Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709

♪ ♪ in charlottesville, virginia more than four years since white supremacists descended on the city, hard to forget the images from the weekend. white supremacists marching with torches chanting jews will not replace us. >> defendants here, some of them individuals, white nationalists, neo-nazis designated as hate groups. >> men who made themselves white power brands. richard spencer, matthew parrot and jason kessler spent a month in federal court for racially committed violence. they said they were exercising their right to free speech and self-defense. during the trial, some of the defendants sat down with me. so why did you say that charlottesville is a success? >> this is our speaker for the night. >> did you do it on purpose and do you feel bad about it? >> it would have been better if they [ bleep ] me and shut the [ bleep ] up. >> the alt left and right were fighting back. >> did you plan to follow the law in charlottesville? did the lawsuit push you out of the movement? >> it was absolutely essential to the propaganda strategy to look like a victim. >> the alt-right stopped activism by wore out their usefulness because their views are main stream. >> looking back on charlottesville is remarkable it wasn't worse. >> you will not replace us! you will not replace us! you will not replace us! jews will not replace us! jews will not replace us! >> it was very clear it was a highly organized activity. like, this is a big organized movement. >> jews will not replace us! >> maybe two dozen kids around that statute trying to show some community resistance to organized racism. >> white lives matter! white lives matter! white lives matter! >> we own these streets! we occupy these grounds! we won! >> i think i was pretty enthusiastic that night. i thought wow things are exciting. everything is comieing together and so on. charlottesville was the end of the pique of the right. >> this courthouse is the home of the federal civil trial. it's against all the major organizers of the 2017 unite the right rally in charlottesville. it's the biggest consequence most of these guys have faced and it's not a criminal trial, it's a civil one. >> innocence like no matter what the verdict is you have already won because richard spencer said it was financially crippling. they don't hold public rallies anymore. whatever they might be doing behind the scenes, they're not able to get numbers in public. some have said they've been bankrupted. what do you think about that? >> people really need to understand that this is real. it's out there. that it allows people from all over the country and the world to organize in ways that were previously impossible and that is a real and present danger. >> just minutes ago we saw the first participants in today's unite the right rally arrive about 40 men and women in camouflage gear some with militia markings, virginia is an open carry state. >> the amount of guns, the type of guns, i mean, we weren't just talking about baby .22s and .9 glocks. so everything about that was just, it was so frightening. i thought it was going to be a blood bath. >> this is a historic victory for our people and we're moving out from the online space which we dominate and we're going to take over the real world. >> here to protest the removal of a statute of robert e. lee but to show they're more than an internet meme, they're a big real presence that can occupy a physical space. the alt-right is very organized. they have a lot of numbers, shields, protective gear like helmets. we've seen tear gas, water bottles thrown. >> people were literally getting stomped in the ground to the left. hit with flags here. maced over here. i've never ever seen anything like this. >> it was crazy. >> so violent. >> it was like a civil war happening. >> on a saturday morning. >> on a saturday morning. >> we're following breaking news out of virginia. the governor has declared a state of emergency in charlottesville. >> all day like i knew that something would happen but you couldn't pay me to believe that it would have been a car. i really would have thought it would have been something with a gun. ♪ ♪ >> our streets! our streets! >> i don't know how many people are hurt but there are people on the ground being treated by medics. there is many people on the side injured, too. it's a really horrific sound. >> it was too unreal to even -- i couldn't believe what i saw. >> we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry on many sides. >> i don't think it's ever been about a statute. i think it's been about right is right and wrong is wrong. >> james fields junior will likely spend the rest of his life in prison after being sentenced tuesday in the charlottesville car attack. he rammed his vehicle into a crowd of counter protesters at a white supremacist rally killing heather heyer. the jury returned a verdict of life and 419 years after four hours of deliberations. the same jury convicted fields of first-degree murder. >> the internet gave these guys the ability to organize in a way they've never been able to before but that turned into evidence because they left behind an enormous trail of receipts and some memes are about running protesters over with cars. what do you know? two months later james alex fields actually does it. why is this a civil case instead of a criminal case? >> in 2017 jeff sessions was leading the department of justice, and it was very clear to many people that the doj at that time was not going to pursue civil right the work with the enthusiasm it deserves so as private plaintiffs, what our plaintiffs can bring is a civil lawsuit and they did using the ku klux klan act, which is an 151-year-old statute to protect against the racially motivated violent conspiracies we saw here four years ago. >> one of the nine plaintiffs is liz signs who says fields' car almost hit her. >> i'll never forget watching them attack my fellow students or the feeling of running for my life. >> another plaintiff is natalie. she was hit by fields' car causing a skull fracture and concussion. thomas baker thought he would die and still has hip pain. marcus martin seen here in midair, his leg was broke and couldn't work for nine months. >> a lot of pain. a lot to cope with. >> what makes this case so interesting is that it brings the concept of incitement into the internet age saying an entire group of people should be expelled from the country or killed sooner or later isn't another political debate like marginal tax rates. it's harassment. healthier is seeing a healthcae pro whenever you may need one. doctor: the fever should break... or...trying to. ♪ ♪ this is what healthier looks like ♪ (whispering) he thinks it's a video game. man: he's learning. woman: and he doesn't even know it! muahahaha! ♪ mua-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ thank you ♪ ♪ thank you, osmo ♪ learning made fun. parenting made easier. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? 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or a mud wrestler? or a guy who's on the outs with the missus and he just needs a place to sleep for seven days? yeah. (vo) buy your car online. love it or return it. with carvana. america at the end of the day belongs to white men. >> hail trump, hail our people. hail victory. >> you will not replace us! you will not replace us! >> in 2017 richard spencer was at the height of his power as a leader of the alt-right but since charlottesville, the alt-right has been crushed and what remains of it hates spencer. we've interviewed him a couple times since he's been charlottesville for the lawsuit always in a different location because he was too scared to stay too close to town. >> do you understand piling on someone when facing a lawsuit -- >> i would despite the col characterization of piling. i want to ask you the most interesting thing, did you do it on purpose and do you feel bad? >> charlottesville? >> the whole movement itself. did you do it on purpose or did you not care? >> i didn't create the movement? you named it and became the face of it. >> i was trying to unite everything where it would be simply me and it would have been better if they had [ bleep ] bent the knee and shut the [ bleep ] up. >> wow. >> the whole 2016, 2017 experience was quite something, wasn't it? i was making headlines every week. trump was also reaching people online and the alt-right became an advertising wing and the alt-right's anonymous i am not anonymous if i dare say so, i think i'm interesting. >> you mean you were a symbol of a broader movement that didn't have a face? >> exactly, yeah. and people could kind of freak out and love to hate me and maybe hate to love me. >> are you a virgin of the neo nazi movement. >> there was the punch of 2017 when political violence hits back and it was almost like the alt-right were fighting back so you have go punch that goldie locks or whatever. i feel like i was attached to all these people that want to come hang out in the alt-right and yeah, i just was too old. i was slumming. i don't know. >> did you think there would be any consequences to your slumming? >> to my slumming with those guys? >> to your word. lawfair? no. i feared there was going to be some kind of violence at a lot of those rallies. that was becoming present. i think i under estimated about a lot of people. i think a lot of people wanted to be me. one of the big things the alt-right was i want to be spencer. i want to be in the headlines. it created a tremendous amount of jealousy. >> so you knew you would attract attention if you went to this rally? >> to charlottesville? >> uh-huh. >> yeah. and i wanted attention. yeah. it was just kind of almost like a concert tour or something. >> spencer is here. this is our speaker for the night. this is why we're here, everybody. >> we own these streets! we occupy these grounds! >> did you plan to follow the law in charlottesville? >> i did follow the law. i don't know what to say. did i plan to follow the law? what do you mean. >> if you're willing to be arrested, you're going to get arrested. >> all right. >> we have a permit for this. we're staying 100%. there is no way i'm leaving. >> a few days before the rally, before your permit for the park was reinstated, you told me if it wasn't reinstated you guys would march the park anyway and try to get arrested. >> hmmm. i don't remember saying that, but what's your point? >> that one, you were planning the rally, the spectacle and two, you were planning to disobey the city orders. >> i was planning charlottesville because of that thing that i told you? >> you were certainly planning part of it. >> elle, this is just nonsense. you're trying to press me and press me and press me until i say something like yeah, i did charlottesville and we won in the violence, yeah. that's