Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709 : compare

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709

good evening, everyone. i'm kate bolduan in for erin burnett. out front tonight we have break news. a former minnesota police officer, kim potter, is behind bars. found guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the death of daunte wright. the jury determining that she committed a reckless and criminal act when she mistook her gun for her taser while trying to take wright into custody in april. they came to that decision after more than 27 hours of deliberation over four days, an excruciating wait for the family of daunte wright. >> every single emotion that you could imagine just running through your body at that moment. i kind of let out a yelp because it was built up in the anticipation of what was to come while we were waiting for the last few days. and now we've been able to process it. >> that is daunte wright's mother, and she's joining us in a moment. but first, adrienne broadus is out front for us in minneapolis. what has the scene been outside the courthouse after this? >> reporter: kate, as the verdict was read, an explosive applause from people on the lawn of the courthouse. some of them traveling from arkansas and the carolinas to be here to support the wright family. we also learned when the verdict was read today that members of the jury found potter guilty on the second-degree manslaughter charge tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and you might remember five hours after that is when the jury came back with that question, asking what steps should they take and how long should they deliberate if they couldn't come to a consensus? well, they came to a consensus, and we heard those results this afternoon. >> we the jury on the charge of manslaughter in the first degree find the defendant guilty. >> reporter: former brooklyn center police officer kimberly potter guilty on both counts of manslaughter tonight in minnesota. daunte wright's parents relieved by the verdict. while potter's husband could be haerpd yelling "i love you kim" after her bail was revoked as she was escorted from the court in handcuffs. potter said she intended to deploy her taser during a traffic stop in april but fired her gun instead, killing 20-year-old daunte wright almost instantly. >> i shot him. oh, my god! >> daunte wright! >> reporter: shortly after the verdict crowds outside the courthouse chanted wright's name. while the state pushed to reassure potter's police family. >> when a member of your profession is held accountable, it does not diminish you. in fact, it it shows. it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it it. >> reporter: the jury took nearly 27 hours to deliberate whether potter's actions were criminal. >> i took the wrong [ bleep ] gun! >> reporter: over eight days in minneapolis jurors heard from 33 witnesses including tearful testimony from potter herself. >> i didn't want to hurt anybody. >> reporter: the defense aimed to prove the 26-year police veteran was protecting her fellow officers during a risky traffic stop. >> she didn't cause this, and she had a right to use deadly force. >> reporter: in closing arguments they faulted wright for not cooperating with law enforcement. >> she says taser, taser, taser. and he said okay. stop, i give up. no, no. daunte wright caused his own death unfortunately. >> reporter: the state pushed back. >> carrying a badge and a gun is not a license to kill. >> reporter: the state asked jurors not to focus on potter's intention. but on the consequences of her actions. >> this was a colossal screw-up. a blunder of epic proportions. it was irreversible, and it was fatal. >> reporter: wright's family reacting to the news outside court. >> we've only got one thing to say. are you ready? we love you, daunte! >> reporter: tonight kimberly potter is at a correctional facility about 25 miles outside of minneapolis. it houses all females. her family will not be able to visit on christmas. it's one of the rules at that jail. but as you know, the wright family will never be able to speak with daunte again, and they're preparing to spend the first christmas without him. kate? >> adrienne, thank you for that. "outfront" with me now is katie bryant, daunte wright's mother, and benjamin crump, civil rights attorney who represents daunte wright's family. thank you both for being here. miss bryant, thank you for taking the time tonight to speak with us. today as i was watching you you seemed understandably overwhelmed speaking after the verdict. were you surprised by it? >> i would say i was getting a little worried come day 3 and day 4 of how it was going to turn out. but i'm grateful that accountability was found in both first and second-degree manslaughter charges. >> when the jury came back a couple days ago and asked what would happen and asked the judge what would happen if they can't reach consensus, what was going through your mind then? how worried were you? >> at that moment it -- i was really worried. i wasn't sure if, you know, you have your few jurors that were hung up on a not guilty verdict at all. i was praying that second-degree manslaughter was already charged and they were -- it was already found a guilty verdict on and they were working on the first degree. there was so many thoughts and so many feelings that were running through my mind. it was -- that day was a really rough day. >> how does it -- how do you feel this evening? it's been a few hours, but how does it feel now? >> we'll never have daunte back. accountability is what we've been asking for since day one. so we're grateful we were able to have accountability. but like everybody has been saying, we still don't have daunte home. and this is just a step forward in the bigger issue with policing and hopefully there has to be no more daunts. no more dauntes and so many more names we chant in our streets. >> ben, the attorney general made a really strong statement after the verdict was read speaking to -- well, speaking to just what katie was talking about, speaking to police everywhere about what this verdict means. i want to play this one more time. >> when a member of your profession is held accountable, it does not diminish you. in fact, it shows, it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it. and that's a good thing. it restores trust, faith, and hope. >> ben, you've been legal counsel to so many families of black men and women dying at the hands of police. what do you think of what the a.g. said? >> i agree with attorney general ellison. he and his team understands that it's about equal justice no matter who's the person who committed the injustice. and as my co-counsels and i talked and we talked with katie and her husband, arbery, this is not just a victory for their family. this is a victory for equal justice, kate. there was a black police officer named officer mohammed nour who had a similar situation where he killed a white woman and his defense was parallel, identical to that of kim potter. he cried and he said he was sorry, he was trying to protect his fellow officer. but yet he was convicted and he was sentenced to 12 years. they went above the max. so all of us waited with bated breath to see when the roles were reversed, when a white policewoman shot a black man would we get the same justice that the white family had received. so today is a great victory not just for the wright family in getting accountability but also a great victory for america as we strive for equal justice under the law. >> ben, what sentence are you pushing for? what sentence is appropriate? what sentence is accountability here? >> well, certainly as i just talked to you about a similar case that was tried right there in the same courthouse in minneapolis, with a black police officer, who was as they described officer kim potter, a good police officer. never been convicted of any crime. never fired his weapon. but yet he was sentenced to 12 years. so we will keep a mindful eye to see if the sentence of this white police woman is similar to the sentence given to that black policeman. >> berngs thank you for coming on as always. miss bryant, thank you for speaking with us on this day. thank you very much. out front for us, stephanie rawlings blake, former defense attorney and former mayor of baltimore. stephanie, you've been with us throughout this entire thing. what's your reaction to this verdict tonight? >> i like many people who've been watching, when we heard the jury have that question about what happens if we can't all come to an agreement, many of us who've, you know, watched juries before thought for sure they were signaling that there might be a hung jury or that they would go for the lesser charge. so i was certainly surprised with the verdict. >> do you think this verdict is a sign or says that it was a bad idea to put kim potter on the stand to testify in her own defense? >> no. it's a really tough call when you're a defense attorney. but when you have a case like this when so much of this case was about her mindset at the time, i didn't think they had an option. i thought if she wanted a chance of being found not guilty she would have really had to take the stand. the challenge is when you take that chance you have to live with the consequences. and her performance on the stand was mixed at best. there were times where she could have been more sympathetic, that she ended up coming off a bit defensive or flat. and you know, i don't think -- well, we see that the jury just did not buy it, that they thought that the level of this mistake, which everyone agreed it was a mistake, they just could not abide by it it. they could not give her the benefit of the doubt. and i think it it speaks also to what that will say to other officers, you know, that this level of mistake, you have to be careful when you are using your weapon. >> ben crump, you just heard what ben crump said about what sentencing they would like to see. it's set for mid february. she could face -- i believe the max is 15 years behind bars. how long do you think is appropriate here? >> you know, as far as appropriate, that's certainly up to the judge. i will say that i don't think that the 12 -- the 12 years for the other officer to me, if this is an officer that had never had any issues before, you know, for a first offense seems high. so i don't think they will go as high as 12 years. and i think they might be trying to hand an olive branch to these officers who they've said unfortunately, they said in their testimony that the officers were lying. so they might be trying to give an olive branch and give a lesser sentence. >> that's interesting. thanks for being here. really appreciate it. "outfront" for us next, trump appealing to the nation's highest court in order to keep his white house records secret. plus alarming new data just released about the fast spread of the omicron variant as we take you inside one hospital that's reaching a breaking point. and the pressure mounting for a judge to reconsider a 110-year sentence for a truck driver responsible for this deadly crash. a man who lost his brother in that crash is our guest. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. we've been waiting all year to come together. ♪ happy holidays from lexus. get $1500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. breaking news. the january 6th select committee asking the supreme court to quickly consider whether to take up former president trump's white house records lawsuit just hours after trump, citing executive privilege, asked the court to block the release of about 700 pages of those records. here's what the committee tells the supreme court today. "delay would inflict a serious injury on the select committee and the public. the select committee needs the requested documents now to help shape the direction of the investigation and allow the select committee to timely recommend remedial legislation." some of the documents in dispute are white house visitors logs -- visitors lists and call logs, written notes from former chief of staff mark meadows, draft speeches and correspondence about january 6th, and documents alleging voter fraud. a reminder that trump is now asking the supreme court to intervene only because two previous courts have already rejected his argument. "outfront" with me now is donald aer, former deputy attorney general in the george w. bush administration. thank you for being here. he also co-wrote an opinion piece titled "will donald trump get away with inciting an insurrection," call on the justice department to investigate trump and his inner circle. first let me ask you, trump now taking his fight to the supreme court over these white house documents. this centers on his claim of executive privilege. the select committee asking the court to expedite its review. how do you expect -- what do you expect the high court to do? >> well, so far this process involving these documents has been handled by every court in an exemplary way and handled as well by the national archives. i'm very hopeful that the court will treat it the same way. this is not a serious claim of executive privilege. there's a whole series of points i can make on that if you want me to. but the essence of it is even if trump were in a position to be asserting a claim that should be taken seriously, and that is highly debatable because the current president has decided not to assert a privilege, if you apply the standards that are applied when assessing privilege this claim doesn't even come close. and in essence the supreme court needs to treat the case the way the other courts have so far, move very quickly, recognize the urgency of our national situation, deny the petition and deny the stay. that's what i'm very hopeful they will do. we'll have to wait and see. >> absolutely. and more broadly, timing is of the essence. and there is a sense of urgency even more broadly than just with the supreme court because how real do you think is the possibility that tying up the committee's investigation in various court battles as we've seen, they will be, meaning trump and allies, able to essentially run out the clock in hopes that republicans retake the house majority in the next election. thus eliminating this committee altogether. >> well, i think the committee has done a great deal of work already. they've talked to many, many witnesses and collected many, many documents. we're looking at a situation now in this case that's quite important. it involves records that belong to the american people. they're the records of the white house under trump, and the decisions that have been handed down by the courts so far are excellent, thorough, complete and make the case in overwhelming terms that there's no privilege. and what needs to happen now is a rapid denial of the petition, a denial of the stay application, and get those documents turned over. and i don't think that there's a need to have the clock be run out. i think we're moving forward. i think just reading the papers, people who pay a little bit of attention are seeing the evidence accumulate, and that's only what you see in the media. so i'm optimistic that we're moving in the right direction and that we're going to get accountability here. >> that gets to your op-ed. because you argue that attorney general merrick garland right now has more than enough evidence and justification to launch a robust and forceful investigation as you put it into trump and his allies. but you also write you don't see any sign of that happening right now. how worried are you that leaders -- that the leaders who fan the flames of the insurrection will not be held accountable after all this? >> well, it's a difficult situation. one of the challenges, one of the big challenges that merrick garland, who by the way has done a superb job as attorney general in my opinion and i think in the opinion of my co-authors, he had a tremendously difficult job after the prior administration used the justice department in a grossly political way to do the favors for the president and a whole variety of things to help him get re-elected. total abuse of the department. merrick garland had to restore the traditional evenhanded fair way that the department operates. and he has done that. and he has done it very well. one of the features of his situation, though, is that we're dealing with a former president who not only persisted in denying that he had lost but who also continues to persist and apparently has minions around the country who are working and plotting the next effort to steal the election. and so here we are today with an attorney general who's being judicious and careful. he's not putting out public statements of what he's doing. we don't see evidence of an ongoing investigation. there might be such an investigation. we're concerned, though, that there might not be. and that's why we wrote this op-ed piece. we think it's really, really important that there be a full-blown investigation for accountability of the leaders, not just the 700 rioters and people who committed violent acts, who are being prosecuted, which is commendable and terrific. but we need to go after the leaders. and we want to make sure that that investigation is under way. so that's why we wrote this article, and it's an investigation that i want to stress that it's an investigation we're calling for, we're not saying prosecute anyone. do the job. look at the evidence, and make the judgment. and if the evidence supports it go after all the leaders right to the top. >> donald aier, thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> "outfront" for us now breaking news. new guidelines from the cdc for health care workers with covid just out as cases surge across the country and doctors and nurses getting crushed under the weight of so many patients who need treatment and care. >> even the strongest respiratory therapists that i have have broken down at times. w way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 breaking news. the cdc announcing a major change to address the surge in covid cases and staffing shortages at hospitals. health care workers who have covid will no longer be required to isolate for ten days. the cdc saying they can return to work after seven days if they're symptom-free and test negative. the change only, though, applies to health care workers, not the public. and since we first learned of the omicron variant over thanksgiving, the u.s. has now seen nearly 36,000 deaths and the u.s. now has a higher seven-day average for new cases than at any point during the delta surge. new york state just saw another record number of cases for the sixth time in seven days. new york city's mayor also announcing the new year's eve ball drop is happening but fewer people are going to be allowed in times square. and more than 1 ha00 united flis on christmas eve have now been canceled as the airline says omicron is impacting flight crews. a lot to get to. out front with me now is dr. jonathan reiner who's medical adviser to the george w. bush white house and dr. peter hotez, co-director of the center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital. dr. reiner, what do you think of this change by the cdc late this evening? >> i welcome it. it's been a long time coming. and my guess is that the cdc has been watching closely what's going on in the united kingdom. london has seen about 125% increase in sick days for health care workers in the city of london over the last week. omicron is soaring in the united kingdom, and it's taking out the people who man the hospitals. and you know, this has been the concern of all of us. my old friend peter hotez has been talking about this for a long time, that if this virus surges in the united states we might overwhelm hospitals that will be depleted of health care workers. so this new change by the cdc allows what is basically an entirely vaccinated staff who will almost certainly have either asymptomatic or low-impact illness to get back to work quickly after likely a negative anti-gen test. i welcome it. and it's possible we don't even need seven days. it's possible we can move this to five days. we'll have to see. >> dr. hotez, this gets to a conversation i had today with the chair of the south african medical association, the medical association. she told me that she is less concerned about a fast-spreading virus like this variant than she is about a slower-spreading variant that causes more severe disease. i'm wondering if that is how we should all be thinking about this now. >> yeah, i think, you know, kate, we have to be a little careful about automatically assuming that omicron is a milder virus or