Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

captured the parents of an alleged school shooters as officers seek a third person who may have helped them try to get away. also, president biden is getting ready to talk to vladimir putin as u.s. intel reveals moscow could launch an offensive within months against ukraine. you may want to prep your parkas, parts of the country bracing for winter weather. we'll tell you how much snow is coming and how cold it can get. we are so lucky to have you keeping us company on this sunday, december 5th. thank you for waking up with us. >> we begin in michigan where the suspected high school shooter and his parents are behind bars for the deadly attack. the parents, james and jennifer crumbley, pleading not guilty to four charges of involuntary manslaughter in court, how held on $500,000 bond each in the same jail where their 15-year-old son ethan is in custody. >> he's charged with murdering four classmates and injuring seven others. detroit police have identified a person of interest in surveillance footage they say shows the person who helped the crumbleys hideout during the search for the couple. all of this in the wake of the deadly shooting that has deeply impacted the oxford community. >> reporter: the parents of the teenager accused in this week's deadly school shooting in michigan are waking up this morning in the same county jail where their teenaged son is held on charges of murdering four classmates. a judge entered the parents held on $500,000 bond each following a manhunt that ended with their capture at a detroit area warehouse. this exclusive video shows the couple being taken into custody early saturday morning after a tip led police to the building hours after they were charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. the couple was arraigned by video conference saturday morning, each entering not guilty pleas in connection with the deadly shooting at oxford high school. the prosecutors say they gave their troubled teenaged son access to a deadly weapon and did nothing to worn school officials about the dangers he pose zbld this is a very serious, horrible, terrible murder and shooting. it has affected the entire community. these two individuals could have stopped it, and they had every reason to know if he was dangerous and they gave him a weapon and they didn't secure it and they allowed him free access to it. >> reporter: prosecutor karen mcdonald pushed hard for the half million in bond saying the couple was trying to plea. >> attorneys representing jennifer and james crumbley say the couple had the gun locked up and their son did not have free access to it. the lawyers also claimed the couple intended to turn themselves in but were unable to do so before police arrested them. >> last night and throughout the day we were in contact with our clients. they were scared, they were terrified. they were not at home. they were figuring out what to do, getting finances in order. >> the sheriff of oak lapd county doesn't seem to buy it. >> we were out actively looking for them, working with our partners. they were taken into custody before that question was asked or answered. were they actually going to do it? i don't know. given that they were hiding in a warehouse in detroit, it certainly raises my eyebrows. >>eth ethan was iranianed monday in connection with the deadly shooting. authorities say there is clear evidence the shooting was premeditated and that the 15-year-old, quote, was looking forward to it. let's go out live in oxford, michigan to cnn law enforcement reporter mark morales. mark, what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: well, this third party investigation that the school is calling for stems from details that prosecutor karen mcdonald has been releasing since the shooting took place. parents in the school district have been sending lots of questions into the school, and the school wanted to send out their version and their timeline of events. it's important to note that the prosecutor has not ruled out charging anybody at the school, whether it's counselors or teachers or at straighters. they're still taking a hard look at what exactly happened. just to go back to the timeline of events and what exactly the school is talking about here, we're talking about the first incident that happened on tuesday with ethan crumbley scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of ammunition. the next day, the day of the shooting they find a disturbing drawing he had made where you can see a semi-automatic weapon that's been drawn. there's bullets that are drawn, a person that's dead in the drawing as well. now, that resulted in a conversation between ethan and school guidance counselors. the parents were also called to the school. the determine nation was made not to send ethan back home because he would have been alone. he was sent back to the classroom with other students. the prosecutor has spoken about how the parents did not ask ethan whether or not he had a gun on him, anything about the weapon. as we now know, surveillance footage at the school shows ethan going into a school bathroom and coming out with the handgun opening fire. >> mark morales from oxford, michigan, thank you. so according to a cnn tally, the shooting at oxford high school was the deadliest at a k-12 campus in the u.s. since 2018 and the 32nd school shooting just since august 1st. for some, the short and long-term psychological impact for those involved including survivors, first responders and the people left grieving for the people that they lost, all of that is overwhelming. let's talk to peter langman, the author of "why kids kill: inside the mind of school shooters." peter, thank you so much for being with us. mark laid out a lot of the evidence that they had goings into what happened on tuesday. i'm interested in the fact that you're also a researcher with the national threat assessment center of the u.s. secret service. we can't always foresee a attack. it seems like they could based on the information we know. what is your gut reaction to this case specifically? >> well, in this case like so many others, there were warning signs. it's so important that people recognize warning signs and report them to the school whenever they see something that suggests there's a danger coming. >> and there clearly were warning signs in this case. he was searching for ammo the day before. there were notes found by the teacher the day of the shooting. mark highlighted some of them just a minute ago. some of those words on the drawing said "the thoughts won't stop. help me. my life is useless. the world is dead." the parents were called right away. they kept him in school. do you interpret what you're hearing now as this kid crying out for help? >> the fact that he said something about looking for held, please help me, certainly suggests that. on the other hand, he apparently did not seek out anyone at school to say directly please help me. so there may have been a component of help seeking, he certainly, as far as we know, didn't make that e police it to anyone at the school. >> they did not. now we know these kids, these students are going to be traumatized as they have to go back to school at some appointment i'm sure there are normal signs of behavioral changes, some anxiety, some fear. talk to us as parents, what do we need to know and do to make sure our kids are managing these emotions? >> i think parents need to stay in touch with their children, ask them how they're doing, let them know it's okay if they have a range of emotions. they might be scared, anxious about going back to school. they might also be very angry this happened. they may be grieving the loss of classmates. they may be more withdrawn, may not want to go back to school or going to their usual activities. they may have trouble sleeping, their ap tied might be off. all these are normal things. parents should do their best to be there with their kids, support them, get them professional help if that is warranted. >> is there something as parents we can say to our kids to normalize therapy and getting help based on the fact that some see it as a negative stigma? >> i think it's important just to make it as normal as possible. there's nothing wrong with talking to somebody. you can assure your children that what they've been through is a very traumatic incident, that it's normal, natural, the struggle in the wake of such a thing. there's nothing to be ashamed of the they feel some extra help to get through this. >> okay. so we also know the teachers stepped up here. they alerted the school of some of the things they saw. those teachers have to go back. they have gone through this trauma. what do they need most from that school and from the community moving forward? >> well, often in the wake of an attack there's increased police presence at the school in the initial days. it's best to give people a sense of safety. the teachers themselves may need to talk it through with each other, their loved ones, maybe seek professional help, again, if that seems warranted. they need the administration to be there for them. if the school does not have a threat assessment system in place to investigate warning signs of potential violence, the school and the community should make sure that's a priority. >> so i want to real quickly let you know according to cnn affiliates wjrt and wxrt, the copycat threats have been rising. why do scenarios like this seem to trigger a ripple effect? and normally is there a gauge of how often any of those copycat threats actually come to fru fruition? >> in the wake of an attack, there's often threats made -- in most cases it seems as though they're not real threats. in some cases they are real th threats. it seems to me the more the threshold of threat violence is crossed, the lower the threshold becomes. other kids perhaps on the verge of committing an attack maybe gain inspiration or feel empowered to go ahead and do so shortly after there's been a previous attack. >> peter langman, we appreciate your insight here and your perspective. his new book is titled "warning signs: identifying school shooters before they strike." peter, thank you so much. there have been heightened tensions between russia and ukraine and now the white house is stepping in. what we're learning about president biden's planned call with vladimir putin. also, terminated effective immediately. more on cnn's decision to part ways with chris cuomo and his reaction just ahead. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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>> reporter: a level of concern from this white house is high. that's why you see them taking very deliberate steps with their message very disciplined. the white house confirmed that tuesday call with president biden, president putin. a secure video call happening tuesday evening. jen psaki said they'd discuss cyber and regional issues and underscore u.s. concern with russia military activities on the border with ukraine. that's kind of what you can expect. i want to note that this call is going to happen almost six months to the day after president biden held a bilateral with president putin in geneva. later he told reporters that he told putin there needed to be basic rules of the road we can all abide by. flash forward to friday, president biden was very candid with reporters when he described what preparations the u.s. is taking in response to this heightened crisis. take a listen. >> what i am doing is putting together what i believe will be the most comprehensive and meaningful set of initiatives to make it very, very difficult for mr. putin to go ahead and do what people are worried he may do, but that's in play right now. >> reporter: so strong words there from the president who told reporters he had been in constant contact with european allies in ukraine, that he expected to have a long conversation with president putin. one complicating factor that officials have told cnn, it's very difficult to predict what putin may do. so the president really -- we know for one thing they have already invaded ukraine before, and it seems like they have the assets to potentially do so again. yes, very high stakes for this white house heading into this week, christi, boris. >> exactly. when they in 2014 went into crimea, the world was watching saying what's going to happen, and nothing happened. jasmine wright, we appreciate it, thank you. with us to discuss the potential for conflict with russia and more is congressman dan kildee, the chief deputy whip of the house democratic caucus. thank you so much for spending part of your weekend with us. you were in congress when russia invaded crimea in 2014. the united states and the west clearly did not respond to that invasion in a way that deterred vladimir putin from more aggression. so what needs to be done now to stop him from invading ukraine? >> i think first of all the president is doing the right thing by consulting with our allies in europe. we cannot take a unilateral approach with this. i'm glad the president is pursuing conversations with the eu directly and with nato. but i think the other point is that the president knows we can use a whole variety of tools. vladimir putin is essentially a head of a large crime syndicate who is trying to rebuild the u ussr. i think the initial steps have to hit him where it hurts the most, and that's take swift and dramatic economic sanctions against those who surround this thug and hit him where it hurts. but be prepared for whatever response is required in order for ukraine to maintain its own territorial integrity and its own sovereignty. >> russia was hit with sanctions back in 2014. the russian economy was in shambles for years, but that didn't stop him. do you think that sanctions are going to be enough now? where is your line when it comes to military intervention to protect ukraine's sovereignty? >> i certainly don't want to get ahead of the president on that. any military intervention will have to be carefully crafted so we know what its success looks like and we know when to get out. we haven't done that so well in recent history. i think the economic sanctions have to be firmer and harder. when i say hit them where it hurts, putin's aspiration is to be able to use energy and particularly the nord stream pipeline as a political tool. i think our goal has to be to address that directly. i know that's a difficult question for us to deal with with europe, but it would be dangerous for us to hand mr. putin that kind of leverage. i would suggest that we initiate that. now, we may have missed an opportunity several months ago to address that directly. i don't think we can miss that this time. i think we have to take that on. >> you alluded to some of the economic ties between our european allies and russia. i don't want you to get ahead of the president, but i want to get your sense of where the allies that you mentioned specifically, the uk, france, germany, what is your sense of where they stand regarding military action when it comes to protecting ukraine? >> that's a good question, and i don't know the specific answer. i assume the president is involved in daily conversations, but i do think we understand that, if this is an attempt by vladimir putin to take the next step in trying to rebuild what he still regrets losing 30 years ago, and that is the ussr, we have to take swift action. the world doesn't have much of an appetite for military action right now. i think unfortunately mr. putin may understand that. my hope is that we can deal with this by being much firmer on the economic front and avoid the possibility that military action will be required. but i sense that the folks in europe have, at least in my discussions with some of their folks here in the u.s., the ambassadors and such, that they understand the threat this represents and that it would be a mistake to look the other way or to allow him to continue to encroach and to take away the territorial integrity of ukraine. >> i don't think anyone in the west is eager for conflict. i think the fear is that allowing vladimir putin to run unchecked could lead to further conflict down the line. congressman, i want to pivot now to something that happened just minutes from your district in michigan, the tragic oxford high school shooting. the house recently passed two background checks earlier this year. they've gone nowhere in the senate. they don't have the 60 votes needed to pass meaningful gun legislation. what can congress realistically be expected to do on this issue at this point? >> well, we've got to move these bills over the finish line. we are limited by what we can get through the united states se senate. it's not just common sense gun legislation, it's a whole range of issues that bottleneck in the senate, largely because they have antiquated rules there that allow 20 states to control the direction of the country. my hope is that some of these pieces of legislation that may not have prevented this particular instance -- we don't know -- but could prevent the next one, will move. i don't think there's any way around it. we can continue to pass bills in the house of representatives, but if the senate continues to fail to act, we're going to see more of this, and i don't think that is defensible, and i question whether some of those senators who are standing in the way really understand the gravity and the consequence of their fail your to act? >> do you think the president needs to take further steps to make gun reform a central pillar of his administration's efforts the way president obama did famously after sandy hook at great political cost? >> i think the president's voice is important on this. i know where he stands. i've talked to him about this. my hope is that's we'll see a stronger push. again, the real question is not where the white house stands, not where the house of representatives stands, but whether we'll continue to allow a handful of senators sta stand in the way of preventing further violence. so far they haven't been moved. how many of these shootings do we have to see before the senate finally understands there's something we can do to maybe prevent the next one of these tragic moments from occurring? >> we'll have to leave it there. congressman dan kildee, appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. this week we've lost the last member of the band of brothers. colonel edward james passed away friday at 99 years old. he was the final surviving officer of the world war ii veterans known as easy economy, later immortalized in a book and tv miniseries. he passed away peacefully at home according to his obituary. our thoughts are certainly with his family. we say thank you to him and his family for his service. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! so, who's it going to be? 