what it was all about because i'm a sick freak. give me a break, elle. >> i am coming back here every [ bleep ] weekend if i have to. like this is never over. i win. that's how the world [ bleep ] works. they get ruled by people like me. i'll probably never live down this rant from that day of i rule the [ bleep ] world and whatever. >> yeah, people like you look up at faces like me. >> yeah. we know what i'm talking about. okay? i felt like at that moment everything was kind of closing in. after charlottesville went in the way it went, there was no way to transfigure this movement. it was about computer programmers and basement dwellers or whatever. it was like there was this energy and opportunity around trump where it can be transformed into something i want and certainly after charlottesville, that was impossible. >> this is what happens when you really, truly unite the right. >> at the end of the day, unite the right means putting me next to azmodore who is disgusting and gross. i hate -- i don't like ugly, stupid freaks. it should have always just simply been about richard spencer. >> i'm not going home. i looked back on all of it and i kind of cringe a little bit. there was maybe some good aspects of it but a lot of things i regret. looking back on charlottesville, i think it's remarkable that it wasn't worse in terms of casualties to be honest. >> so what exactly do you regret? >> it's a big question. the problem is we don't have time machines and talking about them is just kind of speculative. >> so you can't name one thing you regret? >> well, what could i have done that could have, say, i guess you could say that not only would i have not agreed to go to charlottesville but i would have tried to stop charlottesville and heather heyer would be alive today. outside of that, of shutting down the whole thing and -- which is probably something i could not have actually done. >> you said you had many regrets. can you name one of them? >> yes. i regret -- i ultimately regret being a part of that whole crowd. all of that juvenile ironic nazi humor is so over. and i cringe when i even think about it now. >> i think i said this a couple times but you have said you have regrets. >> uh-huh. >> but every time i ask you to explain those regrets. >> i have explained them. >> it's framed in terms of i was hanging out -- >> i made those decisions -- >> with losers. >> i made those decisions. >> you're like i let myself get dragged down by this filth but those were your people. those are your guys. >> do you want me to go -- >> why don't you take responsibility for them. >> i have. >> if they wanted to be you and went into the street and beat people up, what does that say to you? >> you seem to just want to -- your entire point here is to prove that i'm a piece of and accept it. i'm not here to be insulted. maybe when someone is honest and expresses regret, you should probably allow them to do that as opposed to jumping on their [ bleep ] back. you know? >> do you regret injecting such explicit intense racism into the american politics? >> i did not inject that in there. if anything, i injected an ideology that could, you know, articulate something that's already there. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load. and enjoy fresher smelling laundry. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. shop online for downy unstopables, including our new, lighter scent. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. i'm inviting all patriots to join us in charlottesville, virginia to take a stand not just for our confederate monuments but for our european identity. >> i thought it was pretty incredible with all the people that showed up. i thought that was the biggest rally i'd ever been in. >> good, good, good. go. >> i was involved in white nationalism for 25 years, i was the national leader of the national socialist movement. >> it's not about the uniform you wear, the colors you fly. it's about the color of our skin. >> why did you leave? >> i left the movement because i didn't believe in it anymore. >> did the lawsuit push you out of the movement? >> no. >> i don't think anybody changes their whole entire life because they've been sued. >> well, one of the interesting things about the alt-right it's trying to appear like upper class and i was wondering if that's a contrast to what is your experience. >> the alt-right is fluid and changing all the time. it's -- i don't just mean like oh, edgy memes and fashion haircuts and that sort of thing. different people only the alt right look down upon the working class and that was very different than the movement like especially in the '90s. >> and did those more moderate groups want to use the more hard right groups as the muscle. >> the hard right groups like the nsm, we were in the streets all those years when there was nobody in the streets. the alt-right probably would have liked to control the hard right groups and use them as muscle. this is, you know, we're the elite and we're going to control everything from the alt-right perspective and the hard right groups will protect us. >> i've been covering the white power movement since 2015. when people think of racist, they think of skin heads and beat people up. this new breed of racists is like nerds on the internet. people who were very smart and tech savvy able to act anonymously but as like a -- why did you say that charlottesville is a success afterwards? >> because the most important thing is raising awareness about the issues. >> you didn't even get to give a single speech. it was cancelled before it began. >> right, part of the national conversation about the importance of maintaining historical monuments that did happen. >> everyone paid attention to it because someone got murdered. >> the community defended ourselves against thugs in a battle that was brought by this city that wanted a blood bath. >> so you had to testify in court today but you guys wore black uniforms in part because it concealed blood. >> it's actually good reason. it that number one, that doesn't really -- if you're wearing a white polo shirt -- >> it's not how i usually plan my outfits. >> you aren't usually attacked by hordes of anti -- >> matt is represented by smith. he's a holocaust denier despite being raised jewish himself. >> let's go. >> another deposition that was played, there was a man posting with the discord user name tyrone in the discord chat server used to plan unite the right. his real name is michael chesnee. he was questioned at length about his post. >> you met multiple times with a guy that goes by tyrone michael chesnee that posted repeatedly about running protesters over with their cars literally saying i'm not posting, i'm asking is it legal to run protesters over with cars. >> i don't like michael chesnee. >> you met him multiple times. >> did you think to say, don't talk like that. some idiot kit will take your seriously? >> the media wants to find the young men making jokes that are a middle finger to folks like yourself that are so -- >> of course it can be that. but you can also mean it. when did you become anti antis-semitic? >> 34. >> oh. >> not that long ago comparatively to my life. i've been conservative, right? my exposure to people on twitter that we're making a lot of sense. there was a meme actually. this one says it's impossible to round up 11 million people and ship them somewhere you stupid consecutive and this guy says why are you denying the holocaust? it's easy to sell this. >> how does your family feel about you going so far ? >> i don't talk about politics much with my parents at all. >> the holocaust isn't like politics. >> they can't talk about that. people have a blind spot for it, jews especially have a blind spot for it. >> are you both on twitter still? >> i am. >> what? >> yeah, you can't stop me. >> there is a group called traditionalests workers party with his buddy matt parrot. parrot was the tech guy behind the scenes. >> i've been kicked off twitter i think three times now, maybe four. i come back each time as a middle-aged black businesswoman. if you come back and immediately friend a bunch of white nationalists, they're on to that. >> they know. >> the algorithm checks that. if i'm talking to other middle-aged black women, the algorithm can't figure that out and you're constantly playing a game of chicken with increasingly sophisticated and intrusive algorithms trying to hunt us. >> that's intrusive. >> it's a game. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (whispering) he thinks it's a video game. man: he's learning. woman: and he doesn't even know it! muahahaha! ♪ mua-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ thank you ♪ ♪ thank you, osmo ♪ learning made fun. parenting made easier. as carla wonders if she can retire sooner, she'll revisit her plan with fidelity. and with a scenario that makes it a possibility, she'll enjoy her dream right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ what do you think this means for the alt-right protest? >> we're up to the challenge. >> tough to top. someone died. >> i think that a lot more people will die before we're done here, frankly. >> why? >> because people die every day. right? i mean, not a heart attack. vie violeolent death. >> people die violent deaths all the time. right? this is part of the reason that we won the state. the blacks are killing each other in staggering numbers from coast-to-coast. we don't want part of that anymore so the fact that they resist us when we say hey, we want a homeland is not shocking to me. all right? these people want violence and the right is just meeting market demand. >> one of the most notorious defendants started his closing arguments and argued he never planned to commit violence that weekend and didn't want violence. >> the plaintiff's attorneys showed text messages from cantwell, i'm willing to risk a lot for our cause including violence and incarceration. >> before charlottesville, the organizers told me part of the propaganda strategy was to look like their ideas were so powerful and so dangerous that the state had to violently suppress it. they wanted to go out there and i get arrested because it made them look like victims. it was essential to the propaganda strategy. they said they want to show their ideas are being violently repressed. this is cantwell at the scene macing someone. cantwell was bragging about this on his website. >> police are nowhere to be found. >> i do not want violence with you. i'm terrified. i'm afraid you're going to kill me. i really am. >> cantwell found out there was a warrant for his arrest. he freaked out and was in a hotel and posted this crazy video. >> we used every peaceful and lawful means by which to redress our grievances. >> after that he's known as the crying nazi on the internet. in july 2018, cantwell pled guilty