Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

plug. >> patrick mcenroe, i appreciate your input here. you should know that china apparently is so scared with what you have to say about this that they blacked out the feed of cnn to china during this segment, underneath we're showing the live feed, the people in china are seeing now, color bars there. they don't want china -- the chinese people to hear what you have to say, patrick. we do. thanks so much. >> hopefully my podcast as well, john. i'll stay on this topic until we know for sure that peng shuai is safe, and is sound of mind, and can speak her mind. the wta has not gotten any assurances of that thus far. that is a huge problem. >> good for you. we appreciate you speaking up. thanks so much. >> thank you, john. "new day" continues right now. good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is thursday, december 2nd, and i'm brianna keilar with john berman. it was inevitable but very alarming this first confirmed case of the omicron variant now in the u.s. this was discovered in california in a traveler who recently returned from south africa. we know the person was vaccinated and is now in self-quarantine with mild symptoms that are improving, that's about all we know, though. here is dr. anthony fauci at a cnn town hall last night. >> having a single person who had what would be considered a breakthrough infection because the person was fully vaccinated doesn't really tell you much at all. only a single person, anderson. you really can't make a broad general statement or extrapolation for what would go on with unvaccinated people or people who were boosted. so there is a lot still to be learned. >> dr. fauci went on to say that holiday travel is safe for those who are vaccinated. over two dozen countries on six continents have detected this omicron variant. overnight france was added to that list and moments ago india just reported its first two cases. >> today, president biden will visit the national institutes of health and deliver remarks on his plan to battle the pandemic as we enter the winter months, this includes requiring a negative covid test for foreign travelers the day before they enter the united states and extending mask requirements for all domestic travel through march. now, one positive element, the u.s. is seeing a significant uptick in booster shots including 23% who already had them, including me, i got it yesterday at 11:00 in the morning, and another 56% who say they definitely or probably will get them. joining us now for the latest on the first known omicron case in the united states is san francisco health officer dr. susan philip. thank you for being with us. can you just give us an update on the condition of this first patient in the united states? >> well, thank you for having me. yes. this first individual is doing well. we're so happy to hear that. and they absolutely contributed to our understanding in san francisco and nationally because they came to our attention. they reported their symptoms, and they called us at public health so that we could start the laboratory process to detect the first case in the u.s. >> this person had been vaccinated, this person is not hospitalized. what, if any, sign of transmission from this patient have you found? >> well, we're still in the process of the investigation. we wanted to notify our state and cdc colleagues and the public as soon as possible. so it is still early days. and we are speaking with the individual. but we feel as we said yesterday in san francisco that the steps that san francisco is taking now to get boosters as you said, to continue masking indoors, and to get tested, those things are what needs to happen immediately. >> but just to be clear, no signs yet of transmission or no additional cases connected to this one? >> correct. no signs yet. and, you know, i think it is important to -- as you noted, this is the first case detected, not first case in the u.s. >> it is not surprising and isn't necessarily a calamity. this is what people assumed would happen. you talked about what you want to see san francisco doing. what additional measures do you think are or will be necessary with the presence of omicron in the united states? >> well, you know, we are going to be hearing from the president and cdc what they're going to do at a national level. as a local public health officer, i'm focused on the city and county of san francisco. we already have very stringent measures in place for masking indoors, for proof of vaccination, and san francisco is positioned, you know, quite well. we have 81% of our eligible residents vaccinated, kids are getting vaccinated at almost 50% of the 5 to 11-year-olds getting a first dose. we want san francisco to continue doing what it is doing and we will continue to watch and look to see what our national and state policymakers and public health leaders advise as well. >> just to be clear, at this moment, in plans to do anything different yet? >> no plans to do anything different yet. we keep encouraging people to get their boosters. that is really the most important thing that vaccinated people can do. and for that small percentage of people in san francisco that are not yet vaccinated, we want them to go out and get their first shot as well. >> i appreciate the update. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. the suspected school shooter accused of killing four teenagers in oxford high school in michigan has been charged with four counts of first degree murder and terrorism and is being charged as an adult. 15-year-old ethan crumbley made his first court appearance yesterday in the oakland county prosecutor said the investigation is ongoing and additional charges could be brought soon. let's talk about this now with oakland county sheriff michael bouchard. sheriff, first off, i want to focus in on this meeting, two meetings. we know that the suspect had a meeting with school officials the day before the shooting. and then just a few hours before the shooting he had a meeting where his parents -- there -- his parents having a meeting with school officials. what prompted that meeting? >> on the day prior to the tragedy, a teacher in the classroom where he was a student saw and heard something that she felt was disturbing in terms of his behavior. and they had a counseling session about it with school officials. and a phone call was left with the parents. the day of the shooting, a different teacher and a different classroom saw some behavior that they felt was concerning, and they brought the child down to an office, had a meeting with school officials, called in the parents, and ultimately determined that he could go back into class. and so that's obviously part of our investigation. we were never informed of either meeting prior to the shooting or that there were any concerns about behavior. >> and now, in retrospect, so he goes back into class, presumably with access or in possession of the gun. is that right? >> correct. >> do you know if he had it in his possession or stored it somewhere? >> that we don't know. obviously our suspect is not talking. so we can't get a specific fact check on that from him. we're trying to do everything we can to make an external verification or determination of that fact. we're walking through very methodically the timelines and his movements within the building from the time he left that meeting until the shooting began. >> was it something he said that prompted this concern from two teachers or was it something he did or was it that they knew about the gun or that he had posted it on social media? what was it? >> yeah, i can't get too specific because now as you mentioned at the top of this we have transferred over to the charging part, he has been criminally charged, so a lot of this now is becoming evidence. i can't get too specific. >> were school officials aware he posted about the gun? >> no. they were not. and, you mean, that posting where he had had a gun or said he had been at the target range? i don't -- we're >> did they think he was threatening? >> i can't get too awfully specific in what their thoughts were at the time as this plays out a bit. >> why did they let him go back to class? >> well, that will all be part of the investigation in terms of what they thought, and why they thought that that was the right step. obviously we'll be viewed in totality and certainly in light of this. >> can you tell us about the videos on his cell phone? >> horrendously disturbing. obviously talks about what -- excuse me, he intends to do and the kinds of things he's thinking about. it is just chilling. >> do you have any reason to believe that his parents knew about some of the things that he had created or that they knew that he was accessing this new weapon in the house? >> that's all part of the investigation at this point. we don't have any information that they knew that this was a path he was headed, but, again, that's very much an active investigation. while it feels ls like a lot of time has passed, we're only a couple of days past this tragedy and we have to interview thousands of witnesses and go through reams of paper and many, many hours of digital evidence as well as video. >> did he, sheriff, have any specific association with the kids that he killed? >> it appears from everything that i saw that it was random. >> i also, you know, certainly motive, the question of motive is really important here. and, you know, we have read some reports of students who say that he was bullied. but i want to be really careful about this. police say there is no evidence of that. we have seen in other shootings where something like that kind of, you know, it is like a haphazard observation or something by a witness. where does that stand? is that -- is there evidence of bullying? >> we have seen no evidence of bullying. i personally talked to the anti-bullying coordinator for the school, he wasn't on their list, on their radar, their focus is to prevent bullying and to hear about any child that may have been bullied and to take appropriate actions. he was not on their radar or one that had been brought to their attention. we have not directly heard from any other student as the investigator of this tragedy that he had been bullied. but i also want to say this, while bullying is terrible and we investigate and it should never happen, nothing that we saw in that day of the tragedy in taking these lives and marring for ever everyone else could rise to any kind of acceptable response to anythingo him. we had no evidence he was in fact bullied or had any kinds of activity in that front. >> yeah, no sheriff, it is a very good point you make and i appreciate it. sheriff michael bouchard, thank you. >> thank you. coming up, mark meadows calling fake news about claims that he himself made in his own book. what is his strategy here? plus, a bigoted attack from congresswoman lauren boebert sparking 48 hours of mudslinging on capitol hill. what can be done to tone down the rhetoric? and a wildly popular republican governor who was a critic of donald trump not running for re-election. and he's not alone. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fullest? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. [beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ a republican member of congress made a disgraceful attack on one of her colleagues using bigotry and at least twice as a punchline. lauren boebert suggesting to her supporters that congresswoman ilhan omar was mistaken by capitol police for a suicide bomber. a terrorist in the halls of congress. boebert issued a nonapology apology, sorry for anyone she offended, not sorry to omar, and the two talked and things got worse. boebert doubled down on her islamophobic comments after the call, said she doesn't sympathize with terrorists like omar. this isn't like when my 3 and 5-year-old are culpable in a spat. lauren boebert is in the wrong here and so are republicans who are sticking up for her or republican leaders like kevin mccarthy who is sitting by doing effectively nothing about this bigotry and therefore enabling and encouraging it. >> she wants attention and mayhem. so these are just some of the adjectives that lawmakers are using lately to describe each other and public official liar, tattle tale, grifter, communist, murderer, suicide bomber, terrorist, sympathizer, buffoon. >> kkk caucus, black hearted, evil, trash, jihad squad, disgusting, hateful, dangerous, a rented mule, bevis and butthead. joining us now, cnn chief national correspondent and anchor of "inside politics ow "j john king. i have a 3-year-old who just learned how to say the sh word. i'm getting it at work. this is what america is listening to when they hear congress and it is ridiculous. >> it is beyond ridiculous. it is the people who write our laws and are supposed to be examples for our children, examples for our country, examples for other dysfunctional democrat democracies around the world. in this case, the source of this, though, we should not be distracted by this, this gets interesting, that language is ridiculous, we can have fun with it, shame it as parents if we want, but the source of it, the source of it is lauren boebert. it is lauren boebert. the source of it is someone who spewed hate, vile hate about a fellow member of congress, a fellow human being, about a fellow -- and the leadership does nothing, does nothing. they didn't do anything benz paul gosar when he tweeted a video, says it was a cartoon. he threatened to kill a colleague in a video, nothing done about it. not repudiated, rewarded, the leader of the house republican said he'll get his committee assignments back if they take the majority. marjorie taylor greene puts phone numbers online. that's hate speech too for republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure plan, she gets rewarded. kevin mccarthy has not publicly called out hate within his ranks. that's the source of this. >> john, i want to ask you about a massachusetts connection to all of this. i want to ask you about the fact that the red sox traded for jackie bradley jr. before the lockout. i just learned that moments ago. we're not going to talk about jackie bradley jr., which i really want to, i'll talk about charlie baker. the two-term wildly popular republican governor in massachusetts, speculation he would run for a third term. he announced yesterday he's not going to do that. he says it is not because he's been attacked by former president donald trump. he's been singled out by the former president, trump supporters have gone after charlie baker. he says it is not that, but you do have to wonder if the rhetoric that we're hearing in congress, from lauren boebert and marjorie taylor greene, supported by the former president, is contributing to very popular people like charlie baker not wanting to be in this game anymore. >> i think you're right. there are a lot of people, not our job to take sides, a lot of people are committed public servants who would get paid more money in the private sector, who throughout the covid pandemic like governor baker and other governors around the country had to deal with the stress of that as well, who are stepping aside because they say it is not fun anymore or they want to move on to something else. he could have broken the massachusetts curse, three-term governor doesn't happen in the commonwealth of massachusetts, but he decided to step aside. the former president trump had already gotten involved trying to get a trump candidate into the race. there is a trump candidate into the race right there. what it does is it takes off the stage, we're having a conversation about who will be responsible in the republican party to stand up to the extremism in their midst? there is extremism in their midst. the fringe has been welcomed to the kitchen table of the republican party. that wing, the northeast or mid-atlantic up to maine wing of the republican party, you have governor hogan not running again, governor baker now stepping aside. the question is who will be the voices who will challenge, not just trump, trump was -- is a seed of this, a source of this, it is everywhere now. to focus just on trump is a mistake. he opened the doors to this and it is everywhere. who will be the voices in the republican party as these people step out, hopefully they'll do it from the sidelines, you don't have the title governor anymore, that's a giant question. >> it is just unleashed this tidal wave, who has the backbone to stand up and say something. there are just so few certainly in the republican party, and then you have folks like former vice president mike pence who recently said this. >> in january of 2017, i took an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states. i know in my heart of hearts on that day we did our duty under the constitution. i don't know if president trump and i will ever see eye to eye on that day. or that many of our most ardent supporters will agree with my decision that day. but i know i did the right thing. >> i think it is -- i wonder what you think, john, i think it is good he's saying that he did the right thing, and yet that's not so full throated, right? >> he's trying to walk this careful place, brianna, he has this hope he somehow has still a future in national republican politics. he has some hope that perhaps in 2024 or beyond he could be a candidate for president, that trump somehow will go to the sideline and wants to keep some loyalty with the trump base, which is a very difficult task for mike pence after january 6th, the former president will try to keep that from happening, if it hasn't already. i do think it is significant. he's speaking on the christian broadcasting network. that mike pence did do the right thing on january 6th. that doesn't mean he didn't think about was there a way out before january 6th. he did do the right thing on january 6th. we're approaching the one-year anniversary of that. i think it would be helpful speaking on the christian broadcasting network to talk about the things we just talked about. you don't have to agree or disagree with mike pence, he has a platform, where is his voice on the hate speech? it is the biggest defining challenge now in the republican party. we need a competitive two-party system. we need to have big debates about big issues in the country. why listen to the republicans at all when they invite hate to the table. think about it as a parent, if an executive in this organization said or did the things lauren boebert did, they would be fired. they would be pushed out. but in the republican party, they are not. and so, yes, mike pence did the right thing on january 6th, he has a difficult lane ahead of him in politics, we talked about charlie baker stepping aside, it would be nice if mike pence added his voice to that, this is not the republican party he grew up in and would be nice to get back to a more civil discourse in the republican party and the fringe gets shoved back to the fringe. >> that would have been a great opportunity. john, thank you for being with us this morning. we'll see you at noon on "inside politics". >> i'll go watch some jackie bradley highlights. >> that's the lead. without saying. >> center defense is back. borders across the globe closing in response to this new omicron variant. do travel bans actually work? stacey abrams throwing her name into the race for the governor of georgia. what do georgia republicans think of that? we have one of the leading republicans in the state joining us coming up. c'mon caleb, you got this! and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: ball! good eye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb. umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! or you won't, probably won't. and it won't impact your future whatsoever! talk to us about college planning today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. 