Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

continue to rise across the country and the white house says president biden is going to address the nation about the threat posed by the new omicron variant on tuesday. >> as one medical expert put it, a tsunami is coming for unvaccinated americans. the omicron strain has been detected in all but seven states in the u.s., but experts say the delta variant is actually the one fueling the latest wave of infections. from new york to miami and across the u.s., lines for covid-19 testing are long, and results are often slow to come in. also, at home tests are flying off shelves. cnn medical analyst dr. jonathan reiner blames the biden administration. >> we need to, you know, mobilize manufacture produce, hundreds of millions of these tests and make them ubiquitous. that's how you keep businesses open, broadway open, how you keep your kids in school. >> unfortunately, as we stare down these sobering realities, colleges, venues and businesses are re-implementing restrictions that have been gone for months. cnn's polo sandoval has more. >> reporter: america is on alert leading into this holiday week facing an alarming surge of new coronavirus infections, hospitalization, and deaths nationwide. with this new upsell, holiday celebrations and everyday life are becoming more disruptive with each passing day. "saturday night live" canceled its live studio audience last night. >> we do not have an audience. >> reporter: charlie xxx canceling the performance citing a limited crew. radio city rockettes christmas spectacular show canceled because of breakthrough infections went into production. broadway has pulled down the curtain on some shows. new york state broke the record for the highest single day covid-19 case counts since the beginning of the pandemic for the second consecutive day reporting more than 21,000 positive covid-19 cases according to the governor's office. nfl and nhl are postponing games as more players are asked to quarantine as part of protocols and colleges and universities shifted classes and exams online to finish out the semester. as of now experts say the delta variant is driving the latest surge, but omicron is expected to become the dominant variant in the u.s. in the coming weeks. >> there's a tsunami coming. this omicron variant is extraordinarily contagious. it's as contagious as measles and that's about the most contagious of a virus we've seen. this may be the most contagious virus that civilization has faced in our lifetime. >> reporter: both cases and hospitalizations are at levels not seen since september at the end of the summer spike. in michigan this week, covid hospitalizations are hovering around all-time highs. the state's health department says the majority of them are people who are unvaccinated. dr. anthony fauci comparing it to a war. >> we will win this war with this virus. we know what public health mitigations work. we have just got to hang in there. we can't give up. >> reporter: with christmas and new year's eve approaching the tsa expects more than 20 million americans to fly between december 23rd and january 3rd and there are concerns that holiday travel will super charge a spread. if you're wondering about holiday get together, this doctor has advice on what family and friends should do so they can celebrate without worries. >> get tests for your house and use testing before you meet with other people this holiday season. >> polo sandoval, cnn, new york. president biden is preparing to address the covid crisis in a speech on tuesday. >> let's get to white house reporter jasmine wright, traveling with president biden in wilmington, delaware. what are we expecting to hear from the president? >> yeah, boris, paula, we expect the president to announce additional steps that white house is going to take to address struggling communities in the face of these rising cases. we also expect them to issue kind of a direct and dire warning to the unvaccinated in the country, kind of laying out how he sees their winter time going if they continue to refuse shots. it is a part of the president and the white house's increased messaging trying to project capability, trying to project that they are prepared to address these sorts of cases and protect the american people. now one messaging hiccup that came this weekend, came from the vice president kamala harris who in an "l.a. times" interview published on friday told the paper this administration did not see the delta variant coming or the new omicron variant coming. i talked to a harris aide afterwards and they said that vice president was not talking about sflarntsz variants in general as she and the president have gone through efforts trying to get more americans vaccinated and boosted because they knew the mutations would be possible, that she was talking about this specific variant. but still, the white house press secretary jen psaki issued a tweet. she said, that we are prepared for the rise in case levels and the president will detail how to respond to this challenge that comes on tuesday. that tweet was issued yesterday. this all comes really kind of this increased messaging effort comes after the president was warned last week in a briefing about a looming and potentially rapidly increasing surge of cases that will dominate the country come in the winter time so this is the president really responding to the nation that feels a bit anxious because of these rise in cases. i think that is something we can expect the president to speak to on tuesday. boris and paula? >> jasmine wright, thank you so much for your reporting. >> thanks. so countries across the world are racing to confront the challenges brought on by the omicron variant. >> cnn's scott mcclain is live in london. scott, omicron has become the dominant coronavirus strain there. what are you hearing on the ground? >> hey, paula. european leaders are taking this variant extremely seriously because of the surge here in the uk. france has shut its door to british tourists regardless of vaccination status. germany later tonight will do the same. the netherlands begins today, a lockdown that will shut schools, empty stadiums, and restrict family gatherings this christmas. here in london or in the uk the london mayor says that new restrictions are inevitable but the british government seems reluctant to cancel christmas two years in a row. london mayor sadiq khan declaring covid a major doesn't saturday. >> over the last 24 hours, we've had the largest number of new cases since this pandemic began more than 26,000 hospital admissions are going up, but also absences are going up by a massive levels. >> reporter: with cases rapidly increasing there's a push to get more people tested and vaccinated. the uk vaccine minister helping distribute covid tests at a center saturday. the government aiming to get 900,000 a day shipped directly to homes across the uk. long lineups at a booster clinic northeast of london, many hoping to avoid another possible lockdown by getting a shot. >> another lockdown to me does seem a bit extreme. i think everyone needs to be careful, go where you need to go and then go home. >> reporter: some vaccine clinics opening 24 hour jab a thons. in new england one pharmacy opened for 36 hours straight. worldwide there's a push to get young people vaccinated. santa claus and his helpers visiting kids in portugal. germany and france giving shots to 5 to 11 year olds saturday, putting a damper on shopping but some hit the stores from europe to asia on the last weekend before christmas. sporting events also taking a hit. english fans disappointed as the premier match between austin villa and personally became the tenth to postponed this week due to covid. later saturday, anti-vaxxers marched in london, france, germany, and itly, the netherlands announcing a lockdown starting sunday, also met by protests. the world health organization announced omicron cases doubling every one and a half to three days in countries with transmissions, the battle against covid rages on. >> reporter: now the city of paris has canceled its planned new year's eve display. here in the uk not much of anything has been canceled outside of some soccer matches this past weekend. if the government decides to go the route of some of the mainland european countries and impose much more harsh restrictions, the reality is, that prime minister boris johnson will have a very difficult time getting his own party to go along with it. >> a lot of controversy surrounding some of his party's actions around covid restrictions. scott mcclain, reporting from the uk, thank you so much. back here in the u.s., experts are encouraging people to get tested before traveling home for the holidays, but getting a test and getting results remains an issue across the country. last hour i spoke with dr. rob davidson who said people need to be realistic about their risks and take precautions ahead of those family gatherings. >> i think you should do your best to get a test. in our family we're all vaccinated, we're all boosted. as long as we're all symptom-free and haven't been in contact with people who are known to be covid positive, we're very comfortable getting together because we know in our small family unit that we are taking preet cautions that we're not getting each other sick. if you're venturing into places around people you don't know their status, if they're infected or not or vaccinated or not, absolutely need to be testing and taking as many precautions as possible so you don't end up spreading it to other folks. if you're going to live in the woods and not be around the rest of us ever on planes, on busses and in stores, absolutely. you cannot catch this virus by never being in contact with other people. that's not realistic. where i work and live, some people do live that way and have for a while and that's just a reality, social distancing is part of life. but for everyone else, it's inevitable that you will come in contact with the virus and the more times you do the more likely you are to get sick. in our experience, 98% of the people in intensive care are unvaccinated covid patients. over 90% of the people in the hospital in general with covid are unvaccinated. i think we need mandates. we need to make it a part of everyone's reality. >> for the latest on the omicron variant and the covid surge, be sure to catch dr. anthony fauci this morning on "state of the union" with jake tapper and dana bash that starts at 9:00 a.m. on cnn. still ahead from covid concerns to economic uncertainty, it's understandable that a lot of people feel overwhelmed. after a quick break we're going to talk to an expert about how to cope during uncertain times. plus a crisis that's closing classrooms. how the labor shortage is hitting child care providers especially hard. 