Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

see their loved ones. for other people they found out today, more than 1,000 flights canceled for this entire we weekend, today and tomorrow form the number are staggering, delta announced more than 280, jetblue more than 100 flights. all those people were excited about traveling again. i just spoke with a man who is on his way to paris. he says his hasn't seen hi family since 2019, because the borders closed, and despite the omicron variant or delta, anything else, he's going to make his way back to his family. other travelers are not so lucky. listen to their fears of not making it home in time. so a lot of those travelers are talking about what it means for them not seeing their family, but stuck in the airport. people are starting to make their way to get inside. some of those flights were canceled earlier in the day. more flights were scheduled for the afternoon and for the evening hours, but this time around, people have been checking their phone. i spoke with one woman who said he was glide to her phone all night. she's on the other side of security by now, because the lines inside are on short, people can make their way. all of this is because of the covid-19, the omicron variant. the flight crews are calling in sick, or they have to quarantine also, weather. it is rather nice here in atlanta, but not so much in the pacific northwest, but we're going to keep talking to travelers as they try to make their way on christmas day. >> nadia, thank you. alisyn, you're in new york with the rise of outbreaks nationwide. >> across the u.s., it seems the race was on, not just for finding a last-minute christmas gift, but trying to find a covid test, with millions travels, or hoping to join family gatherings. from new york, where we saw the long lines to raleigh, north carolina, where lines were a mile long on christmas eve, with some waiting up to two hours in traffic just to get to the testing site. even in oahu, hawaii, the testing line wrapped around several blocks. covid-19 disrupting sports, vacation. nhl announcing its regular sayen schedule won't resume under tuesday. previously they planned to resume games on monday. on board a carnival cruise ships, several people tested positive for covid. it was denied entry from to torts. the ship is expected to return to miami tomorrow. "odyssey of the seas" 55 people, a mix of crew and passengers, have tested positive. in a statement royal caribbean international says 95% were fully vaccinated when it left port last week. all of this happening as case numbers spike here in new york. the state reporting that just yesterday there were 44,000 new cases. that's a jump of 14%, breaking the previous day's record of 38 thousands cases. we are seeing hospitalizations in new york rising, but they are at a lower rate. data still show people going into the hospital because of covid-19, that rose from thursday to friday. still governor hochul announcing that new york will shorten the quarantine time from ten days to five days for those in what she called the critical workforce. this includes nurses, doctors, police officers, grocery store clerks, bartenders and cooks. the move means after a positive test, fully vaccinated people that work in frontline positions can return to work five days if they are asymptomatic and they wear a mask. the governor arced that the ten-day rule caused unnecessary staff shortages in frontline jobs? >> thank you, both. as experts get a better understanding of covid-19 and how it spreads, many say it's past time to consider your mask options. randi kaye takes a look at which type of masks offer the most protection. >> heavy cough, 3, 2, 1. >> inside this lab at florida atlantic university, two professors are measuring how the virus can spread with a coach. they have a mix of glycerin and water, next use a pump to force it to cough, then wait and see how far the droplets travel. holiday travelers take note. the droplets expelled advanced a distance of thrive feet almost immediately. within five seconds, the droplets had traveled six feet. fine feet in ten seconds. >> it's will have reaching nine feet now. >> the fog of droplets lingered in the air, and can do so, the professor says, for several minutes. it took by 30 to 40 seconds. >> it's getting closer to 12 feet now. >> yes, he said 12 feet. over appeared over again the simulated droplets often doubled that distance. in fact, while the cdc says it's less likely, infections have been transmitted to people who were more than six feet away, even if people who passed through the area after the infectious person had already left. it's all part of why the cdc still i insists on keeping your distance from others while traveling, and wear a high-quality mask. our professors tested masks, too. it's easy to say why some experts say cloth masks, andness just a single layer offer such little protection. >> this gaiter tends to let everything through. >> next up, a single-layer bandana, made of 100% cotton. >> this quilten cotton one-lair masks performses an better than the gaiter, but some escape through with a single layer. they don't go very far, but probably about six inches from the face when you're talking. >> reporter: this double-layer mask made of quilting cotton also spread droplets when the mannequin talked and coughed, but not as badly as the gaiter and bandana. >> it doesn't go very far so significantly better than the other mask. >> reporter: what about those blue surgical masks so many people are wearing on airplanes appeared airports? they did well, but there's room no improvement. when the mannequin coughed, not much went through, but quite a bit leaked out the top. bottom line, experts surts a kn-95 or n- 5 masks, if possible. keep your distance from fellow passengers, and maybe even your palm. family. here with me is dr. robert wachter wachter. doctor, great to see you here this morning. >> great to be with you. >> we know the omicron variant variant is highly transmidsible, but many are debating the differences between omicron and delta. i understand we're still learning as we go. >> we are, but the picture is much clearer now that even three days ago. i would say three days ago we knew this thing was much more infectious, much more apt to catch it for the same encounter you might have had a month appearing. we know it does evade the immune system, whether it came from a prior infection or vaccinate, so you want to be at the highest level of immunity you could be. we didn't know about severity. we are hearing reports that maybe it's milder, but there's a lot of things that go into that. just in the past few days reports in south africa, uk, australia now beginning to get reports with what i'm seeing in san francisco, it makes clear this is less severe than delta, probably about 50% less likely to land you in the hospital. it's a big deal. if there are twice as many cases and half as likely to land you in the hospital, it's still pretty serious. but that's the first piece of good news we've had. >> certainly we will take good news. despite this surgeon, americans don't seem to be rushing to get booster shots. data shows leg that 20% have gotten the first dose. what is the difference between double vaxed to having the booster when it comes to protection against omicron? >> after you got your booster it is about 95%. with the booster, omicron is about 75%. if you've just gotten two shots, you're about 30% protected. if your immunity came from a prior infection, particularly if it was a long time ago, your level of protection is very small, proceeds less than 30%. if you want to be protectsed against your virus, the vaccines are incredibly effective and safe, then you really should get the booster. >> right. you have your take on the cdc guidelines short then the isolation period. health workers, asymptomatic, can return after five to seven days after a negative text. >> it does follow the science. we still don't have great data on the length of effectivity, how long a person with omicron is infectious for, so we're doing a little extrapolation from what we know, but it's very clear if you're vaccinated and you've gotten covid, and you're asymptomatic, and you have a negative rapid test, you are fine by day six or seven to extra careful, wear a mask. if we have hundreds of people -- hedges of doctors and nurses who have covid, and all have to be out for a full week, it's possible we won't be able to staff the emergency room and intensive care unit. as we are think being to five days, five days, you feel fine, negative rapid tests on days 4 and 5, i think the evidence would say that is very, very safe and will allow us to continue to staff our hospitals and clinics. that's important to keep people healthy. >> i know you're in san francisco, but in southern l.a. county, they're seeing a major surge in cases. nymph what more could health officials do at this stage? is there anything they can do to move these numbers? >> you know, i think people know the mantra by now. you really do need the extra shot, make that as easy as possible. we need more rapid tests available. my local pharmacy the other day had none. that's an important part of our tools. and convincing people this is going to be tough. there is good news, it's not as severe as delta, bud i'm