Transcripts For CNN Smerconish 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Smerconish 20240709

and arkansas. in kentucky, early reports indicate one tornado may have stayed on the ground for more than 200 miles causing widespread destruction. this is all that is left of a candle factory in the town of mayfield. more than 100 people were working inside when the tornado hit. while an official death toll has not been determined, governor andy brashear said 50 people are likely dead in his state of kentucky. the state deployed the national guard to heart hit areas. in arkansas, at least one person was killed, dozened injured after a tornado rimmed through a nursing home. in illinois, a tornado cut through an amazon warehouse. please are describing it as a quote-unquote utter disaster. two people are confirmed dead. watches for northern eastern portions of mississippi, northern alabama and eastern tennessee. cnn meteorologist allison chinchar joins us now, allison. >> that's right, it's been a very destructive past 24 hours. over 30 tornado reports, 150 severe wind reports and 20 large hail reports and those numbers are likely to go up because the threat is still ongoing. now, the biggest concern overnight was the potential for one tornado perhaps lasting on the ground for over 200 miles. now, we won't be able to confirm until the national weather service is able to go out on the day and survey a lot of the damage. what you're seeing the white line, the pink and purple boxes you see along, those are the tornadoes warnings. the red and white dots indicate the reports. we know there's likely tornadoes along this line. what we don't know, was it all part of same tornado, or multiple tornadoes that likely stretched where it did. the interesting thing, the vast majority of tornadoes are on the ground for less than ten minutes and going less than ten miles. this one is extremely rare. the all-time record for the longest tornado was back in 1925, called the tristate tornado. it was on the ground for 219 miles. some of the damage, this is the courthouse. what the courthouse used to look like in mayfield, kentucky. you can see the tower there, the steeple tower that is now gone. there's also several trees, large trees that were uprooted, not only in front of this building, but surrounding buildings as well. that's just a small-scale scope of what it's like from the storms. we do have tornado watches in effect for areas of tennessee, as well as portions of northern alabama. because that's where some of the strongest storms are clustered as we speak. but the storm system as a whole is very large. stretches from maine, all the way back to texas but again the main area of concern going forward for where the strongest thunderstorms are going to be is going to be in the central portion, kentucky, tennessee, stretching to alabama. eventually, the line will move into the carolinas, as well as portions of georgia. we have active severe thunderstorm warning right now, no active tornado warning at the minute but one as short as five minutes ago. again, these warnings are going to pop off and on throughout the day. this is the area of greatest concern going forward. isolated tornados, damaging wind and hail are still a factor although the hail is really limited to the treex southern portion of this map but cities like atlanta, birmingham, montgomery, charlotte, all of these cities have the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms as we go through the rest of the day today. the one bit of good news, i will point out, though, is by the time we get to overnight tonight, the system has finally exited the area. and in its wake, albeit slightly cooler temperatures we have dry conditions. and that's going to be key for a lot of areas doing rescue, recovery and cleanup efforts. that they're going to have better weather to contend with. and likely giving the power crews some pretty good weather to really build back the power systems. it's likely going to be hours, not days before people get the power back. >> allison that was an excellent report, thank you so much. now, for some troubling news that has nothing to do with the weather, the last time inflation was this high, i was in a fraternity. we're all feeling its effects but i want to talk about the political fallout, a president with sinking approval numbers who desperately needs a win, instead, just received a double wh whammy, and the result might be his last chance to pass the massive spending bill before the end of the year and if he doesn't get it done now, he'll have to fight the battle in 2022. yes, the year of the midterm election. what just happened? two things actually, new data came out showing inflation at its highest in 40 years. and a revised cbo store of $3 trillion came out on the build back better bill. that was rolled out by republicans and the white house is labelling it fake. the numbers aren't pretty. consumer prices up 6.8% from last year, according to the bureau of labor statistics. that's the highest since 1982. "let's get physical" and "eye of the tiger" were atop the charts. the reality has been hitting families hard across the country for a while now. food prices are up more than 6% overall for the last year. a carton of eggs, 8% higher. a nice juicy steak, that costs 25% more. pork, 17%. gas prices may be on their way down, but overall, they're up 58% from last year. a new car that will cost you 11% more now. supply chain constraints have been a major contributing factor. prices go up when things are harder to get access to. according to a gallup poll, 45% say steep costs are causing their family some financial hardship. so what does president biden say? >> every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. we've never had this kind of growth in 60 years. but inflation is affecting people's lives. but if you take a look at it, if we were -- if and when, god willing we get the build back better proposal, if they're paying considerably less for child care, considerably less for health care, consideringably less for insulin, go down the list, all of the things in the build back better plan, the reason why people think it's going to -- economists think it's going to in fact diminish the impact on inflation, is because it's reducing costs for ordinary people. >> he atted that he thinks the u.s. is at its inflation peak and touted drop in oil and gas prices. he argues his build back better bill will help ease the economic pain. the problem is this bill has no republican support. republicans are arguing that spending more money especially after all of the pandemic stimulus payments is only going to make inflation worse. and now they have a new cbo revised score on which to rely. they requested a new budget office estimate on how much a safety plan would cost if a series of provisions like the child tax credit work were extended for ten years. and the cbo came back with a deficit increase of $3 trillion. the white house is dismissing this score as fake. >> this is not a cbo score. this is a fake cbo score. it's not about the existing bill anybody is debating or voting on. this is about proposing the extension of programs that has not been agreed to. without the commitment of the president, which he's made repeatedly publicly, that he would never support extending these programs if they weren't paid for. >> zero republicans voted for this bill in the house in november. it was already facing major hurdles in a 50/50 senate. and likely even more now. moderate democrats, kyrsten sinema and joe manchinen satisfied as it is. manchin has voiced a number of concerns namely that budget gimmicks hide the true baucost. did the math with new numbers, the result was this head line, joe manchin inflation independent indication. the numbers should be all the warning democratic doubters need to shelf biden's build back better act. the president was asked if he could get manchin on board with inflation numbers this high? >> i don't know the answer to that. i'm going to be talking to him at the beginning of the week. and i think if you look at what most people are saying, most economists are saying, this build back better is not going to increase inflation, it's going to decrease. >> if joe manchin is not on board, thin the build back better bill is dead. and the president looks the momentum he desperately needs from the house with republican takeover next year. here on cnn last night, i spoke with larry summers, former secretary under president clinton and obama. here's what he said. >> if i were in the senate, i would vote for the build back better legislation, because i think the investments it makes are fundamental to the country. was it as good idea to make as large payments to everybody in sight as we did in 2021? no, that was a mistake. but it would compound that mistake if we were to scrimp on vitally important investments. >> i want to know what you think, go to my website at and vote. will inflation doom the passage of the build back better? joining me a member of the democratic caucus, congresswoman from new mexico joining me is teresa ledger fernandez. representative, thank you for joining me here. is build back better on the ropes because of inflation? >> i think build back better is the solution to inflation. so whenever we talk about it being on the books, but we need to talk about how it's going to come back and beat inflation. that needs to be the approach we take. everyone looking at it saying why are we having inflation? because of the pandemic supply chain. what did build back better do? it invests in solving those supply chain issues. and just as the president mentioned, build back better actually helps