to two misdemeanor accounts for pepper spraying people at the march. >> he kind of lost it when i pressed charges against him for pepper spraying me on august 11th. since then he has maintained this obsession that i'm like this national leader of antifa which is an absurd allegation and he's filed hundreds of pages of documents about me even though i'm not a party and rather than admitting he did something wrong and saying sorry, he's going to bury himself by through this obsession. >> a man has been sentenced to 41 months in prison. cantwell is in prison because he's convicted of extortion in september 2020. he was being harassed by a white supremacist group called bull patrol because they're fans of dylann roof that murdered nine black people at a church and he had a bowl haircut. he said if you can't give me information on a third member, i'll rape your wife in front of your kids. a pretty dramatic moment at trial is when chris cantwell was forced to sit there and listen to his own words. these guys talked about how dylann roof was a loser so just the type of person that you would want to commit mass murder. >> some of us just got to be cannon fire for the race war. >> this is the jail where cantwell is staying somewhere inside there is chris cantwell in a black and white striped suit. he's called me a couple times from prison. hey, chris, how are you doing? >> fantastic, thank you so much for asking. if you heard anybody testify that we did this because we have a problem with racial minorities? no. we're prepared to defend ourselves against a violent communist revolutionary that call themselves antifa. >> people like chris cantwell have to have this mentality because it's core to the white grievance they need to be the saviors of the white race and they're under attack. start your day with crest 3d white and from mochaccinos to merlot, your smile will always be brilliant. crest 3d white brilliance. 100% stain removal, 24 hour stain resistance to lock in your whitest smile. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. 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(sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ [microwave beeps] [ahh] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ what are we supposed to do? okay. the supreme court isn't helping us. no one is helping us. only us can help us. only we can do it. >> a mass group of trump supporters stormed the u.s. capitol to stop the certification of what they believe was a fraudulent election. cnn's elle extensively covered the 2017 rally at charlottesville. she was in the crowd this go round in the capitol. >> taking our freedoms, locking us down and turning this country into a socialist republic and that is not right! that's what i'm doing here. >> people think that donald trump plus the internet has brought out more extremists but actually, it's an inversion of that. donald trump plus the internet brought extremism to the masses, to much more common people. >> this is our capitol. we built it. >> this is a bunch of really, really pissed off regular folks. i got a job. this is wednesday. i'm supposed to be at work. yeah. >> one important comparison with unite the right is that it was taking an online movement into the real world. they were largely anonymous to each other online and once they got together, there was so much energy. it gave them the feeling they could do what they joked about online in real life. i think energy of finally meeting your online friend plus the freedom of being anonymous, it allowed people to set aside their morals, their pride to do horrible things. >> i believe as you can see we're stepping off the internet in a big way. for instance at the torch walk there were hundreds and hundreds of us. people realize they are not itemized individuals, they are part of a larger hole because we have been spreading our memes and organizing on the internet and so now they're coming out and now, as you can see today, we greatly outnumbered the anti-white, anti american filth and at some point, we will have enough power that we will clear them from the streets forever. that, which is degenerate in white countries will be removed. >> so you're saying showing up in physical space lets people know there are more like them? >> we're starting to slowly unveil a little bit of our power level. you ain't seen nothing yet. >> there is a straight line that goes from unite the right to january 6th because of the lack of accountability that has generally existed for these extremists who have become more emboldened, more normalized and more empowered over the last few years. >> when those people started storming the capitol on january 6th, having been in charlottesville like what did you think when you watched it unfold? >> we told you so. i mean, i can't begin to tell you. it's like, you believe us now? this is what they did to us. they invaded us. when i saw that insurrection, it just made me feel like oh, wow, look at this. when he said that there was good people on both sides, some of y'all believed him. but now that it happened at the capitol, it's oh my goodness, they need to go to jail. we told you they needed to go to jail here and they didn't go to jail. >> charlottesville could have did the right thing and made such a big statement. and they didn't. charlottesville failed us. and then after charlottesville failed us, our president failed us. >> the movement was always a pat. that the alt right was used to set a new standard for what was acceptable in america. and as soon as donald trump said both sides, that anchored the new standard. now this is just business as usual. i think that the alt right they stopped their activism. but really they worn out their usefulness. because now their views are mainstream. >> now the alt right not only is it kind of irrelevant in splintering. it doesn't in a way need to exist. or make sense. there's just a trump republican conservative movement. you are there's no alt. that's necessary. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. 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♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at this just in. the federal jury has reached a verdict on some of the claims but remains deadlocked on others. >> this verdict constitutes nothing short of a devastating financial blow. while the jury was not able to reach a verdict on two key federal claims of conspiracy to commit racially motivated violence. they found the defendants the white supremacists liable for four other claims and assessed more than $26 million in compensatory and punitive damage. among them finding five defendants were liable for racial harassment or violence. and that all the defendants participated in a conspiracy. >> this verdict today is a message that this country doesn't tolerate violence based on racial and religious hatred. in any form. >> so the jury found that all of the groups were part of the conspiracy. even if they didn't have a piece of every single thing that happened. it sets an important precedent. if the leaders are out there glamorizing violence. as spencer did. planning for violence. then when the followers come to their events and participate in the violence, the leaders can be held responsible. >> i think it's a sobering lesson to any organizer in extremist politics. >> i'm a little bit shocked. we have been just so upset with the american justice system at this point. being a person of color. i just didn't expect the out come that happened. am i happy for it? absolutely. i think we have to definitely put out a message that you cannot come here and you can't do that. >> building up o charlottesville there was like an increasing amount of like street fights and the mainstream opinions. that's free speech. another political opinion. and charlottesville happened. it's like oh, no. it's not just another political opinion. this is actually just about violence. >> i think it took the events that happened in washington. i think if the insurrection would have never happened, we wouldn't have a victory. in charlottesville. i'm a if i recall believer in free speech. i'm a firm believer. i'm for the first amendment. free speech ends and shuts down when violence occurred. >> the backlash from sh charlottesville crushed the alt right. those specific groups. but didn't crush white power itself. >> the right decision was made. we have so much work to do on the ground in local government. and state government. and our federal government. >> nazi -- >> all the defendants in the case are destitute. none of them have money. >> will you reduce the damages. >> we have to make a motion to have it reduced. >> there's a lot of talk about about whether any of the money will actually be seen. >> the punitive damages were really high. that has to be smaller. so it's possible the judge will lower the damages on that claim. >> it doesn't take much to bankrupt a person like me. >> what are you going to do now? >> somebody of my means, i don't have $500,000 for the plaintiffs. even if i would like to. i suppose there will be some kind of wage garnish. and i'll get on with my life. >> i lost my job. last week. which was fun. >> where were wrou working and what happened? >> i was enjoying working under the golden arches. >> did colleagues say i didn't know you were a modern racist. you left white nationalism? >> i have. there's no expiration date for how long your life will be ruined. >> what happens if you lose this lawsuit? >> what immediately happens is i would appeal. and if you don't appeal it depends on what the actual judgment amount is. and i don't know. maybe a life of bankruptcy. >> do you have money? >> i don't have much money. personally. but, i'll be okay. i'm not scared. they can do whatever they want. it won't change my life or lifestyle. so, yeah. >> this is the thing i never looked up at the statue the whole day. >> this started it all. the lee statue. the mayhem. this is what reeked havoc in charlottesville. the robert e. lee statue. >> the statue of general robert e. lee. which over looked a park that held the deadly unite the right rally. hoisted away. the end of a long and bloody battle for one city. grappling with how to tell our nations story. >> a part of me i'm glad he's gone. but then a part of me i'm like, the issue is bigger than the statue. because you can remove all the statues in the world. if the system still stays the same. it does stand against black folks. >> i'm glad he's gone off the horse. i'm glad he's not sitting on the high horse anymore. because we weren't at the table when they created this stuff. but, even if if you have people that believe in those systems, that led us to being where we were. august of 12. good evening. if all news is ultimately about the difference and the distance between then and now, then this was the biggest news night.

