Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

feel like scrooge in the grinch right now. the news on the covid-19 pandemic getting worse by the day as the holiday season hits full effect right now, i almost forgot to take my mask off to start the show. they had to remind me you have your mask on. didn't we think that we were done with this? well, as we have seen time and time again covid is not done with us. cases surging about 120,000 new cases per day. and let me say that again, nearly 120,000 new cases per day. that is a 40% jump over just last month. most of them are the delta variant, but omicron is right on the heels. that variant is highly transmissible and it spreads a lot faster than the delta variant. pay attention to this dire warning tonight about omicron. it's from michael osterholm. you've seen him here on this program, one of the nation's leading infectious disease experts. >> i think we're really just about to experience a viral blizzard. if you look at what's happened in south africa, in europe, i think in the next 3 to 8 weeks we're going to see millions of americans are going to be infected with this virus, and that will be overlaid on top of delta. and we're not yet sure how exactly that is going to work out. >> millions more infected with the virus, but will that lead to more hospitalizations, even deaths? let's hope not. so far the cases seem to be milder than even the delta variant, the ones from omicron. president joe biden meeting with his covid advisers this afternoon, issuing his own warning especially for the unvaccinated. >> it's here now, and it's spreading. and it's going to increase. for unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for unvaccinated. for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm. but there's good news. if you're vaccinated and have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death, period. >> a winter of severe illness and death. we have learned nothing in the nearly two years that we've been dealing with this pandemic. have we learned nothing? it was exactly one year ago that the first person in the united states, a nurse in new york received the covid vaccine outside of a clinical trial. at that time the virus had already killed 300,000 americans. now a full year later 800,000 americans are dead from covid. and that number is rising every single day. on average covid is claiming 1,300 american lives each day. tracking data from john hopkins university confirms that daily number is higher now than it was last month. again, have we learned nothing? and still millions of eligible americans refusing to get vaccinated. and we've got a big rush now to get those who did get vaccinated boosted. dr. anthony fauci with a blunt warning. >> the cases are going up. we have an average of about 117,000 cases. we have an increase in the percentage of hospitalizations. deaths are still over 1,000. and then you have looking over your shoulder the omicron variant, which we know from what's going on in south africa or in the u.k. is a highly transmissible virus. >> so here's the bottom line. get vaccinated, people. wear a mask indoors. i mean, these simple protocols are all that we -- it's the only thing we're going to do to get covid in control, get control of covid. and remember we can expect more and possibly more dangerous variants to follow delta and omicron, right, if it keeps mutating, keeps replicating because it's still out there because people won't get vaccinated. it's just a vicious cycle. also tonight, president joe biden throwing in the towel on getting the build back better bill plan passed by the christmas deadline acknowledging he and senator joe manchin, the hold out west virginia democrat, are still too far apart on what's in the bill and how to pay for it. saying he's determined to see build back better become law next year and laying into republicans for failing to help move the bill forward, basically calling them obstructionists. except he's got a problem with his own party. he and most senate democrats really wanted to get the bill passed before the christmas break. most but not all. now, it's not going to happen. and some senators expressing anger and frustration with joe manchin refusing at this point to still get onboard. >> what's the general feeling? >> frustrated and disappointed. >> at this point is it time to start thinking about breaking up bbb into more digestible pieces? >> i don't know that's the answer or not. apparently manchin's approach to this has changed a lot. i don't know where he is today or where he'll be tomorrow. >> we have one person or two people just stopping everything, and that is why the people in our country should know that a 50-50 senate sucks. >> democrats heading home for the holidays without the president's biggest legislative priority. so is the strategy to change priority? >> there's nothing domestically more important than voting rights, the single biggest issue. >> well, that sounds good except chuck schumer admitting today that's also off the table for this year. no build back better, no voting rights legislation, two big lumps of coal in democratic stockings. so the president issuing a sobering warning about the omicron variant after meeting with his top covid advisers today. and joining me now andy slavitt, a former biden white house senior advisor for covid response and the author of "preventable how leadership failures politics and selfishness doomed the coronavirus response." thank you for joining us, andy. how are you doing? >> doing fine. good to be back. >> look, i enjoy speaking to you, but under these circumstances i'd rather not if you know what i mean. president biden is warning of very serious illness and even death for unvaccinated americans due to omicron. and for the vaccinated he is saying get the booster. what's in store for this country? >> i think we're in store for a -- a very quick, very fast spreading and hopefully soon to be over wave that is going to overwhelm hospitals. and i think the good and the bad of this is if it goes up fast usually it goes down fast. but for the health care workers, the hospitals, for people who are sick even sick with things other than covid, that represents a real danger and a real threat. so for people who are boosted i think they can unlike last year at this time when we felt a wave coming, we didn't have a tool that we could give all americans. today we do. and so for all of us individually we can feel very good if we take advantage of the science we're going to be in good shape. for the country as a whole this is going to be a very rough january. >> andy, you are -- i'm sure you're looking at the model. you're hearing the sort of antidotal things i'm hearing as well. you don't necessarily see that in the news. and, you know, companies are being very quiet about the people who are becoming positive within their ranks. is this -- is this worse than we know about at this point? is this everywhere, this omicron -- especially omicron and delta? >> well, it's more widespread. we don't know if it's worse. i think one of the biggest struggles is even if it's widespread or milder or not as severe, too many people are infected. which means even if a smaller percentage of people go to the hospital, it will overwhelm hospitals. you're looking at the sports leagues. and there's a meeting today of all the sports leagues getting together and looking at the data, and, you know, it's pretty apparent from sports leagues from colleges looking what's happened with some of the colleges reporting