Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

50,000 people, including scores of young fans, were there in attendance. and the concert quickly turned into a fight for survival. >> i've never been in such chaos. so unorganized. people slamming into me. it was really hell. it was really hell. >> travis scott was the headliner and organizer of the event. it's not clear what he was able to see from the stage or whether he was aware of the tragedy unfolding before him. the first lawsuit has now been filed by a concertgoer against scott, live nation and others. they claim they failed to properly plan and conduct the concert in a safe manner. >> thank you so much for being with us to tell us what happened that night. can you tell us what you experienced at the concert? >> i was trying to go into the middle of the concert. this dude with a north face backpack with a whistle, he kept blowing it and said, dead body, dead body. it was chaotic. you were on top and packed like sardines. i went to the memorial and found out the person i saw that were saying dead body move was in fact, somebody who died that night. . >> so you thought it wasn't really happening. when you heard this guy say, dead body, that actually didn't register as true to you? . >> no. we were like, nah, to the person next to me. that's not really right now. it was ambulances everywhere. it was just literally overstimulation. there was too much going on. and the fact -- and now i'm recollecting that i was breathing the same air that some people took their last breaths is not even real. . >> so the "new york times" is reporting that the houston police chief went ahead of the concert and told travis scott that the energy of the crowd was such that he had concerns. he had safety concerns. and he was obviously telling travis scott he was dealing with a crowd that was very amped up. what did you think about the energy of the crowd and travis scott and how he was amping them up, did that register for you? >> yes. i mean, personally being pushed into a mosh pit, you can't -- you couldn't control where you were going. i was pushed into a mosh pit by accident where you are thrown into a ball of violence. he did stop the set three times. but he was still pointing out -- there was a person hang in the tree. but the show kept going on. you saw people that were dying, i feel you should have stopped the entire show completely. >> there's a video of him seeing an ambulance coming into the crowd. and he says what the f is that. did he continue on playing after that? >> yeah. yes. yes, he did. >> in retrospect, what do you think about that? >> as an avid travis scott fan, i can't even listen to his music. out of all of our friends, we couldn't listen to his music after the festival. i don't even see myself being a fan or even going to any type of concert soon. >> do you think he handled this incorrectly? >> personally, i do. because of the instagram video he posted. it just didn't seem as sincere as it could have been. it felt very scripted and very much like i need to protect me. so i just feel like he needs to pay for the funerals or repay us for our tickets. it's a lot of things. >> joya, you went to this concert as a reward to yourself. you and your friends did for hard work. well deserved. obviously, this is not at all what you hoped it would be. how does this compare to other music festivals that you have been to or our friends have been to? . >> i just -- i mean, this one was already an energy before we even went to the concert, before we participated in travis scott's performance. we stood in the line for merchandise for six hours of the day missing most of the acts. we were already messed up about that. and then to go to travis scott's main performance and see, like, packed up -- you couldn't enjoy the concert because it was so close and suffocatisuffocating. it was literally hell, honestly. . >> joya, look, i'm happy to talk with you this morning. i'm glad you're safe. and i thank you for telling us what it was like. thank you. . >> thank you. >> a huge legislative milestone after years and years and years, it really is infrastructure week. the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package passed with bipartisan support in a bitterly divided congress. so where is the money going and who gets a say in how the money is spent? christine romans joins me now. . >> finally, show me the money. finally, right. here's what you'll notice, john. electric vehicle charging station, new air traffic control towers, electric city buses,s electric school buses, maybe better amtrak service along the northeast corridor. in the years ahead, expect plenty of ribbon cuttings for clean energy and bike paths. it is the creation of the interstate highway system. much needed investments in your commute and how you travel, how you use the internet, how water gets to your house. here's the breakdown. roads, airports, bridges and railroads and pwrls for broadband and rural areas. half the new mope is new investments, better connecting america's ports. with an eye to environmental sustainability. money for water projects out west where drought and fire have ravaged communities. both from cyber attacks and extreme weather. and first of its kind investment to reconnect communities reversing damage from highways built right through black neighborhoods. america a's infrastructure earn a c minus earlier this year. the administration will decide largely who gets it. there are dozens of new competitive grant programs for huge long term projects. the transportation department will have much say over which state and local entities will get those grants. there are already a pile of requests on his desk for this money, john. . >> all right. looking forward to seeing some of those roads pretty soon. this was a bipartisan action. 19 senate republicans voted for the infrastructure bill and 13 house republicans broke ranks with party leadership. joining us now is one of those republicans, nicole malliotakis. you heard christine romans talk about some of the things in the bill. what was it inside you liked so much for people of staten island and brooklyn that you voted yes? . >> you know, for years, maybe decades, republicans and democrats, local and national leaders, have really not kept up with pace with infrastructure. that is one of the key things that taxpayers pay for. when they pay their taxes, they want basic things. and roads and bridges and tunnels and ports, ensuring that they have clean water, ensuring they have an adequate sewer system. i'm happy to have joined my colleagues to support this. one of the few bipartisan things i have been a to say has been accomplished in this congress. for my district in particular, the money in there can be used for all sorts of projects. i look forward to working with my local legislators to identify what priorities we're going to eye might on and push across the finish line. but everything from flooding on the belt parkway in brooklyn, upgrading subway signals for my constituents in the city are dealing with pre-world war ii equipment and has led to numerous delays on the subway system. staten island, there is funding that we can complete the hov line on staten island expressway. and somebody who represents a district slammed during ida, we need to increase the capacity of our sewers across the city of new york. and of course to finish the east shore seawall. we allocated funding for that. but each day that passes, the cost is increasing. we need to headache sure it is fully funded so there are no further delays. so i look forward to working with my colleagues here locally. and the mayor and the governor to be sure the money is spent