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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

annual "all-star tribute" as we announce the hero of the year and celebrate all of this year's honorees live sunday, december 12th. >> all right. we always look forward to that. join anderson cooper and special guest kelly ripa as they host the 15th annual cnn heroes "all-star tribute" live on sunday, december 12th. all right. hello again, thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we're following breaking news on capitol hill. sources telling cnn that house democratic leaders are pushing to hold votes on both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the president's larger spending plan as soon as tuesday. for the latest, let's bring in daniella diaz on capitol hill. tell us what you're learning. >> reporter: fred, my colleague, manu raju, is reporting that house democratic leaders are now eyeing tuesday as the day they will bring both of these bills, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that's already passed the senate, and the separate massive economic bill that has been negotiated for weeks and weeks, and we've been covering that would expand the nation's social safety net. this is what it's going to look like the next couple of days -- a new version of the bill could be introduced as soon as tomorrow with some revisions, and then the rules committee, it has to go through the rules committee procedure here on the house side, could take up the rule on this bill as soon as monday which means a vote could happen as soon as tuesday. but i do want to emphasize, fred, that this has happened before. we've been told that there's going to be a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the house many times by democratic leaders, as many as three times. and house speaker nancy pelosi has pulled that vote because if there's one thing about house speaker nancy pelosi, she never puts a bill on the floor to fail. but look, this comes after a lot of drama on capitol hill. house progressives withheld their vote on thursday on the bipartisan infrastructure bill when they were planning to again put it on the floor because they wanted to vote on that bill and this separate economic bill together. that was what they wanted. there's about 50 of them that had this rule that they wanted to follow, and as a result, now democratic leaders are scrambling to try to do this, and that appears to be the new timeline. as of now, of course, not finalized. fred? >> all right. every minute, every day counts up until that tuesday and beyond. thank you so much. appreciate that. all right. now to the breaking news out of rome. president biden and other g20 leaders say they are convinced it is possible to quickly restore the iran nuclear deal despite talks stalling out over the summer. the u.s. withdrew from the agreement in 2018. it's one of several key issues these important meetings hope to address at the g20 summit. president biden just attended mass at st. patrick's church in rome. and you're looking right now at live pictures from a cultural event where in the next hour president biden is expected to arrive with other heads of state. for more let's go to rome. sundown has happened, and chris cuomo is there anchoring from our set there in rome for coverage of the g20 summit. chris? >> reporter: hey, thank you very much. i got cnn senior white house correspondent phil mattingly with me. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson. we'll be join bide some other, global affairs analyst kim dozier also. he's coming out of mass, one of the interesting parts -- they have a lot of latin in the mass in rome. there's one part that probably has extra meaning for the president right now -- in latin it's agnes de -- [ speaking foreign language ] lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. what that's they're saying here collectively now. we've got to try and figure out a way through our problems. how big a boost for the president of the united states is the news that he may actually be able to deliver at home on tuesday? what will that resonate here as? >> you know, i think it underscores the urgency more than anything else. when you talk to white house officials, they've said it a couple times in the sense that they feel like the world leaders that are gathered here and will be gathered in eed in glasgow understand, they're sophisticated and understand the u.s. political system. they may not understand why people are blowing through deadlines. but they get that this is a process. and it takes time. i think the most important element from the white house officials' perspective is they have kind of concrete elements of the plan laid out. so the $555 billion for climate, that is something the president is absolutely going to be talking about when discussions about climate come up. when you're talking about supply chains, the president's going to hold a critical meeting on supply chains tomorrow at the g20. there's stuff for longer term, shifts to the supply chain and the infrastructure package, and another piece of legislation they're considering, that will be cited. i think -- we talked about this the other night. i think it's important -- this is such a different environment than it was in june where it was all about america's back, all about hopeful, all about we've turned the page on the prior four years. i think there are very real questions right now when you talk to diplomats from various european countries. not about whether or not president biden means what he says, but whether or not what president biden is saying right now is going to matter after the next presidential election. so if the president can point to we have a new deadline, we think we're going