Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

optimistic. and inflation hits a 30-year high just days before president biden is expected to sign his massive infrastructure bill. >> announcer: live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with kim brunhuber. in the coming hours, the trial of kyle rittenhouse is set to resume in kenosha, wisconsin, following a dramatic day of emotional and high stakes testimony from the defendant himself. the defense is expected to call several more witnesses, including a doctor and police officer. rittenhouse charged with killing two people during the protests in kenosha last august took the stand wednesday and testified that he acted in self-defense. cnn's omar jimenez has more on the teen's testimony and the tense moments between the judge and the prosecution. >> reporter: the most anticipated moment in the trial, kyle rittenhouse taking the stand in his own defense. >> did you come to downtown kenosha to look for trouble? >> no. >> reporter: he took the jury back to august 5th, 2020, when he said he and others volunteered to guard a car dealership in downtown kenosha from property damage. during protests following the shooting of jacob blake. rittenhouse would go on to shoot three people, killing two of them and wounding the third. rittenhouse described his first interactions with a man named joseph rosenbaum, the first person he would later kill. >> he said if i catch any of you [ bleep ] alone, i'm going to [ bleep ] kill you. >> reporter: afternoon ward he said he was cornered by joshua rosenbaum and kaminsky. >> i take a step back, look over my shoulder, and mr. rosenbaum, mr. rosenbaum was now running from my right side, um, and i was cornered from in front of me with mr. zaminsky. and there were -- there were three people right there -- >> reporter: the judge called for a break. and when of rittenhouse returned, lessee motional, he described a chase with rosenbaum. >> there was no space for me to continue to run to. >> as you see him lunging at you, what did you do? >> i shoot him. >> reporter: then others testified he tried to get to the police. >> why did you try to get to the police? >> i didn't do anything wrong, i defended myself. >> reporter: soon he describes being confronted by an unidentified man. >> i fired two shots at him. >> why did you shoot at him? >> i thought if i were to be knocked out or -- he would have shot my face in if i didn't fire. >> reporter: he missed those shots, but the next one was deadly. as anthony huber hit rittenhouse with a skateboard. >> mr. huber runs up. he strikes me in the neck with his skateboard a second time. he grabs my gun and i can feel it pulling away from me. >> and what do you do then? >> i fire one shot. >> reporter: he then sees gauge grosskreutz. >> i see mr. grosskreutz. as i lowered my weapon, i looked down. and then mr. grosskreutz, he lunges at me with his pistol pointed directly at my head. >> reporter: so rittenhouse shot him once. >> what happened after you shoot him? >> he's no longer a threat to me. >> reporter: during the cross-examination, the prosecution began to paint a bottom line. >> everyone you shot you intended to kill? >> i didn't intend to kill. i intended to stop the people attacking me. >> by killing them. >> reporter: the prosecution pushed further. >> you intentionally used deadly force against joseph rosenbaum, correct? >> yes. >> you intentionally used deadly force against the man who tried to kick you in the face, yes? >> yes. >> you intentionally used deadly force against daniel huber, correct? >> yes. >> you used deadly force against grosskreutz? >> yes. >> reporter: after rittenhouse had a chance to hear others testify in the trial and seeing video in the night's events, the judge interrupted and cited his fifth amendment rights. >> the problem is this is a grave constitutional violation for you to talk about the defendant's silence. >> reporter: so the questioning continued, but this time touched on a previous incident the judge as of wednesday had not allowed in trial. the judge had enough. >> the court left the door open. >> for me, not for you. i was astonished when you began your examination by commenting on the defendant's post-arrest silence. that's basic law. it's been because i can law in this country -- don't get brazen with me. >> reporter: the incident prompted the defense to file a motion for mistrial with prejudice, meaning he could not be retried. the judge said he would take it under consideration and the prosecution returned to cross going back to the shooting much joseph rosenbaum and the moment he pointed the gun at him before the shooting. >> why did you point it at him if you didn't have any intention of shooting? >> he was chasing me. i was alone. he threatened to kill me earlier in that night. i didn't want to have to shoot him. >> but you understand how dangerous it is to point a gun at someone, don't you? >> i pointed it at him because he kept running at me and i didn't want him to chase me. >> reporter: the same line of questioning extended to rittenhouse's shooting of gauge grosskreutz. >> can you help me understand why gauge grosskreutz with ace pistol in his hand is a threat to kill you and you pointing an ar-15 pointed at him was not a threat? can you help me understand that? >> he decided to come and point a gun at my head -- >> he hasn't done that yet, has he? >> no. >> reporter: the prosecution's questioning lasted hours with rittenhouse on the stand. time line wise, the judge told the jury to expect this case to be finished by early next week with a chance of monday and the judge, very confident this case would be finished by tuesday. omar jimenez, cnn, kenosha, wisconsin. >> so legal experts have been weighing in on kyle rittenhouse's claim of self-defense in last summer's deadly shooting. here's how two noted attorneys view his testimony. listen to this. >> the defense is going to claim that he was not the initial aggressor. in fact, he was carrying the ar-15 as a self-defense measure and he only started to use it after he was attacked and his assailants threaten to kill him. one had a gun. the prosecutor brought out he heard shots being fired at the scene as well. so there's a lot of provocation on the other side, so there's no way that the self-defense claim is going to be taken away from him. it will be up to the jury to decide. but i think he made as compelling a self-defense claim as i've seen in a courtroom. and i've tried quite a few murder cases. >> when you look at whether or not it was a life or death matter, i think you have to consider the fact you have a young white boy openly carrying and possessing an ar-15 loaded at a black lives matter protest, not his life, not his liberty, but defending someone else's property, a rioter, code name for criminals, and he shoots two unarmed people, wounds another, and approaches police with an ar-15 strapped to his body, and they drive past him. no way in fashion this white boy who shot three people was perceived as a threat. the question really becomes now, how does he get the advantage of hiding behind a broad disingenuous interpretation of self defense and the second amendment? >> and stay with cnn. we'll have much more on the trial in the coming hours. it's been nearly a week since the deadly crowd surge at the astroworld music festival in houston, texas. there are still so many questions. at least 58 civil lawsuits have now been filed in connection to the tragic event where eight people were killed. a county can judge is pushing for on independent investigation despite houston police chief troy finer insisting it's unwarranted. finnor told them to stop the show when at least one person in the crowd was receiving cpr. he depth say how long it took for the show to stop once the request was made, but stressed it was up to organizers to make the call. >> the ultimate authority to end the show is with production and the entertainer, okay. and that should be through communication with public safety officials. i want us to review the tapes, okay, because if a tape is showing even somebody from our agency doing the wrong thing, you know what, in the most important thing, i'm telling you as chief of police, this is my agency. we're going to hold people accountable, and i think that the family -- we owe that to them. >> the police chief also clarified that a security guard who was previously thought to have been injected with drugs was actually hit in the head. he fell yourunconscious and wok in the security tent. we are learning more about the scores of people injured in the crash. the family of a 22-year-old college student is fighting for her life after being critically injured in the festival. they said she is on a ventilator at the houston hospital. she went to the concert with her cousin and younger sister. a gofundme account is set up to pay for medical costs. the chief electrician of the film "rust" has filed what appeared to be the first lawsuit against alec baldwin and crew members at last month's fatal on set shooting. he claims the director and assistant director caused severe emotional distress and accuses of them of failing to implement and maintain industry firearm standards. cnn has reached out to the lawyers representing baldwin and the other unnamed crew members and hasn't heard back yet. it was another legal setback for former u.s. president donald trump's efforts to keep his white house records secret from the january 6 inquiry. a federal judge on wednesday refused his latest emergency request to block their release. same judge had already rejected his argument of executive privilege the previous day, ruling the house committee investigating the insurrection could have access to telephone records, visitor logs and other documents. the national archives are scheduled to give those materials to congress on friday. now trump will have to ask an appeals court for an emergency pause to block the release while he continues his legal battle. the case races questions about a former president's executive privilege versus the public interest. >> the presidential records act under which this lawsuit was brought is a post-watergate reform that was specifically designed