Transcripts For CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper and

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240709

>> and jubilation. >> kyle rittenhouse would probably make a good congressional intern. >> reporter: what does it say about american justice? . plus you get a boost. >> get as many people eligible for boosters as possible. >> reporter: but can cases rising and the holidays here, can we avoid a winter surge? i'll speak to dr. anthony fauci ah ahead. hello i'm dana bash in washington where the state of our union is taking stock as the holiday week approaches, president biden had some good news to be thankful for, after weeks of tense negotiations, friday the house passed the cornerstone plan of president bi biden's agenda. the roughly $2 trillion social safety net and climate bill, what he calls build back better but on the other side of thanksgiving, another huge challenge lies ahead for democrats, convincing moderate senators joe madgein and kyrsten sinema to sign onto the legislation as biden confronts rising legislation and falling poll numbers and democrats fight over the scope of their policies, republicans in washington are facing a reckoning over conduct. this week, only two republicans voted to censure arizona congressman paul gosar for posting an edited video depicting him appearing to kill democratic congressome alexandria ocasio-cortez, not only did gosar's republican colleagues essentially condone the behavior, the party's de facto leader, former president donald trump, endorsed his re-election. joining me is republican governor chris sununu who announced this month he plans to run for re-elect there in new hampshire, and stay as far away from where i am in washington as possible. thank you so much, governor, for joining me. let's first start on the president's agenda, house democrats just passed the sweeping social safety net and climate bill. i want to put up on the screen some of what is in this bill, clean energy, climate incentives, universal pre-k, expanded child tax credits, paid family leave, new health care subsidies and benefits and more. poll after poll shows these policies are broadly popular with voters in both parties. so do you think it is a mistake for republicans here in washington to dismiss that, and oppose these measures? >> it's not about the measures and the policies. everyone likes those things. they're good things but this is an immense amount of money and we don't run a balanced budget in washington. we sure as heck do here in new hampshire. somebody has to pay for all of us this. we have good programs at the state level that do a lot of these things. more programs and all that sound good but at the end of the day, they have to be paid for and they have to be sustainable, because these aren't programs we're just going to do for a couple of years. this is one-time money most of it but it has to get built into a budget. washington doesn't seem to understand the concept of a budget but somebody has to pay this. it's not just you and me. it's our kids and grandkids. the fiscal responsibility has left the window out of washington, d.c., i think that's a frustration for all americans. >> they say it is paid for, they have ways to offset the costs. >> yes, it's called taxes, right. so one thing, one of the reasons i want to stay as governor, as they keep raising taxes on everybody in washington, d.c., i keep lowering them and republican governors keep lowering them for their citizens to offset that. inflation in itself is the worst tax you can put on low and middle income families across america because they got to buy a gallon of gas as much as anybody else. so this idea that we're going to spend $1.75 trillion but trust us, it's not going to cost you anything, nobody buys that. the american people are smart. they're voters and going to vote with their feet. if people did buy it you'd see poll numbers changing and overwhelming support from the american people, not just from one party or the other. overall you have to find ways to get to the middle, you don't do that cutting the price tag. you look at what happens at a local level, how do you make sure these programs can get implemented? remember, the senate supports the policy. they support funding, and then they go unon to the next thing. it's the governors and citizens in local communities that implement the programs and field the real costs of them. >> governor, you talked about inflation, you have been critical of president biden and the way he's handled rising inflation, gas prices in new hampshire i don't have to tell you are almost 70% higher than last year at this time. i know you're worried about the cost of home heating this winter. what do you want the president to do that's not already doing? >> so a couple things. when you talk number one, about gas and home heating fuels, the fact that he has limited the supply, said we're not going to create more supply here in the united states, fuel is a futures market so when all these companies hear their future supply is going to diminish in the u.s., yet the president is asking to o peck to produce more overseas and approving pipelines out of russia that are more -- i should say less environmentally sound than we'd do here it doesn't make ecological sense. that has a triger in the market. home heating fuel on the costs is bad enough but the supply chain, making sure we can get the trucks from point a to point b. this coming february, the federal government is going to put in further regulations and further barriers to getting a cdl license, just getting someone a trucking license, that has impact not just moving products onto a grocery shelf but moving heating fuel where it needs to go. these are real policies that happen in washington that we feel every single day in our communities. >> you just passed up a pretty good chance to have a say of what's going on here in washington when you announce you're not running for the senate in new hampshire next year. you can actually still see republicans around town wiping their tears from their eyes because they were so sad about it. a lot of them thought really you were the best chance to take back that seat, maybe flip the senate. what do why did you say no? >> you get more done being the governor. governors have to implement, design programs, create opportunities, and we as governors have the best opportunity to offset what some of the negative things coming out of washington. when we see these vaccine mandates that are really impacting workforce, impacting businesses, we're suing three times over. the senate and house don't really have any power to do that. with the executive orders they're going right past congress, so as a governor, you can actually play defense and protect the interests of your citizens against the negative stuff coming out of d.c. as well as creating those opportunities with the infrastructure money, aarp money out there, and with the c.a.r.e.s. act, it's governors designing the programs to make sure we're getting the best bang for our buck, putting the right roads money can be. with oil, steel, all of the supply chain issues driving up cost and limited supply, how you implement the infrastructure dollars is going to be a real challenge. >> you are a prominent republican, governor, so we want to ask a couple questions about your party. many in the gop want to kick 13 house republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill off their committees. at the same time, you have republican congressman gosar sharing a video showing him killing a democratic congresswoman and only two republicans wanted to strip him of his committees. what does that say to you about the gop, voting for a bipartisan bill is considered worse by many than encouraging violence. >> look, i don't think -- i think politics in its entirety on both sides of the aisle in washington is screwed up. it really is. they got their priorities all wrong, focus on the wrong things, don't talk about balancing budgets and fixing health care, immigration reform, social security and medicare are going to be broken in about ten years. you better get around to fixing that. i have elderly citizens counting on the programs. instead we focus our time on nit picky things. when a congressman says those things, of course they have to be ken sured for that and held to bear for that. when we talk about kicking people off of committees because they don't like one vote or the other, i think they have priorities screwed up. >> you're talking, just to be clear about both parties but as a republican, i'm asking you about republicans, it sounds to me like you said that paul gosar should have been censured and stripped of his committees. >> yes. >> and it's okay for republicans to support a bipartisan infrastructure bill. >> of course. look, i think -- >> what does it say about your party that they're being attacked the way they are? >> again, i think it says we have our priorities wrong. republicans have had huge successes with cutting taxes, limiting government, creating opportunities in schools, supporting parents, making sure kids -- those are our wins and those are america's wins and wins from not republicans and independents and even some of the conservative democrats and that's what bev to focus on as a party. >> governor, i was inyou announced you wouldn't run for senate, i was covering congresswoman liz cheney facing an uncertain political future and intense criticism from her party over her position on january 6th. do you think there's room for liz cheney in the republican party and specifically, you're in new hampshire, in the 2024 primary process? >> i think there's room for everybody in the republican party. whether you're independent or democrat, we got room for everybody to come on board and i think that's what you're going to see over the next year. it can't be about one particular issue. that's kind of that social media mob mentality that's built up in this country where we think, we don't agree with unissue so we'll attack andvillify one person or one individual. we have to get beyond that. culturally it's ruining america and we have to get back to showing public service can work. >> are you thinking about running for president in 2024? >> people asked me about that. i got a win in '22, still have an election and earn the votes of the people of new hampshire in 2022, serve a couple years. we'll see what the future brings but there is a lot to do and a lot to not just push back with washington but a lot to implement here. it's being governor is one of the challenging jobs you can ever imagine. you have to be on 24/7. i have the opportunity to do things, a dozen different things every single day that impact people's lives, it's incredibly fulfilling and the job i'm focused on. >> you happen to be doing it in the first in the nation primary state. let the record reflect you did not say no. governor, thank you so much for joining me. >> there you go. >> appreciate it. >> thank you, dana. she made history on election night, the first woman and woman of color elected to lieutenant governor in virginia. republican winsome sears is next. plus democrats are bracing for a difficult election cycle, so why does new gubernatorial candidate beto o'rourke think texas could swing his way? i'll ask him, ahead. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan— right now at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 pro— and t-mobile will pay for it! it has the most advanced iphone camera ever! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking about existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile— let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers can upgrade to the iphone 13 pro on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? nah, we're gonna get creamed— but we'll be on t-mobile! before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? we are the next. the next generation of visionaries. rule breakers. game changers. and world beaters. we certainly aren't here to do what's been done before. and neither are we. at palo alto networks, we are ready to secure our digital future. we innovate to outpace cyberthreats. so you can make the next day safer than the one before. we've got next. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ ♪ (burke) i've seen this movie before. (woman) you have? (burke) sure, this is the part where all is lost and the hero searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. (woman) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. wait, i didn't ruin the ending, did i? (woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ we can live where we want, we can eat where we want. we own the water fountains. we've had a black president-elect not once but twice and here, i am living proof. >> welcome back to "state of the union." that was lieutenant governor-elect republican winsome sears, celebrating her history-making victory in virginia earlier this month. she's breaking barriers as the first woman ever not to mention the first woman of color to serve in that role and that's just the latest for the conservative republican and former marine who has a life time of firsts. lieutenant governor-elect winsome sears joins me. thank you for joining me. congratulations on your victory. so as i've said, you are now the first woman, first woman of color to be elected statewide in virginia. you've said that you didn't run to make history, but you did. so what does it mean to you? >> well, it means that when children look at me, they can say winsome is there. if she can do it, i can do it. i as i've said in the enclaves when they get together or in their celebrations, when they're graduating, i said i didn't do anything special. all i did was stay in school and study and you can do it, too, because i am an example of what you can be if you put your mind to it. >> i want to talk about some issues that you will be dealing with in virginia, president biden signed his bipartisan infrastructure bill, he signed it into law this week. virginia alone will receive more than $10 billion towards improving your roads, your bridges, airports, water systems, so is that good for virginians? >> well, it depends on what else comes with it. you know, we have to look at the whole bill and my god, did you see the bill was this big. who has read that whole massive thing? do we know what's really in it and do we have to pass it before we can know what's in it? i think that's true. i look at some of the other parts of the bill, for example, when you talk about broadband. broadband is very important to me, because our southwestern virginia has been suffering from not having that. in fact, 20 years ago, when i was first elected for the house of delegates, we were crying for broadband for the southwest. 20 years, i'm back later still crying, and i've got the feeling it's because nobody really cares. but as lieutenant governor, i sit on something called the center for rural advancement, so it's very important to me that we get broadband there. so coming back to that bill, we know now that there's money in there for rural advancement, but here is the kicker. only if you have an immigrant population that is absolutely growing and at a certain point. so once again, our folks in the southwest are going to be left out because we don't have that there and so that's what i'm saying. we're using the budget, the money to try to make things happen that are not happening and it's not right. it's not right, so we want to know what are in these bills before they're passed, not afterwards. we want to know what are representatives signing onto, and that's one of my bills when i'm sworn in. >> this one is now law, 13 house republicans voted yes. >> it is. >> were they right? >> that's going to be left up ultimately to the voters to decide that, and they'll figure it out sooner or later. >> let's talk about some of your priorities as lieutenant governor. you said in your victory speech that you want to fully fund historically black colleges and universities in virginia. do you feel confident that republicans who will control the executive branch and the house of delegates in virginia will get that done and if so, how quickly? >> absolutely. you know we have the democrats who control currently our house, our senate, lieutenant governor and attorney general. that's the whole shebang that they control and when that money came down from the feds, there was money there to fully fund historically black colleges and universities and they did not. in fact, a republican brought that bill up, i think it was delegate glenn davis and they said no, they didn't have time, they didn't have the money for it, when the money was fully there but we hear democrats love historically black colleges and universities more than anybody else. i don't know what kind of love that is, because it doesn't show up. so we're going to do that. in fact governor-elect glenn youngkin promised he'll make that happen and have a republican house to do that. i'm sure the senate will see the tea leaves and read them and go along with it. if not, i'll be the vote hopefully that will break the tie that will pass it and gl governor glenn youngkin will sign it. >> education more broadly, you opposed critical race theory taught in schools which i should say is not part of virginia's curriculum. you did say though that the good and the bad of american history should be taught, and that we should also tell viewers you're at former vice president of the virginia board of education. explain how you think race should be taught in virginia public schools. >> well, let me back up. i beg to differ that crt is not taught. >> i didn't shea that. i said it's not in the krick c curriculum just to be clear. >> no, it is weaved in and out of the curriculum. in 2015, former governor, who was just defeated, mcauliffe, his state board of education had information on how to teach it, so it's weaved in. so you know, it's semantics, but it's weaved in. what we want to say and what governor-elect youngkin has said is that all of history must be taught, the good, the bad and the ugly because what we learn from history, dana, is that we don't learn from history and we continue to repeat the same mistakes. but while we're talking about history, how about we talk about how people, from the 1890s, black people from the 1890s to 1950 to 1960 according to the u.s. census marrying in a percentage that had far surpassed anything that whites had ever done. when we talk about the tulsa race riots, let's ask ourselves how did the black people amass so much wealth right after the civil war, so that it could even be destroyed? how do they do that? you know, they were coming from nothing, from zero, some of them never even got the 40 acres and a mule. let's try to emulate that. the one thing that the slaves wanted, well, three top things, their freedom certainly, then the next thing was they wanted to find their families and the third thing was they wanted an education, and my god, when did education become a bad word among black people? no. we are going to have a good education system. it's going to represent all people, and i'm going to help see that through, because education lifted my father out of poverty when he came to america with only $1.75, education lifted me, because i have to find my own way in this world and education will lift all of us. >> i want to talk about keeping on schools but about vaccines in schools. virginia public schools are required, children are required there to get vaccinated for a lot, a lot of things, including polio and measles and chicken pox. so why is it okay to mandate childhood vaccines in virginia for so many diseases but not covid? >> well, let's ask ourselves, and i'm not saying yay or nay. if the purpose of the covid vaccine is to prevent us from getting covid, why is it those who have had covid must get the vaccine? the one doesn't follow the other and so you know, there are people who, when they get covid, they also get the monoclonal antibody therapy, and it's working. it's working very well in florida, if you notice what's happening there, and so one size doesn't fit all. now, i have said get the vaccine, and then if you're not going to get the vaccine, then you know, do what's necessary to keep yourself safe and keep other people safe. let me ask you this question. if you have the mask on, then why does somebody else have to wear the mask? you've got the mask and vaccine, fully protected, armored. ultimately we have to remember that we're america. we love our freedom. we love our liberty. people are dying to get into this country so that they can do well for themselves and their families. let's not make it like some other countries. let's let liberty shine. >> so just a couple things that you said there. you said that people who have had covid have the antibodies. that is true, but scientists don't think that lasts forever and eventually they wane, just like the antibodies you get from your vaccine wanes, which is why people are getting boosters. my question from the beginning was about the fact that you talk about liberty, but there are already mandates for vaccines for a host of other diseases, so is covid just becoming too political especially as you even said, you want people to get vaccinated. >> i'm not going to force anybody to do that. now, you talk about it's become politicized this covid-19 vaccine and has. our president, president biden and vice president harris themselves both said they would not trust any vaccine that was developed by the trump admini administration. that was before their election. after their election they were singing a different song, and now, everybody has to be vaccinated, in fact, president biden, when he was candidate biden, said that he would not force vaccines on us, and here we are. i mean, what are we really believing? then we say we're going to go along with whatever the health and the sciences say. well, then his very own fda 16-2 voted against booster shots. then what happens? he comes out, his cdc director says they're going to have booster shots. which science are we following? then we hear that at the border, people are coming in covid, no mask, no anything, and they're being let into the general population, but the rest of us who are here have to mask up. what is the science? can