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"the new york times" overnight reported that additional information was an allegation of sexual misconduct made against chris cuomo by a staffer at another network. this was an allegation from a number of years ago made by a staffer who does not work at cnn. it was sent in earlier this week by a lawyer representing that former staffer. so cnn management was aware of this allegation as of thursday and friday, and was also receiving information from the law firm that suggested or indicated that cuomo could be fired for cause. so you add all that together, and on saturday cuomo was terminated. >> so talk to us about how cuomo himself is responding, brian. >> number one, on the allegation of sexual misconduct from some number of years ago, his spokesman said apparently these allegations are not true. chris also saying in a imt statement about leaving cnn he didn't want his time at cnn to end that way, but was incredibly proud of what he and his team p and mime time. his producers won't be going anywhere, they'll continue to work on the 9:00 p.m. hour. michael smerconish who frequently fills in for cuomo, he'll before hosting this coming week. for viewers who liked chris cuomo and wanted to see him, there's some disappointment. i also think there's disappointment on what he was doing dbehind the scenes, how friendly and cozy he was with the aides in the governor's office before his brother stepped down. this has been a very complicated situation. now untangled with his termination by cnn. >> brian, what could be next for cuomo? >> i think there's no easy answer to that question. for the time being, cuomo has hired his own outside pr people. i'm sure he sees himself back on television in the future. i don't think there's any easy or immediate answer to that question. >> brian stelter, thank you for breaking it all down with us. don't forget to catch brian again on "reliable sources," 11:00 right here on cnn. we'll be right back. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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can you get out of the road. >> reporter: on his typical graveyard ship, digging away night after night at a deadly national crisis. >> out of the road. we're trying to help you. >> something is causing her to be panic. >> reporter: that's likely what law enforcement sees in this county. >> methamphetamine. when did you last use? >> this is a common way to use meth infet mean, they inject it. >> reporter: this needle belongs to this driver. >> your car is e pierd big time. >> reporter: this man says deputy burke can search his car and then talks to us about his addiction. he asked we don't show his face. >> do you use a lot? >> i've been using a lot on and off, all the time, like i said, since 13. >> reporter: why did you get started when you were 13? >> i had an older brother who i looked up to, and he felt he wanted to introduce it to me i guess. since i'm a kid, i'm going to say yes to my bigger brother. from there on, it just took control. >> reporter: would you say you're a meth user? >> of course, i'm a drug addict. >> reporter: he said he had been in and out of a prison and lost his job as a forklift driver that paid $25 an hour. he took meth yesterday worried about how he'd take care of his family. >> reporter: how old are you kids? >> 7 and 5. >> reporter: hoe old are you? >> 28. >> reporter: how many people do you know do meth? >> everyone. >> methamphetamine, it is such an addictive drug, they can't get rid of it, can't stop it. even if they want to stop, their body won't allow them to. >> reporter: every stop the deputy makes on this shift involves meth. >> methamphetamine would be the number one drug used in fresno. it's so easy to obtain. it's not difficult. it's all over the streets out here. >> reporter: new cdc data shows meth is all over the country's streets and getting worse. more than one in four overdose deaths involved meth and over psychostimulants, um more than 50% since last year. in california deaths were up 64% year on year, and in fresno, no other drug, including fentanyl, comes even close to the death rate of meth. >> it's not the same dope. it's different. >> former agent bob fanl says -- >> we'd hit the labs and see nothing but blister packs. the minute we stopped it, it was over. >> now mexican cartels use common chemical agents in mega labs. >> they're like costco, huge, huge industrial-sized buildings. warehouses. >> you can manufacture it now at a much higher quantity. >> reporter: smuggled across the border as liquid, difficult to ze text, means cheap prices and high supply impacting life across fresno. >> it's not even meth anymore. >> do you feel different ton day's meth than the stuff -- >> more violent. more violent. >> john chapman lives in the neighborhood deputy burk patrols. >> i think i was 11, 11 1/2 years old when i started. >> who introduced it to you when you were 11. >> sad to say my mom did. >> your mom gave you meth. >> reporter: at age 55 he managed to quit. >> my legs would start spazzing because of it. it gave me nerve damage. it fries your brain. >> if you had kept going, what would have happened to you? >> i'd be dwef. >> there's no lifesaving antidote for meth. >> i want to see somebody constantly high on methamphetamine to change their life, become a productive citizen. i think they want it as well. >> reporter: kyung lah, cnn, fresno, california. >> wow. in other news today a massive volcano is erupting and rattles indonesia. at least 14 people have died already. rescues are continuing, but the danger isn't over. we have an update for you after the break. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? grandpa coming out of retirement to give a few ski lessons. the time to plan your get together is now. ♪ ♪ find it on vrbo. like many people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, i was there. be right back. but my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohn's disease. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ ♪ what the he— henry? thanks. if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ ♪ what a pain in the— alice? if it's “lets wrap this up?” season, it's walgreens season. there's a volcanic eruption on the indonesian island of java that has killed 14 and displaced thousands. >> the pictures are stunning. they're conducting rescue operations right now. that can't really get a gauge of the full scale of the damage which started with this eruption yesterday yet, but cnn's paula newton does have the latest for us. >> reporter: a touring ash cloud engulfs the sky in a towering sh a giant plume of smoke of mount semeru behind them. it erupted saturday afternoon, some saying an eerie scene with the smell of sulfur in the air and the sky looking day to night. one woman said there was a cloud raining down hot ashes, and then the sky went totally dark. thousands of people fled the area. authorities say they were unable to reach some villages because of being blocked by heavy rains and mud. >> there are families, parents and children who are not found yet but considering the hot lava, the hot temperatures, the field is tough. so what we can do is get 2to th locations we know we can reach. >> reporter: officials say dozens have been rounded with severe burns. a restricted zone is set up 5 kilometers of the crater, many taking up in villages and massive halls, unsure on when they can return home. mount semeru is an active volcano with an eruption about a year ago. they issued a warning to airlines that one part of the ash cloud can reach as high as 15,000 meters. paula newton, cnn. weinter is here and there ae some people in the great lakes and midwest who know it definitively. >> let's get to tyler mauldin at the cnn weather center. how much snow are we expecting and where? >> enough snow that some unlucky individuals have to pull the shovels out of dormant. this area of low pressure, another powerful winter storm, is moving east and as it does so, heavy snow will be produced. we are seeing heavy snow on the radar and once we go through time we're also going to factor in very strong winds. for that reason, we have a blizzard warning in effect for the minnesota arrowhead region. the rest of the area from the north plains to michigan in some sort of winter storm alert and we're going to pick up the consensus four to six inches of snow, however, some of us will deal with more than a foot of snow. we can see that in northern michigan, portions of the u.p. as well as the northern area of minnesota. this area of low pressure will push to the east and as it does so, spread the snowfall to canada and portions of new england. down to the south we will see severe weather. once we get to daybreak monday, we have level two out of five risk for the mid-south, 4.5 million people in arkansas going into mississippi and western tennessee. behind the system, arctic air p plunges down from canada. we're talking windchills minus 15 and it only warms up to a little above that zero-degree mark come the afternoon in the region, guys? >> tyler mulden, thank you very much for that. >> minus a15? i don't think i even want to wake up. >> or get out of bed. >> no kidding. you all stay warm wherever you have to be. we hope you make good memories. thank you for being with us. "inside politics" is up next. manu raju in the chair this week. >> boris, good to see you. staying active we know is important for a healthy lifestyle. you might be wondering how can we make walking safer for people of mature age and system get a better workout, even for everybody? nordic walking with poles may be the answer. here's more on the