to bypass president nixon oops attempts to essentially potentially destroy records and maintain records. and the united states congress said, no, the records belong to the people, and the incumbent president joe biden is the holder of the people's interest. so this is really about the public interest in this motion, in this moment. so donald trump has to argue he is more in tune with the public interest than the united states president under the constitution. i think that's a really tough sell. it actually is rare to get the state that he wants. it's in less -- in a 2020 study, it was less nan 20% of the cases actually get what he's asking for. but they tend to be a higher percentage if you're asking to stay release of confidential documents. so i do think it's possible that the court of appeals is going to say, listen, this is important. we'll issue the stay alternatively they could just say, we agree with the lower court. you have not satisfied the standard for injunction. we are going to briefly deny, deny the whole thing. that's conceivable. it does depend on the panel, the judges are going to decide this. >> meanwhile, sources tell cnn the house select committee wants more information from at least five members of former vice president mike pence's inner circle. when it comes to fighting climate change, china says cooperation with the u.s. is the only choice. the world's top two leaders surprised the cop-26 summit in glasgow, scotland, with a new pledge toe work together to keep rising temperatures in check. it is light on specifics and lacks commitment from china on major international agreements. u.s. special climate envoy john kerry says he's pleased. >> the united states and china have no shortage of differences. but on climate, on climate, cooperation is the only way to get this job done. this is not a discretionary thing frankly. this is science. it's math and physics that dictate the road that we have to travel. >> for more let's bring in cnn's beijing bureau chief steven zhang. tike us through the surprise announcement this came about. >> reporter: this announcement came as a surprise because of the jen low expectations at glasgow. i found the world's top emitters led by the u.s. and china. many see it as a reiteration of the two countries' prior commitments stated in the 2015 paris agreement. they did say they would strengthen communications by dividing this working group on this issue and making some broad and vague pledges about accelerating the pace of emissions reductions. all of this, of course, came after chinese leader xi jinping gave his reason for doing this in unsurprisingly very lofty terms. here's what he said. >> translator: it had come to me that harms done to nature will eventually harm ourselves. china's carbon reduction action is a economic social transformation. however formidable the task may be, we will work tirelessly to make our contribution to make going global green a mission. >> reporter: the other surprise is the current state of of the bilateral relationship which has been in a deep freeze for a long time. john kerry himself had long tried to convince the beijing leadership to carve out this special lane for cooperation on climate despite tensions in other aspects of this relationship. but beijing said no to him. why the sudden change? because now we know the two countries' leaders, joe biden and xi jinping, will have their first virtual summit next week since mr. biden took office. so obviously both sides trying to provide some momentum going into that and create a more positive atmosphere for the two leaders to have their first virtual meeting. but, of course, the question right now is given this development, will this really see the two countries' relationship bottom out given all the remaining deepening stru structural contradictions in taiwan on human rights. >> thanks so much. a legislative victory for president biden on his infrastructure plan is overshadowed by growing concerns on inflation. we'll bring you his message to americans ahead, plus europe is fighting another flare-up of covid-19. what the worst-hit countries are doing to try to lower the numbers. we'll bring you that story coming up. stay with us. 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than they did last year, and that's a good thing. but it also means we've got higher demand for goods at the same time we're facing disruptions in the supplies to make those goods. this is a recipe for delays and for higher prices and people are feeling it. >> cnn's brian todd reports that americans are feeling the price pinch in every aspect of their lives. >> reporter: motorists getting crushed at the pump. >> it will be one price one day, tomorrow it's like up 30 cents. >> no more starbucks. shoes are cute? no, i have to get to work, have to have gas. >> reporter: gas prices, according to the government, were almost 50% higher in october than they were a year earlier. this kind of pain is almost universal in america. new government data shows inflation has skyrocketed over the past year, rising more than 6%. the biggest increase in 31 years. >> we've gone for a couple of generations now without seeing this kind of inflation, so people just aren't used to this kind of hit in their pocketbook. >> reporter: almost all of this, experts say, is related to the pandemic. consumers are taking a hit at the grocery store. >> it went up $2 from 10.99 to 12.99. that's high. >> reporter: the average price of meat, poultry, fish and eggs has gone up 11% from a year ago. >> people are not going to be eating as well. they're certainly not going to be eating out as much, and not buying expensive items in the grocery. food, fuel, rental prices, these are what most people spend most of the their money on. >> reporter: rent for the average urban american rose 2.7% from a year ago. the cost of electricity went up 6.5%. home prices have soared due to tight nfl tri and interest rates. new car and truck prices up 2.9%. caused in part by growing demand and supply chain problems. >> ports are backed up. that means that you get more containers stacked up. there aren't enough truck drivers, so more containers get stacked up. they don't get delivered. >> reporter: and growing concerns about prices and supply for the holiday season. what about the holiday season, are we going to be able to buy the gifts that we want? >> there probably are going to be shortages. it's too late now to produce something that isn't available in supply, in stock on the store shelf now and ship it from china or elsewhere across the globe. >> reporter: is there price relief on the horizon? the economic analysts we spoke to say that could take about six to 12 months if the pandemic eases significantly, if more people get vaccinated, get back to working in stores and in offices. but as for the high price and the shortage of cars, well, experts say that's going to take a little bit longer to solve because the computer chips used to make cars are so specialized and there still aren't enough of them coming into the united states. brian todd, cnn, washington. the federal judge has ruled against the texas ban on mask mandates in schools, saying it violates the americans with disabilities act. lawsuit from a disability rights group argues students with special health needs and underlying conditions who contract covid are more likely to end up in the i.c.u. and masks are needed to protect them. the texas attorney general says he plans to challenge the decision. germany has broken another covid record. for the fourth day in a row, daily i think effects hit a pandemic high. more than 50,000 new cases were reported today. much of europe are seeing a similar spike. the world health organization says new infections are up 7% compared to last week and the region's death toll increased 10% during that same 12re67. scott mclane is following this live from london. scott, dismal picture on the continent. so let's start with the situation in germany. >> reporter: yeah, kim, there are serious concerns in germany right now about the covid-19 situation as you mentioned, just hitting a record high for daily case counts in the entirety of the pandemic. 50,000 in just a single day, which is up sharply from where they were just one week ago. the german chancellor says this is all pretty simple. not enough of the german population is vaccinated to prevent the virus from ripping through the 33% of the german population which has no immunity. at least no immunity from vaccinations, or from vaccination at all. as a result, the city of weberl, for instance, says on monday unvaccinated people or people without natural immunity will not be able to go to the hairdresser, gym, the list goes on because of the i.c.u. units. there is a noticeable east/west divide when it comes to the covid-19 situation. yes, case counts undoubtedly are high in many western european countries and growing. but people are not dying at nearly the same rate that they are in many eastern european countries. i want to show you some graphs that really illustrate the point here. so, take romania, bulgaria, and ukraine. this is their daily death toll per 100,000 of the population. that's at the top of your screen. compare that to portugal, uk and spain which have a fraction of the deaths per 100,000. now, these last three countries i mentioned, portugal, uk, spain, they have some of the highest vaccination rates on the continent. in europe, compare that to romania, bulgaria and ukraine that have some of the lowest vaccination rates in europe, and so the difference in outcome is it pretty easy to explain. many of these countries are trying to convince people even to just take the first shot of the vaccine. meanwhile, what many western countries, kim, they are already moving on to the booster shot to try to get older people and more vulnerable parts of the population to take that. >> as if we needed any more convincing to get the shot. scott mclane in london, thanks so much. all right. still ahead, trying to keep 1.5 alive. the british prime minister rallies delegates at the cop-26 climate summit hoping to limit global warming. plus a sea of men, women and children stranded at the eu boshder without adequate food and shelter. they condemn them for weaponizing helpless migrants. that's also gentle on skinin. for wrinkles results in one w week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a tcash payment. call coventryte direct to learn more. we thought we hadlanned carefully for our retirement. but weuickly realized we needed a way t supplement our income. our iend sold their policy to help pay their medil bills, and that got me thinkingmaybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. 