Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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>> we knew there was a snowstorm and we kept watching the details. but everything that we had seen said that it was going to hit south. southern virginia. we're like, okay, you know, we have got 12, 24 hours, you know, hopefully things will be melted and handled. we never experienced a lack of preparedness from a snowstorm like this. >> yeah. >> so like this is bad. like roads haven't been pretreated. just seeing everything at an utter standstill, it's just -- if we knew from florida, how come virginia didn't know? how come the people with access to address this, to prepare as best we could, didn't do more? >> how was it, jennifer, just staying warm overnight? how did you manage? >> staying -- before we had gotten on to the 95, we had filled up the gas tank. otherwise, we had kept the car running and cracked the windows so that way we weren't breathing in carbon monoxide or anything. but it was still cool. we don't have winter jackets with us. we have light jackets because we were in florida. so just doing the best we can but also trying to conserve our gas because we didn't know when we were going to get home. >> yeah. >> big concern for so many drivers out there. i think your daughter said it best when you described it as just being over this. i imagine that speaks for countless drivers is being stuck on the road. stay safe and we hope you get home soon and we appreciate you taking the time to call in. >> no problem. thank you very much. thank you for all you do. >> thank you. stay safe. i want to bring in pete muntean, following the latest. what's the biggest issue out there right now? have we heard from officials like the transportation secretary? >> well, jennifer travis is one of the lucky ones because so many people are running out of gas because they have been stuck near fredericksburg for 18, 19 hours and now and the real issue on i-95 is that there aren't that many exit in the this area. there's a lot of guardrails, making it hard to get there on foot. the problem is they have to get the cars to exit ramps and state is using every available interchange to try and get people moving. the issue here is that the snow fell so fast. about 12 to 14 inches there in fredericksburg and stafford, virginia, in a pretty quick period of time and then it outpaced the plows and then the roads froze. among them, which is so interesting, senator tim kaine, trying to make his way, a two-hour drive to d.c. he said. things got so desperate that folks went car to car, another family from florida, handed him an orange. they were trying to get to connecticut. people want to get out and governor ralph northam said there are warming shelters opening up and they sent an emergency message to drivers, trying to do everything they can but people should still avoid, i-95. >> we heard movement in certain places, but are you hearing any significant progress of emptying the roads? >> the virginia department of education and state police say that i-95 is closed. northbound and southbound for the 48-mile stretch. no big change there. they want people off the road, away as far as possible, so that it doesn't interfere with these rescue operations to try to get people moving again. >> understood. i feel for them, typically those with young children. pete muntean, thank you. we are following breaking news on the pandemic. the cdc now recommending a pfizer booster shot at five months for anyone 12 and older. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has more. what more are you learning about this from the cdc? we heard from the fda yesterday. >> right, so the cdc is saying a booster at five months instead of after six months after your second shots. they were always saying six months after the second shot and now they're saying five. well, the fda yesterday, they said, listen, children should get the second booster and the cdc advisers will pick that up tomorrow to discuss it. for moderna and johnson & johnson it doesn't change. it's just pfizer going to five months. >> constantly updating, thank you, elizabeth cohen. >> thank you. well, joining us me to discuss is a pediatric doctor. we are seeing an influx of children being admitted into hospitals there for treatment for covid. how big of a development, in your opinion, is this now from the cdc after the fda sort of recommended the same yesterday. >> yeah, good morning, it's great to be with you. i think this is great news. i think parents were anxiously awaiting the news, to tell you the truth, for the past couple of months and wondering when is it my kid's turn. i think it's important to know that this happened after extensive data showing that the third shot does not lead to the side effects and this is huge. we're in the middle of a horrible wave and the benefits have clearly outweighed the risk when you look at the data. so i think this is great news overall. >> you like other doctors have warned that perhaps it is too soon to say that omicron is a milder variant when it comes to how it impacts children. many children and the majority of them have been admitted to hospitals have not been vaccinated and of course, children have yet to receive a booster shot. so they don't have that added protection. are you seeing a difference over the past few weeks? it appeared earlier that we were seeing more children, but they were admitted for other reasons and they just happened to be testing positive for covid. are you seeing more severe cases as of late? >> again, i think there's so many nuances here. so the first thing i would say is the vast majority of children who are being hospitalized are too young to be vaccinated or are eligible for a vaccine and their parents have chosen not to vaccinate them. this is huge, right, it's important that we all protect the kids and if we're eligible that question get them vaccinated because if situation is dire right now. i think the point that you're making about whether the kids we're seeing in the hospital who are showing up to the hospital because of covid itself or because of something else and happened to be tested for covid and i think we need more data. we have been regularly testing the children and the rate of the positive tests has come back now is much higher. it's not that we all of a sudden started testing everyone. we have been doing this. and that rate, that percentage of tests that is coming back positive has gone up so there's no doubt that there is more covid in our community. >> i want to ask you about a debate we're saying about the process. the fda has approved the nasal swabs, our children are doing this now as well. and in europe some are suggesting that the throat swabs are more effective. do you think that's something that we should be looking into now? are they more effective? >> i do think it's something we should be looking into, but we don't have the data yet. what you mentioned about the fda and the way that these tests were tested and approved in this country i think it's hugely important. the tests were developed for nasal swabbing. they were not developed for throat swabbing. and yes, we are seeing reports on social media and reports from abroad that perhaps when you swab the throats the test might be able to pick up more cases of covid than if you only swabbed the nose. but these are so far anecdotes and there's preliminary data. i think we need more data and i think it's hugely important that we do get that data. especially if the administration is not preparing to send more tests out in the country. it is going to continue to be the rapid antigen tests so we need to learn how to best swab ourselves when it comes to omicron. >> very important advice, thank you, doctor, for joining us. >> it would be remarkable if we're swabbing in the wrong place. disturbing denials about the insurrection one year later. >> the democrats caused it all. >> you really believe that? >> i know it. and later, why prince andrew's lawyers say the courts should toss out the suit of a young woman who said she was forced to have sex with him. they're in court right now. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at hustle sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. well, the nation is preparing to mark the one-year anniversary in the deadly u.s. capitol attack, and whether it's due to disinformation by right-wing media or denialism, a large chunk of trump voters are placing the blame on everyone but the former president. >> it denies reality. donie, you have been speaking to the folks for months now, it's a minority, but it's one that truly believes this falsehood. i wonder as you speak to them why? who do they believe? you know, why don't the facts penetrate the bubble? >> well, there's a concerted and sophisticated effort ever since the attack here in washington a year ago to warp american's understanding of what happened on that day and in a lot of ways that disinformation campaign is working. have a look. >> the attack was not the republicans or trump, it was democrats who were behind it all. they're the ones that caused it all. >> do you really believe that? >> i know it. and there is no way that a republican would act that way and there is no way that trump had anything to do with what happened on january 6th. >> what about all of the trump supporters that have been charged and indicted? >> because it's all democratic judges and people that were on the take from the democrats. >> it's been a year since the attack on the u.s. capitol. and because of disinformation, denial and diversion, americans don't have a shared history, a shared understanding of what happened here on that day. >> i think the whole reporting of it is a giant hoax. >> we are very peaceful people. so it was a total set-up to me. it was the fbi who had set it up. >> i don't believe that they were trump supporters that did that. >> you said the whole thing was a set-up. you don't believe that, do you? >> i do i do. because trump won the election. they have proven it over and over again. >> i really don't think trump had much to do with it and people that were supporters for him some were involved but i think they were enticed by the fbi. and by, you know, undercover agents. >> when i spoke to trump supporters here on january 6th, most were in denial about the results of the 2020 election. do you accept that biden won the election? >> absolutely not. biden did not win this election. >> on january 6th, we walked with trump supporters who marched from the white house where trump was doing his speech, here, to the u.s. capitol. and as we arrived here, that is when the first security barrier was breached. at the time, some trump supporters told me they were happy with what happened here at the capitol. >> are you proud of what happened here today? >> absolutely. i think we should have gone on in and yanked the -- our senators out by the hair of the head and drug them out and said, no more. >> i'm absolutely -- i stand behind 100% what happened here today. 1,000%. it's terrible how this election was stolen. >> some people in right-wing media have pushed the dangerous idea that it was all an fbi plot. >> fbi operatives were organizing the attack on the capitol. >> there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this was some kind of false flag event staged by the democrats or the fbi. what would you say to people that say that january 6th was the biggest attack on american democracy since the civil war? >> absolute rubbish. >> amid all of the denial and deflection, i met one trump supporter who said it was important to be real about what happened on that day. what do you think of the trump supporters that stormed the capitol? >> um, you talk about misfound feelings. seeing the folks from my side of the state that were there, and they're not the part of the captain that we would like to have. >> do you think some trump supporters let's say it's antifa or black lives matter, they want to blame someone else? >> everyone is afraid to, you know, take the blame. it's that simple. >> yeah. a rare voice of reason there. look, i mean, it is quite stunning when you see that we're only a year out from the attack on the capitol, and it has b been -- the understanding of it has been deliberately warped to such a way. and look, you know, when people don't learn from the past, when people don't even acknowledge that something like that happened and you pair that up with where we're seeing election deniers, election conspiracy theorists running to become election officials and oversee elections in states, it doesn't paint a pretty picture of what might -- what possibly could be to become as we go into the midterms and of course the 2024 elections. >> it makes you realize how easy it is to revise history, right? this was one year ago, we were all watching it on television. not something we read in books from hundreds of years ago, but months ago. yet, so many people don't believe their own eyes. donie o'sullivan, thank you. let's speak to former governor of ohio, john kasich. good to have you back on. >> thanks, jim. >> the bubbles are impenetrable by their own facts years ago. do you think what is missed, you have had more 700 participants charged, but not the leaders who encouraged them to assault the capital. i had ruben guyaga and he said the attorney general is feckless. >> jim, first of all, being in this chair and listening to the sound, it breaks my heart. you know, some of the people who were speaking i'm sure could be our next door neighbors. you know, people that would help you in a difficult period and to hear them talk like this is frightening. so coolly and calmly saying yes, the senators should be yanked out of there and let's get on with it it's a break from reality with the people. you could indict everybody in america and they're not going to believe it. it's cult-like. it's cult-like, and if you notice what the lady said at the very end there, if any of you who are part of this cult-like movement, if you decide that you need to take responsibility and criticize somebody, you get thrown out, jim. and for a lot of people, this is where they live. they live in this world of politics and they live in this world of intrigue and conspiracies and all of this other garbage that's out there, and i've got to tell you, things -- we talk about history -- brianna mentioned history a hundred years ago. look at history throughout time when there is such a thirst for power, and such a movement as we see these people who as i say have taken a break from reality, it threatens our country. i hate to even say this, but i think it is a -- people got to wake up. this is not -- this is not some joke or some political business. this is about our country. our foundations. our shared values. >> well, governor, what else stood out to me from the interview with the congressman when he said that the next attack would not come from the same perpetrators who we saw storm the capitol last year, but perhaps from elected officials. it reminded me of an interview that peter navarro did with rolling stone and he said there were over 100 congressmen that were lined up to execute a plan to overturn the election. so let's just say perhaps he's embellishing right there and it was maybe 50 or 30, what does that say to you about the state of our country democracy and what our elected officials may or may not do the next time? >> well, the thirst for power, the