Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

many drivers. now the virginia department of transportation says some vehicles have been stuck since monday morning after a major snowstorm hit the area. and virginia senator tim kaine is among those trapped on the interstate. just moments ago, he tweeted this photo behind a tractor trailer saying he started his normally two-hour drive to d.c. yesterday at 1:00 p.m. and 19 hours later, he is still not near the capitol. pete muntean has more on this, and, pete, as we hear from the senator and countless others who are calling in, and just maddening that they have been there for so many hours, do these drivers know how much longer they're going to be stuck there? >> the situation is getting pretty desperate. 48 mile shutdown. we know people have been there in some cases for 15 hours. this stretches throughout three counties in northern virginia, stafford, prince william and caroline county. some drivers have been there so long, they have run out of gas. now, virginia's department of transportation is trying to get to them, using express and hov lanes to try and fill up their tanks. a cold and dark reality for some. thankfully the sun is out today. and virginia's governor ralph northam says that will break up some of the ice, to put this in perspective, 14 inches of snow fell in stafford, virginia, yesterday. and a lot of that turned into ice. and in fact drivers described this being pretty much just a sheet of ice on i-9 5, also anybody who has driven this area, you know this area it a pretty trafficy spot. now it is ice. listen to what drivers have been telling us. >> roads are ice-covered. we haven't seen a plow truck or police officer in seven hours. >> ralph northam just tweeted they're sending an emergency message out to drivers. also setting up warming shelters nearby to try and get those drivers to safety who are stuck in cold cars. also, he's telling all virginians to avoid i-95 now. begs the question, where is the national guard in all of this? we know that people have been stuck there for so long, and they want to get out of i-95 and why this happened in the first place, why it wasn't plowed in the first place or if there was enough done to keep the folks from this dangerous situation. >> just imagine, being in one of those cars with children. pete muntean, thank you for covering. we'll follow that story. >> this morning, the other news we're following, the number of people hospitalized with covid-19 is now climbing for first time since september. more than 103,000 people in hospitals with coronavirus. that number more than 50% higher than just two weeks ago. we should note it is lower than last january's high of more than 140,000. the cdc says those who are hospitalized, this has been consistent throughout the pandemic, are mostly unvaccinated. >> very important point to note there. and this morning, new details about a substantial uptick in the number of children hospitalized with covid. last week more than 500 children were admitted each day. some of whom too young to be vaccinated. also new this morning, cnn learned the cdc is expected to update its guidance on the recommended isolation period imminently after facing pressure to include a testing component. all of this as a new study out of houston shows that patients infected with omicron are not getting as sick as those who have previous strands of the virus. that is reassuring news indeed. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is following all this news and including that out of houston. doctors are saying compared to alpha or delta variants, have been significantly fewer omicron patients hospitalized. what are you learning out of this? >> yes, that's certainly good news and it is great that the folks in houston they have taken their system and analyzed it to give some insight into the differences between omicron and delta and the other variants this is a houston methodist, a large healthcare system in texas, let's look at what they found. so they looked at 862 covid patients from november 27th through december 18th. half of them were vaccinated. that tells you something about breakthrough infections. 10% of them had boosters. and they said when they looked at their rates, the doubling time for omicron was 2.2 days. the rates doubled every 2.2 days and that's three times faster than the rates for delta. now, they also noted that they were having fewer patients hospitalized because the system that has urgent care systems and what not, fewer patients were ending up in the hospital. those that did, fewer of them needed intensive respiratory support and had a shorter length of stay in the hospital. bianna, jim? >> elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. very important to look at that broader data. the nation's largest pediatric hospital also there in houston, it is seeing firsthand how the omicron variant is fueling a surge among children. >> miguel marquez got a rare look inside texas children's hospital. >> reporter: 4-month-old grayson perry, his belly rapidly expanding and contracting. one of many children with covid-19 struggling to breathe. are you afraid they're going to have to intubate him? >> yes. a little bit. it is just really scary. so i just hope that, you know, he's able to get better and go home. >> reporter: the mom to three thinks her youngest picked up the virus at a christmas family gathering. her only job now, keeping her son in good spirits. >> i do talk to him in a little baby voice. i sing to him. i can't sing, but he likes it. >> reporter: one of nearly 70 children now hospitalized at texas children's. a new record high for the nation's largest pediatric hospital. in just the last two weeks, hospitalizations here have increased more than fourfold. most unvaccinated or not eligible for vaccines, from toddlers to teens. >> our covid journey began june -- see, don't even know my days. brains are mashed potatoes. we began november 29th. me and my daughter both tested positive for covid. >> reporter: amy's daughter haley, her 17th birthday the day we visited has been intubated in an induced coma for nearly a month. she also gave birth nearly three weeks ago. she knows none of it. >> she had a c section in amarillo on december 9th to a beautiful little baby girl, three pounds, six ounces. >> reporter: she has not seen yet. >> she has not seen. and she was covid negative, praise jesus. >> reporter: from tampa, texas, she was moved to amarillo and houston for advanced care. still, unaware her 3 week old daughter zila fay is 900 miles away in an amarillo newborn intensive care unit. what will you tell her hadwhen can speak to her? >> i don't even want to think about it. that's not my little girl, being away from her little girl, my heart bleeds for her. >> reporter: the omicron variant now ripping through the lone star state. texas children's preparing for even more sick kids as covid-19 cases skyrocket. what is your sense for what the next few weeks are going to hold. >> i think the bar for resilience keeps moving. you think that i don't know how we can do this again and then we keep doing it again. >> reporter: as texas children's readies for a fourth coronavirus wave, already its er is seeing a spike in kids suffering mild symptoms. their parents seeking testing, bogging down triage, for the seriously ill. >> we're seeing a lot of patients present with mild respiratory symptoms, cough, congestion, fever, known covid exposures, et cetera, that are a -- a lot of them are seeking testing. >> reporter: like previous waves, the sickest kids, those needing hospitalization, are having a tough time breathing. >> they're getting a lot of respiratory symptoms as we have been expecting. pneumonia, needing respiratory support to help them breathe better. >> reporter: viral spread expected to intensify in the weeks ahead, and even if the omicron variant isn't as severe -- >> the problem is that with so many children and adults infected, even if the percent of -- the percent hospitalization rate is lower, we're still -- we could see more children hospitalized over a very short period of time. that puts a strain on our healthcare resources. >> reporter: miguel marquez, cnn, houston, texas. >> so difficult to watch those children and families struggling. joining us now to discuss this is dr. richard besser, a former acting director of the cdc, also the president and ceo of the robert wood johnson foundation, also himself a pediatrician. so i'm sure that was difficult and very personal for you to watch as well, dr. besser. i was struck by something that the chief pathologist there said to reporters off camera, he said that, a, the number of pediatric admissions there is just staggering. and, b, it is too soon to say that omicron is more mild when it comes to children. would you agree with that? >> well, you know, i would say a couple of things. one is with -- even if it is not more severe or the same severity as delta, the rapid spread of this strain as last doctor was saying is going to put it enormous pressure on our healthcare systems and we will see more children in the hospital. everything we know so far suggests that this is milder. but you're right, it will take time for us to be able to look at each age range and each group and ensure what we're seeing in adults, what we're seeing in other countries experienced broadly holds up when you look at young children. the best advice that i have is to try and reduce the chances that your children get covid by following public health advice. >> that public health advice, as you know, dr. besser, to date, you hear this -- we heard it again on cnn this morning from the surgeon general, which is going to school is just fine with mitigation. mask wearing, better ventilation, et cetera. as you look at this data, do you think that advice holds? >> well, you know, i don't think it is fair to say just fine. and the reason i say that is that everything we do has some risks. what we have learned over the past two years is that there is significant risk keeping children out of school. risk in terms of not just educational learning, but socialization, and mental health and all kinds of things that are really, really important. and we put the big emphasis over these past two years on reducing as much as possible the risk of infection. and with that, i don't think we paid enough attention to the risks to mental health by keeping kids out of school. so sending your kids to school does involve some risk. and so it is important to look and see is your school taking this seriously. and have they addressed issues of ventilation, and social distancing. are they requiring masks, are teachers and staff required to be vaccinated if those things are in place and your child is not at increased risk of severe infection, then i think being in school learning is best place to be. if your child is at an age where they're eligible to receive vaccines, i would encourage you, get your questions answered. i think it is a really good idea to get kids vaccinated, get kids boosted if they're in an age where they can get boosted. it is not -- it is not fair to say, hey, it is okay, things are going to be fine. there were a million cases, new cases of covid yesterday, and it is going to continue, i think to get worse before it gets better. >> so, doctor, on that note, and trying to balance which risk is worth taking, right, whether it is sending your kids to school now, if the proper mitigation is in place or keeping them at home, you had said the next six weeks are going to be very difficult for the country and hopefully we'll see a light at the end of the tunnel on the other side. that having been said, we know that many school districts are now setting dates to reopen a few weeks, perhaps, after the new year. are these arbitrary dates? at this point, should schools just focus on mitigation as opposed to delaying for one week? >> yeah, you know, i think these are aspirational dates. and i think unfortunately a lot of schools that have opened or plan to open are going to have to