Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 202407

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 20240709

>> the american people sent us here to make the government work. they sent us here to make a difference in their lives. i believe we're doing that. >> voters say they're focused on a different problem. inflation. >> no more starbucks, no, i have to get to work and have to have gas. >> new threats of violence against members of congress. it's coming from angry constituents and from each other. >> it is never acceptable. it can't be acceptable. i don't care if it's a republican or democrat. >> inside politics, the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. welcome to "inside politic sunday" i'm kaitlyn collins. steve bannon under indictment this morning charged with two counts of criminal contempt of congress. bannon is expected to turn himself in tomorrow and faces up to two years behind bars. the charges putting others who were considering snubbing the committee on notice. the justice department rarely brings contempt charges against government officials for refusing to comply with subpoenas. bannon is the first in decades. mark meadows missed a friday deadline to turn over documents and appear for a deposition. >> this is an important step for the rule of law and i think that's exactly what the department of justice upheld here is the decisions that steve bannon made have consequences. he chose to defy a lawful subpoena and anyone else should take note, including mr. meadows, of the tools we have at our disposal. >> meadows could be the next facing charges. >> these are complex legal matters. quite frankly you've got a number of difference of opinions. kind of got me in the middle of it. we've worked real hard to try to reach an accommodation with the committee and yet it's been basically their way or the highway and so it took a very aggressive move today. >> he certainly is in the middle of it. joining us now with the reporting and their insights, cnn's paula reid, jackie kucinich and the washington post's paul kaye. paula, i want be to start with you. this landed like a bomb in washington on friday. how is this going to affect all of the other people? we've seen all of the other subpoenas for these former trump staffers, a lot of them have not responded yet. hours before these charges came down mark meadows had defied his subpoena. what message does this show to the others? >> from speaking with sources, the potential witnesses were watching to see what happened with bannon. without any consequences for bannon's outright defiance, this would have been crippled. i do think that a lot of these witnesses, they may not necessarily want the reputational impact of going through a criminal process, but there's also the costs. not everyone has the kind of resources steve bannon has to take on the justice department in this kind of proceeding so i do think we're going to see more engagement, an effort to negotiate terms to cooperate. we shouldn't necessarily expect everybody is going to show up and give the committee everything it wants. >> some of the aides, as you're saying, don't have the funds and legal power to fight back on some of these. some of these people are in their 20s and 30s. the question is what foeblgt does this have on the rest? stephanie grisham is predicting they could continue to stonewall. >> pry pmy prediction is they'r going to tell everybody to stall. bannon is going to wear this as a badge of honor and martyr himself almost. >> so there is a way to do this, right? you know with bannon and meadows, arguably they're playing to an audience of one. if they wanted to undermine the committee, they would have shown up and taken the fifth on certain questions, maybe tried to raise privilege. it makes it difficult to proceed with a contempt, if you show up, plead the fifth, that would have been a more sophisticated way to undermine the committee. that's still an option for those who want to engage, show up, not completely defy a subpoena. >> bannon is expected to turn himself in tomorrow. he has a court appearance. this is the first political tynged decision we're seeing from the justice department. they are in the awkward position of prosecuting a former top official from a former party. what did you think of the attorney general's decision? >> i think merrick garland has been under pressure on january 6th and a number of issues. the president has repeatedly said that the justice department is going to be independent and make their own decisions. what it also showed is the subpoena power of congress that had been eroding over the last several decades. this added a little bit more teeth to their subpoena powers. everyone is going to make their own decisions, but the lower to mid-level staffers could see this and engage based on the rules of the committee. >> what do you think about what this means for congress? we have been in this washington where you have seen trump aide after trump aide say congress doesn't matter. what does this mean with the decision for congress? >> i'm focused on the mark meadows decision. >> same. >> let's not forget, mark meadows was a member of the house of representatives who served on the house oversight committee which served on oversight committee. he was the ranking republican on the oversight committee. anyone who knows subpoena laws from congress, you know, mark meadows is among the top five. so his idea of flouting this is so fabulous in a very generic way of fabulous. they're trying to run out the clock. bannon got off the previous indictment because of a trump pardon. they're waiting for the republicans to make the majority and they want to run out the clock because if republicans take the majority on january 3rd, 2023, this committee is going to cease to exist. republicans will not continue it and they'll extinguish and they won't have to testify. >> meadows is someone who used to really take exception when he wasn't given the documents that he asked for with various administrations. >> oh, yeah. >> he's on camera complaining about people not complying with congressional subpoenas which he just did not do on friday. >> i'm sure the hypocrisy crushes him to his core. the other thing with meadows and maybe collin has the answer for this, he is impactfully a white house official and bannon was not. i'm curious how that plays into what happens to him next if, in fact, it starts going down the bannon road. >> yeah, he certainly has the strongest claim to privilege. the bide dep administration, they're taking a pretty hard line here. look, we get in some circumstances the chief of staff might have a privilege, but this, an insurrection, is not what a privilege was meant to shield. this is an extraordinarily circumstance and they believe that will shield them in a year or so if republicans take the house from them turning on them and saying you created a new precedent. they're now fair game. >> do we have any fair sense of how elections have played out for democrats. there's a general conventional wisdom that they will not do well in the mid terms. is there any sign that the committee is speeding up their work because they know they have a deadline essentially? >> i haven't seen that. we know they're trying to do things in the spring being mindful of the november deadline. i know in talking to some of the witnesses, even those who are willing to play ball, let's just negotiate to terms, we'll see what happens. that cooperation wouldn't happen until the end of this year, the beginning of next year. even if they want to, they are up against resistance. >> the former president is weighing in on what happened to his vice president. one of his most loyal deputies throughout his presidency. that's when there were rioters chanting hang mike pence. >> because it's common sense, john, it's common sense that you're supposed to protect -- how can you -- if you know a vote is