thirst for power overwhelms everything else, and the idea that everything that i think is right and anything that anybody else thinks is wrong has led to hatred and we have seen hatred on both sides. you know, the longer this goes on, the more it begins to erode the very fabric of our country. the transition of power in the presidential election is part of america. we saw al gore concede the election to george bush. we saw richard nixon concede the election to kennedy when there were many questions because they put the country first. now we live in the environment it's all about me and anybody else who doesn't think the way i do they're terrible. i'm going to get about hating them and that is where we have got a real problem. >> yeah. >> so all of us who are the majority of people in this country have got to patiently explain we cannot lose our country by this kind of -- this kind of nonsense. it's beyond nonsense, it's terrible situation. >> the night of january 6th, more than a hundred lawmakers decertified the election. the few willing to speak out publicly, the ten for instance who voted to impeach the president and others are basically forced out of the party or being primaried. many are walking away. you're headed towards the point where this is the litmus test, right, it's a test for membership in the republican party. where do we stand at that point? >> you know, look, jim, i fought the guy the whole time he was president and i'm happy. the fact that i could go to the republican meetings and they didn't like me and that's okay. they better turn towards rationalism and an ability to get along with the other side. look, we know there are people on the left who are just as intolerant as some of the people on the right. so the middle has to come together because america -- you know, our military strength and our economic strength and the fundamental goodness of our people can allow us to survive this period of time. but we don't have a lot of time to keep fooling around with this. we have to get our act together and it's up to brianna, it's up to you, it's up to me, it's up to us, because the change comes from the bottom up and we have to be patient with these women and say to them, hey, look at the facts here. maybe we'll win some of them back, jim. i don't know. it's depressing. >> well, you're right. it's on all of us. let's hope -- >> yeah. >> let's hope folks take your call there. governor john kasich, thank you so much. >> thank you, jim. coming up next, the superintendent of one atlanta area school district will join us live. why he made the call to go back to remote learning once again this week. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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do you have staffing shortages? >> well, you should know that this week our teachers and employees are working virtually. we are testing all employees to ensure that, of course, when students return face-to-face on monday, january 10th that we have i would hope the best situation possible relative to safety. so no staffing shortages as of today. >> why start -- why go virtual before you reach that point when you don't have a staff to teach in person? >> well, a part of our effort is to ensure that we do not contribute to the rise in cases in our county in this area. so we thought it best to provide all employees an opportunity to test, get those negative tests, of course, those who test positive would have to quarantine which allows us to plan more effectively for when students return face to face on january 10th. >> i understand that thinking. i know you went through this, your county went through this during the pandemic, that there are costs as well to going to virtual learning, remote learning. keeping students at home. students, they end up behind and a lot of studies have shown that. i wonder, do you think that starting remote will in effect punish the students? at least academically. >> well, that's not how we look at it. our focus here is safety and security. we want to ensure that students have the opportunity to learn without disruption and allowing them to start virtually while we test all of our employees and we have about 7,500 employees gives us the opportunity to ensure that we are not as adults contributing to children getting the virus, which as you well know would be very disruptive to their learning. again, it's how you look at it. again, our focus is safety and security, ensuring that our staff, they're safe and the students are safe as well. so it's all in how you look at it. i would not say that learning decreases the students from learning the content that they need to learn. it may provide an opportunity for them not to learn as much given the time period. but it's all about how you look at it, jim. >> i get it. >> our focus again is safety. >> but the surgeon general they say with mitigation measures it should be safe for the kids. nobody wants to get the teachers or the parents sick, but the guidance says that it should be okay. >> we agree with that, however, we look at our community spread. we work with our health department here in the county. and we make a decision that we believe will help mitigate the spread of the virus while at the same time ensuring that students have the opportunity to learn. >> maurice beasley, we know you have a lot on your hands there. we wish you and we wish the kids and the teachers the best of luck. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, jim. well, still to come, prince andrew's legal team is trying to convince a court to dismiss a lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault. we'll go live to the uk with details on the newly released documents that involve jeffrey epstein. sandpaper. strypapeper? 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>> well, it's very significant. currently, there are hearings going on and the prince andrew attorney is pushing as hard as he can on a series of points and central to today's hearing -- it's a critical hearing, is this 2009 agreement between giuffre and epstein where she received $500,000 in order to not pursue anyone connected to jeffrey epstein who could be described as potential defendant in future. so prince andrew's team very much feel that this agreement means the case in new york should be thrown out today. so the judge is hearing the arguments as we speak, and the judge will make a call on that. so the case could potentially be thrown out, prince andrew could be effectively in the clear or it could continue, potentially to trial, which could start in september and depositions which could start as well. one of the other points prince andrew's attorneys is pushing the judge on is the specifics that the giuffre attorney has made. she is only saying she had sex as a teenager with prince andrew, but not giving any specific timings or dates. so prince andrew's team want that. the judge says they're not going to get that right now. they have to wait until the discovery stage. we have to hear what the judge has to say about if the 2009 agreement is relevant. as you say, prince andrew is denying all of the allegations, but doing all he can to end this trial. >> max foster, thanks so much for covering. well, many health experts say the frequent covid testing is the only way out of the pandemic, but florida's surgeon general seems to be saying the opposite. why? 