a milder illness. remember, the situation in south africa and the uk is a bit different in that their omicron wave dovetailed on a pretty large delta wave. so a lot of the omicron cases both in south africa and the uk were actually omicron reinfections following a delta infection. we have a different -- which may have had some mitigating effect and give the appearance that their epidemic was associated with milder disease. we're in a different situation in the u.s. in that our delta wave was relatively confined geographically to mostly the southern united states and over a defined period of time over the summer and into the early fall. so i think there's more vulnerable in places like new york and washington and i think it may turn out that the omicron variant, the virus may be almost as serious as anything we've seen before. and indeed we are starting to see hospitalizations climb in new york and washington, d.c. so we'll see how things unfold over the next couple of weeks. and like jon i'm really quite concerned about this one-two punch, meaning the rise in -- the rapid, rapid rise in omicron like nothing we've seen before in terms of surge and vertical slope together with a significant percentage of the health care workforce knocked out because of breakthrough symptomatic infection. not that they're getting very sick, but sick enough to be home. and that can create a very dangerous situation for americans. >> that's really interesting. dr. reiner, this all eventually gets back to vaccinations, right? and in unusually strong terms former president trump came out defending covid vaccines in a new interview and praised the benefit of them. let me play this for you. >> all are very, very good. came up with three of them in less than nine months. it was supposed to take five to twelve years. >> more people have died under covid this year, by the way, under joe biden -- >> that's right. >> -- than under you. and more people took the vaccine this year. so people are questioning -- >> oh, no, the vaccine worked but some people aren't taking it. the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital and the ones who don't take the vaccine. but it's still their choice. and if you take the vaccine you're protected. people aren't dying when they take the vaccine. >> dr. reiner, were you surprised to hear trump talk like that? >> i was surprised. i was glad to hear him speak this way. and i have no idea what has finally prompted him to do this. i can't get into his head. nor do i want to. but this week we passed the one-year milestone for vaccination in the united states. and over the course of this year 500,000 more americans have died. and even if we just look at the time point from when vaccinations were available to everyone, which is basically the first week in april, 250,000 americans have died. and from that time point on almost all of those eligible for vaccination but declining to be vaccinated. and through that massive carnage, through that terrible pain for so many people in this country, that man remained silent. he remained silent. i hope his words have impact. i hope his words convince some of the 40% of people who voted for him who remain unvaccinated to go get vaccinated. but he remained silent while hundreds of thousands of people died in this country. i hope he continues to vigorously promote vaccinations. but it's been a very long time coming. >> i mean, dr. hotez, do you think at this point his words will have impact? >> well, i agree with jon. if he had said this back in april, may when there were so many people who were defiant of vaccines despite their wide vaed availability, he might have saved thousands much lives. americans should remember this number. 200,000 americans since june 1 have thrown their lives away because they refused to get vaccinated despite the availability. and it's tragic that donald trump did not say this when we needed him to say it. okay, he said it now. yes, it could have an effect, and here's why. because that number of 200,000 from over the last six months of needless american deaths, that is now projected to double by the first quarter of 2022. so we still have the opportunity to save another 200,000 lives. and so what the president needs to do -- president trump needs to do and president biden, if they could work together, is not just make this a one-off thing. they need to launch a campaign to get america vaccinated. >> i am not holding my breath for that, i will say that. it's good to see you both, though. thank you very much. "outfront" for us next, inside a new mexico hospital where you will witness exactly what we have been talking about here. staff at a breaking point. and nearly 5 million people including kim kardashian supporting a call for clemency for a truck driver sentenced to 110 years for killing four people in this crash. does he deserve leniency? don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can help. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day. tonight a new study warning of the omicron variant. though less severe it appears its high transmissibility could still mean a lot of people ending up in hospitals. right now more than 70,000 people are hospitalized with covid in the united states, and that's pushing some health care workers to their breaking point. sara sidner's out front. >> reporter: in santa fe, new mexico the annual holiday light display dazzles the eye and lifts the spirit. but these are the lights grabbing all the attention just down the road. this is a covid icu. suddenly as busy as it ever was. >> it is clinically, psychologically impossible to keep doing this day in and day out, especially for the past year or two. even the strongest respiratory therapists that i have have broken down at times. >> reporter: the staff is resilient. but despondent some days. and plain old exhausted most. suffering and death greet them every day. >> they come to me and they say i do need a break, help me. >> you know, when you talk about things like pulling them out and people breaking down, it sounds like a war zone. that's the same language that soldiers sometimes use. >> yes. >> is that what it feels like? >> yes. to the point of it being almost unbearable. to see that. these are very good people. good respiratory therapists, good clinicians who want to do the best possible job, and they just can't. they can't do it. >> reporter: there was a moment of light and hope. >> we thought the cases were going down. >> reporter: clinical nurse manager dominik armijo was filled with hope when the vaccines were approved. he was one of the first in new mexico to get the shot. >> it was just that light at the end of the tunnel and then all of a sudden it was wham, bam, here we are again. >> everybody who's here today! >> reporter: he couldn't have possibly accounted for the number of people who would refuse the vaccine. >> i in the beginning was an anti-vaxxer only because of my immune system. but not anymore. >> reporter: what was it that sort of kept you from going to get vaccinated? >> i do not have a very good immune system. >> reporter: a lot of times the doctors will tell you if your immune system is compromised go get vaccinated. what were your concerns? >> my heart issues. i know there was a lot of clotting in the first few. and i did have an example of not a good reaction to a friend who did get vaccinated. >> reporter: byres never did get the vaccine. instead she got a bad case of covid and was unable to breathe. do you regret it now? >> do i regret it it? yes and no. i wish i had gotten vaccinated sooner. i wouldn't be here. that's the regret. >> reporter: i've talked to a lot of doctors and nurses and i've heard a lot of people say i don't want to retire, i don't want to leave but i don't know if i can do it. where are you on that? >> i'm probably at that end of that spectrum as well. it's trying. but i just -- this is my family. and this is my community. we're the city of holy faith. it's just been a lot. >> reporter: the unending pandemic surges have taken a toll. >> we have lost 110 nurses this year. >> reporter: that's 25% of the hospital's nurses. >> it's across the board. i mean, most definitely nursing, respiratory, but it's also food and nutrition and custodial support and techs and medical office assistants. and registration. it is across the board. >> reporter: the remaining staff are fighting back death alongside their patients. there is no respite. not even for christmas. kate, i cannot tell you or emphasize this enough. it is really hard to see doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists breaking down in front of you. i am a complete stranger, but they are so overwhelmed with so much suffering. and now they'll be there for christmas because there just are too many people who are so severely sick because they didn't get vaccinated. kate? >> i think just another round of this is just truly unbelievable. thank you, sara. "outfront" for us next, a truck driver who killed four people after he says his rig's brakes failed is at the center of a campaign for clemency. does he deserve the 110-year sentence he received? one of the victims' brothers is my guest. and trump allies taking a page from the book of trump. when he sues, they follow suit. y for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. (patrick) it took a few years, i started to notice that i couldn't go as long. (renee) every half a block i'm stopping to try to catch my breath. (ray) if it's under 20 degrees out, i can't go outside my house because it feels like i'm inhaling broken glass. (terry) [coughing] -excuse me. (ted koppel) sounds familiar? (taini) the fish being out of the water, gasping for air, well, i feel worse than a fish. (ted koppel) 30 million americans have copd, half don't yet know it. (bill) when the doctor told me you have copd...what's that? (ted koppel) it's a lung disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (joyce) i thought i was good at breathing until i wasn't. (ted koppel) right now, people struggling with copd are especially vulnerable to covid-19. (rhonda) it cut my life in half, that's what it did. (ted koppel) if we can't find them, we can't help them. help us help them. visit tonight, a judge under pressure to reconsider the 110-year sentence he gave to a truck driver convicted a deadly crash. rogel aguilera-mederos was driving