Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

one year ago today, sean hannity was texting chief of staff mark meadows that he was very worried about the next 48 hours. here's hannity and republican senator ted cruz one year ago today. >> big day tomorrow. big crowds apparently showed up to the point where the west wing could hear the music and the chanting of the people that were there already. and this kicks off in the morning tomorrow. >> well, shawn, that's right. and tomorrow is an important day. we have an obligation to protect the integrity of the election and to protect the integrity of the democratic system. >> the thing is, as we now know from the texts from sean hannity, he was worried. he was worried about what would happen january 6th. why? why was he worried? what knowledge did he have of the events that were about to take place? that is what the january 6th committee wants to know. one year ago today, the fbi was asking for help in tracking down a suspect they say planted pipe bombs outside the dnc and rnc headquarters. a person they have yet to track down. one year ago today, pro-trump protesters were headed to washington, d.c., many of them already there. some would clash with d.c. with police that night and the next day repeat all the lies they had been sold . >> do you accept biden won the election? >> absolutely not. biden did not win this election. >> are you proud of what happened here today? >> absolutely. i think we should have gone on in and yanked our senators out by the hair of the head and drug them out and said, no more. >> i absolutely stand behind 100% what happened here today. 1,000%. it is terrible how this election was stolen. >> joining us now to discuss further is democratic congresswoman madeline dean of pennsylvania. she was actually on the house floor when the capitol was attacked. she was an impeachment manager during the former president's trial leading to the january 6th attack. congresswoman, thank you so much for being with us this morning. i do want to get your reaction to what we have learned about sean hannity's texts. he was telling mark meadows that he was worried about the next 48 hours. he said this on january 5th, the day before the insurrection. a day he had spoken with president trump. what does that tell you? >> well, it's one kernel of information about the planning of dozens, if not scores of hundreds of people surrounding a very desperate, sick president who was trying to do anything he could through his lies to hold onto power. i was there on january the 6th. i was actually in the gallery observing the challenges to the arizona electors. sean hannity is a fact witness, as the chairman has said. he needs to come forward. but he is one of many who witnessed what was going on, the unraveling of a president desperate to cling to power, and the use of lies not over a single day but the meticulous, if not chaotic, use of lies that spurred in those people, in those american citizens, the belief that they were doing the right thing to attack their own democracy. that is a sickness that continues to threaten us today. >> what does this say about the actions of the former president and his allies who try to shirk responsibility as if they didn't know what might be coming? >> it shows you state of mind for a lot of people. you saw from our own investigation, the meetings that were taking place in the oval office in the last three days leading up to the insurrection. an attempt to oust the attorney general and put in a puppet who would do the desperate bidding of this president. he is a president who is lost, surrounded by members of his party who lost their way. really what holds in the balance, what we hold in the balance is our very democracy. we have to tend to it. we have to live by it and prove fidelity to it. the attack on the capitol, it's hard to believe, brianna, it is a year since that happened. it was hard to believe in the moment that it happened at all. these were americans attacking america. all the while for 187 minutes, the president who swore an oath to protect us as we were being escorted out in gas masks, as his own vice president was secreted to safety, he sat there and watched it, enjoyed it, and did nothing. >> i want to get your read on something that we heard from bennie thompson. he was asked about mike pence, the former vice president. he said he wants them to directly and voluntarily speak with the january 6th committee both about what pence saw and conversations before the attack. what did you make of this? is this a real thing? do you expect that the committee will be formally asking pence or actually expecting him to speak with them? >> i expect former vice president mike pence to speak to congress, to this committee who is meticulously doing their work. anybody who has any knowledge of what has happened in the days leading up to january 6th and the days following january e6 needs to step forward as a patriot. that's the difference between all the 300 or more people who have been interviewed by this committee. many very high up within mike pence's own part of the administration. they're patriots. they know we have hit a moment in history where democracy, our right to vote hangs in the balance. so i believe that mike pence should come forward to say everything he knows. why wouldn't anybody who was any part of what happened on january 6th not come forward? the only reason i can think is they were complicit. in the end, fortunately the vice president did not try to throw the election and had his well, or the former failed president's will. he should come forward. every fact witness should come forward so our history is complete, we will hold people accountable. and congress needs to get at the business of protecting our right to vote and our elections. >> but just to be clear, are you saying that you think mike pence is or was complicit in that day if he doesn't come forward? >> no. i'm saying that he has information that is valuable to the committee. >>ing on. >> as i said, he did the right thing in terms of the electoral count. i was there to witness it. i was excited actually to be a part of that day that should have been a anyone steeral day. in the end, the vice president did not buckle to the pressure of a failed president who wanted to cling to power through his loss. but mike pence absolutely has material information and facts that will reveal to the committee exactly what happened, who was complicit in the planning, who was at the willard, what money was spent, what did the president do and know and participate in. mike pence could help this committee and his patriotic duty is to tell the truth. >> all right. congresswoman dean, thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. so this morning covid cases and hospitalizations are rising across the country. to be clear, officials tell us that hospitalizations are overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated. still, more states are enacting emergency protocols. in the last week, ohio, maryland, delaware and georgia mobilized national guard members to assist hospitals with patient karas staff shortages increase. gary tuchman is in cleveland for us. 400 metro health hospital employees are down with covid this morning. that seems like a lot. what have you learned? >> reporter: yeah, john. they have 5,000 employees but 400 are not coming to work because they have covid. now, we are here in cleveland, invited to spend several hours. one of the largest hospitals in this city so we can get an idea what it looks like when the military is brought in. in the overnight hours of cleveland metro health medical center, justin lightner goes in to take care of a patient. so does brandon brown. and jordan white does the same. >> hi. can i take your vitals? >> reporter: but none are employees of the hospital. they are with -- >> the air national guard. >> reporter: and the other two are with the army national guard. all three have memory training. >> let's check out this arm over here. are you doing okay? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: justin lightner is working with one of the registered nurses. they are taking care of 88-year-old covid patient lois murray, who just got transferred out of intensive care unit. >> there you go. give me a second. all good. >> you decided to join the national guard after seeing what happened on 9/11 when you were in kindergarten. >> uh-huh. i just wanted to help my community. >> reporter: 28 national guard members work at this hospital. they have their work cut out for them, not only because it is full but 400 employees are out of work because they have covid. >> reporter: the captain is in charge of this medical center, which consists of guard members who do nonmemory tasks. >> are you concerned any of your national guard members will contract covid? >> oh, absolutely. within two days of being here we had four guard members symptomatic with sore throats, headaches, body aches, fevers, nasal congestion. they all tested positive for covid. >> reporter: the personal risks are an inherent part of the mission. the chief officer is grateful. >>? just to have the extra help and know others are looking out for us is greatly appreciated. >> reporter: and frank ended up in icu after testing positive for covid. >> how are you feeling? >> good. >> good? do you need anything? >> i'm ready to get out of the hospital. >> yeah, i bet. >> reporter: guard member jordan white is 22. she is an emt in her civilian life and wants to be a nurse practitioner. >> i'm going to put this on your finger. perfect. you can relax a little bit. >> were the patients surprised when you tell them you are in the military and taking care of them. >> yeah. they're like, oh, really. they think it's cool. i think that's nice. i'm glad they feel that way. >> reporter: national guard take care of patients for other illnesses. he has a torn aorta and bleeding in the brain. >> i will switch over for you. >> there is a sense of pride when you know you are helping your community. auto its a beautiful feeling, honestly. >> reporter: always on people's minds here, the sense of sadness that so many people don't get covid vaccines. >> icu admission, the vast predominance are unvaccinated patients. >> reporter: did you know in addition to the nurses and the doctors that you have people from the national guard, the military helping you out? >> oh, yeah. they're so good. they are wonderful. >> reporter: how does it make you feel that they are taking care of you? >> very safe. >> reporter: and among these people who have been so very sick, a feel of american patriotism. >> it is the best country in the world. >> reporter: the best country in the world, he says. the national guard troops are expected to be at the hospital, scheduled to be at the hospital until january 11th, only six days from now. but that could be extended if there is a need. john, there is a very good chance there will be a need. back to you. >> look, everyone is so lucky that they're there and willing to serve. gary tuchman, thank you very much. new guidance out from the cdc updates the guidance for people who test positive for covid. we say guidance, but how much of a guide is it really? has it really cleared up the confusion? the cdc now says people who test positive should self-isolate for at least five days. those who want to take a test should do so at the end of the five days. if the test comes back positive, but only if you chose to take it, right. >> optional. >> the person should continue to isolate for a total of 10 days. the guidance stopped short for everyone to get tested before leaving isolation. if i get a bad job explaining what the guidance is, it's not my fault, trust me. joining me now cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta and author of "keep keep sharp, build a better brain at any age." they have had a really tough job the last few years. but i can't understand what they are saying and why. can you explain it? and. >> well, unfortunately, john, it is pretty confusing. it is going to create these lines as we have seen throughout the pandemic. if you want to do the right thing and you can get your hands on a test, you will do the right thing. but a lot of people won't. it is certainly not incentivizing it. and i think this comes back to the original sin, you know, that a lot of people have sort of framed around testing. we've never had enough testing. dr. walensky, head of the cdc, said this isn't about shortage of tests. but, look, if people had tests in their home, if we are able to track the test since the beginning, we would be in a different position. it makes total sense for testing to be a part of the return to life sort of protocols. but unfortunately we still -- you heard about the 500 million tests that will go out at some point. hopefully that happens. but it is still not going to be enough tests. it could last a couple of cycles for people of testing. we need a lot of tests. we don't have them. and i think that's why you get fuzzy guidelines. >> look, either they think you need a negative test or you don't. that's what is so weird about this. >> right. >> if they think it is because you might get a false positive, just say it. i feel like they are not explaining themselves here. to leave it optional is weird. i have never seen guidance like that. it's weird. >> and there are these subjective things driving it. they realize people will start get pulled out of schools, hospitals because they are testing for covid. i think there is a desire to get people back to work as quickly as possible. that's in part driving this. dr. walensky said, look, a lot of people weren't following the 10-day isolation recommendations anyway. only 10% were following that. but also this idea when are you contagious and when do you stop becoming contagious? it's interesting. 10 days is what people have become familiar with. you can track how contagiousness drops over that period of time. john, in the middle of the screen, day five they say most people are no longer contagious. but in fact, what the studies have shown is by day 5, roughly a third are still contagious. add to that that a test is not required. you could put a lot of people who are still contagious, may not know it themselves. . and that propagates the pandemic. that is a concern. the uk looked at the same data and said seven days at least of isolation and two negative antigen tests in order to leave eyes laze. we are obviously nowhere close to that. >>? all right. also the cdc continuing to stand by cloth masks, suggesting cloth masks are still okay. we have had plenty of people come on air and say, no, no, no. you really need something more serious, more protective than that. what's your take? >> yeah. the experts we have talked to in viral dynamics, been talking to them for two years. marr says given omicron, they are not going to cut it. erin bromage said 75% of particles will get through a cloth mask. unlike k-9 5 or n 95. 95 means 95% roughly filtration. but also part of this is because not only are they high quality masks but also they have these electro static fibers within the mask. it will trap some of the viral particles as well. that makes it very effective. if you're going to wear a mask, and you should, absolutely when you go out in public, shoe wear a good mask. for a long time, these masks weren't as available. doctors like karen said if people wore these masks for four weeks regardless of the type of variant, we could essentially bring this pandemic to an end. we're still not there. they are. more available. project n 95 is a nonprofit. check it out. there has been an issue with fraudulent masks. >> and the ones you held up are way more comfortable. they are so easy to wear. it seems to me what the cdc is doing a cloth mask is better than nothing. if they say cloth masks aren't effective, maybe people will stop wearing them altogether. breaking overnight, the third largest school district in the united states closed today. the teachers refusing to teach in person. tens of thousands of students and parents left in the lurch. we'll bring you the latest from chicago next. plus, the children of insurrectionists, one year later still grappling with what mom or dad did and how they became brainwashed in the first place. and will joe biden face a progressive challenger in 2024? 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>> absolutely, brianna. kids need to be in school. here we go again. we have learned the last two years remote learning was no substitute for being there in person. we have seen our students lose a ton of ground the last few years. academically, reading and math skills way down. but suffer so much socially, emotionally, mental health crisis. this is why you see the secretary of education, surgeon general, everybody saying we need kids to be in school. that is where they're safest. and that is where they can get all the services they need and most importantly the learning they need. they have lost ground and we need to be doing everything we can to help them catch up. and yet here we go again. they will close down schools. they will lose more ground. >> i wonder what you think about what's happening in chicago where teachers decided they don't want to go in person. if you look at new york city, the new mayor there has made a compelling case why students are not going to school, that you can't consider covid. what do you make of what's happening in chicago? >> i think it's terrible. and i give credit to the mayor in chicago who is saying we need kids in school. but, you know, it's terrible the teachers are basically shutting down the schools again. i mean, look, i feel for teachers, for administrators. this is incredibly difficult. they have been through a lot. but we've got to keep the schools open. there may be some schools, individual schools where you have so many teachers out sick testing positive that you cannot run the school. you cannot keep it open safely. if