Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

it is 5:00 a.m. exactly in new york. thank you for getting an early start with us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. good morning to you a in the united states and around the world. the democratic governor is hoping he's not punished for his party's in fighting in washington. it is down to one man. a moderate senator who is once again pumping the brakes on democrats' domestic agenda. >> while the president tries to push that agenda over the finish line, he remains overseas at the u.n. climate summit where he's expected to speak this hour. we have all angles covered this morning starting with the polling location in arlington, virginia. good morning. big day there. >> reporter: it certainly is a big day, christine. this race is incredibly tight that has national significance, and national implications going forward. not only for midterms for the next presidential cycle, but certainly how many candidates across the country are approaching their races going forward. and this is something that we saw both candidates in this governor's race, terry mcauliffe, the democratic candidate and glenn youngkin arguing, the national significance for both of their respective parties going forward. now, in the final day of campaigning, last night we saw glenn youngkin crisscrossing the commonwealth of virginia, again receiving the endorsement of former president trump and former president trump also appeared at a telerally for him last night. something that the youngkin campaign certainly kept at arms length someone they have constantly kept at arms length during the duration of this campaign. and youngkin really appearing last night at campaign rally with three former virginia governors, republican governors to remind voters of past republican successes in this commonwealth and focusing on local issues like education. >> all across this country, families are having the same discussions that you all have. i get notes all day long about our kids, too. stand up for the rights of our children because we can't vote this year. you in virginia do. we have problems in our school boards. we have problems in our schools. stand up for us, virginia. let me tell you, virginia is going to stand up for them tomorrow. >> reporter: now, for democratic candidate terry mcauliffe, he ran in large part on the promise that he could get things done like biden has. he argues in the white house. certainly the roadblocks on the domestic agenda for the biden white house has caused him some challenges throughout this campaign, so we have really seen terry mcauliffe focus in on tying his republican candidate to the former president donald trump, and this is something that he argued up until the end in his closing arguments last night. >> trump has now endorsed him for the tenth time today. today, today! donald trump issued two statements attacking me and endorsing glenn youngkin. today, two. what does that tell you? >> they're scared. >> little maga people not excited as you thought. >> people have been exhausted the last four years from donald trump. clearly fatigue and exhaustion from trump. >> reporter: now, notably terry mcauliffe falsely claimed in his closing argument last night that glenn youngkin was doing an event with trump as part of his final pitch. that is not correct. youngkin did not appear at a teletown hall with the former president. the former president just dialed into that call without him. youngkin trying to keep trump at arms length arguing he did not participate in the planning of that call and did not appear on the call. the polls open in under an hour. certainly a big moment for both of these candidates in the governor's race. certainly a big moment for both of these parties going forward in elections in the near future. >> can i ask you about the call that trump dialed into, was a call in support of glenn youngkin, yes? >> reporter: that's right. the call was in support of glenn youngkin. it was something that the former president was really leaning into, i should say, appearing on election eve. certainly a very important moment for the campaign, and this was something that youngkin had to answer for over the weekend while on the campaign trail he said he didn't participate himself in the planning, and he would not participate himself. but certainly indicated that there could be some coordination, of course, between his campaign and the former president appearing the night before all these votes are cast in person. >> thank you. a big day for you there in virginia. thanks. all right. the new jersey governor's race also one to watch today as democratic governor phil murphy is taking on republican challenger jack ciattarelli, a former state assemblyman, several key mayoral aureliuss also in play. in new york city former police captain eric adams is taking on long-time community activist republican curtis sliwa. >> in atlanta 14 candidates are vying to replace keisha lance bought omtz. she announced in may she would not be seeking reelection. this is the first election where georgia's new restrictive voting law will be enforced. in buffalo new york, byron brown is seeking the fifth term as mayor using the write-in campaign. he lost in june to india walton a self-described democratic socialist. >> in indiana where george floyd was killed, they are facing a tough race there. we are watching a ballot initiative that would replace the city's police department with a public safety department under the joint authority of the mayor and city council. as president biden rallies world leaders on the climate issue, key senate democrat joe manchin will not support the $3.5 trillion safety net expansion until he sees greater clarity of its impact on the national debt. >> as more of the details outline the basic framework are released, what i see are shell games. budget gimmicks that make the real cost of the so-called $1.75 trillion bill estimated to be almost twice that amount if the full time is run out. if you extend it permanently. >> a way to pay for it, the way they enrich corporations. he and fellow senator sinema disagree. there is a way to pay for it. >> and now make that a political impossibility. interestingly here, house progressive leaders appear unfazed by manchin. house democratic leaders might put the social spending plan and the infrastructure bill on the floor as soon as tomorrow. cnn's kevin lip tack is traveling with the president in scotland. kevin, what is the white house saying about all this? >> reporter: well, laura, the white house also seems unfazed by all this. the white house press secretary releasing statement very quickly after manchin's press conference yesterday saying in part, we remain confident it will gain senator manchin's support. the key words are will gain, an indication and acknowledgment that after months of one on one meetings, phone calls, even breakfast at the president's house in delaware, he hasn't been able to convince manchin to come along with all this. remember, it was only two days ago in rome when the president said he believed there could be a vote on these two bills this week. now, democrats are pushing forward. they are confident in their ability to get these deals passed. even as you said, progressives saying that they won't let manchin throw them off course. listen to what the head of the progressive caucus pramila jayapal said last night. >> the president says he thinks he can get 51 votes for this bill. we are going to trust him. we are going to do our work in the house and let the senate do its work. but we're tired of, you know, just being -- continuing to wait for one or two people. >> reporter: so she's really putting the onus there on the president to bring manchin around. now, this really comes at an in opportune time for president biden. remember what he's doing here in scotland. he's trying to restore american credibility on the issue of climate and the way he's doing that is pointing to this massive bill, the $555 billion that are included in there for measures that would combat climate change. i'm told in meetings with foreign leaders here and at the g20, the president has been very enthusiastic about this bill. he's been highlighting the historic investment that it makes in climate change. and you have to remember, he already came here somewhat hampered. he had hoped to have a deal in hand by the time he landed in europe. that wasn't able to happen, but he has been somewhat optimistic, very optimistic, in fact, in telling leaders he thinks this bill will get passed soon. now, today the president is focused on methane and forests. he plans to announce a new rule at the epa about cutting methane emissions. very importantly, that rule won't require approval from congress or from joe manchin. guys? >> that is worth noting for sure. kevin liptak reporting for us in scotland. thank you, kevin. there is measured progress to report this morning. l let's go to phil black. phil, what kind of progress are we talking about this morning? >> reporter: christine, in addition to getting countries to join on emissions longer term, there is a push in glasgow to implement new international agreements that target specific behavior and could meaningfully slow the warming of the planet. one of these is going to be announced today by president biden and a group of other key world leaders. more than 100 countries are signing onto a deal that says they will end deforestation by the end of the decade. this includes countries that had big agricultural industries that are a major driver of deforestation. it is said to cover around 85% of the world's forests. and there is money in there as well. $19 billion in funding. activists say they want to see the detail, that they are cautiously optimistic. this is something worth targeting because the act of deforestation itself is responsible for 11% of annual global emissions. and also by preserving the forests and trees, you are safeguarding really important and powerful natural solution to climate change because of their ability to act as a climate sink and actually pull large amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere, christine. >> so, kevin mentioned the biden administration proposed new rules to limit methane emissions. a huge component of how most of the u.s. gets its power. tell us more. >> reporter: yes, so there is also an international push to crackdown on methane, which is a very potent greenhouse gas. the biden administration is implementing regulations targeting the oil and gas industries to try and prevent methane leaks into the atmosphere. and that's because there is this view internationally, recently advised in the u.n. report, that if you reduce methane emissions, that can be a really effective way of significantly slowing down climate change in the short term, and that's helpful because it helps keep the world or will help the world get back on track towards achieving its big climate target of limiting the increase to 1.5 degrees by the end of the century, christine. >> phil black in edinborough, thank you so much. keep us posted. the enforcement mechanism is going to be key. just ahead, just in time for thanksgiving with grandma, covid vaccines for kids likely to become a reality. healthy habits come in all sizes. like little walks. and, getting screened for colon cancer. that's big because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages! yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. count me in! me too! firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. 