Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

disease does it cause, and how well does it evade immunity, including vaccines? dr. anthony fauci says you won't very any answers from this single case. >> having a single person who had what would be considered a breakthrough infect because the person was fully vaccinated doesn't really tell you much at all because we have breakthrough infections with delta, people have been vaccinated, fully vaccinated. very often, more often than not they have mild illness. >> the world health organization is advising people in certain high risk groups to postpone travel because of the variant. don't cancel christmas yet. dr. fauci says you can enjoy a safe holiday with your family including traveling if you are vaccinated. president biden is set to visit the national institutes of health today, we are will lay out a nine-point plan to help tackle the next phase of this pandemic. cnn's jeremy diamond and natasha chen are covering this this morning. run us through the steps the biden administration plans to take. >> reporter: one thing is clear, the white house is still needing to learn a lot more about this omicron variant. but they're not stopping in their preparations for handling a potential surge of coronavirus in the winter and to handle both the omicron variant, the delta variant as well. that's why we see a range of steps with president biden going to announce today a mix of increased international screening, ramped up efforts to get people vaccinated and increasing testing here in the united states. some of these steps, for example, for international travel, you're going to see the need to get a negative coronavirus test within a day of traveling to the united states. that's for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. on testing, expanded availability of testing, test kits sent out to federal health centers and requiring private insurance to cover the costs of at home test kits, to try to make testing more widespread and available. on vaccines, you're going to see more clinics including family clinics that will have doses for children as well as for adults and also partnerships with the aarp and efforts by medicare to get the word out to seniors about the availability of booster shots and information about those booster shots. that's going to include some public service announcements with paid advertising. and there will be more of an emergency response availability. 60 plus deployments of coronavirus surge teams provided by the federal government, these teams helped during the surges that we have seen previously with providing logistics support, monoclonal antibodies, ventilators. you're going to see the availability of all of that as well. and president biden will announce all of this during a speech this afternoon at the national institutes of health, a speech we have been told he has been personally involved in crafting, that signals the importance of all of this as we learn -- wait to learn more about the omicron variant. >> natasha chen in san francisco, officials in san francisco say this is almost certainly not the first case in the u.s., this is how pandemics work, how things spread. what more do we know about this particular case? >> as you said, this is the first detected case in the u.s. this person is a san francisco resident. here's what we know about the traveler. they were in south africa, and started traveling home on november 21st, arrived in san francisco on the 22nd. started feeling sick over thanksgiving. and got a test on november 28th. a day later got a positive test result. so self-isolating, mild symptoms, never had to go to the hospital. this patient is fully vaccinated, two doses of moderna, in fact, but has not had a booster because we're told it had not been six months yet since that person's second shot. there is no evidence at this time of community spread, they are doing contact tracing. and so far people in that person's close circle have not tested positive. we also want to mention that, you know, the san francisco public health officials say this person did a good job in terms of being proactive and reaching out to the local public health department when they found out about that positive test result, because the person knew about the possibility of omicron having traveled from south africa. here's what san francisco health officials say about that. >> we already have very stringent measures in place for masking indoors, for proof of vaccination, and san francisco is positioned, you know, quite well. we have 81% of our eligible residents vaccinated. no plans to do anything different yet. we keep encouraging people to get their boosters, that is really the most important thing that vaccinated people can do. >> so what she is saying is that san francisco already has a lot of public health tools in use that are making the environment as safe as possible for people. as you mentioned, people who are vaccinated are advised to still go about holiday plans, but it is interesting that, you know, people expected -- at some point there to be a case in the united states, this happens to be the first detected because of some robust testing of variants, jim. >> natasha chen, jeremy diamond, thank you very much. let's dig in deep we are cnn ed deeper with cnn medical analyst dr. leana wen. we have more data from south africa and israel as to what omicron means, how serious it is, how transmissible and how much severe disease it causes. again, i know it is early, a lot more to learn what do we know so far about how serious omicron is and is it less serious than initially thought? >> we don't know a lot at this point and that's because it is early. there were clusters in universities and among students, and so it is expected that these individuals would not become severely ill. i hope it remains that way, that ideally omicron does not cause very severe illness. it is far too soon for us to say. there are some preliminary reports that most of the individuals who are getting infected with omicron are those who are unvaccinated. and so i do hope that we'll find with time that vaccination and in particular getting that booster dose will give a level of protection against omicron, so this is the message that we're sending to all of our patients here in the u.s., that if you have not been vaccinated yet, get the vaccine, also that the booster dose because it will provide such a high level of antibodies, even if there is slightly diminished effectiveness against omicron, that high level of antibodies should be able to protect you. >> okay. there seems to be a contradiction in the public statements about effectiveness of existing vaccines. i wonder if there is a contradiction. but you hear from the moderna ceo expressing concern about efficacy, you hear from others saying, well, actually the vaccines are standing up. i wonder if the distinction here is reduced protection against infection. is that the difference here? >> i don't think that any of us know for certain at this point. what we hope that the vaccines will do ultimately is, first, to reduce severe illness, severe enough to cause hospitalization and death, but ideally you also want to get vaccinated to stop from being sick in the first place. who wants to get ill? who wants to transmit to others? we don't know which it is at this point. ideally it is both. that's what the vaccines currently do against delta. and, again, i think that the idea of boosters is really important for people to understand because the idea is that you have such a high antibody response that even if the effectiveness is diminished a little bit because of all the ant antibodies, that will protect you. >> that's consistent advice across the board. get vaccinated. if you're not vaccinated, get boosted. that's the best protection at this point. i want to ask you your sense of the biden administration's steps here. several steps. and it seems acting from an abundance of caution, right? we don't know a lot yet. let's do what we can. what do you think of the steps and do you think they make a difference? >> i think that what the biden administration has done in terms of acting out of an abundance of caution is great. it is much better for us to have a false alarm and to be ready for the worst than for the worst to happen and we're caught unprepared once again. i would hope that the president biden later today would do even more. so, for example, the announcement that -- the expected announcement around testing, i don't understand why we wouldn't give free tests to americans the way the uk government has or make them available for a dollar or like germany has. why are we asking people to go through a complicated process of insurance reimbursement. i think the biden administration has all the right things in mind. i hope they do a bit more in order to get us through this next period. >> thanks so much. in michigan, a fourth victim dead after 15-year-old ethan crumbley opened fire at oxford high school injuring at least seven others as well. we're getting new details about the events leading up to this tragedy including the suspect's concerning behavior prior to the shooting. it forced his parents to come to the school less than three hours before the attack. >> on the day prior to the tragedy, a teacher in the classroom where he was a student saw and heard something that she felt was disturbing in terms of his behavior. and they had a counseling session about it with school officials. and a phone call was left with the parents. the day of the shooting, a different teacher in a different classroom saw some behavior that they felt was concerning, and they brought the child down to an office, had a meeting with school officials, called in the parents, and ultimately it was determined that he could go back into class. >> he was let back into class. investigators have also