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. it's been a hard year or two, a global pandemic with new variants and as we've been talking about this morning, resurgent wave, the economic upheaval that comes with that, and political battles that strain the foundation of the republic. there's a lot to be stressed about. fortunately this morning we have an expert on how to cope with this increasingly stressful world. psychiatrist and psycho analyst dr. gale salts joins us now, the host of "how can i help" podcast. thank you so much for sharing part of your weekend with us. given that we're apparently on the cusp of this new wave of coronavirus cases almost inevitably followed by death, what kind of an impact do you expect that's going to have a population that's already been through so much? >> well, unfortunately, we as you mentioned earlier, already had these issues going on and we were really in a wave already, a pandemic if you will, of mental health issues, people who are already struggling or struggling more, new people that weren't having mental health issues are now. we've seen a tremendous rise in the numbers of terms of people with clinical depression, anxiety disorders, overdoses, lots of issues that are about our mental health. the only good news i could say is that it has really risen the awareness of mental health issues, which i think is decreasing saying in and allowing more people to seek treatment so we have huge numbers of people. most of my colleagues, everybody has waiting lists, people have discovered in this time period that telehealth, teletherapy, actually is every bit as effective as in person and that is also good news, so that people can seek it even while not exposing themselves, they can seek it if they don't have somebody close to them that does therapy, they can reach out to somebody at a further distance. the reality here we are again with a new wave and people's willpower is on the wane. this is just a tremendous amount of stress and things that we normally cope with like being able to be with people and talk to them, is being compromised by this new wave. that is making it very difficult. these are the kinds of things that create the perfect storm to create more mental health issues. >> and you previously mentioned even mental health professionals are feeling fatigue because their services have been in high demand over the past two years. i'm curious what you might have experience thends and what trends you're noticing among your colleagues? >> i'm definitely -- i think people are aware, health professionals of all kinds who are dealing with the covid are actually overwhelmed, burnt out, and some are thinking about leaving, but certainly many are struggling with mental health issues. you know, i'm a psychiatrist, but mental health professionals, we have brains too and that means we can have mental health issues too. it's extremely stressful because the work doesn't stop coming and because these are real things that we can't point out to people, hey, this is your perception, let's look at this and maybe you're viewing this too negatively. a lot of negative and difficult things are going on. so actually it's been a real onslaught and i would say myself, my colleagues, a lot of us are struggling. it's definitely a very difficult time. >>, and it has been so especially in younger people. the pandemic is having a pronounced effect on the mental health of children, notably the number of suicide attempts have increased in young people. we don't know how this pandemic might affect children until they get older, what would you tell parents who are worried about the toll that the pandemic is having on their kids right now? >> generally speaking, i would tell people a lot of things, and those are, for children and for adults, to implement as many coping strategies as you can at this point in time. there are coping strategies that i would consider to be preventive mental health care, so those are regular aerobic exercise three to four times a week, those are utilizing techniques like paced breathing, deep paced breathing, which you can easily look up online how you do that, how to inhale and exhale, that decreases your anxiety and stress level, you can do it as a family, teach your children how to do this. progressive muscle relaxation. another way to de-stress, remove the anxiety from your body. make sure that your children and yourself have people that they can talk to about how they're feeling. just being able to emote and connect with someone and be understood is very important in terms of mental health. practices like meditation, mindfulness. there are lots of practices one can incorporate into their day that actually really diminish stress, by diminishes anxiety which helps in terms of preventing issues like depression. however, i also think it's important for parents to know that if your child is visibly having signs that they are struggling, what are those, maybe they have trouble sleeping, expressing anxiety, starting to withdraw, you're seeing their academic performance go down, if you start to see signs of that, talk to them about it and consider getting therapy. because the fact is, you can use teletherapy, you don't have to expose yourself in terms of covid, it's very available, you can look to apps to do this, you can look to your local community center for referrals or primary care physicians. even in a small number of sessions, eight to ten, can really make a difference for both adults and children. >> dr. gale, sage advice. we appreciate the time. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. of course, if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone right now, you can contact the national suicide prevention lifeline. that number is 1-800-273-8255. help is out there and available. for many parents, child care costs nearly as much as their salary. what happens when families can't afford quality child care for their children? 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>> good morning, paula. the situation in child care is the worst we've seen in decades. as you said the wages that child care workers earn are far too low, families pay too much, and child care workers can choose to work almost anywhere else given the demands of the profession, even if they want to stay and be educators in early education. >> so my question here, though, is a little bit -- a little math isn't working out for me, child care costs so much and the teachers are paid so little. where does the money go? does it get swallowed up in administration, overhead? >> not at all. it really is about the amount of staff you need in child care centers and the length of the day. the an infant and toddler room, at nursery, early education in boston, we have a ten-hour day of child care for working families, which means you need three teachers over the course of a day in every single classroom, so it's about the high labor costs, much more so than anything else, and the low rates that are paid, either by the state for the most low-income families or by families themselves at almost every other level, and it becomes very, very costly depending on where you live. right now, in boston, you can earn more as a state funded life guard or working as an ice cream shop manager than you can in child care, but we can't put the full costs of that on to families. at nursery early education we've been trying to raise wages, but that's very difficult for families who have to shoulder those costs. >> wow. this is an issue of parents in some cases not being able to find child care and even if they do, not being able to afford it. what will it take to address both of those issues? >> well, you pointed earlier to the fact that we treat k to 12 education differently in this country than we do the education for young children between 0 and 5. it doesn't make any sense when you think about young families trying to sustain their incomes and be in the workforce that in k to 12 education, you can send your child to a public school and get a free public education, but in child care, those costs are laid on families. the solution is to decide to invest in 0 to 5 care the same way that we do in k to 12 education to make it more affordable for families, not just the lowest income families, but working families and middle-income families all of us struggle with child care. at the same time, pay our workforce a livable wage so that they can stay in the classroom with young children. our best chance to do that -- sorry. >> go ahead. >> our best chance to do that right now is the build back better act, which is the -- our best shot at a significant shift in federal investment in public funding for child care so that we treat our young children the way we treat our school-aged children and believe that they should all have access to high-quality care and education. >> it's interesting during the pandemic we've seen even if you can find child care and afford child care, many are shut down. it is maintaining child care even if you can afford it has had a ripple effect, specifically on women. can you talk about what you've seen in terms of the impact this child care crisis has had on women being able to return and stay in the workforce? >> that's exactly right. so women are bearing the brunt of this crisis both mothers who are attempting to return to work and can't find adequate care, and the workforce in early education, which is almost exclusively women and at our centers predominantly women of color and they can't find care for their school-aged children either. it impacts both the educators and the families. what we're seeing in the marketplace is that millions of women have left the workforce, which means they're diminishing their family's income and they cannot return until they find adequate care. at the same time, child care workers can easterrn more money any other field and they struggle to find care. that's why we have closed classrooms. we could fill them with children if we could find more educators and pay them appropriately to keep them in our classrooms. that's the choice we have to make in this country and we could do that if we increased our public investment through build back better. >> laura, thank you so much. >> thank you. tiger woods returns to competitive golf with a very special teammate by his side. we'll take you live to orlando after a quick break. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (man) so when in doubt, just say, "let me talk to my manager." next, carvana's 100% online shopping experience. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? 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[snowball splat and windshield wiper] the #1 longest-lasting aa battery. covid outbreaks are forcing the nfl to make changes to today's schedule and their protocols. >> andy scholes is in orlando for tiger woods' return to golf, but first, let's start with the nfl's answer to the new covid cases. >> yeah. well boris and paula, the nfl sending out a memo tao all the teams yesterday saying moving forward they are only going to test vaccinated players, coaches and staff if they are showing symptoms. previously the league was testing all vaccinated individuals on a weekly basis but they will move to a targeted system where they test one group each week. all unvaccinated players will be tested daily as the league had to postpone three games due to outbreaks. the nhl is enhancing their covid protocols as they shut down two more teams, all members of a team's traveling party will be tested daily. the boston bruins and nashville predators had their seasons put on pause until december 26th because of outbreaks. the nhl has five teams out not playing due to covid. the nba also struggling with outbreaks. the nets adding kevin durant and kyrie irving. kyrie was in the process of rejoining the team so that gives the nets nine players now in the league's protocols. we did have been nfl game. the patriots storming back from a 20-0 deficit against the colts but the nfl rushing leader jonathan taylor busting through the line here, going to go 67 yards for a touchdown. that put the game away. the colts won 27-17 ending the patriots seven-game winning streak. back in orlando, tiger woods said he had a blast yesterday in his return to golf. tiger playing with his 12-year-old son charlie in the pnc championship, and tiger looked really good. he hit it from the pro tees, took some really hard swings in the fairways. the fans were thrilled to have tiger back, and he said it was a great feeling to be back out on the course. >> we had a great time. it was just a blast, and we had a blast last year on the first round and again this year it was the same. we had so much fun out there. after what i've been through this year, it's been a difficult year, so understanding that i'm not in golf shape, i'm not in practice shape, i'm definitely not in tournament shape, hopefully i will get to that point again. we'll see. >> yeah. charlie was impressing fans once again yesterday, made some great shots including this birdie on 15 to put a big smile on dad's face. i tell you what, guys, it's just incredible that tiger is out here playing, just ten months after that devastating car crash. tiger and charlie only 3 shots off the lead heading into today's final round. who knows, we could be in for a special afternoon. >> and charlie's sharp, man. even with the mannerisms, you can see so much of his dad in him and he's so young. it's great to see. andy scholes from orlando -- >> it was funny, charlie would actually get upset when his dad hit some bad shots yesterday. it made you laugh. >> was he chirping at his dad? >> just a little bit, yep. >> well, the cost of excellence. andy scholes, thanks again. so millions of people are expected to travel over the holidays and many have already packed their bags, but will the weather cooperate? your forecast is next. and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: ball! good eyeye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb. umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! or you won't, probably won't. and it won't impact your future whatsoever! talk to us about college planning today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow in the manslaughter trial of a former minnesota police officer. kim potter shot and killed 20-year-old daunte wright in a traffic stop back in april. the defense rested on friday after emotional testimony from potter. she spent hours on the stand breaking down several times while she described chaotic moments. when asked if she knew deadly force was unreasonable and unwarranted, potter apologized and said she didn't want to hurt anybody. if convicted she faces at least ten years in prison. another big court case we're following after three months of testimony from over 30 witnesses, the criminal fraud case of theranos founder elizabeth holmes is in the hands of the jury. holmes is accused of deceiving investors, doctors and patients, claiming that her blood testing technology could change the medical world. the technology failed and test results were unreliable. that, despite $945 million in funding. holmes now faces sign counts of federal wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. the holiday travel season is here and it is looking a lot busier this year compared to last. tsa says it screened more than 2 million people at airport security checkpoints on friday, a bigger number than we saw thanksgiving. still, a tad lower than prepandemic levels. >> let's check in with cnn meteorologist allison chinchar to see if the potential storms may impact all those folks traveling over the next week. >> good morning. the trouble spots are going to be along the coast. we have a system making it ways in the pacific northwest and another system along the east coast of the u.s. those are really going to be where the trouble spots are now. the one spot in the east coast, this is a system that started today that brought rain and snow, basically from the northeast all the way back to texas. that's going to be pushing through, bringing a lot of rain to the carolinas, georgia, florida, but it does finally exit this evening. right on the heels of that we have the next wave pushing in. that's going to ramp up in texas and surge the moisture into the southeastern states over the next several days. it's not a fast moving system. for some of the states it's going to be multiple days of rain which is why we're likely going to see a couple inches of accumulation for georgia, the carolinas and northern florida. still not quite as much moisture as we're going to see out to the west. the first wave moved in yesterday. the second wave coming in today, mainly focused across oregon and extreme northern california. then the third wave begins to arrive, ramping up on tuesday of the upcoming week and going to push the moisture into central and southern california. the next five days we're talking about a tremendous amount of moisture into the west. several inches of rain along the coastline, guys, and in the mountains, we're going to be measuring the snow in feet, rather than just a few inches. >> alison, thank you so much for that. so "saturday night live" wasn't exactly live last night. the show originally planned to do their christmas special, but it went without a live audience because of the recent rise in covid cases. >> the show did go on with some new taped sketch as well as some from the past and with tom hank greeting a nearly empty i came from california and you think if i was going to fly 3,000 miles and not get on tv, you're crazy. >> hangs, are you ready? >> i'd rather you didn't. >> and can we confirm that you have never heard these jokes before. >> not a once except the two you blew in rehearsal. >> okay. >> snl pulling its audience as just the latest live event in new york city to be disrupted. in addition to the cancellation of broadway performances and the radio city rockettes christmas shows. >> i would not be surprised if we saw more shows changed or canceled. we do want to leave you on a light note. people often take the ability to speak for granted. for some, it's not a given. one texas teenager developed a web application to give his nonverbal sister a voice. it's helping people across the world. cnn's wolf blitzer has that story. >> you were telling me how you wanted a scooter from santa, how you wanted a scooter for christmas, is that true? >> scooter. >> yeah, you want scooters? >> reporter: this is della. the 14-year-old was born with a rare genetic condition that impacts her agility to speak. >> didn't really realize there was an issue until she was 1 and she wasn't meeting her milestones so difficulty sitting up, crawling. we also noticed there was no speech. she's completely nonverbal. >> train. >> want to ride the train? >> della's brother archer has been developing a web application to help his sister communicate. >> she wants to communicate like everybody else and just imagine how hard it would be if you couldn't communicate by talking to people. >> the website lets users program buttons with images of their choice that represents words. >> i like you. >> nuggets. >> nuggets. okay. >> train. >> now we're going to the train. >> still going to the train. >> in the past when we had to run errands we just took her. she was never really consulted and, i mean, now today outings start with us just asking, hey, you want to go do this? you want to go do that? yes, i want to go do that. >> cho-cho. >> you want to go fast? you want to go faster? whenever i made the first application i spent an hour or two coding the tile path for her and made sure it had all of her favorite things. one or two things, she closed it out and watching. all of it amounted to a small interaction but it was a big deal. seeing her communicate with my application. i want everyone to have a moment with their nonverbal sibling or friend. >> so i have a nonverbal sibling. a lot of the apps on the app store are made for people who can't talk, are extremely, extremely expensive. >> that's why archer made his app free for anyone to use. >> when i had first made my first video i only expected it to receive a few dozen, a hundred views whmpt it received 1 million views i got a lot of comments. a lot of comments congratulating me and originally because i was such a junior developer and i knew it, i felt this sense of imposter syndrome. the good part of it, i got a lot of eyeballs on the project and a lot of contributors who wanted to contribute the code. >> archer made his software open source which means other coders can add new features. >> i want to show how we can control free speech with eyes on the app. i will look at the word hello, blink -- >> while the app is still a work in progress and it's still only accessible through a website, it's already helping people across america and the world find their own voices. >> the fact that he's motivated to help other people, he takes in the comments that they have, he takes in the suggestions. it's what