Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

contempt. congress grilling the head of instagram, after internal documents show the social media platform can harm the mental health of young women, especially teenage girls. and testimony as a manslaughter trial begins in minnesota for a former police officer who shot and killed dahntay wright during a traffic spot, claiming she accidently mistook her gun for her taser. i want to bring in now former gop congressman charlie dent and cnn's senior analyst -- good evening to both of you. elly, now mark meadows is sooning the committee. is he afraid of trump or is this a stalling tactic? >> it's a distraction tactic, this lawsuit has next to no chance of succeeding. he's just taking a firecracker, lighting it, tossing it into the january 6 room and saying deal with this. his executive privilege claim has so many problems. we're talking about executive privilege invoked by a former president, something that mark meadows has been talking about in his book, a topic that he's already turned over documents on and communication that don't have to do with any legitimate policy discussion. so the lawsuit is doomed to fail. the question is, just as the committee going to be able to play through it? >> you said this breakdown cooperation was predictable. he turned over some key email and a text exchange with an unnamed member of congress where he writes, i love it, in a discussion about appointing alternate lectors in states, and a 38-page power point presentation to be provided on the hill. so how can he argue now that he can't testify about these documents after he turned them over himself? >> that's the question. he's had quite a change of heart. the problem is, as you say, he's already turned these documents over. by the way, these are glaring red lights to the committee. think about these documents. talking about, and i quote, direct and collateral attacks on the election. talking about plans for january 6. talking about ce d'ing alternate seats of lectors. this isn't coming from steve bannon or alex jones, this is coming from mark meadows, the white house chief of staff, the heart of power. so the committee has to be focused on those documents, and that's why it's so important they question mark meadows. >> charlie, there's also an early january 2021 text exchange here to talk about between mark meadows and the organizer of the january 6 rally. a january 5 email about having the national guard on stand by and text messages about the need for president trump to issue a public statement to stop the january 6 attack at the capitol. now, mark meadows clearly has key information for the committee that doesn't seem to involve national security conversations with the former president. >> that's correct. and it just seems to me that he's chosen not to cooperate at this point. i suspect because president trump is upset about the book and wants him to walk it back. he's not happy about mark meadows' cooperation. i don't know how meadows thinks he can recall all those documents he dumped to the committee. so this is a rather odd situation as far as i'm concerned. mark meadows was one of the senior republicans on the house oversight committee. and he would have gone an apaplectic had someone ignored subpoenas. >> adam schiff saying this tonight about the lawsuit against the committee. listen? >> he claims his about face is purported desire to cooperate, and then his change of heart was a committee decision to subpoena phone records. that suggests that perhaps he was concerned that the phone records might cop ntradict whate was telling the committee. maybe it was the president that got upset with his book or that he was cooperating. i don't know. but the reality is, something led him to abandon cooperation with the committee. >> meadows certainly seems concerned about the phone records the committee might have, including his own. why do you think he's worried about that? >> yeah, look, this is a complete pretext by mark meadows. obviously, he's worried. and his whole argument here is, i'm not going to cooperate, because how dare you subpoena my phone records that. is the most normal routine investigative subpoena in the world. they have entire branches that do nothing but respond to these subpoenas all day. all the committee will get is a list of who called who and when. there's obviously something in there that mark meadows does not want the committee to see, who mark meadows was speaking to, perhaps in the days leading up to january 6, perhaps on january 6. if i'm on the committee like adam schiff just said, that's piquing my interest even more. >> charlie, one top pence aide is cooperating with the committee. what chance does mike pence have in this trump gop running in 2024, is that realistic for him? >> i think the former vice president has a real uphill climb in his presidential bid. clearly mark short is a former chief of staff is cooperating, because mike pence has a good story to tell. he was, in fact, a victim of this attack. and he -- in the end, he did the right thing. and he's trying to draw a little bit of a contrast and separation between himself and the former president. and he thinks this might help him, i suspect, in his presidential did. but still, it's trump's party at the moment. this may not help mike pence as he would like, even though he did do the right thing in the end. >> good luck, if you're thinking about 2024, mike pence. thank you, gentlemen. joining me now, cnn's white house correspondent kaitlan collins. >> in studio, not at the white house. >> we're glad to have you. kaitlan, thank you for joining us. listen, joe biden was in kansas city, touting his economic message today on the heels of some good economic news, including dropping gas prices. what did we hear today? >> you see how the average has gone down here. this is welcome news for the white house, because they have been plagued by this, talking about these prices and where they were. and so as the president was there, he was talking about this, and he was giving himself some credit for a move he made recently. >> two weeks ago, i announced the largest ever release of the u.s. strategic petroleum reserve, increased the supply of oil to help bring down prices. and i met with our friends around the world, other countries joined us. and those savings are starting to reach drivers. >> now, don, a few things we should note. by the time the president did announce that, which was the biggest ever release from the strategic reserves, the oil prices are down 10% from what their peak was. but the president did want to take a move to show people that he was listening, that he understood the pain they were feeling at the pump. and the white house had predicted it would take until about right now. because remember when he announced that, it was around thanksgiving, people were getting on the road. this is something that the white house is happy about. they have been dealing with this. this is an issue they were hearing from lawmakers and voters. so they are happy to see these prices go down. in fact, that is right around when the omicron emerged and started to spook some people. >> the criticism has been that, you know, they -- americans didn't know what the biden administration was accomplishing, and even though they were accomplishing things that he didn't tout it enough. so he's been going on this tour promoting his infrastructure bill. and push for his build back better bill. but how likely is it to get his economic agenda passed by the end of the year, kaitlan? >> that's the deadline they are shooting for. you heard pelosi say yesterday that is what she would like to accomplish, getting it done by