discovered videos that crumbley recorded the very night before. and in those videos he discusses killing students. >> horrendously disturbing. obviously talks about what -- excuse me -- he intends to do and the kinds of things he's thinking about. it is just chilling. >> cnn's shimon prokupecz is live from oxford, michigan. this is shocking, shimon. it seems there were quite explicit warning signs, more than one, prior to the shooting. and yet the student was allowed back into school and somehow managed to get a weapon from his father. how did this happen? >> reporter: and this new information, jim, is hugely significant, certainly for investigators. the fact that there were meetings, the morning of, the parents were here, we're told there were concerns about this individual and the fact that he was allowed back into school, back into class, hugely significant. prosecutors tell us, they said yesterday, they have all sorts of information. when you look at the timeline here, right, that monday, monday there was concern over behavior and things that a teacher was seeing. then tuesday morning, hours before the shooting, there are concerns from a teacher. the parents are brought into school. something happens. the parents are told something. and then it seems nothing was done. and then, of course, the horrific attack happens, occurs and then now all this new information is coming to light. obviously we have a lot of questions for the school. but investigators here don't really want to talk about yet what that information is because they say it is a key part of the investigation and key part of the case that is going to be an issue at trial. so, perhaps we will -- before then get to know some of this, also hugely significant, jim, are the parents. and if they will face charges. the prosecutor yesterday telling us that it is likely the parents will face charges. the question is does it happen today or tomorrow? we just don't know. but that would be the next significant step in this investigation, jim. >> four students are dead. shimon prokupecz, thank you very much. coming up next, the january 6th committee moves to hold a former justice department official in contempt for refusing to cooperate with their investigation. he does have one last chance to comply. also ahead, former white house chief of staff mark meadows makes headlines with his new book, then goes on tv, agrees with his old boss donald trump, that his own book is fake news now. and later, alec baldwin speaks out about the fatal shooting of the set of his movie "rust," saying he never pulled the trigger. and now one of the crew members who was injured is responding. te risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. because you're forever connected by love... two touching center diamonds, representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. 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>> the president is right. it is fake news. if you actually read the book, the context of it, that story outlined a false positive. >> the timing is interesting. you have to admit. it wasn't -- was it a week later they choppered him to walter reed and the president was very sick. >> yeah. listen, any time that we look at things and we look at tests and we look at what happened, it is certainly -- that's what i outlined in the book. >> not exactly an answer there. john avlon joins me now, the host of the new cnn digital series reality check extremist beat. i hate to accuse him of possibly parsing words there, but, i mean, what -- they're trying to say, he had a test, but that one was false an he did get sick aefr several days later but the first test was wrong. is that the basic argument here? >> i guess. i think it is actually a mistake to try to parse it too closely. the headline here is that mark meadows, former chief of staff of the president, is calling his own book fake news because it came in front of -- in front of a wind shear from donald trump's criticism. even the chief of staff, in a culture and administration like that is a boot-licki ing todayyt the end of the day. it is pathetic. >> not first time we have seen it. capitol hill is not exactly an etiquette school now in terms of how sitting lawmakers speak to each other. the latest is from congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez attacking kevin mccarthy for his lack of response to the islamophobic statements we heard from lauren boebert. we have a full screen of the quote. mccarthy is so desperate to be speaker that he's working with his cku klux klan caucus to loo aside, allow targeting women of color, members of congress. she goes on to say it is not just about nasty phone calls, and emails. the gop are given freedom to incite without consequence. where does mccarthy stand on this? has he spoken as much as he will on this? >> mccarthy is walking a very difficult line obviously because he's trying to placate the extremists in his party in the hopes he can maintain the enthusiasm for the far right to propel him to the majority in the midterms. it is always a dangerous gamble. how many times do we need to learn do republican speakers and would be speakers need to learn that gollum always turns on its creator. the idea he's going to have a walk in the park and to getting the majorities itself, even if they win, as speaker, is i think mistaken. there is not as much support for mccarthy, even from trump, as perhaps -- especially from trump as he might want to believe. i do think that calling -- this escalation of name calling about the ku klux klan caucus does not help. there is a huge problem with the extremes having disproportionate influence in our debate and in congress. it is asymmetric. but i think that kind of fighting fire with fire is the thing that burns the whole house down. >> no question. you have to censor comments from sitting lawmakers from your children, given the language being used, for mccarthy, is it possible he's not the speaker if republicans bring back the house, win back the house? >> yeah. definitely. that's why i think he's not only walking a difficult line, but playing a dangerous game. you can't placate crazy. you can't placate donald trump. we talked about mark meadows earlier. he was floating the idea which i think is nonsense, but technically possible. donald trump could be speaker. i don't think there is the willingness or the aptitude. it goes to show, kevin mccarthy can genuflect and kiss the ring at mar-a-lago all he wants, but he's never going to actually get the support from folks who love donald trump. he's had the temerity to criticize him at times. >> you have many democratic lawmakers calling for lauren boebert to be penalized including stripped of her committee assign mentes, a new weapon in all of this. is this a new cycle that we should expect on the hill and democrats face their own risk if republicans win back the house of having the same thing done to them. >> yeah. look, i think it is a huge mistake to make more -- to play the moral equivalence game as republicans tried to do in the censure of paul gosar, the preview of this, by saying we'll go back and remove committee assignments for things that maxine waters said or members of the squad, the hobby horse demonization crew for all sorts of demographic reasons. lauren boebert, there is the danger of continually defining deviancy down. someone says crazy things so much, they're not held to the same standards of basic civility as their colleagues. that's what we're looking at with lauren boebert. republicans should be trying to police themselves, but mccarthy is afraid to do it because he recognizes there is a danger if he wants to be speaker. >> comments seem to get more extreme every day. john avlon, good to have you on. >> you too. be well. still ahead, after a series of bigoted remarks from some far right lawmakers as we were discussing, one congresswoman is calling the right wing as we noted the kkk caucus. we'll speak about that next. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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[screams and laughter] yeah! xfinity brought us together after all. get started with xfinity internet and ask about wifi speed fast than a gig. click, call or visit a store today. the house select committee investigating january 6th has moved to hold another witness in contempt of congress. former senior justice department official jeffrey clark defied his subpoena by refusing to answer questions or hand over documents during the recent deposition. but he may have one more chance to comply, if he appears for a deposition on saturday and pleads the fifth amendment, the panel might stop the criminal contempt process. let's bring in paula reed. paula, is that his way out here in effect? >> certainly a shift in strategy. since the beginning of this investigation, lawyers sympathetic to former president trump said this is what witnesses should do. don't stone wall. show up, and invoke the fifth amendment. that makes it a lot more difficult for them to hold you in contempt and also not terribly helpful to the committee. it appears the committee is still moving forward with potential contempt proceedings against clark. but his lawyers in this last minute letter saying that now, now he intends to invoke his fifth amendment, they're not going to let away with sending a letter. he has to come in on saturday and take the fifth for every single question. >> the end result is the same. he's not going to supply the documents or the information. >> exactly. which is why this has been a strategy that a lot of lawyers who are sympathetic to the former president said this is what you should be doing and marks a significant shift in the strategy so far which has been to try to lean on privilege or executive privilege. so far that has not been successful, the current administration is not supporting