Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

this, dave aiaronberg and vetern journalist and donald trump biographer, michael deantonio. you say that yesterday was the second worst day of donald trump's year. why do you say that? >> well, i think for him the very worst day was when he jetted off as the former president and joe biden was inaugurated as the 46th president. so that was a very very bad day for donald trump, but yesterday was exceedingly bad as well, especially given his loss at the circuit court of appeals on this demand by the 1/6 committee for his participation in their work. and i also think letitia james' desire to subpoena him is something he's going to have trouble fighting. there's no leverage, actually, there in new york state, and i wonder, too, with the supreme court, where he's bound to appeal, he may have less leverage than he imagined when he appointed members of the court. they are involved in other controversies. they may want to protect the supreme court from further controversy by just letting the circuit court decision stand, but i have no krystcrystal balle that's concerned. >> so many legal questions, and i know you have no crystal ball, but tell us if you think first that the supreme court will even take the case. >> victor, i don't think they will because this supreme court wants people to buy into them as a nonpolitical body, so why would they want to step into this political mess. they would be stepping on a rake, and besides the lower court took great pains to create an argument that they thought the conservatives on the supreme court would like. the separation of powers argument that, hey, this is an executive decision. don't let the judges get involved in executive branch decisions. that's an argument that will appeal to justice kavanaugh and others on the right wing of the court, and so i think they are unikely to take the case, but even if they did, i agree with michael that it's unlikely they would overturn the lower court decision because remember in the tax case, they ruled 7-2 against trump on his taxes, including all three justices that trump himself appointed, so this is a case with bad facts and bad facts make bad law, and i don't think the conservative justices want any part of it. >> so dave, where does that leave us? if they don't take the case, let's just go with that scenario, then what does that mean for getting these records? >> in two weeks, that means, alisyn, that those records would have to be turned over. now, i do expect with 100% certainty that trump will appeal to the supreme court and i think that's when they will say, no, we're not going to hear it. but even if they do hear it, as i said before, bad facts make bad law. remember, executive privilege is designed to protect the republic, not the president, and especially not a former president, and here the trump legal team would be asking the supreme court to accept an argument that a former president can use executive privilege to conceal a criminal conspiracy, a conspiracy of overthrowing the government of the united states. that's why i think it's farfetched that they will rule his way. he's not going to win in this. >> david, let me -- sorry, let me come to michael with this. on this reporting from ax oios,e are learning about the former president's souring of his relationship with the former prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, spicy language coming here. so it was after the inauguration and former president trump was not happy that prime minister netanyahu congratulated president biden, and he explained it this way, quote, it was early, okay, let's put it this way, he greeted them very early, earlier than most world leaders. i've not spoken to him since. f him. sounds on brand for former president trump, i guess. >> it's perfectly on brand, and gee, i wonder if anyone would be surprised that he considers himself the center of the universe and believes that everyone, including bb netanyahu should consider donald trump the center of the universe as well. you know, everything is determined around how it affects him. he can't look at netanyahu and say, well, this man has an obligation to communicate with the incoming president. he represents his own country of israel. it's a vital relationship. instead, trump wants him to be loyal to him. and it reminds me of the monarchs who would say i am the state. it's the same problem trump has with these requests for documents and his assertion of executive privilege. he's not the state. bb netanyahu was relating to the state of the united states of america and its new leader, joe biden. so, you know, this is an appalling demonstration of his self-centeredness, but it's part for the course, and as you say, victor, very much on brand. >> all right. dave aaronberg, michael thantonio, thank you very much. >> thank you. a key measure of u.s. inflation found consumer prices jumped 6.8% over the past year the biggest spike in almost 40 years. that's probably not a shock for a lot of people that have seen the prices of grocery, and coffee specifically, new cars and furniture going up. >> demand for goods remains strong. that's a positive sign for the economy. president biden says inflation is a real problem but feels the u.s. is at the peak of the crisis. >> a real bump in the road. it does affect families when you walk in the grocery store, and you're paying more for whatever you're purchasing. it matters, it matters to people. when you're paying more for gas, although in some states, we've got the price down below 3 bucks a gallon, but the point is, it's not gone down quickly enough. but i think it will. >> okay. let's discuss with cnn economics and political commentator, catherine rampell, also an opinion columnist for the "washington post." how are we supposed to interpret all of the different signs today? >> well to some extent this report is background looking and conditions have changed a little bit since these numbers were measured. for example, energy prices have come down since mid-november when these numbers were gathered. that's because of a combinacombination of things, partly because of fears about omicron, partly because the weather is warmer and forecast to be warmer in the months ahead. it's not necessarily because of biden per se, but does suggest that at least that component will look a little bit better, hopefully the next time this report comes out. but there are also some more worrying signs in this report, the inflation that we saw today in this report was quite broad based and in areas like rent or other measures of shelter costs, those prices are still quite high. the growth in those prices is still quite high, and that suggests we could be stuck with this problem for a little while longer. >> as you say we're stuck with this problem for a little while longer, the president says we're at the peak of inflation, and it could drop quicker than most people think. is that in line with what most economists believe, that this is the peak. >> i think there's a wide range of views here. if you look at forecasts for a year from now, yes, economists do think generally speaking that inflation pressures will abate, return to something like we have been able to enjoy for many years, which is lower level inflation. we don't know. those forecasts have been consistently wrong, unfortunately, over this year. and that's partly pabecause we' have unfortunately continued to disrupt supply chains, have made it more difficult for global supply chains to normalize. you also have the fact that it still remains somewhat risky for consumers to partake in services, things like travel or dining out. and so they're trying to buy more goods at exactly the same time that there are supply chain disruptions which also pushes up prices. it's very hard to say, and i think as we learn more about the omicron variant, we'll have a little bit better information about the economic consequences including what happens to prices that fall out as a result of this pandemic. >> president biden said in a speech earlier that this has nothing to do with government spending but of course republicans are seizing on this inflation, and so do you think he's right, and what do you think this means for the future of the rest of his agenda, build back better? >> i think it's reasonable to say that part of the reason why demand is so strong, why consumers are going out and trying to buy as much as they are has to do with policy, has to do with the fact that we had huge transfer payments earlier this year in terms of both stimulus checks, as well as child tax payments, and a number of other benefits like unemployment checks, for example. that has definitely fed demand. now, we would still probably be having problems with higher prices, no matter what because the economy is reopening, and you have reopening pains, you know, sort of growing pains associated with that fact, particularly because we have all of these disruptions around the world like i was just talking about, ports, and shortages of truckers and factories getting shut down in china and what have you, so it's partly a supply side issue. it's partly, frankly, the fact that policy has juiced demand, but demand would be strong probably no matter what, and, you know, there's not really that much in terms of policy labors available for president biden to deal with this. the argument he could be making is of course, we have inflation but it's for a good reason. we wanted to run the economy a little bit hot. that's risky politically for him to say. >> good point. catherine rampell thank you for explaining all of this. the supreme court says the controversial texas abortion laws can stay in place but providers can fight the law in federal court. we have more on that. homicides are spiking in many major u.s. cities. we're going to talk to the baltimore police commissioner as his city is on track to surpass last year's murder rate. what's going on: it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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what's causing this? >> well, first of all, thank you for having me. as i talk to my colleagues across the country, and certainly what i'm seeing in baltimore is an increase in gun violence, and it's conflict or the lack of the ability to resolve it the appropriate way. petty beeves, petty arguments, petty disputes where people enact their anger on someone else with gun violence, and there's retaliations from these acts and previous bad acts with gun violence again