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wednesday in hopes of ceiling the deal. >> we have to bridge the gap between where we are and where we need to be if we're going to cut emissions in half by 2030. and we need to pull out all the stops if we're going to do what we came here to do, and that's keep 1.5 alive and make paris the success that the world needs it to be. >> cnn's phil black is live this hour in glasgow, scotland. phil, boris johnson seems to be cutting a frustrated figure there. >> reporter: indeed. i think you're right, kim. this first draft is important. it doesn't fix a lot. the progress is incremental. we didn't expect it to be particularly ambitious, but crucially it does keep the process open. there is some strong language there, referencing the science, explaining why 1.5 degrees celsius must be considered the goal in terms of limiting average global warming. that, in a sense, is unprecedented. it also explains referencing the science the window for achieving that is closing quickly. with that in mind, it tells countries to go away, reconsider their emissions targets for this decade, and come back next year and try again. that is crucial because it means that theoretically, it would still be possible for the world to do what the science says, that is cut emissions by 45% by 2030. at the moment we know that we are nowhere near that. and if we come back and do it again in five years as the existing rules say, well, it's broadly considered that would be too late. so boris johnson knows that specific reference, telling countries toe go away, come back, try again with greater ambition, is crucial. and if it is stripped out in the coming days, then many people will believe that this conference and, indeed, the whole cop process, is a failure. that is perhaps why he is sounding very frustrated. take a listen to a little bit more of what he said when he returned here yesterday. >> it is very frustrating to see countries that have spent six years conspicuously patting themselves on the back for signing that promissory note in paris while edging towards default now that vulnerable nations and future generations are demanding payment here now in glasgow. >> reporter: there are other sticking points. developing countries are not happy with the vague detail about increased finance from rich countries to help them adapt to the impacts of living with climate change. a problem those developing countries have not caused. there is also in an unprecedented step, language encouraging an accelerated phase-out of coal and fossil fuel subsidies. that is loose, there is no time frame, but that is expected to come under big pressure from fossil fuel producing countries in coming days. the thing to remember, this is a consensus process. 200 countries have to agree on the final version. that's why the last few days are always intense, kim. >> keep up the excellent coverage there from cop-26. cnn's phil black in glasgow, scotland. the u.s. and eu are expected to impose a new round of sanctions against the belarusian regime as thousands of migrants huddle in freezing weather at polish/belarusian border. angela merkel is calling on moscow to de-escalate the situation although there is no indication it will. on tuesday, two nuclear capable bombers showed support for the leader alexander lukashenko. what is the latest on the volatile situation at the border? >> reporter: so, thousands of migrants, men, women and very small children came waking up along that border, along the belarus/poland border. we understand overnight a kosko according to polish, 42 foreign nationals were sent back by polish troops into belarus. the dangerous crossings, overnight, very freezing cold conditions and on both sides, of course. these migrants are facing two armed forces. on poland, there are 15,000 polish troops right now along that border, ceiling it off. of course, on the other side, belarusian troops i know as well you are seeing the images on our screen right now. but poland says this is not a migrant crisis. it is a political one. it is pointing the finger at president luke lukachenko. just yesterday the european president was at the white house meeting with president biden to try to coordinate a response to this crisis. take a listen to what she said when she stepped out to speak to reporters. >> we absolutely share the assessment that this is a hybrid attack of an authoritarian regime to try to destabilize democratic neighbors and this will not succeed. we will protect our democracies. we agreed that we coordinate our outreach to the countries of origin so that they take care of their citizens, not to fall into the trap of the lukashenko regime. >> reporter: very strong words there from her. belarus for its part denies these accusations. they blame the -- eu says the migrant crisis is it is one of the eu's making and calling out the eu for failing on its humanitarian commitments. beyond this geopolitical crisis there is the larger context here, kim. this is an extremely important border. the eastern flank of nato, the border of the eu. there's a lot of finger pointing right now, of course, at president putin of russia who backs alexander lukashenko and is seen as using human tools to try to destabilize that important border. that is why the european commission president again was meeting with president biden to try to coordinate sanctions, but there's already been sanctions in place against belarus, already sanctions in place against russia. will more sanctions cause belarus to pull back these migrants, pull back from the brink? what does it mean for those desperate families, still huddling trying to survive on that border, kim. >> important questions. we'll keep on this important story. thanks so much. just ahead, troubling testimony from day four of the three white men accused of killing a black man runging through their neighborhood. >> what has happened in this case is a lynching in the 21st century. with mucinex all-in-onone you'e 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arbery commit a crime that day. mcmichael said he didn't know. and that it was up to investigators to try to figure that out. here's the detective reading mcmichael's answer from a transcript. >> that's just it, i don't know. that's what i told -- i told what's her name out there. i said, listen, you might want to go knock on doors down there because this guy had just done something that he was fleeing from. >> reporter: in earlier testimony the first officer to interview gregory mcmichael while still on the scene said he never once mentioned the men were attempting to apprehend arbery. >> did he ever tell you while you were talking to him that he was attempting to make a citizens arrest? >> no ma'am. >> did he ever use the word arrest? >> no, ma'am. >> reporter: the last words of arbery's life were captured on cell phone video taken by ryan. it showed father and son and travis confronting arbery running down the road. they struggle over travis' shotgun. arbery is shot three times and collapses. gregory mcmichael's defense attorney oorgargued the senior mcmichael feared he was going to kill his son travis if he got the shotgun. >> if he had gotten that shotgun and there was any separation between travis and him, i was going to cap his as. >> dear god we call you -- >> reporter: outside during lunch, the family held a prayer vigil. reverend sharpton called it a lynching in the 20 first century that leaved little or no attention. >> let's not be fooled. they never intended for these three to ever be in a courtroom. come on. the reason they are even on trial is because some of us stood with this father and mother and demanded justice. >> reporter: back in court, the prosecution interviewed the first witness from the neighborhood where arbery was killed. matthew albensey is the voice on the wildly call to police that first reported arbery in the neighborhood that day. >> what is he doing? >> he's running down the street. >> reporter: when he called police, he dialed the non-emergency number for the glen police department, not 911. something he was asked about on the witness stand. >> you didn't dial 911. >> no. >> why didn't you dial 911? >> i did not see an emergency. >> reporter: not long after he said he heard gunshots. when he went to the scene he was shocked to see the person he had just reported to authorities now lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the road, and gregory and travis mcmichael standing nearby. all three defendants in this case have entered pleas of not guilty, and it should be pointed out that the defense teams, all three of those defense teams, as yet have not had the opportunity to present their side of the case. martin savage, cnn, brunswick, georgia. >> a federal judge has approved a $626 million settlement over the water crisis in flint, michigan. the money will compensate thousands of people exposed to lead and other contaminants in the city's water system. dangerous levels of lead were discovered in 2015. most of the combization will go to children because they are most likely to be affected. parts of the midwestern u.s. are seeing their first significant snowfall of the season. but the storm is pushing east. meteorologist pedram javaheri is tracking the system. >> good morning, kim. you know, we are watching this pattern here change across the eastern u.s. in a very big way over the next several days. wintry weather already being felt, felt across parts of the northern plains, the upper midwest as well where high wind warnings send those winds potentially as high as 55 or 60 miles per hour into the afternoon hours of thursday into eventually friday. and, yes, with snowfall coming down in portions of, say, the northern tier on parts of north dakota on into northern minnesota where 3 to 9 inches possible in these regions. that's going to be enough here to cause blizzard like conditions at times for an early season storm system, pretty impressive. there it goes across the great lakes. send those winds here up to 50 plus miles per hour which across lake huron could mean 15 to 19 feet high. very dangerous go when it comes to this wet round of weather. cold enough to support know showers. work into ohio and western new york could see snow out of this. for the major metro cities, just a little too warm to support wintry weather. we'll keep it in for a soggy set up friday into saturday. minneapolis dropping to 30, climbing to the middle 50s by early next week. but you notice the overall trend here is going to be a significantly cooling one going into next week where the western u.s. begins a dramatic warming trend going in towards thanksgiving week at that point. but here we go with the high temperatures. a double nickel ahead of chicago, 55 degrees. 