somebody tell us what to finally believe? >> yes. >> this is the problem. it is all politicized. >> yeah, in fairness, the science, it's a novel virus and the science is changing and scientists are learning about it and i have to say that candidate biden said that he wouldn't trust the trump vaccine, what they said was they would only trust it if the scientists determined it, not the politicians, but just before i let you go on this topic, during the campaign, you were, as i said, earn co said, encouraging people to get vaccinated or not. but you haven't said whether you are vaccinated. do you want to say now? >> as i said, america, if it's nothing else, it's about liberty. it's about being able to live your life free from the government telling you what to do. and so we understand this thing about slippery slopes. the minute that i start telling you about my vaccine status, we're going to be down the bottom of the mountain trying to figure out how we got there, because now you want to know what's in my dna, you're going to want to know this, that and the other, and in new york, you see, we have people, waiters, waiters asking people their vaccination status, and by the way, do you know what else they require? a photo i.d. to determine if this vaccine card you're presenting is really you. who are we fooling? come on. let's say you get the vaccine, go ahead and get the vaccine, if that's what you want to do, get the vaccine. don't force it on anybody else. we know, and by the way, media, they're not telling us that people are suffering as a result of getting the vaccine. they have all kinds of problems. i understand it might be the miniscule, but when you're the one out of 30,000 that gets it, it's important to you, so we need to tell the good, the bad and the ugly about the vaccine. >> before i let you go i want to ask you about wisconsin. a jury acquitted kyle rittenhouse of all charges and accepted his argument that he acted in self-defense when he killed two people in kenosha last year and wounded another. a a number of republican elected officials and other voices on the right of celebrating rittenhouse as a hero. do you think his actions should be lionized? >> you know what i think? i think we ought to let the american justice system speak for itself, and i'm going to quote our current president, president biden, and he said, "it's time to move on." so let's heal. there's one verse i've used throughout my campaign, written by a jewish politician, king david, psalm 133, "how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in peace and harmony." can we allow the scan to finally heal? can we stop picking at the wounds? we need a president who comes out and says let's just get together. let's figure it out. let's not label people. we see that the world is turned upside down. the right is wrong, the wrong is right. when do we have that where we say let's just all get along, like rodney king said, and by the way, can we have a media that tries to find the good among us, instead of dividing us, because the media are complicit in this. >> winsome sears, thank you so much for joining me this morning. congratulations again on your win and i hope you have a happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you, and your viewers and please, don't forget the missionaries who are kidnapped in haiti. we haven't been talking about them. >> okay, we'll have you on again, i'm sure and we can talk about a lot more. thank you, again. he framed his presidential campaign around gun control. now he's running to be governor of one of the nation's most gun-friendly states. i'll talk to beto o'rourke about that and more, next. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. welcome back to "state of the union." as national democrats fret over low poll numbers and dissatisfied voters ahead of next year's midterm elections, in texas the state's most prominent democrat thinks he's got a shot. former presidential candidate beto o'rourke announced will challenge texas republican governor greg abbott for house next year betting 2022 is finally the year texas turns blue. joining me now is democratic candidate for texas governor, beto o'rourke. thank you so much for joining me this morning. so you just saw republicans take the governorship in virginia, come within striking distance of doing the same in new jersey. you're a democrat running in a red state. it's a difficult year for your party. how do you look at that and say this is my time to run? >> it's not so much my time. it's the time for texas to realize our full potential. we really want to get back to doing the big things in this state, focusing on creating the best jobs in america right here in texas, world class public schools for our kids, and moving forward on common sense ideas, like expanding medicaid, getting away from the extremism and divisiveness of greg abbott, the abortion ban that puts a $10,000 bounty on the head of any texas woman trying to make her own reproductive health care decisions, the permitless carry bill he signed into law that allows anyone to carry a loaded firearm in public without any background check, without any kind of training whatsoever, these policies that pit texans against one another are keeping us from doing the big things that we really should be doing. i want to help bring this state together not as democrats and not as republicans but as texans and get back after doing the big things that texas used to be known for. i don't know so much about the national political climate. i do know what the people in texas want and i want to make sure as a candidate and governor i deliver on that. >> it was gun control in particular was your number one issue in your presidential campaign. i want to play something you said on the debate stage in 2019 shortly after a mass shooting in your hometown of el paso. >> hell yes, we're going to take your ar-15 and ak-47 and not going toe allow it to be used against fellow americans anymore. >> is that what you would still do as governor of texas? >> look, we are a state that has a long, proud tradition of responsible gun ownership and most of us here in texas do not want to see our friends, our family members, our neighbors shot up with these weapons of war. so yes, i still hold this view, but i also have been listening to my fellow texans who are concerned about this idea of permitless carry that greg abbott has signed into law, which allows any texan to carry a loaded firearm, despite the pleadings of police chiefs and law enforcement from across the state who said it would make their jobs more dangerous and make it harder for them to protect those that they were sworn to serve in their communities. so we don't want extremism in our gun laws. we want to protect the second amendment. we want to protect the lives of our fellow texans. when we come together and stop this divisive extremism that we see from greg abbott right now, we're going to be able to do that. >> staying on guns for a moment, on friday, a wisconsin jury acquitted kyle rittenhouse in his murder trial. rittenhouse claimed he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed two people and wounded a third in kenosha, wisconsin, last year. what's your reaction to that verdict? >> i mean, this entire tragedy makes the case that we should not allow our fellow americans to own and use weapons that were originally designed for battlefield use, that ar-15, that ak-47 has one single solitary purpose and that is killing people as effectively, as efficiently and great a number in as little time as possible. we saw that in kenosha. we saw that in el paso, texas, where 23 people were murdered by someone with an ak-47 just in a matter of minutes. this is crazy, and we should not come to expect this as the matter of course in america, and the thing is, we don't have to. so here in texas, where most of us including myself grew up learning how to use firearms responsibly, let's bring that experience and knowledge to bear. let's protect the second amendment. let's also make sure that we protect one another by having common sense gun laws. i know that we can do it. >> you campaigned for joe biden in 2020 after your presidential run came to an end. a recent poll shows that just 35% of texans approve of his performance. would you like the president to come and campaign with you? >> this campaign in texas is not going to be about joe biden. it's not going to be about donald trump. it's not going to be about anyone from outside of our state. this is going to be about the people of texas, and what the people of texas want, and i told you, they want the big things, like jobs, great schools, and making sure everyone can see a doctor, but they also want to see some confidence in their government. we had an electricity grid failure here in this state this year, though we are the energy capital of north america. millions without power, hundreds who unfortunately died during that disaster, and even afterwards, our governor has done nothing to protect this electricity grid and you're seeing electricity and natural gas prices continue to increase in texas as rate payors pay for the damage done by this governor. people in this state want change and they're focused on what's happening here in texas, not on what's going on in the rest of the country. >> does that mean you would prefer that he not come, based on what you just said? >> it means that i'm focused on texas, and on my fellow textones. th texans. those are the most important people. there's no other politician or person outside of the state who can help change the course of this election for better or worse. that's why i'm traveling to every part of this state, making sure that no one is written off and no one is taken for granted and that we keep the focus on texas. >> i don't need to tell you, a big issue in your state is immig immigration. there were a record number of apprehensions at the southern border this past year, nearly 1.7 million arrests. you said this week that president biden could "do a better job" at the border. do you think his policies are contributing to surges there? >> i don't think we've seen enough urgency when it comes to rewriting our immigration laws to match the needs and the reality that we see especially in our border communities. as i listen to those who live on the border, and as you know, dana, my wife and i are raising our kids on the border here in el paso, we want to make sure that we have the resources to meet some of the challenges that we have. we also want to make sure that the laws that we have on the books are improved to meet some of the reality that we see in our communities. so yes, we expect more of our president and those who represent us in congress, but we also expect more of our governor, who is using the border right now as a photo opportunity, scapegoating a and villifying immigrants asking texans to "defend themselves and take matters into their own hands from this invasion" as he describes it, that's the kind of dangerous rhetoric that inspired that gunman more than two years ago to come to texas and kill people claiming that he was defending this state from an invasion of hispanics who were coming to take over. so we've got to be more responsible and we've got to be more responsive to what we see happening on the ground right now in texas. as governor, i'm going to listen to those who understand this issue better than anyone else, the people of the u.s./mexico border and make sure we have policy solutions and leadership that reflects that. >> beto o'rourke, thank you so much for joining me this morning. happy 15th birthday to your son, ulysses. >> thank you, dana. thank you very much. the guidance for covid booster shots just changed, so should you go get one? i'll ask dr. anthony fauci about that, and his advice for you this upcoming holiday season. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. ♪ it starts with a mother's determination to treat her baby's eczema. and grows into a family business that helps thousands more. it starts with an army vet's dream of studying the stars. and grows into a new career as an astrophysicist. it starts with an engineer's desire to start over. and grows into an award-winning restaurant that creates local jobs. they learned how on youtube. what will you learn? i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. welcome back to "state of the union." as we head into the holidays, all americans over the age of 18 are now eligible for covid booster shots. the cdc said that on friday. the decision comes as some health experts warn about a possible winter surge. joining me now is dr. anthony fauci, dr. fauci, thank you so much for joining me this morning. let's talk about the booster shot because they are now authorized for all adults. the cdc says those over 65 or with underlying conditions should get boosters, but for everyone else, it only says they may get a booster. so can you clear this up for us? do you recommend that every single american 18 and older get a booster shot? >> absolutely, dana. let's make it clear. when there's lack of clarity, people get confused. they're not sure what to do. if you are 18 or older, and you've been vaccinated, fully vaccinated with the moderna or the pfizer mrna, six months or more ago, get a booster, if it's j&j, and it's two months ago, or more, get a booster. i don't think we should get hung up on should/may. just go out and get boosted. we know they're safe and he with know they're highly effective in bringing very, have he high up the optimization of your protection. so just go ahead and get boosted. now is the time to do it, as we're getting into the holiday season, you want to be fully protected in the sense of getting optimal. the vaccines themselves clearly are still highly effective, but but you want to make sure the durability of the vaccine is longer and that's why we get boosters. the protection starts to wane a bit and that's where the boosters are all about. bottom line, damn it, get boosted. >> thank you for clarifying that. it's so important. two months ago the fda rejected authorizing boosters for all adults and former fda commissioner scott gottlieb said the handling of boosters, quote, may end up being one of the biggest missed opportunities of this pandemic. i know you've always been pro booster, but is he right? >> in certain respects i think the lack of clarity was the thing that got people confused and that's why myself and my colleagues are very pleased now we have clarity. and that's what you need. we have a very powerful tool at our disposal and let's use it optimally and get any lack of clarity out of the way to do it properly. >> you said hospitalizations for people who had only two doses are already picking up. is that the definition of what constitutes fully vaccinated, does it need to change now to include a booster shot? >> we're going to follow that very carefully, dana. that's what we say -- and that that's what we mean when we say we need to let the science follow. and we will follow people who get boosted. we don't know right now. to be perfectly transparent, we will do the best we can to keep the american people optimally protected. if that means that will be a boost that absolutely everyone has to have, so be it, we'll do it that way. but it will be zbiguided by the science. people should not be put off by the fact as time goes by and we learn more and more about the protection we might modify the guidelines. that's what we've been saying all along by follow the science. things change and you have to follow the data. >> which i understand but given the fact you're saying please get boosters to people who are vaccinated, if before we get boosterred. at this point given what you know, accurate to say two shots doesn't mean fully vaccinated anywhere? >> two shots for a time frame means you're fully vaccinated. but the thing you want to get the people and the viewers to understand, it isn't just the effectiveness of the vaccine that's quite effective, it's how long it lasts and that's the reason we started to see the immunity start to wane, we said people should be boostered. and that's why we will keep following closely. that's the point. >> got it. in europe they're dealing with a crippling new rise of infections and in the u.s. infections are rising for the first time in weeks and averaging 100,000 new cases per day. are we beginning to see a winter wave? >> certainly, you can't walk away from the data and the data shows that the cases are starting to go up, which is not unexpected when you get into a winter season and you know immunity does wane over time and you look and say what can we do about that and you still have about 60 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who have not been vaccinated. and that results in the dynamic of virus in the community that not only is dangerous and makes people who are unvaccinated vulnerable, but it also spills over into the vaccinated people because no vaccine is 100% effective, and we have a lot of virus circulating around. we know there are breakthrough infections and that's how you get the uptick in cases. the bottom line common denominator of all of this, dana, is get vaccinated if you have not been vaccinated and boostered if you have been vaccinated. >> let's talk about the holidays. a poll found two-thirds of americans say their thanksgiving gathering will go back to the size before the pandemic began. with that in mind, what are your recommend,s for americans to celebrate safely? >> my recommendations to americans to celebrate safely is get vaccinated as soon as you can. obviously if you're not vaccinated, you're in a situation where you're more vulnerable to getting infected but for the people who are vaccinated, people who can get boostered, enjoy your holiday season with your family, do it. but be aware when you're in a situation when you're traveling, for example, in an indoor congregate setting and you don't know the vaccination status of people, you need to wear a mask. but in family settings, particularly among vaccinated people, enjoy the holiday. that's thanksgiving. looking ahead to christmas, right now since we can vaccine children from 5 to 11, you start vaccinating them now, they will be fully vaccinated by the time we get to the christmas holidays and that's what we should be thinking about. >> i just wouldant to underscor something you said and make sure our viewers are clear on it. if you're vaccinated and you're going to a holiday setting where everybody is vaccinated, it's okay to be there without a mask? >> absolutely. that's what i'm going to do with my family and that's what i think people should do. that's the whole point we keep getting back to, that is the safety net, vaccination. take away the anxiety and take away the concern about what you should do and not, and you can enjoy the holidays safely. if not, get tested when you get together. but that's not a substitute for getting vaccinated. get yourself vaccinated so you can continue to enjoy interactions with your families and others. >> anthony fauci, thank you so much for joining me. i hope you and your family have a nice thanksgiving. >> same to you, dana. thank you very much. i appreciate it. and thank you for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria is next. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. most who achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months had lasting clearance through 1 year. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin at 3 years. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. today on the program, after many months of tensions ratcheting higher and higher, presidents xi and biden finally meet. >> we have a responsibility to the world as well as our people. >> virtually. what got accomplished, what was left

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Votes , Win , Public Service , 2022 , 22 , Governor , Jobs , Lot , 24 7 , Dana , Job , Lives , Nation Primary State , Record , First , Woman , Color , Lieutenant Governor , Election Night , Election Cycle , Way , Candidate , Plan , T Mobile , Iphone , Customers , Magenta Max , Camera , Ronald , Pro , Half , Iphone On , Gonna Get Creamed , Nexium 24hr , Claire , Heartburn , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , 24 , Generation , Visionaries , Game Changers , Rule Breakers , World Beaters , Palo Alto Networks , Cyberthreats , Time , Beat , Dimension , Tiger , Imagination , Part , Burke , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Home , Hero , Movie , Hope , Figure , Something , Bum , Farmers , Materials , Limits , Ending , Farmers Policy Perks , Y You , Pa Dum , State Of The Union , President Elect , Water Fountains , Black , Proof , Victory , Latest , Role , Congratulations , Marine , Firsts , History , Children , Winsome , Celebrations , Enclaves , Example , Study , Mind , Issues , School , Anything Special , Law , Water Systems , Roads , Airports , Bridges , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , God , Virginians , Big , Broadband , Suffering , Parts , 20 , Immigrant Population , Center For Rural Advancement , Kicker , Advancement , Point , Folks , Southwest , Bills , Representatives , Colleges , Talk , Victory Speech , Universities , Executive Branch , House , Attorney General , Shebang , Feds , Bill Up , Glenn Davis , Glenn Youngkin , Doesn T Show Up , Love , Tea Leaves , Tie , Gl , Education , Viewers , Curriculum , Bad , Race Theory , Race , Virginia Board Of Education , Vice President , Crt , Mcauliffe , Krick C Curriculum , Shea That , 2015 , Semantics , The Good Bad And Ugly , State Board Of Education , Mistakes , 1890 , Marrying , Whites , Census , Percentage , Riots , Tulsa , 1960 , 1950 , Nothing , Wealth , Civil War , 40 , Zero , Slaves , Freedom , Mule , Father , Education System , Word , Vaccines , World , Poverty , 1 75 , 75 , Childhood Vaccines , 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David , Psalm 133 , Written By A Jewish , 133 , Wounds , Good , Media , Said , Rodney King , Missionaries , Haiti , We Haven T , Gun Control , Talking , Nation , States , Gun , Friendly , Nutrients , Place , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Best , Emergen C , Blend , Protein , Mission , Strength , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrition , Whoo Hoo , 30 , 27 , Elections , Greg