christmas. of course, don, that seems to be a long shot, given what you're hearing from people like senator joe manchin, senator kyrsten sinema, those two key votes they have to have to get this passed. what you heard from senator joe manchin, he said the white house isn't lobbying him on this right now. they're not having those negotiations that they were having around the infrastructure bill. and he has made clear that he's not eager to get this done any time soon. he's not trying to pass it by tomorrow. whether or not they can get it done by the end of the year, publicly they say they're optimistic, don. but if you talk to democrats and people inside the white house privately, they concede this could be something that slips into 2022. >> well, let's hope it's fast, okay? because folks need it. kaitlan, as of today, 200 million americans are fully vaccinated. it is a huge success in a year. but there is still significant resistance and now the need for the boosters. what is the white house doing? >> the boosters is the biggest push right now. it is something they are talking about every chance they get. there is a reason you're seeing so many health officials on television, including the cdc director today, dr. fauci on television, talk about how important this is. they are right now in a holding period, waiting to see more definitive data around the omicron variant, what does that look like, are these vaccines and boosters effective. and they're feeling good about it so far. they realize there are about 100 million americans who still need to get that booster shot, who have not done so yet. so that is the push they are continuing. one other interesting thing dr. fauci said today, he does think that the definition of fully vaccinated can change from those two shots, of course to potentially three shots, which would include the booster that they are encouraging people to get. >> kaitlan collins, in washington -- >> so good to be back with you. >> i know. we need to take this on the road. >> it would be sold out in every city we went to. alabama, louisiana. >> thank you. she's from alabama, i'm from louisiana. i'm not a big fan of the roll tide. i am an lsu tiger. i still like kaitlan, though. thank you, kaitlan. see you soon. so we've got some real work to do in this country. but the wing nut wing of the gop is trying to distract us with endless trolling. we'll discuss that, next. when they're sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. wherever they rest protection nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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because doesn't it just pull you down, can't you just let them be krauzy on their own? >> that's a legitimate question. lauren boebert likes to go from offense to offense. she fund-raisies out of it, and we're talking about it. that being said, how do you not respond to an islamicphobic attack? what message does that send to little muslim boys and girls all over this countrisome >> i just don't know. at some point you have to be above the craziness and let them spin and toil and look bad. and you take the high road. scott, i don't know, am i wrong? what do you think of that? >> i think as a strategic matter, you raise exactly the point. the reason someone would tell this kind of a joke, the reason someone would fabricate this kind of a story is because they're trying to attract attention. and when you elevate it to the extent that it's been elevated in our public discourse, we have obviously been discussing it now for days and days and days and days. this is what they want, and the idea that we're going to strip someone of their committee hearings, i mean, do we think lauren boebert wakes up every day desperate to get over to a committee meeting? of course not. this is no punishment for them. this is the desired outcome. so don, you raise the point, which is when you deprive an attention hound of oxygen, you deprive them of the attention that they want, that's their oxygen, it is probably a smarter play. >> yeah. >> that's what i do. >> it might be smarter, but we did in with donald trump. we faced the same question with donald trump for four years, and we followed up on all the offensive, outrageous things he said, because not doing so is normalizing it. there is no way that we can stay quiet in the face of racism. listen, if she was saying these things about latinos, i would be outraged and i would want people to reach out. >> but this is the thing though. i'm not sure that the democrats are the ones who should be responding. it should be on the republican -- look, dan crenshaw, this is dan crenshaw. he spoke about what's going on in his party. listen. >> there's two types of members of congress. that's performance artists, and there's legislators. now, the performance artists are the ones that get all the attention. there's the ones you think are more conservative because they know how to recite the lines that they know our voters want to hear. we have grifters in our mist. >> that's who the pressure should be put on to speak up. not necessarily sure that it helps democrats to, you know, lie down with -- do you see my point, scott? >> yeah. look, i think dan in that specific case, representative crenshaw i should say, was responding on an issue where they were voting on a bill and some of the people he was commenting on were circulating this idea that there was something in the bill that wasn't in the bill. i think he was irritated with it. the idea that he would go and vote a way and have it described by people in his own conference in a way that just wasn't true. and it e's always the same peop. he was bold enough, and courageous enough to say this is b.s. and by the way, he has credibility. not just as a republican and a conservative, but someone who sacrificed and served his country. so i was grateful that dan crenshaw did that. because his unique voice is exactly the kind that could potentially put a stop to this. look, there's always going to be a market for people who are in the performance business rather than being a member of congress business. >> same sentiment, anna, even if he was talking about an idea of something that wasn't true or there. so it's the same sentiment. >> i think there's a voice dan crenshaw saying that, these are people nobody can accuse of being rinos. these are people with a record of service. and i think donors need to speak up. if you are a republican donor who is unhappy with this, you need to speak up. if you are a republican, former elected official, if you are a former governor who feels offended by the way that the party -- where the party is going and this lack of moral leadership, you need to speak up. i think too many people have stayed quiet thinking this too shall pass. and for fear of being in the cross hairs. and it's enough. the question for the republican party is, just how low can you go? this cannot be a party that is the slogan for limbo rock. margorie taylor greene, matt gaetz, lauren boebert, how low can they go? and they use it to fund-raise and it's getting worse, and it affects society and all of us. yesterday, i was at the funeral of a former congresswoman, lived to be 95 years old. first african american woman elected from florida after reconstruction. there were republicans sitting there. they it used to not be this way. there used to be respect for the institution, and people didn't go there to troll each other on twitter or offend each other from the floor of the house. >> all i'm saying is at some point, you have to be above it. you have to take the high road and lead by example. i'm not sure if it is. i'm just saying i could be wrong, i'm not sure if it is responding to every