Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

lawmakers blocking efforts to fix flooding problems as the sea swallows parts of their districts. welcome to "the lead." i'm pamela brown in for jake tapper today. we start with our money lead and an economic record the united states did not want to hit. data out today shows a key measure of inflation climbed to a 39-year high last month. simply purt, americans are payig a lot more for everyday goods than they were at this time last year. gasoline prices up 58.1%. energy costs 33.3% higher. and groceries an increase of 6.4%. president biden this afternoon saying he thinks we're at the peak of the crisis right now and that lower prices are on the way. but as cnn's phil mattingly reports, this new date creates a major roadblock for the rest of the president's economic agenda. >> every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. >> president biden trying to highlight the positive as a complicated picture of the economy emerges. >> but inflation is affecting people's lives. >> happy new year! >> reporter: inflation hitting its highest point since 1982. a surge in consumer demand continues to run headlong into pandemic-driven supply constraints. rising 6.8% in november from the year prior. prices were up 0.8% from october. ticking down slightly but still marking an alarmingly rapid pace. white house officials keenly aware of what was coming and moving to counter the numbers before they were released. >> that data is, by definition, backward looking and won't capture some recent price movements. particularly in the area of energy. >> reporter: pointing to an array of positive economic signals from easing shipping bottlenecks to gas prices that have dropped an average of 9 cents from the month prior to broader metrics like robust job, wage and economic growth. >> the strength of our labor market and the strength of wage increases and the steps that we've taken to try to provide some relief to american families. position our economy and american households uniquely well to address what is a global issue around price increases and the context of supply chains. >> reporter: but the progress undercut by a political reality apparent in poll after poll. one president biden himself has made a fopoint to acknowledge i recent weeks. >> it's not enough to know we're making progress. you need to see it and feel it in your own lives. >> reporter: and creating a real potential roadblock for the $1.75 trillion cornerstone of biden's domestic agenda. west virginia senator joe manchin, a critical hold dlout has for months pointed to inflation as a primary driver of his reluctance to support the bill. and as democrats push toward senate consideration of that bill, republicans directing a political maneuver aimed squarely at manchin's spending concerns. releasing a congressional budget office analysis of the bill if its spending provisions were extended for a full ten years. finally it would add $3 trillion to the debt. democrats casting that aside as a political ploy. noting it's an analysis that reflects an imaginary bill p. it's not about the existing bill. anybody is debating or voting on. >> reporter: pamela, the reality is why the economy and what that means for americans is top of mind for white house officials, so is an audience of one and that is senator joe manchin. president biden himself says he will be talking to senator manchin early next week. a critical moment for his domestic agenda. a critical vote for that agenda. asked by kaitlan collins if he thought senator manchin would be on board for that domestic agenda, biden said he simply didn't know yet. >> phil mattingly, we shall see. let's discuss. greg, i'm going to start with you to put this economic picture into perspective for us. you have president biden saying he thinks we're at the peak of the inflation crisis. do economists agree with that? >> broadly speaking, yes. the inflation rate at 6.8% is probably going to be lower in the coming year. we've already seen oil and gasoline and natural gas prices come off their peak. so we'll get some near-term relief from that. the debate isn't over whether it's coming down. it's how far does it come down. there are reasons to believe it could be quite elevated a year from now. if you look at underlying drivers, they're not going in the right direction. for example, all those ships off of the coast of california. that tangle line is now stretching out across the entire western pacific. we've still got real shortage of workers. 11 million, near a record 11 million jobs going begging right now. unable to find people to fill those jobs. and one of the slow-moving but very large forces for inflation is housing. housing prices are up 14% in the last year. that is bit by bit finding its way into shelter. so that while the news won't be as bad as it is this month, it doesn't get a ton better for quite awhile. >> let's look at these numbers from a monmouth poll out this week. it says being able to pay their bills is the second biggest concern facing american families right now just behind covid. right after that, 14% of americans say inflation is their biggest worry. and that's a main point here because the biden administration can point to all the data it wants but what matters ultimately is the consumer, the typical american and what they are experiencing and feeling in their perception, right? >> that's true. i think that's what democrats are trying to say when they make the case for build back better, which is costs are going up. some of these costs have been long term trending, right? i hope that, in fact, the data today makes the case to democrats, and particularly condemn crattic senator, that this is more reason to pass build back better. the bill would happen seniors' prescription drug costs at $2,000. that's an average savings of $4,000 for a senior. the bill would cut child care costs by $8,000. these are real savings for families. and the average american family doesn't parse this out. they've got one budget. one set of bills and if one goes way down because of what democrats have done, i think the motivation should increase as a result of what's going on here because it's democrats being responsive to the fact that -- >> the flip side of that is that the u.s. has already pumped in $3 trillion into the economy already. what would this extra nearly $2 trillion do at a time when inflation is so high? >> right. and that's the worry is that the -- and actually voters think that the federal government is responsible for the inflation that they're seeing in fuel prices and in food prices. one-third are saying they're buying less meat than they normally would because of this. it's very much affecting people's lives. i would say, though, in response to what greg said earlier about this is probably peak inflation for this year and it's going to trend down. if it does, great. but if it doesn't, biden just gave everybody a sound bite that's going to come back to haunt him with him saying, i think we're at peak inflation and they're going to replay that a million times if it fails to come down. so that's a vulnerability. there are things he can do. he can cut tariffs. he can increase legal immigration so we don't have such a labor shortage and goods can actually move and we can have truckers. so if i were the biden -- giving the biden administration advice, it would be do the actions that you can do. that you know can fight inflation rather than focusing just on the build back better program. >> but if the reality is, joe manchin, the key vote they need is focused on inflation in terms of how he's going to vote, right, margaret? does raise the question whether this is the nail in the coffin. >> of course. and like, look, pam, i think what i am hearing is not so much is build back better dead but is build back better going to pass by the end of this sgyear? and what does build back better look like? how much does it have to be dialed back or reframed? manchin has complete control over that and so do some of the house progressives who have said if not not enough we're not going for it. look, practically speaking, the supply chain problems, inflation matters to americans in terms of what can you buy, can you pay your heating bills? there's often a difference between perception and reality and we're already seeing that in some of this polling. republicans saying that they are experiencing this in a much greater level than democrats. >> well, that's very much partisanship speaking, don't you think? >> and it wishas to do with med queueing and where you are consuming your news, where are you discussing your views about life on social media and what is your echo chamber? >> how much power does the white house have over the inflation and the crisis right now? i mean, you had mentioned some things they can do but how much can they really move the needle. >> there are little things they can do like releasing oil from the strategic reserve. that's one of the reasons oil prices are coming down. they're trying to loosen regulations to get cargo ships offloaded faster. they've talked about speeding up apprenticeships to get more drivers into trucks. but honestly, this is a job for the federal reserve. they are the ones supposed to be in charge of inflation. if joe manchin has an issue with inflation over the next few years he should be addressing those concerns to the soon to be reconfirmed jay powell, chairman of the fed. >> i do think that for the average american, it is -- inflation is obviously, a macro economic thing. they feel it in their day-to-day, but it's about the cost nepworst thing democrats doon is nothing to show americans they're trying to address their costs. >> also biden had his theory was, we're going to help the pocketbooks of americans and that's how we're going to win back some of those working class voters that we've been losing to the republicans. but according to this monmouth poll, 46% of americans blame the federal government for their pocketbook issues. so and when they are blaming the federal government, that's democrats in charge right now. so it's actually, so far, i mean, they have time to turn this around, so but far they're doing the opposite of what they hope hope. >> i want to talk about something else. that is former president trump now accusing former israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu of being disloyal for congratulating joe biden on winning the presidency. trump telling israeli journalist, quote, it was early, okay. let's put it this way. he greeted him very early. earlier than most world leaders. i have not spoken to him since. f him. excuse my trump re-enactment. he went on to say, quote there was no one who did more for netanyahu than me. no one who did for israel more than i did. and the first person to run to greet joe biden was netanyahu. clearly "snl" will not be hiring me to do the donald trump impersonation but i want to get your reaction to this because we also want to note, netanyahu was not the first to congratulate him. he waited a couple of weeks to call him after the election, calling biden. so what do you think, mona? >> oh, my gosh. we should be used to this now, but we're still not. the fact is, for trump, there is absolutely no understanding of the way international relations work, right? i mean, netanyahu was leader of another country whose relations with the united states, not trump, are his main concern, right? if trump is no longer the president, he has to have good relationships with the next president, but for trump, everything is personal. he's like a mafia boss. and it's like you disrespected me and so now you're over. by the way if netanyahu grovels and comes back with trump then they'll be