Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

streets. sudan prime minister resigns weeks after being reinstated . a post holiday sirge in covid infections is gripping the u.s. leading to 14,000 flights cancelled in the last ten days. more than 300 flights are already cancelled for today. a nightmare for people scrambling to get home. the seven day average of new cases in the u.s. experts warn it's likely to get worse. in the days ahead. vast majority of the country seen here in dark red is struggling with 50% or more new infections in the past week. compared to the previous week. so far hospitalizations are the below the previous peeks. but top health experts dr. fauci is urging people to take the omicron variant seriously. >> so it's kind of like a very interesting somewhat complicated issue. when you have a virus that might actually be less severe in the pathogen. but so many people are getting affected. the net amount of people that will require hospitalization might be up. so we can't be complacent in the reports which are likely accurate that it is ultimately in the big picture less severe. we're still getting a lot of hospitalizations. >> schools across the u.s. are wrestling with how to get students and staff back into the classroom safely. for many a return to virtual learning is likely. at least for a little while. others can expect tough new restrictions. cnn reports. >> after adapting to the covid era of teaching. schools are preparing to ep up again after the holiday break. welcome back student ands staff. taking a more aggressive approach. for example several schools will begin the semester with remote teaching. students and staff in washington d.c. will have to have a negative test before they head back to class. here's how the nations largest school system is going to be hands lg this return. of course we're talking in new york city. schools will distribute at home tests to students and staff. who have symptoms. or been exposed to a positive person. kids who are asymptomatic and test negative will be allowed to continue with in person teaching. kids with symptoms may not attend school until they receive two negative tests that have been taken 24 hours apart. kids and staff the test positive they will have to isolate at home for ten days. until they have the negative test. this is really just a big effort to try to limit disruption for students as they return back to class. over the weekend we heard from the secretary of education in the u.s. who is urging classes and schools to remain open. this semester. >> the message hasn't changed. we need to make sure we're following mitigation strategies. and providing a safe learning environment. and providing vaccination. so the whole school community is safe. double down now. omicron is higher to make sure we're doing everything. it works. we went from 47% of schools open in person in january. of last year. to 99% in december. >> secretary acknowledged he expects what he described as bumps in the road. that the next few weeks as already his department received phone calls from schools that have announced know that five to 10% of the staff will be unavailable. as they start the semester. >> joining me now. a doctor an emergency physician. great to have you with us. what is the safest way to get kids back to school considering cases of omicron are surging across the u.s.? >> thanks for having me. happy new year. i believe the way that new york is handling is a very good one. giving home testing to the hands of every student and the so to speak tests to stay in school. that's a very good strategy. or if parents aren't comfortable. there should be a good option for virtual learning. for at least most of january. i don't think it would extend into february or march. just for the temporary virtual option. so testing virtual and also a high quality mask will be important. because this variant is more transmissible and doesn't need as much virus in the air to infect anybody. >> the fda is expected to authorize pfizer booster shots for kids over the age of 12. how do you feel about this? as a physician. >> i think it's important. people that we're seeing admitted mostly are unvaxed or sick enough to end up in the emergency room. are those who are fully vaxed by not boosted. so i think it's definitely going to go a long way. to getting kids safe on a whole. and contribute to schools being safe. we can't unfortunately schools are going back tomorrow. many of them. many are going back the week after. and it's hard to a group like that. the that large vaccinated so quickly. virtual learning for a month with a really really massive ramp up for boosters. for those kids that are 12 to 15. would really go a long way. because we do see there's a little bit about the same severity in unvaxed children as delta. this is spreading a lot faster. there's a concern there. >> good and well to get boosters to children who are double vaccinated. the take up rate for kids we know is low. i guess from your perspective why is this. how does the government the medical community combat this. >> it's tough i think we're all exhibiting a little bit of pandemic fatigue. the virus isn't tired of us. that's what we have to remember. everybody individual action is what goes into when you are considering a pandemic. it's the collective of the country of our globe is getting our as many people doing right thing as possible. and keeping the amount of virus that is circulating people who are boosted have if they do get omicron, have the virus for a much less length of time. they shed less virus. they give it to less people. a ton of people are coming in kids as well, and when the ers get flooded it's hard to take care of the run of the mill emergencies. at this point. strokes and heart attacks. car crashes. it's important that everyone do what they can. >> we know that there's been a spike in cases among children. is it because they haven't been vaccinated? >> yes. that has something to do with it. they have for those who have been very careful or haven't been exposed to the virus yet, their immune systems are still naive to sars. if they are not vaccinated absolutely they'll have a higher risk of being hospitalized or being severely affected. compared to a population of children who are vaccinated. or young adult who is are vaccinated. so it's also in those who are under five. air ways are a bit smaller. and the virus does replicate really quickly in the air ways. so the kids can't toll rat as much air way inflammation as adults can. >> we know new york new mayor is considering a booster mandate. for city employees. do you think that this is what's now required considering we are as you say, two years into this pandemic. >> absolutely. it's a great idea. the right public health move. anybody who is going indoors to vaccines aren't really giving any efficacy in prempbting you from getting omicron. if you are six months out. you have 0 to 20% efficacy in having in getting it. and transferring it. there's still a good efficacy against you getting really sick. but if we're trying to tamp down the amount of spread requiring boosters to go indoors. requiring boosters. it's what is going to really impact the spread and we're back to the same all the way back in march 2020. i'd like to reckon flatten the curve. we're not at square one. we need to flatten the curve. this virus is is hyper transmissible and really spreading quickly. >> great to have your insight. and thank you for your time. really appreciate it. >> thank you. u.s. defense secretary has tested positive for covid-19. austin made the announcement on sunday. saying he did have mild symptoms on home on leave. his immediate staff have started contact tracing. president biden who he last met with before christmas. after testing negative. the defense chief says he's fully vaccinated and received a booster. he says he was last at the pentagon on thursday. and followed all covid precautions the short time he was there. china is reporting a drop in the number of covid cases. the city of 13 million people has been under strict lock down measures for two weeks. authorities pursue a zero covid strategy. christy are authorities hopeful the out break is under control? >> they have hope and in the zero covid policy. and as a result of it, we're seeing cases falling but also at the expense of people being able to access freely to go out and get food. what's happening the out break is the worst china has seen in months. earlier today, chinese health authorities announced that there were about 101 new cases of covid-19. that's down from 131 the day before. but the vast majority of new cases are from the northern chinese city. known for of course the warriors. it is a thriving industrial hub. and high-tech center home to 13 million people. since december 23, that's 12 days ago, 13 million people in this major metropolis have been under lock down. not allowed to go out except get a covid test. they can't leave for food or essential supplies. and public shamings taking place. involving people accuse och of breeching protocol on sunday we learned to senior communityist party officials were removed from their posts because of their pandemic performance. and we have been closely monitoring social media in the hong kong news room. to get an understanding a picture of what it's like on ground during this prolonged lock down. it paints a picture of control and desperation. he's one clip i want to share. we're seeing here is a man attempting to enter a residential compound. this clip was taken and shared. he was trying to enter the compound with a bag of food. a bag of steamed buns. there is an altercation. between him and the antipandemic workers. the man stumbles. and the guns scatter all over the ground. local police they have been forced to respond to the video after it went viral. they acknowledge there was a dispute. they said yes, a man was involved in this altercation and attacked by the antipandemic workers. the two staff members apologized to the man. and were punished with a fine and they have been detained for zefb days. the government vowed to deliver three to five days worth of food for people who are stuck at home. on friday state run media reported that the deputy mayor said that they will eventually loosen restrictions. for certain areas in this city. that have no cases of covid-19. or no close contact of confirmed cases of the virus. >> thank you. sudan political future is a question mark. ongoing mass protests the prime minister resigns. details just ahead. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. a man is under arrest in in connection with with a fire at the south african parliament. it caused damage on the first and second floor of the old building. and the third floor roof collapsed. a government official said the suspect was arrested inside parliament. authorities believe someone tampered with the sprinkler system. >> sudan in deeper political turmoil with the resignation of prime minister. his resignation came after a doctors group said security forces killed three protesters during anticoup demonstrations on sunday. the military ousted him in october. and briefly detained him. he was reinstated in a deal with the coup leaders in november. his supporters denounced the agreement. joining us on the phone. upon his announcement, he said the country is going through a dangerous turning point that may threaten its entire survival if it's not remedied soon. what will bring the people together or at least to the table? >> there's a need for him to bring the party together. yet he admitted he failed. in the six weeks since he was r reinstated. he didn't name a government. and the divisions in the military and civilian wing of government just couldn't get any closer. despite the legitimate he was in the coup and the weeks after. he was reinstated, people continue to protest. they thought ts military were still in charge. that is the reality and it's difficult to bring everybody together. when he explained why he couldn't come back in government. >> even after the october 25 coup. we signed a frame work with the military. in attempt to get back on track towards a democratic transition. to put an end to the bloodshed. for the release of prisoners. and safeguard what has been achieved throughout the past few y years and adhere to the constitutional declaration the government in transition. >> he hoped this would be a way to plan agree on a document. the protests will continue. even as the military crack down violently. protesters more people were killed in demonstrations yesterday. thousands have been killed since the october 25 coup. and the military completely out of the -- >> join we appreciate the update. >> the house committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol is revealing new details. all this just ahead of the january 6 anniversary. we'll have the latest from capitol hill coming up. st in yo! less sick days! cold coming on? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. despite skyrocketing case numbers in the netherlands. a protest against tough new restrictions and clashes between demonstrators and police. we have that and other covid stores making headlines around the world. >> breaking the rules. thousands of people filling the streets of amsterdam on sunday. defieing the netherlands strict cokoid restrictions. which ban large public gatherings. riot police at times using batons and shields to break up the crowd of people who ignore parts of the government lock down. imposed in mid-december. that closed all non-essential shops. no more than two people age 13 and up can gather outside. >> i had to there wasn't much problems for me. a little bit cold and runny nose. a headache. and that's it. so for me, i'm not scared. for this new virus. omicron. >> cases of the fast spreading variant rise around the world. health experts warn people not to be complacent about what they think they know about the virus. >> it's kind of like a very interesting somewhat complicated issue. where you have a virus that might actually be less severe in its pathogen. but so many people are getting infected that the net amount the total amount of people that were required hospitalization might be up. >> testing facilities and hospitals have been inundated with omicron patients. in new york emergency medical services were instructed not to transport stable patients experiencing flu like symptoms to hospitals. to help ease the burden on emergency rooms. islands health department reported a staggering number of new infections. with more new confirmed cases reported over the holiday period. than in all of 2020. and as people return to school and work, after the holiday break. more coronavirus measures could be on the table. in england secondary students told to wear masks in school. so they can continue in person learning. french schools also beefing up testing procedures. to try to keep the doors open there. as french lawmakers consider a bill that would limit unvaccinated people from getting into restaurants, bars and other public venues. traffic snarls continue across the globe. bad weather and staffing shortages due to covid-19 sick outs cancelling thousands of flights in the u.s. alone. the back up causing long lines in airports. a perfect storm of sickness and crowds. that could give omicron even more opportunity to spread. >> joining us now live from rome with the latest. tell us how are european governments coping with the surge of cases? >> as all the cases surge the focus is on how to get the kids back to school safely. you have in the uk they have to be tested before they go back. here in italy kids don't go back until next week. they have to if there are three positive cases in a classroom, they classroom will have to go to distance learning and in france kids go back today. they're looking at how they have three positive cases the kids are distant learning. they are looking at a new measure. that means a positive case in the class. the kids have to be tested every three days. in order to stay in the classroom. so the focus really right now party is over. holiday is over. and how do you keep the kids in class. these governments are focussed on that at the moment. >> how are people reacting where you are in rome to the measures? >> well, right here we're standing in front of a pop up test site. a lot of people are getting tested to go back to work. maybe they have been in contact with a positive person. and nerve about that. and people are reacting and compliant here. people don't want to be locked down. they're doing everything they can in order to try to maintain a healthy environment in the workplace and home place. and the schools and things like that. in the netherlands they are protesting against the sorts of measures. it's very different across europe. every government has a different approach. and the people in the countries have a different reaction to those approaches here in italy it's almost impossible to do anything without a vaccine. that's something they're looking for in france too. vaccinated the only ones on the street is what they want. >> joining us from rome. many thanks. india reporting 34,000 new cases today. four times the single day recorded just a week ago. the health minister is calling on states to tap into the emergency covid response fund. despite the new wave of infections only 17% of the more than $3 billion set aside have been utilized. joining us now. the last years delta surge and the ensuing crisis is obviously still fresh in peoples mind. are authorities better prepared for omicron? >> yes there has been a ramping up on beds. medical oxygen supply has been ramped up. more factories producing it now. remember during the second wave in the month of may, the peak of the second wave. we saw 400,000 cases of covid-19. and that point in time when we were talking about the crisis when it came to medical oxygen. yes some lessons learned. many not. like you just mentioned 17% of the covid-19 emergency fund has been utilized. the there's so much more the states can use. to ramp up facilities medically and otherwise. while awaiting the third wave. which i would say is knocking at india's door. why do i say that? you mention the numbers. 