Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 202

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709

pronouncement, guilty for travis mcmichael. there was a burst, it was like a dam burst of human emotion in front of the courthouse. many people were simply overwhelmed. inside of the courtroom, very similar. >> counts one, malice murder, we the jury find the defendant travis mcmichael guilty. i'm going to ask that whoever just made an outburst be removed from the court, please. >> loved ones getting emotional in court this afternoon as all three defendants were found guilty of murder by a jury of nine white women and one black man. travis mcmichael, the man who shot and killed arbery claiming it was self-defense was found guilty on all nine counts, his father gregory mcmichael was found not guilty on one charge by guilty on the other eight. william roddy bryan jr., the plan who took the voetd of the shooting was found guilty on six counts. people outside of the courthouse sharing their reaction to the verdict. >> today justice was served. >> did you ever doubt this day might come. >>dy not. >> the jury service works in this country and when you present the truth to people and they see it, they will do the right thing and that is what this jury did today in getting justice for ahmaud arbery. >> reporter: the jury deliberated for 11 hours after 13 days of testimony from more than 30 witnesses. the three defendants claim they were trying to make a citizens arrest of arbery. saying that they suspected that he had burglarized a nearby home construction site referring to the video of arbery wondering inside of the home months before being killed. after the verdicts were read, arbery's family spoke outside of the courthouse. >> it is been a long fight and a hard fight but god is good. >> i don't want to see no daddy watch their kid get shot down like that. so it is all of our problem. it is all our problem. so hey, let's keep fighting. >> reporter: the celebration continued. to call it a celebration really is not fair. because no one is celebrating the fact that a young man is still dead regardless of the outcome. i guess what people are acknowledging here is they truly feel after seeing that horrific voerd and waiting for arrest anden during the whole process of a trial and conviction, justice, that is what they're feeling tonight here in brunswick. jim. >> it is a feeling we don't always have after these kind of cases but it is justice tonight in brunswick, georgia. thank you for that report. more on the breaking news with joey jacks, former federal judge, david ehrenberg and former co-council for ahmaud arbery mother. thank you for being with us on this night before thanksgiving. happy holidays to all of you. chris, you were involved in this case from the start as wanda jones working with wanda cooper jones as she was fighting for charges to be brought. what was going through your mind as you watched the judge read the guilty verdicts. it was jubilation, it seemed like relief and exhaustion, all bursting out at once. >> i mean that is how i watched it, tears were in my eyes and i texted miss wanda because every night i text her a prayer back and forth and i just text her faith because we have to understand how hard fought this was. and it is even bigger than just the verdict today. two da's were removed and we have a system of corruption rattled and shake ebb to the core. these people get off because they are a former cop or they have connections. but they got life. all three of them will end up getting life. it was a game changing moment and the defense gamble with racism and lost. >> and a very conservative corner of the deep south. and it is not just the man who pulled the trigger but all three men who played a role in the killing of ahmaud arbery. that is significant. >> it very much is, jim. this verdict spoke to so many issues. it spoke to truth and fact. it spoke to the rule of law. it spoke to the issue of humanity, a lot of concern with respect to 11 to 1. what do i mean. 11 jurors who are white and one who is african-american. will they see the facts for what they are. will those justifications that the defendant's put forth carry the day or will the rule of law prevail and the facts that everyone saw prevail and i think with this verdict, it was sent a message of accountability and yes, it is a very good, the bottom line is look at how we get here. it was very flawed with regard to one d.a. under indictment as it related to trying to block the arrest to gyp with. as to the other d.a. that said there is nothing to see here. as to the 74 days and two a and a half moves that led to the prosecution but this is a jury that spoke to the issue of humanity and we're going to call it as we see it and it spoke to the issue that people of good mind and good will, no matter whether they're black, brown, whatever color, yellow, green, who they pray to, what they do could see it for what it is and to your point and my final point, not only hold responsible the person who pulled the trigger, but hold responsible all those who would engage in wrongdoing like this andin criminality. it is a big moment for georgia and for the united states of america as it related to accountability for all who would violate the law. >> and judge gurtler, as a former federal judge, i wonder what you made of the judge's role in this trial. it seemed like he ran a tight ship. the defense team, i lost count how many times they asked for a mistrial. he didn't break character. i guess you could put it that way. he was just sort of stoic the entire trial and helped guide this jury to its verdict today through a very emotionally charged case. >> well, i mean, he also made a ruling a couple of days ago which was very significant was that the citizens arrest statute in georgia, which is a relic of the confederate period could not be used here because those men did not see arbery actually commit a crime. and that was an extraordinary ruling. which really set the tone for the case. in addition, rulings about the efforts to try to keep black pastors oust of the courtroom, i as a former judge, i admired his equanimity, the request to keep them in the courtroom was nothing short of outrageous. so i thought that he was very even in a very, very difficult trial. but just to the point of the other speakers, what is significant to me is the notion that trying to disarm someone who is attacking you can't be money excuse to kill. and as a contrast then between the finding in this case and rittenhouse and that should give us pause. >> and david ehrenberg, the defense attorneys resorted to using racist tropes throughout the trial. it was ugly. it was despicable. does it appear to you that that strategy backfired because there were a lot of legal experts such as yourself who were predicting during the course of the trial that those defense attorneys were acting desperate and the jury could sense that sort of thing. >> jim, it did seem desperate. the comment that arbery had dirty toe nails was beyond the pale. now i get the point, the lawyer was attempting to make, that he wasn't supposedly dressed as a jogger. so he was up to something nefarious but she crossed the line and i think it blew back on her and contrast that to the prosecutor who didn't really invoke race much in all of this until the very end. but when she did, she showed that the only crime that ahmaud arbery could have conceivably been committing in the defendant's mind was jogging while black. and so i thought her cross-examination of travis mcmichael was a key to this case in a reason why they found all three defendants guilty. >> all right. i couldn't agree with you more. all of you. thank you so much for those insights. joey jackson and david ehrenberg, chris stewart, great to see all of you. we appreciate it. thank you so much. >> next we'll dig deeper into the guilty verdicts with all three members, yes all three membersch prosecution team. there they are. their standing by to join us live, next. hey, it's ryan 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more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! more now on tonight's breaking news, all three men charged in the killing of ahmaud arbery have been found guilty of murder and we're joined now by the prosecution team. thanks to all of you. and i don't know if you say congratulations on what occurred today, because this is been such an emotionally charged case and such a journey for the family of ahmaud arbery. but linda, i want to begin with your reaction to these guilty verdicts today. were you confident that the jury was going to convict all three defendants of murder based on the case that you put forward? >> no prosecutor ever believes they're going to win until that verdict comes back. so i was hopeful based on the evidence that we presented in the case that we put forth that the jury would see the truth of what actually took place and bring justice for the arbery family. >> and one of the most memorable moments of this trial was your step by step dismantling of the self-defense argument which was just a key part of all of this. were you aware at the time just how well that argument was going? or were you just trying to get through, you know, the case that with you were trying to make to the jury? >> a cross-examination is a fluid thing. and i wanted to make sure that the jury understood that the self-defense case was absolute garbage, that is not what took place and i was doing my best in the moment to dismantle it as you said. and i hoped to achieve that and when you're doing it, you never know how well it is going. >> and i wanted to ask and any of you could chime in here for a reaction to what some of the defense attorneys were saying during this trial, during portions of this trial. we heard comments about ahmaud arbery's toe nails, and comments about black pastors in the courtroom and so on. i suppose as prosecutors you have to keep your cool in those kind of situations. linda, or whoever else, what is your reaction now that the case is over to -- i mean they were just overt racist tropes being thrown out there in front of the jury. >> i'll let larissa hand