a truck in april 2019 when he says his brakes failed causing this 28-car pileup. four people were killed, several more injured. prosecutors argued he missed opportunities to prevent this tragedy. the defense said it was out of his control. >> he knew his brakes went out. he was in gear but still decided to shift out of gear. why would you ever shift out of gear when you know your brakes don't work? >> everything was happening to him so fast. he was trying to make decisions right like that. and each decision didn't give him reason to think that it was going to stop. >> protests have been taking place since that 110-year sentence was handed down. nearly 5 million people signing a petition to grant him clemency. the judge has even said this sentence would not have been his choice but he was bound by the mandatory minimum laws in the state. now the district attorney is asking him to take another look. a hearing set for monday. and the state's governor jared polis is reviewing a clemency request at the same time. "outfront" with us now is dwayne bailey. his brother, william bailey, was one of the four people killed in this tragic crash. thank you for being here this evening. you just met with the governor today about this. what did you this. what did you tell him? >> he should stay out of it until the court proceeding has been done. we were told it would be done through the court system and the sentence would be considered and more than likely reduced. for the governor to get involved before that would be inappropriate. >> did you leave the meeting feeling reassured? >> no. i left the meeting, honestly, with him pretty well acknowledging that he was planning to get involved. he didn't say that directly, but he left that impression. but he said he would not make the decision before monday. >> you are one of the people most impacted by this crash. what do you think of this sentence? >> honestly, the 110-year sentence, everybody knows -- we did not hear that number until just before sentence that day. they told us then there was procedures in place to adjust the sentence correctly. >> he says his brakes went out leading to the crash. you say there is more to it than a brake malfunction and a 110-year sentence, that people that are seeing this and signing a petition might not understand. i know there's far more detail from the investigation that we can't get into right now. what do you think people are missing here? >> i can't cover all that testimony that fast. when he got hired, he chose that route, not the trucking company. he was speeding all day long. he almost ran a couple off the road hours before the crash. 70 in a 45 zone. 30 miles before the crash site, his brakes were smoking. he was concerned about that. he called his boss later and said he had a conversation with while parked there. he was concerned about the brakes and asking for advice for a route with less hills. he was seen driving -- speeding. he saw the signs warning of the downhill. he said that in the testimony. he saw the signs. he said when he lost his brakes, he was trying to downshift and missed the truck rump, which baffles my mind. if your brakes are gone, that's the only thing you should focus on. last decision that day when he came across the truck on the side of the road, which he hit the truck in front of him, was to turn into traffic. reconstruction that day showed his truck went directly between two semis. i'm not going to say what his intent. it's obvious he chose a route that would save his life without regard for people there. so many other points that i can't get into in a short interview. >> i totally understand. one thing i do know is in all of this with all the headlines that this is now grabbing and so many people signing on and weighing in, i think it's important as you have done tonight to not forget four lives that are lost, one of them your brother william. thank you for being here. >> thank you very much. next, when trump sees, his allies follow. an inside look at the legal strategy straight from the former president. 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"ac 360" starts now. the definancense said a mis is not a crime. the jury said it was mansl manslaughter. when kim potter shot and killed daunte wright in april, she had 26 years on the job. they had countless hours of training as any officer does on her duties, on the law, on when to use the taser she carried on the left side of her body and when, if ever, to use her handgun on the right. on the 11th of april, in the middle of

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Team , Justice , Person , Katie , Co Counsels , Arbery , Injustice , Matter , Situation , Victory , Kate , Who , Mohammed Nour , Officer , Woman , Parallel , Fellow , Breath , Police Woman , Black Man , Roles , 12 , Sentence , America , Case , Eye , Weapon , Crime , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Policeman , Mayor , Berngs , Reaction , Baltimore , Many , Hung Jury , Signaling , Juries , Agreement , Sign , Idea , Stand , Chance , Option , Mindset , Challenge , Times , Being , Performance , Level , I Don T Think , Flat , Mistake , Benefit , Doubt , Sentencing , Set , Mid February , 15 , Issues , Olive Branch , Offense , Trump , Court , Thanks , Order , Nation , Next , Records Secret , Truck Driver , Hospital , Pressure , Omicron Variant , Breaking Point , Data , 110 , Man , Crash , Liberty , Brother , Pay , Lease Cash , Theaters , Rx , December 17th , Lexus , 1500 , 350 , 500 , 17 , Things , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 50 , 45 , Cancer , 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Janssen , Reactions , Remission , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Brain Condition , I Can T Go Outside , Half , Cost Support Options , Patrick , Couldn T Go , Block , Ray , Copd , Fish , Ted Koppel , Glass , Coughing , Air , Water , Terry , Taini , 30 Million , Bill , Breathing , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , Lung Disease , Rhonda , Them , Life , Visit Copdsos Org , 19 , Truck , Aguilera Mederos , Rogel , April 2019 , 2019 , Gear , Several , Opportunities , Prosecutors , Control , Tragedy , Pileup , Injured , 28 , Everything , Place , Protests , Change Org , Jared Polis , District Attorney , Laws , Look , Hearing Set , Him Clemency , Reviewing A Clemency , Request , William Bailey , Dwayne Bailey , Court Proceeding , Court System , Meeting , Impression , Procedures , Brake Malfunction , Detail , Fast , Route , Couple , Trucking Company , Smoking , Crash Site , 70 , Driving , Speeding , Advice , Boss , Hills , Truck Rump , Signs , Downhill , Downshift , Warning , Side , Traffic , 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Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709

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good evening, everyone. i'm kate bolduan in for erin burnett. out front tonight we have break news. a former minnesota police officer, kim potter, is behind bars. found guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the death of daunte wright. the jury determining that she committed a reckless and criminal act when she mistook her gun for her taser while trying to take wright into custody in april. they came to that decision after more than 27 hours of deliberation over four days, an excruciating wait for the family of daunte wright. >> every single emotion that you could imagine just running through your body at that moment. i kind of let out a yelp because it was built up in the anticipation of what was to come while we were waiting for the last few days. and now we've been able to process it. >> that is daunte wright's mother, and she's joining us in a moment. but first, adrienne broadus is out front for us in minneapolis. what has the scene been outside the courthouse after this? >> reporter: kate, as the verdict was read, an explosive applause from people on the lawn of the courthouse. some of them traveling from arkansas and the carolinas to be here to support the wright family. we also learned when the verdict was read today that members of the jury found potter guilty on the second-degree manslaughter charge tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and you might remember five hours after that is when the jury came back with that question, asking what steps should they take and how long should they deliberate if they couldn't come to a consensus? well, they came to a consensus, and we heard those results this afternoon. >> we the jury on the charge of manslaughter in the first degree find the defendant guilty. >> reporter: former brooklyn center police officer kimberly potter guilty on both counts of manslaughter tonight in minnesota. daunte wright's parents relieved by the verdict. while potter's husband could be haerpd yelling "i love you kim" after her bail was revoked as she was escorted from the court in handcuffs. potter said she intended to deploy her taser during a traffic stop in april but fired her gun instead, killing 20-year-old daunte wright almost instantly. >> i shot him. oh, my god! >> daunte wright! >> reporter: shortly after the verdict crowds outside the courthouse chanted wright's name. while the state pushed to reassure potter's police family. >> when a member of your profession is held accountable, it does not diminish you. in fact, it it shows. it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it it. >> reporter: the jury took nearly 27 hours to deliberate whether potter's actions were criminal. >> i took the wrong [ bleep ] gun! >> reporter: over eight days in minneapolis jurors heard from 33 witnesses including tearful testimony from potter herself. >> i didn't want to hurt anybody. >> reporter: the defense aimed to prove the 26-year police veteran was protecting her fellow officers during a risky traffic stop. >> she didn't cause this, and she had a right to use deadly force. >> reporter: in closing arguments they faulted wright for not cooperating with law enforcement. >> she says taser, taser, taser. and he said okay. stop, i give up. no, no. daunte wright caused his own death unfortunately. >> reporter: the state pushed back. >> carrying a badge and a gun is not a license to kill. >> reporter: the state asked jurors not to focus on potter's intention. but on the consequences of her actions. >> this was a colossal screw-up. a blunder of epic proportions. it