that. that issue is working its way through the courts, but it does not look like the former president is going to prevail on that issue. so significant change in strategy, but they could still potentially try to pursue contempt against clark and representative jamie raskin had a warning for clark. take a listen. >> you can't plead the fifth to an entire prosecution. you can't plead the fifth to every question you might be asked. so it applies only when you have a specific and reasonable apprehension that your answer could be used against you in a criminal prosecution. >> but, look, if he actually shows up, and he pleads the fifth to most of these questions, it is going to be really difficult for the committee to pursue criminal contempt proceedings against him successfully. very different than steve bannon who just completely stone walid t walled the committee. >> that's the fight he wanted. >> exactly. >> paula reed, thank you very much. other big story we're following this morning, the very real possibility that roe v. wade could be overturned. it has been a law of the land for 50 years. the supreme court yesterday heard dramatic oral arguments in a case that revolves around a mississippi abortion law, seeking to ban abortions after 15 weeks. we should note with so many of these laws, no exceptions for rape or incest. it already has been blocked by two lower courts. the conservative justices appeared skeptical of the landmark roe decision. >> if it really is an issue about choice, why is 15 weeks not enough time? >> the fetus has an interest in having a life. and that doesn't change, does it, from the point before viability to the point after viability? >> the reason this issue is hard is that you can't accommodate both interests. you have to pick. that's the fundamental problem. >> let's bring in cnn supreme court reporter er airyian de vo. a clear majority questions roe v. wade at the very minimum. as you read that, is that the direction that this is going? not just with regards to the mississippi law, but big picture that roe v. wade does not survive the court. >> it seems clear the conservatives want to get rid of roe v. wade. the big question, do they want to do it here, in this case? or do they want to gut the -- say that states can bar abortion much earlier and then try to leave some remnant of the right, maybe for another case. because chief justice john roberts, he was pushing that middle ground. don't touch roe for right now and the reason it is is because he cares about the institutional legitimacy of the court. he doesn't want the first case where this court is asked to overturn roe v. wade for it to swerve hard. the question is he needs other votes. it was clear he wasn't going to get justice clarence thomas, justice neil gorsuch yesterday. so others might be in play. for instance, justice brett kavanaugh in the past has looked at thin things incrementally. he does seem to suggest the issue doesn't belong in the courts, maybe it does belong in the states for the public sphere and went out of his way to say how many times the court has overturned precedent. take a listen to what he said. >> as a judge, it is an important precedent of the supreme court, by it, i mean roe v. wade and planned parenthood versus casey, reaffirmed many times, casey is precedent on precedent, which itself is an important factor. >> if we think that the prior precedents are seriously wrong, if that, why then doesn't the history of this court's practice with respect to those cases tell us that the right answer is actually a return to the position of neutrality? >> did he contradict himself there? >> there you have him during the confirmation hearings talking about the importance of precedent, which every single nominee does, right? but that often changes. and that was clear yesterday. suddenly he's saying there are some times where we overturned precedent. the takeaways yesterday, this mississippi law, it looks like they're going to uphold this one. we don't quite know what is going to happen with the john roberts middle ground, as far as trump's nominees we have talked about brett kavanaugh, neil gorsuch, a lot were looking at amy coney barrett but she did worry them yesterday, she seemed to buy into mississippi's argument, maybe there are laws that are different now, stronger, that would protect a woman who wanted to relinquish an infant or adoption laws. >> let me ask this as an endgame here, right now it stands at 23 week, abortion legal, at that point set by casey. mississippi is 15 weeks. you did have roberts talking about the possibility of, well, maybe 15 -- is 15 weeks an undue burden? is this a possible outcome here? rather than getting rid of entirely, they set the timeline earlier? >> practically speaking that's what he seemed to put forward. let's do 15 weeks. problem with that, the moment the court does that, mississippi has another law it is working through that is six weeks. and don't forget that texas already this court is considering that texas law that bans it at six weeks, they haven't even come out with an opinion on that. so that would seem to be a real slippery slope. >> say the least. thanks very much. >> thank you. still ahead, alec baldwin is now speaking out saying he did not pull the trigger in the fatal shooting incident on the set of his film. more from his first sit-down interview since that deadly incident next. ♪ what the he— henry? thanks! if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ what a pain in the a— alice? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it's walgreens season. 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>> no, no, i would never point the gun at someone and pull the trigger, ever. >> lucy kafanov joins me now. some crew members are already responding, what has been their reaction? >> that's right, jim. the assertion by alec baldwin he didn't pull the trigger is being disputed by one crewlighting ter the crew. the lethal bullet almost hit him as well and he suffered severe emotional distress because of the death on set. his lawyer issued a statement blasting mr. baldwin's comments to cnn saying, quote, guns only fire when someone pulls the trigger or if someone pulls the hammer back and lets it go. either way, the gun was in mr. baldwin's hands when it fired and the bullet -- when it fired the bullet and he bears responsibility for the harm done. as the producer and actor on "the rust" set, he knew or should have known the corners cut on safety and about all the serious safety violations occurring on a regular basis. now, baldwin was holding an antique revolver during a dress rehearsal for "rust" when the firearm discharged the live round, killing the cinematographer, the bullet also injured the film's director in the shoulder. and it is important to note, jim, the preview of the clip didn't include mr. baldwin's description of how he thinks that weapon discharged. this was an hour long interview, he appeared emotionally distressed during some of the questions, saying this was one of the worst things that has ever happened to him. take a listen. >> you said you're not a victim. but is this the worst thing that has ever happened to you? >> yes. yeah. yeah. because i think back and i think of what could i have done? >> now, the focus of the investigation now is how those live rounds ended up on that set. we know that investigators initially determined that two other people had handled that loaded gun before it was discharged. that was the film's assistant director as well as the head armorer. a new search warrant that was carried out on tuesday focused on the place called pdq arm and prop, one of the suppliers of dummy weapons and bullets for the film, owned by seth kenny, a movie gun supplier. a detective who carried out that warrant found additional suspected live 45 millimeter rounds according to a court document obtained by cnn on wednesday and gun prop experts have told cnn that it is very unusual to find live ammo at a gun prop business. we reached out to seth kenny for comment. the investigation at this stage is still very much ongoing. >> what could possibly be the use of those live rounds? lucy kafanov, thank you very much. this morning, day four of the jussie smollett trial under way. the actor is accused of making false reports to authorities he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in 2019. one of two men who prosecutors claim helped smollett stage the hoax is now testifying that smollett wanted him to, quote, fake beat him up. cnn correspondent omar jimenez live in chicago. this is key testimony from a key witness saying this is exactly what smollett asked him to do. >> reporter: yeah, jim. this is the key witness of the trial, him and his brother, these are two people that smollett allegedly paid to stage a fake hate crime. we're on the other side of some very significant testimony that abimbola osundairo gave over the course of yesterday. he said that smollett picked up in a car at a separate location days before the alleged hate crime would have taken place, back in january of 2019. and as they drove to the apartment, he said smollett told him that he wanted bola to fake beat him up. and he said he was confused at first but then eventually agreed because he felt indebted to jussie smollett, even saw him as a brother. but then they realized according to testimony they needed another person, a third person to help, so they got bola's brother and then they were all riding around together discussing exactly what smollett wanted them to say and do, including to hurl racial slurs at him, including to hurl homophobic slurs at smollett and what would be days later. and osundairo testified as well that they wanted to do a dry run of this, two days after they unusually met, to show that there is a surveillance camera where they wanted this to unfold in front of -- for media as osundairo