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there doesn't seem to be guidance from the cdc ore or others. >> i will use the florida surgeon general's explanation, when he said high value testing. he used an explanation comparing a grandmother to a third grade or an 8-year-old getting weekly testing say there's more priority, more value, in getting a grandmother tested over an 8-year-old or a third grader that is being tested weekly and he says that he wants to have more prioritization when it comes to testing in the state of florida. i'm at one of the busiest testing sites in miami-dade county. you can see the lines behind me, lines that are hours long. yesterday, the mayor of miami-dade broke a record, more than 70,000 tests administered in the state of florida, but yet the administration is saying that they want to take an approach, that they want to issue guidance soon to prioritize testing in the state of florida, despite what we're seeing in not only the case numbers but also the demand for testing, jim. >> and, this is all happening as the governor is calling on the federal government to release more antibody therapies even though there are reports that these are not as effective in fighting the omicron variant. i know you're expecting to hear from the governor soon. that has been delayed. do you know why? >> well, there was a delay in testing because, quite frankly, there were people this that weren't part of the media that were demanding to speak to the governor. the governor's aides asked the people to leave and we know was one from the north side coalition of jacksonville that is pushing for more vaccination. when they were having a conversation with the governor's aide, the governor's aide was saying we would like to have a conversation, this is not the place. and they were demanding that they wanted to speak to the governor because they feel not enough is being done when it comes to preventing the spread of covid-19 in the state of florida. that back and forth caused a delay in the governor's press conference in which he's expected to talk about the need for more monoclonal antibody testing here in the state of florida. now, he brought that up yesterday, saying that he needs the supplies from the federal government. we did check in with the federal government, and hhs told me in a statement that they have sent an ample supply of the supplies for that type of testing to the state of florida. in fact, more than other states. and they are urging the leaders to focus not just on early treatment because this treatment does reduce the risk of hospitalization and deaths, but also to focus on prevention like vaccination and the testing you see behind me. >> yep, because they work. thanks so much for covering. >> you can see the long lines of cars waiting to be tested. speaking of long lines of cars, we have been following breaking news in virginia where drivers have been stuck on a 48-mile stretch of i-95. so more than 19 hours, if you can believe that. things are now starting to move slowly, but surely. we'll take you there, live. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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January 10th , 10 , Monday January 10th , Safety , Staff , Opportunity , Who Test Positive , Rise , Thinking , Costs , Face To , Studies , Effect , Will , Focus , Security , Disruption , Virus , Adults , 7500 , Content , Guidance , Sick , Community Spread , Health Department , Nobody , Decision , Spread , Team , Hands , Luck , Jeffrey Epstein , Documents , Sexual Assault , Lawsuit , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Uk , Strypapeper , Car Vending Machines , Old , Preservatives , Biotrue , Company , License Plate , Carvana , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Eczema , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Root Cause , Feels , Itch , Step , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Vision Changes , Reactions , Eye Pain , Child , Infection , Eczema Specialist , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Kindness , Work , Honesty , Forest , Edge , Fourth , Little Red House , Norway , Inspiration , Comfort , Viking , Judge , Case , Guards , Records , Prisoner Counts , Prison 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Jacksonville , Conversation , Aide , Press Conference , Monoclonal Antibody Testing , Need , Hhs , Supply , Supplies , Statement , Hospitalization , Deaths , Type , Prevention , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Insurance , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Doug , Visit Indeed Com Hire Limu Emu , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Sec , Touch , Liberty , Pediatrician , Brand , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Pampers , Baby , Vehicles , Town , Kate Bolduan , 60 , Led , Region , Accidents , Monday Morning , Highway , Parking Lot , Crews , Traffic , Night Mare , Fo ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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woah. for the foster kids who need it most— wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. very good morning today morning 20 you. i'm jim sciutto. >> we begin with breaking news. right now, drivers have been stranded for hours on a major interstate in eastern virginia. take a look at the pictures. many have been trapped in their cars overnight due to a severe winter storm that dropped several inches of snow and knocked trees on to the road. plus an estimated 20 to 30 disabled trucks are blocking traffic. >> transportation crews are working now to tow cars out of the way. also, plow the interstate to prevent more crashes and clear the roads and just in the last few minutes in some sections we have seen the cars begin to move, though slowly. jennifer travis and her husband and daughter rented a car back to orlando after their flights were canceled twice. they have been stuck since around 2:30 this morning. jennifer, good to have you on and we understand you had good news. you were able to get off the exit ramp. >> slightly good news. we were able to get off exit 1236 just before stafford airport. however, we're driving down american legion road in virginia where things haven't been plowed. trees are down. cars are just -- like it's a mess. it's hard to get by. we actually just skidded right before i jumped on, so it's -- it's treacherous. it's treacherous out here, to say the least. >> well, jennifer -- >> sorry, go ahead. >> no, i was going to say, we definitely want you to stay safe there as you are luckily being able to drive at least a little bit and get some movement in. but what a double whammy you were dealt with, first having your flights canceled and now this. how much ahead time did you have knowing that there would be a storm that you'd hit right on your way home? >> we knew there was a snowstorm and we kept watching the details. but everything that we had seen said that it was going to hit south. southern virginia. we're like, okay, you know, we have got 12, 24 hours, you know, hopefully things will be melted and handled. we never experienced a lack of preparedness from a snowstorm like this. >> yeah. >> so like this is bad. like roads haven't been pretreated. just seeing everything at an utter standstill, it's just -- if we knew from florida, how come virginia didn't know? how come the people with access to address this, to prepare as best we could, didn't do more? >> how was it, jennifer, just staying warm overnight? how did you manage? >> staying -- before we had gotten on to the 95, we had filled up the gas tank. otherwise, we had kept the car running and cracked the windows so that way we weren't breathing in carbon monoxide or anything. but it was still cool. we don't have winter jackets with us. we have light jackets because we were in florida. so just doing the best we can but also trying to conserve our gas because we didn't know when we were going to get home. >> yeah. >> big concern for so many drivers out there. i think your daughter said it best when you described it as just being over this. i imagine