Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

group but you cannot actively participate in it. we will have to see in the coming months whether that makes a fundamental difference on any trend that develops on extremism in the ranks. victor. >> barbara starr, thank you. top of the hour, i'm victor blackwell, good to be with you. five days now until christmas, and the pandemic is taking what experts are calling a grim path forward. today the u.s. is averaging more than 130,000 new infections a day. that's a 10% increase over a week ago. new york, an early epicenter of the pandemic has seen record positive case numbers for three days in a row. mayor bill de blasio says he will decide this week whether to go forward with new york's famed new year's eve celebration in times square. cnn's jason carroll is with me now. what more are we learning from the mayor, also the governor today as they move forward on this new surge? >> the mayor is saying a couple of things. first and foremost, he said earlier today that there are no plans for any further shut downs. basically he is saying that that would really cripple the city economically. having said that, the city is paying very close attention to the numbers here, especially in new york city where they've seen the numbers steadily ticking upwards. new york, for example, new york city, covid cases, more than double compared to last week. most of those cases are among those people who are unvaccinated. also just to give this some perspective. when you look at the number of hospitalizations in new york city, those numbers are going up as well, but they're not going up in a way that's alarming to those in the medical profession right now. so that's important to keep in perspective as we're looking at this in its totality. meanwhile, across the city, victor, we have seen any number of people waiting in line for hours trying to get tested ahead of the holidays. some people going to drug stores, trying to get those take home rapid tests. those have been sold out. the mayor is aware of the problem here in the city, and talk about addressing that need. >> we are now testing, in fact, more people than ever. 130,000 plus daily in the city sites. that is double the number of tests just three weeks ago. that's how fast things are ramping up. this intense effort will keep growing as long as we need it to grow to address demand, and what we're trying to do as much as possible is get those in-home test kits in play, particularly where we're seeing long lines. wherever possible, in our city run sites, there's a long line off the alternative of giving them in-home tests that they can take home with them. >> in addition to what you just heard from the mayor, mayor de blasio said the city is adding testing sites. those should be up and running by the end of the week. there are a number of people critical of the mayor and the administers and the way they have handled some of this recently, saying there should be more testing sites, more at-home testing kits for those who need them, more staff available and the labs need to be quicker in terms of how they're processing some of those results. in terms of times square where we are right now, it is still a go for the ball drop but having said that, the organizers are saying with anyone coming out is going to have to show proof of vaccination. they are also not requiring masks, but they are recommending it. victor. >> jason carroll there in times square, thank you, jason. moderna reported some encouraging preliminary data today. it says that its covid booster is effective against the omicron variant. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here. elizabeth, that's a great banner headline, but i'm sure there's a lot more behind that that we need to know. what is it? >> oh, victor, there is a lot. it's not entirely clear how effective or if it's really all that effective, this booster, that moderna is putting out now. the 50 micro gram booster that you can get at pharmacies. it gets complicated. let me lay it out. let's take a look at what moderna said. moderna said when they looked at their current booster, 50 micro grams, that's what you can get going to a pharmacy or whatever. it did boost antibodies, but 100 micro grams boosted antibodies even higher, and the effectiveness of either dose against omicron is unclear. just because you boosted antibodies does not necessarily tell you exactly how effective it is or how long the sort of durability of any protection that it might give. now, president of moderna says, well, maybe, you know, it's possible that we could go to a 100 micro gram dosage. that would be easy enough. that's what the first two shots of moderna are. they're sitting on shelves. that's up to public health authorities to decide. now that you have heard all of this, probably confused. what's the bottom line. the bottom line is the booster does increase antibodies. it's better than having just two shots. go ahead and get it. it's not going to hurt you, and first of all, go ahead and get two shots if you haven't already. get vaccinated, and get boosted, if it's your time to get boosted. it does increase antibodies, how effective that is, we don't noe know. but it's more antibodies than if you got two shots. victor. >> let's move to another study that is putting a time line on the risk of a fully vaccinated person getting covid, what did that find? >> right. so this study it's important to note was done before omicron, and what it found was that there was actually, it points to how the vaccines are good but the durability is not quite what we would like it to be. they don't last quite as long as we would like. let's take a look. this is actually a huge study done by cdc and state health departments. t they looked at 50 million vaccinated people in 15 states. those vaccinated in january and february, when you fast forward to basically august, 169 cases out of 100,000 people. if they were vaccinated in july, so many months later, they only had 63 cases. so in other words, the folks who were vaccinated in july were less likely to get sick in august compared to the folks who were vaccinated in january or february. so this certainly makes the case for boosters but i will say, we don't know if these people got infected and sick. we don't know how sick they were, but certainly seeing that there were more cases among those who were vaccinated further back, that certainly makes the case for boosters. victor. >> certainly does. elizabeth cohen, thank you very much. let's go to the white house now. white house press secretary jen psaki taking questions about omicron and the surge. >> for those who choose to remain unvaccinated, he'll issue a stark warning, and make clear, unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths. that is not trying to scare people or maybe it is trying to make clear to people in the country what the risks are here of not being vaccinated. what is clear is that we're not in the same place that we were in, something he will reiterate as well, the beginning of the pandemic, thanks to the president's extraordinary work to get 200 million americans vaccinated. to be clear, covid-19 is not the same threat to fully vaccinated individuals that it was in march of 2020. as i said at the top, he will also announce additional steps, so he will outline this clearly tomorrow. he has been candid, and he has been direct. as he's provided updates to the american public throughout on our steps to address what we know is an unpredictable virus and a fight in our once in a generation pandemic. that's what people can expect tomorrow. >> thank you. on the negotiations, we see senator manchin's version of events differs from the white house's versiono of events in your statement on sunday. i just wanted to know if you could talk a little bit about where the gap is, if the negotiations fell apart over the child tax credit issue, if the white house is prepared to go around legislation, if necessary. where are we with manchin? >> i would say the lengthy statement that i issued yesterday outlined pretty specifically the events of the last few weeks, and it was important to the president and all of us to make that clear to the american people, the status and the steps that had been taken, but i'm not going to relitigate the tictoc of yesterday from here today. i will say that from the president's viewpoint and i saw him this morning, he has worked with senator manchin over the course of decades. they share fundamental values. they're long time friends. that has not changed and what's most on the president's mind is the risk of inaction. and if we do not act to get this legislation done and the components in it, not only will costs and prices go up for the american people, but also we will see a trajectory and economic growth that is not where we want it to be, and we have seen projections from goldman sachs, and others today on that front. he's no stranger to legislative challenges, and we are going to continue to take steps, work like hell to get it done. >> does the president feel betrayed by his friend? >> i think our statement made clear what we feel, what was the factual depiction of events that happened, but again, the president sees senator manchin as somebody who is a long time friend, somebody who has worked well together on, and our objective and focus now is moving forward. >> where do the lines of communication stand at this point between either the president and joe manchin, joe manchin and the white house staff, is there a contact at all? >> i'm just not going to give you an update on specifics from here. >> on covid, ahead of tomorrow's speech, should americans expect any new restrictions? >> this is not a speech about locking the country down. this is a spechech outlining an being direct and clear about the benefits of being vaccinated, the steps we're going to take to increase access and testing, and the risks posed to unvaccinated individuals. >> does the president still trust senator manchin. >> again, i understand the questions here, but our focus is on moving forward. i think our statement yesterday made clear what the course of events were over the last couple of weeks. it was important for the american people to know and see that, but he considers senator manchin a long time friend, and our focus is on moving forward and getting this done. >> are you confident that all 49 other members of the democratic caucus are still on board with build back better? >> sure. i understand that. i can't obviously speak for all of them. i think you saw quite a bit of a unanimity yesterday in response to people and their desire across the democratic party. >> what would be the message to