Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

testimony after subpoenaing more than a dozen members of trump's inner circle this week alone. the committee is now setting its sights on those closest to the former vice president mike pence, including his former chief of staff and national security adviser, remember, his central role that day. in total the committee has issued 35 subpoenas to individuals and organizations as part of its probe into the circumstances and coordination leading up to the january 6 insurrection. >> joining us now to discuss, federal white collar criminal defense attorney carolyn palisi. good to see you, carolyn. as we look at this, is there any chance you think that these documents are not released tomorrow? >> well, it would have to be a very, very quick emergency appeal to the appeals court in this case. and if you read the ruling, the judge specifically noted that there is not a likelihood of success on the merits, which was her reasoning for not stepping in to stay the turnover. so this wasn't even -- this was actually the ruling on whether or not the president could legitimately assert executive privilege, the former president, over -- she was not going to stop the production of these documents. >> do you see oftentimes trump will look to the supreme court for rescue? didn't happen during the 2020 election. do you see the supreme court as piping in on this, perhaps considering this more broadly, and doing so in this very short time frame that we have? >> so, i definitely think at some point it will make its way up to the supreme court. you know, jim, unlike some of the other really frivolous assertions of executive privilege that we saw trump assert throughout his presidency, in this case, you know, there is at least a cullable argument on the merits. and really the supreme court hasn't weighed in since nixon. there are some foggy issues left to be adjudicated with the assertion of executive privilege. here it wasn't necessarily an easy decision for the biden administration to step in and say, look, we're waiving the privilege as the executive now. we want these records to be turned over because the privilege does maintain attach to the former president once he's out of office. they're arguably are communications involved here that would be covered by the presidential communications privilege, the deliberative process privilege. all these things are issues that, when decided, will have precedential value. meaning they will be taken into account in the future. and so the biden administration wants to make sure that if they waive the privilege now, it's not going to come back and haunt them later do you think the road in their administration when the tables are turned. so there are some real novel issues to be decided here. >> really quickly before we let you go, keith kellogg, who was vice president mike pence's former national security adviser, he is one of the people who was subpoenaed this week. just curious, what would your main questions be for him? >> people have a lot of questions with respect to why kellogg was in sort of the trump inner circle during the time of the attack and why he wasn't actually with mike pence at the capitol during those times. i think that, you know, the call logs and really some of these memos that were written by mark meadows that will be turned over really soon will shed some light on those questions. >> carolyn palisi, thank you so much for helping clear so much up for us. >> thanks for having me. more testimony after a consequential day in kyle rittenhouse's double homicide trial. kyle rittenhouse taking the stand claiming he acted in self-defense when he killed two people, shot another during protests that followed the police shooting of jacob blake. this in wisconsin last year. >> rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty and faces a mandatory life sentence if convicted on the most serious charge, the 18-year-old breaking down at one point on the stand. >> there were three people there -- >> take a deep breath, kyle. >> cnn's shimon joining us from wisconsin. >> reporter: three more witnesses will be called, a man by the name of john black, dr. john black. he's with the force science institute. he is a use of force expert, something you would normally see in maybe a trial involving a police officer who had to use force. and there are some questions about that. this is the kind of expert witness that this person is. and it sets up really from yesterday's testimony from kyle rittenhouse talking about what he was seeing, how he was feeling in the moments that he was firing that ar-15-style rifle. it also will set up the fact that he says he was ambushed and the fact that he was cornered. so all of this is something that this use of force expert is supposed to talk about. this morning, though, we have reaction from the man who was shot by kyle rittenhouse and survived. he reacted to the testimony from yesterday. take a listen. >> well, i think any time you see your would-be murderer on the stand, it's emotional. >> and what was your reaction to him breaking down and crying on the stand? >> to me it seemed like a child who had just gotten caught doing something that he wasn't supposed to. more upset that he was caught and less upset about what he had done and what he had taken, and the numerous lives he affected through his actions that night. >> reporter: also we're waiting to see if the defense attorneys who said yesterday wanted a mistrial with prejudice, whether or not they're actually going to file this motion. so we're waiting to hear if that's going to happen, and obviously the prosecutors would have to respond. so, we have three witnesses left here from the defense. the case is expected to go to the jury as early as monday or tuesday, the judge said yesterday. >> thanks very much. joining us now to discuss, cnn's chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin, author of the american heiress. it's a self-defense case. tell us how well they made their cases so far. there are two different shooting deaths here with somewhat different circumstances. >> right. there are two ways also of looking at this whole case. one is a matter of public policy. what is a 17-year-old with no training, no gun permit, no ties to this community, doesn't even live in the state of wisconsin, going in the night -- in the middle of the night to a riot to help out? just an incredibly stupid irresponsible decision. but that's not what he's on trial for. he's on trial for murder and i thought he was an effective witness on the issue of self-defense because he could testify that there were other people with guns, somebody swung a skateboard at his head. that is not -- that suggests self-defense, and the prosecution, i thought, did not do a very effective job in cross examining him. >> the prosecution has faced a fair amount of criticism. what i found really remarkable is -- and this is not the first time, but the judge and the judge's demeanor, and even the tone toward the prosecution throughout the trial has been interesting. specifically yesterday, there were a couple of moments where the judge scolded the prosecutor. i just want to play part of that. >> you're an experienced trial attorney and you're telling me that when the judge says, i'm excluding this, you just take it upon yourself to put it in because you think that you found a way around it? come on. >> so, this was about specific video evidence he was trying to refer to they told earlier on was not going to be allowed in. the question is, is the judge right in this case? he should know better. am i the only one who sees some of this reaction from the judge and says it seems like he's a different set? >> well, there were two big controversies during the cross-examination. one i thought the judge really had some merit where it did seem like the prosecutor was referring to the fact that rittenhouse had not spoken before, which is commenting on the silence of a defendant. the 5th amendment entitles him to be silent. prosecutors should know not to tread in that area. something involved an issue earlier. you have wide latitude to introduce subjects that maybe had been ruled off previously. i thought the judge was a little unfair there. i think we may be overemphasizing that whole issue of the judge getting angry. all of us who have been prosecutors have been yelled at by judges -- >> fond memories. >> that's right. it general doesn't matter much. the jury was not present in the courtroom during that. i think that it's not going to be important to the outcome. >> you bring up the big public policy issue here. do we as a country, in effect, allow people from anywhere to show up anywhere else and sort of self-appoint themselves sheriff, right? or sheriff's deputy. are there any laws that govern that? it seems like this one beyond the issue of shooting whether he had a permit for the gun, are there any laws that bar me from showing up saying i'm going to help fight crime? >> fewer and fewer. one of the big changes in state laws over the last two decades are the increasing freedom that is being granted to individuals to carry concealed weapons, to carry publicly -- visible weapons. i mean, it is such a sea change in how the law works. and i was just in oklahoma the other day, in arizona. you just see people carrying guns in public that you didn't used to see. and we also now have people like kyle rittenhouse who are appointing themselves, in effect, law enforcement officers in difficult situations with no training and it's a terrifying result, especially in a case like this. >> pull back from training in some states. texas is a perfect example. >> you can use a gun with no training. >> new york is considering whether they can pass their own laws. >> permissible to have those laws. >> jeff, thanks. coming up next, travis scott's attorneys are pushing back on accusations he could have dunmore to stop the deadly chaos at his astroworld concert. but we have new details from police about warnings he received. plus, a group of black lives matters activists have slammed new york's mayor elect after meeting on the question of policing. i just spoke with mayor elect adams. you're going to hear his response to that and his plans to tackle crime and economic recovery. and a bit later we're joined by an 8-year-old who is one of the first participants in a vaccine trial for kids with pfizer's vaccine. you'll hear more from her and her mom. what they're saying now that the shot is available for kids 5 and older. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> reporter: well, travis scott saying he's angry that this happened. his attorney also saying that most officials, all they're doing is finger pointing and sending mixed messages. here's the deal. at the end of the day, eight people have died here. two others are in critical condition fighting for their lives, and countless other people were either injured or are still traumatized by this event. that's the case of two individuals. brian and jonathan espinosa. they spoke to my colleague john berman during "new day" today talking about that lasting trauma. brian saying that he has trouble sleeping. and when john asked him if he thought he was going to make it out alive, here's what he said. >> i had a 50/50 chance. it was either me living or either dying. at one point i thought i wasn't going to make it. >> you guys are obviously travis scott fans. how much do you hold him responsible? >> completely responsible, sir. he had the big east coast microphone out of everybody, and i think it's crazy how poorly it was set up. >> reporter: at least 58 lawsuits have been filed. most of them claiming negligence. as for the investigation, the police chief saying yesterday that investigators have gone through hours of tape. they're taking witness statements. and the police chief also saying ultimately the responsibility to stop the show was on the production and entertainment teams, and that at one point h.p.d. personnel told the production teams there were one or more people needing cpr and the show needed to stop. here's the critical question there. when did this happen? i asked the chief that specific question, and he said that he was not going to go into the time line. here's the other thing. the chief also says there were more than 500 h.p.d. officers that were part of this event, that were at this event. so i asked the obvious question. so, there's more than 500 officers. how do you explain that these 500 officers didn't go to production, didn't take it above production, didn't ask fire to come in and help. these are basic questions that need to be answered because, of course, h.p.d. is investigating. h.p.d. could be investigating itself. >> rosa, you continue to do such excellent reporting and press the questions. no doubt someone will get the answers. rosa flores. >> that is material to this. >> absolutely. >> they could have stopped earlier. >> that's been the big question, why didn't they stop, what would that have changed. well, a crew member who worked on the "rust" movember i set has filed a new lawsuit. several key figures being sued in that filing including actor alec baldwin. the chief lighting technician on set accusing the producers and several others of negligence, claiming he is suffering from severe emotional distress. >> cnn correspondent stephanie >> elam has been following this story from los angeles. stephanie, tell us what this lawsuit says and i wonder if this is perhaps the first of several, given his claim particularly of mental stress here. >> reporter: i wouldn't be surprised, jim and erica, if it is the first. what's interesting, though, about his claim is he says he was right there when this happened, when this tragic accident happened. in this lawsuit, he says that he was holding halyna hutchins as she was dying. that her blood was on his hands as she was there. also saying when the fatal blast went off, that he felt some of the pieces blow off toward him as well. that's also what he's saying here. this lawsuit from him, he was the chief lighting director on the movie "rust." they're saying that alec baldwin was negligent. they are also saying the assistant director david halls is negligent. they are also naming annerer hannah gutierrez reed. those are some of the people they are targeting. others are named as well saying they were negligent and that they breached their duties by allowing real ammunition to be stored on set. and so obviously when you see this, it's disturbing to hear from someone in this first account how this happened. it is also worth noting, too, that we also heard through the attorney of hannah gutierrez reed doubling down on the idea there was sabotage. someone put real ammunition in the dummies box. however, at this point the district attorney saying they have no proof that that actually happened at all. jim and erica? >> well, they'll need proof. thank you very much. it is day five of another trial we've been following closely, that of the murder of ahmaud arbery. the state plans to play the four-hour deposition of larry english. he owns the home was arbery was initially spotted. >> prosecutors played a series of 911 calls from two of the men charged with killing arbery. some of those calls made weeks before the shooting. one of them on the day of the shooting. in that call travis mcmichael reports a suspicious individual in a home under construction. you can hear the 911 dispatcher trying to understand whether arbery had done anything wrong. >> someone is breaking into it right now? >> no, it's all open. it's under construction. and he's running right now. there he goes right now. >> what is he doing? >> he's running down the street. >> okay, that's fine. i'll get them out there. i just need to know what he was doing wrong. was he just on the premises and not supposed to be? >> i need to know what he was doing wrong, she asked. during trial, transcripts of a description of one -- that one of the defendants gave police about arbery's actions that day was read. arbery's mother responded last hour. >> i kept using the word disturbing. but very, very disturbing. after the day that they called, they initially told me that he had committed a burglary. and then to sit through the trial to find out that ahmaud actually -- he ran, hefe fell a he killed and was lied on. >> he was seen in a home under construction as you heard. there was know evidence he broke into the house or committed a crime. at the end of the day, they appointed the police officer, right, to go track this down. just ahead, prices for everyday items skyrocketing. we're going to take a closer look at how inflation is really hitting americans, and the pressure that it's putting on president biden. that's next. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 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yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fullest? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. arm president biden set to sign the bipartisan infrastructure bill on monday. during that ceremony we are told members from both parties will be in attendance. very important, the president wants to show that bipartisanship. he was touting the deal in baltimore. that visit was planned, but of course came hours after a new inflation report showed consumer prices in this country have surged more than 6% in the past year. that is the sharpest increase in three decades. >> to put those numbers in perspective right now, the cost of steak is up 24%. eggs 12%. milk 6%. stuff you notice when you go grocery shopping. >> bacon. in all seriousness, bacon hit home. >> me too, personally. >> we are two weeks away from thanksgiving. cnn's vanessa yerkovich was in iowa to hear how inflation is impacting folks there. >> reporter: there is a chill in the air in biowa. winter is coming. >> it's culling. we put the fireplace on and get heat that way instead of turning the furnace up. >> reporter: that's because heating bill for many iowans could double this win dter. a warning from power company mid enter energy. >> we're all middle class folks. we can't go too far out of our means to make ends meet. we still have to eat and live. >> reporter: on wednesday they woke up to sticker shock. gas, cars, energy and food, just some consumer goods that rose .9% together on average in october, and are up 6.2% this past year. the biggest 12-month increase since 1990. >> bacon was pretty high. i kind of seen it on the news a little bit. but yeah, it's jumped up a few dollars. so -- >> reporter: did that stop you from buying anything today? >> i thought i'd buy it and put it in the freezer to be honest with you. >> reporter: they were also out shopping early for their thanksgiving dinner. did you notice that prices were a little bit higher? >> yes, quite a bit. quite a bit higher. >> reporter: and soon the couple will escape the iowa cold and their high energy bill for arizona. but it will still cost them. >> we have a motor home. it costs a lot to go to arizona, but we're going anyway. >> reporter: gas in the state is nearly $3.20 a gallon. up more than a dollar in the last year. ben thompson is trying to avoid the pain at the pump. >> i price shop some. that's how i'm out here. the casey's i was at is 44 more per gallon than this one. >> reporter: his 10 gallon tank costs more on average. what did you tap out today? >> $46.87 and i wasn't out of gas. >> reporter: at dewey ford dealership in ankeny, a lot na holds 900 cars has 61. >> i cannot keep hybrid vehicles on my lot. they want to have that so they don't have to go to the gas pump. >> reporter: customers may save money by going electric, but the prices of cars are higher than ever. used cars jumped 2.5% last month, with new cars up 1.4%. a fallout from labor shortages, a supply chain crunch, and consumer demand all meeting the road. >> they're really struggling at this point. when you go back through the last few years, nobody ever paid full price for cars. >> reporter: and that could make the difference between someone buying a new car and a used car. we spoke to one gentleman yesterday shopping for groceries who is buying chicken instead of meat at the gas station. one gentleman putting regular gas into his car instead of premium. but this is important. energy bills are still going to be so much higher this winter, and that is really something that americans, and especially americans here in iowa, can't cut costs on. and, jim and erica, wages across the board have risen in the last year, but it's simply not enough to cover all the things that are going up across the board here in america. jim and erica? >> watch energy prices. by the way, that's a global phenomenon. it's happening around the world, nature of the markets. energy prices are going to hit hard. vanessa yerkovich, thank you very much. i sit down one on one with new york city mayor eric adams. particularly policing and a confrontation with black lives matter. hear him in his own words. that's next. and on this veteran's day when the country pauses to remember those who had served, president biden set to observe the holiday with a wreath laying at the centennial anniversary of the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington cemetery. we'll speak with him later and bring you those remarks live. stay with us for that. it's the early black friday sale. ♪ ♪ this is how we shine... at zales. the diamond store. feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. 