy. >> just finally, are you confident that whatever records there are were turned over to the national archives? because i was talking to a former archivist last night who said there's really no mechanism that forces people in the white house to turn over, if they chose not to, if they have -- you know, if they want to delete stuff and not turn it over. i mean do you have knowledge that there is information there that's important? >> i don't know, and i'm deeply concerned about it. there's certainly indications, for example, of people using encrypted apps like signal to make sure that their -- you know, their conversations were confidential. did that also mean that those text conversations were not turned over to the archives? i don't know. there were voluminous, apparently, records and messages on personal e-mails, you know, notwithstanding the fact many of these same people viciously attacked secretary clinton for much the same thing. so that is a very prevalent concern of mine and i think other committee members, and we're determined to get to the bottom of it. >> congressman schiff, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. joining us, chief political analyst gloria borsher. bob woodward, you heard congressman schiff and attorney general guarland today. i wonder what your reaction is to how it is playing out? >> i think this january 6th committee is being aggressive and very thorough, but you can't measure it by the number of interviews. the question is are there firsthand witnesses and participants who are going to explain what happened? let's also deal with the political reality here. it is a divided nation, not just about trump or the election but about january 6th. there are lots of people who think, oh, this was fine. in my view, having done this for decades, what happened on january 6th was a crime against the constitution. so are they going to find witnesses or evidence that will get people to look more clearly and understand the nature of that crime? i mean they've -- you know, just trying to overturn an election is, as you point out, an attack on democracy and its central premise. >> gloria, chairman bennie thompson yesterday called on vice president pence voluntarily to speak to the committee. >> right. >> you have been talking to sources. is that really a possibility? i mean obviously we've been -- there's been reporting by you and others, jimmy king and others about mark short and others around the vice president speaking. >> right, who are talking to the committee, who are cooperating with the committee, numbers of staff and also people who are protected, the vice president, don't forget were witnesses here. i would have to say after talking to my sources that it would be highly unlikely that the former vice president would just walk in and say, oh, yeah, i'm going to voluntarily cooperate here. i think they would have to subpoena him, and that's kind of iffy. you know that that would be litigated and it would take a long time for that to go through. i think one thing that has been suggested to me and could happen is that perhaps the committee would give him written questions, and he might answer those written questions. i mean, remember, donald trump did that in the mueller investigation. i don't know that it did them a lot of good, but that is a potential way to kind of work a compromise here if it were to come to that. >> robert, i mean here we are one year later, based on everything that we know about the investigation so far, how does it square with the reporting of your book and your reporting since then? >> congressman schiff brought up an important point. so much of this story is not only about january 6th, 2021, it is but the days prior. i think back to a year ago tonight, anderson, january 5th when i was outside the willard hotel, pen and pad in hand, as proud boys and oath keepers passed me on pennsylvania avenue. inside giuliani, bannon, talking to trump, talking to trump's lawyers, talking to other trump allies. this was a coordinated pressure campaign in addition to an insurrection, and both of those lines of reporting demand more answers. >> well, i mean how much do you think, robert, has actually been reported from inside or at least gone -- the january 6th committee, do you think they have access to anything of really what was going on inside the willard? >> bob woodward and i have talked a lot about this and compared it to watergate. what helped break watergate open was a john dean testimony, someone from the inside. but if they don't have that this time, an insider who is going to give public, dramatic testimony, they're going to have to rely on facts, on documents. we unearthed as many as we could in our book "peril" like the john eastman memo. what will be important for the committee is to find more documentation of the coordinated pressure campaign, to show paper, to give people who are skeptical of the committee and the fact that this was an insurrection real evidence of that pressure campaign. that's how text messages come into part of the equation in addition to phone calls and other memos that might be out there. >> bob, former white house press secretary stephanie grisham, who was remarkably silent when she was press secretary, she now met with the january 6th committee tonight. how helpful do you think she could be on this investigation based on what you know from your reporting? >> well, she could be very significant. again, i'm sorry to go back almost 50 years to watergate, but as my co-author bob costa said, it was john dean, a person from the inside, saying, "i met with nixon, it