progressives who he asked to hang with him as he moved over to the senate, now than what many of them warned has happened. >> well, i would say, one his message would be we need to work together to theget this done, a heath going to work like hell to get it done, and january is an opportunity to do that. >> on ukraine, the state department issued a level four travel warning today saying u.s. citizens should be aware of reports that russia is planning for significant military action against ukraine. spoke with russian counter part today, and said they conducted an assessment of air defense needs in the ukraine. obviously you've said you're monitoring this. is u.s. intelligence picking up something new? >> let me first say that the travel advisory for ukraine remains a level four. do not travel due to covid-19. the state department updated it to include information on russia's military build up on ukraine's border, just to provide additional information but it has been at a level four. >> so nothing new otherwise? >> again, the state department provides additional information through travel advisories to make sure they are being transparent with american citizens in different countries, and that's exactly what they did in this case. and we have historically seen large numbers of americans, and others traveling to ukraine during this time of year and the holiday season. it was just an effort to provide that information directly. go ahead. >> and your statement yesterday alluded to working more on build back better next year. is your expectation that president biden and manchin will talk at all before the end of the year. >> i'm just not going to give you any updates on their engagements from here, i wouldn't expect, and we're going to keep those private. >> do you regard his $1.8 trillion as a nonstarter, given that it includes a child tax credit. >> i think the president has been clear. i'll let senator manchin speak to the specifics of his proposal. i'm not going to confirm those details from here. i know there have been reports out there, but i'll let him speak to that. but i would say that the president, of course, wants to extend the child tax credit. that's something he has spoken to. we know it was a significant contributor to cutting in half the child poverty rate. i'm obviously not going to negotiate from here. but, you know, he doesn't think compromise is a dirty word either. >> on sunday, new york's mayor bill de blasio, asked the president to invoke the defense production act because of a shortage of at-home tests, antibody treatments, and also said that the pfizer antiviral pill should be fast tracked. are any of those things under consideration at this moment? >> we're in touch, i will say first, with the city of new york and the state as well as all officials across the country experiences up ticks. we have sent 30 ambulances to the state and an accompanying team of personnel to balance patient loads among hospitals across the state. we have used the defense production act and spent $3 billion to greatly expand the number of at-home tests. as i noted earlier the president will have more to say tomorrow in his remarks at our effort to expand access. go ahead. >> white house press secretary jen psaki taking questions about primarily two topics, the decision from senator joe manchin that he's a no on the build back better act, and also the president's speech coming tomorrow as we see the surge of delta variant in the u.s. and spread of omicron. here with me now, cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, and chief congressional correspondent, manu raju. jeff, let me start with you. we heard from jen psaki that the speech will be about three things, the benefits of being vaccinated, how they'll increase testing and access to testing, and also the risks that people will face as being unvaccinated. are we expecting to hear anything new because those three topics we've heard from the white house before. >> victor, we aren't necessarily expecting to hear anything new except the white house continue to go draw a line as they have been trying to do between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. again, making the play that this is not like march of 2020, even though some sporting events have been cancelled, broadway shows have been dark. of course the concerns may feel the same but the white house is trying to make clear this is a different situation, and i think also strikingly, the white house press secretary saying that this is not a lock down speech in her words, the white house is mnot going to go down that road. they are going to try and draw a distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated and the dangers for unvaccinated and unboosted americans, the dangers on the health care system, et cetera, so that certainly is going to be the theme of the speech. one thing that we will see the president say tomorrow is more on testing. that is one big controversy this administration has struggled to get its arms around, more testing capacity, so that could be one area of new information. victor, it's largely the same speech, but a different set of circumstances, certainly, and a new variant. >> yeah, circumstances certainly are changing. manu, let me come to you. jen was asked about the white house's message to progressives on the hill. how is this no from manchin and how things have kind of happened over the last 24 hours, how is that resonating on the hill? >> well, members are extremely frustrated because they have spent months negotiating a bill that they thought had a chance of passage in the house. they passed a number of democrats, including ones that are in difficult districts, swing districts that become republican in the midterms, ultimately voted yes, and the anticipation that this bill would eventually become law, and they could campaign on issues related to housing, to health care, to climate change and expanding of medicare as well as providing more money into the affordable care act. all of which they thought would be beneficial politically back home. joe manchin, saying that he would be no, that essentially sinks the entire effort, unless they can figure out another way forward. she did not walk back the scathing criticism that the white house leveled against joe manchin, did not discuss whether or not the president still trusts senator manchin, also wou would not talk about the discu discussions, ultimately, in order to get anything through, even if it's a scaled back plan, even if it's to move individual pieces of this proposal, they will have to ultimately get joe manchin on board. 50/50 senate, if they go through the process to avoid a republican filibuster, that means they cannot afford a single democratic defection, no matter what the proposal ultimately looks like here, so democrats on the hill, victor, are trying to say we're going to get something done. we're still going to push to get this done. what it looks like, can they get it done, can they get it done in a timely fashion, all of which leaves democrats essentially conceding that certainly the big bill won't get done. will any bill get done. that is the big question as they have promised so much to the voters, will they come up with anything, be completely empty handed by next november. that's a big question. they at least say they have the infrastructure bill to point to that they pass, as well as the covid relief package, the covid safety net package, that could be done for the rest of this congress. >> there was a noticeable tonal shift from jen psaki as compared to the statement released on sunday when she was asked if the president felt betrayed by senator manchin, she wouldn't go there. she referred to the statement. what do you read from what we're hearing from jen psaki today versus what we read from her yesterday. >> i read into that this measured tone was an expected one. it's the tone we have seen talking with advisers here throughout the day. look, they meant everything that they said in that statement yesterday. she didn't back away from it, but simply did not repeat it on camera. and look, they are trying to find a way forward. as manu just said right there, the hard, cold math of it is if they want to get anything accomplished, even a scaled back version or a smaller piece of this, they still need joe manchin. president biden has been in the involved in the senate for a long time, as has joe manchin. their relationship is an evolving relationship. they certainly are going to work together in some degrees, but what i read into that is that the white house press secretary is not going to litigate that or frame that conversation from the white house podium. we don't know if they have spoken yet. we don't believe they have spoken yet since the bomb shell yesterday, but she would not confirm that. certainly trying to take the temperature down a little bit, if you will, heading into the holidays. key, joe manchin is as important to this as he ever was. >> jeff zeleny, manu raju, thank you both. in a radio interview, senator joe manchin is blaming white house staff for his handling of talks in the build back better package. he was at his wit's end in negotiations with the white house. i'll speak with the host who landed that interview with senator manchin. former president trump is suing new york's attorney general. the lawsuit is trying to stop the ag's office from continuing its investigation into the trump organization. we've got new details ahead. r c. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. ♪“i got you babe” by etta james♪ ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy. so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on. ♪ joy. fully. ♪ it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ senate majority leader chuck schumer says the build back better plan will get a floor vote early next year, and the white house insists the president is still friends with senator joe manchin, that's despite manchin's decision that he's a no on the president's agenda. in a radio interview today. manchin suggested white house drove him to that decision. >> you know me, always willing to work and listen and try. i got to wit's end, and they know the real reason what happened. they won't tell you and i'm not going to -- >> wait, wait, wait, you said they know the real reason. they're not going it tell us. you're not going to tell us whawhat do you mean? >> the lot line, his staff driven, it's not the president. it's staff. they drove some things, and put some things out that were inexcusable. they know what it is, and that's it. >> with me now is the radio host for metro news talk line in west virginia. he interviewed senator manchin this morning. thank you for your time. let me start there with the senator suggesting that the statement from the white house really isn't the truth about how this all ended and that there was something else at play here. did you get any clarity from the senator on what that was? >> you know, victor, as you heard, we were rolling along in the interview, and he said that, and i said wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about here, he did not elaborate, but i got the sense that there was something else at play here that did not have to do specific with the president but rather with staff somewhere in the negotiations that caused manchin some heartburn. here's what's important to remember about manchin. manchin wants to get to yes. i've known him for a long time, back to his days as governor. he has negotiated a lot of deals. he tries to get to yes, and you have to help him get to yes. if he feels like somebody is trying to circumvent him or go around him or put undo pressure on him, he's going to push back, and i think that's what happened here. >> he wants to get to yes. as he pointed out, he's been at 1.5 trillion since march, right. if these negotiations were actually progressing to get to i've been at the same place for nine months now, was he a fair actor. do you believe that everyone else at the table was a fair actor as well? >> well, i think that's a great point. manchin, what he told me today, and what he said yesterday about his concerns, the cost of the legislation, the impact on inflation, no work requirement for the child tax credit, those kinds of things. those have been issues all along. i mean, since he first started talking about five or six months ago, so i don't want to speak for him, but i get the impression that those have been issues for him all along that have not been substantially addressed. he seemed to suggest in the interview today that all the administration did was just lower the size but not deal with some of the other fundamental issues that he had concerns about. >> so what i love about your show is that it's a call in show, and you hear from people, their reaction to the news and the news makers on your show, we know that this child tax credit could certainly help the people of west virginia. what's been the reaction to the decision from senator manchin? >> remember this, victor, that west virginia is a red state. donald trump won this state by 40 points, and joe manchin -- that was a question i really wanted an answer to. hopefully we can get him back to talk about what he has heard from his listeners. let's bring in charlie dent, a cnn political commentator, and former congressman from pennsylvania. you have a new op-ed on, and you say that someone should pin a medal on senator manchin's chest. why? >> well, joe manchin, contrary to what i have been hearing over the last 24 hours is forthright, transparent, and open about where he stands. he has been saying for months his objections, his reservations, his concerns with that bill on the size and scope, just as hoppy, your previous guest stated. he's had numerous concerns. people may be angry or disappointed, but they should not be surprised. he does represent west virginia. i saw a poll in west virginia showing he has a 61% favorability rating, and build back better has a 61% disapproval rating. they agree with him on this. manchin does try to get to yes. joe manchin does understand that to enact meaningful, durable, sustainable reforms, you need a bipartisan consensus. he demonstrated that on the infrastructure bill. he has acted in good faith all along. many on the far left don't like what they're hearing. they cannot take no for an answer. >> congressman, hold on for a second. i understand that we have established. hoppy, we got him back. both up at the same time, that wasn't the plan. good to have it. i want you to continue your answer on the reaction to this announcement from senator manchin! s s >> sure and i think the congressman said it well. manchin has managed to thread the political needle in west virginia. he's a democrat, last democrat standing, and he's well aware of what constituents want and don't want, and i think he has tried to govern to that effect. i got a ton of texts today on my show from people who are clearly from a more conservative side who said i'm not a fan of manchin or i questioned manchin, but i'm glad he did this. i'm glad he stood up. i'm glad he stood strong on this. remember, west virginia has a progressive wing of the democratic party but it's not very big, and they don't like manchin anyway, so manchin's core is moderate democrats, moderate independents, and some left-leaning republicans. that's his constituency, and i think that he gets that, and certainly the response i've gotten is they appreciate what manchin did, and also one of the points, victor, every time, you have to wonder about strategy. every time bernie sanders or aoc goes on cnn and says something bad about manchin, manchin's numbers improve in west virginia. >> yeah. you point out an important point. the 40-point advantage for president trump in 2020. this is not the same west virginia that he was elected in in 2010, right. you got jim justice who moved from the democratic party to the republican party. this is not birds in west virginia, not rockefeller's west virginia. let me come to you, congressman, and play this portion of hoppy's interview in which he asked about his future in the democratic party. >> i would like to hope there's still democrats that feel like i do. i'm fiscally responsible and socially compassionate. if there's democrats like that, and have to push me wherever they want me. >> i mean, if you are head of a 50/50 split in the senate, what do you hear there, congressman? >> i think democrats in congress better figure something out real fast. they need joe manchin a lot more than he needs them. bottom line, look, he is popular in west virginia, and i do think there are many democrats who feel as joe manchin does. they just don't -- many are not in congress. throughout west virginia and pennsylvania, i would argue there are plenty of moderate democrats that agree with what joe manchin is doing as moderate republicans. he speaks to the center of the country. he's much more aligned with most americans than his critics. as hoppy stated when bernie sanders and members of the squad go on television and cnn and bash him, joe manchin's numbers go up in west virginia. they're doing him a favor. but they better be careful. they could drive him to become an independent or republican, and where does their agenda go. >> the policies in this bill that have been pulled are popular. the child tax credit is popular. the lowering of prescription drugs is popular, so when you suggest that joe manchin is closer to the american people, the specifics, many of them in this bill are very popular with the american people. how do you reconcile those? >> very simply, it's the size and the scope of the proposal that has scared the daylights out of people particularly after $6 trillion has been spent on covid, most of it necessary. these inflationary pressures, supply chain shortages, there are all kinds of issues that are really driving the american public sure, people like a lot of component of the bill, but their scale is too big. they should do just one of these things. they could have done it on a bipartisan basis if they wanted to. but they wanted everything, they want it all, and they want it now. it's too much. that's what the problem here is. it's not the components, it's the overall package. >> so let's talk about the components as we wrap it with you hoppy, what we're hearing from the white house, we just heard from jen psaki, this dear colleague later that speaker pelosi sent out suggests that some of this is salvageable, that this is not over over. that this is still a negotiation. did you get that from the senator that there's a path forward here on this? >> yeah, i did. and not specifically, but just because i know manchin, and that is this was just, as the congressman said, this was just too much in too many different things, so it's kind of collapsed under its own weight. rather than people who are -- democrats criticizing manchin, maybe they should look at the bill, what was wrong with the bill, and pick out the parts that are popular as you alluded to, victor, that you can get through and do those things. call up manchin, and say let's do a deal on these things, and i'm sure you'll restart a conversation. >> i will point out as we heard from senator sanders, as you pointed out as well, congressman, alexandria oc ocasio-cortez, the congresswoman, 48 senators on board here, and it's already passed the house, shifting this to senator sanders, how much of a negotiation really is that, that's their point. i wanted to include that in this conversation as well. congressman charlie dent. hoppy, thank you both. s u.s. sees a new surge in infections and life disruption. we ask some of your most pressing questions during this new phase of the pandemic. that's next. ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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the u.s. right now. but the contagious omicron variant continues to spread. it's in at least 45 states. joining me now is dr. megan ranney, professor of emergency medicine. it sounds a lot like march 2020, but this is not march 2020. we are in a much better footing than we were back then. let's just start with that point. >> that is exactly right. thanks to vaccines, the connection between cases and hospitalizations has been partially broken. so when you are seeing covid cases spread in an area with high vaccination rates, especially if there are high booster rates, most of those cases are not going to turn into hospitalizations, icu stays or deaths. however, here's the tough part, there's a lot of america that still is not vaccinated, and omicron seems to be breaking through the immunity from prior infections. there are a lot of folks at risk, and our hospitals across the country are at more of a breaking point because health care workers are burnt out. it's a little bit of good, and a little bit of bad as well. >> that's the case with a lot of these questions and answers. let me get to some from our viewers. of course this is a point at which there is a lot of uncertainty as things are changing woo change. we're getting to this surge. brenda brown had the j&j one shot vaccine, if three shots of a vaccine are considered fully vaccinated then what will i be if i take the moderna or pfizer booster shot, will i need to get a third shot of one of those, essentially, will she need four shots. >> brenda, this is a great question and one i'm