reconsider. not because of so much the risk of transmission, but i think it is going to be hard to keep schools properly staffed with teachers and other essential staff to be able to have in person learning. we see this, before covid, we would see this every flu season, that certain schools would have to close for a period of time, when 20% of teachers and staff got sick or certain percentage of kids were out. i think that's going to be the case here, that most schools are going to find that they don't have adequate staffing to be able to keep schools going for a period of time. hopefully that will be short, and that the same kind of trajectory that we have seen in south africa with really rapid rise in transmission and then dramatic fall is what we'll see. and that hopefully it will be a matter of weeks, you know, before this starts to die down. >> dr. besser, given the enormous cost of keeping kids home from school, does this and should this factor in to decisions about quarantine times. one reason the cdc did shorten those quarantine times from 10 to 5 was to help address staffing shortages, not just in schools, but the airlines were putting help pressure on this during the holidays. now there is new discussion about adding a testing component after that five-day return. but should that be central to this decision. so you don't reach a level where you don't have enough teachers to teach the kids in school? >> i think it is an important thing to consider. i think that is part of the reason for shortening from ten to five. other reason is a recognition that with each day after five, your risk of transmitting goes down. doesn't go to zero, but goes down. and that was factored in there. we need to be able to get people to work as quickly as possible. a lot of people in our country as you know don't have sick leave, don't have medical leave, if they're out for ten days, people are going to be losing jobs. they're not going to be getting those paychecks. the build back better bill did not pass, which would have guaranteed everyone sick leave, family medical leave. we're one of the only wealthy nations that doesn't ensure that. it is not just a matter of infection control when talking about ten days of isolation versus five. for many people it is not feasible to do ten. having it at five and recognizing that there will be some people who continue to transmit, that's something you may need to accept. especially when disease transmission is so rampant right now. how much will you really be able to reduce transmission by extending from five days of isolation to ten? >> that bigger question about risk management versus risk aversion or elimination. dr. richard besser, good to have you on. thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up next, new documents reveal a detailed plan, rudy giuliani and his team had to target the homes of elected officials in the run-up to january 6 th. i'll get reaction from congressman ruben gallego who helped protect his colleagues as the chamber was breached that day. plus, schools in los angeles announce they'll require a negative covid test from all students and staff before they come back to class next week. the president of the school board joins us live. and guilty on four counts. we'll break down the verdict for disgraced theranos ceo elizabeth holmes. discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? as the one year anniversary of the deadly u.s. capitol attack approaches, let's look at where we were one year ago today. january 4th, 2021. just two days before the insurrection, the u.s. capitol police chief received an expedited delivery of over 100 helmets in anticipation of the protests and officially approached the sergeant at arms to request national guard support. the response, hold off. instead, the national guard was told to be ready to move quickly if and when they were requested. >> at the white house, a final pitch to then vice president mike pence to use the electoral certification process to instead falsely declare trump the winner. according to a book by washington post journalist bob woodward and robert costa, trump hosted pence and john eastman inside the oval office where eastman pitched a dubious scheme. eastman later told cnn he only wanted to delay certification. and that same day proud boys leader enrique tarot was arrest and charged for burning a black lives matter banner and bringing high capacity rifle magazines to d.c. that was january 4th, a year ago. joining me now to discuss as we approach that anniversary, democratic congressman ruben gallego of arizona, he sits on the armed services committee, also chairman of bold pac, the campaign arm of the congressional hispanic office. thank you for having us -- for joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> so we're a year minus two days out. has the country addressed the root causes of january 6th to prevent a similar attack in the future? >> yes, and no. look, i don't think the attack you're going to see in the future is going to be by a bunch of angry fat men trying to get into congress. i think the actual attack is going to happen in the legislatures, in the quarters o office in the board of elections. th they're going to try to change who counts the votes for the elections coming up in 2022 and 2024. so in some regards, yes, i think we're more resilient in case of a physical coup attack, but the same time the ongoing political coup is occurring. now, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't be holding more people accountable. i think merrick garland has been extremely weak and i think there should be a lot more of the organizers of january 6th that should be arrested by now. >> to your point, we're learning more details about just how far that plan to overturn the election went. former trump adviser peter navarro, he told rolling stone they had a plan that basically involved delaying and delaying the certification of the electoral college votes for weeks, perhaps, to then give the chance for state legislatures to overturn those votes at the state level. in your view, does such a plot amount to a criminal conspiracy? we have seen more than 700 of the rioters charged, but none of the folks who encouraged those rioters who were involved in such planning. >> to a certain agree, yes. i think some are doing criminal acts, especially interference of congress, in terms of their duties. and i think we have to clearly look at that. this is why we should have an active attorney general that can separate those that were doing political work from actual work helping the insurrection and/or the coup plotters. the problem that we have now is that we have a very obstructionist republican party that should be part of helping us decide how to save democracy, instead of trying to cover up for their crimes and you have, again, an attorney general who is, you know, feckless and has not been helpful in terms of improveving our democracy. >> you talk about not pursuing criminal cases. it has been a year where the democrats hold the presidency, the house and the senate. and still not come to any sort of agreement on protecting voting rights. which i know you have spoken out in support of before. has that been a mistake by president biden and democratic leaders not to make that the priority rather than for instance the bull back better act? >> i think the mistake is for us not to be doing both at the same time. i don't know, you know, how the senate works that way, but you can do two things at one time. you have 100 senators, multiple committees, you could be doing both at the same time and they didn't. we're focusing on the real i infrastructure democracy. but, look, it is one thing for us to focus on it. manchin and sinema have to step up. they have to understand that our democracy is really at risk. this is not the normal politics of -- of many years and that goes to everybody. everybody that is involved in politics whether it is journalists, business community, social society. the fact we're treating what happened on january 6th is just another game as in who is winning the argument, it is disturbing. people that are losing is the american public. >> let me ask you about another topic. you read a group of lawmakers that visited ukraine recently as russia mounts forces on the border and u.s. intelligence shows they may invade further into that country. do you believe biden is doing enough now to deter putin and if not what does he need to be doing today? >> i think he's doing enough, i think there could be more. i think that more should be us providing more lethal aid,eive , making should have they have the javelins, the stingers they need, the training, the -- that ukraine needs. and also continuing the good work they're doing in terms of unifying european allies on to one message there will be consequences if russia takes one inch of ukraine soil. that's the thing we need to understand. russia at this point may not make it to a full invasion of ukraine, but to save face because putin is a small man, he'll try to do a very incremental invasion to gain what he would say is safe space or a buffer. and that should be treated just as bad as the rest of it. >> the fact is you and other democrats and republicans in ukraine, they have been asking for additional lethal assistance for weeks now and the biden administration has not just held back on that, it held back and took off the table more damaging economic sanctions that would go after russia's energy sector hit russia's economy where it hurts because of fears about its effect on the european economy and international oil markets. i wonder, in your view, does putin judge that as weakness from the u.s.? >> well, putin judged anything short of capitulation as weakness. and at some point we have to keep a european allies, so we have to compromise on energy sector issues. i'm a big proponent of making sure we stop nord stream 2 from happening. a unified european alliance and atlantic european alliance will be very important. but you're right, there could be more being done. i understand there is some worries about escalation. i disagree with the biden administration on that. i think the russians will come up with any excuses to create drama and i think we should be fully, you know, fully weaponizing ukraine so they can defend itself and i think that's the best way to stop russia. >> congressman ruben gallego, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. and still ahead, a possible gold mine for the doj when it comes to intel on russia. how a russian businessman being arraigned here in the u.s. could have valuable information on election interference. and we are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures higher once again after the dow and s&p closed at new record highs on monday. it seems like a record every day. airlines and cruise operators rebounding despite the rapid spread of omicron, apple shares up after the company briefly became the first ever to achieve a $3 trillion, heard that right, $3 trillion market capitalization. investors will watch two key reports on the labor market, and also manufacturing. sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uhhh... doug? 