was a coverup, nixon said, lie, stonewall the grand jury." but that really didn't break it open until alexander butterfield, who was in the white house -- nixon white house inner circle disclosed the secret taping system. but the secret taping system in all of that detail about the criminal activity of nixon didn't turn what was going -- going to happen. it was the republican party then, almost 50 years ago, exemplified by barry goldwater, saying -- going to nixon and saying, you're going to be impeached, the trial in the senate, you maybe have five shaky votes, and one of those is not mine. >> yeah. >> and then next day nixon announced his resignation. so now in this situation the burden and the ball is with the republican party. how are they going to respond to this crime against the constitution? are they just going to say, well, we love trump and we love our political base? >> i mean you have to wonder, even if there were tapes now whether any republicans would turn against donald trump. i mean you have to wonder, given his hold on the republican party. >> yeah. we're going to take a short break. we're going to pick up the conversation in just a moment, talk a bit more what it felt like here in washington a year ago tonight. later, covid and the showdown between chicago's mayor and the teachers there who are refusing to work under what they say are dangerous conditions. just a moment ago we got the word classes are again cancelled in chicago tomorrow. we will bring you a live update. tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. qunol's ultra purified omega -3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrrs! can you hand me some potato skins. theyyyy're loooaded! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out 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follow? later, we went back and forth on whether to include the detail on rats in the book and decided against it. extraneous. robert, i can tell you there were plenty of rats on the street in new york city last night as i was getting a late dinner on the street. so main they -- i don't know about d.c. but i can tell you the rats are in full force. take us back, robert, to what was happening on the night of january 5th a year ago when you were outside. i mean the scene -- the whole notion of the city kind of being empty but this hotbed of activity at the willard hotel is fascinating. >> well, it is really -- it gives me almost a chill to think back to a year ago tonight because you have these power centers. there's a power center outside with the outsiders, the right-wing militia groups gathering outside of the willard, freedom plaza they call it. inside the willard, trump lawyers, bannon, giuliani, setting up war rooms. what i noticed was a fleet of black cars and suvs coming through the back, their heads ducked down. it was a bitter cold night. another power center steps away. the oval office, trump meeting with pence, meeting with his aides, keeping the door of the oval office open so he could hear his supporters outside, the mob gathering in the streets. these all were interconnected. i didn't know it all at the time and i remember calling woodward around 11:00 that night and talking to him about the scene, about the rats. we were talking about what this all meant. we didn't really know. it took us months to fully understand that this was coordinated and that this had a coherency that wasn't immediately clear in early january. >> bob, a year ago on -- >> but what was -- >> go ahead, bob. >> no, i -- what is so important is that robert costa's instinct here was that something was going on. he knew the players. he understands trump as well as any reporter, has reported on him for years, understands the republican party, and i think in our business the job is to continue to be aggressive. find new people who are witnesses and participants. i always go back to that phrase. and when robert and i talked take night, he was saying, i can't get in, i can't get in the hotel, and actually wished he had rented a room so he had access to the hotel. so i think lots of people, this committee, reporters are going to keep driving for more evidence and witnesses. >> bob, i wonder what you make of where the country is tonight. i mean did you ever imagine on january 6th, late at night when the attack was finished, they came back in to do the people's business and certify the election, you -- we heard lindsey graham saying, you know, i'm done -- you know, i hate that it has ended this way. you heard mcconnell, you heard mccarthy. did you ever imagine that they would fold so quickly and that we would be in this position one year from now? >> well, it is a manifestation of trump's power in the republican party. and robert costa knows more about this than i do, but i sense in talking to some republicans in the senate, there's nervousness about what the january 6th committee is doing, how this is all going to end and be defined. i think a lot of republican senators and leaders are thinking, wait a minute, this is not a good thing. let's step back and, you know, maybe step back a great distance here. this is violent. this is not something i think sensible republicans -- and there are many sensible republicans -- want to embrace. >> robert, i mean we don't hear from a lot of sensible republicans, so do you confirm that, that there are and that they do want to step back? >> there's anxiety that the more you pull up this rug, the more that's there. everyone's fingerprints seem to be on this, and there's been recent news about sean hannity and his communications with white