information, they're just spreading really rapidly. but we don't know whether there are more people getting it asymptomatically or in prior forms or they have t-cells in their vaccine. so we could see people who have some protection get it but just not get it as badly, and we can only hope that's the case. >> so what do you say to -- these are the conversations that people are having. i'm not -- i'm vaccinated. i'm boosted. i think everybody's going to eventually get it. i'm surprised that i haven't gotten it. if i do, i know i'm going to be okay. but for me especially around the holidays it's a matter of convenience or inconvenience. i want to be able to go home and see my family. i want to be able to get on an airplane. i want to be able to take that trip overseas and not have a positive covid test. do you understand what i'm saying? is that the wrong attitude to have about this? because now it's -- especially the people who are vaccinated, the real concern is not getting sick and dying. of course they happened not want to do that. the real concern is one of being inconvenienced and not being able to do things. >> nobody wants to go through this again. i think people sacrificed in prior christmases and thanksgivings, and i don't think people are this year. what i do hope people will avail themselves of the tools. we have rapid at home tests. we have booster shots. we have masks. we have the ability to do things outdoors. we have ventilation. all of these things if you can afford to take a rapid at home test, i would argue if you can afford to take a rapid at home test, take $10 out of your christmas budget that you were going to buy for gifts this year and give everybody a test. then when they come over for christmas you can have a great time and not worry about. so i like the fact we have tools now that can allow people to live their lives. but if they sit on the shelves, don, and we don't use them -- if we don't get boosted, we don't use the at-home tests, then people are putting themselves at risks they don't need to. >> what good are the at-home tests -- so let's just say that i come in contact with someone who is covid-positive, right, and you are somehow exposed to it. you take a test a couple days later. that doesn't necessarily mean that you haven't -- that it shows up yet. or just because you test negative it doesn't mean on your way to the office or from the office of getting that test that you came in contact with someone who was covid positive and -- is that a false sense of security? because i used to think, look, i'm in this restaurant and everyone is vaccinated and have to show their cards. but is all of that a false sense of security? i mean, this is what people are wondering at home. people who were watching are wondering. >> look, there's no perfect indicator whether it's a booster shot or a test. what the tests are good at doing, they're good at telling you whether or not you're infectious. what it's good at telling you is whether or not you're likely to be infectious in carrying it around and ergo likely to spread it. taking that test in particular if you take it on top of other things gives you a lot more surety. so i wouldn't say there's any one surefire thing, but i would say if you've taken an at-home test and it shows up negative, you can be pretty confident you're not contagious. >> i want to talk about what's happening. you mentioned the sports leagues. i want to talk to you about that a little bit more, also what's happening on broadway. should we be gathering in large groups and also the cdc guidelines on quarantining if we have enough time. i'm going to take a break and come back with andy slavitt. we'll be right back. with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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>> things are changing fast. it was only a week or two ago you and i sitting in a studio together. we probably wouldn't do that today or would be more cautious about doing that. and that's just a short amount of time in the past. and yet we were going to head to new york. we were going to see my son, do some things in new york. and we decided we could afford not to do it. it wasn't worth it as much as we would have loved to have seen him. so i think people are going to have to reevaluate based upon the case count. the odd thing is cases are doubling every two to three days. you think about that. that means if you have 100,000 cases at christmas, you have 400,000 by new year's. so it's almost like the human mind doesn't get -- wrap around something growing that rapidly. and so it's -- you've got to kind of play forward. and unless you are perfectly comfortable getting covid or you're boosted and you're young and so forth, then it becomes a bit of a risk to travel because you're always playing into what is going to look like a couple days from now. and a couple days from now things are a lot worse than they are today. >> i want to put it up as you're talking about this. this is omicron in the united states. it's gone from less than 1% to 3% of cases. if you look at new york, new jersey it's jumped to 13% of cases. so here's the question. we've got these big -- obviously everyone's going to everyone's houses, right? you're going to be inside. but we also have these big celebrations that we have. the mayor of new york was going on, the outgoing mayor was on a couple minutes ago with my colleague here. he's saying they're still going to have to new year's eve thing in times square but everybody's vaccinated, what have you. you can still get it if you're vaccinated, right? should we be having these big events? >> well, look, we have to adjust our mind-set. before omicron two doses and you were vaccinated, your immunity was waning but at least you were vaccinated. you know, now think about it as the equivalent of losing a dose. now two doses of omicron is now the equivalent of having one dose. three doses is now the equivalent of having two doses before. so everybody's risk has gone up a little bit. there's no world under which you wouldn't want to be boosted in this current climate because the difference between having -- being boosted and having two doses right now is pretty significant. so, you know, if you do that i think you can feel good knowing that your risk of severe illness is much, much, much lower but you still might get infected. and i think that's the reality. >> even an outside event? >> well, we don't have data yet on the spread during outside events. it's much, much less likely. it'd be much more comfortable outside than inside. things happen. i think we'll learn, but i'm much more comfortable dining out doors and doing things outdoors than i certainly would be indoors. >> what happened someone like me going from a high vaccinated area, like 90% of new yorkers have at least one shot to somewhere in louisiana that's low vaccination rate. that's a concern for me. how concerned should everyone be? i think it stands at 50% in louisiana. >> the people unvaccinated in louisiana will be at much, much higher risk than you will be. but you want to hope you or a loved one doesn't need to go to a hospital because the hospitals will likely be very, very busy and triaging quite a bit over the course of the next few weeks. you know, you have -- so you're always going to be in better shape if you're vaccinated and you're boosted, but the people around you who aren't are at greater risk. and, you know, there's greater risk than ever that you'll get a mild case. i think we can be confident given how healthy and in good