Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

a double whammy for the airlines and traveler witness the covid cancellations because of flight crew sick-outs and the snow coming down today. we'll see numbers go up. 10% at the southwest airlines, 10% at skywest, regional airlines for delta, american and united and 13% of all flights at jetblue. just the beginning of what we have seen, the long lines at airports across the country over the weekend, about 5,000 cancellations in total nationwide. long lines at chicago and atlanta, passengers actually staying overnight in atlanta in some cases, just want you to listen now to one of the passengers who has been trying to get home since thursday. >> i tried to leave on thursday and they canceled it and we tried to reschedule for saturday night and rescheduled it again and canceled it. today they canceled it on the way to the airport and now rescheduled for tonight. >> reporter: any lodging or anything at all? >> no, not yet. so yeah. >> reporter: got to be frustrating. >> it is but as long as we can get back it will be good. >> reporter: the big snowstorm hit its hub in chicago at o'hare the hardest. now it's saying that covid cancellations because of flight crew sick-outs have been consistent with what it's seen over the last few days and trying to proactively cancel the flights before flights show up to the airport so they're not disappointed when they get here. 17,000 cancellations in total, john, since christmas eve, a huge number and we've not seen the end of it just yet starting to stick at reagan international airport. they're trying to clear the runway quickly to make sure some flights can get out if they have to. >> it is a cascading problem. pete muntean thank you so much for that report. >> you see the dedication. pete's hair is a national treasure and there he is breathing the elements for us. >> thank you for that. >> just to be clear. students in the nation's largest school district, new york city, are returning from winter break as coronavirus cases are surging across the state. the city's teachers union asked the new mayor eric adams to temporarily revert to remote learning but adams says and he feels strongly about this schools will remain open. erica hill is with us now on this. lagerheads are in disagreement but adams being pretty clear here, erica >> he has been, focused on the additional testing brought into the schools, trying to double the number of students they're randomly testing. it's vaccinated and unvaccinated and the assistant principal at this school says the additional testing will make a difference and as you heard, as we heard rather from the mayor over the weekend, that's a major focus of the strategy to keep kids in school. take a listen. >> the stats are clear, the safest place for children is inside the school. we're going to create a safe environment with testing, identify the children exposed. the numbers show the mere fact a child is exposed in a classroom doesn't mean the entire classroom is exposed. >> reporter: 2 million rapid tests are made available. the assistant principal says they have the rapid tests at the school ready to go so if they need to send them home with staff or students exposed, they can do that as part of an additional new testing regimen. as for the president of the teachers union he advised the city return temporarily to remote learning. the mayor said we're sticking with our core, the mayor expected to be here at this school in a matter of minutes to talk about the return to school today. we're also expected to hear this hour from the union president, to let you know what he says moving forward. i asked specifically about teacher and staff. i was told by the assistant principal they had two teachers who tested positive, no concerns from other teachers about coming back to school today. their kids are doing well and she's an impressed with how well the 3-year-olds and their 3k program are doing, keeping their masks on saying i guess for these kids it's just part of life now. >> yes, they're used to it and it's no big deal at all. erica, thank you. >> with more on all of this, bring in dr. james hamlin, lecturer at yale school of public health. great to see you. mayor adams is starting by saying we're going to keep schools open. that's the decision that we've made. let's talk about how to do it safely. if the schools are going to be open, which he decided is important, what do you do? >> i think the key is ventilation and we're not talking enough before that. masks help but keeping kids in a well-ventilated space is critical and that's something that would require a lot of investment from the city, upgrading all the schools and making, not all of them but many parts of the schools and that should have started two years ago. closing schools is the last thing that we want to have to do. there are so many other things that could be closed or shortened before closing schools. it's important that they stay open, but that the more you can do to test, and to allow people to have hybrid options when they become sick so kids don't fall behind the better off you'll be. it's a difficult situation. >> what about the rest of us, if we take the attitude not saying we're not going to get sick because people are going to get sick but how do we keep moving forward, given the situation we're in now this very high caseload? >> right. this is where we need to go sustainable systems in the world so our schools should have the capacity to deal with this surge and future surges and new respiratory virus without having a big debate every single time whether we need to cancel everything and send everyone home. we are in the process of risk mitigation to make sure as few people suffer unnecessarily as possible. we do our best, but it is going to be important to have systems that are resilient to have people have sick leave, have paid sick leave, have access to affordable health care and testing and well-ventilated spaces and you know, see this as a longer term problem. this is going to be with us indefinitely. >> what's your opinion of when this current surge may abate? >> this virus has pretty much gotten me out of the business of prediction. 'been very surprising. i think we may see another variant right on the heels of this one, and i think we should plan for that and i would hope to be pleasantly surprised but i don't see any benefit in people making predictions about next month being significantly better. we should plan for it not to be and if it is, wonderful. >> if there is just another variant or if the surge lasts a longer time, it gets back to the central issue, which is that as a country, and i understand it's a global issue but as a country we have to figure out a way to keep going and not just survive but continue to thrive. >> yes, exactly. i think that's what you're seeing with recommendations like shortening the period of quarantines to five days, there is a balance between, and this is something constantly dealing with in public health, what would be the ideal, what would make people 100% certain of their safety and health and what will people do, what is consistent with our culture, with people's levels of fatigue, and those are critical debates worth having and we are really thrown off when we treat it as though this is a short term problem because when you have short term problems like the big snowstorm you can tell people we'll cancel school today. when you have a snowstorm that will keep happening you have to think about longer term plans and that might mean restructuring systems like school to be resilient and prepared. >> and in some ways having it be a long-term issue and long-term problem makes some of the decisions easier, not easier to implement but choices easier. these are important discussions to have, dr. hamlin. there is no perfect answer, just different degrees of good and bad here. i appreciate you being part of the discussion, though. >> thank you for having me. the january 6th committee says it has firsthand testimony of what donald trump was doing as the capitol was under siege. we have new cnn reporting next. also we'll hear from a mom who had a change of heart after covid put her in a coma for two months and the football star who lost his shirt, his job, and a whole lot of money in an epic on field display. sleep number? because every great play starts the night before. my sleep number 360 smart bed tracks my circadian rhythm, average heart rate, and breathing rate so i know how well i'm sleeping. it's also temperature balancing so i stay cool. and it senses my movement and automatically adjusts to help keep me comfortable all night. sleep number takes care of the science so i can focus on other things. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ the house select committee has now firsthand testimony about what then president donald trump was up to as his supporters turned insurrectionists stormed the capitol on january 6th last year. here's republican congresswoman liz cheney, who is the vice chair of the committee. >> the committee has firsthand testimony that president trump was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office watching on television as the capitol was assaulted, as the violence occurred. we know that is clearly a supreme dereliction of duty. one of the things that the committee is looking at from the perspective of our legislative purpose is whether we need enhanced penalties for that kind of dereliction of duty but we certainly have never seen anything like that as a nation before. imagine a man who, while the assault was under way, while he was watching television, watching it unfold, not telling his supporters to stop and go home, instead, was sending out a tweet saying mike pence was a coward. this is a man who is too dangerous ever to play a role again in our democracy. >> let's talk about this with jamie gangell. liz cheney, the vice chair of that committee saying firsthand knowledge, that is notable and i know that you've learned more about that. >> right, there was no accident that she said firsthand. so here's what we've learned, in addition to what congresswoman cheney said, a person with knowledge of the investigation has told me that the january 6th committee has information, this is firsthand information from multiple sources that describe what president trump was saying, doing and not doing during the riot. the source told me "there's a collection of people with relevant information." so this isn't just from one source. so just let's translate it firsthand, indicate someone with direct contact or knowledge. it could be someone who is in the room, someone on the phone, but this is firsthand. bottom line, the committee has broken through trump's wall. >> who might some of these people be, jamie? >> what do we know publicly? one witness who has given a deposition to the committee is keith kellogg. he's a retired general. he was former vice president mike pence's national security adviser, but on january 6th, he was actually with trump in the white house when the riot was going on. national security adviser robert o'brien was away, so kellogg was with him all that day. our colleague, alex marchquart reached out to kellogg who told us he testified under oath to the committee but declined to comment about the substance of his deposition, but he was certainly someone who was in the room. >> so jamie, you said it was no accident liz cheney used the words that she used. >> right. >> i think she's very careful in her language. why is she saying this now? >> this is part of the committee's strategy to let trump know that people who were in the room, possibly inner circle certainly keith kellogg was in the room, are cooperating with the committee. this is a warning to trump that while he may get people like steve bannon to delay or defy the committee, the committee is still getting critical firsthand evidence, and i think, john, it also sends a message to others in trump world that key witnesses are cooperating, that they should cooperate, too. >> maybe if they're on the fence and they're watching this. so what's the significance of what the committee is learning about what trump was doing as the capitol riot was unfolding? >> so look, we will know much more when the committee has its hearings, but right now, let's think about the questions the committee may be getting answers to. we know ivanka trump, his daughter, came at least twice to try to get him to do something. what did he say to ivanka? what did he say to others like mark meadows, his chief of staff? what did he say to people who we know called him. jim jordan, congressman jim jordan, kevin mccarthy and also an interesting example, what did he say to senator tuberville? we know in the middle of the riot, he calls senator tuberville actually on mike lee's phone. he gets the phones confused, and tells tuberville delay it even more. look, they just took mike pence out. i've got to get off the phone. but all of this evidence speaks to, as you quoted liz cheney saying, was "a supreme dereliction of duty for those 187 minutes." it's not that they don't want -- let me be clear -- for the documents from the national archives, but the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. >> one last question, jamie. >> sure. >> politico noted that there are some republicans close to kevin mccarthy who think he made a tactical mistake by not putting other republicans besides liz cheney and adam kinzinger onto the committee after they said you couldn't have jim jordan and jim banks's they may be witnesses here. how much of an impact is that having? >> i think it's having a huge impact. look, liz cheney is a republican. adam kinzinger is a republican. the argument that there isn't -- there are republican staff members on the committee. there is bipartisan imput. if kevin mccarthy had other republican members on the committee, he would know what was going on. he does not know that now. >> jamie gangel, it is interesting to think about what that might mean in the coming weeks and months. thank you for your reporting. >> thank you. legendary journalist bob woodward who revealed so much of what happened inside the white house that day joins us next to react to all of these revelations. plus have the nba and nfl surrendered to their vaccine refusers? with their iconic grilled cheese? by saying yes. yes to new inventions! yes to clean and fresh ingredients! and yes to living life to the flavor-fullest. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> very significant. keith kellogg the retired lieutenant general is somebody who is a trump loyalist, also an institutionalist. he used to say within the white house that trump and pence, the vice president were fire and ice. you can guess who was fire, trump, and pence was ice. and kellogg as we found from multiple firsthand witnesses was with trump on january 6th in the office with trump begging trump to tweet out to stop the violence, and he said memorably, mr. president, not everyone is carrying a television on their shoulder. prays go out and tweet, and this is a mob and when you have a mob, you have lost it. trump would not respond and so kellogg went to find ivanka trump, trump's daughter and she went to see trump, her father in the oval office dining room three times from multiple witnesses, and one of the things she said to president trump is let this thing go. eventually he did tweet but it was delayed, so in a sense from the point of view of an investigation, having somebody like keith kellogg there who was a participant, who is now under oath, you couldn't get a better witness. it's somebody that republicans would have to look at and say wait a minute, this is a credible strong person, somebody who served in the military for decades. >> do you think that other trump loyalists, bob, may look at this, may look at keith kellogg who confirmed to cnn he testified under oath that they'll look at this testimony and they might be swayed to participate as well? >> there's almost an avalanche of movement where people want to not necessarily cooperate and support the committee but they want to protect themselves, and any lawyer will tell somebody in that position, if you don't have some sort of involvement that's criminal or something that you want to conceal, the best course of action is to go ahead. interesting enough, after january 6th, keith kellogg went to ivanka trump and her husband, jared kushner, and said let's bring things together. let's smooth this over and propose that trump give the presidential medal of freedom to pence, his vice president. wouldn't be hard, of course, ivanka and jared said, well, we'll wait on that. that's not going to work at this point so big movement. >> a lot of what we're hearing from the committee seems to be laying the groundwork for what will ultimately be the public hearings here. what do you think the story is that the committee will ultimately tell to the country and what will the significance of that be? >> well, obviously, if they have witnesses, if they have documents, do they have some sort of tape recordings? of course, watergate was broken with nixon's secret taping system. we haven't seen something like that. i think there's a big looming question, maybe the committee has answered that. maybe reporters have. it's being worked on. who is the operational commander of what happened january 6th? it didn't come out of thin air and the little pieces that we know. somebody had to get 1,000 people to do the same thing at the same time, and that's extraordinary, so much to be done but the aggressive and comprehensive stance this committee has taken is the soundest course any investigation can pursue. >> a lot of americans have their minds made up about what happened january 6th and who is to blal. what do you see this committee do to communicate findings and maybe get through to some people? >> it's hard these days to take the partisan tinge out of anything. they have a chance as pointed out by liz cheney, the republican. it is a bipartisan committee and things like this rest on evidence, not on politics. historically in this country this goes back 50 years to watergate, once the tapes were released and it was clear to republicans what nixon had done. they abandoned him and turned on him and nixon resigned. as we know, trump's not in office. big question , what is the political course he has chosen, if he has chosen one, will his committee's work have any impact? what's great about this country. we can have the reporting and this committee operating. we can have trump having his say and reporters have their say and you'll see a doctor on talking about the virus, i thought made an excellent point, get out of the prediction game. >> get out of the prediction game. bob, thank you so much. we'll keep our eyes open to see what is going on to get out of the prediction game here. just ahead, a mom who spent two months in a coma, emerging with a message about her change of heart. also, what was going on here? what led to antonio brown just storming off the field, taking his uniform off and what's the nfl's role in allowing all of this to happen, the conditions that let it happen. plus a live look at washington, where a snowstorm has completely shut down the federal government. aren't others doing that? others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop? then i give you our best lollipop? that's not fair. at at&t. we think it's only fair that all customers get our best deals and you get a choice of plans. she said. everyone, it's not complicated. only at&t gives both new and existing customers are saying best deals, like up to $1000 off our most popular smartphones with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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"antonio brown has been a