71 around atlanta and temperatures in phoenix one of the warm spots right there, also with southern california, the middle 80s in the forecast. kim? >> all right, thanks so much. a professional soccer player was arrested in france for a suspected dirty play that crossed the legal line. next we'll tell you more about this incredible story. stay with us. olay body wash hydrates to improrove skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radadiant. with olay body, i feel fearless inin my skin. ever rushed to a doctor's appointment t and thought: [whispers] "couldn't i do this from home?" only to get inside, where time stands still. healthcare makes many of us feel anxious, confused, expos, "how long do i have to wait here?" and overwhelmed—but it doesn't have tbe that way. letsgetchecked offers virtual. take t test. get your results. and get the treatment you need. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. ♪ ♪ ♪ aloha! isn't this a cozy little room? sorry your vacation request took so long to get approved, so you missed out on the suite special. but lucky for you, they had this. when employees are forced to wait for vacation request approvals,it can really cramp their style. i'm gonna leave you to it. um, just— with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. don't settle. start your day with secret. secret stops odor-causing sweat 3x more. and the provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret. ♪ all strength. no sweat. ♪ 3, 2, 1, 0. ignition. and liftoff. another four-member crew is on the way to the international space station. it blasted off aboard a spacex rocket at the kennedy space center in florida. docking is scheduled for thursday evening. three american and one european astronauts will spend six months conducting experiments. women's professional soccer in france is reeling from a massive scandal. midfielder dialo has been arrested in connection with an attack on a teammate. multiple reports identify her victim as kiera. for more, cyril vanier joins us from paris. cyril, take us through this story. >> reporter: kim, are you ready for a wild ride? this raises so many questions and we don't have answers. starting midfielder of the women's soccer team assaulted last week, brutally beaten with iron bars, missing the following game. all right. well, we learned yesterday, and the story took a dark turn, when we learned that her teammate dialo had been arrested, taken into custody, questioned by police in connection with this beating. is it possible that dialo was connected in any way? she reportedly, according to french daily league keep, says she has nothing to do with this. but it has raised questions about whether there might be competition for playing time. another element reported by french daily la keet this morning, that threatening phone calls had been made late last month to multiple players on the squad, offering to reveal details of the private life of the victim by someone who claimed to be her former lover. so there are two angles into this, according to la keep. somebody in leon already arrested, a convict, convicted of charges of torture and racketeering, kim. >> gosh, what a bizarre story, and still more questions than answers. do we know what happens next? >> reporter: well, the psg is being very coy about this. we've got no answers. really we're waiting for answers from the prosecutor and from police. it depends who did what in this story. if dialo is indeed involved in the assault on her teammate, then she is going to be charged. but we're not there yet. again, she denies involvement. there are many questions swirling about whether perhaps she did this to get more opportunity on the field, more playing time. after all, last week, these two players who were both part of the french national team, we saw that when she was sidelined with injury, dialo was called onto the pitch, which otherwise would not have happened. so, many questions at this stage, kim. >> all right. we'll keep an eye on that very strange story. cyril vanier in paris. thanks so much. all right. we want to show you live pictures of an armistice day in paris. it marks world war five decades ago. kamala harris went to mend fences with a long time ally after the diplomatic storm caused by u.s./britain/australia deal that cost paris a contract. i'm kim brunhuber in atlanta. thank you so much for watching. 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, Skateboard , Neck , One Shot , Gauge Grosskreutz , Weapon , Threat , Head , Pistol , Bottom Line , Cross Examination , Everyone , Yes , Force , Deadly Force , Chance , Daniel Huber , Questioning , Problem , In The Night , Silence , Events , Violation , Fifth Amendment Rights , Court , Incident , Examination , Door Open , Motion , Law , Don T , Country , Mistrial , Prejudice , The Incident , Consideration , Intention , Someone , Line , Shooting , Don T You , Ace Pistol , Hand , Ar 15 , Hasn T , 15 , Case , Wise , The Stand , On Tuesday , Claim , Attorneys , Experts , Fact , Self Defense Measure , Aggressor , Way , Lot , Scene , Prosecutor , Self Defense Claim , The Other Side , Assailants , Provocation , Life , Courtroom , Murder Cases , Death , Boy , Lives , Protest , Matter , Liberty , Property , Criminals , Wounds , Rioter , Code Name , Someone Else , Question , Body , Advantage , Fashion , Hiding , Stay , Interpretation , Amendment , Houston , Crowd Surge , Texas , Astroworld 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S Day , Capitol , Wraps , President Scrambling , November 11th , Thursday November 11th ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

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optimistic. and inflation hits a 30-year high just days before president biden is expected to sign his massive infrastructure bill. >> announcer: live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with kim brunhuber. in the coming hours, the trial of kyle rittenhouse is set to resume in kenosha, wisconsin, following a dramatic day of emotional and high stakes testimony from the defendant himself. the defense is expected to call several more witnesses, including a doctor and police officer. rittenhouse charged with killing two people during the protests in kenosha last august took the stand wednesday and testified that he acted in self-defense. cnn's omar jimenez has more on the teen's testimony and the tense moments between the judge and the prosecution. >> reporter: the most anticipated moment in the trial, kyle rittenhouse taking the stand in his own defense. >> did you come to downtown kenosha to look for trouble? >> no. >> reporter: he took the jury back to august 5th, 2020, when he said he and others volunteered to guard a car dealership in downtown kenosha from property damage. during protests following the shooting of jacob blake. rittenhouse would go on to shoot three people, killing two of them and wounding the third. rittenhouse described his first interactions with a man named joseph rosenbaum, the first person he would later kill. >> he said if i catch any of you [ bleep ] alone, i'm going to [ bleep ] kill you. >> reporter: afternoon ward he said he was cornered by joshua rosenbaum and kaminsky. >> i take a step back, look over my shoulder, and mr. rosenbaum, mr. rosenbaum was now running from my right side, um, and i was cornered from in front of me with mr. zaminsky. and there were -- there were three people right there -- >> reporter: the judge called for a break. and when of rittenhouse returned, lessee motional, he described a chase with rosenbaum. >> there was no space for me to continue to run to. >> as you see him lunging at you, what did you do? >> i shoot him. >> reporter: then others testified he tried to get to the police. >> why did you try to get to the police? >> i didn't do anything wrong, i defended myself. >> reporter: soon he describes being confronted by an unidentified man. >> i fired two shots at him. >> why did you shoot at him? >> i thought if i were to be knocked out or -- he would have shot my face in if i didn't fire. >> reporter: he missed those shots, but the next one was deadly. as anthony huber hit rittenhouse with a skateboard. >> mr. huber runs up. he strikes me in the neck with his skateboard a second time. he grabs my gun and i can feel it pulling away from me. >> and what do you do then? >> i fire one shot. >> reporter: he then sees gauge grosskreutz. >> i see mr. grosskreutz. as i lowered my weapon, i looked down. and then mr. grosskreutz, he lunges at me with his pistol pointed directly at my head. >> reporter: so rittenhouse shot him once. >> what happened after you shoot him? >> he's no longer a threat to me. >> reporter: during the cross-examination, the prosecution began to paint a bottom line. >> everyone you shot you intended to kill? >> i didn't intend to kill. i intended to stop the people attacking me. >> by killing them. >> reporter: the prosecution pushed further. >> you intentionally used deadly force against joseph rosenbaum, correct? >> yes. >> you intentionally used deadly force against the man who tried to kick you in the face, yes? >> yes. >> you intentionally used