shape you are if you do get a case of covid, it wouldn't be too serious. but we never know. these cases, even the nonserious cases can be quite troubling as all of us know people who have gone through that. >> hey, this is a lightening rod. what should we be concerned about with all the sports teams and broadway shutting down shows or whatever? talk to me about that, andy. >> i think -- i think they're just in -- they're just in for kind of canceled games and so on. hopefully it will be short-lived. knock on wood we'll peak the third week in january and we'll be back at it after that. >> and what about the quarantining guidelines on isolation? does that need to change from ten days if you're asymptomatic? >> there's really no data on that yet to suggest that it has to. unless we hear otherwise, that's what i'd assume. >> still ten days? >> yeah, still ten days. >> all right, thank you andy slavitt. i appreciate it. >> you got it. president biden says it is the single most important issue facing the country right now. congressman jim clyburn tells me if he thinks voting rights legislation can finally get passed in congress. just getting by. it's an ongoing struggle. that's why president biden and democrats in congress have a plan to lower costs for america's working families. lower costs of health care premiums. and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. we do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. 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>> well, i don't think they're dropping the ball. i said that we're trying to deal with what we've got to deal with. the fact of the matter you need 50% plus one in order for the bill to pass here to get rid of the filibuster or find a way to work around the filibuster. how do you keep the 50? you've got to figure out whether or not you can get joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to agree to some kind of a work around. we haven't gotten there yet, but i wouldn't give up on it. >> you're predicting the republicans will get rid of the filibuster the moment they can. does the president need to make this priority number one because he's been lukewarm at best on abolishing the filibuster. >> well, the president as you know is the product of the senate. he has a lot of friends there, and he doesn't want to do anything to disrupt what the senate is going to do. i think it's up to the democratic senators to decide whether or not they want to do this work around or leave themselves up to the creativity of mitch mcconnell when he gets to be -- if he gets to be the majority. >> congressman, before we go, you have a very special day tomorrow. listen, i never went to my commencement, but i got mine in the mail. but you were not able to march at your graduation south carolina state university. that was 60 years ago because you graduated in the wintertime, but tomorrow president biden is going to give a commencement speech at your alma mater and after all this time he's going to hand your diploma to you. what's that going to feel like to you? >> it's going to feel great. and i think it's going to be a message to the students there. after 60 years i'll be coming back walking with them and getting my diploma from the united states even though my state did not allow me to march when i finished. and it's kind of interesting, but i think it'll be a good message for the students not to ever give up. and i will have the opportunity to say a few words myself, and i will use that issue to encourage them. >> i think you did okay after all these years. thank you, congressman. i appreciate it. it's always a pleasure. congratulations to you. >> thank you very much. appreciate you having me. and president biden acknowledging tonight that his build back better bill will now be pushed into 2022 despite pledges to get it done before christmas. democrats have been voicing frustration all day that the bill isn't over the finish line and putting the blame on one senator. that's joe manchin. >> how is the general feeling about where things stand? are you frustrated? >> frustrated, disappointed. >> what is your message to him? >> we have talked and talked and talked. it's time to put it on the floor. >> you can have one person or two people just stop everything, and that is why people in our country should know that a 50-50 senate sucks and we can't get things done. >> so joining me now cnn senior political analysts ron brownstein and kirsten powers. good evening to you. here we go. i think we predicted this, but here we go. kirsten, senator manchin is dismissing this. here it is. >> they're pressuring you to change your position. >> no one pressures me. >> are you going to change your position on that? >> the way it's in the bill, the one year extension. >> so he is for the child tax credit, but he has been saying all along he had a problem with the price tag and the scope, so why are democrats surprised this isn't going anywhere? >> because the price tag has come down substantially. and at this point there is no reason for joe manchin to believe that this entire bill should be written to his specifications as if the only opinion that matters is his. i think there's a real problem with this, that he really has this idea that it's whatever he wants is the way the bill should be. and there's been so many accommodations made for him that it's time for him to step up and make some accommodations of his own. and honestly, at this point i think it would be better off if he just became an independent or a republican and so we can stop playing this game that, you know, that joe biden has these democrats that he's not bringing around. because there's just no reason to not support this bill if you're a democrat. and at least it would be very clarifying he could still be an independent and caucus the democrats when he wants to, but be very clarifying because he's not opposing this bill based on any issues, you know, that any democrat wouldn't support. moderate democrats support this bill in the house. this is not about this wildly progressive bill. this is a perfectly mainstream bill. >> but isn't he proving the progressives right because he said we're going to be duped because we're giving up all this stuff if they got one they would get the other and they made all these concessions, and still manchin is in the same place as he was or at least using a different excuse about why he's not supporting it. >> yes, because i think there was this story line happening that somehow the progressives were the ones that were the problem or we're holding things up, when in fact they support joe biden's agenda. and so it wasn't -- the people who were holding it up were kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. and joe manchin has continued to be highly problematic and using inflation as the excuse even though his is not an inflationary bill. the cbo score does not account from revenue that would come from tax enforcement. i'm sorry, joe manchin, the world doesn't revolve around you. >> that's what i was going to say. ron brownstein, do you think he's getting off on the attention and the power he can make on these bills? >> the power. look, near death experiences are common with big legislative fights. but even with that this has been a brutal 72 hours i think for democrats. because what it says is after months of negotiation and cajoling and substantive concessions, as kirsten was saying enormous concessions on this bill and the voting rights bill it appears both he and sinema on different fronts are willing -- still