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Music , What A Wonderful World , Following , Special Report , Announcer , Cnn , To Charlottesville , Four , Us , City , White Nationalists , Individuals , Weekend , Hate Groups , Some , Supremacists , Jews , Torches , Images , Neo Nazis , White Supremacists , Richard Spencer , Men , Matthew Parrot , Power Brands , Jason Kessler , Violence , Speech , Trial , Self Defense , Federal Court , It , Bleep , Purpose , Speaker , Success , Alt , Law , Fighting , Left , Neo Nazi Movement , Lawsuit Push , Alt Right , Views , Usefulness , Activism , Victim , Strategy , Propaganda , Stream , Wasn T Worse , Statute , Racism , Big Organized Movement , Activity , Kids , Community Resistance , Two , Lives , Streets , Things , Everything , Right , Courthouse , Home , Pique , Comieing , Wall , Guys , Rally , Verdict , Organizers , Innocence , Unite The Right , Consequence , Matter , Civil One , Most , Federal Civil Trial , 2017 , One , Whatever , They Don T Hold , Behind The Scenes , People , World , Country , Numbers , Danger , Ways , Have , Bankrupted , Amount , Guns , Open Carry State , Participants , We Weren T , Type , Militia Markings , Baby , Virginia , Men And Women In Camouflage Gear , , 2 , 40 , Space , Victory , Blood Bath , Glocks , Real Presence , Internet Meme , Removal , Robert E Lee , Protective Gear , Tear Gas , Helmets , Water Bottles , Shields , Ground , Anything , Hit , Flags , Maced , Civil War , Governor , Breaking News , Happening , Something , Car , State Of Emergency , Gun , Side , Medics , Injured , Sound , Sides , Hatred , Terms , Display , Bigotry , James Fields Junior , Rest , Jury , Crowd , Protesters , Life In Prison , Car Attack , Vehicle , Life , Way , Internet , Case , Cars , Memes , Fields , Murder , Deliberations , Trail , Evidence , Ability , Receipts , 419 , Department Of Justice , Jeff Sessions , Lawsuit , Plaintiffs , Work , Enthusiasm , Ku Klux Klan Act , 151 , Conspiracies , Racially , Nine , Plaintiff , Feeling , Thomas Baker , Marcus 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, Symbol , Freak Out , Punch , Virgin , Goldie Locks , Slumming , Consequences , I Don T Know , Word , Kind , Rallies , Lawfair , Headlines , Attention , Everybody , Uh Huh , Jealousy , Concert Tour , Permit , 100 , Park , Point , Planning , Spectacle , Orders , Part , Elle , Freak , Break , Rant , Closing , Computer Programmers , Basement Dwellers , Energy , Opportunity , Azmodore , Gross , Like Ugly , Bit , Freaks , Cringe , Aspects , Casualties , Problem , Speculative , Machines , Big Question , Stop Charlottesville , Regrets , Heather Heyer , Nazi , Humor , Yes , Decisions , Losers , Filth , Street , Don T , Responsibility , Piece , Regret , Say , Politics , Ideology , Laundry , Clothes , Downy Unstopables , Scent Boosters , Downy , Washing Machine , Waaaay , Detergent , Load , Cap , Smelling Laundry , San Francisco , Justice , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Being , Safety , Both , Public Safety , Didn T Support The Newsom , Color , Perspective , Communities , Impact , Son , A Million , Six , Turmoil , Crime , Streets Of San Francisco , Increase , Failure , Da S Office , Cases , Management , Recall , Stand , Patriots , Monuments , Identity , Good , Nationalism , Colors , National Socialist Movement , Uniform , Skin , 25 , Anybody , Class , Contrast , Fashion Haircuts , Working Class , Sort , 90 , Groups , Muscle , Nsm , Nobody , Elite , Racist , Racists , Skin Heads , Power Movement , Breed , 2015 , Nerds , A , Awareness , Issues , Conversation , Importance , Battle , Court , Community , Blood , Everyone , Uniforms , Thugs , Reason , Polo Shirt , Anti , Outfits , Hordes , Jewish , Smith , Holocaust Denier , Tyrone , Deposition , Man Posting , User Name , Discord Chat Server , Let S Go , Discord , Tyrone Michael Chesnee , Name , Post , Length , Posting , Jokes , Folks , Media , Idiot Kit , Talk Like That , Finger , Course , Exposure , Antis , Conservative , 34 , Sense , Meme , Holocaust , Family , 11 Million , Blind Spot , Parents , Holocaust Isn T Like Politics , 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Extremists , Capitol , Extremism , Masses , Inversion , Comparison , Job , Unite , Pride , Morals , The Freedom Of Being Anonymous , Torch Walk , Instance , Organizing , Hole , Anti White , Countries , Degenerate , Anti American , Line , Nothing , Ain T , Power Level , Accountability , Lack , Empowered , January 6th , 6 , Capitol On January 6th , Insurrection , Wow , Oh , Goodness , They Didn T Go To Jail , President , Statement , Standard , Pat , Business As Usual , It Doesn T , Need , Mainstream , In Splintering , Nighttime , Conservative Movement , Coughing , Republican , Sneezing , Aching , Sniffling , Head , Medicine , Sleep , Cold , Muahahahahahaha , Stuffy , Ho , Santa , Liquid , Cleaning Power , Stains , Oxi , Questions , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , Tide Pods , Ultra Oxi , Ben Isn T , Coaching , Zen , Team , Retirement , Ira , Show , Gonna , Mom , Mommy , Promises , Same , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Story , Claims , Conspiracy , Others , Blow , Damage , 26 Million , 6 Million , Five , Message , Leaders , Form , Precedent , Events , Followers , Organizer , Lesson , System , Building Up O Charlottesville , Street Fights , Opinion , Opinions , Washington , Free Speech , Believer , Amendment , Sh Charlottesville , Decision , Backlash , Didn T Crush White Power , Government , Damages , State Government , None , Motion , Talk , Judge , Somebody , Claim , 00000 , 500000 , Wage Garnish , Fun , Golden Arches , Colleagues , Don T Know , Judgment , Bankruptcy , Personally , Statue , Lifestyle , Lee Statue , Havoc In Charlottesville , Mayhem , Nations , Issue , Horse , Statues , Stuff , Table , Systems , Led , 12 , News , News Night , Distance , Difference ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709

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♪ ♪ in charlottesville, virginia more than four years since white supremacists descended on the city, hard to forget the images from the weekend. white supremacists marching with torches chanting jews will not replace us. >> defendants here, some of them individuals, white nationalists, neo-nazis designated as hate groups. >> men who made themselves white power brands. richard spencer, matthew parrot and jason kessler spent a month in federal court for racially committed violence. they said they were exercising their right to free speech and self-defense. during the trial, some of the defendants sat down with me. so why did you say that charlottesville is a success? >> this is our speaker for the night. >> did you do it on purpose and do you feel bad about it? >> it would have been better if they [ bleep ] me and shut the [ bleep ] up. >> the alt left and right were fighting back. >> did you plan to follow the law in charlottesville? did the lawsuit push you out of the movement? >> it was absolutely essential to the propaganda strategy to look like a victim. >> the alt-right stopped activism by wore out their usefulness because their views are main stream. >> looking back on charlottesville is remarkable it wasn't worse. >> you will not replace us! you will not replace us! you will not replace us! jews will not replace us! jews will not replace us! >> it was very clear it was a highly organized activity. like, this is a big organized movement. >> jews will not replace us! >> maybe two dozen kids around that statute trying to show some community resistance to organized racism. >> white lives matter! white lives matter! white lives matter! >> we own these streets! we occupy these grounds! we won! >> i think i was pretty enthusiastic that night. i thought wow things are exciting. everything is comieing together and so on. charlottesville was the end of the pique of the right. >> this courthouse is the home of the federal civil trial. it's against all the major organizers of the 2017 unite the right rally in charlottesville. it's the biggest consequence most of these guys have faced and it's not a criminal trial, it's a civil one. >> innocence like no matter what the verdict is you have already won because richard spencer said it was financially crippling. they don't hold public rallies anymore. whatever they might be doing behind the scenes, they're not able to get numbers in public. some have said they've been bankrupted. what do you think about that? >> people really need to understand that this is real. it's out there. that it allows people from all over the country and the world to organize in ways that were previously impossible and that is a real and present danger. >> just minutes ago we saw the first participants in today's unite the