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anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. a very big day in the fight against coronavirus. the cdc advisers will vote whether to recommend pfizer vaccine for children between 5 and 11 years old. the white house expects the vaccination program for children will be running at full strength next week. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has more. >> christine, laura, on tuesday vaccine experts who are advisers to the cdc will be meeting to talk about pfizer vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. the fda has given it the green light. external advisers to the fda also given it the green light. we'll see what the cdc advice advisers have to say. after that the head of the cdc rochelle walensky will weigh in and then it will be final. let's take a look at what a clinical trial showed when they tried the vaccine out on small children. pfizer says that its clinical trial shows the vaccine is 91% effective against symptomatic covid-19. in other words, 91% effective at protecting children ages 5 to 11 from getting sick with covid-19. what pfizer did is they gave about 1300 children the vaccine and three of them over time became sick with covid-19. now, they gave a smaller number of children 663 of them a placebo, a shot of saline that does nothing, and 16 of them became sick with covid-19. so you can see they gave the placebo to a smaller number of children, but a larger number, 16 of them, became sick with the virus. now, the vaccine advisers and if dr. walensky give a green light to pfizer's vaccine for children, it could be a matter of days before children start getting shots, and it's interesting to note children won't be getting the full dose that adolescents and adults have been getting. instead they'll be getting one-third the dose. christine, laura? >> elizabeth cohen, thank you for that. workers at large companies will soon be required to get vaccinated or face weekly testing. the labor department says details of businesses with 100 or more employees is expected in the coming days. it will require employers to provide paid time to get the shot and paid sick leave for effects from the shot. they paused the requirement for police officers. the fraternal order of police has been locked in an ugly battle with lori lightfoot for weeks now. both sides need to hash the issue out at arbitration because the officers are unionized. they said the union is not interested in having a discussion. >> they've not done that. we offered multiple times over the two months that we attempted to bargain with them. what they are serious about is obstructing, objectfuscating an leading members astray. in new york city 2300 firefighters called in sick yesterday. the mayor says there will be consequence for fire fighters who skip work to protest the vaccine mandate here. meanwhile in pittsburgh, all municipal employees must be fully vaccinated by december 22nd. >> to protect and serve, to serve and protect. >> and the first responders are the ones who were facing such an onslaught of the virus from the very beginning. >> we should point out most have been vaccinated. most people who are sworn to protect and serve our communities have gotten the vaccine. it is a minority who have not. in terms of firefighters, it's interesting because historically there's been such a backlog of people who go to the fire academy and they have to wait for years to get a house to be assigned to. maybe this is the time for new blood. maybe you're going to see new people be able to come in through the ranks here in some of these cities. so much for the friendly skies. another flight had to divert because of an incident at 30,000 feet. neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way 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by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. welcome back. we have been telling you the democrats plan to pay for the two main biden agenda bills in part by taxing the rich. it appears they may cut taxes on some rich people while they're at it. observers expect the $1.75 billion will include temporarily the salt deduction. that's the $10,000 cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes which is a big issue in high tax states like new york and california. the bipartisan committee for responsible federal budget says its analysis shows revealing that salt cap would more than offset the tax hikes on the rich. the salt repeal would translate to a net tax cut for the wealthiest 5% even with the planned tax hike on people who make more money than that, the very high end. the salt tax is not in the agenda framework released by the white house last week, but several democratic states are pushing hard to get the salt tax cap repealed. not so friendly skies. a delta flight from atlanta to l.a. was diverted to dallas after what delta described was an on-board skuft meredith disturbance. not many more details here, but so far this year there have been almost 5,000 reports of unruly passengers on planes. more than 900 investigations have been opened. two years ago it was only 150, a huge jump there. transportation secretary pete buttigieg says a no fly list for disruptive passengers should be on the table here. >> a lot of attention on american flight earlier this week. a 20-year-old person punched a flight attendant twice, face lacerations. people are losing it. all right, moments from now president biden set to address world leaders at the historic climate summit in glasgow. we'll bring it to you when it happens. to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the 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( abbot sonic ) this is early start. i'm laura jarrett. >> and i'm christine romans. it is 31 minutes past the hour. time for our top stories to keep an eye on towed. voters across the country head to the polls today for an off-year election. virginians are choosing a governor. democrat terry mcauliffe and glenn youngkin running neck and neck. >> the balance of power of congress is on the line. a game changer for parents. cdc advisers are set to vote later today on the use of pfizer's covid vaccine. if the cdc signs off, they expect to have shots in children's arms next week. screen time for tweens and teens doubled during the pandemic. young people averaged nearly 8 hours a day on their devices. more screen time was linked to gre greater stress among teens. opening statements begin in kyle rittenhouse, the armed teenager who killed two people in protests at kenosha, wisconsin last year. just one person of color was seated yesterday. rittenhouse who is now 18 years old faces five felonies, including homicide. investigators say a nuclear powered submarine that struck an objected in contested waters in the south china sea last month did an uncharted under water mountain. several crew members were injured on the uss connecticut and the sub had to be repaired in guatemala. robert durst accused of killing his wife in 1982 has been found guilty. he was found guilty for shooting and killing his best friend at her beverley hills home. beth robinson confirmed by the senate is the second u.s. circuit court of appeals. that makes her the first out lesbian to serve on any federal circuit court. only two republicans voted in her favor. she served as an associate justice on the vermont supreme court since 2011. game 6 of the world series tonight in houston. the astros are trying to stave off elimination for the second straight game. luis garcia gets to start for the astros on a three days rest. max fried takes the mound for the braves. we are waiting for president biden to speak at the cop-26 summit in glasgow. the president set to deliver remarks about the u.s. plan to preserve global forest at the action on forest and land use event. you can see there is the shot there. we're going to bring the speech to you when he takes the podium. the u.s. supreme court appears to let the texas abortion law be challenged. key here, not whether the law should be struck down, but who should get the right to sue over it. now two conservatives on the court seem at least open to hearing arguments from abortion providers who say that six-week ban violates the constitution. cnn's jessica schneider reports for us. >> reporter: laura and christine, almost three hours of arguments on two separate but related cases where it seems that two of the conservative justices might be in place to decide with the abortion providers. judge barrett and kavanaugh about the way the law is structured, it prevents a full constitutional defense. if abortion providers are sued, under the law they can't claim that the texas law is unconstitutional as a defense. justice kavanaugh asking, well, if texas can ban abortions, what's to stop other states from enacting similar laws that thwart other constitutionally protected rights? >> it could be free speech rights, it could be free exercise of religion rights, it could be second amendment rights if this position is accepted here, the theory of the amicus brief is that it can be easily replicated in other states that disfavor other constitutional rights. >> reporter: sb-8 has been in effect two months now. the supreme court declined to block the law when it first took effect, but now that they've heard arguments on the merits of the case whether abortion providers or the justice department can challenge the law, the justices could act fairly quickly here. they fast tracked hearing these arguments and they could issue a decision within weeks. if they rule for the abortion providers to proceed with their lawsuit or d.o.j., which is a little bit more of a stretch given what we heard during the arguments, the case would then go back to the lower courts and that's where the law could potentially then be blocked. laura and christine? >> thank you for that. as we wait for president biden, some nations are having hard time kicking habits that make the climate crisis worse. top of the list coal. cnn's david mackenzie live in johannesburg. you went deep in south africa's coal mines. what did you see there? >> reporter: well, christine, what we saw is a country really dependent on coal. and south africa is one of the world ams per capita biggest polluters. you know, during the summit, a lot of talk will be made, a lot of pledges will be made. but it's the critical, practical financing for developing countries that is critical to actually end