Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

strictest sentence yet to a capitol rioter as the january 6th committee meets with one of president trump's closest allies. and tiger woods is back on the golf course just ten months after a devastating car accident. we'll tell you everything you need to know about his comeback. buenos dias on this saturday, december 18th. paula, good morning, welcome to "new day." >> good morning, great to be up early with you. got lots of coffee and lots of news. we begin this morning, of course, the start of the holiday travel rush, but worrying signs the omicron variant is giving a rise in covid-19 infections. >> yeah, president biden issued a stark warning for the unvaccinated prepare for a winter of severe illness and death. hospitalizations have been ticking up for two months but the united states is now averaging 121,000 new covid cases every day. those are numbers not seen since the summer surge since september. >> and in the northeast and midwest and south in new york state alone, covid cases jumped 154% in less than a week. now with christmas and new year's eve approaching more than 20 million people are expected to fly over the next two weeks. dr. anthony fauci warns it's only a matter of time before omicron variant becomes dominant in the u.s. and getting vaccinated or boosted remains key. >> we're in a situation where we're now facing a very important delta surge. and we're looking over our shoulder at an oncoming omicron surge. the optimal protection is fully vaccinated plus a boost. >> let's bring in cnn's polo sandoval. he joins us now live. polo, there's a growing concern that we're just at the start of a winter surge, what's the latest? >> reporter: and boris, all you have to do is look behind me even on a rainy, chilly saturday morning, folks are lining up outside of a search and care clinic. many of them here to get covid tested. as you mentioned a while ago in new york, and many states experiencing sharp increases they certainly have a reason with us experiencing the highest covid cases thus far. covid-19 infection and hospitalizations are rising once again in the u.s., prompting disruptions and cancellations as the country enters another holiday season. one beloved tradition cancelled in new york city, radio city music hall announced its spectacular christmas shows are cancelled due to a rise in the pandemic. and the new york state, 21,000 cases according to data released on friday. new york state also revealed that positive 19 cases in the case jumped 154% in less than a week, the previous high was on january 14th when there were 19,900 new cases reported. the omicron variant has been identified in at least 40 states condition to washington, d.c. and puerto rico according to public statements from hospital systems and state officials in their respective states. it's too soon to assume that the omicron variant will cause milder disease experts say. >> it's clear that oomph is extremely contagious variant it doubles in every two to four days and you have to look at the projection of what that means, and, yeah, we're in for a out la of people getting infected with the virus. >> reporter: across the country in places like oregon, people warning about a surge in hospitalizations now that omicron has been detecteded in the state. and in hawaii, the governor saying in a news statement friday saying that the state has seen, quote, an alarming number of cases. and vaccines are still the best way to fight the various virus. >> we still have 150 million people in this country who have not gotten their first vaccination. if we want to get through a challenge of a delta that's bad enough looking at us straight in the face and they ever over your shoulder is omicron, that's a delicate situation. we've got to do the things available to us. vaccination, boosting, masking when you're in an indoor setting. >> reporter: the biden administration scored a significant victory in its court battles to enforce vaccine mandates. the appeals court ruling that the government can enforce the vaccine or testing rules with companies with more than 100 employees. >> we will win this war with this virus, but we will win it only because -- and because we apply the things we have. the interventions. we are so fortunate that we have a highly effective and safe vaccine. we know with public health mitigations work. we have just got to hang in there. we can't give up. >> we have the tools to do it. but we need the american people to do their part. to protect themselves, their children and their communities. >> reporter: and then, of course, there are those studies that suggest that the omicron variant causes milder symptoms. but just this week, the head of nih, dr. francis collins saying it's too soon to assume that. doubling every two to four days and underscoring the need for people to get tested the week before christmas. especially if they're gathering with family members. even as the urgent clinic is open, folks, you see the line. and not only for the city but much of the country as well. >> polo sandoval reporting from new york. let's discuss all things covid with dr. chris bernall, she's a public health physician in newark, new jersey. dr. pernell, thank you for sharing your morning with us. i'm wondering as you're seeing the surge and in some areas breaking records? >> you know, boris, it's frustrating and alarming at the same time. we find ourselves facing a winter surge where there's actually two threats. there's the ongoing threat of delta and the looming threat of omicron. i can tell you i even had a covid exposure earlier in the week had to do a series of tests and i came back negative, thankfully. but the omicron variant is really showing if you haven't been vaccinated and boosted then you're not fully protected. and as dr. fauci said we still have a considerable amount of americans who haven't even refused their first shot. that's why we got to do everything we can, full court press. get tests everywhere. flood the streets with tests. make sure you're using mobile vaccine options. that's the only way to reach those in the hard-to-reach communities. >> and i heard dr. fauci say earlier this week, it was only a matter of time before the definition of fully vaccinated is changed to include getting a booster. isn't it better for the cdc to change that definition early, to make sure that people are getting the booster, especially in light of the omicron variant? >> empathically, yes, i think that time has come and gone. omicron has proven that, we know with omicron, people who previously had covid don't have the level of protection from natural immunities that we've seen with other variants. we need to go ahead, change the definition and push and encourage as many people as possible and eligible. those 16 and above, to make sure they get boosted. we have to have a hand in hand strategy, vaccinate the unvaccinated and boost the unboosted. >> doctor, pfizer is releasing a new trial for kids, and they said the that two doses doesn't produce the hopes that they wanted in 2 to 5-year-olds. what does this mean for parents trying to protect their kids from the virus? >> this means we have to wait longer for a vaccine to be developed for those in 2 to 5 and above 6 months age range. but it also means for the adults in the lives of children, you must be vaccinated and boosted. and schools we need to get tested in communities. we need to meld out tests. in one medical school, in the medical school, there are tests in a vending machine. we need to get creative about how accessible tests are. that's how we keep our children who aren't vaccinated safe and the entire household safe. >> there's preliminary data that shows that omicron can be more contagious than other variants. we don't know if it's more deadly. do you think we should pos potentially change the way we measure hospitalizations? >> well, it's so important to change the way we measure hospitalizations. bottom line, no one needs to get coronavirus. we don't know how omicron will play out when it comes to long covid. we know at least a third of those that have been infected can go on to develop it. we need to protect as many lives as possible. we need to do both of those things. a multilayer strategy is the only thing to beat the pandemic. we got to keep delivering on that. >> dr. pernell, thank you for your expertise. >> thank you. still ahead, a viral threat on tiktok about school violence leaves schools and students on edge. we'll tell you what's behind the rumors and what the social media platform is saying about it. plus, it was a busy week for the committee investigating the january 6th riot. who they heard from this week. and what former trump administration they believe is behind one of those text messages sent to mark meadows about trying to overturn the election. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with 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enforcement resources outside of safety precaution. >> and the department of homeland security says there's no reason to assess that the threats are credible. still remaining on alert. >> reporter: in altadena, california, parents around students on edge about school violence. >> it felt scary. so i didn't want to come. >> it just feels like a virus that's evolving and growing. because i grew up through columbine and all of that. it feels like it's getting worse and worse. >> reporter: they're responding to a trend on the social media platform tiktok first seen thursday that has since gone viral. warnings warning of potential violence in schools across the country on friday. none of this is deemed credible. tiktok has said they found no specific episodes of violence that prompted the warning, the department of homeland security says it has no reason to believe they credible. schools shut down as a result. other districts are on high alert with extra police officers sent to guard schools. all of it adding to the stress of teachers and administrators. >> gimp that the state that we are in right now, there is heightened anxiety and concern. we have made sure that our crisis teams are meeting. and that we are prepared, should the worst happen. >> reporter: this photo is from a teacher in maine who told us the school wanted to make sure teachers had these restraints for their classroom doors if needed. one school psychologist said actual school shootings tend to spawn traffic like this on social media. >> we do know there appears to be a contagion effect in some cases with an active shooting in michigan a few weeks ago, when something like that happens there tends to be more threats that follow that. >> reporter: on friday ak, tiktok removing the warnings saying they were misinformation. and former chief ramsey said this puts you on alert. >> it's the holiday shopping season, and you have more at such locations so forth this is not a time to stretch resources. >> reporter: but what also worried ramsey and officials at tiktok, saying this may inspire a lone wolf to carry out a real attack. >> we have a lot of people that are influenced by what they see online, they're, you know, mentally imbalanced and no telling what they should do. >> reporter: while some school districts shut down, others took unique precaution. one school district telling students and parents saying they were enforcing a one-day policy to have students leave their backpacks at home. brian todd, washington. michigan students were on alert after that shooting and the threat this week. law enforcements gave the all clear, but the school remained closed. and my next guest, to prevent tragedies like the michigan shooting. you represent the area, in fact, used to live in oxford. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate the opportunity. >> first of all, i want for get your take. what is the reaction what you have heard from the people you heard from the people you represent? >> well, ther s, they're scared. my people in my district, all around the state, they're afraid. people are just -- schools have been closing over the state in the last two weeks. and nobody knows what to do. so, kind of struggling with that as people, themselves, not knowing how to handle this and looking to us. >> well, what do you tell them? what is your response, based on your work on this issue? >> well, you know, it's interesting because i knew a lot -- i know still many people in oxford. that is in my district. but i haven't lived there a long time. i actually have family members in the school. and we spent a week not -- well, we still haven't told anyone what to do, i will say that, but the committee was so horribly impacted. so emotional about everything and still is. so, asking them, or telling them what to do is not -- we're not really ready for that right now. we spent a lot of time trying to support them. and what we've done in the last week, sort of open up our doors to say, what do you think? are you ready to talk? do you want to do something? just give us a call. and we've had a lot of people respond to that. so, people are starting to move forward. you know, it's a grieving process, right? we know that. moving forward. and now they're looking for action. so it's been really great. for all of the things they think are needed. and it's a big range of opportunity or ideas for what the community wants to see. they do want to see some action. >> you have backed several pieces of legislation aimed at approving gun control. one was legislation that allegedly the oxford shooting, with the parents letting him have access to a game. they say it was safely stored. what would your safe store bill require gun owners to do? >> it does require gun owners to keep their firearms safely stored so they're not accessible. it holds adults accountable if you do have a firearm and it's not safely stored and a minor gets possession and causes harm to themselves or others, they would be held accountable. and it also requires sellers to have eye apaper signed that simply states that i understand as a purchaser what my obligation is around safe storage. and the accountability that i'll be head to, if something happens. in that matter, our county prosecutor in this circumstance is very frustrated with the lack of adequate laws to be able to deal with, you know, parents that they view responsible for this. >> and as you look at the different states across the country, most states, they have different gun cultures. different gun laws. do you think they're taking action against the horrific violence we've seen, do you think this has to be tackle state by state? do you think anything is possible at the national level or will this be a state-by-state concern? >> it's certainly state-by-state now. we in michigan have introduced bills, multiple bills that would have impacted that shooting and other shootings that happen all the time, right, not just safe storage. but -- even thinks like basic contracts. that the people as a whole, again and again, in every poll, democrats, republicans, gun owners, believe that we should have this responsible legislation. this is just about public safety, responsible gun ownership. it doesn't even take guns away. so different states have different pieces in place. some actually have a reasonable set of bills. it would be great to have it at the national level. what we're doing here right now is working with our congress people. so the congresswoman who offered oxford all the time, she and i have been working together, our team have been working together. they actually just introduced the safe storage legislation that is comparable, very, very much the same the way as ours. we're going to keep working together from both sides as this needs to get fixed. >> absolutely. it just seems that americans right now are under so much stress. so many reasons for concern. a new covid variant. inflation. in the past week, seeing so many people afraid to send their children to school. on this issue of school violence threats against schools. do you see any progress? is there any good news? because on the surface it just looks like it's spiraling out of control. >> it does look like it's spiraling out of control. so the good to come of this, and we have talked to a lot of students by the way, and they are looking ing at us, we are literally the adults in the room. looking to us to say, you need to make it that they're not afraid to go to school. they're so direct. they're so direct. there's ways to do it. this is the froustration, this s the bills introduced in michigan, they've proven to be in place to be -- that they work that there is efficacy to reduce gun violence with responsible gun ownership bills. so, our hope, this is what we're shooting for. this is what we're pushing for in the legislature is that this horrible tragedy is the final thing that gives them permission to re-evaluate their resistance, right? to go back and say, you know what, we see this. this is not taking guns away. this is making it safe. safe for the public, responsible gun ownership. let's move forward on the gun bills to change their hearts and minds. >> senator, thanks for joining us. i remain skeptical, even this, after so many, we hope this will be the change. >> we're not letting go. thank you, paula. we're not letting go of this. >> best of luck with your work. >> thank you. edwardsville, illinois, paid tribute to the six people who died when a tornado struck in an amazon warehouse there. a candlelight vigil was held outside the warehouse last night, one week after the deadly tornadoes tore through that area. another ceremony was held earlier in the day outside the edwardsville fire department headquarters. the mayor there said that a dogwood tree is going to be planted in honor of the amazon employees who died and a plaque next to the tree. carla cope, the mother of one of the victims, described her final conversation with her son. >> we talked to him about 15 minutes before the storm hit. we had called and told him to get to shelter. he said he had to go tell somebody. so, we said, go, get to shelter. and we said i love you. and that was the last i talked to him. >> heartbreaking. cope's husband also works at the amazon warehouse. he was fortunately not there when the tornado hit. coming up, roger stone is the latest member of trump's inner circle to sit down with lawmakers investigating the january 6th insurrection. we'll tell you what he said and where the investigation goes from here. d a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. 