you need to close schools on a case by case basis, we understand that. but to shut down an enormous city like chicago, throwing hundreds of thousands of kids out, you know, their parents are working, what are they going to do over the next few weeks. and to have these kids lose ground again. brianna, this isn't happening out in the affluent suburbs. it's not happening in our expensive private schools. it is happening in our big city school systems. they overwhelmingly serve poor kids, kids of color, who are already behind even before the pandemic, who have fallen further behind the last two years because they were the most likely to be stuck at home, trying to learn at home over a screen. and now we're doing it to them again. so we're just going to -- we keep making these decisions that are going to result in having these achievement gaps bigger than ever. all these kids suffering needlessly when they need to be in class. . >> not to ignore pediatric hospitalizations. but i think we all can agree so many more kids who have been hurt emotionally, certainly educationally as they have gone through this. michael, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, brianna. so if students and teachers can mask up, why can't certain gop senators do the same? more from capitol hill ahead. first, the fbi with a message for insurrectionists who might think they're in the clear after a full year. >> we're going to be at this as long as it takes, until we bring people to justice. taste great.igummies they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. 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>> in prior covid times, in any neighborhood in the country, if you saw a hooded individual, masks, glasses, gloves on, it would be a red flag for anyone walking around that day. in this case it wasn't because of the environment we're living in in covid times. >> we wonder why the bombs didn't go off? >> the bombs could have gone off. they just did not go off. where they were e placed, if they did go off, they could have caused serious harm or death. >> one of the focuses has been on the assault of the police officers that day. a special group of agents focused on that? >> over 100 police officers were assaulted that day, multiple times. not just once. and by multiple people. we are looking for 250 people, individuals, that assaulted police officers that day. a lot of those videos and the photographs are on our website. so a lot of people still out there we are trying to identify. and we need the public's help. >> when you see the brutality, what comes to mind? >> it is difficult to look at. one in particular has a cane. it looks like an electric prod at the end. he reaches into the line of police officer. you can hear the sound, the crackling. and he is trying to hit one of the police officers, and does, and backs away >> how long do you think this will take? >> i'd be speculating. it has taken a year. we still have a lot to still do. there's a lot of people still out there. we will be at it as long as it takes to bring the people to justice. >> reporter: brianna, talking to u.s. officials at the justice department, they say this is an investigation that is going to stretch years. >> so, evan, that was a really interesting discussion you had there. the attorney general merrick garland is giving some kind of remarks today, a speech. a lot of people are thinking, what is he going to say? he has received a lot of criticism, most live from democrats, because there's been no visible indication that the justice department is investigating some of the higher level trump allies or trump itself for what many basically see as a coup here. is garland, a, aware of this criticism and, b, do you expect him to address it today? >> reporter: look, i think he is very well aware of that criticism. but he thinks he is doing the right thing to try to restore the justice department after four years of very unusual times under the trump administration. so what you are going to hear from him today is perhaps a little bit of a defense of the way the justice department is running this investigation. he will talk about the efforts to defend democracy and to defend threats against the american people, including obviously members of the -- people at the capitol. but what you're not going to hear is any details of specific cases. and that's one of the things that i think the public wants to know. they want to know whether there is an investigation of the efforts to overturn the el election. and i don't think merrick garland is ready to go there just yet. >> do you think he will give any hint these investigations might be taking place? >> reporter: no. he's not going to go that far. i think what he wants to do, john, i think he wants to try to portray they will go as far as the facts show or allow them to. that may end up being a place a lot of critics don't want him to go. it will take some time. >> everyone will be watching that, parsing every word of each sill bell he speaks out loud. so a new report is giving us a unique glimpse of what life is like for the children of the rye theers who stormed the capitol last year, even though it's been a year since the national events, families are still dealing with the fallout at a deeply personal level. fortessa, you have written an article where you interviewed children of insurrectionists that tell their stories. and i want to read this tweet from helena duke. she was watching the insurrection on tv. hi, mom. remember the time you told me i shouldn't go to blm protests because they could get violent. this you? she saw pictures of her mother at the in sur recollection. >> yeah. she saw that video. a video had gone viral of her mother kind of goading a capitol police officer. her mother ends up getting punched in the face by the officer. the video goes viral. helena sees it and tweets her own message which also goes viral. >> yeah. and then there's jackson, a 19-year-old young man who actually called the fbi before the insurrection because he was worried what his father would do. what went on there? >> yeah. jackson was in a really difficult position. he was only 18 at the time. he was hearing these messages from his dad saying something really big is coming, something really big is coming. so jackson started worrying about what his father meant by that. he was especially worried because his father had ties to three percenters, a white supremist group. no stranger to violence. when he knew his dad was in a militia, he felt something violent could happen and did what we're all told to do. if you see something, say something. >> yeah. except it was his father, which makes it all the more difficult. and jackson reflects on his relationship in his discussion with you. this is what he writes or you write. for jackson, it's bizarre to look back at his childhood through the lens of what his father has become. he used to be one of the best dads ever, he says. he made me the man i am today. he thought me to be honest, no the to steal, all that cliche stuff. i believe he brought me up to do what he did. he believes his father brought him up to do what he did, call the fbi on the father. that's tough to read. >> yeah. that's exactly right. and it's really painful for jackson. and this is something that helena also said, they love their parents. helena also said she idolized her mother. she was always the fun mother. and jackson said my dad was this great dad who taught me all these great things, taught me to do the right thing. all of a sudden jackson has to use that knowledge that his dad gave him on doing the right thing and use it to turn his dad into the fbi. at only 18 years old, that's a huge decision to me. . >> and you dive into the psychological impact and how it has flipped the script. generally speaking, it's parents who worry about their wayward children. but because of the insurrection it's children worried about their wayward parents. that's psychologically traumatic. >> the power balance between parents and children because of that innate power imbalance that children have with their parents. they can't tell their parents the same thing that parents can tell their children. and so when i talked to dr. cynthia miller eidris, she said in all of my past work, it was parents coming to me and saying, how do i keep my kids from getting radicalized on reddit. and now it is how do i keep my parents from getting radicalized on facebook. the research isn't there yet. obviously they're working on it. it's so interesting because it has entirely flipped what people who study extremism work on. >> fortesa latifi, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. bernie sanders ally vowing that president biden will get a progressive challenger for 2024. primarying the president. our political director, david challenge on, joins us next. later, dogged determination. the real-life lassie who may have saved her owner's life during a brutal car accident. zero-commission trades for online u.s. stocks and etfs. and a commitment to get you the best price on every trade, which saved investors over $1.5 billion last year. that's decision tech. only from fidelity. my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit fries or salad? 