the climate crisis. the u.s., uk and europe are in advanced negotiations with south africa to give potentially billions of dollars to move them away from coal, but it will be a difficult ask. treacherous steps into the blackness. with illegal miners. so, we're going deep into this mine. it's a disused mine. but coal is so important in this country that even the old mines, people will go down like this in dangerous conditions and get what they can. what anthony can get, just $3 for a bag of coal to support his grandmother and sister. here they work with little ventilation or light. if they get trapped, no one will come to help. >> we have lost a lot of others with the collapse of the mine, others with the gases that kill. >> reporter: so it's dangerous work? >> it is, it is. when you hear the gas, you won't walk ten or 50 steps, you collapse. >> reporter: so why do you still do it? >> i don't have a choice. i have to save my hunger. not only me. those who follow me, i may die alone here. but what about those who are depending on me? >> reporter: south africa is a country dependent on coal. with hundreds of thousands of jobs linked to these mines and its monopoly power utility and shaky economy almost entirely anchored on coal-fired plants. scom is one of the biggest polluters, but it's relative. >> south africa has contributed very little to emissions that have caused climate change. why move away from coal at all? >> you know, there is the saying the stone age didn't end because of a lack of stones. i'm convinced that given current technological trends, the coal age won't end because of a lack of coal. >> reporter: to avoid a climate catastrophe, scientists say the renewable age needs to be pushed by the entire world, even by countries like south africa. that contributes around 1% of annual emissions globally. >> scom has made a decision not any more. >> reporter: to commit to the transition, scom says it will shutdown aging coal plants. what will it mean when the last monitor goes off for you? >> it's sad, and also an opportunity. so i will be ready when that happens. >> reporter: but the move to renewables takes time and costs money. 50 to $60 billion in south africa alone, says scom. >> this will become useless. >> reporter: so rich countries will need to finance the transition as part of their climate commitments. despite scom's mountains of debt and history of corruption allegations. >> i think it's not only realistic. it's an imperative. if you look at the position that south africa unfortunately occupies, given our size for south africa to be the 12th largest emitter in the world, we are the poster child for what needs to be done to transition from coal to more affordable. >> reporter: they say south africa needs to stop using coal because of climate change. what do you think about that? >> sure, sure. what can i say about that? just because we have a lot of people who depend on the coal. so we can't live without it. >> reporter: just how much will this transition cost? up to $50 or $60 billion in south africa alone. that will need commitment over several years including from the u.s.. and now whether that commitment lasts through the next election in the u.s., that all depends on politics, and that is the difficulty here. ten, 15-year type agreements need to be locked in for the world to combat climate change. christine? >> all right, david, thank you so much for that. nice to see you this morning. 40 minutes past the hour. let's get a check of cnn business and look at markets around the world. not block buster moves. asian shares closed lower. u.s. opened mixed. down slight sri here. all three major averages kicked off the month with record highs. stocks closed at records thanks to strong corporate earnings. companies are managing well through all this despite supply chain snags, rising prices. they have reported solid customer demand and that's good news for the economic recovery. the latest iavis, the stock is p more than 380% this year. today we get earnings from lyft, pfizer and under armour among others. let's talk turkey, folks. inflation is your uninvited guest for the holidays. turkey is down from the most recent inflation data but they are going to go up. estimated to hit a record high of $1.36 a pound. your sides like potatoes and biscuit and vegetables and apples, for your pie, those are all up since last thanksgiving. up 8% for apples. we're not talking shortages here, but you may want to be flexible with the menu. the national grocery association says there's plenty of food in the supply chain, but customers who secure those should sooner rather than later to make sure you have your favorites on the holiday table. grocery store chains say you should do your shopping now. consumers shake off covid weariness and spend again, retail labor shortages, higher shipping costs means higher prices. and driving over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house is going to cost 38% more because of surging gas prices. the average price $3.40. your thanksgiving meal last year was the cheapest in a decade because so many of us did not gather. i've been looking at all the turkey, talking turkey. there could be some shortages. what i mean is everybody at the same time going out two days before thanksgiving to buy a turkey, there could be some big turkeys, maybe won't be the size you want. so plan now honestly. don't everybody be going out the door at the last minute. >> who is putting the turkey in the freezer? >> i am. i've been working on the story two days. go get your turkey today. you're welcome, america. >> you heard it here first. we'll be right back. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. president biden has just arrived at this cop-26 climate summit. as we wait to hear from him, let's bring in cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir. it's good to have you this morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> the tone of day one was bleak, to put it frankly. listen to this, then i want to get your thoughts. >> it's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock, and we need to act now. >> we are digging our own graves. >> we don't see any of us makes commitments and then do the opposite. >> we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing. >> put a price on carbon, nature can't pay that price any more. >> by 2070, india will achieve the target of net zero. >> this is a duty i am especially happy to discharge. as the impact of the environment on human progress was a subject close to the heart of my dear late husband, prince philip, the duke of edinborough. >> india says there will be net zero in 2070. that's great 40 years from now. will there be progress on the climate crisis happening right now? >> reporter: well, that is a fantastic question. that is' what we're hoping to figure out. the paris accords that then came down to the wire at the end of two weeks before the world came together and made a bold -- bold promises. but evening with those current predictions, even if they stay on track to meet paris, we would still hit around 2.7 degrees celsius warming. and just for perspective, at 1.5 we lose 70% of the world's coral reefs. at 2.0 we lose all of them. and 3 is unlivable. so, it is bleak, the tone here, because the situation is bleak from the scientists. they've been screaming for years now about where we're headed. but big announcement today in terms of a super pollutant. that is 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, that is methane better known as natural gas. you can't see it, you can't smell it, but we have an infrared camera that shows you the stuff pumping out of the permian oil basin in texas. enough of the natural gas leaks to heat 7 million homes in texas for a year. it's so cheap they just flare it, they burn it coming out of the pipe oftentimes. now the biden administration is announcing the epa is going to crackdown on that. they're going to try to force big oil companies to both monitor and fix and, you know, repair and capture all of that methane, which actually would make those companies money because it is a fuel source. epa estimates it would cut 41 million tons. that is as much as all the carbon dioxide emitted by all the cars in america a couple years ago. so in that sticks, but the supreme court has agreed to hear a case really that challenges the epa's right to regulate greenhouse gases. so this will, of course, play out in congress and the courts because we live in a giant messy democracy. >> it is a giant messy democracy. but that is amazing that imagery of that methane and the infrared. the former president pulled out of the -- the u.s. out of the paris accord. he's saying he's sorry. listen. >> i guess i shouldn't apologize, and i do apologize for the united states in the last administration pulled out of the paris accord and sort of behind -- >> what do you make of biden calling out trump at this summit? >> reporter: i think it was absolutely necessary. that's why he came here with all of his cabinet because historically the united states has put more sort of planet cooking pollution into the sea and the sky than the next few nations combined. if you priced it out at $100 a ton for carbon capture, the total bill would be $50 trillion. i mean, that seems like a laughable number, but that's where we are in terms of the gap between what the world expects to see the u.s. step up and clean-up its own mess. and so, yes, it was apologies and promises that they're going to quadruple the commitment to a fund that helps developing countries adapt and mitigate going forward. rich countries promised $100 billion a year years ago. they have yet to pay that tab in any meaningful way. so hear a lot of frustrations from the smaller countries. and then this deal with the e.u. to help south africa specifically get off of coal sends a message that the commitment is there. now, of course, the big messy democracy reference coming back now is they're worried this could waffle. president george w. bush backed away from the kyoto protocols many years ago. of course, trump pulled out of paris. what happens if the white house swings republican in a few years? that's the concern. but they also are pressing the message that 60% of the u.s. economy, big states like california, new jersey, are doing everything they can along the terms of the paris accords. and that ultimately the free market may not be moving fast enough to meet the demands of science. but just as sort of the momentum of moving away from whale oil a century ago, moving away from horses and buggies into automobiles, the energy sector is going to get clean. it's just the smartest business going forward. so they're hopeful that momentum both in the public and private sector would survive any switch in the white house. >> all right. bill weir, we'll have to leave it there. chief climate correspondent. thanks so much, bill. >> thanks, bill. all right. the nhl commissioner speaking out for the first time on a former player's