worried people will hear that and say, good, i don't have to worry about it. it's ployable going to last for six or eight weeks, but convincing people it's not a forever thing, but if you can up your game, wear a better mask and be careful for the next six or eight weeks, we may be in pretty good shape when we get to the other side of this? >>. >> such good advice, and everything is so tired of this, especially like healthcare workers as you. but, as you say, just try to get it the next six to eight weeks you to ask about healthcare workers with threats from patients, families, families asking for unproven treatments. tell us about the real dangers you're seeing from this information, if you've encountered enough that, what you're seeing, and what can be done to combat that? >> yeah. i have not, because i'm in san francisco, and the bay area has been great. the people in the bay area from the beginning have believed this is real, looked to the science, we're the most vaccinated major city in the country. more than 80% of the entire population has gotten two shots. so, people are absolutely exhausted. when we see -- its immensely frustrating. when i talk to my colleagues in other parts of the country, they're seeing this a lot. they're seeing people who are angry when you talk to them about vaccines, angry because you're not giving them a medication that's been proven not to work. it's penally frustrated, when you have a population that's 40% vaccinated and the hospital starts to fill up, it's doubly tragic. people are getting exhausted and frustrated, taking care of patients who could have prevented their open illness. we thank all of you for all that you've done over the, gosh, it's almost been two years now. thank you for being here. >> thank you. happy holidays. a spokesman foss trump administration sues to block his access to financial records. later, millions of people are unit severe weather outlooks mplgts we'll have the latest on your forecast. marley? first you will see the past. excuse me! coming through! ugh! and then...the present. and finally, ebenezer...the future! introducing the all-electric eqs. happy holidays from mercedes-benz. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. another trump aide is suinging to prevent disclosure of his documents. marshall, what more do we know about the lawsuit? >> good morning, jessica. this christmas eve filing came in overnight in the courts, and for the very first time revealed to us though the committee, the january 6th select committee, in fact, has issued a subpoena for financial records. they have said for months they want to follow the money. cnn reported they had an entire team, called the green team, to do just that they want to see where the money was going to fund the rallies. this filing revealed that his bank at j.p. morgan got a subpoena. he's trying to fight it. he's try to go make the case he has already cooperated with the committee, but this particular subpoena goes too far. jessica, he's probably not the only person that's gotten this kind of subpoena, but the first one we have learned about. >> very interesting. this is coming as the justice department released more powerful video. >> jessica, this video we got because cnn and other news outlets sued no access. the justice department released it. it is graphic, but it's worth watching. there's so much in here. it's three hours long, the most pronounced and prolonged battle from that day. it was on the tunnel that was leading into the capitol to get into this part of the capitol, you had to breach the inauguration platform. that's how deep the riot ers mae police there were quickly overw overwhelmed. it became a massive mop of people. folks used whatever they could get their hands on to attack police. flag poles, batons they stole from other officers. other metal poles. a wooden leg of a table that had protruding nails. in this tick laurel clip, you see a man hanging from the top of there, hit the police officers with hi feet. orders used strobe lights to try to distract the officers. pepper sprays galore. this is one of the unique situation on the capitol, when you know very well. that is deeply penetrated on january 6th. in this area, the police actually held the line. they fought for three hours, did not let the rioters in, but it came at a hef ko cost. this is promichael for a phone cause pulled into the crowd and t tased in the next. two of the injured officers in this particular battle. it shows bravely on the one sired of the line and the brazenry on the other side. >> marshall cohen, thank so much. we appreciate it. still ahead, millions of families have lost the enhanced child tax credit next year as it expires. the impact that could have on child poverty. it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ here's a number for you -- 35 million. that's how many families have lost their enhanced child tax credit for next year. it is one of the central issues holding up negotiations on capitol hill over the build back better plan, but for the fa affection battinged, they say washington has no idea what their reality is every day. here is the story. >> i see you. >> reporter: a window into the lopez family reveals christmas cheer. >> i feel like the chocolate is gone. i wonder where it went. hmm. >> reporter: come new year's they'll face a tough financial reality, along with 35 million other families. >> we were on a tight budget already. with this being removed, it's going to be even a tighter budget. >> mom genet referring to the enhanced child care tax credit. consequence failed to pass it in time to extend the benefits into next year. up to $3600 per child. the family was receiving $800 a month for their three children under 9. what does $800 mean to you? >> it's enough to get us by, just because the price of food wind up, gas went up, so i feel that that has helped us a lot. we look forward to that. we try to stretch it as much as we can. >> reporter: how far did is it get you? >> just a couple days before the next one. >> reporter: checks were coming monthly, giving families income they could county on. it kept 3.8 million children out of poverty. what is the plan? >> at this point, i don't know. >> single mom catherine kern will likely have to take a second job to support her teenage son and daughter, something she did when they were younger. >> even before when i had the two jobs, i can't not watch his games, because working on the weekends, i could not be there. sometimes that was difficult. >> reporter: she's also getting a master's in psychology, just months amp from graduating this spring, hoping it will further her career and increase her salary. >> it's going to be really difficult to do that, and then also possibly take on a second job. >> reporter: the $500 a month they get helps with rising costs, making it easier to drive her daughter isabella to routine doctors appointments for her complex heart condition. >> we had to pend time getting there, getting back, the extras of taking time off work, it sort of adds up. >> the child care tax credit is popular across party lines, which makes its failure in congress even more puzzling for these families. >> i feel that if they were put in our shoes for a couple days, their decisions would be different, just because we don't have the freedom to spend our money the way we want to. we have to spend our month planned paycheck by paycheck. with us now is michelle singletary, the author of "what to do with your money when crisis hits." she's also a syndicated person finance columnist for "the washington post." great to have you here. let's talk about the impact of this credit ending. we saw some stories there with vanessa. it's important for people to understand, they were receiving monthly checks as opposed to when they did their taxes. they were also getting more money, so what is the impact of this ending? >> we know that it lifted millions of children out of poverty, which meant they were eating regularly. they had a roof over their head that was stabilized for several months. it was so important, not a matter of her trying not to work. she was working, and at times taking a second job to make it for her family. it's unfortunate it's not going to continue, at least for a another year while we're still dealing with the pandemic. studies to -- the census bureau asked what families were using the money for, and they were using it for what it was intended to give them a sense of stability in their family. >> one of the women we talked in that piece talked about the inflation numbers. what is the real impact of a working family in america? >> it was already tough before the pandemic for them to make a living wage, and to pay for the things. you know, in many cities, the housing can take up to 40 to 50 to sometimes 60% of someone's take-home pay. it does that leave a lot for them to do the things they need for the kids, including just saving for them for an emergency. so these payments help bridge that gap. we are still right in the middle of an economy for these folks that is still very shaky, very unsure, and these payments really help them. the key was they were getting them on a metropolitanly basis. what happens is, if you're waiting for that -- during that time, you may be accumulating debt, getting behind on your rent