to be able to deliver, democracy works, we can show government works, it's a critical part of his message always, perhaps this boosts that a little bit. >> let's bounce to david gergen. we got him, cnn senior political analyst joining us. the report is nancy pelosi doesn't put a bill on the floor lose -- except when she does. this has not been a good run for the democrats. hous howe big a deal is it that if they do something tuesday it actually has to happen? >> well, if they do something on tuesday and it fails, they can't get the vote or whatever, i think that would be another significant blow. as it is, right now, chris, you know, he's not getting much help. if anything there's a lot of questions in europe about his capacity, his authority to get things done. and you know, he went -- the real damage was done because he didn't bring a victory to europe with him. now he's playing catchup. and you know, they get back, but i -- yes, i think it would definitely help him if he gets the deal done. there's a question of reliability among americans. can you deliver? if we get in a conversation with iranians, will you go to a deal that really will stick, that, you know, even if somebody from another party is elected, will that deal still stick? you can't get the iranians to agree to very much unless they have some sense of reliability. and that's true of other hard issues that are coming. like the environment. >> kim dozier, looking at the iran deal, the word is it's possible. that's not a helpful word to me because anything is possible. it's about probabilities. and what do you think that america's role is moving forward with iran? >> you know, yes,'s possible to get them all in the same room again in november, as both sides have hinted. but the fact of the matter is the iranians want to return to the deal as it was, and the biden administration has said no, we've now seen you ceseveral aspects and we need t add other things to the deal. if iran refuse that's which it said it will refuse, and the biden administration caves and goes with the weaker deal, the republicans will use that to beat them in the midterms and the next election after that. >> well, kim, that's the intelligence of it, no question. nic, here's one of the political things i don't understand, and phil, you should jump on this, as well. the idea that why is the right driving the ball of -- boy, if biden screws up this deal -- they screwed it up by getting out of this deal in the first place. it was the only ability to keep iran in check. and we see what they've done since america withdrew. so what are the stakes? >> i think you have to deal with the situation that you're in clearly, and biden's behind the eight ball on this because he has set a high bar. the high bar being not only do we get back into the jcpoa, but we want to limit your ballistic missile capacity and want to dial back provocations and interference and destabilization in the region, be it yemen, be it syria, be it lebanon, all those countries. the iranians since president biden said that have elected a more conservative, more hard-line president, that's signaling that they are distancing themselves from that u.s. rhetoric. there's going to be -- it's going to be harder to get them to let the united states back into the jcpoa, come into the terms of compliance of which they are out with massive ly at the moment, and then agree to this extra which they've already said that they -- they won't have, that they won't see their ballistic missile systems dial back in the way that we want them dialed back. or you know, they already say,i the region. the bar has changed for president biden. and i see that cost for him domestically, politically. and this i think is why we're hearing from the europeans saying, yes, this is within reach, this is within grasp, let's try and do it. the iranians in this context see it as the sort of go between to the united states to try to say, hey, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it. in the back of president biden's mind it's clearly the cost of doing it may be the level that the europeans are willing to go for which is probably less than what the republicans would hold president biden to. >> phil, isn't the natural move for biden to say, well, trump screwed this all up, you know, the deal wasn't perfect, but it's all we had, and now everything has gotten worse. let me see what i can salvage. isn't that the way to enter it? we're not hearing that. >> to some degree, when you talk to officials around the president, he didn't view this as an all-encompassing, wonderful deal. he recognized there were holes to some degree, maybe differing to some degree from the former president that he served as vice president underneath. it's why, as nic notes, they are deciding to go after a wider scale deal, particularly when it comes to ballistic missiles and trying to expand in terms of influences. they understand the original jcpoa wasn't as wide as it perhaps should have been. and so to that extent, they're acknowledging the republican complaints about it. the republicans pulled out entirely and decided maximum pressure would get iran to the table. that did not work in any way, shape, or form. and so that -- i think there is a great point that you made, it's why president biden's in such a difficult spot here. you have very different political dynamics domestically. you obviously have the europeans in a different place than the united states is in terms of what the president wants. and you have the iranians who have given no sense whatsoever over the course of several months to even reenter the original jcpoa to some degree. certainly not expand it. and so when you talk to administration officials, they recognize the best of a series of bad