33,000 cases in the last 24 hours. monday last week about 7,000 plus cases. in the last 24 hours back then. so we have seen a four fold increase already. let's talk about two cities. there's been a tenfold increase in the number of cases they are reporting daily. today compared to eight days ago. clearly the cases are surging. omicron cases stand at 1,700. officially. that's the number that we have from the health ministry. that is also been rising at a very fast pace. i'm standing at a hospital. children between ages 15 and 18 are being vaccinated. this commenced today. and they are the most vulnerable lot of the people really. they haven't received a single vaccine. until now. that is commenced the hope is children younger will be standing in line soon. there's a booster shot. announced by the prime minister. for front line workers and healthcare workers and senior citizens. that starts later this month. political gatherings haven't stopped. nor public gatherings. in february last year there was an election. the elections in many states this year as well. and that is the worry and the biggest challenge we're going to be facing in the coming days. >> thank you. in the coming hours, prince andrew legal battle to block a sexual assault case against him faces a major test. lawyers claim an agreement between the virginia and jeffrey epstein shields the prince from her lawsuit to accusing him of sexual assault. that deal is expected to be unsealed later today in a new york courtroom. cnn max foster reports. >> reporter: this is an incredibly difficult case for the royal family. the longer it goes on the more it damages the brand. they're leaving it to prince andrew legal team. and what they're trying to do is get the case thrown out. they failed in the most recent attempt. which was to argue the u.s. court doesn't have jurisdiction here. because she's living in australia. that's thrown out. the next attempt to have the case thrown out comes on monday. into focus on monday. because his legal team claims there's an agreement in existence between them that says she wouldn't pursue cases like this. against prince andrew. and other people involved. in all of the claims. that document is sealed. it will be unsealed on monday. we wait to see what's in that. on tuesday the judge will consider whether or not the case should be thrown out. if it's not it continues. we're looking at possible depositions from prince andrew. his former wife. even the dutchess. meghan markle. they think she can add something to the case. one of the other key things the judge will consider is a claim that she had sex in maxwells house in london. after going to a nightclub. where she says prince andrew was sweating profusely. andrew denies going to the nightclub. he says he was in a restaurant elsewhere in london. at the time. he says at the time, he had a medical condition. that meant he couldn't sweat. the team asked for documents to back up that medical claim. prince andrew team say he hasn't got those documents. they are a private matter anyway. and they are immaterial to the case. another part of the wide story the judge needs to consider. and whether or not to continue actually with this case. and take it to trial. international viewers. word sport is next. in the u.s. i'll be back. 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ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. at least 14 million people in the u.s. are currentsly under a winter storm warning. weather alerts in place from texas to tennessee and the mid-atlantic. the northern areas of alabama, georgia, south carolina and eastern tennessee could see two to five inches of snow. cnn meteorologist joins us now with more. how severe will the storms be? >> the storms have certainly had a history of being very severe across the southern united states. just in the first couple days of the year. 70 severe weather reports. and tornados. in the past 24 hours. big changes in store. notice what happened here. across tennessee and georgia. temperatures shifting around by about 50 degrees. in a matter of just a 24 hour period. memphis on saturday climbed up to 80 degrees. a record temperature. sunday the best they could do 30 degrees. notice atlanta 78. monday forecasts 44 degrees. all of this in spots cold enough to support winter weather. and a dramatic shift from spring like into the heart of winter. notice the system is on the move. snow showers at this hour across northern areas of alabama. northwest areas of the state of georgia. and high winds alerts. widespread across the region. the entirety of the state of georgia underneath high wind alerts. wind gusting as high as 40 miles per hour. that's just one element of the system. as it moves further to the coastline, tapping into moisture. and we're looking at at least two to three inches of snow. of the appalachians and the nations capitol. as high as eight inches of snowfall. all this is naert matter of the next six to ten hours. quick moves system. fair amount of potency. as it moves through heavy snowfall in store. around the washington d.c. region. into the early morning rush hour of monday. could continue to the early afternoon hours adds well. and what's impressive about this, look at washington d.c. they haven't had more than two and a half inches of snow in the city there in over a thousand days. going back to january of 2019. the last time it snowed at all less than an inch 11 month ago. this will be an impressive snow event. as much as 1,000 flights already cancelled. of course we know a lot of that has to do with the virus taking place. also the weather certainly not helping. >> as always. good to see you. thank you. hundreds are still without power in colorado. following the devastating wild fire. the fire tore through boulder county on thursday destroying nearly 1,000 homes. the cause of the fire is under investigation. authorities do have a few clues. cnn has the latest. >> reporter: two people are still missing. one woman from superior: and one man. the sheriff says it's a difficult task searching the burn zone. especially given the extensive debris and destruction with houses reduced to ashes. some covered in about eight inches of snow in some places. officials point out two missing people out of 35,000 is quite extraordinary. at the same time investigators are working with experts and partners including the fbi to look into how the fire started. a search warrant was executed on friday. on private property. but the sheriff wouldn't go into detail about the ongoing investigation. the deadly wild fire ignited on a day with extremely dry conditions. especially with a red flag notice. because of high winds. winds reaching over 100 miles per hour. ripped through neighborhoods so fast that about a thousand structures mostly homes were destroyed. we talked to families who lost everything they own. one family said they had just minutes to take their cell phones, dogs and medication. as they drove away under an orange sky. a boulder county commissioner said he had to make a similar escape. luckily his house is okay. he described being at a lookout point with winds strong enough to nearly knock him over. and he realized it was time to go. >> i decided i better get home. i went back to the car, started driving home. got a message from my wife. that we had an evacuation order. in the meantime, i'm told by staff that i need to do an emergency declaration. so as i was trying to think and collect the papers that i would need to get out, the legal papers and all the things that pictures. i had to sign the emergency it was really, really intense. >> many streets are still closed with hot spots still being managed. reopening subdivisions to allow people to take a look at their homes has been a slow process. back to you. >> natasha chen reporting there. anyone looking for the personal twitter account for u.s. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene will find this. twitter suspended one of her accounts over repeated violations of its covid-19 misinformation policy. her personal account had been restricted previously for other false covid claims and misinformation about the 2020 u.s. presidential election. however, her official congressional twitter account is still up and running. well, paris saint germ main says lionel messi and three teammates have tested positive for covid-19 and will not play in the french kupp's round of 32. they said they're isolating associated with the covid protocol. we have more on that and case surges around latin america. >> reporter: not that we needed much of a reminder of this, but we do have another example of the increasingly dire situation as it pertains to covid-19 across latin america with the latest example coming from argentinian soccer legend lionel messi and his club pse. messi is one of four members of that soccer club to have tested positive for this virus. the country where messi is from, argentina, has overall seen a huge spike in the number of cases with a new single day record for the number of cases being reported in a 24 hour period being set within just the last few days there, but it's not just argentina. we are seeing an increasing number of infections in places like brazil, in places like bolivia and mexico where i am at this point. one hopeful sign is that the number of vaccinations, doses the countries have managed to get into their citizens arms in the past six months has increased when you're looking at the broader picture, including a place like chile. it ranks among the top 10 countries in terms of the number of people vaccinated. despite that we heard from the chilean president saying starting in february certain groups, more high risk individuals, will be eligible to receive a fourth dose of this vaccine. an additional booster which can only serve to help that country's population. it is something that other countries might consider doing similar things in the months to come as they all deal with this latest wave of covid-19. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. in the nfl wide receiver antonio brown is now out of a job after walking out on his team. the tampa bay buccaneers mid game in dramatic fashion. well, this happened sunday as the bucs played the new york jets. brown appeared to be upset on the sidelines. some of his teammates tried to calm him down but he pulled off his jersey and pats, threw his shirt into the stands and left. coach and tomorrow brady spoke to reporters about brown's action after the game. >> he is no longer a buck. that's the end of the story. just talking about the guys that went out there and won the game. >> i think everybody should find -- you know, hopefully do what they can to help him in ways that he really needs it. you know, we all love him. we care about him deeply. you know, we want to see him be at his best and unfortunately won't be with our team. i think the most thing about football are relationships with your friends and teammates and t they go beyond the field. i think everyone should be very compassionate and empathetic towards some very difficult things that are happening. >> well, it's still not clear why brown decided to leave the game. he had been suspended for three games last month. he had lied about his covid vaccination status. and in another nfl game the philadelphia eagles saw some unexpected action after their win over washington on sunday. watch the left side of the video. quarterback jalen hurts is walking off the field when a railing his way and several fans pulled to the ground. no one was injured and hurts helped the fans after some took selfies with him. hurts spoke to the media after the incident. >> i'm just happy everybody is safe from it, happy everybody is safe from it. it's crazy. crazy stuff right there. that was a real dangerous situation. i'm so happy everybody bounced back from it. it seemed like passionate eagles fans. i love it. >> the league says it's looking into how the railing collapsed. the nhl is still running a hockey fan who saved a fan's life. she was reunited with vancouver canuck's assistant equipment manager brian hamilton. popovicci supports the rival cracken. she noticed a dangerous mole on hamilton's neck. she banged on the glass to get his attention, held up her phone with the phone saying the hole might be cancer. he did have a melanoma, highly dangerous form of skin cancer. he had it treated and thanks to social media hamilton tracked down his guardian angel. she was honored at saturday's game between the cracken and canucks. here he is praising her play. >> she needs to know she's the story. she's the person that did this. she saved a life. she -- she doesn't know. like she needs to know her efforts were valid and i'm happy that story's there but not for me, for her. the world needs to know this woman exists, she's a hero and, you know, we need to celebrate her and people like her that take the time to do things like this and save lives. >> we certainly do. her ad hoc diagnosis -- the 22-year-old has been accepted to multiple medical schools. he pulled together to give her a $10,000 scholarship. i'm anna coren, thank you so much for your company. i'm back with more "cnn newsroom" in just a minute. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm anna coren live from hong kong. ahead on "cnn newsroom." there have been 90,000 people that are in the hospital right now and 1200 deaths per day. that is not a trivial situation. >> as covid cases surge across the u.s., flight delays an

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Classes , Weekend , Effort , Positive , Disruption , Education , Hasn T , Mitigation Strategies , Safe Learning Environment , Safe , Everything , School Community , Vaccination , 47 , 99 , Department , Know , Phone Calls , Bumps , Road , Five , 10 , Way , Doctor , Emergency Physician , One , Thanks , Handling , Hands , Zero Covid , Option , Student , Most , Parents , Variant , Mask , Quality , Anybody , Air , Doesn T , Booster Shots , Age , Fda , Pfizer , 12 , Emergency Room , Physician , Vaxed , Whole , Group , Many , Boosters , Children , Bit , Ramp Up , Severity , Delta , Unvaxed , 15 , Concern , Up Rate , Government , Perspective , Community , Virus Isn T , Pandemic Fatigue , Everybody , Action , Globe , Pandemic , Collective , Thing , Get Omicron , Length , Point , Ton , Emergencies , Care , Ers , Run Of The Mill , Everyone , Haven T , Spike , Heart Attacks , Strokes , Car Crashes , Something , Immune Systems , Sars , Yes , Risk , Adult , Population , Air Ways , Kids Can T Toll Rat , Adults , Mayor , Inflammation , Booster Mandate , City Employees , Efficacy , Move , Health , Vaccines , Prempbting , Idea , Spread , Getting Omicron , Six , 20 , 0 , March 2020 , 2020 , Curve , Hyper Transmissible , Square One , Defense Secretary , Announcement On Sunday , Insight , Austin , 19 , Biden , Defense Chief , Testing Negative , Contact Tracing , Leave , Number , Booster , City , Drop , Precautions , Pentagon On Thursday , China , 13 Million , Authorities , Measures , Lock , Break , Christy , Zero , It , Hope , Expense , Result , Zero Covid Policy , Food , Health Authorities , Chinese , 131 , 101 , Warriors , Center Home , Northern Chinese , Thriving Industrial Hub , Get A Covid , Essential Supplies , Metropolis , December 23 , 23 , Place , Officials , Posts , Och , Performance , Breeching Protocol On Sunday , Senior Communityist Party , Public Shamings , Man , Ground , Picture , Control , Clip , Social Media , News Room , Desperation , Bag , Compound , Altercation , Buns , Police , Wall , Video , Workers , Guns , Antipandemic , Members , Fine , Dispute , Zefb , Areas , Deputy Mayor , On Friday State Run Media , Three , Contact , Question Mark , Sudan Political Future , Details , Skin , Mass , Serum , Saw , Pure Collagen , 92 , 4 , Neutrogena , System , Diabetes , Glucose Numbers , Challenge , Musician , Scan , Fingersticks , Austin James , Libre 2 , My Name , 2 , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , License Plate , 100 , Questions , Spot , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Arrest , Fire , Government Official , Floor , Connection , Damage , Building , Floor Roof , Suspect , South African Parliament , Someone , Protesters , Sprinkler System , Resignation , Doctors , Security Forces , Turmoil , Deal , Agreement , Supporters , Military , Coup Leaders , Anticoup Demonstrations On Sunday , Phone , Turning Point , Announcement , Survival , Table , Party , Need , Divisions , Closer , Wing , Coup , Charge , Reality , 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Trump , Vice Chair , Sunday , Chair , Leader Mccarthy , Dining Room , Listen , Pleading , Tv , Oval Office , Family , Daughter , Violence , Report , Hearings , Public , Opportunity , Room , Revelation , Riots , Knowledge , Mind Set , Criminal Act , Intent , Sort , Problems , Committee Plans , Justice , Referral , It S Time , Coming Up , Dutch , Sterdam , Foods , Sexual Assault Lawsuit , Goals , Facing A , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Nw Personalpoints Program , Trial , Ww , Help , Tremfya , Arthritis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Psoriatic C , 14 , Vaccine , Patients , Infection , Reactions , Ability , Sports , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Apps , Nice , Voice , Touchdown , Cost , The Hits Won T Quit , Cheering , Peacock Premium , Irish , Case Numbers , Clashes , Protest , Demonstrators , Around The World , Amsterdam On Sunday , Stores , Rules , Defieing , Cokoid , Times , Gatherings , Riot Police , Parts , Crowd , Batons , Lock Down , Mid December , Wasn T , Shops , 13 , Headache , Nose , Rise , World , Hospitals , Testing Facilities , Emergency Rooms , Flu , Services , Burden , Islands Health Department , Coronavirus Measures , Doors , Masks , Person Learning , French , Testing Procedures , England , Weather , Bill , Staffing , Restaurants , Traffic Snarls , Shortages , Bars , Lawmakers , Venues , Storm , Lines , Sickness , Crowds , Airports , Governments , Surge , Rome , Focus , Kids Don T Go Back , Italy , Uk , Case , Distance Learning , Measure , Kids Go Back , France , Holiday , Order , Front , Pop Up Test Site , Environment , Nerve , Things , Countries , Sorts , Reaction , Workplace , Europe , Reporting , Anything , Ones , The Street , India , 34000 , Wave , States , Health Minister , Emergency Covid Response Fund , Four , Crisis , Delta Surge , 17 , 3 Billion , Billion , Peoples , Oxygen Supply , Beds , Factories , Peak , The Month Of May , 400000 , 17 , Oxygen , Emergency Fund , Lessons , Door , Numbers , Ramp Up Facilities Medically , 33000 , Increase , Cities , Talk , Fold , Let , 7000 , Fast Pace , Health Ministry , Eight , 1700 , Hospital , Political Gatherings Haven T , 18 , Healthcare Workers , Front Line Workers , Standing , Line , Senior Citizens , Booster Shot , Election , Elections , Worry , Andrew , Sexual Assault Case , Lawyers , Battle , Jeffrey Epstein Shields , Virginia , Reporter , Prince , Courtroom , Sexual Assault , Lawsuit , Max Foster Reports , Brand , Team , Royal Family , Court , Jurisdiction , Australia , Existence , Judge , Claims , On Tuesday , Wife , Depositions , Dutchess , Meghan Markle , Claim , Nightclub , Restaurant , Sex , Maxwells House , In London , Sweating Profusely , Documents , He Hasn T , Condition , Elsewhere , Couldn T Sweat , Story , Matter , Part , I Ll Be Back , Word Sport , Terms , Cars , Browse , Announcer , Car Buying , Financing , Budget , Numbers , Aren T , Payment , Down Payment , Pay , Penny , Credit Score , Ray , Vacations , Ride , No , Glucose Levels , Alabama , Northern Areas , Mid Atlantic , Winter Storm Warning , Georgia , Eastern Tennessee , Currentsly , Texas , South Carolina , 14 Million , Snow , Storms , More , History , Meteorologist , Notice , Southern United States , Tornados , Changes , 70 , Temperatures , Record Temperature , Memphis , Atlanta , 80 , Spots , Heart , Winter , Snow Showers , Winter Weather , Spring , Shift , 78 , 44 , Region , Alerts , Entirety , Element , Wind Gusting , 40 , High , Coastline , Moisture , Appalachians , Snowfall , Moves System , Rush Hour , Potency , Half , A Thousand , 2019 , January Of 2019 , Virus Taking Place , Snow Event , 11 , 1000 , Homes , Cause , Boulder County , Power , Colorado , Woman , Superior , Clues , Places , Some , Sheriff , Houses , Task , Debris , Ashes , Destruction , Burn Zone , 35000 , Partners , Search Warrant , Property , Wouldn T Go , Friday , Fbi , Winds , Conditions , Neighborhoods , Wild Fire , Red Flag , Families , Cell Phones , Medication , Structures , Orange Sky , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