families meet any cost of increases. and it brings down the cost of the working family in the united states. being a working family in new mexico. and, you know, you mentioned -- so, that's what i've done, i think i'm going to stay optimistic about it, because i want to come up with a solution and not just wring our hands and build back better is that solution. >> you know that the republican response to that is along the lines of all of this spending fuels inflation, now there is a cbo number that suggests $3 million will be added to the deficit. and therefore, we can't afford it? >> so, look at what other countries are doing. they did not spend the money we have, and they are also facing inflation. so inflation is something that's happening worldwide. what we need to do in america is see what is our investment? what do the investments we need to make today. a young kid asked me, out of my large rural district what does this have for me? and i described. well, you want to get married? yeah. so, get married. but what are you going to do with that kid? you're go fog have child care available for him so you can go and get the better paying jobs that you want. he's working in a restaurant. he doesn't like what he's doing. he wants to do better. do you want to be a bio chemist, a welder? build back better will help you do that. 2 will help build the housing so housing prices go down. we need to increase that cost. it will invest in rural america in a way that will also bring down the cost of food. we need to address the supply chain issues, not run away from them. >> congresswoman, what if you're wrong? i get your optimism? but what if you're wrong? i know as a progressiving, you nonetheless supported the $1.9 trillion infrastructure bill this, too would get the airing and get passed, but what if it doesn't? >> we're going to fight to get it passed. we're going to talk about the benefits it brings. we're going to talk about the children. the child tax credit will expire. the clock will strike 12:00, and like cinderella, they'll go back to not having enough food in those families. we're going to talk about that. i'll tell you what, march -- senator manchin's state is like my state. it's a poor state. he has hundreds of thousands of children relying on that child tax credit. we don't want it to expire on december 31st. we hope they voice their concerns saying we need this so that's what we're focusing on. what is in this bill. not on the doomsday. but how does this fix hinge things. and what is better for our families? build back better is incredibly supportive across the country when you explain what's in it. that's what we need to focus on, what's in this bill, how will it help working families that's what i'm focused on. >> quick final question, if i may. is it trust straiting for you and so many other house progressives so see so much power being wielded by one individual, senator manchin in the senate? >> in the house, we would love to see the senate have something that allows them to vote on a majority basis, right? the filibuster over there is preventing important legislation, like the voting rights act. like things to protect women's health. so, we would love to see a senate that is able to work in some kind of filibuster restriction, so it serves a purpose, but does notal allow important legislation to be stalled. >> i'm going to take that as a yes. and thank you for being here. >> thank you so much, michael. >> what are your thoughts? tweet me @smerconish. or go to the facebook page. i'll read responses. what's come in? pumping huge amounts of money into the economy will contribute to inflation. well rotten ralph has the republican talking point which may be right. interestingly when i chatted with secretary summers last night, he makes the argument that not all of the programs are the same. and he thought inflation was coming because of what it had spent on covid relief. and used differently the infrastructure bill and now the build back better. but you have to say that republicans in the senate are embolden by the the fact they can point to the cbo, even though jen psaki says it's a fake number, saying if we pass this, $3 trillion is added to the deficit. the big question is, none of us seem to know, how does that sit with joe manchin? because unless he's on board this goes nowhere. and then the president goes into a midterm without a win that he desperately need. in any event, go to my website, will inflation the passage of build back better? overnight, tornadoes spawned overnight causing death and instruction with more to come. and a new law in new york will allow noncitizens to vote. should they be awarded that privilege? plus, you're looking at the launch site of the blue origin and the crew included the daughter of america's first astronaut and michael strahan. we'll take you there live. plus, dr. mehmet oz running for senate in pennsylvania. although he's a medical doctor, the philadelphia inquirer decided not to call him doctor. he's claiming he's being cancelled, is he right to be mad? >> i've done thousands of heart surgeries, they don't want to call me doctor anymore. i won't be cancelled. old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? 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or more precisely, will there be another one in the senate? a year ago today, "the wall street journal" produced an op-ed that the incoming jill biden stop calling herself doctor because she's a ph.d. and not a medical dock. dr. mehmet oz is vying for the seat held by republican senator pat toomey, and he finds himself going into battle over his title. the day after he announced his candidacy, the philadelphia inquirer front page headline, photo caption and first sentence, all refer to him as dr. oz, no big deal, right? so did just about every other publication that you can think about. here at cnn, the style book dictates that the term doctor is used only for medical docks, dentists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists or veterinarians. doctor is not used for ph.d.s, similar degrees or honorary titles. and using dr. oz quote goes against the style guide which reads do not use doctor for anyone with the title, whether they're a medical doctor or a doctorate in a medical field, to avoid complaints of unequal treatment from individuals who worked hard to achieve doctorates in nonmedical fields. it specifies two exceptions, obituaries and the reverend martin luther king jr. and val arkoosh is a medical doctor, the paper had not been referring to her as a doctor in the headlines. the paper decided had misstepped and, quote, going forward, the inirer will refer to all in the same way. dr. oz will be limited to mentions of his tv show is which now off the air in philly, now, this is the red meat that conservatives love these days. dr. oz released air rebuttal video on social media platforms. >> last week "the philadelphia inquirer" had me on their front page as dr. oz. this morning, they announced no more doctor. even though i'm a practicing physician, i've done thousands of heart surgeries. they don't want to call me doctor anymore. i won't be cancelled. >> joining me now, jeffreygramm. i have never interviewed a grammarian before. what is it that you do? >> you're missing out. i look at the ways that grammar and language and punctuation affect the world around us because what we read and how it's written has a really big impact on what it is and what we think and lift the world around us. >> so, you're the guy in my shoulder who is whispering in my ear whether it should be "my brother and me" or "my brother and i." >> yeah. >> by the way, i screw those things up. dr. oz says, i'm calling him dr. oz, dr. oz, says you're cancelling him, what's the deal? >> the idea of cancel culture, it's absurd. it's all about following any publication, style guide dictates. style guides are used by every publication, used by cnn, to decide how we're going to write what we write and how we say what we say. certain words get capitalized. do we use an oxford comma or not. in this case it's consistency. making sure candidates in a really crowded pennsylvania senate electoral field are treated the same way. >> you have made me realize for years, i've been violating the cnn style book. >> yeah. >> i always err on the side of referring to someone as a doctor, ph.d.s, academics are constantly on my program. i feel i owe it to them. here's a question, how does the inquirer treat dr. jill biden? >> dr. jill biden is in the inquirer, i'm not actually part of the style committee of the enquirer. >> but you're a grammarian. >> i am a grammarian, yeah. jill biden is referred to as dr. jill biden, a doctor of education but they wouldn't say in the headlines dr. jill biden said so-and-so. just as they won't say it about anything. just as they won't say it about dr. oz who entered the senate race this week. it's mehmet oz, comma, medical doctor. >> but, jeffrey, it's really the way he's known. it's like madonna, dr. oz, you know what i mean, lebron? some people, it's the way they're recognized. i want to ask you this as well, the reverend martin luther king jr., how why does he get doctor as part of his title? >> so, you know, he is somebody who is a historical figure and that is how he is known. i have -- this rule about how -- whether you use an honorary for somebody far predates me. this rule goes back decades. some folks are saying, oh, the inquirer is doing what are it's doing because it's biased against dr. oz. that's not the case. this rule has been in place. in philadelphia and we make exceptions for dr. j. as well. >> i have been three commencement addresses and three doctorates. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i'm dying to be called doctor. nobody calls me doctor, should i be called doctor? >> i think if you talk to your friends and family, i think they'll call you dr. smerconish. we're friends now, i'll call you dr. smerconish. >> let me say you're a great request, that's y-o-u apostrophe r-e. >> okay. don't screw it up. don't screw it up. any male will be cancelled for not calling bill jieden doctor but a male heart surgeon. i said it before, mehmet oz got into the race. you'd say who is mehmet oz, dr. dr. oz came in the race. it's just natural. i'm going to call him dr. oz, but i get the inquirer. he also, by the way, jeffrey, lays out what's most important, consistency. you got to be consistent. but in the case of oz, he's dr. oz. i want to remind you make sure you're going to make sure you go to dr. -- no, i'm kidding i don't own the rights to do that. will inflation doom the passage of build back better? up ahead, new york citial allowing 800,000 noncitizens to vote. what's the thinking there? and the sun is rising on what is kentucky's emergency management director told cnn is one of the darkest day in the state's history. we'll bring to you the devastation across the midwest caused by at least 30 tornadoes. we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! we're covering breaking news this morning. tornados hit six states across the south and midwest overnight and still remain a threat. reports indicate kentucky has borne the front of the state. 50 people could be dead with that number expected to rise. new, a new wrinkle in the issue of voting rights. should noncitizens get the right to vote in local elections? this week, new york city became the largest city in the country to allow noncitizens that right. the city council overwhelmingly approved the legislation which affect it's more than 800,000 legal residents. it pertains to noncitizens who have lived in the city for at least 30 days and are legal permanent residents in the u.s. including those with green cards, work permits and daca status. they'll be able to vote for citywide offices like mayor, public advocate and city council. outgoing mayor bill de blasio despite being critical of the bill said he would not veto it. the legislation does not allow citizens to vote in state or federal elections. still goes against the grain of states that increased voter restrictions. last year, florida, alabama voters approved ballot measures stipulating that only u.s. citizens can vote. such laws are already in place in north dakota and arizona. noncitizen here in new york city would begin to be able to register to vote a year from now. and could begin voting in january 2023. last night on cnn, i spoke to the city councilman who proposed the legislation, edonis rodriguez, he told me this. >> everyone allowed to voshgts after 1896. so what happened? why did we start changing this law? why most in this nation saying there's something wrong, and then some obstacle for new immigrants coming who were irish, who were italian, who were jewish, who were latino, who were black. what we're sighing let's revise it. >> joining me christopher aarps, he's head of citizens for voting. thank you for being here. you heard the councilman, that historically, he says this is the way it was in this country. essentially he argues we're going back to our roots. what do you say to that? >> you know, michael, this is a growing movement that's gone back years to allow citizens to vote, san francisco, los angeles, vermont, maryland to maine allowing noncitizens to vote. look, we applaud people that come to the country in a legal way and doing it correctly. we're just asking if you want to vote in this country, complete the process and become a citizen. we're not anti-immigrant. we're more for voter integrity. >> look, a couple of years ago i delivered a speesch at a natura isization ceremony at a federal courthouse in philadelphia. i trebremember it well, because 100 or so people becoming citizens were were overwhelmed emotionally, with family. they had played by all the rules. a test, by the way, i question whether many americans could get a sufficient grade. and i guess like you, i worry that we are watering down that experience, if in fact we go this route. nats a large part of your person, right? >> it is. this past 2020 election had a lot of intention in it. people were worried about voter integrity and cheating and all of that. and i think the wrong message that we want to send is to allow noncitizens to vote in our election and create more distrust in the electoral process. >> let me, though, at least play devil's advocate. the councilman last night said these folks are not illegal. they're not undocumented, i guess, they're not illegal. they're somehow in the system with green cards. but most importantly, they're paying taxes. if they're paying taxes isn't this a taxation without representation kind of thing? >> first of all, michael, you or i can't go to mexico or canada or any other country and establish permanent residency and vote in their election. look, if you want to become a citizen and you want to vote, become a citizen first. look, i can go to new york city and because i pay taxes or pay taxes in any other jurisdiction, should that give me the right to vote? i don't think so. >> so, do you fear, because we all now know where you stand, do you fear this is a national trend? and although it begins in a very blueish area like new york city that this is going to take hold across the country? >> it is michael. in georgia, there's a town in georgia, i can't remember the name right now, they want to institute undenoncitizen voting a municipal election. this is a bad idea. >> finally a woman of color said this is actually going to dilute the black vote. i think that's another consideration when you look at the different dynamics between interracial groups? >> michael it dilutes the vote but it's fundamentally unfair. you remember african americans for years were disenfranchised. we had tests to take to register to be able to vote. '64 and '65 voting rights act gave us that right. i think it's fundamentally unfair that we had to struggle for years to get the right to vote. but new york city and other jurisdictions want to give people who are not even citizens the right to vote. we all know, right now, they want to give noncitizens the vote in municipal elections but it's not going to stop there, michael, they're going to advocate this for state as well. >> christopher you and i both know the constitution is clear, you got to be a citizen. >> well, michael, a lot of state contusions say that as well. but the proponents of this, because the state contusions say all citizens should be able to vote, that's the loophole they're using. in my group, americans for citizen voting, he would like to amend the constitution to say only united states citizens can vote. instead of "all." that's the loophole that proponents of this are using. >> christopher arps, thank you for being here. >> michael thank you. from facebook and twitter why not? they pay for local roads, schools, police, et cetera. tax aches without representation is the alternative. i just raised that with my guest. that's what the councilman made last night, he wanted to make sure they're in the system, they're documented as opposed to undocumented. they're working, paying taxes. still for me, i go back in the room in the federal courthouse where i'm speaking to naturalized citizens who have gone through the full process, and in my opinion, we're now diluting that approach. that's my beef with it. i don't think it's fair to the people who have gone through the whole process and now are given the franchise to vote. i think it waters it down. still to come, six states across the central u.s. are just beginning to assess the extent of the damage from last night's deadly tornados. we'll have the latest. and we'll go live to launch site 1 texas where the third flight of jeff bezos' blue origin is set to launch. among the crew, football and tv star michael strahan. and the daughter of alan schepper. i want you to go to my website and answer the question -- will inflation doom the passage of build back better? 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why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. happening in moments, the live launch of the third space tourism mission of blue origin, the rocket and space company founded by billionaire jeff bezos. the crew of sticks including abc news anchor, former football star michael strahan. laura shepard, the daughter of former astronaut alan shepard. and four astronauts. joining me now is correspondent rachel crane. what's the latest? >> reporter: michael, we just cleared three holds. we're only 13 minutes away from their schedule to liftoff. right now, those six passengers are strapped into that capsule into their seats. and the hatch is closed. i mean, we're really ticking down to the last few moments before this liftoff. now, michael, two minutes before that liftoff, that's when the vehicle will go into autonomous mode. that's because this rocket, this capsule, flies itself. there are, of course, are no professional astronauts on board. so, the whole thing is autonomous, and a few minutes before liftoff, we'll see gimel checks and the engine move a little bit just to make sure everything is ready for liftoff. at 250,000 feet, that's when the booster and the space capsule will separate. now, both will go past that karman line, the international boundary of space. the booster actually gets its astronaut wings. the booster will land. they've got that pinpoint landing, eight minutes after