was irreversible, and it was fatal. >> reporter: wright's family reacting to the news outside court. >> we've only got one thing to say. are you ready? we love you, daunte! >> reporter: tonight kimberly potter is at a correctional facility about 25 miles outside of minneapolis. it houses all females. her family will not be able to visit on christmas. it's one of the rules at that jail. but as you know, the wright family will never be able to speak with daunte again, and they're preparing to spend the first christmas without him. kate? >> adrienne, thank you for that. "outfront" with me now is katie bryant, daunte wright's mother, and benjamin crump, civil rights attorney who represents daunte wright's family. thank you both for being here. miss bryant, thank you for taking the time tonight to speak with us. today as i was watching you you seemed understandably overwhelmed speaking after the verdict. were you surprised by it? >> i would say i was getting a little worried come day 3 and day 4 of how it was going to turn out. but i'm grateful that accountability was found in both first and second-degree manslaughter charges. >> when the jury came back a couple days ago and asked what would happen and asked the judge what would happen if they can't reach consensus, what was going through your mind then? how worried were you? >> at that moment it -- i was really worried. i wasn't sure if, you know, you have your few jurors that were hung up on a not guilty verdict at all. i was praying that second-degree manslaughter was already charged and they were -- it was already found a guilty verdict on and they were working on the first degree. there was so many thoughts and so many feelings that were running through my mind. it was -- that day was a really rough day. >> how does it -- how do you feel this evening? it's been a few hours, but how does it feel now? >> we'll never have daunte back. accountability is what we've been asking for since day one. so we're grateful we were able to have accountability. but like everybody has been saying, we still don't have daunte home. and this is just a step forward in the bigger issue with policing and hopefully there has to be no more daunts. no more dauntes and so many more names we chant in our streets. >> ben, the attorney general made a really strong statement after the verdict was read speaking to -- well, speaking to just what katie was talking about, speaking to police everywhere about what this verdict means. i want to play this one more time. >> when a member of your profession is held accountable, it does not diminish you. in fact, it shows, it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it. and that's a good thing. it restores trust, faith, and hope. >> ben, you've been legal counsel to so many families of black men and women dying at the hands of police. what do you think of what the a.g. said? >> i agree with attorney general ellison. he and his team understands that it's about equal justice no matter who's the person who committed the injustice. and as my co-counsels and i talked and we talked with katie and her husband, arbery, this is not just a victory for their family. this is a victory for equal justice, kate. there was a black police officer named officer mohammed nour who had a similar situation where he killed a white woman and his defense was parallel, identical to that of kim potter. he cried and he said he was sorry, he was trying to protect his fellow officer. but yet he was convicted and he was sentenced to 12 years. they went above the max. so all of us waited with bated breath to see when the roles were reversed, when a white policewoman shot a black man would we get the same justice that the white family had received. so today is a great victory not just for the wright family in getting accountability but also a great victory for america as we strive for equal justice under the law. >> ben, what sentence are you pushing for? what sentence is appropriate? what sentence is accountability here? >> well, certainly as i just talked to you about a similar case that was tried right there in the same courthouse in minneapolis, with a black police officer, who was as they described officer kim potter, a good police officer. never been convicted of any crime. never fired his weapon. but yet he was sentenced to 12 years. so we will keep a mindful eye to see if the sentence of this white police woman is similar to the sentence given to that black policeman. >> berngs thank you for coming on as always. miss bryant, thank you for speaking with us on this day. thank you very much. out front for us, stephanie rawlings blake, former defense attorney and former mayor of baltimore. stephanie, you've been with us throughout this entire thing. what's your reaction to this verdict tonight? >> i like many people who've been watching, when we heard the jury have that question about what happens if we can't all come to an agreement, many of us who've, you know, watched juries before thought for sure they were signaling that there might be a hung jury or that they would go for the lesser charge. so i was certainly surprised with the verdict. >> do you think this verdict is a sign or says that it was a bad idea to put kim potter on the stand to testify in her own defense? >> no. it's a really tough call when you're a defense attorney. but when you have a case like this when so much of this case was about her mindset at the time, i didn't think they had an option. i thought if she wanted a chance of being found not guilty she would have really had to take the stand. the challenge is when you take that chance you have to live with the consequences. and her performance on the stand was mixed at best. there were times where she could have been more sympathetic, that she ended up coming off a bit defensive or flat. and you know, i don't think -- well, we see that the jury just did not buy it, that they thought that the level of this mistake, which everyone agreed it was a mistake, they just could not abide by it it. they could not give her the benefit of the doubt. and i think it it speaks also to what that will say to other officers, you know, that this level of mistake, you have to be careful when you are using your weapon. >> ben crump, you just heard what ben crump said about what sentencing they would like to see. it's set for mid february. she could face -- i believe the max is 15 years behind bars. how long do you think is appropriate here? >> you know, as far as appropriate, that's certainly up to the judge. i will say that i don't think that the 12 -- the 12 years for the other officer to me, if this is an officer that had never had any issues before, you know, for a first offense seems high. so i don't think they will go as high as 12 years. and i think they might be trying to hand an olive branch to these officers who they've said unfortunately, they said in their testimony that the officers were lying. so they might be trying to give an olive branch and give a lesser sentence. >> that's interesting. thanks for being here. really appreciate it. "outfront" for us next, trump appealing to the nation's highest court in order to keep his white house records secret. plus alarming new data just released about the fast spread of the omicron variant as we take you inside one hospital that's reaching a breaking point. and the pressure mounting for a judge to reconsider a 110-year sentence for a truck driver responsible for this deadly crash. a man who lost his brother in that crash is our guest. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. we've been waiting all year to come together. ♪ happy holidays from lexus. get $1500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. breaking news. the january 6th select committee asking the supreme court to quickly consider whether to take up former president trump's white house records lawsuit just hours after trump, citing executive privilege, asked the court to block the release of about 700 pages of those records. here's what the committee tells the supreme court today. "delay would inflict a serious injury on the select committee and the public. the select committee needs the requested documents now to help shape the direction of the investigation and allow the select committee to timely recommend remedial legislation." some of the documents in dispute are white house visitors logs -- visitors lists and call logs, written notes from former chief of staff mark meadows, draft speeches and correspondence about january 6th, and documents alleging voter fraud. a reminder that trump is now asking the supreme court to intervene only because two previous courts have already rejected his argument. "outfront" with me now is donald aer, former deputy attorney general in the george w. bush administration. thank you for being here. he also co-wrote an opinion piece titled "will donald trump get away with inciting an insurrection," call on the justice department to investigate trump and his inner circle. first let me ask you, trump now taking his fight to the supreme court over these white house documents. this centers on his claim of executive privilege. the select committee asking the court to expedite its review. how do you expect -- what do you expect the high court to do? >> well, so far this process involving these documents has been handled by every court in an exemplary way and handled as well by the national archives. i'm very hopeful that the court will treat it the same way. this is not a serious claim of executive privilege. there's a whole series of points i can make on that if you want me to. but the essence of it is even if trump were in a position to be asserting a claim that should be taken seriously, and that is highly debatable because the current president has decided not to assert a privilege, if you apply the standards that are applied when assessing privilege this claim doesn't even come close. and in essence the supreme court needs to treat the case the way the other courts have so far, move very quickly, recognize the urgency of our national situation, deny the petition and deny the stay. that's what i'm very hopeful they will do. we'll have to wait and see. >> absolutely. and more broadly, timing is of the essence. and there is a sense of urgency even more broadly than just with the supreme court because how real do you think is the