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streets. sudan prime minister resigns weeks after being reinstated . a post holiday sirge in covid infections is gripping the u.s. leading to 14,000 flights cancelled in the last ten days. more than 300 flights are already cancelled for today. a nightmare for people scrambling to get home. the seven day average of new cases in the u.s. experts warn it's likely to get worse. in the days ahead. vast majority of the country seen here in dark red is struggling with 50% or more new infections in the past week. compared to the previous week. so far hospitalizations are the below the previous peeks. but top health experts dr. fauci is urging people to take the omicron variant seriously. >> so it's kind of like a very interesting somewhat complicated issue. when you have a virus that might actually be less severe in the pathogen. but so many people are getting affected. the net amount of people that will require hospitalization might be up. so we can't be complacent in the reports which are likely accurate that it is ultimately in the big picture less severe. we're still getting a lot of hospitalizations. >> schools across the u.s. are wrestling with how to get students and staff back into the classroom safely. for many a return to virtual learning is likely. at least for a little while. others can expect tough new restrictions. cnn reports. >> after adapting to the covid era of teaching. schools are preparing to ep up again after the holiday break. welcome back student ands staff. taking a more aggressive approach. for example several schools will begin the semester with remote teaching. students and staff in washington d.c. will have to have a negative test before they head back to class. here's how the nations largest school system is going to be hands lg this return. of course we're talking in new york city. schools will distribute at home tests to students and staff. who have symptoms. or been exposed to a positive person. kids who are asymptomatic and test negative will be allowed to continue with in person teaching. kids with symptoms may not attend school until they receive two negative tests that have been taken 24 hours apart. kids and staff the test positive they will have to isolate at home for ten days. until they have the negative test. this is really just a big effort to try to limit disruption for students as they return back to class. over the weekend we heard from the secretary of education in the u.s. who is urging classes and schools to remain open. this semester. >> the message hasn't changed. we need to make sure we're following mitigation strategies. and providing a safe learning environment. and providing vaccination. so the whole school community is safe. double down now. omicron is higher to make sure we're doing everything. it works. we went from 47% of schools open in person in january. of last year. to 99% in december. >> secretary acknowledged he expects what he described as bumps in the road. that the next few weeks as already his department received phone calls from schools that have announced know that five to 10% of the staff will be unavailable. as they start the semester. >> joining me now. a doctor an emergency physician. great to have you with us. what is the safest way to get kids back to school considering cases of omicron are surging across the u.s.? >> thanks for having me. happy new year. i believe the way that new york is handling is a very good one. giving home testing to the hands of every student and the so to speak tests to stay in school. that's a very good strategy. or if parents aren't comfortable. there should be a good option for virtual learning. for at least most of january. i don't think it would extend into february or march. just for the temporary virtual option. so testing virtual and also a high quality mask will be important. because this variant is more transmissible and doesn't need as much virus in the air to infect anybody. >> the fda is expected to authorize pfizer booster shots for kids over the age of 12. how do you feel about this? as a physician. >> i think it's important. people that we're seeing admitted mostly are unvaxed or sick enough to end up in the emergency room. are those who are fully vaxed by not boosted. so i think it's definitely going to go a long way. to getting kids safe on a whole. and contribute to schools being safe. we can't unfortunately schools are going back tomorrow. many of them. many are going back the week after. and it's hard to a group like that. the that large vaccinated so quickly. virtual learning for a month with a really really massive ramp up for boosters. for those kids that are 12 to 15. would really go a long way. because we do see there's a little bit about the same severity in unvaxed children as delta. this is spreading a lot faster. there's a concern there. >> good and well to get boosters to children who are double vaccinated. the take up rate for kids we know is low. i guess from your perspective why is this. how does the government the medical community combat this. >> it's tough i think we're all exhibiting a little bit of pandemic fatigue. the virus isn't tired of us. that's what we have to remember. everybody individual action is what goes into when you are considering a pandemic. it's the collective of the country of our globe is getting our as many people doing right thing as possible. and keeping the amount of virus that is circulating people who are boosted have if they do get omicron, have the virus for a much less length of time. they shed less virus. they give it to less people. a ton of people are coming in kids as well, and when the ers get flooded it's hard to take care of the run of the mill emergencies. at this point. strokes and heart attacks. car crashes. it's important that everyone do what they can. >> we know that there's been a spike in cases among children. is it because they haven't been vaccinated? >> yes. that has something to do with it. they have for those who have been very careful or haven't been exposed to the virus yet, their immune systems are still naive to sars. if they are not vaccinated absolutely they'll have a higher risk of being hospitalized or being severely affected. compared to a population of children who are vaccinated. or young adult who is are vaccinated. so it's also in those who are under five. air ways are a bit smaller. and the virus does replicate really quickly in the air ways. so the kids can't toll rat as much air way inflammation as adults can. >> we know new york new mayor is considering a booster mandate. for city employees. do you think that this is what's now required considering we are as you say, two years into this pandemic. >> absolutely. it's a great idea. the right public health move. anybody who is going indoors to vaccines aren't really giving any efficacy in prempbting you from getting omicron. if you are six months out. you have 0 to 20% efficacy in having in getting it. and transferring it. there's still a good efficacy against you getting really sick. but if we're trying to tamp down the amount of spread requiring boosters to go indoors. requiring boosters. it's what is going to really impact the spread and we're back to the same all the way back in march 2020. i'd like to reckon flatten the curve. we're not at square one. we need to flatten the curve. this virus is is hyper transmissible and really spreading quickly. >> great to have your insight. and thank you for your time. really appreciate it. >> thank you. u.s. defense secretary has tested positive for covid-19. austin made the announcement on sunday. saying he did have mild symptoms on home on leave. his immediate staff have started contact tracing. president biden who he last met with before christmas. after testing negative. the defense chief says he's fully vaccinated and received a booster. he says he was last at the pentagon on thursday. and followed all covid precautions the short time he was there. china is reporting a drop in the number of covid cases. the city of 13 million people has been under strict lock down measures for two weeks. authorities pursue a zero covid strategy. christy are authorities hopeful the out break is under control? >> they have hope and in the zero covid policy. and as a result of it, we're seeing cases falling but also at the expense of people being able to access freely to go out and get food. what's happening the out break is the worst china has seen in months. earlier today, chinese health authorities announced that there were about 101 new cases of covid-19. that's down from 131 the day before. but the vast majority of new cases are from the northern chinese city. known for of course the warriors. it is a thriving industrial hub. and high-tech center home to 13 million people. since december 23, that's 12 days ago, 13 million people in this major metropolis have been under lock down. not allowed to go out except get a covid test. they can't leave for food or essential supplies. and public shamings taking place. involving people accuse och of breeching protocol on sunday we learned to senior communityist party officials were removed from their posts because of their pandemic performance. and we have been closely monitoring social media in the hong kong news room. to get an understanding a picture of what it's like on ground during this prolonged lock down. it paints a picture of control and desperation. he's one clip i want to share. we're seeing here is a man attempting to enter a residential compound. this clip was taken and shared. he was trying to enter the compound with a bag of food. a bag of steamed buns. there is an altercation. between him and the antipandemic workers. the man stumbles. and the guns scatter all over the ground. local police they have been forced to respond to the video after it went viral. they acknowledge there was a dispute. they said yes, a man was involved in this altercation and attacked by the antipandemic workers. the two staff members apologized to the man. and were punished with a fine and they have been detained for zefb days. the government vowed to deliver three to five days worth of food for people who are stuck at home. on friday state run media reported that the deputy mayor said that they will eventually loosen restrictions. for certain areas in this city. that have no cases of covid-19. or no close contact of confirmed cases of the virus. >> thank you. sudan political future is a question mark. ongoing mass protests the prime minister resigns. details just ahead. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. a man is under arrest in in connection with with a fire at the south african parliament. it caused damage on the first and second floor of the old building. and the third floor roof collapsed. a government official said the suspect was arrested inside parliament. authorities believe someone tampered with the sprinkler system. >> sudan in deeper political turmoil with the resignation of prime minister. his resignation came after a doctors group said security forces killed three protesters during anticoup demonstrations on sunday. the military ousted him in october. and briefly detained him. he was reinstated in a deal with the coup leaders in november. his supporters denounced the agreement. joining us on the phone. upon his announcement, he said the country is going through a dangerous turning point that may threaten its entire survival if it's not remedied soon. what will bring the people together or at least to the table? >> there's a need for him to bring the party together. yet he admitted he failed. in the six weeks since he was r reinstated. he didn't name a government. and the divisions in the military and civilian wing of government just couldn't get any closer. despite the legitimate he was in the coup and the weeks after. he was reinstated, people continue to protest. they thought ts military were still in charge. that is the reality and it's difficult to bring everybody together. when he explained why he couldn't come back in government. >> even after the october 25 coup. we signed a frame work with the military. in attempt to get back on track towards a democratic transition. to put an end to the bloodshed. for the release of prisoners. and safeguard what has been achieved throughout the past few y years and adhere to the constitutional declaration the government in transition. >> he hoped this would be a way to plan agree on a document. the protests will continue. even as the military crack down violently. protesters more people were killed in demonstrations yesterday. thousands have been killed since the october 25 coup. and the military completely out of the -- >> join we appreciate the update. >> the house committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol is revealing new details. all this just ahead of the january 6 anniversary. we'll have the latest from capitol hill coming up. st in yo! less sick days! cold coming on? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. despite skyrocketing case numbers in the netherlands. a protest against tough new restrictions and clashes between demonstrators and police. we have that and other covid stores making headlines around the world. >> breaking the rules. thousands of people filling the streets of amsterdam on sunday. defieing the netherlands strict cokoid restrictions. which ban large public gatherings. riot police at times using batons and shields to break up the crowd of people who ignore parts of the government lock down. imposed in mid-december. that closed all non-essential shops. no more than two people age 13 and up can gather outside. >> i had to there wasn't much problems for me. a little bit cold and runny nose. a headache. and that's it. so for me, i'm not scared. for this new virus. omicron. >> cases of the fast spreading variant rise around the world. health experts warn people not to be complacent about what they think they know about the virus. >> it's kind of like a very interesting somewhat complicated issue. where you have a virus that might actually be less severe in its pathogen. but so many people are getting infected that the net amount the total amount of people that were required hospitalization might be up. >> testing facilities and hospitals have been inundated with omicron patients. in new york emergency medical services were instructed not to transport stable patients experiencing flu like symptoms to hospitals. to help ease the burden on emergency rooms. islands health department reported a staggering number of new infections. with more new confirmed cases reported over the holiday period. than in all of 2020. and as people return to school and work, after the holiday break. more coronavirus measures could be on the table. in england secondary students told to wear masks in school. so they can continue in person learning. french schools also beefing up testing procedures. to try to keep the doors open there. as french lawmakers consider a bill that would limit unvaccinated people from getting into restaurants, bars and other public venues. traffic snarls continue across the globe. bad weather and staffing shortages due to covid-19 sick outs cancelling thousands of flights in the u.s. alone. the back up causing long lines in airports. a perfect storm of sickness and crowds. that could give omicron even more opportunity to spread. >> joining us now live from rome with the latest. tell us how are european governments coping with the surge of cases? >> as all the cases surge the focus is on how to get the kids back to school safely. you have in the uk they have to be tested before they go back. here in italy kids don't go back until next week. they have to if there are three positive cases in a classroom, they classroom will have to go to distance learning and in france kids go back today. they're looking at how they have three positive cases the kids are distant learning. they are looking at a new measure. that means a positive case in the class. the kids have to be tested every three days. in order to stay in the classroom. so the focus really right now party is over. holiday is over. and how do you keep the kids in class. these governments are focussed on that at the moment. >> how are people reacting where you are in rome to the measures? >> well, right here we're standing in front of a pop up test site. a lot of people are getting tested to go back to work. maybe they have been in contact with a positive person. and nerve about that. and people are reacting and compliant here. people don't want to be locked down. they're doing everything they can in order to try to maintain a healthy environment in the workplace and home place. and the schools and things like that. in the netherlands they are protesting against the sorts of measures. it's very different across europe. every government has a different approach. and the people in the countries have a different reaction to those approaches here in italy it's almost impossible to do anything without a vaccine. that's something they're looking for in france too. vaccinated the only ones on the street is what they want. >> joining us from rome. many thanks. india reporting 34,000 new cases today. four times the single day recorded just a week ago. the health minister is calling on states to tap into the emergency covid response fund. despite the new wave of infections only 17% of the more than $3 billion set aside have been utilized. joining us now. the last years delta surge and the ensuing crisis is obviously still fresh in peoples mind. are authorities better prepared for omicron? >> yes there has been a ramping up on beds. medical oxygen supply has been ramped up. more factories producing it now. remember during the second wave in the month of may, the peak of the second wave. we saw 400,000 cases of covid-19. and that point in time when we were talking about the crisis when it came to medical oxygen. yes some lessons learned. many not. like you just mentioned 17% of the covid-19 emergency fund has been utilized. the there's so much more the states can use. to ramp up facilities medically and otherwise. while awaiting the third wave. which i would say is knocking at india's door. why do i say that? you mention the numbers. 