just continuing the cycle of gun violence, and you know, we grapple with this, and we are working hard to, number one, stop them from committing gun violence because the decision to pull the trigger is not made when the trigger is pulled. the decision to pull the trigger is made when an individual puts their hand on the gun and walks out the door. they have predetermined if they need to use that gun, they have it and they will. it's about consequences or the lack of consequences, there is no fear of those consequences because for the last 18 or 20 months we're just getting on track now because we have had no trials, no indictments, no grand juries, and so there's a perception out there in the street that even though we might arrest you, there are no real consequences. and we have to get back to them understanding those consequences. >> there's a lot to unpack there, commissioner, and i want to dive into it. let's start with guns. there has always been petty beefs, conflict, but these cities are awash in guns. you have pointed out there's an enormous number of guns coming into cities, they can be ordered online, assembled in one hour, they cannot be traced, so how much is that influx of guns complicating your life, and what can be done? >> it is tremendously affecting negatively affecting what we're doing here in baltimore, because as you stated, yeah, and even children are ordering them if you have access to a credit card, you can order it online, assemble, and you have a fully functional gun like you would get in any gun store. we're finding them not just on people we arrest, we arrest every day, there are over 1,300 arrests for the year, and we have seized over 3,000 this year, and ghost guns, well over 300. that's causing a problem, and young people are having access to them, and then they're handing them off and selling them on the streets to one another. >> that sound like a huge problem, commissioner, so what's the answer to that. >> well, the answer is, obviously, some level of regulation to make sure that they're serialized and we can identify the owner who biuys them, and tracks them in some kind of way. that's number one, just like we would do with any gun you would buy in a gun store. regulations on who can buy them and what restrictions we can put on those who get them, and there's the willingness to use the guns because of as i stated, consequences or the lack thereof or people who don't have any fear of consequences. >> let's talk about that. you basically are suggesting that prosecutions have ground to a halt, probably because of covid, or mainly because of covid over the past 18 months, but are you talking about consequences for lower crimes, lesser crimes or are you talking about for homicides? >> those have to be prosecuted still, right? >> absolutely. those are being prosecuted but for 18 months, we didn't have any trials, and we didn't have any trials for shootings and or gun offenses. think about the illegal possession or illegal carrying of a firearm, which is the presp precursor to using the firearm. people are carrying guns because there's so many on the street, and there are reasons people think they have to do that, and they are solving their conflicts with gun violence. that's the inappropriate way but there's so easy access to the guns, they think that's the easiest way to solve it, but it's the most detrimental way causing problems all around. >> we're seeing it every day, commissioner, obviously between school shootings, what you're describing as the ease of access to guns, and not being able to trace them. it's just a huge problem, and at the other end of the spectrum in terms of lesser crimes, the state attorney in maryland in march announced they would stop prosecuting this list of offenses, there was drug possession, attempted distribution, paraphernalia possession, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offenses, open container, rogue and vagabond crimes, and then urinating and defecating in public, so just let me get this straight. if you see somebody trespassing or distributing drugs or defecating in public, you can't arrest them or they won't be prosecuted or what? >> they're not going to be prosecuted for those crimes but we absolutely instruct the officers to engage. there is some level of enforcement that we can take to deter and displace that, and there are other things we can do, and provide people the services they need who are in need of help. that's why they're living that kind of life. however, you know, the fact that those crimes are not being prosecuted has not led to an increase of crime. all of our other crime indexes have gone down. burglary, way down. >> that's interesting. so all of those, you don't think that those are leading to a spike in violent crime. you think the guns are leading to the spike in violent crime? >> the availability, ease of access to guns and willingness to use them because perhaps of a lack of consequences or there's not any fear of those consequences. people carry those guns and when they engage the people, by the way, most of these shootings and homicides above 80% are people who know one another, and when they engage one another and either are solving a beef or dispute or retaliating from a previous bad actor, using firearms, untraceable firearms like the ghost guns we have been talking about. it's compounded an already bad problem, the fact that we're just getting on track of two years from no trials has exacerbated that. we're back on track. chiefs around the country are working to number one, identify bad actors carrying guns but create comprehensive strategies to go after them, and change their minds about the bad decisions they're making. >> commissioner michael ha harrison, thank you for sledding light on all of this. we'll talk to you again. >> thank you so much. let's turn to this major ruling from the supreme court, the justices allowed texas to keep its near total ban on abortions but providers can still fight the law in federal court. we'll explain what that means ahead. ets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. healthier is on-demand covid testing to help you retu safely. even if it's still... a little awkward. how've you been? 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>> my understanding is that what happened today did nothing to allow women to access abortion health care in our state. it did nothing to protect our constitutional right to access abortion health care. the supreme court has allowed texas to put an unconstitutional ban, basically, on any access to abortion. let me just remind folks that the so-called fetal heart beat bill, which this is about occurs basically at six weeks gestation, four weeks pregnancy, two weeks after a missed period if you're regular when most people don't even know they're pregnant. this is in effect, a ban on a constitutionally protected right, so the fact that abortion is legal, that our entire country is being protected by the supreme court with this constitutional right, they're turning their backs on texans. we do not have the protection of the courts to access this constitutional protected health care that everyone else has a right to. >> professor, i don't even understand the practicality of this decision and this law in texas. never mind the morality. why does a state want a woman or a couple to have to carry a child to, you know, and carry a child, care for a child of a rapist or if the woman has been the victim of incest or if there are just, you know, sometimes women don't learn until 20 weeks that there is some sort of horrible disability of the fetus that they're carrying. what is the practicality of what these women will be saddled with? >> well, that's why justice sotomayor said in her dissent the supreme court betrayed the citizens of texas and our constitutional system. in this instance, we're going through a period in this country of nationalism. this happens about every 20 to 40 years, and this idea that by population that the idea of a white baby, the baby that needs to be born, to maintain the white population of this country. i mean, this is what i'm looking at as a legal historian, as a civil rights attorney, and the person who studies constitutional law, that they want this child to be born in order to maintain the population, as we see more people of color coming into the country as immigrants and being born in this country. by the year 2045, this country is going to be majority people of color. many conservatives and others know this, and so you have this wave of nationalism to maintain the population growth of white citizens as that population is continuing to decline. >> i don't even understand that because obviously women of color get pregnant in texas too. so this will affect all women, and babies of all colors, and so i just don't understand obviously that logic. >> well, this will affect also the power of a woman to control their own body. we're still talking about, you know, take america back to the 1950s when men controlled what women did, and so to have a woman decide not only that she's going to carry a pregnancy forward, but that's also going to affect her economic viability. this was an argument that was made before the u.s. supreme court in this case when it was argued that having a child not only affects a woman's personal life but its affects her economic life, it affects her future, and the future of that child to be able to gain a foothold and actually rides up within the socioeconomic system of this country so it keeps her as a dependent, and that's the mainstay of the 1950s, then that's what this law continues toos. >> -- too. >> we heard that argument in the mississippi case just a couple of days ago. representative, let me finish with you, this case goes back to the district court, what's your expectation of what judge pitman will do. do you expect there to be an injunction while arguments continue, what do you think the next step is here? >> we're expecting there will be an injunction. we're also expecting it will go straight to the 5th circuit court which will also overturn that. the bottom line is from my understanding of this, and i'm not a lawyer, but that the narrow pathway to sue here is with the licensing agencies. it's not with the attorney general. it's not with the state courts or the clerks so there's not going to be an injunction that's going to be put into effect that's going to put a stay on this. this unconstitutional ban is going to continue. it's already been going on for three and a half months, and we expected it to continue. >> gloria brown marshal, representative donna howard, thank you for helping us try to figure out what is happening in texas. we're learning some new details about that security breach at the u.s. capitol yesterday. capitol police may have been looking for the wrong person. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. this just in to cnn, that security breach on capitol hill yesterday reportedly included several mistakes. >> let's get straight to cnn's jessica dean. jessica, what are you learning? >> a source familiar is telling cnn there were several missteps during this security breach including officers failing to see this handgun on the x-ray machine. remember, anytime you go into a house, office building or anywhere here on the capitol, you're going to go through security. they didn't see, according to this source, they did not see that gun image originally on the screen, and also another misstep, originally they were telling officers to look for a white woman when in fact they changed that and said they were looking for a black man. here's what we know, according to capitol police, a house staffer walked through the longworth office building, jeffrey allsbrooks with a loaded handgun and ammunition. he got his backpack and kept walking. that's when officers figured out that this gun was inside the building. they placed a shelter in place for the capitol hill complex while they went to search for this man who then was walking back with the gun. we're told that he does not have a permit to carry this. it's not registered here in washington, d.c. but he's told police he did have a permit to carry it in virginia. now, capitol police are not commenting on any potential disciplinary actions, victor and all alisyn that they may be taking and alsbrook is pleading not guilty on this. president biden says it's at its peak, the white house economic adviser joins us next to talk about when costs will begin to ease. that's next. 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th a new economic report shows that inflation rose again last month to a 39-year high. prices jumped 6.8% in the year through november. president biden said today that inflation is a real problem but he feels the u.s. is at its peak of the crisis. joining me now is the white house director of the national economic council, brian, welcome back. let's start with the prediction from the president that inflation is at its peak. from the economists we've spoken with, they think we're a few months out. what's the president's prediction based on? >> we never put too much emphasis on any individual month's data, what i can tell you is that in november, the monthly reading for prices were high but it was a little bit down from the prior month, and about half of the increase in november was driven by energy and cars. and those are two sectors where we've seen thankfully some moderation in prices even since that data was out. gas prices are down nationally by close to $0.10. there's 20 states in the country where gas prices have already come down below their 20-year average, and the price of natural gas has come down 25% since november, so we're seeing some moderation on that front. from our perspective, the other thing the president said was that we are working hard wherever we can to make sure that we're eliminating bottlenecks in this economy to try to help goods move quicker and prices to come down faster. that's what this infrastructure bill that the president signed into law is all about. we're moving that money out to states and localities as we speak. and we're working with the ports across the country to move products from ships to trucks faster and we're seeing some results on that front as well. >> let's talk about that. you talked about some of the good news, and there is some good news, jobless claims to a 52-year low. you mentioned the drop the biggest jump since the carter administration, but when will those benefits reach the point at which they impact inflation? >> well, look, we have incredibly strong economic recovery happening right now. as you said, the labor market is reaching historic records. the unemployment claims down. their lowest level since 1969. and the unemployment rate is 4.2%. wee got there about two years faster than most experts projected. so we're making real progress. and because of wage increases and the benefits the government has provided to families over the course of the year, the typical household income, their balance sheet on a monthly basis, is about $350 a month stronger than it was prior to the pandemic even after taking into account prices. so our economy is uniquely well pogd to address these challenges. and that's why we're waking up every morning trying to figure out how to address them. working with supply chains and our ports. we're going to keep doing that. >> let's focus on gas prices. there's a group of democrats who sent a letter over urging the white house to put a ban on oil exports to try to bring down prices at the pump here. is that something that's being considered? >> that's not our focus now, but the president has been very clear. he wants us to put all the tools on the table to do what we can to make sure that consumers in america are seeing lower gas prices and are not being adversely affected -- >> reuters is reporting that that is off the table. let me ask you the inverse of the question. has the white house decided not to go the route of banning oil exports to bring down prices for gas? >> we haven't taken any ideas off the table. what we have done is acted decisively and we're starting to see some results. months ago the president started engaging with international counterparts, both oil-producing countries and oil-consuming countries, rallied the global coalition to release oil from collective stockpiles working with japan, korea, india and doing the laenget ever release of u.s. stockpiles. and what we have seen over the course of that period is that oil prices have come down by 10% or 15%. in addition, what the president said is he wants to see that decline in prices actually affect consumers at the pump and has asked the federal trade commission to make sure that if there is any illegal behavior going on in markets that is hurting consumers that we take direct action. so the president is acting. we'll keep looking at all the tools on the table to make sure that consumers don't end up on the short end of those dynamics. >> the white house still working to get the build back better plan passed. senator manchin has cited inflation many times as one of the reasons he's not getting behind many of the portions of that bill. does this bill mark it harder for the white house to get this bill passed? >> for those who are worried about costs that families are facing and certainly the president is worried about those costs, the build back better plan is precisely the prescription that you need. this plan will lower costs of prescription drugs. lower the cost of child care for families. lower elder care. lower the cost of housing. these are the major costs that american families are facing. and this bill will go directly at that. and the bill is fully paid for. and when it's fully paid for it won't actually add to inflationary pressures. that's why you have everybody from rating agencies in the u.s. like moody's to nobel prize-winning economists confirming that this is not going to add to inflationary pressures. it's going to provide some relief to some of the biggest costs that families face. >> brian deese at the white house, thanks so much. >> thank you. well, the supreme court says the controversial texas abortion law can stay in place. more on that ahead. s choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? 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(vo) subaru and our retailers believe in giving back. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. for so many, this time of year is about giving back. but the 15th annual cnn heroes all-star tribute selects ten people who put others first all year long. the star-studded gala airs live this sunday night at 8:00 eastern. here's a look. >> there was no drinkable water. something inside me started saying, you need to do something about it. >> i could not allow one additional life to be lost. >> i feel this responsibility to help these animals. this is what i was put on this earth to do. >> they started calling me the makeup lady. >> the resilience of these children. >> we want to give you your second chance at life. it provides you a way to dream. >> we helped people live through something they did not think they would survive. >> i'm just doing the job that i'm supposed to do. i think i'm the luckiest doctor that ever lived. >> i want them to know their brains are beautiful. we have to love each other across our difference. >> that is no small dream. if you believe, you will succeed. join anderson cooper and kelly ripa live as they name the 2021 hero of the year. >> welcome to the cnn heroes family. >> the 15th annual cnn heroes all-star tribute sunday at 8:00 eastern. >> victor, i am so excited for you to be there in person. >> this is my first year. >> it is such a soul-satisfying life-affirming night. i mean, it is always just a superinspiring show. gather the family. grab your tissues. you'll need them. and tune in this sunday night at 8:00. >> looking forward to it. >> meanwhile, president biden and several national leaders paid homage to the late texas senator bob dole. his funeral was held today at washington national ka thel. president biden said in his tribute that he so loved the guy and called dole a genuine hero and a man of his word. >> senator dole was later honored at the world war ii memorial for his decorated service in the army. his remains will go to his kansas hometown for a public viewing and service and then to his final resting place at arlington national cemetery. >> have a great weekend. i'll see you on sunday. see you all sunday. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. or "the lead" with pamela brown in for jake tapper. last time this happened, "thrill convert was a brand-new hit. the pandemic era price hike squeezing your budget. what the key economic number at a level not seen in almost four decades. but there may be some relief in sight. plus, the supreme court doesn't block texas' restrictive abortion law but it will allow legal challenges to proceed. and now president biden is reacting. and rising hypocrisy.