right rally arrive about 40 men and women in camouflage gear some with militia markings, virginia is an open carry state. >> the amount of guns, the type of guns, i mean, we weren't just talking about baby .22s and .9 glocks. so everything about that was just, it was so frightening. i thought it was going to be a blood bath. >> this is a historic victory for our people and we're moving out from the online space which we dominate and we're going to take over the real world. >> here to protest the removal of a statute of robert e. lee but to show they're more than an internet meme, they're a big real presence that can occupy a physical space. the alt-right is very organized. they have a lot of numbers, shields, protective gear like helmets. we've seen tear gas, water bottles thrown. >> people were literally getting stomped in the ground to the left. hit with flags here. maced over here. i've never ever seen anything like this. >> it was crazy. >> so violent. >> it was like a civil war happening. >> on a saturday morning. >> on a saturday morning. >> we're following breaking news out of virginia. the governor has declared a state of emergency in charlottesville. >> all day like i knew that something would happen but you couldn't pay me to believe that it would have been a car. i really would have thought it would have been something with a gun. ♪ ♪ >> our streets! our streets! >> i don't know how many people are hurt but there are people on the ground being treated by medics. there is many people on the side injured, too. it's a really horrific sound. >> it was too unreal to even -- i couldn't believe what i saw. >> we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry on many sides. >> i don't think it's ever been about a statute. i think it's been about right is right and wrong is wrong. >> james fields junior will likely spend the rest of his life in prison after being sentenced tuesday in the charlottesville car attack. he rammed his vehicle into a crowd of counter protesters at a white supremacist rally killing heather heyer. the jury returned a verdict of life and 419 years after four hours of deliberations. the same jury convicted fields of first-degree murder. >> the internet gave these guys the ability to organize in a way they've never been able to before but that turned into evidence because they left behind an enormous trail of receipts and some memes are about running protesters over with cars. what do you know? two months later james alex fields actually does it. why is this a civil case instead of a criminal case? >> in 2017 jeff sessions was leading the department of justice, and it was very clear to many people that the doj at that time was not going to pursue civil right the work with the enthusiasm it deserves so as private plaintiffs, what our plaintiffs can bring is a civil lawsuit and they did using the ku klux klan act, which is an 151-year-old statute to protect against the racially motivated violent conspiracies we saw here four years ago. >> one of the nine plaintiffs is liz signs who says fields' car almost hit her. >> i'll never forget watching them attack my fellow students or the feeling of running for my life. >> another plaintiff is natalie. she was hit by fields' car causing a skull fracture and concussion. thomas baker thought he would die and still has hip pain. marcus martin seen here in midair, his leg was broke and couldn't work for nine months. >> a lot of pain. a lot to cope with. >> what makes this case so interesting is that it brings the concept of incitement into the internet age saying an entire group of people should be expelled from the country or killed sooner or later isn't another political debate like marginal tax rates. it's harassment. healthier is seeing a healthcae pro whenever you may need one. doctor: the fever should break... or...trying to. ♪ ♪ this is what healthier looks like ♪ (whispering) he thinks it's a video game. man: he's learning. woman: and he doesn't even know it! muahahaha! ♪ mua-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ thank you ♪ ♪ thank you, osmo ♪ learning made fun. parenting made easier. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? 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or a mud wrestler? or a guy who's on the outs with the missus and he just needs a place to sleep for seven days? yeah. (vo) buy your car online. love it or return it. with carvana. america at the end of the day belongs to white men. >> hail trump, hail our people. hail victory. >> you will not replace us! you will not replace us! >> in 2017 richard spencer was at the height of his power as a leader of the alt-right but since charlottesville, the alt-right has been crushed and what remains of it hates spencer. we've interviewed him a couple times since he's been charlottesville for the lawsuit always in a different location because he was too scared to stay too close to town. >> do you understand piling on someone when facing a lawsuit -- >> i would despite the col characterization of piling. i want to ask you the most interesting thing, did you do it on purpose and do you feel bad? >> charlottesville? >> the whole movement itself. did you do it on purpose or did you not care? >> i didn't create the movement? you named it and became the face of it. >> i was trying to unite everything where it would be simply me and it would have been better if they had [ bleep ] bent the knee and shut the [ bleep ] up. >> wow. >> the whole 2016, 2017 experience was quite something, wasn't it? i was making headlines every week. trump was also reaching people online and the alt-right became an advertising wing and the alt-right's anonymous i am not anonymous if i dare say so, i think i'm interesting. >> you mean you were a symbol of a broader movement that didn't have a face? >> exactly, yeah. and people could kind of freak out and love to hate me and maybe hate to love me. >> are you a virgin of the neo nazi movement. >> there was the punch of 2017 when political violence hits back and it was almost like the alt-right were fighting back so you have go punch that goldie locks or whatever. i feel like i was attached to all these people that want to come hang out in the alt-right and yeah, i just was too old. i was slumming. i don't know. >> did you think there would be any consequences to your slumming? >> to my slumming with those guys? >> to your word. lawfair? no. i feared there was going to be some kind of violence at a lot of those rallies. that was becoming present. i think i under estimated about a lot of people. i think a lot of people wanted to be me. one of the big things the alt-right was i want to be spencer. i want to be in the headlines. it created a tremendous amount of jealousy. >> so you knew you would attract attention if you went to this rally? >> to charlottesville? >> uh-huh. >> yeah. and i wanted attention. yeah. it was just kind of almost like a concert tour or something. >> spencer is here. this is our speaker for the night. this is why we're here, everybody. >> we own these streets! we occupy these grounds! >> did you plan to follow the law in charlottesville? >> i did follow the law. i don't know what to say. did i plan to follow the law? what do you mean. >> if you're willing to be arrested, you're going to get arrested. >> all right. >> we have a permit for this. we're staying 100%. there is no way i'm leaving. >> a few days before the rally, before your permit for the park was reinstated, you told me if it wasn't reinstated you guys would march the park anyway and try to get arrested. >> hmmm. i don't remember saying that, but what's your point? >> that one, you were planning the rally, the spectacle and two, you were planning to disobey the city orders. >> i was planning charlottesville because of that thing that i told you? >> you were certainly planning part of it. >> elle, this is just nonsense. you're trying to press me and press me and press me until i say something like yeah, i did charlottesville and we won in the violence, yeah. that's what it was all about because i'm a sick freak. give me a break, elle. >> i am coming back here every [ bleep ] weekend if i have to. like this is never over. i win. that's how the world [ bleep ] works. they get ruled by people like me. i'll probably never live down this rant from that day of i rule the [ bleep ] world and whatever. >> yeah, people like you look up at faces like me. >> yeah. we know what i'm talking about. okay? i felt like at that moment everything was kind of closing in. after charlottesville went in the way it went, there was no way to transfigure this movement. it was about computer programmers and basement dwellers or whatever. it was like there was this energy and opportunity around trump where