Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

build back better bill which would significantly impand the country's social safety yet. senator joe manchin a key moderate democrat announcing this morning he is officially a no on the legislation. >> i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> a lot to get to. we'll begin with the pandemic. new cases and hospitalizations rising in the u.s. the delta variant fueling most of these increases right now. but the omicron strain is also spreading quickly in much of the country. one expert saying there is a tsunami coming from the unvaccinated. in new york people are waiting in long lines for coronavirus tests as you see there. nearly a third of broadway shows are shuttered once again, just months after reopening. the nba, nhl, and the nfl are postponing games as teams deal with outbreaks. and some major colleges and universities including harvard and yale, are returning to remote learning for the next few weeks. dr. anthony fauci issuing a stark warning this morning. >> this virus is extraordinary. it has a doubling time of anywhere from two to three days. right now in certain regions of the country, 50% of the isolates are omicron. it's going to take over. it's going to be a tough few weeks to months as we get deeper into the winter. >> we are monitoring the developments. and polo, you are in new york. the mayor just spoke a short time ago. what is he saying? >> yeah. he's still speak right now. at tend of the day, what it is, it's -- there are cancellations, closures, long lines for testing. it's beginning to feel a lot like december 2020 and deja vu. here's the thing. it is not. you keep hearing from authorities this year different because of the vaccination option people are urged to get. that remains the best way according to health authorities to protect yourself leading up to christmas. the next important option is to get tested. you can see a massive line that literally winds around the corner here. and these are folks who are taking advantage of a mobile vaccination site which we have seen deployed throughout the city. you also have urgent care clinics. we were outside of one yesterday as early as two hours before they opened the doors. you saw new yorkers lined up. they want to be sure. a majority of the people if not all, were vaccinated. this is simply taking an extra step to make sure they have r protected. this comes as new york set a single-day record for positive covid cases two days in a row. yesterday reaching a high number. as we're hearing from the mayor in comments he shared a few moments ago, the reality is those numbers, they will get worse. there's also optimism in what we heard from the mayor a while ago. >> we expect omicron to be a fast and temporary phenomenon. we expect these next weeks to see a very, very big surge in the number of cases. more than we've seen previously. and then we expect after a period of time, that it will dissipate. this temporary reality demands an urgent, immediate step which is to maximize vaccination. >> and what they're doing, they're rolling out the vaccination clinics but also making these take home -- rather, tests available to the public as well, especially if folks are unable to stand in line. at least they can take the step at home before they see their friends and family in less than a week. >> the long lines are a good sign people are getting tested. it also shows that more tests need to be readily available in this country. polo, thank you. let's go now to natasha in los angeles. cases there also rising pretty fast. what are people saying about the current situation? what's being done to slow the spread? >> reporter: amara, l.a. county, the most populous county in the u.s. has seen case rates the daily confirmed cases pretty much triple in the past week. let's look at the numbers. on tuesday l.a. county public health reported more than 1100 confirmed covid cases. by saturday, yesterday, it was more than 3700 confirmed cases. and we have not actually seen that number cross the 3,000 threshold since late august, early september. it's been a while since the -- we've had so many positive cases in one day. the hospitalizations are also high, relatively speaking. more than 700 right now. and we haven't seen that number cross 700 since early october. we are also seeing college football games, professional football games postponed. production of the christmas carol here postponed because of covid cases, positive cases in those groups of people. now, california, department of public health noticed a steady increase in cases in the days following thanksgiving into early december, and that's why the state had already started implementing a new set of protocols that began december 15th. here they are. for those who are coming in to the state of california, they recommend testing three to five days after arrival. those who are attending megaevents, either indoor or outdoor, they now have to either prove vaccination or show a negative test. indoors that means 1,000 people for a mega-event. outdoors 10,000 people. this is a very difficult situation for people. and i should also mention, of course, universal indoor masking across the state as well. in different states, they're handling this current surge in different ways. here's the governor of colorado talking about this tool that we have. vaccinations to keep people safe. >> people just don't react well to this ongoing environment of fear for two years. let's lead with the facts. three doses of the vaccine are needed to significantly reduce the risk of the omicron variant. this is three doses of the vaccine to be effective. i wish they'd stop talking about it as a booster. >> and, of course, there are a lot of schools as you mentioned who are moving to virtual classes for the time being. that includes stanford. right now the university of california and cal state systems say they're going to monitor the situation. a lot of college kids currently on winter break. so they may be seeing some real change when they come back for class. >> yeah. it's obviously a demoralizing and disconcerting for so many of us who have been looking forward to the holidays and these family gatherings. thank you both so much. we are also following breaking news on a critical piece of the president's agenda. today senator joe manchin delivering a likely death blow to the build back better plan. the west virginia moderate, a key democrat vote needed to pass the bill is saying today he won't vote for the plan. >> i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> you're done. this is -- this is a no. >> this is a no. on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. >> all right. let's bring in suzanne. do fellow democrats see this coming? i mean, this came after months of negotiations. >> reporter: it was days. it was weeks. it was months. several congressional aides i spoke with said it was like a bomb going off essentially, blowing audiotape and killing any possibility of pushing for the most significant legislative pieces of the democratic party and administration. we're talking education, health care and climate change. the democratic leadership got about 40 minutes' heads up before manchin went public on television this morning to say he was out of it. he was done with the negotiating process, and this was very frustrating. it came after a week of very tense behind the scene negotiation not only with the president but also with the moderates, the progressives. there were times we saw this spill out on the senate floor as this were animated discussions with manchin. often he was surrounded by colleagues as they tried to convince him to get on board. they desperately needed him for that reconciliation, the budget reconciliation which required a simple majority. he was part of it. he was the last holdout. the progressives are feeling devastated and frustrated here. they started off with a $6 trillion cost to this bill. they lowered it to 3 trillion and then to 1.75 trillion. manchin insisted all along it was going to be .5 trillion. he could not move much beyond that, and most recently, he talked about the tax credit. the child tax credit being extended for one year. that was part of the bill. but he said realistically, it would be extended for ten years and cost much, much more money. that the congressional budget office would determine, in fact, that this would really add to the federal deficit here so it wasn't an honest cost bill. it had to stay at that number. his colleagues said show us where else you need to cut down here, and he never did. he was too vague. now what you're hearing this morning, senator bernie sanders, many of the progressives and even moderates saying they don't believe that senator manchin acted in good faith. >> we cannot allow one lone senator from west virginia to obstruct the president's agenda to obstruct the people's agenda. jake, all i want for christmas is a senator that has compassion for the american people and not contempt. >> i hope we will bring a strong bill to the floor of the senate as soon as we can, and let mr. mamgen explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests. if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the world. >> reporter: the republicans are celebrating. they have never been on board with this huge package, this social spending package, climate change package. senator lindsey graham saying the cbo makes confirmed -- i'm sorry. the cbo analysis confirmed senator manchin's worst fears about bid back better. he's always stated he will not support a bill full of gimmicks, a bill that added to the debt or made inflation worse. think the question moving forward is in the new year can the democrats put forward something separate from a big legislative agenda, a big legislative accomplishment that might address some of the concerns of the american people who are truly suffering. >> perhaps they'll have to switch strategies and break up the bill. i appreciate your reporting. thank you. the white house says it was cut off guard by senator manchin's announcement, believing they still had a path forward. joe johns is joining us now at the white house. joe, the white house press secretary put out a pointed statement. >> reporter: to say the least. and the reaction here at the white house, people are shaking their heads. there's also a real sense that while the president knew these negotiations were not going well, i think part of it is the timing, and part of it is what they say joe manchin had been saying to them before he finally decided to pull the plug. listen to this statement that they put out just a little while ago. senator manchin's comments this morning are at odds with his discussions this week with the white house staff and with his own public utterances. weeks ago the senator committed to the president at his home in wilmington to support the build back better framework the president announced. and senator manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework in good faith. it goes on. on tuesday of this week, senator manchin came to the white house