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>> brother, i mean, i -- >> after the meeting newsome told reporters, quote, if they think they're going back to the old ways of policing, then we're going to take to the streets again. there will be riots. there will be fire. there will be bloodshed. i'm joined now by the new mayor elect of new york, eric adams. thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. it's good being here this morning. >> mayor, you heard that threat, the idea of going back to the streets to protest if you keep to your campaign vow to reinstate these anti-crime units. will you reconsider reinstating that policy based on those comments? >> well, let's be crystal clear. you had 13 people who did a march from manhattan to borough hall. there are different levels of people who are involved in the black lives matters movement. let's not make believe those 13 people have really consumed all the oxygen in the room. and i made it clear on the campaign trail, i'm going to put in place, not the anti-crime unit. i'm going to put in place a plain clothes gun unit. we must zero in on gun violence in our city. you're seeing what's happening where the young man 21 years old shot by 17-year-old that was carrying a gun. so this is what i'm going to do. and that was my promise and i'm going to keep it. >> so, when you look at the crime rate in new york city, you made crime, as you say, a major part of your campaign. after you were elected you told npr, zero tolerance for abuse i have and criminal violent behavior. i hear from folks in new york, my colleagues and others every day about incidents, being confronted with knives on the subway, public nudity, you name it, you've heard these stories. what specific steps will you take to fight crime? >> well, there are a couple of things that i stated. public safety is a prerequisite of prosperity with justice. we can have the justice we deserve and the safety we need. number one. as you indicated, i'm going to put in place a plain clothes anti-gun unit to go after the guns. and gangs, they go together. number two, we need to be clear, change the eco system of public safety. i'm going to empower my crisis management teams, all of the hot spots in my precincts. those are low covid-19 vaccinations where you have violence, particularly gun violence. we're going to give them the tools to go underground, to prevent it, as well as give those young people opportunities, because they can't be just heavy handed policing. it's giving opportunities. and number three, which i think is very important, we're going to have a real jobs program to look at those areas that are high-crime areas and high-crime numbers and be proactive on how we go and pull those young people to do precision resources, not only policing. >> you mentioned guns in particular. when i've been out with police on patrol, they say that guns coming from gun-friendly states up i-95 from the south, are a real problem for them. you now have the supreme court considering a case that would strike down a new york law with conceal carry. if the supreme court acts on that, does that make new york city less safe in your view? >> yes, it does. it's a real problem. when i spoke with the president several months ago during the campaign, we talked about how do we do information sharing with the federal, state and city. we need the atf to have the ability toe look after those gun dealers that are really feeding the crimes in the northern city. if this supreme court decision can be supremely harmful in a densely populated city like new york, i'm hoping they don't do this. it is going to be an extreme troublesome time for our city if they do. >> you were elected as a moderate democrat in a very blue city at a time that democrats in recent elections have not done well, that their message nationally seems to be out of step with many voters. you have said that the democratic party needs to be progressive, but practical. what specifically are those practical policies? and i wondered, do you see them in the democrats' current agenda, for instance, the build back better plan? >> i say this over and over again. i consider myself to be a progressive, and i believe being practical is being progressive. and mayors all over this country are understanding that federal governments make policies, but it's the local cities that we must carry them out. here's what i call being progressive and practical. we talk about closing rikers island, our jail, which i'm in support of doing. let's also close the pipeline that feeds the jail. 30% of the prisoners are predicted to be dyslexic. so eric adams is going to have dyslexia screening in every school in our city. if we want to have a real anti-crime fight, then it starts with the job. that's the best anti-crime tool we have. so i'm going to have massive employment centers where we're going to coordinate between those corporations with jobs with young people and adults who are looking for jobs. it's about using technology to run our city, because inefficiency breeds the inequalities that we're seeing in our city. >> all those things cost money, though. as you know, property taxes are the city's number one source of revenue and you have an outflux in the city, of businesses, employees, a lot of folks not coming to the office any more, perhaps a quarter of them. that means less office space. how do you pay for all that, all the programs you're talking about if the city is going to have less money? >> well, you know, we need to understand something about the dysfunctionality of our city. we waste money. we have an over $90 billion budget. think about that for a moment. i know that if we run the city more efficiently, we won't just depend on tax dollars. there is so much money that's been hemorrhaging in our agencies. i'm going to have all of my agencies do a 3 to 5% what's called peg, program to eliminate the gap to find those savings in waste and mismanagement. and we're going to function as a city that attracts businesses, but at the same time help those low-income new yorkers benefit from the prosperity of the city. they're too difficult, too expensive too bureaucratic to do business in the city. that is why we're losing so many people. lack of safety, lack of being a business friendly city is hurting our bottom line and that changes on january 1st. >> well, as you know i'm a native new yorker, so i wish you the best of luck, mayor eric adams, mayor elect eric adams. >> thank you, take care. still to come, texas governor greg abbott's battle against mask mandates hit with a major legal blow. we have those details for you. and as we go to break, live pictures from the tomb of the unknown soldier, as we mark this veteran's day, president biden is set to speak from arlington at the tomb of the unknown soldier later this morning. we'll bring you those remarks live. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful eas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers overnight a federal judge in texas ruled the state's ban on mask mandates in schools violating the americans with disabilities act, an advocacy group also filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of several texas families against the governor and other officials claiming that coronavirus was posing, quote, an even greater risk for children with special health needs. this ruling follows months of clashes between state and local leaders over mask mandates in texas. children 5 and older are now eligible for the covid vaccine. not all parents are rushing to make that appointment straightaway. rampant misinformation isn't helping. that's one of the reasons our next guests are speaking out. taylor and her daughter, eleanor, who's 8, was in pfizer's vaccine trial over the summer. she's written about that decision and her experience. so great to have you back with us this morning. i love the big smile from eleanor as soon as we said her name. there it is. shortly after the vaccine was authorized for kids, you learned that eleanor, in fact, had received the vaccine. you didn't know until then. but she was not give an placebo, so she's had some protection for months. what was that realization like for you, taylor, knowing that she had, in fact, been vaccinated? >> it was a huge relief. up until next friday we were under the impression we would not be unblinded even if there was emergency use authorization until almost christmas, so it was almost frustrating knowing that we might still have to wait even though everybody else is able to get the vaccine and we might still have to wait. >> a sense of relief, i would think. eleanor, when you found out, i understand you were excited too, i'm wondering have any of your friends had questions for you because they know you got the vaccine a long time ago? maybe? >> is this scary? no. >> no. did they ask you if it hurt? >> yeah. >> yeah. okay. you've been so outspoken about this, taylor. you were on with my colleague kate bolduan earlier this summer talking about why you had decided to enroll eleanor in the trial. you were dealing with long-haul covid, your dad dealing with a rare form of cancer. was that peace of mind? you've also written this op-ed recently, and i want to read a part of it from "the missouri independent." you white, "her arm is not magnetized, nor has she developed more access to 5g, much to her dismay, when she gets an attitude, she cannot use her injection site to access the internet after i turn off the wi-fi." it's great and funny and makes you laugh, but what you write is serious and you do a great job of debunking myths about long-term side effects or how the vaccine can impact your child. what has the response been to that op-ed? >> mostly people are just grateful that i'm debunking some of the myths that are out there. one of the most prominent myths that i've heard is that there's going to be all these long-term side effects that we don't know about right now. but one of the things with vaccines is most side effects will appear within the first six weeks. and beyond that, in history, in the history of vaccines, there's been no long-term side effects that randomly appear, like, years later after the injection. they always, you know, almost always appear within the first month. >> that's because as i've learned through this, that's because it's not a prescription drug that you take every day. the vaccine goes in, does its job, and leaves your body. >> exactly. >> what advice do you have for parent who is may be struggling with this decision, who see eleanor is doing well but saying i'm not quite ready? >> you know, it is -- it's really a personal decision, and it's to protect the people and you. i mean, we are hignot high-risk peel. we're healthy. she's not at risk for complications. we are concerned about family and friends that are high risk that we want to see again and spend the holidays with, and i don't want to accidentally, you know, expose somebody to a virus that could hospitalize or kill them. so it's really about protecting the people that you care about. >> taylor and eleanor, great to have you back with us today. here is to hopefully some less stress over the holidays, knowing that eleanor is fully vaccinated at this point. hope to talk to you again. thanks. >> good for her. and how about that smile? >> i know. minutes from now, a serious story we've been following, the trial of kyle rittenhouse will resume after a dramatic day in court with the accused killer crying on the stand. the judge admonished the prosecution at one point. the defense is demanding a mistrial. we'll be there live. trelegy for copd. 