Abbott , Shot , Governorship , Distance , Red State , Same , New Jersey , Potential , Ideas , Common Sense , Extremism , Medicaid , Divisiveness , Head , Abortion Ban , Bounty , 10000 , 0000 , Permitless , Firearm , Anyone , Pit Texans , Public , Health Care Decisions , Background Check , Training Whatsoever , Texans , Particular , Ar 15 , Toe , Hometown , Debate Stage , Shooting , El Paso , Ak 47 , 2019 , 15 , 47 , Most , Long , Gun Ownership , Tradition , Weapons , View , Friends , War , Neighbors , Family Members , Pleadings , Police Chiefs , Law Enforcement , Permitless Carry , Gun Laws , Second Amendment , Murder Trial , Guns , On Friday , Third , Case , Verdict , Reaction , Tragedy , Kenosha , A Number , Battlefield Use , Use , Matter , In Kenosha , 23 , Knowledge , Firearms , Experience , Run , End , 35 , 2020 , Performance , Outside , Doctor , Great Schools , Confidence , Texas Want , Electricity Grid , Hundreds , Failure , Millions , Disaster , Energy Capital , Pay , Electricity , Natural Gas Prices , Change , Rate Payors , Damage , What S Going On , Fellow Textones , On Texas , Th Texans , No One , Apprehensions , Immig Immigration , Arrests , Record Number , 1 7 Million , Urgency , Reality , Resources , Border Communities , Immigration Laws , Needs , Wife , Challenges , Laws , Books , Invasion , Matters , Photo Opportunity , Immigrants , Hands , Scapegoating A , Hispanics , Rhetoric , Gunman , Anyone Else , Ground , Mexico , Policy Solutions , Leadership , Son , Guidance , Ulysses , Holiday Season , Advice , Depression , Bipolar Depression , Fog , Stories , Art , Latuda , Symptoms , Lows , Studies , Difference , Adults , Mood Changes , Antidepressants , Thoughts , Behaviors , Weight , Teens , Dementia Patients , Risk , Side Effects , Muscles , Muscle , Movements , Confusion , Fever , Stroke , Death , Life Threatening , Prescription , 0 , , Family Business , Mother , Thousands , Baby , Eczema , Determination , Restaurant , Career , Stars , Desire , Army Vet , Dream , Astrophysicist , Engineer , Youtube , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Sugar , Age , 18 , Booster , Decision , Health Experts , Up , Conditions , 65 , Clarity , Lack , Booster Shot , Single , Pfizer Mrna , Moderna , J , Six , Protection , Know , Optimization , May , Sense , Optimal , Bottom Line , Durability , Bit , Scott Gottlieb , Pandemic , Pro Booster , Handling , Quote , Respects , Doses , Disposal , Hospitalizations , Tool , Definition , Zbiguided , Data , Guidelines , Time Goes By , Shots , Boosterred , Point Given , Isn T , Effectiveness , Anywhere , Frame , Boostered , Immunity , Wane , Reason , Infections , Winter Wave , Rise , 100000 , Results , Community , Winter Season , Dynamic , 60 Million , Breakthrough Infections , 100 , Uptick , Common Denominator , Thanksgiving Gathering , Situation , Recommendations , Family , Holiday , Setting , Family Settings , Traveling , 11 , 5 , Holiday Setting , Underscor , Vaccination , Concern , Anxiety , Interactions , Substitute , Others , Sunday Morning , Fareed Zakaria , Skin , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Hand In , Everything , 90 , 1 , 3 , 4 , Starter Doses , Ability , Chills , Infection , Fevers , Tuberculosis , Treatment , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Coughs , Dermatologist , Program , Gps , Around The World , Global Public Square , Tensions , Left , Presidents Xi ,

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Transcripts For CNN State Of The Union With Jake Tapper And Dana Bash 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240709

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>> and jubilation. >> kyle rittenhouse would probably make a good congressional intern. >> reporter: what does it say about american justice? . plus you get a boost. >> get as many people eligible for boosters as possible. >> reporter: but can cases rising and the holidays here, can we avoid a winter surge? i'll speak to dr. anthony fauci ah ahead. hello i'm dana bash in washington where the state of our union is taking stock as the holiday week approaches, president biden had some good news to be thankful for, after weeks of tense negotiations, friday the house passed the cornerstone plan of president bi biden's agenda. the roughly $2 trillion social safety net and climate bill, what he calls build back better but on the other side of thanksgiving, another huge challenge lies ahead for democrats, convincing moderate senators joe madgein and kyrsten sinema to sign onto the legislation as biden confronts rising legislation and falling poll numbers and democrats fight over the scope of their policies, republicans in washington are facing a reckoning over conduct. this week, only two republicans voted to censure arizona congressman paul gosar for posting an edited video depicting him appearing to kill democratic congressome alexandria ocasio-cortez, not only did gosar's republican colleagues essentially condone the behavior, the party's de facto leader, former president donald trump, endorsed his re-election. joining me is republican governor chris sununu who announced this month he plans to run for re-elect there in new hampshire, and stay as far away from where i am in washington as possible. thank you so much, governor, for joining me. let's first start on the president's agenda, house democrats just passed the sweeping social safety net and climate bill. i want to put up on the screen some of what is in this bill, clean energy, climate incentives, universal pre-k, expanded child tax credits, paid family leave, new health care subsidies and benefits and more. poll after poll shows these policies are broadly popular with voters in both parties. so do you think it is a mistake for republicans here in washington to dismiss that, and oppose these measures? >> it's not about the measures and the policies. everyone likes those things. they're good things but this is an immense amount of money and we don't run a balanced budget in washington. we sure as heck do here in new hampshire. somebody has to pay for all of us this. we have good programs at the state level that do a lot of these things. more programs and all that sound good but at the end of the day, they have to be paid for and they have to be sustainable, because these aren't programs we're just going to do for a couple of years. this is one-time money most of it but it has to get built into a budget. washington doesn't seem to understand the concept of a budget but somebody has to pay this. it's not just you and me. it's our kids and grandkids. the fiscal responsibility has left the window out of washington, d.c., i think that's a frustration for all americans. >> they say it is paid for, they have ways to offset the costs. >> yes, it's called taxes, right. so one thing, one of the reasons i want to stay as governor, as they keep raising taxes on everybody in washington, d.c., i keep lowering them and republican governors keep lowering them for their citizens to offset that. inflation in itself is the worst tax you can put on low and middle income families across america because they got to buy a gallon of gas as much as anybody else. so this idea that we're going to spend $1.75 trillion but trust us, it's not going to cost you anything, nobody buys that. the american people are smart. they're voters and going to vote with their feet. if people did buy it you'd see poll numbers changing and overwhelming support from the american people, not just from one party or the other. overall you have to find ways to get to the middle, you don't do that cutting the price tag. you look at what happens at a local level, how do you make sure these programs can get implemented? remember, the senate supports the policy. they support funding, and then they go unon to the next thing. it's the governors and citizens in local communities that implement the programs and field the real costs of them. >> governor, you talked about inflation, you have been critical of president biden and the way he's handled rising inflation, gas prices in new hampshire i don't have to tell you are almost 70% higher than last year at this time. i know you're worried about the cost of home heating this winter. what do you want the president to do that's not already doing? >> so a couple things. when you talk number one, about gas and home heating fuels, the fact that he has limited the supply, said we're not going to create more supply here in the united states, fuel is a futures market so when all these companies hear their future supply is going to diminish in the u.s., yet the president is asking to o peck to produce more overseas and approving pipelines out of russia that are more -- i should say less environmentally sound than we'd do here it doesn't make ecological sense. that has a triger in the market. home heating fuel on the costs is bad enough but the supply chain, making sure we can get the trucks from point a to point b. this coming february, the federal government is going to put in further regulations and further barriers to getting a cdl license, just getting someone a trucking license, that has impact not just moving products onto a grocery shelf but moving heating fuel where it needs to go. these are real policies that happen in washington that we feel every single day in our communities. >> you just passed up a pretty good chance to have a say of what's going on here in washington when you announce you're not running for the senate in new hampshire next year. you can actually still see republicans around town wiping their tears from their eyes because they were so sad about it. a lot of them thought really you were the best chance to take back that seat, maybe flip the senate. what do why did you say no? >> you get more done being the governor. governors have to implement, design programs, create opportunities, and we as governors have the best opportunity to offset what some of the negative things coming out of washington. when we see these vaccine mandates that are really impacting workforce, impacting businesses, we're suing three times over. the senate and house don't really have any power to do that. with the executive orders they're going right past congress, so as a governor, you can actually play defense and protect the interests of your citizens against the negative stuff coming out of d.c. as well as creating those opportunities with the infrastructure money, aarp money out there, and with the c.a.r.e.s. act, it's governors designing the programs to make sure we're getting the best bang for our buck, putting the right roads money can be. with oil, steel, all of the supply chain issues driving up cost and limited supply, how you implement the infrastructure dollars is going to be a real challenge. >> you are a prominent republican, governor, so we want to ask a couple questions about your party. many in the gop want to kick 13 house republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill off their committees. at the same time, you have republican congressman gosar sharing a video showing him killing a democratic congresswoman and only two republicans wanted to strip him of his committees. what does that say to you about the