that speaks for countless drivers is being stuck on the road. stay safe and we hope you get home soon and we appreciate you taking the time to call in. >> no problem. thank you very much. thank you for all you do. >> thank you. stay safe. i want to bring in pete muntean, following the latest. what's the biggest issue out there right now? have we heard from officials like the transportation secretary? >> well, jennifer travis is one of the lucky ones because so many people are running out of gas because they have been stuck near fredericksburg for 18, 19 hours and now and the real issue on i-95 is that there aren't that many exit in the this area. there's a lot of guardrails, making it hard to get there on foot. the problem is they have to get the cars to exit ramps and state is using every available interchange to try and get people moving. the issue here is that the snow fell so fast. about 12 to 14 inches there in fredericksburg and stafford, virginia, in a pretty quick period of time and then it outpaced the plows and then the roads froze. among them, which is so interesting, senator tim kaine, trying to make his way, a two-hour drive to d.c. he said. things got so desperate that folks went car to car, another family from florida, handed him an orange. they were trying to get to connecticut. people want to get out and governor ralph northam said there are warming shelters opening up and they sent an emergency message to drivers, trying to do everything they can but people should still avoid, i-95. >> we heard movement in certain places, but are you hearing any significant progress of emptying the roads? >> the virginia department of education and state police say that i-95 is closed. northbound and southbound for the 48-mile stretch. no big change there. they want people off the road, away as far as possible, so that it doesn't interfere with these rescue operations to try to get people moving again. >> understood. i feel for them, typically those with young children. pete muntean, thank you. we are following breaking news on the pandemic. the cdc now recommending a pfizer booster shot at five months for anyone 12 and older. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has more. what more are you learning about this from the cdc? we heard from the fda yesterday. >> right, so the cdc is saying a booster at five months instead of after six months after your second shots. they were always saying six months after the second shot and now they're saying five. well, the fda yesterday, they said, listen, children should get the second booster and the cdc advisers will pick that up tomorrow to discuss it. for moderna and johnson & johnson it doesn't change. it's just pfizer going to five months. >> constantly updating, thank you, elizabeth cohen. >> thank you. well, joining us me to discuss is a pediatric doctor. we are seeing an influx of children being admitted into hospitals there for treatment for covid. how big of a development, in your opinion, is this now from the cdc after the fda sort of recommended the same yesterday. >> yeah, good morning, it's great to be with you. i think this is great news. i think parents were anxiously awaiting the news, to tell you the truth, for the past couple of months and wondering when is it my kid's turn. i think it's important to know that this happened after extensive data showing that the third shot does not lead to the side effects and this is huge. we're in the middle of a horrible wave and the benefits have clearly outweighed the risk when you look at the data. so i think this is great news overall. >> you like other doctors have warned that perhaps it is too soon to say that omicron is a milder variant when it comes to how it impacts children. many children and the majority of them have been admitted to hospitals have not been vaccinated and of course, children have yet to receive a booster shot. so they don't have that added protection. are you seeing a difference over the past few weeks? it appeared earlier that we were seeing more children, but they were admitted for other reasons and they just happened to be testing positive for covid. are you seeing more severe cases as of late? >> again, i think there's so many nuances here. so the first thing i would say is the vast majority of children who are being hospitalized are too young to be vaccinated or are eligible for a vaccine and their parents have chosen not to vaccinate them. this is huge, right, it's important that we all protect the kids and if we're eligible that question get them vaccinated because if situation is dire right now. i think the point that you're making about whether the kids we're seeing in the hospital who are showing up to the hospital because of covid itself or because of something else and happened to be tested for covid and i think we need more data. we have been regularly testing the children and the rate of the positive tests has come back now is much higher. it's not that we all of a sudden started testing everyone. we have been doing this. and that rate, that percentage of tests that is coming back positive has gone up so there's no doubt that there is more covid in our community. >> i want to ask you about a debate we're saying about the process. the fda has approved the nasal swabs, our children are doing this now as well. and in europe some are suggesting that the throat swabs are more effective. do you think that's something that we should be looking into now? are they more effective? >> i do think it's something we should be looking into, but we don't have the data yet. what you mentioned about the fda and the way that these tests were tested and approved in this country i think it's hugely important. the tests were developed for nasal swabbing. they were not developed for throat swabbing. and yes, we are seeing reports on social media and reports from abroad that perhaps when you swab the throats the test might be able to pick up more cases of covid than if you only swabbed the nose. but these are so far anecdotes and there's preliminary data. i think we need more data and i think it's hugely important that we do get that data. especially if the administration is not preparing to send more tests out in the country. it is going to continue to be the rapid antigen tests so we need to learn how to best swab ourselves when it comes to omicron. >> very important advice, thank you, doctor, for joining us. >> it would be remarkable if we're swabbing in the wrong place. disturbing denials about the insurrection one year later. >> the democrats caused it all. >> you really believe that? >> i know it. and later, why prince andrew's lawyers say the courts should toss out the suit of a young woman who said she was forced to have sex with him. they're in court right now. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at hustle sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. well, the nation is preparing to mark the one-year anniversary in the deadly u.s. capitol attack, and whether it's due to disinformation by right-wing media or denialism, a large chunk of trump voters are placing the blame on everyone but the former president. >> it denies reality. donie, you have been speaking to the folks for months now, it's a minority, but it's one that truly believes this falsehood. i wonder as you speak to them why? who do they believe? you know, why don't the facts penetrate the bubble? >> well, there's a concerted and sophisticated effort ever since the attack here in washington a year ago to warp american's understanding of what happened on that day and in a lot of ways that disinformation campaign is working. have a look. >> the attack was not the republicans or trump, it was democrats who were behind it all. they're the ones that caused it all. >> do you really believe that? >> i know it. and there is no way that a republican would act that way and there is no way that trump had anything to do with what happened on january 6th. >> what about all of the trump supporters that have been charged and indicted? >> because it's all democratic judges and people that were on the take from the democrats. >> it's been a year since the attack on the u.s. capitol. and because of disinformation, denial and diversion, americans don't have a shared history, a shared understanding of what happened here on that day. >> i think the whole reporting of it is a giant hoax. >> we are very peaceful people. so it was a total set-up to me. it was the fbi who had set it up. >> i don't believe that they were trump supporters that did that. >> you said the whole thing was a set-up. you don't believe that, do you? >> i do i do. because trump won the election. they have proven it over and over again. >> i really don't think trump had much to do with it and people that were supporters for him some were involved but i think they were enticed by the fbi. and by, you know, undercover agents. >> when i spoke to trump supporters here on january 6th, most were in denial about the results of the 2020 election. do you accept that biden won the election? >> absolutely not. biden did not win this election. >> on january 6th, we walked with trump supporters who marched from the white house where trump was doing his speech, here, to the u.s. capitol. and as we arrived here, that is when the first security barrier was breached. at the time, some trump supporters told me they were happy with what happened here at the capitol. >> are you proud of what happened here today? >> absolutely. i think we should have gone on in and yanked the -- our senators out by the hair of the head and drug them out and said, no more. >> i'm absolutely -- i stand behind 100% what happened here today. 1,000%. it's terrible how this election was stolen. >> some people in right-wing media have pushed the dangerous idea that it was all an fbi plot. >> fbi operatives were organizing the attack on the capitol. >> there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this was some kind of false flag event staged by the democrats or the fbi. what would you say to people that say that january 6th was the biggest attack on american democracy since the civil war? >> absolute rubbish. >> amid all of the denial and deflection, i met one trump supporter who said it was important to be real about what happened on that day. what do you think of the trump supporters that stormed the capitol? >> um, you talk about misfound feelings. seeing the folks from my side of the state that were there, and they're not the part of the captain that we would like to have. >> do you think some trump supporters let's say it's antifa or black lives matter, they want to blame someone else? >> everyone is afraid to, you know, take the blame. it's that simple. >> yeah. a rare voice of reason there. look, i mean, it is quite stunning when you see that we're only a year out from the attack on the capitol, and it has b been -- the understanding of it has been deliberately warped to such a way. and look, you know, when people don't learn from the past, when people don't even acknowledge that something like that happened and you pair that up with where we're seeing election deniers, election conspiracy theorists running to become election officials and oversee elections in states, it doesn't paint a pretty picture of what might -- what possibly could be to become as we go into the midterms and of course the 2024 elections. >> it makes you realize how easy it is to revise history, right? this was one year ago, we were all watching it on television. not something we read in books from hundreds of years ago, but months ago. yet, so many people don't believe their own eyes. donie o'sullivan, thank you. let's speak to former governor of ohio, john kasich. good to have you back on. >> thanks, jim. >> the bubbles are impenetrable by their own facts years ago. do you think what is missed, you have had more 700 participants charged, but not the leaders who encouraged them to assault the capital. i had ruben guyaga and he said the attorney general is feckless. >> jim, first of all, being in this chair and listening to the sound, it breaks my heart. you know, some of the people who were speaking i'm sure could be our next door neighbors. you know, people that would help you in a difficult period and to hear them talk like this is frightening. so coolly and calmly saying yes, the senators should be yanked out of there and let's get on with it it's a break from reality with the people. you could indict everybody in america and they're not going to believe it. it's cult-like. it's cult-like, and if you notice what the lady said at the very end there, if any of you who are part of this cult-like movement, if you decide that you need to take responsibility and criticize somebody, you get thrown out, jim. and for a lot of people, this is where they live. they live in this world of politics and they live in this world of intrigue and conspiracies and all of this other garbage that's out there, and i've got to tell you, things -- we talk about history -- brianna mentioned history a hundred years ago. look at history throughout time when there is such a thirst for power, and such a movement as we see these people who as i say have taken a break from reality, it threatens our country. i hate to even say this, but i think it is a -- people got to wake up. this is not -- this is not some joke or some political business. this is about our country. our foundations. our shared values. >> well, governor, what else stood out to me from the interview with the congressman when he said that the next attack would not come from the same perpetrators who we saw storm the capitol last year, but perhaps from elected officials. it reminded me of an interview that peter navarro did with rolling stone and he said there were over 100 congressmen that were lined up to execute a plan to overturn the election. so let's just say perhaps he's embellishing right there and it was maybe 50 or 30, what does that say to you about the state of our country democracy and what our elected officials may or may not do the next time? >> well, the thirst for power, the thirst for power overwhelms everything else, and the idea that everything that i think is right and anything that anybody else thinks is wrong has led to hatred and we have seen hatred on both sides. you know, the longer this goes on, the more it begins to erode the very fabric of our country. the transition of power in the presidential election is part of america. we saw al gore concede the election to george bush. we saw richard nixon concede the election to kennedy when there were many questions because they put the country first. now we live in the environment it's all about me and anybody else who doesn't think the way i do they're terrible. i'm going to get about hating them and that is where we have got a real problem. >> yeah. >> so all of us who are the majority of people in this country have got to patiently explain we cannot lose our country by this kind of -- this kind of nonsense. it's beyond nonsense, it's terrible situation. >> the night of january 6th, more than a hundred lawmakers decertified the election. the few willing to speak out publicly, the ten for instance who voted to impeach the president and others are basically forced out of the party or being primaried. many are walking away. you're headed towards the point where this is the litmus test, right, it's a test for membership in the republican party. where do we stand at that