fraudulent, right, how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to congress? >> does that comment from the former president surprise you at all, jackie? >> it's shocking. it should surprise people because it's all about trump. it's always been all about trump. that's how he sees the world. the more striking part is how loyal mike pence is. everyone who's thinking about running for president in 2024 continues to be to former president trump and the grip he still has. he was fundraising with kevin mccarthy, the minority leader, just last week. so there's no -- there's no move to push this person away. he's very much front and center to this day despite the fact that he thought it was okay to kill the vice president apparently. >> yeah. i think that speaks to why the committee and the white house has taken the strategy that they have in saying this is an extraordinary circumstance. clearly the former president still seems to think what happened that day wasn't significant. up next, the president will sign the infrastructure bill into law. voters want to know what he's doing about inflation. with 0% parabens... sulfates... ...and dyes. tresemmé's pro pure collection lets you style without compromise. tresemmé pro pure 0% compromise, 100% you. ♪ ♪ i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? 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>> yes, it is. even more worrisome, 70% of ind pen kedents, 70% of independent say he's done little or nothing. it goes to this issue set where they're trying to work on build back better, this massive reconciliation bill and the public generally sort of approves of a lot of the different proposals individually but in terms of the entire massive package, $2 trillion or so, the public isn't really paying attention to that because they're worried about inflation. they see it. a few months ago it was inflation stories about rental cars. now it is transitory. it has transitioned inflation into baking, a loaf of bread, milk, real life -- and gas prices pushing up near $4. so that's where the public is and so the public isn't really focused on their agenda right now, and that's where you see the poll results suggesting he's done little or nothing. >> and it's having a horrible effect on his approval rating. this new poll that says approval rating is 41%. his approval's 53%. this is the strong point coming into office. 39% approved. coronavirus, his other big one, 47%. then this question, is the president keeping most of his campaign promises? only 31% said yes. >> it doesn't help this is a problem for the white house going into the mid terms. there was a thot this administration would handle the coronavirus, would get iv vaccinated and would move onto the other agenda items. that has been a struggle. the build back better agenda, negotiations lasted longer than they want. now they're in the position of trying to hype up the infrastructure bill and build back better talking about what's been cut. when i was out in virginia and other places talking to folks about how they're feeling right now, voters, particularly marginal voters, people who are not big partisans, they come to politics knowing a certain amount of issues. this white house talked about things like paid family leave, tuition free college, they talked about things -- raising the minimum wage, have tangible effects, political issues they know. those were largely cut from their agenda. now they're trying to motivate people on maybe things in that build back better agenda that will affect them, will be actually moving for families but they're not actually the things they have been talking about and not the things that came from the campaign promise. so i think there is a messaging disconnect that this white house is facing but there's also a structural problem. they're up against a senate that will not let them do the things he campaigned on. that is something that biden's going to have to square and continue to face in the next year. >> making sure people know some of these things are actually affecting them, making sure -- right now people don't feel like biden is doing anything. they don't feel like any -- like the economy is getting better, their lives are getting better. that part of the messaging, it hasn't been there yet. particularly when you're talking about this highway bill that's coming down the pike. they're trying to push that right now. that's not -- you can't just turn -- it's hard to spend all of that money. you can't just turn it on. >> right. >> that lag is going to be a challenge. >> yeah. the implementation of that is going to take time for voters to see roads and bridges being fixed. pk, the question for the white house is whether these rising inflation numbers complicate their path to getting the second part of the economic agenda passed. we're seeing joe manchin tweeting out. do you think this is going to throw a wrench in that or what is this going to look like? >> it's going to throw a wrench in it because joe manchin is going to throw a wrench into it. he's very worried about inflation. oddly enough, the biggest democratic critic has been larry somers, former clinton treasury secretary, obama economic adviser. he was railing against this in the spring. larry summers has said, no, this build back better thing has been mostly paid for with offsetting tax cuts. it shouldn't have any impact on it. i'm not sure joe manchin is paying attention. it's going to become an issue. it's going to panic some democrats, probably a few in the house. this still has to pass the house of representatives. they're hoping for next week but we shall see. >> maybe the white house should give larry summers joe manchin's phone number. we'll see. >> up next, republican lawmakers are getting death threats because they dared vote for repairing roads and bridges. with framebridge... make what matters to you last. halloween, '72. jojo's adoption day. asher's art phase. whatever you treasure, make it last. framebridge. you could be working with someone outside your company and wait for back and forth e-mail, or a call to be rescheduled for the third time. orrr... you could use slack. and work faster with everyone you work with, together in one place. slack. where the future works. in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. michigan republican fred up top said his voicemail has been flooded with death threats. >> i hope you [ bleep ] die. i hope your blooe family dies, i hope everybody you love [ bleep ]. >> why did he get that message? he voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. many who voted yes said they received a similar message. instead of defending his message, kevin mccarthy has said nothing even if some conservatives say they should lose their committee assignments. in a now deleted tweet paul gosar showed him killing alexandria ocasio-cortez. it's been a week and he has yet to face any rebuke though democrats want the house to officially censure him. pk, that voicemail for. >> fred: -- fred upton and the fact that they're voting for clean water, broadband access, for fixing roads, fixing bridges, i mean, what does that even say? >> look, the house of representatives, jackie and i have covered the place for a really long time. it is a cauldron. it is -- it has never healed itself or come close to healing itself. the senate still has tensions that are there. the house is still heated. they have mag no, ma'am meters set outside the chamber. every member has to walk through to prove that they don't have a weapon on them. it seems a little bit ridiculous at times to think, all right, these are members of congress. come on. but then you see what paul gosar tweets, that sort of violence. marjorie taylor green went with her staff and visited the d.c. prison and made them take her to what they called the patriot wing so she could see the people there from january 6th crimes. when people do those types of things it creates this