Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

i remember it all too well ♪ >> taylor swift's ten-minute version of perhaps her greatest song "all too well" is the number one hit of all time according the billboard. "american pie" held the spot since first landing on the charts in 1972. begs a question, john berman. which song is better? >> they're both very good. they're strong songs. i say that having never heard the taylor swift song. but i know if i say something bad about it, my twitter account will never exist again. they're both wonderful songs. >> i'm a swiftie. i really am. it's just that song, it's so iconic. look, they're both beautiful songs. she's iconic too. >> i'm told that's the case. all i'll say, ten minutes, if you're a grateful dead fan, it's like two seconds on the radio. ten minutes is short song. >> these are on the charts, just saying. >> does that really -- >> does it matter? maybe. all right. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. it is tuesday, november 23rd. some new video just released from the justice department shows a dramatic clash between police and rioters trying to breach the u.s. capitol on january 6th. that is silent video, closed-circuit video there. police seen trying to block the mob of insurrectionists from storming a security door as it is being lowered. one rioter was hurling a trash can at an officer. another sprayed a liquid from a can at police. outnumbered, the officers ended up falling back as rioters began pouring through. at least one of the rioters, armed with a baseball bat here. another with what looks like an ax handle. >> just a peaceful protest. just a normal tour through the capitol there, as they're throwing that large ashtray at law enforcement. >> you know, i will say, we see video all the time, right? it's something we kind of get used to it. but there's also something in particular about this one, where you can see that they were trying to cordon off this area. they're just met by this incredible force. it's the bear spray, what appears to be some sort of bear spray or pepper spray, that really gets me. you see the desperation of the officers. it's terrible. >> there's no question as to the motivation there either. also developing this morning, the january 6th committee is out with a new round of subpoenasubpoenas, inc two big names. roger stone and conspiracy theorist alex jones. this latest batch indicates the committee continues to focus in part on organizers and funding of the stop the steal rallies on january 6th and the days leading joining me is abc news chief correspondent jonathan karl. his book, "betrayal: the final act of the trump show" is out, and it is phenomenal. a whole bunch of revelations. so great the see you back here at cnn, even though i saw you at abc first. listen, the five new subpoenas, what do you see as the significance here. >> they're clearly looking at not just those directly involved in invading the capitol that day but those that had a role in inspiring and potentially organizing those to go and, not just -- you know, it is important to point out, when you look at the video you just showed, it's shocking, horrifying, like so much of the other video we've seen, but this was more than just an assault on police officers. it was more than just breaking into the capitol. it was more than vandalism. it was more than all of that. it was directly an effort to stop american democracy, to stop the transition of power, the peaceful transition of power, and that's what this gets into. because you mentioned roger stone, alex jones. these were the ones spinning up the conspiracy theories but also rallying people to do something to overturn the results of the presidential election and take matters into their own hands. >> we know that because they told us. let's listen to alex jones. one of the things he said, i believe, from january 5th. >> i don't know how this is going to end! if they want a fight, they better believe they've got one! >> they got a fight -- i'll translate to english. if they want a fight, they better believe they have one. >> let's not forget the other guy. donald trump was speaking the morning of january 6th, saying, "fight like hell." saying, you know, "take your country back." take those words for what they are, and look at what steve bannon -- you've played it many times here on "new day." steve bannon on january 5th also, telling his listeners, trump supporters, this was their time in history. this was their moment. all hell was going to break loose. i mean, what exactly does that mean? that doesn't mean a peaceful march up to the capitol. >> david fromm who has been on with us says something interesting. for all the investigating about things we don't know, isn't there enough to happened in broad daylight that we do know, that illustrates exactly what happened? what more do you need when you have the president speaking like he did that day, the former president, when you have alex jones, when you have steve bannon there, when you have the former president telling you in an interview, basically that he looks back somewhat fondly on that day? >> i mean, somewhat fondly? if you listen, and that's why i put the audio out, so it wouldn't just be the words on a page, but the way donald trump looks back on january 6th is it was one of the finest days, in his mind, of his entire presidency. he told me that it was a crowd larger than any crowd he had ever spoken before. he told me there were more than a million people that showed up. neither one of those statements are true. but he saw this as a day where people finally came out to fight for him. now, he did say in the interview that it was marred a little later on. that was the closest he came to saying there was anything wrong that happened on january 6th. but you're right, the record is out there in public. it's not just those words. it's not just the words of people like alex jones and steve bannon on january 5th. it's the entire drum beat leading up to that day. donald trump was trying to do -- use all means necessary, trying to threaten the secretary of state in georgia, all on tape. bringing in legislative leaders in those states, especially the legislative leaders in michigan were brought into the oval office skand instructed to overturn the results in michigan. set a new batch of electoral votes. his efforts to work with jeffrey clarke, to use the power of the justice department to overturn the election. the efforts that are revealed in my book to get the pentagon involved in chasing down crazy conspiracy theories. this was a multi-prong effort. much of it is out there in the public. john, i do think there is more to learn, and i think that, in some ways, all that we have seen in betrayal and some of the other investigative reporting, including excellent investigative reporting on cnn, is a prelude to what this january 6th committee has the potential to learn. they have subpoena power. of course, you and i don't. >> mark meadows, you focus on him, and you broke serious news that we foe rwarded on. another blueprint about how mike pence could stop the certification of the election, basically, on january 6th. you think there's much more to find out about mark meadows. what do you mean? >> i do. let me give you one example. one thing i kind of deconstruct what happened where that phone call with secretary of state brad raffensperger in georgia. how the call came about, if you