and admitted to the president in person a written outline for bbb bill that essentially was the same size and scope as the president's and covered some of the same things. so clearly the people here at the white house thought that the president and joe manchin had something else to negotiate, but now it's all gone away. >> yeah. so as if this wasn't one major blow to deal with for the white house, now we're talking about the omicron variant and how cases are surging in this country. president biden set to address the nation on tuesday. what do we expect to hear from him? >> well, a bunch of things. number within, as you said, it's about omicron. number two, it was pretty clear that what they're doing is trying to announce new steps to help people get through the winter. he wants to talk about his winter covid plan in general. but maybe one of the big headlines is that the president wants to give a stark warning to americans out there who remain intentionally unvaccinated. so this is all part of changing the message to fit the moment which is very serious in this country right now. >> yeah. if you haven't been vaccinated yet, you have no excuse not to be asap. joe johns, appreciate it. thank you so much. and still ahead, the threat of omicron forcing some countries to impose new restrictions and even lockdowns. we will have the latest from around the globe just ahead. plus more than 70 kentucky residents killed in those devastated tornadoes. we will talk to the family of one victim who is being remembered as 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>> i would tell you that the europeans and the uk in particular has always been about two or three weeks ahead of us with the pandemic. we need to look at what's happening over there and quickly take measures over here. we cannot just rest on our laurels and say we're going to do fine. i'm very concerned of what's happening in the u.s. we have a surge from delta, and we already have omicron here. omicron cases are rapidly going up in many communities, and in new york city and miami and in many other communities we're seeing them go up quickly. i suspect in the next two or three weeks, it will be the predominant variant. the problem with omicron is the high transmisability. that's going to cause a lot of infections. a lot of people will be out. in england, one in five health care workers will be out because they're infected. there will be pilots and flight attendants sick. essential workers who are sick. i think this could have significant disruptions to the economy. i don't think we're moving fast enough in the u.s. i would urge your government to move faster. you heard the uk say we're going to send free rapid tests to every household. we need to do that in the u.s. next week. we cannot wait any further. >> why are we lagging, it seems, when it comes to testing? it's not just the vaccinations and boosters that will help get us in front of this pandemic. right? we need testing readily accessible. >> yes. we need testing readily accessible and testing at home. we need to be able to test ourselves literally every day or every other day to rapidly identify who is infected and have that person isolate themselves and not go about their business, not go to work. isolate at home. and in order to do that, you need to be able to have available tests. the problem is the tests available in you buy in your local pharmacy cost about 20 to 23 a set of two tests. really about $10 a pop. that is way too expensive. germany, you pay $1 a test. in the uk they're given out for free. we have to get them into people's hands this week. >> there's a story, doctor, that really stuck out to me. routers has been reporting about the holiday party in norway. omicron outbreak in norway christmas party is the biggest outside south africa. it's being called a super spreader. everyone was said to be vaccinated. and they tested negative before the event. and they're saying about 60 people out of 120, they believe, now have that variant. if they were all boosted, could that have slowed down the spread, do you think? >> yeah, i think if they had been vaccinated boosted. they were vaccinated but not boosted. the possibility of getting simplematically with two doses of the pfizer vaccine drops to about 33%. if you get boosted, it goes up to about 75%. you've got to get boosted. that's why we need to get people boosted. it's going to take two weeks for the booster to make effect. we're behind in the boosters right now. but the second thing is the testing was done one to three days before the event f. if you're going to use testing for this kind of event, gather with family and relatives for the christmas holidays, make sure everybody is boosted. make sure everybody is vaccinated. and if you're going to do testing, test them as you go into the door. as you walk into the event is the right time to get tested. a day or two ahead is not close enough to prevent somebody infected to coming into the event. >> perhaps such a test at the door may have prevented the employee who was just in south africa who had the omicron variant from coming inside that party. lastly, you mentioned the statistics. i want to mention it again to stress the importance of boosters. in a blog post from the nih director, he shared a study showing that booster shots greatly increase vaccine effectiveness against omicron. from 40% if you had two shots to 80 % with a booster. why not then change the definition of fully vaccinated? i know dr. fauci is saying it's more semantics. but is it really if it's going to make a difference in the way that you are protected from at least this variant? >> well, you know, i think with delta, it really was semantics. i think with omicron it's no longer semantics. with omicron we need to change the definition. personally, i think fully vaccinated means three doses of an mrna vaccine. that means changing a bunch of things, including what happens in companies, what happens in mandates. we still have a country where we have 40% of the country that is not vaccinated. and to me the most concerning thing is that prior infection offers no protection against omicron. people who have previously been infected and said i have natural immunity, i don't need a vaccine, are not protected. if those people took one dose of vaccine, they'll be as protected as someone who takes a booster. those people reluctant to take a vaccine may say i don't want three shots. reality, all they need is one. let's get them to get one shot. if we change the definition, we should also change the definition by saying prior infection plus one dose means fully vaccinated. this is not simple. >> no, it's not. but we appreciate you helping us understand this complex virus. thank you so much, doctor. appreciate your time. >> happy to be with you. and a quick programming note for you. join dr. sanjay gupta for a look at how some families with autistic kids are finding hope in cannabis and how for some hope comes at a great risk. this new special report, weed 6, marijuana and autism begins tonight at 8:00. and to know where you came from. ♪ we'r're discovering together.. it's been an amazing gift. ♪ c'mon caleb, you got this! and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! plan today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. all right. back to our breaking news. today senator joe manchin said he is a no on president biden's corner stone build back better bill. >> where i'm at right now, the inflation that i was concerned about is not transitory. it's real. it's harming west virginian. it's making it difficult for him to continue. i've always said if i can't go home and explain it to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it, and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> all right. scott jennings is a cnn political kcommentator and formr special assistant to george w. bush. great to see you. let's talk about your reaction to senator mamnchin saying no. it seems like there was a major disconnect. you heard the press secretary saying his comments on fox news this morning was at odds with his discussions with the president. our reporting has been that look, you know, the white house knew that making this bill work would be very difficult. but the thought was that there was a sufficient enough chance of success to make it worth the effort. so what happened here? >> well, it's pretty stunning what joe manchin did today if you haven't been listening to his every statement since august. i mean, go back to his wall street journal piece from so many months ago. it's been obvious that manchin has been worried about inflation and going home to west virginia and explaining spending all this money when the cost of food and gas and everything else is going up for his people. when you further consider that joe biden got about 30% of the vote in west virginia, it was going to take a lot of changes to this bill that came over from the house for him to get anywhere near supporting it. i think it came down to inflation. every month since manchin's initial statement on this in the wall street journal he was head tant to spend this much money, we've seen inflation go up and up. i almost feel like he was trying to tell them, it's highly unlikely i'm going to do this, and they didn't want to hear it. i think the only thing he's going to be explaining in west virginia is why it took so long for him to kill this monstrosity. i don't think his constituents support it. he knew that. we are where we are. >> as you mentioned, the concerns that senator manchin cited, senator bernie sanders was on cnn this morning right after this no answer. she was quite outraged to see the least. he's his response to his concerns about inflation. listen. >> my concerns i had, and i still have these concerns. and where i'm at right now, the inflation i was concerned about, it's not transitory. it's real. it's harming every west virginian. it's making it most difficult for them to continue. >> joe manchin voted for a huge increase in military spending. manchin voted for an infrastructure bill which added $250 billion to the deficit. the truth of the matter is if you look at the military budget, 770 billion, times that by ten years, it's four times higher than what the build back better plan is. >> what do you say to that? what bernie sanders just said, when he did vote for that infrastructure bill? >> well, he raises an interesting point. that totally validates the strategy of the senate republicans who voted to help joe biden and the democrats pass the infrastructure bill. at the time, mitch mcconnell and rob portman and other senate republicans said we're separating the sugar from the spinach. we have to give some of the moderate democrats something to deliver, something they want and something they think is good for the country. that took the form of the infrastructure bill. had they not done that at the time, i believe manchin would have wound up having to vote for a much larger bill now for the purpose of getting the infrastructure piece. manchin always said he thought the infrastructure, the hard infrastructure