european fitness craze in today's "staying well." >> i got my introduction to sort ever nordic walking or trail running with poles when i was in europe last year and saw some of the best athletes in the world there running with poles. >> i use my poles because four year ago i had a minor stroke so my walking and balancing isn't the best. >> it's really a good exercise for anyone. it turns out when we go from simply walking to engaging the arms in our core muscles, we burn 24% to 26% more calories and much less likely to injure ourselves because we have four points of stability. the best way to start is support people with their hands and grab them without engaging them. when people understand the natural arm swing and bring the poles into the movement purposely, it becomes a way to move faster and more efficiently. >> they give you momentum. which is helpful. >> safer, better for you and actual act actually it is fun. the oldage is people walk better with canes so whwhy not have tw that propepel you and make you more efficient and give you a better workout? > ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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, August 1st , K 12 , 32 , 1 , 12 , 2018 , People , Peter Langman , Survivors , Responders , Impact , Let S Talk , Why Kids Kill , Lot , Fact , Goings , Mind , Information , Threat , Gut Reaction , Assessment Center , Researcher , U S Secret Service , Warning Signs , Something , Case , Notes , Teacher , Danger Coming , Ammo , World , Life , Words , The Thoughts Won T Stop , Help , Kid , Anyone , Component , Hand , Didn T , Help Seeking , Kids , Fear , Signs , Changes , Anxiety , Appointment , Children , Emotions , Doing , Range , Back To School , Loss , Things , Activities , Best , Trouble Sleeping , Ap , Stigma , Therapy , Somebody , Thing , Normal , Struggle , Trauma , Sense , School , Police Presence , Administration , Threat Assessment System , Each Other , Safety , Potential Violence , Priority , Affiliates Wjrt , Wxrt , Gauge , Threats , Copycat , Ripple Effect , Scenarios , Cases , Fru Fruition , Feel , Threshold , Violence , Inspiration , Verge , Empowered , Th , Book , 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Allegations , Spokesman , Number One , Imt , He Didn T , Team P , Producers , Michael Smerconish , Viewers , Anywhere , 9 , Disappointment , Scenes , Being , Office , Situation , Stepped Down , Television , Down , Pr , 11 , Situations , Bargain , Beep , Zales , Ring , Love , Trelegy , Copd , Driftin , Coughing , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Power , Three , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Won T , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Thrush , Heart Condition , Pain , Stand , Breathing , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Mouth , Eye , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Save , Science , Repair , Toothpaste , Teeth , Dentin , Quality , Sensodyne Repair , Patients , Sensodyne , Numbers , Time , Increase , Average , Millions , Testing Requirements , Americans , 19 , 100000 , 121000 , Effect , Citizens , Effort , Travelers , Coronavirus , Omicron Variant , 24 , Mask Mandate , M Methamphetamines , The New Order , Transportationwide , Meth , Overdose Deaths , Fresno , California , Familiesment , Lives , Cities , Cnn S Kyung Lah Got A Street Look , Todd Burke , Graveyard , Ship , Digging Away Night After , Fresno County Sheriff S Deputy , Methamphetamine , Panic , Car , Deputy Burke , Big Time , Needle , Driver , Addiction , Man , Face , 13 , Control , Course , Drug Addict , Meth User , Forklift Driver , Care , Job , Prison , 7 , 25 , Drug , Everyone , Hoe Old , 28 , Shift , Deputy , Stop , Streets , Data , Cdc , Deaths , Psychostimulants , Fentanyl , Um , 64 , Labs , Bob Fanl , Death Rate , Dope , Blister Packs , Buildings , Chemical Agents , Cartels , Costco , Warehouses , Impacting , Prices , Quantity , Text , Liquid , Neighborhood , Stuff , Patrols , Deputy Burk , John Chapman , 11 1 2 , Mom , Legs , Spazzing , Sad , 55 , Nerve Damage , Brain , It Fries , Dwef , Kyung Lah , Citizen , Antidote , Volcano , Erupting , Break , Rescues , News , Update , Danger Isn T Over , Indonesia , 14 , Stove , Views , Peaks , Cocoa , Ski Out , Ski Lessons , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Humira , Crohn S Disease , Symptoms , Biologic , Remission , Infections , Have , Cancers , Blood , Ability , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Areas , Nervous System Problems , Infection , Liver , Heart Failure , Reactions , Tb , Sores , Car Vending Machines , Gastroenterologist , Carvana , 100 , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Value , Spot , Offer , Neighbors , He Henry , Walgreens , Alice , Eruption , Thousands , Island , Displaced , Java , Rescue Operations , Scale , Sky , Damage , Touring Ash Cloud , Paula Newton , Giant , Plume , Sh , Smoke , Mount Semeru , Scene , Cloud , Air , Woman , Sulfur , Smell , Raining Down Hot Ashes , Area , Villages , Families , Mud , Rains , Temperatures , Locations , Lava , Dozens , The Field , 2to Th , Zone , Burns , Crater , Halls , Warning , Ash Cloud , Airlines , Here And There Ae , Weinter , Great Lakes , 15000 , Midwest , Weather Center , Tyler Mauldin , Pressure , Winter Storm , Winds , Dormant , Shovels , Radar , Blizzard Warning , Plains , Rest , Sort , Arrowhead Region , Minnesota , Portions , Foot , U P , Snowfall , Weather , East , South , Mid South , Canada , New England , Arkansas , 4 5 Million , Five , Little , Windchills Minus , The System , Arctic Air P , Western Tennessee , Mississippi , Minus 15 , Zero , Mark , Region , Afternoon , Bed , Kidding , Stay , Tyler Mulden , Lifestyle , Inside Politics , Chair , Memories , Manu Raju , Nordic Walking , Poles , Workout , System , Age , Everybody , The European Fitness Craze In Today , Athletes , Trail Running , Introduction , Walking , Isn T , Stroke , Exercise , Arms , Core Muscles , Stability , 26 , Hands , Movement , Arm Swing , Canes , Safer , Whwhy , Momentum , Fun , Oldage , Tw , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Pay , Gasps , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Spider Man , Theaters , 17 , December 17th , 05 , 4 , Move , Loan , Personal Loan , Rate , 0 , Event , Customers , Xfinity , Xfinity Mobile , Gifts , 5g , Sales Event , Click , Battle , Omicron Covid Surge , Confusion , Speed , Chaos , Resistance , Plus , Mandates , Choice , Supreme Court , Row V Id Wade , Roe V Wade ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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captured the parents of an alleged school shooters as officers seek a third person who may have helped them try to get away. also, president biden is getting ready to talk to vladimir putin as u.s. intel reveals moscow could launch an offensive within months against ukraine. you may want to prep your parkas, parts of the country bracing for winter weather. we'll tell you how much snow is coming and how cold it can get. we are so lucky to have you keeping us company on this sunday, december 5th. thank you for waking up with us. >> we begin in michigan where the suspected high school shooter and his parents are behind bars for the deadly attack. the parents, james and jennifer crumbley, pleading not guilty to four charges of involuntary manslaughter in court, how held on $500,000 bond each in the same jail where their 15-year-old son ethan is in custody. >> he's charged with murdering four classmates and injuring seven others. detroit police have identified a person of interest in surveillance footage they say shows the person who helped the crumbleys hideout during the search for the couple. all of this in the wake of the deadly shooting that has deeply impacted the oxford community. >> reporter: the parents of the teenager accused in this week's deadly school shooting in michigan are waking up this morning in the same county jail where their teenaged son is held on charges of murdering four classmates. a judge entered the parents held on $500,000 bond each following a manhunt that ended with their capture at a detroit area warehouse. this exclusive video shows the couple being taken into custody early saturday morning after a tip led police to the building hours after they were charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. the couple was arraigned by video conference saturday morning, each entering not guilty pleas in connection with the deadly shooting at oxford high school. the prosecutors say they gave their troubled teenaged son access to a deadly weapon and did nothing to worn school officials about the dangers he pose zbld this is a very serious, horrible, terrible murder and shooting. it has affected the entire community. these two individuals could have stopped it, and they had every reason to know if he was dangerous and they gave him a weapon and they didn't secure it and they allowed him free access to it. >> reporter: prosecutor karen mcdonald pushed hard for the half million in bond saying the couple was trying to plea. >> attorneys representing jennifer and james crumbley say the couple had the gun locked up and their son did not have free access to it. the lawyers also claimed the couple intended to turn themselves in but were unable to do so before police arrested them. >> last night and throughout the day we were in contact with our clients. they were scared, they were terrified. they were not at home. they were figuring out what to do, getting finances in order. >> the sheriff of