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all you have to do is pick up your phone, or go to, and you'll be a part of something special too. thank you so much! hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. the justice department may have struck gold as it gathers information on russia's 2016 election interference. a russian businessman will be arraigned tomorrow on securities fraud charges. but former u.s. officials say he could be a valuable source of information more broadly on the 2016 election meddling. >> that is based on his cybersecurity work and his cybersecurity firm's work with the russian government. and his relationship with an ex-russian gru military officer. joining us now, former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. let's dig deeper into this. the doj hasn't publicly connected him yet to the russian interference in the 2016 election. do you expect them to? >> well, you can count on the fact that they will make every effort to understand -- deeply understand the connection between kliushin and his associate and fellow indictee yurmikov. he used to be, we believe, affiliated with the russian military intelligence organization referred to as the gru. he's been already been indicted in the united states by the special council team for his alleged involvement in the hacking of the democratic national committee's email and prior to that indicted by the united states for his involvement in hacking anti-doping agencies and the scandal from the olympics. >> let me ask you this, i don't mine to minimize by any means russia's interference in the 2016 election. i covered that a lot and know the depth and breadth of it. since then the primary elections of election disinformation are now domestic, including former president trump, who continues to spout election misinformation. should the focus be more on the domestic threat? >> i agree with you, jim, the significance of kliushin's potential cooperation and discussion with the united states goes far beyond 2016. his true value to the intelligence community and to the department of justice is what he can reveal about the intentions, the direction, the plans, of not just the gru, but also is the russian presidency, his company worked directly for them. as far as election meddling and misinformation in the united states, absolutely, the russians opened the door for what we're now seeing on a large scale operations here in the united states of disinformation involving politics, involving healthcare policy, all the things we talk about every day. that doesn't mean, however, that the russians aren't still involved in that sort of activity. and that's the sort of information that he could potentially reveal to us. >> and you say potentially, many times, because at least his associates have said that both u.s. intelligence and uk intelligence approached kliushin a few years back to work with him and he denied that request. what does that tell you about the likelihood that he will now cooperate? >> well, cooperation is a very different thing when you're sitting in jail, right? when you're out conducting your business, traveling around the world, and you're approached by an intelligence organization, the decision is to whether or not you're going to cooperate with them is very different than the one you've been sitting in a swiss jail for a year and now on your way to the united states. possibly facing a sentence of upwards in the neighborhood of 20 years. the wire fraud and securities exchange -- fraud charges carry the sort of sentences. we don't know what decision he'll make. there is some speculation, there is some suspicion around the fact of how he was actually extradited to the united states, allegedly his lawyer missed a deadline to file an additional appeal with the authorities in switzerland that resulted in his quick extradition. there is some questions of why that may have happened. but we'll have to see how this plays out. the bottom line is, if he does cooperate and provide significant information, you will probably never hear about it because it is the sort of thing that the government keeps very quiet. >> just quickly, andrew, we just had ruben gallego on the air describing the current attorney general merrick garland's failure to prosecute ring leaders in the january 6th insurrection. calling him feckless. do you agree the attorney general has been too reluctant to go after those behind january of 6th? >> i'm not going to use the congressman's terms, but i will say it is concerning that the amount of time that it has taken for doj to move aggressively against the main organizers of what we all sauw take place on january 6th. many of my former colleagues and friends in the prosecution side would agree that cases are there, they're not -- they're not bulletproof cases, but cases are there to move forward with things like decsedition, conspiracy, charges to those higher up and the question is why is that not happening? >> andrew mccabe, good to have you on, thank you. still ahead this hour, los angeles schools say that everyone now has to get a covid test before returning to school. how do we keep students safe once everyone is back? we're going to speak to the head of the school board -- the school board president i should say coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. the omicron variant has complicated the return to school for millions of students across the country. in los angeles, classes start again a week from today. and all students and teachers will have to show proof of a negative test to come back. i want to bring in kelly gomez, president of the board of education of the los angeles unified school district. that is the nation's second largest school district. welcome to the program. walk us through the decision to not only have both students and teachers come back with a negative test, but also to begin next week. is it just to make sure everyone has access to tests? >> well, we were still planning to begin last week. that was always the plan. the change that we made was to make monday a pupil free day, to give us an opportunity to really ensure especially staff all have the opportunity to be tested before the start of school. and then the decision to require a negative test is really about adding to our safety protocols here in l.a. we have among the most robust and strongest safety protocols in the country, but with the rise in cases, with this latest surge, we decided that it was important that everyone tested negative before they're allowed back on campus next tuesday, january 11th. >> and, of course, safety is the top priority for both parents and educators there, no doubt. but this has also been a school district like the state itself that has, i believe, only had one full semester of in person learning since the pandemic began. and you can understand the concern from some parents that once you start next week, and we continue to see cases spike in the country as many say we will probably see for the next few weeks, that the classes will be further delayed. what is your response to that? >> i think we're all committed to maintaining in person learning here in los angeles for our students. and that's why we have all of the different safety protocols, multilayered mitigation strategy to really ensure that our schools are the safest place possible for students. so while it is true we have the -- just had the fall semester back in person, we also are in a much stronger position than many other districts because we already require universal masking of students and staff. we have a vaccination requirement for all staff. we have a regular and robust covid testing program here in our school district, and the highest quality air filters in our schools. all of those safety protocols that we have put in place over the last 21 months will make sure that we are the safest possible places, even in the mitts of this latest surge. >> and really important given how transmissible omicron is to have all the mitigation factors in place, including classroom filtration. you look at a city like new york, the largest school district in the country, and really the epicenter of cases right now, where they're not mandating tests. they're encouraging them, but aren't mandating and yet the mayor is insistent that schools are the safest place to be. what gives you assurances that testing and getting parents to be on board with that is going to be the standard going forward? are parents okay with it? >> well, our testing program here in los angeles has been a part of our covid safety approach since the beginning of the pandemic, since we reopened schools last spring. i think we're all behind testing as a key protocol for keeping schools safe. we heard from many parents and educators who wanted to see that baseline testing before we return next week. and so i think we're all supportive of that and we're going to resume our weekly testing program as soon as kids are back in school. we'll get those baseline tests to get a sense of where we are before next tuesday, and then we will continue testing throughout this next month to ensure that we're monitoring those cases. and mitigating spread. >> and what are you doing to make sure that the teachers, not only are, a, healthy, but on board with this? because we continue to see across the country that there are districts where teachers are either having walkouts or really expressing concern about infections even if they are vaccinated. >> so we work closely with our labor partners and we have been consulting with our teachers and our administrators even before we made the decision yesterday to require that baseline testing. we're also developing contingency plans to ensure our schools have sufficient teachers, staff and administrators next week. one important piece of context is that all of our employees are fully vaccinated here in l.a., which helps protect them and others, but with the rise in cases, we certainly expect some will be exposed, some will test positive. that's why the baseline testing is so important, it will allow us to identify any gaps we might -- sorry, that's my toddler. that's why we are testing ahead of next week so we ken sure we know what the gaps are and that we can prepare for those and send additional staff to help support those schools and keep them open. >> listen, one of the benefits of having sort of at home technology is meeting our guest's families and hearing them in the background. happy to hear your child there, very early for them, but hopefully they'll be back in school for good next week and you'll keep it that way and students in the district will be safe with their teachers. kelly gomez, thank you so much. good to have you on. >> thank you so much. bye. bye. >> bye to your child! and in the next hour, we will speak with the superintendent of schools in clayton county, georgia, about that decision. >> that was one cute toddler. still ahead, theranos ceo elizabeth holmes guilty of defrauding investors. not guilty on the counts of dealing with patients. hear how the overall result could impact her sentence. test. . you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. elizabeth holmes, the former ceo and founder of theranos could spend up to two decades as a maximum in prison. >> she was found guilty and she faces a hearing on what listen what with the charges next week. countdown. what were the charges? >> well, you just mentioned about patients and the patients, one of them just to let you know the facts of the testimony, one patient took this flood test from this revolutionary blood testing machine that theranos became famous for and it denoted that she had prostate antigens in her. well, the fact is it's very rare. she didn't have prostate antigens so that was one of the counts. the other one involved hiv antibodies, that there was a patient who was told that he had hiv antibodies but he actually did not and the jury determined that they could not show beyond a reasonable doubt. remember, when it came to the investors she spoke with them and had meetings with them and she was found guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud. she entered into the agreement that she willfully participated in it, that she had a plan extremely serious charge that she was convicted of. as far as the investors she was convicted of, lakeshore capital management, who was that? it's the devos family, betsy devos, the former secretary of education, her family invested almost $99 million. a state attorney daniel mosley, who is that? he represents former secretary of state henry kissinger who recommended that he invest and he invested almost $6 million. these were people that are respected in this country, that look to see what is real, what is not, and elizabeth holmes through talking with them, they believed her. >> and now she's convicted of fraud. >> yeah, remarkable case. jean, thank you very much. still ahead, drivers, if you can