hearing from a lot of folks including my own friends who are vaccinated with j&j. current data is if you get an mrna booster, so pfizer or moderna, on top of that initial j&j shot, you will be adequately protected against omicron to the same extent as people that got the two initial pfizer and moderna and then a booster, but the caveat there, that data is still preliminary, but data to date suggests that second dose for you is the same as a third dose was for nme. >> there was a moment over the weekend, former president trump is now talking about his vaccination status, and he got an unexpected reaction. let's watch this. >> both the president and i are vacced. >> did you get the booster. >> yes. >> i got it too. >> don't, don't, don't. it's a very tiny group over there. >> that was the former president being booed for having a booster, and there were some who said if former president trump were to come out and tell his base to get vaccinated, get boosted, they would do that. what do you hear as you hear the former president being booed for his booster shot. >> you know, i hear the effect of things like sarah palin's speech this weekend that she said over her dead body would she get vaccinated. we need the republican party and the trump side of the republican party to get on message with the fact that these vaccines and boosters are important. unfortunately, the misinformation, and disinformation has gotten such a deep hold that folks aren't even listening to trump about the importance of vaccines and boosters. >> speaking of listening to a president, president biden is going to deliver this address tomorrow as we are at this important moment in the pandemic. the reporting from the white house is that there's not going to be a lot new here, focusing on getting vaccinated, access to tests, what do you want to hear from the president. >> so there's what i wish i would hear but i think is not politically feasible, and what i think and hope that we will hear. what i think and hope that we will hear is increased access to vaccines and boosters, particularly for vulnerable or historically marginalized communities. i hope to hear an increased doubling down on health care mandates, which have gone back and forth in the courts and i hope to hear more provision of rapid tests and testing in general. what i would love to hear, but i'm not expecting to see are things around vaccine mandates for travel, for airplane flights. i would love to hear more around support of health care workers. this is an all hands on deck moment for our health care system, and i'd love to hear more around that. and i would love to hear a reemphasis of the importance of masking in public indoor spaces, particularly with a good mask. >> there seems to be a consensus from our medical analysts that a domestic air travel mandate for vaccines would be something that would certainly get more people to get the vaccine and would make good public health sense. again, as you said, unlikely that we'll hear that from the president tomorrow. dr. megan ranney, thank you. >> thank you. >> former president trump accuses the new york attorney general of misconduct and abuse of power. he's now asking a federal court to stop the ag's investigation into his company. we've got details of his lawsuit next. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and 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upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. we envisioned at times that we would lose one of our facilities. breaking news. but we never envisioned even in a pandemic that we might lose them all. our engineers and operations team worked with cisco to do whatever's necessary and bring whatever tools we have to bring to tell the best story. between what's news and what's now, there's a bridge. cisco. the bridge to possible. former president trump is suing the new york attorney general. the lawsuit alleges misconduct and abuse of power. it's his latest effort to derail the state's probe into his company. following this development is paula reid, cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent. tell us more about the lawsuit and the response from the ag's office. >> victor, in this lawsuit, trump's attorneys are seeking to block the new york state attorney general's long-running investigation into the trump organization. roughly two years, the new york attorney general has been conducting a civil investigation into whether the trump organization lied about its assets to secure favorable loan terms, favorable insurance rates and to pay lower taxes. now this investigation is mirrored by a very similar criminal investigation being conducted by the manhattan district attorney's office. that investigation has already resulted in criminal charges against the organization and one of its executives. now this lawsuit comes as the attorney general is seeking to depose a former president under oath next month. now trump and his lawyers have long argued that letitia james, that she is politically motivated, and in this lawsuit, they argue that she has violated trump's constitutional rights and abused her office to further her political career. now james' office has issued a statement in response saying, quote, to be clear, neither mr. trump nor the trump organization gets to dictate if and where they'll answer for their actions. our investigation will continue undeterred because no one is above the law, not even someone with the name trump. >> all right. we'll see where this one goes. paula reid, thank you. omicron fears around the world are impacting the markets here at home. it's not just the gut punch for the economy. we'll talk about more of the impact on your everyday life, next. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ goldman sachs cut its economic forecast for the u.s. after senator joe manchin rejected the president's build back better plan. also today, u.s. stocks fell as omicron fears trigger stricter measures to contain the highly contagious new variant. cnn business reporter matt egan joins us now. so let's start with goldman sachs. what's it saying now about this dimmer economic outlook? >> well, victor, goldman sachs is saying that the apparent demise of build back better means the economy in 2022 is not going to grow as fast as they thought it would. just hours after joe manchin announced his opposition to the president's signature legislation, goldman sachs came out and cut its outlook. the wall street bank is now calling for the u.s. economy to grow at an annualized pace of 2%. they previously thought it would be 3%. goldman trimmed its gdp forecast for the second quarter and the third quarter as well, and the bank said, simply put, they said, quote, the failure to pass this bill has, quote, negative growth implications. this shows two things, i think. one, that many people, not just in washington, but on wall street, expected that eventually democrats were going to get something done here so this is a surprise. two, they also thought this was largely, despite all the controversy, that this was largely going to be a positive for the economy. now goldman sachs in particular, pointed out that the expanded, the enhanced child tax credit, that that now goes away unless congress acts. that's a big deal. this was providing $300 a month per child under the age of 6. $250 per month between 6 and 17. going away. that's a big deal. also this legislation was providing half a trillion dollars in investments to fight the climate crisis. that's now up in the air. so, listen, it does mean that the economy could grow slower than people thought but the big wild card is what happened next on the covid front. that's the biggest driver for the economy. >> and important to see if there is a path forward on the child tax credit. but let's talk more about that. the impact of omicron. >> yeah, well, we definitely have seen the stock market today, all the major markets are down by about 1% on the day. and this is really all about concerns about the rapid spread of covid and the lockdowns that we've seen in europe. we're seeing, in particular, some travel and consumer focused stocks taking a hit. jetblue, wynn resorts, darden foods. all of them moving down. investors are betting that people are going to be stuck at home more often. we're seeing stocks perform better, including zoom and netflix and chewy. oil prices also down on concerns about less demand. people taking fewer road trips, flying less often, maybe commuting less often. normally i'd be doing this on set with you and i'm not because of covid. the good news is markets are finishing off their worst levels of the day. no panic, but victor, all of this is clearly a reminder that as much as we're all done with covid, covid is not done with us. >> certainly not. i miss you on set, but the up side here is i get to see your christmas tree and it's a very nice tree there behind you. >> thank you, victor. >> matt egan, thanks so much. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. this year's hottest stocking stuffer is a covid test? "the lead" starts right now. the holiday season looking grim. some tough weeks and months ahead warns dr. anthony fauci. as the nation sees cases surge days before families gather for the holidays. democrats fume over senator joe manchin's decision to torpedo the biden agenda, word today of a counterproposal. we're going to talk to a leading progressive democrat on whether it's enough. >> plus, he's about to be in