part of all this spending that biden wanted was good for the country. he was less certain the rest of it was good for the country. so yes, he did vote for that, but by allowing that bill to pass and republicans helping the white house do this, they gave joe manchin all the reasons he needed to kill this part of it, because he'd already been able to vote for something he thinks he can sell back home in west virginia. >> so now what? we hear the strategy being floated that this massive bill which started at 6 trillion now down to 1.75, should be broken up. piecemeal into smaller pieces and that way you can get more moderates or maybe just manchin, and perhaps maybe even republicans on board. your thoughts? >> well, the issue with that, of course, is that all this stuff has to go back to the u.s. house where progressives are basically in charge because the democrats are in the majority party in the house. this has always been a problem for the democrats trying to negotiate between the progressives that essentially run the house right now under nancy pelosi as the speaker and people like joe manchin. this is a moderate democrat from a state that gave joe biden 30% of the vote. these divisions within the democratic party are really what would stop what you suggested from happening. if it were to happen, there would have to be a lot of intraparty conversations, and i don't know that any of us know how the progressives would take it. if you listen to bernie sanders, he's not taking it well. i assume that's the attitude of the progressives in the house, too. >> in your opinion, what's the way forward? is there one? >> well, you know, when i worked for president bush, we had to pass a lot of tough bills. you keep trying to find ways to get things done and talk to people. you have to listen to them. i don't think the democrats were listening to joe manchin. the country is closely divided. the senate is 50/50. the house is almost 50/50. we have a closely divided government. the way forward for the white house is listen to the country and listen to your people and listen to the congress and understand, you didn't get a mandate to spend all this much money. you got a mandate to essentially get rid of donald trump and maybe a little bit more. it may be that you've already done what you had the mandate to do. >> if they're listening to manchin, what is it he wants? >> well, i think he's worried about inflation. it's clear he doesn't want to spend more money, and it's clear he wants to try to get inflation under control. >> he wants none of this bill? >> i'm sorry? >> he wants none of this social safety net bill? >> i mean, you heard him. i heard him. i've been reading all his statements, listening to his interviews closely for the last several months. i think he believes massive apts of spending are going to exacerbate spending. if that's what he believes, they'd better start listening. >> what do you think about bernie sanders 'idea of forcing a bill to get manchin to explain himself. >> he went on tv and explained himself today. if they want to go on the floor and lose a vote, have at it. >> i had to go through several articles just to understand all the things that are in this massive bill. i'm sure the layperson at home, too, probably couldn't list however many items there are in here. but if we go into it, free pre-k, child care, limiting child care costs for children under age. paid family and sick leave. there's medicare hearing benefits in t. list goes on. can you pick and choose a few of the things that manchin doesn't want in the bill or is willing to give more for versus not? >> yeah. i don't know. i think his concerns as i understand them have always been the total price tag. when you start -- >> then you have to pick and choose which is the priority which is what he said this morning. right? >> right. and then you start negotiating with sanders and the other proimpressives. to them, it's all a priority. to them if you're the white house, you're at the roadblock you've been at trying to negotiate between someone as far left as sanders and as moderate as manchin. they haven't figured out how to reconcile people very far apart. >> do you think manchin's days as a democrat are over? >> i would be surprised if he switched parties. i would be delighted if he switched parties, because it would put mitch mcconnell in as the majority leader. it's happened before. we've had party switches that changed control before. earlier in my career. i would be surprised if he did that. if he were going to do that, i wonder if he would have already done it. i mean, we'd love to have him, but it's not something i'm anticipating. >> how much of a role do you think mcconnell played in his decision? >> oh, i don't know. i know they talk a lot and there's a lot of conversations that go on between senator mcconnell and manchin and sinema. a lot of the senators in both parties about these issues. i do go back to a point we talked about earlier. mcconnell working with the white house and the democrats, and manchin, and sinema, to get the infrastructure bill done. i firmly believe put us in the place we are today. if you're a republican that did not want this bill to pass, look back to what mcconnell did, getting the infrastructure piece separated and passed. i think you can draw a direct line between that and today's outcome. and republicans should be happy about both. >> speaking of mcconnell, and this is what we were talking about a couple weeks ago, you and i. you were with him yesterday in kentucky, touring the tornado damage. this is your home state, your father's home is in dawson springs which is not far from the video here of mayfield, kentucky. and your family's home was basically destroyed. can you give us an update on how your family is doing and just the need that you're seeing everywhere. what is most needed right now? >> well, thank you for bringing it up. i was in dawson springs. senator mcconnell has been on a tour of the damage. met him there. my dad and i looked at some of the storm damage there. talked to the mayor and police chief and folks working to rebuild the town. it looked like there was a lot of stuff there. the donations of things, basic living necessities have been overwhelming. the things i heard yesterday was financial resources. there's a lot of portals to donate money, but also attention. there was a lot of talk in town yesterday when the storms happen, we pay attention for a few days and then look away to something else. when you look at the devastation, you realize we're going to have to pay attention to this for years. that's how long it will take this town to rebuild. mcconnell and the mayor and other folks yesterday were talking about not looking away from dawson or mayfield or the other little towns. they need our help today but also six months from today, a year from today and so on. >> that's a good point. we cannot forget. and we've got you to nudge us a bit if you think we're slacking on that end. thank you. all the best to your family. >> if you want to talk about dawson springs, you know i'll be here every time. >> i know it. thanks so much, scott. we'll be right back. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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>> just as a hero. he did exactly what he was supposed to do in that time. myself, his children, and the rest of my family, we're -- we just want him to be remembered for what he done, for who he was as a person, and you know, that's all we can ask for at this time. >> can you tell us a little bit more about what happened, when the tornado hit, and how your brother reacted? >> from what we was told, and what mr. workman was told by the inmates, when they heard the siren or the alarm, he was trying to get everybody to a wall. i guess a safety wall that they were supposed to be to. he was making sure all seven of the inmates got in there. i think when he got the last inmate in, he wasn't able to make it in. and then it was there. >> george, if you will, tell us more. that is selfless. he got everyone to safety except for himself. >> yes, ma'am, he did. he did exactly how he was trained. and he did the one thing that as i've said many times before, that all of us in law enforcement think about, you know, if we have to pay that ultimate price, there's only within one person that i know of that's ever given their life for me, and that was jesus christ, and here we have this selfless individual who was a standup individual all the way around. he went and done it. for seven people that he barely even knew. >> you know, i have to go back to that picture of robert daniel, alonzo, your brother, that smile, waving at the camera. he seemed like such a happy good-hearted soul. could you tell us a little bit more about him as a person? i know that he had seven children. is that correct? >> yes, ma'am. he was a father of seven. a grandfather of seven. he just enjoyed life in general. he loved to be around his family. he loved doing family events. that's just who he was. he was always -- we probably just didn't appreciate it, how giving of a person he was when he was here with us, but we're going to make sure that from here on out, that is known how giving of a person he was. >> and george, i understand that you had moved him to supervise these seven inmates, and he was quite excited about it. how many daysed a had he been at this candle factory working, supervising these inmates in the work release program? and i understand he was excited about this position? >> yes, he was very excited about it. this was his fourth night. the picture that you have of him smiling was because he was on his way for orientation out at the candle factory, and the deputy that took the picture was kidding with him and said something along the lines of you're on your way to your first day at school, and he kind of -- he always had this thing where he'd smile and wave at you like get out of here. that's kind of what he was doing there. he was very excited about it. >> you know, alonzo, we covered the story, the moment that it happened, and we saw the images in realtime and was learning in realtime what all that huge pile of debris was, that it was a candle factory. we learned in realtime that there had been 110 people or so according to the governor who had been trapped in there. sadly, your brother was one of them. when you look at the devastation, this tornado has caused and looking forward to the future, what would you like for all of us at home to understand, and what can we do to support your community and your family? >> well, just as a community and all, this is a very strong community. we will build back up. there's no doubt about that. you know, as you said, this is going to devastate us for a while. but we may be down, but we're going to get back up. we're going to keep fighting and keep doing what is needed to get this community back where it needs to be. probably even better than ever. and i'm going to ensure that robert's legacy is involved in that. he wouldn't want it any other way. so we're going to make sure that happens. >> you guys seem like a close knit, wonderful family, and we wish you all your family and everyone in your community the best, and we will continue to monitor your recovery efforts and continue to get the word out on the help that you all need. thank you so much alonzo and george for helping us remember what a wonderful human robert daniel was. >> thank you. still ahead, covid outbreaks are rattling major sports leagues, forcing cancellations, delays and changes to protocols. we'll have more on that when we come back. 