house officials and president trump at the time. you see a lot of uneasiness within the republican party that even if they don't like this committee and they want to move away from january 6th, trump at the end was pulling every lever of power. his own vice president, lawmakers, state officials, and the more this committee finds with text messages, it is almost like a cloud that won't go away over the gop. >> gloria, the former president cancelled this -- i don't know if it was going to be a press conference. >> whatever. >> a night, a steak event like he has had in the past at mar-a-lago on january 6th. i guess the reporting had been there was advice from lindsey graham, laura ingraham had been reported to convince him not to do that. i don't know if that's the case. but why do you think he cancelled and why do you think he would want to have a sort of campaign-style event? >> well, first of all, he loves the attention, but i think he cancelled because he thought he wasn't going to get enough of it. he was going to be embarrassed because i was told today by a republican source with knowledge that the president when he heard that the networks weren't going to take it live, that cable networks weren't going to take it live, sort of said, wait a minute, i'm not going to get the attention that i want and this could look bad for me. he had been warned by people he really shouldn't be doing this now, maybe it would be in bad taste, not that he cares about that, but that he -- it wasn't going to make the splash that he thought it was going to make. so in the end -- and maybe his lawyers, by the way, told him it is probably not a good idea for you to go talk about this publicly right now, although he is going to do it in a rally sometime soon. but i think it wasn't the people who got to him, his supporters that got to him. it was the fact that he thought, you know what? i'm not going to get the light, not going to get enough. >> robert borger, bob costa, robert woodward, thank you. the fight to reopen schools in chicago is next. we will have a live report as the mayor's battle with the teachers union cancels classes for hundreds of thousands of students. we will be right back. that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? 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>> reporter: well, anderson, bottom line, they are frustrated, especially since at least here this is the second year in a row parents are going through this. parents like roberto costas who is reminded with his experience with virtual learning and his first grade son. [ crying ] >> and the teacher is talking in the background. >> reporter: how did you feel in that moment? >> i felt heart broken. i felt heart broken because it was isaac versus the computer versus mom basically versus the world, and i felt helpless. we don't know how to plan out the next 24 hours let alone the next 24 days. they point the fingers at the district, then they point the fingers to the teachers. i'm pointing the finger at my child, you know, because he's the one that end up losing out in this whole argument. >> every time i go to my room, it gets harder than in person. i didn't want this to -- to happen, so that's why i want to get my school open. >> reporter: now, casas, noberto casas wants people to go back in person. while not every parent feels that way, one sentiment they appear to share is they want consistency in where they will be sending their kids every day. now, moving forward some of the dates we are keeping an eye on is january 18th is when the teachers union said they intend to continue refusing to go in person until or at least until they reach an agreement on this. the teacher -- or the school district just said moments ago they want teachers back in the classroom on friday, but, of course, in the meantime we are in a standoff where bottom line the teachers union does not feel the district has provided adequate enough resources for them to return to class safely. the school district disagrees. >> reporter: omar jimenez, i appreciate it. thank you. coming up next, the cdc and biden administration have left a lot of people confused about which kind of mask you should use and whether testing is necessary. we will talk with a bioethicist who deals in just these kind of questions ahead. as america begins to reunite big oil executives saw a chance to make more money. they hiked up gas prices, right before the holiday season. sky-high gas prices for you meant record profits for them. 174 billion dollars. big oil executives took advantage of a recovering nation. just to make more money. it's time to tell big oil executives that their rigged game is over. america: it's time for clean energy. our priorities, they've changed. hey lexus, play my music. it's not just about getting ahead. or the constant grind. it's about knowing what you want... 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we are joined by arthur kaplan, director of division of medical ethics at langone medical center. 