Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

people who you do not know what their vaccination status is. >> overseas the netherlands locking down. israel putting travelers from canada, germany and the u.s. on their no-fly list. and the u.k. not ruling out new restrictions. >> over the last 24 hours, we've had the largest number of new cases since this began. also tonight, democratic senator joe manchin dealing a potential death blow to the president's ambitious social spending plan. >> i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> he has never negotiated in good faith. >> i think he's going to have a lot of explaining to do. let him vote no in front of the whole world. i'm pamela brown in washington. you are live in the cnn newsroom on this sunday. just days before christmas and the prospect of a new year, sobering warnings tonight in the fight against the coronavirus. the delta variant is driving this new surge of cases and hospitalizations in the u.s. for now, at least. the nation's top expert on infectious diseases, dr. anthony fauci, says the inevitable takeover by the omicron variant will stress test a health care system already on the brink. he says americans need to brace for a tough few weeks to months ahead. his boss shares the bleak assessment. >> all of the other previous variants pale by kcomparison in terms of the rate by which this is spreading, doubling every two three days, first in south africa, now in parts of europe, and the u.s. is on that exponential curve right now. we're in for a world of trouble, i'm afraid, in the next month or two. >> that is not what we want to be hearing. the numbers provide no comfort, either. more than 125,000 americans on average are testing positive every day. hospitalizations in the u.s. have increased nearly 20% in two weeks. and the statistic that's hardest to swallow given all the tools we now have, the u.s. consistently losing 1300 people to covid every day on average. the white house says president biden's tuesday speech on the omicron threat will also speak to the unvaccinated and deliver, quote, a stark warning of what the winter will look like. across the country, people are lining up at covid testing sites as a busy holiday week and gatherings bear down. cnn's polo sandoval is at barkley center in new york. polo, how busy has it been? >> reporter: hey, pam. it really has been quite the busy last few days here in new york city. you know, when you hear, obviously, the recommendations coming from authorities is for people who are not vaccinated to get vaccinated. for those who are to get boosted. you get all sorts of people down here in downtown brooklyn. let's show you the crowd we're seeing in downtown brooklyn. for several hours now, we are seeing multiple people turning out for all sorts of reasons, but many people turning out to actually get tested because this is what authorities have been recommending for it a very long time, pam, which is if you are vaccinated, get boosted. if you aren't vaccinated, get tested. i want you to hear from the folks who are tested. many have been vaccinated, but before they get ready to see family and friends for christmas, they just want to make sure it's going to be safe. >> i have a couple friends who haven't been vaccinated had covid, so i'm trying to play it safe for the family. >> to be safe. you never know. even when you vaccinate, you can still get it, so it's better to make sure that you're vaccinated. >> reporter: when it comes to the actual numbers here, again, about 72% of new york city residents are actually vaccinated, so that's certainly a good thing. we all have some optimism with mayor de blasio earlier today, which is this -- >> we're having some trouble there with polo's connection. thanks so much, polo. in just a few minutes, dr. meg ranney joins us to discuss if there is a baseline immunity in the u.s. and how that will affect us. she'll also talk about the severity of the omicron variant and she'll answer your questions. the covid surge is also forcing other nations to take strong measures. israel is adding the u.s., canada and eight other countries to its red no-fly list. london's mayor says further covid restrictions are inevitable, and the netherlands are all in lockdown while the french prime minister warns that omicron is spreading at lightning speed. let's check in with our international correspondents. >> i'm in tell aviv where israe has added ten more countries to its no-fly list, including the united states, canada, and turkey. that means israelis are banned from there unless they get special permission, and israelis returning from there have to quarantine and spend eight days in a quarantine hotel. once they get a negative pcr test, they will be allowed to go to home quarantine, only after they have signed for the authorities to be able to track their movements. there are now 175 cases in israel. that's up from 89 a few days ago, and there are further 380 cases which are highly suspicious of being omicron. >> i'm scott mcclain in london where the head of the house service in england expects one in five staff in london to be out sick with covid on christmas day thanks to an omicron-fueled surge in new infections. government scientists say a new set of restrictions is needed fewer rather than later to avoid near peak levels of hospital admissions. but the government is still in wait and see mode because there are still question marks about the severity of illness omicron actually causes. the cautious british approach is in stark contrast to many mainland european governments which are facing protests over severe or new restrictions. friday night france closed its borders to british tourists even if they're vaccinated, and now germany has officially followed suit. >> we're here in europe. the covid situation is not making holiday celebrations easy for a second year in a row. the netherlands are locking down thanks to a spike in cases and hospitalizations. ireland just instituted another curfew on pubs and restaurants, and the u.k. is grab ppling wita staggering number of new cases on the omicron variant. covid is still causing spikes in deaths and hospitalizations across the region. france canceled its famous new year's eve fireworks display, and in rome, there will be no concert yet again. even those who are boosted can't escape some of the pain. the new measures prompted some to take to the streets in protest. it also prompted many others to finally get vaccinated or get their boosters. >> and our thanks to our correspondents around the world for their reports. new tonight, massachusetts and our elizabeth warren says she has covid-19. she tweeted in part, today i tested positive with a breakthrough case. thankfully i am only experiencing mild symptoms and am grateful for the protection provided against serious illness that comes from being vaccinated and boosted. she goes on to urge others to get their shots, too. democratic senator joe manchin may have just dealt a fatal blow to the signature piece of president biden's domestic agenda. a massive social safety net bill that included money for everything from universal pre-k to paid family leave. >> i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation, i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> you're done. this is a no. >> this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. >> an administration source telling me tonight that white house aides discussed with president biden what approach to take in that damning statement released earlier about manchin, with biden giving the final sign-off on that statement according to a source. the biden administration said it was important to lay out exactly what were transpiring, adding, there were too many things that sounded like he was going back on his word. also, it was biden