possibility that tying up the committee's investigation in various court battles as we've seen, they will be, meaning trump and allies, able to essentially run out the clock in hopes that republicans retake the house majority in the next election. thus eliminating this committee altogether. >> well, i think the committee has done a great deal of work already. they've talked to many, many witnesses and collected many, many documents. we're looking at a situation now in this case that's quite important. it involves records that belong to the american people. they're the records of the white house under trump, and the decisions that have been handed down by the courts so far are excellent, thorough, complete and make the case in overwhelming terms that there's no privilege. and what needs to happen now is a rapid denial of the petition, a denial of the stay application, and get those documents turned over. and i don't think that there's a need to have the clock be run out. i think we're moving forward. i think just reading the papers, people who pay a little bit of attention are seeing the evidence accumulate, and that's only what you see in the media. so i'm optimistic that we're moving in the right direction and that we're going to get accountability here. >> that gets to your op-ed. because you argue that attorney general merrick garland right now has more than enough evidence and justification to launch a robust and forceful investigation as you put it into trump and his allies. but you also write you don't see any sign of that happening right now. how worried are you that leaders -- that the leaders who fan the flames of the insurrection will not be held accountable after all this? >> well, it's a difficult situation. one of the challenges, one of the big challenges that merrick garland, who by the way has done a superb job as attorney general in my opinion and i think in the opinion of my co-authors, he had a tremendously difficult job after the prior administration used the justice department in a grossly political way to do the favors for the president and a whole variety of things to help him get re-elected. total abuse of the department. merrick garland had to restore the traditional evenhanded fair way that the department operates. and he has done that. and he has done it very well. one of the features of his situation, though, is that we're dealing with a former president who not only persisted in denying that he had lost but who also continues to persist and apparently has minions around the country who are working and plotting the next effort to steal the election. and so here we are today with an attorney general who's being judicious and careful. he's not putting out public statements of what he's doing. we don't see evidence of an ongoing investigation. there might be such an investigation. we're concerned, though, that there might not be. and that's why we wrote this op-ed piece. we think it's really, really important that there be a full-blown investigation for accountability of the leaders, not just the 700 rioters and people who committed violent acts, who are being prosecuted, which is commendable and terrific. but we need to go after the leaders. and we want to make sure that that investigation is under way. so that's why we wrote this article, and it's an investigation that i want to stress that it's an investigation we're calling for, we're not saying prosecute anyone. do the job. look at the evidence, and make the judgment. and if the evidence supports it go after all the leaders right to the top. >> donald aier, thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> "outfront" for us now breaking news. new guidelines from the cdc for health care workers with covid just out as cases surge across the country and doctors and nurses getting crushed under the weight of so many patients who need treatment and care. >> even the strongest respiratory therapists that i have have broken down at times. w way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 breaking news. the cdc announcing a major change to address the surge in covid cases and staffing shortages at hospitals. health care workers who have covid will no longer be required to isolate for ten days. the cdc saying they can return to work after seven days if they're symptom-free and test negative. the change only, though, applies to health care workers, not the public. and since we first learned of the omicron variant over thanksgiving, the u.s. has now seen nearly 36,000 deaths and the u.s. now has a higher seven-day average for new cases than at any point during the delta surge. new york state just saw another record number of cases for the sixth time in seven days. new york city's mayor also announcing the new year's eve ball drop is happening but fewer people are going to be allowed in times square. and more than 1 ha00 united flis on christmas eve have now been canceled as the airline says omicron is impacting flight crews. a lot to get to. out front with me now is dr. jonathan reiner who's medical adviser to the george w. bush white house and dr. peter hotez, co-director of the center for vaccine development at texas children's hospital. dr. reiner, what do you think of this change by the cdc late this evening? >> i welcome it. it's been a long time coming. and my guess is that the cdc has been watching closely what's going on in the united kingdom. london has seen about 125% increase in sick days for health care workers in the city of london over the last week. omicron is soaring in the united kingdom, and it's taking out the people who man the hospitals. and you know, this has been the concern of all of us. my old friend peter hotez has been talking about this for a long time, that if this virus surges in the united states we might overwhelm hospitals that will be depleted of health care workers. so this new change by the cdc allows what is basically an entirely vaccinated staff who will almost certainly have either asymptomatic or low-impact illness to get back to work quickly after likely a negative anti-gen test. i welcome it. and it's possible we don't even need seven days. it's possible we can move this to five days. we'll have to see. >> dr. hotez, this gets to a conversation i had today with the chair of the south african medical association, the medical association. she told me that she is less concerned about a fast-spreading virus like this variant than she is about a slower-spreading variant that causes more severe disease. i'm wondering if that is how we should all be thinking about this now. >> yeah, i think, you know, kate, we have to be a little careful about automatically assuming that omicron is a milder virus or a milder illness. remember, the situation in south africa and the uk is a bit different in that their omicron wave dovetailed on a pretty large delta wave. so a lot of the omicron cases both in south africa and the uk were actually omicron reinfections following a delta infection. we have a different -- which may have had some mitigating effect and give the appearance that their epidemic was associated with milder disease. we're in a different situation in the u.s. in that our delta wave was relatively confined geographically to mostly the southern united states and over a defined period of time over the summer and into the early fall. so i think there's more vulnerable in places like new york and washington and i think it may turn out that the omicron variant, the virus may be almost as serious as anything we've seen before. and indeed we are starting to see hospitalizations climb in new york and washington, d.c. so we'll see how things unfold over the next couple of weeks. and like jon i'm really quite concerned about this one-two punch, meaning the rise in -- the rapid, rapid rise in omicron like nothing we've seen before in terms of surge and vertical slope together with a significant percentage of the health care workforce knocked out because of breakthrough symptomatic infection. not that they're getting very sick, but sick enough to be home. and that can create a very dangerous situation for americans. >> that's really interesting. dr. reiner, this all eventually gets back to vaccinations, right? and in unusually strong terms former president trump came out defending covid vaccines in a new interview and praised the benefit of them. let me play this for you. >> all are very, very good. came up with three of them in less than nine months. it was supposed to take five to twelve years. >> more people have died under covid this year, by the way, under joe biden -- >> that's right. >> -- than under you. and more people took the vaccine this year. so people are questioning -- >> oh, no, the vaccine worked but some people aren't taking it. the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital and the ones who don't take the vaccine. but it's still their choice. and if you take the vaccine you're protected. people aren't dying when they take the vaccine. >> dr. reiner, were you surprised to hear trump talk like that? >> i was surprised. i was glad to hear him speak this way. and i have no idea what has finally prompted him to do this. i can't get into his head. nor do i want to. but this week we passed the one-year milestone for vaccination in the united states. and over the course of this year 500,000 more americans have died. and even if we just look at the time point from when vaccinations were available to everyone, which is basically the first week in april, 250,000 americans have died. and from that time point on almost all of those eligible for vaccination but declining to be vaccinated. and through that massive carnage, through that terrible pain for so many people in this country, that man remained silent. he remained silent. i hope his words have impact. i hope his words convince some of the 40% of people who voted for him who remain unvaccinated to go get vaccinated. but he remained silent while hundreds of thousands of people died in this country. i hope he continues to vigorously promote vaccinations. but it's been a very long time coming. >> i mean, dr. hotez, do you think at this point his words will have impact? >> well, i agree with jon. if he had said this back in april, may when there were so many people who were defiant of vaccines despite their wide vaed availability, he might have saved thousands much lives. americans should remember this number. 