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Way , Us , Counselor , Scene , Gbi , Wanda , Cnn , Coverage , Yes , Kyle Rittenhouse Trial , President , Judge , Decision , Over , Trump , Assertion , Jim Sciutto , Stay , Request , Denial , Erica Hill , House Select Committee Investigating January 6 , Records , Investigation , The National Archives , Appeals Court , Information , Efforts , 6 , January 6 , Mike Pence , Committee , Testimony , Members , Chief Of Staff , Adviser , Security , Sights , Role , Inner Circle , Part , Individuals , Circumstances , Carolyn Palisi , Organizations , Probe , Subpoenas , Insurrection , Coordination , 35 , Documents , Chance , Emergency Appeal , Case , Ruling , Wasn T , Merits , Court , Likelihood , Turnover , Reasoning , Success , Production , Whether , Supreme Court , Didn T , Broadly , Election , Rescue , 2020 , Some , Point , Assertions , Assert , Issues , Presidency , Argument , Supreme Court Hasn T , Cullable , Nixon , Deliberative Process Privilege , Administration , Executive , Say , Things , Office , Communications , Communications Privilege , Road , Account , Biden , Precedential Value , Keith Kellogg , National Security Adviser , Tables , People , Questions , Lot , Kellogg , Respect , Sort , One , Logs , Times , Memos , Capitol , Attack , Mark Meadows , Thanks , Light , Kyle Rittenhouse S Double Homicide Trial , Stand , Kyle Rittenhouse , Self Defense , Protests , Police Shooting , Wisconsin , Life Sentence , Two , Serious Charge , Three , 18 , Breath , Kyle , Shimon , Reporter , Something , Trial , John Black , Man , Force , Use , Expert , Science Institute , Witnesses , Name , Police Officer , Person , Kind , Expert Witness , Fact , Feeling , Wall , Firing , Rifle , Ar 15 , 15 , Reaction , Listen , Murderer , Child , Upset , Lives , Actions , Prosecutors , Defense Attorneys , Motion , Mistrial , Prejudice , Jeffrey Toobin , Defense , Jury , Monday Or Tuesday , Self Defense Case , Cases , Heiress , Deaths , The American , Training , Ways , State , Matter , Public Policy , Community , Doesn T , Gun Permit , Ties , 17 , Murder , Riot , Middle , Guns , Somebody , Issue , Witness , Head , Skateboard , Job , Prosecution , Time , Cross , Is , Criticism , Demeanor , Amount , Couple , Prosecutor , Trial Attorney , Tone , It , Video Evidence , Come On , Question , Set , Controversies , Merit , Defendant , Cross Examination , Before , Silence , Tread , Area , 5th Amendment , 5 , Subjects , There , Latitude , All Of Us , Judges , Courtroom , Memories , Outcome , Big Public Policy Issue , It General Doesn T Matter , Country , Laws , Effect , Sheriff , Anywhere , Self , Deputy , Gun , Shooting , Freedom , State Laws , Fight Crime , Changes , Permit , Fewer , Weapons , Sea Change , Law Works , Oklahoma , Law Enforcement Officers , Public , Arizona , Texas , States , Example , Situations , Result , Travis Scott , New York , Attorneys , Accusations , Coming Up , Jeff , Dunmore , Mayor , Details , Police , Meeting , Activists , Matters , Warnings , Group , Chaos , Astroworld Concert , Crime , Policing , Vaccine Trial , Kids , Response , Plans , Participants , Elect , Adams , Recovery , 8 , Vaccine , Shot , Pfizer , Mom , Limu Emu , Limu , Six , Bogeys , Liberty Mutual , Bird , Helicopter , Kid , Car Insurance , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , Pay , High Thryv , Small Business , All In One , Thryv , Management Software , Estimate , Yep , Hold On , Thing , Promotions , Email Marketing , Customer List , Payments , Social Media , Up Top , Demo , Friend , Experience , World , Dark , Flexibility , Ideas , Someone , Officials , Police Chief , Cpr , Concert , Connection , Production Staff , Learning , Houston , Deadly Astroworld Music Festival , 58 , Safety , Show , Communication , Authority , Entertainer , Story , Correspondent , Crowd , Rosa Flores , Of Hannah Gutierrez Reed , Deal , Doing , Others , Finger Pointing , Messages , Eight , Brian , Event , John Berman , Condition , Jonathan Espinosa , John , Trauma , Trouble Sleeping , 50 , Dying , Sir , Guys , Fans , East Coast , Everybody , Most , Lawsuits , Microphone , Point Hpd , Negligence , Witness Statements , Teams , Responsibility , Investigators , Entertainment , Tape , Chief , Personnel , Production Teams , Officers , Time Line , 500 , Help , Didn T Ask Fire , Course , Crew Member , Answers , Material , Reporting , Doubt , Big Question , Lawsuit , Rust , Alec Baldwin , Chief Lighting Technician , Producers , Figures , Filing , Movember I Set , First , Claim , Stephanie Elam , Several , Suffering , Distress , Los Angeles , I Wouldn T , Accident , Mental Stress , Halyna Hutchins , Hands , Blood , Blast , Pieces , David Halls , Chief Lighting Director , Movie , Annerer Hannah Gutierrez Reed , Ammunition , Duties , Targeting , Idea , Sabotage , Dummies , Proof , District Attorney , Five , Larry English , Calls , Home , Men , Ahmaud Arbery , Series , Deposition , Four , 911 , Construction , Individual , Anything , Dispatcher , Killing Arbery , Call Travis Mcmichael , Fine , 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Phenomenon , Nature , Around The World , Eric Adams , Words , Veteran , Confrontation , Remarks , Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier , Holiday , Arlington Cemetery , Wreath Laying , Centennial Anniversary , Sale , Black Friday , Store , Zales , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Money , Money Dance , Move , Land , Stage , Phone Chimes , Shingles Doesn T Care , Rates , Fees , 00 , Virus , Shingles , Family , Distance , Chicken Pox , Bubble , 3 , Shingrix , 90 , Side Effects , Reactions , Injection Site , Muscle Pain , Vaccination , Dose , Redness , Everyone , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Tiredness , Fever , Plaque Psoriasis , Headache , Stomach , Shivering , Pharmacist , Itching , Burning , Adults , Skin , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Stinging , Painful , Symptoms , Medication , Infections , Ability , 16 , Infection , Janssen , Cost Support Options , City , Riots , Blood Shed , Campaign Promise , Ams , Units , Discussion , Exchange , Brooklyn Hall , Hawk Newsome , Brother , Stop Questioning , Masses , Accountable , Nypd , Quote , Reporters , Streets , Bloodshed , Fire , Meeting Newsome , Threat , Policy , Comments , Campaign Vow , Let S Be Crystal Clear , Movement , Levels , March From Manhattan To Borough Hall , 13 , Place , Gun Violence , Unit , Campaign Trail , Room , Oxygen , Plain Clothes Gun Unit , Zero , 21 , Campaign , Promise , Crime Rate , Public Nudity , Colleagues , Behavior , Abuse , Knives , Subway , Incidents , Npr , Zero Tolerance , Prosperity , Justice , Steps , Stories , Prerequisite , Public Safety , Gangs , Clothes , Eco System , Number One , Opportunities , Precincts , Violence , Crisis Management , Spots , Tools , 19 , Jobs , Number , Areas , Particular , Precision Resources , Patrol , Gun Friendly , Problem , Safe , Law , South , Carry , I 95 , 95 , Information Sharing , Federal , View , Toe , Atf , Gun Dealers , Crimes , Supreme Court Decision , Elections , Step , Message , Democrat , Progressive , Policies , Agenda , Instance , Democratic Party , Voters , Build , Governments , Mayors , Cities , Closing Rikers Island , Pipeline , Support , Prisoners , 30 , Fight , School , Tool , Dyslexia Screening , Employment Centers , Technology , Corporations , Inefficiency , Inequalities , Businesses , Employees , Revenue , More , Outflux , Property Taxes , Source , Programs , Office Space , Dysfunctionality , Tax Dollars , Hemorrhaging , Budget , 90 Billion , 0 Billion , Agencies , Savings , Program , Peg , Gap , Mismanagement , Waste , In The City , Lack , Friendly , Bottom Line , Take Care , Best , New Yorker , Luck , January 1st , Greg Abbott , Veteran S Day , Blow , Pictures , Battle Against Mask Mandates , Eas , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv , Hiv Treatment , Me Undetectable , Don T , Injections , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Liver Problems , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Claire , Heartburn 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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testimony after subpoenaing more than a dozen members of trump's inner circle this week alone. the committee is now setting its sights on those closest to the former vice president mike pence, including his former chief of staff and national security adviser, remember, his central role that day. in total the committee has issued 35 subpoenas to individuals and organizations as part of its probe into the circumstances and coordination leading up to the january 6 insurrection. >> joining us now to discuss, federal white collar criminal defense attorney carolyn palisi. good to see you, carolyn. as we look at this, is there any chance you think that these documents are not released tomorrow? >> well, it would have to be a very, very quick emergency appeal to the appeals court in this case. and if you read the ruling, the judge specifically noted that there is not a likelihood of success on the merits, which was her reasoning for not stepping in to stay the turnover. so this wasn't even -- this was actually the ruling on whether or not the president could legitimately assert executive privilege, the former president, over -- she was not going to stop the production of these documents. >> do you see oftentimes trump will look to the supreme court for rescue? didn't happen during the 2020 election. do