good again, but it is just this complete disconnect with this man about the way the world works. and he brings his own really sick mafia approach to relationships that ought to be professional and run by international rules. >> yeah, this is my colleague. listen to the podcast, if you read his new book. but look, if bebe netanyahu were the governor of georgia, donald trump would be running a primary candidate against him with a full endorsement. netanyahu was looking for a way back into political office in israel and donald trump is still very popular in israel. he's leaning into this to try to block bebe's resurgence and it tells you everything you need to know about how he views foreign relations and personal relationships. >> fascinating interview. we'll definitely check it out. thanks so much, everyone. appreciate it. the supreme court keeping the texas abortion ban in place but giving opponents a small opening to stop it. our legal experts break it down, up next. plus -- covid getting much worse in one part of the country, including one state which has seen an 88% jump in people being hospitalized. ods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and 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all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? in the politics lead, president biden is, quote, very concerned, according to the white house press secretary, after today's supreme court opinion allowed texas to keep its abortion ban in place per now. that law stops women from getting abortions after six weeks, when many don't even know they're pregnant. as jessica schneider reports, the justices also gave opponents a sliver of hope. >> reporter: a big day for abortion at the supreme court. the justices leaving in place a controversial texas law that bans most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected around six weeks. anti-abortion advocates are celebrating. >> the court has allowed the texas law to stay in effect for 101 days now. and we're very confident that it's going to stay in effect. >> reporter: while the supreme court did not step in to block the law it ruled in favor of abortion providers saying they can sue some state officials, sending the case back to the lower courts. chief justice john roeshts write with the court's liberals saying, given the ongoing chilling effect of the state law, the district court should resolve this litigation and enter appropriate relief without delay. but the ruling means the throw the abortion in texas remains. since private individuals won't be stopped from suing any person involved in performing an abortion after six weeks with payouts under the law amounting to $10,000 per case if the plaintiff wins. clinics across texas have shut down because of that threat of litigation. >> it is going to be hugely problematic as we go forward that these cases continue to be brought. and they continue to have a chilling effect on people's access to abortion care. >> reporter: the law has now been in effect 100 days since september 1st. in that time, abortion clinics in surrounding states have reported being overwhelmed at the number of texas women coming in for procedures. and low-income women without the means to travel have been left with few options. liberal leaning justice sotomayor slammed the supreme court's decision saying the court should have put an end to this madness months ago. my disagreement with the court runs far deeper than a quibble over how many defendants these petitioners may sue. the dispute is over whether states may mull nigh federal constitutional rights by deploying schemes like the one in hand. abortion rights advocates are vowing to keep fighting even though they've only been left with what they're calling a shred of a case in their words. now in addition to what we saw, the supreme court also dismissed the case that was brought by the justice department to challenge sb 8. a spokesman for the attorney general saying today they'll continue to challenge this law in the lower courts. they say that it subverts the constitutionality of the women's right to choose. so this fight is continuing in other courts. but the point is that, at this point, this law stands. that is a big blow to these abortion providers here. >> jessica schneider, thanks so much. i want to bring in katie watson, a public interest lawyer. elie honig was an assistant u.s. attorney for new york's southern district. nice to see you both. elie, your reaction to the opinion by the supreme court letting texas keep its 66-week abortion ban but also letting abortion providers challenge this ban. what do you make of it? >> yeah, pam, on the surface, this ruling is about who can sue and who can be sued under the texas law. sb 8. and there's good news and bad news both ways. the good news for pro-choice advocates is this law can be challenged. the supreme court said that abortion providers can sue here. but the good news for pro-life folks is that the road to challenge this is very narrow. jessica said before a sliver of a path here. that's an accurate description. bigger picture, though, let's keep in mind. as we sit here december 10th, 2021, this law is still in effect. as justice sotomayor says, this law is in open defiance of roe v. wade yet the supreme court keeps pointing to procedural outs to leave it on the books and the bigger question is how long will it survive? >> right. that's what i was going to ask you, katie, for those who hate this law, what should they think in terms of a timeline to know either way what's going to happen with it? >> well, there actually are two trains running here. in the federal suit, what the supreme court said is the plaintiffs can go back to the federal district court. they have standing to sue there. they got an injunction the first time around. i won't be surprised if they get the law enjoined fairly quickly. however, five seconds after they do, the defendants will appeal to the 5th circuit. and the 5th circuit is noforruously anti-abortion. and it will probably sit either reverse the injunction or sit on it until the dobbs ruling comes out. however, before we move to dobbs, and i want to emphasize that yesterday there was a state court ruling. so there's state court proceedings. and there was a win in that one. in vanstein versus texas right to life, a lower texas state court ruled that this procedural mechanism violates the texas state constitution and enjoined it on that basis. of course, it was immediately appealed and it won't be any solace to providers until it reaches the texas supreme court. but we should be keeping our eyes on both those cases. >> but for all intents and purposes, this law, elie is still in effect for now. the texas law went into effect in september. neighboring states have been flooded with texas patients. a legal brief against the law noted, quote, in new mexico, an influx of patients from texas has already strained provider resources and made it more difficult for new mexico residents to receive timely care. what other impacts do you see, do you anticipate in light of today's decision? >> well, pam, this is a key part of justice sotomayor's dissent. justice sotomayor has made clear she's going to fight all the way here. just the existence of these laws has a chilling effect. just the possibility of getting sued here is enough to close down these clinics and cause women who live in texas to have to travel to other states to get abortions. that could be even broader effect. the real case to watch here is the mississippi case. that was referred to, the dobbs case. that case has been argued to the supreme court. argued last week. we'll get a ruling on that likely late spring, early summer, may, june. that's the case that's going to decide whether roe vs. wade stands and what you can see in today's opinion is that you can see the battle lines forming. you can see where the fight is going to play out. justice sotomayor leading the liberal branch and justice gorsuch leading the conservative branch. it's a 6-3 majority. so the numbers are on the gorsuch conservative side. >> did today's opinion show which side the court may go on that pending mississippi abortion case? >> i don't think today's opinion adds that much new than what we heard in the dobbs arguments which are as was mentioned, i think we have at least certainly six to affirm the mississippi 15-week ban, even though there's no principle basis to do so. the question that there could be some openness to is will they outright overturn r roe. but they have four votes, maybe five, maybe even six. so it's possible the 5th circuit would sit on this case, this texas case, until -- with the idea that we'll just wait to find out what happens in dobbs. i don't know if they could sit that long but it's a possibility. and i also want to mention when we talk about a flood of patients leaving texas, that's an important thing to track. it's incredibly burdensome. i spent three days at an oklahoma city abortion clinic that has about half its patients now coming from texas. and saw just personally how overwhelmed and how wonderfully the staff worked late -- until late at night but it's not sustainable. but the second piece is think about who doesn't make it out. so those texans are forced by their government to create another person against their will or they feel they have no other choice but to step outside the medical system and look to self-induced or nonmedical -- nonmedically supported abortion. and those are terrible outcomes as well. they are just a little more hidden, but we know the abortion rate in texas in the month of september was cut in half. so we've got a group of half and some of them are getting their abortions and some of them are not. >> katie watson, elie honig, thank you both. cdc is releasing new information about the dozens of cases of omicron in the u.s. what these clues may tell us, next. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. i want y'all to hear from me first. if 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soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. in our health lead, the cdc is revealing new details about the 43 people who contracted the omicron variant of covid in the u.s. most cases have been mild, but most of those people have been vaccinated. and 14 of them have already received their boosters. now a cnn athena jones reports the white house's top covid fighting officials are digging into what this means for their efforts to get more americans boosted. >> u.s. covid-19 cases on the rise again. now averaging nearly 120,000 new infections a day. up more than 50% over a month ago. case numbers increasing in 26 states. hospitals strained in hard-hit michigan, ohio and arizona. indiana now becoming the latest state to call on the national guard to help overwhelmed hospital workers. >> the hospital beds and monitors don't feel that, i mean, we are tired. our people are incredibly tired. >> the surge is upon us. >> reporter: in new hampshire, the governor warning -- >> it's going to be a rough winter. no doubt about it. i don't think these numbers are going to finish peaking until early january. >> reporter: the nationwide surge driven almost entirely by the delta variant. >> we need to be on a wartime footing because we are at war with an enemy that's killing 1200 americans a day. and i just don't see it. >> reporter: doctors say most of those hospitalized are unvaccinated. but as the u.s. prepares to mark one year since the first shots went into arms, the pace of covid vaccinations is up almost 40% over a month ago. with nearly 460,000 people getting their first shot each day. and some 2 million total doses administered a day. about half of them booster shots. early studies suggest boosters increase protection against the new omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci telling cnn they national institutes of health will likely have data early next week from lab tests on vaccine effectiveness. with the cdc today confirming cases among those infected by omicron in the u.s. have been mild and among those already vaccinated, that mirrors what's being seen in south africa where the variant was initially identified. >> the cases tend on the whole to be milder with fewer requiring oxygenation. so it's interesting that it's emerging. it's confirming what we know and certainly no red flags at this stage. >> so no red flags at this stage. we're getting more signals about how dangerous the omicron variant can be. this new cdc report out today shows that most of the 43 people known to be infected with the omicron variant in the u.s. had mild symptoms. but about 80% of them were fully vaccinated. 