wisely and appropriately and for the projects that we so desperately need. . >> as you noted, this is one of the few bipartisan measures that seems to have gotten anywhere. you're fairly new, but for a long, long time. what was the corsecret sauce he? how could president biden get it through where former president trump couldn't do it? >> president trump laid the ground work for this infrastructure to pass. he wanted $1 trillion in spending into america's tprubt. and it's important for economic growth, right. and we lose trillions when -- over the next decade if we did not put in this investment to upgrade and modernize our infrastructure. i'm happy and appreciative to president trump for being one of the first to really talk about the need for infrastructure. now, i think the reason why it got over the finish line now is two-fold. number one, moderate republicans and democrats really came together to say we wanted a stand-alone vote on this bill. this bill had been kicking around since march. it was passed in the senate. unfortunately those who were the more progressive and socialist wing of the party were trying to hijack it to camouflage the build back better spending bill and didn't want this to come to a vote. we pushed back and said we want it to be independently debated and voted on, and the american people deserve that type of transparency. i think at the end of the day, this coalition of democrats and republicans who demanded it be brought for a vote were the ones who brought it of the finish line. and i think it was just a good victory not just for the people in my district but all across america. republicans will get credit. democrats will get some credit. and the president will get credit. and president trump should get credit for saying we need to invest $1 trillion in our infrastructure. . >> you have received some backlash for your vote here. in some cases it was prebacklash. i don't know what you call that? prelash, to your vote here. madison cawthorn said vote for this and i will primary the hell out of you. marjorie taylor frein said you and others will feel the anger of the gop voter. how scared are you of madison cawthorn and marjorie taylor greene? >> look, i don't work for anybody except for my constituents, the people of staten island and brooklyn. i will do what is in their best interest. some wanted to deny the president for being able to take any credit. that's the way they legislate. that's their business. i will do what's in the best interest of my country and my community. and that's that. i will say unfortunately there's a lot of misinformation out there about this bill. and people should be clear there is another spending bill. that's the bill that contains the 87,000 irs agents. that's the bill that contains the amnesty provisions and handout to those in the country illegally. that is the one people are mostly upset and angry about. and i think people have to differentiate these are two different bills. and i think actually by passing this bipartisan infrastructure pill that we've actually undermined alexandria ocasio-cortez and the socialist wing of the democratic party from being able to hold infrastructure hostage. and now they have lost their leverage. and i think that's an important thing to say. at the end of the day, i think it was those of us who were willing to pass this that did the what's in the best interest of america. . >> appreciate seeing you this morning. please come back on "new day". >> thank you. so how could the infrastructure bill help relieve supply chain shortages? the white house joins us live in just a few minutes. why ted cruz and other republicans are trolling big bird. >> and a juror kicked off a jury who told a joke about jacob blake. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. 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>> well, you know, the blake family, we have thick skin. so we have heard worse than this. the fact of the matter is this guy was sitting on a very important jury. they picked the jury in one day. you know, this isn't a bump and run. this isn't a shoplifting case. this is a double murder case. and in our opinion, it should have taken longer than a week -- at least a couple of days to pick a jury and we would be able to weed guys out like this guy. >> what concerns does this raise for you for other jurors having, as the judge said, bias? >> well, the judge, in our opinion, has had his hand on the scale of justice since the beginning. he wouldn't allowing the pictures go up with throwing signs which has the same ideology of the kkk. he wouldn't allow the victims to be referred to as victims in the courthouse. we have had testimony -- somebody sent us a video of the judge using the word in his courtroom. it is not a company feeling to know they are not playing on a level field for justice. and that's why we're trying to keep everybody's eyes of this city, county, and state in the nation on this court to make sure they get it right. . >> look, you have been very critical of the judge in this case, as we hear now, as we have heard before, you do think this was the right call, though. >> oh, that's the first right thing he's done thus far. and we hope now that they have seated the 12, that anybody with any type of morals and any type of common knowledge will look at the evidence and figure out this guy came into the state with an illegal weapon at 17 years old that he shouldn't have had and murdered two people. if you look at the video, his eyes look like a deer in headlights. he wasn't trained to be around that many people with that weapon that he had. and it showed. because other people here with guns, the youngest phi who wasn't supposed to have the weapon ended up murdering two people. >> i wonder is the prosecution is wrapping up as soon as tomorrow, what are you expecting? . >> we hope they end with a landslide. i wish they would have taken more of the people in the crowd that actually saw what happened. however, they've got the clear evidence from the fbi helicopter that this kid was aggressive and that he went towards these people and murdered the two people. we know the defense is coming next. and they're trying to make the two young men like the boogeyman. they are saying how they have had homeless background, they have been in jail before. as an african-american we have heard all that stuff. stop it. they were trying to secure and stop a young man with a weapon that was dangerously wailing it around in a crowd of hundreds. and two people were murdered because of the mishandling of a weapon by a 17-year-old man who shouldn't have had it in the first place >> we are watching it carefully as well. thank you for being with us this morning. . >> thank you very much. red, black, and green. one africa. >> cnn reporting on a rare conversation between the cia director and russia's vladimir putin stphraofplt and if you hate big bird and elvis, do you mate america? 