liftoff. and the capsule lands about ten minutes after liftoff. the whole mission is only ten minutes and the astronauts will get three minutes of weightlessness. that booster, michael, that's what i want to return to, is the spacecraft has led the way in reusability of boosters and rockets itself. used to be you use them once and they get thrown out. so cracking the nut of reusability is one of the critical steps moreover, to potentially colonize the moon and deep space exploration and colonization, actually, feasible. we're waiting now 12 minutes away from this liftoff. this is the third crewed-flight for "new shepard" it's named "new shepard" after alan shepard, whose daughter laura churchley is on the crew. poetic to have the daughter of alan shepard in this flight into space. she's making a suborbital journey. she, of course, went on to land on the moon. i had the opportunity to speak to the astronauts last night. they all say they're not nervous. they're just credibly, midwest and the south, i was worried this might not happen today. thank for your report. i want to bring in someone who was once scheduled to be what michael strahan is about to become, the first american journalist in space. miles o'brien was working towards flying on the space shuttle. in february 2003 "columbia" was torn apart. miles, how does it feel as you watch about. >> more power to them s i look love to be strapping in, and i look forward to that someday. he's in the right place at the right moment, anchor every the right show. i suppose we could have definitional discussion. he's the gma host for sure, quite a celebrated football player. you know, there's a lot of people who spent a lot of time learning the space program in great intimate detail who would love to go today as well. >> miles, can you division for me spacex versus blue origin versus virgin galactic. i know which billionaire controls which, is their approach different? >> three different approaches. blue origin, as you see there right now. it is a reusable rocket that only goes up about 60 miles up, which is the imaginary dividing line, and comes back down. suborbital. its designed is such that it can be scaled up. virgin galactic's vehicle is carried to the high altitude on a mother ship. it releases, then goes to space on its own, and then glides back for a runway landing. not the kind of design that could ever be scaled up into some kind of orbital vehicle. spacex, elon musk has been flying them for many years. the spacex falcon 9 has become an orbital workhorse. it's about is a, 16 times more energy to go from suborbital into orbital. the orbital accomplishment is nothing to overlook, michael. >> we pay a lot of attention to the three aforementioned businesses, but as i pointed out in the intro, it's not as if china and russia are doing nothing. they're in the game as well. can you speak to that? >> yeah. we kind of have a newer space age for the -- or space race for the 21st severalry underway. the russianss who ironically pioneered the idea of commercializing originally the space station mir, are back in the business of flying tourists to the international space station. excuse me. there's a japanese tourist on board right now of the international space station, a billionaire clothing magnate, trying to share his experience with mostly people in japan. the chinese have their own orbital spas station. the chinese program is run by the military and rather secretive, to say the least. i haven't seen any word they'll by selling seats anytime soon, but it seems to be the trend. if you're interested, michael, you have options. >> miles, nice to see you. thank you so much. >> you're welcome, michael. we're going to carry the launch live, and give you the final results of the survey question, maybe even some social media. will inflation doom passage of build back better? i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. . the launch of blue origin in just a moment, very quickly, time to see how you responded to the survey question -- will inflation doom the passage of build back better? survey says -- interesting. 55% say, no, it will still by on track. more than 12,000 people voted. we'll keep the survey question up the rest of the day. stay tuned for more coverage of the blue origin launch, and thanks for watching. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." we begin this morning awaiting the latest space tourism mission for rocket company blue origin to take off. this marks the third of what founder jeff bezos hopes will be many trips to the edge of space. it is a full flight on board this morning, on board the "new shepard" spacecraft, including news anchor michael strahan, and laura shepard, the daughter of alan shepard. the spacecraft is actually named after alan. they are riding along with four other paying customers. i'm almost trembling, i'm so excited to see this live. similar to previous flights, the mission is expected to last about ten minutes. with the crew experiencing about three minutes of weightlessness before the capsule starts to descent back to earth. we're being told t-minus one minute. six passengers on board. i guess one of the

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Summers Last Night , Argument , Covid Relief , The Big Question Is , Jen Psaki , Midterm , Sit , Nowhere , Event , Law , Death , Will Inflation , Instruction , Merconish Com , Noncitizens , Blue Origin , Crew , Launch Site , Privilege , Mehmet Oz , Dr , Michael Strahan , Medical Doctor , Daughter , Philadelphia Inquirer , America S First Astronaut , Pennsylvania , Heart Surgeries , Old , Questions , License Plate , Spot , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Way , Stove , Peaks , Views , Cocoa , Sunny Vrbo , Carvana , Ski Chalet , Grandpa , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Ski Out , Help , Adults , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Tremfya , Vrbo , Doctor , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Patients , Ability , Risk , Vaccine , Vapors , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Hun , Take A Soothing Vicks , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Don T , Medicines , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Ingredients , Me Undetectable , Side 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Transcripts For CNN Smerconish 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Smerconish 20240709

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and arkansas. in kentucky, early reports indicate one tornado may have stayed on the ground for more than 200 miles causing widespread destruction. this is all that is left of a candle factory in the town of mayfield. more than 100 people were working inside when the tornado hit. while an official death toll has not been determined, governor andy brashear said 50 people are likely dead in his state of kentucky. the state deployed the national guard to heart hit areas. in arkansas, at least one person was killed, dozened injured after a tornado rimmed through a nursing home. in illinois, a tornado cut through an amazon warehouse. please are describing it as a quote-unquote utter disaster. two people are confirmed dead. watches for northern eastern portions of mississippi, northern alabama and eastern tennessee. cnn meteorologist allison chinchar joins us now, allison. >> that's right, it's been a very destructive past 24 hours. over 30 tornado reports, 150 severe wind reports and 20 large hail reports and those numbers are likely to go up because the threat is still ongoing. now, the biggest concern overnight was the potential for one tornado perhaps lasting on the ground for over 200 miles. now, we won't be able to confirm until the national weather service is able to go out on the day and survey a lot of the damage. what you're seeing the white line, the pink and purple boxes you see along, those are the tornadoes warnings. the red and white dots indicate the reports. we know there's likely tornadoes along this line. what we don't know, was it all part of same tornado, or multiple tornadoes that likely stretched where it did. the interesting thing, the vast majority of tornadoes are on the ground for less than ten minutes and going less than ten miles. this one is extremely rare. the all-time record for the longest tornado was back in 1925, called the tristate tornado. it was on the ground for 219 miles. some of the damage, this is the courthouse. what the courthouse used to look like in mayfield, kentucky. you can see the tower there, the steeple tower that is now gone. there's also several trees, large trees that were uprooted, not only in front of this building, but surrounding buildings as well. that's just a small-scale scope of what it's like from the storms. we do have tornado watches in effect for areas of tennessee, as well as portions of northern alabama. because that's where some of the strongest storms are clustered as we speak. but the storm system as a whole is very large. stretches from maine, all the way back to texas but again the main area of concern going forward for where the strongest thunderstorms are going to be is going to be in the central portion, kentucky, tennessee, stretching to alabama. eventually, the line will move into the carolinas, as well as portions of georgia. we have active severe thunderstorm warning right now, no active tornado warning at the minute but one as short as five minutes ago. again, these warnings are going to pop off and on throughout the day. this is the area of greatest concern going forward. isolated tornados, damaging wind and hail are still a factor although the hail is really limited to the treex southern portion of