it can be transformed into something i want and certainly after charlottesville, that was impossible. >> this is what happens when you really, truly unite the right. >> at the end of the day, unite the right means putting me next to azmodore who is disgusting and gross. i hate -- i don't like ugly, stupid freaks. it should have always just simply been about richard spencer. >> i'm not going home. i looked back on all of it and i kind of cringe a little bit. there was maybe some good aspects of it but a lot of things i regret. looking back on charlottesville, i think it's remarkable that it wasn't worse in terms of casualties to be honest. >> so what exactly do you regret? >> it's a big question. the problem is we don't have time machines and talking about them is just kind of speculative. >> so you can't name one thing you regret? >> well, what could i have done that could have, say, i guess you could say that not only would i have not agreed to go to charlottesville but i would have tried to stop charlottesville and heather heyer would be alive today. outside of that, of shutting down the whole thing and -- which is probably something i could not have actually done. >> you said you had many regrets. can you name one of them? >> yes. i regret -- i ultimately regret being a part of that whole crowd. all of that juvenile ironic nazi humor is so over. and i cringe when i even think about it now. >> i think i said this a couple times but you have said you have regrets. >> uh-huh. >> but every time i ask you to explain those regrets. >> i have explained them. >> it's framed in terms of i was hanging out -- >> i made those decisions -- >> with losers. >> i made those decisions. >> you're like i let myself get dragged down by this filth but those were your people. those are your guys. >> do you want me to go -- >> why don't you take responsibility for them. >> i have. >> if they wanted to be you and went into the street and beat people up, what does that say to you? >> you seem to just want to -- your entire point here is to prove that i'm a piece of and accept it. i'm not here to be insulted. maybe when someone is honest and expresses regret, you should probably allow them to do that as opposed to jumping on their [ bleep ] back. you know? >> do you regret injecting such explicit intense racism into the american politics? >> i did not inject that in there. if anything, i injected an ideology that could, you know, articulate something that's already there. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load. and enjoy fresher smelling laundry. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. shop online for downy unstopables, including our new, lighter scent. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. i'm inviting all patriots to join us in charlottesville, virginia to take a stand not just for our confederate monuments but for our european identity. >> i thought it was pretty incredible with all the people that showed up. i thought that was the biggest rally i'd ever been in. >> good, good, good. go. >> i was involved in white nationalism for 25 years, i was the national leader of the national socialist movement. >> it's not about the uniform you wear, the colors you fly. it's about the color of our skin. >> why did you leave? >> i left the movement because i didn't believe in it anymore. >> did the lawsuit push you out of the movement? >> no. >> i don't think anybody changes their whole entire life because they've been sued. >> well, one of the interesting things about the alt-right it's trying to appear like upper class and i was wondering if that's a contrast to what is your experience. >> the alt-right is fluid and changing all the time. it's -- i don't just mean like oh, edgy memes and fashion haircuts and that sort of thing. different people only the alt right look down upon the working class and that was very different than the movement like especially in the '90s. >> and did those more moderate groups want to use the more hard right groups as the muscle. >> the hard right groups like the nsm, we were in the streets all those years when there was nobody in the streets. the alt-right probably would have liked to control the hard right groups and use them as muscle. this is, you know, we're the elite and we're going to control everything from the alt-right perspective and the hard right groups will protect us. >> i've been covering the white power movement since 2015. when people think of racist, they think of skin heads and beat people up. this new breed of racists is like nerds on the internet. people who were very smart and tech savvy able to act anonymously but as like a -- why did you say that charlottesville is a success afterwards? >> because the most important thing is raising awareness about the issues. >> you didn't even get to give a single speech. it was cancelled before it began. >> right, part of the national conversation about the importance of maintaining historical monuments that did happen. >> everyone paid attention to it because someone got murdered. >> the community defended ourselves against thugs in a battle that was brought by this city that wanted a blood bath. >> so you had to testify in court today but you guys wore black uniforms in part because it concealed blood. >> it's actually good reason. it that number one, that doesn't really -- if you're wearing a white polo shirt -- >> it's not how i usually plan my outfits. >> you aren't usually attacked by hordes of anti -- >> matt is represented by smith. he's a holocaust denier despite being raised jewish himself. >> let's go. >> another deposition that was played, there was a man posting with the discord user name tyrone in the discord chat server used to plan unite the right. his real name is michael chesnee. he was questioned at length about his post. >> you met multiple times with a guy that goes by tyrone michael chesnee that posted repeatedly about running protesters over with their cars literally saying i'm not posting, i'm asking is it legal to run protesters over with cars. >> i don't like michael chesnee. >> you met him multiple times. >> did you think to say, don't talk like that. some idiot kit will take your seriously? >> the media wants to find the young men making jokes that are a middle finger to folks like yourself that are so -- >> of course it can be that. but you can also mean it. when did you become anti antis-semitic? >> 34. >> oh. >> not that long ago comparatively to my life. i've been conservative, right? my exposure to people on twitter that we're making a lot of sense. there was a meme actually. this one says it's impossible to round up 11 million people and ship them somewhere you stupid consecutive and this guy says why are you denying the holocaust? it's easy to sell this. >> how does your family feel about you going so far ? >> i don't talk about politics much with my parents at all. >> the holocaust isn't like politics. >> they can't talk about that. people have a blind spot for it, jews especially have a blind spot for it. >> are you both on twitter still? >> i am. >> what? >> yeah, you can't stop me. >> there is a group called traditionalests workers party with his buddy matt parrot. parrot was the tech guy behind the scenes. >> i've been kicked off twitter i think three times now, maybe four. i come back each time as a middle-aged black businesswoman. if you come back and immediately friend a bunch of white nationalists, they're on to that. >> they know. >> the algorithm checks that. if i'm talking to other middle-aged black women, the algorithm can't figure that out and you're constantly playing a game of chicken with increasingly sophisticated and intrusive algorithms trying to hunt us. >> that's intrusive. >> it's a game. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (whispering) he thinks it's a video game. man: he's learning. woman: and he doesn't even know it! muahahaha! ♪ mua-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ thank you ♪ ♪ thank you, osmo ♪ learning made fun. parenting made easier. as carla wonders if she can retire sooner, she'll revisit her plan with fidelity. and with a scenario that makes it a possibility, she'll enjoy her dream right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ what do you think this means for the alt-right protest? >> we're up to the challenge. >> tough to top. someone died. >> i think that a lot more people will die before we're done here, frankly. >> why? >> because people die every day. right? i mean, not a heart attack. vie violeolent death. >> people die violent deaths all the time. right? this is part of the reason that we won the state. the blacks are killing each other in staggering numbers from coast-to-coast. we don't want part of that anymore so the fact that they resist us when we say hey, we want a homeland is not shocking to me. all right? these people want violence and the right is just meeting market demand. >> one of the most notorious defendants started his closing arguments and argued he never planned to commit violence that weekend and didn't want violence. >> the plaintiff's attorneys showed text messages from cantwell, i'm willing to risk a lot for our cause including violence and incarceration. >> before charlottesville, the organizers told me part of the propaganda strategy was to look like their ideas were so powerful and so dangerous that the state had to violently suppress it. they wanted to go out there and i get arrested because it made them look like victims. it was essential to the propaganda strategy. they said they want to show their ideas are being violently repressed. this is cantwell at the scene macing someone. cantwell was bragging about this on his website. >> police are nowhere to be found. >> i do not want violence with you. i'm terrified. i'm afraid you're going to kill me. i really am. >> cantwell found out there was a warrant for his arrest. he freaked out and was in a hotel and posted this crazy video. >> we used every peaceful and lawful means by which to redress our grievances. >> after that he's known as the crying nazi on the internet. in july 2018, cantwell pled guilty to two misdemeanor accounts for pepper spraying people at the march. >> he kind of lost it when i pressed charges against him for pepper spraying me on august 11th. since then he has maintained this obsession that i'm like this national leader of antifa which is an absurd allegation and he's filed hundreds of pages of documents about me even though i'm not a party and rather than admitting he did something wrong and saying sorry, he's going to bury himself by through this obsession. >> a man has been sentenced to 41 months in prison. cantwell is in prison because he's convicted of extortion in september 2020. he was being harassed by a white supremacist group called bull patrol because they're fans of dylann roof that murdered nine black people at a church and he had a bowl haircut. he said if you can't give me information on a third member, i'll rape your wife in front of your kids. a pretty dramatic moment at trial is when chris cantwell was forced to sit there and listen to his own words. these guys talked about how dylann roof was a loser so just the type of person that you would want to commit mass murder. >> some of us just got to be cannon fire for the race war. >> this is the jail where cantwell is staying somewhere inside there is chris cantwell in a black and white striped suit. he's called me a couple times from prison. hey, chris, how are you doing? >> fantastic, thank you so much for asking. if you heard anybody testify that we did this because we have a problem with racial minorities? no. we're prepared to defend ourselves against a violent communist revolutionary that call themselves antifa. >> people like chris cantwell have to have this mentality because it's core to the white grievance they need to be the saviors of the white race and they're under attack. start your day with crest 3d white and from mochaccinos to merlot, your smile will always be brilliant. crest 3d white brilliance. 100% stain removal, 24 hour stain resistance to lock in your whitest smile. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ [microwave beeps] [ahh] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ what are we supposed to do? okay. the supreme court isn't helping us. no one is helping us. only us can help us. only we can do it. >> a mass group of trump supporters stormed the u.s. capitol to stop the certification of what they believe was a fraudulent election. cnn's elle extensively covered the 2017 rally at charlottesville. she was in the crowd this go round in the capitol. >> taking our freedoms, locking us down and turning this country into a socialist republic and that is not right! that's what i'm doing here. >> people think that donald trump plus the internet has brought out more extremists but actually, it's an inversion of that. donald trump plus the internet brought extremism to the masses, to much more common people. >> this is our capitol. we built it. >> this is a bunch of really, really pissed off regular folks. i got a job. this is wednesday. i'm supposed to be at work. yeah. >> one important comparison with unite the right is that it was taking an online movement into the real world. they were largely anonymous to each other online and once they got together, there was so much energy. it gave them the feeling they could do what they joked about online in real life. i think energy of finally meeting your online friend plus the freedom of being anonymous, it allowed people to set aside their morals, their pride to do horrible things. >> i believe as you can see we're stepping off the internet in a big way. for instance at the torch walk there were hundreds and hundreds of us. people realize they are not itemized individuals, they are part of a larger hole because we have been spreading our memes and organizing on the internet and so now they're coming out and now, as you can see today, we greatly outnumbered the anti-white, anti american filth and at some point, we will have enough power that we will clear them from the streets forever. that, which is degenerate in white countries will be removed. >> so you're saying showing up in physical space lets people know there are more like them? >> we're starting to slowly unveil a little bit of our power level. you ain't seen nothing yet. >> there is a straight line that goes from unite the right to january 6th because of the lack of accountability that has generally existed for these extremists who have become more emboldened, more normalized and more empowered over the last few years. >> when those people started storming the capitol on january 6th, having been in charlottesville like what did you think when you watched it unfold? >> we told you so. i mean, i can't begin to tell you. it's like, you believe us now? this is what they did to us. they invaded us. when i saw that insurrection, it just made me feel like oh, wow, look at this. when he said that there was good people on both sides, some of y'all believed him. but now that it happened at the capitol, it's oh my goodness, they need to go to jail. we told you they needed to go to jail here and they didn't go to jail. >> charlottesville could have did the right thing and made such a big statement. and they didn't. charlottesville failed us. and then after charlottesville failed us, our president failed us. >> the movement was always a pat. that the alt right was used to set a new standard for what was acceptable in america. and as soon as donald trump said both sides, that anchored the new standard. now this is just business as usual. i think that the alt right they stopped their activism. but really they worn out their usefulness. because now their views are mainstream. >> now the alt right not only is it kind of irrelevant in splintering. it doesn't in a way need to exist. or make sense. there's just a trump republican conservative movement. you are there's no alt. that's necessary. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. (whispering) look, it's working. he thinks it's a video game. man: he's learning. woman: and he doesn't even know it! muahahaha! muahahahahahaha! muahahaha! ♪ mua-ha-ha-ha, mua-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ mua-ha-ha-ha, mua-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ thank you ♪ ♪ thank you ♪ ♪ thank you, osmo ♪ learning made fun. parenting made easier. santa: ho, ho, ho! tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. ben isn't worried about retirement his personalized plan is backed by the team at fidelity. his ira is professionally managed, and he gets one-on-one coaching when he needs it. so ben is feeling pretty zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at this just in. the federal jury has reached a verdict on some of the claims but remains deadlocked on others. >> this verdict constitutes nothing short of a devastating financial blow. while the jury was not able to reach a verdict on two key federal claims of conspiracy to commit racially motivated violence. they found the defendants the white supremacists liable for four other claims and assessed more than $26 million in compensatory and punitive damage. among them finding five defendants were liable for racial harassment or violence. and that all the defendants participated in a conspiracy. >> this verdict today is a message that this country doesn't tolerate violence based on racial and religious hatred. in