atmosphere and they get messages like fred upton's getting. it creates the sense i think we need mag no, ma'am meters to make sure nobody has a gun or knife. >> and there's no consequences. there was a time where leadership perhaps would have punished them. now we're at a point where there's more outrage at adam kin singer and liz cheney for serving on the january 6th committee than for paul gosar tweeting out something that murders a colleague. it's absurd. >> it raises the question, where is kevin mccarthy. he is the first one any time any member of the squad says anything, he's calling on speaker pelosi to reprimand them. >> it's an excellent question. i'm sure a lot of those members that are receiving these death threats want an answer to it and they're entitled to it. >> i think what's interesting, the members who voted for it are moderate republicans who need to win re-elections. you would think the republican leadership would want them to win the re-election and would support them because they think this is the type of issue if they vote for it, they would help re-elect them. >> you have a great piece, menace is a political tool enters the mainstream. >> this is no longer a fringe argument. a political scientist said he doesn't see the conflicts going away. >> this came out of congressman gosar's tweet. it's about how when you look at the rest of the country, the threats and violence is way more normal. this is a partisan split. the grassroots wing of republicans have embraced violent language and they are inherent enemies of democracy where anything is justified. in arizona a man pulled out a gun and talked about how he was going to kill democrats if they took over -- if trump lost the election. i was in virginia where a man prayed at the beginning of the rally saying they were in a battle and the lord needed them to wirch and they cheered having guns if it came to violence. there is a lot of language on the republican grassroots side that sees the country as a crossroads and sees it growing towards an armed conflict. we heard from a member of republican leadership who in broad general terms denounced violence, but when we asked that member -- when we asked those folks to be on the record, to put their names by it, they wouldn't do it. that is the scope of where we are at right now. >> yeah. >> where even something as broad as condemning violence from members of congress cannot happen from the leadership partly because they understand that the grassroots is way further than where washington is right now on this issue. that should scare us all. >> do think any republicans show up at the white house signing ceremony? this is a moment for the republicans to say this is a big bipartisan deal. do they want to have that image also being circulated? >> i think on the senate side i imagine a couple of them are retiring, don't have to worry about a republican primary vote. i think some of them will be there. three of the members in the house side who voted for this, don young, chris smith, fred upton have served a combined 135 years in the house of representatives. >> wow. >> they're three of the five longest serving members of the house. they have survived political waves up and down and don young was abandoned by house leadership in 2008 as he was facing three different fbi investigations. >> yes. >> he survived. they have their own identity and they are probably -- if they -- if their flights can get there on time, they will be there. i think they look at all of this with a sense of i've been around. i'm going to keep doing things. i have my own brand back in my district and i will survive. >> of course this raises the question, too, what do republicans run on in 2022 ahead of the mid term elections? how are they looking at the national landscape? we know republicans are favored by about 10% to win and that's pretty strong showing for them. and then it also comes if you break down the poll in swing states, the president's overall job approval rating is lower than the average, the 43%. it's as low as 33% in arizona, florida, georgia, states very critical to the president. >> this is why you're going to see the president this week go out and start selling this infrastructure package as republicans keep pushing the rising inflation. they're going to keep talking about it. they're going to be talking about more cultural topics like critical race theory. they try to make this a base issue really rally their voters on this. you're going to hear them talk about that. on the economic side, the moderate republicans are going to have to explain to their voters why they voted for this as they face attacks not only from democrats but from their own base asking them why they voted for this because there's so much confusion about what is in this package because people like kevin mccarthy told republicans not to essentially vote for this. >> yeah. the republicans are still struggling with the republican vote. chris christie says the glenn youngkin win shows no candidate owns voters. they don't. we'll see. next up, president biden is trying to make sense of rising inflation. the big question is whether or not there's anything he can actually do to quickly bring it down. >> because of the strength of our economic recovery, american families have been able to buy more products. with more people buying product and less product to buy, what happens? 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>> i don't think so. i still -- you know, since i believe that the main thing that's still wrong with the economy is the virus, if we get control of the virus, i think this will still prove to be transitory, but that doesn't make it any easier in this exact moment. >> of course, a big question is what can the president do to change this? a lot of them feel like it's out of their hands. you have to message it. the president was saying, i feel more that you are paying more for bacon, eggs and chicken, what the president can do, keeping ports open 24 hours a day. paying more to clear up the supply chain gridlock. easing trump era tariffs on china. anything he can do in the short term? >> how short is short? you know, in the three-week time frame, there's nothing they can do. this isn't ekxclusive to the united states. you have them dealing with what feels like rnun away inflation t the same time. the whole world is trying to come booming back simultaneously and the supply chain's not designed to do that. now on an odd note, i actually think that if you can get control of the virus and start reducing the caseload, we can shift. normally plerns spend the big majority of their money on services and a very strange thing happened during this covid downturn, that we shifted to spending most of our money on physical goods because the services shut down. if we can get control of the virus and people can go back to spending on services, i think that will ease some of the burden that's on the supply chain and causing that inflation. on the gasoline crisis, as we've seen in the past, there's not a lot the government can do. you can fiddle with the strategic petroleum reserve if you think there are problems in the supply chain. immigration has fallen by more than 50% over the last three or four years. that's contributing to the worker shortage. you could allow more immigration. all of those feel unlikely. we hold the fort and bear down. >> yeah. and we know that of course inflation has been a global issue that we've seen pointed out, not just something that's happening here in the u.s. i do want to ask you a question because there's been a back and forth between the white house and republicans that say the president's policies are only going to contribute to this. if there's more spending like the second part of the president's economic agenda that we know they're going to focus on, that could lead to higher inflation even if it reduces it in the long term. what is your take on that? >> well, you know, one take on that is why is it happening everywhere in the world if it has to do with just u.s. policy? but the other take, i think the republicans saying that feels more like a political argument than an economic argument because if you follow their economic logic, then they should stop objecting to the biden's plan to raise taxes to pay for the spending. because if you were agreeing to raise taxes on high income people and large corporations and not increase the deficit, you would sterilize any government action from having a stimulative effect. >> a lot of this comes down to messaging from the white house. 