this map but cities like atlanta, birmingham, montgomery, charlotte, all of these cities have the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms as we go through the rest of the day today. the one bit of good news, i will point out, though, is by the time we get to overnight tonight, the system has finally exited the area. and in its wake, albeit slightly cooler temperatures we have dry conditions. and that's going to be key for a lot of areas doing rescue, recovery and cleanup efforts. that they're going to have better weather to contend with. and likely giving the power crews some pretty good weather to really build back the power systems. it's likely going to be hours, not days before people get the power back. >> allison that was an excellent report, thank you so much. now, for some troubling news that has nothing to do with the weather, the last time inflation was this high, i was in a fraternity. we're all feeling its effects but i want to talk about the political fallout, a president with sinking approval numbers who desperately needs a win, instead, just received a double wh whammy, and the result might be his last chance to pass the massive spending bill before the end of the year and if he doesn't get it done now, he'll have to fight the battle in 2022. yes, the year of the midterm election. what just happened? two things actually, new data came out showing inflation at its highest in 40 years. and a revised cbo store of $3 trillion came out on the build back better bill. that was rolled out by republicans and the white house is labelling it fake. the numbers aren't pretty. consumer prices up 6.8% from last year, according to the bureau of labor statistics. that's the highest since 1982. "let's get physical" and "eye of the tiger" were atop the charts. the reality has been hitting families hard across the country for a while now. food prices are up more than 6% overall for the last year. a carton of eggs, 8% higher. a nice juicy steak, that costs 25% more. pork, 17%. gas prices may be on their way down, but overall, they're up 58% from last year. a new car that will cost you 11% more now. supply chain constraints have been a major contributing factor. prices go up when things are harder to get access to. according to a gallup poll, 45% say steep costs are causing their family some financial hardship. so what does president biden say? >> every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. we've never had this kind of growth in 60 years. but inflation is affecting people's lives. but if you take a look at it, if we were -- if and when, god willing we get the build back better proposal, if they're paying considerably less for child care, considerably less for health care, consideringably less for insulin, go down the list, all of the things in the build back better plan, the reason why people think it's going to -- economists think it's going to in fact diminish the impact on inflation, is because it's reducing costs for ordinary people. >> he atted that he thinks the u.s. is at its inflation peak and touted drop in oil and gas prices. he argues his build back better bill will help ease the economic pain. the problem is this bill has no republican support. republicans are arguing that spending more money especially after all of the pandemic stimulus payments is only going to make inflation worse. and now they have a new cbo revised score on which to rely. they requested a new budget office estimate on how much a safety plan would cost if a series of provisions like the child tax credit work were extended for ten years. and the cbo came back with a deficit increase of $3 trillion. the white house is dismissing this score as fake. >> this is not a cbo score. this is a fake cbo score. it's not about the existing bill anybody is debating or voting on. this is about proposing the extension of programs that has not been agreed to. without the commitment of the president, which he's made repeatedly publicly, that he would never support extending these programs if they weren't paid for. >> zero republicans voted for this bill in the house in november. it was already facing major hurdles in a 50/50 senate. and likely even more now. moderate democrats, kyrsten sinema and joe manchinen satisfied as it is. manchin has voiced a number of concerns namely that budget gimmicks hide the true baucost. did the math with new numbers, the result was this head line, joe manchin inflation independent indication. the numbers should be all the warning democratic doubters need to shelf biden's build back better act. the president was asked if he could get manchin on board with inflation numbers this high? >> i don't know the answer to that. i'm going to be talking to him at the beginning of the week. and i think if you look at what most people are saying, most economists are saying, this build back better is not going to increase inflation, it's going to decrease. >> if joe manchin is not on board, thin the build back better bill is dead. and the president looks the momentum he desperately needs from the house with republican takeover next year. here on cnn last night, i spoke with larry summers, former secretary under president clinton and obama. here's what he said. >> if i were in the senate, i would vote for the build back better legislation, because i think the investments it makes are fundamental to the country. was it as good idea to make as large payments to everybody in sight as we did in 2021? no, that was a mistake. but it would compound that mistake if we were to scrimp on vitally important investments. >> i want to know what you think, go to my website at and vote. will inflation doom the passage of the build back better? joining me a member of the democratic caucus, congresswoman from new mexico joining me is teresa ledger fernandez. representative, thank you for joining me here. is build back better on the ropes because of inflation? >> i think build back better is the solution to inflation. so whenever we talk about it being on the books, but we need to talk about how it's going to come back and beat inflation. that needs to be the approach we take. everyone looking at it saying why are we having inflation? because of the pandemic supply chain. what did build back better do? it invests in solving those supply chain issues. and just as the president mentioned, build back better actually helps families meet any cost of increases. and it brings down the cost of the working family in the united states. being a working family in new mexico. and, you know, you mentioned -- so, that's what i've done, i think i'm going to stay optimistic about it, because i want to come up with a solution and not just wring our hands and build back better is that solution. >> you know that the republican response to that is along the lines of all of this spending fuels inflation, now there is a cbo number that suggests $3 million will be added to the deficit. and therefore, we can't afford it? >> so, look at what other countries are doing. they did not spend the money we have, and they are also facing inflation. so inflation is something that's happening worldwide. what we need to do in america is see what is our investment? what do the investments we need to make today. a young kid asked me, out of my large rural district what does this have for me? and i described. well, you want to get married? yeah. so, get married. but what are you going to do with that kid? you're go fog have child care available for him so you can go and get the better paying jobs that you want. he's working in a restaurant. he doesn't like what he's doing. he wants to do better. do you want to be a bio chemist, a welder? build back better will help you do that. 2 will help build the housing so housing prices go down. we need to increase that cost. it will invest in rural america in a way that will also bring down the cost of food. we need to address the supply chain issues, not run away from them. >> congresswoman, what if you're wrong? i get your optimism? but what if you're wrong? i know as a progressiving, you nonetheless supported the $1.9 trillion infrastructure bill this, too would get the airing and get passed, but what if it doesn't? >> we're going to fight to get it passed. we're going to talk about the benefits it brings. we're going to talk about the children. the child tax credit will expire. the clock will strike 12:00, and like cinderella, they'll go back to not having enough food in those families. we're going to talk about that. i'll tell you what, march -- senator manchin's state is like my state. it's a poor state. he has hundreds of thousands of children relying on that child tax credit. we don't want it to expire on december 31st. we hope they voice their concerns saying we need this so that's what we're focusing on. what is in this bill. not on the doomsday. but how does this fix hinge things. and what is better for our families? build back better is incredibly supportive across the country when you explain what's in it. that's what we need to focus on, what's in this bill, how will it help working families that's what i'm focused on. >> quick final question, if i may. is it trust straiting for you and so many other house progressives so see so much power being wielded by one individual, senator manchin in the senate? >> in the house, we would love to see the senate have something that allows them to vote on a majority basis, right? the filibuster over there is preventing important legislation, like the voting rights act. like things to protect women's health. so, we would love to see a senate that is able to work in some kind of filibuster restriction, so it serves a purpose, but does notal allow