described over the course of testimony, they wanted this to be seen. ultimately it was not seen in the end of the surveillance camera in that area missed things, but prosecutors, if there was any doubt by jurors tried to paint a crucial bottom line with this witness when they asked bola who was in charge of this? bola simply responded jussie was. now, looking ahead, we're going to hear from the defense today. today is cross examination, the defense will have a chance to push back on some of these narratives that the prosecutors did -- what was likely an effective job at showing that osundairo was in on this plot as it has been described from the very beginning. the defense, though, has said over the course of this, as they alluded in opening statements, that this was someone who took advantage of a close relationship to smollett and we'll see if that plays out in court, jim. >> omar jimenez, thank you very much. still ahead this hour, the secretary of state speaking out, this hour, after a high stakes meeting with his russian counterpart, warning of severe consequences if russia were to invade ukraine. is there a path forward? d by lo. two touching center diamonds, representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. these are live pictures from stockholm, sweden, where antony blinken met with russia's foreign minister. that meeting did not yield a concrete path forward over tensions in and around ukraine. this according to a senior state department official. blinken has warned of, quote, serious consequences for any russian military action in ukraine. cnn's alex marquardt joins us. >> reporter: the path forward is more diplomatic discussions according to both sides. the senior state department official said there would be intense diplomatic discussions in the coming days. but this was a highly anticipated meeting between these two men that in the end was very short. in the end, they did not emerge with any sort of concrete plan to de-escalate. that was not the expectation going in. what's interesting is secretary blinken, we are told, did not lay out in explicit term what is those serious consequences would be. he had said yesterday that they would be amongst other things high-impact economic measures. but we're told he did tell lavrov today there would be serious costs. here's a little bit of what secretary blinken had to say just ahead of that half-hour meeting with lavrov. >> we have deep concerns about russia's plans for renewed aggression against ukraine. that would move us in the opposite direction, and it's not in anyone's interest. >> reporter: for his part, lavrov said this is about russia's self-defense, their security is threatened when they see nato moving east wards. ukraine is not a member of nato, but they have political and military support from the nato countries including the united states. blinken has said that it is not clear whether putin has made up his mind whether or not to actually invade ukraine but that they have put in place the capacity to do so in short order as he said. and all the indications they're seeing now are virtually identical to the conditions they saw on the ground in 2014 when russia did invade ukraine. >> and still occupies crimea seven years later. thanks so much. president biden set to announce stricter guidelines as the country fends off the new omicron variant. we'll have live team coverage next. 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. very good thursday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. today the biden administration is set to unveil new plans to fight coronavirus, this as the omicron variant is officially detected in the u.s. for the first time. the first case confirmed in san francisco. a patient who traveled from south africa. the person is fully vaccinated, we should note, has only mild sym symptoms. officials in south africa say they are seeing an increase in

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Season , Pain , Neighbors , Alice , Walgreens , Let S Wrap This Up , Toothpaste , Repair , Quality , Science , Teeth , Dentin , Sensodyne Repair , Mother , Didn T , Phone , Room , Dad , Surgery , Narrator , Condition , Challenges , Park , Conditions , Healing , Supporter , Need , Operationsmile Org , Cleft , Operation Smile , Call , Gentle Music , Ideas , Experience , Flexibility , Dark , Football , Nfl , Billions , Line Touchdown , Connections , Cisco , Actor , Interview , Director , Abc News , Halyna Hutchins , Sat , Script , Gun , Lucy Kafanov , Crew Members , Reaction , Assertion , Bullet , The Crew , He Didn T , One Crewlighting Ter , Mr , Distress , Statement Blasting , Hammer , Lawyer , Guns , Responsibility , Harm , Producer , The Rust , Safety , Basis , Firearm , Round , Corners , Violations , Dress Rehearsal , Antique Revolver , Description , Shoulder , Cinematographer , Note , Clip , Focus , Yes , Rounds , Assistant Director , Detective , Search Warrant , Suppliers , Bullets , Head , Dummy Weapons , Prop , Armorer , A Movie Gun Supplier , Seth Kenny , Pdq Arm , Gun Prop Experts , Court Document , Warrant , 45 , Jussie Smollett Trial Under Way , Stage , Comment , Gun Prop Business , Ammo , Men , Racist , Smollett , Authorities , Hoax , Him To , 2019 , Testimony , Beat , Correspondent , Omar Jimenez Live In Chicago , Brother , Hate Crime , Side , Abimbola Osundairo , Car , Location , Apartment , January Of 2019 , Bola , Homophobic Slurs , Riding , Him , Surveillance Camera , Run , Media , Doubt , Osundairo , Defense , Jurors , Bottom Line , Charge , Cross Examination , Narratives , Plot , Omar Jimenez , Secretary Of State , Relationship , Ukraine , Consequences , Counterpart , Path Forward , Stakes , Russian , D , Lo , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Job Description , Biktarvy , Doctor , H I V , Treatment , Lab Test , Pill , Amount , Cure , Virus , Research , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Can , Kidney Failure , Sex , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Dofetilide , Medicines , Kidney , Breastfeeding , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Hepatitis B , Headache , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Antony Blinken , Pictures , Stockholm , Sweden , Concrete Path , Foreign Minister , Tensions , State Department , Military Action , Discussions , Path , Sides , Alex Marquardt , Secretary Blinken , In The End , Expectation , Concrete Plan , Sort , Term , Lavrov , Self Defense , Aggression , Anyone , Member , Countries , Security , Putin , Nato , Nato Moving East Wards , Indications , Capacity , Guidelines , Country , Crimea , Biden Set , Fends , 2014 , Team Coverage , Enamel , State , Repair Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Pronamel , Event , Body , Night After , Little Light Of Mine , Places , Outcast , Suffering , Act , Thousands , Waiting , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Being , Both , Public Safety , Didn T Support The Newsom , Perspective , Communities , Impact , Son , Streets Of San Francisco , A Million , Increase , Crime , Da S Office , Turmoil , Failure , Asian Americans , Management , Recall , Time , Sym Symptoms ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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disease does it cause, and how well does it evade immunity, including vaccines? dr. anthony fauci says you won't very any answers from this single case. >> having a single person who had what would be considered a breakthrough infect because the person was fully vaccinated doesn't really tell you much at all because we have breakthrough infections with delta, people have been vaccinated, fully vaccinated. very often, more often than not they have mild illness. >> the world health organization is advising people in certain high risk groups to postpone travel because of the variant. don't cancel christmas yet. dr. fauci says you can enjoy a safe holiday with your family including traveling if you are vaccinated. president biden is set to visit the national institutes of health today, we are will lay out a nine-point plan to help tackle the next phase of this pandemic. cnn's jeremy diamond and natasha chen are covering this this morning. run us through the steps the biden administration plans to take. >> reporter: one thing is clear, the white house is still needing to learn a lot more about this omicron variant. but they're not stopping in their preparations for handling a potential surge of coronavirus in the winter and to handle both the omicron variant, the delta variant as well. that's why we see a range of steps with president biden going to announce today a mix of increased international screening, ramped up efforts to get people vaccinated and increasing testing here in the united states. some of these steps, for example, for international travel, you're going to see the need to get a negative coronavirus test within a day of traveling to the united states. that's for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. on testing, expanded availability of testing, test kits sent out to federal health centers and requiring private insurance to cover the costs of at home test kits, to try to make testing more widespread and available. on vaccines, you're going to see more clinics including family clinics that will have doses for children as well as for adults and also partnerships with the aarp and efforts by medicare to get the word out to seniors about the availability of booster shots and information about those booster shots. that's going to include some public service announcements with paid advertising. and there will be more of an emergency response availability. 