single idiotic thing that someone like lauren boebert or matt gaetz, or whomever says in the party. i think a better strategy is to push the leaders of the party to do something about it, tell them that they need to do something about the folks in their party rather than give -- >> don, your point on this, don, they are desirous of the so-called establishment or the leadership or the swamp or whatever -- they are desirous of a situation where that group comes down on them. so when you respond to everything they do, this is the desired outcome. and so the demand for leaders to come down on people like this, that's what they want. and then the cycle starts over again. and we have this same conversation again. so i think you're onto something. >> i hear you guys, but i've got to tell you -- i hear both of you and i understand the strategy part. butky tell you this, i will never get tired and i will they have normalize and i will never be silent in the face of racism and the kind of offensive actions that are happening -- >> you're right about that. >> i'm not going to stay quiet when paul gosar tweets out an anime killing alexandria ocasio cortez. >> you're right. you have to take each one on its merits. sometimes the best response is no response. >> absolutely not. maybe you can do it at other times, but not when you're talk -- you all can be silent. i'll be here all by myself. >> you know, they say silence speaks volumes. we'll be right back. hey hun hey, get your own vapors relax with vicks vapobath or with vicks vaposhower. take a soothing vicks vapo moment wherever you chose. learning about our history with ancestrydna®, inspired us to learn more about our culture and where we come from. ohhh my god. it told us, almost to the t, where we come from, where our mixture is. ♪ i'm very proud to be indigenous to zacatecas. that's our history, our little legacy. discovering things that were a mystery, that's what ancestry® did for our family. ♪ feeling sluggish or weighed down? 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have you not done things to get more teenagers interested in your product? are you not worried about losing them to other platforms? you better tell the truth. you're under oath. >> so joining me now, dony o'sullivan. the impact of social media on children front and center in this hearing, particularly the influence instagram has on teenage girls. what were senators most concerned about here? >> yeah, they were pretty peeved off with the instagram ceo today. they were sort of saying they weren't getting the transparency and commitments from him to be transparent about data. but senator richard blumenthal, who has been pretty sharp on this issue for the most part, asked a very good question, which was even when parents see things or just when any users see content on the platform that could be dangerous, and when they reported to instagram, facebook, meta, whatever you want to call it today, that instagram doesn't do anything. have a listen. >> shouldn't children and parents have the right to report dangerous material and get a response? because we've heard harrowing stories from parents who tried to report and have heard no response. my office made a report and got no response until cnn made the report to press relations. shouldn't there be an obligation that instagram will respond? >> senator, yes, i believe we troy and respond to all reports. and if we ever fail to do so that is a mistake we should correct. >> it's not just instagram, though. i've made complaints to instagram, twitter, facebook. all of them. that's why i don't go on social media. >> they all say they have these rules and they make -- they get good press when they announce new rules. but you hear plblumenthal there. he mentioned there was a cnn report. his staff set up a fake account as a 13-year-old girl. she followed a few accounts about eating disorders and within a few days, instagram's algorithm was recommending to her content glorifying eating disorders. that is supposed to be against the rules, but instagram didn't detect them. even when they reported them, a regular user could report them, instagram did nothing. it wasn't until we asked that instagram said those accounts, they're against our rules, they shouldn't be on the platform. but clearly there is a major issue when they do nothing about it on their own. >> keep following, keep reporting. so he was shot and killed by a police officer who said she thought she was tasing him. the trial over the death of don they wright starts today. and his mother takes the stand. did you know that even after you sanitize a surface, every touch can leave new bacteria behind? 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>> i was sitting in the courtroom today with the family watching, you know, katie's testimony. it was some of the most gut wrenching, heart wrenching, it was the worst punch i've ever taken in the gut watching someone testify today. you know, katie -- i'm glad that her testimony went 30, 35 minutes. i don't know how much longer she could have done it. certainly, family watching. they couldn't have done it any more either. because it was so emotional in that room today. and she's doing probably as well as she could given the circumstances. >> have you been in touch with the prosecution at all in noegnoegts i -- negotiating her testimony? what do you think of the job they are doing? >> i think they're doing a terrific job. this case, unfortunately, has a lot of noise around it. but when you look at the core of what they are trying to do, the charges that are filed and how they presented the evidence so far and the arguments that they have made in opening statements, everything fits. they have multiple lanes in which they can obtain a conviction here, as long as they can explain those jury instructions to the jury, they're doing a very good job so far. because those charges that are against potter right now, like i said, there are multiple ways in which the jury can find the path for a conviction. >> how is the family taking the defense arguing that potter is just a human being who made a mistake? i mean, they're blaming wright for his death by saying that he should have just surrendered. >> don, first of all, this was not a mistake. she intentionally -- she knew that she was grabbing her gun. i watched that video today, and i washed it very closely. and before she yelled "taser, taser, taser," she had been gun ready for about 20, 25 seconds. i saw her put her hand on the gun and remove her hand from her gun on her strong side at least three times. so what does that tell me? that she was ready to use gun on somebody that had what, no insurance card, the registration was expired on the car? where was her deescalation at all here? and she was still going to use a taser on somebody who was unarmed and not threat. i mean, it was really ridiculous. this case is about kim potter. it's not about daunte wright. kim potter is the one who pulled the trigger on the gun. >> listen, she does sound distraught after making that fatal mistake. you don't think that will play with the jury? >> well, look, she does sound distraught. but on the other hand, did she or any of her fellow officers do anything to assist daunte wright, who they know she had just shot? she knew she had shot somebody in the chest and they're concerned about her. they needed to call medical emergency right away and they failed to do that. she knew she made a mistake, clearly. >> yeah. antonio, thank you very much. i appreciate it. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, don. good night. >> kim potter faces first degree manslaughter and second degree manslaughter charges. a black couple low balled on the value of their house by an appraiser and when a white friend showed the same house, it shot up almost half a million. now they're suing. sleep better and longers you when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. a black couple in california suing an appraiser over housing discrimination after their home was valued significantly under what they expected it to be. their suspicions were confirmed after their white friend showed their home to another afppraise and the home went up by $500,000. >> reporter: tanisha and paul johnson bought their home in california in 2016. it came with a coveted view of the bay, but a long to-do list. >> it needed a lot of work, but we were up to the task. >> reporter: and their work paid off, so they thought. they added a deck, a gas fireplace, and additional living space. in january of 2020, with the buildout almost finished, they decided to refinance and take some cash out of the property. they got an appraisal. >> it was right before covid hit, so the rates were extremely low. so we were trying to refinance to take advantage of the low rates. >> reporter: to their surprise, the afrazier wrote in her report that the house was only worth $995,000. >> we were sick to our stomach. we were upset. we were angered. >> i was disappointed, because one, i knew that the house was worth more than that. and secondly, because we needed the house to appraise for a certain amount to be able to pull out the capital in it. and when it didn't come in at that, it was devastated. >> reporter: they suspected the low ball valuation from an amazing, who happened to be a white woman, had something to do with their race, or location. the city has a sizal african american population. >> she considered us living in marin city and devalued our home based off of that. >> reporter: so they decided to put their suspicions to a test. they requested another appraisal, and got a female friend, who was white, to come to the house to meet the appraiser to make it look like this was her house. >> i contacted her and i said, we have another -- our appraisal came in low. we have another appraiser coming. can you come and be me? >> reporter: but that's not all. they also removed any evidence that black people even lived there. a process that's been called white washing. >> we took down everything that resembled this home belonged to us. >> even my hair products, i put them away so that someone would be tipped off by them. >> reporter: a different appraiser, also a white woman, who visited the house in february of 2020, came back with a valuation of more than $1,482,500. an appraisal 49% higher than the previous one. in dollars, that's a $487,500 difference between two appraisals that came about three weeks apart. in federal court, the austins have sued the appraiser, jeanette miller, who gave them the lower estimate. miller did not respond to several requests to either make a statement, grant an interview, or put us in contact with her lawyer. devaluation of the property values and wrights of african americans and hispanics is a deeply rooted american tradition that is starting to attract more attention in washington. it's not always about million dollar homes. andre perry, senior fellio at the brookings institution, writes about it. >> we found homes in black neighborhoods are underpriced by 23%. there's about $156 billion in lost equity in black neighborhoods. $156 billion. >> and joe johns joins me now. joe, thanks for joining us. the austins are suing. what are they expecting to get out of the suit? >> they say they want an order about discrimination, but there's also the issue of damages. they lost the interest rate they were trying to get, around i did ask the lawyers, in terms of damages, what are you asking for? because how do you calculate that? it's a huge problem, and people can lose tens of thousands of dollars if they get a bad appraisal, don. >> joe johns, thank you so much. i appreciate it. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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contempt. congress grilling the head of instagram, after internal documents show the social media platform can harm the mental health of young women, especially teenage girls. and testimony as a manslaughter trial begins in minnesota for a former police officer who shot and killed dahntay wright during a traffic spot, claiming she accidently mistook her gun for her taser. i want to bring in now former gop congressman charlie dent and cnn's senior analyst -- good evening to both of you. elly, now mark meadows is sooning the committee. is he afraid of trump or is this a stalling tactic? >> it's a distraction tactic, this lawsuit has next to no chance of succeeding. he's just taking a firecracker, lighting it, tossing it into the january 6 room and saying deal with this. his executive privilege claim has so many problems. we're talking about executive privilege invoked by a former president, something that mark meadows has been talking about in his book, a topic that he's already turned over documents on and communication that don't have to do with any legitimate policy discussion. so the lawsuit is doomed to fail. the question is, just as the committee going to be able to play through it? >> you said this breakdown cooperation was predictable. he turned over some key email and a text exchange with an unnamed member of congress where he writes, i love it, in a discussion about appointing alternate lectors in states, and a 38-page power point presentation to be provided on the hill. so how can he argue now that he can't testify about these documents after he turned them over himself? >> that's the question. he's had quite a change of heart. the problem is, as you say, he's already turned these documents over. by the way, these are glaring red lights to the committee. think about these documents. talking about, and i quote, direct and collateral attacks on the election. talking about plans for january 6. talking about ce d'ing alternate seats of lectors. this isn't coming from steve bannon or alex jones, this is coming from mark meadows, the white house chief of staff, the heart of power. so the committee has to be focused on those documents, and that's why it's so important they question mark meadows. >> charlie, there's also an early january 2021 text exchange here to talk about between mark meadows and the organizer of the january 6 rally. a january 5 email about having the national guard on stand by and text messages about the need for president trump to issue a public statement to stop the january 6 attack at the capitol. now, mark meadows clearly has key information for the committee that doesn't seem to involve national security conversations with the former president. >> that's correct. and it just seems to me that he's chosen not to cooperate at this point. i suspect because president trump is upset about the book and wants him to walk it back. he's not happy about mark meadows' cooperation. i don't know how meadows thinks he can recall all those documents he dumped to the committee. so this is a rather odd situation as far as i'm concerned. mark meadows was one of the senior republicans on the house oversight committee. and he would have gone an apaplectic had someone ignored subpoenas. >> adam schiff saying this tonight about the lawsuit against the committee. listen? >> he claims his about face is purported desire to cooperate, and then his change of heart was a committee decision to subpoena phone records. that suggests that perhaps he was concerned that the phone records might cop ntradict whate was telling the committee. maybe it was the president that got upset with his book or that he was