recall, it was a saturday. it came right after raffensperger had appeared on a fox television show. he got -- there was a call by molly michael, the personal secretary to the president, to the general press line at the secretary of state's office in georgia. eventually, raffensperger's deputy got ahold of meadows and wanted to know, is this a real call you left on a voicemail? meadows was quite upset. meadows said, "we've been trying to reach out to you 18 different times, and you've ignored our inquiries." what they realized, they said "what are you talking about?" raffensperger himself had been receiving text messages from a gmail account, mark meadows' gmail account, that he thought was certainly a prank. number had been put out on the internet. getting all kinds of prank calls. mark meadows was reaching out to a top official in georgia on a private gmail account. what else was going on where his private gmail account? he was at the intersection of everything, john. i know that john ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, i read about how he got just crazy phone calls on his personal cell phone from sidney powell and rudy giuliani and, ultimately, the conclusion he had was it was mark meadows that gave out his personal cell phone number to those two, to the top intelligence official in the country. what else was mark meadows up to? >> will we ever find out? he will fight this appearance as long as he possibly can, citing executive privilege. i want to focus on a couple things in your book that haven't been talked about too much because they're interesting. you write about a meeting you had in the oval office. at that point, were you head of the white house correspondence association? you went in with zeke miller, another reporter, to talk to then president trump. he was talking about going to the white house correspondence dinner. you write about this conversation. the former president says, jonathan is very cool, he told zeke miller. he is like my son. trump then proceeded to reenact a conversation with his son. "do you love your dad?" "uh, i don't know." "he does, but it is too cool." he was comparing me to his teenage son, and comparing my lack of excitement at his appearance at the dinner with his son's reluctance to say out loud that he loved him. >> many surreal moments, so i don't know if it was the moment, but it was certainly in the top five. i got summoned, along with my fellow leaders of the white house correspondence association, to the oval office the day after super tuesday. this is the beginning of march. it's a week before the world shuts down, united states shut down because of the pandemic. trump is -- i was told the subject was the white house correspondence dinner. just a wild scene. first of all, they bring us into the oval office, then leave to go get trump to bring him in. we're standing there alone in the oval office for a good few minutes, looking around, figuring, are we being taped? is this a test? what are we supposed to do here? trump came in. we met with him for about an hour. he was clearly very seriously -- or wanted us to think that he was seriously considering finally making an appearance at the white house correspondence dinner. i had announced the entertainment. it was a really, you know, good lineup. we had kenan thompson of "snl." he -- you know, i hadn't even invited the guy. i wasn't sure i wanted to invite him. he had called the press the enemy of the people. i also felt if he wanted to come, we would -- of course, he is the president of the united states. they've always come to these dinners. i was not going to beg him. i wasn't even going to actually ask him. i just said, "we respect your decision. if you want to come, you're welcome to you. if you don't want to come, that's fine." that's where the whole bizarre exchange, where he's talking about his son not wanting to say he loves him. >> it is odd, to say the least. by the way, he has an hour to spend with you, and the pandemic is breaking out all over the world. that's interesting too. very quickly, deputy chief of staff la del, there was almost this shadow transition he was conducting, even when donald trump didn't want to conduct a transition. >> yeah. i think this is a really important story and an unknown story, largely unknown story. chris ladel was in charge of the transition on the trump side. he was appointed to the job early in 2020, before the election. he was a deputy chief of staff. he'd worked for donald trump the entire four years. he started on day one. he was there right until the very end. he conducted basically a clandestine operation out of a little office on the second floor of the west wing, where he was the one official in that white house in regular communication with the biden transition team, doing what is required by law, by the way, to facilitate a transition. he never once told donald trump about it. he did prebrief meadows about i and meadows okayed it. that's important to point out. he never once talked to donald trump. also, there was tony ornado, the deputy chief of staff for operations, did the same thing closer to january 20th for the transition. worked with general mally y dy, who was the campaign manager, now has that job in the biden white house, and facilitated the transition. for all that happened on january 6th, january 20th, it is something of a miracle, i write, and i truly believe, that january 20th happened the way it did and in a peaceful way. >> the book is "betrayal." it is wonderful. i love you. i'm not afraid to say it even if donald trump's children are afraid to say it to their father. >> thank you, john. good to be with you again. it's been too long. coming up, live courtroom action here on "new day," as the prosecution for the trial of the men accused of killing ahmaud ar arbery, they will issue their rebuttal. new overnight, another smash and grab robbery at a high-end department store. plus -- raw emotion from the daughter of a man just cleared of a crime that he didn't commit after a seven decade legal battle l. ♪ (vo) 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that could take up to two hours. yesterday, people were shocked about how the defense really leaned into some racial ideas, especially when it came to talking about ahmaud's toes. in just hours, the jury is expected to begin deliberations in the trial of three men accused of murdering awe maude arkan -- ahmaud arbery. the prosecutor will have a final case to prove that the mcmichaels and bryan are responsible for arbery's death. >> they made assumptions about what was going on that day, and they made their decision to attack ahmaud arbery in their driveways because he was a black man running down the street. >> reporter: in her closing argument for the state, the lead prosecutor said the three men had no reason to chase arbery down while he was jogging on a street outside of brunswick, georgia, last year. >> they're trying to convince you that ahmaud arbery was the attacker. that he was somehow threatening to them, three on one, two w pickup trucks, two guns. mr. arbery, nothing in his pockets. not a cell phone. not a gun. not even an id. >> reporter: along with arguing against self-defense claims, prosecution says the three men could not justify making a citizens arrest. the prosecutor reminding jurors of the law. >> a citizens arrest is for emergency situations when the crime happens right in front of you, and you