believe it, still stuck on a 48-mile stretch of highway in virginia. though you can see a little bit of traffic moving there in live pictures. some of the drivers spent 19 hours in the cold on the road. how soon there could be relief in northern virginia, that's coming up. amin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! - family. - family. - family. - family is everything. - [girl 1] family is with us through all of life's great moments. - bye, bye! - [girl 2] family is who we count on, inner greatest time of need because they're always by your side when we need them the most. - and for the past 100 years, shriners hospitals for children has become family to over 1.5 million kids. - [girl 2] in tough times, and good times... - good girl! - [girl 2] they are there when we need the most. - but it's only possible because of people like you. - people who give every month. - because of that, you're our family too. - you're there when we need you most. - but if you haven't joined the shriner's hospital family yet, now is your chance. - [girl 3] all you have to do, is call the number on your screen or go online to right now, with your monthly gift. and you'll help thousands of kids just like us, get the care and support we need every day. - when you call or go online today with your monthly gift of just $19, just 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable "love to the rescue" blanket as our gift to you. it'll be a reminder of how you're standing by our side, just like family. - thank you. - thank you for being a part of our family. - thank you for being a part of my family. - your monthly gift today, can change my life forever. - [girl 3] you can join the thousands of caring family members who give each month by calling this special number on your screen right now. - it's so good to know that we have a family like you, who cares enough to stand by our side. - thank you. - thank you. - thank you. - [girl 3] please, call or go online right now to with your monthly gift. - [boy 1] you'll make a difference in our lives, every day. what does a foster kid need from you? 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Everyone , Interstate , Pictures , Northern Virginia , Bianna Golodryga , Jim Sciutto , Drivers , Snow , Cold , Vehicles , Nightmare , Authorities , Industries , I 95 , 15 , 95 , Tim Kaine , Area , Snowstorm , Virginia Department Of Transportation , Drive , Pete Muntean , Tractor Trailer , Photo , Capitol , 00 , Two , 1 , 19 , Situation , Others , Calling In , People , Cases , Counties , Caroline County , Stafford , Gas , Prince William , Mile Shutdown , Three , 48 , Some , Ice , Ralph Northam , Perspective , Reality , Tanks , Hov Lanes , Sun , 14 , Fact , Lot , Anybody , Being , Sheet , I 9 , 5 , 9 , U S , Police Officer , We Haven T , Plow Truck , Roads , Pretty Trafficy Spot , Seven , Safety , Cars , Virginians , Emergency Message , Shelters , It Wasn T , Place , Question , Folks , Wall , Guard , One , Children , News , Covid 19 , Number , Story , Following , Hospitals , 103000 , 50 , Point , Cdc , Pandemic , Details , Uptick , 140000 , Pressure , Cnn , Guidance , 500 , Omicron , Patients , Testing Component , Elizabeth Cohen , Virus , Houston , Study , Strands , Sick , Doctors , Omicron Patients , Out , Delta Variants , System , Yes , Variants , Methodist , Differences , Insight , Boosters , Something , Healthcare System , Texas , Breakthrough , December 18th , Half , 18 , 862 , 10 , November 27th , 27 , Rates , Times , 2 , Care , Hospital , Support , Systems , Fewer , Length , Stay , Surge , Nation , Data , Pediatric Hospital , Grayson Perry , Contracting , Belly , Miguel Marquez , Rare Look Inside Texas Children S Hospital , 4 , Bit , Mom , Home , I Can T Sing , Job , Baby , Spirits , Voice , Son , Christmas Family Gathering , 70 , Record , Hospitalizations , Texas Children S , High , Unvaccinated , Vaccines , Daughter , Toddlers , Mashed Potatoes , Don T , Teens , Brains , Covid Journey , November 29th , 29 , Amy S Daughter Haley , Birthday , Birth , Intubated , Coma , 17 , None , Baby Girl , Section , Covid Negative , Amarillo On December 9th , Six , December 9th , Zila Fay , Amarillo , Jesus , Tampa , Amarillo Newborn , 3 , 900 , Intensive Care Unit , My Little Girl , Little Girl , Heart Bleeds , Kids , Sense , Lone Star State , Bar , Reporter , Wave , Spike , Er , Readies , Resilience , Parents , Bogging Down Triage , Cough , Symptoms , Congestion , Fever , Known Covid Exposures , Hospitalization , Breathing , Waves , Et Cetera , Pneumonia , Respiratory Support , Omicron Variant Isn T , Problem , Adults , Hospitalization Rate , Percent , Families , Dr , Richard Besser , Strain , Healthcare Resources , Ceo , Pathologist , Reporters , Pediatrician , Camera , Robert Wood Johnson Foundation , Things , Admissions , Couple , B , Spread , Saying , Doctor , Severity , Everything , Age , Group , Healthcare Systems , Advice , Chances , Countries , Public Health Advice , School , Mitigation , Ventilation , Public Health , Surgeon General , Reason , Risks , Risk , Mental Health , Terms , Learning , Socialization , Risk Keeping , Kinds , Emphasis , Infection , Attention , Teachers , Child , Staff , Distancing , Seriously , Issues , Masks , Questions , School Learning , Idea , Covid Yesterday , A Million , Country , Note , Taking , Schools , Side , School Districts , Light , The End Of Tunnel , Transmission , Essential Staff , Person Learning , Flu Season , Case , Staffing , Percentage , 20 , Matter , Rise , Kind , Trajectory , South Africa , Factor , Decisions , Quarantine Times , Cost , Keeping Kids Home , Airlines , Discussion , Help Pressure , Address Staffing Shortages , Holidays , Five , Decision , Thing , Part , Level , Recognition , Shortening , Ten , Transmitting , Sick Leave , Doesn T Go To Zero , Zero , Family , Don T Have Medical Leave , Jobs , Paychecks , Bill , Build , Isolation , Doesn T , Nations , Infection Control , It , Disease , Risk Management , Risk Aversion , Elimination , Thanks , Ruben Gallego , Plan , Rudy Giuliani , Officials , Reaction , Colleagues , Homes , Team , Documents , Th , Run Up , January 6 Th , 6 , Students , Test , President , Counts , Los Angeles , Class , School Board , Chamber , Plus , Four , Elizabeth Holmes , Theranos , Verdict , Relief , Discomfort , Cooling , Derriere , Aloe , Powders , Baby Wipes , Expert Care , Soothing , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Preparation H , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Claire , Cake , Nexium , 24hr , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , 24 , Anniversary , Attack , Insurrection , Approaches , Delivery , January 4th , U S Capitol Police Chief , 100 , 2021 , January 4th 2021 , Hold Off , National Guard , Protests , Sergeant , Arms , Trump , Mike Pence , Bob Woodward , Pitch , Certification Process , Winner , Book , White House , Robert Costa , Washington Post , John Eastman , Oval Office , Certification , Pence , Boys , Scheme , Enrique Tarot , Lives , Banner , Rifle , Arrest , Magazines , Chairman , Campaign Arm , Democratic , Congressional Hispanic Office , Armed Services Committee , Bold Pac , Arizona , Causes , January 6th , Congress , O Office , Board , Legislatures , Men , Bunch , Elections , Votes , Regards , 2024 , 2022 , More , Organizers , Coup , Coup Attack , We Shouldn T , Merrick Garland , Election , Rolling Stone , Peter Navarro , Chance , State , Electoral College Votes , State Legislatures , Delaying , Conspiracy , Rioters , View , Planning , Certain , Plot Amount , 700 , Attorney General , Work , Interference , Coup Plotters , Acts , Duties , Democracy , Republican Party , Crimes , Him Feckless , Presidency , Sort , House , Senate , Improveving , Agreement , Priority , Mistake , Leaders , Instance , Before , Act , Voting Rights , Bull , Biden , Way , Both , Senators , Committees , Politics , Real I Infrastructure Democracy , Sinema , Manchin , Everybody , Game , Argument , Business Community , Social Society , Russia , Ukraine , Intelligence , Public , Putin , Topic , Lawmakers , Forces , Border , Eive , Allies , Training , Making , Stingers , Javelins , Man , Invasion , Consequences , Message , Soil , Face , Point May , Republicans , Space , Buffer , Rest , Assistance , Administration , Economy , Sanctions , Table , Energy Sector Hit Russia , Fears , Effect , Weakness , Capitulation , Oil Markets , Anything , Judge , European , Happening , European Alliance And Atlantic , Nord Stream , Energy Sector Issues , Big Proponent Of Making , Worries , Escalation , Drama , Excuses , Mine , Weaponizing , Businessman , Information , Election Interference , Stock Futures , Intel , Wall Street , Company , Cruise Operators , Shares , Record Highs , Dow , Apple , Investors , Market Capitalization , Labor Market , Manufacturing , 3 Trillion , Trillion , Sales , Yeah Uhhh , Doug , Ding , Opportunities , Tools , E Trade , Umm What It S Uhh , Loud Exhale , 24 7 , Music , Futures Contract , Prices , Options , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Nurses , Shriners , Mouse Clicks , Computer Keys Clicking , Life , Chuckles , Time , Kid , Operations , Thousands , Gift , Driver S License , Journey , Reminder , Blanket , Me A Favor , 63 , Phone , Loveshriners Org , Someone , Isn T , Friends , Robitussin Honey , Something Special , Mind , Trash , Robitussin Elderberry , Department , Justice , Gold , 2016 , Charges , Election Meddling , Source , Securities Fraud , Andrew Mccabe , Government , Let , Military Officer , Cybersecurity , Cybersecurity Firm , Relationship , Dig , Gru , Fbi , Doj Hasn T , Russian Military Intelligence , Connection , Effort , Kliushin , Indictee Yurmikov , Involvement , Special Council Team , Email , Hacking , Democratic National Committee , I Don T Mine , Scandal , Olympics , Agencies , Breadth , Election Disinformation , Election Misinformation , Depth , Former , Jim , Cooperation , Significance , Focus , Threat , Intentions , Plans , Community , Direction , Value , Department Of Justice , Door , Misinformation , Scale , Healthcare Policy , Aren T , Disinformation , Activity , Doesn T Mean , Request , Associates , Uk , Business , Likelihood , Jail , Around The World , Fraud , Sentence , Securities , Neighborhood , Swiss Jail , Lawyer , Fraud Charges , Speculation , Sentences , Suspicion , Appeal , Bottom Line , Deadline , Extradition , Plays Out , Switzerland , On The Air , Failure , Ring Leaders , Many , Doj , Amount , Sauw Take Place On January 6th , Prosecution Side , Decsedition , Covid Test , Head , Obsessed , Hello , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Classes , Return , Millions , School District , Program , Kelly Gomez , President Of The Board Education , Los Angeles Unified School District , Proof , Tests , Opportunity , Change , Start , Pupil , Safety Protocols , Campus , Tuesday January 11th , Educators , Semester , Course , In Person Learning , No Doubt , January 11th , 11 , Concern , Response , Say , Person , Multilayered Mitigation Strategy , Districts , Vaccination Requirement , Position , Masking , Places , Covid Testing Program , Air Filters , Mitts , 21 , Epicenter , New York , Mitigation Factors , Classroom Filtration , Mayor , Them , Assurances , Aren T Mandating , Standard , Testing Program , Safety Approach , Beginning , Baseline Testing , Safe , Protocol , Spring , Mitigating , Healthy , Infections , Walkouts , Administrators , Contingency Plans , Labor Partners , Consulting , Context , Piece , Employees , Toddler , Gaps , Benefits , Guest , Background , At Home Technology , Listen , District , Bye , Clayton County , Superintendent , Georgia , Result , Master , Size , Visit Indeed Com Hire Hello , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 4673 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Founder , Hearing , Prison , Maximum , Countdown , Patient , Prostate Antigens , Flood Test , Testimony , Facts , Blood Testing Machine , Hiv Antibodies , Jury , Meetings , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Charge , Devos Family , Education , Lakeshore Capital Management , Betsy Devos , Daniel Mosley , Secretary Of State , Henry Kissinger , Million , 6 Million , 99 Million , 9 Million , Look , Holmes , Jean , On The Road , Highway , Traffic , Season , Ace , Centrum , D , Amin C , Zinc , Girl , Most , Need , Life S Great Moments , 1 5 Million , Haven T , Screen , Love , Rescue , Family Members , Boy , Difference , Foster Kid Need , First Day Of School , Address , Show Up , Helpfosterchildren Com , Manicure , Foster Kids , Wrong ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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many drivers. now the virginia department of transportation says some vehicles have been stuck since monday morning after a major snowstorm hit the area. and virginia senator tim kaine is among those trapped on the interstate. just moments ago, he tweeted this photo behind a tractor trailer saying he started his normally two-hour drive to d.c. yesterday at 1:00 p.m. and 19 hours later, he is still not near the capitol. pete muntean has more on this, and, pete, as we hear from the senator and countless others who are calling in, and just maddening that they have been there for so many hours, do these drivers know how much longer they're going to be stuck there? >> the situation is getting pretty desperate. 