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>> he's been all over the map throughout the last year. everything from, you know, stating publicly that his former boss, president trump, and he will never see the events eye to eye. as recently as this fall, john, he sort of cast it aside as one day in january that the media are obsessed with. he hasn't landed in a place that seems he's sold on his narrative. now, at the end of the day, we all know mike pence did the right thing. he did not go forward with donald trump's desired coup. and he explained that he did not see anything in the law that allowed him to do so. but it is a clear political minefield for him. look where they are. mike pence would very much like to run for president. he has to navigate how he can stick to the truth that he did the right thing, try to get credit for it without further alienating the trump base of the party that he would need should he go forward. president trump totally dismissed his chances in a presidential primary in the republican party because of his position january 6th. >> let's talk about something that so many liberals, really a lot of democrats want, which is filibuster rules to be changed. and this really hangs on senator joe manchin, also kyrsten sinema, also maybe some other democrats we don't talk about as much. manchin said he's open to modest changes of filibuster rules, but not the nuclear option to do it. tell us about that. and also tell us what we should make of what senator thune has said about election reform where he is. >> brianna, isn't this classic joe manchin doing his thing? he said i'm open. i want the conversations to go. but let me make clear i'm not interested in doing all that thing that democrats would like me to it is unclear exactly what that path would be because the math kind of blocks the path in terms of joe manchin's made clear he does not want to change the filibuster rules, really gut the filibuster, without republicans on board with that. we know no republicans are interested in doing that. so it kind of leaves the democrats where they find themselves so many times, which is sort of waiting on joe manchin to make a move. they could be waiting quite a while when it comes to voting rights. but you noted john thune, the republican, this is interesting, there is this sort of conservative think tank world where you have seen a lot of op-eds recently discussing the notion that maybe republicans and democrats could get behind a consensus reform just dealing with the electoral count act of 1887. what we saw on january 6th, the rules of presiding over the certification of a presidential election, that law dictates what that looks like. obviously it wasn't very clear because donald trump and his allies thought they could drive a mac truck through it and get mike pence to overturn the election. they couldn't. but there is a movement on the right that says, hey, we'll get on board with some kind of election reform, it could reform this law. of course, that will be totally insufficient to democrats who are looking for actual fortifying and securing of voting rights in the country. >> i will say that law is written so poorly and convolutedly that any reform would be welcome there. like cdc mask guidelines. it is, like, it makes no sense at all. finally, david, this was really interesting to me, jeff weaver, who, of course, is bernie sanders' guy, his former campaign manager and campaign chair did an interview with politico. this is what weaver said. he was asked about joe biden running for re-election and weaver was asked will there be a progressive challenger? yes. john weaver said, jeff weaver says. that's pretty interesting, if weaver thinks someone is going to primary the sitting president. >> yeah, i mean, as you know, john, is it somebody who actually has a chance at making a real dent into joe biden should he choose to run for re-election? or is it sort of a complete sort of fringe left wing kind of candidate that just can't get any traction? not all primaries are equal, except we know this. presidents running for re-election who face a primary challenge from their party tend not to do so well in modern political history. look at jimmy carter when ted kennedy primaried him, look at george h.w. bush, who fended off a primary challenge from pat buchanan. they were one-term presidents. i would just note if you look at where democratic party primaries have gone in the last couple of years, it is not with the left. so this would be a challenge to sort of make a stand. sanders versus clinton, joe biden defeated a whole slew of candidates to his left, even eric adams or terry mcauliffe in virginia, they were the more moderate candidates. the democratic primary el electorate is a progressive dominant electorate yet, the numbers are growing. i'm not sure joe biden would fear for his job, but it would complicate the fact he has to spend a lot of time dealing with the left of his party instead of focused on a general election re-election challenge. >> i listen to jeff weaver because, you know, at the time when he introduced or was at the helm of bernie sanders' campaign, there were so many people who were like, what the heck, this isn't going to go anywhere and look what happened, right? we listened to jeff weaver. david chalian, thank you. >> sure. just ahead, the secret sean hannity texts to trump that tell a different story than the one he told his viewers on tv. and seth meyers, jimmy fallon forced to cancel shows as covid disrupts late night tv. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. my nunormal? fewer asthma attacks with nucala. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months when you add an adjustable base. only for a limited time. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at you could email an urgent question to lisa in marketing. and a follow up. and a “did you see my email?” text. orrrr... you could see her status in slack. and give lisa a break while you find someone online who can help. slack. where the future works. all right, covid infecting nbc late night. seth meyers tested positive and will cancel shows for the rest of the week. on monday, jimmy fallon announced he tested positive as well. this just weeks after "saturday night live" canceled its audience for the christmas show. chloe melas joining us live. i think we're seeing this all around us, people coming down with covid, and late night hosts don't escape it, chloe. >> good morning, brianna. look, i'm here in new york, working from home, and this is a perfect example, you know, things in new york are tough right now. and a lot of these late night shows, they're taped here in new york. seth meyers tweeting, the bad news is i tested positive for covid, thanks, 2022. the good news is i feel fine. thanks, vaccine and booster. he's canceling the rest of his shows this week. he says tune in next monday to see where i'm going to be. remember, during the pandemic, he made a makeshift studio out of his attic. jimmy fallon also had recently tested positive over the holidays, but it is not just late night. it is also daytime television, "the view" which tapes on the upper west side of manhattan, whoopi goldberg is out this week because of covid, sarah haines said her husband had covid during the holiday break, and they had to quarantine separately. and, you know this is something that is affecting new york, but everywhere across the country, but everyone is saying that having their vaccine and their booster made it a little bit easier to bear with. brianna? >> as i'm coughing through your live shot, chloe, which says something. chloe, thank you very much for that report. >> thank you. so a number of republican senators remain maskless on capitol hill despite rising cases. more than a dozen lawmakers announced breakthrough cases in recent weeks. unlike the house, the senate has not imposed mask mandates. cnn's sunlen serfaty live on the capitol, you look around, you see people walking around without masks. >> reporter: that's right, john. it is very alarming, you know. d.c. has seen a huge surge in positive cases as well as up here on capitol hill. dozens of members and staffers testing positive. and we have observed numerous senate republicans walking around without their masks. now senate republicans gathered for the weekly in person caucus lunch yesterday. they did hold it in a larger room than they normally do, but cnn observed over a dozen senate republicans walking in these hallways, into that lunch, without their masks on. this, of course, comes as the capitol physician on capitol hill has been ringing the alarm bells, saying that cases up here on capitol hill has skyrocketed,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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one