thl one. >> i think the comments were unnecessary and they were low. and i just feel bad that ahmad's mom dad and had to sit there and listen to all of though things. >> and at one point you were admonished after you asked a witness that do you believe that stealing is the deserving of the death penalty. isn't that the crux of what this case was about? >> well, yes. ahmad did not deserve that. did he not deserve that. and we are just happy that the jury saw that. >> and paul, let me go back to some of the what the defense was saying during this trial, some of the controversial comments. dy want to get your response to that? >> you know, defense attorneys have a job to do. and they'll make arguments and they'll say things sometimes to get points across that may not come across well. saying what the prosecution, sometimes the communication is lacking. i think that the comments were unnecessary. i agree with larissa. but maybe there was something there, they were trying to get adross they should have done a little bit better. so i feel really bad that wanda and marcus had to hear that, to put their son, you know, his memory and link that up in that way with him. so do i agree with what they said? no. but they do have a job to do and maybe they should have done it a little differently. >> and linda, do you think it backfired for the defense team? you were looking at the jury. what was your sense of it? >> the jury was really great about not having any visible reactions to anything. they paid very, very close attention to all of the evidence in the trial. but i was surprised. and i looked at miss hoag when me did that and i couldn't believe she said it. so i'm sure the jurors, some of them must have had the same reaction. >> yeah. and linda, in your strategy sessions did you ever have any concerns about the breakdown of the jury. the panel consists of 11 white jurors and one black juror. what was your sense of it? or did you think that this is a jury that could deliver justice as they did today? >> actually, after we picked the jury, we looked at them and realized that we had very, very smart, very intelligent, honest jurors who were going to do their job which is to seek the truth. and so we felt that putting up our case, it doesn't matter whether they were black or white, that putting up our case that this jury would hear the truth, they would see the evidence and that they would do the right thing and come back with the correct verdict which we felt they did today. >> and paul, your team also hammering away at the defense in terms of citizens arrest law. how significant was that to the case, do you think? >> the citizens arrest law in general? >> right. >> well the way that the defense was portraying it? >> obviously we disagreed on what the citizens arrest law, the explanation of that law to the jury should be and you saw that a lot in our legal arguments. but it was vital. we had to show that, you know, it did not apply in this case and if they could not get past that hurdle, he this could not get to self-defense and our whole job in our strategy sessions was to make that as clear as possible and linda did a terrific job in her closing argument in separating the fluff and just getting down to the nitty-gritty on what the law is and make it as pell -- as simple as possible and the jurors got that. >> were any of you surprised how quickly this verdict came in or do you think this is about right? >> i thought this was about right. they had three separate defendants, all of whom were charged with all nine counts in the indictment, but there was a lot of different evidence against each of them. they've been charged at party to a crime, so the fact that they needed to work their wau through and they did diligently review the evidence and work through each individual defendant and came to their verdict, this was about right. >> and linda, whats with your thought, there was other comments made by the defense team that also struck us as just being totally inappropriate, there was the defense attorney who talked about there being too many blast ck pastors in the courtroom. i wanted to get your response to that as well, linda? >> that was done outside of the presence of the jury. so the jury never saw mr. goff talking about that. mr. goff is a very, very good attorney. and he purposefully and intentionally and strategically, i believe, did what did he in an effort to attempt to insert potentially some error into the case in case he lost the case and it went up on appeal. >> larissa, is that your sense too. is that what you thought he was up to? >> yes. kevin goff is actually i pretty intelligent attorney. he just, i think he misstepped with that one. but i don't they it was a complete accident on his part. >> yeah. it struck a lot of people as very insensitive. i know you were in the courtroom. but outside of the courtroom it just struck a lot of people as being totally inappropriate. linda, what message do you hope today's verdict sends to other mothers out there seeking justice for their sons as we were talking with ahmaud arbery's mother in the previous hour and we made the note and she also made the note that this doesn't always end the same way for a lot of mothers in her case. what do you think that the message is being sent from this case to others, other mothers out there hoping for justice? >> i hope the message is that they should trust the process while being and feeling free to be the advocate for their child. wanda cooper jones and marcus arbery were advocates for ahmad. and they really pushed this one when it first happened. and i think the message is that you have to let the criminal justice system work and in this case, yes, it did work. and to trust which they did, they trusted us and they trusted this team to bring justice for them and their family but to trust the system of the constitution and due process just to let it work. >> all right. linda, larissa and paul, thank you so much for joining us. happy thanksgiving, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> happy thanksgivings. >> congrats on a job well done. thank you very much. coming up, an update on holiday travel heading for pandemic era records across the u.s. millions are ignoring the crowded airports and sky high gas prices and worried about the coronavirus. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. 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>> reporter: yeah, it is looking okay here right now, jim. but across the country, keep in mind this might be the first time many americans are flying again after getting vaccinated for covid. so you're seeing a lot of different things and a lot of people who are ready to get back to the skies and understand they might need to be a little bit more patient. i talked turkey with one guy in particular. take a look. >> we knew that traveling today would be tough. but we're traveling with a family every year, it is a tradition. so we were ready. >> it is the first thanksgiving since covid shots started going into arms. >> i figured it would be more packed than usual. >> reporter: and americans are traveling near pre-pandemic levels. but before getting to that, travellers have to get through this. at los angeles international airport, 2 million passengers are expected to travel around the holiday. >> we're expecting to see post pandemic records and we're expecting more than double of what we had last thanksgiving. >> reporter: the tsa estimating 20 million people will fly for the thanksgiving holiday. a pandemic travel record. and a far cry from the paltry numbers this time last year. aaa forecasting air travel will be up 80% from 2020. for days airport officials reminding passengers to be early, patient and masked. but some americans are skipping the airport altogether. opting to hit the road. >> i don't want to spend too much time with security lines and i thought it would be faster to drive than to fly. and it just could be safer. i don't have to diesel with the crowds. >> reporter: aaa predicting 48 million people will be driving for the holiday and 8% increase from last year. >> and for thanksgiving, we're going on a date. hopefully the traffic is not giving because i'm going to cry. >> and while drivers won't be fighting tsa lines, they will be dealing with record high gas prices. the average price for regular gas is $3.40 according to government data. the highest price for the monday before thanksgiving in nearly a decade. >> you just have to pay it, i suppose. there is nothing you could really do about it. >> reporter: now, i know jim you said it doesn't look like it is very busy here but keep in mind that l.a.x. and other airports across the country are saying that sunday could be a record-breaking day post pandemic as everyone makes their way back from the holiday travels and that is when the airports could be really busy, jim. >> stephanie and kudos to you for finding the first gentleman that you featured in that piece. i don't know how you did it. birds of a feather, i guess. >> talking turkey to a turkey. i was lucky. >> thank he so much. stephanie elum there at l.a.x. now let's check in with our meteorologist tom seger. that is a marvelous looking forecast there. no turkeys on the weather board tonight. >> no. and green means all systems go, jim. busiest travel day of the year and in every major airport is greench that is fantastic news. now there are concerns on return flights on sunday. let me get there first, current radar, light rain and desert southwest, there is some snowfall in the central rockies and denver has yet to pick up their first snow and in 140 years of record keeping they never waited this long. light rain in the midwest. first to southern california because tomorrow the critical fire danger, low humidity and santa ana winds are picking up, if your frying outdoors, please be careful. this is how it shaped up. wet weather for thanksgiving. southeaster texas through the midwest and leave st. louis in the morning and east coast faund. the best day of the week weather wise for new york city is tomorrow. 