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Everyone , Hi , Warning , Dr , Omicron Variant , Winter , First , Cnn , Developing Storying , Anthony Fauci , Two , Cases , Country , Joe Biden , Increase , Nation , Setback , Senator Manchin , Bill , Morning , No , Legislation , Build , Safety , Moderate Democrat , Lot , Everything , Pandemic , Variant , Piece , U S , Hospitalizations , Most , The Delta , Unvaccinated , Increases , Tsunami , One , People , Tests , Lines , Shows , New York , Third , Reopening , Nba , Nfl , Broadway , Nhl , Games , Harvard , Colleges , Outbreaks , Teams , Learning , Yale , Virus , Anywhere , Isolates , Regions , Three , 50 , Developments , Polo , Mayor , Testing , Cancellations , Closures , Deja Vu , December 2020 , 2020 , Way , Thing , Vaccination , Health , Authorities , Option , Line , Folks , Advantage , Corner , Vaccination Site , Doors , Majority , Urgent Care Clinics , City , Step , Number , Numbers , Comments , Reality , Record , Row , Optimism , Phenomenon , It , Surge , Home , Public , Well , Doing , Vaccination Clinics , Family , Least , Sign , Friends , Situation , Let S Go , Natasha , Los Angeles , Reporter , Case , Spread , County , L A County , On Tuesday L A County , Triple , Populous , Public Health , Amara , 1100 , Covid , Threshold , Sorting Center Saturday , 3700 , 3000 , Haven T , College Football , 700 , Production , Football , Groups , California , Department Of Public Health , Set , State , Protocols , December 15th , 15 , Megaevents , Arrival , Five , Test , Course , States , Mega Event , Masking , 1000 , 10000 , Vaccinations , Ways , Governor , Safe , Fear , Tool , Environment , Colorado , Vaccine , Serious , Doses , Facts , Lead , Let , Booster , Schools , Classes , Stanford , Winter Break , College Kids , Cal State Systems , Class , University Of California , Many , Agenda , Breaking News , Disconcerting , Holidays , Demoralizing , Family Gatherings , Plan , Vote , Democrat , West Virginia , Moderate , Death Blow , Suzanne , Negotiations , Possibility , Bomb , Audiotape , Aides , Pieces , Leadership , Health Care , Administration , Education , Heads Up Before Manchin , Climate Change , 40 , Times , Progressives , Senate , Moderates , Floor , Scene Negotiation , Spill , Negotiating Process , Part , Colleagues , Budget Reconciliation , Discussions , Reconciliation , Holdout , 1 75 Trillion , 6 Trillion , 3 Trillion , Trillion , Tax Credit , Child Tax Credit , Ten , Money , Deficit , Congressional Budget Office , Cost Bill , Fact , Bernie Sanders , Show , Senator , All I Want For Christmas , Faith , Compassion , Jake , Mr , Contempt , Interests , Guts , Mamgen , Republicans , World , Front , Courage , Working Families , Spending , Climate Change Package , Lindsey Graham , Fears , Bid , Cbo Analysis , Inflation , Debt , Gimmicks , Question , Something , Concerns , Big Legislative Agenda , Some , Strategies , Reporting , White House , Joe Johns , Path Forward , Announcement , Reaction , Statement , Heads , Sense , White House Press Secretary , Timing , Plug , President , Staff , Utterances , Wilmington , Odds , Framework , Things , Size , Scope , Person A Written Outline For Bbb , Wasn T One Major , Bunch , Biden Set , Steps , Headlines , Winter Covid Plan In General , Message , You Haven T , Restrictions , Lockdowns , Countries , Threat , Excuse , Hero , Kentucky , Tornadoes , Latest , Globe , Residents , Victim , 70 , Candle Factory , Lives , Google , Life , Immune System , D , Centm Multigummies , Defenses , Vitamins C , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Althy , Zinc , Skin , Neutrogena , Saw , Serum , Rapid Rming , Pure Collagen , 92 , 4 , Music , Dream , Candidates , Staffing , Indeed Instant Match , Man , Master , Job Description , Smoking , Visit Indeed Com Hire Nicorette , Cold Turkey , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Advisor , Wealth , Picture , Verizon , Holiday , Generations , Kate , Deal , Reward , Balance , Smiling , Season , Carolers , Singing , Betttttter , Better , Guy , Phone , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , 000 , Smile , Insurance , X Rays , Exam , Obligation , Patients , Treatment , Aspen Dental , 20 , Smiles , Budget , Payment Solutions , Book , 1 , 800 , Kindness , Yes , Light , Protein , Sugar , Energy , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Symptoms , Relief , Nightshift , Zzz , Flu , Rhythm , Cash , Mucinex Nightshift , Covid 19 Wave , 19 , London , Officials , Scott Mclain , Changes , Place , Terms , Lockdown Closing Schools , Europe , The Netherlands , Stores , Emptying Stadiums , Curfew , Hospitality Sector , Gatherings , Omicron Variant Is Becoming Dominant , Ireland , 8 , 00 , Germany , Uk , Tourists , Ones , Suit , France , Borders , Staff Absences , Level , Incident , 24 , Government , Push , Homes , Vaccine Minister Helping , 900000 , Shot , Lockdown , Lineups , Booster Clinic , Pharmacy , Helpers , Northern England , Jab Athons , Santa Claus , 36 , Shots , Kids , Damper , Holiday Shoppingl Hit , Portugal , Europe To Asia , 11 , 5 , Sporting Events , Hit , Match , Fans , Premier League , 10th Premier League , Fixture Postponeed , English , Anti Vaxers , 10 , Lockdown Starting Sunday , Protests , Italy , Nelter Lands , World Health Organization , Health Staff , Transmissions , Health Service , Head , Battle Against Covid Rages On , 1 5 , 3 , Mode , Levels , Sick , Fence , British Government , Scientists , Information , Carlos Del Rio , Causes , Data , Illness , Emory University School Of Medicine , Doctor , Thanks , Businesses , Particular , Measures , Fine , Laurels , Delta , Communities , Miami , Infections , Problem , Health Care Workers , Transmisability , Essential Workers , Flight Attendants , Pilots , Economy , Disruptions , Household , Boosters , Person , Business , Order , Cost , Pop , 0 , 23 , , Omicron Outbreak , There S A Story , Norway Christmas Party , Routers , Norway , Event , Super Spreader , South Africa , 120 , 60 , Effect , Simplematically , Pfizer , 75 , 33 , Kind , Everybody , Relatives , Door , Somebody , Party , Employee , Statistics , Blog Post , Importance , Nih Director , Vaccine Effectiveness , Booster Shots , Study Showing , 80 , Definition , Semantics , Difference , Infection , Protection , Companies , Mandates , Someone , Dose , Immunity , Look , Families , Hope , Finding Hope , Programming Note , Cannabis , Sanjay Gupta , We R , Special Report , Autism , Marijuana , Gift , Weed 6 , 6 , Plan Today , Options , Umpire , Strike , Em , C Mon Caleb , Massmutual , Taking Ibrance , Women , Hr , Breast Cancer , Thousands , Men , Aromatase Inhibitor , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Inflammation , Therapy , Hormonal , Blood Cell , Lungs , Kidney Problems , Breathing , Chills , Both , Chest Pain , Liver , Death , Signs , Cough , Trouble , Fever , Side Effects , Breastfeeding , Heart , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , More , Retinol , Age , Powerful , Wrinkles Results , Pro Plus , Start Sippin , Corner Stone Build , I Can T Go Home , Political Kcommentator , Scott Jennings , Formr , Press Secretary , Talk , Mamnchin , Disconnect , Special Assistant , Fox News , George W Bush , Bill Work , Thought , Chance , Effort , Success , It Worth , Listening , Obvious , Wall Street Journal , Food , House , Gas , 30 , Constituents , Monstrosity , Answer , Response , Infrastructure Bill , Truth , Difficult , Military Spending , Matter , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Military Budget , Four , 770 Billion , Point , Strategy , Senator Mcconnell , Form , Spinach , Rob Portman , Infrastructure , Purpose , Infrastructure Piece , Wanted , Rest , Reasons , 1 75 , Stuff , Issue , Thoughts , Majority Party , Democrats , Charge , Speaker , Nancy Pelosi , Intraparty Conversations , Divisions , Attitude , Opinion , Bills , Mandate , Congress , Donald Trump , Control , Statements , Safety Net Bill , None , Start Listening , Apts , Interviews , Idea , Tv , List , Articles , Layperson , Items , Children , Pre K , Few , Child Care , Child Care Costs , Manchin Doesn T , Sick Leave , Medicare Hearing Benefits In T List , Priority , I Don T Know , Price Tag , Proimpressives , Roadblock , Parties , Career , Majority Leader , Role , Decision , Senators , Conversations , Issues , Sinema , Republican , Tornado Damage , Outcome , Father , Dawson Springs , Tornado Hit Mayfield , Video , Home State , Update , Everywhere , Him , Need , Damage , Tour , Dad , Town , Police , Storm Damage , Donations , Chief , Necessities , Attention , Devastation , Storms , Portals , Resources , Something Else , Help , Towns , Dawson , Six , Wall , Best , Bit , Food Particles , Super Poligrip , Game , Snacking , Seal , Mike S Denture , Cancers , Where , Healthcare Company , Strokes , Joints , Johnson , Building A Future , Millions , Isn T One , Effects , Well Being , Experts , Adults , Anxiety , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Lost , 7 , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Stares , Pain , Fail , Try , Counting , Don T , Tuberculosis , Cosentyx Works Fast , Move , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Ability , Strength , Mission , Nutrition , Vitamins , Dermatologist , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Feel , Loan , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 77 , Inmates , Robert Daniel , Work Release Program , Deputy Jailer , Seven , Building , Factory , George Workman , Robert S Brother , Alonzo Daniel , Human Being , Left , Screen , Boss , County Jail , Brother , Funeral Service , Circumstances , Tornado Hit , Siren , Alarm , Safety Wall , Inmate In , George , Ma Am , All Of Us , Law Enforcement , Individual , Price , Jesus Christ , Standup , Camera , Soul , Grandfather , Life In General , Family Events , Daysed A , Candle Factory Working , Position , School , Deputy , Orientation , Kidding , Wave , Story , Realtime , Pile , Images , Debris , Tornado , 110 , Community , Doubt , Legacy , Fighting , Guys , Knit , Word , Recovery Efforts , Alonzo , Sports Leagues , Human , Delays , Face , Germs , Faces , Listerine , Whoa , Intensity , Joy , Ahhh , Coy Wire , Nets , Postponement , Postponements , Shutdowns , Superstars , Kevin Durant , Kyrie Irving , Players , Memo , League , Request , Random , Coaches ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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build back better bill which would significantly impand the country's social safety yet. senator joe manchin a key moderate democrat announcing this morning he is officially a no on the