40,000 students and families left in the lurch until the city and teachers union come to an agreement. from an ethics point of view, what do you make of what is happening in chicago? >> well, i think in chicago and many other cities we have got political misconduct. what i mean is this omicron variant was coming here, we knew it for weeks. we should have had policies in place about what we were going to do with the schools. the one that i favored was don't go to school unless we have got tests in the home, then you know not to send your kid to school if they were infected. we don't have the tests. i don't think we're going to get them any time soon, which is a different policy failure. but parents deserve consistency. you know, anderson shall i don't know why we're trying to sail into this omicron storm and run school. why don't we just say take off two weeks, take off three weeks, let this thing peak. it looks like it may burn out, and give some help to people who need, you know, daycare and babysitting assistance and all of that. have a reasonable period of time and just wait and then extend the school year. to me it looks hopeless as the teachers, staff, many people are just not going in. >> there's -- i mean covid fatigue is obviously affecting a lot of folks. there's rightfully a lot of talk about where the biden administration has come up short. what about personal responsibility? i mean does each individual in this country -- what does each individual in the country owe to their communities, morally, ethically? i was reading articles about teachers in chicago and the union there did support mandates that the governor put in that all teachers had to get vaccinated, but there were dozens if not more than 100 teachers who were against having vaccine mandates. what is the ethical responsibility of a teacher to make sure that they do everything to protect their students? >> well, look, if you are going to be around people who are vulnerable, and that's many kids who can't be vaccinated, haven't been vaccinated, and i mean fully with boosters, then they're at risk of getting sick. they may not get as sick, you know, as others, but we've seen hospitalizations and some deaths among children. it is not nothing. if you are going to be working around nursing home residents, you are going to be working around people that have undergone cancer treatment or transplants, it isn't enough to say, i'm making a choice. i respect the choice. if you don't want to vaccinate, but you have to, you know, take responsibility. either mask or don't go to work or don't visit. if your employer, and i keep coming back to this. a lot of folks say i don't want the government telling me what to do. your employer says, we have to make the workplace safe. you have to take responsibility for protecting -- you know, we don't want people out sick. we don't want people infecting one another, and we may have vulnerable employees working here who really would get sick if exposed to you. i think it is the employer's job to make a safe place, whether it is the military, a nursing home or, for that matter, a restaurant. >> for those who argue that, you know, well for those who argue i'm against mandates, and the government shouldn't force somebody to do something like this, does the comparison to wearing seat belts, obviously, when seat belts were, when i was g growing up, there weren't really seat belts and now, that are seat belts. everybody does that. and it makes sense and it saves lives. is that a fair comparison, do you think? some people are willing to accept seat belts, why not accept mandatory vaccinations? >> well, i want people to voluntarily accept vaccination of it's safe. it works. the boosters really keep us out of the hospital. i understand that this new variant is still very contagious and can get around the vaccine. but if you look at the numbers, the people who are at the hospital, the huge proportion are the unvaccinated. so the rational thing to do is take a safe vaccine, protect yourself, protect others, protect your grand parents, others that might be around you who are at risk. we have restricted second-hand smoking if you will in public spaces due to second-hand smoke. drunk driving -- you can lose your ability to drive if you engage in risky behavior. so we don't live in a society that says freedom means i can do whatever i want or i have choice without accountable or responsibility. when you hurt others, our mothers, put other at risk, you have got to take some responsibility. >> art kaplan, i appreciate it. head qanon -- none of the conspiracy spreader group, none of their wild claims ever have come true. it's all made up stuff. yet its mission of deceit continues and people continue to believe it. that's next. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit mass general brigham. when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. tomorrow marks not only a year since one of the darkest chapters in american democracy, the attempted coup, also qanon's attempt to spread its misinformation beyond the web with echos of anti-semitic and anti-catholic bigotry. qanon doesn't get as much attention these days, but it is far from gone. time after time, qanon members still find ways to keep the con going. [ chanting ] >> reporter: on january 6th, qanon's presence in the mob was unmistakable. >> freedom! >> i'm here because q sent me. do you know what that is? [ chanting ] >> reporter: q supporters believed then as they do now that former president donald trump won the election and is not only the rightful leader of the u.s. but is also a kind of messiah who will save america. it all started as part of an online conspiracy four years ago. someone started posting cryptic messages on an onlime forum. the posts began soon after trump said this in january 207. >> could be the calm before the storm. >> what storm, mr. president? >> you will find out. >> reporter: the storm is interpreted by q followers who mean a day of reckoning. they are under the delusion trump is fighting a holy war against a deep state, which includes democrats and celebrities who they say worship war ship satan, molest children, and harvest their blood. qanon followers