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erica hill is a friend on of big bird and who was mentioned in big bird's original tweet. senior political analyst john avlon. erica, all joking aside, you have done such phenomenal work the last 18 months with sesame street to educate kids and help kids get through this pandemic. >> yeah. i mean, look, i have to agree, this partnership was unprecedented. our first special was april 25th, 2020. and in the wake of that, the number of emails that we got from adults, not just kids saying i needed this. i needed the comfort and characters and in assess any street, another institution i trust with facts first like we do at cnn because they make it easy for me to understand. the fact that we can continue that partnership as we talk about covid vaccines for kids, it made me happy that we could do it. i'm grateful we have this partnership and i'm grateful that our boss believes in it. but the number of questions we got from kids and parents prove there are questions to be answered. why not do that in a way that is comfortable and smart and relatable for kids of all ages. it's a no-brainer. you are attacking 6-year-old big bird because he and granny bird had questions. she got her answers because she has concerns, like all parents do. the fact that we saw that play out on television and big bird decided to get the shot because that's that is right for their family, that is a beautiful moment. we should be celebrating it the way we should have celebrated elvis and everybody else on your list >> why is big bird important to kids. >> because big bird and characters on sesame street are relatable. they can talk to children and adults on the same level. big bird is scared of needles. he wants to know will the shot will hurt. i have an 11-year-old getting his first shot today. i have those questions, right. and we need to have them answers by experts. sometimes had the questions and the concerns come from a character that many of us have grown up with and our kids have grown up with, it may sleep with a big bird or elmo toll, there is a comfort level there. >> yeah. i mean, look, as the father of a now 8 and 6-year-old who watched your specials early in covid, i can attest how powerful it was to kids who were scared. it was part of public education and public health. that is something who parents say they love parents and kids should be able to get behind. but the impulse to make a basic psa politicized, to call it propaganda, to go so over the top reflexively as these folks did, is an innocent informative shows how deep the rot has got. they can't tell the difference between public health announcements and propaganda. and that makes them the outlier. >> ted cruz is very afraid of big bird. >> big bird some a big guy. >> so is ted cruz to be fair. i haven't gone back and checked but i bet he didn't attack r2-d2. it is a now thing. . >>s this an opportunistic dunk, reinforced by so much of the conservative ecosystem that just immediately took the bait to hate. to call this propaganda rather than just an attempt to inform kids, calm parents, answer their questions. and i appreciate you didn't want to dig phi some of the attacks. one tweeted out big bird is comm communist. it is the deepest recesses of mccarthyism. we will call big bird a communist. it is so bonkers that i think people should be forced to see and confront it for what it is. there is something palpably unwell who would demonize big bird. >> it does such a disservice to people everywhere. the knee-jerk reactions that are filled with misinformation. filled with misinformation. . >> almost goes without saying. >> whether it's myocarditis where the risk is low and much higher if your child gets covid. long-term effects of the vaccine. they leave their body of teaching your body how to fight the virus. it's very easy to find the facts. it's very easy to get the questions answered. they're lazy >> based on your relationship with big bird, how do you think he would feel being attacked on social media? . >> i don't think he would appreciate it. big bird and all the folks at sesame workshop work so hard every day to talk about the importance of kindness, being a good friend and doing what's right for you and your community and your neighborhood. and i think if we all behaved a little more like big bird and our friends on sesame street, we would all be better people >> new rules for international travel now in effect in the united states. transportation secretary pete buttigieg joins us in just minutes. and nfl legends ripping aaron rodgers live on tv for lying about his vaccination status. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. 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>> it is incredible important. families, people who haven't been able to see loved ones for a long time. we're talking business opportunity. as it happens, i'm getting ready to get on a plane for the uk for the climate talks. i love the thought that the plane is going to come back to the united states filled with travelers who have been waiting a long time for this opportunity. now, this is day one. there's a lot of pent-up demand. so folks can expect there will be long lines as this new system gets into gear. i think a lot of people will arrive in the u.s. with full hearts, knowing they have that opportunity that has been made unavailable by the pandemic for so long. >> there are plenty of critics who suggest they wait longer than the science dictated they had to. . >> you know, you can't mess around with something as deadly as this pandemic. we have always been led by the science, carefully weighing all the different considerations. but i certainly believe being able to move by a country by country framework, which is what we used to have to a risk-based framework that emphasizes how vaccines make people safer, i think that's the right way to go. it was done, by the way, also in partnership in the working groups that were put together, the white house, of course, our department. and so glad we have finally been able to get to this point. >> 13 republican votes, bipartisan bill. a signing sayre hone at the white house soon. president biden was talking about it over the weekend. and he was also talking about the ongoing supply chain issues. i want to play some of what he said. let's listen. >> by the way, you all write for a living. i haven't seen any one of you explain supply chain very well. no, no. i'm not being critical. i sincerely mean it. this is a confusing time. >> why is the supply chain the media's fault? >> i think he's pointing out how complicated and difficult it is to explain. i like to think i'm good at explaining things, and i find it incredibly difficult to explain all the things that are affecting our supply chains. this is a private sector system running on public infrastructure. federal, state and local rules. every mode of transportation at once. sometimes you see ships at anchor off a port. the issue might have very little to do with the ships and everything to do with the availability of truckers 1,000 miles inland. it hasn't stopped us from taking the issues head-on. even as we work the short-term issues partnering with private sector to try to unclog some of these issues, we now have the taopls to do so much more. so much is designed to make it easier for goods to move through the country. for example, i recently approved a grant to go to an inland port in savannah, georgia. you get all the containers in. if it's too difficult, complex or takes too long to support them in the port, move them inland to where you have more space and easier ability to sort them to get them on trains and trucks. the federal deposit has a role. thanks to this bipartisan infrastructure bill, we have far morrow sources to do more good projects like that and have a resilient supply chain for the long run. . >> i want to ask about the more thematic. there was a boppo deal that came out friday. these are achievements, yet americans continue to look at the economic situation and think it's not good. charlie sykes wrote he thinks there might be an issue that americans can't handle optimism. why is it that you don't think that americans are feeling more positive developments? >> look, america simply has a lot going on. we've got a lot weighing on us. we're still working to emerge from this pandemic. we have seen all of these shocks that kind of whip-sawing effect, including in our