any parent wants for their son. they want their child to grow up to be empathetic. here he is in a very tangible way helping other people. >> wolf blitzer, cnn, washington. >> an amazing story. thank you for starting your morning with us. >> and thank you for joining us, paula. appreciate having you this week end. come back any time. you shouldn't go anywhere. "inside politics" is up next. a skater is inspiring everyone to get rolling in today's "the human factor." as i'm skatesing i feel very free to be in my body and to be myself on a skateboard. when i was skating before it was in the late '90ed and early 2000s. i was a fat kid growing up. during the pandemic i wanted to get back into skating. there was not really any information online for fat skateboarders. i could not find pads and gear in my size but i had difficulty with seeing any other folks like me which felt aislelien nating. we started putting our own videos up, fat phobia, comments about our body size. i wanted to create a space where we could come together and not get judged. this started as a space for fat, plus size, chubby skaters, have a safe place to learn together and roll together. we have our monthly physical event to help show people how to stand on a skateboard, how to gain balance, how to ride. what kind of information they need for getting the right gear. >> for being around a bunch of people who look similar to me really makes it feel more comfortable to learn. >> a lot of times when there's plus size groups they tend to be focused on weight loss and the reality is that not everybody who is fat is actually looking to change that. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ ♪ [laughing and giggling] (woman) hey dad. miss us? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. america braces for the next big covid surge. >> we are going to see a viral blizzard over the next three to eight weeks. we could be talking about millions of cases in our communities. >> health officials say the protection needed is readily available. >> if you want to be optimally protected, g

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Breakthrough Infections , Production , Curtain , Record , Beginning , New York State , Broadway , Radio City Rockettes , Part , Players , Nhl , Nfl , Protocols , Games , Classes , Office , Governor , Universities , Exams , 21000 , Variant , Semester , Virus , Lifetime , Contagious , Measles , Civilization , People , Hospitalizations , State , Majority , Summer Spike , Highs , Health Department , The End , Michigan , War , Covid Are Unvaccinated , Public Health , Work , Mitigations , Anthony Fauci , Concerns , Tsa , Holiday Travel , Spread , December 23rd , 20 Million , 3 , January 3rd , 23 , Holiday Season , Family , Friends , House , Worries , Crisis , Jasmine Wright , President , Speech On Tuesday , Biden In Wilmington , Delaware , Kind , Steps , Communities , Face , Messaging , Shots , Warning , Project Capability , Kamala Harris , Weekend , Messaging Hiccup , Interview , L A Times , Delta Variant Coming , Aide , Omicron Variant Coming , Friday , Paper , Mutations , Efforts , Sflarntsz Variants , White House Press Secretary , Wall , Tweet , Challenge , Effort , Jen Psaki , Case Levels , Briefing , Something , Countries , Reporting , World , London , Scott Mcclain , Strain , Racing , Challenges , France , Uk , Leaders , Vaccination Status , Door , Ground , Tourists , European , Lockdown , Same , Family Gatherings , Stadiums , Germany , Netherlands , Government , Mayor , Row , Covid A Major Doesn T Saturday , Sadiq Khan , Two , Levels , Push , Hospital Admissions , Absences , 26000 , 24 , Vaccine Minister Helping , Lineups , Homes , Booster Clinic , Center Saturday , 900000 , Everyone , Many , Shot , Vaccine , Jab A Thons , Pharmacy , Helpers , New England , Portugal , Santa Claus , 36 , Stores , Hit , Sporting Events , Shopping , Damper , Europe To Asia , 5 , 11 , Fans , Match , Tenth , Austin Villa , English , Anti Vaxxers , The Battle Against Covid Rages On , Lockdown Starting Sunday , Protests , Itly , World Health Organization , Three , Display , Anything , Transmissions , City Of Paris , New Year S Eve , Reality , Some , Party , Soccer , Route , Mainland European , Lot , Controversy , Actions , Issue , Holidays , Test , Precautions , Rob Davidson , Risks , Best , Contact , Positive , Haven T , Status , Places , Sick , Preet , Family Unit , Folks , Planes , Rest , Woods , Busses , Way , Distancing , More , Times , Experience , Patients , Intensive Care , 98 , Unvaccinated Covid , 98 , 90 , Hospital , Latest , General , Covid Surge , Mandates , Uncertainty , State Of The Union , On Cnn , Jake Tapper , Dana Bash , 00 , 9 , Break , Closing Classrooms , Labor Shortage , Child Care Providers , Naj , Money Manager , Clients , Thing , Respononsibility , Retirement , Fiduciary , Fees , Responsibility , Fisher Investments , Vo , Season , Greetings , Audi , Kiss , H I V , Kisses , Led , Injectable Cabenuva , With Kay , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Me Undetectable , Don T , 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, Nets , Process , Kyrie Irving , Nba , Nine , Colts , Game , Jonathan Taylor , Patriots , Touchdown , Deficit , 67 , 20 , Son , Blast , Winning Streak , Back , Tiger Playing , 27 , 17 , Tiger , Feeling , Swings , Tiger Back , Championship , Fairways , Tees , Round , Fun , Charlie , Tournament Shape , Golf Shape , Dad , Lead , Birdie , Smile , Car Crash , Guys , 15 , Afternoon , Mannerisms , Charlie S Sharp , Funny , Yep , Excellence , Just A Little Bit , Options , Forecast , Weather , Bags , Eyes , Umpire , Caleb , Strike , Won T , Eye , Reading , Em , Future , College Planning Today , Massmutual , Biktarvy , Lab Test , Cure , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Can , Sex , Kidney Failure , Research , Kidney , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Diarrhea , Headache , T Mobile , Let S Go , Airpods , Dianne , 13 , Iphone 13 Pro , Manslaughter Trial , Arguments , Kim Potter , Testimony , Police Officer , Traffic Stop Back , Defense , Stand , Daunte Wright , Potter , Minnesota , Court Case , Force , Prison , Anybody , Investors , Blood Testing Technology , Criminal Fraud Case , Founder , Jury , Witnesses , Hands , Elizabeth Holmes , Theranos , Fraud , Counts , Holmes , Technology , Test Results , 45 Million , 945 Million , Holiday Travel Season , Conspiracy , Airport Security , 2 Million , Allison Chinchar , Tad Lower , Rain , Spots , Trouble , Ways , Spot , Coast , East Coast , Pacific Northwest , Snow , Evening , Heels , Texas , Georgia , Carolinas , Florida , Moisture , Moving System , West , Accumulation , Northern California , Northern Florida , Oregon , Coastline , Mountains , Southern California , Wasn T , Feet , Alison , Christmas Special , Go On , Sketch , Tom Hank , Tv , Jokes , Once , 3000 , Event , Performances , Rehearsal , Cancellation , Addition , Radio City Rockettes Christmas Shows , Teenager , Ability , Light Note , Given , Sister , Web Application , Story , Scooter , Scooter For Christmas , Voice , Wolf Blitzer , Is Della , Condition , Scooters , Agility , Didn T , 14 , Train , Brother Archer , Speech , Difficulty , Crawling , Milestones , She Wasn T Meeting , Everybody Else , Website , Buttons , Images , Users , Words , Nuggets , Errands , Outings , Cho , Application , Tile Path , Coding , Sibling , Interaction , Deal , Friend , Video , App Store , Apps , Talk , Comments , Views , Junior Developer , 1 Million , A Hundred , Contributors , Source , Code , Project , Coders , Eyeballs , Software , Features , Imposter Syndrome , Progress , Blink , Voices , Parent , Suggestions , Washington , Skater , Morning , Shouldn T Go , Inside Politics , Skateboard , Skatesing , The Human Factor , Information , Gear , Skating , Pads , Fat Kid , Fat Skateboarders , 2000 , Space , Body Size , Videos , Aislelien Nating , Fat Phobia , Fat , Skaters , Plus Size , Balance , Bunch , Weight Loss , Claire , Heartburn , Cake , Nexium , 24hr , Chocolate Cake , Nexium 24hr , Acid , Night Protection , Binders , Broker , Page , 188 , Planning Options , Plans , Consultant , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , Planning , Retirement Plan , Woman , Giggling , Miss , Angie , Mom , Bill , Lou , Phone , 400 , 5g , Xfinity , Moon Christmas Special , Mobile , Smart Kid , Gotta , Store , Switch Squad , Savings , Go , Big Covid Surge , Protection , Blizzard , G , Health Officials ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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continue to rise across the country and the white house says president biden is going to address the nation about the threat posed by the new omicron variant on tuesday. >> as one medical expert put it, a tsunami is coming for unvaccinated americans. the omicron strain has been detected in all but seven states in the u.s., but experts say the delta variant is actually the one fueling the latest wave of infections. from new york to miami and across the u.s., lines for covid-19 testing are long, and results are often slow to come in. also, at home tests are flying off shelves. cnn medical analyst dr. jonathan reiner blames the biden administration. >> we need to, you know, mobilize manufacture produce, hundreds of millions of these tests and make them ubiquitous. that's how you keep businesses open, broadway open, how you keep your kids in school. >> unfortunately, as we stare down these sobering realities, colleges, venues and businesses are re-implementing restrictions that have been gone for months. cnn's polo sandoval has more. >> reporter: america is on alert leading into this holiday week facing an alarming surge of new coronavirus infections, hospitalization, and deaths nationwide. with this new upsell, holiday celebrations and everyday life are becoming more disruptive with each passing day. "saturday night live" canceled its live studio audience last night. >> we do not have an audience. >> reporter: charlie xxx canceling the performance citing a limited crew. radio city rockettes christmas spectacular show canceled because of breakthrough infections went into production. broadway has pulled down the curtain on some shows. new york state broke the record for the highest single day covid-19 case counts since the beginning of the pandemic for the second consecutive day reporting more than 21,000 positive covid-19 cases according to the governor's office. nfl and nhl are postponing games as more players are asked to quarantine as part of protocols and colleges and universities shifted classes and exams online to finish out the semester. as of now experts say the