deadly force against daniel huber, correct? >> yes. >> you used deadly force against grosskreutz? >> yes. >> reporter: after rittenhouse had a chance to hear others testify in the trial and seeing video in the night's events, the judge interrupted and cited his fifth amendment rights. >> the problem is this is a grave constitutional violation for you to talk about the defendant's silence. >> reporter: so the questioning continued, but this time touched on a previous incident the judge as of wednesday had not allowed in trial. the judge had enough. >> the court left the door open. >> for me, not for you. i was astonished when you began your examination by commenting on the defendant's post-arrest silence. that's basic law. it's been because i can law in this country -- don't get brazen with me. >> reporter: the incident prompted the defense to file a motion for mistrial with prejudice, meaning he could not be retried. the judge said he would take it under consideration and the prosecution returned to cross going back to the shooting much joseph rosenbaum and the moment he pointed the gun at him before the shooting. >> why did you point it at him if you didn't have any intention of shooting? >> he was chasing me. i was alone. he threatened to kill me earlier in that night. i didn't want to have to shoot him. >> but you understand how dangerous it is to point a gun at someone, don't you? >> i pointed it at him because he kept running at me and i didn't want him to chase me. >> reporter: the same line of questioning extended to rittenhouse's shooting of gauge grosskreutz. >> can you help me understand why gauge grosskreutz with ace pistol in his hand is a threat to kill you and you pointing an ar-15 pointed at him was not a threat? can you help me understand that? >> he decided to come and point a gun at my head -- >> he hasn't done that yet, has he? >> no. >> reporter: the prosecution's questioning lasted hours with rittenhouse on the stand. time line wise, the judge told the jury to expect this case to be finished by early next week with a chance of monday and the judge, very confident this case would be finished by tuesday. omar jimenez, cnn, kenosha, wisconsin. >> so legal experts have been weighing in on kyle rittenhouse's claim of self-defense in last summer's deadly shooting. here's how two noted attorneys view his testimony. listen to this. >> the defense is going to claim that he was not the initial aggressor. in fact, he was carrying the ar-15 as a self-defense measure and he only started to use it after he was attacked and his assailants threaten to kill him. one had a gun. the prosecutor brought out he heard shots being fired at the scene as well. so there's a lot of provocation on the other side, so there's no way that the self-defense claim is going to be taken away from him. it will be up to the jury to decide. but i think he made as compelling a self-defense claim as i've seen in a courtroom. and i've tried quite a few murder cases. >> when you look at whether or not it was a life or death matter, i think you have to consider the fact you have a young white boy openly carrying and possessing an ar-15 loaded at a black lives matter protest, not his life, not his liberty, but defending someone else's property, a rioter, code name for criminals, and he shoots two unarmed people, wounds another, and approaches police with an ar-15 strapped to his body, and they drive past him. no way in fashion this white boy who shot three people was perceived as a threat. the question really becomes now, how does he get the advantage of hiding behind a broad disingenuous interpretation of self defense and the second amendment? >> and stay with cnn. we'll have much more on the trial in the coming hours. it's been nearly a week since the deadly crowd surge at the astroworld music festival in houston, texas. there are still so many questions. at least 58 civil lawsuits have now been filed in connection to the tragic event where eight people were killed. a county can judge is pushing for on independent investigation despite houston police chief troy finer insisting it's unwarranted. finnor told them to stop the show when at least one person in the crowd was receiving cpr. he depth say how long it took for the show to stop once the request was made, but stressed it was up to organizers to make the call. >> the ultimate authority to end the show is with production and the entertainer, okay. and that should be through communication with public safety officials. i want us to review the tapes, okay, because if a tape is showing even somebody from our agency doing the wrong thing, you know what, in the most important thing, i'm telling you as chief of police, this is my agency. we're going to hold people accountable, and i think that the family -- we owe that to them. >> the police chief also clarified that a security guard who was previously thought to have been injected with drugs was actually hit in the head. he fell yourunconscious and wok in the security tent. we are learning more about the scores of people injured in the crash. the family of a 22-year-old college student is fighting for her life after being critically injured in the festival. they said she is on a ventilator at the houston hospital. she went to the concert with her cousin and younger sister. a gofundme account is set up to pay for medical costs. the chief electrician of the film "rust" has filed what appeared to be the first lawsuit against alec baldwin and crew members at last month's fatal on set shooting. he claims the director and assistant director caused severe emotional distress and accuses of them of failing to implement and maintain industry firearm standards. cnn has reached out to the lawyers representing baldwin and the other unnamed crew members and hasn't heard back yet. it was another legal setback for former u.s. president donald trump's efforts to keep his white house records secret from the january 6 inquiry. a federal judge on wednesday refused his latest emergency request to block their release. same judge had already rejected his argument of executive privilege the previous day, ruling the house committee investigating the insurrection could have access to telephone records, visitor logs and other documents. the national archives are scheduled to give those materials to congress on friday. now trump will have to ask an appeals court for an emergency pause to block the release while he continues his legal battle. the case races questions about a former president's executive privilege versus the public interest. >> the presidential records act under which this lawsuit was brought is a post-watergate reform that was specifically designed to bypass president nixon oops attempts to essentially potentially destroy records and maintain records. and the united states congress said, no, the records belong to the people, and the incumbent president joe biden is the holder of the people's interest. so this is really about the public interest in this motion, in this moment. so donald trump has to argue he is more in tune with the public interest than the united states president under the constitution. i think that's a really tough sell. it actually is rare to get the state that he wants. it's in less -- in a 2020 study, it was less nan 20% of the cases actually get what he's asking for. but they tend to be a higher percentage if you're asking to stay release of confidential documents. so i do think it's possible that the court of appeals is going to say, listen, this is important. we'll issue the stay alternatively they could just say, we agree with the lower court. you have not satisfied the standard for injunction. we are going to briefly deny, deny the whole thing. that's conceivable. it does depend on the panel, the judges are going to decide this. >> meanwhile, sources tell cnn the house select committee wants more information from at least five members of former vice president mike pence's inner circle. when it comes to fighting climate change, china says cooperation with the u.s. is the only choice. the world's top two leaders surprised the cop-26 summit in glasgow, scotland, with a new pledge toe work together to keep rising temperatures in check. it is light on specifics and lacks commitment from china on major international agreements. u.s. special climate envoy john kerry says he's pleased. >> the united states and china have no shortage of differences. but on climate, on climate, cooperation is the only way to get this job done. this is not a discretionary thing frankly. this is science. it's math and physics that dictate the road that we have to travel. >> for more let's bring in cnn's beijing bureau chief steven zhang. tike us through the surprise announcement this came about. >> reporter: this announcement came as a surprise because of the jen low expectations at glasgow. i found the world's top emitters led by the u.s. and china. many see it as a reiteration of the two countries' prior commitments stated in the 2015 paris agreement. they did say they would strengthen communications by dividing this working group on this issue and making some broad and vague pledges about accelerating the pace of emissions reductions. all of this, of course, came after chinese leader xi jinping gave his reason for doing this in unsurprisingly very lofty terms. here's what he said. >> translator: it had come to me that harms done to nature will eventually harm ourselves. china's carbon reduction action is a economic social transformation. however formidable the task may be, we will work tirelessly to make our contribution to make going global green a mission. >> reporter: the other surprise is the current state of of the bilateral relationship which has been in a deep freeze for a long time. john kerry himself had long tried to convince the beijing leadership to carve out this special lane for cooperation on climate despite tensions in other aspects of this relationship. but beijing said no to him. why the sudden change? because now we know the two countries' leaders, joe biden and xi jinping, will have their first virtual summit next week since mr. biden took office. so obviously both sides trying to provide some momentum going into that and create a more positive atmosphere for the two leaders to have their first virtual meeting. but, of course, the question right now is given this development, will this really see the two countries' relationship bottom out given all the remaining deepening stru structural contradictions in taiwan on human rights. >> thanks so much. a legislative victory for president biden on his infrastructure plan is overshadowed by growing concerns on inflation. we'll bring you his message to americans ahead, plus europe is fighting another flare-up of covid-19. what the worst-hit countries are doing to try to lower the numbers. we'll bring you that story coming up. stay with us. 