willing to sink the core of the democratic agenda. i mean there's a little bit of a catch-22 developing here where sinema seems to have come around on the build back better bill, but manchin alone is saying that his view should prevail and he is unwilling to do it. and then conversely reformers feel they're making some headway with manchin on perhaps finding some adjustment to the filibuster that would allow them to pass voting rights, but sinema is digging in against any change in the filibuster on voting rights. so on both fronts you have a single democratic senator saying their view should prevail over literally everyone else in the party in the house, the senate, the white house, the governors, and that is just a unique and incredibly destructive environment. >> even left leaning slate is out with a piece that says in part "caving to manchin's demands will require democrats to sacrifice some worthy parts of their agenda but it's time for them to buck up and do it lest they end up with nothing at all." do democrats have any option here at all, ron brownstein? do they have another option? >> they do. the demands manchin are making now are fundamentally incompatible. he's basically saying the bill should be held to $1.75 trillion but any programs included in it should be funded over ten years. if you did the child tax credit that about eats up the entire spending he's willing to support at this point. so, yes, clearly they are going to have to make some changes if they are going to get him onboard. but what he is asking for is essentially something that would blow up the entire democratic coalition. and maybe that's why he's asking for it. i mean other democratic senators have said to me he's indicated privately he is fine if this does not pass at all, but he does recognize that doing that would potentially, you know, sink joe biden's presidency. and he doesn't want to be responsible for that. and that means this really does come down to the president finding a way to move him. but, again, this situation is remarkable. west virginia ranks 44th, i believe, is the number in childhood poverty. it would benefit enormously for many of the provisions in this bill expanding health care access, the child tax credit, child care subsidies, universal pre-k. and manchin is choosing i think mostly for political reasons so he can look as though he's saying no to the left, to stand in the way of that. >> that's fairly obvious. kirsten, did you want to say something? >> i was going to say i think ron raises probably the most important part of this, that he's sinking joe biden's agenda. and joe biden's success if you're a democrat as he says he is, and i would even say for people who aren't necessarily democrats but are concerned about democracy, it's an incredible -- causing incredible harm really to the country ultimately when you have one party that does not support democracy and you are willing to torpedo the agenda of the president -- >> it's not even that. it is that, but it's also because of -- listen, west virginia is one state. and i understand he has constituents there. but he is holding up what is best for the greater good for the rest of the country because he's myopic about something that is happening -- >> even west virginia, don. west virginia is on the front of the list that would benefit from many of these provisions. >> what i'm saying is by harming biden he's in effect harming democracy because there is no -- because biden is really, you know, the only person at this point standing between, you know, us and everything falling apart in terms of the republican party having allegiance to -- to donald trump and everything they're doing with -- that we've seen that's been coming out around the january 6th investigation. and so it has much bigger ramifications. i think those ramifications are big enough on their own, but they are even bigger than that. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. >> so a louisiana judge under fire after video surfaces showing her using racist slurs at her home. now she is facing calls to resign. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections —some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? 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>> well, you heard a lot of talk at the end of that piece about that commission. that judiciary commission will have a chance to review what happened and make a suggestion. one of the things we didn't do in this piece when you listen to it -- when you go online and listen to it in the full. and of course we don't want to play the n-word over and over again. >> yeah, i wonder why be bleeped it so much. we should have played it because i wanted people to hear the context because what she did was so odious. >> when you listen to it fully and the first time when it was going viral you could see how comfortable they seemed making the comments and they were laughing and giggling about using the word and even calling the suspect a roach. and that's what really stood out to a lot of people, the governor making his comments tonight maybe she should step down. but one of the things that stood out about the governor's comments any time an african-american would be in her courtroom there would be obviously someone who could say maybe she should not be involved in this space because after she displayed this sort of language in her own household, how could someone get a fair trial? so all these questions are being brought into the process at this point. if you think about it if you're african-american facing someone in court and she's the judge you may ask and say how is this fair considering the language that was used in that home? >> but she's saying she used a sedative and doesn't remember doing it. but the reason she took the sedative was because she was so upset by it. so she would have made those remarks before she took the sedative, so her excuse doesn't appear to make any sense. >> right. and if you think about it, don, and you've listened to this audio a few times. if you listen to the inflection in her voice it didn't sound like anybody was in fear in that video. it sounded like there was a lot of joy and laughter during that video. it really stood out in terms of how cavalier people were with throwing the n-word around over and over again. and when you listen to it in its entirety it shocks you how comfortable everyone was in that video. >> people have had cases before her asking them to go back and review those cases because they think if they're going to have a case come they want her to recuse herself but also want to look at her old cases because they're saying she cannot be impartial because of the language she used about black people. >> you think about this. it's a slippery slope on all the cases we have in that area in that state. you know people are looking at that state under the microscope for a bunch of other cases. but now you have a judge who might have been putting sentences on peel, and the idea someone might have been calling someone a roach and the n-word in the same sentence. you can understand why someone who's wearing a robe considered at the height of justice would be looked at under a microscope after that word was used in that video. >> thank you so much for that piece. i appreciate that, ryan. she defied jim crow when she say 15 and paid the price. now claudette coleman is getting vindication for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger 66 years ago. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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feel like scrooge in the grinch right now. the news on the covid-19 pandemic getting worse by the day as the holiday season hits full effect right now, i almost forgot to take my mask off to start the show. they had to remind me you have your mask on. didn't we think that we were done with this? well, as we have seen time and time again covid is not done with us. cases surging about 120,000 new cases per day. and let me say that again, nearly 120,000 new cases per day. that is a 40% jump over just last month. most of them are the delta variant, but omicron is right on the heels. that variant is highly transmissible and it spreads a lot faster than the delta variant. pay attention to this dire warning tonight about omicron. it's from michael osterholm. you've seen him here on this program, one of the nation's leading infectious disease experts. >> i think we're really just about to experience a viral blizzard. if you look at what's happened in south africa, in europe, i think in the next 3 to 8 weeks we're going to see millions of americans are going to be infected with this virus, and that will be overlaid on top of delta. and we're not yet sure how exactly that is going to work out. >> millions more infected with the virus, but will that lead to more hospitalizations, even deaths? let's hope not. so far the cases seem to be milder than even the delta variant, the ones from omicron. president joe biden meeting with his covid advisers this afternoon, issuing his own warning especially for the unvaccinated. >> it's here now, and it's spreading. and it's going to increase. for unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for unvaccinated. for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm. but there's good news. if you're vaccinated and have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death, period. >> a winter of severe illness and death. we have learned nothing in the nearly two years that we've been dealing with this pandemic. have we learned nothing? it was exactly one year ago that the first person in the united states, a nurse in new york received the covid vaccine outside of a clinical trial. at that time the virus had already killed 300,000 americans. now a full year later 800,000 americans are dead from covid. and that number is rising every single day. on average covid is claiming 1,300 american lives each day. tracking data from john hopkins university confirms that daily number is higher now than it was last month. again, have we learned nothing? and still millions of eligible americans refusing to get vaccinated. and we've got a big rush now to get those who did get vaccinated boosted. dr. anthony fauci with a blunt warning. >> the cases are going up. we have an average of about 117,000 cases. we have an increase in the percentage of hospitalizations. deaths are still over 1,000. and then you have looking over your shoulder the omicron variant, which we know from what's going on in south africa or in the u.k. is a highly transmissible virus. >> so here's the bottom line. get vaccinated, people. wear a mask indoors. i mean, these simple protocols are all that we -- it's the only thing we're going to do to get covid in control, get control of covid. and remember we can expect more and possibly more dangerous variants to follow delta and omicron, right, if it keeps mutating, keeps replicating because it's still out there because people won't get vaccinated. it's just a vicious cycle. also tonight, president joe biden throwing in the towel on getting the build back better bill plan passed by the christmas deadline acknowledging he and senator joe manchin, the hold out west virginia democrat, are still too far apart on what's in the bill and how to pay for it. saying he's determined to see build back better become law next year and laying into republicans for failing to help move the bill forward, basically calling them obstructionists. except he's got a problem with his own party. he and most senate democrats really wanted to get the bill passed before the christmas break. most but not all. now, it's not going to happen. and some senators expressing anger and frustration with joe manchin refusing at this point to still get onboard. >> what's the general feeling? >> frustrated and disappointed. >> at this point is it time to start thinking about breaking up bbb into more digestible pieces? >> i don't know that's the answer or not. apparently manchin's approach to this has changed a lot. i don't know where he is today or where he'll be tomorrow. >> we have one person or two people just stopping everything, and that is why the people in our country should know that a 50-50 senate sucks. >> democrats heading home for the holidays without the president's biggest legislative priority. so is the strategy to change priority? >> there's nothing domestically more important than voting rights, the single biggest issue. >> well, that sounds good except chuck schumer admitting today that's also off the table for this year. no build back better, no voting rights legislation, two big lumps of coal in democratic stockings. so the president issuing a sobering warning about the omicron variant after meeting with his top covid advisers today. and joining me now andy slavitt, a former biden white house senior advisor for covid response and the author of "preventable how leadership failures politics and selfishness doomed the coronavirus response." thank you for joining us, andy. how are you doing? >> doing fine. good to be back. >> look, i enjoy speaking to you, but under these circumstances i'd rather not if you know what i mean. president biden is warning of very serious illness and even death for unvaccinated americans due to omicron. and for the vaccinated he is saying get the booster. what's in store for this country? >> i think we're in store for a -- a very quick, very fast spreading and hopefully soon to be over wave that is going to overwhelm hospitals. and i think the good and the bad of this is if it goes up fast usually it goes down fast. but for the health care workers, the hospitals, for people who are sick even sick with things other than covid, that represents a real danger and a real threat. so for people who are boosted i think they can unlike last year at this time when we felt a wave coming, we didn't have a tool that we could give all americans. today we do. and so for all of us individually we can feel very good if we take advantage of the science we're going to be in good shape. for the country as a whole this is going to be a very rough january. >> andy, you are -- i'm sure you're looking at the model. you're hearing the sort of antidotal things i'm hearing as well. you don't necessarily see that in the news. and, you know, companies are being very quiet about the people who are becoming positive within their ranks. is this -- is this worse than we know about at this point? is this everywhere, this omicron -- especially omicron and delta? >> well, it's more widespread. we don't know if it's worse. i think one of the biggest struggles is even if it's widespread or milder or not as severe, too many people are infected. which means even if a smaller percentage of people go to the hospital, it will overwhelm hospitals. you're looking at the sports leagues. and there's a meeting today of all the sports leagues getting together and looking at the data, and, you know, it's pretty apparent from sports leagues from colleges looking what's happened with some of the colleges reporting information, they're just