can take action then and there to arrest somebody. it is not a citizens arrest. they never said it. none of the defendants saw mr. arbery commit any crime that day. >> reporter: the defense attorney for travis mcmichael, the man who shot and killed arbery, pushing back. >> you do have the right to perform a citizens arrest. you do have the right . you can stop the person and hold them, detain them for the police. there is risk with that. there are tragic consequences that can come from that. >> reporter: jason sheffield saying he was defending himself after arbery was trespassing at a construction site weeks ahead of the shooting. his client the only one to take the stand. >> he told you about the thefts and the burglaries. the totality of the facts. he wanted to talk to him. he wanted to stop him for the police to tedetain him. don't be fooled by the word arrest. you don't have to announce, "you're under arrest." >> reporter: both are charged with felony murder as well as charges of aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and criminal attempt to commit a felony. they pled not guilty. defense attorneys for each of the men making their own closing arguments monday. >> we are ready to proceed with closing arguments. >> reporter: kevin gough argued arbery would have been killed, regardless of whether his client, bryan, was at the scene. >> roddy bryan's presence is absolutely superfluous and irrelevant to the tragic death of ahmaud arbery. >> reporter: bryan filmed the video showing the fatal shooting. his lawyer says there would be no case without the footage. >> the inconvenient truth is that roddy bryan did not know and could not know that these men were armed until moments before mr. arbery's tragic death. at the time of the shooting, he was some distance back. he was armed only with his cell phone. >> reporter: greg mcmichael's lawyer focused on depicting arbery as an intruder. >> turning ahmaud arbery into a victim after the choices that he made does not reflect the reality of what brought ahmaud arbery in his khaki shorts, with no socks, to cover his long, dirty toenails. >> reporter: arbery's mother, wanda cooper-jones, left the courtroom after this comment. >> that was just beyond rude. regardless of what kind of toenails he had, what size legs he had, that was still my son. and my son actually was running for his life in that description. >> reporter: i can tell you, a lot of people were upset by those comments, especially since ahmaud is dead. they didn't understand why the defense had to go in that far and bring that up. also, i want to tell you about the scene yesterday. we had people show up with long weapons who marched around the courthouse. at one point, even came in contact with the defense attorneys. that prompted kevin gough to ask for another mistrial, which the judge was like, "no, that's not going to happen." all these things are playing out as tension rises. hopefully today when court starts at 8:00, we'll get closer to the ending. >> listening to that, i think we all understood very well what she was trying to do. the question will be, is that something that resonates with the jury, or is it rejected? ryan, thank you so much for that report from georgia. really appreciate it. just into cnn, smack and grabbers striking again in california overnight. a mob of at least 20 suspects tried to break into a nordstrom at the grove shopping center, smashing a window with a splej ha sledg sledgehammer. it prompted a high-speed police chase. video from saturday shows 80 suspects in ski masks that ransacked a nordstrom near france. last week, another group stole $120,000 worth of merchandise from a louis vuitton in illinois. we have breaking news. we're learning president biden is set to announce that he will release 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help lower gas prices. the white house joins us live coming up. and a judge has exonerated four young black men wrongly accused of rape 70 years ago. the daughter of one of the men is going to join us next. acon. look at that coverage by that pepper jack cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring- automatically. so no hiding under your pillow, or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the black friday event. ♪ ♪ hey tristan! ♪ ♪ hey lexus... play holiday music! ♪ ♪ we've been waiting all year to come 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>> it felt like 72 years of emotions boiled up in a bottle that burst. i tried to -- several times, tried to restrain myself, but it just -- it was just hard. to feel that, at last, 72 years, this cloud had been rectified over me. i felt like i had gotten my dad out of prison. riding a wave, a huge wave riding up that i had to get on. this wave just came up in emotions. i can't give you the right words to say how deep and how pleased i was, just to hear the judge say, "innocent." after 72 years, to hear that word attached to my father's name. >> how -- >> it was just -- >> you know, your father wasn't -- and you had a special relationship with him, carol. you were 11 when he was paroled. how did it feel not having him there to hear this news himself? >> it felt like he was there. it felt like -- i felt that i saw him in my spirit. i saw him smile. that smile of his that says, okay, it's over now. it's the end. i just wish that i could just hug him like he always hugged me on his birthday. and when it was announced, i felt all my father's presence. it was a good feeling. it was a grateful feeling. it was a thankful feeling. i remember when i used to give him a birthday card or take him some peanut brittle, he'd always say, "thank you, carol." and i felt that yesterday. i felt him saying thank you. >> you know, the details -- >> amazing. >> it is amazing to hear you recount it, carol. i will tell you. the details of what your father and these other defendants went through, i mean, they're horrific. they were beaten to receive a confession. two of his -- all of his co-defendants were shot under questionable circumstances at one point or another by law enforcement or by a white mob. yet, the conviction stood even though from the very get-go, it was clear that they may be innocent. why do you think it took so long? >> i would think because when it happened, folks were scared. they had been intimidated to the max. in some areas, they just wanted it to go away because it was so horrific. it was so wrong. they were afraid to talk about it. even my father hesitated to talk about it, to tell me about it. it took me 40 years to even ask him about it. didn't want to open up those wounds. because growing up, it appeared that everybody was hurt, and it was such a painful time. nobody wanted to talk about it. that's what took so long. until you have the courage to pull the shade back and face the evil and the bad things, it'll just stay there. it'll stay uncovered. so until we can talk about it and face our mistakes and have the courage to do what the attorney did, to dig deep, is when we correct the wrongs. >> carol -- >> that's what took so long. >> -- you were there seeing justice through for your dad. you said that you could tfeel hm saying "thank you." i wonder what you would say to your dad today if you could. >> i love you. i appreciate you. i thank god for you. because it is -- it is who my father was, and still is to me, my hero. he endured the worst of the worst and came out the best of the best. he raised his children to be grateful, to be thankful, to be forgiving, to be honest in all ways prembrace the truth. i'd say, thank you, father, for raising me to be strong. >> carol, i want to thank you for being with us, and i'm so glad for your family, for this just end to what has been a decades-long ordeal. for your family, for the other families of the groveland four, and, honestly, for the history of this country. i really, really am thankful you're speaking with us today. >> thank you for having me. thank you very much. >> we're back here in a moment. 