delta variant is driving the latest surge, but omicron is expected to become the dominant variant in the u.s. in the coming weeks. >> there's a tsunami coming. this omicron variant is extraordinarily contagious. it's as contagious as measles and that's about the most contagious of a virus we've seen. this may be the most contagious virus that civilization has faced in our lifetime. >> reporter: both cases and hospitalizations are at levels not seen since september at the end of the summer spike. in michigan this week, covid hospitalizations are hovering around all-time highs. the state's health department says the majority of them are people who are unvaccinated. dr. anthony fauci comparing it to a war. >> we will win this war with this virus. we know what public health mitigations work. we have just got to hang in there. we can't give up. >> reporter: with christmas and new year's eve approaching the tsa expects more than 20 million americans to fly between december 23rd and january 3rd and there are concerns that holiday travel will super charge a spread. if you're wondering about holiday get together, this doctor has advice on what family and friends should do so they can celebrate without worries. >> get tests for your house and use testing before you meet with other people this holiday season. >> polo sandoval, cnn, new york. president biden is preparing to address the covid crisis in a speech on tuesday. >> let's get to white house reporter jasmine wright, traveling with president biden in wilmington, delaware. what are we expecting to hear from the president? >> yeah, boris, paula, we expect the president to announce additional steps that white house is going to take to address struggling communities in the face of these rising cases. we also expect them to issue kind of a direct and dire warning to the unvaccinated in the country, kind of laying out how he sees their winter time going if they continue to refuse shots. it is a part of the president and the white house's increased messaging trying to project capability, trying to project that they are prepared to address these sorts of cases and protect the american people. now one messaging hiccup that came this weekend, came from the vice president kamala harris who in an "l.a. times" interview published on friday told the paper this administration did not see the delta variant coming or the new omicron variant coming. i talked to a harris aide afterwards and they said that vice president was not talking about sflarntsz variants in general as she and the president have gone through efforts trying to get more americans vaccinated and boosted because they knew the mutations would be possible, that she was talking about this specific variant. but still, the white house press secretary jen psaki issued a tweet. she said, that we are prepared for the rise in case levels and the president will detail how to respond to this challenge that comes on tuesday. that tweet was issued yesterday. this all comes really kind of this increased messaging effort comes after the president was warned last week in a briefing about a looming and potentially rapidly increasing surge of cases that will dominate the country come in the winter time so this is the president really responding to the nation that feels a bit anxious because of these rise in cases. i think that is something we can expect the president to speak to on tuesday. boris and paula? >> jasmine wright, thank you so much for your reporting. >> thanks. so countries across the world are racing to confront the challenges brought on by the omicron variant. >> cnn's scott mcclain is live in london. scott, omicron has become the dominant coronavirus strain there. what are you hearing on the ground? >> hey, paula. european leaders are taking this variant extremely seriously because of the surge here in the uk. france has shut its door to british tourists regardless of vaccination status. germany later tonight will do the same. the netherlands begins today, a lockdown that will shut schools, empty stadiums, and restrict family gatherings this christmas. here in london or in the uk the london mayor says that new restrictions are inevitable but the british government seems reluctant to cancel christmas two years in a row. london mayor sadiq khan declaring covid a major doesn't saturday. >> over the last 24 hours, we've had the largest number of new cases since this pandemic began more than 26,000 hospital admissions are going up, but also absences are going up by a massive levels. >> reporter: with cases rapidly increasing there's a push to get more people tested and vaccinated. the uk vaccine minister helping distribute covid tests at a center saturday. the government aiming to get 900,000 a day shipped directly to homes across the uk. long lineups at a booster clinic northeast of london, many hoping to avoid another possible lockdown by getting a shot. >> another lockdown to me does seem a bit extreme. i think everyone needs to be careful, go where you need to go and then go home. >> reporter: some vaccine clinics opening 24 hour jab a thons. in new england one pharmacy opened for 36 hours straight. worldwide there's a push to get young people vaccinated. santa claus and his helpers visiting kids in portugal. germany and france giving shots to 5 to 11 year olds saturday, putting a damper on shopping but some hit the stores from europe to asia on the last weekend before christmas. sporting events also taking a hit. english fans disappointed as the premier match between austin villa and personally became the tenth to postponed this week due to covid. later saturday, anti-vaxxers marched in london, france, germany, and itly, the netherlands announcing a lockdown starting sunday, also met by protests. the world health organization announced omicron cases doubling every one and a half to three days in countries with transmissions, the battle against covid rages on. >> reporter: now the city of paris has canceled its planned new year's eve display. here in the uk not much of anything has been canceled outside of some soccer matches this past weekend. if the government decides to go the route of some of the mainland european countries and impose much more harsh restrictions, the reality is, that prime minister boris johnson will have a very difficult time getting his own party to go along with it. >> a lot of controversy surrounding some of his party's actions around covid restrictions. scott mcclain, reporting from the uk, thank you so much. back here in the u.s., experts are encouraging people to get tested before traveling home for the holidays, but getting a test and getting results remains an issue across the country. last hour i spoke with dr. rob davidson who said people need to be realistic about their risks and take precautions ahead of those family gatherings. >> i think you should do your best to get a test. in our family we're all vaccinated, we're all boosted. as long as we're all symptom-free and haven't been in contact with people who are known to be covid positive, we're very comfortable getting together because we know in our small family unit that we are taking preet cautions that we're not getting each other sick. if you're venturing into places around people you don't know their status, if they're infected or not or vaccinated or not, absolutely need to be testing and taking as many precautions as possible so you don't end up spreading it to other folks. if you're going to live in the woods and not be around the rest of us ever on planes, on busses and in stores, absolutely. you cannot catch this virus by never being in contact with other people. that's not realistic. where i work and live, some people do live that way and have for a while and that's just a reality, social distancing is part of life. but for everyone else, it's inevitable that you will come in contact with the virus and the more times you do the more likely you are to get sick. in our experience, 98% of the people in intensive care are unvaccinated covid patients. over 90% of the people in the hospital in general with covid are unvaccinated. i think we need mandates. we need to make it a part of everyone's reality. >> for the latest on the omicron variant and the covid surge, be sure to catch dr. anthony fauci this morning on "state of the union" with jake tapper and dana bash that starts at 9:00 a.m. on cnn. still ahead from covid concerns to economic uncertainty, it's understandable that a lot of people feel overwhelmed. after a quick break we're going to talk to an expert about how to cope during uncertain times. plus a crisis that's closing classrooms. how the labor shortage is hitting child care providers especially hard. 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. it's been a hard year or two, a global pandemic with new variants and as we've been talking about this morning, resurgent wave, the economic upheaval that comes with that, and political battles that strain the foundation of the republic. there's a lot to be stressed about. fortunately this morning we have an expert on how to cope with this increasingly stressful world. psychiatrist and psycho analyst dr. gale salts joins us now, the host of "how can i help" podcast. thank you so much for sharing part of your weekend with us. given that we're apparently on the cusp of this new wave of coronavirus cases almost inevitably followed by death, what kind of an impact do you expect that's going to have a population that's already been through so much? >> well, unfortunately, we as you mentioned earlier, already had these issues going on and we were really in a wave already, a pandemic if you will, of mental health issues, people who are already struggling or struggling more, new people that weren't having mental health issues are now. we've seen a tremendous rise in the numbers of terms of people with clinical depression, anxiety disorders, overdoses, lots of issues that are about our mental health. the only good news i could say is that it has really risen the awareness of mental health issues, which i think is decreasing saying in and allowing more people to seek treatment so we have huge numbers of people. most of my colleagues, everybody has waiting lists, people have discovered in this time period that telehealth, teletherapy, actually is every bit as effective as in person and that is also good news, so that people can seek it even while not exposing themselves, they can seek it if they don't have somebody close to them that does therapy, they can reach out to somebody at a further distance. the reality here we are again with a new wave and people's willpower is