year ago today, sean hannity was texting chief of staff mark meadows that he was very worried about the next 48 hours. here's hannity and republican senator ted cruz one year ago today. >> big day tomorrow. big crowds apparently showed up to the point where the west wing could hear the music and the chanting of the people that were there already. and this kicks off in the morning tomorrow. >> well, shawn, that's right. and tomorrow is an important day. we have an obligation to protect the integrity of the election and to protect the integrity of the democratic system. >> the thing is, as we now know from the texts from sean hannity, he was worried. he was worried about what would happen january 6th. why? why was he worried? what knowledge did he have of the events that were about to take place? that is what the january 6th committee wants to know. one year ago today, the fbi was asking for help in tracking down a suspect they say planted pipe bombs outside the dnc and rnc headquarters. a person they have yet to track down. one year ago today, pro-trump protesters were headed to washington, d.c., many of them already there. some would clash with d.c. with police that night and the next day repeat all the lies they had been sold . >> do you accept biden won the election? >> absolutely not. biden did not win this election. >> are you proud of what happened here today? >> absolutely. i think we should have gone on in and yanked our senators out by the hair of the head and drug them out and said, no more. >> i absolutely stand behind 100% what happened here today. 1,000%. it is terrible how this election was stolen. >> joining us now to discuss further is democratic congresswoman madeline dean of pennsylvania. she was actually on the house floor when the capitol was attacked. she was an impeachment manager during the former president's trial leading to the january 6th attack. congresswoman, thank you so much for being with us this morning. i do want to get your reaction to what we have learned about sean hannity's texts. he was telling mark meadows that he was worried about the next 48 hours. he said this on january 5th, the day before the insurrection. a day he had spoken with president trump. what does that tell you? >> well, it's one kernel of information about the planning of dozens, if not scores of hundreds of people surrounding a very desperate, sick president who was trying to do anything he could through his lies to hold onto power. i was there on january the 6th. i was actually in the gallery observing the challenges to the arizona electors. sean hannity is a fact witness, as the chairman has said. he needs to come forward. but he is one of many who witnessed what was going on, the unraveling of a president desperate to cling to power, and the use of lies not over a single day but the meticulous, if not chaotic, use of lies that spurred in those people, in those american citizens, the belief that they were doing the right thing to attack their own democracy. that is a sickness that continues to threaten us today. >> what does this say about the actions of the former president and his allies who try to shirk responsibility as if they didn't know what might be coming? >> it shows you state of mind for a lot of people. you saw from our own investigation, the meetings that were taking place in the oval office in the last three days leading up to the insurrection. an attempt to oust the attorney general and put in a puppet who would do the desperate bidding of this president. he is a president who is lost, surrounded by members of his party who lost their way. really what holds in the balance, what we hold in the balance is our very democracy. we have to tend to it. we have to live by it and prove fidelity to it. the attack on the capitol, it's hard to believe, brianna, it is a year since that happened. it was hard to believe in the moment that it happened at all. these were americans attacking america. all the while for 187 minutes, the president who swore an oath to protect us as we were being escorted out in gas masks, as his own vice president was secreted to safety, he sat there and watched it, enjoyed it, and did nothing. >> i want to get your read on something that we heard from bennie thompson. he was asked about mike pence, the former vice president. he said he wants them to directly and voluntarily speak with the january 6th committee both about what pence saw and conversations before the attack. what did you make of this? is this a real thing? do you expect that the committee will be formally asking pence or actually expecting him to speak with them? >> i expect former vice president mike pence to speak to congress, to this committee who is meticulously doing their work. anybody who has any knowledge of what has happened in the days leading up to january 6th and the days following january e6 needs to step forward as a patriot. that's the difference between all the 300 or more people who have been interviewed by this committee. many very high up within mike pence's own part of the administration. they're patriots. they know we have hit a moment in history where democracy, our right to vote hangs in the balance. so i believe that mike pence should come forward to say everything he knows. why wouldn't anybody who was any part of what happened on january 6th not come forward? the only reason i can think is they were complicit. in the end, fortunately the vice president did not try to throw the election and had his well, or the former failed president's will. he should come forward. every fact witness should come forward so our history is complete, we will hold people accountable. and congress needs to get at the business of protecting our right to vote and our elections. >> but just to be clear, are you saying that you think mike pence is or was complicit in that day if he doesn't come forward? >> no. i'm saying that he has information that is valuable to the committee. >>ing on. >> as i said, he did the right thing in terms of the electoral count. i was there to witness it. i was excited actually to be a part of that day that should have been a anyone steeral day. in the end, the vice president did not buckle to the pressure of a failed president who wanted to cling to power through his loss. but mike pence absolutely has material information and facts that will reveal to the committee exactly what happened, who was complicit in the planning, who was at the willard, what money was spent, what did the president do and know and participate in. mike pence could help this committee and his patriotic duty is to tell the truth. >> all right. congresswoman dean, thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. so this morning covid cases and hospitalizations are rising across the country. to be clear, officials tell us that hospitalizations are overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated. still, more states are enacting emergency protocols. in the last week, ohio, maryland, delaware and georgia mobilized national guard members to assist hospitals with patient karas staff shortages increase. gary tuchman is in cleveland for us. 400 metro health hospital employees are down with covid this morning. that seems like a lot. what have you learned? >> reporter: yeah, john. they have 5,000 employees but 400 are not coming to work because they have covid. now, we are here in cleveland, invited to spend several hours. one of the largest hospitals in this city so we can get an idea what it looks like when the military is brought in. in the overnight hours of cleveland metro health medical center, justin lightner goes in to take care of a patient. so does brandon brown. and jordan white does the same. >> hi. can i take your vitals? >> reporter: but none are employees of the hospital. they are with -- >> the air national guard. >> reporter: and the other two are with the army national guard. all three have memory training. >> let's check out this arm over here. are you doing okay? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: justin lightner is working with one of the registered nurses. they are taking care of 88-year-old covid patient lois murray, who just got transferred out of intensive care unit. >> there you go. give me a second. all good. >> you decided to join the national guard after seeing what happened on 9/11 when you were in kindergarten. >> uh-huh. i just wanted to help my community. >> reporter: 28 national guard members work at this hospital. they have their work cut out for them, not only because it is full but 400 employees are out of work because they have covid. >> reporter: the captain is in charge of this medical center, which consists of guard members who do nonmemory tasks. >> are you concerned any of your national guard members will contract covid? >> oh, absolutely. within two days of being here we had four guard members symptomatic with sore throats, headaches, body aches, fevers, nasal congestion. they all tested positive for covid. >> reporter: the personal risks are an inherent part of the mission. the chief officer is grateful. >>? just to have the extra help and know others are looking out for us is greatly appreciated. >> reporter: and frank ended up in icu after testing positive for covid. >> how are you feeling? >> good. >> good? do you need anything? >> i'm ready to get out of the hospital. >> yeah, i bet. >> reporter: guard member jordan white is 22. she is an emt in her civilian life and wants to be a nurse practitioner. >> i'm going to put this on your finger. perfect. you can relax a little bit. >> were the patients surprised when you tell them you are in the military and taking care of them. >> yeah. they're like, oh, really. they think it's cool. i think that's nice. i'm glad they feel that way. >> reporter: national guard take care of patients for other illnesses. he has a torn aorta and bleeding in the brain. >> i will switch over for you. >> there is a sense of pride when you know you are helping your community. auto its a beautiful feeling, honestly. >> reporter: always on people's minds here, the sense of sadness that so many people don't get covid vaccines. >> icu admission, the vast predominance are unvaccinated patients. >> reporter: did you know in addition to the nurses and the doctors that you have people from the national guard, the military helping you out? >> oh, yeah. they're so good. they are wonderful. >> reporter: how does it make you feel that they are taking care of you? >> very safe. >> reporter: and among these people who have been so very sick, a feel of american patriotism. >> it is the best country in the world. >> reporter: the best country in the world, he says. the national guard troops are expected to be at the hospital, scheduled to be at the hospital until january 11th, only six days from now. but that could be extended if there is a need. john, there is a very good chance there will be a need. back to you. >> look, everyone is so lucky that they're there and willing to serve. gary tuchman, thank you very much. new guidance out from the cdc updates the guidance for people who test positive for covid. we say guidance, but how much of a guide is it really? has it really cleared up the confusion? the cdc now says people who test positive should self-isolate for at least five days. those who want to take a test should do so at the end of the five days. if the test comes back positive, but only if you chose to take it, right. >> optional. >> the person should continue to isolate for a total of 10 days. the guidance stopped short for everyone to get tested before leaving isolation. if i get a bad job explaining what the guidance is, it's not my fault, trust me. joining me now cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta and author of "keep keep sharp, build a better brain at any age." they have had a really tough job the last few years. but i can't understand what they are saying and why. can you explain it? and. >> well, unfortunately, john, it is pretty confusing. it is going to create these lines as we have seen throughout the pandemic. if you want to do the right thing and you can get your hands on a test, you will do the right thing. but a lot of people won't. it is certainly not incentivizing it. and i think this comes back to the original sin, you know, that a lot of people have sort of framed around testing. we've never had enough testing. dr. walensky, head of the cdc, said this isn't about shortage of tests. but, look, if people had tests in their home, if we are able to track the test since the beginning, we would be in a different position. it makes total sense for testing to be a part of the return to life sort of protocols. but unfortunately we still -- you heard about the 500 million tests that will go out at some point. hopefully that happens. but it is still not going to be enough tests. it could last a couple of cycles for people of testing. we need a lot of tests. we don't have them. and i think that's why you get fuzzy guidelines. >> look, either they think you need a negative test or you don't. that's what is so weird about this. >> right. >> if they think it is because you might get a false positive, just say it. i feel like they are not explaining themselves here. to leave it optional is weird. i have never seen guidance like that. it's weird. >> and there are these subjective things driving it. they realize people will start get pulled out of schools, hospitals because they are testing for covid. i think there is a desire to get people back to work as quickly as possible. that's in part driving this. dr. walensky said, look, a lot of people weren't following the 10-day isolation recommendations anyway. only 10% were following that. but also this idea when are you contagious and when do you stop becoming contagious? it's interesting. 10 days is what people have become familiar with. you can track how contagiousness drops over that period of time. john, in the middle of the screen, day five they say most people are no longer contagious. but in fact, what the studies have shown is by day 5, roughly a third are still contagious. add to that that a test is not required. you could put a lot of people who are still contagious, may not know it themselves. . and that propagates the pandemic. that is a concern. the uk looked at the same data and said seven days at least of isolation and two negative antigen tests in order to leave eyes laze. we are obviously nowhere close to that. >>? all right. also the cdc continuing to stand by cloth masks, suggesting cloth masks are still okay. we have had plenty of people come on air and say, no, no, no. you really need something more serious, more protective than that. what's your take? >> yeah. the experts we have talked to in viral dynamics, been talking to them for two years. marr says given omicron, they are not going to cut it. erin bromage said 75% of particles will get through a cloth mask. unlike k-9 5 or n 95. 95 means 95% roughly filtration. but also part of this is because not only are they high quality masks but also they have these electro static fibers within the mask. it will trap some of the viral particles as well. that makes it very effective. if you're going to wear a mask, and you should, absolutely when you go out in public, shoe wear a good mask. for a long time, these masks weren't as available. doctors like karen said if people wore these masks for four weeks regardless of the type of variant, we could essentially bring this pandemic to an end. we're still not there. they are. more available. project n 95 is a nonprofit. check it out. there has been an issue with fraudulent masks. >> and the ones you held up are way more comfortable. they are so easy to wear. it seems to me what the cdc is doing a cloth mask is better than nothing. if they say cloth masks aren't effective, maybe people will stop wearing them altogether. breaking overnight, the third largest school district in the united states closed today. the teachers refusing to teach in person. tens of thousands of students and parents left in the lurch. we'll bring you the latest from chicago next. plus, the children of insurrectionists, one year later still grappling with what mom or dad did and how they became brainwashed in the first place. and will joe biden face a progressive challenger in 2024? 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>> absolutely, brianna. kids need to be in school. here we go again. we have learned the last two years remote learning was no substitute for being there in person. we have seen our students lose a ton of ground the last few years. academically, reading and math skills way down. but suffer so much socially, emotionally, mental health crisis. this is why you see the secretary of education, surgeon general, everybody saying we need kids to be in school. that is where they're safest. and that is where they can get all the services they need and most importantly the learning they need. they have lost ground and we need to be doing everything we can to help them catch up. and yet here we go again. they will close down schools. they will lose more ground. >> i wonder what you think about what's happening in chicago where teachers decided they don't want to go in person. if you look at new york city, the new mayor there has made a compelling case why students are not going to school, that you can't consider covid. what do you make of what's happening in chicago? >> i think it's terrible. and i give credit to the mayor in chicago who is saying we need kids in school. but, you know, it's terrible the teachers are basically shutting down the schools again. i mean, look, i feel for teachers, for administrators. this is incredibly difficult. they have been through a lot. but we've got to keep the schools open. there may be some schools, individual schools where you have so many teachers out sick testing positive that you cannot run the school. you cannot keep it open safely. if you need to close schools on a