important legislation to be stalled. >> i'm going to take that as a yes. and thank you for being here. >> thank you so much, michael. >> what are your thoughts? tweet me @smerconish. or go to the facebook page. i'll read responses. what's come in? pumping huge amounts of money into the economy will contribute to inflation. well rotten ralph has the republican talking point which may be right. interestingly when i chatted with secretary summers last night, he makes the argument that not all of the programs are the same. and he thought inflation was coming because of what it had spent on covid relief. and used differently the infrastructure bill and now the build back better. but you have to say that republicans in the senate are embolden by the the fact they can point to the cbo, even though jen psaki says it's a fake number, saying if we pass this, $3 trillion is added to the deficit. the big question is, none of us seem to know, how does that sit with joe manchin? because unless he's on board this goes nowhere. and then the president goes into a midterm without a win that he desperately need. in any event, go to my website, will inflation the passage of build back better? overnight, tornadoes spawned overnight causing death and instruction with more to come. and a new law in new york will allow noncitizens to vote. should they be awarded that privilege? plus, you're looking at the launch site of the blue origin and the crew included the daughter of america's first astronaut and michael strahan. we'll take you there live. plus, dr. mehmet oz running for senate in pennsylvania. although he's a medical doctor, the philadelphia inquirer decided not to call him doctor. he's claiming he's being cancelled, is he right to be mad? >> i've done thousands of heart surgeries, they don't want to call me doctor anymore. i won't be cancelled. old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? 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or more precisely, will there be another one in the senate? a year ago today, "the wall street journal" produced an op-ed that the incoming jill biden stop calling herself doctor because she's a ph.d. and not a medical dock. dr. mehmet oz is vying for the seat held by republican senator pat toomey, and he finds himself going into battle over his title. the day after he announced his candidacy, the philadelphia inquirer front page headline, photo caption and first sentence, all refer to him as dr. oz, no big deal, right? so did just about every other publication that you can think about. here at cnn, the style book dictates that the term doctor is used only for medical docks, dentists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists or veterinarians. doctor is not used for ph.d.s, similar degrees or honorary titles. and using dr. oz quote goes against the style guide which reads do not use doctor for anyone with the title, whether they're a medical doctor or a doctorate in a medical field, to avoid complaints of unequal treatment from individuals who worked hard to achieve doctorates in nonmedical fields. it specifies two exceptions, obituaries and the reverend martin luther king jr. and val arkoosh is a medical doctor, the paper had not been referring to her as a doctor in the headlines. the paper decided had misstepped and, quote, going forward, the inirer will refer to all in the same way. dr. oz will be limited to mentions of his tv show is which now off the air in philly, now, this is the red meat that conservatives love these days. dr. oz released air rebuttal video on social media platforms. >> last week "the philadelphia inquirer" had me on their front page as dr. oz. this morning, they announced no more doctor. even though i'm a practicing physician, i've done thousands of heart surgeries. they don't want to call me doctor anymore. i won't be cancelled. >> joining me now, jeffreygramm. i have never interviewed a grammarian before. what is it that you do? >> you're missing out. i look at the ways that grammar and language and punctuation affect the world around us because what we read and how it's written has a really big impact on what it is and what we think and lift the world around us. >> so, you're the guy in my shoulder who is whispering in my ear whether it should be "my brother and me" or "my brother and i." >> yeah. >> by the way, i screw those things up. dr. oz says, i'm calling him dr. oz, dr. oz, says you're cancelling him, what's the deal? >> the idea of cancel culture, it's absurd. it's all about following any publication, style guide dictates. style guides are used by every publication, used by cnn, to decide how we're going to write what we write and how we say what we say. certain words get capitalized. do we use an oxford comma or not. in this case it's consistency. making sure candidates in a really crowded pennsylvania senate electoral field are treated the same way. >> you have made me realize for years, i've been violating the cnn style book. >> yeah. >> i always err on the side of referring to someone as a doctor, ph.d.s, academics are constantly on my program. i feel i owe it to them. here's a question, how does the inquirer treat dr. jill biden? >> dr. jill biden is in the inquirer, i'm not actually part of the style committee of the enquirer. >> but you're a grammarian. >> i am a grammarian, yeah. jill biden is referred to as dr. jill biden, a doctor of education but they wouldn't say in the headlines dr. jill biden said so-and-so. just as they won't say it about anything. just as they won't say it about dr. oz who entered the senate race this week. it's mehmet oz, comma, medical doctor. >> but, jeffrey, it's really the way he's known. it's like madonna, dr. oz, you know what i mean, lebron? some people, it's the way they're recognized. i want to ask you this as well, the reverend martin luther king jr., how why does he get doctor as part of his title? >> so, you know, he is somebody who is a historical figure and that is how he is known. i have -- this rule about how -- whether you use an honorary for somebody far predates me. this rule goes back decades. some folks are saying, oh, the inquirer is doing what are it's doing because it's biased against dr. oz. that's not the case. this rule has been in place. in philadelphia and we make exceptions for dr. j. as well. >> i have been three commencement addresses and three doctorates. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i'm dying to be called doctor. nobody calls me doctor, should i be called doctor? >> i think if you talk to your friends and family, i think they'll call you dr. smerconish. we're friends now, i'll call you dr. smerconish. >> let me say you're a great request, that's y-o-u apostrophe r-e. >> okay. don't screw it up. don't screw it up. any male will be cancelled for not calling bill jieden doctor but a male heart surgeon. i said it before, mehmet oz got into the race. you'd say who is mehmet oz, dr. dr. oz came in the race. it's just natural. i'm going to call him dr. oz, but i get the inquirer. he also, by the way, jeffrey, lays out what's most important, consistency. you got to be consistent. but in the case of oz, he's dr. oz. i want to remind you make sure you're going to make sure you go to dr. -- no, i'm kidding i don't own the rights to do that. will inflation doom the passage of build back better? up ahead, new york citial allowing 800,000 noncitizens to vote. what's the thinking there? and the sun is rising on what is kentucky's emergency management director told cnn is one of the darkest day in the state's history. we'll bring to you the devastation across the midwest caused by at least 30 tornadoes. we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! we're covering breaking news this morning. tornados hit six states across the south and midwest overnight and still remain a threat. reports indicate kentucky has borne the front of the state. 50 people could be dead with that number expected to rise. new, a new wrinkle in the issue of voting rights. should noncitizens get the right to vote in local elections? this week, new york city became the largest city in the country to allow noncitizens that right. the city council overwhelmingly approved the legislation which affect it's more than 800,000 legal residents. it pertains to noncitizens who have lived in the city for at least 30 days and are legal permanent residents in the u.s. including those with green cards, work permits and daca status. they'll be able to vote for citywide offices like mayor, public advocate and city council. outgoing mayor bill de blasio despite being critical of the bill said he would not veto it. the legislation does not allow citizens to vote in state or federal elections. still goes against the grain of states that increased voter restrictions. last year, florida, alabama voters approved ballot measures stipulating that only u.s. citizens can vote. such laws are already in place in north dakota and arizona. noncitizen here in new york city would begin to be able to register to vote a year from now. and could begin voting in january 2023. last night on cnn, i spoke to the city councilman who proposed the legislation, edonis rodriguez, he told me this. >> everyone allowed to voshgts after 1896. so what happened? why did we start changing this law? why most in this nation saying there's something wrong, and then some obstacle for new immigrants coming who were irish, who were italian, who were jewish, who were latino, who were black. what we're sighing let's revise it. >> joining me christopher aarps, he's head of citizens for voting. thank you for being here. you heard the councilman, that historically, he says this is the way it was in this