on the wane. this is just a tremendous amount of stress and things that we normally cope with like being able to be with people and talk to them, is being compromised by this new wave. that is making it very difficult. these are the kinds of things that create the perfect storm to create more mental health issues. >> and you previously mentioned even mental health professionals are feeling fatigue because their services have been in high demand over the past two years. i'm curious what you might have experience thends and what trends you're noticing among your colleagues? >> i'm definitely -- i think people are aware, health professionals of all kinds who are dealing with the covid are actually overwhelmed, burnt out, and some are thinking about leaving, but certainly many are struggling with mental health issues. you know, i'm a psychiatrist, but mental health professionals, we have brains too and that means we can have mental health issues too. it's extremely stressful because the work doesn't stop coming and because these are real things that we can't point out to people, hey, this is your perception, let's look at this and maybe you're viewing this too negatively. a lot of negative and difficult things are going on. so actually it's been a real onslaught and i would say myself, my colleagues, a lot of us are struggling. it's definitely a very difficult time. >>, and it has been so especially in younger people. the pandemic is having a pronounced effect on the mental health of children, notably the number of suicide attempts have increased in young people. we don't know how this pandemic might affect children until they get older, what would you tell parents who are worried about the toll that the pandemic is having on their kids right now? >> generally speaking, i would tell people a lot of things, and those are, for children and for adults, to implement as many coping strategies as you can at this point in time. there are coping strategies that i would consider to be preventive mental health care, so those are regular aerobic exercise three to four times a week, those are utilizing techniques like paced breathing, deep paced breathing, which you can easily look up online how you do that, how to inhale and exhale, that decreases your anxiety and stress level, you can do it as a family, teach your children how to do this. progressive muscle relaxation. another way to de-stress, remove the anxiety from your body. make sure that your children and yourself have people that they can talk to about how they're feeling. just being able to emote and connect with someone and be understood is very important in terms of mental health. practices like meditation, mindfulness. there are lots of practices one can incorporate into their day that actually really diminish stress, by diminishes anxiety which helps in terms of preventing issues like depression. however, i also think it's important for parents to know that if your child is visibly having signs that they are struggling, what are those, maybe they have trouble sleeping, expressing anxiety, starting to withdraw, you're seeing their academic performance go down, if you start to see signs of that, talk to them about it and consider getting therapy. because the fact is, you can use teletherapy, you don't have to expose yourself in terms of covid, it's very available, you can look to apps to do this, you can look to your local community center for referrals or primary care physicians. even in a small number of sessions, eight to ten, can really make a difference for both adults and children. >> dr. gale, sage advice. we appreciate the time. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. of course, if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone right now, you can contact the national suicide prevention lifeline. that number is 1-800-273-8255. help is out there and available. for many parents, child care costs nearly as much as their salary. what happens when families can't afford quality child care for their children? that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ feel stuck with student loan debt? ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— and feel what it's like to get your money right. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ the more we do with our phones, the more network quality matters. only verizon has been the most awarded for network quality. that means the best experience with calls, texts, and data usage of any major carrier, according to customers. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. a shortage of workers is leading to a crisis in child care. about 10% of child care workers have left the industry since the start of the pandemic. the average child care worker earns $12.24 less than some fast food workers eastern and far less than k through 12 workers. the average cost of child care is more than $10,000 per child, for couples about 10% of their income. laura, the ceo of nursery incorporated joins me now, a child care provider that serves mostly low-income families. thank you for being with us. you say you can't find enough workers because they can make more money pretty much anywhere else. how serious and dire is the shortage right now? >> good morning, paula. the situation in child care is the worst we've seen in decades. as you said the wages that child care workers earn are far too low, families pay too much, and child care workers can choose to work almost anywhere else given the demands of the profession, even if they want to stay and be educators in early education. >> so my question here, though, is a little bit -- a little math isn't working out for me, child care costs so much and the teachers are paid so little. where does the money go? does it get swallowed up in administration, overhead? >> not at all. it really is about the amount of staff you need in child care centers and the length of the day. the an infant and toddler room, at nursery, early education in boston, we have a ten-hour day of child care for working families, which means you need three teachers over the course of a day in every single classroom, so it's about the high labor costs, much more so than anything else, and the low rates that are paid, either by the state for the most low-income families or by families themselves at almost every other level, and it becomes very, very costly depending on where you live. right now, in boston, you can earn more as a state funded life guard or working as an ice cream shop manager than you can in child care, but we can't put the full costs of that on to families. at nursery early education we've been trying to raise wages, but that's very difficult for families who have to shoulder those costs. >> wow. this is an issue of parents in some cases not being able to find child care and even if they do, not being able to afford it. what will it take to address both of those issues? >> well, you pointed earlier to the fact that we treat k to 12 education differently in this country than we do the education for young children between 0 and 5. it doesn't make any sense when you think about young families trying to sustain their incomes and be in the workforce that in k to 12 education, you can send your child to a public school and get a free public education, but in child care, those costs are laid on families. the solution is to decide to invest in 0 to 5 care the same way that we do in k to 12 education to make it more affordable for families, not just the lowest income families, but working families and middle-income families all of us struggle with child care. at the same time, pay our workforce a livable wage so that they can stay in the classroom with young children. our best chance to do that -- sorry. >> go ahead. >> our best chance to do that right now is the build back better act, which is the -- our best shot at a significant shift in federal investment in public funding for child care so that we treat our young children the way we treat our school-aged children and believe that they should all have access to high-quality care and education. >> it's interesting during the pandemic we've seen even if you can find child care and afford child care, many are shut down. it is maintaining child care even if you can afford it has had a ripple effect, specifically on women. can you talk about what you've seen in terms of the impact this child care crisis has had on women being able to return and stay in the workforce? >> that's exactly right. so women are bearing the brunt of this crisis both mothers who are attempting to return to work and can't find adequate care, and the workforce in early education, which is almost exclusively women and at our centers predominantly women of color and they can't find care for their school-aged children either. it impacts both the educators and the families. what we're seeing in the marketplace is that millions of women have left the workforce, which means they're diminishing their family's income and they cannot return until they find adequate care. at the same time, child care workers can easterrn more money any other field and they struggle to find care. that's why we have closed classrooms. we could fill them with children if we could find more educators and pay them appropriately to keep them in our classrooms. that's the choice we have to make in this country and we could do that if we increased our public investment through build back better. >> laura, thank you so much. >> thank you. tiger woods returns to competitive golf with a very special teammate by his side. we'll take you live to orlando after a quick break. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit 1, 2, 3... yay! ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ ♪ wait hold up, here it comes! alright, everybody stand up straight. okay now let me flip it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (man) so when in doubt, just say, "let me talk to my manager." next, carvana's 100% online shopping experience. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! 