cooperating. i don't know. but the reality is, something led him to abandon cooperation with the committee. >> meadows certainly seems concerned about the phone records the committee might have, including his own. why do you think he's worried about that? >> yeah, look, this is a complete pretext by mark meadows. obviously, he's worried. and his whole argument here is, i'm not going to cooperate, because how dare you subpoena my phone records that. is the most normal routine investigative subpoena in the world. they have entire branches that do nothing but respond to these subpoenas all day. all the committee will get is a list of who called who and when. there's obviously something in there that mark meadows does not want the committee to see, who mark meadows was speaking to, perhaps in the days leading up to january 6, perhaps on january 6. if i'm on the committee like adam schiff just said, that's piquing my interest even more. >> charlie, one top pence aide is cooperating with the committee. what chance does mike pence have in this trump gop running in 2024, is that realistic for him? >> i think the former vice president has a real uphill climb in his presidential bid. clearly mark short is a former chief of staff is cooperating, because mike pence has a good story to tell. he was, in fact, a victim of this attack. and he -- in the end, he did the right thing. and he's trying to draw a little bit of a contrast and separation between himself and the former president. and he thinks this might help him, i suspect, in his presidential did. but still, it's trump's party at the moment. this may not help mike pence as he would like, even though he did do the right thing in the end. >> good luck, if you're thinking about 2024, mike pence. thank you, gentlemen. joining me now, cnn's white house correspondent kaitlan collins. >> in studio, not at the white house. >> we're glad to have you. kaitlan, thank you for joining us. listen, joe biden was in kansas city, touting his economic message today on the heels of some good economic news, including dropping gas prices. what did we hear today? >> you see how the average has gone down here. this is welcome news for the white house, because they have been plagued by this, talking about these prices and where they were. and so as the president was there, he was talking about this, and he was giving himself some credit for a move he made recently. >> two weeks ago, i announced the largest ever release of the u.s. strategic petroleum reserve, increased the supply of oil to help bring down prices. and i met with our friends around the world, other countries joined us. and those savings are starting to reach drivers. >> now, don, a few things we should note. by the time the president did announce that, which was the biggest ever release from the strategic reserves, the oil prices are down 10% from what their peak was. but the president did want to take a move to show people that he was listening, that he understood the pain they were feeling at the pump. and the white house had predicted it would take until about right now. because remember when he announced that, it was around thanksgiving, people were getting on the road. this is something that the white house is happy about. they have been dealing with this. this is an issue they were hearing from lawmakers and voters. so they are happy to see these prices go down. in fact, that is right around when the omicron emerged and started to spook some people. >> the criticism has been that, you know, they -- americans didn't know what the biden administration was accomplishing, and even though they were accomplishing things that he didn't tout it enough. so he's been going on this tour promoting his infrastructure bill. and push for his build back better bill. but how likely is it to get his economic agenda passed by the end of the year, kaitlan? >> that's the deadline they are shooting for. you heard pelosi say yesterday that is what she would like to accomplish, getting it done by christmas. of course, don, that seems to be a long shot, given what you're hearing from people like senator joe manchin, senator kyrsten sinema, those two key votes they have to have to get this passed. what you heard from senator joe manchin, he said the white house isn't lobbying him on this right now. they're not having those negotiations that they were having around the infrastructure bill. and he has made clear that he's not eager to get this done any time soon. he's not trying to pass it by tomorrow. whether or not they can get it done by the end of the year, publicly they say they're optimistic, don. but if you talk to democrats and people inside the white house privately, they concede this could be something that slips into 2022. >> well, let's hope it's fast, okay? because folks need it. kaitlan, as of today, 200 million americans are fully vaccinated. it is a huge success in a year. but there is still significant resistance and now the need for the boosters. what is the white house doing? >> the boosters is the biggest push right now. it is something they are talking about every chance they get. there is a reason you're seeing so many health officials on television, including the cdc director today, dr. fauci on television, talk about how important this is. they are right now in a holding period, waiting to see more definitive data around the omicron variant, what does that look like, are these vaccines and boosters effective. and they're feeling good about it so far. they realize there are about 100 million americans who still need to get that booster shot, who have not done so yet. so that is the push they are continuing. one other interesting thing dr. fauci said today, he does think that the definition of fully vaccinated can change from those two shots, of course to potentially three shots, which would include the booster that they are encouraging people to get. >> kaitlan collins, in washington -- >> so good to be back with you. >> i know. we need to take this on the road. >> it would be sold out in every city we went to. alabama, louisiana. >> thank you. she's from alabama, i'm from louisiana. i'm not a big fan of the roll tide. i am an lsu tiger. i still like kaitlan, though. thank you, kaitlan. see you soon. so we've got some real work to do in this country. but the wing nut wing of the gop is trying to distract us with endless trolling. we'll discuss that, next. when they're sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. wherever they rest protection nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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because doesn't it just pull you down, can't you just let them be krauzy on their own? >> that's a legitimate question. lauren boebert likes to go from offense to offense. she fund-raisies out of it, and we're talking about it. that being said, how do you not respond to an islamicphobic attack? what message does that send to little muslim boys and girls all over this countrisome >> i just don't know. at some point you have to be above the craziness and let them spin and toil and look bad. and you take the high road. scott, i don't know, am i wrong? what do you think of that? >> i think as a strategic matter, you raise exactly the point. the reason someone would tell this kind of a joke, the reason someone would fabricate this kind of a story is because they're trying to attract attention. and when you elevate it to the extent that it's been elevated in our public discourse, we have obviously been discussing it now for days and days and days and days. this is what they want, and the idea that we're going to strip someone of their committee hearings, i mean, do we think lauren boebert