believe trump was recruited by the military to bring down this global cabal, and that he would do it before he left office. >> jozef robinette biden jr. do columnly swear. >> reporter: after joe biden was sworn in, there was one last post on december 8th, 2020. we still don't know q's identity. qanon followers have found other forums to spread their lice. >> seen as since after the insurrection when twitter and facebook really started kicking off a lot of qanon accounts, we have seen a lot of qanon followers move to platforms like gab. gab has been around a few years this. one qanon group called qanon and the great awakening has more than 200,000 members. and if you are in it, you basically live in a parallel universe. >> hey, hey, hey, it's your favorite truth seeker holding the light for everyone out there who has given up hope that trump is not the president of the united states of america. when, in fact, he is. >> reporter: though the group has faded into the shadows this past year, their loyalty remains to one person, former president trump. they predicted he was going to be reinstated on march 4th and proceed with public executions of pedophiles on march 5th. >> executions will be happening on march 5th. that's a big statement. and i'm really looking forward to it. >> reporter: when that didn't happen, q followers predicted trump would really be reinstated on august 13th, a day which also came and went. >> we are q. we are qanon. we are the anon. we follow q. >> reporter: in november a new prediction for trump's return, which would include a surprise announcement by john f. kennedy jr. he died in a plane crash in 1999 but q followers believed he would arise and announce trump's new presidency. hundreds arrived to the place where his father was assassinated to see it happen. some q followers believe john f. kennedy and others are only pretending to be dead. >> can you give me any names? >> michael jackson. >> michael jackson is coming back? >> michael jackson. robin williams. he was with our group last night. >> reporter: none of their predictions have ever come true. so they embraced other conspiracies about the election, the pandemic, and any other topic that fits their agenda. no conspiracy is too wild, no prediction too unlikely for a movement that continues on. up next, president biden, vice president harris are set to speak at the capitol tomorrow on the one-year anniversary of the insurrection. what we can expect to hear from them, next. 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Latest , Details , Row , Starters , Omar Jimenez , Safe , School , Distancing , Masking , Head , Vaccination Rates , Union , Testing , Standoff , School Walls , Points , Risks , Official , Note , Progress , Me A Little Bit , Movement , Families , Negotiating Table , Middle , Bottom Line , Experience , Learning , Roberto Costas , Teacher , Background , Grade , Mom , Helpless , Computer , Versus The World , 24 , Child , Fingers , District , Finger , Argument , My School Open , Noberto Casas , Consistency , Parent , Eye , January 18th , 18 , Agreement , Classroom , Jozef Robinette Biden Jr , Class , Resources , Mask , Bioethicist , Oil , Gas Prices , Money , Executives , Chance , Holiday Season , Oil Executives , Game , Advantage , Profits , 174 Billion , 174 Billion Dollars , Grind , It S Time , Priorities , Lexus , Music , Car Sfx , Safety System , Traffic , Park , Lexus Nx , Beep , Insights , Market , Market Events , Alerts , Moves , Decision Tech , Statin Medication , Levels , Statin Drug , Fidelity , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , At T , Deals , Lollipop , Aren T , Deal , Choice , Customers , 000 , Smartphones , 1000 , Hero , Kid , Foster Child Isn T , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Peter Hotez , Testing Standards , Broadcast Dr , Texas Children S Hospital , Cdc Guidance On Testing Isn T , Agency , Omicron Variant , Experts , Cloth , Division , Arthur Kaplan , Point Of View , Ethics , Lurch , Cities , Langone Medical Center , 40000 , Tests , Policies , Misconduct , Don T Go , Policy Failure , Thing Peak , Omicron Storm And Run School , Daycare , Three , Covid Fatigue , Assistance , Individual , Folks , Communities , Articles , Governor , Support Mandates , Dozens , Vaccine Mandates , Haven T , 100 , Sick , Boosters , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Nursing Home , Vaccinate , Cancer Treatment , Residents , Transplants , Employer , Government , Workplace Safe , Don T Visit , Employees , Another , Protecting , Military , Mandates , Restaurant , Seat Belts , Comparison , Growing Up , Somebody , Everybody , There Weren T , G , Sense , Vaccinations , Vaccine , Hospital , Vaccination , Variant , Proportion , Unvaccinated , Drunk Driving , Second Hand Smoking , Spaces , Second Hand Smoke , Freedom , Society , Mothers , Ability , Behavior , None , Mission , Head Qanon , Deceit , Claims , Conspiracy Spreader Group , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Mass General Brigham , Memories , Food , Cooking , Love , Most , Kitchen , Meal , Nm Com It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Chapters , Qanon Doesn T , Attempt , Qanon , Web , Bigotry , Echos , Misinformation , Ways , Time After , Chanting , The Con Going , Leader , Conspiracy , Messiah , Posts , Calm Before The Storm , Onlime Forum , 207 , Followers , Storm , Delusion Trump , Don T Know Q , Reckoning , War , Celebrities , Deep State , Blood , Molest Children , Worship War Ship Satan , Cabal , Columnly Swear , December 8th , 8 , December 8th 2020 , 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