oak lapd county doesn't seem to buy it. >> we were out actively looking for them, working with our partners. they were taken into custody before that question was asked or answered. were they actually going to do it? i don't know. given that they were hiding in a warehouse in detroit, it certainly raises my eyebrows. >>eth ethan was iranianed monday in connection with the deadly shooting. authorities say there is clear evidence the shooting was premeditated and that the 15-year-old, quote, was looking forward to it. let's go out live in oxford, michigan to cnn law enforcement reporter mark morales. mark, what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: well, this third party investigation that the school is calling for stems from details that prosecutor karen mcdonald has been releasing since the shooting took place. parents in the school district have been sending lots of questions into the school, and the school wanted to send out their version and their timeline of events. it's important to note that the prosecutor has not ruled out charging anybody at the school, whether it's counselors or teachers or at straighters. they're still taking a hard look at what exactly happened. just to go back to the timeline of events and what exactly the school is talking about here, we're talking about the first incident that happened on tuesday with ethan crumbley scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of ammunition. the next day, the day of the shooting they find a disturbing drawing he had made where you can see a semi-automatic weapon that's been drawn. there's bullets that are drawn, a person that's dead in the drawing as well. now, that resulted in a conversation between ethan and school guidance counselors. the parents were also called to the school. the determine nation was made not to send ethan back home because he would have been alone. he was sent back to the classroom with other students. the prosecutor has spoken about how the parents did not ask ethan whether or not he had a gun on him, anything about the weapon. as we now know, surveillance footage at the school shows ethan going into a school bathroom and coming out with the handgun opening fire. >> mark morales from oxford, michigan, thank you. so according to a cnn tally, the shooting at oxford high school was the deadliest at a k-12 campus in the u.s. since 2018 and the 32nd school shooting just since august 1st. for some, the short and long-term psychological impact for those involved including survivors, first responders and the people left grieving for the people that they lost, all of that is overwhelming. let's talk to peter langman, the author of "why kids kill: inside the mind of school shooters." peter, thank you so much for being with us. mark laid out a lot of the evidence that they had goings into what happened on tuesday. i'm interested in the fact that you're also a researcher with the national threat assessment center of the u.s. secret service. we can't always foresee a attack. it seems like they could based on the information we know. what is your gut reaction to this case specifically? >> well, in this case like so many others, there were warning signs. it's so important that people recognize warning signs and report them to the school whenever they see something that suggests there's a danger coming. >> and there clearly were warning signs in this case. he was searching for ammo the day before. there were notes found by the teacher the day of the shooting. mark highlighted some of them just a minute ago. some of those words on the drawing said "the thoughts won't stop. help me. my life is useless. the world is dead." the parents were called right away. they kept him in school. do you interpret what you're hearing now as this kid crying out for help? >> the fact that he said something about looking for held, please help me, certainly suggests that. on the other hand, he apparently did not seek out anyone at school to say directly please help me. so there may have been a component of help seeking, he certainly, as far as we know, didn't make that e police it to anyone at the school. >> they did not. now we know these kids, these students are going to be traumatized as they have to go back to school at some appointment i'm sure there are normal signs of behavioral changes, some anxiety, some fear. talk to us as parents, what do we need to know and do to make sure our kids are managing these emotions? >> i think parents need to stay in touch with their children, ask them how they're doing, let them know it's okay if they have a range of emotions. they might be scared, anxious about going back to school. they might also be very angry this happened. they may be grieving the loss of classmates. they may be more withdrawn, may not want to go back to school or going to their usual activities. they may have trouble sleeping, their ap tied might be off. all these are normal things. parents should do their best to be there with their kids, support them, get them professional help if that is warranted. >> is there something as parents we can say to our kids to normalize therapy and getting help based on the fact that some see it as a negative stigma? >> i think it's important just to make it as normal as possible. there's nothing wrong with talking to somebody. you can assure your children that what they've been through is a very traumatic incident, that it's normal, natural, the struggle in the wake of such a thing. there's nothing to be ashamed of the they feel some extra help to get through this. >> okay. so we also know the teachers stepped up here. they alerted the school of some of the things they saw. those teachers have to go back. they have gone through this trauma. what do they need most from that school and from the community moving forward? >> well, often in the wake of an attack there's increased police presence at the school in the initial days. it's best to give people a sense of safety. the teachers themselves may need to talk it through with each other, their loved ones, maybe seek professional help, again, if that seems warranted. they need the administration to be there for them. if the school does not have a threat assessment system in place to investigate warning signs of potential violence, the school and the community should make sure that's a priority. >> so i want to real quickly let you know according to cnn affiliates wjrt and wxrt, the copycat threats have been rising. why do scenarios like this seem to trigger a ripple effect? and normally is there a gauge of how often any of those copycat threats actually come to fru fruition? >> in the wake of an attack, there's often threats made -- in most cases it seems as though they're not real threats. in some cases they are real th threats. it seems to me the more the threshold of threat violence is crossed, the lower the threshold becomes. other kids perhaps on the verge of committing an attack maybe gain inspiration or feel empowered to go ahead and do so shortly after there's been a previous attack. >> peter langman, we appreciate your insight here and your perspective. his new book is titled "warning signs: identifying school shooters before they strike." peter, thank you so much. there have been heightened tensions between russia and ukraine and now the white house is stepping in. what we're learning about president biden's planned call with vladimir putin. also, terminated effective immediately. more on cnn's decision to part ways with chris cuomo and his reaction just ahead. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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>> reporter: a level of concern from this white house is high. that's why you see them taking very deliberate steps with their message very disciplined. the white house confirmed that tuesday call with president biden, president putin. a secure video call happening tuesday evening. jen psaki said they'd discuss cyber and regional issues and underscore u.s. concern with russia military activities on the border with ukraine. that's kind of what you can expect. i want to note that this call is going to happen almost six months to the day after president biden held a bilateral with president putin in geneva. later he told reporters that he told putin there needed to be basic rules of the road we can all abide by. flash forward to friday, president biden was very candid with reporters when he described what preparations the u.s. is taking in response to this heightened crisis. take a listen. >> what i am doing is putting together what i believe will be the most comprehensive and meaningful set of initiatives to make it very, very difficult for mr. putin to go ahead and do what people are worried he may do, but that's in play right now. >> reporter: so strong words there from the president who told reporters he had been in constant contact with european allies in ukraine, that he expected to have a long conversation with president putin. one complicating factor that officials have told cnn, it's very difficult to predict what putin may do. so the president really -- we know for one thing they have already invaded ukraine before, and it seems like they have the assets to potentially do so again. yes, very high stakes for this white house heading into this week, christi, boris. >> exactly. when they in 2014 went into crimea, the world was watching saying what's going to happen, and nothing happened. jasmine wright, we appreciate it, thank you. with us to discuss the potential for conflict