economy. also of course there's more to the economy than any one measure. we are so proud that the president's leadership has helped create millions and millions of jobs. we're also concerned about the effects that you're seeing largely driven by the pandemic on prices. we know that a lot of people are feeling that. that's why the president puts such a priority on things like bringing down the costs that families face partly through some of the work we're doing to unstick supply chains but largely through the second half of the president's economic vision, the build back better that will make it more affordable this administration is pulling us through and putting us through a dramatically better place than we were one year ago. >> i'm the father of twins, one of whom spent a few days in the nicu after he was born. i understand that you've had a challenging couple months with your baby twins here. i just want to ask you, how everyone's doing and what you've learned through this process. >> thanks for asking. i think no one really expects in advance to become one of those parents who knows their way around the children's hospital, but you know, when you have such vulnerable, beautiful infants who are just completely dependent on you and you see the need that they have for medical care, it really as it sounds like you've experienced and millions of americans have experienced, it's one of those things that nothing can truly prepare you for. but what i'll say is that thanks to not just amazing medical care, but just the amazing support of friends and family, and even strangers, wishing us well, we got through it and proud and pleased to say that both of the twins are doing well. they're at home. one of them miraculously slept through the night last night. the other one very much did not, but you know, like so many new parents we're overjoyed and overwhelmed and very much in love. >> i hate to tell you, you're in for it. treasury secretary pete buttigieg thanks for being with us. >> thank you. brand new reporting on vladimir putin, what it he talked about in a rare phone call with the cia director next. new reporting on the festival tragedy in houston. was a warning before the show ign ignored? 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"new day" continues right now. >> good morning to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is monday, november 8th, i'm john berman with brianna keilar. so many questions unanswered about the chaos, confusion and tragedy at the astroworld music festival in houston. eight people died, dozens were injured, in a stampede during a concert performance by artist travis scott. fans were crushed, trampled on, pleading for help over the loud music, to know avail. the youngest victim we have learned just 14 years old. >> some 50,000 people attended this show on friday night and houston police watched a criminal investigation. the first lawsuits have been filed against travis scott, live nation and a concert promoter. david goodman, the times now reporting travis scott got a warning ahead of time from the houston police chief. can you tell us about this? >> yes, so travis scott is a national name in rap, musician known around the world, excuse me. but he's also a big hometown hero in houston and deep ties to the community and in fact the police chief personally knows travis as does the mayor and so as i understand, the police chief went to visit scott in his trailer during the day on friday as it was clear that the crowd there was getting rowdy but earlier in the day, not when the stampedes were occurring

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In Houston , Trailer , Ties , Stampedes ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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50,000 people, including scores of young fans, were there in attendance. and the concert quickly turned into a fight for survival. >> i've never been in such chaos. so unorganized. people slamming into me. it was really hell. it was really hell. >> travis scott was the headliner and organizer of the event. it's not clear what he was able to see from the stage or whether he was aware of the tragedy unfolding before him. the first lawsuit has now been filed by a concertgoer against scott, live nation and others. they claim they failed to properly plan and conduct the concert in a safe manner. >> thank you so much for being with us to tell us what happened that night. can you tell us what you experienced at the concert? >> i was trying to go into the middle of the concert. this dude with a north face backpack with a whistle, he kept blowing it and said, dead body, dead body. it was chaotic. you were on top and packed like sardines. i went to the memorial and found out the person i saw that were saying dead body move was in fact, somebody who died that night. . >> so you thought it wasn't really happening. when you heard this guy say, dead body, that actually didn't register as true to you? . >> no. we were like, nah, to the person next to me. that's not really right now. it was ambulances everywhere. it was just literally overstimulation. there was too much going on. and the fact -- and now i'm recollecting that i was breathing the same air that some people took their last breaths is not even real. . >> so the "new york times" is reporting that the houston police chief went ahead of the concert and told travis scott that the energy of the crowd was such that he had concerns. he had safety concerns. and he was obviously telling travis scott he was dealing with a crowd that was very amped up. what did you think about the energy of the crowd and travis scott and how he was amping them up, did that register for you? >> yes. i mean, personally being pushed into a mosh pit, you can't -- you couldn't control where you were going. i was pushed into a mosh pit by accident where you are thrown into a ball of violence. he did stop the set three times. but he was still pointing out -- there was a person hang in the tree. but the show kept going on. you saw people that were dying, i feel you should have stopped the entire show completely. >> there's a video of him seeing an ambulance coming into the crowd. and he says what the f is that. did he continue on playing after that? >> yeah. yes. yes, he did. >> in retrospect, what do you think about that? >> as an avid travis scott fan, i can't even listen to his music. out of all of our friends, we couldn't listen to his music after the festival. i don't even see myself being a fan or even going to any type of concert soon. >> do you think he handled this incorrectly? >> personally, i do. because of the instagram video he posted. it just didn't seem as sincere as it could have been. it felt very scripted and very much like i need to protect me. so i just feel like he needs to pay for the funerals or repay us for our tickets. it's a lot of things. >> joya, you went to this concert as a reward to yourself. you and your friends did for hard work. well deserved. obviously, this is not at all what you hoped it would be. how does this compare to other music festivals that you have been to or our friends have been to? . >> i just -- i mean, this one was already an energy before we even went to the concert, before we participated in travis scott's performance. we stood in the line for merchandise for six hours of the day missing most of the acts. we were already messed up about that. and then to go to travis scott's main performance and see, like, packed up -- you couldn't enjoy the concert because it was so close and suffocatisuffocating. it was literally hell, honestly. . >> joya, look, i'm happy to talk with you this morning. i'm glad you're safe. and i