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>> i've never been to war, but i can imagine what a young man that's been in the war and dealing with post-traumatic stress. this is a form of post-traumatic stress. >> reporter: steps away from destroyed homes, caskets with the dead inside sit under the warm louisiana sun. the state-run cemetery task force has not returned them to their resting place after floodwaters forced them from their gravesites. >> it is heartbreaking. to see that no one is really trying to put them back. >> reporter: ironton is south of new orleans. much of the area is below sea level, and it has the distinction of being one of the fastest vanishing places on the planet due to climate change and sea level rise. a recent study found minorities are more likely to live on land endangered by rising sea levels and more likely to die from extreme temperatures. extreme weather is not the only danger. a drive between new orleans and baton rouge reveals an 85-mile stretch of more than 150 petroleum and chemical companies that sandwiched whole neighborhoods while spewing harmful emissions. more vulnerable to climate change, more exposed to pollutants, it's the proverbial one-two punch epa administrator michael regan came to see as the biden administration promises to address environmental injustices in minority and low-income communities. >> the general feeling here is that their government has failed them. >> i think the state and federal government and local government has failed the people in terms of effectively communicating and being transparent and offering some levels of relief. >> reporter: failing people like 81-year-old robert taylor. a lifelong resident of louisiana's cancer alley, where the nation's highest cancer rate is concentrated. >> we want him to stop the slaughter. this is outright slaughter. >> reporter: these are all of taylor's family members diagnosed with cancer. almost everyone here has a cancer story. >> when you the suffering that we're seeing, there has to be a correlation. >> the state has not declared this a public health emergency. are you prepared to go against that? >> we're going to assess the data. we're going to follow the facts. we're going to follow the science. we're going to follow the law. >> so what the people there within the louisiana communities got from the epa was a commitment to fix these decades of environmental injustice that they have experienced. but what we didn't hear, brianna, was a specific timeline for when there would be specific deliverables to these communities, and i can tell you in speaking with them, they want action, they want it specific, they want it now. so we will be waiting to see how the epa moves forward and just one more note, those coffins you saw in the piece washed up by the storm, we reached out to the state about that and have not received a response. >> help is not going to come soon enough. that's what is very clear here. rene, thank you so much. an excellent and much needed report. we have more on our breaking news, president biden set to announce he's releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help lower gas prices. we'll have the white house joining us live coming up. plus, why a federal judge compared al gore to donald trump. and boston celtics star not holding back. candid comments on the nba, china, lebron james, michael jordan and more when ennis canter joins us live. next up, carvana. oh, boy. carvana just doesn't seem to understand how the test drive works. they give their customers seven days. and if they don't like it, they give 'em their money back. wait, they take the car back? that's crazy! what if it was driven by like a zookeeper? or a mud wrestler? or a guy who's on the outs with the missus and he just needs a place to sleep for seven days? yeah. 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why is it just the women's tennis association? >> i believe, not just nba, but nfl, nhl, mls, mlb, every organization shall take notes of what wta did. it was unbelievable how they stand behind their players, and they just said it, we do not care about your endorsement deals, we do not care about your business or money, we stand with our players. it is important for this organization to stand up for their players, doesn't matter what kind of business that they do with china. what i read about that, i was very happy that the stand the wta took. >> you're not just speaking out against china. you're speaking out about the silence of other athletes and prominent people vis-a-vis china, specifically lebron james, the biggest star in your league and your sport. you tweeted, money over morals for the king. very critical of lebron james and his continued sneaker deals with nike that produces in china. this is how james responded to that after you guys played each other saturday night. >> i think if you know me, i don't really give too many people my energy, you know, and he's definitely someone i will give my energy to. trying to use my name to create, you know, an opportunity for him himself. >> what is your reaction to that? >> i mean, it is sad. it is sad because there is just puppets. i believe before lebron james or michael jordan, we need to call out these companies, you know, because it is sad, like, for example, nike, the biggest sponsor of nba, right, if you look at the -- in america, they stand with black lives matter, latino community, no asian hate, and lgbtq community. but when it comes to china, they remain silent. so i am asking all the americans who are watching this right now, every time you put on this, you know, shoes on your feet or put that t-shirt on your back, there is so much blood and sweat and oppression on those items. so -- but i just -- i just believe that before you put your signature on this paper to sign deals with this companies, do some research. educate yourself. everybody knows about the slavery -- the labor and knows about the sweat shots. to, to me, principles, morals and values way more important than money and that should be for every athlete in the world. >> now, in the process of talking about lebron james, you also brought up michael jordan. you said that you think actually lebron james is more active in the united states than