allegation of sex abuse by the coach and the team's gross mishandling of the incident. andy scholes has it covered on the bleacher report. what is going on here? >> the report yesterday he was horrified by the aelgszs made by former chicago blackhawks player. beach came forward as the plaintiff in a civil lawsuit against the team that accuses former video coach brad aldridge of sexual assault in 2010. beach, who was 20 at the time, said he reported it to blackhawk's management. but they ignored it because the team was in the midst of winning a stanley cup. aldridge resigned from his position in june of 2010 in order to avoid an internal investigation. that is according to an independent report released last week. in the aftermath, two high-level executives and the coach resigned their nhl positions. he said the league was not made aware of beach's allegations in 2010 and it wasn't until last monday that he saw the investigation's findings. >> it is clear that what happened was inappropriate. it was wrong on every level. and it was not handled correctly by the blackhawks organization. well, certainly a horrible picture, we have to move forward the best we can doing the things that are right in terms of addressing either what's happened or how we move forward. >> guys, bettman said they are going to review harassment policies and set up a network for all people at all levels of hockey to report abuse. >> that is putting it mildly at a minimum. andy, thank you so much. all right. early start is off tomorrow for election coverage. the stakes high in the virginia governor's race and several mayoral races. >> special coverage starts tonight at 6:00 p.m. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. we'll see you u tomorrow at 6:0. 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Group , Glasgow , 100 , Deforestation , Industries , Driver , 85 , World , Money , Act , Activists , Detail , Funding , 19 Billion , 9 Billion , Solution , Trees , Climate Sink , 11 , Administration , Carbon , Most , Methane Emissions , Power , Atmosphere , Component , Rules , Amounts , Crackdown , Oil , Gas , Greenhouse Gas , Regulations , Report , View , U N , Track , Target , Increase , 1 5 , Phil Black , Enforcement Mechanism , Edinborough , Stages , Habits , Colon Cancer , Vaccines , Grandma , Sizes , Reality , Walks , Covid , Risk , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , Yep , 45 , 92 , Provider , Results , Maggie Gronewald , Weather , Bond , Skin , Ointment , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Love , Center Diamonds , Gift , Connection , Holiday , Kay , Some , Medicine , Minds , Mass General Brigham , Doctors , Centers , Healthcare System , Hospitals , Research , Physicians , Harvard Medical School , Boston , Biotech Innovates , Five , Thinking , Ones , Brigham , Care , One Mass 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Balance Of Power , Glenn Youngkin Running Neck And , Tweens , Pandemic , Cdc Signs Off , 8 , Kyle Rittenhouse , The Armed Teenager , Protests , Gre Greater Stress , Devices , Kenosha , Submarine , Color , Waters , Homicide , Felonies , South China Sea , Wisconsin , Investigators , 18 , Robert Durst , Crew Members , Sub , Uncharted Under Water Mountain , Uss Connecticut , Guatemala , Best Friend , Wife , Shooting , Beverley Hills Home , 1982 , Beth Robinson , U S Circuit Court Of Appeals , Associate Justice , Favor , Circuit Court , Republicans , Game 6 , Astros , Houston , Vermont Supreme Court , Elimination , World Series , Luis Garcia , 2011 , 6 , Forest , Set , Mound , Land Use , Braves , Remarks , Cop 26 Summit , 26 , Law , U S Supreme Court , Texas Abortion Law , Podium , Down , Speech , Court , Hearing Arguments , Jessica Schneider Reports , Conservatives , Constitution , Ban , Arguments , Cases , Defense , Texas Law , Judge , Kavanaugh , Kavanaugh Asking , Laws , Abortions , Free Speech Rights , Position , Theory , Religion , Disfavor , Brief , Exercise , Case , Effect , Justice , Merits , Sb 8 , More , Lawsuit , Decision , Doj , Courts , Nations , Coal , South Africa , List , Top , Coal Mines , David Mackenzie , We Saw , Johannesburg , Climate Crisis Worse , Summit , Financing , Polluters , Talk , Pledges , Ams , Climate Crisis , Billions , Dollars , Ask , Negotiations , Uk , Mine , Steps , Miners , Blackness , Mines , Anthony , Conditions , 3 , No One , Others , Grandmother , Sister , Bag , Ventilation , Collapse , Gases , Kill , Ten , 50 , Hunger , Choice , Economy , Hundreds , Plants , Thousands , Jobs , Monopoly Power Utility , Scom , Scientists , Lack , Stones , Trends , Climate Catastrophe , Age , 1 , Monitor , Transition , Coal Plants , Move , Opportunity , Sad , Costs , Renewables , 60 Billion , 0 Billion , Mountains , Corruption Allegations , Imperative , Poster Child , Emitter , 12 , Commitment , Difficulty , Type Agreements , Depends On Politics , 15 , Buster Moves , Check , Markets , Shares , Asian , 40 , Prices , Earnings , Recovery , Averages , Record Highs , Stocks , Customer Demand , Supply Chain Snags , News , Stock , Armour , Let S Talk Turkey , Iavis , Lyft , 380 , Record , Talking Turkey , Inflation , Guest , Holidays , Inflation Data , High , Shortages , Apples , Pound , Biscuit , Potatoes , Vegetables , Pie , 36 , 1 36 , Supply Chain , Holiday Table , Favorites , Menu , Food , Grocery Association , Retail Labor Shortages , Driving , Consumers , Shopping , Grandmother S House , River , Woods , Covid Weariness , Grocery Store Chains , Price , Gas Prices , Many , Meal , 40 , 3 40 , 38 , Don T , Turkey , Turkeys , Door , Won T , Story , Freezer , Neutrogena , Serum , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Last , Saw , 4 , Servicenow , Business Internet , Safe , Setbacks , Add Securityedge , Threats , Cybersecurity Options , Offer , Device , Comcast , Business Securityedge , Yours , 10 , Prepaid Card , Call Today , 500 , Cop 26 Climate Summit , Chief Climate Correspondent , Tone , Day One , Bill Weir , Commitments , Any , Graves , Doomsday Clock , India , Opposite , War Like Footing , Nature , 2070 , Duty , Close , Heart , Environment , Human Progress , Net Zero , Zero , Philip , The Duke Of Edinborough , Question , Bold , Paris Accords , Promises , Predictions , Perspective , Coral Reefs , Paris , 2 7 , 70 , Situation , Announcement , 2 0 , Natural Gas , Pollutant , Carbon Dioxide , Infrared Camera , Stuff Pumping , 80 , Homes , Oil Basin , Pipe Oftentimes , 7 Million , Fuel Source , Repair , Fix , Sticks , The Cars In America A Couple , 41 Million , Democracy , Imagery , Greenhouse Gases , Will , Apologize , Infrared , Accord , Behind , Sort , Pollution , Sea , Cabinet , Sky , Cooking , Mess , Carbon Capture , Ton , Gap , Step Up , 50 Trillion , 0 Trillion , Fund , Apologies , Tab , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , Message , Big Messy Democracy , Frustrations , E U , Reference , Protocols , Waffle , Kyoto , George W Bush , Free Market , Concern , Big , 60 , Energy Sector , Momentum , Buggies , Whale Oil , Science , Demands , Horses , Sector , Switch , Forward , Team , Coach , Time , Commissioner , Climate Correspondent , Allegation , Player , Sex Abuse , Mishandling , Nhl , Beach , Chicago Blackhawks , Andy Scholes , Bleacher Report , Plaintiff , Brad Aldridge , Sexual Assault , Management , Midst , Blackhawk , Aldridge , Stanley Cup , 2010 , June Of 2010 , Investigation , Positions , League , Order , Aftermath , Wasn T Until Last Monday , Allegations , Findings , Level , Best , Picture , Blackhawks Organization , Levels , Harassment Policies , Bettman , Abuse , Coverage , Election Coverage , Hockey , Minimum , Stakes , Store , Xxxx , Zales , Bank , Pizza , Phone , Wallet , Cash , Cody , Kids Chatter , Cough , Naturals , Moss , Punchlines , Ingredients , Dad , Tree Mendous Views , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Wherever , Home , Hoss , Dog , Unlocks , Deliveries , Xfinity , Security , Home Security , Instant , Curfew Breakers , Cameras , Pros , Xfinity Home , Election Day , Brianna Keilar , John Berman ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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it is 5:00 a.m. exactly in new york. thank you for getting an early start with us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. good morning to you a in the united states and around the world. the democratic governor is hoping he's not punished for his party's in fighting in washington. it is down to one man. a moderate senator who is once again pumping the brakes on democrats' domestic agenda. >> while the president tries to push that agenda over the finish line, he remains overseas at the u.n. climate summit where he's expected to speak this hour. we have all angles covered this morning starting with the polling location in arlington, virginia. good morning. big day there. >> reporter: it certainly is a big day, christine. this race is incredibly tight that has national significance, and national implications going forward. not only for midterms for the next presidential cycle, but certainly how many candidates across the country are approaching their races going forward. and this is something that we saw both candidates in this governor's race, terry mcauliffe, the democratic candidate and glenn youngkin arguing, the national significance for both of their respective parties going forward. now, in the final day of campaigning, last night we saw glenn youngkin crisscrossing the commonwealth of virginia, again receiving the endorsement of former president trump and former president trump also appeared at a telerally for him last night. something that the youngkin campaign certainly kept at arms length someone they have constantly kept at arms length during the duration of this campaign. and youngkin really appearing last night at campaign rally with three former virginia governors, republican governors to remind voters of past republican successes in this commonwealth and focusing on local issues like education. >> all across this country, families are having the same discussions that you all have. i get notes all day long about our kids, too. stand up for the rights of our children because we can't vote this year. you in virginia do. we have problems in our school boards. we have problems in our schools. stand up for us, virginia. let me tell you, virginia is going to stand up for them tomorrow. >> reporter: now, for democratic candidate terry mcauliffe, he ran in large part on the promise that he could get things done like biden has. he argues in the white house. certainly the roadblocks on the domestic agenda for the biden white house has caused him some challenges throughout this campaign, so we have really seen terry mcauliffe focus in on tying his republican candidate to the former president donald trump, and this is something that he argued up until the end in his closing arguments last night. >> trump has now endorsed him for the tenth time today. today, today! donald trump issued two statements attacking me and endorsing glenn youngkin. today, two. what