you see the supreme court as piping in on this, perhaps considering this more broadly, and doing so in this very short time frame that we have? >> so, i definitely think at some point it will make its way up to the supreme court. you know, jim, unlike some of the other really frivolous assertions of executive privilege that we saw trump assert throughout his presidency, in this case, you know, there is at least a cullable argument on the merits. and really the supreme court hasn't weighed in since nixon. there are some foggy issues left to be adjudicated with the assertion of executive privilege. here it wasn't necessarily an easy decision for the biden administration to step in and say, look, we're waiving the privilege as the executive now. we want these records to be turned over because the privilege does maintain attach to the former president once he's out of office. they're arguably are communications involved here that would be covered by the presidential communications privilege, the deliberative process privilege. all these things are issues that, when decided, will have precedential value. meaning they will be taken into account in the future. and so the biden administration wants to make sure that if they waive the privilege now, it's not going to come back and haunt them later do you think the road in their administration when the tables are turned. so there are some real novel issues to be decided here. >> really quickly before we let you go, keith kellogg, who was vice president mike pence's former national security adviser, he is one of the people who was subpoenaed this week. just curious, what would your main questions be for him? >> people have a lot of questions with respect to why kellogg was in sort of the trump inner circle during the time of the attack and why he wasn't actually with mike pence at the capitol during those times. i think that, you know, the call logs and really some of these memos that were written by mark meadows that will be turned over really soon will shed some light on those questions. >> carolyn palisi, thank you so much for helping clear so much up for us. >> thanks for having me. more testimony after a consequential day in kyle rittenhouse's double homicide trial. kyle rittenhouse taking the stand claiming he acted in self-defense when he killed two people, shot another during protests that followed the police shooting of jacob blake. this in wisconsin last year. >> rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty and faces a mandatory life sentence if convicted on the most serious charge, the 18-year-old breaking down at one point on the stand. >> there were three people there -- >> take a deep breath, kyle. >> cnn's shimon joining us from wisconsin. >> reporter: three more witnesses will be called, a man by the name of john black, dr. john black. he's with the force science institute. he is a use of force expert, something you would normally see in maybe a trial involving a police officer who had to use force. and there are some questions about that. this is the kind of expert witness that this person is. and it sets up really from yesterday's testimony from kyle rittenhouse talking about what he was seeing, how he was feeling in the moments that he was firing that ar-15-style rifle. it also will set up the fact that he says he was ambushed and the fact that he was cornered. so all of this is something that this use of force expert is supposed to talk about. this morning, though, we have reaction from the man who was shot by kyle rittenhouse and survived. he reacted to the testimony from yesterday. take a listen. >> well, i think any time you see your would-be murderer on the stand, it's emotional. >> and what was your reaction to him breaking down and crying on the stand? >> to me it seemed like a child who had just gotten caught doing something that he wasn't supposed to. more upset that he was caught and less upset about what he had done and what he had taken, and the numerous lives he affected through his actions that night. >> reporter: also we're waiting to see if the defense attorneys who said yesterday wanted a mistrial with prejudice, whether or not they're actually going to file this motion. so we're waiting to hear if that's going to happen, and obviously the prosecutors would have to respond. so, we have three witnesses left here from the defense. the case is expected to go to the jury as early as monday or tuesday, the judge said yesterday. >> thanks very much. joining us now to discuss, cnn's chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin, author of the american heiress. it's a self-defense case. tell us how well they made their cases so far. there are two different shooting deaths here with somewhat different circumstances. >> right. there are two ways also of looking at this whole case. one is a matter of public policy. what is a 17-year-old with no training, no gun permit, no ties to this community, doesn't even live in the state of wisconsin, going in the night -- in the middle of the night to a riot to help out? just an incredibly stupid irresponsible decision. but that's not what he's on trial for. he's on trial for murder and i thought he was an effective witness on the issue of self-defense because he could testify that there were other people with guns, somebody swung a skateboard at his head. that is not -- that suggests self-defense, and the prosecution, i thought, did not do a very effective job in cross examining him. >> the prosecution has faced a fair amount of criticism. what i found really remarkable is -- and this is not the first time, but the judge and the judge's demeanor, and even the tone toward the prosecution throughout the trial has been interesting. specifically yesterday, there were a couple of moments where the judge scolded the prosecutor. i just want to play part of that. >> you're an experienced trial attorney and you're telling me that when the judge says, i'm excluding this, you just take it upon yourself to put it in because you think that you found a way around it? come on. >> so, this was about specific video evidence he was trying to refer to they told earlier on was not going to be allowed in. the question is, is the judge right in this case? he should know better. am i the only one who sees some of this reaction from the judge and says it seems like he's a different set? >> well, there were two big controversies during the cross-examination. one i thought the judge really had some merit where it did seem like the prosecutor was referring to the fact that rittenhouse had not spoken before, which is commenting on the silence of a defendant. the 5th amendment entitles him to be silent. prosecutors should know not to tread in that area. something involved an issue earlier. you have wide latitude to introduce subjects that maybe had been ruled off previously. i thought the judge was a little unfair there. i think we may be overemphasizing that whole issue of the judge getting angry. all of us who have been prosecutors have been yelled at by judges -- >> fond memories. >> that's right. it general doesn't matter much. the jury was not present in the courtroom during that. i think that it's not going to be important to the outcome. >> you bring up the big public policy issue here. do we as a country, in effect, allow people from anywhere to show up anywhere else and sort of self-appoint themselves sheriff, right? or sheriff's deputy. are there any laws that govern that? it seems like this one beyond the issue of shooting whether he had a permit for the gun, are there any laws that bar me from showing up saying i'm going to help fight crime? >> fewer and fewer. one of the big changes in state laws over the last two decades are the increasing freedom that is being granted to individuals to carry concealed weapons, to carry publicly -- visible weapons. i mean, it is such a sea change in how the law works. and i was just in oklahoma the other day, in arizona. you just see people carrying guns in public that you didn't used to see. and we also now have people like kyle rittenhouse who are appointing themselves, in effect, law enforcement officers in difficult situations with no training and it's a terrifying result, especially in a case like this. >> pull back from training in some states. texas is a perfect example. >> you can use a gun with no training. >> new york is considering whether they can pass their own laws. >> permissible to have those laws. >> jeff, thanks. coming up next, travis scott's attorneys are pushing back on accusations he could have dunmore to stop the deadly chaos at his astroworld concert. but we have new details from police about warnings he received. plus, a group of black lives matters activists have slammed new york's mayor elect after meeting on the question of policing. i just spoke with mayor elect adams. you're going to hear his response to that and his plans to tackle crime and economic recovery. and a bit later we're joined by an 8-year-old who is one of the first participants in a vaccine trial for kids with pfizer's vaccine. you'll hear more from her and her mom. what they're saying now that the shot is available for kids 5 and older. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> reporter: well, travis scott saying he's angry that this happened. his attorney also saying that most officials, all they're doing is finger pointing and sending mixed messages. here's the deal. at the end of the day, eight people have died here. two others are in critical condition fighting for their lives, and countless other people were either injured or are still traumatized by this event. that's the case of two individuals. brian and jonathan espinosa. they spoke to my colleague john berman during "new day" today talking about that lasting trauma. brian saying that he has trouble sleeping. and when john asked him if he thought he was going to make it out alive, here's what he said. >> i had a 50/50 chance. it was either me living or either dying. at one point i thought i wasn't going to make it. >> you guys are obviously travis scott fans. how much do you hold him responsible? >> completely responsible, sir. he had the big east coast microphone out of everybody, and i think it's crazy how poorly it was set up. >> reporter: at least 58 lawsuits have been filed. most of them claiming negligence. as for the investigation, the police chief saying yesterday that investigators have gone through hours of tape. they're taking witness statements. and the police chief also saying ultimately the responsibility to stop the show was on the production and entertainment teams, and that at one point h.p.d. personnel told the production teams there were one or more people needing cpr and the show needed to stop. here's the critical question there. when did this happen? i asked the chief that specific question, and he said that he was not going to go into the time line. here's the other thing. the chief also says there were more than 500 h.p.d. officers that were part of this event, that were at this event. so i asked the obvious question. so, there's more than 500 officers. how do you explain that these 500 officers didn't go to production, didn't take it above production, didn't ask fire to come in and help. these are basic questions that need to be answered because, of course, h.p.d. is investigating. h.p.d. could be investigating itself. >> rosa, you continue to do such excellent reporting and press the questions. no doubt someone will get the answers. rosa flores. >> that is material to this. >> absolutely. >> they could have stopped earlier. >> that's been the big question, why didn't they stop, what would that have changed. well, a crew member who worked on the "rust" movember i set has filed a new lawsuit. several key figures being sued in that filing including actor alec baldwin. the chief lighting technician on set accusing the producers and several others of negligence, claiming he is suffering from severe emotional distress. >> cnn correspondent stephanie >> elam has been following this story from los angeles. stephanie, tell us what this lawsuit says and i wonder if this is perhaps the first of several, given his claim particularly of mental stress here. >> reporter: i wouldn't be surprised, jim and erica, if it is the first. what's interesting, though, about his claim is he says he was right there when this happened, when this tragic accident happened. in this lawsuit, he says that he was holding halyna hutchins as she was dying. that her blood was on his hands as she was there. also saying when the fatal blast went off, that he felt some of the pieces blow off toward him as well. that's also what he's saying here. this lawsuit from him, he was the chief lighting director on the movie "rust." they're saying that alec baldwin was negligent. they are also saying the assistant director david halls is negligent. they are also naming annerer hannah gutierrez reed. those are some of the people they are targeting. others are named as well saying they were negligent and that they breached their duties by allowing real ammunition to be stored on set. and so obviously when you see this, it's disturbing to hear from someone in this first account how this happened. it is also worth noting, too, that we also heard through the attorney of hannah gutierrez reed doubling down on the idea there was sabotage. someone put real ammunition in the dummies box. however, at this point the district attorney saying they have no proof that that actually happened at all. jim and erica? >> well, they'll need proof. thank you very much. it is day five of another trial we've been following closely, that of the murder of ahmaud arbery. the state plans to play the four-hour deposition of larry english. he owns the home was arbery was initially spotted. >> prosecutors played a series of 911 calls from two of the men charged with killing arbery. some of those calls made weeks before the shooting. one of them on the day of the shooting. in that call travis mcmichael reports a suspicious individual in a home under construction. you can hear the 911 dispatcher trying to understand whether arbery had done anything wrong. >> someone is breaking into it right now? >> no, it's all open. it's under construction. and he's running right now. there he goes right now. >> what is he doing? >> he's running down the street. >> okay, that's fine. i'll get them out there. i just need to know what he was doing wrong. was he just on the premises and not supposed to be? >> i need to know what he was doing wrong, she asked. during trial, transcripts of a description of one -- that one of the defendants gave police about arbery's actions that day was read. arbery's mother responded last hour. >> i kept using the word disturbing. but very, very disturbing. after the day that they called, they initially told me that he had committed a burglary. and then to sit through the trial to find out that ahmaud actually -- he ran, hefe fell a he killed and was lied on. >> he was seen in a home under construction as you heard. there was know evidence he broke into the house or committed a crime. at the end of the day, they appointed the police officer, right, to go track this down. just ahead, prices for everyday items skyrocketing. we're going to take a closer look at how inflation is really hitting americans, and the pressure that it's putting on president biden. that's next. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. 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yes! heartiness? yes! living life to the flavor-fullest? heck yes. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. arm president biden set to sign the bipartisan infrastructure bill on monday. during that ceremony we are told members from both parties will be in attendance. very important, the president wants to show that bipartisanship. he was touting the deal in baltimore. that visit was planned, but of course came hours after a new inflation report showed consumer prices in this country have surged more than 6% in the past year. that is the sharpest increase in three decades. >> to put those numbers in perspective right now, the cost of steak is up 24%. eggs 12%. milk 6%. stuff you notice when you go grocery shopping. >> bacon. in all seriousness, bacon hit home. >> me too, personally. >> we are two weeks away from thanksgiving. cnn's vanessa yerkovich was in iowa to hear how inflation is impacting folks there. >> reporter: there is a chill in the air in biowa. winter is coming. >> it's culling. we put the fireplace on and get heat that way instead of turning the furnace up. >> reporter: that's because heating bill for many iowans could double this win dter. a warning from power company mid enter energy. >> we're all middle class folks. we can't go too far out of our means to make ends meet. we still have to eat and live. >> reporter: on wednesday they woke up to sticker shock. gas, cars, energy and food, just some consumer goods that rose .9% together on average in october, and are up 6.2% this past year. the biggest 12-month increase since 1990. >> bacon was pretty high. i kind of seen it on the news a little bit. but yeah, it's jumped up a few dollars. so -- >> reporter: did that stop you from buying anything today? >> i thought i'd buy it and put it in the freezer to be honest with you. >> reporter: they were also out shopping early for their thanksgiving dinner. did you notice that prices were a little bit higher? >> yes, quite a bit. quite a bit higher. >> reporter: and soon the couple will escape the iowa cold and their high energy bill for arizona. but it will still cost them. >> we have a motor home. it costs a lot to go to arizona, but we're going anyway. >> reporter: gas in the state is nearly $3.20 a gallon. up more than a dollar in the last year. ben thompson is trying to avoid the pain at the pump. >> i price shop some. that's how i'm out here. the casey's i was at is 44 more per gallon than this one. >> reporter: his 10 gallon tank costs more on average. what did you tap out today? >> $46.87 and i wasn't out of gas. >> reporter: at dewey ford dealership in ankeny, a lot na holds 900 cars has 61. >> i cannot keep hybrid vehicles on my lot. they want to have that so they don't have to go to the gas pump. >> reporter: customers may save money by going electric, but the prices of cars are higher than ever. used cars jumped 2.5% last month, with new cars up 1.4%. a fallout from labor shortages, a supply chain crunch, and consumer demand all meeting the road. >> they're really struggling at this point. when you go back through the last few years, nobody ever paid full price for cars. >> reporter: and that could make the difference between someone buying a new car and a used car. we spoke to one gentleman yesterday shopping for groceries who is buying chicken instead of meat at the gas station. one gentleman putting regular gas into his car instead of premium. but this is important. energy bills are still going to be so much higher this winter, and that is really something that americans, and especially americans here in iowa, can't cut costs on. and, jim and erica, wages across the board have risen in the last year, but it's simply not enough to cover all the things that are going up across the board here in america. jim and erica? >> watch energy prices. by the way, that's a global phenomenon. it's happening around the world, nature of the markets. energy prices are going to hit hard. vanessa yerkovich, thank you very much. i sit down one on one with new york city mayor eric adams. particularly policing and a confrontation with black lives matter. hear him in his own words. that's next. and on this veteran's day when the country pauses to remember those who had served, president biden set to observe the holiday with a wreath laying at the centennial anniversary of the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington cemetery. we'll speak with him later and bring you those remarks live. stay with us for that. it's the early black friday sale. ♪ ♪ this is how we shine... at zales. the diamond store. feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. 