54 for the macy's day parade and winds in the single-digits not keeping the balloons from flying. they will be up. it should be fabulous. bad news, not one but two shots of cold air moving across the great lakes and in toward the northeast w. moisture moving in place, this is going to be big news here. rain tomorrow, moved into the ohio valley. good for the east coast. rain friday for the big cities in the east. some lake-effect snow for the cities that have it. winds could cause flight delays on saturday. the problem is sunday as the next batch of snowfall moves from the great lakes. however, this is going to watch, should be rain for boston, new york, philly and baltimore and flurries are possible. driving could be an issue late on sunday. >> it looks good. >> it looks good so far. but load up on that stuffing from gand ma because they might need some of that sleepiness to get through the stress of the holidays coming up here. all right, tom. >> a little insulation. >> thank you so much. still ahead, some excellent advice coming up on keeping safe from covid during the thanksgiving celebrations. what questions should you ask before you get together with friends, relatives and strangers. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? 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>> well i would have to say that potentially, and i say that because this is a victory certainly for the ahmaud arbery family, his mother, his father, his relatives and friends. and this justice was served today as much as it could be in light of the fact that tragically a young man was killed unnecessarily. and so the moral arc of the universe is long but sometimes we have to help bend it. and if we look beyond today, i don't want to move beyond today, but the reality is more times than not justice is not achieved for african-american, i should say the black and brown community. so what it means is this is a step in the right direction. but there are a lot of work that has to be done in our nation, and . >> and derek, what stnds out to you in how this verdict fits into the larger moment of racial justice in this country. when we spoke with ahmaud arbery's mother in the previous hour, and lee merit who was with her, they were both speaking about the mothers who don't end up with a day like this. >> well, i consider the prosecution team was a stellar team. you had them on in the last segment and i listened to them. they were focus ed and really aggressive in their job. i commend the jurors that we were concerned about. but they took the information received and deliberated and came out with a verdict that i agree with. and also the judge. but i think most importantly the laws on the books that were put on there in the 1800s and early 1900s, the law that was trying to be used, the way we select d.a.'s in this country, all of those things need to be revisited to make sure that we could actual wli create a just system. the reason why many african-americans across country, particularly those of us who live in the south were concerned about this case because we understand that structural barriers are embedded in some of our laws, particularly criminal laws that we understood that how district attorneys are selected through a popularity contest created a level of bias that is not always what -- afford justice to african-americans and the jury pool system how could we reform it to get a juror of their peers as opposed to almost going to the casino hoping we have individuals who will taking into account what is in front of them in the case as opposed to the political climate that surrounds them. >> and martin, vice president kamala harris released a statement saying that these verdicts send an important message. but she is taking issue with the defense and we could put up a portion of what she said on screen. she said the defense counsel said a tone that cast attendance of minister as intimidation and racist tropes. the jury arrived at his verdicts despite the tactics according to the vice president there. you were one of the faith leaders who went to brunswick georgia to support the arbery family. what were your thoughts as you were witnessing the defense resort to these just ugly and offensive tactics? >> well, i certainly concur that that is the worst of what a defense council or defense counselors could have used and embraced. they went strictly to race. they assumed and thank goodness the jury looked above and beyond. i mean, they were in the gutter essentially. and this is -- it is called a gutter mechanism. it is very offensive. but, you know, we all have to look higher and do better. and i think the prosecution did that. the prosecution was at the highest level. it was an outstanding team and i think that is what the people responded to. i'm thankful they responded to all of the information that they were given. and responded in my judgment in the appropriate way. >> and i spokesperson with ahmaud arbery's mother wanda cooper jones in the last hour and she did talk to about the long road to justice including the 74 days they waited for an arrest. it goes without saying, these victories are hard-fought and there was some twists and turns in this case where we might not have ended up where we ended up this evening. >> fortunately, ahmad's mother was as aggressive as any mother should be with the tools and skills that they have. and as a result of her diligence, as a result of the video being uncovered, we stand today and we see justice. but again, agree with her. what about all of the parents who lack the tenacity or ability to navigate a system, what about all of the parents whose child didn't come home because there wasn't a video and prosecuting the d.a. that was elected to oversee justice was in league with those who committed the crime and far too many families with confronted with this. but today we are relieved that we have a different outcome. >> it is a huge relief. that there is justice tonight in brunswick, georgia. maybe not every night. but tonight certainly. derek johnson and martin luther king iii, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> happy thanksgiving. coming up, celebrating safely. we'll get medical advice from an expert next. with framebridge... make what matters to you last. halloween, '72. jojo's adoption day. uncle leo's legacy. summiting kilimanjaro. asher's art phase. the moment you knew it was love. whatever you treasure, make it last. framebridge. 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(vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. it is the eve of america's second pandemic thanksgiving, but the first with widely available covid vacs. let's get more with peter hotez. and dean of the national school of tropical medicine at baylor college of medicine. he's also the author of preventing the next pandemic, and there is a book right there. dr. hotez, thank you so much. as we get ready for the thanksgiving holiday, what questions should we be asking? do we need to stop folks at the door and say, you have been vaccinated? i shuppose we should ask before thanksgiving but it has to be asked. >> you're right, jim. the thing you want to know is number one that the guests coming to your house are not shedding sars 2 coronavirus from their nose and mouth and the best way to ensure that is not going to happen is if there triply vaccinated, meaning the first two doses and got a booster six to 12 months later and if that is the case you could feel pretty comfortable. um s very recently for coronavirus and -- and make certain they at least have a rapid test to act as a buffer against that. and you know, jim, even if you have gotten two doses of the vaccine but you are more than six months out, um, you might want to ask them to get tested as well because we are seeing a fair number of breakthrough infections and that is a major reason why we do the boost. and finally, have situational awareness of where they are coming from. right now, you know, things are screaming -- our level of transmission going on in minnesota, michigan, wisconsin -- if you have somebody unvaccinated coming from one of those states, you definitely want to make certain that they're tested before -- before they come in. and then, the other consideration on the receiving end, too, are -- are any of your family members immunocompromised? are they at risk? do -- do they need a mask? and then, try to maximize the vest ventilation in your house by keeping the window or door open. >> and are the rapid tests being turned around quickly enough where folks can do that tomorrow morning before gathering around the table? still enough time? >> well, there is even a home test that they can do where you put the swab in your mouth and you get -- you get the answer. so -- so, yeah. and plus, there are a lot of minute clinics that hopefully should be open. so -- and, you know, unless you are in a very remote part of the country where there is not a lot of access, most people should be able to get tested pretty kw quickly. >> and what should families do, kids ages 5 to 12, who have only gotten one shot so far? how do we handle that situation if they are around elderly relatives? >> well, you know, they're incompletelily vaccinated and so there is a possibility that they could be shedding virus. and so, ideally, you would like to have the kids tested if they're around vulnerable individuals, especially of high age. >> all right. and that is the important point. we have got vaccines. we have got testing kits. we have got tools this thanksgiving that perhaps we didn't last time around. dr. hotez, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> and happy thanksgiving. just ahead, donald trump joins the right-wing media bandwagon in celebrating the acquittal of kyle rittenhouse. my friend stefanie, her skin was dry. i'm like girl you better get you some dove. she hooked me up. with a quarter moisturising cream, dove cleans effectively and cares beautifully. our clients come to us with complicated situations that occur in their lives. for them it's the biggest milestone, the biggest accomplishment, the sale of a business, or an important event for their family. for them, it's the first and only time. we have seen this literally thousands of times, in thousands of iterations. ♪ ♪ i am vince lumia, head of field management at morgan stanley. whether that's retirement, paying for their children's college education, or their son or daughter getting married, our financial advisors need to make sure that they are making objective decisions, every step along the way. every time you hit a milestone, an anniversary, a life event, the emotions will run high. making sure that you have somebody, a team of individuals that have seen it before, have seen every circumstance and seen every challenge, and have your back when you need it most, is one of the most valuable things a financial advisor could provide to a family. i am vince lumia and we are morgan stanley. if you have this... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ (kate) this black friday, verizon is doing it better. a lot better. because right now, you can get iphone 13 pro on us. just bring in your old or damaged phone and we'll give you the phone everybody wants on america's most reliable network. on any unlimited plan. better? 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(kate) black friday better with verizon. because everyone, everyone, everyone deserves better. shop online, in store, or call today. cnn continues to follow today's breaking news. the murder convictions of three men who chased and killed ahmaud arbery in georgia. there is also new fallout from the acquittal of kyle rittenhouse, the teen who shot and killed two people during last year's black lives matter demonstration in wisconsin. let's go to cnn's brian todd. brian, not only are the country's right-wing media stars lionizing, donald trump has jumped on this bandwagon. >> donald trump calling rittenhouse a nice, young man. saying rittenhouse never should have suffered through a trial like that. it is part of an unquestioning embrace of kyle rittenhouse by some of the most contentious elements of the far right. the way donald trump tells it, kyle rittenhouse just happened to be in the neighborhood. >> kyle, i got to know him a little bit. he called and wanted to know if he could come over and say hello because he was a fan. >> reporter: so, the former president told sean hannity on fox, he welcomed rittenhouse and his mother to trump's mar-a-lago resort in florida. >> really, a nice young man. >> that was just a few days after the 18-year-old was acquitted of all charges in the fatal shootings of two people and the wounding of a third during last year's protests in kenosha, wisconsin. trump played the role of legal analyst, supporting rittenhouse's claim of self-defense. >> that was prosecutorial misconduct. he should not have had to suffer through a trial for that. he was going to be dead. if he didn't pull that trigger, kyle would have been dead. >> reporter: but even trump didn't gush over rittenhouse as blatantly as fox host tucker carlson did in rittenhouse's first interview since his acquittal. >> kyle rittenhouse struck us as bright, decent, sincere, dutiful, and hard working, exactly the kind of person you would want many more of in your country. >> for his part, rittenhouse said he was simply trying to protect businesses from rioters. >> kenosha is my community. um, and i just was upset seeing my community up in flames. >> reporter: rittenhouse is being hailed as a hero in other corners of the far right, with republican congress members matt gaetz, lauren boebert, and madison cawthorn competing with each other to possibly offer rittenhouse internships on capitol hill. >> kyle rittenhouse would probably make a pretty good congressional intern. >> madison cawthorn. he said that he would arm wrestle me for this kyle rittenhouse internship. but madison cawthorn has some pretty big guns, and so i would like to challenge him to a sprint, instead. >> reporter: congressman cawthorn uses a wheelchair. republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is also jumping in. pushing a bill to award rittenhouse a congressional gold medal which has been bestowed on people like george washington, nelson mandela, winston churchill, and the wright brothers. >> he stands as an icon on the far right as someone who pushed back against the black lives matter movement and he stands for gun rights because he was open carrying during a protest. and he used his -- his gun in a violent way. and was -- in -- in the minds of many people on the right, an attack on their version of america. >> reporter: in the carlson interview, kyle rittenhouse said the incidents that led to his prosecution never had anything to do with race and that he supports the black lives matter movement. he is also hinting at possible legal action against people who have implied that he is a white supremacist like then-candidate joe biden did in a tweet last year. rittenhouse now saying that was actual malice and defamed his character. jim. >> all right. brian todd, thank you very much. i am jim acosta. have a very happy thanksgiving. mom, get the turkey. get the stuffing ready. i'm on my way. i am going to show up hungry on this thanksgiving. i hope you do, too. erin burnett outfront starts right now. outfront next. guilty. three men convicted of murdering ahmaud arbery. the emotional scene inside court as the verdict was read tonight and what's next for the convicted murderers. plus, the republican national committee using donor money to pay legal fees for trump. trump, the self-proclaimed billionaire y.? a longtime republican donor responds. and china going to extremes to block coverage of tennis star peng shuai's safety. details on their disturbing censorship. let's go outfront. and good evening, i'm erin burnett. out front tonight,

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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240709

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pronouncement, guilty for travis mcmichael. there was a burst, it was like a dam burst of human emotion in front of the courthouse. many people were simply overwhelmed. inside of the courtroom, very similar. >> counts one, malice murder, we the jury find the defendant travis mcmichael guilty. i'm going to ask that whoever just made an outburst be removed from the court, please. >> loved ones getting emotional in court this afternoon as all three defendants were found guilty of murder by a jury of nine white women and one black man. travis mcmichael, the man who shot and killed arbery claiming it was self-defense was found guilty on all nine counts, his father gregory mcmichael was found not guilty on one charge by guilty on the other eight. william roddy bryan jr., the plan who took the voetd of the shooting was found guilty on six counts. people outside of the courthouse sharing their reaction to the verdict. >> today justice was served. >> did you ever doubt this day might come. >>dy not. >> the jury service works in this country and when you present the truth to people and they see it, they will do the right thing and that is what this jury did today in getting justice for ahmaud arbery. >> reporter: the jury deliberated for 11 hours after 13 days of testimony from more than 30 witnesses. the three defendants claim they were trying to make a citizens arrest of arbery. saying that they suspected that he had burglarized a nearby home construction site referring to the video of arbery wondering inside of the home months before being killed. after the verdicts were read, arbery's family spoke outside of the courthouse. >> it is been a long fight and a hard fight but god is good. >> i don't want to see no daddy watch their kid get shot down like that. so it is all of our problem. it is all our problem. so hey, let's keep fighting. >> reporter: the celebration continued. to call it a celebration really is not fair. because no one is celebrating the fact that a young man is still dead regardless of the outcome. i guess what people are acknowledging here is they truly feel after seeing that horrific voerd and waiting for arrest anden during the whole process of a trial and conviction, justice, that is what they're feeling tonight here in brunswick. jim. >> it is a feeling we don't always have after these kind of cases but it is justice tonight in brunswick, georgia. thank you for that report. more on the breaking news with joey jacks, former federal judge, david ehrenberg and former co-council for ahmaud arbery mother. thank you for being with us on this night before thanksgiving. happy holidays to all of you. chris, you were involved in this case from the start as wanda jones working with wanda cooper jones as she was fighting for charges to be brought. what was going through your mind as you watched the judge read the guilty verdicts. it was jubilation, it seemed like relief and exhaustion, all bursting out at once. >> i mean that is how i watched it, tears were in my eyes and i texted miss wanda because every night i text her a prayer back and forth and i just text her faith because we have to understand how hard fought this was. and it is even bigger than just the verdict today. two da's were removed and we have a system of corruption rattled and shake ebb to the core. these people get off because they are a former cop or they have connections. but they got life. all three of them will end up getting life. it was a game changing moment and the defense gamble with racism and lost. >> and a very conservative corner of the deep south. and it is not just the man who pulled the trigger but all three men who played a role in the killing of ahmaud arbery. that is significant. >> it very much is, jim. this verdict spoke to so many issues. it spoke to truth and fact. it spoke to the rule of law. it spoke to the issue of humanity, a lot of concern with respect to 11 to 1. what do i mean. 11 jurors who are white and one who is african-american. will they see the facts for what they are. will those justifications that the defendant's put forth carry the day or will the rule of law prevail and the facts that everyone saw prevail and i think with this verdict, it was sent a message of accountability and yes, it is a very good, the bottom line is look at how we get here. it was very flawed with regard to one d.a. under indictment as it related to trying to block the arrest to gyp