does that tell you? >> they're scared. >> little maga people not excited as you thought. >> people have been exhausted the last four years from donald trump. clearly fatigue and exhaustion from trump. >> reporter: now, notably terry mcauliffe falsely claimed in his closing argument last night that glenn youngkin was doing an event with trump as part of his final pitch. that is not correct. youngkin did not appear at a teletown hall with the former president. the former president just dialed into that call without him. youngkin trying to keep trump at arms length arguing he did not participate in the planning of that call and did not appear on the call. the polls open in under an hour. certainly a big moment for both of these candidates in the governor's race. certainly a big moment for both of these parties going forward in elections in the near future. >> can i ask you about the call that trump dialed into, was a call in support of glenn youngkin, yes? >> reporter: that's right. the call was in support of glenn youngkin. it was something that the former president was really leaning into, i should say, appearing on election eve. certainly a very important moment for the campaign, and this was something that youngkin had to answer for over the weekend while on the campaign trail he said he didn't participate himself in the planning, and he would not participate himself. but certainly indicated that there could be some coordination, of course, between his campaign and the former president appearing the night before all these votes are cast in person. >> thank you. a big day for you there in virginia. thanks. all right. the new jersey governor's race also one to watch today as democratic governor phil murphy is taking on republican challenger jack ciattarelli, a former state assemblyman, several key mayoral aureliuss also in play. in new york city former police captain eric adams is taking on long-time community activist republican curtis sliwa. >> in atlanta 14 candidates are vying to replace keisha lance bought omtz. she announced in may she would not be seeking reelection. this is the first election where georgia's new restrictive voting law will be enforced. in buffalo new york, byron brown is seeking the fifth term as mayor using the write-in campaign. he lost in june to india walton a self-described democratic socialist. >> in indiana where george floyd was killed, they are facing a tough race there. we are watching a ballot initiative that would replace the city's police department with a public safety department under the joint authority of the mayor and city council. as president biden rallies world leaders on the climate issue, key senate democrat joe manchin will not support the $3.5 trillion safety net expansion until he sees greater clarity of its impact on the national debt. >> as more of the details outline the basic framework are released, what i see are shell games. budget gimmicks that make the real cost of the so-called $1.75 trillion bill estimated to be almost twice that amount if the full time is run out. if you extend it permanently. >> a way to pay for it, the way they enrich corporations. he and fellow senator sinema disagree. there is a way to pay for it. >> and now make that a political impossibility. interestingly here, house progressive leaders appear unfazed by manchin. house democratic leaders might put the social spending plan and the infrastructure bill on the floor as soon as tomorrow. cnn's kevin lip tack is traveling with the president in scotland. kevin, what is the white house saying about all this? >> reporter: well, laura, the white house also seems unfazed by all this. the white house press secretary releasing statement very quickly after manchin's press conference yesterday saying in part, we remain confident it will gain senator manchin's support. the key words are will gain, an indication and acknowledgment that after months of one on one meetings, phone calls, even breakfast at the president's house in delaware, he hasn't been able to convince manchin to come along with all this. remember, it was only two days ago in rome when the president said he believed there could be a vote on these two bills this week. now, democrats are pushing forward. they are confident in their ability to get these deals passed. even as you said, progressives saying that they won't let manchin throw them off course. listen to what the head of the progressive caucus pramila jayapal said last night. >> the president says he thinks he can get 51 votes for this bill. we are going to trust him. we are going to do our work in the house and let the senate do its work. but we're tired of, you know, just being -- continuing to wait for one or two people. >> reporter: so she's really putting the onus there on the president to bring manchin around. now, this really comes at an in opportune time for president biden. remember what he's doing here in scotland. he's trying to restore american credibility on the issue of climate and the way he's doing that is pointing to this massive bill, the $555 billion that are included in there for measures that would combat climate change. i'm told in meetings with foreign leaders here and at the g20, the president has been very enthusiastic about this bill. he's been highlighting the historic investment that it makes in climate change. and you have to remember, he already came here somewhat hampered. he had hoped to have a deal in hand by the time he landed in europe. that wasn't able to happen, but he has been somewhat optimistic, very optimistic, in fact, in telling leaders he thinks this bill will get passed soon. now, today the president is focused on methane and forests. he plans to announce a new rule at the epa about cutting methane emissions. very importantly, that rule won't require approval from congress or from joe manchin. guys? >> that is worth noting for sure. kevin liptak reporting for us in scotland. thank you, kevin. there is measured progress to report this morning. l let's go to phil black. phil, what kind of progress are we talking about this morning? >> reporter: christine, in addition to getting countries to join on emissions longer term, there is a push in glasgow to implement new international agreements that target specific behavior and could meaningfully slow the warming of the planet. one of these is going to be announced today by president biden and a group of other key world leaders. more than 100 countries are signing onto a deal that says they will end deforestation by the end of the decade. this includes countries that had big agricultural industries that are a major driver of deforestation. it is said to cover around 85% of the world's forests. and there is money in there as well. $19 billion in funding. activists say they want to see the detail, that they are cautiously optimistic. this is something worth targeting because the act of deforestation itself is responsible for 11% of annual global emissions. and also by preserving the forests and trees, you are safeguarding really important and powerful natural solution to climate change because of their ability to act as a climate sink and actually pull large amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere, christine. >> so, kevin mentioned the biden administration proposed new rules to limit methane emissions. a huge component of how most of the u.s. gets its power. tell us more. >> reporter: yes, so there is also an international push to crackdown on methane, which is a very potent greenhouse gas. the biden administration is implementing regulations targeting the oil and gas industries to try and prevent methane leaks into the atmosphere. and that's because there is this view internationally, recently advised in the u.n. report, that if you reduce methane emissions, that can be a really effective way of significantly slowing down climate change in the short term, and that's helpful because it helps keep the world or will help the world get back on track towards achieving its big climate target of limiting the increase to 1.5 degrees by the end of the century, christine. >> phil black in edinborough, thank you so much. keep us posted. the enforcement mechanism is going to be key. just ahead, just in time for thanksgiving with grandma, covid vaccines for kids likely to become a reality. healthy habits come in all sizes. like little walks. and, getting screened for colon cancer. that's big because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages! yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. count me in! me too! firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. 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anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. a very big day in the fight against coronavirus. the cdc advisers will vote whether to recommend pfizer vaccine for children between 5 and 11 years old. the white house expects the vaccination program for children will be running at full strength next week. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has more. >> christine, laura, on tuesday vaccine experts who are advisers to the cdc will be meeting to talk about pfizer vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. the fda has given it the green light. external advisers to the fda also given it the green light. we'll see what the cdc advice advisers have to say. after that the head of the cdc rochelle walensky will weigh in and then it will be final. let's take a look at what a clinical trial showed when they tried the vaccine out on small children. pfizer says that its clinical trial shows the vaccine is 91% effective against symptomatic covid-19. in other words, 91% effective at protecting children ages 5 to 11 from getting sick with covid-19. what pfizer did is they gave about 1300 children the vaccine and three of them over time became sick with covid-19. now, they gave a smaller number of children 663 of them a placebo, a shot of saline that does nothing, and 16 of them became sick with covid-19. so you can see they gave the placebo to a smaller number of children, but a larger number, 16 of them, became sick with the virus. now, the vaccine advisers and if dr. walensky give a green light to pfizer's vaccine for children, it could be a matter of days before children start getting shots, and it's interesting to note children won't be getting the full dose that adolescents and adults have been getting. instead they'll be getting one-third the dose. christine, laura? >> elizabeth cohen, thank you for that. workers at large companies will soon be required to get vaccinated or face weekly testing. the labor department says details of businesses with 100 or more employees is expected in the coming days. it will require employers to provide paid time to get the shot and paid sick leave for effects from the shot. they paused the requirement for police officers. the fraternal order of police has been locked in an ugly battle with lori lightfoot for weeks now. both sides need to hash the issue out