33,000 cases in the last 24 hours. monday last week about 7,000 plus cases. in the last 24 hours back then. so we have seen a four fold increase already. let's talk about two cities. there's been a tenfold increase in the number of cases they are reporting daily. today compared to eight days ago. clearly the cases are surging. omicron cases stand at 1,700. officially. that's the number that we have from the health ministry. that is also been rising at a very fast pace. i'm standing at a hospital. children between ages 15 and 18 are being vaccinated. this commenced today. and they are the most vulnerable lot of the people really. they haven't received a single vaccine. until now. that is commenced the hope is children younger will be standing in line soon. there's a booster shot. announced by the prime minister. for front line workers and healthcare workers and senior citizens. that starts later this month. political gatherings haven't stopped. nor public gatherings. in february last year there was an election. the elections in many states this year as well. and that is the worry and the biggest challenge we're going to be facing in the coming days. >> thank you. in the coming hours, prince andrew legal battle to block a sexual assault case against him faces a major test. lawyers claim an agreement between the virginia and jeffrey epstein shields the prince from her lawsuit to accusing him of sexual assault. that deal is expected to be unsealed later today in a new york courtroom. cnn max foster reports. >> reporter: this is an incredibly difficult case for the royal family. the longer it goes on the more it damages the brand. they're leaving it to prince andrew legal team. and what they're trying to do is get the case thrown out. they failed in the most recent attempt. which was to argue the u.s. court doesn't have jurisdiction here. because she's living in australia. that's thrown out. the next attempt to have the case thrown out comes on monday. into focus on monday. because his legal team claims there's an agreement in existence between them that says she wouldn't pursue cases like this. against prince andrew. and other people involved. in all of the claims. that document is sealed. it will be unsealed on monday. we wait to see what's in that. on tuesday the judge will consider whether or not the case should be thrown out. if it's not it continues. we're looking at possible depositions from prince andrew. his former wife. even the dutchess. meghan markle. they think she can add something to the case. one of the other key things the judge will consider is a claim that she had sex in maxwells house in london. after going to a nightclub. where she says prince andrew was sweating profusely. andrew denies going to the nightclub. he says he was in a restaurant elsewhere in london. at the time. he says at the time, he had a medical condition. that meant he couldn't sweat. the team asked for documents to back up that medical claim. prince andrew team say he hasn't got those documents. they are a private matter anyway. and they are immaterial to the case. another part of the wide story the judge needs to consider. and whether or not to continue actually with this case. and take it to trial. international viewers. word sport is next. in the u.s. i'll be back. 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ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. at least 14 million people in the u.s. are currentsly under a winter storm warning. weather alerts in place from texas to tennessee and the mid-atlantic. the northern areas of alabama, georgia, south carolina and eastern tennessee could see two to five inches of snow. cnn meteorologist joins us now with more. how severe will the storms be? >> the storms have certainly had a history of being very severe across the southern united states. just in the first couple days of the year. 70 severe weather reports. and tornados. in the past 24 hours. big changes in store. notice what happened here. across tennessee and georgia. temperatures shifting around by about 50 degrees. in a matter of just a 24 hour period. memphis on saturday climbed up to 80 degrees. a record temperature. sunday the best they could do 30 degrees. notice atlanta 78. monday forecasts 44 degrees. all of this in spots cold enough to support winter weather. and a dramatic shift from spring like into the heart of winter. notice the system is on the move. snow showers at this hour across northern areas of alabama. northwest areas of the state of georgia. and high winds alerts. widespread across the region. the entirety of the state of georgia underneath high wind alerts. wind gusting as high as 40 miles per hour. that's just one element of the system. as it moves further to the coastline, tapping into moisture. and we're looking at at least two to three inches of snow. of the appalachians and the nations capitol. as high as eight inches of snowfall. all this is naert matter of the next six to ten hours. quick moves system. fair amount of potency. as it moves through heavy snowfall in store. around the washington d.c. region. into the early morning rush hour of monday. could continue to the early afternoon hours adds well. and what's impressive about this, look at washington d.c. they haven't had more than two and a half inches of snow in the city there in over a thousand days. going back to january of 2019. the last time it snowed at all less than an inch 11 month ago. this will be an impressive snow event. as much as 1,000 flights already cancelled. of course we know a lot of that has to do with the virus taking place. also the weather certainly not helping. >> as always. good to see you. thank you. hundreds are still without power in colorado. following the devastating wild fire. the fire tore through boulder county on thursday destroying nearly 1,000 homes. the cause of the fire is under investigation. authorities do have a few clues. cnn has the latest. >> reporter: two people are still missing. one woman from superior: and one man. the sheriff says it's a difficult task searching the burn zone. especially given the extensive debris and destruction with houses reduced to ashes. some covered in about eight inches of snow in some places. officials point out two missing people out of 35,000 is quite extraordinary. at the same time investigators are working with experts and partners including the fbi to look into how the fire started. a search warrant was executed on friday. on private property. but the sheriff wouldn't go into detail about the ongoing investigation. the deadly wild fire ignited on a day with extremely dry conditions. especially with a red flag notice. because of high winds. winds reaching over 100 miles per hour. ripped through neighborhoods so fast that about a thousand structures mostly homes were destroyed. we talked to families who lost everything they own. one family said they had just minutes to take their cell phones, dogs and medication. as they drove away under an orange sky. a boulder county commissioner said he had to make a similar escape. luckily his house is okay. he described being at a lookout point with winds strong enough to nearly knock him over. and he realized it was time to go. >> i decided i better get home. i went back to the car, started driving home. got a message from my wife. that we had an evacuation order. in the meantime, i'm told by staff that i need to do an emergency declaration. so as i was trying to think and collect the papers that i would need to get out, the legal papers and all the things that pictures. i had to sign the emergency it was really, really intense. >> many streets are still closed with hot spots still being managed. reopening subdivisions to allow people to take a look at their homes has been a slow process. back to you. >> natasha chen reporting there. anyone looking for the personal twitter account for u.s. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene will find this. twitter suspended one of her accounts over repeated violations of its covid-19 misinformation policy. her personal account had been restricted previously for other false covid claims and misinformation about the 2020 u.s. presidential election. however, her official congressional twitter account is still up and running. well, paris saint germ main says lionel messi and three teammates have tested positive for covid-19 and will not play in the french kupp's round of 32. they said they're isolating associated with the covid protocol. we have more on that and case surges around latin america. >> reporter: not that we needed much of a reminder of this, but we do have another example of the increasingly dire situation as it pertains to covid-19 across latin america with the latest example coming from argentinian soccer legend lionel messi and his club pse. messi is one of four members of that soccer club to have tested positive for this virus. the country where messi is from, argentina, has overall seen a huge spike in the number of cases with a new single day record for the number of cases being reported in a 24 hour period being set within just the last few days there, but it's not just argentina. we are seeing an increasing number of infections in places like brazil, in places like bolivia and mexico where i am at this point. one hopeful sign is that the number of vaccinations, doses the countries have managed to get into their citizens arms in the past six months has increased when you're looking at the broader picture, including a place like chile. it ranks among the top 10 countries in terms of the number of people vaccinated. despite that we heard from the chilean president saying starting in february certain groups, more high risk individuals, will be eligible to receive a fourth dose of this vaccine. an additional booster which can only serve to help that country's population. it is something that other countries might consider doing similar things in the months to come as they all deal with this latest wave of covid-19. matt rivers, cnn, mexico city. in the nfl wide receiver antonio brown is now out of a job after walking out on his team. the tampa bay buccaneers mid game in dramatic fashion. well, this happened sunday as the bucs played the new york jets. brown appeared to be upset on the sidelines. some of his teammates tried to calm him down but he pulled off his jersey and pats, threw his shirt into