spreading really rapidly. but we don't know whether there are more people getting it asymptomatically or in prior forms or they have t-cells in their vaccine. so we could see people who have some protection get it but just not get it as badly, and we can only hope that's the case. >> so what do you say to -- these are the conversations that people are having. i'm not -- i'm vaccinated. i'm boosted. i think everybody's going to eventually get it. i'm surprised that i haven't gotten it. if i do, i know i'm going to be okay. but for me especially around the holidays it's a matter of convenience or inconvenience. i want to be able to go home and see my family. i want to be able to get on an airplane. i want to be able to take that trip overseas and not have a positive covid test. do you understand what i'm saying? is that the wrong attitude to have about this? because now it's -- especially the people who are vaccinated, the real concern is not getting sick and dying. of course they happened not want to do that. the real concern is one of being inconvenienced and not being able to do things. >> nobody wants to go through this again. i think people sacrificed in prior christmases and thanksgivings, and i don't think people are this year. what i do hope people will avail themselves of the tools. we have rapid at home tests. we have booster shots. we have masks. we have the ability to do things outdoors. we have ventilation. all of these things if you can afford to take a rapid at home test, i would argue if you can afford to take a rapid at home test, take $10 out of your christmas budget that you were going to buy for gifts this year and give everybody a test. then when they come over for christmas you can have a great time and not worry about. so i like the fact we have tools now that can allow people to live their lives. but if they sit on the shelves, don, and we don't use them -- if we don't get boosted, we don't use the at-home tests, then people are putting themselves at risks they don't need to. >> what good are the at-home tests -- so let's just say that i come in contact with someone who is covid-positive, right, and you are somehow exposed to it. you take a test a couple days later. that doesn't necessarily mean that you haven't -- that it shows up yet. or just because you test negative it doesn't mean on your way to the office or from the office of getting that test that you came in contact with someone who was covid positive and -- is that a false sense of security? because i used to think, look, i'm in this restaurant and everyone is vaccinated and have to show their cards. but is all of that a false sense of security? i mean, this is what people are wondering at home. people who were watching are wondering. >> look, there's no perfect indicator whether it's a booster shot or a test. what the tests are good at doing, they're good at telling you whether or not you're infectious. what it's good at telling you is whether or not you're likely to be infectious in carrying it around and ergo likely to spread it. taking that test in particular if you take it on top of other things gives you a lot more surety. so i wouldn't say there's any one surefire thing, but i would say if you've taken an at-home test and it shows up negative, you can be pretty confident you're not contagious. >> i want to talk about what's happening. you mentioned the sports leagues. i want to talk to you about that a little bit more, also what's happening on broadway. should we be gathering in large groups and also the cdc guidelines on quarantining if we have enough time. i'm going to take a break and come back with andy slavitt. we'll be right back. with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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>> things are changing fast. it was only a week or two ago you and i sitting in a studio together. we probably wouldn't do that today or would be more cautious about doing that. and that's just a short amount of time in the past. and yet we were going to head to new york. we were going to see my son, do some things in new york. and we decided we could afford not to do it. it wasn't worth it as much as we would have loved to have seen him. so i think people are going to have to reevaluate based upon the case count. the odd thing is cases are doubling every two to three days. you think about that. that means if you have 100,000 cases at christmas, you have 400,000 by new year's. so it's almost like the human mind doesn't get -- wrap around something growing that rapidly. and so it's -- you've got to kind of play forward. and unless you are perfectly comfortable getting covid or you're boosted and you're young and so forth, then it becomes a bit of a risk to travel because you're always playing into what is going to look like a couple days from now. and a couple days from now things are a lot worse than they are today. >> i want to put it up as you're talking about this. this is omicron in the united states. it's gone from less than 1% to 3% of cases. if you look at new york, new jersey it's jumped to 13% of cases. so here's the question. we've got these big -- obviously everyone's going to everyone's houses, right? you're going to be inside. but we also have these big celebrations that we have. the mayor of new york was going on, the outgoing mayor was on a couple minutes ago with my colleague here. he's saying they're still going to have to new year's eve thing in times square but everybody's vaccinated, what have you. you can still get it if you're vaccinated, right? should we be having these big events? >> well, look, we have to adjust our mind-set. before omicron two doses and you were vaccinated, your immunity was waning but at least you were vaccinated. you know, now think about it as the equivalent of losing a dose. now two doses of omicron is now the equivalent of having one dose. three doses is now the equivalent of having two doses before. so everybody's risk has gone up a little bit. there's no world under which you wouldn't want to be boosted in this current climate because the difference between having -- being boosted and having two doses right now is pretty significant. so, you know, if you do that i think you can feel good knowing that your risk of severe illness is much, much, much lower but you still might get infected. and i think that's the reality. >> even an outside event? >> well, we don't have data yet on the spread during outside events. it's much, much less likely. it'd be much more comfortable outside than inside. things happen. i think we'll learn, but i'm much more comfortable dining out doors and doing things outdoors than i certainly would be indoors. >> what happened someone like me going from a high vaccinated area, like 90% of new yorkers have at least one shot to somewhere in louisiana that's low vaccination rate. that's a concern for me. how concerned should everyone be? i think it stands at 50% in louisiana. >> the people unvaccinated in louisiana will be at much, much higher risk than you will be. but you want to hope you or a loved one doesn't need to go to a hospital because the hospitals will likely be very, very busy and triaging quite a bit over the course of the next few weeks. you know, you have -- so you're always going to be in better shape if you're vaccinated and you're boosted, but the people around you who aren't are at greater risk. and, you know, there's greater risk than ever that you'll get a mild case. i think we can be confident given how healthy and in good shape you are if you do get