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>> brother, i mean, i -- >> after the meeting newsome told reporters, quote, if they think they're going back to the old ways of policing, then we're going to take to the streets again. there will be riots. there will be fire. there will be bloodshed. i'm joined now by the new mayor elect of new york, eric adams. thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. it's good being here this morning. >> mayor, you heard that threat, the idea of going back to the streets to protest if you keep to your campaign vow to reinstate these anti-crime units. will you reconsider reinstating that policy based on those comments? >> well, let's be crystal clear. you had 13 people who did a march from manhattan to borough hall. there are different levels of people who are involved in the black lives matters movement. let's not make believe those 13 people have really consumed all the oxygen in the room. and i made it clear on the campaign trail, i'm going to put in place, not the anti-crime unit. i'm going to put in place a plain clothes gun unit. we must zero in on gun violence in our city. you're seeing what's happening where the young man 21 years old shot by 17-year-old that was carrying a gun. so this is what i'm going to do. and that was my promise and i'm going to keep it. >> so, when you look at the crime rate in new york city, you made crime, as you say, a major part of your campaign. after you were elected you told npr, zero tolerance for abuse i have and criminal violent behavior. i hear from folks in new york, my colleagues and others every day about incidents, being confronted with knives on the subway, public nudity, you name it, you've heard these stories. what specific steps will you take to fight crime? >> well, there are a couple of things that i stated. public safety is a prerequisite of prosperity with justice. we can have the justice we deserve and the safety we need. number one. as you indicated, i'm going to put in place a plain clothes anti-gun unit to go after the guns. and gangs, they go together. number two, we need to be clear, change the eco system of public safety. i'm going to empower my crisis management teams, all of the hot spots in my precincts. those are low covid-19 vaccinations where you have violence, particularly gun violence. we're going to give them the tools to go underground, to prevent it, as well as give those young people opportunities, because they can't be just heavy handed policing. it's giving opportunities. and number three, which i think is very important, we're going to have a real jobs program to look at those areas that are high-crime areas and high-crime numbers and be proactive on how we go and pull those young people to do precision resources, not only policing. >> you mentioned guns in particular. when i've been out with police on patrol, they say that guns coming from gun-friendly states up i-95 from the south, are a real problem for them. you now have the supreme court considering a case that would strike down a new york law with conceal carry. if the supreme court acts on that, does that make new york city less safe in your view? >> yes, it does. it's a real problem. when i spoke with the president several months ago during the campaign, we talked about how do we do information sharing with the federal, state and city. we need the atf to have the ability toe look after those gun dealers that are really feeding the crimes in the northern city. if this supreme court decision can be supremely harmful in a densely populated city like new york, i'm hoping they don't do this. it is going to be an extreme troublesome time for our city if they do. >> you were elected as a moderate democrat in a very blue city at a time that democrats in recent elections have not done well, that their message nationally seems to be out of step with many voters. you have said that the democratic party needs to be progressive, but practical. what specifically are those practical policies? and i wondered, do you see them in the democrats' current agenda, for instance, the build back better plan? >> i say this over and over again. i consider myself to be a progressive, and i believe being practical is being progressive. and mayors all over this country are understanding that federal governments make policies, but it's the local cities that we must carry them out. here's what i call being progressive and practical. we talk about closing rikers island, our jail, which i'm in support of doing. let's also close the pipeline that feeds the jail. 30% of the prisoners are predicted to be dyslexic. so eric adams is going to have dyslexia screening in every school in our city. if we want to have a real anti-crime fight, then it starts with the job. that's the best anti-crime tool we have. so i'm going to have massive employment centers where we're going to coordinate between those corporations with jobs with young people and adults who are looking for jobs. it's about using technology to run our city, because inefficiency breeds the inequalities that we're seeing in our city. >> all those things cost money, though. as you know, property taxes are the city's number one source of revenue and you have an outflux in the city, of businesses, employees, a lot of folks not coming to the office any more, perhaps a quarter of them. that means less office space. how do you pay for all that, all the programs you're talking about if the city is going to have less money? >> well, you know, we need to understand something about the dysfunctionality of our city. we waste money. we have an over $90 billion budget. think about that for a moment. i know that if we run the city more efficiently, we won't just depend on tax dollars. there is so much money that's been hemorrhaging in our agencies. i'm going to have all of my agencies do a 3 to 5% what's called peg, program to eliminate the gap to find those savings in waste and mismanagement. and we're going to function as a city that attracts businesses, but at the same time help those low-income new yorkers benefit from the prosperity of the city. they're too difficult, too expensive too bureaucratic to do business in the city. that is why we're losing so many people. lack of safety, lack of being a business friendly city is hurting our bottom line and that changes on january 1st. >> well, as you know i'm a native new yorker, so i wish you the best of luck, mayor eric adams, mayor elect eric adams. >> thank you, take care. still to come, texas governor greg abbott's battle against mask mandates hit with a major legal blow. we have those details for you. and as we go to break, live pictures from the tomb of the unknown soldier, as we mark this veteran's day, president biden is set to speak from arlington at the tomb of the unknown soldier later this morning. we'll bring you those remarks live. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful eas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers overnight a federal judge in texas ruled the state's ban on mask mandates in schools violating the americans with disabilities act, an advocacy group also filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of several texas families against the governor and other officials claiming that coronavirus was posing, quote, an even greater risk for children with special health needs. this ruling follows months of clashes between state and local leaders over mask mandates in texas. children 5 and older are now eligible for the covid vaccine. not all parents are rushing to make that appointment straightaway. rampant misinformation isn't helping. that's one of the reasons our next guests are speaking out. taylor and her daughter, eleanor, who's 8, was in pfizer's vaccine trial over the summer. she's written about that decision and her experience. so great to have you back with us this morning. i love the big smile from eleanor as soon as we said her name. there it is. shortly after the vaccine was authorized for kids, you learned that eleanor, in fact, had received the vaccine. you didn't know until then. but she was not give an placebo, so she's had some protection for months. what was that realization like for you, taylor, knowing that she had, in fact, been vaccinated? >> it was a huge relief. up until next friday we were under the impression we would not be unblinded even if there was emergency use authorization until almost christmas, so it was almost frustrating knowing that we might still have to wait even though everybody else is able to get the vaccine and we might still have to wait. >> a sense of relief, i would think. eleanor, when you found out, i understand you were excited too, i'm wondering have any of your friends had questions for you because they know you got the vaccine a long time ago? maybe? >> is this scary? no. >> no. did they ask you if it hurt? >> yeah. >> yeah. okay. you've been so outspoken about this, taylor. you were on with my colleague kate bolduan earlier this summer talking about why you had decided to enroll eleanor in the trial. you were dealing with long-haul covid, your dad dealing with a rare form of cancer. was that peace of mind? you've also written this op-ed recently, and i want to read a part of it from "the missouri independent." you white, "her arm is not magnetized, nor has she developed more access to 5g, much to her dismay, when she gets an attitude, she cannot use her injection site to access the internet after i turn off the wi-fi." it's great and funny and makes you laugh, but what you write is serious and you do a great job of debunking myths about long-term side effects or how the vaccine can impact your child. what has the response been to that op-ed? >> mostly people are just grateful that i'm debunking some of the myths that are out there. one of the most prominent myths that i've heard is that there's going to be all these long-term side effects that we don't know about right now. but one of the things with vaccines is most side effects will appear within the first six weeks. and beyond that, in history, in the history of vaccines, there's been no long-term side effects that randomly appear, like, years later after the injection. they always, you know, almost always appear within the first month. >> that's because as i've learned through this, that's because it's not a prescription drug that you take every day. the vaccine goes in, does its job, and leaves your body. >> exactly. >> what advice do you have for parent who is may be struggling with this decision, who see eleanor is doing well but saying i'm not quite ready? >> you know, it is -- it's really a personal decision, and it's to protect the people and you. i mean, we are hignot high-risk peel. we're healthy. she's not at risk for complications. we are concerned about family and friends that are high risk that we want to see again and spend the holidays with, and i don't want to accidentally, you know, expose somebody to a virus that could hospitalize or kill them. so it's really about protecting the people that you care about. >> taylor and eleanor, great to have you back with us today. here is to hopefully some less stress over the holidays, knowing that eleanor is fully vaccinated at this point. hope to talk to you again. thanks. >> good for her. and how about that smile? >> i know. minutes from now, a serious story we've been following, the trial of kyle rittenhouse will resume after a dramatic day in court with the accused killer crying on the stand. the judge admonished the prosecution at one point. the defense is demanding a mistrial. we'll be there live. trelegy for copd. 