48 mile shutdown. we know people have been there in some cases for 15 hours. this stretches throughout three counties in northern virginia, stafford, prince william and caroline county. some drivers have been there so long, they have run out of gas. now, virginia's department of transportation is trying to get to them, using express and hov lanes to try and fill up their tanks. a cold and dark reality for some. thankfully the sun is out today. and virginia's governor ralph northam says that will break up some of the ice, to put this in perspective, 14 inches of snow fell in stafford, virginia, yesterday. and a lot of that turned into ice. and in fact drivers described this being pretty much just a sheet of ice on i-9 5, also anybody who has driven this area, you know this area it a pretty trafficy spot. now it is ice. listen to what drivers have been telling us. >> roads are ice-covered. we haven't seen a plow truck or police officer in seven hours. >> ralph northam just tweeted they're sending an emergency message out to drivers. also setting up warming shelters nearby to try and get those drivers to safety who are stuck in cold cars. also, he's telling all virginians to avoid i-95 now. begs the question, where is the national guard in all of this? we know that people have been stuck there for so long, and they want to get out of i-95 and why this happened in the first place, why it wasn't plowed in the first place or if there was enough done to keep the folks from this dangerous situation. >> just imagine, being in one of those cars with children. pete muntean, thank you for covering. we'll follow that story. >> this morning, the other news we're following, the number of people hospitalized with covid-19 is now climbing for first time since september. more than 103,000 people in hospitals with coronavirus. that number more than 50% higher than just two weeks ago. we should note it is lower than last january's high of more than 140,000. the cdc says those who are hospitalized, this has been consistent throughout the pandemic, are mostly unvaccinated. >> very important point to note there. and this morning, new details about a substantial uptick in the number of children hospitalized with covid. last week more than 500 children were admitted each day. some of whom too young to be vaccinated. also new this morning, cnn learned the cdc is expected to update its guidance on the recommended isolation period imminently after facing pressure to include a testing component. all of this as a new study out of houston shows that patients infected with omicron are not getting as sick as those who have previous strands of the virus. that is reassuring news indeed. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is following all this news and including that out of houston. doctors are saying compared to alpha or delta variants, have been significantly fewer omicron patients hospitalized. what are you learning out of this? >> yes, that's certainly good news and it is great that the folks in houston they have taken their system and analyzed it to give some insight into the differences between omicron and delta and the other variants this is a houston methodist, a large healthcare system in texas, let's look at what they found. so they looked at 862 covid patients from november 27th through december 18th. half of them were vaccinated. that tells you something about breakthrough infections. 10% of them had boosters. and they said when they looked at their rates, the doubling time for omicron was 2.2 days. the rates doubled every 2.2 days and that's three times faster than the rates for delta. now, they also noted that they were having fewer patients hospitalized because the system that has urgent care systems and what not, fewer patients were ending up in the hospital. those that did, fewer of them needed intensive respiratory support and had a shorter length of stay in the hospital. bianna, jim? >> elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. very important to look at that broader data. the nation's largest pediatric hospital also there in houston, it is seeing firsthand how the omicron variant is fueling a surge among children. >> miguel marquez got a rare look inside texas children's hospital. >> reporter: 4-month-old grayson perry, his belly rapidly expanding and contracting. one of many children with covid-19 struggling to breathe. are you afraid they're going to have to intubate him? >> yes. a little bit. it is just really scary. so i just hope that, you know, he's able to get better and go home. >> reporter: the mom to three thinks her youngest picked up the virus at a christmas family gathering. her only job now, keeping her son in good spirits. >> i do talk to him in a little baby voice. i sing to him. i can't sing, but he likes it. >> reporter: one of nearly 70 children now hospitalized at texas children's. a new record high for the nation's largest pediatric hospital. in just the last two weeks, hospitalizations here have increased more than fourfold. most unvaccinated or not eligible for vaccines, from toddlers to teens. >> our covid journey began june -- see, don't even know my days. brains are mashed potatoes. we began november 29th. me and my daughter both tested positive for covid. >> reporter: amy's daughter haley, her 17th birthday the day we visited has been intubated in an induced coma for nearly a month. she also gave birth nearly three weeks ago. she knows none of it. >> she had a c section in amarillo on december 9th to a beautiful little baby girl, three pounds, six ounces. >> reporter: she has not seen yet. >> she has not seen. and she was covid negative, praise jesus. >> reporter: from tampa, texas, she was moved to amarillo and houston for advanced care. still, unaware her 3 week old daughter zila fay is 900 miles away in an amarillo newborn intensive care unit. what will you tell her hadwhen can speak to her? >> i don't even want to think about it. that's not my little girl, being away from her little girl, my heart bleeds for her. >> reporter: the omicron variant now ripping through the lone star state. texas children's preparing for even more sick kids as covid-19 cases skyrocket. what is your sense for what the next few weeks are going to hold. >> i think the bar for resilience keeps moving. you think that i don't know how we can do this again and then we keep doing it again. >> reporter: as texas children's readies for a fourth coronavirus wave, already its er is seeing a spike in kids suffering mild symptoms. their parents seeking testing, bogging down triage, for the seriously ill. >> we're seeing a lot of patients present with mild respiratory symptoms, cough, congestion, fever, known covid exposures, et cetera, that are a -- a lot of them are seeking testing. >> reporter: like previous waves, the sickest kids, those needing hospitalization, are having a tough time breathing. >> they're getting a lot of respiratory symptoms as we have been expecting. pneumonia, needing respiratory support to help them breathe better. >> reporter: viral spread expected to intensify in the weeks ahead, and even if the omicron variant isn't as severe -- >> the problem is that with so many children and adults infected, even if the percent of -- the percent hospitalization rate is lower, we're still -- we could see more children hospitalized over a very short period of time. that puts a strain on our healthcare resources. >> reporter: miguel marquez, cnn, houston, texas. >> so difficult to watch those children and families struggling. joining us now to discuss this is dr. richard besser, a former acting director of the cdc, also the president and ceo of the robert wood johnson foundation, also himself a pediatrician. so i'm sure that was difficult and very personal for you to watch as well, dr. besser. i was struck by something that the chief pathologist there said to reporters off camera, he said that, a, the number of pediatric admissions there is just staggering. and, b, it is too soon to say that omicron is more mild when it comes to children. would you agree with that? >> well, you know, i would say a couple of things. one is with -- even if it is not more severe or the same severity as delta, the rapid spread of this strain as last doctor was saying is going to put it enormous pressure on our healthcare systems and we will see more children in the hospital. everything we know so far suggests that this is milder. but you're right, it will take time for us to be able to look at each age range and each group and ensure what we're seeing in adults, what we're seeing in other countries experienced broadly holds up when you look at young children. the best advice that i have is to try and reduce the chances that your children get covid by following public health advice. >> that public health advice, as you know, dr. besser, to date, you hear this -- we heard it again on cnn this morning from the surgeon general, which is going to school is just fine with mitigation. mask wearing, better ventilation, et cetera. as you look at this data, do you think that advice holds? >> well, you know, i don't think it is fair to say just fine. and the reason i say that is that everything we do has some risks. what we have learned over the past two years is that there is significant risk keeping children out of school. risk in terms of not just educational learning, but socialization, and mental health and all kinds of things that are really, really important. and we put the big emphasis over these past two years on reducing as much as possible the risk of infection. and with that, i don't think we paid enough attention to the risks to mental health by keeping kids out of school. so sending your kids to school does involve some risk. and so it is important to look and see is your school taking this seriously. and have they addressed issues of ventilation, and social distancing. are they requiring masks, are teachers and staff required to be vaccinated if those things are in place and your child is not at increased risk of severe infection, then i think being in school learning is best place to be. if your child is at an age where they're eligible to receive vaccines, i would encourage you, get your questions answered. i think it is a really good idea to get kids vaccinated, get kids boosted if they're in an age where they can get boosted. it is not -- it is not fair to say, hey, it is okay, things are going to be fine. there were a million cases, new cases of covid yesterday, and it is going to continue, i think to get worse before it gets better. >> so, doctor, on that note, and trying to balance which risk is worth taking, right, whether it is sending your kids to school now, if the proper mitigation is in place or keeping them at home, you had said the next six weeks are going to be very difficult