gop, voting for a bipartisan bill is considered worse by many than encouraging violence. >> look, i don't think -- i think politics in its entirety on both sides of the aisle in washington is screwed up. it really is. they got their priorities all wrong, focus on the wrong things, don't talk about balancing budgets and fixing health care, immigration reform, social security and medicare are going to be broken in about ten years. you better get around to fixing that. i have elderly citizens counting on the programs. instead we focus our time on nit picky things. when a congressman says those things, of course they have to be ken sured for that and held to bear for that. when we talk about kicking people off of committees because they don't like one vote or the other, i think they have priorities screwed up. >> you're talking, just to be clear about both parties but as a republican, i'm asking you about republicans, it sounds to me like you said that paul gosar should have been censured and stripped of his committees. >> yes. >> and it's okay for republicans to support a bipartisan infrastructure bill. >> of course. look, i think -- >> what does it say about your party that they're being attacked the way they are? >> again, i think it says we have our priorities wrong. republicans have had huge successes with cutting taxes, limiting government, creating opportunities in schools, supporting parents, making sure kids -- those are our wins and those are america's wins and wins from not republicans and independents and even some of the conservative democrats and that's what bev to focus on as a party. >> governor, i was inyou announced you wouldn't run for senate, i was covering congresswoman liz cheney facing an uncertain political future and intense criticism from her party over her position on january 6th. do you think there's room for liz cheney in the republican party and specifically, you're in new hampshire, in the 2024 primary process? >> i think there's room for everybody in the republican party. whether you're independent or democrat, we got room for everybody to come on board and i think that's what you're going to see over the next year. it can't be about one particular issue. that's kind of that social media mob mentality that's built up in this country where we think, we don't agree with unissue so we'll attack andvillify one person or one individual. we have to get beyond that. culturally it's ruining america and we have to get back to showing public service can work. >> are you thinking about running for president in 2024? >> people asked me about that. i got a win in '22, still have an election and earn the votes of the people of new hampshire in 2022, serve a couple years. we'll see what the future brings but there is a lot to do and a lot to not just push back with washington but a lot to implement here. it's being governor is one of the challenging jobs you can ever imagine. you have to be on 24/7. i have the opportunity to do things, a dozen different things every single day that impact people's lives, it's incredibly fulfilling and the job i'm focused on. >> you happen to be doing it in the first in the nation primary state. let the record reflect you did not say no. governor, thank you so much for joining me. >> there you go. >> appreciate it. >> thank you, dana. she made history on election night, the first woman and woman of color elected to lieutenant governor in virginia. republican winsome sears is next. plus democrats are bracing for a difficult election cycle, so why does new gubernatorial candidate beto o'rourke think texas could swing his way? 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(woman) you have? (burke) sure, this is the part where all is lost and the hero searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. (woman) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. wait, i didn't ruin the ending, did i? (woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ we can live where we want, we can eat where we want. we own the water fountains. we've had a black president-elect not once but twice and here, i am living proof. >> welcome back to "state of the union." that was lieutenant governor-elect republican winsome sears, celebrating her history-making victory in virginia earlier this month. she's breaking barriers as the first woman ever not to mention the first woman of color to serve in that role and that's just the latest for the conservative republican and former marine who has a life time of firsts. lieutenant governor-elect winsome sears joins me. thank you for joining me. congratulations on your victory. so as i've said, you are now the first woman, first woman of color to be elected statewide in virginia. you've said that you didn't run to make history, but you did. so what does it mean to you? >> well, it means that when children look at me, they can say winsome is there. if she can do it, i can do it. i as i've said in the enclaves when they get together or in their celebrations, when they're graduating, i said i didn't do anything special. all i did was stay in school and study and you can do it, too, because i am an example of what you can be if you put your mind to it. >> i want to talk about some issues that you will be dealing with in virginia, president biden signed his bipartisan infrastructure bill, he signed it into law this week. virginia alone will receive more than $10 billion towards improving your roads, your bridges, airports, water systems, so is that good for virginians? >> well, it depends on what else comes with it. you know, we have to look at the whole bill and my god, did you see the bill was this big. who has read that whole massive thing? do we know what's really in it and do we have to pass it before we can know what's in it? i think that's true. i look at some of the other parts of the bill, for example, when you talk about broadband. broadband is very important to me, because our southwestern virginia has been suffering from not having that. in fact, 20 years ago, when i was first elected for the house of delegates, we were crying for broadband for the southwest. 20 years, i'm back later still crying, and i've got the feeling it's because nobody really cares. but as lieutenant governor, i sit on something called the center for rural advancement, so it's very important to me that we get broadband there. so coming back to that bill, we know now that there's money in there for rural advancement, but here is the kicker. only if you have an immigrant population that is absolutely growing and at a certain point. so once again, our folks in the southwest are going to be left out because we don't have that there and so that's what i'm saying. we're using the budget, the money to try to make things happen that are not happening and it's not right. it's not right, so we want to know what are in these bills before they're passed, not afterwards. we want to know what are representatives signing onto, and that's one of my bills when i'm sworn in. >> this one is now law, 13 house republicans voted yes. >> it is. >> were they right? >> that's going to be left up ultimately to the voters to decide that, and they'll figure it out sooner or later. >> let's talk about some of your priorities as lieutenant governor. you said in your victory speech that you want to fully fund historically black colleges and universities in virginia. do you feel confident that republicans who will control the executive branch and the house of delegates in virginia will get that done and if so, how quickly? >> absolutely. you know we have the democrats who control currently our house, our senate, lieutenant governor and attorney general. that's the whole shebang that they control and when that money came down from the feds, there was money there to fully fund historically black colleges and universities and they did not. in fact, a republican brought that bill up, i think it was delegate glenn davis and they said no, they didn't have time, they didn't have the money for it, when the money was fully there but we hear democrats love historically black colleges and universities more than anybody else. i don't know what kind of love that is, because it doesn't show up. so we're going to do that. in fact governor-elect glenn youngkin promised he'll make that happen and have a republican house to do that. i'm sure the senate will see the tea leaves and read them and go along with it. if not, i'll be the vote hopefully that will break the tie that will pass it and gl governor glenn youngkin will sign it. >> education more broadly, you opposed critical race theory taught in schools which i should say is not part of virginia's curriculum. you did say though that the good and the bad of american history should be taught, and that we should also tell viewers you're at former vice president of the virginia board of education. explain how you think race should be taught in virginia public schools. >> well, let me back up. i beg to differ that crt is not taught. >> i didn't shea that. i said it's not in the krick c curriculum just to be clear. >> no, it is weaved in and out of the curriculum. in 2015, former governor, who was just defeated, mcauliffe, his state board of education had information on how to teach it, so it's weaved in. so you know, it's semantics, but it's weaved in. what we want to say and what governor-elect youngkin has said is that all of history must be taught, the good, the bad and the ugly because what we learn from history, dana, is that we don't learn from history and we continue to repeat the same mistakes. but while we're talking about history, how about we talk about how people, from the 1890s, black people from the 1890s to 1950 to 1960 according to the u.s. census marrying in a percentage that had far surpassed anything that whites had ever done. when we talk about the tulsa race riots, let's ask ourselves how did the black people amass so much wealth right after the civil war, so that it could even be destroyed? how do they do that? you know, they were coming from nothing, from zero, some of them never even got the 40 acres and a mule. let's try to emulate that. the one thing that the slaves wanted, well, three top things, their freedom certainly, then the next thing was they wanted to find their families and the third thing was they wanted an education, and my god, when did education become a bad word among black people? no. we are going to have a good education system. it's going to represent all people, and i'm going to help see that through, because education lifted my father out of poverty when he came to america with only $1.75, education lifted me, because i have to find my own way in this world and education will lift all of us. >> i want to talk about keeping on schools but about vaccines in schools. virginia public schools are required, children are required there to get vaccinated for a lot, a lot of things, including polio and measles and chicken pox. so why is it okay to mandate childhood vaccines in virginia for so many diseases but not covid? >> well, let's ask ourselves, and i'm not saying yay or nay. if the purpose of the covid vaccine is to prevent us from getting covid, why is it