country. essentially he argues we're going back to our roots. what do you say to that? >> you know, michael, this is a growing movement that's gone back years to allow citizens to vote, san francisco, los angeles, vermont, maryland to maine allowing noncitizens to vote. look, we applaud people that come to the country in a legal way and doing it correctly. we're just asking if you want to vote in this country, complete the process and become a citizen. we're not anti-immigrant. we're more for voter integrity. >> look, a couple of years ago i delivered a speesch at a natura isization ceremony at a federal courthouse in philadelphia. i trebremember it well, because 100 or so people becoming citizens were were overwhelmed emotionally, with family. they had played by all the rules. a test, by the way, i question whether many americans could get a sufficient grade. and i guess like you, i worry that we are watering down that experience, if in fact we go this route. nats a large part of your person, right? >> it is. this past 2020 election had a lot of intention in it. people were worried about voter integrity and cheating and all of that. and i think the wrong message that we want to send is to allow noncitizens to vote in our election and create more distrust in the electoral process. >> let me, though, at least play devil's advocate. the councilman last night said these folks are not illegal. they're not undocumented, i guess, they're not illegal. they're somehow in the system with green cards. but most importantly, they're paying taxes. if they're paying taxes isn't this a taxation without representation kind of thing? >> first of all, michael, you or i can't go to mexico or canada or any other country and establish permanent residency and vote in their election. look, if you want to become a citizen and you want to vote, become a citizen first. look, i can go to new york city and because i pay taxes or pay taxes in any other jurisdiction, should that give me the right to vote? i don't think so. >> so, do you fear, because we all now know where you stand, do you fear this is a national trend? and although it begins in a very blueish area like new york city that this is going to take hold across the country? >> it is michael. in georgia, there's a town in georgia, i can't remember the name right now, they want to institute undenoncitizen voting a municipal election. this is a bad idea. >> finally a woman of color said this is actually going to dilute the black vote. i think that's another consideration when you look at the different dynamics between interracial groups? >> michael it dilutes the vote but it's fundamentally unfair. you remember african americans for years were disenfranchised. we had tests to take to register to be able to vote. '64 and '65 voting rights act gave us that right. i think it's fundamentally unfair that we had to struggle for years to get the right to vote. but new york city and other jurisdictions want to give people who are not even citizens the right to vote. we all know, right now, they want to give noncitizens the vote in municipal elections but it's not going to stop there, michael, they're going to advocate this for state as well. >> christopher you and i both know the constitution is clear, you got to be a citizen. >> well, michael, a lot of state contusions say that as well. but the proponents of this, because the state contusions say all citizens should be able to vote, that's the loophole they're using. in my group, americans for citizen voting, he would like to amend the constitution to say only united states citizens can vote. instead of "all." that's the loophole that proponents of this are using. >> christopher arps, thank you for being here. >> michael thank you. from facebook and twitter why not? they pay for local roads, schools, police, et cetera. tax aches without representation is the alternative. i just raised that with my guest. that's what the councilman made last night, he wanted to make sure they're in the system, they're documented as opposed to undocumented. they're working, paying taxes. still for me, i go back in the room in the federal courthouse where i'm speaking to naturalized citizens who have gone through the full process, and in my opinion, we're now diluting that approach. that's my beef with it. i don't think it's fair to the people who have gone through the whole process and now are given the franchise to vote. i think it waters it down. still to come, six states across the central u.s. are just beginning to assess the extent of the damage from last night's deadly tornados. we'll have the latest. and we'll go live to launch site 1 texas where the third flight of jeff bezos' blue origin is set to launch. among the crew, football and tv star michael strahan. and the daughter of alan schepper. i want you to go to my website and answer the question -- will inflation doom the passage of build back better? 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why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. happening in moments, the live launch of the third space tourism mission of blue origin, the rocket and space company founded by billionaire jeff bezos. the crew of sticks including abc news anchor, former football star michael strahan. laura shepard, the daughter of former astronaut alan shepard. and four astronauts. joining me now is correspondent rachel crane. what's the latest? >> reporter: michael, we just cleared three holds. we're only 13 minutes away from their schedule to liftoff. right now, those six passengers are strapped into that capsule into their seats. and the hatch is closed. i mean, we're really ticking down to the last few moments before this liftoff. now, michael, two minutes before that liftoff, that's when the vehicle will go into autonomous mode. that's because this rocket, this capsule, flies itself. there are, of course, are no professional astronauts on board. so, the whole thing is autonomous, and a few minutes before liftoff, we'll see gimel checks and the engine move a little bit just to make sure everything is ready for liftoff. at 250,000 feet, that's when the booster and the space capsule will separate. now, both will go past that karman line, the international boundary of space. the booster actually gets its astronaut wings. the booster will land. they've got that pinpoint landing, eight minutes after liftoff. and the capsule lands about ten minutes after liftoff. the whole mission is only ten minutes and the astronauts will get three minutes of weightlessness. that booster, michael, that's what i want to return to, is the spacecraft has led the way in reusability of boosters and rockets itself. used to be you use them once and they get thrown out. so cracking the nut of reusability is one of the critical steps moreover, to potentially colonize the moon and deep space exploration and colonization, actually, feasible. we're waiting now 12 minutes away from this liftoff. this is the third crewed-flight for "new shepard" it's named "new shepard" after alan shepard, whose daughter laura churchley is on the crew. poetic to have the daughter of alan shepard in this flight into space. she's making a suborbital journey. she, of course, went on to land on the moon. i had the opportunity to speak to the astronauts last night. they all say they're not nervous. they're just credibly, midwest and the south, i was worried this might not happen today. thank for your report. i want to bring in someone who was once scheduled to be what michael strahan is about to become, the first american journalist in space. miles o'brien was working towards flying on the space shuttle. in february 2003 "columbia" was torn apart. miles, how does it feel as you watch about. >> more power to them s i look love to be strapping in, and i look forward to that someday. he's in the right place at the right moment, anchor every the right show. i suppose we could have definitional discussion. he's the gma host for sure, quite a celebrated football player. you know, there's a lot of people who spent a lot of time learning the space program in great intimate detail who would love to go today as well. >> miles, can you division for me spacex versus blue origin versus virgin galactic. i know which billionaire controls which, is their approach different? >> three different approaches. blue origin, as you see there right now. it is a reusable rocket that only goes up about 60 miles up, which is the imaginary dividing line, and comes back down. suborbital. its designed is such that it can be scaled up. virgin galactic's vehicle is carried to the high altitude on a mother ship. it releases, then goes to space on its own, and then glides back for a runway landing. not the kind of design that could ever be scaled up into some kind of orbital vehicle. spacex, elon musk has been flying them for many years. the spacex falcon 9 has become an orbital workhorse. it's about is a, 16 times more energy to go from suborbital into orbital. the orbital accomplishment is nothing to overlook, michael. >> we pay a lot of attention to the three aforementioned businesses, but as i pointed out in the intro, it's not as if china and russia are doing nothing. they're in the game as well. can you speak to that? >> yeah. we kind of have a newer space age for the -- or space race for the 21st severalry underway. the russianss who ironically pioneered the idea of commercializing originally the space station mir, are back in the business of flying tourists to the international space station. excuse me. there's a japanese tourist on board right now of the international space station, a billionaire clothing magnate, trying to share his experience with mostly people in japan. the chinese have their own orbital spas station. the chinese program is run by the military and rather secretive, to say the least. i haven't seen any word they'll by selling seats anytime soon, but it seems to be the trend. if you're interested, michael, you have options. >> miles, nice to see you. thank you so much. >> you're welcome, michael. we're going to carry the launch live, and give you the final results of the survey question, maybe even some social media. will inflation doom passage of build back better? i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. . the launch of blue origin in just a moment, very quickly, time to see how you responded to the survey question -- will inflation doom the passage of build back better? survey says -- interesting. 