for the country and hopefully we'll see a light at the end of the tunnel on the other side. that having been said, we know that many school districts are now setting dates to reopen a few weeks, perhaps, after the new year. are these arbitrary dates? at this point, should schools just focus on mitigation as opposed to delaying for one week? >> yeah, you know, i think these are aspirational dates. and i think unfortunately a lot of schools that have opened or plan to open are going to have to reconsider. not because of so much the risk of transmission, but i think it is going to be hard to keep schools properly staffed with teachers and other essential staff to be able to have in person learning. we see this, before covid, we would see this every flu season, that certain schools would have to close for a period of time, when 20% of teachers and staff got sick or certain percentage of kids were out. i think that's going to be the case here, that most schools are going to find that they don't have adequate staffing to be able to keep schools going for a period of time. hopefully that will be short, and that the same kind of trajectory that we have seen in south africa with really rapid rise in transmission and then dramatic fall is what we'll see. and that hopefully it will be a matter of weeks, you know, before this starts to die down. >> dr. besser, given the enormous cost of keeping kids home from school, does this and should this factor in to decisions about quarantine times. one reason the cdc did shorten those quarantine times from 10 to 5 was to help address staffing shortages, not just in schools, but the airlines were putting help pressure on this during the holidays. now there is new discussion about adding a testing component after that five-day return. but should that be central to this decision. so you don't reach a level where you don't have enough teachers to teach the kids in school? >> i think it is an important thing to consider. i think that is part of the reason for shortening from ten to five. other reason is a recognition that with each day after five, your risk of transmitting goes down. doesn't go to zero, but goes down. and that was factored in there. we need to be able to get people to work as quickly as possible. a lot of people in our country as you know don't have sick leave, don't have medical leave, if they're out for ten days, people are going to be losing jobs. they're not going to be getting those paychecks. the build back better bill did not pass, which would have guaranteed everyone sick leave, family medical leave. we're one of the only wealthy nations that doesn't ensure that. it is not just a matter of infection control when talking about ten days of isolation versus five. for many people it is not feasible to do ten. having it at five and recognizing that there will be some people who continue to transmit, that's something you may need to accept. especially when disease transmission is so rampant right now. how much will you really be able to reduce transmission by extending from five days of isolation to ten? >> that bigger question about risk management versus risk aversion or elimination. dr. richard besser, good to have you on. thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up next, new documents reveal a detailed plan, rudy giuliani and his team had to target the homes of elected officials in the run-up to january 6 th. i'll get reaction from congressman ruben gallego who helped protect his colleagues as the chamber was breached that day. plus, schools in los angeles announce they'll require a negative covid test from all students and staff before they come back to class next week. the president of the school board joins us live. and guilty on four counts. we'll break down the verdict for disgraced theranos ceo elizabeth holmes. discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? as the one year anniversary of the deadly u.s. capitol attack approaches, let's look at where we were one year ago today. january 4th, 2021. just two days before the insurrection, the u.s. capitol police chief received an expedited delivery of over 100 helmets in anticipation of the protests and officially approached the sergeant at arms to request national guard support. the response, hold off. instead, the national guard was told to be ready to move quickly if and when they were requested. >> at the white house, a final pitch to then vice president mike pence to use the electoral certification process to instead falsely declare trump the winner. according to a book by washington post journalist bob woodward and robert costa, trump hosted pence and john eastman inside the oval office where eastman pitched a dubious scheme. eastman later told cnn he only wanted to delay certification. and that same day proud boys leader enrique tarot was arrest and charged for burning a black lives matter banner and bringing high capacity rifle magazines to d.c. that was january 4th, a year ago. joining me now to discuss as we approach that anniversary, democratic congressman ruben gallego of arizona, he sits on the armed services committee, also chairman of bold pac, the campaign arm of the congressional hispanic office. thank you for having us -- for joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> so we're a year minus two days out. has the country addressed the root causes of january 6th to prevent a similar attack in the future? >> yes, and no. look, i don't think the attack you're going to see in the future is going to be by a bunch of angry fat men trying to get into congress. i think the actual attack is going to happen in the legislatures, in the quarters o office in the board of elections. th they're going to try to change who counts the votes for the elections coming up in 2022 and 2024. so in some regards, yes, i think we're more resilient in case of a physical coup attack, but the same time the ongoing political coup is occurring. now, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't be holding more people accountable. i think merrick garland has been extremely weak and i think there should be a lot more of the organizers of january 6th that should be arrested by now. >> to your point, we're learning more details about just how far that plan to overturn the election went. former trump adviser peter navarro, he told rolling stone they had a plan that basically involved delaying and delaying the certification of the electoral college votes for weeks, perhaps, to then give the chance for state legislatures to overturn those votes at the state level. in your view, does such a plot amount to a criminal conspiracy? we have seen more than 700 of the rioters charged, but none of the folks who encouraged those rioters who were involved in such planning. >> to a certain agree, yes. i think some are doing criminal acts, especially interference of congress, in terms of their duties. and i think we have to clearly look at that. this is why we should have an active attorney general that can separate those that were doing political work from actual work helping the insurrection and/or the coup plotters. the problem that we have now is that we have a very obstructionist republican party that should be part of helping us decide how to save democracy, instead of trying to cover up for their crimes and you have, again, an attorney general who is, you know, feckless and has not been helpful in terms of improveving our democracy. >> you talk about not pursuing criminal cases. it has been a year where the democrats hold the presidency, the house and the senate. and still not come to any sort of agreement on protecting voting rights. which i know you have spoken out in support of before. has that been a mistake by president biden and democratic leaders not to make that the priority rather than for instance the bull back better act? >> i think the mistake is for us not to be doing both at the same time. i don't know, you know, how the senate works that way, but you can do two things at one time. you have 100 senators, multiple committees, you could be doing both at the same time and they didn't. we're focusing on the real i infrastructure democracy. but, look, it is one thing for us to focus on it. manchin and sinema have to step up. they have to understand that our democracy is really at risk. this is not the normal politics of -- of many years and that goes to everybody. everybody that is involved in politics whether it is journalists, business community, social society. the fact we're treating what happened on january 6th is just another game as in who is winning the argument, it is disturbing. people that are losing is the american public. >> let me ask you about another topic. you read a group of lawmakers that visited ukraine recently as russia mounts forces on the border and u.s. intelligence shows they may invade further into that country. do you believe biden is doing enough now to deter putin and if not what does he need to be doing today? >> i think he's doing enough, i think there could be more. i think that more should be us providing more lethal aid,eive , making should have they have the javelins, the stingers they need, the training, the -- that ukraine needs. and also continuing the good work they're doing in terms of unifying european allies on to one message there will be consequences if russia takes one inch of ukraine soil. that's the thing we need to understand. russia at this point may not make it to a full invasion of ukraine, but to save face because putin is a small man, he'll try to do a very incremental invasion to gain what he would say is safe space or a buffer. and that should be treated just as bad as the rest of it. >> the fact is you and other democrats and republicans in ukraine, they have been asking for additional lethal assistance for weeks now and the biden administration has not just held back on that, it held back and took off the table more damaging economic sanctions that would go after russia's energy sector hit russia's economy where it hurts because of fears about its effect on the european economy and international oil markets. i wonder, in your view, does putin judge that as weakness from the u.s.? >> well, putin judged anything short of capitulation as weakness. and at some point we have to keep a european allies, so we have to compromise on energy sector issues. i'm a big proponent of making sure we stop nord stream 2 from happening. a unified european alliance and atlantic european alliance will be very important. but you're right, there could be more being done. i understand there is some worries about escalation. i disagree with the biden administration on that. i think the russians will come up with any excuses to create drama and i think we should be fully, you know, fully weaponizing ukraine so they can defend itself and i think that's the best way to stop russia. >> congressman ruben gallego, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. and still ahead, a possible gold mine for the doj when it comes to intel on russia. how a russian businessman being arraigned here in the u.s. could have valuable information on election interference. and we are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures higher once again after the dow and s&p closed at new record highs on monday. it seems like a record every day. airlines and cruise operators rebounding despite the rapid spread of omicron, apple shares up after the company briefly became the first ever to achieve a $3 trillion, heard that right, $3 trillion market capitalization. investors will watch two key reports on the labor market, and also manufacturing. sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uhhh... doug? 