70% of voters do not think the economy is in a good situation even though wages are up, of course unemployment is falling, all of these things that the white house keeps highlighting. why do you think that is what voters are taking away from all of this? >> yeah. i saw this poll and it follows up on a number of negative polls. i think part of this, what we have seen in the past is that it takes a few months for people to register in the polling how they feel about the economy. so when they're reporting their opinion right now, it's based on the last three or four months and we had a rocky three or four months over the summer as the delta variant resurged. if we keep putting up jobs numbers of half a million jobs created in a single month and gdp growth and income keep going up but inflation starts to come down, i think you would probably see those polls change. if not, if we keep having these problems with the virus and prices keep going up, i think you would be in a sour mood for months. >> that would create more political headaches for the white house. austin goolsbee, thanks for joining us this morning. >> great to see you. two trials in an off year election has put race in the spotlight. jojo's adoption day. asher's art phase. whatever you treasure, make it last. framebridge. (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ you could spend half an hour preparing for the half hour status meeting. orrr... you could cancel the meeting and share updates in slack instead. it's where your whole team is in one place so everyone can stay up to date. slack. where the future works. are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! two trials in the headlines this week where race is a defining issue. the men on trial for killing ahmaud arbery in georgia and kyle rittenhouse who killed two men and police told him to "go home." in the wisconsin case the judge's take on the word "victim" raised eyebrow. here's what ben crump who represents jacob blake and the arbery family had to say about it. >> it's offensive on every level the family of ahmaud arbery cannot have the people who they choose to support them be in the courtroom. you think about the parallels going on between the trial of kyle rittenhouse and the trial of the killers of ahmaud arbery. you think about the fact kyle rittenhouse trial they say you can't refer to the deceased individuals as victims, you have to call them arsonists and looters. >> the eyes of the nation are really on both of these trials and you heard ben crump talking about the parallels between the two of them. what have you seen from watching them? >> we'll see cases that will give us national attention on an issue that has been growing and growing in terms of national prominence, coming after the large protests last summer and no matter this trial or something else, we know the changing demographics of this country pushed race and the questions of racism particularly about policing and equity onto the forefront so these are going to be cases that will have intense interest just like the killer of george floyd, just like the level of intensity that we have seen historically in things like the o.j. simpson trial and others. i expect that when this comes out, we will have intense washing, there might be protest and rounds, this could become the norm in terms of its intense focus on the verdict here but that's because folks are so emotionally invested. what it seems like is a case that showed the disparities within the legal system that we know to be true, but that is going to be tested again and i think that we're going to have folks who are going to frankly be, feel their personal identity is tied into the verdicts and that is going to also have political ramifications. >> when it comes to questions of doctor disparities in the justice system there's a poll as we talk about what's playing out in not just the trials but national politics, 75% of voters favor teaching of the history of racism but critical race theory falls to 43%. what do you read from those numbers? >> i think this issue of education that has come up largely since the mcauliffe race, it really shows how much parents, i think it depends on the question. a lot of people don't know what critical race here toy at the en end of the day. it's a lack of wanting to have a reckoning, it's a lack of wanting to perhaps expose children to how the world really is, but speaking in another political realm, this is one of the reasons biden's having so much trouble with his approval numbers and promises kept because the social justice issues have completely fallen off the radar, if you're talking about voting rights, talking about any of the policing bills that have just fallen off in the house and the senate and it's why you're seeing so much dissatisfaction not among independents but among democrats with where the white house has been going. >> p.k., where has this push gone? you were saying last year, this was a big topic, all lawmakers were talking about. it seems like any momentum behind this evapoevaporated. >> they put so much into the domestic policy agenda, into the in infrastructure bill and massive $2 trillion latest cbo estimate social policy agenda, focused intensely on this and it upset some liberals and some others who question whether this is really what biden campaigned on, was joe biden's campaign to save the soul of the nation really about whether medicare covered dental and vision for the elderly or was it about voting rights, police justice. alexandria chris curtice said something to reporters ten days ago, no amount of material gains we could deliver in those bills will compensate for the denial of voting rights and these other issues. so this focus has just been heavily on the policy agenda without the social justice. >> democrats want to avoid that and talk about "tichen table" issues and trials will be in the forefront and forcing the issue onto the candidates and president. all the democrats tried to steer away, we saw this in virginia and critical race theory, it's a game that doesn't reflect where society is at this point. they have to talk about race and structural racism because that's where society, voters and people are. >> voters are asking put the same effort behind this as do you your domestic policy agenda. that's it for "inside politics sunday." join us sunday every 8:00. up next is "state of the union" with jake tapper and dana bash. today's guests brian december, fred upton. before we grk it's your last day to bid on the homes for our troops veterans day auction. a lot of amazing items are up for bid, a 30-minute zoom with yours truly and i promise i know how to work the mute button. see all the items on thanks again for joining us and sharing your sunday morning with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ cost of living. soaring inflation puts the screws to everyday americans. >> everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more and it's worrisome. >> reporter: after months of downplaying rising prices -- >> it's going to pop up a little bit and go back down. >> reporter: what is the biden administration doing now to help? i'll speak to top white house economic adviser brian deese. a chilling message. steve bannon indicted for criminal contempt of congress, a clear message to others refusing to cooperate with the january 6th probe. whom are