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than they did last year, and that's a good thing. but it also means we've got higher demand for goods at the same time we're facing disruptions in the supplies to make those goods. this is a recipe for delays and for higher prices and people are feeling it. >> cnn's brian todd reports that americans are feeling the price pinch in every aspect of their lives. >> reporter: motorists getting crushed at the pump. >> it will be one price one day, tomorrow it's like up 30 cents. >> no more starbucks. shoes are cute? no, i have to get to work, have to have gas. >> reporter: gas prices, according to the government, were almost 50% higher in october than they were a year earlier. this kind of pain is almost universal in america. new government data shows inflation has skyrocketed over the past year, rising more than 6%. the biggest increase in 31 years. >> we've gone for a couple of generations now without seeing this kind of inflation, so people just aren't used to this kind of hit in their pocketbook. >> reporter: almost all of this, experts say, is related to the pandemic. consumers are taking a hit at the grocery store. >> it went up $2 from 10.99 to 12.99. that's high. >> reporter: the average price of meat, poultry, fish and eggs has gone up 11% from a year ago. >> people are not going to be eating as well. they're certainly not going to be eating out as much, and not buying expensive items in the grocery. food, fuel, rental prices, these are what most people spend most of the their money on. >> reporter: rent for the average urban american rose 2.7% from a year ago. the cost of electricity went up 6.5%. home prices have soared due to tight nfl tri and interest rates. new car and truck prices up 2.9%. caused in part by growing demand and supply chain problems. >> ports are backed up. that means that you get more containers stacked up. there aren't enough truck drivers, so more containers get stacked up. they don't get delivered. >> reporter: and growing concerns about prices and supply for the holiday season. what about the holiday season, are we going to be able to buy the gifts that we want? >> there probably are going to be shortages. it's too late now to produce something that isn't available in supply, in stock on the store shelf now and ship it from china or elsewhere across the globe. >> reporter: is there price relief on the horizon? the economic analysts we spoke to say that could take about six to 12 months if the pandemic eases significantly, if more people get vaccinated, get back to working in stores and in offices. but as for the high price and the shortage of cars, well, experts say that's going to take a little bit longer to solve because the computer chips used to make cars are so specialized and there still aren't enough of them coming into the united states. brian todd, cnn, washington. the federal judge has ruled against the texas ban on mask mandates in schools, saying it violates the americans with disabilities act. lawsuit from a disability rights group argues students with special health needs and underlying conditions who contract covid are more likely to end up in the i.c.u. and masks are needed to protect them. the texas attorney general says he plans to challenge the decision. germany has broken another covid record. for the fourth day in a row, daily i think effects hit a pandemic high. more than 50,000 new cases were reported today. much of europe are seeing a similar spike. the world health organization says new infections are up 7% compared to last week and the region's death toll increased 10% during that same 12re67. scott mclane is following this live from london. scott, dismal picture on the continent. so let's start with the situation in germany. >> reporter: yeah, kim, there are serious concerns in germany right now about the covid-19 situation as you mentioned, just hitting a record high for daily case counts in the entirety of the pandemic. 50,000 in just a single day, which is up sharply from where they were just one week ago. the german chancellor says this is all pretty simple. not enough of the german population is vaccinated to prevent the virus from ripping through the 33% of the german population which has no immunity. at least no immunity from vaccinations, or from vaccination at all. as a result, the city of weberl, for instance, says on monday unvaccinated people or people without natural immunity will not be able to go to the hairdresser, gym, the list goes on because of the i.c.u. units. there is a noticeable east/west divide when it comes to the covid-19 situation. yes, case counts undoubtedly are high in many western european countries and growing. but people are not dying at nearly the same rate that they are in many eastern european countries. i want to show you some graphs that really illustrate the point here. so, take romania, bulgaria, and ukraine. this is their daily death toll per 100,000 of the population. that's at the top of your screen. compare that to portugal, uk and spain which have a fraction of the deaths per 100,000. now, these last three countries i mentioned, portugal, uk, spain, they have some of the highest vaccination rates on the continent. in europe, compare that to romania, bulgaria and ukraine that have some of the lowest vaccination rates in europe, and so the difference in outcome is it pretty easy to explain. many of these countries are trying to convince people even to just take the first shot of the vaccine. meanwhile, what many western countries, kim, they are already moving on to the booster shot to try to get older people and more vulnerable parts of the population to take that. >> as if we needed any more convincing to get the shot. scott mclane in london, thanks so much. all right. still ahead, trying to keep 1.5 alive. the british prime minister rallies delegates at the cop-26 climate summit hoping to limit global warming. plus a sea of men, women and children stranded at the eu boshder without adequate food and shelter. they condemn them for weaponizing helpless migrants. that's also gentle on skinin. for wrinkles results in one w week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a tcash payment. call coventryte direct to learn more. we thought we hadlanned carefully for our retirement. but weuickly realized we needed a way t supplement our income. our iend sold their policy to help pay their medil bills, and that got me thinkingmaybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. 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wednesday in hopes of ceiling the deal. >> we have to bridge the gap between where we are and where we need to be if we're going to cut emissions in half by 2030. and we need to pull out all the stops if we're going to do what we came here to do, and that's keep 1.5 alive and make paris the success that the world needs it to be. >> cnn's phil black is live this hour in glasgow, scotland. phil, boris johnson seems to be cutting a frustrated figure there. >> reporter: indeed. i think you're right, kim. this first draft is important. it doesn't fix a lot. the progress is incremental. we didn't expect it to be particularly ambitious, but crucially it does keep the process open. there is some strong language there, referencing the science, explaining why 1.5 degrees celsius must be considered the goal in terms of limiting average global warming. that, in a sense, is unprecedented. it also explains referencing the science the window for achieving that is closing quickly. with that in mind, it tells countries to go away, reconsider their emissions targets for this decade, and come back next year and try again. that is crucial because it means that theoretically, it would still be possible for the world to do what the science says, that is cut emissions by 45% by 2030. at the moment we know that we are nowhere near that. and if we come back and do it again in five years as the existing rules say, well, it's broadly considered that would be too late. so boris johnson knows that specific reference, telling countries toe go away, come back, try again with greater ambition, is crucial. and if it is stripped out in the coming days, then many people will believe that this conference and, indeed, the whole cop process, is a failure. that is perhaps why he is sounding very frustrated. take a listen to a little bit more of what he said when he returned here yesterday. >> it is very frustrating to see countries that have spent six years conspicuously patting themselves on the back for signing that promissory note in paris while edging towards default now that vulnerable nations and future generations are demanding payment here now in glasgow. >> reporter: there are other sticking points. developing countries are not happy with the vague detail about increased finance from rich countries to help them adapt to the impacts of living with climate change. a problem those developing countries have not caused. there is also in an unprecedented step, language encouraging an accelerated phase-out of coal and fossil fuel subsidies. that is loose, there is no time frame, but that is expected to come under big pressure from fossil fuel producing countries in coming days. the thing to remember, this is a consensus process. 