thank you for telling us what it was like. thank you. . >> thank you. >> a huge legislative milestone after years and years and years, it really is infrastructure week. the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package passed with bipartisan support in a bitterly divided congress. so where is the money going and who gets a say in how the money is spent? christine romans joins me now. . >> finally, show me the money. finally, right. here's what you'll notice, john. electric vehicle charging station, new air traffic control towers, electric city buses,s electric school buses, maybe better amtrak service along the northeast corridor. in the years ahead, expect plenty of ribbon cuttings for clean energy and bike paths. it is the creation of the interstate highway system. much needed investments in your commute and how you travel, how you use the internet, how water gets to your house. here's the breakdown. roads, airports, bridges and railroads and pwrls for broadband and rural areas. half the new mope is new investments, better connecting america's ports. with an eye to environmental sustainability. money for water projects out west where drought and fire have ravaged communities. both from cyber attacks and extreme weather. and first of its kind investment to reconnect communities reversing damage from highways built right through black neighborhoods. america a's infrastructure earn a c minus earlier this year. the administration will decide largely who gets it. there are dozens of new competitive grant programs for huge long term projects. the transportation department will have much say over which state and local entities will get those grants. there are already a pile of requests on his desk for this money, john. . >> all right. looking forward to seeing some of those roads pretty soon. this was a bipartisan action. 19 senate republicans voted for the infrastructure bill and 13 house republicans broke ranks with party leadership. joining us now is one of those republicans, nicole malliotakis. you heard christine romans talk about some of the things in the bill. what was it inside you liked so much for people of staten island and brooklyn that you voted yes? . >> you know, for years, maybe decades, republicans and democrats, local and national leaders, have really not kept up with pace with infrastructure. that is one of the key things that taxpayers pay for. when they pay their taxes, they want basic things. and roads and bridges and tunnels and ports, ensuring that they have clean water, ensuring they have an adequate sewer system. i'm happy to have joined my colleagues to support this. one of the few bipartisan things i have been a to say has been accomplished in this congress. for my district in particular, the money in there can be used for all sorts of projects. i look forward to working with my local legislators to identify what priorities we're going to eye might on and push across the finish line. but everything from flooding on the belt parkway in brooklyn, upgrading subway signals for my constituents in the city are dealing with pre-world war ii equipment and has led to numerous delays on the subway system. staten island, there is funding that we can complete the hov line on staten island expressway. and somebody who represents a district slammed during ida, we need to increase the capacity of our sewers across the city of new york. and of course to finish the east shore seawall. we allocated funding for that. but each day that passes, the cost is increasing. we need to headache sure it is fully funded so there are no further delays. so i look forward to working with my colleagues here locally. and the mayor and the governor to be sure the money is spent wisely and appropriately and for the projects that we so desperately need. . >> as you noted, this is one of the few bipartisan measures that seems to have gotten anywhere. you're fairly new, but for a long, long time. what was the corsecret sauce he? how could president biden get it through where former president trump couldn't do it? >> president trump laid the ground work for this infrastructure to pass. he wanted $1 trillion in spending into america's tprubt. and it's important for economic growth, right. and we lose trillions when -- over the next decade if we did not put in this investment to upgrade and modernize our infrastructure. i'm happy and appreciative to president trump for being one of the first to really talk about the need for infrastructure. now, i think the reason why it got over the finish line now is two-fold. number one, moderate republicans and democrats really came together to say we wanted a stand-alone vote on this bill. this bill had been kicking around since march. it was passed in the senate. unfortunately those who were the more progressive and socialist wing of the party were trying to hijack it to camouflage the build back better spending bill and didn't want this to come to a vote. we pushed back and said we want it to be independently debated and voted on, and the american people deserve that type of transparency. i think at the end of the day, this coalition of democrats and republicans who demanded it be brought for a vote were the ones who brought it of the finish line. and i think it was just a good victory not just for the people in my district but all across america. republicans will get credit. democrats will get some credit. and the president will get credit. and president trump should get credit for saying we need to invest $1 trillion in our infrastructure. . >> you have received some backlash for your vote here. in some cases it was prebacklash. i don't know what you call that? prelash, to your vote here. madison cawthorn said vote for this and i will primary the hell out of you. marjorie taylor frein said you and others will feel the anger of the gop voter. how scared are you of madison cawthorn and marjorie taylor greene? >> look, i don't work for anybody except for my constituents, the people of staten island and brooklyn. i will do what is in their best interest. some wanted to deny the president for being able to take any credit. that's the way they legislate. that's their business. i will do what's in the best interest of my country and my community. and that's that. i will say unfortunately there's a lot of misinformation out there about this bill. and people should be clear there is another spending bill. that's the bill that contains the 87,000 irs agents. that's the bill that contains the amnesty provisions and handout to those in the country illegally. that is the one people are mostly upset and angry about. and i think people have to differentiate these are two different bills. and i think actually by passing this bipartisan infrastructure pill that we've actually undermined alexandria ocasio-cortez and the socialist wing of the democratic party from being able to hold infrastructure hostage. and now they have lost their leverage. and i think that's an important thing to say. at the end of the day, i think it was those of us who were willing to pass this that did the what's in the best interest of america. . >> appreciate seeing you this morning. please come back on "new day". >> thank you. so how could the infrastructure bill help relieve supply chain shortages? 