himself who was wanting to speak to manchin earlier in the day. and manchin wouldn't take his call. with the senate evenly divided and republicans united in their opposition, democrats needed every last vote to get this bill across the finish line. so where does this go from here? cnn's joe johns is at the white house and suzann malveaux is on capitol hill. what are you learning that caught the white house, president biden, off guard? >> you sort of characterized the statement there. it was the textbook version of the sharply worded rebuke, and it was aimed straight at the senator from west virginia. there was a surprise here at the white house, quite frankly, but the surprise wasn't that the negotiations were going badly. everybody knew that. the surprise was the timing because white house aides said joe manchin actually came to the president and delivered to him his own proposal that contained many of the things that joe biden wanted included. white house aides thought they were going to go ahead and negotiate their way through that in the coming days when the senator from west virginia essentially sends word that he's going to blow up the negotiations entirely, pull the plug on national tv and about 30 to 45 minutes before he went out on tv, he sends an aide to deliver the message of the white house. the white house tries to reach him and he doesn't take the call. here's just a taste of the language from that statement that the white house press secretary put out. senator manchin promised to continue conversations in the days ahead and to work with us to reach that common ground. it goes on. if his comments and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal to his decision and a breach to the president and the senator's colleagues in the house and senate. so they really thought they were going to continue to negotiate, pamela. >> they sure did. suza suzanna, i want to go to you because the switch from democrats have been swift. >> reporter: a lot of lawmakers said they weren't surprised by this, but they don't mean in a sense they got a heads up, they just mean it in the sense that they didn't trust him from the beginning. we heard from representative barbara lee tweeting out. she was saying, look, she wasn't surprised. she is unfeuriated, she is disappointed, she said manchin just keeps moving the goalposts here. whether or not joe manchin is a democratic player when they talk about how they want to move the president's agenda forward here. we heard from bernie sanders who put it out there quite plainly, his frustration and his anger, that perhaps there should be a vote on the senate floor regarding this even if manchin does not approve of this, just to get him on the record and potentially to shame him. here's how sanders put it. >> i hope that we will bring a strong bill to the floor of the senate as soon as we can and let mr. manchin explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests. if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia in america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> and, pam, just to remind our audience what this is all about here, this is about a tremendous agenda here, very ambitious regarding clean energy investments, child care, paid family and sick leave, the child tax credit as well as home health care and medicare, housing, education, grants and, of course, home investments for energy and climate change provisions. this is something that the democrats are going to have to look at very carefully if they're going to get some of these items, very significant items, done. do they propose it in kind of a piecemeal fashion so they can get kmanchin on board and perhas some republicans and move forward on the child tax credit that way? that is something they have to think about in the coming year if they're actually going to address this. it looks like this ambitious agenda as it's laid out now just is not going to make it through. >> it's not going to make it through based on what we heard from joe manchin. join me next hour when i talk to debbie dingell about senator kmanchin's decision. dr. megan ranney has some advice on home testing. also how the omicron variant can affect your lungs. the president braces for another showdown about supreme court justice david bryan's unknown future, when we return. 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>> so this is a very preliminary study that has not yet been done in humans. it's really based on lab research. if this is shown to be true, it would mean that omicron is much more like the common cold than prior variants of covid, which would be great news. of course, there are other bad things that covid does as well. it doesn't just get into the lungs and cause that dreaded covid pneumonia, it also causes kidney problems, blood clots and more. time will tell if omicron causes those problems as well as the covid pneumonia. >> the delta variant is still the dominant strain in the u.s., but omicron cases are rising qui quickly. as an emergency room physician, what are you seeing in your own hospital? >> i don't know on a daily basis whether the patients i'm taking care of are infected with omicron, delta, alpha or beta, all i know is they are covid positive. in my state, our hospitalizations are about half of what they were last year at this time, but our emergency departments are absolutely overwhelmed, not just with covid but also with all the other diseases, injuries and illnesses out there that have not been adequately treated for the past year and a half. our hospitals are at a breaking point with a current covid wave, never mind the exponential spread of omicron that's already being reported across the northeast. >> i want to ask you about covid testing. a lot of people scrambling to try to get a covid test right now. can it effectively detect the ones on the market right now, if you know? can it effectively detect an omicron variant, and what should someone do if they test positive? >> there are two big kinds of covid tests. the first are the molecular tests, the things you have to send out and get a couple days to get the results for. you get those at a pharmacy or doctor's office or mass testing center. those are almost universally able to detect omicron. there's been an fda warning about a couple of them not catching omicron, but that's already off the market. go get that if you're s sympt symptomatic, if you need it for travel, if you're required to get a pcr to go back to school or work. the other type of test is the ramping antigen test. the 15-minute test you can do at home is the one being sold out across the country. those are so useful for immediate screening before you go to a get-together to know if you're infectious. i used them before my daughter's birthday party the other night, and today at a very small holiday get-together of purely vaccinated people, we all took a rapid antigen test to make sure none of us were bringing infectiousness into the gathering and risking spreading it and ruining each other's holidays. >> i used one yesterday. i want to take a moment to get to a few viewer questions. one viewer is asking, is it possible to contract delta and omicron at the same time? >> unlikely to catch both at the same time, but there are definitely a lot of reports out of south africa of people who caught delta and then caught omicron. so having had delta doesn't put you at protection from omicron, but unlikely to catch both together. >> a second viewer asked, with new variants rising every few months, with omicron being partially immune-evasive, will we ever get out of the pandemic phase of covid, or will we continue to have pandemic waves in the future? >> i wish i had a crystal ball to be able to answer that question. what i, and most experts, are expecting is that at tom point covid is going