14 of them had already had their boosters. now the most commonly reported symptoms were cough, fatigue, congestion or runny nose. and, of course, this is early data. the severity of the omicron variant will become more understood as more cases are identified and investigated. >> athena jones, thank you. joining suscnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. and athena just laid out there the early data. what we are learning about the omicron variant, sanjay. it appears the covid vaccine doesn't protect people from getting infected with omicron but it does indicate the first cases have been mild. what does that tell you? >> well, if this data holds up, it's sort of -- a lot of this makes sense in the sense that the idea of the vaccine is to really prevent people from developing serious illness. if you look specifically at the idea of infection, how well that works, the numbers that athena just talked about. 43 cases that have been confirmed, this data coming from the cdc. 34 of them were fully vaccinated. 14 did have this additional booster. six previously infected as well. so i think there's two things to keep in mind. the vaccines may be doing the bulk of their work in terms of preventing people from getting sick. that's why the majority have mild illness. also we still have the same problem that i think you and i have been talking about for two years now. there's not enough testing happening. we don't know the true denominator here. when deal with something as transmissible as omicron. there could be people who have it and have mild sympt omps and aren't getting tested. it's hard to say how protective the vaccines are against infection. but we do know they seem very protective against illness. >> such a key pom component, th testing or lack thereof in terms of being accessible for everyday americans. about 50 million people, about 27% of fully vaccinated adults have received a booster. what percent of those vaccinated need to get their booster so omicron stays under control? >> that's a really important question, and we, you know, you hate to be the person that says we don't know yet but we're just a couple of weeks into really studying these trajectories with omicron. some of this data will be forthcoming. first of all, with boosters sort of willingness, it has changed a bit even since we started talking about omicron. about a quarter of the country boosted. there's only about 18% of the vaccinated who say they still probably will not or definitely will not. closer to 80% say that they will at some point. but if you look at the uk, specifically, and say their hospitalizations are starting to go down. what percentage of their population is vaccinated and boosted? they -- it's close to what we have. 80% of 12-year-old and older are vaccinated in the u company and about 38% are boosted. we're closer to 25% boosted. so that 38% boost in uk, at least for the time being, has led to a decrease in hospitalizations. that holds up, that's a good target at least. >> i'm going to ask you about the health care workers in michigan who spoke to our miguel marquez. they said that they are noticing a disturbing trend that younger and younger people are dying. what do you attribute this to? >> i think this is a very transmissible virus that we've been talking about for some time, even delta, which is still the dominant virus here. and i think you have gone into a period of weather where people who may have frankly dodged this for the last several months are now clustering indoors, looking at this pandemic in the rear-view mirror and the majority of those that are getting sick are still not vaccinated. let me show you the numbers really quick. if you look at michigan specifically and say, okay, let's look at all the covid patients here and break it down by vaccination status. 76% of covid patients in the hospital unvaccinated. 87% icu patients unvaccinated. 88% on a ventilator unvaccinated. that's the real problem. and i think as a result, people who are younger, people who are healthier, people who typically did not worry about this as much, they're now -- they now have to obviously think about the ramifications of what i just showed you. >> all right. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you. coming up -- tragedy on the highway leaving more than 50 people dead. we are live with what caused it, next. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be 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these authorities. it cloyded with another truck. it flipped over and resulted in just a horrific amount of injuries. we know that at least 55 people have been killed as a result of this accident so far. dozens more have been sent to the hospital. among the nearly 60 or more than 100 people, rather, reported injured, we know 19 of them minors. no word yet on how many minors are among the dead. but this is just a horrific example of how dangerous this journey can be northward for so many migrants. thousands of people who do this kind of journey on their way eventually mainly to the united states. accidents like this one, this one stands out because the number involved. it's not all that unusual for migrants to lose their lives in traffic accidents on their way north. ru often run by smuggling networks. we've expecting an update from other central american companies that will give us details into the investigation into the smuggling network responsible for all these deaths, pamela. >> you're also getting new information about the victims, right? >> yeah, that's right. so we are. we know that at least 98% of the people in this trailer were guatemalan. we also know there were citizens from el salvador, from the dominican republic, honduras also involved but the vast majority appear to be guatemalan. they'll be assisting in the repatriation of those guatemalan citizens who lost their lives during this accident. >> matt rivers, thanks so much. up next, popular vacation spots in danger of washing away. and the representatives in congress just voted against helping them. ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music 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n. the 1970s they said we were entering a new cooling period. >> steve scalise's district ranks second on the list of critical infrastructure most at risk. cnn was recently there. the recovery is far from over after hurricane ida, a fierce category 4 storm ripped through three months ago. 78% of the critical infrastructure in scalise's district is at risk of failure from flooding. scalise voted no to two pieces of legislation containing aggressive climate change actions and funding. his office did not provide comment to cnn. congresswoman maria salazar's district includes miami beach and tops the list with 88% of its critical infrastructure at risk of flooding. salazar smoke urgently about the need to act on climate change. >> better do something now so 30 years from now we're not under water. >> reporter: yet salazar also voted no to both pieces of legislation containing climate actions and funding. we got no comment from the congresswoman. >> republican congressman carlos jimenez, whose district includes the florida keys, also has a voting record that does not match his rhetoric. nor this need in his district. 69% of critical infrastructure there is at risk. >> in an op-ed, jimenez called for more funding to deal with climate change. but he, too, voted no to climate change legislation. the miami herald reported that the two florida republican members of congress, salazar and jimenez, both said that they voted against the legislation with climate provisions because of the price tag. and scalise for his part said the legislation sold louisiana short. it didn't give enough money to his state. pam, we should also point out that all of the democratic members of congress in these high-risk districts, they all voted yes for this climate legislation. >> it's interesting because these republicans clearly need the help in their districts. they didn't want to pay the political price by voting for this legislation. thank you so much. next, the nation says good-bye to a hero. be fresh. welcome to the eat fresh refresh. refresh where there is so much new, some say that it can't fit in one ad. i say... ...we're talking a new all-american club, deli-style oven-roasted turkey and... oh, that's the new steak & cheese. oh yeah, i knew that. that's the one with the new... ...seasoning. and that was the new mvp parmesan vinaigrette . right. which makes a next level foot... hold up. the subway logo? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th today america paid tribute to senator bob dole for a minl time. funeral services were held for the late kansas republican at the national cathedral. president biden called dole a genuine hero and fondly recalled their time together in the senate. dole's daughter robin read from a letter her father crafted ahead of his passing. >> as i make the final walk on my life's journey, i do so without fear because i know that i will again not be walking alone. i know that god will be walking with me. >> dole, a highly decorated army hero, was also honored at the world war ii memorial this afternoon. bob dole was 98 years old. may he rest in peace. be sure to tune in to "state of the union" sunday. among the guests, senator amy klobuchar plus asa hutchison and mayor bill de blasio will debate the best covid policies at 9:00 and noon eastern. our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer. happening now -- president biden argues that america's inflation crisis has peaked as a key measure of consumer prices hits a 39-year high. we're going to break down the economic and the political fallout. also tonight, abortions in texas remain at risk as the united states supreme court upholds the nation's most restrictive abortion law but allows critics to challenge it. what might that mean for the future of roe vs. wade? and former president trump angrily turns on a one-time