legislation. >> i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> a lot to get to. we'll begin with the pandemic. new cases and hospitalizations rising in the u.s. the delta variant fueling most of these increases right now. but the omicron strain is also spreading quickly in much of the country. one expert saying there is a tsunami coming from the unvaccinated. in new york people are waiting in long lines for coronavirus tests as you see there. nearly a third of broadway shows are shuttered once again, just months after reopening. the nba, nhl, and the nfl are postponing games as teams deal with outbreaks. and some major colleges and universities including harvard and yale, are returning to remote learning for the next few weeks. dr. anthony fauci issuing a stark warning this morning. >> this virus is extraordinary. it has a doubling time of anywhere from two to three days. right now in certain regions of the country, 50% of the isolates are omicron. it's going to take over. it's going to be a tough few weeks to months as we get deeper into the winter. >> we are monitoring the developments. and polo, you are in new york. the mayor just spoke a short time ago. what is he saying? >> yeah. he's still speak right now. at tend of the day, what it is, it's -- there are cancellations, closures, long lines for testing. it's beginning to feel a lot like december 2020 and deja vu. here's the thing. it is not. you keep hearing from authorities this year different because of the vaccination option people are urged to get. that remains the best way according to health authorities to protect yourself leading up to christmas. the next important option is to get tested. you can see a massive line that literally winds around the corner here. and these are folks who are taking advantage of a mobile vaccination site which we have seen deployed throughout the city. you also have urgent care clinics. we were outside of one yesterday as early as two hours before they opened the doors. you saw new yorkers lined up. they want to be sure. a majority of the people if not all, were vaccinated. this is simply taking an extra step to make sure they have r protected. this comes as new york set a single-day record for positive covid cases two days in a row. yesterday reaching a high number. as we're hearing from the mayor in comments he shared a few moments ago, the reality is those numbers, they will get worse. there's also optimism in what we heard from the mayor a while ago. >> we expect omicron to be a fast and temporary phenomenon. we expect these next weeks to see a very, very big surge in the number of cases. more than we've seen previously. and then we expect after a period of time, that it will dissipate. this temporary reality demands an urgent, immediate step which is to maximize vaccination. >> and what they're doing, they're rolling out the vaccination clinics but also making these take home -- rather, tests available to the public as well, especially if folks are unable to stand in line. at least they can take the step at home before they see their friends and family in less than a week. >> the long lines are a good sign people are getting tested. it also shows that more tests need to be readily available in this country. polo, thank you. let's go now to natasha in los angeles. cases there also rising pretty fast. what are people saying about the current situation? what's being done to slow the spread? >> reporter: amara, l.a. county, the most populous county in the u.s. has seen case rates the daily confirmed cases pretty much triple in the past week. let's look at the numbers. on tuesday l.a. county public health reported more than 1100 confirmed covid cases. by saturday, yesterday, it was more than 3700 confirmed cases. and we have not actually seen that number cross the 3,000 threshold since late august, early september. it's been a while since the -- we've had so many positive cases in one day. the hospitalizations are also high, relatively speaking. more than 700 right now. and we haven't seen that number cross 700 since early october. we are also seeing college football games, professional football games postponed. production of the christmas carol here postponed because of covid cases, positive cases in those groups of people. now, california, department of public health noticed a steady increase in cases in the days following thanksgiving into early december, and that's why the state had already started implementing a new set of protocols that began december 15th. here they are. for those who are coming in to the state of california, they recommend testing three to five days after arrival. those who are attending megaevents, either indoor or outdoor, they now have to either prove vaccination or show a negative test. indoors that means 1,000 people for a mega-event. outdoors 10,000 people. this is a very difficult situation for people. and i should also mention, of course, universal indoor masking across the state as well. in different states, they're handling this current surge in different ways. here's the governor of colorado talking about this tool that we have. vaccinations to keep people safe. >> people just don't react well to this ongoing environment of fear for two years. let's lead with the facts. three doses of the vaccine are needed to significantly reduce the risk of the omicron variant. this is three doses of the vaccine to be effective. i wish they'd stop talking about it as a booster. >> and, of course, there are a lot of schools as you mentioned who are moving to virtual classes for the time being. that includes stanford. right now the university of california and cal state systems say they're going to monitor the situation. a lot of college kids currently on winter break. so they may be seeing some real change when they come back for class. >> yeah. it's obviously a demoralizing and disconcerting for so many of us who have been looking forward to the holidays and these family gatherings. thank you both so much. we are also following breaking news on a critical piece of the president's agenda. today senator joe manchin delivering a likely death blow to the build back better plan. the west virginia moderate, a key democrat vote needed to pass the bill is saying today he won't vote for the plan. >> i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> you're done. this is -- this is a no. >> this is a no. on this legislation. i have tried everything i know to do. >> all right. let's bring in suzanne. do fellow democrats see this coming? i mean, this came after months of negotiations. >> reporter: it was days. it was weeks. it was months. several congressional aides i spoke with said it was like a bomb going off essentially, blowing audiotape and killing any possibility of pushing for the most significant legislative pieces of the democratic party and administration. we're talking education, health care and climate change. the democratic leadership got about 40 minutes' heads up before manchin went public on television this morning to say he was out of it. he was done with the negotiating process, and this was very frustrating. it came after a week of very tense behind the scene negotiation not only with the president but also with the moderates, the progressives. there were times we saw this spill out on the senate floor as this were animated discussions with manchin. often he was surrounded by colleagues as they tried to convince him to get on board. they desperately needed him for that reconciliation, the budget reconciliation which required a simple majority. he was part of it. he was the last holdout. the progressives are feeling devastated and frustrated here. they started off with a $6 trillion cost to this bill. they lowered it to 3 trillion and then to 1.75 trillion. manchin insisted all along it was going to be .5 trillion. he could not move much beyond that, and most recently, he talked about the tax credit. the child tax credit being extended for one year. that was part of the bill. but he said realistically, it would be extended for ten years and cost much, much more money. that the congressional budget office would determine, in fact, that this would really add to the federal deficit here so it wasn't an honest cost bill. it had to stay at that number. his colleagues said show us where else you need to cut down here, and he never did. he was too vague. now what you're hearing this morning, senator bernie sanders, many of the progressives and even moderates saying they don't believe that senator manchin acted in good faith. >> we cannot allow one lone senator from west virginia to obstruct the president's agenda to obstruct the people's agenda. jake, all i want for christmas is a senator that has compassion for the american people and not contempt. >> i hope we will bring a strong bill to the floor of the senate as soon as we can, and let mr. mamgen explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests. if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the world. >> reporter: the republicans are celebrating. they have never been on board with this huge package, this social spending package, climate change package. senator lindsey graham saying the cbo makes confirmed -- i'm sorry. the cbo analysis confirmed senator manchin's worst fears about bid back better. he's always stated he will not support a bill full of gimmicks, a bill that added to the debt or made inflation worse. think the question moving forward is in the new year can the democrats put forward something separate from a big legislative agenda, a big legislative accomplishment that might address some of the concerns of the american people who are truly suffering. >> perhaps they'll have to switch strategies and break up the bill. i appreciate your reporting. thank you. the white house says it was cut off guard by senator manchin's announcement, believing they still had a path forward. joe johns is joining us now at the white house. joe, the white house press secretary put out a pointed statement. >> reporter: to say the least. and the reaction here at the white house, people are shaking their heads. there's also a real sense that while the president knew these negotiations were not going well, i think part of it is the timing, and part of it is what they say joe manchin had been saying to them before he finally decided to pull the plug. listen to this statement that they put out just a little while ago. senator manchin's comments this morning are at odds with his discussions this week with the white house staff and with his own public utterances. weeks ago the senator committed to the president at his home in wilmington to support the build back better framework the president announced. and senator manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework in good faith. it goes on. on tuesday of this week, senator manchin came to the white house and admitted to the president in person a written outline for bbb bill that essentially was the same size and scope as the president's and covered some of the same things. so clearly the people here at the white house thought that the president and joe manchin had