60 plus deployments of coronavirus surge teams provided by the federal government, these teams helped during the surges that we have seen previously with providing logistics support, monoclonal antibodies, ventilators. you're going to see the availability of all of that as well. and president biden will announce all of this during a speech this afternoon at the national institutes of health, a speech we have been told he has been personally involved in crafting, that signals the importance of all of this as we learn -- wait to learn more about the omicron variant. >> natasha chen in san francisco, officials in san francisco say this is almost certainly not the first case in the u.s., this is how pandemics work, how things spread. what more do we know about this particular case? >> as you said, this is the first detected case in the u.s. this person is a san francisco resident. here's what we know about the traveler. they were in south africa, and started traveling home on november 21st, arrived in san francisco on the 22nd. started feeling sick over thanksgiving. and got a test on november 28th. a day later got a positive test result. so self-isolating, mild symptoms, never had to go to the hospital. this patient is fully vaccinated, two doses of moderna, in fact, but has not had a booster because we're told it had not been six months yet since that person's second shot. there is no evidence at this time of community spread, they are doing contact tracing. and so far people in that person's close circle have not tested positive. we also want to mention that, you know, the san francisco public health officials say this person did a good job in terms of being proactive and reaching out to the local public health department when they found out about that positive test result, because the person knew about the possibility of omicron having traveled from south africa. here's what san francisco health officials say about that. >> we already have very stringent measures in place for masking indoors, for proof of vaccination, and san francisco is positioned, you know, quite well. we have 81% of our eligible residents vaccinated. no plans to do anything different yet. we keep encouraging people to get their boosters, that is really the most important thing that vaccinated people can do. >> so what she is saying is that san francisco already has a lot of public health tools in use that are making the environment as safe as possible for people. as you mentioned, people who are vaccinated are advised to still go about holiday plans, but it is interesting that, you know, people expected -- at some point there to be a case in the united states, this happens to be the first detected because of some robust testing of variants, jim. >> natasha chen, jeremy diamond, thank you very much. let's dig in deep we are cnn ed deeper with cnn medical analyst dr. leana wen. we have more data from south africa and israel as to what omicron means, how serious it is, how transmissible and how much severe disease it causes. again, i know it is early, a lot more to learn what do we know so far about how serious omicron is and is it less serious than initially thought? >> we don't know a lot at this point and that's because it is early. there were clusters in universities and among students, and so it is expected that these individuals would not become severely ill. i hope it remains that way, that ideally omicron does not cause very severe illness. it is far too soon for us to say. there are some preliminary reports that most of the individuals who are getting infected with omicron are those who are unvaccinated. and so i do hope that we'll find with time that vaccination and in particular getting that booster dose will give a level of protection against omicron, so this is the message that we're sending to all of our patients here in the u.s., that if you have not been vaccinated yet, get the vaccine, also that the booster dose because it will provide such a high level of antibodies, even if there is slightly diminished effectiveness against omicron, that high level of antibodies should be able to protect you. >> okay. there seems to be a contradiction in the public statements about effectiveness of existing vaccines. i wonder if there is a contradiction. but you hear from the moderna ceo expressing concern about efficacy, you hear from others saying, well, actually the vaccines are standing up. i wonder if the distinction here is reduced protection against infection. is that the difference here? >> i don't think that any of us know for certain at this point. what we hope that the vaccines will do ultimately is, first, to reduce severe illness, severe enough to cause hospitalization and death, but ideally you also want to get vaccinated to stop from being sick in the first place. who wants to get ill? who wants to transmit to others? we don't know which it is at this point. ideally it is both. that's what the vaccines currently do against delta. and, again, i think that the idea of boosters is really important for people to understand because the idea is that you have such a high antibody response that even if the effectiveness is diminished a little bit because of all the ant antibodies, that will protect you. >> that's consistent advice across the board. get vaccinated. if you're not vaccinated, get boosted. that's the best protection at this point. i want to ask you your sense of the biden administration's steps here. several steps. and it seems acting from an abundance of caution, right? we don't know a lot yet. let's do what we can. what do you think of the steps and do you think they make a difference? >> i think that what the biden administration has done in terms of acting out of an abundance of caution is great. it is much better for us to have a false alarm and to be ready for the worst than for the worst to happen and we're caught unprepared once again. i would hope that the president biden later today would do even more. so, for example, the announcement that -- the expected announcement around testing, i don't understand why we wouldn't give free tests to americans the way the uk government has or make them available for a dollar or like germany has. why are we asking people to go through a complicated process of insurance reimbursement. i think the biden administration has all the right things in mind. i hope they do a bit more in order to get us through this next period. >> thanks so much. in michigan, a fourth victim dead after 15-year-old ethan crumbley opened fire at oxford high school injuring at least seven others as well. we're getting new details about the events leading up to this tragedy including the suspect's concerning behavior prior to the shooting. it forced his parents to come to the school less than three hours before the attack. >> on the day prior to the tragedy, a teacher in the classroom where he was a student saw and heard something that she felt was disturbing in terms of his behavior. and they had a counseling session about it with school officials. and a phone call was left with the parents. the day of the shooting, a different teacher in a different classroom saw some behavior that they felt was concerning, and they brought the child down to an office, had a meeting with school officials, called in the parents, and ultimately it was determined that he could go back into class. >> he was let back into class. investigators have also discovered videos that crumbley recorded the very night before. and in those videos he discusses killing students. >> horrendously disturbing. obviously talks about what -- excuse me -- he intends to do and the kinds of things he's thinking about. it is just chilling. >> cnn's shimon prokupecz is live from oxford, michigan. this is shocking, shimon. it seems there were quite explicit warning signs, more than one, prior to the shooting. and yet the student was allowed back into school and somehow managed to get a weapon from his father. how did this happen? >> reporter: and this new information, jim, is hugely significant, certainly for investigators. the fact that there were meetings, the morning of, the parents were here, we're told there were concerns about this individual and the fact that he was allowed back into school, back into class, hugely significant. prosecutors tell us, they said yesterday, they have all sorts of information. when you look at the timeline here, right, that monday, monday there was concern over behavior and things that a teacher was seeing. then tuesday morning, hours before the shooting, there are concerns from a teacher. the parents are brought into school. something happens. the parents are told something. and then it seems nothing was done. and then, of course, the horrific attack happens, occurs and then now all this new information is coming to light. obviously we have a lot of questions for the school. but investigators here don't really want to talk about yet what that information is because they say it is a key part of the investigation and key part of the case that is going to be an issue at trial. so, perhaps we will -- before then get to know some of this, also hugely significant, jim, are the parents. and if they will face charges. the prosecutor yesterday telling us that it is likely the parents will face charges. the question is does it happen today or tomorrow? we just don't know. but that would be the next significant step in this investigation, jim. >> four students are dead. shimon prokupecz, thank you very much. coming up next, the january 6th committee moves to hold a former justice department official in contempt for refusing to cooperate with their investigation. he does have one last chance to comply. also ahead, former white house chief of staff mark meadows makes headlines with his new book, then goes on tv, agrees with his old boss donald trump, that his own book is fake news now. and later, alec baldwin speaks out about the fatal shooting of the set of his movie "rust," saying he never pulled the trigger. and now one of the crew members who was injured is responding. te risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. because you're forever connected by love... two touching center diamonds, representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring- automatically. so no hiding under your pillow, or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the black friday event. some encorpus cencouraging . this morning the house and the senate reached an agreement on what is known as a continuing resolution. that is just one hurdle, the big question remains whether all 100 senators will cooperate to move quickly enough to avoid a shutdown at midnight. you need all 50 republicans on board. melanie zanona is on capitol hill. i don't want to accuse anybody of cynicism here, but you have a cynical possibility here of this agreement being reached with some, but not all republican supports, so therefore you could have some -- a small number of senators force the shutdown? >> threat of a shutdown is not off the table yet. congressional leaders did reach a deal on a short-term government funding bill, one of the holdups was how long that funding bill would go. they have agreed to extend it until mid-february. that bill is expected to pass the house as soon as today. but his fate is less certain in the senate. that's because they need the cooperation of all 100 senators to be able to move quickly on the bill. they don't need all 100 senators to pass the bill. again, they just need it to be able to move quickly enough to avoid that shutdown slated to happen tomorrow at midnight if they don't act. there has been a handful of conservative republicans who are demanding a vote on an amendment that would defund biden's vaccine mandate. some of the mandates have been challenged in the court system, some halted. some republicans are expressing skepticism with this shutdown strategy. but this could be a big fight and it is unclear whether there will be an agreement to nullify their demands. we could see a temporary shutdown over the weekend. that is something congressional leaders, a huge stumble that they're looking to avoid. >> we'll see if they avoid it. thank you very much. well, former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is calling claims he made in his own book fake news. according to an excerpt from the book, obtained by the guardian newspaper, he writes trump tested positive for covid-19 three days prior to his presidential debate with biden. take a listen to what meadows said hours after president trump released a statement, disputing the claim. >> i believe the president says it is fake news. what is the story here? >> the president is right. it is fake news. if you actually read the book, the context of it, that story outlined a false positive. >> the timing is interesting. you have to admit. it wasn't -- was it a week later they choppered him to walter reed and the president was very sick. >> yeah. listen, any time that we look at things and we look at tests and we look at what happened, it is certainly -- that's what i outlined in the book. >> not exactly an answer there. john avlon joins me now, the host of the new cnn digital series reality check extremist beat. i hate to accuse him of possibly parsing words there, but, i mean, what -- they're trying to say, he had a test, but that one was false an he did get sick aefr several days later but the first test was wrong. is that the basic argument here? >> i guess. i think it is actually a mistake to try to parse it too closely. the headline here is that mark meadows, former chief of staff of the president, is calling his own book fake news because it came in front of -- in front of a wind shear from donald trump's criticism. even the chief of staff, in a culture and administration like that is a boot-licki ing todayyt the end of the day. it is pathetic. >> not first time we have seen it. capitol hill is not exactly an etiquette school now in terms of how sitting lawmakers speak to each other. the latest is from congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez attacking kevin mccarthy for his lack of response to the islamophobic statements we heard from lauren boebert. we have a full screen of the quote. mccarthy is so desperate to be speaker that he's working with his cku klux klan caucus to loo aside, allow targeting women of color, members of congress. she goes on to say it is not just about nasty phone calls, and emails. the gop are given freedom to incite without consequence. where does mccarthy stand on this? has he spoken as much as he will on this? >> mccarthy is walking a very difficult line obviously because he's trying to placate the extremists in his party in the hopes he can maintain the enthusiasm for the far right to propel him to the majority in the midterms. it is always a dangerous gamble. how many times do we need to learn do republican speakers and would be speakers need to learn that gollum always turns on its creator. the idea he's going to have a walk in the park and to getting the majorities itself, even if they win, as speaker, is i think mistaken. there is not as much support for mccarthy, even from trump, as perhaps -- especially from trump as he might want to believe. i do think that calling -- this escalation of name calling about the ku klux klan caucus does not help. there is a huge problem with the extremes having disproportionate influence in our debate and in congress. it is asymmetric. but i think that kind of fighting fire with fire is the thing that burns the whole house down. >> no question. you have to censor comments from sitting lawmakers from your children, given the language being used, for mccarthy, is it possible he's not the speaker if republicans bring back the house, win back the house? >> yeah. definitely. that's why i think he's not only walking a difficult line, but playing a dangerous game. you can't placate crazy. you can't placate donald trump. we talked about mark meadows earlier. he was floating the idea which i think is nonsense, but technically possible. donald trump could be speaker. i don't think there is the willingness or the aptitude. it goes to show, kevin mccarthy can genuflect and kiss the ring at mar-a-lago all he wants, but he's never going to actually get the support from folks who love donald trump. he's had the temerity to criticize him at times. >> you have many democratic lawmakers calling for lauren boebert to be penalized including stripped of her committee assign mentes, a new weapon in all of this. is this a new cycle that we should expect on the hill and democrats face their own risk if republicans win back the house of having the same thing done to them. >> yeah. look, i think it is a huge mistake to make more -- to play the moral equivalence game as republicans tried to do in the censure of paul gosar, the preview of this, by saying we'll go back and remove committee assignments for things that maxine waters said or members of the squad, the hobby horse demonization crew for all sorts of demographic reasons. lauren boebert, there is the danger of continually defining deviancy down. someone says crazy things so much, they're not held to the same standards of basic civility as their colleagues. that's what we're looking at with lauren boebert. republicans should be trying to police themselves, but mccarthy is afraid to do it because he recognizes there is a danger if he wants to be speaker. >> comments seem to get more extreme every day. john avlon, good to have you on. >> you too. be well. still ahead, after a series of bigoted remarks from some far right lawmakers as we were discussing, one congresswoman is calling the right wing as we noted the kkk caucus. we'll speak about that next. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. 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[screams and laughter] yeah! xfinity brought us together after all. get started with xfinity internet and ask about wifi speed fast than a gig. click, call or visit a store today. the house select committee investigating january 6th has moved to hold another witness in contempt of congress. former senior justice department official jeffrey clark defied his subpoena by refusing to answer questions or hand over documents during the recent deposition. but he may have one more chance to comply, if he appears for a deposition on saturday and pleads the fifth amendment, the panel might stop the criminal contempt process. let's bring in paula reed. paula, is that his way out here in effect? >> certainly a shift in strategy. since the beginning of this investigation, lawyers sympathetic to former president trump said this is what witnesses should do. don't stone wall. show up, and invoke the fifth amendment. that makes it a lot more difficult for them to hold you in contempt and also not terribly helpful to the committee. it appears the committee is still moving forward with potential contempt proceedings against clark. but his lawyers in this last minute letter saying that now, now he intends to invoke his fifth amendment, they're not going to let away with sending a letter. he has to come in on saturday and take the fifth for every single question. >> the end result is the same. he's not going to supply the documents or the information. >> exactly. which is why this has been a strategy that a lot of lawyers who are sympathetic to the former president said this is what you should be doing and marks a significant shift in the strategy so far which has been to try to lean on privilege or executive privilege. so far that has not been successful, the current administration is not supporting that. that issue is working its way through the courts, but it does not look like the former president is going to prevail on that issue. so significant change in strategy, but they could still potentially try to pursue contempt against clark and representative jamie raskin had a warning for clark. take a listen. >> you can't plead the