with. as to the other d.a. that said there is nothing to see here. as to the 74 days and two a and a half moves that led to the prosecution but this is a jury that spoke to the issue of humanity and we're going to call it as we see it and it spoke to the issue that people of good mind and good will, no matter whether they're black, brown, whatever color, yellow, green, who they pray to, what they do could see it for what it is and to your point and my final point, not only hold responsible the person who pulled the trigger, but hold responsible all those who would engage in wrongdoing like this andin criminality. it is a big moment for georgia and for the united states of america as it related to accountability for all who would violate the law. >> and judge gurtler, as a former federal judge, i wonder what you made of the judge's role in this trial. it seemed like he ran a tight ship. the defense team, i lost count how many times they asked for a mistrial. he didn't break character. i guess you could put it that way. he was just sort of stoic the entire trial and helped guide this jury to its verdict today through a very emotionally charged case. >> well, i mean, he also made a ruling a couple of days ago which was very significant was that the citizens arrest statute in georgia, which is a relic of the confederate period could not be used here because those men did not see arbery actually commit a crime. and that was an extraordinary ruling. which really set the tone for the case. in addition, rulings about the efforts to try to keep black pastors oust of the courtroom, i as a former judge, i admired his equanimity, the request to keep them in the courtroom was nothing short of outrageous. so i thought that he was very even in a very, very difficult trial. but just to the point of the other speakers, what is significant to me is the notion that trying to disarm someone who is attacking you can't be money excuse to kill. and as a contrast then between the finding in this case and rittenhouse and that should give us pause. >> and david ehrenberg, the defense attorneys resorted to using racist tropes throughout the trial. it was ugly. it was despicable. does it appear to you that that strategy backfired because there were a lot of legal experts such as yourself who were predicting during the course of the trial that those defense attorneys were acting desperate and the jury could sense that sort of thing. >> jim, it did seem desperate. the comment that arbery had dirty toe nails was beyond the pale. now i get the point, the lawyer was attempting to make, that he wasn't supposedly dressed as a jogger. so he was up to something nefarious but she crossed the line and i think it blew back on her and contrast that to the prosecutor who didn't really invoke race much in all of this until the very end. but when she did, she showed that the only crime that ahmaud arbery could have conceivably been committing in the defendant's mind was jogging while black. and so i thought her cross-examination of travis mcmichael was a key to this case in a reason why they found all three defendants guilty. >> all right. i couldn't agree with you more. all of you. thank you so much for those insights. joey jackson and david ehrenberg, chris stewart, great to see all of you. we appreciate it. thank you so much. >> next we'll dig deeper into the guilty verdicts with all three members, yes all three membersch prosecution team. there they are. their standing by to join us live, next. hey, it's ryan reynolds. as owner of mint mobile, my goal is to spend as little as possible on things like commercials so we can pass more savings to customers. and when i saw what they're charging for holiday-themed stock videos these days, well, you can see what i decided to do. and that means we can afford to offer the samsung galaxy a12 and premium wireless together for just fifteen dollars a month. so let's all just use our imaginations, 'kay? just imagine me someplace festive no, no, don't make it weird. the dove beauty bar makes my skin feel fresh. i've encouraged serena my best friend to switch. feels moisturized and clean. my friend stefanie, her skin was dry. i'm like girl you better get you some dove. she hooked me up. with a quarter moisturising cream, dove cleans effectively and cares beautifully. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! more now on tonight's breaking news, all three men charged in the killing of ahmaud arbery have been found guilty of murder and we're joined now by the prosecution team. thanks to all of you. and i don't know if you say congratulations on what occurred today, because this is been such an emotionally charged case and such a journey for the family of ahmaud arbery. but linda, i want to begin with your reaction to these guilty verdicts today. were you confident that the jury was going to convict all three defendants of murder based on the case that you put forward? >> no prosecutor ever believes they're going to win until that verdict comes back. so i was hopeful based on the evidence that we presented in the case that we put forth that the jury would see the truth of what actually took place and bring justice for the arbery family. >> and one of the most memorable moments of this trial was your step by step dismantling of the self-defense argument which was just a key part of all of this. were you aware at the time just how well that argument was going? or were you just trying to get through, you know, the case that with you were trying to make to the jury? >> a cross-examination is a fluid thing. and i wanted to make sure that the jury understood that the self-defense case was absolute garbage, that is not what took place and i was doing my best in the moment to dismantle it as you said. and i hoped to achieve that and when you're doing it, you never know how well it is going. >> and i wanted to ask and any of you could chime in here for a reaction to what some of the defense attorneys were saying during this trial, during portions of this trial. we heard comments about ahmaud arbery's toe nails, and comments about black pastors in the courtroom and so on. i suppose as prosecutors you have to keep your cool in those kind of situations. linda, or whoever else, what is your reaction now that the case is over to -- i mean they were just overt racist tropes being thrown out there in front of the jury. >> i'll let larissa hand thl one. >> i think the comments were unnecessary and they were low. and i just feel bad that ahmad's mom dad and had to sit there and listen to all of though things. >> and at one point you were admonished after you asked a witness that do you believe that stealing is the deserving of the death penalty. isn't that the crux of what this case was about? >> well, yes. ahmad did not deserve that. did he not deserve that. and we are just happy that the jury saw that. >> and paul, let me go back to some of the what the defense was saying during this trial, some of the controversial comments. dy want to get your response to that? >> you know, defense attorneys have a job to do. and they'll make arguments and they'll say things sometimes to get points across that may not come across well. saying what the prosecution, sometimes the communication is lacking. i think that the comments were unnecessary. i agree with larissa. but maybe there was something there, they were trying to get adross they should have done a little bit better. so i feel really bad that wanda and marcus had to hear that, to put their son, you know, his memory and link that up in that way with him. so do i agree with what they said? no. but they do have a job to do and maybe they should have done it a little differently. >> and linda, do you think it backfired for the defense team? you were looking at the jury. what was your sense of it? >> the jury was really great about not having any visible reactions to anything. they paid very, very close attention to all of the evidence in the trial. but i was surprised. and i looked at miss hoag when me did that and i couldn't believe she said it. so i'm sure the jurors, some of them must have had the same reaction. >> yeah. and linda, in your strategy sessions did you ever have any concerns about the breakdown of the jury. the panel consists of 11 white jurors and one black juror. what was your sense of it? or did you think that this is a jury that could deliver justice as they did today? >> actually, after we picked the jury, we looked at them and realized that we had very, very smart, very intelligent, honest jurors who were going to do their job which is to seek the truth. and so we felt that putting up our case, it doesn't matter whether they were black or white, that putting up our case that this jury would hear the truth, they would see the evidence and that they would do the right thing and come back with the correct verdict which we felt they did today. >> and paul, your team also hammering away at the defense in terms of citizens arrest law. how significant was that to the case, do you think? >> the citizens arrest law in general? >> right. >> well the way that the defense was portraying it? >> obviously we disagreed on what the citizens arrest law, the explanation of that law to the jury should be and you saw that a lot in our legal arguments. but it was vital. we had to show that, you know, it did not apply in this case and if they could not get past that hurdle, he this could not get to self-defense and our whole job in our strategy sessions was to make that as clear as possible and linda did a terrific job in her closing argument in separating the fluff and just getting down to the nitty-gritty on what the law is and make it as pell -- as simple as possible and the jurors got that. >> were any of you surprised how quickly this verdict came in or do you think this is about right? >> i thought this was about right. they had three separate defendants, all of whom were charged with all nine counts in the indictment, but there was a lot of different evidence against each of them. they've been charged at party to a crime, so the fact that they needed to work their wau through and they did diligently review the evidence and work through