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Shipping Bottlenecks , Array , 9 , Job , Families , Strength , Households , Wage Increases , Labor Market , Growth , Steps , Metrics , Reality , Poll , Issue , Progress , Price Increases , Supply Chains , Context , Fopoint , One , Cornerstone , Biden S Domestic Agenda , And Creating A Real Potential Roadblock , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , Senator Manchin , Bill , Democrats , Consideration , Driver , Spending Concerns , Senate , Reluctance , Maneuver , West Virginia , Critical Hold Dlout , Analysis , Spending Provisions , Debt , Congressional Budget Office , Trillion , Ten , 3 Trillion , Voting , Anybody , Ploy , Bill P , Vote , Mind , Audience , Greg , Senator , Phil Mattingly , Kaitlan Collins , Perspective , Economists , Inflation Crisis , Inflation Rate , Yes , Debate Isn T Over Whether , Oil , Natural Gas Prices , Gasoline , Reasons , Drivers , Example , Shortage , Coast , Tangle Line , Direction , California , Western Pacific , 11 Million , Jobs , Housing , Housing Prices , Forces , 14 , Doesn T , Bills , Ton , Shelter , Monmouth , Administration , Concern , Worry , Covid , 14 , Pending Mississippi Abortion Case , Costs , Consumer , Build , Perception , Some , Feeling , Fact , Prescription Drug Costs , Reason , Seniors , Trending , Crattic , Savings , Set , Child Care Costs , Senior , Doesn T Parse This Out , Average American Family , 2000 , 000 , 8000 , 4000 , Result , Side , Motivation , Flip , Government , Voters , 2 Trillion , Food Prices , Fuel Prices , Response , Meat , Sound Bite , Peak Inflation , Everybody , Things , Times , Labor Shortage , Tariffs , Vulnerability , Immigration , A Million , Actions , Program , Truckers , Question , Course , Pam , Terms , Hearing , Nail , Coffin , The Key , Margaret , Is , Sgyear , Back , The End , Progressives , Control , Supply Chain Problems , Heating Bills , Polling , Difference , It , News , Views , Wishas , Partisanship Speaking , Greater , Med Queueing , Don T You , Life , Power , Social Media , Echo Chamber , Oil Prices , Needle , Reserve , Cargo , Regulations , Charge , Trucks , Concerns , Ones , Federal Reserve , Thing , Cost , Nothing , Jay Powell , Democrats Doon , Average American , Fed , 46 , Pocketbooks , Theory , Working Class , 46 , Issues , Opposite , Pocketbook , Trump , Hope , Benjamin Netanyahu , Presidency , Israeli , Something Else , World Leaders , Journalist , Him , Trump Re Enactment , Person , No One , Netanyahu , Donald Trump , Couple , Reaction , First , Impersonation , Snl , Note , Relations , Election , Gosh , Now , Understanding , Calling Biden , Mona , Relationships , Everything , Country , President , Leader , Disconnect , Mafia Boss , Netanyahu Grovels , World , Works , Colleague , Man , Mafia Approach , Rules , Governor , Book , Candidate , Podcast , Endorsement , Georgia , Resurgence , Office , Bebe , Supreme Court , Place , Thanks , Opponents , Opening , Interview , Everyone , Experts , Texas Abortion Ban , Customers , State , T Mobile , Ods , Part , 88 , Both , Science , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Someone , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , 13 , Neuriva , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Em Up , Up , Up Light , Songs , In The Dark , Heartburn , Anna , Night , It Starts , Sleep , Dream , Acid , I M On Fire So Light , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Politics Lead , Law , Texas , Abortions , Quote , Women , Why Don T , Abortion Ban , After Today S Supreme Court Opinion , Per , White House Press Secretary , Abortion , Justices , Sliver , Jessica Schneider Reports , Big Day , Effect , District Court , Advocates , Heartbeat , 101 , Abortion Providers , Courts , Chilling Effect , Saying , State Law , State Officials , Liberals , John Roeshts , Favor , Ruling , Litigation , Individuals , Delay , Throw , Threat , Clinics , Plaintiff , Wins , Payouts , 10000 , 0000 , Cases , States , Abortion Care , Access , September 1st , 100 , 1 , Decision , Justice Sotomayor Slammed The Supreme Court , Means , Procedures , End , Options , Texas Women , Liberal Leaning , Defendants , Disagreement , Dispute , Rights , Quibble , Schemes , Petitioners May Sue , Justice , Fighting , Abortion Rights , Words , Department , Hand , Shred , Addition , Fight , Constitutionality , Sb 8 , Attorney General , Spokesman , 8 , Katie Watson , Elie Honig , Blow , Jessica Schneider , Southern District , Law Stands , Public Interest , Assistant U S Attorney , New York , Opinion , Ban , Surface , 66 , Texas Law , Ways , Bad News , Road , Description , Folks , Path , Here December 10th , December 10th 2021 , 10 , 2021 , Sotomayor , Books , Outs , Roe V Wade , Open Defiance , Timeline , What The Supreme Court , Trains , Suit , Two , Injunction , Plaintiffs , Time , Five , Dobbs , Sit , Noforruously Anti Abortion , 5th Circuit , 5 , Lower Texas State Court , State Court Proceedings , State Court Ruling , Win , Vanstein , Texas State Constitution , Basis , Providers , Texas Supreme Court , Mechanism , Solace , Patients , Intents , Eyes , Purposes , Brief , Care , Influx , Impacts , Residents , Provider Resources , New Mexico , Justice Sotomayor , Light , Existence , Dissent , Laws , Case , Possibility , Mississippi , Wade , Roe Vs , Battle Lines Forming , May , June , Branch , Majority , Gorsuch , 3 , 6 , Arguments , Opinion Show , Gorsuch Conservative Side , Openness , Principle , 15 , Votes , Roe , R , Idea , Flood , Saw , Staff , Abortion Clinic , Oklahoma City , Three , Texans , Piece , Will , Who , Choice , Nonmedically , Abortion Rate , Hidden , Nonmedical , System , Self Induced , Outcomes , Group , Half , Cdc , Cut , Dozens , Omicron , Information , Clues , Next , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Subway , Baja Steak Jack , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Retirement , Baja Chipotle Sauce , Steak , Press Conference , Stove , Peaks , Jalapenos , Cocoa , Couple Pepperoncini S , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Olives , Stop Talking , Grandpa , Ski Out , Ski Lessons , Vrbo , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Serena , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Side Effects , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Repair , Toothpaste , Quality , Sensodyne Repair , Teeth , Dentin , Risk , Advisor , Plan , Wealth , Balance , Reward , Sensodyne , Planning Effect , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Being , Safety , Public Safety , San Francisco , Impact , Communities , Color , Didn T Support The Newsom , Failure , Crime , Son , Streets Of San Francisco , Management , Turmoil , Da S Office , Recall , Most , Details , Health Lead , 43 , Boosters , Athena Jones , Top Covid Fighting , Hospitals , Case Numbers , Infections , Rise , 19 , 50 , 120000 , 26 , Hospital Workers , Guard , Indiana , Michigan , Ohio , Arizona , Hospital Beds , Warning , Peaking , Winter , Delta Variant , New Hampshire , No Doubt , War , Shots , Doctors , Footing , Unvaccinated , Enemy , Arms , 1200 , Covid Vaccinations , Booster Shots , 40 , 460000 , 2 Million , Chief Medical Correspondent , Vaccine Effectiveness , Protection , Lab Tests , Studies , National Institutes Of Health , Anthony Fauci , Variant , Mirrors , Whole , South Africa , Flags , Stage , Oxygenation , Symptoms , 80 , Congestion , Nose , Cough , Fatigue , Severity , Sanjay Gupta , Learning , Joining Suscnn , Vaccine Doesn T , Sort , Sense , Illness , Infection , Vaccine , Vaccines , Booster , Work , Bulk , 34 , Problem , Something , Sick , Testing Happening , Denominator , Deal , Aren T , Sympt Omps , Th Testing , Pom Component , 50 Million , Need , Stays , Adults , 27 , Wall , Bit , Willingness , Trajectories , Say , Uk , 18 , Hospitalizations , Percentage , Company , Population , U , 38 , 12 , Health Care Workers , Boost , Decrease , Led , Target , 25 , Trend , Miguel Marquez , Virus , Delta , Weather , Rear View Mirror , Hospital , Covid Patients , Vaccination , Ventilator Unvaccinated , Icu , 76 , 87 , Coming Up , Ramifications , Ride , Highway , Questions , Surprises , Journey , Tech Solutions , Dell , Show , Tradition , Season , Anything , Tis , Sleigh , Cadillac , Cadillac Showroom , Migrants , Trailer , Truck , Death Toll , Crash , Images , Southern Mexico , Dissturbing , Accident , Matt Rivers , Authorities , Mexico City , 55 , State Migrants , Journey North , Guatemala , Tractor Trailer Driving , State Authorities , Rate , Speed , Amount , It Cloyded , Injuries , Minors , Word , 60 , Accidents , Kind , Thousands , Traffic Accidents , Smuggling Networks , Update , Ru , Companies , Investigation , Deaths , Smuggling , Victims , 98 , Citizens , Dominican Republic , Guatemalan , Honduras , El Salvador , Congress , Representatives , Repatriation , Danger , Washing , Vacation Spots , Up Next , It Didn T , Punches , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Stars , Sha Bop , Alexa , Song , I Only Have Eyes For You , Flight , Weekend Trip , Thirteen , Fifteen , Markets , Td Ameritrade , Mobile , Thinkorswim , Dashboard , Position , One Last Look , Take Off , App , Smart , Investing Style , Angie , Phone , Mom , Lou , Internet , Network , 5g , Xfinity , Yep , 00 , 400 , Store , Holiday Season , Switch Squad , Go , Gotta , Smart Kid , Moon Christmas Special , Stories , Infrastructure Bill , Rene Marsh Reports , Flooding Disaster Voting , Attention , Elbow , Calculation , Verge , Infrastructure , Nation , Fire Stations , More , Sea Levels , Rain Storms , Police , Hurricanes , Coastline , Flooding , First Street Foundation , Flood Risk Data , Power Plants , Louisiana , Florida , Legislation , Funds , Climate Resilience Projects , Flood Mitigation , Disaster Recovery , Constituents , Temperature Changes , Climate Science , Earth , 1970 , Steve Scalise , List , Hurricane Ida , District , Recovery , Over , 4 , Funding , Pieces , Climate Change , 78 , Comment , Smoke , Act On Climate Change , Congresswoman Maria Salazar , Miami Beach , Climate , Congresswoman , Water , Salazar , 30 , Congressman Carlos Jimenez , Voting Record , Rhetoric , Florida Keys , Op Ed , 69 , Miami Herald , Climate Change Legislation , Members Of Congress , Provisions , Price Tag , Louisiana Short , Help , Members , Climate Legislation , All American Club , Hero , Refresh , Seasoning , Cheese , Mvp , Parmesan , Vinaigrette , Logo , Foot , Let S Go , Dianne , Investors , Investing , Interest , Trends , Millennials , 85 , Investments , Variables , Term , Sustainability , Decisions , Ability , Account , Data Privacy , Water Usage , Conservation , Investment Decisions , Niche , Land Use , Diversity , Types , Consumer Trust , Four Dollars , Scale , Form , Morgan Stanley , Courtney Thompson , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , 05 , Rob , Discomfort , Bloating , Go Away , Constipation , Belly Pain , Feelings , Linzess , Doctor , Yess , Symptoms Belly Pain , Laxative , Signs , Bowel Movements , Ibs C , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Children , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Story , Abbvie , Pain , Gas , Swelling , Ironwood , Ibs C , Liberty Mutual , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Car Insurance , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th , Services , Minl Time , 17 , Dole A Genuine Hero , Passing , Letter , Daughter Robin , Father , National Cathedral , Fear , Walk , My Life , World War Ii Memorial This Afternoon , Army Hero , God , Asa Hutchison , State Of The Union , Peace , Guests , Amy Klobuchar , Bill De Blasio , Coverage , Policies , Noon Eastern , Wolf Blitzer , Consumer Prices , High , Fallout , Critics , Angrily ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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lawmakers blocking efforts to fix flooding problems as the sea swallows parts of their districts. welcome to "the lead." i'm pamela brown in for jake tapper today. we start with our money lead and an economic record the united states did not want to hit. data out today shows a key measure of inflation climbed to a 39-year high last month. simply purt, americans are payig a lot more for everyday goods than they were at this time last year. gasoline prices up 58.1%. energy costs 33.3% higher. and groceries an increase of 6.4%. president biden this afternoon saying he thinks we're at the peak of the crisis right now and that lower prices are on the way. but as cnn's phil mattingly reports, this new date creates a major roadblock for the rest of the president's economic agenda. >> every other aspect of the economy is racing