payments. this allowed them to stay current, so they don't fall behind. >> so for people who are watching, if they're receiving -- if they had been receiving that child tax credit, what should they be doing to prepare for that loss of income? also, it's probably going to come as news to some people, who maybe don't know that that has now ended? >> that's exactly right. one thing you can do is -- you hate to say this to folks who are struggling, but to try to figure out a way to budget better, but how can they do that? that's just the point, right? the most important thing is to know they can get the second half of that payment. they must, must file their tax return in 2022 as soon as the tax season opens up so they can get that money. if you're listening and you are low income or no income, and you didn't think you qualified, please file a tax return in 2020. you can then get the expanded payments next year when you filed your return. that, for some families could be up to $3,000 or up to $3600. so, please, please make sure you file your tax return next year. if you know anybody, to encourage them to file the return. there are still millions of feels who are el il, who didn't get it, because they didn't know they could get these payments. >> i cover capitol hill. i did a lot of reporting on the tax credit and a lot of goekz to go it into the build back better plan. i spoke to cory booker that it allowed hem to pay for child care and get back to work, especially single mothers. other senators were concerned this was a disincentive to get back to work, or perhaps they wouldn't works because they were getting this money. in your experience, does this enhanced benefit create a disincentive to go back to work? >> gentlemen could, it's christmas. my mom told me not to swear, but i tell you, i want to cuss them out. i'm being completely honest with you. anybody who has ever worked with someone who is low income, is struggling, know they don't wait for the government to send their payments. i know this. i was raised by my grandmother who didn't earn very much. she didn't want anything from the government, but these families, to sit there and say they just want to suck on the teat of the government is incorrect. did some make mistakes? sure, they did, people in congress make mistakes. we're so willing to give tax breaks to rich corporations, but to work up-class people who are just trying to get it by, all of a sudden we argument as if they're totally irresponsible. families are doing the best they can with what they have. these payments are a live up. i do not believe there is an incentive for people not to work. people want to work. it gives them a sense of pride to work. they just need a bridge. if at the time to have this, you know, we don't want to give them cash payments. how about having them pay for college? how about child care subsidies, so they can go to work. we want to penalize them forever, and wag our fingers at them while children are going to bed hungry, while their parents are being evekted. this is not the america that i want to belong to i want america that realizes, let's give people a hand up, and then they will work heart with their hard labor. >> i hear you and hear the passion in your voice. merry christmas, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you so much. merry christmas to you as well. still ahead, los angeles police chief is promising a complete and transparent investigation after an innocent 14-year-old girl was killed during a police pursuit at a clothing store. first, a quick programs note, friends, collaborators ledge tend, carole king and james taylor in "just call out my name." airs this sunday at 9:00 p.m. here on cnn. their music shaped a generation. ♪ it's too late baby ♪ ♪ now it's too late ♪ james taylor. ♪ sweet baby jane ♪ >> it was amazing. ♪ so far away ♪ ♪ >> carole king, one of the greatest songwriters. ♪ i've seen fire and i've seen rain ♪ ♪ >> 40 years since the first time we played. >> i have loved every experience we've had together. ♪ you just call out my name ♪ ♪ and you know wherever i am ♪ ♪ i'll coming running ♪ " just call out my name" sunday 9:00 p.m. on cnn. ♪ ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi— you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— and get your money right. ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? 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>> absolutely heartbreaking. lucy kavanof, thank you so much. weather alerts across the u.s. we'll tell you which cities, and major cities could have a white christmas. that's next. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. millions of people are under weather alerts across the u.s. this holiday weekend, which may impacts anyone who is traveling, in seattle, the mayor has signed a emergency declaration, as they prepared for heavy snowfall. but in the south, temperatures will likely break records. tyler, it sounds like quite a mixed bag out there. >> absolutely. good morning, jessica. across the southern tier of the u.s., it maybe by christmas day, but it's going to feel more like may. records are in jeopardy from the mid-atlantic all the way down to the southern plains. what we should be seeing this time of year are temperatures in the mid 50s. however, this afternoon we're going to see temperatures in the 70s and 80s. some parts of oklahoma and texas could actually approach 90 degrees. look at what's up here to the north. we do have cooler air up here, where we have winter weather advisories in effect. be careful if you're hitting the roadways and driving. you could encounter some ice, up to a quarter inch of ice. that's enough to take down some trees and maybe cause power outages. the system is going to bring in cold rain and then the mixed bag of weather. on its heels yet another system. in the impact the northern plains and great lakes. could we see a quick shot of snow here? yeah, absolutely. in fact across north dakota on into minnesota we could see roughly a foot of snow within the next 24 to 36 hours. then we're looking at feet of snow across the central and northern rockies, as well as the intermountain west, sierra nevada, we could so multiple feet of snow, more than six feet of snow in some areas, especially across northern portions. across the lower elevations, we're looking at rainfall. we're in a terrible drought out here across the west coast, so this is needed. the majority of these 'letters are on the west coast. the windstorm warning in pink across northern california, for portions of it is sierra nevada that could see snowfall totals against up to six feet, some areas as high as 8 to 10 feet. jessica, all of this snowfall will continue over the next several days. it's going to pile up, much needed, but really going to encounter some rough driving conditions. >> tyler, in his excellent christmas blazer, thanks so much. this year brought so many extreme weather events that shocked the world, from flash floods to freezing temperatures to tornadoes, record warmth. the impact of climate change became a theme we can't you not escape. bill weir hats a look back. >> reporter: the signs were everywhere in 2021, starting at the top of the world, where greenland's highest peak was so freeshishly warmed, it rained for several hours. they believe this is the birthplace of the iceberg that sankle "titanic" now scientists are really world this could simp miami, boston, shanghai. if it all melts, this could raise sea levels by two feet. a new study predicts the arctic will see more rain than snow as soon as 2060, and the ice sheet is melting at a staggering rate. at number nine, the icy surprise in texas, which illustrated how the climate crisis can run hot and cold, with windchills below zero on the rio grande, nearly 10 million lost power, it became america's costliest winter storm event ever. eight, flash floods on three continents. in germany a month of rain fell in one day. in china, commuters clung to the ceiling of a subway as a 1,000-year flood hit. and in tennessee the flood came like a tidal wave. seven, the u.s. rejoins the paris climbed accord, hours after joe biden became president, pledging to slash pollutes this decade is one thing, but convincing consequence is another. six, a code red for humanity, as scientists around the world issue their most dire warning today. it says it's unequivocal though human activity that is cranked up the global temperature, and we're careening toward a dangerous point of no return. five. a cop 26, in glasgow, scotland. coal, cars, cash and trees, probably it's going to be cash that provides the biggest challenge. for the first time in 26 meetings, the world's delegates agreed that fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis, but not a single country committed to stopping oil or coal production any time soon. a monster named ida. the hurricane is intensifying quickly. >> reporter: hurricane ida comes in at number four. as 150-mile-per-hour winds screamed ashore in louisiana in early september. that was just the beginning. ida's aftermath dropped a rain bomb on new york, sudden enough to drown families in their basement apartments. all told, the single storm cost over $60 billion. we are following breaking news this morning. a dangerous and deadly night across the central understand, a powerful line of storms unleashing at least 24 tornadoes across five states. >> at number three, tornadoes in winter. december usually brings the fewest tornadoes, but record warmth spun them up from arkansas to how. weeks later, the damage is still being tallied. two, the pacific northwest heat dome that pushed the mercury well over 100 degrees for days, creating a mass casualty event of creatures great and small. over a billion shellfish baked to death on the shores of british columbia. the little town of lytton broke the record three times, before most of it burned to the ground. number one, america's mega-drought. waters coming from rivers, reservoirs or wells, all of which have been impacted by a 20-year megadrought fueled by the climate crisis, with 90% of the west starving for rain. the feds declared the first-ever shortage of the colorado river, which is a sort of life for over 40 million americans. meantime, smoke from western wildfires reached the east coast this year. from 1 to 10, it is all connected. without dramatic changes on a global scale, scientists warn us the worst is yet to come. bill weir, cnn, new york. i want to thank you for joining me and wish you a very merry christmas. "cnn newsroom" continues with boris sanchez, right after this break. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ you are live in the "cnn newsroom." welcome. i'm boris sanchez in for fredricka whitfield. merry christmas, feliz navidad, thank you so much for joining me. christmas is a time to spend with families and friends, yet for many americans the coronavirus is once again disrupting holiday plans, largely thanks to a surge in the omicron variant. the u.s. averaging nearly 180,000 cases a day. thankfully hospitalizations have en

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Cases , Surge , New York , Records , Mess , Los Angeles , 44000 , People , Flights , Country , Staffing Shortages , Nadia , Hundreds , Holiday Travel , Let , Reporter , World , Travelers , Flight , Situation , Atlanta , Airports , Traveler , Many , One , Home , Airline , Figure , Wednesday Delta , 250 , Number , Delta , Loved Ones , 1000 , Family , Man , Way , Hasn T , Paris , Hi , 100 , 2019 , 280 , Omicron Variant , Fears , Anything Else , Borders Closed , Lot , Some , Airport , Woman , Phone , Side , Afternoon , Night , Security , Wall , Lines , Flight Crews , Covid 19 , Sick , 19 , Weather , Pacific Northwest , U S , Race , Rise , Outbreaks , Alisyn , Christmas Gift , Raleigh , Covid Test , Travels , Family Gatherings , North Carolina , Testing Line , Traffic , Testing Site , Blocks , Oahu , Hawaii , Two , Games , Nhl , Sayen Schedule Won T Resume Under Tuesday , Sports , Board A Carnival Cruise Ships , Odyssey Of The Seas , Ship , Torts , Entry , Miami , 55 , Passengers , Case Numbers , Statement , Crew , Royal Caribbean International , Left Port Last , 95 , Hospitalizations , Record , State Reporting , Jump , 14 , 38 Thousands , Hospital , Data , Rate , Hochul , Ten , Doctors , Nurses , Police Officers , Workforce , Grocery Store , Clerks , Cooks , Bartenders , Five , Mask , Test , Frontline Positions , Move , Experts , Understanding , Jobs , Shortages , Staff , Rule , Both , Masks , Protection , Look , Cough , Mask Options , Type , Randi Kaye , 3 , 2 , 1 , Professors , Virus , Lab , Coach , Glycerin , Florida Atlantic University , Droplets , Pump , Water , Holiday Travelers , Note , Feet , Distance , Six , Professor , Air , Fog , 40 , Nine , 30 , Yes , Over , 12 , Fact , Infections , Area , Cdc , Person , Traveling , Part , Others , Layer , Gaiter , Cloth Masks , Andness , Everything , Cotton , Layer Bandana , Quilten , Escape , Mannequin , Quilting Cotton , Bandana , It Doesn T Go , Room , Airplanes , Improvement , Top , Bottom Line , Bit , Kn 95 Or N , 5 , Dr , Palm , Robert Wachter , Doctor , To Be With You , Transmidsible , Picture , Differences , Three , Thing , Infection , Immune System , Vaccinate , Encounter , Things , Immunity , Level , Severity , San Francisco , Australia , South Africa , Uk , 50 , News , Piece , Half , Deal , Americans Don T , Leg , Booster Shots , Surgeon , Dose , 20 , Booster , Difference , Vaxed , Shots , 75 , Vaccines , Safe , Guidelines , Health Workers , Asymptomatic , Text , Seven , Science , Extrapolation , Effectivity , Length , Omicron Is Infectious For , Emergency Room , Intensive Care Unit , Hospitals , Tests , Fine , Clinics , Evidence , 4 , Health Officials , Nymph , Southern L A County , Anything , Numbers , Stage , Mantra , Shot , Pharmacy , None , Tools , Bud , Ployable , Eight , Game , Healthcare Workers , Advice , Patients , Threats , Treatments , Information , Dangers , Beginning , City , Bay Area , 80 , Population , Colleagues , Medication , Parts , Penally , Care , Illness , Gosh , Millions , Access , Foss Trump , Holidays , Administration , Forecast , Marley , Then , The Future , Ebenezer , Eqs , Mercedes Benz , Face , Skin , Daily Moisture , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Scientist , Moisturizer , Daily , Aveeno , True Jen , Nature Tm , Whoa , Intensity , Germs , Faces , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , App , The Living Room , Yoga Shanti Slash , Vrbo , Jessica , Trump Aide , Suinging , Disclosure , Documents , Lawsuit , Marshall , Subpoena , Records , Time , January 6th Select Committee , Filing , Courts , January 6th , 6 , Money , Team , Cnn , Case , Bank , Rallies , J P Morgan , Kind , Justice Department , Video , Justice , News Outlets , Department , Capitol , Tunnel , Battle , Graphic , Watching , Inauguration Platform , Ers Mae , Police , Folks , Flag Poles , Hands , Mop , Officers , Table , There , Poles , Man Hanging , Nails , Tick Laurel Clip , Hi Feet , Strobe Lights , Orders , Pepper Sprays , Line , Rioters , Phone Cause , T , Crowd , Hef Ko Cost , Promichael , Brazenry , Sired , Marshall Cohen , Impact , Child Tax Credit , Child Poverty , Car , Offer , Carvana , Feeling , Cheering , Spot , Big , Something , Farmers , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Quote Today , Bum , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , 35 Million , Plan , Reality , Build , Issues , Idea , Negotiations , Washington , Affection Battinged , Fa , Capitol Hill , Story , Window , Chocolate , Budget , Families , Being , Mom Genet , Children , Consequence , Tax Credit , Child Care , Benefits , Child , 00 , 600 , 3600 , 800 , Food Wind Up , Gas , Price , 9 , Checks , Monthly , Catherine Kern , Job , Poverty , Son , Point , Daughter , Single , I Don T Know , 3 8 Million , Master S , Psychology , Career , Spring , Amp , Salary , 500 , Work , Back , Costs , Heart Condition , Extras , Child Care Tax Credit , Party Lines , Failure , Congress , Freedom , Decisions , Shoes , Michelle Singletary , Paycheck , Crisis Hits , Syndicated Person Finance , Stories , Columnist , Credit Ending , Talk , Washington Post , Vanessa , Ending , Taxes , Head , Roof , Matter , Times , Pandemic , Studies , Census , Sense , Stability , Bureau , Inflation Numbers , Women , Someone , Cities , Working Family , Housing , Living Wage , 60 , Payments , Emergency , Bridge , Pay , Kids , Leave , Middle , Economy , Gap , Key , Metropolitanly Basis , Rent Payments , Debt , Current , Receiving , Income , Loss , Struggling , Is , Tax Return , Tax Season , Payment , 2022 , Return , 000 , 3000 , 2020 , Anybody , El Il , Feels , Who Didn T , Reporting , Goekz , Disincentive , Senators , Mothers , Hem , Cory Booker , Experience , Benefit , It S Christmas , Mom , Gentlemen , Swear , Government , Grandmother , Didn T , Mistakes , Teat , Tax Breaks , We Argument , Corporations , Best , Incentive , Pride , College , Fingers , Child Care Subsidies , Wag , Bed , Parents , Evekted , Merry Christmas , Hand Up , Heart , Passion , Labor , Voice , Investigation , Los Angeles Police Chief , Police Pursuit , Old Girl , Friends , My Name , Clothing Store , Programs Note , First , Carole King , James Taylor , Collaborators Ledge Tend , Generation , Music , Baby , Sweet Baby Jane , Fire , Songwriters , On Cnn , Crohn S , Flare Up , Rates , Student Loan Debt , Fees , Intestine , Inflammation , Uc , Ulcerative Colitis , Surface , Moderate , Adults , Stelara , Relief , Cancer , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Treatment , Serious , Risk , Sores , Symptoms , Skin Growths , Pres , Tb , Cost Support Options , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Reactions , Janssen , Austin James , System , Diabetes , Challenge , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Fingersticks , Scan , Libre 2 , 8 2 , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Mystery , Defenses , 6 7 , Life , D , Vitamins C , Zinc , Death , Girl , Camera , Teenager , Department Store , Bod Counter , Investigators , Suspect , Dressing Room , Officer , Lucy Kavanauf , Incident , Police Chief , Calls , Place , Shooter , Killing Him , Store , Discovery , Premises , Injuries , Search , Hole In The Wall , Deceased , Drywall , Female , Los Angeles Times , Mother , Stray Bullet , Dress , Authorities , Scene , Assessment , Weapon , State Attorney General , Listen , Transparency , Gun , Michael Moore , Midst , Sorrow , Nothing , Apologies , Policy , Body Cam Footage , Materials , Kurd , 45 , Binders , Lucy Kavanof , White Christmas , Planning Options , Plans , Options , House , Help , Consultant , Page , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , 188 , Planning , Retirement Plan , Where , Cancers , Healthcare Company , Johnson , Building A Future , Strokes , Joints , Isn T One , Definition , Well , Temperatures , Snowfall , Anyone , South , Mayor , Emergency Declaration , Seattle , Bag , Tyler , Jeopardy , May , Southern Tier , Mid Atlantic , Southern Plains , Mid 50s , 70s And 80s , Oklahoma , 70 , Winter Weather , North , Effect , Texas , 90 , Trees , Ice , Driving , Power Outages , Roadways , Cold Rain , Snow , Heels , Northern Plains , Great Lakes , North Dakota , Sierra Nevada , Central , Foot , Minnesota , Intermountain West , Northern Rockies , 24 , 36 , Areas , Drought , Rainfall , Portions , Elevations , West Coast , Windstorm Warning , Majority , Letters , Northern California , Snowfall Totals , 10 , 8 , Events , Blazer , Driving Conditions , Tornadoes , Record Warmth , Theme , Flash Floods , Bill Weir , Climate Change , Top Of The World , Everywhere , Peak , Greenland , Signs , 2021 , Scientists , Birthplace , Iceberg , Titanic , Sankle , Study , Sea Levels , Melts , Shanghai , Boston , Rain , Ice Sheet , Arctic , 2060 , Climate Crisis , Surprise , Windchills , Power , Cold , Rio Grande , Icy , Zero , 10 Million , Continents , Winter Storm Event , Germany , Flood , Commuters , Ceiling , Subway , Rejoins , Flood Hit , China , Tennessee , Tidal Wave , President , Joe Biden , Accord , Another , Warning , Humanity , Code Red , Temperature , Human Activity , Point Of No Return , Cash , Coal , Cars , Glasgow , Scotland , Cop 26 , 26 , Oil , Meetings , Coal Production , Delegates , Fossil Fuels , Ida , Hurricane , Monster , Winds , Aftermath , Louisiana , Basement Apartments , Rain Bomb , 150 Mile Per Hour , 150 , Four , Breaking News , Storm Cost , 60 Billion , 0 Billion , Storms , States , Pacific Northwest Heat Dome , Warmth , Damage , Arkansas , Shores , Event , Mercury , Creatures , Casualty , Shellfish , British Columbia , Lytton , Little Town , A Billion , Waters , Most , Mega Drought , Rivers , Wells , Ground , Reservoirs , Number One , Shortage , West Starving For Rain , Sort , Feds , Colorado River , 40 Million , Changes , Wildfires , Scale , Smoke , East Coast , Worst , Cnn Newsroom , Break , Boris Sanchez , Maggie Gronewald , Bond , Restore Healthy , Ointment , Fredricka Whitfield , Feliz Navidad , Holiday Plans , Coronavirus , Thanks , 180000 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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see their loved ones. for other people they found out today, more than 1,000 flights canceled for this entire we weekend, today and tomorrow form the number are staggering, delta announced more than 280, jetblue more than 100 flights. all those people were excited about traveling again. i just spoke with a man who is on his way to paris. he says his hasn't seen hi family since 2019, because the borders closed, and despite the omicron variant or delta, anything else, he's going to make his way back to his family. other travelers are not so lucky. listen to their fears of not making it home in time. so a lot of those travelers are talking about what it means for them not seeing their family, but stuck in the airport. people are starting to make their way to get inside. some of those flights were canceled earlier in the day. more flights were scheduled for the afternoon and for the evening hours, but this time around, people have been checking their phone. i spoke with one woman who said he was glide to her phone all night. she's on the other side of security by now, because the lines inside are on short, people can make their way. all of this is because of the covid-19, the omicron variant. the flight crews are calling in sick, or they have to quarantine also, weather. it is rather nice here in atlanta, but not so much in the pacific northwest, but we're going to keep talking to travelers as they try to make their way on christmas day. >> nadia, thank you. alisyn, you're in new york with the rise of outbreaks nationwide. >> across the u.s., it seems the race was on, not just for finding a last-minute christmas gift, but trying to find a covid test, with millions travels, or hoping to join family gatherings. from new york, where we saw the long lines to raleigh, north carolina, where lines were a mile long on christmas eve, with some waiting up to two hours in traffic just to get to the testing site. even in oahu, hawaii, the testing line wrapped around several blocks. covid-19 disrupting sports, vacation. nhl announcing its regular sayen schedule won't resume under tuesday. previously they planned to resume games on monday. on board a carnival cruise ships, several people tested positive for covid. it was denied entry from to torts. the ship is expected to return to miami tomorrow. "odyssey of the seas" 55 people, a mix of crew and passengers, have tested positive. in a statement royal caribbean international says 95% were fully vaccinated when it left port last week. all of this happening as case numbers spike here in new york. the state reporting that just yesterday there were 44,000 new cases. that's a jump of 14%, breaking the previous day's record of 38 thousands cases. we are seeing hospitalizations in new york rising, but they are at a lower rate. data still show people going into the hospital because of covid-19, that rose from thursday to friday. still governor hochul announcing that new york will shorten the quarantine time from ten days to five days for those in what she called the critical workforce. this includes nurses, doctors, police officers, grocery store clerks, bartenders and cooks. the move means after a positive test, fully vaccinated people that work in frontline positions can return to work five days if they are asymptomatic and they wear a mask. the governor arced that the ten-day rule caused unnecessary staff shortages in frontline jobs? >> thank you, both. as experts get a better understanding of covid-19 and how it spreads, many say it's past time to consider your mask options. randi kaye takes a look at which type of masks offer the most protection. >> heavy cough, 3, 2, 1. >> inside this lab at florida atlantic university, two professors are measuring how the virus can spread with a coach. they have a mix of glycerin and water, next use a pump to force it to cough, then wait and see how far the droplets travel. holiday travelers take note. the droplets expelled advanced a distance of thrive feet almost immediately. within five seconds, the droplets had traveled six feet. fine feet in ten seconds. >> it's will have reaching nine feet now. >> the fog of droplets lingered in the air, and can do so, the professor says, for several minutes. it took by 30 to 40 seconds. >> it's getting closer to 12 feet now. >> yes, he said 12 feet. over appeared over again the simulated droplets often doubled that distance. in fact, while the cdc says it's less likely, infections have been transmitted to people who were more than six feet away, even if people who passed through the area after the infectious person had already left. it's all part of why the cdc still i insists on keeping your distance from others while traveling, and wear a high-quality mask. our professors tested masks, too. it's easy to say why some experts say cloth masks, andness just a single layer offer such little protection. >> this gaiter tends to let everything through. >> next up, a single-layer bandana, made of 100% cotton. >> this quilten cotton one-lair masks performses an better than the gaiter, but some escape through with a single layer. they don't go very far, but probably about six inches from the face when you're talking. >> reporter: this double-layer mask made of quilting cotton also spread droplets when the mannequin talked and coughed, but not as badly as the gaiter and bandana. >> it doesn't go very far so significantly better than the other mask. >> reporter: what about those blue surgical masks so many people are wearing on airplanes appeared airports? they did well, but there's room no improvement. when the mannequin coughed, not much went through, but quite a bit leaked out the top. bottom line, experts surts a kn-95 or n- 5 masks, if possible. keep your distance from fellow passengers, and maybe even your palm. family. here with me is dr. robert wachter wachter. doctor, great to see you here this morning. >> great to be with you. >> we know the omicron variant variant is highly transmidsible, but many are debating the differences between omicron and delta. i understand we're still learning as we go. >> we are, but the picture is much clearer now that even three days ago. i would say three days ago we knew this thing was much more infectious, much more apt to catch it for the same encounter you might have had a month appearing. we know it does evade the immune system, whether it came from a prior infection or vaccinate, so you want to be at the highest level of immunity you could be. we didn't know about severity. we are hearing reports that maybe it's milder, but there's a lot of things that go into that. just in the past few days reports in south africa, uk, australia now beginning to get reports with what i'm seeing in san francisco, it makes clear this is less severe than delta, probably about 50% less likely to land you in the