200,000 americans since june 1 have thrown their lives away because they refused to get vaccinated despite the availability. and it's tragic that donald trump did not say this when we needed him to say it. okay, he said it now. yes, it could have an effect, and here's why. because that number of 200,000 from over the last six months of needless american deaths, that is now projected to double by the first quarter of 2022. so we still have the opportunity to save another 200,000 lives. and so what the president needs to do -- president trump needs to do and president biden, if they could work together, is not just make this a one-off thing. they need to launch a campaign to get america vaccinated. >> i am not holding my breath for that, i will say that. it's good to see you both, though. thank you very much. "outfront" for us next, inside a new mexico hospital where you will witness exactly what we have been talking about here. staff at a breaking point. and nearly 5 million people including kim kardashian supporting a call for clemency for a truck driver sentenced to 110 years for killing four people in this crash. does he deserve leniency? don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can help. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day. tonight a new study warning of the omicron variant. though less severe it appears its high transmissibility could still mean a lot of people ending up in hospitals. right now more than 70,000 people are hospitalized with covid in the united states, and that's pushing some health care workers to their breaking point. sara sidner's out front. >> reporter: in santa fe, new mexico the annual holiday light display dazzles the eye and lifts the spirit. but these are the lights grabbing all the attention just down the road. this is a covid icu. suddenly as busy as it ever was. >> it is clinically, psychologically impossible to keep doing this day in and day out, especially for the past year or two. even the strongest respiratory therapists that i have have broken down at times. >> reporter: the staff is resilient. but despondent some days. and plain old exhausted most. suffering and death greet them every day. >> they come to me and they say i do need a break, help me. >> you know, when you talk about things like pulling them out and people breaking down, it sounds like a war zone. that's the same language that soldiers sometimes use. >> yes. >> is that what it feels like? >> yes. to the point of it being almost unbearable. to see that. these are very good people. good respiratory therapists, good clinicians who want to do the best possible job, and they just can't. they can't do it. >> reporter: there was a moment of light and hope. >> we thought the cases were going down. >> reporter: clinical nurse manager dominik armijo was filled with hope when the vaccines were approved. he was one of the first in new mexico to get the shot. >> it was just that light at the end of the tunnel and then all of a sudden it was wham, bam, here we are again. >> everybody who's here today! >> reporter: he couldn't have possibly accounted for the number of people who would refuse the vaccine. >> i in the beginning was an anti-vaxxer only because of my immune system. but not anymore. >> reporter: what was it that sort of kept you from going to get vaccinated? >> i do not have a very good immune system. >> reporter: a lot of times the doctors will tell you if your immune system is compromised go get vaccinated. what were your concerns? >> my heart issues. i know there was a lot of clotting in the first few. and i did have an example of not a good reaction to a friend who did get vaccinated. >> reporter: byres never did get the vaccine. instead she got a bad case of covid and was unable to breathe. do you regret it now? >> do i regret it it? yes and no. i wish i had gotten vaccinated sooner. i wouldn't be here. that's the regret. >> reporter: i've talked to a lot of doctors and nurses and i've heard a lot of people say i don't want to retire, i don't want to leave but i don't know if i can do it. where are you on that? >> i'm probably at that end of that spectrum as well. it's trying. but i just -- this is my family. and this is my community. we're the city of holy faith. it's just been a lot. >> reporter: the unending pandemic surges have taken a toll. >> we have lost 110 nurses this year. >> reporter: that's 25% of the hospital's nurses. >> it's across the board. i mean, most definitely nursing, respiratory, but it's also food and nutrition and custodial support and techs and medical office assistants. and registration. it is across the board. >> reporter: the remaining staff are fighting back death alongside their patients. there is no respite. not even for christmas. kate, i cannot tell you or emphasize this enough. it is really hard to see doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists breaking down in front of you. i am a complete stranger, but they are so overwhelmed with so much suffering. and now they'll be there for christmas because there just are too many people who are so severely sick because they didn't get vaccinated. kate? >> i think just another round of this is just truly unbelievable. thank you, sara. "outfront" for us next, a truck driver who killed four people after he says his rig's brakes failed is at the center of a campaign for clemency. does he deserve the 110-year sentence he received? one of the victims' brothers is my guest. and trump allies taking a page from the book of trump. when he sues, they follow suit. y for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. (patrick) it took a few years, i started to notice that i couldn't go as long. (renee) every half a block i'm stopping to try to catch my breath. (ray) if it's under 20 degrees out, i can't go outside my house because it feels like i'm inhaling broken glass. (terry) [coughing] -excuse me. (ted koppel) sounds familiar? (taini) the fish being out of the water, gasping for air, well, i feel worse than a fish. (ted koppel) 30 million americans have copd, half don't yet know it. (bill) when the doctor told me you have copd...what's that? (ted koppel) it's a lung disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (joyce) i thought i was good at breathing until i wasn't. (ted koppel) right now, people struggling with copd are especially vulnerable to covid-19. (rhonda) it cut my life in half, that's what it did. (ted koppel) if we can't find them, we can't help them. help us help them. visit tonight, a judge under pressure to reconsider the 110-year sentence he gave to a truck driver convicted a deadly crash. rogel aguilera-mederos was driving a truck in april 2019 when he says his brakes failed causing this 28-car pileup. four people were killed, several more injured. prosecutors argued he missed opportunities to prevent this tragedy. the defense said it was out of his control. >> he knew his brakes went out. he was in gear but still decided to shift out of gear. why would you ever shift out of gear when you know your brakes don't work? >> everything was happening to him so fast. he was trying to make decisions right like that. and each decision didn't give him reason to think that it was going to stop. >> protests have been taking place since that 110-year sentence was handed down. nearly 5 million people signing a petition to grant him clemency. the judge has even said this sentence would not have been his choice but he was bound by the mandatory minimum laws in the state. now the district attorney is asking him to take another look. a hearing set for monday. and the state's governor jared polis is reviewing a clemency request at the same time. "outfront" with us now is dwayne bailey. his brother, william bailey, was one of the four people killed in this tragic crash. thank you for being here this evening. you just met with the governor today about this. what did you this. what did you tell him? >> he should stay out of it until the court proceeding has been done. we were told it would be done through the court system and the sentence would be considered and more than likely reduced. for the governor to get involved before that would be inappropriate. >> did you leave the meeting feeling reassured? >> no. i left the meeting, honestly, with him pretty well acknowledging that he was planning to get involved. he didn't say that directly, but he left that impression. but he said he would not make the decision before monday. >> you are one of the people most impacted by this crash. what do you think of this sentence? >> honestly, the 110-year sentence, everybody knows -- we did not hear that number until just before sentence that day. they told us then there was procedures in place to adjust the sentence correctly. >> he says his brakes went out leading to the crash. you say there is more to it than a brake malfunction and a 110-year sentence, that people that are seeing this and signing a petition might not understand. i know there's far more detail from the investigation that we can't get into right now. what do you think people are missing here? >> i can't cover all that testimony that fast. when he got hired, he chose that route, not the trucking company. he was speeding all day long. he almost ran a couple off the road hours before the crash. 70 in a 45 zone. 30 miles before the crash site, his brakes were smoking. he was concerned about that. he called his boss later and said he had a conversation with while parked there. he was concerned about the brakes and asking for advice for a route with less hills. he was seen driving -- speeding. he saw the signs warning of the downhill. he said that in the testimony. he saw the signs. he said when he lost his brakes, he was trying to downshift and missed the truck rump, which baffles my mind. if your brakes are gone, that's the only thing you should focus on. last decision that day when he came across the truck on the side of the road, which he hit the truck in front of him, was to turn into traffic. reconstruction that day showed his truck went directly between two semis. i'm not going to say what his intent. it's obvious he chose a route that would save his life without regard for people there. so many other points that i can't get into in a short interview. >> i totally understand. one thing i do know is in all of this with all the headlines that this is now grabbing and so many people signing on and weighing in, i think it's important as you have done tonight to not forget four lives that are lost, one of them your brother william. thank you for being here. >> thank you very much. next, when trump sees, his allies follow. an inside look at the legal strategy straight from the former president. 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"ac 360" starts now. the definancense said a mis is not a crime. the jury said it was mansl manslaughter. when kim potter shot and killed daunte wright in april, she had 26 years on the job. they had countless hours of training as any officer does on her duties, on the law, on when to use the taser she carried on the left side of her body and when, if ever, to use her handgun on the right. on the 11th of april, in the middle of