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[snowball splat and windshield wiper] the #1 longest-lasting aa battery. covid outbreaks are forcing the nfl to make changes to today's schedule and their protocols. >> andy scholes is in orlando for tiger woods' return to golf, but first, let's start with the nfl's answer to the new covid cases. >> yeah. well boris and paula, the nfl sending out a memo tao all the teams yesterday saying moving forward they are only going to test vaccinated players, coaches and staff if they are showing symptoms. previously the league was testing all vaccinated individuals on a weekly basis but they will move to a targeted system where they test one group each week. all unvaccinated players will be tested daily as the league had to postpone three games due to outbreaks. the nhl is enhancing their covid protocols as they shut down two more teams, all members of a team's traveling party will be tested daily. the boston bruins and nashville predators had their seasons put on pause until december 26th because of outbreaks. the nhl has five teams out not playing due to covid. the nba also struggling with outbreaks. the nets adding kevin durant and kyrie irving. kyrie was in the process of rejoining the team so that gives the nets nine players now in the league's protocols. we did have been nfl game. the patriots storming back from a 20-0 deficit against the colts but the nfl rushing leader jonathan taylor busting through the line here, going to go 67 yards for a touchdown. that put the game away. the colts won 27-17 ending the patriots seven-game winning streak. back in orlando, tiger woods said he had a blast yesterday in his return to golf. tiger playing with his 12-year-old son charlie in the pnc championship, and tiger looked really good. he hit it from the pro tees, took some really hard swings in the fairways. the fans were thrilled to have tiger back, and he said it was a great feeling to be back out on the course. >> we had a great time. it was just a blast, and we had a blast last year on the first round and again this year it was the same. we had so much fun out there. after what i've been through this year, it's been a difficult year, so understanding that i'm not in golf shape, i'm not in practice shape, i'm definitely not in tournament shape, hopefully i will get to that point again. we'll see. >> yeah. charlie was impressing fans once again yesterday, made some great shots including this birdie on 15 to put a big smile on dad's face. i tell you what, guys, it's just incredible that tiger is out here playing, just ten months after that devastating car crash. tiger and charlie only 3 shots off the lead heading into today's final round. who knows, we could be in for a special afternoon. >> and charlie's sharp, man. even with the mannerisms, you can see so much of his dad in him and he's so young. it's great to see. andy scholes from orlando -- >> it was funny, charlie would actually get upset when his dad hit some bad shots yesterday. it made you laugh. >> was he chirping at his dad? >> just a little bit, yep. >> well, the cost of excellence. andy scholes, thanks again. so millions of people are expected to travel over the holidays and many have already packed their bags, but will the weather cooperate? your forecast is next. and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: ball! good eyeye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb. umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! or you won't, probably won't. and it won't impact your future whatsoever! talk to us about college planning today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow in the manslaughter trial of a former minnesota police officer. kim potter shot and killed 20-year-old daunte wright in a traffic stop back in april. the defense rested on friday after emotional testimony from potter. she spent hours on the stand breaking down several times while she described chaotic moments. when asked if she knew deadly force was unreasonable and unwarranted, potter apologized and said she didn't want to hurt anybody. if convicted she faces at least ten years in prison. another big court case we're following after three months of testimony from over 30 witnesses, the criminal fraud case of theranos founder elizabeth holmes is in the hands of the jury. holmes is accused of deceiving investors, doctors and patients, claiming that her blood testing technology could change the medical world. the technology failed and test results were unreliable. that, despite $945 million in funding. holmes now faces sign counts of federal wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. the holiday travel season is here and it is looking a lot busier this year compared to last. tsa says it screened more than 2 million people at airport security checkpoints on friday, a bigger number than we saw thanksgiving. still, a tad lower than prepandemic levels. >> let's check in with cnn meteorologist allison chinchar to see if the potential storms may impact all those folks traveling over the next week. >> good morning. the trouble spots are going to be along the coast. we have a system making it ways in the pacific northwest and another system along the east coast of the u.s. those are really going to be where the trouble spots are now. the one spot in the east coast, this is a system that started today that brought rain and snow, basically from the northeast all the way back to texas. that's going to be pushing through, bringing a lot of rain to the carolinas, georgia, florida, but it does finally exit this evening. right on the heels of that we have the next wave pushing in. that's going to ramp up in texas and surge the moisture into the southeastern states over the next several days. it's not a fast moving system. for some of the states it's going to be multiple days of rain which is why we're likely going to see a couple inches of accumulation for georgia, the carolinas and northern florida. still not quite as much moisture as we're going to see out to the west. the first wave moved in yesterday. the second wave coming in today, mainly focused across oregon and extreme northern california. then the third wave begins to arrive, ramping up on tuesday of the upcoming week and going to push the moisture into central and southern california. the next five days we're talking about a tremendous amount of moisture into the west. several inches of rain along the coastline, guys, and in the mountains, we're going to be measuring the snow in feet, rather than just a few inches. >> alison, thank you so much for that. so "saturday night live" wasn't exactly live last night. the show originally planned to do their christmas special, but it went without a live audience because of the recent rise in covid cases. >> the show did go on with some new taped sketch as well as some from the past and with tom hank greeting a nearly empty i came from california and you think if i was going to fly 3,000 miles and not get on tv, you're crazy. >> hangs, are you ready? >> i'd rather you didn't. >> and can we confirm that you have never heard these jokes before. >> not a once except the two you blew in rehearsal. >> okay. >> snl pulling its audience as just the latest live event in new york city to be disrupted. in addition to the cancellation of broadway performances and the radio city rockettes christmas shows. >> i would not be surprised if we saw more shows changed or canceled. we do want to leave you on a light note. people often take the ability to speak for granted. for some, it's not a given. one texas teenager developed a web application to give his nonverbal sister a voice. it's helping people across the world. cnn's wolf blitzer has that story. >> you were telling me how you wanted a scooter from santa, how you wanted a scooter for christmas, is that true? >> scooter. >> yeah, you want scooters? >> reporter: this is della. the 14-year-old was born with a rare genetic condition that impacts her agility to speak. >> didn't really realize there was an issue until she was 1 and she wasn't meeting her milestones so difficulty sitting up, crawling. we also noticed there was no speech. she's completely nonverbal. >> train. >> want to ride the train? >> della's brother archer has been developing a web application to help his sister communicate. >> she wants to communicate like everybody else and just imagine how hard it would be if you couldn't communicate by talking to people. >> the website lets users program buttons with images of their choice that represents words. >> i like you. >> nuggets. >> nuggets. okay. >> train. >> now we're going to the train. >> still going to the train. >> in the past when we had to run errands we just took her. she was never really consulted and, i mean, now today outings start with us just asking, hey, you want to go do this? you want to go do that? yes, i want to go do that. >> cho-cho. >> you want to go fast? you want to go faster? whenever i made the first application i spent an hour or two coding the tile path for her and made sure it had all of her favorite things. one or two things, she closed it out and watching. all of it amounted to a small interaction but it was a big deal. seeing her communicate with my application. i want everyone to have a moment with their nonverbal sibling or friend. >> so i have a nonverbal sibling. a lot of the apps on the app store are made for people who can't talk, are extremely, extremely expensive. >> that's why archer made his app free for anyone to use. >> when i had first made my first video i only expected it to receive a few dozen, a hundred views whmpt it received 1 million views i got a lot of comments. a lot of comments congratulating me and originally because i was such a junior developer and i knew it, i felt this sense of imposter syndrome. the good part of it, i got a lot of eyeballs on the project and a lot of contributors who wanted to contribute the code. >> archer made his software open source which means other coders can add new features. >> i want to show how we can control free speech with eyes on the app. i will look at the word hello, blink -- >> while the app is still a work in progress and it's still only accessible through a website, it's already helping people across america and the world find their own voices. >> the fact that he's motivated to help other people, he takes in the comments that they have, he takes in the suggestions. it's what any parent wants for their son. they want their child to grow up to be empathetic. here he is in a very tangible way helping other people. >> wolf blitzer, cnn, washington. >> an amazing story. thank you for starting your morning with us. >> and thank you for joining us, paula. appreciate having you this week end. come back any time. you shouldn't go anywhere. "inside politics" is up next. a skater is inspiring everyone to get rolling in today's "the human factor." as i'm skatesing i feel very free to be in my body and to be myself on a skateboard. when i was skating before it was in the late '90ed and early 2000s. i was a fat kid growing up. during the pandemic i wanted to get back into skating. there was not really any information online for fat skateboarders. i could not find pads and gear in my size but i had difficulty with seeing any other folks like me which felt aislelien nating. we started putting our own videos up, fat phobia, comments about our body size. i wanted to create a space where we could come together and not get judged. this started as a space for fat, plus size, chubby skaters, have a safe place to learn together and roll together. we have our monthly physical event to help show people how to stand on a skateboard, how to gain balance, how to ride. what kind of information they need for getting the right gear. >> for being around a bunch of people who look similar to me really makes it feel more comfortable to learn. >> a lot of times when there's plus size groups they tend to be focused on weight loss and the reality is that not everybody who is fat is actually looking to change that. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ ♪ [laughing and giggling] (woman) hey dad. miss us? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. america braces for the next big covid surge. >> we are going to see a viral blizzard over the next three to eight weeks. we could be talking about millions of cases in our communities. >> health officials say the protection needed is readily available. >> if you want to be optimally protected, g