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all you have to do is pick up your phone, or go to, and you'll be a part of something special too. thank you so much! hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. the justice department may have struck gold as it gathers information on russia's 2016 election interference. a russian businessman will be arraigned tomorrow on securities fraud charges. but former u.s. officials say he could be a valuable source of information more broadly on the 2016 election meddling. >> that is based on his cybersecurity work and his cybersecurity firm's work with the russian government. and his relationship with an ex-russian gru military officer. joining us now, former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. let's dig deeper into this. the doj hasn't publicly connected him yet to the russian interference in the 2016 election. do you expect them to? >> well, you can count on the fact that they will make every effort to understand -- deeply understand the connection between kliushin and his associate and fellow indictee yurmikov. he used to be, we believe, affiliated with the russian military intelligence organization referred to as the gru. he's been already been indicted in the united states by the special council team for his alleged involvement in the hacking of the democratic national committee's email and prior to that indicted by the united states for his involvement in hacking anti-doping agencies and the scandal from the olympics. >> let me ask you this, i don't mine to minimize by any means russia's interference in the 2016 election. i covered that a lot and know the depth and breadth of it. since then the primary elections of election disinformation are now domestic, including former president trump, who continues to spout election misinformation. should the focus be more on the domestic threat? >> i agree with you, jim, the significance of kliushin's potential cooperation and discussion with the united states goes far beyond 2016. his true value to the intelligence community and to the department of justice is what he can reveal about the intentions, the direction, the plans, of not just the gru, but also is the russian presidency, his company worked directly for them. as far as election meddling and misinformation in the united states, absolutely, the russians opened the door for what we're now seeing on a large scale operations here in the united states of disinformation involving politics, involving healthcare policy, all the things we talk about every day. that doesn't mean, however, that the russians aren't still involved in that sort of activity. and that's the sort of information that he could potentially reveal to us. >> and you say potentially, many times, because at least his associates have said that both u.s. intelligence and uk intelligence approached kliushin a few years back to work with him and he denied that request. what does that tell you about the likelihood that he will now cooperate? >> well, cooperation is a very different thing when you're sitting in jail, right? when you're out conducting your business, traveling around the world, and you're approached by an intelligence organization, the decision is to whether or not you're going to cooperate with them is very different than the one you've been sitting in a swiss jail for a year and now on your way to the united states. possibly facing a sentence of upwards in the neighborhood of 20 years. the wire fraud and securities exchange -- fraud charges carry the sort of sentences. we don't know what decision he'll make. there is some speculation, there is some suspicion around the fact of how he was actually extradited to the united states, allegedly his lawyer missed a deadline to file an additional appeal with the authorities in switzerland that resulted in his quick extradition. there is some questions of why that may have happened. but we'll have to see how this plays out. the bottom line is, if he does cooperate and provide significant information, you will probably never hear about it because it is the sort of thing that the government keeps very quiet. >> just quickly, andrew, we just had ruben gallego on the air describing the current attorney general merrick garland's failure to prosecute ring leaders in the january 6th insurrection. calling him feckless. do you agree the attorney general has been too reluctant to go after those behind january of 6th? >> i'm not going to use the congressman's terms, but i will say it is concerning that the amount of time that it has taken for doj to move aggressively against the main organizers of what we all sauw take place on january 6th. many of my former colleagues and friends in the prosecution side would agree that cases are there, they're not -- they're not bulletproof cases, but cases are there to move forward with things like decsedition, conspiracy, charges to those higher up and the question is why is that not happening? >> andrew mccabe, good to have you on, thank you. still ahead this hour, los angeles schools say that everyone now has to get a covid test before returning to school. how do we keep students safe once everyone is back? we're going to speak to the head of the school board -- the school board president i should say coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. the omicron variant has complicated the return to school for millions of students across the country. in los angeles, classes start again a week from today. and all students and teachers will have to show proof of a negative test to come back. i want to bring in kelly gomez, president of the board of education of the los angeles unified school district. that is the nation's second largest school district. welcome to the program. walk us through the decision to not only have both students and teachers come back with a negative test, but also to begin next week. is it just to make sure everyone has access to tests? >> well, we were still planning to begin last week. that was always the plan. the change that we made was to make monday a pupil free day, to give us an opportunity to really ensure especially staff all have the opportunity to be tested before the start of school. and then the decision to require a negative test is really about adding to our safety protocols here in l.a. we have among the most robust and strongest safety protocols in the country, but with the rise in cases, with this latest surge, we decided that it was important that everyone tested negative before they're allowed back on campus next tuesday, january 11th. >> and, of course, safety is the top priority for both parents and educators there, no doubt. but this has also been a school district like the state itself that has, i believe, only had one full semester of in person learning since the pandemic began. and you can understand the concern from some parents that once you start next week, and we continue to see cases spike in the country as many say we will probably see for the next few weeks, that the classes will be further delayed. what is your response to that? >> i think we're all committed to maintaining in person learning here in los angeles for our students. and that's why we have all of the different safety protocols, multilayered mitigation strategy to really ensure that our schools are the safest place possible for students. so while it is true we have the -- just had the fall semester back in person, we also are in a much stronger position than many other districts because we already require universal masking of students and staff. we have a vaccination requirement for all staff. we have a regular and robust covid testing program here in our school district, and the highest quality air filters in our schools. all of those safety protocols that we have put in place over the last 21 months will make sure that we are the safest possible places, even in the mitts of this latest surge. >> and really important given how transmissible omicron is to have all the mitigation factors in place, including classroom filtration. you look at a city like new york, the largest school district in the country, and really the epicenter of cases right now, where they're not mandating tests. they're encouraging them, but aren't mandating and yet the mayor is insistent that schools are the safest place to be. what gives you assurances that testing and getting parents to be on board with that is going to be the standard going forward? are parents okay with it? >> well, our testing program here in los angeles has been a part of our covid safety approach since the beginning of the pandemic, since we reopened schools last spring. i think we're all behind testing as a key protocol for keeping schools safe. we heard from many parents and educators who wanted to see that baseline testing before we return next week. and so i think we're all supportive of that and we're going to resume our weekly testing program as soon as kids are back in school. we'll get those baseline tests to get a sense of where we are before next tuesday, and then we will continue testing throughout this next month to ensure that we're monitoring those cases. and mitigating spread. >> and what are you doing to make sure that the teachers, not only are, a, healthy, but on board with this? because we continue to see across the country that there are districts where teachers are either having walkouts or really expressing concern about infections even if they are vaccinated. >> so we work closely with our labor partners and we have been consulting with our teachers and our administrators even before we made the decision yesterday to require that baseline testing. we're also developing contingency plans to ensure our schools have sufficient teachers, staff and administrators next week. one important piece of context is that all of our employees are fully vaccinated here in l.a., which helps protect them and others, but with the rise in cases, we certainly expect some will be exposed, some will test positive. that's why the baseline testing is so important, it will allow us to identify any gaps we might -- sorry, that's my toddler. that's why we are testing ahead of next week so we ken sure we know what the gaps are and that we can prepare for those and send additional staff to help support those schools and keep them open. >> listen, one of the benefits of having sort of at home technology is meeting our guest's families and hearing them in the background. happy to hear your child there, very early for them, but hopefully they'll be back in school for good next week and you'll keep it that way and students in the district will be safe with their teachers. kelly gomez, thank you so much. good to have you on. >> thank you so much. bye. bye. >> bye to your child! and in the next hour, we will speak with the superintendent of schools in clayton county, georgia, about that decision. >> that was one cute toddler. still ahead, theranos ceo elizabeth holmes guilty of defrauding investors. not guilty on the counts of dealing with patients. hear how the overall result could impact her sentence. test. . you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. elizabeth holmes, the former ceo and founder of theranos could spend up to two decades as a maximum in prison. >> she was found guilty and she faces a hearing on what listen what with the charges next week. countdown. what were the charges? >> well, you just mentioned about patients and the patients, one of them just to let you know the facts of the testimony, one patient took this flood test from this revolutionary blood testing machine that theranos became famous for and it denoted that she had prostate antigens in her. well, the fact is it's very rare. she didn't have prostate antigens so that was one of the counts. the other one involved hiv antibodies, that there was a patient who was told that he had hiv antibodies but he actually did not and the jury determined that they could not show beyond a reasonable doubt. remember, when it came to the investors she spoke with them and had meetings with them and she was found guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud. she entered into the agreement that she willfully participated in it, that she had a plan extremely serious charge that she was convicted of. as far as the investors she was convicted of, lakeshore capital management, who was that? it's the devos family, betsy devos, the former secretary of education, her