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around the world grows, including here in the u.s. for the first case was just reported, the w.h.o. issued guidance against travel bans. the world health organization saying that it could have negative impacts on global efforts to respond to the pandemic. with us now is dr. margaret harris, a spokesperson for the w.h.o., thank you so much, doctor, for being with us. as you know, and i know there is some mixed feelings here among experts in the u.s. about a travel ban, but you have heard dr. fauci saying this is about buying time. what do you say to that? >> good morning, brianna. and dr. fauci is right that if you do do something as drastic as a travel ban, use it well, to buy time. but we do know that it won't keep cases out. usually by the time where countries are aware there is a risk of importation, that's already happened. so the reason we're not keen on travel bans is not just because it harms the countries that you're shutting your borders to, but also it really limits the spread of critical things like the scientific materials you need, the humanitarian supplies you need to respond to something like this outbreak. >> so using the time, you're talking about surveillance? what are you talking about? >> exactly. surveillance, look at how you're going to test people, where you're going to test people, what you're going to do about it when you get positive cases, what is the situation in your hospitals, how can you accelerate your vaccination, and lastly, but probably most importantly, what are you going to advise your people to do, how are you going to advise them and help them to protect themselves. >> as you're aware, we learned about the first case in the u.s. we for sure do not have an accurate picture of what is going on right now. how much of a lag time is there on the countries that we think have omicron in it, and the countries that actually do. >> well, again, as i said, probably -- there are many more countries we expect that already do have cases of sars covid 2, the omicron variant. it is simply a matter of testing. in other words, if you don't take a temperature, you don't find a fever. the critical thing is to be looking at what we all need to know, and the reason why we're all in this rather period of uncertainty is because the science has been so good and so transparent. we have learned right at the beginning, now we're looking at what does it all really mean for us all and, of course, that's our job to find out and let you all know as soon as possible. >> all right, well, we will be waiting to hear your assessments, dr. margaret harris, thank you for being with us. >> it is a pleasure. our next guest sat down with the january 6th committee for more than four hours. so what did he say? we'll ask him. and the conservative leaning supreme court poised to uphold mississippi's controversial abortion law. what that means for the fate of roe v. wade. because you're forever connected by love... two touching center diamonds, 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committee, four hours yesterday, what did they want to know? >> they wanted to ask me a lot of questions about the election of november 2020 and then every event that happened thereafter. in the book, i document it. it is luike a diary of every rumor we were knocking down on a daily basis. i explained to them all the rumors, allegations that were made, and that they were not supported by the facts. that's what we talked about, a fact-based discussion i had with the panel. >> and i read your book and we had a chance to talk about it before. was there any subject that they broached that didn't come up in your book or any area they were asking about that seemed new to you? >> they referred to a few letters that i received from the congressman and the state party. and i mentioned that when we did the 100% hand recount, what that proved is that the machines did not flip votes. it also verified the original count because it was so close to what we got on election day results. >> so did it seem they turned up new evidence, at least? >> i think from my standpoint, everything we have done has been an open and transparent process. my conversation with the president has been out there for nearly a year now. so everyone can listen to it and come to their own conclusions. >> what conclusion did you come to? >> well, i came to the conclusion that president trump came up short in georgia by 12,000 votes. i have the data, and i wrote a letter to congress on january 6th, they had that letter since january 6th and no one has ever disputed any of those facts. i did let the committee know that a year ago we said there is two dead people that voted and we found two more. we're up to four. not 10,315. but that's the type of rumors and misinformation that we are continually knocking down after the election of november 2020. >> was there any discussion about former chief of staff mark meadows and what his role may have been in trying to instigate some of the conversations with you and other georgia officials? >> no, they just referred to a couple of texts i received from him. and obviously i did have a call, that was initiated by mark meadows calling my deputy secretary of state. >> one more question on this broader subject, have you been contacted at all by the georgia investigation into the president's actions? the former president's actions? >> no. >> you haven't had any contact with them? >> no. >> that's interesting. because that would be the potential criminal investigation if there is one and as of now you haven't been contacted for any documents or anything? >> correct. i've not been contacted. >> i want to ask you about one matter about current georgia voting, elections in the fall there, and we learned that 52% of the ballots that were rejected were absentee ballots that were not requested before the new 11 -day prior to the election cutoff date. now, i want to stipulate there are plenty of voting rights advocates who thought the previous four days was too short. but 52% of the ones rejected are because it was 11 days, might there be some benefit in a middle ground there? 52% is a lot. >> i think that really goes to voter education and so we have been pushing that out, but this election came relatively quickly. the law was passed and signed into law this year. and so that's one of the things that our office will be making sure that we educate voters that there is now an 11-daytime frame, so they can make their requests, send it in, and they can process is, send back their ballot and the voter can send their ballot back in. so it does require about 11 days. we want to make sure there is appropriate time. many states have that. that will be really the county election director is working with our local communities and also our office, whatever we can do through our office to really make sure that voters are aware of that 11-day cutoff. >> you're not happy with that level of rejection, are you? >> no, i think that's one thing voters were used to a certain way when the system changed. sometimes we have to get -- make sure we get that information out there, and so i think both political parties will be doing that. our office will be. i believe that all the 159 county election directors want to make sure this is one of the changes. we have gone to photo i.d. component for the absentee ballot, similar to what they have been using in minnesota for ten years. >> there is a new candidate for governor in georgia. stacey abrams announced she will be running in that race. what is your take? >> well, after the 2018 race, she never conceded and we ended up with at least nine lawsuits in the first day of office from her allied groups. i would hope this time whatever the results will be that she'll have the common grace to accept the results. we have honest and fair elections in georgia and i'll continue to make sure we have the appropriate guardrails of accessibility with security, that every vote will count and i expect a robust and strong turnout for the 2022 cycle. >> want to make one thing clear, a lot of people like to equate stacey abrams with what the president did after the election. she never tried to overturn votes or find votes or call anyone to find 12,000 votes that didn't exist or try to convince people to use the constitution to overthrow an election, but i do take your point on what you're saying there. former president trump last night put out yet a new statement attacking the current republican governor brian kemp, who may very well be the opponent to stacey abrams. what do you think the impact of that will be? >> abraham lincoln said it best, a house divided among itself cannot stand. it is good with those infighting. we need to unify and republicans need to look at issues. pocketbook issues, gas is up $1.50 a gallon. we don't like what is happening in the border. we have a lot of big policy issues, we need to get america working again, we need americans working. those are important issues and we focus in on that, creating jobs for georgians. that's the candidate that is going to prevail in georgia 2022. >> secretary of state brad raffensperger, i appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. new warning about the impacts of instagram on teenagers. why facebook's own research shows it could be dangerous way more dangerous than tiktok. alec baldwin says i did not pull the trigger. that claim already sparking major backlash from members of the film's crew. no, he's not in his room. ♪ ♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? ♪ your mother loved this park. ♪ she did. ♪ the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. former facebook data scientist turned whistle-blower frances haugen returning to capitol hill and sounding the alarm on the dangers the company's products, particularly instagram, pose to teenagers. >> facebook's internal research states that not only is instagram dangerous for teenagers, it is substantially more dangerous than other social media platforms because tiktok is about performance and doing things with your friends, snapchat is largely about augmented reality and faces, but instagram is about bodies and social comparison. >> joining us now to discuss is scott galloway, cnn plus host and professor of marketing at nyu sterns school of business. it is so great to have you on this morning to talk about this. you know, in your view, how harmful is instagram to kids? >> well, as a parent, i don't think i'm being -- i think a lot of parents would agree with me, i would rather give my 14-year-old son a bottle of jack daniels and marijuana than an account. imagine at 15, a lot of us making the decisions don't have personal experience with this because these platforms weren't around as we were in our formative years, but imagine having a full self or being presented with your full self 24/7 and then imagine a platform that is very visual that is basically kind of dominated by young women or girls really who put up an image of themselves and then wait for comments from their peer group, or total strangers. the basic premise is a little weird and uncomfortable. i think this has been -- there has been a lot of evidence now that shows that self-harm and teen suicide has exploded, especially among girls, since social hit mobile around 2012 when facebook acquired instagram. i think this is a huge problem. >> how do you worry that this changes the path of this generation including girls? >> well, look, anyone with kids knows that you have your world of work, your world of fun and your world of kids and if something comes off the tracks with one of your kids, your entire universe