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, Clock , Majority , Pardon , January 3rd , 3 , January 3rd 2023 , 2023 , Someone , Administrations , Thing , Collin , Answer , Camera , Hypocrisy , Core , White House , Fact , Bannon Road , Impactfully , Bide Dep , Claim , Circumstance , Circumstances , Insurrection , Chief Of Staff , House , Sense , Elections , Fair Game , Precedent , Sign , Haven T , Wisdom , Things , Spring , Cooperation Wouldn T , Ball , Beginning , Resistance , Presidency , Vice President , Deputies , Rioters , Mike Pence , Common Sense , Vote , John , World , Trump , Comment , Surprise , Part , Thinking , Grip , 2024 , Kevin Mccarthy , Center , Person , Committee , Strategy , Up Next , Wasn T Significant , Parabens , 0 , Compromise , Sulfates , Dyes , Style , Pro Pure Collection , TresemmÉ , 100 , Estimate , Office , High Thryv , Thryv , Small Business , Promotions , All In One , Management Software , Payments , Yep , Up Top , Hold On , Demo , Email Marketing , Customer List , Friend , Social Media , Dimension , 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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 20240709

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>> the american people sent us here to make the government work. they sent us here to make a difference in their lives. i believe we're doing that. >> voters say they're focused on a different problem. inflation. >> no more starbucks, no, i have to get to work and have to have gas. >> new threats of violence against members of congress. it's coming from angry constituents and from each other. >> it is never acceptable. it can't be acceptable. i don't care if it's a republican or democrat. >> inside politics, the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. welcome to "inside politic sunday" i'm kaitlyn collins. steve bannon under indictment this morning charged with two counts of criminal contempt of congress. bannon is expected to turn himself in tomorrow and faces up to two years behind bars. the charges putting others who were considering snubbing the committee on notice. the justice department rarely brings contempt charges against government officials for refusing to comply with subpoenas. bannon is the first in decades. mark meadows missed a friday deadline to turn over documents and appear for a deposition. >> this is an important step for the rule of law and i think that's exactly what the department of justice upheld here is the decisions that steve bannon made have consequences. he chose to defy a lawful subpoena and anyone else should take note, including mr. meadows, of the tools we have at our disposal. >> meadows could be the next facing charges. >> these are complex legal matters. quite frankly you've got a number of difference of opinions. kind of got me in the middle of it. we've worked real hard to try to reach an accommodation with the committee and yet it's been basically their way or the highway and so it took a very aggressive move today. >> he certainly is in the middle of it. joining us now with the reporting and their insights, cnn's paula reid, jackie kucinich and the washington post's paul kaye. paula, i want be to start with you. this landed like a bomb in washington on friday. how is this going to affect all of the other people? we've seen all of the other subpoenas for these former trump staffers, a lot of them have not responded yet. hours before these charges came down mark meadows had defied his subpoena. what message does this show to the others? >> from speaking with sources, the potential witnesses were watching to see what happened with bannon. without any consequences for bannon's outright defiance, this would have been crippled. i do think that a lot of these witnesses, they may not necessarily want the reputational impact of going through a criminal process, but there's also the costs. not everyone has the kind of resources steve bannon has to take on the justice department in this kind of proceeding so i do think we're going to see more engagement, an effort to negotiate terms to cooperate. we shouldn't necessarily expect everybody is going to show up and give the committee everything it wants. >> some of the aides, as you're saying, don't have the funds and legal power to fight back on some of these. some of these people are in their 20s and 30s. the question is what foeblgt does this have on the rest? stephanie grisham is predicting they could continue to stonewall. >> pry pmy prediction is they'r going to tell everybody to stall. bannon is going to wear this as a badge of honor and martyr himself almost. >> so there is a way to do this, right? you know with bannon and meadows, arguably they're playing to an audience of one. if they wanted to undermine the committee, they would have shown up and taken the fifth on certain questions, maybe tried to raise privilege. it makes it difficult to proceed with a contempt, if you show up, plead the fifth, that would have been a more sophisticated way to undermine the committee. that's still an option for those who want to engage, show up, not completely defy a subpoena. >> bannon is expected to turn himself in tomorrow. he has a court appearance. this is the first political tynged decision we're seeing from the justice department. they are in the awkward position of prosecuting a former top official from a former party. what did you think of the attorney general's decision? >> i think merrick garland has been under pressure on january 6th and a number of issues. the president has repeatedly said that the justice department is going to be independent and make their own decisions. what it also showed is the subpoena power of congress that had been eroding over the last several decades. this added a little bit more teeth to their subpoena powers. everyone is going to make their own decisions, but the lower to mid-level staffers could see this and engage based on the rules of the committee. >> what do you think about what this means for congress? we have been in this washington where you have seen trump aide after trump aide say congress doesn't matter. what does this mean with the decision for congress? >> i'm focused on the mark meadows decision. >> same. >> let's not forget, mark meadows was a member of the house of representatives who served on the house oversight committee which served on oversight committee. he was the ranking republican on the oversight committee. anyone who knows subpoena laws from congress, you know, mark meadows is among the top five. so his idea of flouting this is so fabulous in a very generic way of fabulous. they're trying to run out the clock. bannon got off the previous indictment because of a trump pardon. they're waiting for the republicans to make the majority and they want to run out the clock because if republicans take the majority on january 3rd, 2023, this committee is going to cease to exist. republicans will not continue it and they'll extinguish and they won't have to testify. >> meadows is someone who used to really take exception when he wasn't given the documents that he asked for with various administrations. >> oh, yeah. >> he's on camera complaining about people not complying with congressional subpoenas which he just did not do on friday. >> i'm sure the hypocrisy crushes him to his core. the other thing with meadows and maybe collin has the answer for this, he is impactfully a white house official and bannon was not. i'm curious how that plays into what happens to him next if, in fact, it starts going down the bannon road. >> yeah, he certainly has the strongest claim to privilege. the bide dep administration, they're taking a pretty hard line here. look, we get in some circumstances the chief of staff might have a privilege, but this, an insurrection, is not what a privilege was meant to shield. this is an extraordinarily circumstance and they believe