something else to negotiate, but now it's all gone away. >> yeah. so as if this wasn't one major blow to deal with for the white house, now we're talking about the omicron variant and how cases are surging in this country. president biden set to address the nation on tuesday. what do we expect to hear from him? >> well, a bunch of things. number within, as you said, it's about omicron. number two, it was pretty clear that what they're doing is trying to announce new steps to help people get through the winter. he wants to talk about his winter covid plan in general. but maybe one of the big headlines is that the president wants to give a stark warning to americans out there who remain intentionally unvaccinated. so this is all part of changing the message to fit the moment which is very serious in this country right now. >> yeah. if you haven't been vaccinated yet, you have no excuse not to be asap. joe johns, appreciate it. thank you so much. and still ahead, the threat of omicron forcing some countries to impose new restrictions and even lockdowns. we will have the latest from around the globe just ahead. plus more than 70 kentucky residents killed in those devastated tornadoes. we will talk to the family of one victim who is being remembered as 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. with mucinex nightshift you've got powerful relief from your worst nighttime cold and flu symptoms. so grab nightshift to fight your symptoms, get your zzz's... and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. warning the next covid-19 wave is coming. cases are rapidly rising around the world leading officials to reconsider how they are dealing with the virus. scott mclain is following the international developments for us in london. scott, what's it looking like in terms of new restrictions and changes? >> new restrictions are becoming common place again across europe. the netherlands begins a lockdown closing schools and stores, emptying stadiums and restricting christmas gatherings. ireland tomorrow will impose an 8:00 p.m. curfew on the hospitality sector as the omicron variant is becoming dominant. it's fueling record high case counts across the uk. france has closed the borders to british tourists, even the vaccinated ones and a couple hours from now germany will follow suit. >> reporter: the london mayor declaring covid a major incident. >> over the last 24 hours we've had the largest number of new cases since the pandemic began. staff absences are going up by a massive level. >> with cases rapidly increasing, there's a push to get more people tested and vaccinated. the uk vaccine minister helping distribute covid tests at a sorting center saturday. the government aiming to get 900,000 a day shipped directly to homes across the uk. and long lineups at a booster clinic northeast of london, many hoping to avoid another possible lockdown by getting a shot. >> another lockdown does seem extreme. i think everyone needs to be careful, go where you need to go and go home. >> some vaccine clinics opening 24-hour jab athons. in northern england one pharmacy opened for 36 hours straight. worldwide, there's a push to get young people vaccinated. santa claus and his helpers visiting kids in portugal. germany and france, also giving shots to 5 to 11-year-olds saturday. covid putting a damper on holiday shoppingl hit the stores from europe to asia on the last weekend before christmas. sporting events also taking a hit. english fans disappointed as the premier league match became the 10th premier league fixture postponeed this weekend due to covid. later saturday, anti-vaxers marched in london, france, germany and italy. the nelter lands announcing a strict lockdown starting sunday, also met by protests. as the world health organization announces omicron cases doubling every 1.5 to 3 days in countries with transmissions. the battle against covid rages on. >> and in england, the head of the health service expects that by christmas day one in five health staff in london will be out sick with the virus. now, the british government's own scientists say that new restrictions need to come sooner rather than later to avoid near peak levels of hospitalizations. the government for its part is on the fence. they're in wait and see mode, waiting to see more information, more data on how severe an illness omicron causes. >> appreciate your reporting. thank you. joining us now is dr. carlos del rio, the executive associate dean at the emory university school of medicine. doctor, thanks for joining us. first, i'm sure you heard the reporting there. we're seeing lockdowns in europe and new restrictions of central businesses only being allowed to stay open. could you compare what's happening overseas to the u.s. in terms of the variant, and do you think the u.s. is moving fast enough? >> i would tell you that the europeans and the uk in particular has always been about two or three weeks ahead of us with the pandemic. we need to look at what's happening over there and quickly take measures over here. we cannot just rest on our laurels and say we're going to do fine. i'm very concerned of what's happening in the u.s. we have a surge from delta, and we already have omicron here. omicron cases are rapidly going up in many communities, and in new york city and miami and in many other communities we're seeing them go up quickly. i suspect in the next two or three weeks, it will be the predominant variant. the problem with omicron is the high transmisability. that's going to cause a lot of infections. a lot of people will be out. in england, one in five health care workers will be out because they're infected. there will be pilots and flight attendants sick. essential workers who are sick. i think this could have significant disruptions to the economy. i don't think we're moving fast enough in the u.s. i would urge your government to move faster. you heard the uk say we're going to send free rapid tests to every household. we need to do that in the u.s. next week. we cannot wait any further. >> why are we lagging, it seems, when it comes to testing? it's not just the vaccinations and boosters that will help get us in front of this pandemic. right? we need testing readily accessible. >> yes. we need testing readily accessible and testing at home. we need to be able to test ourselves literally every day or every other day to rapidly identify who is infected and have that person isolate themselves and not go about their business, not go to work. isolate at home. and in order to do that, you need to be able to have available tests. the problem is the tests available in you buy in your local pharmacy cost about 20 to 23 a set of two tests. really about $10 a pop. that is way too expensive. germany, you pay $1 a test. in the uk they're given out for free. we have to get them into people's hands this week. >> there's a story, doctor, that really stuck out to me. routers has been reporting about the holiday party in norway. omicron outbreak in norway christmas party is the biggest outside south africa. it's being called a super spreader. everyone was said to be vaccinated. and they tested negative before the event. and they're saying about 60 people out of 120, they believe, now have that variant. if they were all boosted, could that have slowed down the spread, do you think? >> yeah, i think if they had been vaccinated boosted. they were vaccinated but not boosted. the possibility of getting simplematically with two doses of the pfizer vaccine drops to about 33%. if you get boosted, it goes up to about 75%. you've got to get boosted. that's why we need to get people boosted. it's going to take two weeks for the booster to make effect. we're behind in the boosters right now. but the second thing is the testing was done one to three days before the event f. if you're going to use testing for this kind of event, gather with family and relatives for the christmas holidays, make sure everybody is boosted. make sure everybody is vaccinated. and if you're going to do testing, test them as you go into the door. as you walk into the event is the right time to get tested. a day or two ahead is not close enough to prevent somebody infected to coming into the event. >> perhaps such a test at the door may have prevented the employee who was just in south africa who had the omicron variant from coming inside that party. lastly, you mentioned the statistics. i want to mention it again to stress the importance of boosters. in a blog post from the nih director, he shared a study showing that booster shots greatly increase vaccine effectiveness against omicron. from 40% if you had two shots to 80 % with a booster. why not then change the definition of fully vaccinated? i know dr. fauci is saying it's more semantics. but is it really if it's going to make a difference in the way that you are protected from at least this variant? >> well, you know, i think with delta, it really was semantics. i think with omicron it's no longer semantics. with omicron we need to change the definition. personally, i think fully vaccinated means three doses of an mrna vaccine. that means changing a bunch of things, including what happens in companies, what happens in mandates. we still have a country where we have 40% of the country that is not vaccinated. and to me the most concerning thing is that prior infection offers no protection against omicron. people who have previously been infected and said i have natural immunity, i don't need a vaccine, are not protected. if those people took one dose of vaccine, they'll be as protected as someone who takes a booster. those people reluctant to take a vaccine may say i don't want three shots. reality, all they need is one. let's get them to get one shot. if we change the definition, we should also change the definition by saying prior infection plus one dose means fully vaccinated. this is not simple. >> no, it's not. but we appreciate you helping us understand this complex virus. thank you so much, doctor. appreciate your time. >> happy to be with you. and a quick programming note for you. join dr. sanjay gupta for a look at how some families with autistic kids are finding hope in cannabis and how for some hope comes at a great risk. this new special report, weed 6, marijuana and autism begins tonight at 8:00. and to know where you came from. ♪ we'r're discovering together.. it's been an amazing gift. ♪ c'mon caleb, you got this! and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! plan today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. all right. back to our breaking news. today senator joe manchin said he is a no on president biden's corner stone build back better bill. >> where i'm at right now, the inflation that i was concerned about is not transitory. it's real. it's harming west virginian. it's making it difficult for him to continue. i've always said if i can't go home and explain it to the people of west virginia, i can't vote for it, and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. >> all right. scott jennings is a cnn political kcommentator and formr special assistant to