mess for years and so when we saw that yesterday, i couldn't believe what i was watching in the sense i've never seen a player do this. on the other hand, it was like oh, this is the end of the antonio brown saga that maybe we should all have seen coming. >> yes. by the way of background, we've watched him do a lot of thing to blow up his career and given chance after chance. he wanted out of pittsburgh in 2019, went to the raiders, p played not one game. left went to the patriots, played one game for the patriots, suspended for a series of legal issues, and then tom wants him to play as if i know tom brady, t.b. wants him to play for him in tampa. they bring him on and they really support him from what it looks like. we're hearing that bruce arians the head coach asked him to go into the game and he refused and the coach said get out. i'm pretty sure he didn't mean leave at that moment and also costly. some eight catches away from a bonus that could have added up to 1$1 million. this is a bigger issue here. antonio has been this way and they've given him chance after chance and he clearly is in need of some sort of help. there is no discipline in place for this. >> that's what i'm getting at here. i don't know what's going on with him exactly. i only know what i see here and he seems to be and i don't want to make him a victim necessarily either because he has done things that we know are just flat out wrong. on the other hand he needs help and i wonder if the teams have let him down. >> a great question when this happened yesterday, i was watching it and just like you have never seen anything like it. i don't believe we will. everyone knew inside of that locker room in the league that he needs some sort of help. you can't force someone to help them themselves. maybe you should sit and talk to someone. i'm no psychologist but i do know that everyone knows he's not okay. if we can see that, shouldn't the league do something? there are so many people who have these opinions that say he doesn't deserve any more chances. he's being this guy, he's taking it for granted, being a brat. i have no empathy for him. i have mixed emotions. everyone knew this was going to happen eventually. how and if it would happen to tom brady, i don't think we could have predicted that. this outburst is not surprising. >> this can't be about football. this has to be about health and well-being. on the subject of health, jamelle hill wrote a piece the nfl and nba caved to players who didn't want to be vaccinated. the resolution of the nets high profile dispute with irving is part of a larger problem confronted with the latest virus surge, the nba and nfl waved the white flag easing their health rules. your take? grrr thief waved a white flag because they don't have any players. there are no more players. everyone's on the covid list. i'm not plaming the nfl. we're figuring out covid in real time and people are making up rules as they go and they have to adjust. the situation is, specifically with kyrie, the nets had no more players and needed some players, hobbling together players, signing people who have not played for the last two or three years to ten-day contracts because they simply needed a body. you could be boosted and have a vaccine and get it. they were feeling at the end of the day as all businesses are, it's about money and people want to see the players play. christmas day games are not the same. so many people were out because of covid. i feel like they're just adjusting at the end of the day and we know it's all about the business of it. >> cari champion, i look forward to getting together with you and our mutual friend tom badye y b the new year. [ laughter ] thank you for being with us this morning. >> pleasure. a mother has a change of heart after covid put her in a coma. she tells her story next. a fan notices something concerning about a coach's appearance during the game. the discovery may have saved his life. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. a mother of five who survived covid and spent two months in a coma is now speaking out about her close brush with death. andrea borges was unvaccinated when she contracted the virus and with us now. thank you for being with us. it is wonderful to see you. i'm happy you could be with us. i wonder if you could start by telling viewers who you went through, you were in a coma for two months and in recovery. >> i tested positive on may 19th and within five days, i was in the er. from there i was in a coma for 65 days. a spent a total of four and a half months in the hospital. i still got a little bit of raspy voice from having a tracheotomy. i couldn't walk. i lost my motor skills and my muscle, dropped about 35 pounds and came home in a wheelchair, re-learned how to walk again, and basically didn't have water or food, couldn't talk for four months. here i am. >> and it's amazing, and on dredree andrea, your family thought they were going to lose you. >> yes, the doctors told my children, my sister, my husband that i had a 5% chance of sur survival. and even if i did, i'd be in the hospital until at least january. i came home august 29th. >> so i wonder now what is your message about vaccines, as someone who knows about that decision to remain unvaccinated. >> i was against it. and i just, i don't want anyone to go through what i went through, and the only thing i can say it just have an extra layer of protection and get vaccinated, get the booster. i feel like everyone should have a choice, but at the same times it's about protecting yourself and others. >> can you take us into your thinking, you know, before you were sick, why -- because i think what so many people watching this will wonder is why did it take nearly dying to change your mind about vaccines? >> i was healthy. i had no underlying health issues, not a smoker, don't have asthma, didn't have any heart problems, no lung problems, and i did not know that it was going to affect me the way it did. i thought i was going to be sick for four or five days and then be fine and that's not how it went >> andrea, i thank you so much for being with us to share your story. i'm so thankful for you and for your family and your five kids that you are here to share this with us. andrea, thank you. >> thank you. here's what else to watch today. a snow emergency in the nation's capital, schools closed the government shut down. live coverage on cnn. and next what an eagle-eyed hockey fan spotted from the stands that may have helped save a life. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. time for "the good stuff." a hockey fan credited with a save even though sheefrs nowhere near the net. assistant equipment manager new year's day your instincts were right and that mole on the back of my neck was a malignant melanoma and thanks to your persistence it is gone. help us find the hero so i can express my gratitude. the team found that fan and surprised her with a scholarship for med school. joining me is brian redd hamilton, assistant equipment manager for the vancouver canucks and the fan who alerted him to the cancerous mole on the back of his neck, nadia polkavic. nadia, you were sitting behind the glass behind the canucks bench watching cat numbers team and their staff during the game and who did you see and what exactly did you do? >> yes, thank you so much for having me on in the first place. we're fairly close to the players and the staff members. we're right up on the plexiglass and redd happened to walk by a couple times, he was far away from me and occasionally he'd walk in front of me [ muted ] -- >> i think we lost nadia there. i'll finish the story for her. go ahead, nadia, what did you see? >> he reached for something and the lapel of his jacket fell down and i could see this mole and caught my eye and met all the hallmarks for what i saw skin cancer looked like. >> you wrote a note on your phone. how did you get his attention? >> i knew he had a split second to look at my words and i was dressed in cracken gear so totally understandable if he didn't believe me so i wrote the mole on the back of your neck looks like it's possibly cancerous. please go see a doctor. mole, cancer and doctor in bold, red font just so his eye was immediately drawn to it and i'm so lucky that he was able to see it. >> so redd, that's a pretty strange thing to see on an opposing team's fan's cell phone. what did you think when you first saw ta? >> i honestly didn't know what to think. it threw me off and i didn't take is very seriously at first. i was like well, that's really weird. i've never seen a mole on the back of my neck, didn't know it existed. the next day we had flown home that i asked jessica if i had a mole on the back of my neck and she's like yeah, it's a weird shape. so okay. >> the doctor told you what? >> i saw the doctor on tuesday, and he told me he didn't like it. "i don't like the shape of it. i'd like to cut it out." he gave me two options. he said he could cut it out and there might be a little bit of a scar or i could go see a plastic surgeon and there would be no scar. i said if we're worried, this worried about it, let's get it out. i'm not worried about a scar on the back of my neck so on thursday before our game, when the doctor came to the arena, he cut it out on thursday. >> and found out that it was cancerous and malignant mel know in a. you've got a history of cancer in your family. your mother's reaction to this? >> yes, my poor mom. my mom, and i don't know that this is coming up, nadia doesn't know this, i didn't tell her but my mom has lost two children of cancer, and a granddaughter, so when i told mom, it was a little bit scary to tell her, but i tried to keep very positive that this mole was fairly new, because no one had seen it, and that we could hope for the best, which we didn't get the best news but we got the best of the worst news. >> you found it early enough, it was taken out, it was removed, and you guys got a chance to meet, you finally got a chance to meet after they found you, nadia and the canucks and cracken got together and giving you $10,000 toward medical school. what's that like? >> oh my godnes ngoodness if yo the avid yo where they were announcing that, i almost fell on the floor. i am so unbelievably grateful. the canucks and the cracken, they truly don't know what this means to me. it means the world, and to be able to meet red, which was most important part of the night, and you know, talk to his family and now i'm connected with his family outside of the game and it's just such a beautiful moment and i'm just so lucky and grateful this brought us together. >> it means the world to you, for red, it means his life, and so i know he and his family are super grateful. thanks to both of you for being with us this morning. truly "the good stuff." >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you again, nadia. >> cnn's coverage continues right now. >> good monday morning. i'm jim shciutto. >> i'm bianna golodryga. this map shows what cases of omicron across the u.s. looked like just one month ago. on the right there you see what it looks like today. but despite the faster spread of omicron,