shrinks to that kid. now we have -- i think looking back on how we have regulated or not regulated social media, we're going to regret the axis of misinformation that is decreased vaccination rates that will lead to unnecessary death and disability. we are going to regret not breaking the companies up and we have stunted economic growth by letting them exert their monopoly power. the biggest regret we have, i think in ten years we'll look back, how on earth did we let this happen to our children? alcohol, military, marijuana, but we didn't age gate social media which demonstrated more harm to teens, especially young girls. boys bully physically and verbally. girls bully relationally and we have put these nuclear weapons in their hands. i think it is -- i think we're going to look back on this and think how on earth did we let this happen? >> i have appreciated how much you speak online, just shouting from the rooftops to people that, look, if it comes down to our kids, that's really all that matters. you see congress because of these platforms involving speech, they seem unsure of who to legislate this. what actually would prompt congress and big tech to address this? >> in a word, mothers. in the '80s, the alcohol lobby was very powerful and resisted any attempt to raise the legal drinking age. and they put so much pressure on congress because so many other kids were dying in drunk driving accidents that the federal government found a creative way to inspire the alcohol lobby to check back and that is they withheld federal funds for highways. i would like to seeing some the equivalence of mams. i think they have crossed the wrong cowboy here, specifically mothers. if you're in a household where a child is suffering from a eating disorder and you find your 15-year-old who is 5'10", 100 pounds is being suggested extreme dieting sites, the algorithms have decided to suggest these sites to your daughter, you crossed the wrong person. this takes it into an entirely different level and i think parents, i'd like to think are going to put pressure on our elected officials to figure this out, listen to miss haugen who put on a master class in how to be effective versus right. i appreciate your words, your kind words about me, a lot of me and my colleagues have not been that effective. we have had a ton of these hearings and nothing happened. this should be the part of the program where we move to actual legislation and impact where we begin to protect our young girls and our young boys. >> yeah, we can't just sit by. we can't just sit and watch this -- it is a horror show really unraveling in real time before us. and scott galloway, i appreciate you joining us to talk about it. >> thanks, brianna. >> and i'll say welcome to cnn. i got stuck in an algorithm of your videos online. one i didn't mind getting stuck on. i'm better for it. >> thank you. nice to be with you. >> wonderful. a woman in reno, nevada, who survived aggressive breast cancer found her confidence again after competing on stage in a fitness contest. now she's helping other women in today's the human factor. >> push, push. >> i was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. so treatment took me to my lowest place and i was in a deep, deep depression. and about six months later, i realized i needed to do something. my goal was to do something really difficult, really challenging, to mentally and physically regain my life back. and it just came into my head that i was going to train for a fitness competition in the bikini division. a 41-year-old woman with two chi children, has no breasts, was through cancer, was bald, it seemed like getting on the stage in bikini was the hardest thing i've ever done outside of cancer treatment. workouts were grueling, but it shifted something inside me. i started a nonprofit organization. i created two separate things, but they come together really nicely. so each one provides awareness related to dense breast tissue and it provides a healing place for women and survivorship. they mostly are doing weight lifting, but they'll also do cardio. so we just completed year six. we have had almost 100 women cross the stage in a teeny tiny bikini. i never had one woman gone through the program that hasn't said it changed their life. >> i love that. because, you know, so many times when i have spoken with friends who have gone through that surgery, they feel like they lost themselves, you know, they lose part of their identity and there she is giving people the tools to reinvent themselves. >> you can see with those women competing and their faces it was a look of contentment, a look in a way of arrival there. you can really see it. >> yeah. president biden about to roll out new testing protocols to combat covid-19. what you need to know before traveling. it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at i didn't have health insurance, not because i didn't want it. i worried it was too expensive and i was having a hard time paying our other bills. but now, for the first time in our lives, i can do both. covered california makes health insurance easier in every way. with financial help for millions of us and free assistance to compare your options. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at . a historic moment at the white house, a menorah lighting. happy hanukkah, everyone. cnn's coverage continues right now. very good thursday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. the first confirmed case of the omicron variant has now been detected here in the u.s. that person traveled to the san francisco area from south africa three days before thanksgiving. we should note, this person has only mild symptoms at this point. the appearance of the variant here in the u.s. was expected. these three big questions remain. how much more transmissible is it, how severe is, how sever

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Cancer , Chi , 41 , Awareness , Breast Tissue , Nonprofit Organization , Workouts , Cardio , Survivorship , Weight Lifting , Times , Hasn T , Surgery , Look , Contentment , Tools , Identity , Arrival , Their , Traveling , Testing Protocols , 19 , Exam , Smiling , Smile , Patients , Season , X Rays , Aspen Dental , Insurance , Smiles , Obligation , Budget , Payment Solutions , 20 , 800 , Health Insurance , Bills , Time , Both , Lives , Assistance , Help , Millions , Coveredca Com , December 31st , 31 , Menorah Lighting , White House , Hanukkah , Jim Sciutto , How Sever , Transmissible , Variant ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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plug. >> patrick mcenroe, i appreciate your input here. you should know that china apparently is so scared with what you have to say about this that they blacked out the feed of cnn to china during this segment, underneath we're showing the live feed, the people in china are seeing now, color bars there. they don't want china -- the chinese people to hear what you have to say, patrick. we do. thanks so much. >> hopefully my podcast as well, john. i'll stay on this topic until we know for sure that peng shuai is safe, and is sound of mind, and can speak her mind. the wta has not gotten any assurances of that thus far. that is a huge problem. >> good for you. we appreciate you speaking up. thanks so much. >> thank you, john. "new day" continues right now. good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is thursday, december 2nd, and i'm brianna keilar with john berman. it was inevitable but very alarming this first confirmed case of the omicron variant now in the u.s. this was discovered in california in a traveler who recently returned from south africa. we know the person was vaccinated and is now in self-quarantine with mild symptoms that are improving, that's about all we know, though. here is dr. anthony fauci at a cnn town hall last night. >> having a single person who had what would be considered a breakthrough infection because the person was fully vaccinated doesn't really tell you much at all. only a single person, anderson. you really can't make a broad general statement or extrapolation for what would go on with unvaccinated people or people who were boosted. so there is a lot still to be learned. >> dr. fauci went on to say that holiday travel is safe for those who are vaccinated. over two dozen countries on six continents have detected this omicron variant. overnight france was added to that list and moments ago india just reported its first two cases. >> today, president biden will visit the national institutes of health and deliver remarks on his plan to battle the pandemic as we enter the winter months, this includes requiring a negative covid test for foreign travelers the day before they enter the united states and extending mask requirements for all domestic travel through march. now, one positive element, the u.s. is seeing a significant uptick in booster shots including 23% who already had them, including me, i got it yesterday at 11:00 in the morning, and another 56% who say they definitely or probably will get them. joining us now for the latest on the first known omicron case in the united states is san francisco health officer dr. susan philip. thank you for being with us. can you just give us an update on the condition of this first patient in the united states? >> well, thank you for having me. yes. this first individual is doing well. we're so happy to hear that. and they absolutely contributed to our understanding in san francisco and nationally because they came to our attention. they reported their symptoms, and they called us at public health so that we could start the laboratory process to detect the first case in the u.s. >> this person had been vaccinated, this person is not hospitalized. what, if any, sign of transmission from this patient have you found? >> well, we're still in the process of the investigation. we wanted to notify our state and cdc colleagues and the public as soon as possible. so it is still early days. and we are speaking with the individual. but we feel as we said yesterday in san francisco that the steps that san francisco is taking now to get boosters as you said, to continue masking indoors, and to get tested, those things are what needs to happen immediately. >> but just to be clear, no signs yet of transmission or no additional cases connected to this one? >> correct. no signs yet. and, you know, i think it is important to -- as you noted, this is the first case detected, not first case in the u.s. >> it is not surprising and isn't necessarily a calamity. this is what people assumed would happen. you talked about what you want to see san francisco doing. what additional measures do you think are or will be necessary with the presence of omicron in the united states? >> well, you know, we are going to be hearing from the president and cdc what they're going to do at a national level. as a local public health officer, i'm focused on the city and county of san francisco. we already have very stringent measures in place for masking indoors, for proof of vaccination, and san francisco is positioned, you know, quite well. we have 81% of our eligible residents vaccinated, kids are getting vaccinated at almost 50% of the 5 to 11-year-olds getting a first dose. we want san francisco to continue doing what it is doing and we will continue to watch and look to see what our national and state policymakers and public health leaders advise as well. >> just to be clear, at this moment, in plans to do anything different yet? >> no plans to do anything different yet. we keep encouraging people to get their boosters. that is really the most important thing that vaccinated people can do. and for that small percentage of people in san francisco that are not yet vaccinated, we want them to go out and get their first shot as well. >> i appreciate the update. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. the suspected school shooter accused of killing four teenagers in oxford high school in michigan has been charged with four counts of first degree murder and terrorism and is being charged as an adult. 15-year-old ethan crumbley made his first court appearance yesterday in the oakland county prosecutor said the investigation is ongoing and additional charges could be brought soon. let's talk about this now with oakland county sheriff michael bouchard. sheriff, first off, i want to focus in on this meeting, two meetings. we know that the suspect had a meeting with school officials the day before the shooting. and then just a few hours before the shooting he had a meeting where his parents -- there -- his parents having a meeting with school officials. what prompted that meeting? >> on the day prior to the tragedy, a teacher in the classroom where he was a student saw and heard something that she felt was disturbing in terms of his behavior. and they had a counseling session about it with school officials. and a phone call was left with the parents. the day of the shooting, a different teacher and a different classroom saw some behavior that they felt was concerning, and they brought the child down to an office, had a meeting with school officials, called in the parents, and ultimately determined that he could go back into class. and so that's obviously part of our investigation. we were never informed of either meeting prior to the shooting or that there were any concerns about behavior. >> and now, in retrospect, so he goes back into class, presumably with access or in possession of the gun. is that right? >> correct. >> do you know if he had it in his possession or stored it somewhere? >> that we don't know. obviously our suspect is not talking. so we can't get a specific fact check on that from him. we're trying to do everything we can to make an external verification or determination of that fact. we're walking through very methodically the timelines and his movements within the building from the time he left that meeting until the shooting began. >> was it something he said that prompted this concern from two teachers or was it something he did or was it that they knew about the gun or that he had posted it on social media? what was it? >> yeah, i can't get too specific because now as you mentioned at the top of this we have transferred over to the charging part, he has been criminally charged, so a lot of this now is becoming evidence. i can't get too specific. >> were school officials aware he posted about the gun? >> no. they were not. and, you mean, that posting where he had had a gun or said he had been at the target range? i don't -- we're >> did they think he was threatening? >> i can't get too awfully specific in what their thoughts were at the time as this plays out a bit. >> why did they let him go back to class? >> well, that will all be part of the investigation in terms of what they thought, and why they thought that that was the right step. obviously we'll be viewed in totality and certainly in light of this. >> can you tell us about the videos on his cell phone? >> horrendously disturbing. obviously talks about what -- excuse me, he intends to do and the kinds of things he's thinking about. it is just chilling. >> do you have any reason to believe that his parents knew about some of the things that he had created or that they knew that he was accessing this new weapon in the house? >> that's all part of the investigation at this point. we don't have any information that they knew that this was a path he was headed, but, again, that's very much an active investigation. while it feels ls like a lot of time has passed, we're only a couple of days past this tragedy and we have to interview thousands of witnesses and go through reams of paper and many, many hours of digital evidence as well as video. >> did he, sheriff, have any specific association with the kids that he killed? >> it appears from everything that i saw that it was random. >> i also, you know, certainly motive, the question of motive is really important here. and, you know, we have read some reports of students who say that he was bullied. but i want to be really careful about this. police say there is no evidence of that. we have seen in other shootings where something like that kind of, you know, it is like a haphazard observation or something by a witness. where does that stand? is that -- is there evidence of bullying? >> we have seen no evidence of bullying. i personally talked to the anti-bullying coordinator for the school, he wasn't on their list, on their radar, their focus is to prevent bullying and to hear about any child that may have been bullied and to take appropriate actions. he was not on their radar or one that had been brought to their attention. we have not directly heard from any other student as the investigator of this tragedy that he had been bullied. but i also want to say this, while bullying is terrible and we investigate and it should never happen, nothing that we saw in that day of the tragedy in taking these lives and marring for ever everyone else could rise to any kind of acceptable response to anythingo him. we had no evidence he was in fact bullied or had any kinds of activity in that front. >> yeah, no sheriff, it is a very good point you make and i appreciate it. sheriff michael bouchard, thank you. >> thank you. coming up, mark meadows calling fake news about claims that he himself made in his own book. what is his strategy here? plus, a bigoted attack from congresswoman lauren boebert sparking 48 hours of mudslinging on capitol hill. what can be done to tone down the rhetoric? and a wildly popular republican governor who was a critic of donald trump not running for re-election. and he's not alone. with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fullest? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. [beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ a republican member of congress made a disgraceful attack on one of her colleagues using bigotry and at least twice as a punchline. lauren boebert suggesting to her supporters that congresswoman ilhan omar was mistaken by capitol police for a suicide bomber. a terrorist in the halls of congress. boebert issued a nonapology apology, sorry for anyone she offended, not sorry to omar, and the two talked and things got worse. boebert doubled down on her islamophobic comments after the call, said she doesn't sympathize with terrorists like omar. this isn't like when my 3 and 5-year-old are culpable in a spat. lauren boebert is in the wrong here and so are republicans who are sticking up for her or republican leaders like kevin mccarthy who is sitting by doing effectively nothing about this bigotry and therefore enabling and encouraging it. >> she wants attention and mayhem. so these are just some of the adjectives that lawmakers are using lately to describe each other and public official liar, tattle tale, grifter, communist, murderer, suicide bomber, terrorist, sympathizer, buffoon. >> kkk caucus, black hearted, evil, trash, jihad squad, disgusting, hateful, dangerous, a rented mule, bevis and butthead. joining us now, cnn chief national correspondent and anchor of "inside politics ow "j john king. i have a 3-year-old who just learned how to say the sh word. i'm getting it at work. this is what america is listening to when they hear congress and it is ridiculous. >> it is beyond ridiculous. it is the people who write our laws and are supposed to be examples for our children, examples for our country, examples for other dysfunctional democrat democracies around the world. in this case, the source of this, though, we should not be distracted by this, this gets interesting, that language is ridiculous, we can have fun with it, shame it as parents if we want, but the source of it, the source of it is lauren boebert. it is lauren boebert. the source of it is someone who spewed hate, vile hate about a fellow member of congress, a fellow human being, about a fellow -- and the leadership does nothing, does nothing. they didn't do anything benz paul gosar when he tweeted a video, says it was a cartoon. he threatened to kill a colleague in a video, nothing done about it. not repudiated, rewarded, the leader of the house republican said he'll get his committee assignments back if they take the majority. marjorie taylor greene puts phone numbers online. that's hate speech too for republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure plan, she gets rewarded. kevin mccarthy has not publicly called out hate within his ranks. that's the source of this. >> john, i want to ask you about a massachusetts connection to all of this. i want to ask you about the fact that the red sox traded for jackie bradley jr. before the lockout. i just learned that moments ago. we're not going to talk about jackie bradley jr., which i really want to, i'll talk about charlie baker. the two-term wildly popular republican governor in massachusetts, speculation he would run for a third term. he announced yesterday he's not going to do that. he says it is not because he's been attacked by former president donald trump. he's