george w. bush. great to see you. let's talk about your reaction to senator mamnchin saying no. it seems like there was a major disconnect. you heard the press secretary saying his comments on fox news this morning was at odds with his discussions with the president. our reporting has been that look, you know, the white house knew that making this bill work would be very difficult. but the thought was that there was a sufficient enough chance of success to make it worth the effort. so what happened here? >> well, it's pretty stunning what joe manchin did today if you haven't been listening to his every statement since august. i mean, go back to his wall street journal piece from so many months ago. it's been obvious that manchin has been worried about inflation and going home to west virginia and explaining spending all this money when the cost of food and gas and everything else is going up for his people. when you further consider that joe biden got about 30% of the vote in west virginia, it was going to take a lot of changes to this bill that came over from the house for him to get anywhere near supporting it. i think it came down to inflation. every month since manchin's initial statement on this in the wall street journal he was head tant to spend this much money, we've seen inflation go up and up. i almost feel like he was trying to tell them, it's highly unlikely i'm going to do this, and they didn't want to hear it. i think the only thing he's going to be explaining in west virginia is why it took so long for him to kill this monstrosity. i don't think his constituents support it. he knew that. we are where we are. >> as you mentioned, the concerns that senator manchin cited, senator bernie sanders was on cnn this morning right after this no answer. she was quite outraged to see the least. he's his response to his concerns about inflation. listen. >> my concerns i had, and i still have these concerns. and where i'm at right now, the inflation i was concerned about, it's not transitory. it's real. it's harming every west virginian. it's making it most difficult for them to continue. >> joe manchin voted for a huge increase in military spending. manchin voted for an infrastructure bill which added $250 billion to the deficit. the truth of the matter is if you look at the military budget, 770 billion, times that by ten years, it's four times higher than what the build back better plan is. >> what do you say to that? what bernie sanders just said, when he did vote for that infrastructure bill? >> well, he raises an interesting point. that totally validates the strategy of the senate republicans who voted to help joe biden and the democrats pass the infrastructure bill. at the time, mitch mcconnell and rob portman and other senate republicans said we're separating the sugar from the spinach. we have to give some of the moderate democrats something to deliver, something they want and something they think is good for the country. that took the form of the infrastructure bill. had they not done that at the time, i believe manchin would have wound up having to vote for a much larger bill now for the purpose of getting the infrastructure piece. manchin always said he thought the infrastructure, the hard infrastructure part of all this spending that biden wanted was good for the country. he was less certain the rest of it was good for the country. so yes, he did vote for that, but by allowing that bill to pass and republicans helping the white house do this, they gave joe manchin all the reasons he needed to kill this part of it, because he'd already been able to vote for something he thinks he can sell back home in west virginia. >> so now what? we hear the strategy being floated that this massive bill which started at 6 trillion now down to 1.75, should be broken up. piecemeal into smaller pieces and that way you can get more moderates or maybe just manchin, and perhaps maybe even republicans on board. your thoughts? >> well, the issue with that, of course, is that all this stuff has to go back to the u.s. house where progressives are basically in charge because the democrats are in the majority party in the house. this has always been a problem for the democrats trying to negotiate between the progressives that essentially run the house right now under nancy pelosi as the speaker and people like joe manchin. this is a moderate democrat from a state that gave joe biden 30% of the vote. these divisions within the democratic party are really what would stop what you suggested from happening. if it were to happen, there would have to be a lot of intraparty conversations, and i don't know that any of us know how the progressives would take it. if you listen to bernie sanders, he's not taking it well. i assume that's the attitude of the progressives in the house, too. >> in your opinion, what's the way forward? is there one? >> well, you know, when i worked for president bush, we had to pass a lot of tough bills. you keep trying to find ways to get things done and talk to people. you have to listen to them. i don't think the democrats were listening to joe manchin. the country is closely divided. the senate is 50/50. the house is almost 50/50. we have a closely divided government. the way forward for the white house is listen to the country and listen to your people and listen to the congress and understand, you didn't get a mandate to spend all this much money. you got a mandate to essentially get rid of donald trump and maybe a little bit more. it may be that you've already done what you had the mandate to do. >> if they're listening to manchin, what is it he wants? >> well, i think he's worried about inflation. it's clear he doesn't want to spend more money, and it's clear he wants to try to get inflation under control. >> he wants none of this bill? >> i'm sorry? >> he wants none of this social safety net bill? >> i mean, you heard him. i heard him. i've been reading all his statements, listening to his interviews closely for the last several months. i think he believes massive apts of spending are going to exacerbate spending. if that's what he believes, they'd better start listening. >> what do you think about bernie sanders 'idea of forcing a bill to get manchin to explain himself. >> he went on tv and explained himself today. if they want to go on the floor and lose a vote, have at it. >> i had to go through several articles just to understand all the things that are in this massive bill. i'm sure the layperson at home, too, probably couldn't list however many items there are in here. but if we go into it, free pre-k, child care, limiting child care costs for children under age. paid family and sick leave. there's medicare hearing benefits in t. list goes on. can you pick and choose a few of the things that manchin doesn't want in the bill or is willing to give more for versus not? >> yeah. i don't know. i think his concerns as i understand them have always been the total price tag. when you start -- >> then you have to pick and choose which is the priority which is what he said this morning. right? >> right. and then you start negotiating with sanders and the other proimpressives. to them, it's all a priority. to them if you're the white house, you're at the roadblock you've been at trying to negotiate between someone as far left as sanders and as moderate as manchin. they haven't figured out how to reconcile people very far apart. >> do you think manchin's days as a democrat are over? >> i would be surprised if he switched parties. i would be delighted if he switched parties, because it would put mitch mcconnell in as the majority leader. it's happened before. we've had party switches that changed control before. earlier in my career. i would be surprised if he did that. if he were going to do that, i wonder if he would have already done it. i mean, we'd love to have him, but it's not something i'm anticipating. >> how much of a role do you think mcconnell played in his decision? >> oh, i don't know. i know they talk a lot and there's a lot of conversations that go on between senator mcconnell and manchin and sinema. a lot of the senators in both parties about these issues. i do go back to a point we talked about earlier. mcconnell working with the white house and the democrats, and manchin, and sinema, to get the infrastructure bill done. i firmly believe put us in the place we are today. if you're a republican that did not want this bill to pass, look back to what mcconnell did, getting the infrastructure piece separated and passed. i think you can draw a direct line between that and today's outcome. and republicans should be happy about both. >> speaking of mcconnell, and this is what we were talking about a couple weeks ago, you and i. you were with him yesterday in kentucky, touring the tornado damage. this is your home state, your father's home is in dawson springs which is not far from the video here of mayfield, kentucky. and your family's home was basically destroyed. can you give us an update on how your family is doing and just the need that you're seeing everywhere. what is most needed right now? >> well, thank you for bringing it up. i was in dawson springs. senator mcconnell has been on a tour of the damage. met him there. my dad and i looked at some of the storm damage there. talked to the mayor and police chief and folks working to rebuild the town. it looked like there was a lot of stuff there. the donations of things, basic living necessities have been overwhelming. the things i heard yesterday was financial resources. there's a lot of portals to donate money, but also attention. there was a lot of talk in town yesterday when the storms happen, we pay attention for a few days and then look away to something else. when you look at the devastation, you realize we're going to have to pay attention to this for years. that's how long it will take this town to rebuild. mcconnell and the mayor and other folks yesterday were talking about not looking away from dawson or mayfield or the other little towns. they need our help today but also six months from today, a year from today and so on. >> that's a good point. we cannot forget. and we've got you to nudge us a bit if you think we're slacking on that end. thank you. all the best to your family. >> if you want to talk about dawson springs, you know i'll be here every time. >> i know it. thanks so much, scott. we'll be right back. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... ...with rybelsus®. 