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Center , Supreme Court , Bail , Husband , Parents , I Love You Kim , Traffic Stop , Handcuffs , God , 20 , Member , State , Profession , Fact , Police Family , Name , Chanted Wright , Law , It , Actions , World , Defense , Police , Witnesses , Testimony , Potter , Wrong , Anybody , Bleep , 33 , 26 , Eight , Officers , Right , Arguments , Veteran , Force , Law Enforcement , Stop , Badge , Consequences , Jurors , Intention , License , On Potter , Thing , Blunder , Epic Proportions , One , Don T Have Daunte Home , Minneapolis , Facility , Females , We Love You , 25 , Rules , Jail , Bryant , Civil Rights Attorney , Benjamin Crump , Speaking , 4 , 3 , Accountability , Judge , Charges , Wasn T Sure If , Mind , Thoughts , Feelings , Day One , Daunte Back , Everybody , Policing , Step , Issue , Saying , Attorney General , Daunts , Dauntes , Statement , Names , Streets , Everywhere , One More Time , Faith , Trust , Hope , Attorney General Ellison , Families , Hands , Counsel , Men , Women , Team , Justice , Person , Katie , Co Counsels , Arbery , Injustice , Matter , Situation , Victory , Kate , Who , Mohammed Nour , Officer , Woman , Parallel , Fellow , Breath , Police Woman , Black Man , Roles , 12 , Sentence , America , Case , Eye , Weapon , Crime , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Policeman , Mayor , Berngs , Reaction , Baltimore , Many , Hung Jury , Signaling , Juries , Agreement , Sign , Idea , Stand , Chance , Option , Mindset , Challenge , Times , Being , Performance , Level , I Don T Think , Flat , Mistake , Benefit , Doubt , Sentencing , Set , Mid February , 15 , Issues , Olive Branch , Offense , Trump , Court , Thanks , Order , Nation , Next , Records Secret , Truck Driver , Hospital , Pressure , Omicron Variant , Breaking Point , Data , 110 , Man , Crash , Liberty , Brother , Pay , Lease Cash , Theaters , Rx , December 17th , Lexus , 1500 , 350 , 500 , 17 , Things , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 50 , 45 , Cancer , Risk , Adults , Colon Cancers , Results , Cologuard , Stages , 92 , Home , Family Room Slash Gym , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Provider , Panic Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Basement Slash , Slash Classroom , App , Vrbo , Page , Plan , Planning Options , Binders , Options , Broker , Uh Carl , 188 , House , Plans , Retirement Plan , Consultant , Help , Son , Schwab , Uhhh , Planning , Executive Privilege , Pages , January 6th Select Committee Asking The Supreme Court , Release , 700 , House Select Committee , Documents , Records , Direction , Injury , Delay , The Public , January 6th Investigation , Mark Meadows , Chief Of Staff , Draft Speeches , Call Logs , Notes , Dispute , Visitors Logs , Visitors Lists , Legislation , Courts , Argument , Reminder , Voter Fraud , Correspondence , Two , Department , Call , Insurrection , Deputy Attorney General , Opinion Piece , Donald Aer , George W Bush Administration , Inner Circle , Claim , Fight , High Court , Centers , Review , The Way , Way , Process , The National Archives , Points , Essence , Series , Position , President , Privilege , Standards , Doesn T , Petition , Urgency , Possibility , Timing , Sense , Stay , Allies , Clock , Hopes , Majority , Court Battles , Republicans , Election , Deal , Work , Decisions , Denial , Terms , Stay Application , Evidence , Bit , Attention , Need , Media , Papers , Run Out , Merrick Garland , Justification , Op Ed , Leaders , Fan , The Flames , Brother William , Job , Challenges , Opinion , Co Authors , Variety , Favors , Administration , Abuse , Features , Country , Minions , Statements , Rioters , Op Ed Piece , Acts , Terrific , Article , Investigation , Judgment , Anyone , Health Care Workers , Doctors , Cases , Nurses , Top , Guidelines , Donald Aier , Car , Therapists , Treatment , Patients , Care , Broken Down , Weight , Questions , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Diabetes , Musician , Fingersticks , Carvana , My Name , Austin James , Spot , A1c , Glucose Numbers , System , Mystery , Scan , Libre 2 , 6 7 , 2 , 8 2 , New York Times , Situations , Bargain , Beep , Facilities , Pandemic , Operations , Engineers , Tools , Story , Cisco , Bridge , Mom , Don T Worry , Show , Shot , Sweetie , Nice , Gig , Xfinity , Speed , Woah , Tv , Wifi , Holiday , Store , Whole , Click , Sing 2 , Surge , Staffing , Covid , Hospitals , Test , Shortages , Negative , Seven , Ten , Point , Number , Deaths , Record , New York State , Public , Delta Surge , 36000 , Ball Drop , Times Square , United Flis , 1 , Dr , Lot , Peter Hotez , Center , Jonathan Reiner , Flight Crews , Adviser , George W Bush White House , Airline , United Kingdom , Guess , What S Going On , Texas Children S Hospital , Vaccine Development , London , City Of London , 125 , Virus , Friend , Concern , Staff , Illness , Variant , Conversation , Chair , South African Medical Association , The Medical Association , Disease , Delta Wave , South Africa , Omicron Wave Dovetailed , Mitigating Effect , Omicron Reinfections , Delta Infection , Appearance , Southern United States , Epidemic , Summer , Anything , Places , Washington D C , Rise , Hospitalizations , Punch , Infection , Health Care Workforce , Breakthrough , Rapid , Slope , Percentage , Nothing , Number 200000 Americans , Vaccinations , Interview , Vaccines , Three , Nine , Twelve , Half Don T , Vaccine , Ones , Questioning , Joe Biden , Choice , People Aren T , Milestone , Head , Vaccination , Course , 250000 , 500000 , Carnage , Words , Impact , Pain , 40 , Thousands , Hundreds , Lives , Availability , Back , Vaed , Jon , June 1 , 200000 , Effect , Six , Opportunity , Campaign , America Vaccinated , Inside A New Mexico , Clemency , Leniency , Kim Kardashian , 5 Million , Ride , Tradition , Cadillac , Sleigh , Cadillac Showroom , T Mobile , Customers , Both , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Dianne , 13 , Metamucil , Isn T Working , Waste , Blood Sugar Levels , Fiber , Gels , Trap , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Energetic Metamucil , Metamucil Fiber Thins , Health , Tasting , Study Warning , Transmissibility , 70000 , Lights , Spirit , New Mexico , Holiday Light Display , Sara Sidner , Santa Fe , Road , Covid Icu , Suffering , Most , Break , War Zone , Language , Yes , Soldiers , Clinicians , Respiratory Therapists , Dominik Armijo , The End Of Tunnel , Bam , Wham , Immune System , Anti Vaxxer , Beginning , Heart , Concerns , Sort , Few , Clotting , Example , Byres , Community , Regret , Spectrum , Surges , City , Toll , Board , Respiratory , Office , Nursing , Support , Techs , Assistants , Nutrition , Food , Respite , Registration , Fighting Back Death , Stranger , Enough , Sara , Round , Brakes , Victims , Brothers , Rig , Suit , Throwback , Of Trump , Crohn S , Medication , Intestine , Flare Up , Uc , Inflammation , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Moderate , Stelara , Relief , Doctor , Serious , Infections , Flight , Symptoms , Sores , Skin Growths , Tb , Janssen , Reactions , Remission , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Brain Condition , I Can T Go Outside , Half , Cost Support Options , Patrick , Couldn T Go , Block , Ray , Copd , Fish , Ted Koppel , Glass , Coughing , Air , Water , Terry , Taini , 30 Million , Bill , Breathing , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , Lung Disease , Rhonda , Them , Life , Visit Copdsos Org , 19 , Truck , Aguilera Mederos , Rogel , April 2019 , 2019 , Gear , Several , Opportunities , Prosecutors , Control , Tragedy , Pileup , Injured , 28 , Everything , Place , Protests , Change Org , Jared Polis , District Attorney , Laws , Look , Hearing Set , Him Clemency , Reviewing A Clemency , Request , William Bailey , Dwayne Bailey , Court Proceeding , Court System , Meeting , Impression , Procedures , Brake Malfunction , Detail , Fast , Route , Couple , Trucking Company , Smoking , Crash Site , 70 , Driving , Speeding , Advice , Boss , Hills , Truck Rump , Signs , Downhill , Downshift , Warning , Side , Traffic , Reconstruction , Intent , Semis , Regard , Headlines , Know , Something , Bum , Quote Today , Strategy , Farmers , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Advisor , Planning Effect , Picture , Wealth , Reward , Balance , Test Drive Works , Wavy , Guy Maintenance , Boy , Money , Em , Guy , Love It , Missus , Outs , Zookeeper , Mud Wrestler , Vo , Gift , Businesses , Business , Comcast Business , Savings Sale , Bundles , Prepaid Card , 00 , Network , Internet , Gig Speeds , Savings , Possibilities , Price Guarantee , Voice , 4 99 , 64 99 , Foster Kid Need , First Day Of School , Show Up , Manicure , Address , Helpfosterchildren Com Tonight , Foster Kids , Footsteps , Jessica Schneider , Steal , January 6 , 2020 , Playbook , Insurrection January 6th , Exonerate , Lawsuit , Speeches , Visitor , Logs , Drafts , Archives , Access , Lawsuits , Poured In , Michael Flynn , Alex Jones , John Eastman , Handful , Planners , Election Lawyer , Phone Companies , Rally , Rally Organizers , Wing , Media Pundit , Phone Records , Case Moves , Subpoena , Foundation , Lead , Purpose , Premise , Others , Power , Lawyers , Context , Prosecution , Dimension , Principals , Congress , Democrats , Truly , Wavive , Fighting , Stop Fighting For Democracy , Rule Of Law , Mis , Cnn , Ac 360 , Definancense , 360 , Mansl Manslaughter , Handgun , Duties , Training , 11th Of April , 11 ,

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