200 countries have to agree on the final version. that's why the last few days are always intense, kim. >> keep up the excellent coverage there from cop-26. cnn's phil black in glasgow, scotland. the u.s. and eu are expected to impose a new round of sanctions against the belarusian regime as thousands of migrants huddle in freezing weather at polish/belarusian border. angela merkel is calling on moscow to de-escalate the situation although there is no indication it will. on tuesday, two nuclear capable bombers showed support for the leader alexander lukashenko. what is the latest on the volatile situation at the border? >> reporter: so, thousands of migrants, men, women and very small children came waking up along that border, along the belarus/poland border. we understand overnight a kosko according to polish, 42 foreign nationals were sent back by polish troops into belarus. the dangerous crossings, overnight, very freezing cold conditions and on both sides, of course. these migrants are facing two armed forces. on poland, there are 15,000 polish troops right now along that border, ceiling it off. of course, on the other side, belarusian troops i know as well you are seeing the images on our screen right now. but poland says this is not a migrant crisis. it is a political one. it is pointing the finger at president luke lukachenko. just yesterday the european president was at the white house meeting with president biden to try to coordinate a response to this crisis. take a listen to what she said when she stepped out to speak to reporters. >> we absolutely share the assessment that this is a hybrid attack of an authoritarian regime to try to destabilize democratic neighbors and this will not succeed. we will protect our democracies. we agreed that we coordinate our outreach to the countries of origin so that they take care of their citizens, not to fall into the trap of the lukashenko regime. >> reporter: very strong words there from her. belarus for its part denies these accusations. they blame the -- eu says the migrant crisis is it is one of the eu's making and calling out the eu for failing on its humanitarian commitments. beyond this geopolitical crisis there is the larger context here, kim. this is an extremely important border. the eastern flank of nato, the border of the eu. there's a lot of finger pointing right now, of course, at president putin of russia who backs alexander lukashenko and is seen as using human tools to try to destabilize that important border. that is why the european commission president again was meeting with president biden to try to coordinate sanctions, but there's already been sanctions in place against belarus, already sanctions in place against russia. will more sanctions cause belarus to pull back these migrants, pull back from the brink? what does it mean for those desperate families, still huddling trying to survive on that border, kim. >> important questions. we'll keep on this important story. thanks so much. just ahead, troubling testimony from day four of the three white men accused of killing a black man runging through their neighborhood. >> what has happened in this case is a lynching in the 21st century. with mucinex all-in-onone you'e 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arbery commit a crime that day. mcmichael said he didn't know. and that it was up to investigators to try to figure that out. here's the detective reading mcmichael's answer from a transcript. >> that's just it, i don't know. that's what i told -- i told what's her name out there. i said, listen, you might want to go knock on doors down there because this guy had just done something that he was fleeing from. >> reporter: in earlier testimony the first officer to interview gregory mcmichael while still on the scene said he never once mentioned the men were attempting to apprehend arbery. >> did he ever tell you while you were talking to him that he was attempting to make a citizens arrest? >> no ma'am. >> did he ever use the word arrest? >> no, ma'am. >> reporter: the last words of arbery's life were captured on cell phone video taken by ryan. it showed father and son and travis confronting arbery running down the road. they struggle over travis' shotgun. arbery is shot three times and collapses. gregory mcmichael's defense attorney oorgargued the senior mcmichael feared he was going to kill his son travis if he got the shotgun. >> if he had gotten that shotgun and there was any separation between travis and him, i was going to cap his as. >> dear god we call you -- >> reporter: outside during lunch, the family held a prayer vigil. reverend sharpton called it a lynching in the 20 first century that leaved little or no attention. >> let's not be fooled. they never intended for these three to ever be in a courtroom. come on. the reason they are even on trial is because some of us stood with this father and mother and demanded justice. >> reporter: back in court, the prosecution interviewed the first witness from the neighborhood where arbery was killed. matthew albensey is the voice on the wildly call to police that first reported arbery in the neighborhood that day. >> what is he doing? >> he's running down the street. >> reporter: when he called police, he dialed the non-emergency number for the glen police department, not 911. something he was asked about on the witness stand. >> you didn't dial 911. >> no. >> why didn't you dial 911? >> i did not see an emergency. >> reporter: not long after he said he heard gunshots. when he went to the scene he was shocked to see the person he had just reported to authorities now lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the road, and gregory and travis mcmichael standing nearby. all three defendants in this case have entered pleas of not guilty, and it should be pointed out that the defense teams, all three of those defense teams, as yet have not had the opportunity to present their side of the case. martin savage, cnn, brunswick, georgia. >> a federal judge has approved a $626 million settlement over the water crisis in flint, michigan. the money will compensate thousands of people exposed to lead and other contaminants in the city's water system. dangerous levels of lead were discovered in 2015. most of the combization will go to children because they are most likely to be affected. parts of the midwestern u.s. are seeing their first significant snowfall of the season. but the storm is pushing east. meteorologist pedram javaheri is tracking the system. >> good morning, kim. you know, we are watching this pattern here change across the eastern u.s. in a very big way over the next several days. wintry weather already being felt, felt across parts of the northern plains, the upper midwest as well where high wind warnings send those winds potentially as high as 55 or 60 miles per hour into the afternoon hours of thursday into eventually friday. and, yes, with snowfall coming down in portions of, say, the northern tier on parts of north dakota on into northern minnesota where 3 to 9 inches possible in these regions. that's going to be enough here to cause blizzard like conditions at times for an early season storm system, pretty impressive. there it goes across the great lakes. send those winds here up to 50 plus miles per hour which across lake huron could mean 15 to 19 feet high. very dangerous go when it comes to this wet round of weather. cold enough to support know showers. work into ohio and western new york could see snow out of this. for the major metro cities, just a little too warm to support wintry weather. we'll keep it in for a soggy set up friday into saturday. minneapolis dropping to 30, climbing to the middle 50s by early next week. but you notice the overall trend here is going to be a significantly cooling one going into next week where the western u.s. begins a dramatic warming trend going in towards thanksgiving week at that point. but here we go with the high temperatures. a double nickel ahead of chicago, 55 degrees. 71 around atlanta and temperatures in phoenix one of the warm spots right there, also with southern california, the middle 80s in the forecast. kim? >> all right, thanks so much. a professional soccer player was arrested in france for a suspected dirty play that crossed the legal line. next we'll tell you more about this incredible story. stay with us. olay body wash hydrates to improrove skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radadiant. with olay body, i feel fearless inin my skin. ever rushed to a doctor's appointment t and thought: [whispers] "couldn't i do this from home?" only to get inside, where time stands still. healthcare makes many of us feel anxious, confused, expos, "how long do i have to wait here?" and overwhelmed—but it doesn't have tbe that way. letsgetchecked offers virtual. take t test. get your results. and get the treatment you need. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. ♪ ♪ ♪ aloha! isn't this a cozy little room? sorry your vacation request took so long to get approved, so you missed out on the suite special. but lucky for you, they had this. when employees are forced to wait for vacation request approvals,it can really cramp their style. i'm gonna leave you to it. um, just— with 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questions and we don't have answers. starting midfielder of the women's soccer team assaulted last week, brutally beaten with iron bars, missing the following game. all right. well, we learned yesterday, and the story took a dark turn, when we learned that her teammate dialo had been arrested, taken into custody, questioned by police in connection with this beating. is it possible that dialo was connected in any way? she reportedly, according to french daily league keep, says she has nothing to do with this. but it has raised questions about whether there might be competition for playing time. another element reported by french daily la keet this morning, that threatening phone calls had been made late last month to multiple players on the squad, offering to reveal details of the private life of the victim by someone who claimed to be her former lover. so there are two angles into this, according to la keep. somebody in leon already arrested, a convict, convicted of charges of torture and racketeering, kim. >> gosh, what a bizarre story, and still more questions than answers. do we know what happens next? >> reporter: well, the psg is being very coy about this. we've got no answers. really we're waiting for answers from the prosecutor and from police. it depends who did what in this story. if dialo is indeed involved in the assault on her teammate, then she is going to be charged. but we're not there yet. again, she denies involvement. there are many questions swirling about whether perhaps she did this to get more opportunity on the field, more playing time. after all, last week, these two players who were both part of the french national team, we saw that when she was sidelined with injury, dialo was called onto the pitch, which otherwise would not have happened. so, many questions at this stage, kim. >> all right. we'll keep an eye on that very strange story. cyril vanier in paris. thanks so much. all right. we want to show you live pictures of an armistice day in paris. it marks world war five decades ago. kamala harris went to mend fences with a long time ally after the diplomatic storm caused by u.s./britain/australia deal that cost paris a contract. i'm kim brunhuber in atlanta. thank you so much for watching. 