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move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ last week's deadly tornadoes took at least 77 lives in kentucky alone. one of them was robert daniel pictured here with the big smile. he was a deputy jailer who was supervising inmates on a work release program at a candle factory when the tornado hit mayfield and levelled the factory. as you see there, the entire building just was decimated, and daniel died inside. not before leading all seven of his inmates, he was responsible for to safety. today he is being hailed as a selfless human being and hero. i want to bring in two people now. robert's brother, alonzo daniel on the left of your screen and robert's boss at the county jail george workman. i see you're surrounded by your family as well. welcome to you both. i'm sorry we're speaking under these circumstances. alonzo, let's start with you. i know that the funeral service for your brother was yesterday. how would you like everyone to remember your brother? >> just as a hero. he did exactly what he was supposed to do in that time. myself, his children, and the rest of my family, we're -- we just want him to be remembered for what he done, for who he was as a person, and you know, that's all we can ask for at this time. >> can you tell us a little bit more about what happened, when the tornado hit, and how your brother reacted? >> from what we was told, and what mr. workman was told by the inmates, when they heard the siren or the alarm, he was trying to get everybody to a wall. i guess a safety wall that they were supposed to be to. he was making sure all seven of the inmates got in there. i think when he got the last inmate in, he wasn't able to make it in. and then it was there. >> george, if you will, tell us more. that is selfless. he got everyone to safety except for himself. >> yes, ma'am, he did. he did exactly how he was trained. and he did the one thing that as i've said many times before, that all of us in law enforcement think about, you know, if we have to pay that ultimate price, there's only within one person that i know of that's ever given their life for me, and that was jesus christ, and here we have this selfless individual who was a standup individual all the way around. he went and done it. for seven people that he barely even knew. >> you know, i have to go back to that picture of robert daniel, alonzo, your brother, that smile, waving at the camera. he seemed like such a happy good-hearted soul. could you tell us a little bit more about him as a person? i know that he had seven children. is that correct? >> yes, ma'am. he was a father of seven. a grandfather of seven. he just enjoyed life in general. he loved to be around his family. he loved doing family events. that's just who he was. he was always -- we probably just didn't appreciate it, how giving of a person he was when he was here with us, but we're going to make sure that from here on out, that is known how giving of a person he was. >> and george, i understand that you had moved him to supervise these seven inmates, and he was quite excited about it. how many daysed a had he been at this candle factory working, supervising these inmates in the work release program? and i understand he was excited about this position? >> yes, he was very excited about it. this was his fourth night. the picture that you have of him smiling was because he was on his way for orientation out at the candle factory, and the deputy that took the picture was kidding with him and said something along the lines of you're on your way to your first day at school, and he kind of -- he always had this thing where he'd smile and wave at you like get out of here. that's kind of what he was doing there. he was very excited about it. >> you know, alonzo, we covered the story, the moment that it happened, and we saw the images in realtime and was learning in realtime what all that huge pile of debris was, that it was a candle factory. we learned in realtime that there had been 110 people or so according to the governor who had been trapped in there. sadly, your brother was one of them. when you look at the devastation, this tornado has caused and looking forward to the future, what would you like for all of us at home to understand, and what can we do to support your community and your family? >> well, just as a community and all, this is a very strong community. we will build back up. there's no doubt about that. you know, as you said, this is going to devastate us for a while. but we may be down, but we're going to get back up. we're going to keep fighting and keep doing what is needed to get this community back where it needs to be. probably even better than ever. and i'm going to ensure that robert's legacy is involved in that. he wouldn't want it any other way. so we're going to make sure that happens. >> you guys seem like a close knit, wonderful family, and we wish you all your family and everyone in your community the best, and we will continue to monitor your recovery efforts and continue to get the word out on the help that you all need. thank you so much alonzo and george for helping us remember what a wonderful human robert daniel was. >> thank you. still ahead, covid outbreaks are rattling major sports leagues, forcing cancellations, delays and changes to protocols. we'll have more on that when we come back. 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Doing , Vaccination Clinics , Family , Least , Sign , Friends , Situation , Let S Go , Natasha , Los Angeles , Reporter , Case , Spread , County , L A County , On Tuesday L A County , Triple , Populous , Public Health , Amara , 1100 , Covid , Threshold , Sorting Center Saturday , 3700 , 3000 , Haven T , College Football , 700 , Production , Football , Groups , California , Department Of Public Health , Set , State , Protocols , December 15th , 15 , Megaevents , Arrival , Five , Test , Course , States , Mega Event , Masking , 1000 , 10000 , Vaccinations , Ways , Governor , Safe , Fear , Tool , Environment , Colorado , Vaccine , Serious , Doses , Facts , Lead , Let , Booster , Schools , Classes , Stanford , Winter Break , College Kids , Cal State Systems , Class , University Of California , Many , Agenda , Breaking News , Disconcerting , Holidays , Demoralizing , Family Gatherings , Plan , Vote , Democrat , West Virginia , Moderate , Death Blow , Suzanne , Negotiations , Possibility , Bomb , Audiotape , Aides , Pieces , Leadership , Health Care , Administration , Education , Heads Up Before Manchin , Climate Change , 40 , Times , Progressives , Senate , Moderates , Floor , Scene Negotiation , Spill , Negotiating Process , Part , Colleagues , Budget Reconciliation , Discussions , Reconciliation , Holdout , 1 75 Trillion , 6 Trillion , 3 Trillion , Trillion , Tax Credit , Child Tax Credit , Ten , Money , Deficit , Congressional Budget Office , Cost Bill , Fact , Bernie Sanders , Show , Senator , All I Want For Christmas , Faith , Compassion , Jake , Mr , Contempt , Interests , Guts , Mamgen , Republicans , World , Front , Courage , Working Families , Spending , Climate Change Package , Lindsey Graham , Fears , Bid , Cbo Analysis , Inflation , Debt , Gimmicks , Question , Something , Concerns , Big Legislative Agenda , Some , Strategies , Reporting , White House , Joe Johns , Path Forward , Announcement , Reaction , Statement , Heads , Sense , White House Press 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Employee , Statistics , Blog Post , Importance , Nih Director , Vaccine Effectiveness , Booster Shots , Study Showing , 80 , Definition , Semantics , Difference , Infection , Protection , Companies , Mandates , Someone , Dose , Immunity , Look , Families , Hope , Finding Hope , Programming Note , Cannabis , Sanjay Gupta , We R , Special Report , Autism , Marijuana , Gift , Weed 6 , 6 , Plan Today , Options , Umpire , Strike , Em , C Mon Caleb , Massmutual , Taking Ibrance , Women , Hr , Breast Cancer , Thousands , Men , Aromatase Inhibitor , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Inflammation , Therapy , Hormonal , Blood Cell , Lungs , Kidney Problems , Breathing , Chills , Both , Chest Pain , Liver , Death , Signs , Cough , Trouble , Fever , Side Effects , Breastfeeding , Heart , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , More , Retinol , Age , Powerful , Wrinkles Results , Pro Plus , Start Sippin , Corner Stone Build , I Can T Go Home , Political Kcommentator , Scott Jennings , Formr , Press Secretary , Talk , Mamnchin , Disconnect , Special Assistant , Fox News , George W Bush , Bill Work , Thought , Chance , Effort , Success , It Worth , Listening , Obvious , Wall Street Journal , Food , House , Gas , 30 , Constituents , Monstrosity , Answer , Response , Infrastructure Bill , Truth , Difficult , Military Spending , Matter , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Military Budget , Four , 770 Billion , Point , Strategy , Senator Mcconnell , Form , Spinach , Rob Portman , Infrastructure , Purpose , Infrastructure Piece , Wanted , Rest , Reasons , 1 75 , Stuff , Issue , Thoughts , Majority Party , Democrats , Charge , Speaker , Nancy Pelosi , Intraparty Conversations , Divisions , Attitude , Opinion , Bills , Mandate , Congress , Donald Trump , Control , Statements , Safety Net Bill , None , Start Listening , Apts , Interviews , Idea , Tv , List , Articles , Layperson , Items , Children , Pre K , Few , Child Care , Child Care Costs , Manchin Doesn T , Sick Leave , Medicare Hearing Benefits In T List , Priority , I Don T Know , Price Tag , Proimpressives , Roadblock , Parties , Career , Majority Leader , Role , Decision , Senators , Conversations , Issues , Sinema , Republican , Tornado Damage , Outcome , Father , Dawson Springs , Tornado Hit Mayfield , Video , Home State , Update , Everywhere , Him , Need , Damage , Tour , Dad , Town , Police , Storm Damage , Donations , Chief , Necessities , Attention , Devastation , Storms , Portals , Resources , Something Else , Help , Towns , Dawson , Six , Wall , Best , Bit , Food Particles , Super Poligrip , Game , Snacking , Seal , Mike S Denture , Cancers , Where , Healthcare Company , Strokes , Joints , Johnson , Building A Future , Millions , Isn T One , Effects , Well Being , Experts , Adults , Anxiety , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Lost , 7 , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Stares , Pain , Fail , Try , Counting , Don T , Tuberculosis , Cosentyx Works Fast , Move , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Ability , Strength , Mission , Nutrition , Vitamins , Dermatologist , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Feel , Loan , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 77 , Inmates , Robert Daniel , Work Release Program , Deputy Jailer , Seven , Building , Factory , George Workman , Robert S Brother , Alonzo Daniel , Human Being , Left , Screen , Boss , County Jail , Brother , Funeral Service , Circumstances , Tornado Hit , Siren , Alarm , Safety Wall , Inmate In , George , Ma Am , All Of Us , Law Enforcement , Individual , Price , Jesus Christ , Standup , Camera , Soul , Grandfather , Life In General , Family Events , Daysed A , Candle Factory Working , Position , School , Deputy , Orientation , Kidding , Wave , Story , Realtime , Pile , Images , Debris , Tornado , 110 , Community , Doubt , Legacy , Fighting , Guys , Knit , Word , Recovery Efforts , Alonzo , Sports Leagues , Human , Delays , Face , Germs , Faces , Listerine , Whoa , Intensity , Joy , Ahhh , Coy Wire , Nets , Postponement , Postponements , Shutdowns , Superstars , Kevin Durant , Kyrie Irving , Players , Memo , League , Request , Random , Coaches ,

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