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Plan , Plaque Psoriasis , Hand In , Study , Most , Starter Doses , 90 , 4 , 2 , 1 , 3 , Treatment , Infections , Doctor , Ability , Tuberculosis , Sweats , Chills , Infection , Vaccine , Coughs , Fevers , Symptoms , Muscle Aches , Dermatologist , Business , Gift , Businesses , Deal , Comcast Business , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Bundles , Network , Gig Speeds , Voice , Savings , Price Guarantee , Possibilities , 4 99 , 64 99 , Injustice , Hurricane Ida , Rene Marsh , Climate Crisis , Links , Damage , Communities , Minority , Climate Racism , Trauma , Louisiana , Result , Impact , Michael Regan , Generations , Head , Epa , Community , Hurricane Season , Meal , Like , Storm Hit Yesterday , Iron Tin , Post Traumatic Stress , War , Dealing , Homes , Form , Caskets , Inside Sit , State Run Cemetery Task Force , Resting Place , Floodwaters , Gravesites , Warm Louisiana Sun , Sea Level , Much , South , Distinction , New Orleans , Ironton , Sea Levels , Planet , Places , Minorities , Rise , 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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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i remember it all too well ♪ >> taylor swift's ten-minute version of perhaps her greatest song "all too well" is the number one hit of all time according the billboard. "american pie" held the spot since first landing on the charts in 1972. begs a question, john berman. which song is better? >> they're both very good. they're strong songs. i say that having never heard the taylor swift song. but i know if i say something bad about it, my twitter account will never exist again. they're both wonderful songs. >> i'm a swiftie. i really am. it's just that song, it's so iconic. look, they're both beautiful songs. she's iconic too. >> i'm told that's the case. all i'll say, ten minutes, if you're a grateful dead fan, it's like two seconds on the radio. ten minutes is short song. >> these are on the charts, just saying. >> does that really -- >> does it matter? maybe. all right. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. it is tuesday, november 23rd. some new video just released from the justice department shows a dramatic clash between police and rioters trying to breach the u.s. capitol on january 6th. that is silent video, closed-circuit video there. police seen trying to block the mob of insurrectionists from storming a security door as it is being lowered. one rioter was hurling a trash can at an officer. another sprayed a liquid from a can at police. outnumbered, the officers ended up falling back as rioters began pouring through. at least one of the rioters, armed with a baseball bat here. another with what looks like an ax handle. >> just a peaceful protest. just a normal tour through the capitol there, as they're throwing that large ashtray at law enforcement. >> you know, i will say, we see video all the time, right? it's something we kind of get used to it. but there's also something in particular about this one, where you can see that they were trying to cordon off this area. they're just met by this incredible force. it's the bear spray, what appears to be some sort of bear spray or pepper spray, that really gets me. you see the desperation of the officers. it's terrible. >> there's no question as to the motivation there either. also developing this morning, the january 6th committee is out with a new round of subpoenasubpoenas, inc two big names. roger stone and conspiracy theorist alex jones. this latest batch indicates the committee continues to focus in part on organizers and funding of the stop the steal rallies on january 6th and the days leading joining me is abc news chief correspondent jonathan karl. his book, "betrayal: the final act of the trump show" is out, and it is phenomenal. a whole bunch of revelations. so great the see you back here at cnn, even though i saw you at abc first. listen, the five new subpoenas, what do you see as the significance here. >> they're clearly looking at not just those directly involved in invading the capitol that day but those that had a role in inspiring and potentially organizing those to go and, not just -- you know, it is important to point out, when you look at the video you just showed, it's shocking, horrifying, like so much of the other video we've seen, but this was more than just an assault on police officers. it was more than just breaking into the capitol. it was more than vandalism. it was more than all of that. it was directly an effort to stop american democracy, to stop the transition of power, the peaceful transition of power, and that's what this gets into. because you mentioned roger stone, alex jones. these were the ones spinning up the conspiracy theories but also rallying people to do something to overturn the results of the presidential election and take matters into their own hands. >> we know that because they told us. let's listen to alex jones. one of the things he said, i believe, from january 5th. >> i don't know how this is going to end! if they want a fight, they better believe they've got one! >> they got a fight -- i'll translate to english. if they want a fight, they better believe they have one. >> let's not forget the other guy. donald trump was speaking the morning of january 6th, saying, "fight like hell." saying, you know, "take your country back." take those words for what they are, and look at what steve bannon -- you've played it many times here on "new day." steve bannon on january 5th also, telling his listeners, trump supporters, this was their time in history. this was their moment. all hell was going to break loose. i mean, what exactly does that mean? that doesn't mean a peaceful march up to the capitol. >> david fromm who has been on with us says something interesting. for all the investigating about things we don't know, isn't there enough to happened in broad daylight that we do know, that illustrates exactly what happened? what more do you need when you have the president speaking like he did that day, the former president, when you have alex jones, when you have steve bannon there, when you have the former president telling you in an interview, basically that he looks back somewhat fondly on that day? >> i mean, somewhat fondly? if you listen, and that's why i put the audio out, so it wouldn't just be the words on a page, but the way donald trump looks back on january 6th is it was one of the finest days, in his mind, of his entire presidency. he told me that it was a crowd larger than any crowd he had ever spoken before. he told me there were more than a million people that showed up. neither one of those statements are true. but he saw this as a day where people finally came out to fight for him. now, he did say in the interview that it was marred a little later on. that was the closest he came to saying there was anything wrong that happened on january 6th. but you're right, the record is out there in public. it's not just those words. it's not just the words of people like alex jones and steve bannon on january 5th. it's the entire drum beat leading up to that day. donald trump was trying to do -- use all means necessary, trying to threaten the secretary of state in georgia, all on tape. bringing in legislative leaders in those states, especially the legislative leaders in michigan were brought into the oval office skand instructed to overturn the results in michigan. set a new batch of electoral votes. his efforts to work with jeffrey clarke, to use the power of the justice department to overturn the election. the efforts that are revealed in my book to get the pentagon involved in chasing down crazy conspiracy theories. this was a multi-prong effort. much of it is out there in the public. john, i do think there is more to learn, and i think that, in some ways, all that we have seen in betrayal and some of the other investigative reporting, including excellent investigative reporting on cnn, is a prelude to what this january 6th