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>> reporter: the committee furiously wrapping up a hectic week ahead of the holiday. the house referred meadows to the department of justice for potential comp tempt changes. investigators interviewing witnesses, keith kellogg, and a former doj official. and while most republicans continue to cast dutoubt on the committee and its work, one prominent republic republican seems open to discovery. >> well, i'm like you, i read the reports every day. and it will be interesting to see what they conclude. >> reporter: and while stone did show up for his deposition with the committee but probably didn't answer too many question another right-wconspiracy theoryist is taking a different route. alex jones scheduled to meet with the committee on saturday has had his deposition postponed, that's because the committee said that he is engaging with them at the current moment, this despite his public claims that he in no intention of cooperating on any level. ryan nobles, cnn, on capitol hill. all right, for more on the 1/6 committee's work. let's bring in ross garber. he's from tulane law school. roger stone loves going into the cameras, calling investigates invalid or corrupt. but he does have a right to invoke his fifth amendment if he has any concern about criminal repercussions. so, how do you see this playing out for him? >> yeah, well, remember, roger stone was actually convicted of lying to congress before. so he's been through this -- you know, he was going to do everything he could to having to avoid testifying. most people consider invoking the fifth don't, because they think it's going to look bad. that's not an issue for roger stone. now, the house could try to get him granted immunity. they could challenge his implication of the fifth. i don't think they're going to do either of those things. he's going to invoke the fifth but the committee is going to use other means to get at information. remember, they've subpoenaed cell phone records. they've got lots of other witnesses who are testifying and lots of other witnessing who are cooperating. >> i want to talk about this exclusive reporting by cnn. the november 5th text came from rick perry former energy secretary. a spokesman for perry tells cnn he denies being the author of the text. but a few things here, one, it is notable that he would be pushing a strategy to potentially disenfranchise millions of voters after the election. but also, the committee originally said this is from a lawmaker, yet another sort of forced error from the committee. so what's your reaction to this? and what does it mean for the investigation? >> yeah. so, a member of the committee who you said it was from a member of congress, i think it's now corrected the record said that was actually not the case. it's also not surprising that a republican loyalist rick perry or anybody else would be, you know, pushing this idea. because, you know, this is kind of a strategy that was in plain sight anyway, for quite a while, you know, this notion that the vice president, mike pence, could actually have a substantive role, even though it's not correct, kyou know, tht was sort of a strategy point that had been pushed for a long time and derived from the 1876 race between rutherford hayes and samuel tillman. where that same argument was made by the republicans in some ways successfully. because it prompted this this compromise that actually resulted in the republican getting elected. so that this was pushed -- that's not a surprise. but rick perry, you know, he's an establishment guy, that might be a little bit of a surprise. but it wouldn't surprise me that, you know, sort of this notion was actually being advocated for. >> and a pretty quick turnaround. we're talking november 4th, and the aggressive strategy to overturn those in three states and ultimately try to get the issue before the supreme court. it's unlikely, i've covered the former governor for a long time. it's unlikely he came up with this plan on the fly. does it appear to you that trump's plan was in play maybe before the election? >> it not only is apparent for me. i even wrote a piece for where i kind of laid out this idea. you know, all of this, you know, that strategy, played out in plain sight. there were lots of discussions about this notion. and, you know, imagine, donald trump hearing about this 1876 election that was challenged. and then, you know, a potential role for the president of the senate -- you know, that was going to be the strategy. we've heard accusations of fraud even before even election day. you know, it's somewhat surprising to me is that the plan actually was executed so ineptly, happily for the country and that lots of people in government, including lots of republicans in the states pushed back and had nothing to do with it. >> well, i don't know how surprising it is that it was executed ineptly. i think we've seen that before with legal strategies and the former president. ross garber, thank you so much. still ahead, for months, the biden administration has struggled to deal with this situation along the southern border of the united states. now, a dramatic surge in migrants is leaving border agents overwhelmed. an important report, after a quick break. to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. 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he says the people here have waited are for years to come to the u.s. they have no other choice. economic and political instability in much of latin america has driven more and more mike grants north. uma has become a destination where migrants can cross and turn themselves into border patrol. >> this is hul unusual. >> reporter: the uma mayor issued a declaration tour help the situation in his city. >> this is a very out of the ordinary level of traffic for uma. >> reporter: the migrant concerns along the u.s. mexico border have happened before. in october, border patrol arrested 22,000 people crossing the border in yuma, that's up from 1600 in january. >> we're busy everywhere, we're not slow in any specific location. so when you take resources from another location, from another busy location, you're just depleting those resources to deal with an issue that can be dealt with in policy. >> reporter: brandon judd is the president of the border patrol unit. he said smugglers and cartels contribute to the greater numbers. >> we're seeing so many people. >> reporter: arizona department of public safety has deployed to these parts of the border to monitor for criminal activity. >> out here, we're watching the desert, looking for movement, looking for any signs that that we have. of a group coming through. >> reporter: on this 75-mile stretch of the border, major cecil and his troopers try to fill in the dpgaps. >> what we're seeing say surge of illegal drugs. because border patrol is tied up they know that manpower out here is limited. >> reporter: this week, the biden administration is expected to send 100 agents here. for carlos and this group of migrants, getting on the bus is their best bet. for a better future. many of the migrants that are arriving here are middle class families from south america. and they're carrying suitcases and luggage. that's because they're flying into an airport in mexico, about 30 miles from their destination, making from months to just days. priscilla alvarez, arizona. >> thank you for that report. tiger woods is back on the greens for a two-day tournament. we'll take you live to the grounds next. and a quick programming note, join dr. sanjay gupta for a new cnn special report "weed 6" pmarijuana and autism. something you won't want to miss. excuse me! coming through! ugh! and then...the present. and finally, ebenezer...the future! introducing the all-electric eqs. happy holidays from mercedes-benz. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. most who achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months had lasting clearance through 1 year. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin at 3 years. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. try garlique healthy immune support formula. uniquely formulated with garlic, vitamins and minerals to support a strong, healthy immune system. garlique. february, tiger woods is back in action. he's playing with his son charlie at the pnc championship this weekend. >> andy scholes is at the course in orlando. andy, this is pretty cute, pretty wholesome content. what we can we expect from the father/son duo? >> reporter: hi, everyone, tiger said he's a languaong ways away playing in a big time tournament. tiger said she still has the hands, the feel, but his endurance is bringing him back. later he'll be out on the course with his son charlie. they were out here yesterday for the pro-am, this is the first time tiger playing in front of fans since that accident. tiger did use a cart to get around the course. he teed off from the pro tees but saying he just couldn't hit it as far as he used to. tiger played the back nine. dialed up from the back nine to rest the weekend. after spending three weeks in a bed, he worked every day to get back in the game again. this is what tiger had to say about his future in the game. >> i'm a long way away from playing tournament golf. you know, this is hit, hop in a cart, and moving about my business, just like i would back home. you know, playing tournament golf and being able to recover, practice and train and hit balls around, and do all the things i need to do to being at a high level, i'm a long way away from that. >> reporter: all right, so, today, the 36-hole scramble event will begin. and, guys, it's a fun, family event. it's not a serious tour event. tiger and his son charlie are going to be paired with their good friends dustin thomas and his dad. they're the reigning champions for the tournament. everyone loves having so much fun with how tiger and his son charlie have the same mannerisms. they swing the same. kind of celebrate the same as a good shot. everybody loves watching for that today. charlie and tiger the last ones to tee off today at 12:18 eastern. >> wholesome because he's playing with his son but to see him on the green is remarkable. andy scholes, from orlando, thank you. >> paula, what are you doing at 10:00 a.m.? >> i'll be right back here with you. but smer"smerconish" is up next. celebrate every kiss, with kay. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. 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Cnn , Protection , Shoulder , Boost , Oncoming Omicron , Delta Surge , Polo Sandoval , Reporter , Winter Surge , Concern , Latest , Rainy , Chilly , States , Reason , Care , Many , Clinic , Search , Folks , Country , Infection , Cancellations , Prompting , Disruptions , Radio City Music Hall , Holiday Season , Shows , Tradition , Spectacular Christmas , New York City , Data , Case , Pandemic , High , Friday , 21000 , State , Statements , Hospital Systems , Puerto Rico , Washington D C , 19900 , January 14th , 40 , 14 , Variant , Oomph , Disease Experts , Four , Virus , Places , Projection , La , Oregon , Governor , Statement , Vaccines , Number , Quote , Detecteded , Saying , Hawaii , Vaccination , Delta , Challenge , 150 Million , Things , Setting , Vaccine , Government , War , Court , Testing , Employees , Companies , Vaccine Mandates , Victory , Rules , Court Ruling , 100 , Public Health , Work , Interventions , Mitigations , Communities , Children , Tools , Part , Symptoms , Studies , Of Nih , Francis Collins , Family Members , Need , Line , City , Polo Sandoval Reporting , Chris Bernall , Pernell , Physician , New Jersey , Newark , Threats , Records , Tests , Haven T , Series , Exposure , Everything , Everywhere , Streets , Shot , Full Court Press , Amount , Definition , Vaccine Options , Fauci Say , It , Booster , Isn T , Light , Empathically , Cdc , Level , Variants , Covid Don T , Immunities , Hand In , Unvaccinated , Push , Above , 16 , Doctor , Hopes , Pfizer , Kids , Doses , Unboosted , Trial , 5 , 2 , Mean , Adults , Medical School , Lives , Safe , Household , Vending Machine , Aren T Vaccinated Safe , Pos , Needs , Bottom Line , Both , Third , Social Media Platform Tiktok , Thing , Expertise , Cast Dutoubt On The Committee , January 6th Riot , Edge , Rumors , Election , Meadows , Text Messages , Vitamin C , Immune System , Body , Defenses , Centrum , Support , Zinc , Season , D , Ace , Routine , Bed , Sleep , Sleep Number , Problem , Holiday 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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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strictest sentence yet to a capitol rioter as the january 6th committee meets with one of president trump's closest allies. and tiger woods is back on the golf course just ten months after a devastating car accident. we'll tell you everything you need to know about his comeback. buenos dias on this saturday, december 18th. paula, good morning, welcome to "new day." >> good morning, great to be up early with you. got lots of coffee and lots of news. we begin this morning, of course, the start of the holiday travel rush, but worrying signs the omicron variant is giving a rise in covid-19 infections. >> yeah, president biden issued a stark warning for the unvaccinated prepare for a winter of severe illness and death. hospitalizations have been ticking up for two months but the united states is now averaging 121,000 new covid cases every day. those are numbers not seen since the summer surge since september. >> and in the northeast and midwest and south in new york state alone, covid cases jumped 154% in less than a week. now with christmas and new year's eve approaching more than 20 million people are expected to fly over the next two weeks. dr. anthony fauci warns it's only a matter of time before omicron variant becomes dominant in the u.s. and getting vaccinated or boosted remains key. >> we're in a situation where we're now facing a very important delta surge. and we're looking over our shoulder at an oncoming omicron surge. the optimal protection is fully vaccinated plus a boost. >> let's bring in cnn's polo sandoval. he joins us now live. polo, there's a growing concern that we're just at the start of a winter surge, what's the latest? >> reporter: and boris, all you have to do is look behind me even on a rainy, chilly saturday morning, folks are lining up outside of a search and care clinic. many of them here to get covid tested. as you mentioned a while ago in new york, and many states experiencing sharp increases they certainly have a reason with us experiencing the highest covid cases thus far. covid-19 infection and hospitalizations are rising once again in the u.s., prompting disruptions and cancellations as the country enters another holiday season. one beloved tradition cancelled in new york city, radio city music hall announced its spectacular christmas shows are cancelled due to a rise in the pandemic. and the new york state, 21,000 cases according to data released on friday. new york state also revealed that positive 19 cases in the case jumped 154% in less than a week, the previous high was on january 14th when there were 19,900 new cases reported. the omicron variant has been identified in at least 40 states condition to washington, d.c. and puerto rico according to public statements from hospital systems and state officials in their respective states. it's too soon to assume that the omicron variant will cause milder disease experts say. >> it's clear that oomph is extremely contagious variant it doubles in every two to four days and you have to look at the projection of what that means, and, yeah, we're in for a out la of people getting infected with the virus. >> reporter: across the country in places like oregon, people warning about a surge in hospitalizations now that omicron has been detecteded in the state. and in hawaii, the governor saying in a news statement friday saying that the state has seen, quote, an alarming number of cases. and vaccines are still the best way to fight the various virus. >> we still have 150 million people in this country who have not gotten their first vaccination. if we want to get through a challenge of a delta that's bad enough looking at us straight in the face and they ever over your shoulder is omicron, that's a delicate situation. we've got to do the things available to us. vaccination, boosting, masking when you're in an indoor setting. >> reporter: the biden administration scored a significant victory in its court battles to enforce vaccine mandates. the appeals court ruling that the government can enforce the vaccine or testing rules with companies with more than 100 employees. >> we will win this war with this virus, but we will win it only because -- and because we apply the things we have. the interventions. we are so fortunate