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Decision , Executive Branch Decisions , Others , Judges , Wing , Kavanaugh , Court Decision , Unikely , Tax Case , Taxes , 7 , 2 , Law , Justices , Facts , Scenario , Leave , Three , Certainty , Alisyn , 100 , It , Republic , Conspiracy , Government , Team , Way , Reporting , Souring , Learning , David , Ax Oios , E , Netanyahu , Relationship , Prime Minister , Language , Inauguration , Benjamin Netanyahu , World Leaders , Him , Sounds On Brand , Anyone , Everyone , Brand , Center Of The Universe , Man , Obligation , Everything , Say , Country , Problem , State , Monarchs , Israel , Assertion , Leader , Requests , Documents , Demonstration , Self Centeredness , Dave Aaronberg , Michael Thantonio , Inflation , Let S Focus On Gas Prices , Spike , Lot , Consumer Prices , Measure , Grocery , Shock , 6 8 , 40 , Economy , Goods , Peak , Crisis , Road , Cars , Coffee , Sign , Furniture , Bump , Price , States , Gas , Whatever , Grocery Store , 3 , 3 Bucks , Catherine Rampell , Cnn Economics , 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Scenarios , Adviser , Dream , Kindness , Forest , Little Red House , Edge , Honesty , Fourth , Norway , Inspiration , Heart , Viking , Comfort , Limu Emu , High , 39 , Prediction , Director , National Economic Council , Brian Deese , Welcome Back , Emphasis , Reading , November , Gas Prices , Moderation , Sectors , Energy , Half , Natural Gas , Perspective , Average , 0 10 , 10 , Infrastructure Bill , Thing , Bottlenecks , Results , Products , Trucks , Localities , Ships , News , Claims , Jump , Administration , Drop , 52 , Recovery , Unemployment , Labor Market , Wage Increases , Unemployment Rate , Progress , Wee , 1969 , 4 2 , Families , Account Prices , Household Income , Basis , Balance Sheet , 50 , 350 , Oil , Pump , Exports , Prices , Group , Democrats , Table , Tools , Focus , Reuters , We Haven T , Ideas , Inverse , Question , Route Of Banning , Countries , Stockpiles , Counterparts , Coalition , Oil Prices , Decline , Addition , India , Japan , Laenget , Korea , 15 , Federal 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15th Annual Cnn Heroes All Star Tribute Sunday , 2021 , Tissues , Tune , Superinspiring , Senator Dole , Leaders , Tribute , Funeral , Guy , Homage , Dole A Genuine Hero , Washington National Ka Thel , Service , Resting Place , Viewing , Word , Army , World War Ii Memorial , Kansas , Lead , Weekend , Jake Tapper , Arlington National Cemetery , Convert , Hit , Pamela Brown , Plus , Supreme Court Doesn T Block Texas , Sight , Hypocrisy ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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this, dave aiaronberg and vetern journalist and donald trump biographer, michael deantonio. you say that yesterday was the second worst day of donald trump's year. why do you say that? >> well, i think for him the very worst day was when he jetted off as the former president and joe biden was inaugurated as the 46th president. so that was a very very bad day for donald trump, but yesterday was exceedingly bad as well, especially given his loss at the circuit court of appeals on this demand by the 1/6 committee for his participation in their work. and i also think letitia james' desire to subpoena him is something he's going to have trouble fighting. there's no leverage, actually, there in new york state, and i wonder, too, with the supreme court, where he's bound to appeal, he may have less leverage than he imagined when he appointed members of the court. they are involved in other controversies. they may want to protect the supreme court from further controversy by just letting the circuit court decision stand, but i have no krystcrystal balle that's concerned. >> so many legal questions, and i know you have no crystal ball, but tell us if you think first that the supreme court will even take the case. >> victor, i don't think they will because this supreme court wants people to buy into them as a nonpolitical body, so why would they want to step into this political mess. they would be stepping on a rake, and besides the lower court took great pains to create an argument that they thought the conservatives on the supreme court would like. the separation of powers argument that, hey, this is an executive decision. don't let the judges get involved in executive branch decisions. that's an argument that will appeal to justice kavanaugh and others on the right wing of the court, and so i think they are unikely to take the case, but even if they did, i agree with michael that it's unlikely they would overturn the lower court decision because remember in the tax case, they ruled 7-2 against trump on his taxes, including all three justices that trump himself appointed, so this is a case with bad facts and bad facts make bad law, and i don't think the conservative justices want any part of it. >> so dave, where does that leave us? if they don't take the case, let's just go with that scenario, then what does that mean for getting these records? >> in two weeks, that means, alisyn, that those records would have to be turned over. now, i do expect with 100% certainty that trump will appeal to the supreme court and i think that's when they will say, no, we're not going to hear it. but even if they do hear it, as i said before, bad facts make bad law. remember, executive privilege is designed to protect the republic, not the president, and especially not a former president, and here the trump legal team would be asking the supreme court to accept an argument that a former president can use executive privilege to conceal a criminal conspiracy, a conspiracy of overthrowing the government of the united states. that's why i think it's farfetched that they will rule his way. he's not going to win in this. >> david, let me -- sorry, let me come to michael with this. on this reporting from ax oios,e are learning about the former president's souring of his relationship with the former prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, spicy language coming here. so it was after the inauguration and former president trump was not happy that prime minister netanyahu congratulated president biden, and he explained it this way, quote, it was early, okay, let's put it this way, he greeted them very early, earlier than most world leaders. i've not spoken to him since. f him. sounds on brand for former president trump, i guess. >> it's perfectly on brand, and gee, i wonder if anyone would be surprised that he considers himself the center of the universe and believes that everyone, including bb netanyahu should consider donald trump the center of the universe as well. you know, everything is determined around how it affects him. he can't look at netanyahu and say, well, this man has an obligation to communicate with the incoming president. he represents his own country of israel. it's a vital relationship. instead, trump wants him to be loyal to him. and it reminds me of the monarchs who would say i am the state. it's the same problem trump has with these requests for documents and his assertion of executive privilege. he's not the state. bb netanyahu was relating to the state of the united states of america and its new leader, joe biden. so, you know, this is an appalling demonstration of his self-centeredness, but it's part for the course, and as you say, victor, very much on brand. >> all right. dave aaronberg, michael thantonio, thank you very much. >> thank you. a key measure of u.s. inflation found consumer prices jumped 6.8% over the past year the biggest spike in almost 40 years. that's probably not a shock for a lot of people that have seen the prices of grocery, and coffee specifically, new cars and furniture going up. >> demand for goods remains strong. that's a positive sign for the economy. president biden says inflation is a real problem but feels the u.s. is at the peak of the crisis. >> a real bump in the road. it does affect families when you walk in the grocery store, and you're paying