that will shield them in a year or so if republicans take the house from them turning on them and saying you created a new precedent. they're now fair game. >> do we have any fair sense of how elections have played out for democrats. there's a general conventional wisdom that they will not do well in the mid terms. is there any sign that the committee is speeding up their work because they know they have a deadline essentially? >> i haven't seen that. we know they're trying to do things in the spring being mindful of the november deadline. i know in talking to some of the witnesses, even those who are willing to play ball, let's just negotiate to terms, we'll see what happens. that cooperation wouldn't happen until the end of this year, the beginning of next year. even if they want to, they are up against resistance. >> the former president is weighing in on what happened to his vice president. one of his most loyal deputies throughout his presidency. that's when there were rioters chanting hang mike pence. >> because it's common sense, john, it's common sense that you're supposed to protect -- how can you -- if you know a vote is fraudulent, right, how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to congress? >> does that comment from the former president surprise you at all, jackie? >> it's shocking. it should surprise people because it's all about trump. it's always been all about trump. that's how he sees the world. the more striking part is how loyal mike pence is. everyone who's thinking about running for president in 2024 continues to be to former president trump and the grip he still has. he was fundraising with kevin mccarthy, the minority leader, just last week. so there's no -- there's no move to push this person away. he's very much front and center to this day despite the fact that he thought it was okay to kill the vice president apparently. >> yeah. i think that speaks to why the committee and the white house has taken the strategy that they have in saying this is an extraordinary circumstance. clearly the former president still seems to think what happened that day wasn't significant. up next, the president will sign the infrastructure bill into law. voters want to know what he's doing about inflation. with 0% parabens... sulfates... ...and dyes. tresemmé's pro pure collection lets you style without compromise. tresemmé pro pure 0% compromise, 100% you. ♪ ♪ i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? 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>> yes, it is. even more worrisome, 70% of ind pen kedents, 70% of independent say he's done little or nothing. it goes to this issue set where they're trying to work on build back better, this massive reconciliation bill and the public generally sort of approves of a lot of the different proposals individually but in terms of the entire massive package, $2 trillion or so, the public isn't really paying attention to that because they're worried about inflation. they see it. a few months ago it was inflation stories about rental cars. now it is transitory. it has transitioned inflation into baking, a loaf of bread, milk, real life -- and gas prices pushing up near $4. so that's where the public is and so the public isn't really focused on their agenda right now, and that's where you see the poll results suggesting he's done little or nothing. >> and it's having a horrible effect on his approval rating. this new poll that says approval rating is 41%. his approval's 53%. this is the strong point coming into office. 39% approved. coronavirus, his other big one, 47%. then this question, is the president keeping most of his campaign promises? only 31% said yes. >> it doesn't help this is a problem for the white house going into the mid terms. there was a thot this administration would handle the coronavirus, would get iv vaccinated and would move onto the other agenda items. that has been a struggle. the build back better agenda, negotiations lasted longer than they want. now they're in the position of trying to hype up the infrastructure bill and build back better talking about what's been cut. when i was out in virginia and other places talking to folks about how they're feeling right now, voters, particularly marginal voters, people who are not big partisans, they come to politics knowing a certain amount of issues. this white house talked about things like paid family leave, tuition free college, they talked about things -- raising the minimum wage, have tangible effects, political issues they know. those were largely cut from their agenda. now they're trying to motivate people on maybe things in that build back better agenda that will affect them, will be actually moving for families but they're not actually the things they have been talking about and not the things that came from the campaign promise. so i think there is a messaging disconnect that this white house is facing but there's also a structural problem. they're up against a senate that will not let them do the things he campaigned on. that is something that biden's going to have to square and continue to face in the next year. >> making sure people know some of these things are actually affecting them, making sure -- right now people don't feel like biden is doing anything. they don't feel like any -- like the economy is getting better, their lives are getting better. that part of the messaging, it hasn't been there yet. particularly when you're talking about this highway bill that's coming down the pike. they're trying to push that right now. that's not -- you can't just turn -- it's hard to spend all of that money. you can't just turn it on. >> right. >> that lag is going to be a challenge. >> yeah. the implementation of that is going to take time for voters to see roads and bridges being fixed. pk, the question for the white house is whether these rising inflation numbers complicate their path to getting the second part of the economic agenda passed. we're seeing joe manchin tweeting out. do you think this is going to throw a wrench in that or what is this going to look like? >> it's going to throw a wrench in it because joe manchin is going to throw a wrench into it. he's very worried about inflation. oddly enough, the biggest democratic critic has been larry somers, former clinton treasury secretary, obama economic adviser. he was railing against this in the spring. larry summers has said, no, this build back better thing has been mostly paid for with offsetting tax cuts. it shouldn't have any impact on it. i'm not sure joe manchin is paying attention. it's going to become an issue. it's going to panic some democrats, probably a few in the house. this still has to pass the house of representatives. they're hoping for next week but we shall see. >> maybe the white house should give larry summers joe manchin's phone number. we'll see. >> up next, republican lawmakers are getting death threats because they dared vote for repairing roads and bridges. with framebridge... make what matters to you last. halloween, '72. jojo's adoption day. asher's art phase. whatever you treasure, make it last. framebridge. you could be working with someone outside your company and wait for back and forth e-mail, or a call to be rescheduled for the third time. orrr... you could use slack. and work faster with everyone you work with, together in one place. slack. where the future works. in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. michigan republican fred up top said his voicemail has been flooded with death threats. >> i hope you [ bleep ] die. i hope your blooe family dies, i hope everybody you love [ bleep ]. >> why did he get that message? he voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. many who voted yes said they received a similar message. instead of defending his message, kevin mccarthy has said nothing even if some conservatives say they should lose their committee assignments. in a now deleted