to become endemic, the same way as the flu and many other infectious diseases, some that are parts of the fabric of the world but don't cause these major surges that overwhelm our health care system or economy. when that starts to happen, i can't say. maybe it will be march, maybe not. >> very quickly, what if you have asymptomatic covid, you've been fully vaxxed, you've been boosted. can you still pass it on to high risk family members? that is the big concern, that people are getting together with family for the holidays. >> it's a really legitimate concern, and that's why i do recommend those rapid antigen tests before you get together for the holidays, especially if you're getting together with high-risk or vulnerable folks. if you're fully vaccinated, it's less likely for you to get infected and less likely for you to pass on an infection, but i can't say it's zero risk. so those rapid tests will come in handy. >> dr. ran ney, thank you so much. >> thank you. republican plans to stop democrats from filling supreme court vacancy that doesn't even exist yet. and it's complicating how democrats approach the justice who some hope will retire soon. isaac dovere and jane bispucik are standing by next. with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at what happens if you ever need to miss work for a long time? 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now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. ♪ you've got to try a little kindness ♪ ♪ yes, show a little kindness ♪ ♪ just shine your light for everyone to see ♪ ♪ and if you try a little kindness ♪ every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. the next presidential election is still three years away, but cnn has learned that some top senate republicans are already making plans to block any effort by president joe biden to name a new supreme court justice if there is a vacancy. cnn's isaac dovere and joan biskupic are following this. isaac, i'll start with you. what about this nomination that hasn't even happened? >> i talked to some who are very matter of fact about it saying if the republicans take the majority in the senate, they would not confirm a replacement nominee from joe biden for steven bryar's seat. they are taking it even further and being very clear that that is where things are headed. that leaves senate democrats and the white house in a very tough spot over this, because they want stephen bryar to retire, they want him to retire as soon as tomorrow, but they're worried if they pressure him, he will stay on the bench just to show he is not devouting partisan politics, and they are very up in arms about what to do. >> let's talk more about justice bryer. he's 84 years old. joan, what are the odds of him retiring? >> it's nice to see you, pamela. i actually think the odds are pretty strong for retirement this spring, for him to finish out the term that ends in june, but to give word to the white house before then. before he went on the bench and before he was even a law professor, he was a senate judiciary committee staffer. he knows the score, he knows what things are all about, and he was around for ruth bader ginsberg. he saw what happened when she didn't step down and was succeeded by amy coney barrett with the law of the land changing because of that switch. i spoke with him a few weeks ago when he was on one of his book tours and i asked him how he felt about all the pressure from people, and he was well aware of it, but you might want to just listen to what he said about the noise from democrats for him to go now. >> the truth, i think, is, you can always hope for your more mature self, which is there sometimes. and this is a country in which every day i see this in this do document, but number one, it's called freedom of speech, and that means freedom of expression. >> so you want them to say what they want? >> i do believe that. >> you must be irked somehow. this must drive you nuts a little bit, right? >> please. >> i didn't mean to skip into an informal way of asking you this question, justice breyer. >> it's fine. i was thinking of harry truman. fitt if it's too hot, get out of the kitchen. >> i remember when you did that excellent interview with stephen breyer, joan, and he didn't want to give a firm answer on that, but like you said, you expect in the spring he could be heading in that direction. joan biskupic, isaac dovere, very important reporting. we've seen the impact recently it can have on this country, and we appreciate your reporting if the republicans take the majority of the senate. thank you both. >> thank you. well, you are not alone. this new wave of covid cases is making many of us anxious. so how do we get through it? john hirschfeld, a specialist in ocd and anxiety disorders, joins us next. centrum.e your immune supporh now with a new look! ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ we now find that 85% of individual investors are interested in sustainable investing. among millennials, the interest is even stronger. ♪ one of the big trends in sustainable investing is data, and the ability to understand how sustainable your investments are. by taking that information into account, investors can make better decisions for the long term. sustainability is not about one number. it's about variables like water usage, data privacy, consumer trust, diversity, land use and conservation. all types of investors are now considering this in their investment decisions. this is not niche. one in four dollars globally is following some form of sustainable investing. with sustainable investing at this scale, there's power to change the markets and have an impact on the issues investors care about most. i am courtney thompson and we are morgan stanley. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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joining me now are anxiety a specialists. i've so been looking forward to this segment because i think people are dealing with this heightened anxiety. chris, i know you wrote this op-ed about what you are going through. we'll get to that in just a second. john, i wanted to go to you to lay it out for us. i think the reality that this pandemic is far from over kicked in for many of us. how dosubject. we are seeing an increased need for services across every facet imaginable, so coping is what is on everybody's mind right now. how do we cope with something that seems so relentless? we think we got it and we learn, nope, we are still back where we started again, so the answer to your question is how do we cope? first i think we need to own the fact that it's normal to be anxious. when we're dealing with high anxiety, we get frustrated with ourselves, so we need to make sure we're compassionate and not turning on ourselves. we're all doing the best we can with what we've got. other strategies for coping which is super important is the future, the unknown, and the more things we can put in our life that are present focused, whether that's through meditation or exercise or connecting with the things that bring you joy, those can be very helpful as well. of course, it should always be said that it's never too soon to ask for help. everybody has the right to ask for help when they need it. >> i've asked for help and it did help me tremendously. my anxiety is so much better than it was last year when i went through a really hard time in life. so, chris, you write on that your covid anxiety is only just now spiking. you said thanksgiving like you were feeling good about things, and it was like right after it took a turn for the worse. what's been going on? >> yeah, i think the issue is, the thing i've always been good at in life is following the rules. and this, to your point, pam. you know, there appeared to be some set of rules with this, right? like for the