case by case basis, we understand that. but to shut down an enormous city like chicago, throwing hundreds of thousands of kids out, you know, their parents are working, what are they going to do over the next few weeks. and to have these kids lose ground again. brianna, this isn't happening out in the affluent suburbs. it's not happening in our expensive private schools. it is happening in our big city school systems. they overwhelmingly serve poor kids, kids of color, who are already behind even before the pandemic, who have fallen further behind the last two years because they were the most likely to be stuck at home, trying to learn at home over a screen. and now we're doing it to them again. so we're just going to -- we keep making these decisions that are going to result in having these achievement gaps bigger than ever. all these kids suffering needlessly when they need to be in class. . >> not to ignore pediatric hospitalizations. but i think we all can agree so many more kids who have been hurt emotionally, certainly educationally as they have gone through this. michael, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, brianna. so if students and teachers can mask up, why can't certain gop senators do the same? more from capitol hill ahead. first, the fbi with a message for insurrectionists who might think they're in the clear after a full year. >> we're going to be at this as long as it takes, until we bring people to justice. taste great.igummies they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. 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>> in prior covid times, in any neighborhood in the country, if you saw a hooded individual, masks, glasses, gloves on, it would be a red flag for anyone walking around that day. in this case it wasn't because of the environment we're living in in covid times. >> we wonder why the bombs didn't go off? >> the bombs could have gone off. they just did not go off. where they were e placed, if they did go off, they could have caused serious harm or death. >> one of the focuses has been on the assault of the police officers that day. a special group of agents focused on that? >> over 100 police officers were assaulted that day, multiple times. not just once. and by multiple people. we are looking for 250 people, individuals, that assaulted police officers that day. a lot of those videos and the photographs are on our website. so a lot of people still out there we are trying to identify. and we need the public's help. >> when you see the brutality, what comes to mind? >> it is difficult to look at. one in particular has a cane. it looks like an electric prod at the end. he reaches into the line of police officer. you can hear the sound, the crackling. and he is trying to hit one of the police officers, and does, and backs away >> how long do you think this will take? >> i'd be speculating. it has taken a year. we still have a lot to still do. there's a lot of people still out there. we will be at it as long as it takes to bring the people to justice. >> reporter: brianna, talking to u.s. officials at the justice department, they say this is an investigation that is going to stretch years. >> so, evan, that was a really interesting discussion you had there. the attorney general merrick garland is giving some kind of remarks today, a speech. a lot of people are thinking, what is he going to say? he has received a lot of criticism, most live from democrats, because there's been no visible indication that the justice department is investigating some of the higher level trump allies or trump itself for what many basically see as a coup here. is garland, a, aware of this criticism and, b, do you expect him to address it today? >> reporter: look, i think he is very well aware of that criticism. but he thinks he is doing the right thing to try to restore the justice department after four years of very unusual times under the trump administration. so what you are going to hear from him today is perhaps a little bit of a defense of the way the justice department is running this investigation. he will talk about the efforts to defend democracy and to defend threats against the american people, including obviously members of the -- people at the capitol. but what you're not going to hear is any details of specific cases. and that's one of the things that i think the public wants to know. they want to know whether there is an investigation of the efforts to overturn the el election. and i don't think merrick garland is ready to go there just yet. >> do you think he will give any hint these investigations might be taking place? >> reporter: no. he's not going to go that far. i think what he wants to do, john, i think he wants to try to portray they will go as far as the facts show or allow them to. that may end up being a place a lot of critics don't want him to go. it will take some time. >> everyone will be watching that, parsing every word of each sill bell he speaks out loud. so a new report is giving us a unique glimpse of what life is like for the children of the rye theers who stormed the capitol last year, even though it's been a year since the national events, families are still dealing with the fallout at a deeply personal level. fortessa, you have written an article where you interviewed children of insurrectionists that tell their stories. and i want to read this tweet from helena duke. she was watching the insurrection on tv. hi, mom. remember the time you told me i shouldn't go to blm protests because they could get violent. this you? she saw pictures of her mother at the in sur recollection. >> yeah. she saw that video. a video had gone viral of her mother kind of goading a capitol police officer. her mother ends up getting punched in the face by the officer. the video goes viral. helena sees it and tweets her own message which also goes viral. >> yeah. and then there's jackson, a 19-year-old young man who actually called the fbi before the insurrection because he was worried what his father would do. what went on there? >> yeah. jackson was in a really difficult position. he was only 18 at the time. he was hearing these messages from his dad saying something really big is coming, something really big is coming. so jackson started worrying about what his father meant by that. he was especially worried because his father had ties to three percenters, a white supremist group. no stranger to violence. when he knew his dad was in a militia, he felt something violent could happen and did what we're all told to do. if you see something, say something. >> yeah. except it was his father, which makes it all the more difficult. and jackson reflects on his relationship in his discussion with you. this is what he writes or you write. for jackson, it's bizarre to look back at his childhood through the lens of what his father has become. he used to be one of the best dads ever, he says. he made me the man i am today. he thought me to be honest, no the to steal, all that cliche stuff. i believe he brought me up to do what he did. he believes his father brought him up to do what he did, call the fbi on the father. that's tough to read. >> yeah. that's exactly right. and it's really painful for jackson. and this is something that helena also said, they love their parents. helena also said she idolized her mother. she was always the fun mother. and jackson said my dad was this great dad who taught me all these great things, taught me to do the right thing. all of a sudden jackson has to use that knowledge that his dad gave him on doing the right thing and use it to turn his dad into the fbi. at only 18 years old, that's a huge decision to me. . >> and you dive into the psychological impact and how it has flipped the script. generally speaking, it's parents who worry about their wayward children. but because of the insurrection it's children worried about their wayward parents. that's psychologically traumatic. >> the power balance between parents and children because of that innate power imbalance that children have with their parents. they can't tell their parents the same thing that parents can tell their children. and so when i talked to dr. cynthia miller eidris, she said in all of my past work, it was parents coming to me and saying, how do i keep my kids from getting radicalized on reddit. and now it is how do i keep my parents from getting radicalized on facebook. the research isn't there yet. obviously they're working on it. it's so interesting because it has entirely flipped what people who study extremism work on. >> fortesa latifi, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. bernie sanders ally vowing that president biden will get a progressive challenger for 2024. primarying the president. our political director, david challenge on, joins us next. later, dogged determination. the real-life lassie who may have saved her owner's life during a brutal car accident. zero-commission trades for online u.s. stocks and etfs. and a commitment to get you the best price on every trade, which saved investors over $1.5 billion last year. that's decision tech. only from fidelity. my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit fries or salad? 