more for whatever you're purchasing. it matters, it matters to people. when you're paying more for gas, although in some states, we've got the price down below 3 bucks a gallon, but the point is, it's not gone down quickly enough. but i think it will. >> okay. let's discuss with cnn economics and political commentator, catherine rampell, also an opinion columnist for the "washington post." how are we supposed to interpret all of the different signs today? >> well to some extent this report is background looking and conditions have changed a little bit since these numbers were measured. for example, energy prices have come down since mid-november when these numbers were gathered. that's because of a combinacombination of things, partly because of fears about omicron, partly because the weather is warmer and forecast to be warmer in the months ahead. it's not necessarily because of biden per se, but does suggest that at least that component will look a little bit better, hopefully the next time this report comes out. but there are also some more worrying signs in this report, the inflation that we saw today in this report was quite broad based and in areas like rent or other measures of shelter costs, those prices are still quite high. the growth in those prices is still quite high, and that suggests we could be stuck with this problem for a little while longer. >> as you say we're stuck with this problem for a little while longer, the president says we're at the peak of inflation, and it could drop quicker than most people think. is that in line with what most economists believe, that this is the peak. >> i think there's a wide range of views here. if you look at forecasts for a year from now, yes, economists do think generally speaking that inflation pressures will abate, return to something like we have been able to enjoy for many years, which is lower level inflation. we don't know. those forecasts have been consistently wrong, unfortunately, over this year. and that's partly pabecause we' have unfortunately continued to disrupt supply chains, have made it more difficult for global supply chains to normalize. you also have the fact that it still remains somewhat risky for consumers to partake in services, things like travel or dining out. and so they're trying to buy more goods at exactly the same time that there are supply chain disruptions which also pushes up prices. it's very hard to say, and i think as we learn more about the omicron variant, we'll have a little bit better information about the economic consequences including what happens to prices that fall out as a result of this pandemic. >> president biden said in a speech earlier that this has nothing to do with government spending but of course republicans are seizing on this inflation, and so do you think he's right, and what do you think this means for the future of the rest of his agenda, build back better? >> i think it's reasonable to say that part of the reason why demand is so strong, why consumers are going out and trying to buy as much as they are has to do with policy, has to do with the fact that we had huge transfer payments earlier this year in terms of both stimulus checks, as well as child tax payments, and a number of other benefits like unemployment checks, for example. that has definitely fed demand. now, we would still probably be having problems with higher prices, no matter what because the economy is reopening, and you have reopening pains, you know, sort of growing pains associated with that fact, particularly because we have all of these disruptions around the world like i was just talking about, ports, and shortages of truckers and factories getting shut down in china and what have you, so it's partly a supply side issue. it's partly, frankly, the fact that policy has juiced demand, but demand would be strong probably no matter what, and, you know, there's not really that much in terms of policy labors available for president biden to deal with this. the argument he could be making is of course, we have inflation but it's for a good reason. we wanted to run the economy a little bit hot. that's risky politically for him to say. >> good point. catherine rampell thank you for explaining all of this. the supreme court says the controversial texas abortion laws can stay in place but providers can fight the law in federal court. we have more on that. homicides are spiking in many major u.s. cities. we're going to talk to the baltimore police commissioner as his city is on track to surpass last year's murder rate. what's going on: it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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what's causing this? >> well, first of all, thank you for having me. as i talk to my colleagues across the country, and certainly what i'm seeing in baltimore is an increase in gun violence, and it's conflict or the lack of the ability to resolve it the appropriate way. petty beeves, petty arguments, petty disputes where people enact their anger on someone else with gun violence, and there's retaliations from these acts and previous bad acts with gun violence again just continuing the cycle of gun violence, and you know, we grapple with this, and we are working hard to, number one, stop them from committing gun violence because the decision to pull the trigger is not made when the trigger is pulled. the decision to pull the trigger is made when an individual puts their hand on the gun and walks out the door. they have predetermined if they need to use that gun, they have it and they will. it's about consequences or the lack of consequences, there is no fear of those consequences because for the last 18 or 20 months we're just getting on track now because we have had no trials, no indictments, no grand juries, and so there's a perception out there in the street that even though we might arrest you, there are no real consequences. and we have to get back to them understanding those consequences. >> there's a lot to unpack there, commissioner, and i want to dive into it. let's start with guns. there has always been petty beefs, conflict, but these cities are awash in guns. you have pointed out there's an enormous number of guns coming into cities, they can be ordered online, assembled in one hour, they cannot be traced, so how much is that influx of guns complicating your life, and what can be done? >> it is tremendously affecting negatively affecting what we're doing here in baltimore, because as you stated, yeah, and even children are ordering them if you have access to a credit card, you can order it online, assemble, and you have a fully functional gun like you would get in any gun store. we're finding them not just on people we arrest, we arrest every day, there are over 1,300 arrests for the year, and we have seized over 3,000 this year, and ghost guns, well over 300. that's causing a problem, and young people are having access to them, and then they're handing them off and selling them on the streets to one another. >> that sound like a huge problem, commissioner, so what's the answer to that. >> well, the answer is, obviously, some level of regulation to make sure that they're serialized and we can identify the owner who biuys them, and tracks them in some kind of way. that's number one, just like we would do with any gun you would buy in a gun store. regulations on who can buy them and what restrictions we can put on those who get them, and there's the willingness to use the guns because of as i stated, consequences or the lack thereof or people who don't have any fear of consequences. >> let's talk about that. you basically are suggesting that prosecutions have ground to a halt, probably because of covid, or mainly because of covid over the past 18 months, but are you talking about consequences for lower crimes, lesser crimes or are you talking about for homicides? >> those have to be prosecuted still, right? >> absolutely. those are being prosecuted but for 18 months, we didn't have any trials, and we didn't