committee has the potential to learn. they have subpoena power. of course, you and i don't. >> mark meadows, you focus on him, and you broke serious news that we foe rwarded on. another blueprint about how mike pence could stop the certification of the election, basically, on january 6th. you think there's much more to find out about mark meadows. what do you mean? >> i do. let me give you one example. one thing i kind of deconstruct what happened where that phone call with secretary of state brad raffensperger in georgia. how the call came about, if you recall, it was a saturday. it came right after raffensperger had appeared on a fox television show. he got -- there was a call by molly michael, the personal secretary to the president, to the general press line at the secretary of state's office in georgia. eventually, raffensperger's deputy got ahold of meadows and wanted to know, is this a real call you left on a voicemail? meadows was quite upset. meadows said, "we've been trying to reach out to you 18 different times, and you've ignored our inquiries." what they realized, they said "what are you talking about?" raffensperger himself had been receiving text messages from a gmail account, mark meadows' gmail account, that he thought was certainly a prank. number had been put out on the internet. getting all kinds of prank calls. mark meadows was reaching out to a top official in georgia on a private gmail account. what else was going on where his private gmail account? he was at the intersection of everything, john. i know that john ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, i read about how he got just crazy phone calls on his personal cell phone from sidney powell and rudy giuliani and, ultimately, the conclusion he had was it was mark meadows that gave out his personal cell phone number to those two, to the top intelligence official in the country. what else was mark meadows up to? >> will we ever find out? he will fight this appearance as long as he possibly can, citing executive privilege. i want to focus on a couple things in your book that haven't been talked about too much because they're interesting. you write about a meeting you had in the oval office. at that point, were you head of the white house correspondence association? you went in with zeke miller, another reporter, to talk to then president trump. he was talking about going to the white house correspondence dinner. you write about this conversation. the former president says, jonathan is very cool, he told zeke miller. he is like my son. trump then proceeded to reenact a conversation with his son. "do you love your dad?" "uh, i don't know." "he does, but it is too cool." he was comparing me to his teenage son, and comparing my lack of excitement at his appearance at the dinner with his son's reluctance to say out loud that he loved him. >> many surreal moments, so i don't know if it was the moment, but it was certainly in the top five. i got summoned, along with my fellow leaders of the white house correspondence association, to the oval office the day after super tuesday. this is the beginning of march. it's a week before the world shuts down, united states shut down because of the pandemic. trump is -- i was told the subject was the white house correspondence dinner. just a wild scene. first of all, they bring us into the oval office, then leave to go get trump to bring him in. we're standing there alone in the oval office for a good few minutes, looking around, figuring, are we being taped? is this a test? what are we supposed to do here? trump came in. we met with him for about an hour. he was clearly very seriously -- or wanted us to think that he was seriously considering finally making an appearance at the white house correspondence dinner. i had announced the entertainment. it was a really, you know, good lineup. we had kenan thompson of "snl." he -- you know, i hadn't even invited the guy. i wasn't sure i wanted to invite him. he had called the press the enemy of the people. i also felt if he wanted to come, we would -- of course, he is the president of the united states. they've always come to these dinners. i was not going to beg him. i wasn't even going to actually ask him. i just said, "we respect your decision. if you want to come, you're welcome to you. if you don't want to come, that's fine." that's where the whole bizarre exchange, where he's talking about his son not wanting to say he loves him. >> it is odd, to say the least. by the way, he has an hour to spend with you, and the pandemic is breaking out all over the world. that's interesting too. very quickly, deputy chief of staff la del, there was almost this shadow transition he was conducting, even when donald trump didn't want to conduct a transition. >> yeah. i think this is a really important story and an unknown story, largely unknown story. chris ladel was in charge of the transition on the trump side. he was appointed to the job early in 2020, before the election. he was a deputy chief of staff. he'd worked for donald trump the entire four years. he started on day one. he was there right until the very end. he conducted basically a clandestine operation out of a little office on the second floor of the west wing, where he was the one official in that white house in regular communication with the biden transition team, doing what is required by law, by the way, to facilitate a transition. he never once told donald trump about it. he did prebrief meadows about i and meadows okayed it. that's important to point out. he never once talked to donald trump. also, there was tony ornado, the deputy chief of staff for operations, did the same thing closer to january 20th for the transition. worked with general mally y dy, who was the campaign manager, now has that job in the biden white house, and facilitated the transition. for all that happened on january 6th, january 20th, it is something of a miracle, i write, and i truly believe, that january 20th happened the way it did and in a peaceful way. >> the book is "betrayal." it is wonderful. i love you. i'm not afraid to say it even if donald trump's children are afraid to say it to their father. >> thank you, john. good to be with you again. it's been too long. coming up, live courtroom action here on "new day," as the prosecution for the trial of the men accused of killing ahmaud ar arbery, they will issue their rebuttal. new overnight, another smash and grab robbery at a high-end department store. plus -- raw emotion from the daughter of a man just cleared of a crime that he didn't commit after a seven decade legal battle l. ♪ (vo) 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that could take up to two hours. yesterday, people were shocked about how the defense really leaned into some racial ideas, especially when it came to talking about ahmaud's toes. in just hours, the jury is expected to begin deliberations in the trial of three men accused of murdering awe maude arkan -- ahmaud arbery. the prosecutor will have a final case to prove that the mcmichaels and bryan are responsible for arbery's death. >> they made assumptions about what was going on that day, and they made their decision to attack ahmaud arbery in their driveways because he was a black man running down the street. >> reporter: in her closing argument for the state, the lead prosecutor said the three men had no reason to chase arbery down while he was jogging on a street