options is to figure out some way back into an expanded jcpoa. do they think they're going to get there? i'll tell you, despite the statement we saw today, i have not heard optimism that that's coming. they are very ready to take steps outside of that deal in terms of sanctions if they feel like a deal isn't within hand. they understand how important it is to the european allies, they understand the necessity of trying to get something back in control when it comes to iran's nuclear capabilities or program. and so they're going to pursue it. i just -- we were talking before we came on air, i was surprised at the optimism that was in that statement given discussions i've had with u.s. officials. >> kim, what's your read on it? is this about biden saying the right things to the allies and kind of rebuilding the dynamtake that i'm here for you, too, it's not just what i want? but that the united states is in no rush to put this on the front burner? >> look, you can say you're going to show up for talks and it's like saying we're going to investigate and there will be a report later. you can drag talks along for a very long time to see if by being in the room you can get some sort of movement that then you can turn back to your base within the u.s., within the democratic party, and say, see, we tried, we got this. though we didn't get all these other things. so they've got to make these motions even though, as phil was saying, i have heard the same skepticism. i haven't heard anyone predict that they think they're going to get a deal, a new deal. >> kim dozier, nic robertson, phil mattingly, david gergen, great collection. david, was there something you wanted to add before we go? >> i just -- look, yes, i do. you talked about that biden ought to say i'm going to salvage what i can, he has to lower expectations. he's not going to succeed on this deal. as you remember when obama got the deal to start with, there was not one single republican who would support him on the floor of the congress. not one. so if he now goes to his left on this issue and softens, he's going to pay a huge price in 2022 and 2024. >> thank you very much. appreciate you all. back to you. >> all right. chris and everybody, thank you so much. still ahead, good news for parents. young children are one step closer to getting the covid vaccine, and it could happen as soon as next week. plus, a new court filing reveals a long list of documents president trump, former president trump is trying to keep secret from the january 6th investigation. details straight ahead. ♪ and pardon when i shine ♪ ♪ hands to the sky, all mine ♪ ♪ woah woah no ceiling woah woah good feeling woah ♪ overnight the u.s. house told a federal court that donald trump has no right to hide documents from the january 6th committee. and now we're learning more about just what the former president is intent on keeping secret. we have more now from washington with more. what's in these papers being held by the national archives? >> reporter: well, until midnight last night, fred, we did not know the documentation that the white house, of the trump presidency, had about january 6th. donald trump was trying to protect documents from his administration saying they should be privileged, that he as a former president should assert executive privilege, keep documents from his presidency private. but then the national archives last night in a court filing very late at night said we have a list, here is an itemized list of the types of things that donald trump currently is trying to protect and keep secret from the u.s. house january 6th committee. so this is the list. it's 700 pages from the closest advisers of trump up to and on january 6th. that includes files -- records from then-chief of staff mark meadows, there's handwritten notes from meadows, there's lists, there's briefing note, there's calls, there's notes there the press secretary from the white house, there's also white house visitor logs, there's call logs, switchboard records, 30 pages of trump's daily schedule. now this is a lot of detail on paper that the house has been pursuing for its investigation, and donald trump has gone to court to sue to block them from obtaining that, and so there is a court fight that is ongoing over this. it came out in a court filing last night, and trump is going to be in court this thursday along with lawyers from the biden administration and from congress to try and argue that these documents could be blocked before they're set to be turned over to the house on november 12th. he will need a court order in order to stop the house from seeing these actual pieces of paper. >> and then, cnn's k file team also uncovered a radio interview with one of trump's former attorneys named john eastman who was pushing the vice president to overturn the election. listen -- >> are we to assume that this is going to be a climactic battle that's going to take place this week about the very question of the constitutionity of the electoral -- constitutionality of the electoral count act of 1877? >> i believe it will take the courage and spine of those involved. >> the courage and spine, is that a nice way to say a good day named vice president mike pence? >> yes. >> what else do we know about attorney eastman and what he was doing at about that time? >> reporter: so john eastman was in the orbit of donald trump before and up to january 6th. he's an outside lawyer who was preparing a plan that he had previously said was sort of a weak option for mike pence to essentially throw out the popular vote of the nation and instead let republicans in congress who would have been able to vote potentially install donald trump as the president for a second term. now in this -- excuse me -- in this information that the k file reported last night, that was something that was much more direct from eastman than we have ever heard before. fred? >> all right. thank you so much. all right. still ahead, take a look at these live pictures from rome. global leaders and their spouses attending a cultural event after a day of high-stakes meetings. we're live from rome. company and wait for back and forth e-mail, or a call to be rescheduled for the third time. orrr... you could use slack. and work faster with everyone you work with, together in one place. slack. where the future works. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. ever wonder how san francisco became the greenest big city in america? just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. new york city is scrambling to avert a potential crisis over its vaccine mandate for municipal workers. by manned, unvaccinated employees will be place odds unpaid leave if they haven't received at least one dose of the covid vaccine. that includes thousands of police officers and firefighters who have yet to get their first shot. a short time ago a department official told cnn that some firefighters are taking medical leave because of the mandate. i want to bring in now dr. mike sagg to talk about this. so good to see you. so police and firefighters are there to help protect and serve the public, and themselves now being asked at least in new york city to help protect the public by being vaccinated. so what is the best argument that many of these police and firefighters are able to make to say that they cannot be mandated to -- to get a vaccine? >> well, there's been a lot of discussion about freedom and choice, and that exists for sure. but the question becomes when does someone exerting their freedom impose on the freedom and choice of others. and i think part of the argument for a mandate is that first off it's going to protect the first responders themselves, but secondarily, if a first responder is infected and gets called to a scene, that person could spread this to perhaps someone who's very vulnerable to the infection. so it's not just protecting the first responder, it's also protecting all the people they come in contact with. so i understand the arguments, but i think -- i come down on the side of this is about the freedom and the ability to choose for the public. >> uh-huh. i want to also now turn to some pretty big news potentially for parents. the fda has granted emergency use authorization for pfizer's covid vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. and then the cdc will be weighing in. in your view, is this a potential game changer? why is it so potentially important? >> yeah, fred, it's very important because we suspected that the vaccine would be safe and effective for children. but we always need to get the data to prove it. and pfizer now has presented those data. and i think moderna will be on its heels with its data, as well. and pretty soon, i'd say by january, we'll have approvals for children six months and older because i think it's going to be proven safe here. here's news that i think underscores the need for this vaccine -- cdc released a study that examined people who had previously had covid and didn't get vaccinated versus people who had never gotten covid and then they got vaccinated. what they showed is that the people who were vaccinated were five times less likely to get a breakthrough infection than those just relying on natural immunity. that's huge news, especially for people arguing, well, we don't have to worry about the kids, they're not likely to get sick, and by the way they don't transmit as much, and that's really not true. and now that we see that natural immunity is not as good as the vaccine, i think that argues even more strongly for vaccinating the kids and for that matter the first responders. >> then there's new polling that says only about a third of parents want to vaccinate their kids right away. those who would be eligible in this 5 to 11 range. the rest either want to wait and see or don't want to do it at all. so what's your message to them? >> well, i understand the hesitancy. there this -- this is all so new. covid is a threat to all of us. the data now are overwhelming that someone who is not vaccinated is at substantially greater than 90% to 95% higher risk for death if they do get very sick with covid. wouldn't we want to prevent that? and especially for our kids. the other point is we want to send our kids back to school. we'd love to have them go back to school without masks and go back to life as normal. our ticket to get there in the fastest way is to have all of us vaccinated, and that especially includes the kids. so i understand the hesitancy, but these vaccines are remarkably safe and very, very effective. they are a gift so we should move forward with this now if we can. >> and what are the potential side effects for those ages 5 to 11 who get vaccinated versus the effects of kids in that category getting covid? yes, there may be the antibodies, that argument. but how does a parent then weigh the potential side effects versus the consequences of being infected? >> fred, i think you laid this out perfectly. it's not a question of vaccine yes, no, it's a question of the relative risk to your child if -- the relative risk of getting the vaccine and side effects. if your child gets covid, there have been over 500 deaths in the united states, children who have died from covid. that's unacceptable. those are preventable deaths. and so when you're weighing this out, children are not dying from the vaccine. the one concern that people had was a so-called myocarditis, very rare, and usually short lived and just goes away. and so when we're weighing this out, the covid itself can create myocarditis. so we would like to avoid that. a final point -- if we're thinking about this as a global pandemic, this is everywhere around the world. it's not going away. it's going to be with us for years to come. ultimately we will all be getting vaccinated. so i would say just expect that this is going to become the norm, and you might as well adopt it early and protect your child now. >> all right. great advice always. dr. mike sagg, thank you so much. good to see you. stay well. >> good to see you. >> we'll be right back. 