at arbitration because the officers are unionized. they said the union is not interested in having a discussion. >> they've not done that. we offered multiple times over the two months that we attempted to bargain with them. what they are serious about is obstructing, objectfuscating an leading members astray. in new york city 2300 firefighters called in sick yesterday. the mayor says there will be consequence for fire fighters who skip work to protest the vaccine mandate here. meanwhile in pittsburgh, all municipal employees must be fully vaccinated by december 22nd. >> to protect and serve, to serve and protect. >> and the first responders are the ones who were facing such an onslaught of the virus from the very beginning. >> we should point out most have been vaccinated. most people who are sworn to protect and serve our communities have gotten the vaccine. it is a minority who have not. in terms of firefighters, it's interesting because historically there's been such a backlog of people who go to the fire academy and they have to wait for years to get a house to be assigned to. maybe this is the time for new blood. maybe you're going to see new people be able to come in through the ranks here in some of these cities. so much for the friendly skies. another flight had to divert because of an incident at 30,000 feet. neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way 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by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. welcome back. we have been telling you the democrats plan to pay for the two main biden agenda bills in part by taxing the rich. it appears they may cut taxes on some rich people while they're at it. observers expect the $1.75 billion will include temporarily the salt deduction. that's the $10,000 cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes which is a big issue in high tax states like new york and california. the bipartisan committee for responsible federal budget says its analysis shows revealing that salt cap would more than offset the tax hikes on the rich. the salt repeal would translate to a net tax cut for the wealthiest 5% even with the planned tax hike on people who make more money than that, the very high end. the salt tax is not in the agenda framework released by the white house last week, but several democratic states are pushing hard to get the salt tax cap repealed. not so friendly skies. a delta flight from atlanta to l.a. was diverted to dallas after what delta described was an on-board skuft meredith disturbance. not many more details here, but so far this year there have been almost 5,000 reports of unruly passengers on planes. more than 900 investigations have been opened. two years ago it was only 150, a huge jump there. transportation secretary pete buttigieg says a no fly list for disruptive passengers should be on the table here. >> a lot of attention on american flight earlier this week. a 20-year-old person punched a flight attendant twice, face lacerations. people are losing it. all right, moments from now president biden set to address world leaders at the historic climate summit in glasgow. we'll bring it to you when it happens. to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the 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( abbot sonic ) this is early start. i'm laura jarrett. >> and i'm christine romans. it is 31 minutes past the hour. time for our top stories to keep an eye on towed. voters across the country head to the polls today for an off-year election. virginians are choosing a governor. democrat terry mcauliffe and glenn youngkin running neck and neck. >> the balance of power of congress is on the line. a game changer for parents. cdc advisers are set to vote later today on the use of pfizer's covid vaccine. if the cdc signs off, they expect to have shots in children's arms next week. screen time for tweens and teens doubled during the pandemic. young people averaged nearly 8 hours a day on their devices. more screen time was linked to gre greater stress among teens. opening statements begin in kyle rittenhouse, the armed teenager who killed two people in protests at kenosha, wisconsin last year. just one person of color was seated yesterday. rittenhouse who is now 18 years old faces five felonies, including homicide. investigators say a nuclear powered submarine that struck an objected in contested waters in the south china sea last month did an uncharted under water mountain. several crew members were injured on the uss connecticut and the sub had to be repaired in guatemala. robert durst accused of killing his wife in 1982 has been found guilty. he was found guilty for shooting and killing his best friend at her beverley hills home. beth robinson confirmed by the senate is the second u.s. circuit court of appeals. that makes her the first out lesbian to serve on any federal circuit court. only two republicans voted in her favor. she served as an associate justice on the vermont supreme court since 2011. game 6 of the world series tonight in houston. the astros are trying to stave off elimination for the second straight game. luis garcia gets to start for the astros on a three days rest. max fried takes the mound for the braves. we are waiting for president biden to speak at the cop-26 summit in glasgow. the president set to deliver remarks about the u.s. plan to preserve global forest at the action on forest and land use event. you can see there is the shot there. we're going to bring the speech to you when he takes the podium. the u.s. supreme court appears to let the texas abortion law be challenged. key here, not whether the law should be struck down, but who should get the right to sue over it. now two conservatives on the court seem at least open to hearing arguments from abortion providers who say that six-week ban violates the constitution. cnn's jessica schneider reports for us. >> reporter: laura and christine, almost three hours of arguments on two separate but related cases where it seems that two of the conservative justices might be in place to decide with the abortion providers. judge barrett and kavanaugh about the way the law is structured, it prevents a full constitutional defense. if abortion providers are sued, under the law they can't claim that the texas law is unconstitutional as a defense. justice kavanaugh asking, well, if texas can ban abortions, what's to stop other states from enacting similar laws that thwart other constitutionally protected rights? >> it could be free speech rights, it could be free exercise of religion rights, it could be second amendment rights if this position is accepted here, the theory of the amicus brief is that it can be easily replicated in other states that disfavor other constitutional rights. >> reporter: sb-8 has been in effect two months now. the supreme court declined to block the law when it first took effect, but now that they've heard arguments on the merits of the case whether abortion providers or the justice department can challenge the law, the justices could act fairly quickly here. they fast tracked hearing these arguments and they could issue a decision within weeks. if they rule for the abortion providers to proceed with their lawsuit or d.o.j., which is a little bit more of a stretch given what we heard during the arguments, the case would then go back to the lower courts and that's where the law could potentially then be blocked. laura and christine? >> thank you for that. as we wait for president biden, some nations are having hard time kicking habits that make the climate crisis worse. top of the list coal. cnn's david mackenzie live in johannesburg. you went deep in south africa's coal mines. what did you see there? >> reporter: well, christine, what we saw is a country really dependent on coal. and south africa is one of the world ams per capita biggest polluters. you know, during the summit, a lot of talk will be made, a lot of pledges will be made. but it's the critical, practical financing for developing countries that is critical to actually end the climate crisis. the u.s., uk and europe are in advanced negotiations with south africa to give potentially billions of dollars to move them away from coal, but it will be a difficult ask. treacherous steps into the blackness. with illegal miners. so, we're going deep into this mine. it's a disused mine. but coal is so important in this country that even the old mines, people will go down like this in dangerous conditions and get what they can. what anthony can get, just $3 for a bag of coal to support his grandmother and sister. here they work with little ventilation or light. if they get trapped, no one will come to help. >> we have lost a lot of others with the collapse of the mine, others with the gases that kill. >> reporter: so it's dangerous work? >> it is, it is. when you hear the gas, you won't walk ten or 50 steps, you collapse. >> reporter: so why do you still do it? >> i don't have a choice. i have to save my hunger. not only me. those who follow me, i may die alone here. but what about those who are depending on me? >> reporter: south africa is a country dependent on coal. with hundreds of thousands of jobs linked to these mines and its monopoly power utility and shaky economy almost entirely anchored on coal-fired plants. scom is one of the biggest polluters, but it's relative. >> south africa has contributed very little to emissions that have caused climate change. why move away from coal at all? >> you know, there is the saying the stone age didn't end because of a lack of stones. i'm convinced that given current technological trends, the coal age won't end because of a lack of coal. >> reporter: to avoid a climate catastrophe, scientists say the renewable age needs to be pushed by the entire world, even by countries like south africa. that contributes around 1% of annual emissions globally. >> scom has made a decision not any more. >> reporter: to commit to the transition, scom says it will shutdown aging coal plants. what will it mean when the last monitor goes off for you? >> it's sad, and also an opportunity. so i will be ready when that happens. >> reporter: but the move to renewables takes time and costs money. 50 to $60 billion in south africa alone, says scom. >> this will become useless. >> reporter: so rich countries will need to finance the transition as part of their climate commitments. despite scom's mountains of debt and history of corruption allegations. >> i think it's not only realistic. it's an imperative. if you look at the position that south africa unfortunately occupies, given our size for south africa to be the 12th largest emitter in the world, we are the poster child for what needs to be done to transition from coal to more affordable. >> reporter: they say south africa needs to stop using coal because of climate change. what do you think about that? >> sure, sure. what can i say about that? just because we have a lot of people who depend on the coal. so we can't live without it. >> reporter: just how much will this transition cost? up to $50 or $60 billion in south africa alone. that will need commitment over several years including from the u.s.. and now whether that commitment lasts through the next election in the u.s., that all depends on politics, and that is the difficulty here. ten, 15-year type agreements need to be locked in for the world to combat climate change. christine? >> all right, david, thank you so much for that. nice to see you this morning. 