a case of covid, it wouldn't be too serious. but we never know. these cases, even the nonserious cases can be quite troubling as all of us know people who have gone through that. >> hey, this is a lightening rod. what should we be concerned about with all the sports teams and broadway shutting down shows or whatever? talk to me about that, andy. >> i think -- i think they're just in -- they're just in for kind of canceled games and so on. hopefully it will be short-lived. knock on wood we'll peak the third week in january and we'll be back at it after that. >> and what about the quarantining guidelines on isolation? does that need to change from ten days if you're asymptomatic? >> there's really no data on that yet to suggest that it has to. unless we hear otherwise, that's what i'd assume. >> still ten days? >> yeah, still ten days. >> all right, thank you andy slavitt. i appreciate it. >> you got it. president biden says it is the single most important issue facing the country right now. congressman jim clyburn tells me if he thinks voting rights legislation can finally get passed in congress. just getting by. it's an ongoing struggle. that's why president biden and democrats in congress have a plan to lower costs for america's working families. lower costs of health care premiums. and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. we do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. 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>> well, i don't think they're dropping the ball. i said that we're trying to deal with what we've got to deal with. the fact of the matter you need 50% plus one in order for the bill to pass here to get rid of the filibuster or find a way to work around the filibuster. how do you keep the 50? you've got to figure out whether or not you can get joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to agree to some kind of a work around. we haven't gotten there yet, but i wouldn't give up on it. >> you're predicting the republicans will get rid of the filibuster the moment they can. does the president need to make this priority number one because he's been lukewarm at best on abolishing the filibuster. >> well, the president as you know is the product of the senate. he has a lot of friends there, and he doesn't want to do anything to disrupt what the senate is going to do. i think it's up to the democratic senators to decide whether or not they want to do this work around or leave themselves up to the creativity of mitch mcconnell when he gets to be -- if he gets to be the majority. >> congressman, before we go, you have a very special day tomorrow. listen, i never went to my commencement, but i got mine in the mail. but you were not able to march at your graduation south carolina state university. that was 60 years ago because you graduated in the wintertime, but tomorrow president biden is going to give a commencement speech at your alma mater and after all this time he's going to hand your diploma to you. what's that going to feel like to you? >> it's going to feel great. and i think it's going to be a message to the students there. after 60 years i'll be coming back walking with them and getting my diploma from the united states even though my state did not allow me to march when i finished. and it's kind of interesting, but i think it'll be a good message for the students not to ever give up. and i will have the opportunity to say a few words myself, and i will use that issue to encourage them. >> i think you did okay after all these years. thank you, congressman. i appreciate it. it's always a pleasure. congratulations to you. >> thank you very much. appreciate you having me. and president biden acknowledging tonight that his build back better bill will now be pushed into 2022 despite pledges to get it done before christmas. democrats have been voicing frustration all day that the bill isn't over the finish line and putting the blame on one senator. that's joe manchin. >> how is the general feeling about where things stand? are you frustrated? >> frustrated, disappointed. >> what is your message to him? >> we have talked and talked and talked. it's time to put it on the floor. >> you can have one person or two people just stop everything, and that is why people in our country should know that a 50-50 senate sucks and we can't get things done. >> so joining me now cnn senior political analysts ron brownstein and kirsten powers. good evening to you. here we go. i think we predicted this, but here we go. kirsten, senator manchin is dismissing this. here it is. >> they're pressuring you to change your position. >> no one pressures me. >> are you going to change your position on that? >> the way it's in the bill, the one year extension. >> so he is for the child tax credit, but he has been saying all along he had a problem with the price tag and the scope, so why are democrats surprised this isn't going anywhere? >> because the price tag has come down substantially. and at this point there is no reason for joe manchin to believe that this entire bill should be written to his specifications as if the only opinion that matters is his. i think there's a real problem with this, that he really has this idea that it's whatever he wants is the way the bill should be. and there's been so many accommodations made for him that it's time for him to step up and make some accommodations of his own. and honestly, at this point i think it would be better off if he just became an independent or a republican and so we can stop playing this game that, you know, that joe biden has these democrats that he's not bringing around. because there's just no reason to not support this bill if you're a democrat. and at least it would be very clarifying he could still be an independent and caucus the democrats when he wants to, but be very clarifying because he's not opposing this bill based on any issues, you know, that any democrat wouldn't support. moderate democrats support this bill in the house. this is not about this wildly progressive bill. this is a perfectly mainstream bill. >> but isn't he proving the progressives right because he said we're going to be duped because we're giving up all this stuff if they got one they would get the other and they made all these concessions, and still manchin is in the same place as he was or at least using a different excuse about why he's not supporting it. >> yes, because i think there was this story line happening that somehow the progressives were the ones that were the problem or we're holding things up, when in fact they support joe biden's agenda. and so it wasn't -- the people who were holding it up were kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. and joe manchin has continued to be highly problematic and using inflation as the excuse even though his is not an inflationary bill. the cbo score does not account from revenue that would come from tax enforcement. i'm sorry, joe manchin, the world doesn't revolve around you. >> that's what i was going to say. ron brownstein, do you think he's getting off on the attention and the power he can make on these bills? >> the power. look, near death experiences are common with big legislative fights. but even with that this has been a brutal 72 hours i think for democrats. because what it says is after months of negotiation and cajoling and substantive concessions, as kirsten was saying enormous concessions on this bill and the voting rights bill it appears both he and sinema on different fronts are willing -- still willing to sink the core