outside of brunswick, georgia, last year. >> they're trying to convince you that ahmaud arbery was the attacker. that he was somehow threatening to them, three on one, two w pickup trucks, two guns. mr. arbery, nothing in his pockets. not a cell phone. not a gun. not even an id. >> reporter: along with arguing against self-defense claims, prosecution says the three men could not justify making a citizens arrest. the prosecutor reminding jurors of the law. >> a citizens arrest is for emergency situations when the crime happens right in front of you, and you can take action then and there to arrest somebody. it is not a citizens arrest. they never said it. none of the defendants saw mr. arbery commit any crime that day. >> reporter: the defense attorney for travis mcmichael, the man who shot and killed arbery, pushing back. >> you do have the right to perform a citizens arrest. you do have the right . you can stop the person and hold them, detain them for the police. there is risk with that. there are tragic consequences that can come from that. >> reporter: jason sheffield saying he was defending himself after arbery was trespassing at a construction site weeks ahead of the shooting. his client the only one to take the stand. >> he told you about the thefts and the burglaries. the totality of the facts. he wanted to talk to him. he wanted to stop him for the police to tedetain him. don't be fooled by the word arrest. you don't have to announce, "you're under arrest." >> reporter: both are charged with felony murder as well as charges of aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and criminal attempt to commit a felony. they pled not guilty. defense attorneys for each of the men making their own closing arguments monday. >> we are ready to proceed with closing arguments. >> reporter: kevin gough argued arbery would have been killed, regardless of whether his client, bryan, was at the scene. >> roddy bryan's presence is absolutely superfluous and irrelevant to the tragic death of ahmaud arbery. >> reporter: bryan filmed the video showing the fatal shooting. his lawyer says there would be no case without the footage. >> the inconvenient truth is that roddy bryan did not know and could not know that these men were armed until moments before mr. arbery's tragic death. at the time of the shooting, he was some distance back. he was armed only with his cell phone. >> reporter: greg mcmichael's lawyer focused on depicting arbery as an intruder. >> turning ahmaud arbery into a victim after the choices that he made does not reflect the reality of what brought ahmaud arbery in his khaki shorts, with no socks, to cover his long, dirty toenails. >> reporter: arbery's mother, wanda cooper-jones, left the courtroom after this comment. >> that was just beyond rude. regardless of what kind of toenails he had, what size legs he had, that was still my son. and my son actually was running for his life in that description. >> reporter: i can tell you, a lot of people were upset by those comments, especially since ahmaud is dead. they didn't understand why the defense had to go in that far and bring that up. also, i want to tell you about the scene yesterday. we had people show up with long weapons who marched around the courthouse. at one point, even came in contact with the defense attorneys. that prompted kevin gough to ask for another mistrial, which the judge was like, "no, that's not going to happen." all these things are playing out as tension rises. hopefully today when court starts at 8:00, we'll get closer to the ending. >> listening to that, i think we all understood very well what she was trying to do. the question will be, is that something that resonates with the jury, or is it rejected? ryan, thank you so much for that report from georgia. really appreciate it. just into cnn, smack and grabbers striking again in california overnight. a mob of at least 20 suspects tried to break into a nordstrom at the grove shopping center, smashing a window with a splej ha sledg sledgehammer. it prompted a high-speed police chase. video from saturday shows 80 suspects in ski masks that ransacked a nordstrom near france. last week, another group stole $120,000 worth of merchandise from a louis vuitton in illinois. we have breaking news. we're learning president biden is set to announce that he will release 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help lower gas prices. the white house joins us live coming up. and a judge has exonerated four young black men wrongly accused of rape 70 years ago. the daughter of one of the men is going to join us next. acon. look at that coverage by that pepper jack cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring- automatically. so no hiding under your pillow, or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the black friday event. ♪ ♪ hey tristan! ♪ ♪ hey lexus... play holiday music! ♪ ♪ we've been waiting all year to come 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>> it felt like 72 years of emotions boiled up in a bottle that burst. i tried to -- several times, tried to restrain myself, but it just -- it was just hard. to feel that, at last, 72 years, this cloud had been rectified over me. i felt like i had gotten my dad out of prison. riding a wave, a huge wave riding up that i had to get on. this wave just came up in emotions. i can't give you the right words to say how deep and how pleased i was, just to hear the judge say, "innocent." after 72 years, to hear that word attached to my father's name. >> how -- >> it was just -- >> you know, your father wasn't -- and you had a special relationship with him, carol. you were 11 when he was paroled. how did it feel not having him there to hear this news himself? >> it felt like he was there. it felt like -- i felt that i saw him in my spirit. i saw him smile. that smile of his that says, okay, it's over now. it's the end. i just wish that i could just hug him like he always hugged me on his birthday. and when it was announced, i felt all my father's presence. it was a good feeling. it was a grateful feeling. it was a thankful feeling. i remember when i used to give him a birthday card or take him some peanut brittle, he'd always say, "thank you, carol." and i felt that yesterday. i felt him saying thank you. >> you know, the details -- >> amazing. >> it is amazing to hear you recount it, carol. i will tell you. the details of what your father and these other defendants went through, i mean, they're horrific. they were beaten to receive a confession. two of his -- all of his co-defendants were shot under questionable circumstances at one point or another by law enforcement or by a white mob. yet, the conviction stood even though from the very get-go, it was clear that they may be innocent. why do you think it took so long? >> i would think because when it happened, folks were scared. they had been intimidated to the max. in some areas, they just wanted it to go away because it was so horrific. it was so wrong. they were afraid to talk about it. even my father hesitated to talk about it, to tell me about it. it took me 40 years to even ask him about it. didn't want to open up those wounds. because growing up, it appeared that everybody was hurt, and it was such a painful time. nobody wanted to talk about it. that's what took so long. until you have the courage to pull the shade back and face the evil and the bad things, it'll just stay there. it'll