ahead. it's doing incredibly well. >> president biden trying to highlight the positive as a complicated picture of the economy emerges. >> but inflation is affecting people's lives. >> happy new year! >> reporter: inflation hitting its highest point since 1982. a surge in consumer demand continues to run headlong into pandemic-driven supply constraints. rising 6.8% in november from the year prior. prices were up 0.8% from october. ticking down slightly but still marking an alarmingly rapid pace. white house officials keenly aware of what was coming and moving to counter the numbers before they were released. >> that data is, by definition, backward looking and won't capture some recent price movements. particularly in the area of energy. >> reporter: pointing to an array of positive economic signals from easing shipping bottlenecks to gas prices that have dropped an average of 9 cents from the month prior to broader metrics like robust job, wage and economic growth. >> the strength of our labor market and the strength of wage increases and the steps that we've taken to try to provide some relief to american families. position our economy and american households uniquely well to address what is a global issue around price increases and the context of supply chains. >> reporter: but the progress undercut by a political reality apparent in poll after poll. one president biden himself has made a fopoint to acknowledge i recent weeks. >> it's not enough to know we're making progress. you need to see it and feel it in your own lives. >> reporter: and creating a real potential roadblock for the $1.75 trillion cornerstone of biden's domestic agenda. west virginia senator joe manchin, a critical hold dlout has for months pointed to inflation as a primary driver of his reluctance to support the bill. and as democrats push toward senate consideration of that bill, republicans directing a political maneuver aimed squarely at manchin's spending concerns. releasing a congressional budget office analysis of the bill if its spending provisions were extended for a full ten years. finally it would add $3 trillion to the debt. democrats casting that aside as a political ploy. noting it's an analysis that reflects an imaginary bill p. it's not about the existing bill. anybody is debating or voting on. >> reporter: pamela, the reality is why the economy and what that means for americans is top of mind for white house officials, so is an audience of one and that is senator joe manchin. president biden himself says he will be talking to senator manchin early next week. a critical moment for his domestic agenda. a critical vote for that agenda. asked by kaitlan collins if he thought senator manchin would be on board for that domestic agenda, biden said he simply didn't know yet. >> phil mattingly, we shall see. let's discuss. greg, i'm going to start with you to put this economic picture into perspective for us. you have president biden saying he thinks we're at the peak of the inflation crisis. do economists agree with that? >> broadly speaking, yes. the inflation rate at 6.8% is probably going to be lower in the coming year. we've already seen oil and gasoline and natural gas prices come off their peak. so we'll get some near-term relief from that. the debate isn't over whether it's coming down. it's how far does it come down. there are reasons to believe it could be quite elevated a year from now. if you look at underlying drivers, they're not going in the right direction. for example, all those ships off of the coast of california. that tangle line is now stretching out across the entire western pacific. we've still got real shortage of workers. 11 million, near a record 11 million jobs going begging right now. unable to find people to fill those jobs. and one of the slow-moving but very large forces for inflation is housing. housing prices are up 14% in the last year. that is bit by bit finding its way into shelter. so that while the news won't be as bad as it is this month, it doesn't get a ton better for quite awhile. >> let's look at these numbers from a monmouth poll out this week. it says being able to pay their bills is the second biggest concern facing american families right now just behind covid. right after that, 14% of americans say inflation is their biggest worry. and that's a main point here because the biden administration can point to all the data it wants but what matters ultimately is the consumer, the typical american and what they are experiencing and feeling in their perception, right? >> that's true. i think that's what democrats are trying to say when they make the case for build back better, which is costs are going up. some of these costs have been long term trending, right? i hope that, in fact, the data today makes the case to democrats, and particularly condemn crattic senator, that this is more reason to pass build back better. the bill would happen seniors' prescription drug costs at $2,000. that's an average savings of $4,000 for a senior. the bill would cut child care costs by $8,000. these are real savings for families. and the average american family doesn't parse this out. they've got one budget. one set of bills and if one goes way down because of what democrats have done, i think the motivation should increase as a result of what's going on here because it's democrats being responsive to the fact that -- >> the flip side of that is that the u.s. has already pumped in $3 trillion into the economy already. what would this extra nearly $2 trillion do at a time when inflation is so high? >> right. and that's the worry is that the -- and actually voters think that the federal government is responsible for the inflation that they're seeing in fuel prices and in food prices. one-third are saying they're buying less meat than they normally would because of this. it's very much affecting people's lives. i would say, though, in response to what greg said earlier about this is probably peak inflation for this year and it's going to trend down. if it does, great. but if it doesn't, biden just gave everybody a sound bite that's going to come back to haunt him with him saying, i think we're at peak inflation and they're going to replay that a million times if it fails to come down. so that's a vulnerability. there are things he can do. he can cut tariffs. he can increase legal immigration so we don't have such a labor shortage and goods can actually move and we can have truckers. so if i were the biden -- giving the biden administration advice, it would be do the actions that you can do. that you know can fight inflation rather than focusing just on the build back better program. >> but if the reality is, joe manchin, the key vote they need is focused on inflation in terms of how he's going to vote, right, margaret? does raise the question whether this is the nail in the coffin. >> of course. and like, look, pam, i think what i am hearing is not so much is build back better dead but is build back better going to pass by the end of this sgyear? and what does build back better look like? how much does it have to be dialed back or reframed? manchin has complete control over that and so do some of the house progressives who have said if not not enough we're not going for it. look, practically speaking, the supply chain problems, inflation matters to americans in terms of what can you buy, can you pay your heating bills? there's often a difference between perception and reality and we're already seeing that in some of this polling. republicans saying that they are experiencing this in a much greater level than democrats. >> well, that's very much partisanship speaking, don't you think? >> and it wishas to do with med queueing and where you are consuming your news, where are you discussing your views about life on social media and what is your echo chamber? >> how much power does the white house have over the inflation and the crisis right now? i mean, you had mentioned some things they can do but how much can they really move the needle. >> there are little things they can do like releasing oil from the strategic reserve. that's one of the reasons oil prices are coming down. they're trying to loosen regulations to get cargo ships offloaded faster. they've talked about speeding up apprenticeships to get more drivers into trucks. but honestly, this is a job for the federal reserve. they are the ones supposed to be in charge of inflation. if joe manchin has an issue with inflation over the next few years he should be addressing those concerns to the soon to be reconfirmed jay powell, chairman of the fed. >> i do think that for the average american, it is -- inflation is obviously, a macro economic thing. they feel it in their day-to-day, but it's about the cost nepworst thing democrats doon is nothing to show americans they're trying to address their costs. >> also biden had his theory was, we're going to help the pocketbooks of americans and that's how we're going to win back some of those working class voters that we've been losing to the republicans. but according to this monmouth poll, 46% of americans blame the federal government for their pocketbook issues. so and when they are blaming the federal government, that's democrats in charge right now. so it's actually, so far, i mean, they have time to turn this around, so but far they're doing the opposite of what they hope hope. >> i want to talk about something else. that is former president trump now accusing former israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu of being disloyal for congratulating joe biden on winning the presidency. trump telling israeli journalist, quote, it was early, okay. let's put it this way. he greeted him very early. earlier than most world leaders. i have not spoken to him since. f him. excuse my trump re-enactment. he went on to say, quote there was no one who did more for netanyahu than me. no one who did for israel more than i did. and the first person to run to greet joe biden was netanyahu. clearly "snl" will not be hiring me to do the donald trump impersonation but i want to get your reaction to this because we also want to note, netanyahu was not the first to congratulate him. he waited a couple of weeks to call him after the election, calling biden. so what do you think, mona? >> oh, my gosh. we should be used to this now, but we're still not. the fact is, for trump, there is absolutely no understanding of the way international relations work, right? i mean, netanyahu was leader of another country whose relations with the united states, not trump, are his main concern, right? if trump is no longer the president, he has to have good relationships with the next president, but for trump, everything is personal. he's like a mafia boss. and it's like you disrespected me and so now you're over. by the way if netanyahu grovels and comes back with trump then they'll be good again, but it is just this complete disconnect with this man about the way the world works. and he brings his own really sick mafia approach to relationships that ought to be professional and run by international rules. >> yeah, this is my colleague. listen to the podcast, if you read his new book. but look, if bebe netanyahu were the governor of georgia, donald trump would be running a primary candidate against him with a full endorsement. netanyahu was looking for a way back into political office in israel and donald trump is still very popular in israel. he's leaning into this to try to block bebe's resurgence and it tells you everything you need to know about how he views foreign relations and personal relationships. >> fascinating interview. we'll definitely check it out. thanks so much, everyone. appreciate it. the supreme court keeping the texas