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(vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. you know, sometimes even geopolitics gets kind of simple. you're in rome, you're going to eat. i'm chris cuomo, and we've had a big day at the g20 in the final stages here. this is a live look at dinner arrivals. biden is going. they're going to have leaders from around the world, their spouses, expected to attend. this is following the performance which you had with biden and other world leaders. but now, you know, as you might expect on a lot of levels of politics, getting together, sharing a meal. this matters. this is a part of bonding and showing relationships that hopefully will carry forward. so let's get some perspective on what -- what happens here could lead to or not. we've got nic robertson and phil mattingly. it is riome. you're going to have a good meal. you want to get together, you want to eat. nic, culturally, you know, you see this and be like this is what they do, these leaders, they're always having it easy. this matters -- sharing a meal, having the spouses, talking to each other. what is the hope when you're coming out of an event like this in the moment that we're in in this world right now? what's the best they can do to go forward? >> it's that you make the connection with the leader that you think -- leaders that you think are going to have the greatest influence on your agenda. i'll walk us back a little in time. the g20 in hamburg, i believe that was then-president trump's first g20. he went off and spent, what was it, 45 minutes by himself with president putin. there was a lot of comments at the time. i think there was one translator between the pair of them, and it was a russian translator. but you know, that's an extreme example of what you can achieve at these dinners. it's your moment to have the -- the more relaxed conversation, not the one that's scripted per se, not the brush past, not the bilateral. perhaps, you know, president biden might want to have a word with president erdogan of turkey who knocked up a spat and knocked it down last weekend. there is something structural expected on that coming. this will be the moment where these conversations can be had. or maybe you want to lean over to emmanuel macron and say, okay, we talked about -- talked about our problems, what is it with you and the british and the fish? how are you going to sort that out? because that's -- that's an issue. if you're boris johnson at the table near emmanuel macron, maybe you're going to want to try and dial back the rhetoric that's happening at home. >> for what they expected in the white house for success, it seems like the pope visit couldn't have gone any better. you know, we were all told no, there will be no more communion talk, no more reproductive rights talk. that's been done. according to the president of the united states, the pope made a point of saying you're a good catholic, and you should keep getting communion, which is really as much a finger in the face of his own clergy as it is a message to the president. they had jokes, obviously biden felt this was good. what are the optics and what is the readout coming from the white house about how they feel about biden's impact here? >> i think when you talk to white house officials, they feel like the meeting with emmanuel macron yesterday was both positive andabsolute necessities to some degree. it's not that everything's wonderful, but it was a demonstration of the work that the white house put in to the six weeks prior where they recognized they'd made a pretty big error and were going to work to try and fix it. it's not complete. there are a series of issues that the french made very clear to the u.s. that they wanted concrete delivery on. i think they're still working through issues. officials say that was a positive in terms of laying the groundwork for the next month or so. in terms of the days ahead, look, you don't necessarily talk about it a lot, but the 15% global minimum tax is a significant victory especially for the treasury secretary yellen. it slots in purely from a revenue side on their domestic agenda. but it was something they've been working on for several months. to be able to clinch that with the g20, to have nearly 140 countries signed on, they view that as a positive and something that they feel like the president led on. these next couple of days are significant. meeting with president erdogan, officials saying the issues with turkey, how the president views president erdogan, i think flushing that over the next 24 to 48 hours is big. the other thing -- again, you've been talking about there a lot, the supply chain, significant issue inside the united states, not just because of christmas gifts but because of just the realities of this moment. it's not just here. it's not just here, not just in the united states. it's international. it's globally connected. and the president himself unilaterally can't fix the issues on his own. it is a global issue. so the president will hold a supply chain meeting tomorrow. i think if the u.s. can come out of that meeting in particular with concrete deliverables, saying x country committed to do this to help with this issue, i