have any trials for shootings and or gun offenses. think about the illegal possession or illegal carrying of a firearm, which is the presp precursor to using the firearm. people are carrying guns because there's so many on the street, and there are reasons people think they have to do that, and they are solving their conflicts with gun violence. that's the inappropriate way but there's so easy access to the guns, they think that's the easiest way to solve it, but it's the most detrimental way causing problems all around. >> we're seeing it every day, commissioner, obviously between school shootings, what you're describing as the ease of access to guns, and not being able to trace them. it's just a huge problem, and at the other end of the spectrum in terms of lesser crimes, the state attorney in maryland in march announced they would stop prosecuting this list of offenses, there was drug possession, attempted distribution, paraphernalia possession, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offenses, open container, rogue and vagabond crimes, and then urinating and defecating in public, so just let me get this straight. if you see somebody trespassing or distributing drugs or defecating in public, you can't arrest them or they won't be prosecuted or what? >> they're not going to be prosecuted for those crimes but we absolutely instruct the officers to engage. there is some level of enforcement that we can take to deter and displace that, and there are other things we can do, and provide people the services they need who are in need of help. that's why they're living that kind of life. however, you know, the fact that those crimes are not being prosecuted has not led to an increase of crime. all of our other crime indexes have gone down. burglary, way down. >> that's interesting. so all of those, you don't think that those are leading to a spike in violent crime. you think the guns are leading to the spike in violent crime? >> the availability, ease of access to guns and willingness to use them because perhaps of a lack of consequences or there's not any fear of those consequences. people carry those guns and when they engage the people, by the way, most of these shootings and homicides above 80% are people who know one another, and when they engage one another and either are solving a beef or dispute or retaliating from a previous bad actor, using firearms, untraceable firearms like the ghost guns we have been talking about. it's compounded an already bad problem, the fact that we're just getting on track of two years from no trials has exacerbated that. we're back on track. chiefs around the country are working to number one, identify bad actors carrying guns but create comprehensive strategies to go after them, and change their minds about the bad decisions they're making. >> commissioner michael ha harrison, thank you for sledding light on all of this. we'll talk to you again. >> thank you so much. let's turn to this major ruling from the supreme court, the justices allowed texas to keep its near total ban on abortions but providers can still fight the law in federal court. we'll explain what that means ahead. ets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. healthier is on-demand covid testing to help you retu safely. even if it's still... a little awkward. how've you been? 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>> my understanding is that what happened today did nothing to allow women to access abortion health care in our state. it did nothing to protect our constitutional right to access abortion health care. the supreme court has allowed texas to put an unconstitutional ban, basically, on any access to abortion. let me just remind folks that the so-called fetal heart beat bill, which this is about occurs basically at six weeks gestation, four weeks pregnancy, two weeks after a missed period if you're regular when most people don't even know they're pregnant. this is in effect, a ban on a constitutionally protected right, so the fact that abortion is legal, that our entire country is being protected by the supreme court with this constitutional right, they're turning their backs on texans. we do not have the protection of the courts to access this constitutional protected health care that everyone else has a right to. >> professor, i don't even understand the practicality of this decision and this law in texas. never mind the morality. why does a state want a woman or a couple to have to carry a child to, you know, and carry a child, care for a child of a rapist or if the woman has been the victim of incest or if there are just, you know, sometimes women don't learn until 20 weeks that there is some sort of horrible disability of the fetus that they're carrying. what is the practicality of what these women will be saddled with? >> well, that's why justice sotomayor said in her dissent the supreme court betrayed the citizens of texas and our constitutional system. in this instance, we're going through a period in this country of nationalism. this happens about every 20 to 40 years, and this idea that by population that the idea of a white baby, the baby that needs to be born, to maintain the white population of this country. i mean, this is what i'm looking at as a legal historian, as a civil rights attorney, and the person who studies constitutional law, that they want this child to be born in order to maintain the population, as we see more people of color coming into the country as immigrants and being born in this country. by the year 2045, this country is going to be majority people of color. many conservatives and others know this, and so you have this wave of nationalism to maintain the population growth of white citizens as that population is continuing to decline. >> i don't even understand that because obviously women of color get pregnant in texas too. so this will affect all women, and babies of all colors, and so i just don't understand obviously that logic. >> well, this will affect also the power of a woman to control their own body. we're still talking about, you know, take america back to the 1950s when men controlled what women did, and so to have a woman decide not only that she's going to carry a pregnancy forward, but that's also going to affect her economic viability. this was an argument that was made before the u.s. supreme court in this case when it was argued that having a child not only affects a woman's personal life but its affects her economic life, it affects her future, and the future of that child to be able to gain a foothold and actually rides up within the socioeconomic system of this country so it keeps her as a dependent, and that's the mainstay of the 1950s, then that's what this law continues toos. >> -- too. >> we heard that argument in the mississippi case just a couple of days ago. representative, let me finish with you, this case goes back to the district court, what's your expectation of what judge pitman will do. do you expect there to be an injunction while arguments continue, what do you think the next step is here? >> we're expecting there will be an injunction. we're also expecting it will go straight to the 5th circuit court which will also overturn that. the bottom line is from my understanding of this, and i'm not a lawyer, but that the narrow pathway to sue here is with the licensing agencies. it's not with the attorney general. it's not with the state courts or the clerks so there's not going to be an injunction that's going to be put into effect that's going to put a stay on this. this unconstitutional ban is going to continue. it's already been going on for three and a half months, and we expected it to continue. >> gloria brown marshal, representative donna howard, thank you for helping us try to figure out what is happening in texas. we're learning some new details about that security breach at the u.s. capitol yesterday. capitol police may have been looking for the wrong person. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. ♪ be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. this just in to cnn, that security breach on capitol hill yesterday reportedly included several mistakes. >> let's get straight to cnn's jessica dean. jessica, what are you learning? >> a source familiar is telling cnn there were several missteps during this security breach including officers failing to see this handgun on the x-ray machine. remember, anytime you go into a house, office building or anywhere here on the capitol, you're going to go through security. they didn't see, according to this source, they did not see that gun image originally on the screen, and also another misstep, originally they were telling officers to look for a white woman when in fact they changed that and said they were looking for a black man. here's what we know, according to capitol police, a house staffer walked through the longworth office building, jeffrey allsbrooks with a loaded handgun and ammunition. he got his backpack and kept walking. that's when officers figured out that this gun was inside the building. they placed a shelter in place for the capitol hill complex while they went to search for this man who then was walking back with the gun. we're told that he does not have a permit to carry this. it's not registered here in washington, d.c. but he's told police he did have a permit to carry it in virginia. now, capitol police are not commenting on any potential disciplinary actions, victor and all alisyn that they may be taking and alsbrook is pleading not guilty on this. president biden says it's at its peak, the white house economic adviser joins us next to talk about when costs will begin to ease. that's next. 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th a new economic report shows that inflation rose again last month to a 39-year high. prices jumped 6.8% in the year through november. president biden said today that inflation is a real problem but he feels the u.s. is at its peak of the crisis. joining me now is the white house director of the national economic council, brian, welcome back. let's start with the prediction from the president that inflation is at its peak. from the economists we've spoken with, they think we're a few months out. what's the president's prediction based on? >> we never put too much emphasis on any individual month's data, what i can tell you is that in november, the monthly reading for prices were high but it was a little bit down from the prior month, and about half of the increase in november was driven by energy and cars. and those are two sectors where we've seen thankfully some moderation in prices even since that data was out. gas prices are down nationally by close to $0.10. there's 20 states in the country where gas prices have already come down below their 20-year average, and the price of natural gas has come down 25% since november, so we're seeing some moderation on that front. from our perspective, the other thing the president said was that we are working hard wherever we can to make sure that we're eliminating bottlenecks in this economy to try to help goods move quicker and prices to come down faster. that's what this infrastructure bill that the president signed into law is all about. we're moving that money out to states and localities as we speak. and we're working with the ports across the country to move products from ships to trucks faster and we're seeing some results on that front as well. >> let's talk about that. you talked about some of the good news, and there is some good news, jobless claims to a 52-year low. you mentioned the drop the biggest jump since the carter administration, but when will those benefits reach the point at which they impact inflation? >> well, look, we have incredibly strong economic recovery happening right now. as you said, the labor market is reaching historic records. the unemployment claims down. their lowest level since 1969. and the unemployment rate is 4.2%. wee got there about two years faster than most experts projected. so we're making real progress. and because of wage increases and the benefits the government has provided to families over the course of the year, the typical household income, their balance sheet on a monthly basis, is about $350 a month stronger than it was prior to the pandemic even after taking into account prices. so our economy is uniquely well pogd to address these challenges. and that's why we're waking up every morning trying to figure out how to address them. working with supply chains and our ports. we're going to keep doing that. >> let's focus on gas prices. there's a group of democrats who sent a letter over urging the white house to put a ban on oil exports to try to bring down prices at the pump here. is that something that's being considered? >> that's not our focus now, but the president has been very clear. he wants us to put all the tools on the table to do what we can to make sure that consumers in america are seeing lower gas prices and are not being adversely affected -- >> reuters is reporting that that is off the table. let me ask you the inverse of the question. has the white house decided not to go the route of banning oil exports to bring down prices for gas? >> we haven't taken any ideas off the table. what we have done is acted decisively and we're starting to see some results. months ago the president started engaging with international counterparts, both oil-producing countries and oil-consuming countries, rallied the global coalition to release oil from collective stockpiles working with japan, korea, india and doing the laenget ever release of u.s. stockpiles. and what we have seen over the course of that period is that oil prices have come down by 10% or 15%. in addition, what the president said is he wants to see that decline in prices actually affect consumers at the pump and has asked the federal trade commission to make sure that if there is any illegal behavior going on in markets that is hurting consumers that we take direct action. so the president is acting. we'll keep looking at all the tools on the table to make sure that consumers don't end up on the short end of those dynamics. >> the white house still working to get the build back better plan passed. senator manchin has cited inflation many times as one of the reasons he's not getting behind many of the portions of that bill. does this bill mark it harder for the white house to get this bill passed? >> for those who are worried about costs that families are facing and certainly the president is worried about those costs, the build back better plan is precisely the prescription that you need. this plan will lower costs of prescription drugs. lower the cost of child care for families. lower elder care. lower the cost of housing. these are the major costs that american families are facing. and this bill will go directly at that. and the bill is fully paid for. and when it's fully paid for it won't actually add to inflationary pressures. that's why you have everybody from rating agencies in the u.s. like moody's to nobel prize-winning economists confirming that this is not going to add to inflationary pressures. it's going to provide some relief to some of the biggest costs that families face. >> brian deese at the white house, thanks so much. >> thank you. well, the supreme court says the controversial texas abortion law can stay in place. more on that ahead. s choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? 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"the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. or "the lead" with pamela brown in for jake tapper. last time this happened, "thrill convert was a brand-new hit. the pandemic era price hike squeezing your budget. what the key economic number at a level not seen in almost four decades. but there may be some relief in sight. plus, the supreme court doesn't block texas' restrictive abortion law but it will allow legal challenges to proceed. and now president biden is reacting. and rising hypocrisy.