point? >> you know, look, jim, i fought the guy the whole time he was president and i'm happy. the fact that i could go to the republican meetings and they didn't like me and that's okay. they better turn towards rationalism and an ability to get along with the other side. look, we know there are people on the left who are just as intolerant as some of the people on the right. so the middle has to come together because america -- you know, our military strength and our economic strength and the fundamental goodness of our people can allow us to survive this period of time. but we don't have a lot of time to keep fooling around with this. we have to get our act together and it's up to brianna, it's up to you, it's up to me, it's up to us, because the change comes from the bottom up and we have to be patient with these women and say to them, hey, look at the facts here. maybe we'll win some of them back, jim. i don't know. it's depressing. >> well, you're right. it's on all of us. let's hope -- >> yeah. >> let's hope folks take your call there. governor john kasich, thank you so much. >> thank you, jim. coming up next, the superintendent of one atlanta area school district will join us live. why he made the call to go back to remote learning once again this week. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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do you have staffing shortages? >> well, you should know that this week our teachers and employees are working virtually. we are testing all employees to ensure that, of course, when students return face-to-face on monday, january 10th that we have i would hope the best situation possible relative to safety. so no staffing shortages as of today. >> why start -- why go virtual before you reach that point when you don't have a staff to teach in person? >> well, a part of our effort is to ensure that we do not contribute to the rise in cases in our county in this area. so we thought it best to provide all employees an opportunity to test, get those negative tests, of course, those who test positive would have to quarantine which allows us to plan more effectively for when students return face to face on january 10th. >> i understand that thinking. i know you went through this, your county went through this during the pandemic, that there are costs as well to going to virtual learning, remote learning. keeping students at home. students, they end up behind and a lot of studies have shown that. i wonder, do you think that starting remote will in effect punish the students? at least academically. >> well, that's not how we look at it. our focus here is safety and security. we want to ensure that students have the opportunity to learn without disruption and allowing them to start virtually while we test all of our employees and we have about 7,500 employees gives us the opportunity to ensure that we are not as adults contributing to children getting the virus, which as you well know would be very disruptive to their learning. again, it's how you look at it. again, our focus is safety and security, ensuring that our staff, they're safe and the students are safe as well. so it's all in how you look at it. i would not say that learning decreases the students from learning the content that they need to learn. it may provide an opportunity for them not to learn as much given the time period. but it's all about how you look at it, jim. >> i get it. >> our focus again is safety. >> but the surgeon general they say with mitigation measures it should be safe for the kids. nobody wants to get the teachers or the parents sick, but the guidance says that it should be okay. >> we agree with that, however, we look at our community spread. we work with our health department here in the county. and we make a decision that we believe will help mitigate the spread of the virus while at the same time ensuring that students have the opportunity to learn. >> maurice beasley, we know you have a lot on your hands there. we wish you and we wish the kids and the teachers the best of luck. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, jim. well, still to come, prince andrew's legal team is trying to convince a court to dismiss a lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault. we'll go live to the uk with details on the newly released documents that involve jeffrey epstein. sandpaper. strypapeper? 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>> well, it's very significant. currently, there are hearings going on and the prince andrew attorney is pushing as hard as he can on a series of points and central to today's hearing -- it's a critical hearing, is this 2009 agreement between giuffre and epstein where she received $500,000 in order to not pursue anyone connected to jeffrey epstein who could be described as potential defendant in future. so prince andrew's team very much feel that this agreement means the case in new york should be thrown out today. so the judge is hearing the arguments as we speak, and the judge will make a call on that. so the case could potentially be thrown out, prince andrew could be effectively in the clear or it could continue, potentially to trial, which could start in september and depositions which could start as well. one of the other points prince andrew's attorneys is pushing the judge on is the specifics that the giuffre attorney has made. she is only saying she had sex as a teenager with prince andrew, but not giving any specific timings or dates. so prince andrew's team want that. the judge says they're not going to get that right now. they have to wait until the discovery stage. we have to hear what the judge has to say about if the 2009 agreement is relevant. as you say, prince andrew is denying all of the allegations, but doing all he can to end this trial. >> max foster, thanks so much for covering. well, many health experts say the frequent covid testing is the only way out of the pandemic, but florida's surgeon general seems to be saying the opposite. why? that's coming up. but first, here's a look at some other events we are watching closely today. what does the future of strength look like? ♪ ♪ it's a personal trainer that assesses your strength and adds weight as you progress. it's dynamic weight thatat adjusts for you in real time for a more efficient workout. c'mom and it's a roster of coaches that motivate you to get stronger, faster. the future is strength you can feel and results you can see. and you can only experience it... 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there doesn't seem to be guidance from the cdc ore or others. >> i will use the florida surgeon general's explanation, when he said high value testing. he used an explanation comparing a grandmother to a third grade or an 8-year-old getting weekly testing say there's more priority, more value, in getting a grandmother tested over an 8-year-old or a third grader that is being tested weekly and he says that he wants to have more prioritization when it comes to testing in the state of florida. i'm at one of the busiest testing sites in miami-dade county. you can see the lines behind me, lines that are hours long. yesterday, the mayor of miami-dade broke a record, more than 70,000 tests administered in the state of florida, but yet the administration is saying that they want to take an approach, that they want to issue guidance soon to prioritize testing in the state of florida, despite what we're seeing in not only the case numbers but also the demand for testing, jim. >> and, this is all happening as the governor is calling on the federal government to release more antibody therapies even though there are reports that these are not as effective in fighting the omicron variant. i