those who have had covid must get the vaccine? the one doesn't follow the other and so you know, there are people who, when they get covid, they also get the monoclonal antibody therapy, and it's working. it's working very well in florida, if you notice what's happening there, and so one size doesn't fit all. now, i have said get the vaccine, and then if you're not going to get the vaccine, then you know, do what's necessary to keep yourself safe and keep other people safe. let me ask you this question. if you have the mask on, then why does somebody else have to wear the mask? you've got the mask and vaccine, fully protected, armored. ultimately we have to remember that we're america. we love our freedom. we love our liberty. people are dying to get into this country so that they can do well for themselves and their families. let's not make it like some other countries. let's let liberty shine. >> so just a couple things that you said there. you said that people who have had covid have the antibodies. that is true, but scientists don't think that lasts forever and eventually they wane, just like the antibodies you get from your vaccine wanes, which is why people are getting boosters. my question from the beginning was about the fact that you talk about liberty, but there are already mandates for vaccines for a host of other diseases, so is covid just becoming too political especially as you even said, you want people to get vaccinated. >> i'm not going to force anybody to do that. now, you talk about it's become politicized this covid-19 vaccine and has. our president, president biden and vice president harris themselves both said they would not trust any vaccine that was developed by the trump admini administration. that was before their election. after their election they were singing a different song, and now, everybody has to be vaccinated, in fact, president biden, when he was candidate biden, said that he would not force vaccines on us, and here we are. i mean, what are we really believing? then we say we're going to go along with whatever the health and the sciences say. well, then his very own fda 16-2 voted against booster shots. then what happens? he comes out, his cdc director says they're going to have booster shots. which science are we following? then we hear that at the border, people are coming in covid, no mask, no anything, and they're being let into the general population, but the rest of us who are here have to mask up. what is the science? can somebody tell us what to finally believe? >> yes. >> this is the problem. it is all politicized. >> yeah, in fairness, the science, it's a novel virus and the science is changing and scientists are learning about it and i have to say that candidate biden said that he wouldn't trust the trump vaccine, what they said was they would only trust it if the scientists determined it, not the politicians, but just before i let you go on this topic, during the campaign, you were, as i said, earn co said, encouraging people to get vaccinated or not. but you haven't said whether you are vaccinated. do you want to say now? >> as i said, america, if it's nothing else, it's about liberty. it's about being able to live your life free from the government telling you what to do. and so we understand this thing about slippery slopes. the minute that i start telling you about my vaccine status, we're going to be down the bottom of the mountain trying to figure out how we got there, because now you want to know what's in my dna, you're going to want to know this, that and the other, and in new york, you see, we have people, waiters, waiters asking people their vaccination status, and by the way, do you know what else they require? a photo i.d. to determine if this vaccine card you're presenting is really you. who are we fooling? come on. let's say you get the vaccine, go ahead and get the vaccine, if that's what you want to do, get the vaccine. don't force it on anybody else. we know, and by the way, media, they're not telling us that people are suffering as a result of getting the vaccine. they have all kinds of problems. i understand it might be the miniscule, but when you're the one out of 30,000 that gets it, it's important to you, so we need to tell the good, the bad and the ugly about the vaccine. >> before i let you go i want to ask you about wisconsin. a jury acquitted kyle rittenhouse of all charges and accepted his argument that he acted in self-defense when he killed two people in kenosha last year and wounded another. a a number of republican elected officials and other voices on the right of celebrating rittenhouse as a hero. do you think his actions should be lionized? >> you know what i think? i think we ought to let the american justice system speak for itself, and i'm going to quote our current president, president biden, and he said, "it's time to move on." so let's heal. there's one verse i've used throughout my campaign, written by a jewish politician, king david, psalm 133, "how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in peace and harmony." can we allow the scan to finally heal? can we stop picking at the wounds? we need a president who comes out and says let's just get together. let's figure it out. let's not label people. we see that the world is turned upside down. the right is wrong, the wrong is right. when do we have that where we say let's just all get along, like rodney king said, and by the way, can we have a media that tries to find the good among us, instead of dividing us, because the media are complicit in this. >> winsome sears, thank you so much for joining me this morning. congratulations again on your win and i hope you have a happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you, and your viewers and please, don't forget the missionaries who are kidnapped in haiti. we haven't been talking about them. >> okay, we'll have you on again, i'm sure and we can talk about a lot more. thank you, again. he framed his presidential campaign around gun control. now he's running to be governor of one of the nation's most gun-friendly states. i'll talk to beto o'rourke about that and more, next. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. welcome back to "state of the union." as national democrats fret over low poll numbers and dissatisfied voters ahead of next year's midterm elections, in texas the state's most prominent democrat thinks he's got a shot. former presidential candidate beto o'rourke announced will challenge texas republican governor greg abbott for house next year betting 2022 is finally the year texas turns blue. joining me now is democratic candidate for texas governor, beto o'rourke. thank you so much for joining me this morning. so you just saw republicans take the governorship in virginia, come within striking distance of doing the same in new jersey. you're a democrat running in a red state. it's a difficult year for your party. how do you look at that and say this is my time to run? >> it's not so much my time. it's the time for texas to realize our full potential. we really want to get back to doing the big things in this state, focusing on creating the best jobs in america right here in texas, world class public schools for our kids, and moving forward on common sense ideas, like expanding medicaid, getting away from the extremism and divisiveness of greg abbott, the abortion ban that puts a $10,000 bounty on the head of any texas woman trying to make her own reproductive health care decisions, the permitless carry bill he signed into law that allows anyone to carry a loaded firearm in public without any background check, without any kind of training whatsoever, these policies that pit texans against one another are keeping us from doing the big things that we really should be doing. i want to help bring this state together not as democrats and not as republicans but as texans and get back after doing the big things that texas used to be known for. i don't know so much about the national political climate. i do know what the people in texas want and i want to make sure as a candidate and governor i deliver on that. >> it was gun control in particular was your number one issue in your presidential campaign. i want to play something you said on the debate stage in 2019 shortly after a mass shooting in your hometown of el paso. >> hell yes, we're going to take your ar-15 and ak-47 and not going toe allow it to be used against fellow americans anymore. >> is that what you would still do as governor of texas? >> look, we are a state that has a long, proud tradition of responsible gun ownership and most of us here in texas do not want to see our friends, our family members, our neighbors shot up with these weapons of war. so yes, i still hold this view, but i also have been listening to my fellow texans who are concerned about this idea of permitless carry that greg abbott has signed into law, which allows any texan to carry a loaded firearm, despite the pleadings of police chiefs and law enforcement from across the state who said it would make their jobs more dangerous and make it harder for them to protect those that they were sworn to serve in their communities. so we don't want extremism in our gun laws. we want to protect the second amendment. we want to protect the lives of our fellow texans. when we come together and stop this divisive extremism that we see from greg abbott right now, we're going to be able to do that. >> staying on guns for a moment, on friday, a wisconsin jury acquitted kyle rittenhouse in his murder trial. rittenhouse claimed he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed two people and wounded a third in kenosha, wisconsin, last year. what's your reaction to that verdict? >> i mean, this entire tragedy makes the case that we should not allow our fellow americans to own and use weapons that were originally designed for battlefield use, that ar-15, that ak-47 has one single solitary purpose and that is killing people as effectively, as efficiently and great a number in as little time as possible. we saw that in kenosha. we saw that in el paso, texas, where 23 people were murdered by someone with an ak-47 just in a matter of minutes. this is crazy, and we should not come to expect this as the matter of course in america, and the thing is, we don't have to. so here in texas, where most of us including myself grew up learning how to use firearms responsibly, let's bring that experience and knowledge to bear. let's protect the second amendment. let's also make sure that we protect one another by having common sense gun laws. i know that we can do it. >> you campaigned for joe biden in 2020 after your presidential run came to an end. a recent poll shows that just 35% of texans approve of his performance. would you like the president to come and campaign with you? >> this campaign in texas is not going to be about joe biden. it's not going to be about donald trump. it's not going to be about anyone from outside of our state. this is going to be about the people of texas, and what the people of texas want, and i told you, they want the big things, like jobs, great schools, and making sure everyone can see a doctor, but they