that we have a highly effective and safe vaccine. we know with public health mitigations work. we have just got to hang in there. we can't give up. >> we have the tools to do it. but we need the american people to do their part. to protect themselves, their children and their communities. >> reporter: and then, of course, there are those studies that suggest that the omicron variant causes milder symptoms. but just this week, the head of nih, dr. francis collins saying it's too soon to assume that. doubling every two to four days and underscoring the need for people to get tested the week before christmas. especially if they're gathering with family members. even as the urgent clinic is open, folks, you see the line. and not only for the city but much of the country as well. >> polo sandoval reporting from new york. let's discuss all things covid with dr. chris bernall, she's a public health physician in newark, new jersey. dr. pernell, thank you for sharing your morning with us. i'm wondering as you're seeing the surge and in some areas breaking records? >> you know, boris, it's frustrating and alarming at the same time. we find ourselves facing a winter surge where there's actually two threats. there's the ongoing threat of delta and the looming threat of omicron. i can tell you i even had a covid exposure earlier in the week had to do a series of tests and i came back negative, thankfully. but the omicron variant is really showing if you haven't been vaccinated and boosted then you're not fully protected. and as dr. fauci said we still have a considerable amount of americans who haven't even refused their first shot. that's why we got to do everything we can, full court press. get tests everywhere. flood the streets with tests. make sure you're using mobile vaccine options. that's the only way to reach those in the hard-to-reach communities. >> and i heard dr. fauci say earlier this week, it was only a matter of time before the definition of fully vaccinated is changed to include getting a booster. isn't it better for the cdc to change that definition early, to make sure that people are getting the booster, especially in light of the omicron variant? >> empathically, yes, i think that time has come and gone. omicron has proven that, we know with omicron, people who previously had covid don't have the level of protection from natural immunities that we've seen with other variants. we need to go ahead, change the definition and push and encourage as many people as possible and eligible. those 16 and above, to make sure they get boosted. we have to have a hand in hand strategy, vaccinate the unvaccinated and boost the unboosted. >> doctor, pfizer is releasing a new trial for kids, and they said the that two doses doesn't produce the hopes that they wanted in 2 to 5-year-olds. what does this mean for parents trying to protect their kids from the virus? >> this means we have to wait longer for a vaccine to be developed for those in 2 to 5 and above 6 months age range. but it also means for the adults in the lives of children, you must be vaccinated and boosted. and schools we need to get tested in communities. we need to meld out tests. in one medical school, in the medical school, there are tests in a vending machine. we need to get creative about how accessible tests are. that's how we keep our children who aren't vaccinated safe and the entire household safe. >> there's preliminary data that shows that omicron can be more contagious than other variants. we don't know if it's more deadly. do you think we should pos potentially change the way we measure hospitalizations? >> well, it's so important to change the way we measure hospitalizations. bottom line, no one needs to get coronavirus. we don't know how omicron will play out when it comes to long covid. we know at least a third of those that have been infected can go on to develop it. we need to protect as many lives as possible. we need to do both of those things. a multilayer strategy is the only thing to beat the pandemic. we got to keep delivering on that. >> dr. pernell, thank you for your expertise. >> thank you. still ahead, a viral threat on tiktok about school violence leaves schools and students on edge. we'll tell you what's behind the rumors and what the social media platform is saying about it. plus, it was a busy week for the committee investigating the january 6th riot. who they heard from this week. and what former trump administration they believe is behind one of those text messages sent to mark meadows about trying to overturn the election. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with 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mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike 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enforcement resources outside of safety precaution. >> and the department of homeland security says there's no reason to assess that the threats are credible. still remaining on alert. >> reporter: in altadena, california, parents around students on edge about school violence. >> it felt scary. so i didn't want to come. >> it just feels like a virus that's evolving and growing. because i grew up through columbine and all of that. it feels like it's getting worse and worse. >> reporter: they're responding to a trend on the social media platform tiktok first seen thursday that has since gone viral. warnings warning of potential violence in schools across the country on friday. none of this is deemed credible. tiktok has said they found no specific episodes of violence that prompted the warning, the department of homeland security says it has no reason to believe they credible. schools shut down as a result. other districts are on high alert with extra police officers sent to guard schools. all of it adding to the stress of teachers and administrators. >> gimp that the state that we are in right now, there is heightened anxiety and concern. we have made sure that our crisis teams are meeting. and that we are prepared, should the worst happen. >> reporter: this photo is from a teacher in maine who told us the school wanted to make sure teachers had these restraints for their classroom doors if needed. one school psychologist said actual school shootings tend to spawn traffic like this on social media. >> we do know there appears to be a contagion effect in some cases with an active shooting in michigan a few weeks ago, when something like that happens there tends to be more threats that follow that. >> reporter: on friday ak, tiktok removing the warnings saying they were misinformation. and former chief ramsey said this puts you on alert. >> it's the holiday shopping season, and you have more at such locations so forth this is not a time to stretch resources. >> reporter: but what also worried ramsey and officials at tiktok, saying this may inspire a lone wolf to carry out a real attack. >> we have a lot of people that are influenced by what they see online, they're, you know, mentally imbalanced and no telling what they should do. >> reporter: while some school districts shut down, others took unique precaution. one school district telling students and parents saying they were enforcing a one-day policy to have students leave their backpacks at home. brian todd, washington. michigan students were on alert after that shooting and the threat this week. law enforcements gave the all clear, but the school remained closed. and my next guest, to prevent tragedies like the michigan shooting. you represent the area, in fact, used to live in oxford. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate the opportunity. >> first of all, i want for get your take. what is the reaction what you have heard from the people you heard from the people you represent? >> well, ther s, they're scared. my people in my district, all around the state, they're afraid. people are just -- schools have been closing over the state in the last two weeks. and nobody knows what to do. so, kind of struggling with that as people, themselves, not knowing how to handle this and looking to us. >> well, what do you tell them? what is your response, based on your work on this issue? >> well, you know, it's interesting because i knew a lot -- i know still many people in oxford. that is in my district. but i haven't lived there a long time. i actually have family members in the school. and we spent a week not -- well, we still haven't told anyone what to do, i will say that, but the committee was so horribly impacted. so emotional about everything and still is. so, asking them, or telling them what to do is not -- we're not really ready for that right now. we spent a lot of time trying to support them. and what we've done in the last week, sort of open up our doors to say, what do you think? are you ready to talk? do you want to do something? just give us a call. and we've had a lot of people respond to that. so, people are starting to move forward. you know, it's a grieving process, right? we know that. moving forward. and now they're looking for action. so it's been really great. for all of the things they think are needed. and it's a big range of opportunity or ideas for what the community wants to see. they do want to see some action. >> you have backed several pieces of legislation aimed at approving gun control. one was legislation that allegedly the oxford shooting, with the parents letting him have access to a game. they say it was safely stored. what would your safe store bill require gun owners to do? >> it does require gun owners to keep their firearms safely stored so they're not accessible. it holds adults accountable if you do have a firearm and it's not safely stored and a minor gets possession and causes harm to themselves or others, they would be held accountable. and it also requires sellers to have eye apaper signed that simply states that i understand as a purchaser what my obligation is around safe storage. and the accountability that i'll be head to, if something happens. in that matter, our county prosecutor in this circumstance is very frustrated with the lack of adequate laws to be able to deal with, you know, parents that they view responsible for this. >> and as you look at the different states across the country, most states, they have different gun cultures. different gun laws. do you think they're taking action against the horrific violence we've seen, do you think this has to be tackle state by state? do you think anything is possible at the national level or will this be a state-by-state concern? >> it's certainly state-by-state now. we in michigan have introduced bills, multiple bills that would have impacted that shooting and other shootings that happen all the time, right, not just safe storage. but -- even thinks like basic contracts. that the people as a whole, again and again, in every poll, democrats, republicans, gun owners, believe that we should have this responsible legislation. this is just about public safety, responsible gun ownership. it doesn't even take guns away. so different states have different pieces in place. some actually have a reasonable set of bills. it would be great to have it at the national level. what we're doing here right now is working with our congress people. so the congresswoman who offered oxford all the time, she and i have been working together, our team have been working together. they actually just introduced the safe storage legislation that is comparable, very, very much the same the way as ours. we're going to keep working together from both sides as this needs to get fixed. >> absolutely. it just seems that americans right now are under so much stress. so many reasons for concern. a new covid variant. inflation. in the past week, seeing so many people afraid to send their children to school. on this issue of school violence threats against schools. do you see any progress? is there any good news? because on the surface it just looks like it's spiraling out of control. >> it does look like it's spiraling out of control. so the good to come of this, and we have talked to a lot of students by the way, and they are looking ing at us, we are literally the adults in the room. looking to us to say, you need to make it that they're not afraid to go to school. they're so direct. they're so direct. there's ways to do it. this is the froustration, this s the bills introduced in michigan, they've proven to be in place to be -- that they work that there is efficacy to reduce gun violence with responsible gun ownership bills. so, our hope, this is what we're shooting for. this is what we're pushing for in the legislature is that this horrible tragedy is the final thing that gives them permission to re-evaluate their resistance, right? to go back and say, you know what, we see this. this is not taking guns away. this is making it safe. safe for the public, responsible gun ownership. let's move forward on the gun bills to change their hearts and minds. >> senator, thanks for joining us. i remain skeptical, even this, after so many, we hope this will be the change. >> we're not letting go. thank you, paula. we're not letting go of this. >> best of luck with your work. >> thank you. edwardsville, illinois, paid tribute to the six people who died when a tornado struck in an amazon warehouse there. a candlelight vigil was held outside the warehouse last night, one week after the deadly tornadoes tore through that area. another ceremony was held earlier in the day outside the edwardsville fire department headquarters. the mayor there said that a dogwood tree is going to be planted in honor of the amazon employees who died and a plaque next to the tree. carla cope, the mother of one of the victims, described her final conversation with her son. >> we talked to him about 15 minutes before the storm hit. we had called and told him to get to shelter. he said he had to go tell somebody. so, we said, go, get to shelter. and we said i love you. and that was the last i talked to him. >> heartbreaking. cope's husband also works at the amazon warehouse. he was fortunately not there when the tornado hit. coming up, roger stone is the latest member of trump's inner circle to sit down with lawmakers investigating the january 6th insurrection. we'll tell you what he said and where the investigation goes from here. d a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. 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>> reporter: the committee furiously wrapping up a hectic week ahead of the holiday. the house referred meadows to the department of justice for potential comp tempt changes. investigators interviewing witnesses, keith kellogg, and a former doj official. and while most republicans continue to cast dutoubt on the committee and its work, one prominent republic republican seems open to discovery. >> well, i'm like you, i read the reports every day. and it will be interesting to see what they conclude. >> reporter: and while stone did show up for his deposition with the committee but probably didn't answer too many question another right-wconspiracy theoryist is taking a different route. alex jones scheduled to meet with the committee on saturday has had his deposition postponed, that's because the committee said that he is engaging with them at the current moment, this despite his public claims that he in no intention of cooperating on any level. ryan nobles, cnn, on capitol hill. all right, for more on the 1/6 committee's work. let's bring in ross garber. he's from tulane law school. roger stone loves going into the cameras, calling investigates invalid or corrupt. but he does have a right to invoke his fifth amendment if he has any concern about criminal repercussions. so, how do you see this playing out for him? >> yeah, well, remember, roger stone was actually convicted of lying to congress before. so he's been through this -- you know, he was going to do everything he could to having to avoid testifying. most people consider invoking the fifth don't, because they think it's going to look bad. that's not an issue for roger stone. now, the house could try to get him granted immunity. they could challenge his implication of the fifth. i don't think they're going to do either of those things. he's going to invoke the fifth but the committee is going to use other means to get at information. remember, they've subpoenaed cell phone records. they've got lots of other witnesses who are testifying and lots of other witnessing who are cooperating. >> i want to talk about this exclusive reporting by cnn. the november 5th text came from rick perry former energy secretary. a spokesman for perry tells cnn he denies being the author of the text. but a few things here, one, it is notable that he would be pushing a strategy to potentially disenfranchise millions of voters after the election. but also, the committee originally said this is from a lawmaker, yet another sort of forced error from the committee. so what's your reaction to this? and what does it mean for the investigation? >> yeah. so, a member of the committee who you said it was from a member of congress, i think it's now corrected the record said that was actually not the case. it's also not surprising that a republican loyalist rick perry or anybody else would be, you know, pushing this idea. because, you know, this is kind of a strategy that was in plain sight anyway, for quite a while, you know, this notion that the vice president, mike pence, could actually have a substantive role, even though it's not correct, kyou know, tht was sort of a strategy point that had been pushed for a long time and derived from the 1876 race between rutherford hayes and samuel tillman. where that same argument was made by the