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Way , Us , Counselor , Scene , Gbi , Wanda , Cnn , Coverage , Yes , Kyle Rittenhouse Trial , President , Judge , Decision , Over , Trump , Assertion , Jim Sciutto , Stay , Request , Denial , Erica Hill , House Select Committee Investigating January 6 , Records , Investigation , The National Archives , Appeals Court , Information , Efforts , 6 , January 6 , Mike Pence , Committee , Testimony , Members , Chief Of Staff , Adviser , Security , Sights , Role , Inner Circle , Part , Individuals , Circumstances , Carolyn Palisi , Organizations , Probe , Subpoenas , Insurrection , Coordination , 35 , Documents , Chance , Emergency Appeal , Case , Ruling , Wasn T , Merits , Court , Likelihood , Turnover , Reasoning , Success , Production , Whether , Supreme Court , Didn T , Broadly , Election , Rescue , 2020 , Some , Point , Assertions , Assert , Issues , Presidency , Argument , Supreme Court Hasn T , Cullable , Nixon , Deliberative Process Privilege , Administration , Executive , Say , Things , Office , Communications , Communications Privilege , Road , Account , Biden , Precedential Value , Keith Kellogg , National Security Adviser , Tables , People , Questions , Lot , Kellogg , Respect , Sort , One , Logs , Times , Memos , Capitol , Attack , Mark Meadows , Thanks , Light , Kyle Rittenhouse S Double Homicide Trial , Stand , Kyle Rittenhouse , Self Defense , Protests , Police Shooting , Wisconsin , Life Sentence , Two , Serious Charge , Three , 18 , Breath , Kyle , Shimon , Reporter , Something , Trial , John Black , Man , Force , Use , Expert , Science Institute , Witnesses , Name , Police Officer , Person , Kind , Expert Witness , Fact , Feeling , Wall , Firing , Rifle , Ar 15 , 15 , Reaction , Listen , Murderer , Child , Upset , Lives , Actions , Prosecutors , Defense Attorneys , Motion , Mistrial , Prejudice , Jeffrey Toobin , Defense , Jury , Monday Or Tuesday , Self Defense Case , Cases , Heiress , Deaths , The American , Training , Ways , State , Matter , Public Policy , Community , Doesn T , Gun Permit , Ties , 17 , Murder , Riot , Middle , Guns , Somebody , Issue , Witness , Head , Skateboard , Job , Prosecution , Time , Cross , Is , Criticism , Demeanor , Amount , Couple , Prosecutor , Trial Attorney , Tone , It , Video Evidence , Come On , Question , Set , Controversies , Merit , Defendant , Cross Examination , Before , Silence , Tread , Area , 5th Amendment , 5 , Subjects , There , Latitude , All Of Us , Judges , Courtroom , Memories , Outcome , Big Public Policy Issue , It General Doesn T Matter , Country , Laws , Effect , Sheriff , Anywhere , Self , Deputy , Gun , Shooting , Freedom , State Laws , Fight Crime , Changes , Permit , Fewer , Weapons , Sea Change , Law Works , Oklahoma , Law Enforcement Officers , Public , Arizona , Texas , States , Example , Situations , Result , Travis Scott , New York , Attorneys , Accusations , Coming Up , Jeff , Dunmore , Mayor , Details , Police , Meeting , Activists , Matters , Warnings , Group , Chaos , Astroworld Concert , Crime , Policing , Vaccine Trial , Kids , Response , Plans , Participants , Elect , Adams , Recovery , 8 , Vaccine , Shot , Pfizer , Mom , Limu Emu , Limu , Six , Bogeys , Liberty Mutual , Bird , Helicopter , Kid , Car Insurance , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , Pay , High Thryv , Small Business , All In One , Thryv , Management Software , Estimate , Yep , Hold On , Thing , Promotions , Email Marketing , Customer List , Payments , Social Media , Up Top , Demo , Friend , Experience , World , Dark , Flexibility , Ideas , Someone , Officials , Police Chief , Cpr , Concert , Connection , Production Staff , Learning , Houston , Deadly Astroworld Music Festival , 58 , Safety , Show , Communication , Authority , Entertainer , Story , Correspondent , Crowd , Rosa Flores , Of Hannah Gutierrez Reed , Deal , Doing , Others , Finger Pointing , Messages , Eight , Brian , Event , John Berman , Condition , Jonathan Espinosa , John , Trauma , Trouble Sleeping , 50 , Dying , Sir , Guys , Fans , East Coast , Everybody , Most , Lawsuits , Microphone , Point Hpd , Negligence , Witness Statements , Teams , Responsibility , Investigators , Entertainment , Tape , Chief , Personnel , Production Teams , Officers , Time Line , 500 , Help , Didn T Ask Fire , Course , Crew Member , Answers , Material , Reporting , Doubt , Big Question , Lawsuit , Rust , Alec Baldwin , Chief Lighting Technician , Producers , Figures , Filing , Movember I Set , First , Claim , Stephanie Elam , Several , Suffering , Distress , Los Angeles , I Wouldn T , Accident , Mental Stress , Halyna Hutchins , Hands , Blood , Blast , Pieces , David Halls , Chief Lighting Director , Movie , Annerer Hannah Gutierrez Reed , Ammunition , Duties , Targeting , Idea , Sabotage , Dummies , Proof , District Attorney , Five , Larry English , Calls , Home , Men , Ahmaud Arbery , Series , Deposition , Four , 911 , Construction , Individual , Anything , Dispatcher , Killing Arbery , Call Travis Mcmichael , Fine , Down The Street , Premises , Wrong , Transcripts , Defendants , Word , Description , Mother , He Ran , Burglary , Hefe , House , Evidence , Inflation , Americans With Disabilities Act , Prices , Pressure , Look , Track , Down , Items , Hello , Interest , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Heart , Music , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Fly Away Trelegy , Dream , Copd , Coughing , High , Copd Medicine , On By , Feelin Good , Breeze Driftin , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Power , Medicines , Lung Function , Trelegy , Won T , Risk , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Chest Pain , Swelling , Heart Condition , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Pain , Vision Changes , Eye , Ingredients , Trelegy Com , Explosion , Chicken Sausage , Pepperoni , Flatbread , Panera , Heartiness , Life , Craft , Delivery , 1 , , Infrastructure Bill , Biden Set , Arm , Inflation Report , Parties , Visit , Attendance , Ceremony , Consumer Prices , Baltimore , Bipartisanship , Numbers , Increase , Cost , Perspective , Grocery Shopping , Steak , Milk , 24 , 12 , Folks , Seriousness , Vanessa Yerkovich , Bacon , Impacting , Iowa , Bacon Hit Home , Heat , Chill , Iowans , Heating Bill , Fireplace , Air , Biowa , Furnace , Power Company , Warning , Mid Enter Energy , Win Dter , Cars , Energy , Gas , Average , Consumer Goods , Ends Meet , Sticker Shock , Food , 6 2 , Bit , News , 1990 , Bill , Shopping , Freezer , Dinner , Gallon , Motor Home , Dollar , 20 , 3 20 , Casey S , Pump , Ben Thompson , 44 , Dealership , Tank , Wasn T Out Of Gas , Ankeny , Dewey Ford , 6 87 , 46 87 , 10 , Gas Pump , Customers , Going Electric , Vehicles , 900 , 61 , Supply Chain Crunch , Consumer Demand , Labor Shortages , Fallout , 2 5 , 1 4 , Car , Price , Difference , Nobody , Groceries , Energy Bills , Gas Station , Buying Chicken , Gentleman , Premium , Winter , Meat , Board , Can T Cut , Energy Prices , One On , Markets , Phenomenon , Nature , Around The World , Eric Adams , Words , Veteran , Confrontation , Remarks , Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier , Holiday , Arlington Cemetery , Wreath Laying , Centennial Anniversary , Sale , Black Friday , Store , Zales , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Money , Money Dance , Move , Land , Stage , Phone Chimes , Shingles Doesn T Care , Rates , Fees , 00 , Virus , Shingles , Family , Distance , Chicken Pox , Bubble , 3 , Shingrix , 90 , Side Effects , Reactions , Injection Site , Muscle Pain , Vaccination , Dose , Redness , Everyone , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Tiredness , Fever , Plaque Psoriasis , Headache , Stomach , Shivering , Pharmacist , Itching , Burning , Adults , Skin , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Stinging , Painful , Symptoms , Medication , Infections , Ability , 16 , Infection , Janssen , Cost Support Options , City , Riots , Blood Shed , Campaign Promise , Ams , Units , Discussion , Exchange , Brooklyn Hall , Hawk Newsome , Brother , Stop Questioning , Masses , Accountable , Nypd , Quote , Reporters , Streets , Bloodshed , Fire , Meeting Newsome , Threat , Policy , Comments , Campaign Vow , Let S Be Crystal Clear , Movement , Levels , March From Manhattan To Borough Hall , 13 , Place , Gun Violence , Unit , Campaign Trail , Room , Oxygen , Plain Clothes Gun Unit , Zero , 21 , Campaign , Promise , Crime Rate , Public Nudity , Colleagues , Behavior , Abuse , Knives , Subway , Incidents , Npr , Zero Tolerance , Prosperity , Justice , Steps , Stories , Prerequisite , Public Safety , Gangs , Clothes , Eco System , Number One , Opportunities , Precincts , Violence , Crisis Management , Spots , Tools , 19 , Jobs , Number , Areas , Particular , Precision Resources , Patrol , Gun Friendly , Problem , Safe , Law , South , Carry , I 95 , 95 , Information Sharing , Federal , View , Toe , Atf , Gun Dealers , Crimes , Supreme Court Decision , Elections , Step , Message , Democrat , Progressive , Policies , Agenda , Instance , Democratic Party , Voters , Build , Governments , Mayors , Cities , Closing Rikers Island , Pipeline , Support , Prisoners , 30 , Fight , School , Tool , Dyslexia Screening , Employment Centers , Technology , Corporations , Inefficiency , Inequalities , Businesses , Employees , Revenue , More , Outflux , Property Taxes , Source , Programs , Office Space , Dysfunctionality , Tax Dollars , Hemorrhaging , Budget , 90 Billion , 0 Billion , Agencies , Savings , Program , Peg , Gap , Mismanagement , Waste , In The City , Lack , Friendly , Bottom Line , Take Care , Best , New Yorker , Luck , January 1st , Greg Abbott , Veteran S Day , Blow , Pictures , Battle Against Mask Mandates , Eas , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv , Hiv Treatment , Me Undetectable , Don T , Injections , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Liver Problems , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Claire , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , Touch , Pediatrician , Brand , Baby , Pampers , Advocacy Group , Schools , Ban On Mask Mandates , Children , Families , Mask Mandates , Behalf , Clashes , Health Needs , Posing , Leaders , Coronavirus , Parents , Rampant Misinformation Isn T Helping , Appointment Straightaway , Guests , See Eleanor , Taylor , Smile , Summer , Protection , Placebo , Realization , Relief , Impression , Emergency Use Authorization , Knowing , Friends , Sense , Kate Bolduan , Cancer , Form , Dad , Op Ed , Peace Of Mind , Missouri Independent , Internet , 5g , Access , Attitude , Dismay , Myths , Wi Fi , Vaccines , History , Injection , In , Prescription Drug , Parent , Body , Holidays , Complications , Peel , Hope , Following , Stress , Accused , Killer , Er ,

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