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>> well, you know, the blake family, we have thick skin. so we have heard worse than this. the fact of the matter is this guy was sitting on a very important jury. they picked the jury in one day. you know, this isn't a bump and run. this isn't a shoplifting case. this is a double murder case. and in our opinion, it should have taken longer than a week -- at least a couple of days to pick a jury and we would be able to weed guys out like this guy. >> what concerns does this raise for you for other jurors having, as the judge said, bias? >> well, the judge, in our opinion, has had his hand on the scale of justice since the beginning. he wouldn't allowing the pictures go up with throwing signs which has the same ideology of the kkk. he wouldn't allow the victims to be referred to as victims in the courthouse. we have had testimony -- somebody sent us a video of the judge using the word in his courtroom. it is not a company feeling to know they are not playing on a level field for justice. and that's why we're trying to keep everybody's eyes of this city, county, and state in the nation on this court to make sure they get it right. . >> look, you have been very critical of the judge in this case, as we hear now, as we have heard before, you do think this was the right call, though. >> oh, that's the first right thing he's done thus far. and we hope now that they have seated the 12, that anybody with any type of morals and any type of common knowledge will look at the evidence and figure out this guy came into the state with an illegal weapon at 17 years old that he shouldn't have had and murdered two people. if you look at the video, his eyes look like a deer in headlights. he wasn't trained to be around that many people with that weapon that he had. and it showed. because other people here with guns, the youngest phi who wasn't supposed to have the weapon ended up murdering two people. >> i wonder is the prosecution is wrapping up as soon as tomorrow, what are you expecting? . >> we hope they end with a landslide. i wish they would have taken more of the people in the crowd that actually saw what happened. however, they've got the clear evidence from the fbi helicopter that this kid was aggressive and that he went towards these people and murdered the two people. we know the defense is coming next. and they're trying to make the two young men like the boogeyman. they are saying how they have had homeless background, they have been in jail before. as an african-american we have heard all that stuff. stop it. they were trying to secure and stop a young man with a weapon that was dangerously wailing it around in a crowd of hundreds. and two people were murdered because of the mishandling of a weapon by a 17-year-old man who shouldn't have had it in the first place >> we are watching it carefully as well. thank you for being with us this morning. . >> thank you very much. red, black, and green. one africa. >> cnn reporting on a rare conversation between the cia director and russia's vladimir putin stphraofplt and if you hate big bird and elvis, do you mate america? 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erica hill is a friend on of big bird and who was mentioned in big bird's original tweet. senior political analyst john avlon. erica, all joking aside, you have done such phenomenal work the last 18 months with sesame street to educate kids and help kids get through this pandemic. >> yeah. i mean, look, i have to agree, this partnership was unprecedented. our first special was april 25th, 2020. and in the wake of that, the number of emails that we got from adults, not just kids saying i needed this. i needed the comfort and characters and in assess any street, another institution i trust with facts first like we do at cnn because they make it easy for me to understand. the fact that we can continue that partnership as we talk about covid vaccines for kids, it made me happy that we could do it. i'm grateful we have this partnership and i'm grateful that our boss believes in it. but the number of questions we got from kids and parents prove there are questions to be answered. why not do that in a way that is comfortable and smart and relatable for kids of all ages. it's a no-brainer. you are attacking 6-year-old big bird because he and granny bird had questions. she got her answers because she has concerns, like all parents do. the fact that we saw that play out on television and big bird decided to get the shot because that's that is right for their family, that is a beautiful moment. we should be celebrating it the way we should have celebrated elvis and everybody else on your list >> why is big bird important to kids. >> because big bird and characters on sesame street are relatable. they can talk to children and adults on the same level. big bird is scared of needles. he wants to know will the shot will hurt. i have an 11-year-old getting his first shot today. i have those questions, right. and we need to have them answers by experts. sometimes had the questions and the concerns come from a character that many of us have grown up with and our kids have grown up with, it may sleep with a big bird or elmo toll, there is a comfort level there. >> yeah. i mean, look, as the father of a now 8 and 6-year-old who watched your specials early in covid, i can attest how powerful it was to kids who were scared. it was part of public education and public health. that is something who parents say they love parents and kids should be able to get behind. but the impulse to make a basic psa politicized, to call it propaganda, to go so over the top reflexively as these folks did, is an innocent informative shows how deep the rot has got. they can't tell the difference between public health announcements and propaganda. and that makes them the outlier. >> ted cruz is very afraid of big bird. >> big bird some a big guy. >> so is ted cruz to be fair. i haven't gone back and checked but i bet he didn't attack r2-d2. it is a now thing. . >>s this an opportunistic dunk, reinforced by so much of the conservative ecosystem that just immediately took the bait to hate. to call this propaganda rather than just an attempt to inform kids, calm parents, answer their questions. and i appreciate you didn't want to dig phi some of the attacks. one tweeted out big bird is comm communist. it is the deepest recesses of mccarthyism. we will call big bird a communist. it is so bonkers that i think people should be forced to see and confront it for what it is. there is something palpably unwell who would demonize big bird. >> it does such a disservice to people everywhere. the knee-jerk reactions that are filled with misinformation. filled with misinformation. . >> almost goes without saying. >> whether it's myocarditis where the risk is low and much higher if your child gets covid. long-term effects of the vaccine. they leave their body of teaching your body how to fight the virus. it's very easy to find the facts. it's very easy to get the questions answered. they're lazy >> based on your relationship with big bird, how do you think he would feel being attacked on social media? . >> i don't think he would appreciate it. big bird and all the folks at sesame workshop work so hard every day to talk about the importance of kindness, being a good friend and doing what's right for you and your community and your neighborhood. and i think if we all behaved a little more like big bird and our friends on sesame street, we would all be better people >> new rules for international travel now in effect in the united states. transportation secretary pete buttigieg joins us in just minutes. and nfl legends ripping aaron rodgers live on tv for lying about his vaccination status. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. 