55% say, no, it will still by on track. more than 12,000 people voted. we'll keep the survey question up the rest of the day. stay tuned for more coverage of the blue origin launch, and thanks for watching. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." we begin this morning awaiting the latest space tourism mission for rocket company blue origin to take off. this marks the third of what founder jeff bezos hopes will be many trips to the edge of space. it is a full flight on board this morning, on board the "new shepard" spacecraft, including news anchor michael strahan, and laura shepard, the daughter of alan shepard. the spacecraft is actually named after alan. they are riding along with four other paying customers. i'm almost trembling, i'm so excited to see this live. similar to previous flights, the mission is expected to last about ten minutes. with the crew experiencing about three minutes of weightlessness before the capsule starts to descent back to earth. we're being told t-minus one minute. six passengers on board. i guess one of the

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Doom , Website , Congresswoman , New Mexico , Caucus , Member , Solution , Representative , Books , Ropes , Teresa Ledger Fernandez , Approach , Everyone , Beat Inflation , Needs , Cost , Supply Chain Issues , Supply Chain , Increases , Working Family , Hands , Deficit , Spending Fuels Inflation , Lines , Response , Million , 3 Million , Something , Countries , Kid , District , Investment , Jobs , Restaurant , Bio Chemist , Housing , Housing Prices , 2 , Food , Progressiving , Optimism , Infrastructure Bill , Airing , Doesn T , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Clock , Children , Child Tax Credit , Benefits , Cinderella , March , 12 , 00 , Thousands , Hundreds , December 31st , 31 , Doomsday , Question , House Progressives , Final , Trust Straiting , Individual , Power Being , Filibuster , Voting Rights Act , Majority Basis , Filibuster Restriction , Notal , Women S Health , Purpose , Facebook , Thoughts , Merconish , Talking Point , Amounts , Responses , Well Rotten Ralph , Same , Secretary Summers Last Night , Argument , Covid Relief , The Big Question Is , Jen Psaki , Midterm , Sit , Nowhere , Event , Law , Death , Will Inflation , Instruction , Merconish Com , Noncitizens , Blue Origin , Crew , Launch Site , Privilege , Mehmet Oz , Dr , Michael Strahan , Medical Doctor , Daughter , Philadelphia Inquirer , America S First Astronaut , Pennsylvania , Heart Surgeries , Old , Questions , License Plate , Spot , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Way , Stove , Peaks , Views , Cocoa , Sunny Vrbo , Carvana , Ski Chalet , Grandpa , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Ski Out , Help , Adults , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Tremfya , Vrbo , Doctor , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Patients , Ability , Risk , Vaccine , Vapors , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Hun , Take A Soothing Vicks , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Don T , Medicines , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Ingredients , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Reaction , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Mental Health Concerns , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Fever , Tiredness , Nose , Relief , Community Garden , Take Off , Air , Crest , Toothpaste , Santa , Crest Smiles , States , Power Outages , Governor , Tornado Outbreak , Leaving Destruction , Quote , Eight , To Potus For Immediate Federal Declaration , Doctor In The House , Jill Biden , Op Ed , Wall Street Journal , Ph D , Photo Caption , Title , Pat Toomey , Seat , Dock , Philadelphia Inquirer Front Page Headline , Deal , Book , Style , Publication , Sentence , Term , Docks , Dentists , Psychiatrists , Veterinarians , Ophthalmologists , Oz Quote , Style Guide , Titles , Anyone , Doctorates , Field , Individuals , Exceptions , Doctorate , Treatment , Complaints , Nonmedical Fields , Martin Luther King Jr , Jr , Paper , Headlines , Misstepped , Val Arkoosh , Tv Show , Mentions , Forward , Inirer , Conservatives , Red Meat , Social Media Platforms , Philly , Air Rebuttal Video , Front Page , Practicing Physician , Grammarian , Jeffreygramm , World , Ways , Grammar , Written , Punctuation , Language , Whispering , Guy , Shoulder , Ear , My Brother And I , My Brother And Me , Yeah , Him , Culture , Style Guide Dictates , Comma , Style Guides , Words , Oxford , Consistency , Case , Electoral , Candidates , Someone , Program , Side , Academics , Inquirer , Committee , Treat , Enquirer , Dr , Education , Anything , Jeffrey , Race , Madonna , Somebody , Well , Lebron , Rule , Figure , Folks , Place , Doing , Congratulations , Nobody , Commencement Addresses , Three , Friends , Heart Surgeon , Male , Bill Jieden , Oz , Rights , Important , Thinking , Emergency Management , The Sun , 800000 , Midwest , History , Director , Devastation , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Rotisserie , Footlong , Ticking , Bacon , Bacon Ranch , Peppercorn Ranch , Delay , Game , Order , Save Big , Businesses , Gift , Comcast Business , App , Savings Sale , Business , Network , Internet , Prepaid Card , Gig Speeds , Price Guarantee , Savings , Bundles , Voice , 4 99 , 64 99 , 500 , Possibilities , Publisher , Author , Christian , South , Tornados , Kit , Voting Rights , Issue , Wrinkle , City Council , City , Elections , Residents , Mayor , Cards , Daca Status , Public Advocate , Work Permits , Offices , Citizens , Bill De Blasio , Grain , Voter Restrictions , Florida , Voters , Ballot Measures , Laws , North Dakota , Arizona , Edonis Rodriguez , 2023 , January 2023 , Nation , Wrong , Obstacle , Immigrants , Voshgts , 1896 , Head , Black , Italian , Jewish , Irish , Latino , Christopher Aarps , Councilman , Historically , Roots , Movement , San Francisco , Los Angeles , Vermont , Maryland , Citizen , Couple , Process , Voter Integrity , Speesch , Natura Isization Ceremony , Experience , Test , African Americans , Rules , Grade , Nats , Intention , Route , Cheating , Message , 2020 , Least , Distrust , Devil S Advocate , Taxes , System , Residency , Isn T This A Taxation Without Representation , Canada , Jurisdiction , Pay , Trend , Hold , Name , Color , Undenoncitizen Voting A Municipal Election , Woman , Consideration , Interracial Groups , Dynamics , Tests , Vote , 65 , 64 , Know , Jurisdictions , Constitution , Proponents , State Contusions , Contusions , Loophole , Citizen Voting , Group , Roads , Police , Schools , Christopher Arps , Alternative , Representation , Tax Aches , Guest , Et Cetera , Room , Opinion , Naturalized , Extent , Beef , Franchise , Flight , Latest , Jeff Bezos , 1 , Tv , Inflation Doom , Football , Alan Schepper , Google , Ray , Everything , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Libre 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us Lisa , A1c , Retail , Holidays , Barista , Home , Career , Nanny , Job , Caregiver , Kids , Rush Hour , Matrix , Serena Williams , Difference , Best , Demand , Directv , Transit , Guys , Stream , Both , Beauty , Skin , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Space , Rocket , Launch , Space Tourism Mission , Company , Billionaire , Bond , Sticks , Alan Shepard , Laura Shepard , Abc News Anchor , Four , Astronauts , Rachel Crane , Reporter , Holds , Schedule , 13 , Liftoff , Passengers , Seats , Capsule , Hatch , Vehicle , Course , Mode , Booster , Space Capsule , Bit , Engine , Feet , Gimel , Pinpoint Landing , Boundary , Astronaut Wings , Karman Line , Mission , Weightlessness , Lands , Spacecraft , Reusability , Rockets , Boosters , Nut , Colonization , Steps , Moon , Deep Space Exploration , Laura Churchley , Crewed , New Shepard , Poetic , Making A Suborbital Journey , Opportunity , Miles O Brien , Journalist , Space Shuttle , Columbia , 2003 , February 2003 , Someday , Si , Love , Strapping In , Show , Host , Gma , Definitional Discussion , Football Player , Division , Sure , Detail , Virgin Galactic , Billionaire Controls , Me Spacex , Approaches , Dividing Line , Suborbital , Runway Landing , Mother Ship , Altitude , Design , Back , Spacex , Elon Musk , Spacex Falcon 9 , 9 , Times , Workhorse , Accomplishment , Energy , Attention , Suborbital Into Orbital , 16 , Russia , Intro , China , Space Race , Space Age , Russianss , 21st Severalry , Space Station Mir , Who Ironically , 21 , Space Station , Tourist , Tourists , Billionaire Clothing Magnate , Japanese , Chinese , Station , Word , Haven T , Spas , Japan , Options , Survey Question , Will Inflation Doom Passage , Social Media , Results , Survey , Say , On Track , 55 , 12000 , Coverage , Thanks , Third , Watching , Founder , Cnn Newsroom , Edge , Trips , Riding , Flights , Descent , T Minus , Earth ,

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