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Travel Advisory , Information , Nothing , Border , Military Build Up On Ukraine , Countries , Travel Advisories , Biden , Expectation , Holiday Season , Child Tax Credit , Nonstarter , Engagements , 1 8 Trillion , 8 Trillion , Proposal , Details , Compromise , Word , Contributor , Child Poverty Rate , Half , Cutting , On Sunday , Pfizer , Defense Production Act , Shortage , Antibody Treatments , State , Consideration , Pill , Officials , Ticks , Ambulances , 30 , Hospitals , Personnel , Team , Patient , Loads , Billion , 3 Billion , Senator , Decision , No , Topics , Remarks , Jeff Zeleny , Spread , Act , Delta Variant , Chief Congressional Correspondent , Manu Raju , Anything , Vaccinated , Draw A Line , Sporting Events , Shows , Broadway , Concerns , Lock Down Speech , Situation , Road , Health Care System , Dangers , Distinction , Unboosted Americans , Theme , Et Cetera , Administration , Controversy , Set , Area , Arms , Testing Capacity , Circumstances , Variant , Bill , Kind , 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, Waiting On , Groceries , I Got You Babe , Don T , Sleep Number , Bed , Pressure Points , Holiday Savings Event , Weekend Special , Sleep , Movements , Joy , Temperature Balancing , Miss , 360 , Interest , Plus , Ends Monday , 48 , 0 , Body , Mess , Gateway , Mouth , Clearchoice , Pain , Teeth , Life , Better , Dental Implants , Joe S Treatment Plan , Billions , Workers , Packages , Greetings , Mail , 160 Million , Everyone , Everywhere , Postal Service , American Postal Workers Union , Hygienist , Cleaning , Cleans , Round Head , Oral B , Farmers , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Woman , Quote Today , Wow , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Bum , Plan , Chuck Schumer , Floor Vote , Agenda , Reason , Wait , Whawhat , West Virginia , News Talk Line , Radio Host , Metro , Clarity , Isn T , Truth , Sense , Specific , Heartburn , Somewhere , Pressure , Deals , 1 5 Trillion , Table , Actor , Nine , Kinds , Impact , Cost , Inflation , Work Requirement , Impression , Six , Show , Size , Call 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, Address , Disinformation , Misinformation , Reporting , Hope , Communities , Health Care Mandates , Vaccine Mandates For Travel , General , Courts , Provision , Forth , Hands , Support , Airplane Flights , Reemphasis , Mask , Masking , Air Travel Mandate , Analysts , Spaces , Misconduct , Abuse , Public Health , Company , Court , T Mobile , Airpods , Dianne , 13 , What S Going On , Both , Polygons , Iphone 13 Pro , Crunching Tons , Regina , Ladonna , Fund , Worry , Agent , Innovations , Innovation , Cgi , Invesco Qqq , Nasdaq 100 , Movie , Kid , Diabetes , Light Scent , Perfumes , Scent Beads , Glucose Levels , Light , Clothes , Dyes , Flavors , Dishes , Seat , Ingestion , Action , Pepto Bismol , Upset Stomach , Coating , Diarrheaaaa , Times , Relief , Soothing , Facilities , Engineers , Tools , Operations , Cisco , Bridge , Paula Reid , Probe , Affairs , Development , Attorneys , New York State Attorney General , Organization , Assets , Loan Terms , Insurance , Taxes , Criminal 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, Counterproposal , Word Today , Biden Agenda ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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group but you cannot actively participate in it. we will have to see in the coming months whether that makes a fundamental difference on any trend that develops on extremism in the ranks. victor. >> barbara starr, thank you. top of the hour, i'm victor blackwell, good to be with you. five days now until christmas, and the pandemic is taking what experts are calling a grim path forward. today the u.s. is averaging more than 130,000 new infections a day. that's a 10% increase over a week ago. new york, an early epicenter of the pandemic has seen record positive case numbers for three days in a row. mayor bill de blasio says he will decide this week whether to go forward with new york's famed new year's eve celebration in times square. cnn's jason carroll is with me now. what more are we learning from the mayor, also the governor today as they move forward on this new surge? >> the mayor is saying a couple of things. first and foremost, he said earlier today that there are no plans for any further shut downs. basically he is saying that that would really cripple the city economically. having said that, the city is paying very close attention to the numbers here, especially in new york city where they've seen the numbers steadily ticking upwards. new york, for example, new york city, covid cases, more than double compared to last week. most of those cases are among those people who are unvaccinated. also just to give this some perspective. when you look at the number of hospitalizations in new york city, those numbers are going up as well, but they're not going up in a way that's alarming to those in the medical profession right now. so that's important to keep in perspective as we're looking at this in its totality. meanwhile, across the city, victor, we have seen any number of people waiting in line for hours trying to get tested ahead of the holidays. some people going to drug stores, trying to get those take home rapid tests. those have been sold out. the mayor is aware of the problem here in the city, and talk about addressing that need. >> we are now testing, in fact, more people than ever. 130,000 plus daily in the city sites. that is double the number of tests just three weeks ago. that's how fast things are ramping up. this intense effort will keep growing as long as we need it to grow to address demand, and what we're trying to do as much as possible is get those in-home test kits in play, particularly where we're seeing long lines. wherever possible, in our city run sites, there's a long line off the alternative of giving them in-home tests that they can take home with them. >> in addition to what you just heard from the mayor, mayor de blasio said the city is adding testing sites. those should be up and running by the end of the week. there are a number of people critical of the mayor and the administers and the way they have handled some of this recently, saying there should be more testing sites, more at-home testing kits for those who need them, more staff available and the labs need to be quicker in terms of how they're processing some of those results. in terms of times square where we are right now, it is still a go for the ball drop but having said that, the organizers are saying with anyone coming out is going to have to show proof of vaccination. they are also not requiring masks, but they are recommending it. victor. >> jason carroll there in times square, thank you, jason. moderna reported some encouraging preliminary data today. it says that its covid booster is effective against the omicron variant. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here. elizabeth, that's a great banner headline, but i'm sure there's a lot more behind that that we need to know. what is it? >> oh, victor, there is a lot. it's not entirely clear how effective or if it's really all that effective, this booster, that moderna is putting out now. the 50 micro gram booster that you can get at pharmacies. it gets complicated. let me lay it out. let's take a look at what moderna said. moderna said when they looked at their current booster, 50 micro grams, that's what you can get going to a pharmacy or whatever. it did boost antibodies, but 100 micro grams boosted antibodies even higher, and the effectiveness of either dose against omicron is unclear. just because you boosted antibodies does not necessarily tell you exactly how effective it is or how long the sort of durability of any protection that it might give. now, president of moderna says, well, maybe, you know, it's possible that we could go to a 100 micro gram dosage. that would be easy enough. that's what the first two shots of moderna are. they're sitting on shelves. that's up to public health authorities to decide. now that you have heard all of this, probably confused. what's the bottom line. the bottom line is the booster does increase antibodies. it's better than having just two shots. go ahead and get it. it's not going to hurt you, and first of all, go ahead and get two shots if you haven't already. get vaccinated, and get boosted, if it's your time to get boosted. it does increase antibodies, how effective that is, we don't noe know. but it's more antibodies than if you got two shots. victor. >> let's move to another study that is putting a time line on the risk of a fully vaccinated person getting covid, what did that find? >> right. so this study it's important to note was done before omicron, and what it found was that there was actually, it points to how the vaccines are good but the durability is not quite what we would like it to be. they don't last quite as long as we would like. let's take a look. this is actually a huge study done by cdc and state health departments. t they looked at 50 million vaccinated people in 15 states. those vaccinated in january and february, when you fast forward to basically august, 169 cases out of 100,000 people. if they were vaccinated in july, so many months later, they only had 63 cases. so in other words, the folks who were vaccinated in july were less likely to get sick in august compared to the folks who were vaccinated in january or february. so this certainly makes the case for boosters but i will say, we don't know if these people got infected and sick. we don't know how sick they were, but certainly seeing that there were more cases among those who were vaccinated further back, that certainly makes the case for boosters. victor. >> certainly does. elizabeth cohen, thank you very much. let's go to the white house now. white house press secretary jen psaki taking questions about omicron and the surge. >> for those who choose to remain unvaccinated, he'll issue a stark warning, and make clear, unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths. that is not trying to scare people or maybe it is trying to make clear to people in the country what the risks are here of not being vaccinated. what is clear is that we're not in the same place that we were in, something he will reiterate as well, the beginning of the pandemic, thanks to the president's extraordinary work to get 200 million americans vaccinated. to be clear, covid-19 is not the same threat to fully vaccinated individuals that it was in march of 2020. as i said at the top, he will also announce additional steps, so he will outline this clearly tomorrow. he has been candid, and he has been direct. as he's provided updates to the american public throughout on our steps to address what we know is an unpredictable virus and a fight in our once in a generation pandemic. that's what people can expect tomorrow. >> thank you. on the negotiations, we see senator manchin's version of events differs from the white house's versiono of events in your statement on sunday. i just wanted to know if you could talk a little bit about where the gap is, if the negotiations fell apart over the child tax credit issue, if the white house is prepared to go around legislation, if necessary. where are we with manchin? >> i would say the lengthy statement that i issued yesterday outlined pretty specifically the events of the last few weeks, and it was important to the president and all of us to make that clear to the american people, the status and the steps that had been taken, but i'm not going to relitigate the tictoc of yesterday from here today. i will say that from the president's viewpoint and i saw him this morning, he has worked with senator manchin over the course of decades. they share fundamental values. they're long time friends. that has not changed and what's most on the president's mind is the risk of inaction. and if we