40 minutes past the hour. let's get a check of cnn business and look at markets around the world. not block buster moves. asian shares closed lower. u.s. opened mixed. down slight sri here. all three major averages kicked off the month with record highs. stocks closed at records thanks to strong corporate earnings. companies are managing well through all this despite supply chain snags, rising prices. they have reported solid customer demand and that's good news for the economic recovery. the latest iavis, the stock is p more than 380% this year. today we get earnings from lyft, pfizer and under armour among others. let's talk turkey, folks. inflation is your uninvited guest for the holidays. turkey is down from the most recent inflation data but they are going to go up. estimated to hit a record high of $1.36 a pound. your sides like potatoes and biscuit and vegetables and apples, for your pie, those are all up since last thanksgiving. up 8% for apples. we're not talking shortages here, but you may want to be flexible with the menu. the national grocery association says there's plenty of food in the supply chain, but customers who secure those should sooner rather than later to make sure you have your favorites on the holiday table. grocery store chains say you should do your shopping now. consumers shake off covid weariness and spend again, retail labor shortages, higher shipping costs means higher prices. and driving over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house is going to cost 38% more because of surging gas prices. the average price $3.40. your thanksgiving meal last year was the cheapest in a decade because so many of us did not gather. i've been looking at all the turkey, talking turkey. there could be some shortages. what i mean is everybody at the same time going out two days before thanksgiving to buy a turkey, there could be some big turkeys, maybe won't be the size you want. so plan now honestly. don't everybody be going out the door at the last minute. >> who is putting the turkey in the freezer? >> i am. i've been working on the story two days. go get your turkey today. you're welcome, america. >> you heard it here first. we'll be right back. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. president biden has just arrived at this cop-26 climate summit. as we wait to hear from him, let's bring in cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir. it's good to have you this morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> the tone of day one was bleak, to put it frankly. listen to this, then i want to get your thoughts. >> it's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock, and we need to act now. >> we are digging our own graves. >> we don't see any of us makes commitments and then do the opposite. >> we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing. >> put a price on carbon, nature can't pay that price any more. >> by 2070, india will achieve the target of net zero. >> this is a duty i am especially happy to discharge. as the impact of the environment on human progress was a subject close to the heart of my dear late husband, prince philip, the duke of edinborough. >> india says there will be net zero in 2070. that's great 40 years from now. will there be progress on the climate crisis happening right now? >> reporter: well, that is a fantastic question. that is' what we're hoping to figure out. the paris accords that then came down to the wire at the end of two weeks before the world came together and made a bold -- bold promises. but evening with those current predictions, even if they stay on track to meet paris, we would still hit around 2.7 degrees celsius warming. and just for perspective, at 1.5 we lose 70% of the world's coral reefs. at 2.0 we lose all of them. and 3 is unlivable. so, it is bleak, the tone here, because the situation is bleak from the scientists. they've been screaming for years now about where we're headed. but big announcement today in terms of a super pollutant. that is 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, that is methane better known as natural gas. you can't see it, you can't smell it, but we have an infrared camera that shows you the stuff pumping out of the permian oil basin in texas. enough of the natural gas leaks to heat 7 million homes in texas for a year. it's so cheap they just flare it, they burn it coming out of the pipe oftentimes. now the biden administration is announcing the epa is going to crackdown on that. they're going to try to force big oil companies to both monitor and fix and, you know, repair and capture all of that methane, which actually would make those companies money because it is a fuel source. epa estimates it would cut 41 million tons. that is as much as all the carbon dioxide emitted by all the cars in america a couple years ago. so in that sticks, but the supreme court has agreed to hear a case really that challenges the epa's right to regulate greenhouse gases. so this will, of course, play out in congress and the courts because we live in a giant messy democracy. >> it is a giant messy democracy. but that is amazing that imagery of that methane and the infrared. the former president pulled out of the -- the u.s. out of the paris accord. he's saying he's sorry. listen. >> i guess i shouldn't apologize, and i do apologize for the united states in the last administration pulled out of the paris accord and sort of behind -- >> what do you make of biden calling out trump at this summit? >> reporter: i think it was absolutely necessary. that's why he came here with all of his cabinet because historically the united states has put more sort of planet cooking pollution into the sea and the sky than the next few nations combined. if you priced it out at $100 a ton for carbon capture, the total bill would be $50 trillion. i mean, that seems like a laughable number, but that's where we are in terms of the gap between what the world expects to see the u.s. step up and clean-up its own mess. and so, yes, it was apologies and promises that they're going to quadruple the commitment to a fund that helps developing countries adapt and mitigate going forward. rich countries promised $100 billion a year years ago. they have yet to pay that tab in any meaningful way. so hear a lot of frustrations from the smaller countries. and then this deal with the e.u. to help south africa specifically get off of coal sends a message that the commitment is there. now, of course, the big messy democracy reference coming back now is they're worried this could waffle. president george w. bush backed away from the kyoto protocols many years ago. of course, trump pulled out of paris. what happens if the white house swings republican in a few years? that's the concern. but they also are pressing the message that 60% of the u.s. economy, big states like california, new jersey, are doing everything they can along the terms of the paris accords. and that ultimately the free market may not be moving fast enough to meet the demands of science. but just as sort of the momentum of moving away from whale oil a century ago, moving away from horses and buggies into automobiles, the energy sector is going to get clean. it's just the smartest business going forward. so they're hopeful that momentum both in the public and private sector would survive any switch in the white house. >> all right. bill weir, we'll have to leave it there. chief climate correspondent. thanks so much, bill. >> thanks, bill. all right. the nhl commissioner speaking out for the first time on a former player's allegation of sex abuse by the coach and the team's gross mishandling of the incident. andy scholes has it covered on the bleacher report. what is going on here? >> the report yesterday he was horrified by the aelgszs made by former chicago blackhawks player. beach came forward as the plaintiff in a civil lawsuit against the team that accuses former video coach brad aldridge of sexual assault in 2010. beach, who was 20 at the time, said he reported it to blackhawk's management. but they ignored it because the team was in the midst of winning a stanley cup. aldridge resigned from his position in june of 2010 in order to avoid an internal investigation. that is according to an independent report released last week. in the aftermath, two high-level executives and the coach resigned their nhl positions. he said the league was not made aware of beach's allegations in 2010 and it wasn't until last monday that he saw the investigation's findings. >> it is clear that what happened was inappropriate. it was wrong on every level. and it was not handled correctly by the blackhawks organization. well, certainly a horrible picture, we have to move forward the best we can doing the things that are right in terms of addressing either what's happened or how we move forward. >> guys, bettman said they are going to review harassment policies and set up a network for all people at all levels of hockey to report abuse. >> that is putting it mildly at a minimum. andy, thank you so much. all right. early start is off tomorrow for election coverage. the stakes high in the virginia governor's race and several mayoral races. >> special coverage starts tonight at 6:00 p.m. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. we'll see you u tomorrow at 6:0. 