tweet paul gosar showed him killing alexandria ocasio-cortez. it's been a week and he has yet to face any rebuke though democrats want the house to officially censure him. pk, that voicemail for. >> fred: -- fred upton and the fact that they're voting for clean water, broadband access, for fixing roads, fixing bridges, i mean, what does that even say? >> look, the house of representatives, jackie and i have covered the place for a really long time. it is a cauldron. it is -- it has never healed itself or come close to healing itself. the senate still has tensions that are there. the house is still heated. they have mag no, ma'am meters set outside the chamber. every member has to walk through to prove that they don't have a weapon on them. it seems a little bit ridiculous at times to think, all right, these are members of congress. come on. but then you see what paul gosar tweets, that sort of violence. marjorie taylor green went with her staff and visited the d.c. prison and made them take her to what they called the patriot wing so she could see the people there from january 6th crimes. when people do those types of things it creates this atmosphere and they get messages like fred upton's getting. it creates the sense i think we need mag no, ma'am meters to make sure nobody has a gun or knife. >> and there's no consequences. there was a time where leadership perhaps would have punished them. now we're at a point where there's more outrage at adam kin singer and liz cheney for serving on the january 6th committee than for paul gosar tweeting out something that murders a colleague. it's absurd. >> it raises the question, where is kevin mccarthy. he is the first one any time any member of the squad says anything, he's calling on speaker pelosi to reprimand them. >> it's an excellent question. i'm sure a lot of those members that are receiving these death threats want an answer to it and they're entitled to it. >> i think what's interesting, the members who voted for it are moderate republicans who need to win re-elections. you would think the republican leadership would want them to win the re-election and would support them because they think this is the type of issue if they vote for it, they would help re-elect them. >> you have a great piece, menace is a political tool enters the mainstream. >> this is no longer a fringe argument. a political scientist said he doesn't see the conflicts going away. >> this came out of congressman gosar's tweet. it's about how when you look at the rest of the country, the threats and violence is way more normal. this is a partisan split. the grassroots wing of republicans have embraced violent language and they are inherent enemies of democracy where anything is justified. in arizona a man pulled out a gun and talked about how he was going to kill democrats if they took over -- if trump lost the election. i was in virginia where a man prayed at the beginning of the rally saying they were in a battle and the lord needed them to wirch and they cheered having guns if it came to violence. there is a lot of language on the republican grassroots side that sees the country as a crossroads and sees it growing towards an armed conflict. we heard from a member of republican leadership who in broad general terms denounced violence, but when we asked that member -- when we asked those folks to be on the record, to put their names by it, they wouldn't do it. that is the scope of where we are at right now. >> yeah. >> where even something as broad as condemning violence from members of congress cannot happen from the leadership partly because they understand that the grassroots is way further than where washington is right now on this issue. that should scare us all. >> do think any republicans show up at the white house signing ceremony? this is a moment for the republicans to say this is a big bipartisan deal. do they want to have that image also being circulated? >> i think on the senate side i imagine a couple of them are retiring, don't have to worry about a republican primary vote. i think some of them will be there. three of the members in the house side who voted for this, don young, chris smith, fred upton have served a combined 135 years in the house of representatives. >> wow. >> they're three of the five longest serving members of the house. they have survived political waves up and down and don young was abandoned by house leadership in 2008 as he was facing three different fbi investigations. >> yes. >> he survived. they have their own identity and they are probably -- if they -- if their flights can get there on time, they will be there. i think they look at all of this with a sense of i've been around. i'm going to keep doing things. i have my own brand back in my district and i will survive. >> of course this raises the question, too, what do republicans run on in 2022 ahead of the mid term elections? how are they looking at the national landscape? we know republicans are favored by about 10% to win and that's pretty strong showing for them. and then it also comes if you break down the poll in swing states, the president's overall job approval rating is lower than the average, the 43%. it's as low as 33% in arizona, florida, georgia, states very critical to the president. >> this is why you're going to see the president this week go out and start selling this infrastructure package as republicans keep pushing the rising inflation. they're going to keep talking about it. they're going to be talking about more cultural topics like critical race theory. they try to make this a base issue really rally their voters on this. you're going to hear them talk about that. on the economic side, the moderate republicans are going to have to explain to their voters why they voted for this as they face attacks not only from democrats but from their own base asking them why they voted for this because there's so much confusion about what is in this package because people like kevin mccarthy told republicans not to essentially vote for this. >> yeah. the republicans are still struggling with the republican vote. chris christie says the glenn youngkin win shows no candidate owns voters. they don't. we'll see. next up, president biden is trying to make sense of rising inflation. the big question is whether or not there's anything he can actually do to quickly bring it down. >> because of the strength of our economic recovery, american families have been able to buy more products. with more people buying product and less product to buy, what happens? 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>> i don't think so. i still -- you know, since i believe that the main thing that's still wrong with the economy is the virus, if we get control of the virus, i think this will still prove to be transitory, but that doesn't make it any easier in this exact moment. >> of course, a big question is what can the president do to change this? a lot of them feel like it's out of their hands. you have to message it. the president was saying, i feel more that you are paying more for bacon, eggs and chicken, what the president can do, keeping ports open 24 hours a day. paying more to clear up the supply chain gridlock. easing trump era tariffs on china. anything he can do in the short term? >> how short is short? you know, in the three-week time frame, there's nothing they can do. this isn't ekxclusive to the united states. you have them dealing with what feels like rnun away inflation t the same time. the whole world is trying to come booming back simultaneously and the supply chain's not designed to do that. now on an odd note, i actually think that if you can get control of the virus and start reducing the caseload, we can shift. normally plerns spend the big majority of their money on services and a very strange thing happened during this covid downturn, that we shifted to spending most of our money on physical goods because the services