each individual defendant and came to their verdict, this was about right. >> and linda, whats with your thought, there was other comments made by the defense team that also struck us as just being totally inappropriate, there was the defense attorney who talked about there being too many blast ck pastors in the courtroom. i wanted to get your response to that as well, linda? >> that was done outside of the presence of the jury. so the jury never saw mr. goff talking about that. mr. goff is a very, very good attorney. and he purposefully and intentionally and strategically, i believe, did what did he in an effort to attempt to insert potentially some error into the case in case he lost the case and it went up on appeal. >> larissa, is that your sense too. is that what you thought he was up to? >> yes. kevin goff is actually i pretty intelligent attorney. he just, i think he misstepped with that one. but i don't they it was a complete accident on his part. >> yeah. it struck a lot of people as very insensitive. i know you were in the courtroom. but outside of the courtroom it just struck a lot of people as being totally inappropriate. linda, what message do you hope today's verdict sends to other mothers out there seeking justice for their sons as we were talking with ahmaud arbery's mother in the previous hour and we made the note and she also made the note that this doesn't always end the same way for a lot of mothers in her case. what do you think that the message is being sent from this case to others, other mothers out there hoping for justice? >> i hope the message is that they should trust the process while being and feeling free to be the advocate for their child. wanda cooper jones and marcus arbery were advocates for ahmad. and they really pushed this one when it first happened. and i think the message is that you have to let the criminal justice system work and in this case, yes, it did work. and to trust which they did, they trusted us and they trusted this team to bring justice for them and their family but to trust the system of the constitution and due process just to let it work. >> all right. linda, larissa and paul, thank you so much for joining us. happy thanksgiving, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> happy thanksgivings. >> congrats on a job well done. thank you very much. coming up, an update on holiday travel heading for pandemic era records across the u.s. millions are ignoring the crowded airports and sky high gas prices and worried about the coronavirus. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. 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>> reporter: yeah, it is looking okay here right now, jim. but across the country, keep in mind this might be the first time many americans are flying again after getting vaccinated for covid. so you're seeing a lot of different things and a lot of people who are ready to get back to the skies and understand they might need to be a little bit more patient. i talked turkey with one guy in particular. take a look. >> we knew that traveling today would be tough. but we're traveling with a family every year, it is a tradition. so we were ready. >> it is the first thanksgiving since covid shots started going into arms. >> i figured it would be more packed than usual. >> reporter: and americans are traveling near pre-pandemic levels. but before getting to that, travellers have to get through this. at los angeles international airport, 2 million passengers are expected to travel around the holiday. >> we're expecting to see post pandemic records and we're expecting more than double of what we had last thanksgiving. >> reporter: the tsa estimating 20 million people will fly for the thanksgiving holiday. a pandemic travel record. and a far cry from the paltry numbers this time last year. aaa forecasting air travel will be up 80% from 2020. for days airport officials reminding passengers to be early, patient and masked. but some americans are skipping the airport altogether. opting to hit the road. >> i don't want to spend too much time with security lines and i thought it would be faster to drive than to fly. and it just could be safer. i don't have to diesel with the crowds. >> reporter: aaa predicting 48 million people will be driving for the holiday and 8% increase from last year. >> and for thanksgiving, we're going on a date. hopefully the traffic is not giving because i'm going to cry. >> and while drivers won't be fighting tsa lines, they will be dealing with record high gas prices. the average price for regular gas is $3.40 according to government data. the highest price for the monday before thanksgiving in nearly a decade. >> you just have to pay it, i suppose. there is nothing you could really do about it. >> reporter: now, i know jim you said it doesn't look like it is very busy here but keep in mind that l.a.x. and other airports across the country are saying that sunday could be a record-breaking day post pandemic as everyone makes their way back from the holiday travels and that is when the airports could be really busy, jim. >> stephanie and kudos to you for finding the first gentleman that you featured in that piece. i don't know how you did it. birds of a feather, i guess. >> talking turkey to a turkey. i was lucky. >> thank he so much. stephanie elum there at l.a.x. now let's check in with our meteorologist tom seger. that is a marvelous looking forecast there. no turkeys on the weather board tonight. >> no. and green means all systems go, jim. busiest travel day of the year and in every major airport is greench that is fantastic news. now there are concerns on return flights on sunday. let me get there first, current radar, light rain and desert southwest, there is some snowfall in the central rockies and denver has yet to pick up their first snow and in 140 years of record keeping they never waited this long. light rain in the midwest. first to southern california because tomorrow the critical fire danger, low humidity and santa ana winds are picking up, if your frying outdoors, please be careful. this is how it shaped up. wet weather for thanksgiving. southeaster texas through the midwest and leave st. louis in the morning and east coast faund. the best day of the week weather wise for new york city is tomorrow. 54 for the macy's day parade and winds in the single-digits not keeping the balloons from flying. they will be up. it should be fabulous. bad news, not one but two shots of cold air moving across the great lakes and in toward the northeast w. moisture moving in place, this is going to be big news here. rain tomorrow, moved into the ohio valley. good for the east coast. rain friday for the big cities in the east. some lake-effect snow for the cities that have it. winds could cause flight delays on saturday. the problem is sunday as the next batch of snowfall moves from the great lakes. however, this is going to watch, should be rain for boston, new york, philly and baltimore and flurries are possible. driving could be an issue late on sunday. >> it looks good. >> it looks good so far. but load up on that stuffing from gand ma because they might need some of that sleepiness to get through the stress of the holidays coming up here. all right, tom. >> a little insulation. >> thank you so much. still ahead, some excellent advice coming up on keeping safe from covid during the thanksgiving celebrations. what questions should you ask before you get together with friends, relatives and strangers. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? 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>> well i would have to say that potentially, and i say that because this is a victory certainly for the ahmaud arbery family, his mother, his father, his relatives and friends. and this justice was served today as much as it could be in light of the fact that tragically a young man was killed unnecessarily. and so the moral arc of the universe is long but sometimes we have to help bend it. and if we look beyond today, i don't want to move beyond today, but the reality is more times than not justice is not achieved for african-american, i should say the black and brown community. so what it means is this is a step in the right direction. but there are a lot of work that has to be done in our nation, and . >> and derek, what stnds out to you in how this verdict fits into the larger moment of racial justice in this country. when we spoke with ahmaud arbery's mother in the previous hour, and lee merit who was with her, they were both speaking about the mothers who don't end up with a day like this. >> well, i consider the prosecution team was a stellar team. you had them on in the last segment and i listened to them. they were focus ed and really aggressive in their job. i commend the jurors that we were concerned about. but they took the information received and deliberated and came out with a verdict that i agree with. and also the judge. but i think most importantly the laws on the books that were put on there in the 1800s and early 1900s, the law that was trying to be used, the way we select d.a.'s in this country, all of those things need to be revisited to make sure that we could actual wli create a just system. the reason why many african-americans across country, particularly those of us who live in the south were concerned about this case because we understand that structural barriers are embedded in some of our laws, particularly criminal laws that we understood that how district attorneys are selected through a popularity contest created a level of bias that is not always what -- afford justice to african-americans and the jury pool system how could we reform it to get a juror of their peers as opposed to almost going to the casino hoping we have individuals who will taking into account what is in front of them in the case as opposed to the political climate that surrounds them. >> and martin, vice president kamala harris released a statement saying that these verdicts send an important message. but she is taking issue with the defense and we could put up a portion of what she said on screen. she said the defense counsel said a tone that cast attendance of