first year we were social distancing, we were wearing masks, we were avoiding big crowds, we weren't traveling as much, we were keeping our circle tight, and then we were getting the first shot of the vaccine and the second shot of the vaccine, and in my case, at least, the booster shot. i have two kids under age 12, getting them vaccinated. today actually marks the day that everyone in my family, my immediate family, my mom, my wife, myself and my two boys are either boosted or fully vaccinated. i had circled this date on the calendar like, awesome, december 19, before christmas. and up until tuesday, i felt pretty good about that. that's something that drives anxiety for me and others, the uncertainty. i was actually okay when there was a set of rules we could follow. i didn't enjoy not going anywhere for months on end, but at least if we followed these rules, we'll get this outcome. now it feels like, well, we followed all these rules and the outcome we wanted isn't there, and it feels like this could go on in perpetuity. whether it can or not, that's how it feels. i think that's what is tough. >> you hit the point, uncertainty is really the driver of so much anxiety that i've learned in my own life because it's sort of a realization that things aren't in your control as much as you want them to be in control. i'm wondering, jon, what you are seeing. the "new york times" is reporting that mental health professionals like yourself, they are experiencing a huge uptick in demand, and some are actually having to turn patients away. walk us through kind of what you're seeing and what patients are grappling with, whether it be, you know, ocd over germs, whether it be moral scrupilocity, parents concerned they'll give their kids covid, all of that. >> all of the above. i think it's important to remember we were in a national mental health crisis before covid. and since the pandemic, things have only gotten worse. so we're seeing an increased need for services and shepherd provides a lot of different services and still it keeps coming. especially in children and adolescents. i think what's also happening is we're seeing children and adolescents coming in with mental health concerns when also their parents have mental health needs which aren't getting met, but of course parents are putting themselves second. people will often talk about, okay, ocd, wash your hands a lot, covid must be really hard for you. that's true, but what i'm seeing at the centers for adversity and anxiety is not so much a health anxiety, it's an increase in anxiety across the board. i'm also seeing a large increase in, you said it, moral scrupilocity. am i a good person? could i help someone else? then there are other thoughts that come with ocd. these people are suffering in silence, and it's a terrible recipe, because with the pandemic they're spending a lot of time alone and they're doing less of their social activities that keep them in the present, they're spend ag lot of time re ruminating. people are turning in to themselves because they're turning in the wrong way. >> have some self-compassion. i think that's important during this and don't be afraid to ask for help. jon hirsch field, chris cilliza, thank you for being here. this pandemic doesn't seem to have an end in sight, at least for now, and anxiety is just on the rise. thank you both. >> thanks, pam. three retired generals with a warning about a possible insurrection in 2024. one of them, brigadier general steven anderson joins me next. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria detergent alone, can't. learning about our history with ancestrydna®, inspired us to learn more about our culture and where we come from. ...right here? 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(carolers) [singing] betttttter. because everyone deserves better. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. as the congressional investigation into the january 6 insurrection continues, three retired military generals have authored an op-ed in the washington post saying they are growing more worried about the potential for political violence in the military. one part really stands out. quote, as we approach the first anniversary of the deadly insurrection of the u.s. capitol, we, all of us former senior military officials are increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military putting all americans at severe risk. in short, chilled to our bones a the the thought of a coup succeeding next time. joined now by one of the authors of the op-ed retired general steven anderson. this is a big step for you and two colleagues to step out like this. what motivated you to write this column now? >> thank you, pamela, for having us on. yes, it's very difficult for me to talk like this, i was raised in the army to bey, apolitical, but the events concerning the january 6 riot changed me considerably, we cannot afford to be apolitically, i was republican my entire life, voted as such as such, never was active until 2016 when trump took the election, it's now overcome with cowardous but i took an oath to the country i would support the united states constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and those i work with closely were tremendously concerned about the threat internally, the threat domestically, within the military in particular. so we needed to start taking actions now to prevent for the evenuality in 2024 that he will do the same things in 2020 which he got incredibly close. we were trying to write an article that highlights our view of democracy at risk. we love our country and need to take actions now to mitigate that risk. >> why are you so concerned about what's going on within the military in particular? >> well, if you look at extremism that has gone on within the military, you look at those that were active in the actual assault on the capitol, over 10% had a military background. we all saw the pictures of the guys with the zip ties and helmets and marching in formations into that throng, you know, there's a threat within. we got some people that just haven't been educated. they haven't been found out and they're, they've grown in power through perhaps inaction on the parts of some of our key leaders and we need to do, what we can do now to identify those people, get them out of our ranks and train the rest the force on civics 101, how the country is supposed to work, how elections work. stop listening to the pillow guy and start learning about our country and how it's supposed to run. >> really quickly, just walk us through your concern about this partisan divide and how it could impact the change in command and why that is so concerning to you in terms of preventing another coup attempt, potentially in 2024. >> well, the big problem here is allegiance to the constitution versus allegiance to a leader. remember, in this case, a cult-like figure like trump. there's a lot of people in uniform that are confused about that. they think the president is something like a king, and it's not. you know, we swore an oath to the constitution. that's how our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines need to act and we're concerned that there's so much activity within the military that shows that people are ignorant of what our constitution is really all about and they have responded to people like trump and when he tells them to jump, they're probably willing to do that. >> all right. that is just bone-chilling as you say in the op-ed, brigadier general steven anderson, thank you. following two very big stories tonight, first, long lines for vaccines in places like new york city. and at the same time, new york sets a record for new covid cases. it's the second straight day. in just a few minutes i talk to new york city's mayor-elect eric adams. plus, senator joe manchin says he cannot back president biden's big social safety net bill. a huge blow for president biden so what will democrats do? i'll talk to democrat congresswoman debby dingle as newsroom continues. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. so, who's it going to be? 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Assault , Capitol , Formations , Pictures , Marching , Saw , Background , Zip Ties , Guys , Throng , Helmets , Leaders , Inaction , Rest , Elections , Listening , Force , Ranks , Pillow Guy , 101 , Command , Coup Attempt , Divide , Problem , Constitution , Allegiance , Leader , Figure , Uniform , King , Soldiers , Airmen , Sailors , Marines , Activity , Stories , Eric Adams , Vaccines , Places , Plus , Big Social Safety Net Bill , Debby Dingle , T Mobile , Let S Go , Mission , Nutrition , Strength , Airpods , Dianne , Sleep Number , Bed , Holiday Savings Event , Minerals , Vitamins , Whoo Hoo , 360 , 27 , Sleep , Smart Bed , Night After , Temperature Balancing , Weekend Special , Science , Miss , 48 , 50 , Ends Monday , Smiling , Smile , Season , Danny , Maggie , Insurance , Treatment , Obligation , X Rays , Exam , Emergency , Emergency Planning , Phone Numbers , Place , Siblings , Neighbors , Tips , Homework , Emergency Supply Kit , Stay , Go Home , Covid Cases Spiking Around The World , Io ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

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people who you do not know what their vaccination status is. >> overseas the netherlands locking down. israel putting travelers from canada, germany and the u.s. on their no-fly list. and the u.k. not ruling out new restrictions. >> over the last 24 hours, we've had the largest number of new cases since this began. also tonight, democratic senator joe manchin dealing a potential death blow to the president's ambitious social spending plan. >> i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> he has never negotiated in good faith. >> i think he's going to have a lot of explaining to do. let him vote no in front of the whole world. i'm pamela brown in washington. you are live in the cnn newsroom on this sunday. just days before christmas and the prospect of a new year, sobering warnings tonight in the fight against the coronavirus. the delta variant is driving this new surge of cases and hospitalizations in the u.s. for now, at least. the nation's top expert on infectious diseases, dr. anthony fauci, says the inevitable takeover by the omicron variant will stress test a health care system already on the brink. he says americans need to brace for a tough few weeks to months ahead. his boss shares the bleak assessment. >> all of the other previous variants pale by kcomparison in terms of the rate by which this is spreading, doubling every two three days, first in south africa, now in parts of europe, and the u.s. is on that exponential curve right now. we're in for a world of trouble, i'm afraid, in the next month or two. >> that is not what we want to be hearing. the numbers provide no comfort, either. more than 125,000 americans on average are testing positive every day. hospitalizations in the u.s. have increased nearly 20% in two weeks. and the statistic that's hardest to swallow given all the tools we now have, the u.s. consistently losing 1300 people to covid every day on average. the white house says president biden's tuesday speech on the omicron threat will also speak to the unvaccinated and deliver, quote, a stark warning of what the winter will look like. across the country, people are lining up at covid testing sites as a busy holiday week and gatherings bear down. cnn's polo sandoval is at barkley center in new york. polo, how busy has it been? >> reporter: hey, pam. it really has been quite the busy last few days here in new york city. you know, when you hear, obviously, the recommendations coming from authorities is for people who are not vaccinated to get vaccinated. for those who are to get boosted. you get all sorts of people down here in downtown brooklyn. let's show you the crowd we're seeing in downtown brooklyn. for several hours now, we are seeing multiple people turning out for all sorts of reasons, but many people turning out to actually get tested because this is what authorities have been recommending for it a very long time, pam, which is if you are vaccinated, get boosted. if you aren't vaccinated, get tested. i want you to hear from the folks who are tested. many have been vaccinated, but before they get ready to see family and friends for christmas, they just want to make sure it's going to be safe. >> i have a couple friends who haven't been vaccinated had covid, so i'm trying to play it safe for the family. >> to be safe. you never know. even when you vaccinate, you can still get it, so it's better to make sure that you're vaccinated. >> reporter: when it comes to the actual numbers here, again, about 72% of new york city residents are actually vaccinated, so that's certainly a good thing. we all have some optimism with mayor de blasio earlier today, which is this -- >> we're having some trouble there with polo's connection. thanks so much, polo. in just a few minutes, dr. meg ranney joins us to discuss if there is a baseline immunity in the u.s. and how that will affect us. she'll also talk about the severity of the omicron variant and she'll answer your questions. the covid surge is also forcing other nations to take strong measures. israel is adding the u.s., canada and eight other countries to its red no-fly list. london's mayor says further covid restrictions are inevitable, and the netherlands are all in lockdown while the french prime minister warns that omicron is spreading at lightning speed. let's check in with our international correspondents. >> i'm in tell aviv where israe has added ten more countries to its no-fly list, including the united states, canada, and turkey. that means israelis are banned from there unless they get special permission, and israelis returning from there have to quarantine and spend eight days in a quarantine hotel. once they get a negative pcr test, they will be allowed to go to home quarantine, only after they have signed for the authorities to be able to track their movements. there are now 175 cases in israel. that's up from 89 a few days ago, and there are further 380 cases which are highly suspicious of being omicron. >> i'm scott mcclain in london where the head of the house service in england expects one in five staff in london to be out sick with covid on christmas day thanks to an omicron-fueled surge in new infections. government scientists say a new set of restrictions is needed fewer rather than later to avoid near peak levels of hospital admissions. but the government is still in wait and see mode because there are still question marks about the severity of illness omicron actually causes. the cautious british approach is in stark contrast to many mainland european governments which are facing protests over severe or new restrictions. friday night france closed its borders to british tourists even if they're vaccinated, and now germany has officially followed suit. >> we're here in europe. the covid situation is not making holiday celebrations easy for a second year in a row. the netherlands are locking down thanks to a spike in cases and hospitalizations. ireland just instituted another curfew on pubs and restaurants, and the u.k. is grab ppling wita staggering number of new cases on the omicron variant. covid is still causing spikes in deaths and hospitalizations across the region. france canceled its famous new year's eve fireworks display, and in rome, there will be no concert yet again. even those who are boosted can't escape some of the pain. the new measures prompted some to take to the streets in protest. it also prompted many