of the democratic agenda. i mean there's a little bit of a catch-22 developing here where sinema seems to have come around on the build back better bill, but manchin alone is saying that his view should prevail and he is unwilling to do it. and then conversely reformers feel they're making some headway with manchin on perhaps finding some adjustment to the filibuster that would allow them to pass voting rights, but sinema is digging in against any change in the filibuster on voting rights. so on both fronts you have a single democratic senator saying their view should prevail over literally everyone else in the party in the house, the senate, the white house, the governors, and that is just a unique and incredibly destructive environment. >> even left leaning slate is out with a piece that says in part "caving to manchin's demands will require democrats to sacrifice some worthy parts of their agenda but it's time for them to buck up and do it lest they end up with nothing at all." do democrats have any option here at all, ron brownstein? do they have another option? >> they do. the demands manchin are making now are fundamentally incompatible. he's basically saying the bill should be held to $1.75 trillion but any programs included in it should be funded over ten years. if you did the child tax credit that about eats up the entire spending he's willing to support at this point. so, yes, clearly they are going to have to make some changes if they are going to get him onboard. but what he is asking for is essentially something that would blow up the entire democratic coalition. and maybe that's why he's asking for it. i mean other democratic senators have said to me he's indicated privately he is fine if this does not pass at all, but he does recognize that doing that would potentially, you know, sink joe biden's presidency. and he doesn't want to be responsible for that. and that means this really does come down to the president finding a way to move him. but, again, this situation is remarkable. west virginia ranks 44th, i believe, is the number in childhood poverty. it would benefit enormously for many of the provisions in this bill expanding health care access, the child tax credit, child care subsidies, universal pre-k. and manchin is choosing i think mostly for political reasons so he can look as though he's saying no to the left, to stand in the way of that. >> that's fairly obvious. kirsten, did you want to say something? >> i was going to say i think ron raises probably the most important part of this, that he's sinking joe biden's agenda. and joe biden's success if you're a democrat as he says he is, and i would even say for people who aren't necessarily democrats but are concerned about democracy, it's an incredible -- causing incredible harm really to the country ultimately when you have one party that does not support democracy and you are willing to torpedo the agenda of the president -- >> it's not even that. it is that, but it's also because of -- listen, west virginia is one state. and i understand he has constituents there. but he is holding up what is best for the greater good for the rest of the country because he's myopic about something that is happening -- >> even west virginia, don. west virginia is on the front of the list that would benefit from many of these provisions. >> what i'm saying is by harming biden he's in effect harming democracy because there is no -- because biden is really, you know, the only person at this point standing between, you know, us and everything falling apart in terms of the republican party having allegiance to -- to donald trump and everything they're doing with -- that we've seen that's been coming out around the january 6th investigation. and so it has much bigger ramifications. i think those ramifications are big enough on their own, but they are even bigger than that. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. >> so a louisiana judge under fire after video surfaces showing her using racist slurs at her home. now she is facing calls to resign. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections —some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? 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>> well, you heard a lot of talk at the end of that piece about that commission. that judiciary commission will have a chance to review what happened and make a suggestion. one of the things we didn't do in this piece when you listen to it -- when you go online and listen to it in the full. and of course we don't want to play the n-word over and over again. >> yeah, i wonder why be bleeped it so much. we should have played it because i wanted people to hear the context because what she did was so odious. >> when you listen to it fully and the first time when it was going viral you could see how comfortable they seemed making the comments and they were laughing and giggling about using the word and even calling the suspect a roach. and that's what really stood out to a lot of people, the governor making his comments tonight maybe she should step down. but one of the things that stood out about the governor's comments any time an african-american would be in her courtroom there would be obviously someone who could say maybe she should not be involved in this space because after she displayed this sort of language in her own household, how could someone get a fair trial? so all these questions are being brought into the process at this point. if you think about it if you're african-american facing someone in court and she's the judge you may ask and say how is this fair considering the language that was used in that home? >> but she's saying she used a sedative and doesn't remember doing it. but the reason she took the sedative was because she was so upset by it. so she would have made those remarks before she took the sedative, so her excuse doesn't appear to make any sense. >> right. and if you think about it, don, and you've listened to this audio a few times. if you listen to the inflection in her voice it didn't sound like anybody was in fear in that video. it sounded like there was a lot of joy and laughter during that video. it really stood out in terms of how cavalier people were with throwing the n-word around over and over again. and when you listen to it in its entirety it shocks you how comfortable everyone was in that video. >> people have had cases before her asking them to go back and review those cases because they think if they're going to have a case come they want her to recuse herself but also want to look at her old cases because they're saying she cannot be impartial because of the language she used about black people. >> you think about this. it's a slippery slope on all the cases we have in that area in that state. you know people are looking at that state under the microscope for a bunch of other cases. but now you have a judge who might have been putting sentences on peel, and the idea someone might have been calling someone a roach and the n-word in the same sentence. you can understand why someone who's wearing a robe considered at the height of justice would be looked at under a microscope after that word was used in that video. >> thank you so much for that piece. i appreciate that, ryan. she defied jim crow when she say 15 and paid the price. now claudette coleman is getting vindication for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger 66 years ago. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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