abortion ban in place but giving opponents a small opening to stop it. our legal experts break it down, up next. plus -- covid getting much worse in one part of the country, including one state which has seen an 88% jump in people being hospitalized. ods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and 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all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? in the politics lead, president biden is, quote, very concerned, according to the white house press secretary, after today's supreme court opinion allowed texas to keep its abortion ban in place per now. that law stops women from getting abortions after six weeks, when many don't even know they're pregnant. as jessica schneider reports, the justices also gave opponents a sliver of hope. >> reporter: a big day for abortion at the supreme court. the justices leaving in place a controversial texas law that bans most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected around six weeks. anti-abortion advocates are celebrating. >> the court has allowed the texas law to stay in effect for 101 days now. and we're very confident that it's going to stay in effect. >> reporter: while the supreme court did not step in to block the law it ruled in favor of abortion providers saying they can sue some state officials, sending the case back to the lower courts. chief justice john roeshts write with the court's liberals saying, given the ongoing chilling effect of the state law, the district court should resolve this litigation and enter appropriate relief without delay. but the ruling means the throw the abortion in texas remains. since private individuals won't be stopped from suing any person involved in performing an abortion after six weeks with payouts under the law amounting to $10,000 per case if the plaintiff wins. clinics across texas have shut down because of that threat of litigation. >> it is going to be hugely problematic as we go forward that these cases continue to be brought. and they continue to have a chilling effect on people's access to abortion care. >> reporter: the law has now been in effect 100 days since september 1st. in that time, abortion clinics in surrounding states have reported being overwhelmed at the number of texas women coming in for procedures. and low-income women without the means to travel have been left with few options. liberal leaning justice sotomayor slammed the supreme court's decision saying the court should have put an end to this madness months ago. my disagreement with the court runs far deeper than a quibble over how many defendants these petitioners may sue. the dispute is over whether states may mull nigh federal constitutional rights by deploying schemes like the one in hand. abortion rights advocates are vowing to keep fighting even though they've only been left with what they're calling a shred of a case in their words. now in addition to what we saw, the supreme court also dismissed the case that was brought by the justice department to challenge sb 8. a spokesman for the attorney general saying today they'll continue to challenge this law in the lower courts. they say that it subverts the constitutionality of the women's right to choose. so this fight is continuing in other courts. but the point is that, at this point, this law stands. that is a big blow to these abortion providers here. >> jessica schneider, thanks so much. i want to bring in katie watson, a public interest lawyer. elie honig was an assistant u.s. attorney for new york's southern district. nice to see you both. elie, your reaction to the opinion by the supreme court letting texas keep its 66-week abortion ban but also letting abortion providers challenge this ban. what do you make of it? >> yeah, pam, on the surface, this ruling is about who can sue and who can be sued under the texas law. sb 8. and there's good news and bad news both ways. the good news for pro-choice advocates is this law can be challenged. the supreme court said that abortion providers can sue here. but the good news for pro-life folks is that the road to challenge this is very narrow. jessica said before a sliver of a path here. that's an accurate description. bigger picture, though, let's keep in mind. as we sit here december 10th, 2021, this law is still in effect. as justice sotomayor says, this law is in open defiance of roe v. wade yet the supreme court keeps pointing to procedural outs to leave it on the books and the bigger question is how long will it survive? >> right. that's what i was going to ask you, katie, for those who hate this law, what should they think in terms of a timeline to know either way what's going to happen with it? >> well, there actually are two trains running here. in the federal suit, what the supreme court said is the plaintiffs can go back to the federal district court. they have standing to sue there. they got an injunction the first time around. i won't be surprised if they get the law enjoined fairly quickly. however, five seconds after they do, the defendants will appeal to the 5th circuit. and the 5th circuit is noforruously anti-abortion. and it will probably sit either reverse the injunction or sit on it until the dobbs ruling comes out. however, before we move to dobbs, and i want to emphasize that yesterday there was a state court ruling. so there's state court proceedings. and there was a win in that one. in vanstein versus texas right to life, a lower texas state court ruled that this procedural mechanism violates the texas state constitution and enjoined it on that basis. of course, it was immediately appealed and it won't be any solace to providers until it reaches the texas supreme court. but we should be keeping our eyes on both those cases. >> but for all intents and purposes, this law, elie is still in effect for now. the texas law went into effect in september. neighboring states have been flooded with texas patients. a legal brief against the law noted, quote, in new mexico, an influx of patients from texas has already strained provider resources and made it more difficult for new mexico residents to receive timely care. what other impacts do you see, do you anticipate in light of today's decision? >> well, pam, this is a key part of justice sotomayor's dissent. justice sotomayor has made clear she's going to fight all the way here. just the existence of these laws has a chilling effect. just the possibility of getting sued here is enough to close down these clinics and cause women who live in texas to have to travel to other states to get abortions. that could be even broader effect. the real case to watch here is the mississippi case. that was referred to, the dobbs case. that case has been argued to the supreme court. argued last week. we'll get a ruling on that likely late spring, early summer, may, june. that's the case that's going to decide whether roe vs. wade stands and what you can see in today's opinion is that you can see the battle lines forming. you can see where the fight is going to play out. justice sotomayor leading the liberal branch and justice gorsuch leading the conservative branch. it's a 6-3 majority. so the numbers are on the gorsuch conservative side. >> did today's opinion show which side the court may go on that pending mississippi abortion case? >> i don't think today's opinion adds that much new than what we heard in the dobbs arguments which are as was mentioned, i think we have at least certainly six to affirm the mississippi 15-week ban, even though there's no principle basis to do so. the question that there could be some openness to is will they outright overturn r roe. but they have four votes, maybe five, maybe even six. so it's possible the 5th circuit would sit on this case, this texas case, until -- with the idea that we'll just wait to find out what happens in dobbs. i don't know if they could sit that long but it's a possibility. and i also want to mention when we talk about a flood of patients leaving texas, that's an important thing to track. it's incredibly burdensome. i spent three days at an oklahoma city abortion clinic that has about half its patients now coming from texas. and saw just personally how overwhelmed and how wonderfully the staff worked late -- until late at night but it's not sustainable. but the second piece is think about who doesn't make it out. so those texans are forced by their government to create another person against their will or they feel they have no other choice but to step outside the medical system and look to self-induced or nonmedical -- nonmedically supported abortion. and those are terrible outcomes as well. they are just a little more hidden, but we know the abortion rate in texas in the month of september was cut in half. so we've got a group of half and some of them are getting their abortions and some of them are not. >> katie watson, elie honig, thank you both. cdc is releasing new information about the dozens of cases of omicron in the u.s. what these clues may tell us, next. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. i want y'all to hear from me first. if 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tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. in our health lead, the cdc is revealing new details about the 43 people who contracted the omicron variant of covid in the u.s. most cases have been mild, but most of those people have been vaccinated. and 14 of them have already received their boosters. now a cnn athena jones reports the white house's top covid fighting officials are digging into what this means for their efforts to get more americans boosted. >> u.s. covid-19 cases on the rise again. now averaging nearly 120,000 new infections a day. up more than 50% over a month ago. case numbers increasing in 26 states. hospitals strained in hard-hit michigan, ohio and arizona. indiana now becoming the latest state to call on the national guard to help overwhelmed hospital workers. >> the hospital beds and monitors don't feel that, i mean, we are tired. our people are incredibly tired. >> the surge is upon us. >> reporter: in new hampshire, the governor warning -- >> it's going to be a rough winter. no doubt about it. i don't think these numbers are going to finish peaking until early january. >> reporter: the nationwide surge driven almost entirely by the delta variant. >> we need to be on a wartime footing because we are at war with an enemy that's killing 1200 americans a day. and i just don't see it. >> reporter: doctors say most of those hospitalized are unvaccinated. but as the u.s. prepares to mark one year since the first shots went into arms, the pace of covid vaccinations is up almost 40% over a month ago. with nearly 460,000 people getting their first shot each day. and some 2 million total doses administered a day. about half of them booster shots. early studies suggest boosters increase protection against the new omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci telling cnn they national institutes of health will likely have data early next week from lab tests on vaccine effectiveness. with the cdc today confirming cases among those infected by omicron in the u.s. have been mild and among those already vaccinated, that mirrors what's being seen in south africa where the variant was initially identified. >> the cases tend on the whole to be milder with fewer requiring oxygenation. so it's interesting that it's emerging. it's confirming what we know and certainly no red flags at this stage. >> so no red flags at this stage. we're getting more signals about how dangerous the omicron variant can be. this new cdc report out today shows that most of the 43 people known to be infected with the omicron variant in the u.s. had mild symptoms. but about 80% of them were fully vaccinated. 