minister as intimidation and racist tropes. the jury arrived at his verdicts despite the tactics according to the vice president there. you were one of the faith leaders who went to brunswick georgia to support the arbery family. what were your thoughts as you were witnessing the defense resort to these just ugly and offensive tactics? >> well, i certainly concur that that is the worst of what a defense council or defense counselors could have used and embraced. they went strictly to race. they assumed and thank goodness the jury looked above and beyond. i mean, they were in the gutter essentially. and this is -- it is called a gutter mechanism. it is very offensive. but, you know, we all have to look higher and do better. and i think the prosecution did that. the prosecution was at the highest level. it was an outstanding team and i think that is what the people responded to. i'm thankful they responded to all of the information that they were given. and responded in my judgment in the appropriate way. >> and i spokesperson with ahmaud arbery's mother wanda cooper jones in the last hour and she did talk to about the long road to justice including the 74 days they waited for an arrest. it goes without saying, these victories are hard-fought and there was some twists and turns in this case where we might not have ended up where we ended up this evening. >> fortunately, ahmad's mother was as aggressive as any mother should be with the tools and skills that they have. and as a result of her diligence, as a result of the video being uncovered, we stand today and we see justice. but again, agree with her. what about all of the parents who lack the tenacity or ability to navigate a system, what about all of the parents whose child didn't come home because there wasn't a video and prosecuting the d.a. that was elected to oversee justice was in league with those who committed the crime and far too many families with confronted with this. but today we are relieved that we have a different outcome. >> it is a huge relief. that there is justice tonight in brunswick, georgia. maybe not every night. but tonight certainly. derek johnson and martin luther king iii, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> happy thanksgiving. coming up, celebrating safely. we'll get medical advice from an expert next. with framebridge... make what matters to you last. halloween, '72. jojo's adoption day. uncle leo's legacy. summiting kilimanjaro. asher's art phase. the moment you knew it was love. whatever you treasure, make it last. framebridge. 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(vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. it is the eve of america's second pandemic thanksgiving, but the first with widely available covid vacs. let's get more with peter hotez. and dean of the national school of tropical medicine at baylor college of medicine. he's also the author of preventing the next pandemic, and there is a book right there. dr. hotez, thank you so much. as we get ready for the thanksgiving holiday, what questions should we be asking? do we need to stop folks at the door and say, you have been vaccinated? i shuppose we should ask before thanksgiving but it has to be asked. >> you're right, jim. the thing you want to know is number one that the guests coming to your house are not shedding sars 2 coronavirus from their nose and mouth and the best way to ensure that is not going to happen is if there triply vaccinated, meaning the first two doses and got a booster six to 12 months later and if that is the case you could feel pretty comfortable. um s very recently for coronavirus and -- and make certain they at least have a rapid test to act as a buffer against that. and you know, jim, even if you have gotten two doses of the vaccine but you are more than six months out, um, you might want to ask them to get tested as well because we are seeing a fair number of breakthrough infections and that is a major reason why we do the boost. and finally, have situational awareness of where they are coming from. right now, you know, things are screaming -- our level of transmission going on in minnesota, michigan, wisconsin -- if you have somebody unvaccinated coming from one of those states, you definitely want to make certain that they're tested before -- before they come in. and then, the other consideration on the receiving end, too, are -- are any of your family members immunocompromised? are they at risk? do -- do they need a mask? and then, try to maximize the vest ventilation in your house by keeping the window or door open. >> and are the rapid tests being turned around quickly enough where folks can do that tomorrow morning before gathering around the table? still enough time? >> well, there is even a home test that they can do where you put the swab in your mouth and you get -- you get the answer. so -- so, yeah. and plus, there are a lot of minute clinics that hopefully should be open. so -- and, you know, unless you are in a very remote part of the country where there is not a lot of access, most people should be able to get tested pretty kw quickly. >> and what should families do, kids ages 5 to 12, who have only gotten one shot so far? how do we handle that situation if they are around elderly relatives? >> well, you know, they're incompletelily vaccinated and so there is a possibility that they could be shedding virus. and so, ideally, you would like to have the kids tested if they're around vulnerable individuals, especially of high age. >> all right. and that is the important point. we have got vaccines. we have got testing kits. we have got tools this thanksgiving that perhaps we didn't last time around. dr. hotez, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> and happy thanksgiving. just ahead, donald trump joins the right-wing media bandwagon in celebrating the acquittal of kyle rittenhouse. my friend stefanie, her skin was dry. i'm like girl you better get you some dove. she hooked me up. with a quarter moisturising cream, dove cleans effectively and cares beautifully. our clients come to us with complicated situations that occur in their lives. for them it's the biggest milestone, the biggest accomplishment, the sale of a business, or an important event for their family. for them, it's the first and only time. we have seen this literally thousands of times, in thousands of iterations. ♪ ♪ i am vince lumia, head of field management at morgan stanley. whether that's retirement, paying for their children's college education, or their son or daughter getting married, our financial advisors need to make sure that they are making objective decisions, every step along the way. every time you hit a milestone, an anniversary, a life event, the emotions will run high. making sure that you have somebody, a team of individuals that have seen it before, have seen every circumstance and seen every challenge, and have your back when you need it most, is one of the most valuable things a financial advisor could provide to a family. i am vince lumia and we are morgan stanley. if you have this... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ (kate) this black friday, verizon is doing it better. a lot better. because right now, you can get iphone 13 pro on us. just bring in your old or damaged phone and we'll give you the phone everybody wants on america's most reliable network. on any unlimited plan. better? 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(kate) black friday better with verizon. because everyone, everyone, everyone deserves better. shop online, in store, or call today. cnn continues to follow today's breaking news. the murder convictions of three men who chased and killed ahmaud arbery in georgia. there is also new fallout from the acquittal of kyle rittenhouse, the teen who shot and killed two people during last year's black lives matter demonstration in wisconsin. let's go to cnn's brian todd. brian, not only are the country's right-wing media stars lionizing, donald trump has jumped on this bandwagon. >> donald trump calling rittenhouse a nice, young man. saying rittenhouse never should have suffered through a trial like that. it is part of an unquestioning embrace of kyle rittenhouse by some of the most contentious elements of the far right. the way donald trump tells it, kyle rittenhouse just happened to be in the neighborhood. >> kyle, i got to know him a little bit. he called and wanted to know if he could come over and say hello because he was a fan. >> reporter: so, the former president told sean hannity on fox, he welcomed rittenhouse and his mother to trump's mar-a-lago resort in florida. >> really, a nice young man. >> that was just a few days after the 18-year-old was acquitted of all charges in the fatal shootings of two people and the wounding of a third during last year's protests in kenosha, wisconsin. trump played the role of legal analyst, supporting rittenhouse's claim of self-defense. >> that was prosecutorial misconduct. he should not have had to suffer through a trial for that. he was going to be dead. if he didn't pull that trigger, kyle would have been dead. >> reporter: but even trump didn't gush over rittenhouse as blatantly as fox host tucker carlson did in rittenhouse's first interview since his acquittal. >> kyle rittenhouse struck us as bright, decent, sincere, dutiful, and hard working, exactly the kind of person you would want many more of in your country. >> for his part, rittenhouse said he was simply trying to protect businesses from rioters. >> kenosha is my community. um, and i just was upset seeing my community up in flames. >> reporter: rittenhouse is being hailed as a hero in other corners of the far right, with republican congress members matt gaetz, lauren boebert, and madison cawthorn competing with each other to possibly offer rittenhouse internships on capitol hill. >> kyle rittenhouse would probably make a pretty good congressional intern. >> madison cawthorn. he said that he would arm wrestle me for this kyle rittenhouse internship. but madison cawthorn has some pretty big guns, and so i would like to challenge him to a sprint, instead. >> reporter: congressman cawthorn uses a