with russia and more is congressman dan kildee, the chief deputy whip of the house democratic caucus. thank you so much for spending part of your weekend with us. you were in congress when russia invaded crimea in 2014. the united states and the west clearly did not respond to that invasion in a way that deterred vladimir putin from more aggression. so what needs to be done now to stop him from invading ukraine? >> i think first of all the president is doing the right thing by consulting with our allies in europe. we cannot take a unilateral approach with this. i'm glad the president is pursuing conversations with the eu directly and with nato. but i think the other point is that the president knows we can use a whole variety of tools. vladimir putin is essentially a head of a large crime syndicate who is trying to rebuild the u ussr. i think the initial steps have to hit him where it hurts the most, and that's take swift and dramatic economic sanctions against those who surround this thug and hit him where it hurts. but be prepared for whatever response is required in order for ukraine to maintain its own territorial integrity and its own sovereignty. >> russia was hit with sanctions back in 2014. the russian economy was in shambles for years, but that didn't stop him. do you think that sanctions are going to be enough now? where is your line when it comes to military intervention to protect ukraine's sovereignty? >> i certainly don't want to get ahead of the president on that. any military intervention will have to be carefully crafted so we know what its success looks like and we know when to get out. we haven't done that so well in recent history. i think the economic sanctions have to be firmer and harder. when i say hit them where it hurts, putin's aspiration is to be able to use energy and particularly the nord stream pipeline as a political tool. i think our goal has to be to address that directly. i know that's a difficult question for us to deal with with europe, but it would be dangerous for us to hand mr. putin that kind of leverage. i would suggest that we initiate that. now, we may have missed an opportunity several months ago to address that directly. i don't think we can miss that this time. i think we have to take that on. >> you alluded to some of the economic ties between our european allies and russia. i don't want you to get ahead of the president, but i want to get your sense of where the allies that you mentioned specifically, the uk, france, germany, what is your sense of where they stand regarding military action when it comes to protecting ukraine? >> that's a good question, and i don't know the specific answer. i assume the president is involved in daily conversations, but i do think we understand that, if this is an attempt by vladimir putin to take the next step in trying to rebuild what he still regrets losing 30 years ago, and that is the ussr, we have to take swift action. the world doesn't have much of an appetite for military action right now. i think unfortunately mr. putin may understand that. my hope is that we can deal with this by being much firmer on the economic front and avoid the possibility that military action will be required. but i sense that the folks in europe have, at least in my discussions with some of their folks here in the u.s., the ambassadors and such, that they understand the threat this represents and that it would be a mistake to look the other way or to allow him to continue to encroach and to take away the territorial integrity of ukraine. >> i don't think anyone in the west is eager for conflict. i think the fear is that allowing vladimir putin to run unchecked could lead to further conflict down the line. congressman, i want to pivot now to something that happened just minutes from your district in michigan, the tragic oxford high school shooting. the house recently passed two background checks earlier this year. they've gone nowhere in the senate. they don't have the 60 votes needed to pass meaningful gun legislation. what can congress realistically be expected to do on this issue at this point? >> well, we've got to move these bills over the finish line. we are limited by what we can get through the united states se senate. it's not just common sense gun legislation, it's a whole range of issues that bottleneck in the senate, largely because they have antiquated rules there that allow 20 states to control the direction of the country. my hope is that some of these pieces of legislation that may not have prevented this particular instance -- we don't know -- but could prevent the next one, will move. i don't think there's any way around it. we can continue to pass bills in the house of representatives, but if the senate continues to fail to act, we're going to see more of this, and i don't think that is defensible, and i question whether some of those senators who are standing in the way really understand the gravity and the consequence of their fail your to act? >> do you think the president needs to take further steps to make gun reform a central pillar of his administration's efforts the way president obama did famously after sandy hook at great political cost? >> i think the president's voice is important on this. i know where he stands. i've talked to him about this. my hope is that's we'll see a stronger push. again, the real question is not where the white house stands, not where the house of representatives stands, but whether we'll continue to allow a handful of senators sta stand in the way of preventing further violence. so far they haven't been moved. how many of these shootings do we have to see before the senate finally understands there's something we can do to maybe prevent the next one of these tragic moments from occurring? >> we'll have to leave it there. congressman dan kildee, appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. this week we've lost the last member of the band of brothers. colonel edward james passed away friday at 99 years old. he was the final surviving officer of the world war ii veterans known as easy economy, later immortalized in a book and tv miniseries. he passed away peacefully at home according to his obituary. our thoughts are certainly with his family. we say thank you to him and his family for his service. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! so, who's it going to be? 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"the new york times" overnight reported that additional information was an allegation of sexual misconduct made against chris cuomo by a staffer at another network. this was an allegation from a number of years ago made by a staffer who does not work at cnn. it was sent in earlier this week by a lawyer representing that former staffer. so cnn management was aware of this allegation as of thursday and friday, and was also receiving information from the law firm that suggested or indicated that cuomo could be fired for cause. so you add all that together, and on saturday cuomo was terminated. >> so talk to us about how cuomo himself is responding, brian. >> number one, on the allegation of sexual misconduct from some number of years ago, his spokesman said apparently these allegations are not true. chris also saying in a imt statement about leaving cnn he didn't want his time at cnn to end that way, but was incredibly proud of what he and his team p and mime time. his producers won't be going anywhere, they'll continue to work on the 9:00 p.m. hour. michael smerconish who frequently fills in for cuomo, he'll before hosting this coming week. for viewers who liked chris cuomo and wanted to see him, there's some disappointment. i also think there's disappointment on what he was doing dbehind the scenes, how friendly and cozy he was with the aides in the governor's office before his brother stepped down. this has been a very complicated situation. now untangled with his termination by cnn. >> brian, what could be next for cuomo? >> i think there's no easy answer to that question. for the time being, cuomo has hired his own outside pr people. i'm sure he sees himself back on television in the future. i don't think there's any easy or immediate answer to that question. >> brian stelter, thank you for breaking it all down with us. don't forget to catch brian again on "reliable sources," 11:00 right here on cnn. we'll be right back. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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can you get out of the road. >> reporter: on his typical graveyard ship, digging away night after night at a deadly national crisis. >> out of the road. we're trying to help you. >> something is causing her to be panic. >> reporter: that's likely what law enforcement sees in this county. >> methamphetamine. when did you last use? >> this is a common way to use meth infet mean, they inject it. >> reporter: this needle belongs to this driver. >> your car is e pierd big time. >> reporter: this man says deputy burke can search his car and then talks to us about his addiction. he asked we don't show his face. >> do you use a lot? >> i've been using a lot on and off, all the time, like i said, since 13. >> reporter: why did you get started when you were 13? >> i had an older brother who i looked up to, and he felt he wanted to introduce it to me i guess. since i'm a kid, i'm going to say yes to my bigger brother. from there on, it just took control. >> reporter: would you say you're a meth user? >> of course, i'm a drug addict. >> reporter: he said he had been in and out of a prison and lost his job as a forklift driver that paid $25 an hour. he took meth yesterday worried about how he'd take care of his family. >> reporter: how old are you kids? >> 7 and 5. >> reporter: hoe old are you? >> 28. >> reporter: how many people do you know do meth? >> everyone. >> methamphetamine, it is such an addictive drug, they can't get rid of it, can't stop it. even if they want to stop, their body won't allow them to. >> reporter: every stop the deputy makes on this shift involves meth. >> methamphetamine would be the number one drug used in fresno. it's so easy to obtain. it's not difficult. it's all over the streets out here. >> reporter: new cdc data shows meth is all over the country's streets and getting worse. more than one in four overdose deaths involved meth and over psychostimulants, um more than 50% since last year. in california deaths were up 64% year on year, and in fresno, no other drug, including fentanyl, comes even close to the death rate of meth. >> it's not the same dope. it's different. >> former agent bob fanl says -- >> we'd hit the labs and see nothing but blister packs. the minute we stopped it, it was over. >> now mexican cartels use common chemical agents in mega labs. >> they're like costco, huge, huge industrial-sized buildings. warehouses. >> you can manufacture it now at a much higher quantity. >> reporter: smuggled across the border as liquid, difficult to ze text, means cheap prices and high supply impacting life across fresno. >> it's not even meth anymore. >> do you feel different ton day's meth than the stuff -- >> more violent. more violent. >> john chapman lives in the neighborhood deputy burk patrols. >> i think i was 11, 11 1/2 years old when i started. >> who introduced it to you when you were 11. >> sad to say my mom did. >> your mom gave you meth. >> reporter: at age 55 he managed to quit. >> my legs would start spazzing because of it. it gave me nerve damage. it fries your brain. >> if you had kept going, what would have happened to you? >> i'd be dwef. >> there's no lifesaving antidote for meth. >> i want to see somebody constantly high on methamphetamine to change their life, become a productive citizen. i think they want it as well. >> reporter: kyung lah, cnn, fresno, california. >> wow. in other news today a massive volcano is erupting and rattles indonesia. at least 14 people have died already. rescues are continuing, but the danger isn't over. we have an update for you after the break. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? grandpa coming out of retirement to give a few ski lessons. the time to plan your get together is now. ♪ ♪ find it on vrbo. like many people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, i was there. be right back. but my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohn's disease. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ ♪ what the he— henry? thanks. if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ ♪ what a pain in the— alice? if it's “lets wrap this up?” season, it's walgreens season. there's a volcanic eruption on the indonesian island of java that has killed 14 and displaced thousands. >> the pictures are stunning. they're conducting rescue operations right now. that can't really get a gauge of the full scale of the damage which started with this eruption yesterday yet, but cnn's paula newton does have the latest for us. >> reporter: a touring ash cloud engulfs the sky in a towering sh a giant plume of smoke of mount semeru behind them. it erupted saturday afternoon, some saying an eerie scene with the smell of sulfur in the air and the sky looking day to night. one woman said there was a cloud raining down hot ashes, and then the sky went totally dark. thousands of people fled the area. authorities say they were unable to reach some villages because of being blocked by heavy rains and mud. >> there are families, parents and children who are not found yet but considering the hot lava, the hot temperatures, the field is tough. so what we can do is get 2to th locations we know we can reach. >> reporter: officials say dozens have been rounded with severe burns. a restricted zone is set up 5 kilometers of the crater, many taking up in villages and massive halls, unsure on when they can return home. mount semeru is an active volcano with an eruption about a year ago. they issued a warning to airlines that one part of the ash cloud can reach as high as 15,000 meters. paula newton, cnn. weinter is here and there ae some people in the great lakes and midwest who know it definitively. >> let's get to tyler mauldin at the cnn weather center. how much snow are we expecting and where? >> enough snow that some unlucky individuals have to pull the shovels out of dormant. this area of low pressure, another powerful winter storm, is moving east and as it does so, heavy snow will be produced. we are seeing heavy snow on the radar and once we go through time we're also going to factor in very strong winds. for that reason, we have a blizzard warning in effect for the minnesota arrowhead region. the rest of the area from the north plains to michigan in some sort of winter storm alert and we're going to pick up the consensus four to six inches of snow, however, some of us will deal with more than a foot of snow. we can see that in northern michigan, portions of the u.p. as well as the northern area of minnesota. this area of low pressure will push to the east and as it does so, spread the snowfall to canada and portions of new england. down to the south we will see severe weather. once we get to daybreak monday, we have level two out of five risk for the mid-south, 4.5 million people in arkansas going into mississippi and western tennessee. behind the system, arctic air p plunges down from canada. we're talking windchills minus 15 and it only warms up to a little above that zero-degree mark come the afternoon in the region, guys? >> tyler mulden, thank you very much for that. >> minus a15? i don't think i even want to wake up. >> or get out of bed. >> no kidding. you all stay warm wherever you have to be. we hope you make good memories. thank you for being with us. "inside politics" is up next. manu raju in the chair this week. >> boris, good to see you. staying active we know is important for a healthy lifestyle. you might be wondering how can we make walking safer for people of mature age and system get a better workout, even for everybody? nordic walking with poles may be the answer. here's more on the european fitness craze in today's "staying well." >> i got my introduction to sort ever nordic walking or trail running with poles when i was in europe last year and saw some of the best athletes in the world there running with poles. >> i use my poles because four year ago i had a minor stroke so my walking and balancing isn't the best. >> it's really a good exercise for anyone. it turns out when we go from simply walking to engaging the arms in our core muscles, we burn 24% to 26% more calories and much less likely to injure ourselves because we have four points of stability. the best way to start is support people with their hands and grab them without engaging them. when people understand the natural arm swing and bring the poles into the movement purposely, it becomes a way to move faster and more efficiently. >> they give you momentum. which is helpful. >> safer, better for you and actual act actually it is fun. the oldage is people walk better with canes so whwhy not have tw that propepel you and make you more efficient and give you a better workout? > ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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Tate Myre , Game , Jim Harbaugh , Title , Significance , 2004 , U S , Shootings , Oxford , Point , Courage , Patch , Hero , Guys , God , 42 , Sir , Michigan , Andy Scholes , Points , Thanks , Officials , Details , All Of You , Boris Sanchez , Take A Deep Breath , Christi Paul , Biden , Parents , President Putin , School Shooters , Person , Officers , Intel , Moscow , Country , Snow , Ukraine , Parts , Offensive , Winter Weather , Parkas , Company , December 5th , 5 , Sunday December 5th , Attack , James Crumbley , High School Shooter , Charges , Bars , Jennifer Crumbley , Four , Ethan , Classmates , Bond , Others , Custody , Manslaughter , Jail , Court , Seven , 15 , 00000 , 500000 , Couple , Wall , Wake , Police , Footage , Hideout , Search , Detroit , Crumbleys , A Person Of Interest , Reporter , Shooting , Son , School Shooting , Community , County Jail , Teenager , Area Warehouse , Judge , Video , Capture , Manhunt , Counts , Video Conference , Tip Led Police , Nothing , Weapon , Connection , Prosecutors , School Officials , Oxford High School , Dangers , Pleas , It , Individuals , Murder , Reason , Horrible , Two , Prosecutor Karen Mcdonald , Attorneys , Access , Half , Say , Contact , Gun , Last Night , Lawyers , Home , Order , Doesn T , County , Sheriff , Clients , Finances , Oak Lapd , Question , Partners , Warehouse , I Don T Know , Eyebrows , Hiding , Evidence , Eth Ethan , Premeditated , Authorities , On Cnn , Investigation , Mark Morales , Latest , Law Enforcement , Quote , Third Party , Let S Go , The School , Place , Questions , School District , Stems , Lots , Loved Ones , Timeline , Events , Counselors , Version , Anybody , Straighters , Incident , Look , Bullets , Drawing , Pictures , Ammunition , Phone , Ethan Crumbley Scrolling , Conversation , School Guidance Counselors , Nation , Students , Classroom , Anything , Gun On Him , Surveillance Footage , School Bathroom , Handgun Opening Fire , Some , Deadliest , 32nd School Shooting , Campus , Tally , August 1st , K 12 , 32 , 1 , 12 , 2018 , People , Peter Langman , Survivors , Responders , Impact , Let S Talk , Why Kids Kill , Lot , Fact , Goings , Mind , Information , Threat , Gut Reaction , Assessment Center , Researcher , U S Secret Service , Warning Signs , Something , Case , Notes , Teacher , Danger Coming , Ammo , World , Life , Words , The Thoughts Won T Stop , Help , Kid , Anyone , Component , Hand , Didn T , Help Seeking , Kids , Fear , Signs , Changes , Anxiety , Appointment , Children , Emotions , Doing , Range , Back To School , Loss , Things , Activities , Best , Trouble Sleeping , Ap , Stigma , Therapy , Somebody , Thing , Normal , Struggle , Trauma , Sense , School , Police Presence , Administration , Threat Assessment System , Each Other , Safety , Potential Violence , Priority , Affiliates Wjrt , Wxrt , Gauge , Threats , Copycat , Ripple Effect , Scenarios , Cases , Fru Fruition , Feel , Threshold , Violence , Inspiration , Verge , Empowered , Th , Book , Perspective , Insight , Tensions , Call , White House , Russia , Learning , Decision , Anchor Chris Cuomo , Ways , Reaction , Fire , Desire , One , Way , Don T Wanna , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Dose , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , 10 , 3 , Pill , Cause , Nausea , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Side Effects , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Older Medicines , Serena , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Stars , Sha Bop , I Only Have Eyes For You , Alexa , Song , Screening , Colon Cancer , Adults , Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 45 , 50 , Risk , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Results , Stages , Provider , 92 , Steps , Retirement , Granddaughter , Confidence , Grandpa , Voya , Retirement Plan , Black Friday , Body , Mattress , Night After , Tempur Pedic , 00 , 500 , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , Panic Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Basement Slash , App , Vrbo , Don T , Season , Tradition , Show , Ride , Tis , Sleigh , Cadillac , Cadillac Showroom , Military Action , Border , Tension , Rising , 16 , Concern , Level , Jasmine Wright , Video Call , Message , Issues , Kind , Jen Psaki , Six , Reporters , Road , Rules , Bilateral , In Geneva , Flash Forward , Crisis , Response , Listen , Preparations , Putin , Mr , Set , Initiatives , Play , Allies , Factor , Assets , Stakes , Christi , Yes , Dan Kildee , Conflict , More , Potential , Crimea , 2014 , Part , Weekend , Spending , Congress , Invaded Crimea , House Democratic Caucus , West , Aggression , Invasion , Conversations , Europe , Approach , Head , Tools , Variety , Crime Syndicate , Nato , Eu , Sanctions , Most , Thug , Ussr , Integrity , Sovereignty , Whatever , Hit , Military Intervention , Line , Economy , Shambles , Didn T Stop Him , We Haven T , History , Success , Aspiration , Tool , Energy , Nord Stream Pipeline , Leverage , Goal , Opportunity , Ties , Germany , France , Uk , Answer , Step , Attempt , 30 , Hope , Action , Appetite , Folks , Possibility , Front , Discussions , Europe Have , Represents , Ambassadors , Mistake , District , Senate , Gun Legislation , House , Background , Nowhere , Votes , 60 , Bills , Issue , Finish Line , States , Direction , Bottleneck , Common Sense , 20 , Pieces , Legislation , Instance , Act , Senators , Standing , Gravity , Consequence , House Of Representatives , Obama , Fail , Efforts , Gun Reform A Central Pillar , Voice , Cost , Sandy Hook , Stands , Many , Handful , Real Question , Push , House Of Representatives Stands , Senators Sta Stand , Edward James , Member , Colonel , Band Of Brothers , 99 , Veterans , Tv Miniseries , Obituary , Officer , World War Ii , Family , Thoughts , Service , Support , Ace , Centrum , Tom , Maggie , Biktarvy , Doctor , H I V , Treatment , Massmutual , Lab Test , Amount , Cure , Virus , Research , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Can , Sex , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Hepatitis B , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Hepatitis , Kidney , Headache , Diarrhea , Sofi , Student Loan Debt , Money , Subaru , Times , Retailers , Vo , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , 1000 , One Hundred And Fifty Million , 000 , Love Event , Car Company , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Gift , Businesses , Savings Sale , Comcast Business , Network , Savings , Deal , Internet , Business , Gig Speeds , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Price Guarantee , 2 , 64 99 , 4 99 , Possibilities , Andrew Cuomo , Brother , Documents , Sexual Harassment , Brian Stelter , Sources , Chief Media Correspondent , Anchor , Institution , Announcement , Lines , Cannot Cross , Nbc , Fox , Law Firm , Evaluation , Involvement , Defense , Statement , Governor , Aides , Key Line , Process , Review , The End , Staffer , Allegation , Sexual Misconduct , Termination , The New York Times , Number , Lawyer , Management , Saturday Cuomo , Allegations , Spokesman , Number One , Imt , He Didn T , Team P , Producers , Michael Smerconish , Viewers , Anywhere , 9 , Disappointment , Scenes , Being , Office , Situation , Stepped Down , Television , Down , Pr , 11 , Situations , Bargain , Beep , Zales , Ring , Love , Trelegy , Copd , Driftin , Coughing , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Power , Three , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Won T , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Thrush , Heart Condition , Pain , Stand , Breathing , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Mouth , Eye , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Save , Science , Repair , Toothpaste , Teeth , Dentin , Quality , Sensodyne Repair , Patients , Sensodyne , Numbers , Time , Increase , Average , Millions , Testing Requirements , Americans , 19 , 100000 , 121000 , Effect , Citizens , Effort , Travelers , Coronavirus , Omicron Variant , 24 , Mask Mandate , M Methamphetamines , The New Order , Transportationwide , Meth , Overdose Deaths , Fresno , California , Familiesment , Lives , Cities , Cnn S Kyung Lah Got A Street Look , Todd Burke , Graveyard , Ship , Digging Away Night After , Fresno County Sheriff S Deputy , Methamphetamine , Panic , Car , Deputy Burke , Big Time , Needle , Driver , Addiction , Man , Face , 13 , Control , Course , Drug Addict , Meth User , Forklift Driver , Care , Job , Prison , 7 , 25 , Drug , Everyone , Hoe Old , 28 , Shift , Deputy , Stop , Streets , Data , Cdc , Deaths , Psychostimulants , Fentanyl , Um , 64 , Labs , Bob Fanl , Death Rate , Dope , Blister Packs , Buildings , Chemical Agents , Cartels , Costco , Warehouses , Impacting , Prices , Quantity , Text , Liquid , Neighborhood , Stuff , Patrols , Deputy Burk , John Chapman , 11 1 2 , Mom , Legs , Spazzing , Sad , 55 , Nerve Damage , Brain , It Fries , Dwef , Kyung Lah , Citizen , Antidote , Volcano , Erupting , Break , Rescues , News , Update , Danger Isn T Over , Indonesia , 14 , Stove , Views , Peaks , Cocoa , Ski Out , Ski Lessons , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Humira , Crohn S Disease , Symptoms , Biologic , Remission , Infections , Have , Cancers , Blood , Ability , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Areas , Nervous System Problems , Infection , Liver , Heart Failure , Reactions , Tb , Sores , Car Vending Machines , Gastroenterologist , Carvana , 100 , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Value , Spot , Offer , Neighbors , He Henry , Walgreens , Alice , Eruption , Thousands , Island , Displaced , Java , Rescue Operations , Scale , Sky , Damage , Touring Ash Cloud , Paula Newton , Giant , Plume , Sh , Smoke , Mount Semeru , Scene , Cloud , Air , Woman , Sulfur , Smell , Raining Down Hot Ashes , Area , Villages , Families , Mud , Rains , Temperatures , Locations , Lava , Dozens , The Field , 2to Th , Zone , Burns , Crater , Halls , Warning , Ash Cloud , Airlines , Here And There Ae , Weinter , Great Lakes , 15000 , Midwest , Weather Center , Tyler Mauldin , Pressure , Winter Storm , Winds , Dormant , Shovels , Radar , Blizzard Warning , Plains , Rest , Sort , Arrowhead Region , Minnesota , Portions , Foot , U P , Snowfall , Weather , East , South , Mid South , Canada , New England , Arkansas , 4 5 Million , Five , Little , Windchills Minus , The System , Arctic Air P , Western Tennessee , Mississippi , Minus 15 , Zero , Mark , Region , Afternoon , Bed , Kidding , Stay , Tyler Mulden , Lifestyle , Inside Politics , Chair , Memories , Manu Raju , Nordic Walking , Poles , Workout , System , Age , Everybody , The European Fitness Craze In Today , Athletes , Trail Running , Introduction , Walking , Isn T , Stroke , Exercise , Arms , Core Muscles , Stability , 26 , Hands , Movement , Arm Swing , Canes , Safer , Whwhy , Momentum , Fun , Oldage , Tw , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Pay , Gasps , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Spider Man , Theaters , 17 , December 17th , 05 , 4 , Move , Loan , Personal Loan , Rate , 0 , Event , Customers , Xfinity , Xfinity Mobile , Gifts , 5g , Sales Event , Click , Battle , Omicron Covid Surge , Confusion , Speed , Chaos , Resistance , Plus , Mandates , Choice , Supreme Court , Row V Id Wade , Roe V Wade ,

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