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>> he's been all over the map throughout the last year. everything from, you know, stating publicly that his former boss, president trump, and he will never see the events eye to eye. as recently as this fall, john, he sort of cast it aside as one day in january that the media are obsessed with. he hasn't landed in a place that seems he's sold on his narrative. now, at the end of the day, we all know mike pence did the right thing. he did not go forward with donald trump's desired coup. and he explained that he did not see anything in the law that allowed him to do so. but it is a clear political minefield for him. look where they are. mike pence would very much like to run for president. he has to navigate how he can stick to the truth that he did the right thing, try to get credit for it without further alienating the trump base of the party that he would need should he go forward. president trump totally dismissed his chances in a presidential primary in the republican party because of his position january 6th. >> let's talk about something that so many liberals, really a lot of democrats want, which is filibuster rules to be changed. and this really hangs on senator joe manchin, also kyrsten sinema, also maybe some other democrats we don't talk about as much. manchin said he's open to modest changes of filibuster rules, but not the nuclear option to do it. tell us about that. and also tell us what we should make of what senator thune has said about election reform where he is. >> brianna, isn't this classic joe manchin doing his thing? he said i'm open. i want the conversations to go. but let me make clear i'm not interested in doing all that thing that democrats would like me to it is unclear exactly what that path would be because the math kind of blocks the path in terms of joe manchin's made clear he does not want to change the filibuster rules, really gut the filibuster, without republicans on board with that. we know no republicans are interested in doing that. so it kind of leaves the democrats where they find themselves so many times, which is sort of waiting on joe manchin to make a move. they could be waiting quite a while when it comes to voting rights. but you noted john thune, the republican, this is interesting, there is this sort of conservative think tank world where you have seen a lot of op-eds recently discussing the notion that maybe republicans and democrats could get behind a consensus reform just dealing with the electoral count act of 1887. what we saw on january 6th, the rules of presiding over the certification of a presidential election, that law dictates what that looks like. obviously it wasn't very clear because donald trump and his allies thought they could drive a mac truck through it and get mike pence to overturn the election. they couldn't. but there is a movement on the right that says, hey, we'll get on board with some kind of election reform, it could reform this law. of course, that will be totally insufficient to democrats who are looking for actual fortifying and securing of voting rights in the country. >> i will say that law is written so poorly and convolutedly that any reform would be welcome there. like cdc mask guidelines. it is, like, it makes no sense at all. finally, david, this was really interesting to me, jeff weaver, who, of course, is bernie sanders' guy, his former campaign manager and campaign chair did an interview with politico. this is what weaver said. he was asked about joe biden running for re-election and weaver was asked will there be a progressive challenger? yes. john weaver said, jeff weaver says. that's pretty interesting, if weaver thinks someone is going to primary the sitting president. >> yeah, i mean, as you know, john, is it somebody who actually has a chance at making a real dent into joe biden should he choose to run for re-election? or is it sort of a complete sort of fringe left wing kind of candidate that just can't get any traction? not all primaries are equal, except we know this. presidents running for re-election who face a primary challenge from their party tend not to do so well in modern political history. look at jimmy carter when ted kennedy primaried him, look at george h.w. bush, who fended off a primary challenge from pat buchanan. they were one-term presidents. i would just note if you look at where democratic party primaries have gone in the last couple of years, it is not with the left. so this would be a challenge to sort of make a stand. sanders versus clinton, joe biden defeated a whole slew of candidates to his left, even eric adams or terry mcauliffe in virginia, they were the more moderate candidates. the democratic primary el electorate is a progressive dominant electorate yet, the numbers are growing. i'm not sure joe biden would fear for his job, but it would complicate the fact he has to spend a lot of time dealing with the left of his party instead of focused on a general election re-election challenge. >> i listen to jeff weaver because, you know, at the time when he introduced or was at the helm of bernie sanders' campaign, there were so many people who were like, what the heck, this isn't going to go anywhere and look what happened, right? we listened to jeff weaver. david chalian, thank you. >> sure. just ahead, the secret sean hannity texts to trump that tell a different story than the one he told his viewers on tv. and seth meyers, jimmy fallon forced to cancel shows as covid disrupts late night tv. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. my nunormal? fewer asthma attacks with nucala. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months when you add an adjustable base. only for a limited time. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at you could email an urgent question to lisa in marketing. and a follow up. and a “did you see my email?” text. orrrr... you could see her status in slack. and give lisa a break while you find someone online who can help. slack. where the future works. all right, covid infecting nbc late night. seth meyers tested positive and will cancel shows for the rest of the week. on monday, jimmy fallon announced he tested positive as well. this just weeks after "saturday night live" canceled its audience for the christmas show. chloe melas joining us live. i think we're seeing this all around us, people coming down with covid, and late night hosts don't escape it, chloe. >> good morning, brianna. look, i'm here in new york, working from home, and this is a perfect example, you know, things in new york are tough right now. and a lot of these late night shows, they're taped here in new york. seth meyers tweeting, the bad news is i tested positive for covid, thanks, 2022. the good news is i feel fine. thanks, vaccine and booster. he's canceling the rest of his shows this week. he says tune in next monday to see where i'm going to be. remember, during the pandemic, he made a makeshift studio out of his attic. jimmy fallon also had recently tested positive over the holidays, but it is not just late night. it is also daytime television, "the view" which tapes on the upper west side of manhattan, whoopi goldberg is out this week because of covid, sarah haines said her husband had covid during the holiday break, and they had to quarantine separately. and, you know this is something that is affecting new york, but everywhere across the country, but everyone is saying that having their vaccine and their booster made it a little bit easier to bear with. brianna? >> as i'm coughing through your live shot, chloe, which says something. chloe, thank you very much for that report. >> thank you. so a number of republican senators remain maskless on capitol hill despite rising cases. more than a dozen lawmakers announced breakthrough cases in recent weeks. unlike the house, the senate has not imposed mask mandates. cnn's sunlen serfaty live on the capitol, you look around, you see people walking around without masks. >> reporter: that's right, john. it is very alarming, you know. d.c. has seen a huge surge in positive cases as well as up here on capitol hill. dozens of members and staffers testing positive. and we have observed numerous senate republicans walking around without their masks. now senate republicans gathered for the weekly in person caucus lunch yesterday. they did hold it in a larger room than they normally do, but cnn observed over a dozen senate republicans walking in these hallways, into that lunch, without their masks on. this, of course, comes as the capitol physician on capitol hill has been ringing the alarm bells, saying that cases up here on capitol hill has skyrocketed,

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On ,

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