republicans in some ways successfully. because it prompted this this compromise that actually resulted in the republican getting elected. so that this was pushed -- that's not a surprise. but rick perry, you know, he's an establishment guy, that might be a little bit of a surprise. but it wouldn't surprise me that, you know, sort of this notion was actually being advocated for. >> and a pretty quick turnaround. we're talking november 4th, and the aggressive strategy to overturn those in three states and ultimately try to get the issue before the supreme court. it's unlikely, i've covered the former governor for a long time. it's unlikely he came up with this plan on the fly. does it appear to you that trump's plan was in play maybe before the election? >> it not only is apparent for me. i even wrote a piece for where i kind of laid out this idea. you know, all of this, you know, that strategy, played out in plain sight. there were lots of discussions about this notion. and, you know, imagine, donald trump hearing about this 1876 election that was challenged. and then, you know, a potential role for the president of the senate -- you know, that was going to be the strategy. we've heard accusations of fraud even before even election day. you know, it's somewhat surprising to me is that the plan actually was executed so ineptly, happily for the country and that lots of people in government, including lots of republicans in the states pushed back and had nothing to do with it. >> well, i don't know how surprising it is that it was executed ineptly. i think we've seen that before with legal strategies and the former president. ross garber, thank you so much. still ahead, for months, the biden administration has struggled to deal with this situation along the southern border of the united states. now, a dramatic surge in migrants is leaving border agents overwhelmed. an important report, after a quick break. to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. 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he says the people here have waited are for years to come to the u.s. they have no other choice. economic and political instability in much of latin america has driven more and more mike grants north. uma has become a destination where migrants can cross and turn themselves into border patrol. >> this is hul unusual. >> reporter: the uma mayor issued a declaration tour help the situation in his city. >> this is a very out of the ordinary level of traffic for uma. >> reporter: the migrant concerns along the u.s. mexico border have happened before. in october, border patrol arrested 22,000 people crossing the border in yuma, that's up from 1600 in january. >> we're busy everywhere, we're not slow in any specific location. so when you take resources from another location, from another busy location, you're just depleting those resources to deal with an issue that can be dealt with in policy. >> reporter: brandon judd is the president of the border patrol unit. he said smugglers and cartels contribute to the greater numbers. >> we're seeing so many people. >> reporter: arizona department of public safety has deployed to these parts of the border to monitor for criminal activity. >> out here, we're watching the desert, looking for movement, looking for any signs that that we have. of a group coming through. >> reporter: on this 75-mile stretch of the border, major cecil and his troopers try to fill in the dpgaps. >> what we're seeing say surge of illegal drugs. because border patrol is tied up they know that manpower out here is limited. >> reporter: this week, the biden administration is expected to send 100 agents here. for carlos and this group of migrants, getting on the bus is their best bet. for a better future. many of the migrants that are arriving here are middle class families from south america. and they're carrying suitcases and luggage. that's because they're flying into an airport in mexico, about 30 miles from their destination, making from months to just days. priscilla alvarez, arizona. >> thank you for that report. tiger woods is back on the greens for a two-day tournament. we'll take you live to the grounds next. and a quick programming note, join dr. sanjay gupta for a new cnn special report "weed 6" pmarijuana and autism. something you won't want to miss. excuse me! coming through! ugh! and then...the present. and finally, ebenezer...the future! introducing the all-electric eqs. happy holidays from mercedes-benz. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. most who achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months had lasting clearance through 1 year. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin at 3 years. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. try garlique healthy immune support formula. uniquely formulated with garlic, vitamins and minerals to support a strong, healthy immune system. garlique. february, tiger woods is back in action. he's playing with his son charlie at the pnc championship this weekend. >> andy scholes is at the course in orlando. andy, this is pretty cute, pretty wholesome content. what we can we expect from the father/son duo? >> reporter: hi, everyone, tiger said he's a languaong ways away playing in a big time tournament. tiger said she still has the hands, the feel, but his endurance is bringing him back. later he'll be out on the course with his son charlie. they were out here yesterday for the pro-am, this is the first time tiger playing in front of fans since that accident. tiger did use a cart to get around the course. he teed off from the pro tees but saying he just couldn't hit it as far as he used to. tiger played the back nine. dialed up from the back nine to rest the weekend. after spending three weeks in a bed, he worked every day to get back in the game again. this is what tiger had to say about his future in the game. >> i'm a long way away from playing tournament golf. you know, this is hit, hop in a cart, and moving about my business, just like i would back home. you know, playing tournament golf and being able to recover, practice and train and hit balls around, and do all the things i need to do to being at a high level, i'm a long way away from that. >> reporter: all right, so, today, the 36-hole scramble event will begin. and, guys, it's a fun, family event. it's not a serious tour event. tiger and his son charlie are going to be paired with their good friends dustin thomas and his dad. they're the reigning champions for the tournament. everyone loves having so much fun with how tiger and his son charlie have the same mannerisms. they swing the same. kind of celebrate the same as a good shot. everybody loves watching for that today. charlie and tiger the last ones to tee off today at 12:18 eastern. >> wholesome because he's playing with his son but to see him on the green is remarkable. andy scholes, from orlando, thank you. >> paula, what are you doing at 10:00 a.m.? >> i'll be right back here with you. but smer"smerconish" is up next. celebrate every kiss, with kay. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. 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Cnn , Protection , Shoulder , Boost , Oncoming Omicron , Delta Surge , Polo Sandoval , Reporter , Winter Surge , Concern , Latest , Rainy , Chilly , States , Reason , Care , Many , Clinic , Search , Folks , Country , Infection , Cancellations , Prompting , Disruptions , Radio City Music Hall , Holiday Season , Shows , Tradition , Spectacular Christmas , New York City , Data , Case , Pandemic , High , Friday , 21000 , State , Statements , Hospital Systems , Puerto Rico , Washington D C , 19900 , January 14th , 40 , 14 , Variant , Oomph , Disease Experts , Four , Virus , Places , Projection , La , Oregon , Governor , Statement , Vaccines , Number , Quote , Detecteded , Saying , Hawaii , Vaccination , Delta , Challenge , 150 Million , Things , Setting , Vaccine , Government , War , Court , Testing , Employees , Companies , Vaccine Mandates , Victory , Rules , Court Ruling , 100 , Public Health , Work , Interventions , Mitigations , Communities , Children , Tools , Part , Symptoms , Studies , Of Nih , Francis Collins , Family Members , Need , Line , City , Polo Sandoval Reporting , Chris Bernall , Pernell , Physician , New Jersey , Newark , Threats , Records , Tests , Haven T , Series , Exposure , Everything , Everywhere , Streets , Shot , Full Court Press , Amount , Definition , Vaccine Options , Fauci Say , It , Booster , Isn T , Light , Empathically , Cdc , Level , Variants , Covid Don T , Immunities , Hand In , Unvaccinated , Push , Above , 16 , Doctor , Hopes , Pfizer , Kids , Doses , Unboosted , Trial , 5 , 2 , Mean , Adults , Medical School , Lives , Safe , Household , Vending Machine , Aren T Vaccinated Safe , Pos , Needs , Bottom Line , Both , Third , Social Media Platform