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United States Congress , Nixon , Attempts , President , Interest , Holder , Tune , State , Cases , Constitution , Study , Sell , 20 , Lower Court , Percentage , Appeals , Judges , Standard , Injunction , Panel , Information , The House Select Committee , Sources , Conceivable , Mike Pence , Fighting Climate Change , Inner Circle , Five , World , Leaders , Cooperation , Temperatures , Glasgow , Pledge Toe Work , Choice , Scotland , Check , Cop 26 Summit , 26 , Shortage , John Kerry , Commitment , Specifics , Agreements , Differences , Science , Road , Math , Physics , Job , Announcement , Steven Zhang , Tike , Beijing , Countries , It , Surprise , Commitments , Expectations , Emitters Led , Reiteration , Paris Agreement , Jen , 2015 , Wall , Course , Xi Jinping , Communications , Leader , Pledges , Emissions Reductions , Working Group , Issue , Pace , Reason , Terms , Translator , Nature , Carbon Reduction Action , Transformation , Contribution , Task , Mission , Green , Relationship , Leadership , Aspects , Tensions , Lane , Deep Freeze , Sides , Momentum , Office , Change , Summit , Meeting , Development , Atmosphere , Thanks , Relationship Bottom , Contradictions , Victory , Taiwan On Human Rights , Deepening Stru , Concerns , Americans With Disabilities Act , Europe , Infrastructure , Flare Up , Plan , Covid 19 , Message , 19 , Story , Numbers , Dermatologist , Ingredients , Serum , Skincare Ingredients , Dermageek , Illers , Dermageek Feuring , 0 , Price , Skin , Fraction , Ofeta Hydroxy Acid , Timemore , Levels , Dermageek Skincare Lineup , Derm Ingredients , Hydration , Money Back Guarantee , Sleep , Cold , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , It S Time , Bed , Veteran , Sale , Temperature Balancing , Movements , 360 , Care , Special Edition , Base , Delivery , Plus , Night After , Ends Monday , 1000 , 000 , 36 , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Six , Ports , Benefits , Measure , Funding , Consumer Prices , Food Prices , Supply Chain Issues , Increase , Energy , Maryland , Baltimore , 12 , Money , Breathing Room , Products , Prices , Goods , Demand , Supplies , Disruptions , Recipe , Delays , Brian Todd , More , Work , Aspect , Pump , Motorists , Shoes , Starbucks , Kind , Government Data , Government , Gas , Pain , Gas Prices , 50 , Hit , Generations , Aren T , Pocketbook , Couple , 31 , Pandemic , Consumers , Grocery Store , Fish , Eggs , Poultry , Meat , 10 99 , , 2 , 11 , 12 99 , Food , Rental Prices , Most , Fuel , Grocery , Eating , Items , Home Prices , Truck Prices , Cost , Interest Rates , Electricity , Car , Tri , Average Urban American , Nfl , 6 5 , 2 7 , Part , Containers , Supply Chain Problems , There Aren T , Truck Drivers , 2 9 , Supply , Holiday Season , Gifts , Shortages , Something , Isn T , Store , Analysts , Price Relief , Stock , Globe , Elsewhere , Horizon , Cars , Stores , Offices , Bit , Computer Chips , Schools , Washington , Texas Ban On Mask Mandates , Students , Texas Attorney General , Conditions , Contract Covid , Health , Icu , Masks , Needs , Decision , Disability Rights Group , Record , Much , Spike , Effects , Row , Germany , 50000 , Situation , Continent , Death Toll , Region , Picture , Infections , London , World Health Organization , 12re67 , Scott Mclane , 10 , 7 , Case Counts , Entirety , Population , Immunity , Chancellor , Virus , 33 , City , Of Weberl , Vaccinations , Vaccination , Result , Instance , East , List , Units , Gym , Hairdresser , Western European , Point , Romania , Rate , Bulgaria , Ukraine , Eastern European , Graphs , 100000 , Screen , Top , Deaths , Portugal , Spain , Uk , Vaccination Rates , Many , Difference , Outcome , Parts , Shot , Vaccine , Booster , Delegates , In London , Prime Minister , Cop 26 Climate Summit , 1 5 , Men , Eu , Shelter , Sea , Boshder , Women And Children , Helpless Migrants , Payment , Life Insurance Policy , Skinin , Call Coventryte , Wrinkles Results In One W , Neutrogena , Tcash , Policy , Retirement , Weuickly , T Supplement , Bills , Income , Pay , Medil , Iend , Life Insurance , Asset , Payments , Research , Coventry Direct , Policy Lapse , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 00000 , Number , Insurance , Coventry , Network , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Contract , Lines , Business , Data , Internet , Customers , Term , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Four , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Agreement , Boris Johnson , Opposition , Russia , Drooft , Aft Deal Is Fa , Saudi Arabia , Emissions , Ceiling , Deal , Hopes , Half , Gap , Stops , 2030 , Paris , Success , Phil Black , It Doesn T , Draft , Progress , Figure , Language , Goal , Window , Sense , Mind , 45 , Go Away , Rules , Reference , Cop Process , Failure , Ambition , Conference , Back , Nations , Note , Default , Edging , Points , Detail , Finance , Living , Impacts , Frame , Pressure , Step , Fossil Fuel Subsidies , Coal , Phase Out , Coverage , Version , Cop 26 , Fossil Fuel Producing , 200 , Sanctions , Belarusian Border , Lukashenko Regime , Round , Thousands , Migrants Huddle , Belarusian , Polish , On Moscow , Indication , Bombers , Support , Angela Merkel , Children , Border , Migrants , Alexander Lukashenko , Latest , Women , Nationals , Kosko , Poland Border , 42 , Troops , Crossings , Images , Armed Forces , 15000 , Crisis , Finger , Luke Lukachenko , Response , Attack , Assessment , Reporters , Neighbors , Outreach , Citizens , Origin , Democracies , Words , Accusations , Trap , The Border , Context , Making , Nato , President Putin , Finger Pointing , European Commission President , Human Tools , Place , Families , Brink , Neighborhood , Lynching , 21 , Relief , Cold Anad Flu Symptoms , All In One , Boss , Rhythm , Grab Mucinex , All In Onone You E , Video Content , Price Point , Video Editing , Power , Audience , Value , Symptoms , Specialty Freelancer Skls , Fiverr Ges , Restorative , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Things , Setbacks , Everything , Business Internet , Threats , Cybersecurity Options , Safe , Add Securityedge , Device , Employees , Prepaid Card , Offer , Comcast , Call Today , Business Securityedge , Yours , 500 , 00 , Ahmaud Arbery , Son , Mother , Police Investigator Didn T , Brunswick , Georgia , Burglary , Prosecutors , Martin Savage , Tell The Truth And Nothing But , Detective Reading Mcmichael , Defendants , Arbery , Citizens Arrest , Investigators , Detective , Crime , Witness Stand , 25 , Answer , Transcript , Doors , Don T Know , Gregory Mcmichael , Guy , Officer , Ma Am , Word , Times , Shotgun , Father , Cell Phone Video , Collapses , Travis , Ryan , Running Down The Road , Separation , Oorgargued , God , Prayer Vigil , Reverend Sharpton , Some , Attention , Come On , Witness , Justice , Wildly , Matthew Albensey , The Voice , Glen Police Department , Down The Street , 911 , Didn T , Emergency , Authorities , Gunshots , Defense Teams , Pool , Blood , Travis Mcmichael Standing , Pleas , Middle Of The Road , Playing Time , Water Crisis , Settlement , Flint , 26 Million , 626 Million , Contaminants , Lead , Water System , Michigan , Combization , Storm , Season , Snowfall , Pedram Javaheri , System , Weather , Winds , Felt , Wind , Pattern , Eastern U S , Warnings , Upper Midwest , Northern Plains , 60 , 55 , Portions , Regions , Minnesota , Northern Tier , North Dakota , 9 , 3 , Storm System , Great Lakes , Showers , Snow , Western New York , Lake Huron , Ohio , Climbing , Little , Cities , Minneapolis , Trend , Double Nickel , Warming , Western U S , Chicago , Play , Right , Spots , Forecast , Soccer Player , France , Phoenix , Southern California , 71 , 80 , Skin 3x Better , Olay , Olay Body , Radadiant , Appointment T , Couldn T , Home , Whispers , Results , Letsgetchecked , Treatment , Healthcare , Good , Feel , Take T Test , Doesn T Have , Expos , Vacation Request , Suite Special , Room , Aloha , Hr Data , Style , Vacation Request Approvals , Software , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Secret , Anything , No Sweat , Provitamin B5 Formula , Don T Settle , No Sweat , Strength , Space Station , Liftoff , Ignition , 1 , Docking , Experiments , Astronauts , Rocket , Kennedy Space Center , Women S Professional Soccer , Florida , Midfielder Dialo , Teammate , Victim , Reports , Scandal , Cyril Vanier , Kiera , Midfielder , Ride , Turn , Game , Women S Soccer Team , Iron Bars , Custody , Nothing , Beating , League Keep , Players , Phone Calls , Competition , Daily , Element , La Keet , Offering , Lover , Squad , Details , Angles , La , Convict , Racketeering , Torture , Charges , Leon , Gosh , Answers , Psg , Involvement , Assault , Injury , Pitch , The Field , Stage , Eye , Pictures , World War , Fences , Ally , Kamala Harris , Australia Deal , Watching , Early Start , Congestion , S Saline , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Noses , Vicks Sinex , Price Spikes , Take , Tears , Veteran S Day , Capitol , Wraps , President Scrambling , November 11th , Thursday November 11th ,

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