shut down. if we can get control of the virus and people can go back to spending on services, i think that will ease some of the burden that's on the supply chain and causing that inflation. on the gasoline crisis, as we've seen in the past, there's not a lot the government can do. you can fiddle with the strategic petroleum reserve if you think there are problems in the supply chain. immigration has fallen by more than 50% over the last three or four years. that's contributing to the worker shortage. you could allow more immigration. all of those feel unlikely. we hold the fort and bear down. >> yeah. and we know that of course inflation has been a global issue that we've seen pointed out, not just something that's happening here in the u.s. i do want to ask you a question because there's been a back and forth between the white house and republicans that say the president's policies are only going to contribute to this. if there's more spending like the second part of the president's economic agenda that we know they're going to focus on, that could lead to higher inflation even if it reduces it in the long term. what is your take on that? >> well, you know, one take on that is why is it happening everywhere in the world if it has to do with just u.s. policy? but the other take, i think the republicans saying that feels more like a political argument than an economic argument because if you follow their economic logic, then they should stop objecting to the biden's plan to raise taxes to pay for the spending. because if you were agreeing to raise taxes on high income people and large corporations and not increase the deficit, you would sterilize any government action from having a stimulative effect. >> a lot of this comes down to messaging from the white house. 70% of voters do not think the economy is in a good situation even though wages are up, of course unemployment is falling, all of these things that the white house keeps highlighting. why do you think that is what voters are taking away from all of this? >> yeah. i saw this poll and it follows up on a number of negative polls. i think part of this, what we have seen in the past is that it takes a few months for people to register in the polling how they feel about the economy. so when they're reporting their opinion right now, it's based on the last three or four months and we had a rocky three or four months over the summer as the delta variant resurged. if we keep putting up jobs numbers of half a million jobs created in a single month and gdp growth and income keep going up but inflation starts to come down, i think you would probably see those polls change. if not, if we keep having these problems with the virus and prices keep going up, i think you would be in a sour mood for months. >> that would create more political headaches for the white house. austin goolsbee, thanks for joining us this morning. >> great to see you. two trials in an off year election has put race in the spotlight. jojo's adoption day. asher's art phase. whatever you treasure, make it last. framebridge. 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>> we'll see cases that will give us national attention on an issue that has been growing and growing in terms of national prominence, coming after the large protests last summer and no matter this trial or something else, we know the changing demographics of this country pushed race and the questions of racism particularly about policing and equity onto the forefront so these are going to be cases that will have intense interest just like the killer of george floyd, just like the level of intensity that we have seen historically in things like the o.j. simpson trial and others. i expect that when this comes out, we will have intense washing, there might be protest and rounds, this could become the norm in terms of its intense focus on the verdict here but that's because folks are so emotionally invested. what it seems like is a case that showed the disparities within the legal system that we know to be true, but that is going to be tested again and i think that we're going to have folks who are going to frankly be, feel their personal identity is tied into the verdicts and that is going to also have political ramifications. >> when it comes to questions of doctor disparities in the justice system there's a poll as we talk about what's playing out in not just the trials but national politics, 75% of voters favor teaching of the history of racism but critical race theory falls to 43%. what do you read from those numbers? >> i think this issue of education that has come up largely since the mcauliffe race, it really shows how much parents, i think it depends on the question. a lot of people don't know what critical race here toy at the en end of the day. it's a lack of wanting to have a reckoning, it's a lack of wanting to perhaps expose children to how the world really is, but speaking in another political realm, this is one of the reasons biden's having so much trouble with his approval numbers and promises kept because the social justice issues have completely fallen off the radar, if you're talking about voting rights, talking about any of the policing bills that have just fallen off in the house and the senate and it's why you're seeing so much dissatisfaction not among independents but among democrats with where the white house has been going. >> p.k., where has this push gone? you were saying last year, this was a big topic, all lawmakers were talking about. it seems like any momentum behind this evapoevaporated. >> they put so much into the domestic policy agenda, into the in infrastructure bill and massive $2 trillion latest cbo estimate social policy agenda, focused intensely on this and it upset some liberals and some others who question whether this is really what biden campaigned on, was joe biden's campaign to save the soul of the nation really about whether medicare covered dental and vision for the elderly or was it about voting rights, police justice. alexandria chris curtice said something to reporters ten days ago, no amount of material gains we could deliver in those bills will compensate for the denial of voting rights and these other issues. so this focus has just been heavily on the policy agenda without the social justice. >> democrats want to avoid that and talk about "tichen table" issues and trials will be in the forefront and forcing the issue onto the candidates and president. all the democrats tried to steer away, we saw this in virginia and critical race theory, it's a game that doesn't reflect where society is at this point. they have to talk about race and structural racism because that's where society, voters and people are. >> voters are asking put the same effort behind this as do you your domestic policy agenda. that's it for "inside politics sunday." join us sunday every 8:00. up next is "state of the union" with jake tapper and dana bash. today's guests brian december, fred upton. before we grk it's your last day to bid on the homes for our troops veterans day auction. a lot of amazing items are up for bid, a 30-minute zoom with yours truly and i promise i know how to work the mute button. see all the items on thanks again for joining us and sharing your sunday morning with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ cost of living. soaring inflation puts the screws to everyday americans. >> everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more and it's worrisome. >> reporter: after months of downplaying rising prices -- >> it's going to pop up a little bit and go back down. >> reporter: what is the biden administration doing now to help? i'll speak to top white house economic adviser brian deese. a chilling message. steve bannon indicted for criminal contempt of congress, a clear message to others refusing to cooperate with the january 6th probe. whom are

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