know you're expecting to hear from the governor soon. that has been delayed. do you know why? >> well, there was a delay in testing because, quite frankly, there were people this that weren't part of the media that were demanding to speak to the governor. the governor's aides asked the people to leave and we know was one from the north side coalition of jacksonville that is pushing for more vaccination. when they were having a conversation with the governor's aide, the governor's aide was saying we would like to have a conversation, this is not the place. and they were demanding that they wanted to speak to the governor because they feel not enough is being done when it comes to preventing the spread of covid-19 in the state of florida. that back and forth caused a delay in the governor's press conference in which he's expected to talk about the need for more monoclonal antibody testing here in the state of florida. now, he brought that up yesterday, saying that he needs the supplies from the federal government. we did check in with the federal government, and hhs told me in a statement that they have sent an ample supply of the supplies for that type of testing to the state of florida. in fact, more than other states. and they are urging the leaders to focus not just on early treatment because this treatment does reduce the risk of hospitalization and deaths, but also to focus on prevention like vaccination and the testing you see behind me. >> yep, because they work. thanks so much for covering. >> you can see the long lines of cars waiting to be tested. speaking of long lines of cars, we have been following breaking news in virginia where drivers have been stuck on a 48-mile stretch of i-95. so more than 19 hours, if you can believe that. things are now starting to move slowly, but surely. we'll take you there, live. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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Ohio , Leaders , Participants , Bubbles , Thanks , 700 , Ruben Guyaga , Attorney General , Capital , Heart , Some , Listening , Chair , Neighbors , Feckless , The Sound , Break , Cult , Everybody , Any , Lady , Garbage , Somebody , Responsibility , Conspiracies , Politics , Intrigue , Power , Thirst , Brianna , A Hundred , Joke , Business , Interview , Values , Congressman , Foundations , Peter Navarro , Perpetrators , Storm The Capitol , Rolling Stone , Congressmen , Say , Embellishing , 50 , Everything Else , Anybody , Hatred , Transition , Sides , Fabric , Country First , Al Gore , George Bush , Richard Nixon , Anybody Else , Environment , Nonsense , Few , Instance , Lawmakers , Ten , Litmus Test , Others , Party , Primaried , Fact , Membership , Guy , Ability , Right , Rationalism , Left , Strength , Military Strength , Goodness , Act , Women , Patient , Bottom Up , Call , Hope , Don T Let Uc , All Of Us , I Don T Know , School District , Learning , Superintendent , Atlanta , Hello , Interest , Cooking , Obsessed , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Sugar , Times , Electorlytes , Three , Feel , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Marcia , Health , Dental Implants , Periodontal Disease , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , Key , Solution , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Tools , Nutrients , Mobile App , Candidates , Shortlist , Job , Simplicity , Project Managers , Projects , Job Criteria , Chase , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Experts , Vo , Music Vo , Windshield , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Students , Return , New York City , Teachers , Schools , Person , Teachers Union , Third , Classes , Walkout , Chicago , Philadelphia , Maurice Beasley , Staff Shortages , School Districts , Clayton County , Atlanta Area , Jim , Surgeon General , Morning , Mitigation , Masking , District , Ventilation , County , Staffing Shortages , Employees , Face To On Monday , Relative , January 10th , 10 , Monday January 10th , Safety , Staff , Opportunity , Who Test Positive , Rise , Thinking , Costs , Face To , Studies , Effect , Will , Focus , Security , Disruption , Virus , Adults , 7500 , Content , Guidance , Sick , Community Spread , Health Department , Nobody , Decision , Spread , Team , Hands , Luck , Jeffrey Epstein , Documents , Sexual Assault , Lawsuit , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Uk , Strypapeper , Car Vending Machines , Old , Preservatives , Biotrue , Company , License Plate , Carvana , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Eczema , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Root Cause , Feels , Itch , Step , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Vision Changes , Reactions , Eye Pain , Child , Infection , Eczema Specialist , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Kindness , Work , Honesty , Forest , Edge , Fourth , Little Red House , Norway , Inspiration , Comfort , Viking , Judge , Case , Guards , Records , Prisoner Counts , Prison , Falsifying , Suicide , Night Epstein , 2019 , Charges , Prosecution Agreements , Community Service , Prosecutor , Review , Manhattan , Doj , Story , Hearing Arguments , Sexual Assault Lawsuit , Virginia Giuffre , Settlement Agreement , Epstein , Accusers , Duke , Claims , York , 17 , Max Foster , Hearings , Points , Attorney , Hearing , Agreement , Series , Order , 00000 , 2009 , 500000 , Defendant , Trial , Arguments , Depositions , Specifics , Attorneys , Teenager , Giuffre Attorney , Timings , Discovery Stage , Allegations , Covering , Covid Testing , Opposite , Events , Health Experts , Thatat , Workout , Faster , Trainer , Roster , Coaches , C Mom , Diabetes , Musician , Austin James , My Name , Tonal , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , Challenge , System , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 6 7 , 8 2 , Zeposia , Ulcerative Colitis , Heart Attack , First , Chest Pain , Remission , Stroke , Mini Stroke , Don T Take Zeposia , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Uc Achieve , Breathing Problems , Infections , Heartbeat , Heart Rate , Death , Heart Failure , Sleep , Pacemaker , Liver , Maois , Zeposia May , Medications , Blood Pressure , Brain Infection , Brain , Swelling , Narrowing , Blood Vessels , Conditions , Macular Edema , Pml , In The Woods , Colon Cancer , Birth Control , Around , Nothing , Screening , 3 , Stages , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , Yep , Noninvasive , 92 , 45 , Owner , Provider , Investor , Future , Vanguard , Recording , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Comcast , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Possibilities , Testing , Demand , Shift , Lines , Number , Health Definition , Leyla Santiago , Explanation , Value Testing , Cdc Ore , Grandmother , Grader , Priority , Value , Grade , 8 , Miami Dade County , Prioritization , Testing Sites , Record , Approach , Mayor , Yesterday , 70000 , Case Numbers , Government , Antibody Therapies , Delay , Weren T , Vaccination , Coalition , Aides , North Side , Jacksonville , Conversation , Aide , Press Conference , Monoclonal Antibody Testing , Need , Hhs , Supply , Supplies , Statement , Hospitalization , Deaths , Type , Prevention , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Insurance , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Doug , Visit Indeed Com Hire Limu Emu , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Sec , Touch , Liberty , Pediatrician , Brand , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Pampers , Baby , Vehicles , Town , Kate Bolduan , 60 , Led , Region , Accidents , Monday Morning , Highway , Parking Lot , Crews , Traffic , Night Mare , Fo ,

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