family invested almost $99 million. a state attorney daniel mosley, who is that? he represents former secretary of state henry kissinger who recommended that he invest and he invested almost $6 million. these were people that are respected in this country, that look to see what is real, what is not, and elizabeth holmes through talking with them, they believed her. >> and now she's convicted of fraud. >> yeah, remarkable case. jean, thank you very much. still ahead, drivers, if you can believe it, still stuck on a 48-mile stretch of highway in virginia. though you can see a little bit of traffic moving there in live pictures. some of the drivers spent 19 hours in the cold on the road. how soon there could be relief in northern virginia, that's coming up. amin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! - family. - family. - family. - family is everything. - [girl 1] family is with us through all of life's great moments. - bye, bye! - [girl 2] family is who we count on, inner greatest time of need because they're always by your side when we need them the most. - and for the past 100 years, shriners hospitals for children has become family to over 1.5 million kids. - [girl 2] in tough times, and good times... - good girl! - [girl 2] they are there when we need the most. - but it's only possible because of people like you. - people who give every month. - because of that, you're our family too. - you're there when we need you most. - but if you haven't joined the shriner's hospital family yet, now is your chance. - [girl 3] all you have to do, is call the number on your screen or go online to right now, with your monthly gift. and you'll help thousands of kids just like us, get the care and support we need every day. - when you call or go online today with your monthly gift of just $19, just 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable "love to the rescue" blanket as our gift to you. it'll be a reminder of how you're standing by our side, just like family. - thank you. - thank you for being a part of our family. - thank you for being a part of my family. - your monthly gift today, can change my life forever. - [girl 3] you can join the thousands of caring family members who give each month by calling this special number on your screen right now. - it's so good to know that we have a family like you, who cares enough to stand by our side. - thank you. - thank you. - thank you. - [girl 3] please, call or go online right now to with your monthly gift. - [boy 1] you'll make a difference in our lives, every day. what does a foster kid need from you? 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Patients , Testing Component , Elizabeth Cohen , Virus , Houston , Study , Strands , Sick , Doctors , Omicron Patients , Out , Delta Variants , System , Yes , Variants , Methodist , Differences , Insight , Boosters , Something , Healthcare System , Texas , Breakthrough , December 18th , Half , 18 , 862 , 10 , November 27th , 27 , Rates , Times , 2 , Care , Hospital , Support , Systems , Fewer , Length , Stay , Surge , Nation , Data , Pediatric Hospital , Grayson Perry , Contracting , Belly , Miguel Marquez , Rare Look Inside Texas Children S Hospital , 4 , Bit , Mom , Home , I Can T Sing , Job , Baby , Spirits , Voice , Son , Christmas Family Gathering , 70 , Record , Hospitalizations , Texas Children S , High , Unvaccinated , Vaccines , Daughter , Toddlers , Mashed Potatoes , Don T , Teens , Brains , Covid Journey , November 29th , 29 , Amy S Daughter Haley , Birthday , Birth , Intubated , Coma , 17 , None , Baby Girl , Section , Covid Negative , Amarillo On December 9th , Six , December 9th , Zila Fay , Amarillo , Jesus , Tampa , Amarillo Newborn , 3 , 900 , Intensive Care Unit , My Little Girl , Little Girl , Heart Bleeds , Kids , Sense , Lone Star State , Bar , Reporter , Wave , Spike , Er , Readies , Resilience , Parents , Bogging Down Triage , Cough , Symptoms , Congestion , Fever , Known Covid Exposures , Hospitalization , Breathing , Waves , Et Cetera , Pneumonia , Respiratory Support , Omicron Variant Isn T , Problem , Adults , Hospitalization Rate , Percent , Families , Dr , Richard Besser , Strain , Healthcare Resources , Ceo , Pathologist , Reporters , Pediatrician , Camera , Robert Wood Johnson Foundation , Things , Admissions , Couple , B , Spread , Saying , Doctor , Severity , Everything , Age , Group , Healthcare Systems , Advice , Chances , Countries , Public Health Advice , School , Mitigation , Ventilation , Public Health , Surgeon General , Reason , Risks , Risk , Mental Health , Terms , Learning , Socialization , Risk Keeping , Kinds , Emphasis , Infection , Attention , Teachers , Child , Staff , Distancing , Seriously , Issues , Masks , Questions , School Learning , Idea , Covid Yesterday , A Million , Country , Note , Taking , Schools , Side , School Districts , Light , The End Of Tunnel , Transmission , Essential Staff , Person Learning , Flu Season , Case , Staffing , Percentage , 20 , Matter , Rise , Kind , Trajectory , South Africa , Factor , Decisions , Quarantine Times , Cost , Keeping Kids Home , Airlines , Discussion , Help Pressure , Address Staffing Shortages , Holidays , Five , Decision , Thing , Part , Level , Recognition , Shortening , Ten , Transmitting , Sick Leave , Doesn T Go To Zero , Zero , Family , Don T Have Medical Leave , Jobs , Paychecks , Bill , Build , Isolation , Doesn T , Nations , Infection Control , It , Disease , Risk Management , Risk Aversion , Elimination , Thanks , Ruben Gallego , Plan , Rudy Giuliani , Officials , Reaction , Colleagues , Homes , Team , Documents , Th , Run Up , January 6 Th , 6 , Students , Test , President , Counts , Los Angeles , Class , School Board , Chamber , Plus , Four , Elizabeth Holmes , Theranos , Verdict , Relief , Discomfort , Cooling , Derriere , Aloe , Powders , Baby Wipes , Expert Care , Soothing , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Preparation H , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Claire , Cake , Nexium , 24hr , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , 24 , Anniversary , Attack , Insurrection , Approaches , Delivery , January 4th , U S Capitol Police Chief , 100 , 2021 , January 4th 2021 , Hold Off , National Guard , Protests , Sergeant , Arms , Trump , Mike Pence , Bob Woodward , Pitch , Certification Process , Winner , Book , White House , Robert Costa , Washington Post , John Eastman , Oval Office , Certification , Pence , Boys , Scheme , Enrique Tarot , Lives , Banner , Rifle , Arrest , Magazines , Chairman , Campaign Arm , Democratic , Congressional Hispanic Office , Armed Services Committee , Bold Pac , Arizona , Causes , January 6th , Congress , O Office , Board , Legislatures , Men , Bunch , Elections , Votes , Regards , 2024 , 2022 , More , Organizers , Coup , Coup Attack , We Shouldn T , Merrick Garland , Election , Rolling Stone , Peter Navarro , Chance , State , Electoral College Votes , State Legislatures , Delaying , Conspiracy , Rioters , View , Planning , Certain , Plot Amount , 700 , Attorney General , Work , Interference , Coup Plotters , Acts , Duties , Democracy , Republican Party , Crimes , Him Feckless , Presidency , Sort , House , Senate , Improveving , Agreement , Priority , Mistake , Leaders , Instance , Before , Act , Voting Rights , Bull , Biden , Way , Both , Senators , Committees , Politics , Real I Infrastructure Democracy , Sinema , Manchin , Everybody , Game , Argument , Business Community , Social Society , Russia , Ukraine , Intelligence , Public , Putin , Topic , Lawmakers , Forces , Border , Eive , Allies , Training , Making , Stingers , Javelins , Man , Invasion , Consequences , Message , Soil , Face , Point May , Republicans , Space , Buffer , Rest , Assistance , Administration , Economy , Sanctions , Table , Energy Sector Hit Russia , Fears , Effect , Weakness , Capitulation , Oil Markets , Anything , Judge , European , Happening , European Alliance And Atlantic , Nord Stream , Energy Sector Issues , Big Proponent Of Making , Worries , Escalation , Drama , Excuses , Mine , Weaponizing , Businessman , Information , Election Interference , Stock Futures , Intel , Wall Street , Company , Cruise Operators , Shares , Record Highs , Dow , Apple , Investors , Market Capitalization , Labor Market , Manufacturing , 3 Trillion , Trillion , Sales , Yeah Uhhh , Doug , Ding , Opportunities , Tools , E Trade , Umm What It S Uhh , Loud Exhale , 24 7 , Music , Futures Contract , Prices , Options , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Nurses , Shriners , Mouse Clicks , Computer Keys Clicking , Life , Chuckles , Time , Kid , Operations , Thousands , Gift , Driver S License , Journey , Reminder , Blanket , Me A Favor , 63 , Phone , Loveshriners Org , Someone , Isn T , Friends , Robitussin Honey , Something Special , Mind , Trash , Robitussin Elderberry , Department , Justice , Gold , 2016 , Charges , Election Meddling , Source , Securities Fraud , Andrew Mccabe , Government , Let , Military Officer , Cybersecurity , Cybersecurity Firm , Relationship , Dig , Gru , Fbi , Doj Hasn T , Russian Military Intelligence , Connection , Effort , Kliushin , Indictee Yurmikov , Involvement , Special Council Team , Email , Hacking , Democratic National Committee , I Don T Mine , Scandal , Olympics , Agencies , Breadth , Election Disinformation , Election Misinformation , Depth , Former , Jim , Cooperation , Significance , Focus , Threat , Intentions , Plans , Community , Direction , Value , Department Of Justice , Door , Misinformation , Scale , Healthcare Policy , Aren T , Disinformation , Activity , Doesn T Mean , Request , Associates , Uk , Business , Likelihood , Jail , Around The World , Fraud , Sentence , Securities , Neighborhood , Swiss Jail , Lawyer , Fraud Charges , Speculation , Sentences , Suspicion , Appeal , Bottom Line , Deadline , Extradition , Plays Out , Switzerland , On The Air , Failure , Ring Leaders , Many , Doj , Amount , Sauw Take Place On January 6th , Prosecution Side , Decsedition , Covid Test , Head , Obsessed , Hello , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Classes , Return , Millions , School District , Program , Kelly Gomez , President Of The Board Education , Los Angeles Unified School District , Proof , Tests , Opportunity , Change , Start , Pupil , Safety Protocols , Campus , Tuesday January 11th , Educators , Semester , Course , In Person Learning , No Doubt , January 11th , 11 , Concern , Response , Say , Person , Multilayered Mitigation Strategy , Districts , Vaccination Requirement , Position , Masking , Places , Covid Testing Program , Air Filters , Mitts , 21 , Epicenter , New York , Mitigation Factors , Classroom Filtration , Mayor , Them , Assurances , Aren T Mandating , Standard , Testing Program , Safety Approach , Beginning , Baseline Testing , Safe , Protocol , Spring , Mitigating , Healthy , Infections , Walkouts , Administrators , Contingency Plans , Labor Partners , Consulting , Context , Piece , Employees , Toddler , Gaps , Benefits , Guest , Background , At Home Technology , Listen , District , Bye , Clayton County , Superintendent , Georgia , Result , Master , Size , Visit Indeed Com Hire Hello , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 4673 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Founder , Hearing , Prison , Maximum , Countdown , Patient , Prostate Antigens , Flood Test , Testimony , Facts , Blood Testing Machine , Hiv Antibodies , Jury , Meetings , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Charge , Devos Family , Education , Lakeshore Capital Management , Betsy Devos , Daniel Mosley , Secretary Of State , Henry Kissinger , Million , 6 Million , 99 Million , 9 Million , Look , Holmes , Jean , On The Road , Highway , Traffic , Season , Ace , Centrum , D , Amin C , Zinc , Girl , Most , Need , Life S Great Moments , 1 5 Million , Haven T , Screen , Love , Rescue , Family Members , Boy , Difference , Foster Kid Need , First Day Of School , Address , Show Up , Helpfosterchildren Com , Manicure , Foster Kids , Wrong ,

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