14 of them had already had their boosters. now the most commonly reported symptoms were cough, fatigue, congestion or runny nose. and, of course, this is early data. the severity of the omicron variant will become more understood as more cases are identified and investigated. >> athena jones, thank you. joining suscnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. and athena just laid out there the early data. what we are learning about the omicron variant, sanjay. it appears the covid vaccine doesn't protect people from getting infected with omicron but it does indicate the first cases have been mild. what does that tell you? >> well, if this data holds up, it's sort of -- a lot of this makes sense in the sense that the idea of the vaccine is to really prevent people from developing serious illness. if you look specifically at the idea of infection, how well that works, the numbers that athena just talked about. 43 cases that have been confirmed, this data coming from the cdc. 34 of them were fully vaccinated. 14 did have this additional booster. six previously infected as well. so i think there's two things to keep in mind. the vaccines may be doing the bulk of their work in terms of preventing people from getting sick. that's why the majority have mild illness. also we still have the same problem that i think you and i have been talking about for two years now. there's not enough testing happening. we don't know the true denominator here. when deal with something as transmissible as omicron. there could be people who have it and have mild sympt omps and aren't getting tested. it's hard to say how protective the vaccines are against infection. but we do know they seem very protective against illness. >> such a key pom component, th testing or lack thereof in terms of being accessible for everyday americans. about 50 million people, about 27% of fully vaccinated adults have received a booster. what percent of those vaccinated need to get their booster so omicron stays under control? >> that's a really important question, and we, you know, you hate to be the person that says we don't know yet but we're just a couple of weeks into really studying these trajectories with omicron. some of this data will be forthcoming. first of all, with boosters sort of willingness, it has changed a bit even since we started talking about omicron. about a quarter of the country boosted. there's only about 18% of the vaccinated who say they still probably will not or definitely will not. closer to 80% say that they will at some point. but if you look at the uk, specifically, and say their hospitalizations are starting to go down. what percentage of their population is vaccinated and boosted? they -- it's close to what we have. 80% of 12-year-old and older are vaccinated in the u company and about 38% are boosted. we're closer to 25% boosted. so that 38% boost in uk, at least for the time being, has led to a decrease in hospitalizations. that holds up, that's a good target at least. >> i'm going to ask you about the health care workers in michigan who spoke to our miguel marquez. they said that they are noticing a disturbing trend that younger and younger people are dying. what do you attribute this to? >> i think this is a very transmissible virus that we've been talking about for some time, even delta, which is still the dominant virus here. and i think you have gone into a period of weather where people who may have frankly dodged this for the last several months are now clustering indoors, looking at this pandemic in the rear-view mirror and the majority of those that are getting sick are still not vaccinated. let me show you the numbers really quick. if you look at michigan specifically and say, okay, let's look at all the covid patients here and break it down by vaccination status. 76% of covid patients in the hospital unvaccinated. 87% icu patients unvaccinated. 88% on a ventilator unvaccinated. that's the real problem. and i think as a result, people who are younger, people who are healthier, people who typically did not worry about this as much, they're now -- they now have to obviously think about the ramifications of what i just showed you. >> all right. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you. coming up -- tragedy on the highway leaving more than 50 people dead. we are live with what caused it, next. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ in our world lead, the death toll is rising after horrific crash killed dozens of migrants. we want to warn you some of the images are dissturbing. the truck and trailer overturned on a highway in southern mexico yesterday. leaving at least 55 people dead and more than 100 injured. cnn's matt rivers is live in mexico city. what are authorities saying about what caused this tragic accident? >> yeah, this is a horrific accident in southern mexico. it borders guatemala. it's a state migrants regularly use on their journey north. that's what these migrants that were in this trailer were doing yesterday afternoon when this accident happened. according to state authorities, there were dozens and dozens of migrants in this tractor trailer driving at a high rate of speed according to these authorities. it cloyded with another truck. it flipped over and resulted in just a horrific amount of injuries. we know that at least 55 people have been killed as a result of this accident so far. dozens more have been sent to the hospital. among the nearly 60 or more than 100 people, rather, reported injured, we know 19 of them minors. no word yet on how many minors are among the dead. but this is just a horrific example of how dangerous this journey can be northward for so many migrants. thousands of people who do this kind of journey on their way eventually mainly to the united states. accidents like this one, this one stands out because the number involved. it's not all that unusual for migrants to lose their lives in traffic accidents on their way north. ru often run by smuggling networks. we've expecting an update from other central american companies that will give us details into the investigation into the smuggling network responsible for all these deaths, pamela. >> you're also getting new information about the victims, right? >> yeah, that's right. so we are. we know that at least 98% of the people in this trailer were guatemalan. we also know there were citizens from el salvador, from the dominican republic, honduras also involved but the vast majority appear to be guatemalan. they'll be assisting in the repatriation of those guatemalan citizens who lost their lives during this accident. >> matt rivers, thanks so much. up next, popular vacation spots in danger of washing away. and the representatives in congress just voted against helping them. ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music 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n. the 1970s they said we were entering a new cooling period. >> steve scalise's district ranks second on the list of critical infrastructure most at risk. cnn was recently there. the recovery is far from over after hurricane ida, a fierce category 4 storm ripped through three months ago. 78% of the critical infrastructure in scalise's district is at risk of failure from flooding. scalise voted no to two pieces of legislation containing aggressive climate change actions and funding. his office did not provide comment to cnn. congresswoman maria salazar's district includes miami beach and tops the list with 88% of its critical infrastructure at risk of flooding. salazar smoke urgently about the need to act on climate change. >> better do something now so 30 years from now we're not under water. >> reporter: yet salazar also voted no to both pieces of legislation containing climate actions and funding. we got no comment from the congresswoman. >> republican congressman carlos jimenez, whose district includes the florida keys, also has a voting record that does not match his rhetoric. nor this need in his district. 69% of critical infrastructure there is at risk. >> in an op-ed, jimenez called for more funding to deal with climate change. but he, too, voted no to climate change legislation. the miami herald reported that the two florida republican members of congress, salazar and jimenez, both said that they voted against the legislation with climate provisions because of the price tag. and scalise for his part said the legislation sold louisiana short. it didn't give enough money to his state. pam, we should also point out that all of the democratic members of congress in these high-risk districts, they all voted yes for this climate legislation. >> it's interesting because these republicans clearly need the help in their districts. they didn't want to pay the political price by voting for this legislation. thank you so much. next, the nation says good-bye to a hero. be fresh. welcome to the eat fresh refresh. refresh where there is so much new, some say that it can't fit in one ad. i say... ...we're talking a new all-american club, deli-style oven-roasted turkey and... oh, that's the new steak & cheese. oh yeah, i knew that. that's the one with the new... ...seasoning. and that was the new mvp parmesan vinaigrette . right. which makes a next level foot... hold up. the subway logo? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th today america paid tribute to senator bob dole for a minl time. funeral services were held for the late kansas republican at the national cathedral. president biden called dole a genuine hero and fondly recalled their time together in the senate. dole's daughter robin read from a letter her father crafted ahead of his passing. >> as i make the final walk on my life's journey, i do so without fear because i know that i will again not be walking alone. i know that god will be walking with me. >> dole, a highly decorated army hero, was also honored at the world war ii memorial this afternoon. bob dole was 98 years old. may he rest in peace. be sure to tune in to "state of the union" sunday. among the guests, senator amy klobuchar plus asa hutchison and mayor bill de blasio will debate the best covid policies at 9:00 and noon eastern. our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer. happening now -- president biden argues that america's inflation crisis has peaked as a key measure of consumer prices hits a 39-year high. we're going to break down the economic and the political fallout. also tonight, abortions in texas remain at risk as the united states supreme court upholds the nation's most restrictive abortion law but allows critics to challenge it. what might that mean for the future of roe vs. wade? and former president trump angrily turns on a one-time