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Cases , Story , States , Changes , Rise , Deep Red , Hospitalizations , 45 , 50 , Testing , People , Test , Hospitalizations , Administration , Requirement , Guidance , Five , 28 , Pete Muntean , Country , Dr , Mess , Winter Storm , Update , Air Travel , Agency , Anthony Fauci , Flights , Reporter , Most , Weather , Reagan International Airport , Airport Nationwide , Cancellations , Numbers , Flight Crew , Sick Outs , Southwest Airlines , Snow , Traveler , Double Whammy , Covid , 10 , Lines , American , Airports , Beginning , Regional Airlines , United , Skywest , Jetblue , Delta , 5000 , 13 , Home , Passengers , Chicago , Atlanta , One , Way , Airport , Saturday Night , Anything , Wall , Lodging , Big Snowstorm Hit , Hub , Hardest , It , Number , John Lewis , 17000 , Cascading Problem , Report , Hair , Dedication , Runway , Students , Nation , Treasure , Winter Break , Elements , School District , New York City , Schools , Big City In America , Learning , Teachers Union , Erica Hill , State , Eric Adams , Disagreement , Lagerheads , Med School , Assistant Principal , Difference , Unvaccinated , Kids , Children , Strategy , Place , Mayor , Weekend , Stats , Listen , Focus , Child , Classroom Doesn , Classroom , Environment , Fact , Staff , Tests , 2 Million , President , Part , Return , Testing Regimen , Core , School , Teacher , School Today , Union , Matter , Teachers , Program , Back To School Today , Positive , Concerns , Doing , 3 , Two , 3k , Life , Masks , Yes , Deal , James Hamlin , Decision , Yale School Of Public Health , Lecturer , Key , Ventilation , Keeping , Something , Lot , Parts , Investment , Space , Making , Things , Thing , Closing Schools , More , Situation , Options , Kids Don T , Rest , Attitude , Sick , Caseload , Forward , World , Virus , Surge , Systems , Surges , Debate , Capacity , Everyone , Best , Everything , Risk Mitigation , Process , Sick Leave , Access , Health Care , Problem , Term , Spaces , Opinion , Prediction , Variant , Heels , The Business , Predictions , Benefit , Issue , Public Health , Recommendations , Ideal , Quarantines , Balance , Health , Fatigue , Safety , Levels , Debates , Culture , 100 , Snowstorm , Problems , Plans , Restructuring Systems , Ways , Choices , Some , Answer , Discussion , Decisions , Discussions , Hamlin , January 6th Committee , Donald Trump , Mom , Testimony , Coma , Capitol , A Change Of Heart , Siege , Cnn Reporting Next , 6 , January 6th , Sleep Number , Football Star , Job , Money , Play , Shirt , Epic On Field Display , Movement , Bed , Breathing Rate , Heart Rate , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , 360 , Green Red , Trees , Science , Care , Sale , Me And You , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , What A Wonderful World , 4 , 05 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cause , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Nausea , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Side Effects , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Generation , Greatest , Tyranny , Narrator , Beach , Office , Preacher , Threat , Oval , Bridge , Voting Rights , Nuclear War , Alabama , Selma , Generations , Call , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , Continent , West Berlin , Liberty , Democracy , Freedom , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Ideals , Justice , Leaders , The Call , Back , Project Managers , Projects , Voting Rights Act , Candidates , Shortlist , Insurance , Job Criteria , Doug , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Limu Emu , Isn T , Limu , Whistles , Sec , Pay , Liberty The House Select Committee , Vulture Squawks , Committee , Liz Cheney , Dining Room , Republican , Supporters , Vice Chair , Oval Office , Capitol On January 6th , Insurrectionists , Television , Violence , Perspective , Purpose , Supreme Dereliction Of Duty , Man , Duty , Dereliction , Assault , Kind , Who , Penalties , Tweet , Mike Pence , Role , Coward , Knowledge , Accident , Talk , Jamie Gangell , Let , Investigation , Person , Information , Congresswoman , Addition , Riot , Saying , Sources , President Trump , Collection , Source , Someone , Phone , Room , Contact , Trump Begging , Witness , Jamie , Deposition , Bottom Line , Keith Kellogg , Trump , White House , He S A Retired General , Adviser , Security , Alex Marchquart , Robert O Brien , Colleague , National Security Adviser , Words , Oath , Substance , Language , Inner Circle , Warning , Steve Bannon , Witnesses , Evidence , Message , Others , Hearings , Significance , Fence , Questions , Ivanka Trump , Kevin Mccarthy , Couldn T Have Jim Jordan , Chief Of Staff , Example , Congressman , Jim Jordan , Mark Meadows , Tuberville , Phones , Middle , Mike Lee , Documents , Pieces , Want , Puzzle , A Supreme Dereliction Of Duty , The National Archives , 187 , Question , Mistake , Adam Kinzinger , Politico , Impact , Jim Banks , Staff Members , Members , Imput , Argument , Bob Woodward , Reporting , Jamie Gangel , Nfl , Nba , Revelations , Vaccine Refusers , Grilled Cheese , Inventions , Neuroscientist , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Delivery , Neuriva Plus , Panera , Tv , 1 , , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva , Six , Psoriasis , Moderate , Choice , Otezla , Skin , Cream , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , 75 , Doctor , History , Depression , They Truly Don T , Feelings , Weight Loss , Risk , Weight , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Thoughts , Planning , Headache , Medicines , Treatment , Memories , Cooking , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Plan , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Kitchen , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Comcast , Internet , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Tools , San Francisco , Possibilities , Recology , That S Why , Recycling System , Workers , Ground Up , Employee , Gracias , Actions , Communications , Tack , Inaction , Washington Post , Bob , Peril , Book , Robert Costa , Somebody , Lieutenant General , Trump Loyalist , Keith Kellogg The Retired , Pence , Institutionalist , Ice , Fire , Fire And Ice , Trump On January 6th , Shoulder , Mr , Prays Go Out , Daughter , Mob , Times , Father , Three , Sense , Participant , Point Of View , You Couldn T Get A Better Witness , Loyalists , Cnn , Military , Avalanche , Course , Sort , Position , Involvement , Lawyer , Husband , Enough , Action , Jared Kushner , Vice President , Wouldn T Be Hard , Medal Of Freedom , Point , Jared , Groundwork , Tape Recordings , Watergate , Secret Taping System , Nixon , Reporters , We Haven T , On , Commander , It Didn T Come Out Of Thin Air , 1000 , Stance , Americans , Minds , Blal , Tinge , Findings , Chance , Politics , Tapes , Big Question , Work , Say , Committee Operating , Prediction Game , Eyes , Antonio Brown , Led , Change Of Heart , The Field , Plus A Live Look At Washington , Conditions , Government , Lollipop , Aren T , At T , Deals , Smartphones , Customers , 000 , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Bath , Quality , High Standards , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Homes , Two Million , Owner , Future , Investor , Advice , Consultation , Vanguard , Asthma Attacks , Reactions , Nunormal , Breathing Problems , Count , Add On Injection , Asthma , Nucala , Help , Infections , Breathing , Tongue , Face , Swelling , Trouble , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Infection , Back Pain , Wide Receiver , Jersey , Buccaneer , Gloves , Undershirt , Pads , Tampa Bay , Game , Turning , Jets , Vaccination Card , Bucs , Incident , Carrie Champion , Win , Espn , Player , Host , Podcast , Anchor , Naked With Carrie Champion , The End , Hand , Background , Saga , Patriots , Left , Career , Raiders , Pittsburgh , 2019 , Issues , Tom Brady , Series , T B , Coach , Bruce Arians , Catches , Bonus , Antonio , Million , Eight , 1 Million , Discipline , What S Going On , Victim , Teams , League , Locker Room , Psychologist , Chances , Shouldn T , Opinions , Guy , Brat , Empathy , The League , Outburst , Football , Well Being , Emotions , Players , Virus Surge , Piece , Resolution , Profile Dispute , Subject , Didn T Want , Jamelle Hill , Irving , Health Rules , Flag , White Flag , Grrr Thief , Rules , Covid List , Contracts , Nets , Kyrie , Ten , Body , Vaccine , Businesses , Games , Feeling , Same , Business , Our Mutual Friend , Tom Badye Yb , Mother , Fan , The New Year , Laughter , Appearance , Pleasure , Discovery , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Eat Fresh , Bacon , Baja , Subway , Shampoo , Gotta Eat Fresh , Andrea Borges , Brush , Death , Viewers , Recovery , 19 , May 19th , Er , 65 , Hospital , Bit , Tracheotomy , Total , Voice , Four , Wheelchair , Muscle , Motor Skills , Couldn T Walk , 35 , Family , Dredree Andrea , Water , Food , Here I Am , Couldn T Talk , Doctors , Sister , Sur Survival , 5 , Vaccines , August 29th , 29 , Booster , Protection , Anyone , Layer , Thinking , Don T Have Asthma , Mind , Didn T , Heart Problems , Coverage , Capital , Snow Emergency , Eagle Eyed Hockey Fan , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , App , The Living Room , Yoga Shanti Slash , Vrbo , Immune System , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Defenses , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Investors , Returns , Asset , Landscape , Gold , Potential , Path , Meetings , Running , Dream , Errands , Version , Record , Turn , Car Insurance , Hang On , Cowboys , Liberty Mutual , Ooo , Tex , Migraine Medicine , 2 , Car , Woman , Experts , Vo , Windshield , Wheels , Safelite , Decompression Zone , Glass , Safety Systems , Technology , Camera , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , You Re Not Alone , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 4673 , 833 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , Stuff , Hockey Fan , Assistant Equipment Manager , Save , Net , Nowhere , Sheefrs , Mole , Neck , Team , Thanks , Melanoma , Hero , Persistence , Instincts , Gratitude , Redd , Hamilton , Nadia Polkavic , Scholarship , Vancouver Canucks , Cat Numbers , Plexiglass , Front , Eye , Lapel , Jacket , Skin Cancer , Attention , Hallmarks , Note , Split Second , Looks , Cracken Gear , Cancer , Bold , Red Font , Cell Phone , Ta , Jessica , Shape , Scar , Surgeon , Arena , Reaction , Malignant Mel Know In A , Granddaughter , Nadia Doesn T , News , Cracken , Godnes Ngoodness If Yo The Avid , Floor , 10000 , 0000 , Red , Both , Monday Morning , Jim Shciutto , Omicron , Map Shows , Spread , Bianna Golodryga ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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a double whammy for the airlines and traveler witness the covid cancellations because of flight crew sick-outs and the snow coming down today. we'll see numbers go up. 10% at the southwest airlines, 10% at skywest, regional airlines for delta, american and united and 13% of all flights at jetblue. just the beginning of what we have seen, the long lines at airports across the country over the weekend, about 5,000 cancellations in total nationwide. long lines at chicago and atlanta, passengers actually staying overnight in atlanta in some cases, just want you to listen now to one of the passengers who has been trying to get home since thursday. >> i tried to leave on thursday and they canceled it and we tried to reschedule for saturday night and rescheduled it again and canceled it. today they canceled it on the way to the airport and now rescheduled for tonight. >> reporter: any lodging or anything at all? >> no, not yet. so yeah. >> reporter: got to be frustrating. >> it is but as long as we can get back it will be good. >> reporter: the big snowstorm hit its hub in chicago at o'hare the hardest. now it's saying that covid cancellations because of flight crew sick-outs have been consistent with what it's seen over the last few days and trying to proactively cancel the flights before flights show up to the airport so they're not disappointed when they get here. 17,000 cancellations in total, john, since christmas eve, a huge number and we've not seen the end of it just yet starting to stick at reagan international airport. they're trying to clear the runway quickly to make sure some flights can get out if they have to. >> it is a cascading problem. pete muntean thank you so much for that report. >> you see the dedication. pete's hair is a national treasure and there he is breathing the elements for us. >> thank you for that. >> just to be clear. students in the nation's largest school district, new york city, are returning from winter break as coronavirus cases are surging across the state. the city's teachers union asked the new mayor eric adams to temporarily revert to remote learning but adams says and he feels strongly about this schools will remain open. erica hill is with us now on this. lagerheads are in disagreement but adams being pretty clear here, erica >> he has been, focused on the additional testing brought into the schools, trying to double the number of students they're randomly testing. it's vaccinated and unvaccinated and the assistant principal at this school says the additional testing will make a difference and as you heard, as we heard rather from the mayor over the weekend, that's a major focus of the strategy to keep kids in school. take a listen. >> the stats are clear, the safest place for children is inside the school. we're going to create a safe environment with testing, identify the children exposed. the numbers show the mere fact a child is exposed in a classroom doesn't mean the entire classroom is exposed. >> reporter: 2 million rapid tests are made available. the assistant principal says they have the rapid tests at the school ready to go so if they need to send them home with staff or students exposed, they can do that as part of an additional new testing regimen. as for the president of the teachers union he advised the city return temporarily to remote learning. the mayor said we're sticking with our core, the mayor expected to be here at this school in a matter of minutes to talk about the return to school today. we're also expected to hear this hour from the union president, to let you know what he says moving forward. i asked specifically about teacher and staff. i was told by the assistant principal they had two teachers who tested positive, no concerns from other teachers about coming back to school today. their kids are doing well and she's an impressed with how well the 3-year-olds and their 3k program are doing, keeping their masks on saying i guess for these kids it's just part of life now. >> yes, they're used to it and it's no big deal at all. erica, thank you. >> with more on all of this, bring in dr. james hamlin, lecturer at yale school of public health. great to see you. mayor adams is starting by saying we're going to keep schools open. that's the decision that we've made. let's talk about how to do it safely. if the schools are going to be open, which he decided is important, what do you do? >> i think the key is ventilation and we're not talking enough before that. masks help but keeping kids in a well-ventilated space is critical and that's something that would require a lot of investment from the city, upgrading all the schools and making, not all of them but many parts of the schools and that should have started two years ago. closing schools is the last thing that we want to have to do. there are so many other things that could be closed or shortened before closing schools. it's important that they stay open, but that the more you can do to test, and to allow people to have hybrid options when they become sick so kids don't fall behind the better off you'll be. it's a difficult situation. >> what about the rest of us, if we take the attitude not saying we're not going to get sick because people are going to get sick but how do we keep moving forward, given the situation we're in now this very high caseload? >> right. this is where we need to go sustainable systems in the world so our schools should have the capacity to deal with this surge and future surges and new respiratory virus without having a big debate every single time whether we need to cancel everything and send everyone home. we are in the process of risk mitigation to make sure as few people suffer unnecessarily as possible. we do our best, but it is going to be important to have systems that are resilient to have people have sick leave, have paid sick leave, have access to affordable health care and testing and well-ventilated spaces and you know, see this as a longer term problem. this is going to be with us indefinitely. >> what's your opinion of when this current surge may abate? >> this virus has pretty much gotten me out of the business of prediction. 'been very surprising. i think we may see another variant right on the heels of this one, and i think we should plan for that and i would hope to be pleasantly surprised but i don't see any benefit in people making predictions about next month being significantly better. we should plan for it not to be and if it is, wonderful. >> if there is just another variant or if the surge lasts a longer time, it gets back to the central issue, which is that as a country, and i understand it's a global issue but as a country we have to figure out a way to keep going and not just survive but continue to thrive. >> yes, exactly. i think that's what you're seeing with recommendations like shortening the period of quarantines to five days, there is a balance between, and this is something constantly dealing with in public health, what would be the ideal, what would make people 100% certain of their safety and health and what will people do, what is consistent with our culture, with people's levels of fatigue, and those are critical debates worth having and we are really thrown off when we treat it as though this is a short term problem because when you have short term problems like the big snowstorm you can tell people we'll cancel school today. when you have a snowstorm that will keep happening you have to think about longer term plans and that might mean restructuring systems like school to be resilient and prepared. >> and in some ways having it be a long-term issue and long-term problem makes some of the decisions easier, not easier to implement but choices easier. these are important discussions to have, dr. hamlin. there is no perfect answer, just different degrees of good and bad here. i appreciate you being part of the discussion, though. >> thank you for having me. the january 6th committee says it has firsthand testimony of what donald trump was doing as the capitol was under siege. we have new cnn reporting next. also we'll hear from a mom who had a change of heart after covid put her in a coma for two months and the football star who lost his shirt, his job, and a whole lot of money in an epic on field display. sleep number? because every great play starts the night before. my sleep number 360 smart bed tracks my circadian rhythm, average heart rate, and breathing rate so i know how well i'm sleeping. it's also temperature balancing so i stay cool. and it senses my movement and automatically adjusts to help keep me comfortable all night. sleep number takes care of the science so i can focus on other things. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ the house select committee has now firsthand testimony about what then president donald trump was up to as his supporters turned insurrectionists stormed the capitol on january 6th last year. here's republican congresswoman liz cheney, who is the vice chair of the committee. >> the committee has firsthand testimony that president trump was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office watching on television as the capitol was assaulted, as the violence occurred. we know that is clearly a supreme dereliction of duty. one of the things that the committee is looking at from the perspective of our legislative purpose is whether we need enhanced penalties for that kind of dereliction of duty but we certainly have never seen anything like that as a nation before. imagine a man who, while the assault was under way, while he was watching television, watching it unfold, not telling his supporters to stop and go home, instead, was sending out a tweet saying mike pence was a coward. this is a man who is too dangerous ever to play a role again in our democracy. >> let's talk about this with jamie gangell. liz cheney, the vice chair of that committee saying firsthand knowledge, that is notable and i know that you've learned more about that. >> right, there was no accident that she said firsthand. so here's what we've learned, in addition to what congresswoman cheney said, a person with knowledge of the investigation has told me that the january 6th committee has information, this is firsthand information from multiple sources that describe what president trump was saying, doing and not doing during the riot. the source told me "there's a collection of people with relevant information." so this isn't just from one source. so just let's translate it firsthand, indicate someone with direct contact or knowledge. it could be someone who is in the room, someone on the phone, but this is firsthand. bottom line, the committee has broken through trump's wall. >> who might some of these people be, jamie? >> what do we know publicly? one witness who has given a deposition to the committee is keith kellogg. he's a retired general. he was former vice president mike pence's national security adviser, but on january 6th, he was actually with trump in the white house when the riot was going on. national security adviser robert o'brien was away, so kellogg was with him all that day. our colleague, alex marchquart reached out to kellogg who told us he testified under oath to the committee but declined to comment about the substance of his deposition, but he was certainly someone who was in the room. >> so jamie, you said it was no accident liz cheney used the words that she used. >> right. >> i think she's very careful in her language. why is she saying this now? >> this is part of the committee's strategy to let trump know that people who were in the room, possibly inner circle certainly keith kellogg was in the room, are cooperating with the committee. this is a warning to trump that while he may get people like steve bannon to delay or defy the committee, the committee is still getting critical firsthand evidence, and i think, john, it also sends a message to others in trump world that key witnesses are cooperating, that they should cooperate, too. >> maybe if they're on the fence and they're watching this. so what's the significance of what the committee is learning about what trump was doing as the capitol riot was unfolding? >> so look, we will know much more when the committee has its hearings, but right now, let's think about the questions the committee may be getting answers to. we know ivanka trump, his daughter, came at least twice to try to get him to do something. what did he say to ivanka? what did he say to others like mark meadows, his chief of staff? what did he say to people who we know called him. jim jordan, congressman jim jordan, kevin mccarthy and also an interesting example, what did he say to senator tuberville? we know in the middle of the riot, he calls senator tuberville actually on mike lee's phone. he gets the phones confused, and tells tuberville delay it even more. look, they just took mike pence out. i've got to get off the phone. but all of this evidence speaks to, as you quoted liz cheney saying, was "a supreme dereliction of duty for those 187 minutes." it's not that they don't want -- let me be clear -- for the documents from the national archives, but the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. >> one last question, jamie. >> sure. >> politico noted that there are some republicans close to kevin mccarthy who think he made a tactical mistake by not putting other republicans besides liz cheney and adam kinzinger onto the committee after they said you couldn't have jim jordan and jim banks's they may be witnesses here. how much of an impact is that having? >> i think it's having a huge impact. look, liz cheney is a republican. adam kinzinger is a republican. the argument that there isn't -- there are republican staff members on the committee. there is bipartisan imput. if kevin mccarthy had other republican members on the committee, he would know what was going on. he does not know that now. >> jamie gangel, it is interesting to think about what that might mean in the coming weeks and months. thank you for your reporting. >> thank you. legendary journalist bob woodward who revealed so much of what happened inside the white house that day joins us next to react to all of these revelations. plus have the nba and nfl surrendered to their vaccine refusers? with their iconic grilled cheese? by saying yes. yes to new inventions! yes to clean and fresh ingredients! and yes to living life to the flavor-fullest. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> very significant. keith kellogg the retired lieutenant general is somebody who is a trump loyalist, also an institutionalist. he used to say within the white house that trump and pence, the vice president were fire and ice. you can guess who was fire, trump, and pence was ice. and kellogg as we found from multiple firsthand witnesses was with trump on january 6th in the office with trump begging trump to tweet out to stop the violence, and he said memorably, mr. president, not everyone is carrying a television on their shoulder. prays go out and tweet, and this is a mob and when you have a mob, you have lost it. trump would not respond and so kellogg went to find ivanka trump, trump's daughter and she went to see trump, her father in the oval office dining room three times from multiple witnesses, and one of the things she said to president trump is let this thing go. eventually he did tweet but it was delayed, so in a sense from the point of view of an investigation, having somebody like keith kellogg there who was a participant, who is now under oath, you couldn't get a better witness. it's somebody that republicans would have to look at and say wait a minute, this is a credible strong person, somebody who served in the military for decades. >> do you think that other trump loyalists, bob, may look at this, may look at keith kellogg who confirmed to cnn he testified under oath that they'll look at this testimony and they might be swayed to participate as well? >> there's almost an avalanche of movement where people want to not necessarily cooperate and support the committee but they want to protect themselves, and any lawyer will tell somebody in that position, if you don't have some sort of involvement that's criminal or something that you want to conceal, the best course of action is to go ahead. interesting enough, after january 6th, keith kellogg went to ivanka trump and her husband, jared kushner, and said let's bring things together. let's smooth this over and propose that trump give the presidential medal of freedom to pence, his vice president. wouldn't be hard, of course, ivanka and jared said, well, we'll wait on that. that's not going to work at this point so big movement. >> a lot of what we're hearing from the committee seems to be laying the groundwork for what will ultimately be the public hearings here. what do you think the story is that the committee will ultimately tell to the country and what will the significance of that be? >> well, obviously, if they have witnesses, if they have documents, do they have some sort of tape recordings? of course, watergate was broken with nixon's secret taping system. we haven't seen something like that. i think there's a big looming question, maybe the committee has answered that. maybe reporters have. it's being worked on. who is the operational commander of what happened january 6th? it didn't come out of thin air and the little pieces that we know. somebody had to get 1,000 people to do the same thing at the same time, and that's extraordinary, so much to be done but the aggressive and comprehensive stance this committee has taken is the soundest course any investigation can pursue. >> a lot of americans have their minds made up about what happened january 6th and who