others to finally get vaccinated or get their boosters. >> and our thanks to our correspondents around the world for their reports. new tonight, massachusetts and our elizabeth warren says she has covid-19. she tweeted in part, today i tested positive with a breakthrough case. thankfully i am only experiencing mild symptoms and am grateful for the protection provided against serious illness that comes from being vaccinated and boosted. she goes on to urge others to get their shots, too. democratic senator joe manchin may have just dealt a fatal blow to the signature piece of president biden's domestic agenda. a massive social safety net bill that included money for everything from universal pre-k to paid family leave. >> i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation, i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> you're done. this is a no. >> this is a no on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. >> an administration source telling me tonight that white house aides discussed with president biden what approach to take in that damning statement released earlier about manchin, with biden giving the final sign-off on that statement according to a source. the biden administration said it was important to lay out exactly what were transpiring, adding, there were too many things that sounded like he was going back on his word. also, it was biden himself who was wanting to speak to manchin earlier in the day. and manchin wouldn't take his call. with the senate evenly divided and republicans united in their opposition, democrats needed every last vote to get this bill across the finish line. so where does this go from here? cnn's joe johns is at the white house and suzann malveaux is on capitol hill. what are you learning that caught the white house, president biden, off guard? >> you sort of characterized the statement there. it was the textbook version of the sharply worded rebuke, and it was aimed straight at the senator from west virginia. there was a surprise here at the white house, quite frankly, but the surprise wasn't that the negotiations were going badly. everybody knew that. the surprise was the timing because white house aides said joe manchin actually came to the president and delivered to him his own proposal that contained many of the things that joe biden wanted included. white house aides thought they were going to go ahead and negotiate their way through that in the coming days when the senator from west virginia essentially sends word that he's going to blow up the negotiations entirely, pull the plug on national tv and about 30 to 45 minutes before he went out on tv, he sends an aide to deliver the message of the white house. the white house tries to reach him and he doesn't take the call. here's just a taste of the language from that statement that the white house press secretary put out. senator manchin promised to continue conversations in the days ahead and to work with us to reach that common ground. it goes on. if his comments and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal to his decision and a breach to the president and the senator's colleagues in the house and senate. so they really thought they were going to continue to negotiate, pamela. >> they sure did. suza suzanna, i want to go to you because the switch from democrats have been swift. >> reporter: a lot of lawmakers said they weren't surprised by this, but they don't mean in a sense they got a heads up, they just mean it in the sense that they didn't trust him from the beginning. we heard from representative barbara lee tweeting out. she was saying, look, she wasn't surprised. she is unfeuriated, she is disappointed, she said manchin just keeps moving the goalposts here. whether or not joe manchin is a democratic player when they talk about how they want to move the president's agenda forward here. we heard from bernie sanders who put it out there quite plainly, his frustration and his anger, that perhaps there should be a vote on the senate floor regarding this even if manchin does not approve of this, just to get him on the record and potentially to shame him. here's how sanders put it. >> i hope that we will bring a strong bill to the floor of the senate as soon as we can and let mr. manchin explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests. if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia in america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> and, pam, just to remind our audience what this is all about here, this is about a tremendous agenda here, very ambitious regarding clean energy investments, child care, paid family and sick leave, the child tax credit as well as home health care and medicare, housing, education, grants and, of course, home investments for energy and climate change provisions. this is something that the democrats are going to have to look at very carefully if they're going to get some of these items, very significant items, done. do they propose it in kind of a piecemeal fashion so they can get kmanchin on board and perhas some republicans and move forward on the child tax credit that way? that is something they have to think about in the coming year if they're actually going to address this. it looks like this ambitious agenda as it's laid out now just is not going to make it through. >> it's not going to make it through based on what we heard from joe manchin. join me next hour when i talk to debbie dingell about senator kmanchin's decision. dr. megan ranney has some advice on home testing. also how the omicron variant can affect your lungs. the president braces for another showdown about supreme court justice david bryan's unknown future, when we return. 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>> so this is a very preliminary study that has not yet been done in humans. it's really based on lab research. if this is shown to be true, it would mean that omicron is much more like the common cold than prior variants of covid, which would be great news. of course, there are other bad things that covid does as well. it doesn't just get into the lungs and cause that dreaded covid pneumonia, it also causes kidney problems, blood clots and more. time will tell if omicron causes those problems as well as the covid pneumonia. >> the delta variant is still the dominant strain in the u.s., but omicron cases are rising qui quickly. as an emergency room physician, what are you seeing in your own hospital? >> i don't know on a daily basis whether the patients i'm taking care of are infected with omicron, delta, alpha or beta, all i know is they are covid positive. in my state, our hospitalizations are about half of what they were last year at this time, but our emergency departments are absolutely overwhelmed, not just with covid but also with all the other diseases, injuries and illnesses out there that have not been adequately treated for the past year and a half. our hospitals are at a breaking point with a current covid wave, never mind the exponential spread of omicron that's already being reported across the northeast. >> i want to ask you about covid testing. a lot of people scrambling to try to get a covid test right now. can it effectively detect the ones on the market right now, if you know? can it effectively detect an omicron variant, and what should someone do if they test positive? >> there are two big kinds of covid tests. the first are the molecular tests, the things you have to send out and get a couple days to get the results for. you get those at a pharmacy or doctor's office or mass testing center. those are almost universally able to detect omicron. there's been an fda warning about a couple of them not catching omicron, but that's already off the market. go get that if you're s sympt symptomatic, if you need it for travel, if you're