Tiktok , Thing , Expertise , Cast Dutoubt On The Committee , January 6th Riot , Edge , Rumors , Election , Meadows , Text Messages , Vitamin C , Immune System , Body , Defenses , Centrum , Support , Zinc , Season , D , Ace , Routine , Bed , Sleep , Sleep Number , Problem , Holiday Savings Event , Smart Bed , Movements , Look , Cold , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Interest , Weekend Special , Science , Miss , Night After , Ends Monday , 0 , 50 , 48 , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Me Undetectable , Medicines , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Liver Problems , Help , Reaction , Reactions , Side Effects , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Breastfeeding , Tiredness , Fever , Treatment Appointments , Some , Injection Site Reactions , Pregnancy , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Serena , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 3 , 10 , Pill , Cause , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Home , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Vacation , App , Panic Room , Family Needs , Basement Slash , Slash Classroom , Vrbo , Power , Sanctuary , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Vague Tiktok Trend , School Officials , School Violence , Videos , Department Of Homeland Security , Law Enforcement Resources , School Closures , Safety Precaution , Felt Scary , In Altadena , Alert , California , Trend , Columbine , Warnings , Violence , Episodes , None , Stress , Police Officers , Districts , Result , Teachers , Administrators , Crisis Teams , Anxiety , Meeting , Gimp , Teacher , Worst , Photo , Classroom Doors , Restraints , The School , School Psychologist , Maine , Shooting , Traffic , Contagion Effect , School Shootings , Something , Michigan , Misinformation , Friday Ak , Resources , Locations , Holiday Shopping Season , Chief Ramsey , Lot , Attack , Lone Wolf , Others , School Districts , School District , Precaution , Telling , Policy , Backpacks , Brian Todd , School , Clear , Tragedies , Law Enforcements , Guest , Opportunity , Area , Thanks , Oxford , Take , Fact , District , Ther S , Kind , Closing , Nobody , Issue , Response , Anyone , Doors , Process , Call , Action , Community , Range , Ideas , Game , Legislation , Pieces , Gun Control , Gun Owners , Bill , Store , Firearms , Causes , Firearm , Accountable , Minor , Possession , Sellers , Storage , Accountability , Obligation , Purchaser , County Prosecutor , Eye Apaper , Laws , Circumstance , Lack , Anything , Gun Laws , Gun Cultures , Bills , Shootings , Republicans , Contracts , Whole , Poll , Democrats , Place , Guns , Gun Ownership , Safety , It Doesn T , Set , Congresswoman , Congress , Team , Sides , Covid Variant , Reasons , Inflation , Out Of Control , Progress , Surface , Room , Ing , Ways , Froustration , Gun Violence , Gun Ownership Bills , Legislature , Hope , Efficacy , Say , Tragedy , Resistance , Permission , Hearts , Gun Bills , Public , Minds , Senator , Paula , Change , Luck , Edwardsville , Illinois , Tornado , Ceremony , Tornadoes , Warehouse , Tribute , Candlelight Vigil , Last Night , Amazon Warehouse , Six , Carla Cope , Mayor , Dogwood Tree , Plaque , Tree , Honor , Edwardsville Fire Department Headquarters , Amazon , Son , Somebody , Storm Hit , Conversation , Victims , 15 , Roger Stone , Husband , Last , I Love You , Tornado Hit , Coming Up , Heartbreaking , Cope , Member , Investigation , Move , Lawmakers , Da Loan , Inner Circle , Money , Feel , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , Google , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , Stand , Copd Medicine , On By , Breeze Driftin , Feelin Good , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Won T , Three , Breathing Problems , High Blood Pressure , Breathing , Chest Pain , Risk , Heart Condition , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , Pain , Vision Changes , Trelegy Com , Xfinity , Theaters , Sing 2 , Family , Sing , Movie , Tunes , Tickets , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , , 1 , Members , Rewards , A Million , Style , January 6th Riot On Capitol Hill , Donald Trump , Supporter , Questions , Adviser , Fifth Amendment Rights , Witnesses , Supporters , Committee Investigation , January 6th Committee , Update , Ryan Nobles , Gentlemen , Subpoena , Question , Rights , Law , Duty , Anything Wrong , House , History , Fabricatinge Ing Perjury Charge , Showman Style , Stone , Substance , Martyr , Right Wing , Witch Hunt , 3 0 , Protesters , Millions , Pay , Security , Rallies , Fervor , Stages , Dollars , Speakers , Nothing , Information , Interview , Heist , 2020 , Investigators , Organizer , Caroline Wren , Committee Members , Wren , Fund Raiser Rally , Receipt Of , Mark Meadows , Phil Waldron , Holiday , Document , Official , Doj , Department Of Justice , Potential Comp Tempt Changes , Keith Kellogg , Deposition , Show , Republic , Discovery , Route , Wconspiracy Theoryist , Alex Jones , Right , Claims , More , Intention , Capitol Hill , Ross Garber , Tulane Law School , 1 6 , Corrupt , Cameras , Repercussions , Calling , Playing , Immunity , Fifth , Implication , Cell Phone Records , Rick Perry , Exclusive Reporting , Former , November 5th Text , November 5th , Spokesman , Text , Author , Voters , Sort , Lawmaker , Error , Idea , Record , Anybody , Loyalist , Notion , Kyou Know , Mike Pence , Sight , Role , Tht , Strategy Point , Argument , Race , Samuel Tillman , Rutherford Hayes , 1876 , Surprise , Compromise , Guy , Establishment , Bit , Strategy , It Wouldn T , Turnaround , November 4th , 4 , Plan , Supreme Court , Fly , Piece , In Plain Sight , Discussions , Potential Role , Hearing , Senate , Imagine , Election Day , Fraud , Accusations , Ineptly , Border , Strategies , Migrants , Kiss , Report , With Kay , Break , Border Agents , Kisses , Led , Man , Car , Manager , Experience , Doubt , Couch , Carvana , Next , Vo , She S A Beauty , Salesman , Someone , Color , Checking In , Site , Golly , Laughter , Heartburn , Anna , Night , Reality , It Starts , Night Protection , Dream , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , World , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Nourishing Prebiotic , Oat Formula , Aveeno , True Jen , Daily , Moisturizer , Scientist , Hi Jen , Sabrina , Face , Daily Moisture , Nature Tm I Gotta , Driftin , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Save , Future , Owner , Investor , Access , Advice , Vanguard , Protein , Nutrients , Energy , Health , Sugar , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Best , Emergen C , Emergen C Thousands , Region , Customs And Border Protection , Unisector , Mexico , Arizona , Custody , Capacity , Arrests , Cvp , 300 , 2800 , Carlos A Migrant , Priscilla Alvary , Guarantees , Face To , Agents , Thousands , Asylum , Border Patrol , South America , Station , Vans , Buss , Much , Instability , Choice , Latin America , Uma , Destination , Declaration Tour Help , Mike Grants , Concerns , Mexico Border Have , October , Location , Yuma , 1600 , 22000 , Cartels , Smugglers , Border Patrol Unit , Brandon Judd , Criminal Activity , Movement , Parts , Desert , Arizona Department Of Public Safety , Group , Dpgaps , Major , Troopers , Cecil , 75 , Bus , Drugs , Manpower , Families , Bet , Suitcases , Luggage , Airport , Priscilla Alvarez , 30 , Tournament , Special Report , Greens , Grounds , Programming Note , Sanjay Gupta For A New , Weed 6 , Pmarijuana , Autism , Then , The Future , Ebenezer , Holidays , Eqs , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Mercedes Benz , Vitamins C , Life , Skin , Woman , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Most , Study , Starter Doses , 90 , Treatment , Ability , Tuberculosis , Chills , Coughs , Fevers , Sweats , Muscle Aches , Dermatologist , Vitamins , Garlic , Garlique Healthy Immune Support Formula , Minerals , Strong , Garlique , Charlie , Andy Scholes , Championship , Orlando , Content , Father , Duo , Hands , Big Time , Endurance , Languaong , Tiger , Pro Am , Time , Cart , Accident , Front , Fans , Tees , Weekend , Spending , Dialed Up , Back , Nine , Hit , Business , Practice , Train , Balls , Golf , Hop In A Cart , Tournament Golf , Fun , Scramble Event , Family Event , Guys , 36 , Dustin Thomas , Tour Event , Champions , Dad , Everybody , Same , Mannerisms , 12 , Green , Wholesome , 00 , Smerconish , Woman Vo , Breast Cancer , Greetings , Thriver , Audi , Aromatase Inhibitor , Women , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Disease , Blood Cell , Cough , Yellowing , Dizziness , Appetite , Urine , Loss , Eyes , Bleeding , Bruising , Rash , Grapefruit , Farmers , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Quote Today , Bum , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum ,

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