wheelchair. republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is also jumping in. pushing a bill to award rittenhouse a congressional gold medal which has been bestowed on people like george washington, nelson mandela, winston churchill, and the wright brothers. >> he stands as an icon on the far right as someone who pushed back against the black lives matter movement and he stands for gun rights because he was open carrying during a protest. and he used his -- his gun in a violent way. and was -- in -- in the minds of many people on the right, an attack on their version of america. >> reporter: in the carlson interview, kyle rittenhouse said the incidents that led to his prosecution never had anything to do with race and that he supports the black lives matter movement. he is also hinting at possible legal action against people who have implied that he is a white supremacist like then-candidate joe biden did in a tweet last year. rittenhouse now saying that was actual malice and defamed his character. jim. >> all right. brian todd, thank you very much. i am jim acosta. have a very happy thanksgiving. mom, get the turkey. get the stuffing ready. i'm on my way. i am going to show up hungry on this thanksgiving. i hope you do, too. erin burnett outfront starts right now. outfront next. guilty. three men convicted of murdering ahmaud arbery. the emotional scene inside court as the verdict was read tonight and what's next for the convicted murderers. plus, the republican national committee using donor money to pay legal fees for trump. trump, the self-proclaimed billionaire y.? a longtime republican donor responds. and china going to extremes to block coverage of tennis star peng shuai's safety. details on their disturbing censorship. let's go outfront. and good evening, i'm erin burnett. out front tonight,

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Count , Ship , Mistrial , Citizens , Ruling , Guide , Relic , Statute , Couple , Crime , Tone , Pastors , Rulings , Efforts , Equanimity , Request , Addition , Someone , Notion , Speakers , Outrageous , Rittenhouse , Defense Attorneys , Contrast , Money Excuse , Finding , Pause , Tropes , Experts , Course , Strategy , Lawyer , Toe Nails , Comment , Sort , Beyond The Pale , Prosecutor , Race , Something , Make , Line , Jogger , Didn T , He Wasn T Supposedly Dressed , Jogging , Reason , Cross Examination , Members , Standing , Three Membersch Prosecution Team , Insights , Joey Jackson , Owner , Mint Mobile , Ryan Reynolds , Things , Customers , Commercials , Stock Videos , Savings , Goal , Samsung Galaxy A12 , Don T Make It Weird , Imaginations , No , Kay , Fifteen Dollars , Fifteen , Skin , Beauty Bar , Dove , Girl , Friend , Dove Cleans , Cream , Best Friend , Advisor , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Picture , Book , Author , World , Kit , Publisher , Christian , Prosecution Team , Journey , Thanks , Congratulations , Linda , Evidence , Place , Part , Self Defense Argument , Arbery Family , Step By Dismantling , Argument , Best , Fluid Thing , Self Defense Case , Garbage , Comments , Any , Portions , Situations , Whoever , Prosecutors , Else , Cool , Ahmad , Larissa , Thl One , Dad , Witness , Yes , Deserving , Stealing , Isn T , Death Penalty , Crux , Defense , Some , Response , Saw , Paul , Job , Arguments , Points , Bit , Communication , Adross , Son , Marcus Arbery , Memory , Sense , Anything , Reactions , Attention , Concerns , Strategy Sessions , Breakdown , Panel , Juror , Doesn T , Black Or White , Team , Terms , General , Explanation , Closing Argument , Fluff , Hurdle , Nitty Gritty On , Party , Each , Defendant , Thought , Wau , Whats , Defense Attorney , Blast , Mr , Attorney , Presence , Strategically , Goff , Effort , Appeal , Error , Kevin Goff , Accident , Mothers , Note , Sons , Others , Child , Advocate , Work , Criminal Justice , Due Process , Airports , Records , Thanksgivings , Congrats , Coming Up , Millions , Update , Sky High , Coronavirus , Gas Prices , Business , Challenges , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Ride , Dell , More , Experience , Verizon , Phones , Row , Vo , Carrier , Most , Reliability , Calls , Network Quality , Data , Texts , Usage , 27 , Network , 5g , 16 , 5 , Retinol , Age , Wrinkles Results , Powerful , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Squad , Xfinity , Phone , Carriers , Switch , Info , Bill , Xfinity Mobile , Black Friday , Store , Sales Event , Save , 000 , 1000 , Travelers , Pandemic , Stephanie Elum , Gasoline Prices , Move , Rush , Destinations , Lax International Airport , Last Minula , Time , Patient , Skies , Covid , Turkey , Thanksgiving , Traveling , Particular , Tradition , Guy , Take A Look , Travellers , Shots , Arms , Holiday , Passengers , Double , Tsa , 2 Million , Air Travel , Pandemic Travel Record , Numbers , Far Cry , Aaa , 80 , 2020 , 20 Million , Airport , Road , Safer , Security Lines , Driving , Crowds , Increase , Traffic , I Don T Have To Diesel , 8 , 48 Million , Price , Record , Drivers , Gas , Government Data , Be Fighting Tsa Lines , 40 , 3 40 , Everyone , Gentleman , Kudos , Piece , Birds Of A Feather , Tom Seger , Forecast , Turkeys , Weather Board , All Systems Go , Radar , Snowfall , Snow , Record Keeping , Rockies , Light Rain , Desert Southwest , Return Flights On Sunday , Denver , 140 , Fire , Frying Outdoors , Danger , Humidity , Santa Ana Winds , Midwest , Southern California , Weather , Leave , Faund , East Coast , Louis In The Morning , Southeaster Texas , Weather Wise , Macy S Day Parade , New York City , 54 , Winds , Bad News , Flying , Digits , Balloons , Great Lakes , Cold Air , Northeast W Moisture Moving , Cities , Lake Effect Snow , East , Flight Delays , Rain Friday , Rain Tomorrow , Ohio Valley , Rain , Snowfall Moves , Batch , Flurries , New York , Philly , Baltimore , Boston , Stuffing , Stress , Sleepiness , Relatives , Advice , Friends , Questions , Strangers , Room , Insulation , Keeping Safe , Health , Power , Song , Opportunities , Lots , Singers , Employees , Purpose , Safelite , Difference , Safelite Repair , 300000 , Families , Doors , Comeback , Dedication , Essentials , Caring , Confidence , A Hundred Million , Heart , Chance , Play , Holiday Music , Lexus , Tristan , Holiday Season , Derek Johnson , Of Naacp , Ceo , Martin Luther King Iii , Gentlemen , Global Human Rights , Justice System , Arc , Bend , Phrase , Victory , Father , Light , Universe , Bend It , Step , Community , Reality , Direction , Nation , Stnds , Speaking , Don T , Merit , Lee , Information , Segment , Focus Ed , Laws , Deliberated , Books , 1800 , Wli , 1900 , District Attorneys , South , Barriers , Level , Jury Pool System , Popularity Contest , Peers , Bias , Individuals , Kamala Harris , Account , Casino , Climate , Defense Counsel , Screen , Portion , Cast Attendance , Statement Saying , Tactics , Faith Leaders , Minister , Intimidation , Brunswick Georgia , Thoughts , Worst , Defense Resort , Counselors , Defense Council , Gutter , Above And Beyond , Gutter Mechanism , Judgment , Saying , Talk , Evening , Victories , Twists , Tools , Result , Skills , Diligence , Parents , Tenacity , Ability , Wasn T A , League , Expert , Framebridge , Legacy , Halloween , Jojo , Uncle Leo , Summiting Kilimanjaro , Asher S Art Phase , 72 , Love , You Treasure , Doubt , Car , Manager , Salesman , Couch , Carvana , Outfront Next , 100 , She S A Beauty , Anyone , Checking In , Site , Golly , Laughter , Bye Mom , Sleigh , Roads , Helpers , Mountain , Toys , Wishes , Bridges , Fun , Homes , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Eve , Dean , Peter Hotez , First , Baylor College Of Medicine , Covid Vacs , National School Of Tropical Medicine , Dr , Folks , Door , Say , Guests , House , Doses , Mouth , Booster , Sars , 12 , 2 , Buffer Against , Test , Act , Um S , Um , Boost , Number , Vaccine , Breakthrough Infections , Somebody , States , Awareness , Transmission , Screaming , Wisconsin , Michigan , Minnesota , Family Members , Receiving End , Consideration , Risk , Do , Mask , Home Test , Tests , Window , Vest Ventilation , Table , Answer , Swab , Clinics , Situation , Access , One Shot , Virus , Possibility , Kids , Donald Trump , Vaccines , Testing Kits , Media Bandwagon , Kyle Rittenhouse , Acquittal , Clients , Lives , Thousands , Milestone , Event , Accomplishment , Sale , Iterations , Children , Advisors , Field Management , Retirement , Head , Daughter , College Education , Morgan Stanley , Vince Lumia , Life Event , Decisions , Emotions , Anniversary , Back , Circumstance , Challenge , Help , What Medicare Doesn T , Doctor , Specialist , Anywhere , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Supplement , Patients , Decision Guide , Medicare , Call Unitedhealthcare , Kate , Phone Everybody , Better , 00 , 800 , Call , Betteeeer , Say Betteeeer , Fallout , Murder Convictions , Ahmaud Arbery In Georgia , Brian Todd , Bandwagon , Young Man , Demonstration , Nice , Media Stars Lionizing , Embrace , Elements , Neighborhood , Kyle , Fan , Mar A Lago Resort , Florida , Sean Hannity , On Fox , Protests , Shootings , Wounding , Analyst , Kenosha , 18 , Claim , Misconduct , Interview , Didn T Gush Over Rittenhouse , Decent , Hard Working , Tucker Carlson , Fox Host , Dutiful , Sincere , Bright , Matt Gaetz , Corners , Republican Congress , Rioters , Hero , Businesses , Community Up In Flames , Congressman Cawthorn , Other , Intern , Rittenhouse Internships , Capitol Hill , Lauren Boebert , Internship , Sprint , Guns , Wheelchair , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , George Washington , Icon , Nelson Mandela , Winston Churchill , Wright Brothers , Bill To Award Rittenhouse A Congressional Gold Medal , Movement , Minds , Carrying , Right , Gun , Protest , Attack , Version , Gun Rights , Incidents , Action , Joe Biden , Character , Supremacist , Malice , Tweet , Guilty , I M On My Way , Erin Burnett Outfront , Donor , Murderers , Plus , Money , Scene , Republican National Committee , Fees , Billionaire Y , Details , Peng Shuai , Safety , Coverage , China , Extremes , Censorship , Let S Go Outfront , Erin Burnett ,

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