hospital. it's a big deal. if there are twice as many cases and half as likely to land you in the hospital, it's still pretty serious. but that's the first piece of good news we've had. >> certainly we will take good news. despite this surgeon, americans don't seem to be rushing to get booster shots. data shows leg that 20% have gotten the first dose. what is the difference between double vaxed to having the booster when it comes to protection against omicron? >> after you got your booster it is about 95%. with the booster, omicron is about 75%. if you've just gotten two shots, you're about 30% protected. if your immunity came from a prior infection, particularly if it was a long time ago, your level of protection is very small, proceeds less than 30%. if you want to be protectsed against your virus, the vaccines are incredibly effective and safe, then you really should get the booster. >> right. you have your take on the cdc guidelines short then the isolation period. health workers, asymptomatic, can return after five to seven days after a negative text. >> it does follow the science. we still don't have great data on the length of effectivity, how long a person with omicron is infectious for, so we're doing a little extrapolation from what we know, but it's very clear if you're vaccinated and you've gotten covid, and you're asymptomatic, and you have a negative rapid test, you are fine by day six or seven to extra careful, wear a mask. if we have hundreds of people -- hedges of doctors and nurses who have covid, and all have to be out for a full week, it's possible we won't be able to staff the emergency room and intensive care unit. as we are think being to five days, five days, you feel fine, negative rapid tests on days 4 and 5, i think the evidence would say that is very, very safe and will allow us to continue to staff our hospitals and clinics. that's important to keep people healthy. >> i know you're in san francisco, but in southern l.a. county, they're seeing a major surge in cases. nymph what more could health officials do at this stage? is there anything they can do to move these numbers? >> you know, i think people know the mantra by now. you really do need the extra shot, make that as easy as possible. we need more rapid tests available. my local pharmacy the other day had none. that's an important part of our tools. and convincing people this is going to be tough. there is good news, it's not as severe as delta, bud i'm worried people will hear that and say, good, i don't have to worry about it. it's ployable going to last for six or eight weeks, but convincing people it's not a forever thing, but if you can up your game, wear a better mask and be careful for the next six or eight weeks, we may be in pretty good shape when we get to the other side of this? >>. >> such good advice, and everything is so tired of this, especially like healthcare workers as you. but, as you say, just try to get it the next six to eight weeks you to ask about healthcare workers with threats from patients, families, families asking for unproven treatments. tell us about the real dangers you're seeing from this information, if you've encountered enough that, what you're seeing, and what can be done to combat that? >> yeah. i have not, because i'm in san francisco, and the bay area has been great. the people in the bay area from the beginning have believed this is real, looked to the science, we're the most vaccinated major city in the country. more than 80% of the entire population has gotten two shots. so, people are absolutely exhausted. when we see -- its immensely frustrating. when i talk to my colleagues in other parts of the country, they're seeing this a lot. they're seeing people who are angry when you talk to them about vaccines, angry because you're not giving them a medication that's been proven not to work. it's penally frustrated, when you have a population that's 40% vaccinated and the hospital starts to fill up, it's doubly tragic. people are getting exhausted and frustrated, taking care of patients who could have prevented their open illness. we thank all of you for all that you've done over the, gosh, it's almost been two years now. thank you for being here. >> thank you. happy holidays. a spokesman foss trump administration sues to block his access to financial records. later, millions of people are unit severe weather outlooks mplgts we'll have the latest on your forecast. marley? first you will see the past. excuse me! coming through! ugh! and then...the present. and finally, ebenezer...the future! introducing the all-electric eqs. happy holidays from mercedes-benz. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. another trump aide is suinging to prevent disclosure of his documents. marshall, what more do we know about the lawsuit? >> good morning, jessica. this christmas eve filing came in overnight in the courts, and for the very first time revealed to us though the committee, the january 6th select committee, in fact, has issued a subpoena for financial records. they have said for months they want to follow the money. cnn reported they had an entire team, called the green team, to do just that they want to see where the money was going to fund the rallies. this filing revealed that his bank at j.p. morgan got a subpoena. he's trying to fight it. he's try to go make the case he has already cooperated with the committee, but this particular subpoena goes too far. jessica, he's probably not the only person that's gotten this kind of subpoena, but the first one we have learned about. >> very interesting. this is coming as the justice department released more powerful video. >> jessica, this video we got because cnn and other news outlets sued no access. the justice department released it. it is graphic, but it's worth watching. there's so much in here. it's three hours long, the most pronounced and prolonged battle from that day. it was on the tunnel that was leading into the capitol to get into this part of the capitol, you had to breach the inauguration platform. that's how deep the riot ers mae police there were quickly overw overwhelmed. it became a massive mop of people. folks used whatever they could get their hands on to attack police. flag poles, batons they stole from other officers. other metal poles. a wooden leg of a table that had protruding nails. in this tick laurel clip, you see a man hanging from the top of there, hit the police officers with hi feet. orders used strobe lights to try to distract the officers. pepper sprays galore. this is one of the unique situation on the capitol, when you know very well. that is deeply penetrated on january 6th. in this area, the police actually held the line. they fought for three hours, did not let the rioters in, but it came at a hef ko cost. this is promichael for a phone cause pulled into the crowd and t tased in the next. two of the injured officers in this particular battle. it shows bravely on the one sired of the line and the brazenry on the other side. >> marshall cohen, thank so much. we appreciate it. still ahead, millions of families have lost the enhanced child tax credit next year as it expires. the impact that could have on child poverty. it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ new daily moisture for face. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ here's a number for you -- 35 million. that's how many families have lost their enhanced child tax credit for next year. it is one of the central issues holding up negotiations on capitol hill over the build back better plan, but for the fa affection battinged, they say washington has no idea what their reality is every day. here is the story. >> i see you. >> reporter: a window into the lopez family reveals christmas cheer. >> i feel like the chocolate is gone. i wonder where it went. hmm. >> reporter: come new year's they'll face a tough financial reality, along with 35 million other families. >> we were on a tight budget already. with this being removed, it's going to be even a tighter budget. >> mom genet referring to the enhanced child care tax credit. consequence failed to pass it in time to extend the benefits into next year. up to $3600 per child. the family was receiving $800 a month for their three children under 9. what does $800 mean to you? >> it's enough to get us by, just because the price of food wind up, gas went up, so i feel that that has helped us a lot. we look forward to that. we try to stretch it as much as we can. >> reporter: how far did is it get you? >> just a couple days before the next one. >> reporter: checks were coming monthly, giving families income they could county on. it kept 3.8 million children out of poverty. what is the plan? >> at this point, i don't know. >> single mom catherine kern will likely have to take a second job to support her teenage son and daughter, something she did when they were younger. >> even before when i had the two jobs, i can't not watch his games, because working on the weekends, i could not be there. sometimes that was difficult. >> reporter: she's also getting a master's in psychology, just months amp from graduating this spring, hoping it will further her career and increase her salary. >> it's going to be really difficult to do that, and then also possibly take on a second job. >> reporter: the $500 a