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Election , Fda , America , Cnn , Races , Virginia , Midterms , Xxxx It , Litmus Test , Ground , Light , Texas , Kids , Abortion Providers , Covid Vaccine , Justices , Parents , Abortion Ban , November 2nd , 2 , Two , Tuesday November 2nd , Laura Jarrett , Start , Christine Romans , New York , 00 , 5 , Governor , Senator , Democratic , Party , Fighting , Man , Around The World , Washington , One , President , Agenda , Finish Line , Brakes , U N Climate Summit , Angles , Reporter , Race , Christine , Significance , Big Day , Polling Location , Implications , Arlington , Country , Something , Candidates , Terry Mcauliffe , Cycle , Both , Parties , Candidate , Campaigning , Glenn Youngkin Arguing , Last Night , Youngkin Crisscrossing , Campaign , Trump , Glenn Youngkin , Someone , Telerally , Endorsement , Voters , Governors , Arms , Campaign Rally , Virginia Governors , Republican , Three , Wall , Discussions , Commonwealth , Issues , Education , Successes , Families , Children , Rights , Problems , Schools , School Boards , Stand Up , Things , Part , Promise , Biden , Roadblocks , White House , Challenges , Closing Arguments Last Night , The End , Donald Trump , People , Statements , Exhaustion , Fatigue , Closing Argument Last Night , Four , Event , Pitch , Teletown Hall , Call , Polls , Planning , Arms Length , Support , Elections , Trump Dialed Into , Yes , That S Right , Course , Campaign Trail , Coordination , Votes , Jack Ciattarelli , Thanks , Person , Phil Murphy , New Jersey , Cast , Eric Adams , Keisha Lance , Play , Community Activist , Mayoral Aureliuss , Curtis Sliwa , Atlanta , 14 , Term , Mayor , Byron Brown , Voting Law , Write In Campaign , Reelection , Georgia , Buffalo , Omtz , Indiana , Ballot Initiative , Democratic Socialist , George Floyd , City , Police Department , Senate , World Leaders , Senator Manchin , Department , City Council , Climate Issue , Safety , Authority , Impact , Details , Debt , Clarity , Framework , Safety Net Expansion , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Bill , Amount , Cost , Games , Budget Gimmicks , 75 Trillion , 1 75 Trillion , Way , It , Corporations , Impossibility , House Progressive Leaders , Sinema Disagree , Plan , Leaders , Kevin Liptak , Infrastructure Bill , Spending , Floor , Lip Tack , Scotland , Statement , Press Conference , White House Press Secretary , Words , Meetings , Phone Calls , One On , Indication , President S House , Breakfast , Acknowledgment , Will Gain , Delaware , Hasn T , Progressives , Ability , Bills , Vote , Deals , Let Manchin , Work , Head , Pramila Jayapal , Progressive Caucus , 51 , House , Onus , Issue , Climate , Credibility , Measures , Climate Change , G20 , 55 Billion , 555 Billion , Deal , Investment , Wasn T , Hand , Europe , Methane , Epa , Rule , Forests , Cutting Methane Emissions , Fact , Progress , Reporting , Congress , Worth , Guys , Approval , Countries , Emissions , Kind , Addition , Let S Go To Phil Black , Planet , Push , Warming , Agreements , Behavior , Group , Glasgow , 100 , Deforestation , Industries , Driver , 85 , World , Money , Act , Activists , Detail , Funding , 19 Billion , 9 Billion , Solution , Trees , Climate Sink , 11 , Administration , Carbon , Most , Methane Emissions , Power , Atmosphere , Component , Rules , Amounts , Crackdown , Oil , Gas , Greenhouse Gas , Regulations , Report , View , U N , Track , Target , Increase , 1 5 , Phil Black , Enforcement Mechanism , Edinborough , Stages , Habits , Colon Cancer , Vaccines , Grandma , Sizes , Reality , Walks , Covid , Risk , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , Yep , 45 , 92 , Provider , Results , Maggie Gronewald , Weather , Bond , Skin , Ointment , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Love , Center Diamonds , Gift , Connection , Holiday , Kay , Some , Medicine , Minds , Mass General Brigham , Doctors , Centers , Healthcare System , Hospitals , Research , Physicians , Harvard Medical School , Boston , Biotech Innovates , Five , Thinking , Ones , Brigham , Care , One Mass General , Partner , Leader , Customer Support , Husband , 5g , Alternative , Arthritis Pain Gel , Pills , Voltaren , Gel , Movement , Arthritis Pain Relief , Cdc , Fight , Coronavirus , Vaccine , Elizabeth Cohen , Vaccination Program , Strength , On Tuesday , Advisers , Vaccine Experts , Meeting , Clinical Trial , Advice , Rochelle Walensky , Take A Look , Pfizer , Sick , 19 , 91 , Shot , Number , Placebo , Saline , 663 , 1300 , Virus , Vaccine Advisers , Nothing , Them , Dr , 16 , Adults , Shots , Dose , Adolescents , Matter , Companies , Labor Department , Businesses , Workers , Testing , Employees , Effects , Police Officers , Sick Leave , Requirement , Employers , Union , Sides , Officers , Battle , Arbitration , Lori Lightfoot , Fraternal Order Of Police , Times , Discussion , Fire Fighters , Members , Objectfuscating , Is Obstructing , 2300 , Serve , Consequence , Responders , December 22nd , Pittsburgh , 22 , Terms , Minority , Communities , Onslaught , Fire , Blood , Academy , Backlog , Incident , Brain Performance , Indicators , Flight , Cities , Ranks , Friendly Skies , Neuriva Plus , Feet , Six , 30000 , Depression , Lows , Stories , Bipolar Depression , Place , Fog , Art , Neuriva , Latuda , Symptoms , Difference , Weight , Studies , Doctor , Everyone , Teens , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Death , Stroke , Dementia Patients , Thoughts , Side Effects , Movements , Pay , Muscles , Muscle , Life Threatening , Confusion , Fever , 0 , , Prescription , Size , Pnc Bank , Taking , Pace , History , Births , Legends , Blue Skies , Hometown Fields , Object , Spirit , Grand Wagoneer , Network , Small Business , Data , Flexibility , Service , Nationwide 5g , Comcast Business Mobile , Customers , Business , Line , Contract , Lines , Internet , Match Data Options , Comcast Business , Mix , Fees , 30 , Possibilities , Taxes , Main Biden Agenda Bills , California , State , Tax , Cap , Salt Deduction , Deduction , Observers , 10000 , 75 Billion , 0000 , 1 75 Billion , Committee , Tax Hikes , Budget , Salt Cap , Salt Repeal , Analysis , Tax Cut , Salt Tax , Salt Tax Cap , Tax Hike , Skies , Delta Flight , What Delta , Dallas , Skuft , Meredith Disturbance , To L A , Jump , Passengers , Pete Buttigieg , Planes , Investigations , No Fly List , 900 , 150 , 5000 , Lot , Right , Table , Attention , Flight Attendant , Lacerations , Biden Set , 20 , Climate Summit In Glasgow , Energy , Make Progress , Executives , Action , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Operations , Human , Chevron , University Of Phoenix , Degree , 400 , One Million Dollars , One Million , Everything , Everybody , Chance , Scholarship Opportunities , Phoenix Edu , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Works , Sore Throat , Sore Throat Lozenges , Role , Mucinex Instasoothe , Boss , Protein , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Abbot Sonic , Virginians , Eye , 31 , Game Changer , Use , Balance Of Power , Glenn Youngkin Running Neck And , Tweens , Pandemic , Cdc Signs Off , 8 , Kyle Rittenhouse , The Armed Teenager , Protests , Gre Greater Stress , Devices , Kenosha , Submarine , Color , Waters , Homicide , Felonies , South China Sea , Wisconsin , Investigators , 18 , Robert Durst , Crew Members , Sub , Uncharted Under Water Mountain , Uss Connecticut , Guatemala , Best Friend , Wife , Shooting , Beverley Hills Home , 1982 , Beth Robinson , U S Circuit Court Of Appeals , Associate Justice , Favor , Circuit Court , Republicans , Game 6 , Astros , Houston , Vermont Supreme Court , Elimination , World Series , Luis Garcia , 2011 , 6 , Forest , Set , Mound , Land Use , Braves , Remarks , Cop 26 Summit , 26 , Law , U S Supreme Court , Texas Abortion Law , Podium , Down , Speech , Court , Hearing Arguments , Jessica Schneider Reports , Conservatives , Constitution , Ban , Arguments , Cases , Defense , Texas Law , Judge , Kavanaugh , Kavanaugh Asking , Laws , Abortions , Free Speech Rights , Position , Theory , Religion , Disfavor , Brief , Exercise , Case , Effect , Justice , Merits , Sb 8 , More , Lawsuit , Decision , Doj , Courts , Nations , Coal , South Africa , List , Top , Coal Mines , David Mackenzie , We Saw , Johannesburg , Climate Crisis Worse , Summit , Financing , Polluters , Talk , Pledges , Ams , Climate Crisis , Billions , Dollars , Ask , Negotiations , Uk , Mine , Steps , Miners , Blackness , Mines , Anthony , Conditions , 3 , No One , Others , Grandmother , Sister , Bag , Ventilation , Collapse , Gases , Kill , Ten , 50 , Hunger , Choice , Economy , Hundreds , Plants , Thousands , Jobs , Monopoly Power Utility , Scom , Scientists , Lack , Stones , Trends , Climate Catastrophe , Age , 1 , Monitor , Transition , Coal Plants , Move , Opportunity , Sad , Costs , Renewables , 60 Billion , 0 Billion , Mountains , Corruption Allegations , Imperative , Poster Child , Emitter , 12 , Commitment , Difficulty , Type Agreements , Depends On Politics , 15 , Buster Moves , Check , Markets , Shares , Asian , 40 , Prices , Earnings , Recovery , Averages , Record Highs , Stocks , Customer Demand , Supply Chain Snags , News , Stock , Armour , Let S Talk Turkey , Iavis , Lyft , 380 , Record , Talking Turkey , Inflation , Guest , Holidays , Inflation Data , High , Shortages , Apples , Pound , Biscuit , Potatoes , Vegetables , Pie , 36 , 1 36 , Supply Chain , Holiday Table , Favorites , Menu , Food , Grocery Association , Retail Labor Shortages , Driving , Consumers , Shopping , Grandmother S House , River , Woods , Covid Weariness , Grocery Store Chains , Price , Gas Prices , Many , Meal , 40 , 3 40 , 38 , Don T , Turkey , Turkeys , Door , Won T , Story , Freezer , Neutrogena , Serum , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Last , Saw , 4 , Servicenow , Business Internet , Safe , Setbacks , Add Securityedge , Threats , Cybersecurity Options , Offer , Device , Comcast , Business Securityedge , Yours , 10 , Prepaid Card , Call Today , 500 , Cop 26 Climate Summit , Chief Climate Correspondent , Tone , Day One , Bill Weir , Commitments , Any , Graves , Doomsday Clock , India , Opposite , War Like Footing , Nature , 2070 , Duty , Close , Heart , Environment , Human Progress , Net Zero , Zero , Philip , The Duke Of Edinborough , Question , Bold , Paris Accords , Promises , Predictions , Perspective , Coral Reefs , Paris , 2 7 , 70 , Situation , Announcement , 2 0 , Natural Gas , Pollutant , Carbon Dioxide , Infrared Camera , Stuff Pumping , 80 , Homes , Oil Basin , Pipe Oftentimes , 7 Million , Fuel Source , Repair , Fix , Sticks , The Cars In America A Couple , 41 Million , Democracy , Imagery , Greenhouse Gases , Will , Apologize , Infrared , Accord , Behind , Sort , Pollution , Sea , Cabinet , Sky , Cooking , Mess , Carbon Capture , Ton , Gap , Step Up , 50 Trillion , 0 Trillion , Fund , Apologies , Tab , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , Message , Big Messy Democracy , Frustrations , E U , Reference , Protocols , Waffle , Kyoto , George W Bush , Free Market , Concern , Big , 60 , Energy Sector , Momentum , Buggies , Whale Oil , Science , Demands , Horses , Sector , Switch , Forward , Team , Coach , Time , Commissioner , Climate Correspondent , Allegation , Player , Sex Abuse , Mishandling , Nhl , Beach , Chicago Blackhawks , Andy Scholes , Bleacher Report , Plaintiff , Brad Aldridge , Sexual Assault , Management , Midst , Blackhawk , Aldridge , Stanley Cup , 2010 , June Of 2010 , Investigation , Positions , League , Order , Aftermath , Wasn T Until Last Monday , Allegations , Findings , Level , Best , Picture , Blackhawks Organization , Levels , Harassment Policies , Bettman , Abuse , Coverage , Election Coverage , Hockey , Minimum , Stakes , Store , Xxxx , Zales , Bank , Pizza , Phone , Wallet , Cash , Cody , Kids Chatter , Cough , Naturals , Moss , Punchlines , Ingredients , Dad , Tree Mendous Views , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Wherever , Home , Hoss , Dog , Unlocks , Deliveries , Xfinity , Security , Home Security , Instant , Curfew Breakers , Cameras , Pros , Xfinity Home , Election Day , Brianna Keilar , John Berman ,

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