required to get a pcr to go back to school or work. the other type of test is the ramping antigen test. the 15-minute test you can do at home is the one being sold out across the country. those are so useful for immediate screening before you go to a get-together to know if you're infectious. i used them before my daughter's birthday party the other night, and today at a very small holiday get-together of purely vaccinated people, we all took a rapid antigen test to make sure none of us were bringing infectiousness into the gathering and risking spreading it and ruining each other's holidays. >> i used one yesterday. i want to take a moment to get to a few viewer questions. one viewer is asking, is it possible to contract delta and omicron at the same time? >> unlikely to catch both at the same time, but there are definitely a lot of reports out of south africa of people who caught delta and then caught omicron. so having had delta doesn't put you at protection from omicron, but unlikely to catch both together. >> a second viewer asked, with new variants rising every few months, with omicron being partially immune-evasive, will we ever get out of the pandemic phase of covid, or will we continue to have pandemic waves in the future? >> i wish i had a crystal ball to be able to answer that question. what i, and most experts, are expecting is that at tom point covid is going to become endemic, the same way as the flu and many other infectious diseases, some that are parts of the fabric of the world but don't cause these major surges that overwhelm our health care system or economy. when that starts to happen, i can't say. maybe it will be march, maybe not. >> very quickly, what if you have asymptomatic covid, you've been fully vaxxed, you've been boosted. can you still pass it on to high risk family members? that is the big concern, that people are getting together with family for the holidays. >> it's a really legitimate concern, and that's why i do recommend those rapid antigen tests before you get together for the holidays, especially if you're getting together with high-risk or vulnerable folks. if you're fully vaccinated, it's less likely for you to get infected and less likely for you to pass on an infection, but i can't say it's zero risk. so those rapid tests will come in handy. >> dr. ran ney, thank you so much. >> thank you. republican plans to stop democrats from filling supreme court vacancy that doesn't even exist yet. and it's complicating how democrats approach the justice who some hope will retire soon. isaac dovere and jane bispucik are standing by next. with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at what happens if you ever need to miss work for a long time? 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>> i talked to some who are very matter of fact about it saying if the republicans take the majority in the senate, they would not confirm a replacement nominee from joe biden for steven bryar's seat. they are taking it even further and being very clear that that is where things are headed. that leaves senate democrats and the white house in a very tough spot over this, because they want stephen bryar to retire, they want him to retire as soon as tomorrow, but they're worried if they pressure him, he will stay on the bench just to show he is not devouting partisan politics, and they are very up in arms about what to do. >> let's talk more about justice bryer. he's 84 years old. joan, what are the odds of him retiring? >> it's nice to see you, pamela. i actually think the odds are pretty strong for retirement this spring, for him to finish out the term that ends in june, but to give word to the white house before then. before he went on the bench and before he was even a law professor, he was a senate judiciary committee staffer. he knows the score, he knows what things are all about, and he was around for ruth bader ginsberg. he saw what happened when she didn't step down and was succeeded by amy coney barrett with the law of the land changing because of that switch. i spoke with him a few weeks ago when he was on one of his book tours and i asked him how he felt about all the pressure from people, and he was well aware of it, but you might want to just listen to what he said about the noise from democrats for him to go now. >> the truth, i think, is, you can always hope for your more mature self, which is there sometimes. and this is a country in which every day i see this in this do document, but number one, it's called freedom of speech, and that means freedom of expression. >> so you want them to say what they want? >> i do believe that. >> you must be irked somehow. this must drive you nuts a little bit, right? >> please. >> i didn't mean to skip into an informal way of asking you this question, justice breyer. >> it's fine. i was thinking of harry truman. fitt if it's too hot, get out of the kitchen. >> i remember when you did that excellent interview with stephen breyer, joan, and he didn't want to give a firm answer on that, but like you said, you expect in the spring he could be heading in that direction. joan biskupic, isaac dovere, very important reporting. we've seen the impact recently it can have on this country, and we appreciate your reporting if the republicans take the majority of the senate. thank you both. >> thank you. well, you are not alone. this new wave of covid cases is making many of us anxious. so how do we get through it? john hirschfeld, a specialist in ocd and anxiety disorders, joins us next. centrum.e your immune supporh now with a new look! ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ we now find that 85% of individual investors are interested in sustainable investing. among millennials, the interest is even stronger. ♪ one of the big trends in sustainable investing is data, and the ability to understand how sustainable your investments are. by taking that information into account, investors can make better decisions for the long term. sustainability is not about one number. it's about variables like water usage, data privacy, consumer trust, diversity, land use and conservation. all types of investors are now considering this in their investment decisions. this is not niche. one in four dollars globally is following some form of sustainable investing. with sustainable investing at this scale, there's power to change the markets and have an impact on the issues investors care about most. i am courtney thompson and we are morgan stanley. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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joining me now are anxiety a specialists. i've so been looking forward to this segment because i think people are dealing with this heightened anxiety. chris, i know you wrote this op-ed about what you are going through. we'll get to that in just a second. john, i wanted to go to you to lay it out for us. i think the reality that this pandemic is far from over kicked in for many of us. how dosubject. we are seeing an increased need for services across every facet imaginable, so coping is what is on everybody's mind right now. how do we cope with something that seems so relentless? we think we got it and we learn, nope, we are still back where we started again, so the answer to your question is how do we cope? first i think we need to own the fact that it's normal to be anxious. when we're dealing with high anxiety, we get frustrated with ourselves, so we need to make sure we're compassionate and not turning on ourselves. we're all doing the best we can with what we've got. other strategies for coping which is super important is the future, the unknown, and the more things we can put in our life that are present focused, whether that's through meditation or exercise or connecting with the things that bring you joy, those