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>> it is incredible important. families, people who haven't been able to see loved ones for a long time. we're talking business opportunity. as it happens, i'm getting ready to get on a plane for the uk for the climate talks. i love the thought that the plane is going to come back to the united states filled with travelers who have been waiting a long time for this opportunity. now, this is day one. there's a lot of pent-up demand. so folks can expect there will be long lines as this new system gets into gear. i think a lot of people will arrive in the u.s. with full hearts, knowing they have that opportunity that has been made unavailable by the pandemic for so long. >> there are plenty of critics who suggest they wait longer than the science dictated they had to. . >> you know, you can't mess around with something as deadly as this pandemic. we have always been led by the science, carefully weighing all the different considerations. but i certainly believe being able to move by a country by country framework, which is what we used to have to a risk-based framework that emphasizes how vaccines make people safer, i think that's the right way to go. it was done, by the way, also in partnership in the working groups that were put together, the white house, of course, our department. and so glad we have finally been able to get to this point. >> 13 republican votes, bipartisan bill. a signing sayre hone at the white house soon. president biden was talking about it over the weekend. and he was also talking about the ongoing supply chain issues. i want to play some of what he said. let's listen. >> by the way, you all write for a living. i haven't seen any one of you explain supply chain very well. no, no. i'm not being critical. i sincerely mean it. this is a confusing time. >> why is the supply chain the media's fault? >> i think he's pointing out how complicated and difficult it is to explain. i like to think i'm good at explaining things, and i find it incredibly difficult to explain all the things that are affecting our supply chains. this is a private sector system running on public infrastructure. federal, state and local rules. every mode of transportation at once. sometimes you see ships at anchor off a port. the issue might have very little to do with the ships and everything to do with the availability of truckers 1,000 miles inland. it hasn't stopped us from taking the issues head-on. even as we work the short-term issues partnering with private sector to try to unclog some of these issues, we now have the taopls to do so much more. so much is designed to make it easier for goods to move through the country. for example, i recently approved a grant to go to an inland port in savannah, georgia. you get all the containers in. if it's too difficult, complex or takes too long to support them in the port, move them inland to where you have more space and easier ability to sort them to get them on trains and trucks. the federal deposit has a role. thanks to this bipartisan infrastructure bill, we have far morrow sources to do more good projects like that and have a resilient supply chain for the long run. . >> i want to ask about the more thematic. there was a boppo deal that came out friday. these are achievements, yet americans continue to look at the economic situation and think it's not good. charlie sykes wrote he thinks there might be an issue that americans can't handle optimism. why is it that you don't think that americans are feeling more positive developments? >> look, america simply has a lot going on. we've got a lot weighing on us. we're still working to emerge from this pandemic. we have seen all of these shocks that kind of whip-sawing effect, including in our economy. also of course there's more to the economy than any one measure. we are so proud that the president's leadership has helped create millions and millions of jobs. we're also concerned about the effects that you're seeing largely driven by the pandemic on prices. we know that a lot of people are feeling that. that's why the president puts such a priority on things like bringing down the costs that families face partly through some of the work we're doing to unstick supply chains but largely through the second half of the president's economic vision, the build back better that will make it more affordable this administration is pulling us through and putting us through a dramatically better place than we were one year ago. >> i'm the father of twins, one of whom spent a few days in the nicu after he was born. i understand that you've had a challenging couple months with your baby twins here. i just want to ask you, how everyone's doing and what you've learned through this process. >> thanks for asking. i think no one really expects in advance to become one of those parents who knows their way around the children's hospital, but you know, when you have such vulnerable, beautiful infants who are just completely dependent on you and you see the need that they have for medical care, it really as it sounds like you've experienced and millions of americans have experienced, it's one of those things that nothing can truly prepare you for. but what i'll say is that thanks to not just amazing medical care, but just the amazing support of friends and family, and even strangers, wishing us well, we got through it and proud and pleased to say that both of the twins are doing well. they're at home. one of them miraculously slept through the night last night. the other one very much did not, but you know, like so many new parents we're overjoyed and overwhelmed and very much in love. >> i hate to tell you, you're in for it. treasury secretary pete buttigieg thanks for being with us. >> thank you. brand new reporting on vladimir putin, what it he talked about in a rare phone call with the cia director next. new reporting on the festival tragedy in houston. was a warning before the show ign ignored? 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"new day" continues right now. >> good morning to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is monday, november 8th, i'm john berman with brianna keilar. so many questions unanswered about the chaos, confusion and tragedy at the astroworld music festival in houston. eight people died, dozens were injured, in a stampede during a concert performance by artist travis scott. fans were crushed, trampled on, pleading for help over the loud music, to know avail. the youngest victim we have learned just 14 years old. >> some 50,000 people attended this show on friday night and houston police watched a criminal investigation. the first lawsuits have been filed against travis scott, live nation and a concert promoter. david goodman, the times now reporting travis scott got a warning ahead of time from the houston police chief. can you tell us about this? >> yes, so travis scott is a national name in rap, musician known around the world, excuse me. but he's also a big hometown hero in houston and deep ties to the community and in fact the police chief personally knows travis as does the mayor and so as i understand, the police chief went to visit scott in his trailer during the day on friday as it was clear that the crowd there was getting rowdy but earlier in the day, not when the stampedes were occurring