is to blal. what do you see this committee do to communicate findings and maybe get through to some people? >> it's hard these days to take the partisan tinge out of anything. they have a chance as pointed out by liz cheney, the republican. it is a bipartisan committee and things like this rest on evidence, not on politics. historically in this country this goes back 50 years to watergate, once the tapes were released and it was clear to republicans what nixon had done. they abandoned him and turned on him and nixon resigned. as we know, trump's not in office. big question , what is the political course he has chosen, if he has chosen one, will his committee's work have any impact? what's great about this country. we can have the reporting and this committee operating. we can have trump having his say and reporters have their say and you'll see a doctor on talking about the virus, i thought made an excellent point, get out of the prediction game. >> get out of the prediction game. bob, thank you so much. we'll keep our eyes open to see what is going on to get out of the prediction game here. just ahead, a mom who spent two months in a coma, emerging with a message about her change of heart. also, what was going on here? what led to antonio brown just storming off the field, taking his uniform off and what's the nfl's role in allowing all of this to happen, the conditions that let it happen. plus a live look at washington, where a snowstorm has completely shut down the federal government. aren't others doing that? others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop? then i give you our best lollipop? that's not fair. at at&t. we think it's only fair that all customers get our best deals and you get a choice of plans. she said. everyone, it's not complicated. only at&t gives both new and existing customers are saying best deals, like up to $1000 off our most popular smartphones with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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"antonio brown has been a mess for years and so when we saw that yesterday, i couldn't believe what i was watching in the sense i've never seen a player do this. on the other hand, it was like oh, this is the end of the antonio brown saga that maybe we should all have seen coming. >> yes. by the way of background, we've watched him do a lot of thing to blow up his career and given chance after chance. he wanted out of pittsburgh in 2019, went to the raiders, p played not one game. left went to the patriots, played one game for the patriots, suspended for a series of legal issues, and then tom wants him to play as if i know tom brady, t.b. wants him to play for him in tampa. they bring him on and they really support him from what it looks like. we're hearing that bruce arians the head coach asked him to go into the game and he refused and the coach said get out. i'm pretty sure he didn't mean leave at that moment and also costly. some eight catches away from a bonus that could have added up to 1$1 million. this is a bigger issue here. antonio has been this way and they've given him chance after chance and he clearly is in need of some sort of help. there is no discipline in place for this. >> that's what i'm getting at here. i don't know what's going on with him exactly. i only know what i see here and he seems to be and i don't want to make him a victim necessarily either because he has done things that we know are just flat out wrong. on the other hand he needs help and i wonder if the teams have let him down. >> a great question when this happened yesterday, i was watching it and just like you have never seen anything like it. i don't believe we will. everyone knew inside of that locker room in the league that he needs some sort of help. you can't force someone to help them themselves. maybe you should sit and talk to someone. i'm no psychologist but i do know that everyone knows he's not okay. if we can see that, shouldn't the league do something? there are so many people who have these opinions that say he doesn't deserve any more chances. he's being this guy, he's taking it for granted, being a brat. i have no empathy for him. i have mixed emotions. everyone knew this was going to happen eventually. how and if it would happen to tom brady, i don't think we could have predicted that. this outburst is not surprising. >> this can't be about football. this has to be about health and well-being. on the subject of health, jamelle hill wrote a piece the nfl and nba caved to players who didn't want to be vaccinated. the resolution of the nets high profile dispute with irving is part of a larger problem confronted with the latest virus surge, the nba and nfl waved the white flag easing their health rules. your take? grrr thief waved a white flag because they don't have any players. there are no more players. everyone's on the covid list. i'm not plaming the nfl. we're figuring out covid in real time and people are making up rules as they go and they have to adjust. the situation is, specifically with kyrie, the nets had no more players and needed some players, hobbling together players, signing people who have not played for the last two or three years to ten-day contracts because they simply needed a body. you could be boosted and have a vaccine and get it. they were feeling at the end of the day as all businesses are, it's about money and people want to see the players play. christmas day games are not the same. so many people were out because of covid. i feel like they're just adjusting at the end of the day and we know it's all about the business of it. >> cari champion, i look forward to getting together with you and our mutual friend tom badye y b the new year. [ laughter ] thank you for being with us this morning. >> pleasure. a mother has a change of heart after covid put her in a coma. she tells her story next. a fan notices something concerning about a coach's appearance during the game. the discovery may have saved his life. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. a mother of five who survived covid and spent two months in a coma is now speaking out about her close brush with death. andrea borges was unvaccinated when she contracted the virus and with us now. thank you for being with us. it is wonderful to see you. i'm happy you could be with us. i wonder if you could start by telling viewers who you went through, you were in a coma for two months and in recovery. >> i tested positive on may 19th and within five days, i was in the er. from there i was in a coma for 65 days. a spent a total of four and a half months in the hospital. i still got a little bit of raspy voice from having a tracheotomy. i couldn't walk. i lost my motor skills and my muscle, dropped about 35 pounds and came home in a wheelchair, re-learned how to walk again, and basically didn't have water or food, couldn't talk for four months. here i am. >> and it's amazing, and on dredree andrea, your family thought they were going to lose you. >> yes, the doctors told my children, my sister, my husband that i had a 5% chance of sur survival. and even if i did, i'd be in the hospital until at least january. i came home august 29th. >> so i wonder now what is your message about vaccines, as someone who knows about that decision to remain unvaccinated. >> i was against it. and i just, i don't want anyone to go through what i went through, and the only thing i can say it just have an extra layer of protection and get vaccinated, get the booster. i feel like everyone should have a choice, but at the same times it's about protecting yourself and others. >> can you take us into your thinking, you know, before you were sick, why -- because i think what so many people watching this will wonder is why did it take nearly dying to change your mind about vaccines? >> i was healthy. i had no underlying health issues, not a smoker, don't have asthma, didn't have any heart problems, no lung problems, and i did not know that it was going to affect me the way it did. i thought i was going to be sick for four or five days and then be fine and that's not how it went >> andrea, i thank you so much for being with us to share your story. i'm so thankful for you and for your family and your five kids that you are here to share this with us. andrea, thank you. >> thank you. here's what else to watch today. a snow emergency in the nation's capital, schools closed the government shut down. live coverage on cnn. and next what an eagle-eyed hockey fan spotted from the stands that may have helped save a life. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. time for "the good stuff." a hockey fan credited with a save even though sheefrs nowhere near the net. assistant equipment manager new year's day your instincts were right and that mole on the back of my neck was a malignant melanoma and thanks to your persistence it is gone. help us find the hero so i can express my gratitude. the team found that fan and surprised her with a scholarship for med school. joining me is brian redd hamilton, assistant equipment manager for the vancouver canucks and the fan who alerted him to the cancerous mole on the back of his neck, nadia polkavic. nadia, you were sitting behind the glass behind the canucks bench watching cat numbers team and their staff during the game and who did you see and what exactly did you do? >> yes, thank you so much for having me on in the first place. we're fairly close to the players and the staff members. we're right up on the plexiglass and redd happened to walk by a couple times, he was far away from me and occasionally he'd walk in front of me [ muted ] -- >> i think we lost nadia there. i'll finish the story for her. go ahead, nadia, what did you see? >> he reached for something and the lapel of his jacket fell down and i could see this mole and caught my eye and met all the hallmarks for what i saw skin cancer looked like. >> you wrote a note on your phone. how did you get his attention? >> i knew he had a split second to look at my words and i was dressed in cracken gear so totally understandable if he didn't believe me so i wrote the mole on the back of your neck looks like it's possibly cancerous. please go see a doctor. mole, cancer and doctor in bold, red font just so his eye was immediately drawn to it and i'm so lucky that he was able to see it. >> so redd, that's a pretty strange thing to see on an opposing team's fan's cell phone. what did you think when you first saw ta? >> i honestly didn't know what to think. it threw me off and i didn't take is very seriously at first. i was like well, that's really weird. i've never seen a mole on the back of my neck, didn't know it existed. the next day we had flown home that i asked jessica if i had a mole on the back of my neck and she's like yeah, it's a weird shape. so okay. >> the doctor told you what? >> i saw the doctor on tuesday, and he told me he didn't like it. "i don't like the shape of it. i'd like to cut it out." he gave me two options. he said he could cut it out and there might be a little bit of a scar or i could go see a plastic surgeon and there would be no scar. i said if we're worried, this worried about it, let's get it out. i'm not worried about a scar on the back of my neck so on thursday before our game, when the doctor came to the arena, he cut it out on thursday. >> and found out that it was cancerous and malignant mel know in a. you've got a history of cancer in your family. your mother's reaction to this? >> yes, my poor mom. my mom, and i don't know that this is coming up, nadia doesn't know this, i didn't tell her but my mom has lost two children of cancer, and a granddaughter, so when i told mom, it was a little bit scary to tell her, but i tried to keep very positive that this mole was fairly new, because no one had seen it, and that we could hope for the best, which we didn't get the best news but we got the best of the worst news. >> you found it early enough, it was taken out, it was removed, and you guys got a chance to meet, you finally got a chance to meet after they found you, nadia and the canucks and cracken got together and giving you $10,000 toward medical school. what's that like? >> oh my godnes ngoodness if yo the avid yo where they were announcing that, i almost fell on the floor. i am so unbelievably grateful. the canucks and the cracken, they truly don't know what this means to me. it means the world, and to be able to meet red, which was most important part of the night, and you know, talk to his family and now i'm connected with his family outside of the game and it's just such a beautiful moment and i'm just so lucky and grateful this brought us together. >> it means the world to you, for red, it means his life, and so i know he and his family are super grateful. thanks to both of you for being with us this morning. truly "the good stuff." >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you again, nadia. >> cnn's coverage continues right now. >> good monday morning. i'm jim shciutto. >> i'm bianna golodryga. this map shows what cases of omicron across the u.s. looked like just one month ago. on the right there you see what it looks like today. but despite the faster spread of omicron,

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Sources , President Trump , Collection , Source , Someone , Phone , Room , Contact , Trump Begging , Witness , Jamie , Deposition , Bottom Line , Keith Kellogg , Trump , White House , He S A Retired General , Adviser , Security , Alex Marchquart , Robert O Brien , Colleague , National Security Adviser , Words , Oath , Substance , Language , Inner Circle , Warning , Steve Bannon , Witnesses , Evidence , Message , Others , Hearings , Significance , Fence , Questions , Ivanka Trump , Kevin Mccarthy , Couldn T Have Jim Jordan , Chief Of Staff , Example , Congressman , Jim Jordan , Mark Meadows , Tuberville , Phones , Middle , Mike Lee , Documents , Pieces , Want , Puzzle , A Supreme Dereliction Of Duty , The National Archives , 187 , Question , Mistake , Adam Kinzinger , Politico , Impact , Jim Banks , Staff Members , Members , Imput , Argument , Bob Woodward , Reporting , Jamie Gangel , Nfl , Nba , Revelations , Vaccine Refusers , Grilled Cheese , Inventions , Neuroscientist , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Delivery , Neuriva Plus , Panera , Tv , 1 , , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva , Six , Psoriasis , Moderate , Choice , Otezla , Skin , Cream , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , 75 , Doctor , History , Depression , They Truly Don T , Feelings , Weight Loss , Risk , Weight , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Thoughts , Planning , Headache , Medicines , Treatment , Memories , Cooking , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Plan , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Kitchen , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Comcast , Internet , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Tools , San Francisco , Possibilities , Recology , That S Why , Recycling System , Workers , Ground Up , Employee , Gracias , Actions , Communications , Tack , Inaction , Washington Post , Bob , Peril , Book , Robert Costa , Somebody , Lieutenant General , Trump Loyalist , Keith Kellogg The Retired , Pence , Institutionalist , Ice , Fire , Fire And Ice , Trump On January 6th , Shoulder , Mr , Prays Go Out , Daughter , Mob , Times , Father , Three , Sense , Participant , Point Of View , You Couldn T Get A Better Witness , Loyalists , Cnn , Military , Avalanche , Course , Sort , Position , Involvement , Lawyer , Husband , Enough , Action , Jared Kushner , Vice President , Wouldn T Be Hard , Medal Of Freedom , Point , Jared , Groundwork , Tape Recordings , Watergate , Secret Taping System , Nixon , Reporters , We Haven T , On , Commander , It Didn T Come Out Of Thin Air , 1000 , Stance , Americans , Minds , Blal , Tinge , Findings , Chance , Politics , Tapes , Big Question , Work , Say , Committee Operating , Prediction Game , Eyes , Antonio Brown , Led , Change Of Heart , The Field , Plus A Live Look At Washington , Conditions , Government , Lollipop , Aren T , At T , Deals , Smartphones , Customers , 000 , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Bath , Quality , High Standards , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Homes , Two Million , Owner , Future , Investor , Advice , Consultation , Vanguard , Asthma Attacks , Reactions , Nunormal , Breathing Problems , Count , Add On Injection , Asthma , Nucala , Help , Infections , Breathing , Tongue , Face , Swelling , Trouble , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Infection , Back Pain , Wide Receiver , Jersey , Buccaneer , Gloves , Undershirt , Pads , Tampa Bay , Game , Turning , Jets , Vaccination Card , Bucs , Incident , Carrie Champion , Win , Espn , Player , Host , Podcast , Anchor , Naked With Carrie Champion , The End , Hand , Background , Saga , Patriots , Left , Career , Raiders , Pittsburgh , 2019 , Issues , Tom Brady , Series , T B , Coach , Bruce Arians , Catches , Bonus , Antonio , Million , Eight , 1 Million , Discipline , What S Going On , Victim , Teams , League , Locker Room , Psychologist , Chances , Shouldn T , Opinions , Guy , Brat , Empathy , The League , Outburst , Football , Well Being , Emotions , Players , Virus Surge , Piece , Resolution , Profile Dispute , Subject , Didn T Want , Jamelle Hill , Irving , Health Rules , Flag , White Flag , Grrr Thief , Rules , Covid List , Contracts , Nets , Kyrie , Ten , Body , Vaccine , Businesses , Games , Feeling , Same , Business , Our Mutual Friend , Tom Badye Yb , Mother , Fan , The New Year , Laughter , Appearance , Pleasure , Discovery , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Eat Fresh , Bacon , Baja , Subway , Shampoo , Gotta Eat Fresh , Andrea Borges , Brush , Death , Viewers , Recovery , 19 , May 19th , Er , 65 , Hospital , Bit , Tracheotomy , Total , Voice , Four , Wheelchair , Muscle , Motor Skills , Couldn T Walk , 35 , Family , Dredree Andrea , Water , Food , Here I Am , Couldn T Talk , Doctors , Sister , Sur Survival , 5 , Vaccines , August 29th , 29 , Booster , Protection , Anyone , Layer , Thinking , Don T Have Asthma , Mind , Didn T , Heart Problems , Coverage , Capital , Snow Emergency , Eagle Eyed Hockey Fan , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , App , The Living Room , Yoga Shanti Slash , Vrbo , Immune System , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Defenses , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Investors , Returns , Asset , Landscape , Gold , Potential , Path , Meetings , Running , Dream , Errands , Version , Record , Turn , Car Insurance , Hang On , Cowboys , Liberty Mutual , Ooo , Tex , Migraine Medicine , 2 , Car , Woman , Experts , Vo , Windshield , Wheels , Safelite , Decompression Zone , Glass , Safety Systems , Technology , Camera , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , You Re Not Alone , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 4673 , 833 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , Stuff , Hockey Fan , Assistant Equipment Manager , Save , Net , Nowhere , Sheefrs , Mole , Neck , Team , Thanks , Melanoma , Hero , Persistence , Instincts , Gratitude , Redd , Hamilton , Nadia Polkavic , Scholarship , Vancouver Canucks , Cat Numbers , Plexiglass , Front , Eye , Lapel , Jacket , Skin Cancer , Attention , Hallmarks , Note , Split Second , Looks , Cracken Gear , Cancer , Bold , Red Font , Cell Phone , Ta , Jessica , Shape , Scar , Surgeon , Arena , Reaction , Malignant Mel Know In A , Granddaughter , Nadia Doesn T , News , Cracken , Godnes Ngoodness If Yo The Avid , Floor , 10000 , 0000 , Red , Both , Monday Morning , Jim Shciutto , Omicron , Map Shows , Spread , Bianna Golodryga ,

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