do not act to get this legislation done and the components in it, not only will costs and prices go up for the american people, but also we will see a trajectory and economic growth that is not where we want it to be, and we have seen projections from goldman sachs, and others today on that front. he's no stranger to legislative challenges, and we are going to continue to take steps, work like hell to get it done. >> does the president feel betrayed by his friend? >> i think our statement made clear what we feel, what was the factual depiction of events that happened, but again, the president sees senator manchin as somebody who is a long time friend, somebody who has worked well together on, and our objective and focus now is moving forward. >> where do the lines of communication stand at this point between either the president and joe manchin, joe manchin and the white house staff, is there a contact at all? >> i'm just not going to give you an update on specifics from here. >> on covid, ahead of tomorrow's speech, should americans expect any new restrictions? >> this is not a speech about locking the country down. this is a spechech outlining an being direct and clear about the benefits of being vaccinated, the steps we're going to take to increase access and testing, and the risks posed to unvaccinated individuals. >> does the president still trust senator manchin. >> again, i understand the questions here, but our focus is on moving forward. i think our statement yesterday made clear what the course of events were over the last couple of weeks. it was important for the american people to know and see that, but he considers senator manchin a long time friend, and our focus is on moving forward and getting this done. >> are you confident that all 49 other members of the democratic caucus are still on board with build back better? >> sure. i understand that. i can't obviously speak for all of them. i think you saw quite a bit of a unanimity yesterday in response to people and their desire across the democratic party. >> what would be the message to progressives who he asked to hang with him as he moved over to the senate, now than what many of them warned has happened. >> well, i would say, one his message would be we need to work together to theget this done, a heath going to work like hell to get it done, and january is an opportunity to do that. >> on ukraine, the state department issued a level four travel warning today saying u.s. citizens should be aware of reports that russia is planning for significant military action against ukraine. spoke with russian counter part today, and said they conducted an assessment of air defense needs in the ukraine. obviously you've said you're monitoring this. is u.s. intelligence picking up something new? >> let me first say that the travel advisory for ukraine remains a level four. do not travel due to covid-19. the state department updated it to include information on russia's military build up on ukraine's border, just to provide additional information but it has been at a level four. >> so nothing new otherwise? >> again, the state department provides additional information through travel advisories to make sure they are being transparent with american citizens in different countries, and that's exactly what they did in this case. and we have historically seen large numbers of americans, and others traveling to ukraine during this time of year and the holiday season. it was just an effort to provide that information directly. go ahead. >> and your statement yesterday alluded to working more on build back better next year. is your expectation that president biden and manchin will talk at all before the end of the year. >> i'm just not going to give you any updates on their engagements from here, i wouldn't expect, and we're going to keep those private. >> do you regard his $1.8 trillion as a nonstarter, given that it includes a child tax credit. >> i think the president has been clear. i'll let senator manchin speak to the specifics of his proposal. i'm not going to confirm those details from here. i know there have been reports out there, but i'll let him speak to that. but i would say that the president, of course, wants to extend the child tax credit. that's something he has spoken to. we know it was a significant contributor to cutting in half the child poverty rate. i'm obviously not going to negotiate from here. but, you know, he doesn't think compromise is a dirty word either. >> on sunday, new york's mayor bill de blasio, asked the president to invoke the defense production act because of a shortage of at-home tests, antibody treatments, and also said that the pfizer antiviral pill should be fast tracked. are any of those things under consideration at this moment? >> we're in touch, i will say first, with the city of new york and the state as well as all officials across the country experiences up ticks. we have sent 30 ambulances to the state and an accompanying team of personnel to balance patient loads among hospitals across the state. we have used the defense production act and spent $3 billion to greatly expand the number of at-home tests. as i noted earlier the president will have more to say tomorrow in his remarks at our effort to expand access. go ahead. >> white house press secretary jen psaki taking questions about primarily two topics, the decision from senator joe manchin that he's a no on the build back better act, and also the president's speech coming tomorrow as we see the surge of delta variant in the u.s. and spread of omicron. here with me now, cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, and chief congressional correspondent, manu raju. jeff, let me start with you. we heard from jen psaki that the speech will be about three things, the benefits of being vaccinated, how they'll increase testing and access to testing, and also the risks that people will face as being unvaccinated. are we expecting to hear anything new because those three topics we've heard from the white house before. >> victor, we aren't necessarily expecting to hear anything new except the white house continue to go draw a line as they have been trying to do between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. again, making the play that this is not like march of 2020, even though some sporting events have been cancelled, broadway shows have been dark. of course the concerns may feel the same but the white house is trying to make clear this is a different situation, and i think also strikingly, the white house press secretary saying that this is not a lock down speech in her words, the white house is mnot going to go down that road. they are going to try and draw a distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated and the dangers for unvaccinated and unboosted americans, the dangers on the health care system, et cetera, so that certainly is going to be the theme of the speech. one thing that we will see the president say tomorrow is more on testing. that is one big controversy this administration has struggled to get its arms around, more testing capacity, so that could be one area of new information. victor, it's largely the same speech, but a different set of circumstances, certainly, and a new variant. >> yeah, circumstances certainly are changing. manu, let me come to you. jen was asked about the white house's message to progressives on the hill. how is this no from manchin and how things have kind of happened over the last 24 hours, how is that resonating on the hill? >> well, members are extremely frustrated because they have spent months negotiating a bill that they thought had a chance of passage in the house. they passed a number of democrats, including ones that are in difficult districts, swing districts that become republican in the midterms, ultimately voted yes, and the anticipation that this bill would eventually become law, and they could campaign on issues related to housing, to health care, to climate change and expanding of medicare as well as providing more money into the affordable care act. all of which they thought would be beneficial politically back home. joe manchin, saying that he would be no, that essentially sinks the entire effort, unless they can figure out another way forward. she did not walk back the scathing criticism that the white house leveled against joe manchin, did not discuss whether or not the president still trusts senator manchin, also wou would not talk about the discu discussions, ultimately, in order to get anything through, even if it's a scaled back plan, even if it's to move individual pieces of this proposal, they will have to ultimately get joe manchin on board. 50/50 senate, if they go through the process to avoid a republican filibuster, that means they cannot afford a single democratic defection, no matter what the proposal ultimately looks like here, so democrats on the hill, victor, are trying to say we're going to get something done. we're still going to push to get this done. what it looks like, can they get it done, can they get it done in a timely fashion, all of which leaves democrats essentially conceding that certainly the big bill won't get done. will any bill get done. that is the big question as they have promised so much to the voters, will they come up with anything, be completely empty handed by next november. that's a big question. they at least say they have the infrastructure bill to point to that they pass, as well as the covid relief package, the covid safety net package, that could be done for the rest of this congress. >> there was a noticeable tonal shift from jen psaki as compared to the statement released on sunday when she was asked if the president felt betrayed by senator manchin, she wouldn't go there. she referred to the statement. what do you read from what we're hearing from jen psaki today versus what we read from her yesterday. >> i read into that this measured tone was an expected one. it's the tone we have seen talking with advisers here throughout the day. look, they meant everything that they said in that statement yesterday. she didn't back away from it, but simply did not repeat it on camera. and look, they are trying to find a way forward. as manu just said right there, the hard, cold math of it is if they want to get anything accomplished, even a scaled back version or a smaller piece of this, they still need joe manchin. president biden has been in the involved in the senate for a long time, as has joe manchin. their relationship is an evolving relationship. they certainly are going to work together in some degrees, but what i read into that is that the white house press secretary is not going to litigate that or frame that conversation from the white house podium. we don't know if they have spoken yet. we don't believe they have spoken yet since the bomb shell yesterday, but she would not confirm that. certainly trying to take the temperature down a little bit, if you will, heading into the holidays. key, joe manchin is as important to this as he ever was. >> jeff zeleny, manu raju, thank you both. in a radio interview, senator joe manchin is blaming white house staff for his handling of talks in the build back better package. he was at his wit's end in negotiations with the white house. i'll speak with the host who landed that interview with senator manchin. former president trump is suing new york's attorney general. the lawsuit is trying to stop the ag's office from continuing its investigation into the trump organization. we've got new details ahead. r c. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. ♪“i got you babe” by etta james♪ ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy. so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on. ♪ joy. fully. ♪ it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ senate majority leader chuck schumer says the build back better plan will get a floor vote early next year, and the white house insists the president is still friends with senator joe manchin, that's despite manchin's decision that he's a no on the president's agenda. in a radio interview today. manchin suggested white house drove him to that decision. >> you know me, always willing to work and listen and try. i got to wit's end, and they know the real reason what happened. they won't tell you and i'm not going to -- >> wait, wait, wait, you said they know the real reason. they're not going it tell us. you're not going to tell us whawhat do you mean? >> the lot line, his staff driven, it's not the president. it's staff. they drove some things, and put some things out that were inexcusable. they know what it is, and that's it. >> with me now is the radio host for metro news talk line in west virginia. he interviewed senator manchin this morning. thank you for your time. let me start there with the senator suggesting that the statement from the white house really isn't the truth about how this all ended and that there was something else at play here. did you get any clarity from the senator on what that was? >> you know, victor, as you heard, we were rolling along in the interview, and he said that, and i said wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about here, he did not elaborate, but i got the sense that there was something else at play here that did not have to do specific with the president but rather with staff somewhere in the negotiations that caused manchin some heartburn. here's what's important to remember about manchin. manchin wants to get to yes. i've known him for a long time, back to his days as governor. he has negotiated a lot of deals. he tries to get to yes, and you have to help him get to yes. if he feels like somebody is trying to circumvent him or go around him or put undo pressure on him, he's going to push back, and i think that's what happened here. >> he wants to get to yes. as he pointed out, he's been at 1.5 trillion since march, right. if these negotiations were actually progressing to get to i've been at the same place for nine months now, was he a fair actor. do you believe that everyone else at the table was a fair actor as well? >> well, i think that's a great point. manchin, what he told me today, and what he said yesterday about his concerns, the cost of the legislation, the impact on inflation, no work requirement for the child tax credit, those kinds of things. those have been issues all along. i mean, since he first started talking about five or six months ago, so i don't want to speak for him, but i get the impression that those have been issues for him all along that have not been substantially addressed. he seemed to suggest in the interview today that all the administration did was just lower the size but not deal with some of the other fundamental issues that he had concerns about. >> so what i love about your show is that it's a call in show, and you hear from people, their reaction to the news and the news makers on your show, we know that this child tax credit could certainly help the people of west virginia. what's been the reaction to the decision from senator manchin? >> remember this, victor, that west virginia is a red state. donald trump won this state by 40 points, and joe manchin -- that was a question i really wanted an answer to. hopefully we can get him back to talk about what he has heard from his listeners. let's bring in charlie dent, a cnn political commentator, and former congressman from pennsylvania. you have a new op-ed on, and you say that someone should pin a medal on senator manchin's chest. why? >> well, joe manchin, contrary to what i have been hearing over the last 24 hours is forthright, transparent, and open about where he stands. he has been saying for months his objections, his reservations, his concerns with that bill on the size and scope, just as hoppy, your previous guest stated. he's had numerous concerns. people may be angry or disappointed, but they should not be surprised. he does represent west virginia. i saw a poll in west virginia showing he has a 61% favorability rating, and build back better has a 61% disapproval rating. they agree with him on this. manchin does try to get to yes. joe manchin does understand that to enact meaningful, durable, sustainable reforms, you need a bipartisan consensus. he demonstrated that on the infrastructure bill. he has acted in good faith all along. many on the far left don't like what they're hearing. they cannot take no for an answer. >> congressman, hold on for a second. i understand that we have established. hoppy, we got him back. both up at the same time, that wasn't the plan. good to have it. i want you to continue your answer on the reaction to this announcement from senator manchin! s s >> sure and i think the congressman said it well. manchin has managed to thread the political needle in west virginia. he's a democrat, last democrat standing, and he's well aware of what constituents want and don't want, and i think he has tried to govern to that effect. i got a ton of texts today on my show from people who are clearly from a more conservative side who said i'm not a fan of manchin or i questioned manchin, but i'm glad he did this. i'm glad he stood up. i'm glad he stood strong on this. remember, west virginia has a progressive wing of the democratic party but it's not very big, and they don't like manchin anyway, so manchin's core is moderate democrats, moderate independents, and some left-leaning republicans. that's his constituency, and i think that he gets that, and certainly the response i've gotten is they appreciate what manchin did, and also one of the points, victor, every time, you have to wonder about strategy. every time bernie sanders or aoc goes on cnn and says something bad about manchin, manchin's numbers improve in west virginia. >> yeah. you point out an important point. the 40-point advantage for president trump in 2020. this is not the same west virginia that he was elected in in 2010, right. you got jim justice who moved from the democratic party to the republican party. this is not birds in west virginia, not rockefeller's west virginia. let me come to you, congressman, and play this portion of hoppy's interview in which he asked about his future in the democratic party. >> i would like to hope there's still democrats that feel like i do. i'm fiscally responsible and socially compassionate. if there's democrats like that, and have to push me wherever they want me. >> i mean, if you are head of a 50/50 split in the senate, what do you hear there, congressman? >> i think democrats in congress better figure something out real fast. they need joe manchin a lot more than he needs them. bottom line, look, he is popular in west virginia, and i do think there are many democrats who feel as joe manchin does. they just don't -- many are not in congress. throughout west virginia and pennsylvania, i would argue there are plenty of moderate democrats that agree with what joe manchin is doing as moderate republicans. he speaks to the center of the country. he's much more aligned with most americans than his critics. as hoppy stated when bernie sanders and members of the squad go on television and cnn and bash him, joe manchin's numbers go up in west virginia. they're doing him a favor. but they better be careful. they could drive him to become an independent or republican, and where does their agenda go. >> the policies in this bill that have been pulled are popular. the child tax credit is popular. the lowering of prescription drugs is popular, so when you suggest that joe manchin is closer to the american people, the specifics, many of them in this bill are very popular with the american people. how do you reconcile those? >> very simply, it's the size and the scope of the proposal that has scared the daylights out of people particularly after $6 trillion has been spent on covid, most of it necessary. these inflationary pressures, supply chain shortages, there are all kinds of issues that are really driving the american public sure, people like a lot of component of the bill, but their scale is too big. they should do just one of these things. they could have done it on a bipartisan basis if they wanted to. but they wanted everything, they want it all, and they want it now. it's too much. that's what the problem here is. it's not the components, it's the overall package. >> so let's talk about the components as we wrap it with you hoppy, what we're hearing from the white house, we just heard from jen psaki, this dear colleague later that speaker pelosi sent out suggests that some of this is salvageable, that this is not over over. that this is still a negotiation. did you get that from the senator that there's a path forward here on this? >> yeah, i did. and not specifically, but just because i know manchin, and that is this was just, as the congressman said, this was just too much in too many different things, so it's kind of collapsed under its own weight. rather than people who are -- democrats criticizing manchin, maybe they should look at the bill, what was wrong with the bill, and pick out the parts that are popular as you alluded to, victor, that you can get through and do those things. call up manchin, and say let's do a deal on these things, and i'm sure you'll restart a conversation. >> i will point out as we heard from senator sanders, as you pointed out as well, congressman, alexandria oc ocasio-cortez, the congresswoman, 48 senators on board here, and it's already passed the house, shifting this to senator sanders, how much of a negotiation really is that, that's their point. i wanted to include that in this conversation as well. congressman charlie dent. hoppy, thank you both. s u.s. sees a new surge in infections and life disruption. we ask some of your most pressing questions during this new phase of the pandemic. that's next. ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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the u.s. right now. but the contagious omicron variant continues to spread. it's in at least 45 states. joining me now is dr. megan ranney, professor of emergency medicine. it sounds a lot like march 2020, but this is not march 2020. we are in a much better footing than we were back then. let's just start with that point. >> that is exactly right. thanks to vaccines, the connection between cases and hospitalizations has been partially broken. so when you are seeing covid cases spread in an area with high vaccination rates, especially if there are high booster rates, most of those cases are not going to turn into hospitalizations, icu stays or deaths. however, here's the tough part, there's a lot of america that still is not vaccinated, and omicron seems to be breaking through the immunity from prior infections. there are a lot of folks at risk, and our hospitals across the country are at more of a breaking point because health care workers are burnt out. it's a little bit of good, and a little bit of bad as well. >> that's the case with a lot of these questions and answers. let me get to some from our viewers. of course this is a point at which there is a lot of uncertainty as things are changing woo change. we're getting to this surge. brenda brown had the j&j one shot vaccine, if three shots of a vaccine are considered fully vaccinated then what will i be if i take the moderna or pfizer booster shot, will i need to get a third shot of one of those, essentially, will she need four shots. >> brenda, this is a great question and one i'm hearing from a lot of folks including my own friends who are vaccinated with j&j. current data is if you get an mrna booster, so pfizer or moderna, on top of that initial j&j shot, you will be adequately protected against omicron to the same extent as people that got the two initial pfizer and moderna and then a booster, but the caveat there, that data is still preliminary, but data to date suggests that second dose for you is the same as a third dose was for nme. >> there was a moment over the weekend, former president trump is now talking about his vaccination status, and he got an unexpected reaction. let's watch this. >> both the president and i are vacced. >> did you get the booster. >> yes. >> i got it too. >> don't, don't, don't. it's a very tiny group over there. >> that was the former president being booed for having a booster, and there were some who said if former president trump were to come out and tell his base to get vaccinated, get boosted, they would do that. what do you hear as you hear the former president being booed for his booster shot. >> you know, i hear the effect of things like sarah palin's speech this weekend that she said over her dead body would she get vaccinated. we need the republican party and the trump side of the republican party to get on message with the fact that these vaccines and boosters are important. unfortunately, the misinformation, and disinformation has gotten such a deep hold that folks aren't even listening to trump about the importance of vaccines and boosters. >> speaking of listening to a president, president biden is going to deliver this address tomorrow as we are at this important moment in the pandemic. the reporting from the white house is that there's not going to be a lot new here, focusing on getting vaccinated, access to tests, what do you want to hear from the president. >> so there's what i wish i would hear but i think is not politically feasible, and what i think and hope that we will hear. what i think and hope that we will hear is increased access to vaccines and boosters, particularly for vulnerable or historically marginalized communities. i hope to hear an increased doubling down on health care mandates, which have gone back and forth in the courts and i hope to hear more provision of rapid tests and testing in general. what i would love to hear, but i'm not expecting to see are things around vaccine mandates for travel, for airplane flights. i would love to hear more around support of health care workers. this is an all hands on deck moment for our health care system, and i'd love to hear more around that. and i would love to hear a reemphasis of the importance of masking in public indoor spaces, particularly with a good mask. >> there seems to be a consensus from our medical analysts that a domestic air travel mandate for vaccines would be something that would certainly get more people to get the vaccine and would make good public health sense. again, as you said, unlikely that we'll hear that from the president tomorrow. dr. megan ranney, thank you. >> thank you. >> former president trump accuses the new york attorney general of misconduct and abuse of power. he's now asking a federal court to stop the ag's investigation into his company. we've got details of his lawsuit next. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and 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long-running investigation into the trump organization. roughly two years, the new york attorney general has been conducting a civil investigation into whether the trump organization lied about its assets to secure favorable loan terms, favorable insurance rates and to pay lower taxes. now this investigation is mirrored by a very similar criminal investigation being conducted by the manhattan district attorney's office. that investigation has already resulted in criminal charges against the organization and one of its executives. now this lawsuit comes as the attorney general is seeking to depose a former president under oath next month. now trump and his lawyers have long argued that letitia james, that she is politically motivated, and in this lawsuit, they argue that she has violated trump's constitutional rights and abused her office to further her political career. now james' office has issued a statement in response saying, quote, to be clear, neither mr. trump nor the trump organization gets to dictate if and where they'll answer for their actions. our investigation will continue undeterred because no one is above the law, not even someone with the name trump. >> all right. we'll see where this one goes. paula reid, thank you. omicron fears around the world are impacting the markets here at home. it's not just the gut punch for the economy. we'll talk about more of the impact on your everyday life, next. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ goldman sachs cut its economic forecast for the u.s. after senator joe manchin rejected the president's build back better plan. also today, u.s. stocks fell as omicron fears trigger stricter measures to contain the highly contagious new variant. cnn business reporter matt egan joins us now. so let's start with goldman sachs. what's it saying now about this dimmer economic outlook? >> well, victor, goldman sachs is saying that the apparent demise of build back better means the economy in 2022 is not going to grow as fast as they thought it would. just hours after joe manchin announced his opposition to the president's signature legislation, goldman sachs came out and cut its outlook. the wall street bank is now calling for the u.s. economy to grow at an annualized pace of 2%. they previously thought it would be 3%. goldman trimmed its gdp forecast for the second quarter and the third quarter as well, and the bank said, simply put, they said, quote, the failure to pass this bill has, quote, negative growth implications. this shows two things, i think. one, that many people, not just in washington, but on wall street, expected that eventually democrats were going to get something done here so this is a surprise. two, they also thought this was largely, despite all the controversy, that this was largely going to be a positive for the economy. now goldman sachs in particular, pointed out that the expanded, the enhanced child tax credit, that that now goes away unless congress acts. that's a big deal. this was providing $300 a month per child under the age of 6. $250 per month between 6 and 17. going away. that's a big deal. also this legislation was providing half a trillion dollars in investments to fight the climate crisis. that's now up in the air. so, listen, it does mean that the economy could grow slower than people thought but the big wild card is what happened next on the covid front. that's the biggest driver for the economy. >> and important to see if there is a path forward on the child tax credit. but let's talk more about that. the impact of omicron. >> yeah, well, we definitely have seen the stock market today, all the major markets are down by about 1% on the day. and this is really all about concerns about the rapid spread of covid and the lockdowns that we've seen in europe. we're seeing, in particular, some travel and consumer focused stocks taking a hit. jetblue, wynn resorts, darden foods. all of them moving down. investors are betting that people are going to be stuck at home more often. we're seeing stocks perform better, including zoom and netflix and chewy. oil prices also down on concerns about less demand. people taking fewer road trips, flying less often, maybe commuting less often. normally i'd be doing this on set with you and i'm not because of covid. the good news is markets are finishing off their worst levels of the day. no panic, but victor, all of this is clearly a reminder that as much as we're all done with covid, covid is not done with us. >> certainly not. i miss you on set, but the up side here is i get to see your christmas tree and it's a very nice tree there behind you. >> thank you, victor. >> matt egan, thanks so much. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. this year's hottest stocking stuffer is a covid test? "the lead" starts right now. the holiday season looking grim. some tough weeks and months ahead warns dr. anthony fauci. as the nation sees cases surge days before families gather for the holidays. democrats fume over senator joe manchin's decision to torpedo the biden agenda, word today of a counterproposal. we're going to talk to a leading progressive democrat on whether it's enough. >> plus, he's about to be in

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