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Build , Coalition , Transparency , Victory , Ones , Credit , Trump , Cases , Backlash , Madison Cawthorn , Prebacklash , Prelash , Voter , Hell , Anger , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Marjorie Taylor Frein , Way , Interest , Anybody , Misinformation , Community , Business , Handout , Agents , Amnesty Provisions , Irs , 87000 , Bills , Infrastructure Hostage , Alexandria , Ocasio Cortez , Thing , Leverage , Ted Cruz , Help , Supply Chain Shortages , Big Bird , Work , Juror , World , Jury , Joke , Last , Science , Tv , Someone , Neuroscientist , Neuriva Plus , Servicenow , Vo , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Speaking , Neuriva , Progress Isn T , Fun , Daring , Bank , Pizza , Phone , Kids Chatter , Adults , Difference , Crohn S , Flare Up , Moderate , Wallet , Cash , Pnc Bank , Cody , Risk , Intestine , Medication , Inflammation , Uc , Infections , Surface , Ulcerative Colitis , Flight , Relief , Stelara , Vaccine , Cancer , Pres , Serious , Treatment , Skin Growths , Infection , Symptoms , Sores , Brain Condition , Doctor , Tb , Reactions , Remission , Explosion , Ingredients , Lung Inflammation , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Pepperoni , Chicken Sausage , Flatbread , Panera , Heartiness , Life , Delivery , Craft , , 1 , Bit , Cooks , Parents , Neighbors , Broadband Network , Clock , End , Network , Trial , Testimony , Police Officer , Kyle Rittenhouse , Shimon Prokupecz , Rittenhouse , Officer , Reporter , Walking , Preview , Rifles , Shooting , Area , Shots , Alarms , Gunfire Erupting , Tpwupb Fire , T Gunfire , Threat , On Sheridan , Guns , Power Military Group , Ar 15 , To Kenosha , 15 , Victims , Establishments , Case , Prosecutors , Police Shooting , Jacob Blake S Uncle , Deputy , Sh , Him Paralyzed , Seven , Place , Judge , Bias , Protests , Night , Shootings , Appearance , Public , Judgment , Outcome , Nature , Reaction , Hearing , Justin Make , Nephew , Wisconsin , Guy , Family , Skin , Matter , Isn T A Bump , Opinion , Couple , Murder , Isn T A Shoplifting Case , Jurors , Hand , Guys , Raise , Justice , He Wouldn T , Signs , Scale , Beginning , Pictures , Ideology , Kkk , Courthouse , Courtroom , Company Feeling , Word , Level , Everybody , Eyes , Court , Nation , Field , County , Call , Morals , 12 , Weapon , Evidence , Figure , Common Knowledge , Deer , Shouldn T Have , 17 , He Wasn T , Phi Who Wasn T , Headlights , More , Prosecution , Landslide , Kid , Helicopter , Defense , Fbi , Stuff , Homeless Background , African American , Jail , Men , The Boogeyman , Man , Hundreds , Mishandling , Stop It , Shouldn T , Green , Black , Who , Old Man , Red , Conversation , Russia , Elvis , Director , Cnn , Problem , Cia , Africa , Vladimir Putin Stphraofplt , Season , It , Interception , Oh Sh , Walgreens , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Limu Emu , Bird , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Car Insurance , Black Friday , Sleep Number , It S Time , Pay , Veteran , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , 360 , Sleep , Smart Bed , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Bed , Cold , Care , Don T , Miss , Weekend Special , Night After , Plus , Ends Monday , 0 , 48 , 999 , 1000 , 000 , 1999 , Project Managers , Candidates , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Job , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Childhood Development , Track Record , Children , Tweet , Covid , Mr , Loss , Generations , Hooper , It Government Propaganda , Tizzy , 5 , 11 , Phi , Folks , Sesame Street Character , Bunch , Sign , Kinds , Buying Candy , Elvis Cruz , 2 , Company , Galaxy , Vaccinate , Don T Wait , Force , Many , Rewiring , Kids , Childhood , Diseases , Rddr , Muhammad Ali , Polio , Measles , Mumps , R2 D2 , C 3 Po , Mow Ma Aphma Am , 3 , Friend , List , Icons , Effort , Erica Hill , Ham M , John Avlon , Sesame Street , Joking Aside , Erica , 18 , Partnership , Pandemic , Number , Special , Emails , Wake , April 25th , 2020 , 25 , April 25th 2020 , Facts , Characters , Institution , Street , Comfort , Questions , Vaccines , Boss , No Brainer , Ages , 6 , Granny , Television , Play , Needles , Shot , Character , Experts , Father , Elmo , Part , Specials , Public Health , Education , Scared , Something , Impulse , Politicized , Psa , Basic , Shows , It Propaganda , Reflexively , Rot , Propaganda , Health , Announcements , Outlier , Who Haven T , He Didn T Attack , Ecosystem , Hate , Attempt , Bait , Dunk , Recesses , Big Bird A Communist , Mccarthyism , Knee Jerk Reactions , Disservice , Effects , Myocarditis , Child , Saying , Teaching , Virus , Relationship , Social Media , Kindness , Neighborhood , Importance , Sesame Workshop , Effect , Rules , International Travel , Pete Buttigieg , Vaccination Status , Legends Ripping , Aaron Rodgers , Nfl , Voltaren , Husband , Alternative , Arthritis Pain Gel , Pills , Gel , Movement , Arthritis Pain Relief , Dimension , Tiger , Imagination , Screening , Salad , Colon Cancer , Fries , Choice , Stages , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , 45 , 92 , Results , Provider , Google , Thanks , Home , Deliveries , Xfinity , Wherever , Instant , Curfew Breakers , Hoss , Dog , Unlocks , Xfinity Home , Security , Solution , Pros , Home Security , Cameras , 10 , Departures , Reopening , Heathrow Airport , 3450eu8 St , London , 3450 , Travelers , Pris Priscilla , Big Day , El Paso , Border Communities , Restrictions , The One , Land , Traveling , Vaccination , Essential Travel , Proof , Paper , Form , Couple Items , Adult , Air Travel , Age , Fda , Gear , Travel Volumes , Consensus , Agency , Strain , Kicks , U S Customs And Border Protection , Test , Border , Travel , Businesses , Development , Restriction , Mayors , Each Other , Boost , Economies , Brianne Ma , Families , Important , Jurisdiction , Loved Ones , Plane , Thought , Climate Talks , Business Opportunity , Uk , Opportunity , Day One , Lines , System , Demand , Critics , Hearts , Framework , Considerations , Groups , The Way , Votes , Weekend , Supply Chain Issues , Department , Signing Sayre Hone , Supply Chain , Haven T , Write For A Living , Fault , Media , Supply Chains , Sector , System Running On Public Infrastructure , Issue , Transportation , Port , It Hasn T , Mode , Ships , Truckers , Availability , Issues , Taopls , Example , Containers , Grant , Goods , Inland Port , Savannah , Georgia , Space , Deposit , Trucks , Trains , Ability , Role , Sources , Run , Boppo Deal , Charlie Sykes , Thematic , Situation , Achievements , Developments , Optimism , Economy , Millions , Leadership , Measure , Priority , Jobs , Prices , Vision , Half , Twins , Everyone , Doing , Process , Nicu , Advance , Children S Hospital , Infants , Nothing , Strangers , Last Night , Vladimir Putin , Love , Brand New , Warning , Festival Tragedy , Phone Call , Next , Zales , Store , Dad , Giggling , Woman , Greetings , Customer Support , Mission Critical , Audi , Carl , Grammarly Business , Bottom Line Superheros , Superpower , Spot On Customer Support , Take Carl , Frontline Reps , Customers , Relationships , Customer Satisfaction , Tone , Grammarly Com Business , Employees , Data , Email , My Boss Doesn T , Method , My Hr Passwords , Hr Data , Software , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Demo , Trees , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Green Red , Me And You , Owner , Future , Investor , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Bill Burns , Buildup , Forces , Jim Sciutto , Seriousness , Eastern Ukraine , Anchor , Chief National Security , Counterparts , Intelligence , Step , Message , Secretary Of State , Diplomat , Were , Steps , Intentions , Sense , Notice , Degree , Concern , Military Intervention , Trouble , 2014 , Invasion , Envelope , The End , Time And Again , Question , Terms , Point , Deterrent Effect , Isn T , Officials , Spring , Category , Mompvements , Units , Swathe , Territory , Military Assistance , Confusion , Trampled On , Concert Performance , Astroworld Music Festival In Houston , Avail , Lawsuits , Friday Night , Victim , 14 , Concert Promoter , David Goodman , Name , Rap , Musician , Hometown Hero In Houston , Trailer , Ties , Stampedes ,

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