wakes up every day desperate to get over to a committee meeting? of course not. this is no punishment for them. this is the desired outcome. so don, you raise the point, which is when you deprive an attention hound of oxygen, you deprive them of the attention that they want, that's their oxygen, it is probably a smarter play. >> yeah. >> that's what i do. >> it might be smarter, but we did in with donald trump. we faced the same question with donald trump for four years, and we followed up on all the offensive, outrageous things he said, because not doing so is normalizing it. there is no way that we can stay quiet in the face of racism. listen, if she was saying these things about latinos, i would be outraged and i would want people to reach out. >> but this is the thing though. i'm not sure that the democrats are the ones who should be responding. it should be on the republican -- look, dan crenshaw, this is dan crenshaw. he spoke about what's going on in his party. listen. >> there's two types of members of congress. that's performance artists, and there's legislators. now, the performance artists are the ones that get all the attention. there's the ones you think are more conservative because they know how to recite the lines that they know our voters want to hear. we have grifters in our mist. >> that's who the pressure should be put on to speak up. not necessarily sure that it helps democrats to, you know, lie down with -- do you see my point, scott? >> yeah. look, i think dan in that specific case, representative crenshaw i should say, was responding on an issue where they were voting on a bill and some of the people he was commenting on were circulating this idea that there was something in the bill that wasn't in the bill. i think he was irritated with it. the idea that he would go and vote a way and have it described by people in his own conference in a way that just wasn't true. and it e's always the same peop. he was bold enough, and courageous enough to say this is b.s. and by the way, he has credibility. not just as a republican and a conservative, but someone who sacrificed and served his country. so i was grateful that dan crenshaw did that. because his unique voice is exactly the kind that could potentially put a stop to this. look, there's always going to be a market for people who are in the performance business rather than being a member of congress business. >> same sentiment, anna, even if he was talking about an idea of something that wasn't true or there. so it's the same sentiment. >> i think there's a voice dan crenshaw saying that, these are people nobody can accuse of being rinos. these are people with a record of service. and i think donors need to speak up. if you are a republican donor who is unhappy with this, you need to speak up. if you are a republican, former elected official, if you are a former governor who feels offended by the way that the party -- where the party is going and this lack of moral leadership, you need to speak up. i think too many people have stayed quiet thinking this too shall pass. and for fear of being in the cross hairs. and it's enough. the question for the republican party is, just how low can you go? this cannot be a party that is the slogan for limbo rock. margorie taylor greene, matt gaetz, lauren boebert, how low can they go? and they use it to fund-raise and it's getting worse, and it affects society and all of us. yesterday, i was at the funeral of a former congresswoman, lived to be 95 years old. first african american woman elected from florida after reconstruction. there were republicans sitting there. they it used to not be this way. there used to be respect for the institution, and people didn't go there to troll each other on twitter or offend each other from the floor of the house. >> all i'm saying is at some point, you have to be above it. you have to take the high road and lead by example. i'm not sure if it is. i'm just saying i could be wrong, i'm not sure if it is responding to every single idiotic thing that someone like lauren boebert or matt gaetz, or whomever says in the party. i think a better strategy is to push the leaders of the party to do something about it, tell them that they need to do something about the folks in their party rather than give -- >> don, your point on this, don, they are desirous of the so-called establishment or the leadership or the swamp or whatever -- they are desirous of a situation where that group comes down on them. so when you respond to everything they do, this is the desired outcome. and so the demand for leaders to come down on people like this, that's what they want. and then the cycle starts over again. and we have this same conversation again. so i think you're onto something. >> i hear you guys, but i've got to tell you -- i hear both of you and i understand the strategy part. butky tell you this, i will never get tired and i will they have normalize and i will never be silent in the face of racism and the kind of offensive actions that are happening -- >> you're right about that. >> i'm not going to stay quiet when paul gosar tweets out an anime killing alexandria ocasio cortez. >> you're right. you have to take each one on its merits. sometimes the best response is no response. >> absolutely not. maybe you can do it at other times, but not when you're talk -- you all can be silent. i'll be here all by myself. >> you know, they say silence speaks volumes. we'll be right back. hey hun hey, get your own vapors relax with vicks vapobath or with vicks vaposhower. take a soothing vicks vapo moment wherever you chose. learning about our history with ancestrydna®, inspired us to learn more about our culture and where we come from. ohhh my god. it told us, almost to the t, where we come from, where our mixture is. ♪ i'm very proud to be indigenous to zacatecas. that's our history, our little legacy. discovering things that were a mystery, that's what ancestry® did for our family. ♪ feeling sluggish or weighed down? 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have you not done things to get more teenagers interested in your product? are you not worried about losing them to other platforms? you better tell the truth. you're under oath. >> so joining me now, dony o'sullivan. the impact of social media on children front and center in this hearing, particularly the influence instagram has on teenage girls. what were senators most concerned about here? >> yeah, they were pretty peeved off with the instagram ceo today. they were sort of saying they weren't getting the transparency and commitments from him to be transparent about data. but senator richard blumenthal, who has been pretty sharp on this issue for the most part, asked a very good question, which was even when parents see things or just when any users see content on the platform that could be dangerous, and when they reported to instagram, facebook, meta, whatever you want to call it today, that instagram doesn't do anything. have a listen. >> shouldn't children and parents have the right to report dangerous material and get a response? because we've heard harrowing stories from parents who tried to report and have heard no response. my office made a report and got no response until cnn made the report to press relations. shouldn't there be an obligation that instagram will respond? >> senator, yes, i believe we troy and respond to all reports. and if we ever fail to do so that is a mistake we should correct. >> it's not just instagram, though. i've made complaints to instagram, twitter, facebook. all of them. that's why i don't go on social media. >> they all say they have these rules and they make -- they get good press when they announce new rules. but you hear plblumenthal there. he mentioned there was a cnn report. his staff set up a fake account as a 13-year-old girl. she followed a few accounts about eating disorders and within a few days, instagram's algorithm was recommending to her content glorifying eating disorders. that is supposed to be against the rules, but instagram didn't detect them. even when they reported them, a regular user could report them, instagram did nothing. it wasn't until we asked that instagram said those accounts, they're against our rules, they shouldn't be on the platform. but clearly there is a major issue when they do nothing about it on their own. >> keep following, keep reporting. so he was shot and killed by a police officer who said she thought she was tasing him. the trial over the death of don they wright starts today. and his mother takes the stand. did you know that even after you sanitize a surface, every touch can leave new bacteria behind? 