stay uncovered. so until we can talk about it and face our mistakes and have the courage to do what the attorney did, to dig deep, is when we correct the wrongs. >> carol -- >> that's what took so long. >> -- you were there seeing justice through for your dad. you said that you could tfeel hm saying "thank you." i wonder what you would say to your dad today if you could. >> i love you. i appreciate you. i thank god for you. because it is -- it is who my father was, and still is to me, my hero. he endured the worst of the worst and came out the best of the best. he raised his children to be grateful, to be thankful, to be forgiving, to be honest in all ways prembrace the truth. i'd say, thank you, father, for raising me to be strong. >> carol, i want to thank you for being with us, and i'm so glad for your family, for this just end to what has been a decades-long ordeal. for your family, for the other families of the groveland four, and, honestly, for the history of this country. i really, really am thankful you're speaking with us today. >> thank you for having me. thank you very much. >> we're back here in a moment. 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>> i've never been to war, but i can imagine what a young man that's been in the war and dealing with post-traumatic stress. this is a form of post-traumatic stress. >> reporter: steps away from destroyed homes, caskets with the dead inside sit under the warm louisiana sun. the state-run cemetery task force has not returned them to their resting place after floodwaters forced them from their gravesites. >> it is heartbreaking. to see that no one is really trying to put them back. >> reporter: ironton is south of new orleans. much of the area is below sea level, and it has the distinction of being one of the fastest vanishing places on the planet due to climate change and sea level rise. a recent study found minorities are more likely to live on land endangered by rising sea levels and more likely to die from extreme temperatures. extreme weather is not the only danger. a drive between new orleans and baton rouge reveals an 85-mile stretch of more than 150 petroleum and chemical companies that sandwiched whole neighborhoods while spewing harmful emissions. more vulnerable to climate change, more exposed to pollutants, it's the proverbial one-two punch epa administrator michael regan came to see as the biden administration promises to address environmental injustices in minority and low-income communities. >> the general feeling here is that their government has failed them. >> i think the state and federal government and local government has failed the people in terms of effectively communicating and being transparent and offering some levels of relief. >> reporter: failing people like 81-year-old robert taylor. a lifelong resident of louisiana's cancer alley, where the nation's highest cancer rate is concentrated. >> we want him to stop the slaughter. this is outright slaughter. >> reporter: these are all of taylor's family members diagnosed with cancer. almost everyone here has a cancer story. >> when you the suffering that we're seeing, there has to be a correlation. >> the state has not declared this a public health emergency. are you prepared to go against that? >> we're going to assess the data. we're going to follow the facts. we're going to follow the science. we're going to follow the law. >> so what the people there within the louisiana communities got from the epa was a commitment to fix these decades of environmental injustice that they have experienced. but what we didn't hear, brianna, was a specific timeline for when there would be specific deliverables to these communities, and i can tell you in speaking with them, they want action, they want it specific, they want it now. so we will be waiting to see how the epa moves forward and just one more note, those coffins you saw in the piece washed up by the storm, we reached out to the state about that and have not received a response. >> help is not going to come soon enough. that's what is very clear here. rene, thank you so much. an excellent and much needed report. we have more on our breaking news, president biden set to announce he's releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to help lower gas prices. we'll have the white house joining us live coming up. plus, why a federal judge compared al gore to donald trump. and boston celtics star not holding back. candid comments on the nba, china, lebron james, michael jordan and more when ennis canter joins us live. next up, carvana. oh, boy. carvana just doesn't seem to understand how the test drive works. they give their customers seven days. and if they don't like it, they give 'em their money back. wait, they take the car back? that's crazy! what if it was driven by like a zookeeper? or a mud wrestler? or a guy who's on the outs with the missus and he just needs a place to sleep for seven days? yeah. 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why is it just the women's tennis association? >> i believe, not just nba, but nfl, nhl, mls, mlb, every organization shall take notes of what wta did. it was unbelievable how they stand behind their players, and they just said it, we do not care about your endorsement deals, we do not care about your business or money, we stand with our players. it is important for this organization to stand up for their players, doesn't matter what kind of business that they do with china. what i read about that, i was very happy that the stand the wta took. >> you're not just speaking out against china. you're speaking out about the silence of other athletes and prominent people vis-a-vis china, specifically lebron james, the biggest star in your league and your sport. you tweeted, money over morals for the king. very critical of lebron james and his continued sneaker deals with nike that produces in china. this is how james responded to that after you guys played each other saturday night. >> i think if you know me, i don't really give too many people my energy, you know, and he's definitely someone i will give my energy to. trying to use my name to create, you know, an opportunity for him himself. >> what is your reaction to that? >> i mean, it is sad. it is sad because there is just puppets. i believe before lebron james or michael jordan, we need to call out these companies, you know, because it is sad, like, for example, nike, the biggest sponsor of nba, right, if you look at the -- in america, they stand with black lives matter, latino community, no asian hate, and lgbtq community. but when it comes to china, they remain silent. so i am asking all the americans who are watching this right now, every time you put on this, you know, shoes on your feet or put that t-shirt on your back, there is so much blood and sweat and oppression on those items. so -- but i just -- i just believe that before you put your signature on this paper to sign deals with this companies, do some research. educate yourself. everybody knows about the slavery -- the labor and knows about the sweat shots. to, to me, principles, morals and values way more important than money and that should be for every athlete in the world. >> now, in the process of talking about lebron james, you also brought up michael jordan. you said that you think actually lebron james is more active in the united states than

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