any form. >> so the jury found that all of the groups were part of the conspiracy. even if they didn't have a piece of every single thing that happened. it sets an important precedent. if the leaders are out there glamorizing violence. as spencer did. planning for violence. then when the followers come to their events and participate in the violence, the leaders can be held responsible. >> i think it's a sobering lesson to any organizer in extremist politics. >> i'm a little bit shocked. we have been just so upset with the american justice system at this point. being a person of color. i just didn't expect the out come that happened. am i happy for it? absolutely. i think we have to definitely put out a message that you cannot come here and you can't do that. >> building up o charlottesville there was like an increasing amount of like street fights and the mainstream opinions. that's free speech. another political opinion. and charlottesville happened. it's like oh, no. it's not just another political opinion. this is actually just about violence. >> i think it took the events that happened in washington. i think if the insurrection would have never happened, we wouldn't have a victory. in charlottesville. i'm a if i recall believer in free speech. i'm a firm believer. i'm for the first amendment. free speech ends and shuts down when violence occurred. >> the backlash from sh charlottesville crushed the alt right. those specific groups. but didn't crush white power itself. >> the right decision was made. we have so much work to do on the ground in local government. and state government. and our federal government. >> nazi -- >> all the defendants in the case are destitute. none of them have money. >> will you reduce the damages. >> we have to make a motion to have it reduced. >> there's a lot of talk about about whether any of the money will actually be seen. >> the punitive damages were really high. that has to be smaller. so it's possible the judge will lower the damages on that claim. >> it doesn't take much to bankrupt a person like me. >> what are you going to do now? >> somebody of my means, i don't have $500,000 for the plaintiffs. even if i would like to. i suppose there will be some kind of wage garnish. and i'll get on with my life. >> i lost my job. last week. which was fun. >> where were wrou working and what happened? >> i was enjoying working under the golden arches. >> did colleagues say i didn't know you were a modern racist. you left white nationalism? >> i have. there's no expiration date for how long your life will be ruined. >> what happens if you lose this lawsuit? >> what immediately happens is i would appeal. and if you don't appeal it depends on what the actual judgment amount is. and i don't know. maybe a life of bankruptcy. >> do you have money? >> i don't have much money. personally. but, i'll be okay. i'm not scared. they can do whatever they want. it won't change my life or lifestyle. so, yeah. >> this is the thing i never looked up at the statue the whole day. >> this started it all. the lee statue. the mayhem. this is what reeked havoc in charlottesville. the robert e. lee statue. >> the statue of general robert e. lee. which over looked a park that held the deadly unite the right rally. hoisted away. the end of a long and bloody battle for one city. grappling with how to tell our nations story. >> a part of me i'm glad he's gone. but then a part of me i'm like, the issue is bigger than the statue. because you can remove all the statues in the world. if the system still stays the same. it does stand against black folks. >> i'm glad he's gone off the horse. i'm glad he's not sitting on the high horse anymore. because we weren't at the table when they created this stuff. but, even if if you have people that believe in those systems, that led us to being where we were. august of 12. good evening. if all news is ultimately about the difference and the distance between then and now, then this was the biggest news night.

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Six , Turmoil , Crime , Streets Of San Francisco , Increase , Failure , Da S Office , Cases , Management , Recall , Stand , Patriots , Monuments , Identity , Good , Nationalism , Colors , National Socialist Movement , Uniform , Skin , 25 , Anybody , Class , Contrast , Fashion Haircuts , Working Class , Sort , 90 , Groups , Muscle , Nsm , Nobody , Elite , Racist , Racists , Skin Heads , Power Movement , Breed , 2015 , Nerds , A , Awareness , Issues , Conversation , Importance , Battle , Court , Community , Blood , Everyone , Uniforms , Thugs , Reason , Polo Shirt , Anti , Outfits , Hordes , Jewish , Smith , Holocaust Denier , Tyrone , Deposition , Man Posting , User Name , Discord Chat Server , Let S Go , Discord , Tyrone Michael Chesnee , Name , Post , Length , Posting , Jokes , Folks , Media , Idiot Kit , Talk Like That , Finger , Course , Exposure , Antis , Conservative , 34 , Sense , Meme , Holocaust , Family , 11 Million , Blind Spot , Parents , Holocaust Isn T Like Politics , Twitter , Parrot , Traditionalests Workers Party , Buddy Matt Parrot , Tech Guy Behind The Scenes , Three , Bunch , Nationalists , Businesswoman , Friend , Algorithm , Game , Algorithms , Black Women , Chicken , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Scenario , Fidelity , Possibility , Planning Effect , Google , Protest , Heart Attack , Vie Violeolent , Death , Challenge , State , Deaths , Homeland , Other , Blacks , Coast , Fact , Defendants , Market Demand , Closing Arguments , Didn T Want Violence , Cantwell , Cause , Attorneys , Text Messages , Propaganda Strategy , Ideas , Incarceration , Victims , Essential , Chris Cantwell , Police , Scene Macing , Website , Nowhere , Video , Grievances , Arrest , Warrant , Hotel , Pepper Spraying People , Misdemeanor Accounts , July 2018 , 2018 , Hundreds , Obsession , Antifa , Charges , Allegation , Pages , 11 , August 11th , Party , Documents , Prison , Extortion , 41 , September 2020 , 2020 , Roof , Fans , Bull Patrol , Dylann , Person , Bowl Haircut , Words , Mass Murder , Loser , Church , Member , Information , Wife , Front , Dylann Roof , Jail , Somewhere , Race War , Me A Couple Times , Fantastic , Chris , Cannon Fire , Black And White Striped Suit , Mentality , Revolutionary , Communist , Grievance , Minorities , Core , Attack , Race , Saviors , Smile , Stain , Lock , Merlot , Mochaccinos , Crest 3d , Stain Removal , 24 , 3 , Crest , Brand , Donor , Subaru , Retailers , Now Subaru , Fourteen , Love Event , Aspca , Share , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Sha Bop , Stars , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Chest , Bongos , Microwave Beeps , Got Eggshells Around Me Don T Step On , Don T Step On , Romance , Em Don T Step On , Ring , Supporters , U S Capitol , No One , Mass Group , Supreme Court Isn T Helping Us , Certification , Freedoms , Election , Go Round , Rally At Charlottesville , Donald Trump , Socialist Republic , Extremists , Capitol , Extremism , Masses , Inversion , Comparison , Job , Unite , Pride , Morals , The Freedom Of Being Anonymous , Torch Walk , Instance , Organizing , Hole , Anti White , Countries , Degenerate , Anti American , Line , Nothing , Ain T , Power Level , Accountability , Lack , Empowered , January 6th , 6 , Capitol On January 6th , Insurrection , Wow , Oh , Goodness , They Didn T Go To Jail , President , Statement , Standard , Pat , Business As Usual , It Doesn T , Need , Mainstream , In Splintering , Nighttime , Conservative Movement , Coughing , Republican , Sneezing , Aching , Sniffling , Head , Medicine , Sleep , Cold , Muahahahahahaha , Stuffy , Ho , Santa , Liquid , Cleaning Power , Stains , Oxi , Questions , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , Tide Pods , Ultra Oxi , Ben Isn T , Coaching , Zen , Team , Retirement , Ira , Show , Gonna , Mom , Mommy , Promises , Same , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Story , Claims , Conspiracy , Others , Blow , Damage , 26 Million , 6 Million , Five , Message , Leaders , Form , Precedent , Events , Followers , Organizer , Lesson , System , Building Up O Charlottesville , Street Fights , Opinion , Opinions , Washington , Free Speech , Believer , Amendment , Sh Charlottesville , Decision , Backlash , Didn T Crush White Power , Government , Damages , State Government , None , Motion , Talk , Judge , Somebody , Claim , 00000 , 500000 , Wage Garnish , Fun , Golden Arches , Colleagues , Don T Know , Judgment , Bankruptcy , Personally , Statue , Lifestyle , Lee Statue , Havoc In Charlottesville , Mayhem , Nations , Issue , Horse , Statues , Stuff , Table , Systems , Led , 12 , News , News Night , Distance , Difference ,

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