also want to see some confidence in their government. we had an electricity grid failure here in this state this year, though we are the energy capital of north america. millions without power, hundreds who unfortunately died during that disaster, and even afterwards, our governor has done nothing to protect this electricity grid and you're seeing electricity and natural gas prices continue to increase in texas as rate payors pay for the damage done by this governor. people in this state want change and they're focused on what's happening here in texas, not on what's going on in the rest of the country. >> does that mean you would prefer that he not come, based on what you just said? >> it means that i'm focused on texas, and on my fellow textones. th texans. those are the most important people. there's no other politician or person outside of the state who can help change the course of this election for better or worse. that's why i'm traveling to every part of this state, making sure that no one is written off and no one is taken for granted and that we keep the focus on texas. >> i don't need to tell you, a big issue in your state is immig immigration. there were a record number of apprehensions at the southern border this past year, nearly 1.7 million arrests. you said this week that president biden could "do a better job" at the border. do you think his policies are contributing to surges there? >> i don't think we've seen enough urgency when it comes to rewriting our immigration laws to match the needs and the reality that we see especially in our border communities. as i listen to those who live on the border, and as you know, dana, my wife and i are raising our kids on the border here in el paso, we want to make sure that we have the resources to meet some of the challenges that we have. we also want to make sure that the laws that we have on the books are improved to meet some of the reality that we see in our communities. so yes, we expect more of our president and those who represent us in congress, but we also expect more of our governor, who is using the border right now as a photo opportunity, scapegoating a and villifying immigrants asking texans to "defend themselves and take matters into their own hands from this invasion" as he describes it, that's the kind of dangerous rhetoric that inspired that gunman more than two years ago to come to texas and kill people claiming that he was defending this state from an invasion of hispanics who were coming to take over. so we've got to be more responsible and we've got to be more responsive to what we see happening on the ground right now in texas. as governor, i'm going to listen to those who understand this issue better than anyone else, the people of the u.s./mexico border and make sure we have policy solutions and leadership that reflects that. >> beto o'rourke, thank you so much for joining me this morning. happy 15th birthday to your son, ulysses. >> thank you, dana. thank you very much. the guidance for covid booster shots just changed, so should you go get one? i'll ask dr. anthony fauci about that, and his advice for you this upcoming holiday season. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. ♪ it starts with a mother's determination to treat her baby's eczema. and grows into a family business that helps thousands more. it starts with an army vet's dream of studying the stars. and grows into a new career as an astrophysicist. it starts with an engineer's desire to start over. and grows into an award-winning restaurant that creates local jobs. they learned how on youtube. what will you learn? 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. welcome back to "state of the union." as we head into the holidays, all americans over the age of 18 are now eligible for covid booster shots. the cdc said that on friday. the decision comes as some health experts warn about a possible winter surge. joining me now is dr. anthony fauci, dr. fauci, thank you so much for joining me this morning. let's talk about the booster shot because they are now authorized for all adults. the cdc says those over 65 or with underlying conditions should get boosters, but for everyone else, it only says they may get a booster. so can you clear this up for us? do you recommend that every single american 18 and older get a booster shot? >> absolutely, dana. let's make it clear. when there's lack of clarity, people get confused. they're not sure what to do. if you are 18 or older, and you've been vaccinated, fully vaccinated with the moderna or the pfizer mrna, six months or more ago, get a booster, if it's j&j, and it's two months ago, or more, get a booster. i don't think we should get hung up on should/may. just go out and get boosted. we know they're safe and he with know they're highly effective in bringing very, have he high up the optimization of your protection. so just go ahead and get boosted. now is the time to do it, as we're getting into the holiday season, you want to be fully protected in the sense of getting optimal. the vaccines themselves clearly are still highly effective, but but you want to make sure the durability of the vaccine is longer and that's why we get boosters. the protection starts to wane a bit and that's where the boosters are all about. bottom line, damn it, get boosted. >> thank you for clarifying that. it's so important. two months ago the fda rejected authorizing boosters for all adults and former fda commissioner scott gottlieb said the handling of boosters, quote, may end up being one of the biggest missed opportunities of this pandemic. i know you've always been pro booster, but is he right? >> in certain respects i think the lack of clarity was the thing that got people confused and that's why myself and my colleagues are very pleased now we have clarity. and that's what you need. we have a very powerful tool at our disposal and let's use it optimally and get any lack of clarity out of the way to do it properly. >> you said hospitalizations for people who had only two doses are already picking up. is that the definition of what constitutes fully vaccinated, does it need to change now to include a booster shot? >> we're going to follow that very carefully, dana. that's what we say -- and that that's what we mean when we say we need to let the science follow. and we will follow people who get boosted. we don't know right now. to be perfectly transparent, we will do the best we can to keep the american people optimally protected. if that means that will be a boost that absolutely everyone has to have, so be it, we'll do it that way. but it will be zbiguided by the science. people should not be put off by the fact as time goes by and we learn more and more about the protection we might modify the guidelines. that's what we've been saying all along by follow the science. things change and you have to follow the data. >> which i understand but given the fact you're saying please get boosters to people who are vaccinated, if before we get boosterred. at this point given what you know, accurate to say two shots doesn't mean fully vaccinated anywhere? >> two shots for a time frame means you're fully vaccinated. but the thing you want to get the people and the viewers to understand, it isn't just the effectiveness of the vaccine that's quite effective, it's how long it lasts and that's the reason we started to see the immunity start to wane, we said people should be boostered. and that's why we will keep following closely. that's the point. >> got it. in europe they're dealing with a crippling new rise of infections and in the u.s. infections are rising for the first time in weeks and averaging 100,000 new cases per day. are we beginning to see a winter wave? >> certainly, you can't walk away from the data and the data shows that the cases are starting to go up, which is not unexpected when you get into a winter season and you know immunity does wane over time and you look and say what can we do about that and you still have about 60 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who have not been vaccinated. and that results in the dynamic of virus in the community that not only is dangerous and makes people who are unvaccinated vulnerable, but it also spills over into the vaccinated people because no vaccine is 100% effective, and we have a lot of virus circulating around. we know there are breakthrough infections and that's how you get the uptick in cases. the bottom line common denominator of all of this, dana, is get vaccinated if you have not been vaccinated and boostered if you have been vaccinated. >> let's talk about the holidays. a poll found two-thirds of americans say their thanksgiving gathering will go back to the size before the pandemic began. with that in mind, what are your recommend,s for americans to celebrate safely? >> my recommendations to americans to celebrate safely is get vaccinated as soon as you can. obviously if you're not vaccinated, you're in a situation where you're more vulnerable to getting infected but for the people who are vaccinated, people who can get boostered, enjoy your holiday season with your family, do it. but be aware when you're in a situation when you're traveling, for example, in an indoor congregate setting and you don't know the vaccination status of people, you need to wear a mask. but in family settings, particularly among vaccinated people, enjoy the holiday. that's thanksgiving. looking ahead to christmas, right now since we can vaccine children from 5 to 11, you start vaccinating them now, they will be fully vaccinated by the time we get to the christmas holidays and that's what we should be thinking about. >> i just wouldant to underscor something you said and make sure our viewers are clear on it. if you're vaccinated and you're going to a holiday setting where everybody is vaccinated, it's okay to be there without a mask? >> absolutely. that's what i'm going to do with my family and that's what i think people should do. that's the whole point we keep getting back to, that is the safety net, vaccination. take away the anxiety and take away the concern about what you should do and not, and you can enjoy the holidays safely. if not, get tested when you get together. but that's not a substitute for getting vaccinated. get yourself vaccinated so you can continue to enjoy interactions with your families and others. >> anthony fauci, thank you so much for joining me. i hope you and your family have a nice thanksgiving. >> same to you, dana. thank you very much. i appreciate it. and thank you for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria is next. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. most who achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months had lasting clearance through 1 year. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin at 3 years. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. today on the program, after many months of tensions ratcheting higher and higher, presidents xi and biden finally meet. >> we have a responsibility to the world as well as our people. >> virtually. what got accomplished, what was left

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