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>> i was sitting in the courtroom today with the family watching, you know, katie's testimony. it was some of the most gut wrenching, heart wrenching, it was the worst punch i've ever taken in the gut watching someone testify today. you know, katie -- i'm glad that her testimony went 30, 35 minutes. i don't know how much longer she could have done it. certainly, family watching. they couldn't have done it any more either. because it was so emotional in that room today. and she's doing probably as well as she could given the circumstances. >> have you been in touch with the prosecution at all in noegnoegts i -- negotiating her testimony? what do you think of the job they are doing? >> i think they're doing a terrific job. this case, unfortunately, has a lot of noise around it. but when you look at the core of what they are trying to do, the charges that are filed and how they presented the evidence so far and the arguments that they have made in opening statements, everything fits. they have multiple lanes in which they can obtain a conviction here, as long as they can explain those jury instructions to the jury, they're doing a very good job so far. because those charges that are against potter right now, like i said, there are multiple ways in which the jury can find the path for a conviction. >> how is the family taking the defense arguing that potter is just a human being who made a mistake? i mean, they're blaming wright for his death by saying that he should have just surrendered. >> don, first of all, this was not a mistake. she intentionally -- she knew that she was grabbing her gun. i watched that video today, and i washed it very closely. and before she yelled "taser, taser, taser," she had been gun ready for about 20, 25 seconds. i saw her put her hand on the gun and remove her hand from her gun on her strong side at least three times. so what does that tell me? that she was ready to use gun on somebody that had what, no insurance card, the registration was expired on the car? where was her deescalation at all here? and she was still going to use a taser on somebody who was unarmed and not threat. i mean, it was really ridiculous. this case is about kim potter. it's not about daunte wright. kim potter is the one who pulled the trigger on the gun. >> listen, she does sound distraught after making that fatal mistake. you don't think that will play with the jury? >> well, look, she does sound distraught. but on the other hand, did she or any of her fellow officers do anything to assist daunte wright, who they know she had just shot? she knew she had shot somebody in the chest and they're concerned about her. they needed to call medical emergency right away and they failed to do that. she knew she made a mistake, clearly. >> yeah. antonio, thank you very much. i appreciate it. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, don. good night. >> kim potter faces first degree manslaughter and second degree manslaughter charges. a black couple low balled on the value of their house by an appraiser and when a white friend showed the same house, it shot up almost half a million. now they're suing. sleep better and longers you when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. blendjet's holiday sale is on now for the #1 gift this holiday season, the blendjet 2 portable blender. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and get our best deal ever! do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. a black couple in california suing an appraiser over housing discrimination after their home was valued significantly under what they expected it to be. their suspicions were confirmed after their white friend showed their home to another afppraise and the home went up by $500,000. >> reporter: tanisha and paul johnson bought their home in california in 2016. it came with a coveted view of the bay, but a long to-do list. >> it needed a lot of work, but we were up to the task. >> reporter: and their work paid off, so they thought. they added a deck, a gas fireplace, and additional living space. in january of 2020, with the buildout almost finished, they decided to refinance and take some cash out of the property. they got an appraisal. >> it was right before covid hit, so the rates were extremely low. so we were trying to refinance to take advantage of the low rates. >> reporter: to their surprise, the afrazier wrote in her report that the house was only worth $995,000. >> we were sick to our stomach. we were upset. we were angered. >> i was disappointed, because one, i knew that the house was worth more than that. and secondly, because we needed the house to appraise for a certain amount to be able to pull out the capital in it. and when it didn't come in at that, it was devastated. >> reporter: they suspected the low ball valuation from an amazing, who happened to be a white woman, had something to do with their race, or location. the city has a sizal african american population. >> she considered us living in marin city and devalued our home based off of that. >> reporter: so they decided to put their suspicions to a test. they requested another appraisal, and got a female friend, who was white, to come to the house to meet the appraiser to make it look like this was her house. >> i contacted her and i said, we have another -- our appraisal came in low. we have another appraiser coming. can you come and be me? >> reporter: but that's not all. they also removed any evidence that black people even lived there. a process that's been called white washing. >> we took down everything that resembled this home belonged to us. >> even my hair products, i put them away so that someone would be tipped off by them. >> reporter: a different appraiser, also a white woman, who visited the house in february of 2020, came back with a valuation of more than $1,482,500. an appraisal 49% higher than the previous one. in dollars, that's a $487,500 difference between two appraisals that came about three weeks apart. in federal court, the austins have sued the appraiser, jeanette miller, who gave them the lower estimate. miller did not respond to several requests to either make a statement, grant an interview, or put us in contact with her lawyer. devaluation of the property values and wrights of african americans and hispanics is a deeply rooted american tradition that is starting to attract more attention in washington. it's not always about million dollar homes. andre perry, senior fellio at the brookings institution, writes about it. >> we found homes in black neighborhoods are underpriced by 23%. there's about $156 billion in lost equity in black neighborhoods. $156 billion. >> and joe johns joins me now. joe, thanks for joining us. the austins are suing. what are they expecting to get out of the suit? >> they say they want an order about discrimination, but there's also the issue of damages. they lost the interest rate they were trying to get, around i did ask the lawyers, in terms of damages, what are you asking for? because how do you calculate that? it's a huge problem, and people can lose tens of thousands of dollars if they get a bad appraisal, don. >> joe johns, thank you so much. i appreciate it. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? 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Plus , Yes , Neuriva , Tv , Six , Discomfort , Doctor , Rob , Bloating , Go Away , Symptoms , Belly Pain , Feelings , Constipation , Linzess , Yess , Symptoms Belly Pain , Laxative , Signs , Bowel Movements , Ibs C , Children , Stomach Pain , Side Effect , Diarrhea , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Abbvie , Side Effects , Gas , Area , Swelling , Ironwood , Ibs C , Sleep , Holiday Savings Event , Movements , Bed , Smart Bed , Cold , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Wall , Care , Night After , Plus , Sleepnumber Com Outrage , 0 , 500 , 48 , 00 , Lauren Boebert , Failure , Funnish , Comments , Behavior , Congresswoman Ilhan Omar , Action , Accountability , Islamic , Semiautomatic Weapons , Resolution , Photo , Guests , Phobic Troeps , Kevin Mccarthy , Control , Leadership Void , Anna , Look , Nowhere , Leadership , Lack , Compass , Speaker , Flank , Morality , Should Republicans Win , Somebody , Statements , Wackiness , Making Discriminatory , Craziness , Being , Offense , Out Of It , Raisies , She Fund , Countrisome , Boys , Toil , Don T Know , Kind , Take The High Road , Matter , Scott , Joke , Attention , Discourse , Extent , Idea , Committee Hearings , Punishment , Committee Meeting , Outcome , Oxygen , Play , Attention Hound , Offensive , Four , Listen , Racism , Latinos , Voice Dan Crenshaw , Ones , Democrats , Members , Conservative , Performance Artists , Types , Legislators , Lines , Pressure , Mist , Grifters , Case , Some , Wasn T , Voting , It E , Peop , Courageous , Credibility , Conference , Enough , B S , Wasn T True , Market , Voice , Stop , Performance Business , Sentiment , Congress Business , Donor , Record , Service , Donors , Nobody , Rinos , Governor , Official , Low , Hairs , Fear , Slogan , Matt Gaetz , Limbo Rock , Margorie Taylor Greene , First African American , Congresswoman , Society , All Of Us , Funeral , 95 , Reconstruction , Florida , Twitter , Institution , Each Other , Other , Lead , Respect , Example , Floor , Strategy , Leaders , Give , Everything , Whatever , Group , Establishment , Swamp , Demand , Cycle , Conversation , Guys , Actions , Strategy Part , Silent , Happening , Butky , Killing , Tweets , Alexandria , Ocasio Cortez , Paul Gosar , Response , Times , Merits , Talk , Volumes , Vapors , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Hun , History , Culture , Learning , T , Take A Soothing Vicks , Ancestrydna , My God , Mixture , Legacy , Mystery , Zacatecas , Family , Metamucil , Isn T Working , Sign , Fiber , Gels , Trap , That S What Ancestry , Metamucil Fiber Thins , Waste , Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Energetic Metamucil , Tasting , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Hands , Nervive , Nerve Care Company , Feet , Weakness , Alpha Lipoic Acid , 1 , Xfinity , Sing 2 , Sing , Movie , Tunes , Tickets , Theaters , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , 2 , , A Million , Thanks , Rewards , App , Ceo , Questions , Trust , Scrutiny , Social Media Giant , Capitol Hill , Product , Kids , Teenagers , Hearing , Social Media , Platforms , Impact , Center , Oath , Dony O Sullivan , The Truth , Senators , Commitments , Transparency , Platform , Parents , Richard Blumenthal , Part , Content , Users , Anything , Facebook , Meta , Shouldn T Children , Report , Office , Stories , Material , Obligation , Shouldn T , Relations , Mistake , Reports , Complaints , Rules , Press , Accounts , Staff , Girl , Disorders , Algorithm , 13 , Instagram Didn T , Eating Disorders , Content Glorifying , User , They Shouldn T , It Wasn T , Mother , Trial , Death , Reporting , Stand , Him , Following , Bacteria , Surface , Microban , 99 9 , 24 , Life Insurance , Program , Homes , Doctors , Colonial Penn , Disinfectants , Sanitizer , 4 , Price , Budget , Ps , 50 , 85 , Coverage , Medications , Increase , 9 95 , 65 , 54 , 95 , 80 , Rate , Plan , Health Questions , Lifetime Rate Lock , Exam , Acceptance , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Chapter , Ingredients , Multi Vitamin , Innovation , Fermentation , Body , Goodness , Wellness , Opening Statements , Courtroom Testimony Beginning Today , Kim Potter , Daunte Wright , Officer , Video , Witness , Manslaughter , Prosecution , Traffic Stop , Reporter , Katie Brayant , Warning , Bryant , Killing Wright , Son , Shooting , Phone Being , Trouble , On Facetime , The Stand , Driver S Seat , Neighbor , Scene , Middle , Street , Minneapolis , Ten , Warrant , Life , Sides , Defense Attorneys , Sneakers , Arrest , Thought , Arm , On Potter , Right , She Didn T Say , Wrong , Air Freshener , Tag , Officer Attempts , Body Camera , Holy , Bleep , Prosecutor , Words , Adrian , Evening , Attorney , Courtroom , Heart Wrenching , Gut Wrenching , Gut , Punch , 35 , 30 , Family Watching , Touch , Circumstances , Lot , Job , Noise , Core , Noegnoegts , Charges , Evidence , Conviction , Arguments , Lanes , Everything Fits , Potter , Jury , Ways , Path , Jury Instructions , Human Being , Defense , Hand , Side , 20 , 25 , Insurance Card , Car , Registration , Deescalation , Threat , Trigger , Officers , Emergency , Chest , Don , House , Couple , Value , Degree Manslaughter , Degree , Antonio , Appraiser , Friend , Longers , Habit , Makers , Nyquil , Zzzquil Ultra , Bond , Skin , Maggie Gronewald , Ointment , Weather , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , Restore Healthy , American Cancer Society , Yep , 45 , Risk , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Adults , Stages , 92 , Blendjet , Blender , Holiday Season , Results , Holiday Sale , Provider , Gift , Blender On The Go , Blend , Drop , Ice , Fruit , Water , Soap , Smoothie , Usb Port , Nutrients , Qunol Sleep Formula , Brand , Qunol , Housing Discrimination , California , Home , Suspicions , Afppraise , Bay , View , Paul Johnson , Tanisha , 00000 , 2016 , 500000 , Gas Fireplace , Buildout , Task , Deck , Living Space , January Of 2020 , 2020 , Appraisal , Property , Rates , Advantage , Surprise , Covid Hit , Worth , Stomach , Afrazier , 995000 , 95000 , Capital , Amount , Valuation , Race , Ball , Location , Sizal African American Population , Living , Test , Marin City , White , Process , Washing , Hair Products , Woman , February Of 2020 , Appraisals , Dollars , Difference , 87500 , 1482500 , 482500 , 487500 , 49 , The Appraiser , Jeanette Miller , Interview , Contact , Estimate , Requests , Federal Court , Austins , Tradition , Wrights , Dollar Homes , Values , Lawyer , Devaluation , Hispanics , Neighborhoods , Brookings Institution , Lost Equity , Senior Fellio , Andre Perry , 23 , 56 Billion , 156 Billion , Discrimination , Joe Johns , Suit , Order , Lawyers , Damages , Interest Rate , Terms , Tens Of Thousands , Everyone , Internet , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Internet Service , Equipment , Xfinity Mobile , 15 , Store , Call , Click , Hello , Position , All Around The World , Dan , Cnn Newsroom , Cnn Center , Atlanta , Kim Brunhuber , Contempt , Stall , Privilege , Rights , Tactic , Committee Room , Saying ,

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