been singled out by the former president, trump supporters have gone after charlie baker. he says it is not that, but you do have to wonder if the rhetoric that we're hearing in congress, from lauren boebert and marjorie taylor greene, supported by the former president, is contributing to very popular people like charlie baker not wanting to be in this game anymore. >> i think you're right. there are a lot of people, not our job to take sides, a lot of people are committed public servants who would get paid more money in the private sector, who throughout the covid pandemic like governor baker and other governors around the country had to deal with the stress of that as well, who are stepping aside because they say it is not fun anymore or they want to move on to something else. he could have broken the massachusetts curse, three-term governor doesn't happen in the commonwealth of massachusetts, but he decided to step aside. the former president trump had already gotten involved trying to get a trump candidate into the race. there is a trump candidate into the race right there. what it does is it takes off the stage, we're having a conversation about who will be responsible in the republican party to stand up to the extremism in their midst? there is extremism in their midst. the fringe has been welcomed to the kitchen table of the republican party. that wing, the northeast or mid-atlantic up to maine wing of the republican party, you have governor hogan not running again, governor baker now stepping aside. the question is who will be the voices who will challenge, not just trump, trump was -- is a seed of this, a source of this, it is everywhere now. to focus just on trump is a mistake. he opened the doors to this and it is everywhere. who will be the voices in the republican party as these people step out, hopefully they'll do it from the sidelines, you don't have the title governor anymore, that's a giant question. >> it is just unleashed this tidal wave, who has the backbone to stand up and say something. there are just so few certainly in the republican party, and then you have folks like former vice president mike pence who recently said this. >> in january of 2017, i took an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states. i know in my heart of hearts on that day we did our duty under the constitution. i don't know if president trump and i will ever see eye to eye on that day. or that many of our most ardent supporters will agree with my decision that day. but i know i did the right thing. >> i think it is -- i wonder what you think, john, i think it is good he's saying that he did the right thing, and yet that's not so full throated, right? >> he's trying to walk this careful place, brianna, he has this hope he somehow has still a future in national republican politics. he has some hope that perhaps in 2024 or beyond he could be a candidate for president, that trump somehow will go to the sideline and wants to keep some loyalty with the trump base, which is a very difficult task for mike pence after january 6th, the former president will try to keep that from happening, if it hasn't already. i do think it is significant. he's speaking on the christian broadcasting network. that mike pence did do the right thing on january 6th. that doesn't mean he didn't think about was there a way out before january 6th. he did do the right thing on january 6th. we're approaching the one-year anniversary of that. i think it would be helpful speaking on the christian broadcasting network to talk about the things we just talked about. you don't have to agree or disagree with mike pence, he has a platform, where is his voice on the hate speech? it is the biggest defining challenge now in the republican party. we need a competitive two-party system. we need to have big debates about big issues in the country. why listen to the republicans at all when they invite hate to the table. think about it as a parent, if an executive in this organization said or did the things lauren boebert did, they would be fired. they would be pushed out. but in the republican party, they are not. and so, yes, mike pence did the right thing on january 6th, he has a difficult lane ahead of him in politics, we talked about charlie baker stepping aside, it would be nice if mike pence added his voice to that, this is not the republican party he grew up in and would be nice to get back to a more civil discourse in the republican party and the fringe gets shoved back to the fringe. >> that would have been a great opportunity. john, thank you for being with us this morning. we'll see you at noon on "inside politics". >> i'll go watch some jackie bradley highlights. >> that's the lead. without saying. >> center defense is back. borders across the globe closing in response to this new omicron variant. do travel bans actually work? stacey abrams throwing her name into the race for the governor of georgia. what do georgia republicans think of that? we have one of the leading republicans in the state joining us coming up. c'mon caleb, you got this! and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: ball! good eye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb. umpire: strike three, you're out! you'll get 'em next time! or you won't, probably won't. and it won't impact your future whatsoever! talk to us about college planning today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. 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around the world grows, including here in the u.s. for the first case was just reported, the w.h.o. issued guidance against travel bans. the world health organization saying that it could have negative impacts on global efforts to respond to the pandemic. with us now is dr. margaret harris, a spokesperson for the w.h.o., thank you so much, doctor, for being with us. as you know, and i know there is some mixed feelings here among experts in the u.s. about a travel ban, but you have heard dr. fauci saying this is about buying time. what do you say to that? >> good morning, brianna. and dr. fauci is right that if you do do something as drastic as a travel ban, use it well, to buy time. but we do know that it won't keep cases out. usually by the time where countries are aware there is a risk of importation, that's already happened. so the reason we're not keen on travel bans is not just because it harms the countries that you're shutting your borders to, but also it really limits the spread of critical things like the scientific materials you need, the humanitarian supplies you need to respond to something like this outbreak. >> so using the time, you're talking about surveillance? what are you talking about? >> exactly. surveillance, look at how you're going to test people, where you're going to test people, what you're going to do about it when you get positive cases, what is the situation in your hospitals, how can you accelerate your vaccination, and lastly, but probably most importantly, what are you going to advise your people to do, how are you going to advise them and help them to protect themselves. >> as you're aware, we learned about the first case in the u.s. we for sure do not have an accurate picture of what is going on right now. how much of a lag time is there on the countries that we think have omicron in it, and the countries that actually do. >> well, again, as i said, probably -- there are many more countries we expect that already do have cases of sars covid 2, the omicron variant. it is simply a matter of testing. in other words, if you don't take a temperature, you don't find a fever. the critical thing is to be looking at what we all need to know, and the reason why we're all in this rather period of uncertainty is because the science has been so good and so transparent. we have learned right at the beginning, now we're looking at what does it all really mean for us all and, of course, that's our job to find out and let you all know as soon as possible. >> all right, well, we will be waiting to hear your assessments, dr. margaret harris, thank you for being with us. >> it is a pleasure. our next guest sat down with the january 6th committee for more than four hours. so what did he say? we'll ask him. and the conservative leaning supreme court poised to uphold mississippi's controversial abortion law. what that means for the fate of roe v. wade. because you're forever connected by love... two touching center diamonds, 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committee, four hours yesterday, what did they want to know? >> they wanted to ask me a lot of questions about the election of november 2020 and then every event that happened thereafter. in the book, i document it. it is luike a diary of every rumor we were knocking down on a daily basis. i explained to them all the rumors, allegations that were made, and that they were not supported by the facts. that's what we talked about, a fact-based discussion i had with the panel. >> and i read your book and we had a chance to talk about it before. was there any subject that they broached that didn't come up in your book or any area they were asking about that seemed new to you? >> they referred to a few letters that i received from the congressman and the state party. and i mentioned that when we did the 100% hand recount, what that proved is that the machines did not flip votes. it also verified the original count because it was so close to what we got on election day results. >> so did it seem they turned up new evidence, at least? >> i think from my standpoint, everything we have done has been an open and transparent process. my conversation with the president has been out there for nearly a year now. so everyone can listen to it and come to their own conclusions. >> what conclusion did you come to? >> well, i came to the conclusion that president trump came up short in georgia by 12,000 votes. i have the data, and i wrote a letter to congress on january 6th, they had that letter since january 6th and no one has ever disputed any of those facts. i did let the committee know that a year ago we said there is two dead people that voted and we found two more. we're up to four. not 10,315. but that's the type of rumors and misinformation that we are continually knocking down after the election of november 2020. >> was there any discussion about former chief of staff mark meadows and what his role may have been in trying to instigate some of the conversations with you and other georgia officials? >> no, they just referred to a couple of texts i received from him. and obviously i did have a call, that was initiated by mark meadows calling my deputy secretary of state. >> one more question on this broader subject, have you been contacted at all by the georgia investigation into the president's actions? the former president's actions? >> no. >> you haven't had any contact with them? >> no. >> that's interesting. because that would be the potential criminal investigation if there is one and as of now you haven't been contacted for any documents or anything? >> correct. i've not been contacted. >> i want to ask you about one matter about current georgia voting, elections in the fall there, and we learned that 52% of the ballots that were rejected were absentee ballots that were not requested before the new 11 -day prior to the election cutoff date. now, i want to stipulate there are plenty of voting rights advocates who thought the previous four days was too short. but 52% of the ones rejected are because it was 11 days, might there be some benefit in a middle ground there? 