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Senator Dole , Service , Army , World War Ii Memorial , Resting Place , Viewing , Kansas , Lead , Weekend , Pamela Brown , Jake Tapper , Arlington National Cemetery , Number , Relief , Level , Budget , Pandemic , Price , Hit , Convert , Four , Joe Biden , Abortion Law , Challenges , Plus , Look , Hypocrisy , Supreme Court Doesn T Block Texas , Sight , Republican , Lawmakers , Districts , Flooding Problems , Efforts , Sea , Inflation , Data , Asian Americans , Goods , Lot , Record , United States , Money , Measure , 39 , Energy , Increase , Gasoline Prices , Higher , Groceries , 33 3 , 58 1 , 6 4 , Way , Economy , Cnn , Agenda , Crisis , Peak , Prices , Roadblock , Phil Mattingly Reports , Rest , Aspect , People , Reporter , Point , Lives , Picture , Positive , 1982 , Surge , Supply Constraints , Consumer Demand , 0 8 , 6 8 , Won T , Officials , Numbers , Pace , Definition , Ticking , White House , Backward Looking , Gas Prices , Signals , Area , Average , Price Movements , Easing Shipping Bottlenecks , Array , 9 , Job , Families , Strength , Households , Wage Increases , Labor Market , Growth , Steps , Metrics , Reality , Poll , Issue , Progress , Price Increases , Supply Chains , Context , Fopoint , One , Cornerstone , Biden S Domestic Agenda , And Creating A Real Potential Roadblock , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , Senator Manchin , Bill , Democrats , Consideration , Driver , Spending Concerns , Senate , Reluctance , Maneuver , West Virginia , Critical Hold Dlout , Analysis , Spending Provisions , Debt , Congressional Budget Office , Trillion , Ten , 3 Trillion , Voting , Anybody , Ploy , Bill P , Vote , Mind , Audience , Greg , Senator , Phil Mattingly , Kaitlan Collins , Perspective , Economists , Inflation Crisis , Inflation Rate , Yes , Debate Isn T Over Whether , Oil , Natural Gas Prices , Gasoline , Reasons , Drivers , Example , Shortage , Coast , Tangle Line , Direction , California , Western Pacific , 11 Million , Jobs , Housing , Housing Prices , Forces , 14 , Doesn T , Bills , Ton , Shelter , Monmouth , Administration , Concern , Worry , Covid , 14 , Pending Mississippi Abortion Case , Costs , Consumer , Build , Perception , Some , Feeling , Fact , Prescription Drug Costs , Reason , Seniors , Trending , Crattic , Savings , Set , Child Care Costs , Senior , Doesn T Parse This Out , Average American Family , 2000 , 000 , 8000 , 4000 , Result , Side , Motivation , Flip , Government , Voters , 2 Trillion , Food Prices , Fuel Prices , Response , Meat , Sound Bite , Peak Inflation , Everybody , Things , Times , Labor Shortage , Tariffs , Vulnerability , Immigration , A Million , Actions , Program , Truckers , Question , Course , Pam , Terms , Hearing , Nail , Coffin , The Key , Margaret , Is , Sgyear , Back , The End , Progressives , Control , Supply Chain Problems , Heating Bills , Polling , Difference , It , News , Views , Wishas , Partisanship Speaking , Greater , Med Queueing , Don T You , Life , Power , Social Media , Echo Chamber , Oil Prices , Needle , Reserve , Cargo , Regulations , Charge , Trucks , Concerns , Ones , Federal Reserve , Thing , Cost , Nothing , Jay Powell , Democrats Doon , Average American , Fed , 46 , Pocketbooks , Theory , Working Class , 46 , Issues , Opposite , Pocketbook , Trump , Hope , Benjamin Netanyahu , Presidency , Israeli , Something Else , World Leaders , Journalist , Him , Trump Re Enactment , Person , No One , Netanyahu , Donald Trump , Couple , Reaction , First , Impersonation , Snl , Note , Relations , Election , Gosh , Now , Understanding , Calling Biden , Mona , Relationships , Everything , Country , President , Leader , Disconnect , Mafia Boss , Netanyahu Grovels , World , Works , Colleague , Man , Mafia Approach , Rules , Governor , Book , Candidate , Podcast , Endorsement , Georgia , Resurgence , Office , Bebe , Supreme Court , Place , Thanks , Opponents , Opening , Interview , Everyone , Experts , Texas Abortion Ban , Customers , State , T Mobile , Ods , Part , 88 , Both , Science , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Someone , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , 13 , Neuriva , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Em Up , Up , Up Light , Songs , In The Dark , Heartburn , Anna , Night , It Starts , Sleep , Dream , Acid , I M On Fire So Light , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Politics Lead , Law , Texas , Abortions , Quote , Women , Why Don T , Abortion Ban , After Today S Supreme Court Opinion , Per , White House Press Secretary , Abortion , Justices , Sliver , Jessica Schneider Reports , Big Day , Effect , District Court , Advocates , Heartbeat , 101 , Abortion Providers , Courts , Chilling Effect , Saying , State Law , State Officials , Liberals , John Roeshts , Favor , Ruling , Litigation , Individuals , Delay , Throw , Threat , Clinics , Plaintiff , Wins , Payouts , 10000 , 0000 , Cases , States , Abortion Care , Access , September 1st , 100 , 1 , Decision , Justice Sotomayor Slammed The Supreme Court , Means , Procedures , End , Options , Texas Women , Liberal Leaning , Defendants , Disagreement , Dispute , Rights , Quibble , Schemes , Petitioners May Sue , Justice , Fighting , Abortion Rights , Words , Department , Hand , Shred , Addition , Fight , Constitutionality , Sb 8 , Attorney General , Spokesman , 8 , Katie Watson , Elie Honig , Blow , Jessica Schneider , Southern District , Law Stands , Public Interest , Assistant U S Attorney , New York , Opinion , Ban , Surface , 66 , Texas Law , Ways , Bad News , Road , Description , Folks , Path , Here December 10th , December 10th 2021 , 10 , 2021 , Sotomayor , Books , Outs , Roe V Wade , Open Defiance , Timeline , What The Supreme Court , Trains , Suit , Two , Injunction , Plaintiffs , Time , Five , Dobbs , Sit , Noforruously Anti Abortion , 5th Circuit , 5 , Lower Texas State Court , State Court Proceedings , State Court Ruling , Win , Vanstein , Texas State Constitution , Basis , Providers , Texas Supreme Court , Mechanism , Solace , Patients , Intents , Eyes , Purposes , Brief , Care , Influx , Impacts , Residents , Provider Resources , New Mexico , Justice Sotomayor , Light , Existence , Dissent , Laws , Case , Possibility , Mississippi , Wade , Roe Vs , Battle Lines Forming , May , June , Branch , Majority , Gorsuch , 3 , 6 , Arguments , Opinion Show , Gorsuch Conservative Side , Openness , Principle , 15 , Votes , Roe , R , Idea , Flood , Saw , Staff , Abortion Clinic , Oklahoma City , Three , Texans , Piece , Will , Who , Choice , Nonmedically , Abortion Rate , Hidden , Nonmedical , System , Self Induced , Outcomes , Group , Half , Cdc , Cut , Dozens , Omicron , Information , Clues , Next , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Subway , Baja Steak Jack , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Retirement , Baja Chipotle Sauce , Steak , Press Conference , Stove , Peaks , Jalapenos , Cocoa , Couple Pepperoncini S , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Olives , Stop Talking , Grandpa , Ski Out , Ski Lessons , Vrbo , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Serena , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Side Effects , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Repair , Toothpaste , Quality , Sensodyne Repair , Teeth , Dentin , Risk , Advisor , Plan , Wealth , Balance , Reward , Sensodyne , Planning Effect , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Being , Safety , Public Safety , San Francisco , Impact , Communities , Color , Didn T Support The Newsom , Failure , Crime , Son , Streets Of San Francisco , Management , Turmoil , Da S Office , Recall , Most , Details , Health Lead , 43 , Boosters , Athena Jones , Top Covid Fighting , Hospitals , Case Numbers , Infections , Rise , 19 , 50 , 120000 , 26 , Hospital Workers , Guard , Indiana , Michigan , Ohio , Arizona , Hospital Beds , Warning , Peaking , Winter , Delta Variant , New Hampshire , No Doubt , War , Shots , Doctors , Footing , Unvaccinated , Enemy , Arms , 1200 , Covid Vaccinations , Booster Shots , 40 , 460000 , 2 Million , Chief Medical Correspondent , Vaccine Effectiveness , Protection , Lab Tests , Studies , National Institutes Of Health , Anthony Fauci , Variant , Mirrors , Whole , South Africa , Flags , Stage , Oxygenation , Symptoms , 80 , Congestion , Nose , Cough , Fatigue , Severity , Sanjay Gupta , Learning , Joining Suscnn , Vaccine Doesn T , Sort , Sense , Illness , Infection , Vaccine , Vaccines , Booster , Work , Bulk , 34 , Problem , Something , Sick , Testing Happening , Denominator , Deal , Aren T , Sympt Omps , Th Testing , Pom Component , 50 Million , Need , Stays , Adults , 27 , Wall , Bit , Willingness , Trajectories , Say , Uk , 18 , Hospitalizations , Percentage , Company , Population , U , 38 , 12 , Health Care Workers , Boost , Decrease , Led , Target , 25 , Trend , Miguel Marquez , Virus , Delta , Weather , Rear View Mirror , Hospital , Covid Patients , Vaccination , Ventilator Unvaccinated , Icu , 76 , 87 , Coming Up , Ramifications , Ride , Highway , Questions , Surprises , Journey , Tech Solutions , Dell , Show , Tradition , Season , Anything , Tis , Sleigh , Cadillac , Cadillac Showroom , Migrants , Trailer , Truck , Death Toll , Crash , Images , Southern Mexico , Dissturbing , Accident , Matt Rivers , Authorities , Mexico City , 55 , State Migrants , Journey North , Guatemala , Tractor Trailer Driving , State Authorities , Rate , Speed , Amount , It Cloyded , Injuries , Minors , Word , 60 , Accidents , Kind , Thousands , Traffic Accidents , Smuggling Networks , Update , Ru , Companies , Investigation , Deaths , Smuggling , Victims , 98 , Citizens , Dominican Republic , Guatemalan , Honduras , El Salvador , Congress , Representatives , Repatriation , Danger , Washing , Vacation Spots , Up Next , It Didn T , Punches , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Stars , Sha Bop , Alexa , Song , I Only Have Eyes For You , Flight , Weekend Trip , Thirteen , Fifteen , Markets , Td Ameritrade , Mobile , Thinkorswim , Dashboard , Position , One Last Look , Take Off , App , Smart , Investing Style , Angie , Phone , Mom , Lou , Internet , Network , 5g , Xfinity , Yep , 00 , 400 , Store , Holiday Season , Switch Squad , Go , Gotta , Smart Kid , Moon Christmas Special , Stories , Infrastructure Bill , Rene Marsh Reports , Flooding Disaster Voting , Attention , Elbow , Calculation , Verge , Infrastructure , Nation , Fire Stations , More , Sea Levels , Rain Storms , Police , Hurricanes , Coastline , Flooding , First Street Foundation , Flood Risk Data , Power Plants , Louisiana , Florida , Legislation , Funds , Climate Resilience Projects , Flood Mitigation , Disaster Recovery , Constituents , Temperature Changes , Climate Science , Earth , 1970 , Steve Scalise , List , Hurricane Ida , District , Recovery , Over , 4 , Funding , Pieces , Climate Change , 78 , Comment , Smoke , Act On Climate Change , Congresswoman Maria Salazar , Miami Beach , Climate , Congresswoman , Water , Salazar , 30 , Congressman Carlos Jimenez , Voting Record , Rhetoric , Florida Keys , Op Ed , 69 , Miami Herald , Climate Change Legislation , Members Of Congress , Provisions , Price Tag , Louisiana Short , Help , Members , Climate Legislation , All American Club , Hero , Refresh , Seasoning , Cheese , Mvp , Parmesan , Vinaigrette , Logo , Foot , Let S Go , Dianne , Investors , Investing , Interest , Trends , Millennials , 85 , Investments , Variables , Term , Sustainability , Decisions , Ability , Account , Data Privacy , Water Usage , Conservation , Investment Decisions , Niche , Land Use , Diversity , Types , Consumer Trust , Four Dollars , Scale , Form , Morgan Stanley , Courtney Thompson , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , 05 , Rob , Discomfort , Bloating , Go Away , Constipation , Belly Pain , Feelings , Linzess , Doctor , Yess , Symptoms Belly Pain , Laxative , Signs , Bowel Movements , Ibs C , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Children , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Story , Abbvie , Pain , Gas , Swelling , Ironwood , Ibs C , Liberty Mutual , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Car Insurance , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , Spider Man , December 17th , Services , Minl Time , 17 , Dole A Genuine Hero , Passing , Letter , Daughter Robin , Father , National Cathedral , Fear , Walk , My Life , World War Ii Memorial This Afternoon , Army Hero , God , Asa Hutchison , State Of The Union , Peace , Guests , Amy Klobuchar , Bill De Blasio , Coverage , Policies , Noon Eastern , Wolf Blitzer , Consumer Prices , High , Fallout , Critics , Angrily ,

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