month they get helps with rising costs, making it easier to drive her daughter isabella to routine doctors appointments for her complex heart condition. >> we had to pend time getting there, getting back, the extras of taking time off work, it sort of adds up. >> the child care tax credit is popular across party lines, which makes its failure in congress even more puzzling for these families. >> i feel that if they were put in our shoes for a couple days, their decisions would be different, just because we don't have the freedom to spend our money the way we want to. we have to spend our month planned paycheck by paycheck. with us now is michelle singletary, the author of "what to do with your money when crisis hits." she's also a syndicated person finance columnist for "the washington post." great to have you here. let's talk about the impact of this credit ending. we saw some stories there with vanessa. it's important for people to understand, they were receiving monthly checks as opposed to when they did their taxes. they were also getting more money, so what is the impact of this ending? >> we know that it lifted millions of children out of poverty, which meant they were eating regularly. they had a roof over their head that was stabilized for several months. it was so important, not a matter of her trying not to work. she was working, and at times taking a second job to make it for her family. it's unfortunate it's not going to continue, at least for a another year while we're still dealing with the pandemic. studies to -- the census bureau asked what families were using the money for, and they were using it for what it was intended to give them a sense of stability in their family. >> one of the women we talked in that piece talked about the inflation numbers. what is the real impact of a working family in america? >> it was already tough before the pandemic for them to make a living wage, and to pay for the things. you know, in many cities, the housing can take up to 40 to 50 to sometimes 60% of someone's take-home pay. it does that leave a lot for them to do the things they need for the kids, including just saving for them for an emergency. so these payments help bridge that gap. we are still right in the middle of an economy for these folks that is still very shaky, very unsure, and these payments really help them. the key was they were getting them on a metropolitanly basis. what happens is, if you're waiting for that -- during that time, you may be accumulating debt, getting behind on your rent payments. this allowed them to stay current, so they don't fall behind. >> so for people who are watching, if they're receiving -- if they had been receiving that child tax credit, what should they be doing to prepare for that loss of income? also, it's probably going to come as news to some people, who maybe don't know that that has now ended? >> that's exactly right. one thing you can do is -- you hate to say this to folks who are struggling, but to try to figure out a way to budget better, but how can they do that? that's just the point, right? the most important thing is to know they can get the second half of that payment. they must, must file their tax return in 2022 as soon as the tax season opens up so they can get that money. if you're listening and you are low income or no income, and you didn't think you qualified, please file a tax return in 2020. you can then get the expanded payments next year when you filed your return. that, for some families could be up to $3,000 or up to $3600. so, please, please make sure you file your tax return next year. if you know anybody, to encourage them to file the return. there are still millions of feels who are el il, who didn't get it, because they didn't know they could get these payments. >> i cover capitol hill. i did a lot of reporting on the tax credit and a lot of goekz to go it into the build back better plan. i spoke to cory booker that it allowed hem to pay for child care and get back to work, especially single mothers. other senators were concerned this was a disincentive to get back to work, or perhaps they wouldn't works because they were getting this money. in your experience, does this enhanced benefit create a disincentive to go back to work? >> gentlemen could, it's christmas. my mom told me not to swear, but i tell you, i want to cuss them out. i'm being completely honest with you. anybody who has ever worked with someone who is low income, is struggling, know they don't wait for the government to send their payments. i know this. i was raised by my grandmother who didn't earn very much. she didn't want anything from the government, but these families, to sit there and say they just want to suck on the teat of the government is incorrect. did some make mistakes? sure, they did, people in congress make mistakes. we're so willing to give tax breaks to rich corporations, but to work up-class people who are just trying to get it by, all of a sudden we argument as if they're totally irresponsible. families are doing the best they can with what they have. these payments are a live up. i do not believe there is an incentive for people not to work. people want to work. it gives them a sense of pride to work. they just need a bridge. if at the time to have this, you know, we don't want to give them cash payments. how about having them pay for college? how about child care subsidies, so they can go to work. we want to penalize them forever, and wag our fingers at them while children are going to bed hungry, while their parents are being evekted. this is not the america that i want to belong to i want america that realizes, let's give people a hand up, and then they will work heart with their hard labor. >> i hear you and hear the passion in your voice. merry christmas, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you so much. merry christmas to you as well. still ahead, los angeles police chief is promising a complete and transparent investigation after an innocent 14-year-old girl was killed during a police pursuit at a clothing store. first, a quick programs note, friends, collaborators ledge tend, carole king and james taylor in "just call out my name." airs this sunday at 9:00 p.m. here on cnn. their music shaped a generation. ♪ it's too late baby ♪ ♪ now it's too late ♪ james taylor. ♪ sweet baby jane ♪ >> it was amazing. ♪ so far away ♪ ♪ >> carole king, one of the greatest songwriters. ♪ i've seen fire and i've seen rain ♪ ♪ >> 40 years since the first time we played. >> i have loved every experience we've had together. ♪ you just call out my name ♪ ♪ and you know wherever i am ♪ ♪ i'll coming running ♪ " just call out my name" sunday 9:00 p.m. on cnn. ♪ ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi— you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— and get your money right. ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. los angeles police say they will release bod counter camera video in the death of a 14-year-old girl before monday. investigators say the teenager died in a department store on thursday when a shot fired by police went through a dressing room wall. the officer was pursuing a suspect at the time. cnn's lucy kavanauf join us now. >> reporter: tragic and devastating is how the police chief is the describing this incident. police say they received multiple calls of a possible active shooter around noon on thursday. they were told a number of people were sheltering in place. they responded, finding the suspect who was apparently assaulting another woman. she was taken to the hospital with injuries. they encountered the suspect near the store's dressing room. they opened fire, killing him, but when they searched the premises, they made a gruesome discovery. >> a subsequent search, we found a hole in the wall. behind the drywall, a solid wall, it turned out to be the dressing room. and what we were able to locate a 14-year-old female, who was found deceased in that dressing room. >> reporter: now, this young girl was shopping with her mother, according to "los angeles times", she was reportedly purchasing a dress. no weapon was located on the suspect or on the scene, and authorities said a preliminary assessment did determine that this bullet, this stray bullet came from the officer's gun. we also know the state attorney general immediately opened an investigation. the los angeles police chief, michael moore, is promising full transparency. take a listen. >> we're doing everything we can, to gather as much, but in the midst of this, we recognize there's nothing that can be done, except to suppress my sorrow, my apologies this tragic incident over kurd. >> policy is usually to release body cam footage within 45 days, but the police chief is promising to release all of the materials by monday. jessica? >> absolutely heartbreaking. lucy kavanof, thank you so much. weather alerts across the u.s. we'll tell you which cities, and major cities could have a white christmas. that's next. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. millions of people are under weather alerts across the u.s. this holiday weekend, which may impacts anyone who is traveling, in seattle, the mayor has signed a emergency declaration, as they prepared for heavy snowfall. but in the south, temperatures will likely break records. tyler, it sounds like quite a mixed bag out there. >> absolutely. good morning, jessica. across the southern tier of the u.s., it maybe by christmas day, but it's going to feel more like may. records are in jeopardy from the mid-atlantic all the way down to the southern plains. what we should be seeing this time of year are temperatures in the mid 50s. however, this afternoon we're going to see temperatures in the 70s and 80s. some parts of oklahoma and texas could actually approach 90 degrees. look at what's up here to the north. we do have cooler air up here, where we have winter weather advisories in effect. be careful if you're hitting the roadways and driving. you could encounter some ice, up to a quarter inch of ice. that's enough to take down some trees and maybe cause power outages. the system is going to bring in cold rain and then the mixed bag of weather. on its heels yet another system. in the impact the northern plains and great lakes. could we see a quick shot of snow here? yeah, absolutely. in fact across north dakota on into minnesota we could see roughly a foot of snow within the next 24 to 36 hours. then we're looking at feet of snow across the central and northern rockies, as well as the intermountain west, sierra nevada, we could so multiple feet of snow, more than six feet of snow in some areas, especially across northern portions. across the lower elevations, we're looking at rainfall. we're in a terrible drought out here across the west coast, so this is needed. the majority of these 'letters are on the west coast. the windstorm warning in pink across northern california, for portions of it is sierra nevada that could see snowfall totals against up to six feet, some areas as high as 8 to 10 feet. jessica, all of this snowfall will continue over the next several days. it's going to pile up, much needed, but really going to encounter some rough driving conditions. >> tyler, in his excellent christmas blazer, thanks so much. this year brought so many extreme weather events that shocked the world, from flash floods to freezing temperatures to tornadoes, record warmth. the impact of climate change became a theme we can't you not escape. bill weir hats a look back. >> reporter: the signs were everywhere in 2021, starting at the top of the world, where greenland's highest peak was so freeshishly warmed, it rained for several hours. they believe this is the birthplace of the iceberg that sankle "titanic" now scientists are really world this could simp miami, boston, shanghai. if it all melts, this could raise sea levels by two feet. a new study predicts the arctic will see more rain than snow as soon as 2060, and the ice sheet is melting at a staggering rate. at number nine, the icy surprise in texas, which illustrated how the climate crisis can run hot and cold, with windchills below zero on the rio grande, nearly 10 million lost power, it became america's costliest winter storm event ever. eight, flash floods on three continents. in germany a month of rain fell in one day. in china, commuters clung to the ceiling of a subway as a 1,000-year flood hit. and in tennessee the flood came like a tidal wave. seven, the u.s. rejoins the paris climbed accord, hours after joe biden became president, pledging to slash pollutes this decade is one thing, but convincing consequence is another. six, a code red for humanity, as scientists around the world issue their most dire warning today. it says it's unequivocal though human activity that is cranked up the global temperature, and we're careening toward a dangerous point of no return. five. a cop 26, in glasgow, scotland. coal, cars, cash and trees, probably it's going to be cash that provides the biggest challenge. for the first time in 26 meetings, the world's delegates agreed that fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis, but not a single country committed to stopping oil or coal production any time soon. a monster named ida. the hurricane is intensifying quickly. >> reporter: hurricane ida comes in at number four. as 150-mile-per-hour winds screamed ashore in louisiana in early september. that was just the beginning. ida's aftermath dropped a rain bomb on new york, sudden enough to drown families in their basement apartments. all told, the single storm cost over $60 billion. we are following breaking news this morning. a dangerous and deadly night across the central understand, a powerful line of storms unleashing at least 24 tornadoes across five states. >> at number three, tornadoes in winter. december usually brings the fewest tornadoes, but record warmth spun them up from arkansas to how. weeks later, the damage is still being tallied. two, the pacific northwest heat dome that pushed the mercury well over 100 degrees for days, creating a mass casualty event of creatures great and small. over a billion shellfish baked to death on the shores of british columbia. the little town of lytton broke the record three times, before most of it burned to the ground. number one, america's mega-drought. waters coming from rivers, reservoirs or wells, all of which have been impacted by a 20-year megadrought fueled by the climate crisis, with 90% of the west starving for rain. the feds declared the first-ever shortage of the colorado river, which is a sort of life for over 40 million americans. meantime, smoke from western wildfires reached the east coast this year. from 1 to 10, it is all connected. without dramatic changes on a global scale, scientists warn us the worst is yet to come. bill weir, cnn, new york. i want to thank you for joining me and wish you a very merry christmas. "cnn newsroom" continues with boris sanchez, right after this break. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ you are live in the "cnn newsroom." welcome. i'm boris sanchez in for fredricka whitfield. merry christmas, feliz navidad, thank you so much for joining me. christmas is a time to spend with families and friends, yet for many americans the coronavirus is once again disrupting holiday plans, largely thanks to a surge in the omicron variant. the u.s. averaging nearly 180,000 cases a day. thankfully hospitalizations have en

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Police Chief , Police Pursuit , Old Girl , Friends , My Name , Clothing Store , Programs Note , First , Carole King , James Taylor , Collaborators Ledge Tend , Generation , Music , Baby , Sweet Baby Jane , Fire , Songwriters , On Cnn , Crohn S , Flare Up , Rates , Student Loan Debt , Fees , Intestine , Inflammation , Uc , Ulcerative Colitis , Surface , Moderate , Adults , Stelara , Relief , Cancer , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Treatment , Serious , Risk , Sores , Symptoms , Skin Growths , Pres , Tb , Cost Support Options , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Reactions , Janssen , Austin James , System , Diabetes , Challenge , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Fingersticks , Scan , Libre 2 , 8 2 , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Mystery , Defenses , 6 7 , Life , D , Vitamins C , Zinc , Death , Girl , Camera , Teenager , Department Store , Bod Counter , Investigators , Suspect , Dressing Room , Officer , Lucy Kavanauf , Incident , Police Chief , Calls , Place , Shooter , Killing Him , Store , Discovery , Premises , Injuries , Search , Hole In The Wall , Deceased , Drywall , Female , Los Angeles Times , Mother , Stray Bullet , Dress , Authorities , Scene , Assessment , Weapon , State Attorney General , Listen , Transparency , Gun , Michael Moore , Midst , Sorrow , Nothing , Apologies , Policy , Body Cam Footage , Materials , Kurd , 45 , Binders , Lucy Kavanof , White Christmas , Planning Options , Plans , Options , House , Help , Consultant , Page , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , 188 , Planning , Retirement Plan , Where , Cancers , Healthcare Company , Johnson , Building A Future , Strokes , Joints , Isn T One , Definition , Well , Temperatures , Snowfall , Anyone , South , Mayor , Emergency Declaration , Seattle , Bag , Tyler , Jeopardy , May , Southern Tier , Mid Atlantic , Southern Plains , Mid 50s , 70s And 80s , Oklahoma , 70 , Winter Weather , North , Effect , Texas , 90 , Trees , Ice , Driving , Power Outages , Roadways , Cold Rain , Snow , Heels , Northern Plains , Great Lakes , North Dakota , Sierra Nevada , Central , Foot , Minnesota , Intermountain West , Northern Rockies , 24 , 36 , Areas , Drought , Rainfall , Portions , Elevations , West Coast , Windstorm Warning , Majority , Letters , Northern California , Snowfall Totals , 10 , 8 , Events , Blazer , Driving Conditions , Tornadoes , Record Warmth , Theme , Flash Floods , Bill Weir , Climate Change , Top Of The World , Everywhere , Peak , Greenland , Signs , 2021 , Scientists , Birthplace , Iceberg , Titanic , Sankle , Study , Sea Levels , Melts , Shanghai , Boston , Rain , Ice Sheet , Arctic , 2060 , Climate Crisis , Surprise , Windchills , Power , Cold , Rio Grande , Icy , Zero , 10 Million , Continents , Winter Storm Event , Germany , Flood , Commuters , Ceiling , Subway , Rejoins , Flood Hit , China , Tennessee , Tidal Wave , President , Joe Biden , Accord , Another , Warning , Humanity , Code Red , Temperature , Human Activity , Point Of No Return , Cash , Coal , Cars , Glasgow , 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