52% is a lot. >> i think that really goes to voter education and so we have been pushing that out, but this election came relatively quickly. the law was passed and signed into law this year. and so that's one of the things that our office will be making sure that we educate voters that there is now an 11-daytime frame, so they can make their requests, send it in, and they can process is, send back their ballot and the voter can send their ballot back in. so it does require about 11 days. we want to make sure there is appropriate time. many states have that. that will be really the county election director is working with our local communities and also our office, whatever we can do through our office to really make sure that voters are aware of that 11-day cutoff. >> you're not happy with that level of rejection, are you? >> no, i think that's one thing voters were used to a certain way when the system changed. sometimes we have to get -- make sure we get that information out there, and so i think both political parties will be doing that. our office will be. i believe that all the 159 county election directors want to make sure this is one of the changes. we have gone to photo i.d. component for the absentee ballot, similar to what they have been using in minnesota for ten years. >> there is a new candidate for governor in georgia. stacey abrams announced she will be running in that race. what is your take? >> well, after the 2018 race, she never conceded and we ended up with at least nine lawsuits in the first day of office from her allied groups. i would hope this time whatever the results will be that she'll have the common grace to accept the results. we have honest and fair elections in georgia and i'll continue to make sure we have the appropriate guardrails of accessibility with security, that every vote will count and i expect a robust and strong turnout for the 2022 cycle. >> want to make one thing clear, a lot of people like to equate stacey abrams with what the president did after the election. she never tried to overturn votes or find votes or call anyone to find 12,000 votes that didn't exist or try to convince people to use the constitution to overthrow an election, but i do take your point on what you're saying there. former president trump last night put out yet a new statement attacking the current republican governor brian kemp, who may very well be the opponent to stacey abrams. what do you think the impact of that will be? >> abraham lincoln said it best, a house divided among itself cannot stand. it is good with those infighting. we need to unify and republicans need to look at issues. pocketbook issues, gas is up $1.50 a gallon. we don't like what is happening in the border. we have a lot of big policy issues, we need to get america working again, we need americans working. those are important issues and we focus in on that, creating jobs for georgians. that's the candidate that is going to prevail in georgia 2022. >> secretary of state brad raffensperger, i appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. new warning about the impacts of instagram on teenagers. why facebook's own research shows it could be dangerous way more dangerous than tiktok. alec baldwin says i did not pull the trigger. that claim already sparking major backlash from members of the film's crew. no, he's not in his room. ♪ ♪ dad, why didn't you answer your phone? ♪ your mother loved this park. ♪ she did. ♪ the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. former facebook data scientist turned whistle-blower frances haugen returning to capitol hill and sounding the alarm on the dangers the company's products, particularly instagram, pose to teenagers. >> facebook's internal research states that not only is instagram dangerous for teenagers, it is substantially more dangerous than other social media platforms because tiktok is about performance and doing things with your friends, snapchat is largely about augmented reality and faces, but instagram is about bodies and social comparison. >> joining us now to discuss is scott galloway, cnn plus host and professor of marketing at nyu sterns school of business. it is so great to have you on this morning to talk about this. you know, in your view, how harmful is instagram to kids? >> well, as a parent, i don't think i'm being -- i think a lot of parents would agree with me, i would rather give my 14-year-old son a bottle of jack daniels and marijuana than an account. imagine at 15, a lot of us making the decisions don't have personal experience with this because these platforms weren't around as we were in our formative years, but imagine having a full self or being presented with your full self 24/7 and then imagine a platform that is very visual that is basically kind of dominated by young women or girls really who put up an image of themselves and then wait for comments from their peer group, or total strangers. the basic premise is a little weird and uncomfortable. i think this has been -- there has been a lot of evidence now that shows that self-harm and teen suicide has exploded, especially among girls, since social hit mobile around 2012 when facebook acquired instagram. i think this is a huge problem. >> how do you worry that this changes the path of this generation including girls? >> well, look, anyone with kids knows that you have your world of work, your world of fun and your world of kids and if something comes off the tracks with one of your kids, your entire universe shrinks to that kid. now we have -- i think looking back on how we have regulated or not regulated social media, we're going to regret the axis of misinformation that is decreased vaccination rates that will lead to unnecessary death and disability. we are going to regret not breaking the companies up and we have stunted economic growth by letting them exert their monopoly power. the biggest regret we have, i think in ten years we'll look back, how on earth did we let this happen to our children? alcohol, military, marijuana, but we didn't age gate social media which demonstrated more harm to teens, especially young girls. boys bully physically and verbally. girls bully relationally and we have put these nuclear weapons in their hands. i think it is -- i think we're going to look back on this and think how on earth did we let this happen? >> i have appreciated how much you speak online, just shouting from the rooftops to people that, look, if it comes down to our kids, that's really all that matters. you see congress because of these platforms involving speech, they seem unsure of who to legislate this. what actually would prompt congress and big tech to address this? >> in a word, mothers. in the '80s, the alcohol lobby was very powerful and resisted any attempt to raise the legal drinking age. and they put so much pressure on congress because so many other kids were dying in drunk driving accidents that the federal government found a creative way to inspire the alcohol lobby to check back and that is they withheld federal funds for highways. i would like to seeing some the equivalence of mams. i think they have crossed the wrong cowboy here, specifically mothers. if you're in a household where a child is suffering from a eating disorder and you find your 15-year-old who is 5'10", 100 pounds is being suggested extreme dieting sites, the algorithms have decided to suggest these sites to your daughter, you crossed the wrong person. this takes it into an entirely different level and i think parents, i'd like to think are going to put pressure on our elected officials to figure this out, listen to miss haugen who put on a master class in how to be effective versus right. i appreciate your words, your kind words about me, a lot of me and my colleagues have not been that effective. we have had a ton of these hearings and nothing happened. this should be the part of the program where we move to actual legislation and impact where we begin to protect our young girls and our young boys. >> yeah, we can't just sit by. we can't just sit and watch this -- it is a horror show really unraveling in real time before us. and scott galloway, i appreciate you joining us to talk about it. >> thanks, brianna. >> and i'll say welcome to cnn. i got stuck in an algorithm of your videos online. one i didn't mind getting stuck on. i'm better for it. >> thank you. nice to be with you. >> wonderful. a woman in reno, nevada, who survived aggressive breast cancer found her confidence again after competing on stage in a fitness contest. now she's helping other women in today's the human factor. >> push, push. >> i was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. so treatment took me to my lowest place and i was in a deep, deep depression. and about six months later, i realized i needed to do something. my goal was to do something really difficult, really challenging, to mentally and physically regain my life back. and it just came into my head that i was going to train for a fitness competition in the bikini division. a 41-year-old woman with two chi children, has no breasts, was through cancer, was bald, it seemed like getting on the stage in bikini was the hardest thing i've ever done outside of cancer treatment. workouts were grueling, but it shifted something inside me. i started a nonprofit organization. i created two separate things, but they come together really nicely. so each one provides awareness related to dense breast tissue and it provides a healing place for women and survivorship. they mostly are doing weight lifting, but they'll also do cardio. so we just completed year six. we have had almost 100 women cross the stage in a teeny tiny bikini. i never had one woman gone through the program that hasn't said it changed their life. >> i love that. because, you know, so many times when i have spoken with friends who have gone through that surgery, they feel like they lost themselves, you know, they lose part of their identity and there she is giving people the tools to reinvent themselves. >> you can see with those women competing and their faces it was a look of contentment, a look in a way of arrival there. you can really see it. >> yeah. president biden about to roll out new testing protocols to combat covid-19. what you need to know before traveling. it's the season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you 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three big questions remain. how much more transmissible is it, how severe is, how sever