can be very helpful as well. of course, it should always be said that it's never too soon to ask for help. everybody has the right to ask for help when they need it. >> i've asked for help and it did help me tremendously. my anxiety is so much better than it was last year when i went through a really hard time in life. so, chris, you write on that your covid anxiety is only just now spiking. you said thanksgiving like you were feeling good about things, and it was like right after it took a turn for the worse. what's been going on? >> yeah, i think the issue is, the thing i've always been good at in life is following the rules. and this, to your point, pam. you know, there appeared to be some set of rules with this, right? like for the first year we were social distancing, we were wearing masks, we were avoiding big crowds, we weren't traveling as much, we were keeping our circle tight, and then we were getting the first shot of the vaccine and the second shot of the vaccine, and in my case, at least, the booster shot. i have two kids under age 12, getting them vaccinated. today actually marks the day that everyone in my family, my immediate family, my mom, my wife, myself and my two boys are either boosted or fully vaccinated. i had circled this date on the calendar like, awesome, december 19, before christmas. and up until tuesday, i felt pretty good about that. that's something that drives anxiety for me and others, the uncertainty. i was actually okay when there was a set of rules we could follow. i didn't enjoy not going anywhere for months on end, but at least if we followed these rules, we'll get this outcome. now it feels like, well, we followed all these rules and the outcome we wanted isn't there, and it feels like this could go on in perpetuity. whether it can or not, that's how it feels. i think that's what is tough. >> you hit the point, uncertainty is really the driver of so much anxiety that i've learned in my own life because it's sort of a realization that things aren't in your control as much as you want them to be in control. i'm wondering, jon, what you are seeing. the "new york times" is reporting that mental health professionals like yourself, they are experiencing a huge uptick in demand, and some are actually having to turn patients away. walk us through kind of what you're seeing and what patients are grappling with, whether it be, you know, ocd over germs, whether it be moral scrupilocity, parents concerned they'll give their kids covid, all of that. >> all of the above. i think it's important to remember we were in a national mental health crisis before covid. and since the pandemic, things have only gotten worse. so we're seeing an increased need for services and shepherd provides a lot of different services and still it keeps coming. especially in children and adolescents. i think what's also happening is we're seeing children and adolescents coming in with mental health concerns when also their parents have mental health needs which aren't getting met, but of course parents are putting themselves second. people will often talk about, okay, ocd, wash your hands a lot, covid must be really hard for you. that's true, but what i'm seeing at the centers for adversity and anxiety is not so much a health anxiety, it's an increase in anxiety across the board. i'm also seeing a large increase in, you said it, moral scrupilocity. am i a good person? could i help someone else? then there are other thoughts that come with ocd. these people are suffering in silence, and it's a terrible recipe, because with the pandemic they're spending a lot of time alone and they're doing less of their social activities that keep them in the present, they're spend ag lot of time re ruminating. people are turning in to themselves because they're turning in the wrong way. >> have some self-compassion. i think that's important during this and don't be afraid to ask for help. jon hirsch field, chris cilliza, thank you for being here. this pandemic doesn't seem to have an end in sight, at least for now, and anxiety is just on the rise. thank you both. >> thanks, pam. three retired generals with a warning about a possible insurrection in 2024. one of them, brigadier general steven anderson joins me next. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria detergent alone, can't. learning about our history with ancestrydna®, inspired us to learn more about our culture and where we come from. ...right here? 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>> thank you, pamela, for having us on. yes, it's very difficult for me to talk like this, i was raised in the army to bey, apolitical, but the events concerning the january 6 riot changed me considerably, we cannot afford to be apolitically, i was republican my entire life, voted as such as such, never was active until 2016 when trump took the election, it's now overcome with cowardous but i took an oath to the country i would support the united states constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and those i work with closely were tremendously concerned about the threat internally, the threat domestically, within the military in particular. so we needed to start taking actions now to prevent for the evenuality in 2024 that he will do the same things in 2020 which he got incredibly close. we were trying to write an article that highlights our view of democracy at risk. we love our country and need to take actions now to mitigate that risk. >> why are you so concerned about what's going on within the military in particular? >> well, if you look at extremism that has gone on within the military, you look at those that were active in the actual assault on the capitol, over 10% had a military background. we all saw the pictures of the guys with the zip ties and helmets and marching in formations into that throng, you know, there's a threat within. we got some people that just haven't been educated. they haven't been found out and they're, they've grown in power through perhaps inaction on the parts of some of our key leaders and we need to do, what we can do now to identify those people, get them out of our ranks and train the rest the force on civics 101, how the country is supposed to work, how elections work. stop listening to the pillow guy and start learning about our country and how it's supposed to run. >> really quickly, just walk us through your concern about this partisan divide and how it could impact the change in command and why that is so concerning to you in terms of preventing another coup attempt, potentially in 2024. >> well, the big problem here is allegiance to the constitution versus allegiance to a leader. remember, in this case, a cult-like figure like trump. there's a lot of people in uniform that are confused about that. they think the president is something like a king, and it's not. you know, we swore an oath to the constitution. that's how our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines need to act and we're concerned that there's so much activity within the military that shows that people are ignorant of what our constitution is really all about and they have responded to people like trump and when he tells them to jump, they're probably willing to do that. >> all right. that is just bone-chilling as you say in the op-ed, brigadier general steven anderson, thank you. following two very big stories tonight, first, long lines for vaccines in places like new york city. and at the same time, new york sets a record for new covid cases. it's the second straight day. in just a few minutes i talk to new york city's mayor-elect eric adams. plus, senator joe manchin says he cannot back president biden's big social safety net bill. a huge blow for president biden so what will democrats do? 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