the stands and left. coach and tomorrow brady spoke to reporters about brown's action after the game. >> he is no longer a buck. that's the end of the story. just talking about the guys that went out there and won the game. >> i think everybody should find -- you know, hopefully do what they can to help him in ways that he really needs it. you know, we all love him. we care about him deeply. you know, we want to see him be at his best and unfortunately won't be with our team. i think the most thing about football are relationships with your friends and teammates and t they go beyond the field. i think everyone should be very compassionate and empathetic towards some very difficult things that are happening. >> well, it's still not clear why brown decided to leave the game. he had been suspended for three games last month. he had lied about his covid vaccination status. and in another nfl game the philadelphia eagles saw some unexpected action after their win over washington on sunday. watch the left side of the video. quarterback jalen hurts is walking off the field when a railing his way and several fans pulled to the ground. no one was injured and hurts helped the fans after some took selfies with him. hurts spoke to the media after the incident. >> i'm just happy everybody is safe from it, happy everybody is safe from it. it's crazy. crazy stuff right there. that was a real dangerous situation. i'm so happy everybody bounced back from it. it seemed like passionate eagles fans. i love it. >> the league says it's looking into how the railing collapsed. the nhl is still running a hockey fan who saved a fan's life. she was reunited with vancouver canuck's assistant equipment manager brian hamilton. popovicci supports the rival cracken. she noticed a dangerous mole on hamilton's neck. she banged on the glass to get his attention, held up her phone with the phone saying the hole might be cancer. he did have a melanoma, highly dangerous form of skin cancer. he had it treated and thanks to social media hamilton tracked down his guardian angel. she was honored at saturday's game between the cracken and canucks. here he is praising her play. >> she needs to know she's the story. she's the person that did this. she saved a life. she -- she doesn't know. like she needs to know her efforts were valid and i'm happy that story's there but not for me, for her. the world needs to know this woman exists, she's a hero and, you know, we need to celebrate her and people like her that take the time to do things like this and save lives. >> we certainly do. her ad hoc diagnosis -- the 22-year-old has been accepted to multiple medical schools. he pulled together to give her a $10,000 scholarship. i'm anna coren, thank you so much for your company. i'm back with more "cnn newsroom" in just a minute. at northwestern 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Classes , Weekend , Effort , Positive , Disruption , Education , Hasn T , Mitigation Strategies , Safe Learning Environment , Safe , Everything , School Community , Vaccination , 47 , 99 , Department , Know , Phone Calls , Bumps , Road , Five , 10 , Way , Doctor , Emergency Physician , One , Thanks , Handling , Hands , Zero Covid , Option , Student , Most , Parents , Variant , Mask , Quality , Anybody , Air , Doesn T , Booster Shots , Age , Fda , Pfizer , 12 , Emergency Room , Physician , Vaxed , Whole , Group , Many , Boosters , Children , Bit , Ramp Up , Severity , Delta , Unvaxed , 15 , Concern , Up Rate , Government , Perspective , Community , Virus Isn T , Pandemic Fatigue , Everybody , Action , Globe , Pandemic , Collective , Thing , Get Omicron , Length , Point , Ton , Emergencies , Care , Ers , Run Of The Mill , Everyone , Haven T , Spike , Heart Attacks , Strokes , Car Crashes , Something , Immune Systems , Sars , Yes , Risk , Adult , Population , Air Ways , Kids Can T Toll Rat , Adults , Mayor , Inflammation , Booster Mandate , City Employees , Efficacy , Move , Health , Vaccines , Prempbting , Idea , Spread , Getting Omicron , Six , 20 , 0 , March 2020 , 2020 , Curve , Hyper Transmissible , Square One , Defense Secretary , Announcement On Sunday , Insight , Austin , 19 , Biden , Defense Chief , Testing Negative , Contact Tracing , Leave , Number , Booster , City , Drop , Precautions , Pentagon On Thursday , China , 13 Million , Authorities , Measures , Lock , Break , Christy , Zero , It , Hope , Expense , Result , Zero Covid Policy , Food , Health Authorities , Chinese , 131 , 101 , Warriors , Center Home , Northern Chinese , Thriving Industrial Hub , Get A Covid , Essential Supplies , Metropolis , December 23 , 23 , Place , Officials , Posts , Och , Performance , Breeching Protocol On Sunday , Senior Communityist Party , Public Shamings , Man , Ground , Picture , Control , Clip , Social Media , News Room , Desperation , Bag , Compound , Altercation , 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, 13 , Headache , Nose , Rise , World , Hospitals , Testing Facilities , Emergency Rooms , Flu , Services , Burden , Islands Health Department , Coronavirus Measures , Doors , Masks , Person Learning , French , Testing Procedures , England , Weather , Bill , Staffing , Restaurants , Traffic Snarls , Shortages , Bars , Lawmakers , Venues , Storm , Lines , Sickness , Crowds , Airports , Governments , Surge , Rome , Focus , Kids Don T Go Back , Italy , Uk , Case , Distance Learning , Measure , Kids Go Back , France , Holiday , Order , Front , Pop Up Test Site , Environment , Nerve , Things , Countries , Sorts , Reaction , Workplace , Europe , Reporting , Anything , Ones , The Street , India , 34000 , Wave , States , Health Minister , Emergency Covid Response Fund , Four , Crisis , Delta Surge , 17 , 3 Billion , Billion , Peoples , Oxygen Supply , Beds , Factories , Peak , The Month Of May , 400000 , 17 , Oxygen , Emergency Fund , Lessons , Door , Numbers , Ramp Up Facilities Medically , 33000 , Increase , Cities , Talk , Fold , Let , 7000 , Fast Pace , Health Ministry , Eight , 1700 , Hospital , Political Gatherings Haven T , 18 , Healthcare Workers , Front Line Workers , Standing , Line , Senior Citizens , Booster Shot , Election , Elections , Worry , Andrew , Sexual Assault Case , Lawyers , Battle , Jeffrey Epstein Shields , Virginia , Reporter , Prince , Courtroom , Sexual Assault , Lawsuit , Max Foster Reports , Brand , Team , Royal Family , Court , Jurisdiction , Australia , Existence , Judge , Claims , On Tuesday , Wife , Depositions , Dutchess , Meghan Markle , Claim , Nightclub , Restaurant , Sex , Maxwells House , In London , Sweating Profusely , Documents , He Hasn T , Condition , Elsewhere , Couldn T Sweat , Story , Matter , Part , I Ll Be Back , Word Sport , Terms , Cars , Browse , Announcer , Car Buying , Financing , Budget , Numbers , Aren T , Payment , Down Payment , Pay , Penny , Credit Score , Ray , Vacations , Ride , No , Glucose Levels , Alabama , Northern Areas , Mid Atlantic , Winter Storm Warning , Georgia , Eastern Tennessee , Currentsly , Texas , South Carolina , 14 Million , Snow , Storms , More , History , Meteorologist , Notice , Southern United States , Tornados , Changes , 70 , Temperatures , Record Temperature , Memphis , Atlanta , 80 , Spots , Heart , Winter , Snow Showers , Winter Weather , Spring , Shift , 78 , 44 , Region , Alerts , Entirety , Element , Wind Gusting , 40 , High , Coastline , Moisture , Appalachians , Snowfall , Moves System , Rush Hour , Potency , Half , A Thousand , 2019 , January Of 2019 , Virus Taking Place , Snow Event , 11 , 1000 , Homes , Cause , Boulder County , Power , Colorado , Woman , Superior , Clues , Places , Some , Sheriff , Houses , Task , Debris , Ashes , Destruction , Burn Zone , 35000 , Partners , Search Warrant , Property , Wouldn T Go , Friday , Fbi , Winds , Conditions , Neighborhoods , Wild Fire , Red Flag , Families , Cell Phones , Medication , Structures , Orange Sky , Commissioner , House , Lookout Point , Escape , Papers , Emergency Declaration , Evacuation Order , Started Driving Home , Emergency , Pictures , Look , Process , Natasha Chen Reporting , Reopening Subdivisions , Anyone , Account , Twitter , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Misinformation Policy , Violations , Teammates , Lionel Messi , Germ Main , Misinformation , Running , Saint , Paris , Round , Covid Protocol , Kupp , 32 , Situation , Reminder , Latin America , Soccer Club , Club Pse , Argentinian Soccer Legend , Record , Argentina , Brazil , Bolivia , Vaccinations , Citizens , Arms , Chile , Groups , Individuals , Dose , Antonio Brown , Job , Fashion , Mexico City , Mid Game , Nfl , Matt Rivers , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Sidelines , Bucs , Upset , Pats , Jersey , New York Jets , Game , Guys , Reporters , Buck , Stands , Left , Coach , Shirt , Ways , , Friends , Football , T , Empathetic , Relationships , The Field , Games , Covid Vaccination Status , Philadelphia Eagles , Railing , Side , Field , Win , Quarterback , No One , Fans , Hurts , Media , Selfies , Incident , Stuff , League , Brian Hamilton , Life , Hockey Fan , Nhl , Saved A Fan , Vancouver Canuck , Popovicci , Attention , Mole , Glass , Rival Cracken , Cancer , Form , Skin Cancer , Hole , Melanoma , Cracken , Guardian Angel , Play , Efforts , Hero , Lives , Ad Hoc Diagnosis , 22 , Version , Scholarship , Cnn Newsroom , Anna Coren , Northwestern Mutual , 10000 , 0000 , Cue , Planning , Home Test , Cue Health , Test Results , Speed , Accuracy , Nba , Go Cue , Heal , Secret , Gums , Teeth , Gumline , Gum Restore , Crest Advanced , Detoxifies , 7 , Crest , Hello , Flight , Deaths , 1200 , 90000 ,

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