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Sflarntsz Variants , White House Press Secretary , Wall , Tweet , Challenge , Effort , Jen Psaki , Case Levels , Briefing , Something , Countries , Reporting , World , London , Scott Mcclain , Strain , Racing , Challenges , France , Uk , Leaders , Vaccination Status , Door , Ground , Tourists , European , Lockdown , Same , Family Gatherings , Stadiums , Germany , Netherlands , Government , Mayor , Row , Covid A Major Doesn T Saturday , Sadiq Khan , Two , Levels , Push , Hospital Admissions , Absences , 26000 , 24 , Vaccine Minister Helping , Lineups , Homes , Booster Clinic , Center Saturday , 900000 , Everyone , Many , Shot , Vaccine , Jab A Thons , Pharmacy , Helpers , New England , Portugal , Santa Claus , 36 , Stores , Hit , Sporting Events , Shopping , Damper , Europe To Asia , 5 , 11 , Fans , Match , Tenth , Austin Villa , English , Anti Vaxxers , The Battle Against Covid Rages On , Lockdown Starting Sunday , Protests , Itly , World Health Organization , Three , Display , Anything , Transmissions , City Of Paris , New Year S Eve , Reality , Some , Party , Soccer , Route , Mainland European , Lot , Controversy , Actions , Issue , Holidays , Test , Precautions , Rob Davidson , Risks , Best , Contact , Positive , Haven T , Status , Places , Sick , Preet , Family Unit , Folks , Planes , Rest , Woods , Busses , Way , Distancing , More , Times , Experience , Patients , Intensive Care , 98 , Unvaccinated Covid , 98 , 90 , Hospital , Latest , General , Covid Surge , Mandates , Uncertainty , State Of The Union , On Cnn , Jake Tapper , Dana Bash , 00 , 9 , Break , Closing Classrooms , Labor Shortage , Child Care Providers , Naj , Money Manager , Clients , Thing , Respononsibility , Retirement , Fiduciary , Fees , Responsibility , Fisher Investments , Vo , Season , Greetings , Audi , Kiss , H I V , Kisses , Led , Injectable Cabenuva , With Kay , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Me Undetectable , Don T , Liver Problems , Side Effects , Depression , Symptoms , Reactions , Medicines , Reaction , Ingredients , Help , Tiredness , Breastfeeding , Injection Site Reactions , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Fever , Treatment Appointments , Music , Fly Away Hello , Dream , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Variants , Resurgent Wave , Upheaval , Battles , Foundation , The Republic , Psychiatrist , Dr , Gale , Cusp , Salts , Podcast , Host , Impact , Death , Population , Mental Health , Issues , News , Terms , Numbers , Lots , Anxiety Disorders , Overdoses , Everybody , Most , Colleagues , Treatment , Awareness , Waiting Lists , Teletherapy , Telehealth , Person , Therapy , Somebody , Willpower , Distance , Wane , Things , Kinds , Amount , Stress , Storm , Mental Health Professionals , Services , Demand , Health Professionals , Thends , Burnt Out , Brains , Doesn T , Perception , Onslaught , Children , Effect , Suicide Attempts , Parents , Toll , Coping Strategies , Point , Mental Health Care , Aerobic Exercise , Four , Breathing , Level , Exhale , Techniques , Body , De Stress , Progressive Muscle Relaxation , Someone , Meditation , Practices , Mindfulness , Connect , Child , Signs , Struggling , Fact , Trouble Sleeping , Go Down , Community Center , Referrals , Primary Care Physicians , Course , Sessions , Difference , Sage Advice , Ten , Eight , Suicide Prevention Lifeline , 1 800 273 8255 , 8255 , 800 , 273 , 1 , Child Care , Families , Child Care Costs , Salary , Google , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Family Room Slash Gym , Money , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Sofi , 000 , 1000 , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , Slash Classroom , The Living Room , App , Vacation , Vrbo , Network , Network Quality , Matters , Phones , Texts , Calls , Verizon , Customers , Data , Carrier , Usage , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Internet , Line , Contract , Business , Term , Match Data Options , Mix , Nationwide 5g , 0 , 30 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Workers , Child Care Workers , Shortage , Industry , 10 , Cost , Child Care Worker , Start , Fast Food , 2 24 , 12 24 , 12 , Income , Child Care Provider , Laura , Couples , Nursery Incorporated , 10000 , 0000 , Anywhere , Dire , Situation , Worst , Education , Educators , Bit , Profession , Math , Question , Demands , Isn T Working Out , Teachers , Staff , Child Care Centers , Length , Toddler Room , Working Families , Nursery , Infant , Boston , Classroom , Rates , Labor Costs , Anything Else , Ice Cream Shop Manager , Life Guard , Costs , Wages , Both , Sense , It Doesn T , Workforce , Public School , Incomes , Public , Solution , Chance , Struggle , Wage , Build , Investment , Shift , Act , Care , Funding , Women , Ripple Effect , Child Care Crisis , Mothers , Stay , Brunt , Color , Centers , Marketplace , Classrooms , Field , Choice , Tiger Woods , Golf , Orlando , Side , Teammate , Emergen C , Place , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Nutrients , Blend , Emergen C Serena , Ubrelvy , Migraine Medicine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Migraine , Pill , Nausea , Dose , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Serena , Size , Man , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Master , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire 1 , Hold Up , I Got You Babe , Etta James , 2 , Car , Manager , Salesman , Doubt , Couch , Carvana , Next , 100 , She S A Beauty , Anyone , Checking In , Site , Golly , Laughter , Gift , Aa Battery , Energizer Bunny , Snowball Splat , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Windshield Wiper , Outbreaks , Schedule , Changes , Andy Scholes , Return , Answer , Sending , Memo , Tao , Well Boris , Let , League , Individuals , Coaches , Basis , System , Group , Team , Boston Bruins , Teams , Seasons , Members , December 26th , Nashville Predators , Five , 26 , Kevin Durant , Nets , Process , Kyrie Irving , Nba , Nine , Colts , Game , Jonathan Taylor , Patriots , Touchdown , Deficit , 67 , 20 , Son , Blast , Winning Streak , Back , Tiger Playing , 27 , 17 , Tiger , Feeling , Swings , Tiger Back , Championship , Fairways , Tees , Round , Fun , Charlie , Tournament Shape , Golf Shape , Dad , Lead , Birdie , Smile , Car Crash , Guys , 15 , Afternoon , Mannerisms , Charlie S Sharp , Funny , Yep , Excellence , Just A Little Bit , Options , Forecast , Weather , Bags , Eyes , Umpire , Caleb , Strike , Won T , Eye , Reading , Em , Future , College Planning Today , Massmutual , Biktarvy , Lab Test , Cure , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Can , Sex , Kidney Failure , Research , Kidney , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Diarrhea , Headache , T Mobile , Let S Go , Airpods , Dianne , 13 , Iphone 13 Pro , Manslaughter Trial , Arguments , Kim Potter , Testimony , Police Officer , Traffic Stop Back , Defense , Stand , Daunte Wright , Potter , Minnesota , Court Case , Force , Prison , Anybody , Investors , Blood Testing Technology , Criminal Fraud Case , Founder , Jury , Witnesses , Hands , Elizabeth Holmes , Theranos , Fraud , Counts , Holmes , Technology , Test Results , 45 Million , 945 Million , Holiday Travel Season , Conspiracy , Airport Security , 2 Million , Allison Chinchar , Tad Lower , Rain , Spots , Trouble , Ways , Spot , Coast , East Coast , Pacific Northwest , Snow , Evening , Heels , Texas , Georgia , Carolinas , Florida , Moisture , Moving System , West , Accumulation , Northern California , Northern Florida , Oregon , Coastline , Mountains , Southern California , Wasn T , Feet , Alison , Christmas Special , Go On , Sketch , Tom Hank , Tv , Jokes , Once , 3000 , Event , Performances , Rehearsal , Cancellation , Addition , Radio City Rockettes Christmas Shows , Teenager , Ability , Light Note , Given , Sister , Web Application , Story , Scooter , Scooter For Christmas , Voice , Wolf Blitzer , Is Della , Condition , Scooters , Agility , Didn T , 14 , Train , Brother Archer , Speech , Difficulty , Crawling , Milestones , She Wasn T Meeting , Everybody Else , Website , Buttons , Images , Users , Words , Nuggets , Errands , Outings , Cho , Application , Tile Path , Coding , Sibling , Interaction , Deal , Friend , Video , App Store , Apps , Talk , Comments , Views , Junior Developer , 1 Million , A Hundred , Contributors , Source , Code , Project , Coders , Eyeballs , Software , Features , Imposter Syndrome , Progress , Blink , Voices , Parent , Suggestions , Washington , Skater , Morning , Shouldn T Go , Inside Politics , Skateboard , Skatesing , The Human Factor , Information , Gear , Skating , Pads , Fat Kid , Fat Skateboarders , 2000 , Space , Body Size , Videos , Aislelien Nating , Fat Phobia , Fat , Skaters , Plus Size , Balance , Bunch , Weight Loss , Claire , Heartburn , Cake , Nexium , 24hr , Chocolate Cake , Nexium 24hr , Acid , Night Protection , Binders , Broker , Page , 188 , Planning Options , Plans , Consultant , Schwab , Uhhh , Uh Carl , Planning , Retirement Plan , Woman , Giggling , Miss , Angie , Mom , Bill , Lou , Phone , 400 , 5g , Xfinity , Moon Christmas Special , Mobile , Smart Kid , Gotta , Store , Switch Squad , Savings , Go , Big Covid Surge , Protection , Blizzard , G , Health Officials ,

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