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Police Commissioner , What S Going On , Season , Smiling , Smile , Patients , Baltimore , City , Aspen Dental , Murder Rate , Insurance , Plan , Budget , Smiles , Exam , Payment Solutions , X Rays , Treatment , 20 , Book , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Doug , Aspendental Com Limu Emu , 1 , 800 , Help , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Gasps , Pay , Theaters , Last , Spider Man , Home , 17 , December 17th , Office , Return , Challenge , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Customers , Workplace , Safe , Flow , Business , Experts , Effects , Cases , Well Being , Adults , Anxiety , Servicenow , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Stop Rybelsus , Sugar , Diabetes , Pill , Food , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , A1c , Lost , 8 , Family , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Neck , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Kidney Problems , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Fidelity , Planning Effect , Possibility , Increase , Cnn , Levels , Analysis , 23 , 30 , Gun Violence , Letter , Retailers , Companies , Thefts , Up Tick , Ceos , Urging Action , Smash And Grab , Congress , Some , Commissioner Michael Ha Harrison , Chicago , Philadelphia , Commissioner , Conflict , Colleagues , Lack , Disputes , Someone , Retaliations , Ability , Anger , Petty Arguments , Petty Beeves , Decision , Trigger , Acts , Number One , Cycle , One , Gun , Hand , Door , Fear , Trials , Street , Indictments , Grand Juries , Perception , 18 , Guns , Petty Beefs , Influx , Life , Children , Gun Store , Arrests , Credit Card , 1300 , Another , Streets , Ghost , Sound , 300 , 3000 , Level , Answer , Regulation , Owner , Biuys Them , Who , Kind , Willingness , Restrictions , Regulations , Talk , Covid , Let , Ground , Prosecutions , Halt , Crimes , Shootings , Reasons , Firearm , Carrying , Many , Presp , Possession , Precursor , Gun Offenses , The Street , Access , Conflicts , End , School Shootings , Spectrum , Ease , Paraphernalia Possession , Drug Possession , Offenses , Distribution , Traffic Offenses , Container , Prostitution , Trespassing , State Attorney , List , Maryland , Defecating , Public , Straight , Drugs , Somebody Trespassing , Vagabond , Officers , Enforcement , Crime , Need , Crime Indexes , Availability , Burglary , Most , Firearms , Retaliating , Dispute , Beef , Actor , Either , 80 , Ghost Guns , Chiefs , Decisions , Actors , Strategies , Minds , Ban , Ruling , Abortions , Light , Gold , Portfolios , Risk , Protector , Reward , Element , Ets , Asset , Enabler , Advantage , Retirement Plan , Voya , Granddaughter , Grandpa , Steps , Retirement , Doesn T , Confidence , Sweetheart , Love You , Grandpas , Come On , Best , Well Invested , Aw , Sleigh , Helpers , Roads , Toys , Wishes , Mountain , Bridges , Bye Mom , Job , Homes , Fun , United States Postal Service , Holiday Deliveries , Healthier , Covid Testing , Ganiac , Music , Sfx , Check My Drawers , Craig Robinson , Sniffs Long Exhale , Clothes , Freshness , Drawers , Data , Money , Low , Detergent , Family Plans , Gain , Gainiac , Flings , Febreze , Oxiboost , Chloe , 5 , 25 , Turkey , Vo , Mom Vo , Switch , Dad Vo , Guests , Anything , 1200 , 200 , 00 , Network Solutions , Security , Network , Power , Anywhere , Activecore Platform , Devices , Cyberthreat , Network Management , Comcast Business , Sd Wan , Big Day , Business Powering Possibilities , Supreme Court Today , Abortion , Abortion Law , Abortion Providers , Pregnancy , Supreme Court Reporter , Six , Effect , Ariane De Vogue , Officials , Foot , Victory , Attempt , Sue Us , Nobody , Beginning , Department Of Justice , Lawsuits , State Officials , Subset , Texas Attorney General , Bounty Hunters , Approach , Woman , Opinion , Doctors , Lawsuit , Supreme Court Didn T Block , John Roberts , Liberals , Procedure , Sonia Sotomayor , More , Supreme Court Didn T , First , Rights , Gloria Brown Marshal , Issue , Copy Cat Suits , Ariane De , Donna Howard , Constitutional Law Professor , John J College Of Criminal Justice , Texas State Representative , She Took Justice , Texas Women S Health Caucus , Window , Chilling Effect , Ariene , Women , Health Care , Understanding , Right , Heart Beat Bill , Folks , Backs , Courts , Practicality , Texans , Protection , Professor , Child , Couple , Morality , Care , Victim , Sort , Disability , Fetus , Rapist , Incest , Citizens , System , Sotomayor , Instance , Population , Idea , Nationalism , Baby , Person , Attorney , Order , Historian , Color , Population Growth , Immigrants , Wave , 2045 , Babies , Colors , Men , Logic , 1950 , Viability , Pregnancy Forward , Foothold , Law Continues Toos , Mainstay , Mississippi , Injunction , Arguments , Step , Expectation , Judge Pitman , 5th Circuit Court , Bottom Line , Licensing Agencies , Pathway , Lawyer , Clerks , Attorney General , Stay , Representative , Try , Details , Security Breach , Capitol Police , U S Capitol , Perfumes , Washing Machine , Boosters , Beads , Downy Light , Capful , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Load , Dyes , Laundry , Taking Ibrance , Scents , Breast Cancer , Aromatase Inhibitor , Thousands , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Disease Progression , Therapy , Hormonal , Blood Cell , Doctor , Inflammation , Chills , Breathing , Chest Pain , Trouble , Both , Infections , Infection , Lungs , Death , Cough , Fever , Breastfeeding , Liver , Google , Challenges , Journey , Ride , Growing Business , Advisor , Tech Solutions , Surprises , Dell , Is , Missteps , Mistakes , Jessica Dean , Handgun , House , Office Building , Source , X Ray Machine , Gun Image , Screen , Didn T See , Black Man , Misstep , House Staffer , Longworth Office Building , Jeffrey Allsbrooks , Building , Shelter , Ammunition , Walking , Backpack , Permit , Police , Virginia , Actions , Alsbrook , Costs , Advice , Scenarios , Adviser , Dream , Kindness , Forest , Little Red House , Edge , Honesty , Fourth , Norway , Inspiration , Heart , Viking , Comfort , Limu Emu , High , 39 , Prediction , Director , National Economic Council , Brian Deese , Welcome Back , Emphasis , Reading , November , Gas Prices , Moderation , Sectors , Energy , Half , Natural Gas , Perspective , Average , 0 10 , 10 , Infrastructure Bill , Thing , Bottlenecks , Results , Products , Trucks , Localities , Ships , News , Claims , Jump , Administration , Drop , 52 , Recovery , Unemployment , Labor Market , Wage Increases , Unemployment Rate , Progress , Wee , 1969 , 4 2 , Families , Account Prices , Household Income , Basis , Balance Sheet , 50 , 350 , Oil , Pump , Exports , Prices , Group , Democrats , Table , Tools , Focus , Reuters , We Haven T , Ideas , Inverse , Question , Route Of Banning , Countries , Stockpiles , Counterparts , Coalition , Oil Prices , Decline , Addition , India , Japan , Laenget , Korea , 15 , Federal Trade Commission , Markets , Behavior , Direct Action , Build , Times , Portions , Dynamics , Senator Manchin , Bill , Bill Mark , Cost , Housing , Child Care , Prescription Drugs , Pressures , Moody S , Everybody , Rating Agencies , Nobel Prize , Relief , Assets , Angie , Mom , Lou , Phone , Internet , 5g , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , 400 , Store , Holiday Season , Switch Squad , Savings , Moon Christmas Special , Smart Kid , Go , Gotta , Game , Football , Nfl , Billions , Fate , Connections , Line Touchdown , Subaru , Meals , Cisco , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Car Company , Love Event , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , 15th Annual Cnn Heroes All Star Tribute , Airs , Look , Water , Saying , The Star , Sunday Night , Ten , Responsibility , Animals , Makeup Lady , Earth , Resilience , Chance , Other , Difference , Brains , Kelly Ripa , Anderson Cooper , Hero Of The Year , Cnn Heroes Family , 15th Annual Cnn Heroes All Star Tribute Sunday , 2021 , Tissues , Tune , Superinspiring , Senator Dole , Leaders , Tribute , Funeral , Guy , Homage , Dole A Genuine Hero , Washington National Ka Thel , Service , Resting Place , Viewing , Word , Army , World War Ii Memorial , Kansas , Lead , Weekend , Jake Tapper , Arlington National Cemetery , Convert , Hit , Pamela Brown , Plus , Supreme Court Doesn T Block Texas , Sight , Hypocrisy ,

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