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Element , Booster Shots , Uptick , Me , 11 , 23 , 00 , One , San Francisco , Update , Known Omicron Case , Latest , Susan Philip , 56 , Individual , Patient , Yes , Condition , Understanding , Attention , Public Health , Laboratory Process , State , Georgia Investigation , Transmission , Any , Colleagues , Process , Public , Cdc , Boosters , Masking , Things , Signs , Correct , Doing , Measures , To , Isn T , Calamity , Omicron , Hearing , Level , Presence , Public Health Officer , Vaccination , Place , Proof , 81 , Kids , Dose , Policymakers , Residents , 50 , 5 , Thing , Anything , Plans , Leaders , Health , Percentage , School Shooter , First , Four , Teenagers , Crumbley , Counts , Appearance , Oakland County , Terrorism , Court , Murder , Degree , Prosecutor , Oxford High School , Michigan , 15 , Shooting , Suspect , Meeting , School Officials , Michael Bouchard , Charges , Meetings , Sheriff , Talk , Let , First Off , Parents , Tragedy , Teacher , Something , Phone Call , Terms , Behavior , Counseling , Classroom , Student Saw , Office , Child , Classroom Saw , Class , Gun , Possession , Concerns , Access , Retrospect , Fact , Somewhere , We Don T Know , Timelines , Building , Determination , Movements , Verification , It , Social Media , Teachers , Concern , Evidence , Charging Part , Top , Posting , Target , Thoughts , Bit , Part , Totality , Light , Step , Kinds , Videos , Cell Phone , What , Reason , House , Some , Weapon , Information , Point , Path , Ls , Couple , Video , Many , Interview Thousands , Witnesses , Association , Reams , Paper , Question , Motive , Shootings , Reports , Students , Police , Bullying , Witness , Stand , Observation , He Wasn T , Coordinator , The School , Radar , Actions , Focus , Nothing , Student , Investigator , Everyone , Response , Kind , Activity , Him , Front , Lauren Boebert , Book , Congresswoman , Attack , Strategy , Claims , Coming Up , News , Mark Meadows , 48 , Governor , Rhetoric , Donald Trump , National Republican , Explosion , Ingredients , Capitol Hill , Critic , Re Election , Pepperoni , Flatbread , Chicken Sausage , Panera , Life , Heartiness , New York Times , Reporter , Craft , Delivery , 1 , , Situations , Beep , Bargain , Home , Family Room Slash Gym , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Vacation , Family Needs , App , Vrbo , Congress , Member , Bigotry , Punchline , Supporters , Anyone , Suicide Bomber , Terrorist , Halls , Ilhan Omar , Capitol Police , Nonapology Apology , Comments , Call , Terrorists , Spat , 3 , Republicans , Kevin Mccarthy , Each Other , Lawmakers , Official , Communist , Mayhem , Adjectives , Murderer , Liar , Grifter , Tattle Tale , Squad , Black Hearted , Jihad , Evil , Mule , Dangerous , Sympathizer , Buffoon , Hateful , Disgusting , Bevis And Butthead , Trash , Kkk Caucus , Correspondent , Anchor , Sh Word , Chief National , Inside Politics Ow , J John King , Children , Work , Examples , Laws , Source , Fun , Language , Democracies , Democrat , Hate , Paul Gosar , Human Being , Someone , Leadership , Fellow , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Leader , Committee Assignments , Colleague , Majority , Phone Numbers , Cartoon , Hate Speech , Connection , Infrastructure Plan , Ranks , Massachusetts , Charlie Baker , Lockout , Jackie Bradley Jr , Red Sox , Term , Speculation , President , Job , Servants , Sides , Game , Sector , Money , Covid , Trump , Governors , Massachusetts Curse , Stress , Something Else , Three , Candidate , Stage , Race , Conversation , Extremism , Fringe , Wing , Kitchen Table , Midst , Mid Atlantic , Maine , Everywhere , Voices , Seed , Doors , Mistake , Sidelines , Backbone , Tidal Wave , Title , Mike Pence , Folks , January Of 2017 , 2017 , Constitution , Hearts , Heart , Oath , Duty , Constitution Of The United States , Eye To , Decision , Hope , Politics , Throated , 2024 , Task , Sideline , It Hasn T , Trump Base , Happening , Loyalty , Christian Broadcasting Network , 6 , January 6th , Do The Right Thing , Doesn T Mean He Didn , Speaking , Platform , Voice , Issues , Parent , System , Challenge , Debates , Executive , Organization , Lane , Discourse , Lead , Saying , Inside Politics , Opportunity , Center Defense , Jackie Bradley Highlights , Stacey Abrams , Travel Bans , Borders , Globe Closing , Georgia , Eye , Umpire , Options , Georgia Republicans , Name , C Mon Caleb , Caleb , Won T , Strike , Future , Lots , Reading , Best , Em , Eyes , Ubrelvy , Serena , Migraine Medicine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , College Planning Today , Massmutual , 10 , Tracks , Pill , Migraine , Older Medicines , Cause , Cgrp Protein , Biktarvy , Doctor , H I V , Side Effects , Nausea , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Treatment , Lab Test , Amount , Adults , Cure , Virus , Research , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Can , Sex , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Diarrhea , Headache , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Coverage , Music , Medicare , Notice , Aetna , Emergency Coverage , Vision , Dental , Telehealth , Over The Counter Allowance , 0 , Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Enrollment Ends December 7th , 7 , December 7th , Xfinity , Carriers , Switch , Xfinity Mobile , Experience , Store , Phone , Info , Carrier , Bill , Save , Phones , Sales Event , Black Friday , 1000 , 000 , Number , Margaret Harris , World Health Organization , Who , Impacts , Guidance , Efforts , Travel Ban , Dr , Feelings , Experts , Risk , Importation , Supplies , Materials , Spread , Outbreak , Surveillance , Situation , Hospitals , Picture , Sars Covid 2 , Words , Matter , Fever , Testing , Need , Temperature , Know , Course , Science , Uncertainty , Right , Assessments , Guest , Pleasure , January 6th Committee , Abortion Law , Fate , Conservative Leaning Supreme Court , Mississippi , Roe V Wade , Love , Center Diamonds , Gift , Holiday , Kay , Master , Staffing , Man , Size , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Brad Raffensperger , Georgia Secretary Of State , Committee , Raffensperger , 11780 , Votes , Secretary Of State , Integrity Counts , Author , Election , Questions , Diary , Rumor , Luike , 2020 , November 2020 , Rumors , Facts , Discussion , Allegations , Panel , Chance , Basis , Subject , Letters , Area , Party , Congressman , Didn T , Count , Election Day Results , Hand Recount , Machines , 100 , Conclusion , Conclusions , Standpoint , Letter , No One , Data , Congress On January 6th , Georgia By , 12000 , Misinformation , More , Type , 10315 , Officials , Conversations , Chief Of Staff , Texts , Role , Deputy Secretary Of State , Investigation , You Haven T , Contact , Documents , Haven T , Elections , Absentee Ballots , Ballots , Georgia Voting , 52 , Voting Rights , Ground , Ones , Benefit , Voters , Voter , Law , Out , Education , Ballot , Frame , Requests , Whatever , States , Communities , County Election Director , Cutoff , Rejection , Parties , 159 , I D , Absentee Ballot , Component , County Election Directors , Changes , Minnesota , Ten , Take , Lawsuits , Running , 2018 , Nine , Results , Vote , Groups , Accessibility , Security , Grace , Guardrails , Turnout , Cycle , 2022 , Brian Kemp , Trump Last Night , Former , Impact , A House Divided , Opponent , Infighting , Abraham Lincoln , Gallon , Border , Gas , Pocketbook , Big Policy Issues , 1 50 , 50 , Acquired Instagram , Georgians , Jobs , Warning , 2022 Secretary , Facebook , Alec Baldwin , Members , Backlash , Trigger , Crew , Film , Tiktok , Room , Mother , Park , Dad , Company , Data Scientist , Products , Dangers , Alarm , Frances Haugen , Whistle Blower , Friends , Platforms , Performance , Scott Galloway , Comparison , Faces , Marketing , Reality , Professor , Bodies , Nyu Sterns School Of Business , Cnn Plus , Snapchat , View , Marijuana , Decisions , Account , Son , Bottle , Jack Daniels , 14 , Self , Platforms Weren T , 24 7 , Girls , Women , Premise , Peer Group , Strangers , Image , Teen Suicide , Hit Mobile , Self Harm , 2012 , Generation , Axis , Kid , Universe , Companies , Disability , Death , Monopoly Power , Growth , Regret , Alcohol , Military , Earth , Boys , Teens , Girls Bully Relationally , Harm , Hands , Weapons , Matters , Rooftops , Mothers , Word , Speech , Tech , Pressure , Alcohol Lobby , Government , Attempt , Drinking Age , Drunk Driving Accidents , 80 , Highways , Funds , Equivalence , Mams , Household , Suffering , Algorithms , Dieting Sites , Cowboy , Eating Disorder , Sites , Daughter , Program , Ton , Master Class , Hearings , Legislation , Horror Show , Algorithm , Woman , Breast Cancer , Human Factor , Nice To Be With You , Reno , Fitness Contest , Confidence , Wonderful , Nevada , Push , Deep Depression , Fitness Competition , Head , Goal , Bikini Division , Breasts , Cancer Treatment , Cancer , Chi , 41 , Awareness , Breast Tissue , Nonprofit Organization , Workouts , Cardio , Survivorship , Weight Lifting , Times , Hasn T , Surgery , Look , Contentment , Tools , Identity , Arrival , Their , Traveling , Testing Protocols , 19 , Exam , Smiling , Smile , Patients , Season , X Rays , Aspen Dental , Insurance , Smiles , Obligation , Budget , Payment Solutions , 20 , 800 , Health Insurance , Bills , Time , Both , Lives , Assistance , Help , Millions , Coveredca Com , December 31st , 31 , Menorah Lighting , White House , Hanukkah , Jim Sciutto , How Sever , Transmissible , Variant ,

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