fifth to an entire prosecution. you can't plead the fifth to every question you might be asked. so it applies only when you have a specific and reasonable apprehension that your answer could be used against you in a criminal prosecution. >> but, look, if he actually shows up, and he pleads the fifth to most of these questions, it is going to be really difficult for the committee to pursue criminal contempt proceedings against him successfully. very different than steve bannon who just completely stone walid t walled the committee. >> that's the fight he wanted. >> exactly. >> paula reed, thank you very much. other big story we're following this morning, the very real possibility that roe v. wade could be overturned. it has been a law of the land for 50 years. the supreme court yesterday heard dramatic oral arguments in a case that revolves around a mississippi abortion law, seeking to ban abortions after 15 weeks. we should note with so many of these laws, no exceptions for rape or incest. it already has been blocked by two lower courts. the conservative justices appeared skeptical of the landmark roe decision. >> if it really is an issue about choice, why is 15 weeks not enough time? >> the fetus has an interest in having a life. and that doesn't change, does it, from the point before viability to the point after viability? >> the reason this issue is hard is that you can't accommodate both interests. you have to pick. that's the fundamental problem. >> let's bring in cnn supreme court reporter er airyian de vo. a clear majority questions roe v. wade at the very minimum. as you read that, is that the direction that this is going? not just with regards to the mississippi law, but big picture that roe v. wade does not survive the court. >> it seems clear the conservatives want to get rid of roe v. wade. the big question, do they want to do it here, in this case? or do they want to gut the -- say that states can bar abortion much earlier and then try to leave some remnant of the right, maybe for another case. because chief justice john roberts, he was pushing that middle ground. don't touch roe for right now and the reason it is is because he cares about the institutional legitimacy of the court. he doesn't want the first case where this court is asked to overturn roe v. wade for it to swerve hard. the question is he needs other votes. it was clear he wasn't going to get justice clarence thomas, justice neil gorsuch yesterday. so others might be in play. for instance, justice brett kavanaugh in the past has looked at thin things incrementally. he does seem to suggest the issue doesn't belong in the courts, maybe it does belong in the states for the public sphere and went out of his way to say how many times the court has overturned precedent. take a listen to what he said. >> as a judge, it is an important precedent of the supreme court, by it, i mean roe v. wade and planned parenthood versus casey, reaffirmed many times, casey is precedent on precedent, which itself is an important factor. >> if we think that the prior precedents are seriously wrong, if that, why then doesn't the history of this court's practice with respect to those cases tell us that the right answer is actually a return to the position of neutrality? >> did he contradict himself there? >> there you have him during the confirmation hearings talking about the importance of precedent, which every single nominee does, right? but that often changes. and that was clear yesterday. suddenly he's saying there are some times where we overturned precedent. the takeaways yesterday, this mississippi law, it looks like they're going to uphold this one. we don't quite know what is going to happen with the john roberts middle ground, as far as trump's nominees we have talked about brett kavanaugh, neil gorsuch, a lot were looking at amy coney barrett but she did worry them yesterday, she seemed to buy into mississippi's argument, maybe there are laws that are different now, stronger, that would protect a woman who wanted to relinquish an infant or adoption laws. >> let me ask this as an endgame here, right now it stands at 23 week, abortion legal, at that point set by casey. mississippi is 15 weeks. you did have roberts talking about the possibility of, well, maybe 15 -- is 15 weeks an undue burden? is this a possible outcome here? rather than getting rid of entirely, they set the timeline earlier? >> practically speaking that's what he seemed to put forward. let's do 15 weeks. problem with that, the moment the court does that, mississippi has another law it is working through that is six weeks. and don't forget that texas already this court is considering that texas law that bans it at six weeks, they haven't even come out with an opinion on that. so that would seem to be a real slippery slope. >> say the least. thanks very much. >> thank you. still ahead, alec baldwin is now speaking out saying he did not pull the trigger in the fatal shooting incident on the set of his film. more from his first sit-down interview since that deadly incident next. ♪ what the he— henry? thanks! if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ what a pain in the a— alice? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it's walgreens season. 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>> no, no, i would never point the gun at someone and pull the trigger, ever. >> lucy kafanov joins me now. some crew members are already responding, what has been their reaction? >> that's right, jim. the assertion by alec baldwin he didn't pull the trigger is being disputed by one crewlighting ter the crew. the lethal bullet almost hit him as well and he suffered severe emotional distress because of the death on set. his lawyer issued a statement blasting mr. baldwin's comments to cnn saying, quote, guns only fire when someone pulls the trigger or if someone pulls the hammer back and lets it go. either way, the gun was in mr. baldwin's hands when it fired and the bullet -- when it fired the bullet and he bears responsibility for the harm done. as the producer and actor on "the rust" set, he knew or should have known the corners cut on safety and about all the serious safety violations occurring on a regular basis. now, baldwin was holding an antique revolver during a dress rehearsal for "rust" when the firearm discharged the live round, killing the cinematographer, the bullet also injured the film's director in the shoulder. and it is important to note, jim, the preview of the clip didn't include mr. baldwin's description of how he thinks that weapon discharged. this was an hour long interview, he appeared emotionally distressed during some of the questions, saying this was one of the worst things that has ever happened to him. take a listen. >> you said you're not a victim. but is this the worst thing that has ever happened to you? >> yes. yeah. yeah. because i think back and i think of what could i have done? >> now, the focus of the investigation now is how those live rounds ended up on that set. we know that investigators initially determined that two other people had handled that loaded gun before it was discharged. that was the film's assistant director as well as the head armorer. a new search warrant that was carried out on tuesday focused on the place called pdq arm and prop, one of the suppliers of dummy weapons and bullets for the film, owned by seth kenny, a movie gun supplier. a detective who carried out that warrant found additional suspected live 45 millimeter rounds according to a court document obtained by cnn on wednesday and gun prop experts have told cnn that it is very unusual to find live ammo at a gun prop business. we reached out to seth kenny for comment. the investigation at this stage is still very much ongoing. >> what could possibly be the use of those live rounds? lucy kafanov, thank you very much. this morning, day four of the jussie smollett trial under way. the actor is accused of making false reports to authorities he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in 2019. one of two men who prosecutors claim helped smollett stage the hoax is now testifying that smollett wanted him to, quote, fake beat him up. cnn correspondent omar jimenez live in chicago. this is key testimony from a key witness saying this is exactly what smollett asked him to do. >> reporter: yeah, jim. this is the key witness of the trial, him and his brother, these are two people that smollett allegedly paid to stage a fake hate crime. we're on the other side of some very significant testimony that abimbola osundairo gave over the course of yesterday. he said that smollett picked up in a car at a separate location days before the alleged hate crime would have taken place, back in january of 2019. and as they drove to the apartment, he said smollett told him that he wanted bola to fake beat him up. and he said he was confused at first but then eventually agreed because he felt indebted to jussie smollett, even saw him as a brother. but then they realized according to testimony they needed another person, a third person to help, so they got bola's brother and then they were all riding around together discussing exactly what smollett wanted them to say and do, including to hurl racial slurs at him, including to hurl homophobic slurs at smollett and what would be days later. and osundairo testified as well that they wanted to do a dry run of this, two days after they unusually met, to show that there is a surveillance camera where they wanted this to unfold in front of -- for media as osundairo described over the course of testimony, they wanted this to be seen. ultimately it was not seen in the end of the surveillance camera in that area missed things, but prosecutors, if there was any doubt by jurors tried to paint a crucial bottom line with this witness when they asked bola who was in charge of this? bola simply responded jussie was. now, looking ahead, we're going to hear from the defense today. today is cross examination, the defense will have a chance to push back on some of these narratives that the prosecutors did -- what was likely an effective job at showing that osundairo was in on this plot as it has been described from the very beginning. the defense, though, has said over the course of this, as they alluded in opening statements, that this was someone who took advantage of a close relationship to smollett and we'll see if that plays out in court, jim. >> omar jimenez, thank you very much. still ahead this hour, the secretary of state speaking out, this hour, after a high stakes meeting with his russian counterpart, warning of severe consequences if russia were to invade ukraine. is there a path forward? d by lo. two touching center diamonds, representing the connection you share. forever connected. the perfect gift to give this holiday. exclusively at kay. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. these are live pictures from stockholm, sweden, where antony blinken met with russia's foreign minister. that meeting did not yield a concrete path forward over tensions in and around ukraine. this according to a senior state department official. blinken has warned of, quote, serious consequences for any russian military action in ukraine. cnn's alex marquardt joins us. >> reporter: the path forward is more diplomatic discussions according to both sides. the senior state department official said there would be intense diplomatic discussions in the coming days. but this was a highly anticipated meeting between these two men that in the end was very short. in the end, they did not emerge with any sort of concrete plan to de-escalate. that was not the expectation going in. what's interesting is secretary blinken, we are told, did not lay out in explicit term what is those serious consequences would be. he had said yesterday that they would be amongst other things high-impact economic measures. but we're told he did tell lavrov today there would be serious costs. here's a little bit of what secretary blinken had to say just ahead of that half-hour meeting with lavrov. >> we have deep concerns about russia's plans for renewed aggression against ukraine. that would move us in the opposite direction, and it's not in anyone's interest. >> reporter: for his part, lavrov said this is about russia's self-defense, their security is threatened when they see nato moving east wards. ukraine is not a member of nato, but they have political and military support from the nato countries including the united states. blinken has said that it is not clear whether putin has made up his mind whether or not to actually invade ukraine but that they have put in place the capacity to do so in short order as he said. and all the indications they're seeing now are virtually identical to the conditions they saw on the ground in 2014 when russia did invade ukraine. >> and still occupies crimea seven years later. thanks so much. president biden set to announce stricter guidelines as the country fends off the new omicron variant. we'll have live team coverage next. 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. very good thursday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. today the biden administration is set to unveil new plans to fight coronavirus, this as the omicron variant is officially detected in the u.s. for the first time. the first case confirmed in san francisco. a patient who traveled from south africa. the person is fully vaccinated, we should note, has only mild sym symptoms. officials in south africa say they are seeing an increase in

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Charges , Question , Prosecutor , Step , Don T Know , Justice , Official , Contempt , January 6th Committee , Four , 6 , January 6th , Context , Alec Baldwin , Set , News , Mark Meadows , Chief Of Staff , Donald Trump , Tv , Movie , Headlines , Boss , Trigger , Members , Crew , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Gold , Rust , Gift , Advantage , Love , Connection , Center Diamonds , Kay , Wind , Suitcase Closing , Jar , Coins Clinking , Gusts , Jimmy Cliff , Ding , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , World , Business , Bachelor S Degree , Wicked Smart , Flexpath , Capella University , 18000 , 18 , 8000 , Touch , Smart , Smarter , Pediatrician , Brand , Baby , Skin , Pampers , 1 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Pampers Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , Tempur Pedic , Pillow , Sleep , Snoring , Automatically , Couch , Hiding , Base , Theaters , Ergo Smart , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Black Friday , Mattress , 00 , 500 , House , Agreement , The Big Question , Hurdle , Resolution , Senate , Encorpus Cencouraging , 100 , Republicans , Senators , Shutdown , Capitol Hill , Cynicism , Anybody , Melanie Zanona , 50 , Deal , Leaders , Supports , Threat , Number , Table , Bill , Fate , Government Funding Bill , Funding Bill , Holdups , Cooperation , Handful , They Don T Act , Fight , Amendment , Shutdown Strategy , Vote , Vaccine Mandate , Mandates , Court System , Skepticism , Halted , Stumble , Weekend , Demands , Trump , Book Fake News , Guardian Newspaper , Former , Excerpt , Listen , President , Debate , Statement , Meadows , Covid , 19 , Story , Positive , Claim , It Wasn T , Timing , Walter Reed , Answer , John Avlon , Host , Extremist Beat , Reality Check , Words , Sick Aefr , Mistake , Front , Headline , Argument , Of , The End , Ing Todayyt , Criticism , Wind Shear , Culture , Licki , Lawmakers , Ocasio Cortez , Etiquette School , Each Other , Latest , Alexandria , 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, Roe V Wade , Law Of The Land , Laws , Mississippi , Abortion Law , Many , Abortions , Arguments , Supreme Court , Exceptions , Rape , Incest , Interest , Justices , Fetus , Choice , Landmark Roe Decision , Life , Reason , Viability , Interests , Doesn T Change , Er Airyian De Vo , Court , Law , Direction , Picture , Regards , Big Question , States , Remnant , Conservatives , Abortion , Right , Don T Touch Roe , Ground , John Roberts , Legitimacy , Brett Kavanaugh , Instance , Play , Votes , Neil Gorsuch , Clarence Thomas , Public Sphere , Precedent , Judge , Factor , Precedents , Planned Parenthood Versus Casey , Cases , Respect , Return , Position , Practice , Neutrality , History , Nominee , Confirmation , Nominees , Takeaways , Mississippi Law , Woman , Now , Amy Coney Barrett , Point Set By Casey , Infant , Adoption , Endgame , Abortion Legal , 23 , Outcome , Burden , Texas , Haven T , Opinion , Least , Real Slippery Slope , Film , Incident , Sit Down Interview , He Henry , Season , Pain , Neighbors , Alice , Walgreens , Let S Wrap This Up , Toothpaste , Repair , Quality , Science , Teeth , Dentin , Sensodyne Repair , Mother , Didn T , Phone , Room , Dad , Surgery , Narrator , Condition , Challenges , Park , Conditions , Healing , Supporter , Need , Operationsmile Org , Cleft , Operation Smile , Call , Gentle Music , Ideas , Experience , Flexibility , Dark , Football , Nfl , Billions , Line Touchdown , Connections , Cisco , Actor , Interview , Director , Abc News , Halyna Hutchins , Sat , Script , Gun , Lucy Kafanov , Crew Members , Reaction , Assertion , Bullet , The Crew , He Didn T , One Crewlighting Ter , Mr , Distress , Statement Blasting , Hammer , Lawyer , Guns , Responsibility , Harm , Producer , The Rust , Safety , Basis , Firearm , Round , Corners , Violations , Dress Rehearsal , Antique Revolver , Description , Shoulder , Cinematographer , Note , Clip , Focus , Yes , Rounds , Assistant Director , Detective , Search Warrant , Suppliers , Bullets , Head , Dummy Weapons , Prop , Armorer , A Movie Gun Supplier , Seth Kenny , Pdq Arm , Gun Prop Experts , Court Document , Warrant , 45 , Jussie Smollett Trial Under Way , Stage , Comment , Gun Prop Business , Ammo , Men , Racist , Smollett , Authorities , Hoax , Him To , 2019 , Testimony , Beat , Correspondent , Omar Jimenez Live In Chicago , Brother , Hate Crime , Side , Abimbola Osundairo , Car , Location , Apartment , January Of 2019 , Bola , Homophobic Slurs , Riding , Him , Surveillance Camera , Run , Media , Doubt , Osundairo , Defense , Jurors , Bottom Line , Charge , Cross Examination , Narratives , Plot , Omar Jimenez , Secretary Of State , Relationship , Ukraine , Consequences , Counterpart , Path Forward , Stakes , Russian , D , Lo , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Job Description , Biktarvy , Doctor , H I V , Treatment , Lab Test , Pill , Amount , Cure , Virus , Research , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Can , Kidney Failure , Sex , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Dofetilide , Medicines , Kidney , Breastfeeding , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Hepatitis B , Headache , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Antony Blinken , Pictures , Stockholm , Sweden , Concrete Path , Foreign Minister , Tensions , State Department , Military Action , Discussions , Path , Sides , Alex Marquardt , Secretary Blinken , In The End , Expectation , Concrete Plan , Sort , Term , Lavrov , Self Defense , Aggression , Anyone , Member , Countries , Security , Putin , Nato , Nato Moving East Wards , Indications , Capacity , Guidelines , Country , Crimea , Biden Set , Fends , 2014 , Team Coverage , Enamel , State , Repair Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Pronamel , Event , Body , Night After , Little Light Of Mine , Places , Outcast , Suffering , Act , Thousands , Waiting , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Being , Both , Public Safety , Didn T Support The Newsom , Perspective , Communities , Impact , Son , Streets Of San Francisco , A Million , 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