think 15, 16 leaders are expected to come last i heard, that would matter. that would be something they would feel positive about heading into the next summit. >> it also means different things in different places, right? i mean, the supply chain is a very simple term for a very complex set of economic factors. it has as much to do in america with our labor market and what we're dealing with pre and post covid as it does anything on the corporate side. nic, let's give people a little bit of a lesson they wouldn't get anywhere. i have to believe most of the american audience when you say the british, the french, and the fish, that's it -- they don't know what the hell that means. so give us a little background in terms of what that controversy is and why it matters. >> so, we have, the british and the french, have a very small gap of water between the two countries. i think it at the narrowest like 20-something miles -- >> people swim it. >> the problem is it's not just people in the water, it's the fish in the water. when the uk got out of the european union with brexit, one of the stickiest issues was fish -- who was going to get the fishing rights? boris johnson had said that we'll stick up for the british fishermen, that's the most -- a huge important thing. we'll go to the fence on this one. yet it's only a tiny, tiny part of the economy. so what happened a couple of days ago -- a british fishing vessel fishing too close to france scooped up scallops too close to france and got hauled off into a french port. the captain got taken to court, accused of fishing without a license. the french are saying that you brits are not giving us enough licenses now post brexit. the brits are saying, yes, we're giving you enough licenses. the french are saying we might dial back the amount of electricity that we put across the channel. we're going to make it harder for trucks to cross the channel. all the pretty fishing boats can only now come to three our four french ports to offload their fish. so the rhetoric's ramping up. and it doesn't appear to be being dialed back. we are expecting boris johnson and emmanuel macron to have some kind of conversation here. macron's on an election drive at the moment. boris johnson has got to make deliverables on brexit. he told the country it was there, the deal was done. but we're still wrangling over elements of it years after. >> can i just say it's a really great -- we chuckle about it, but i think this happened in june in g7, there was a fish tiff -- >> i went to jersey to cover it. >> every time i flip on bbc, there's a fish issue going on. it underscores that we often look through the prism of what's the u.s. going to get, what does there mean for president biden? you come to these summits, and the realities of, you know, bilateral issues, of regional issues, of how countries are working ting together, who has specific issue and what's driving it starts to underscore how important these relationships are. and yes, maybe everybody's focused on a global tax proposal or they're focused on gas prices and perhaps what can happen on that front. but when you have all of these leaders together in one place, the opportunities that come from that in terms of whether or not you're in a side having an off-the-side bilateral on fish or, you know, if you're president biden you made clear that you think on energy supply it needs to be more balanced, which is kind of a euphemism for we would like more supply, please, opec plus, if you would like it contribute at any point. those dynamics play a huge role into what the overarching result of any one of these meetings are. and so you don't ignore them, you pay close attention to them. and i think what's interesting in terms of how the president and the white house use this from a u.s. perspective is, a, understanding those dynamics, and b, if there are places to help, you perhaps can get some leverage for something in the future, and i'm not saying they can't on this one in particular. but being able to identify those areas where perhaps president biden or another leader can come and say, i think i've got an idea here. maybe we can work through this. maybe i can help. maybe the u.s. is play a role in this. can possibly create some opportunity. >> and there were no additional tensions in the french/british relationship created when the united states led the way that barged france out of the sub deal with australia, britain became a partner with with the united states and australia. so all these tensions are interlinked, yet there you have earlier this evening president biden in the same room with boris johnson and emmanuel macron wanting to work together on iran. every leader wants to walk out with positive headlines that resonates at home. boris johnson, it's going to be fish. emmanuel macron, that is on a good track with the united states, and he still has the upper hand -- >> hopefully. >> you know where the conversation is on the australia sub deal started? the g2, in june, on the sidelines, between the three leaders. that's where they started. >> hopefully there's no scallops on the menu tonight. right? >> we'll see. >> you hope. >> throw a napkin over the scallop real fast. thank you so much. let's take a quick break. please stay with cnn. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. ♪ pardon when i shine ♪ ♪ hands to the sky, all mine ♪ ♪ woah, woah no ceiling woah woah good feeling woah woah ♪ ♪ i might send it up ♪ ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a 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rights giant died earlier this year. his late wife in tears from the honoring of him. hank jr. was joined by family throwing out the ceremonial first pitch, game on. and the braves making hammer hank proud. lewis garcia in the third, that was the only run. the 23-year-old untouchable last night. a no-hitter through five innings, the highest by a rookie in the fall classic since 2012. you know he had eyes on maybe getting that second no-hitter in world series history, but it wasn't meant to be. the manager pulling anderson after 76 pitches. handshakes and high-fives all around the dugout. the bullpen was stellar but they weren't able to keep the no-hitter alive. pinch-hitter diaz gets one to drop just inches in front of eddie rosario's glove. the pop-up in the eighth, causing just enough confusion, landing in the perfect spot. just like that, the no-hitter is done. but the braves relievers didn't crack, keeping arguably the best lineup in the league from scoring all night. braves win 2-1, taking a 2-1 series lead. after the game anderson spoke about being pulled with a shot at making history. >> obviously you want the chance to compete, especially on the biggest stage like this is, but, yeah, i knew he wasn't going to budge. >> luke jackson didn't know, and then after i got done with my inning, they went up and said, did you know you gave up the first hit. yeah, i did know, like i paid attention. >> this braves team had a losing record at the all-star break, now they're a perfect 6-0 at home in the postseason. if they keep this up, they could be champs by the end of the weekend. game four is tonight. former president donald trump is expected to attend. >> coy wire, thank you so much for that update. the tell-all book, the accusations and breakdown of a royal marriage, it's a new episode of the cnn original series "diana". here's a preview. >> there's a real pressure cooker atmosphere as diana is planning for the publication of the book. it's at least a year in the making, and she's doing all this literally under the noses of royal officials. diana was effectively planting a bomb underneath the royal family. >> diana knew the minute the powers found out about this, it would have been stopped. >> at one stage diana felt all her conversations were being listened to, so we decided to get some scramblers. each time we used them, we would have a conversation for perhaps half a minute and then the line would be cut, completely dead. >> she insisted that we have her rooms at kensington palace swept for bugs. >> diana trusted no one inside the royal system. >> my goodness. watch a new episode of the cnn original series "diana" tomorrow night at 9:00 on cnn. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. you could spend half an hour preparing for the half hour status meeting. orrr... you could cancel the meeting and share updates in slack instead. it's where your whole team is in one place so everyone can stay up to date. slack. where the future works. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ hello again, everyone. thank you for joining me in this saturday. i'm fredricka whitfield in atlanta. we're following breaking news on capitol hill, sources telling cnn democrats are pushing to hold votes on the infrastructure brand and the president's larger spending plan as early as tuesday. let's bring in suzanne malveaux on capitol hill. what are you learning? >> reporter: once again the goalpost is moving and this is pretty typical of the sausage making on capitol hill but it could be significant if it does not change

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Energy Supply , Bilateral , Euphemism , Opec Plus , Attention , Particular , Leverage , B , Areas , Tensions , Opportunity , Relationship , Sub Deal , Partner , Interlinked , Australia , Headlines , Track , Sidelines , Break , Menu , Napkin , June , G2 , Scallop Real Fast , Dairy , Isn T Real Milk , Lactaid , Mabel , Isn T A Real Cow , Woah No Ceiling , Money , Feel , Loan , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 10 , 0 , Hearing , Fullest , Miracle Ear , Store , Technology , Miracle Earmini , Difference , Obligation , Trial , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Thirty , No Hitter , Game , Atlanta Braves , Lead , Coy Wire , Staff , Houston Astros , Hank Aaron , Some , Tribute , World Series , Emotion , Legend , Famer , In Atlanta , Civil Rights Giant , Hall , 1999 , Wife , Tears , Honoring , Family Throwing , Game On , Hammer Hank , Ceremonial First Pitch , Lewis Garcia , Highest , Innings , Rookie , Eyes , 2012 , 23 , Handshakes , Pitches , Bullpen , Manager , Dugout , World Series History , 76 , Pop Up , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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annual "all-star tribute" as we announce the hero of the year and celebrate all of this year's honorees live sunday, december 12th. >> all right. we always look forward to that. join anderson cooper and special guest kelly ripa as they host the 15th annual cnn heroes "all-star tribute" live on sunday, december 12th. all right. hello again, thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we're following breaking news on capitol hill. sources telling cnn that house democratic leaders are pushing to hold votes on both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the president's larger spending plan as soon as tuesday. for the latest, let's bring in daniella diaz on capitol hill. tell us what you're learning. >> reporter: fred, my colleague, manu raju, is reporting that house democratic leaders are now eyeing tuesday as the day they will bring both of these bills, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that's already passed the senate, and the separate massive economic bill that has been negotiated for weeks and weeks, and we've been covering that would expand the nation's social safety net. this is what it's going to look like the next couple of days -- a new version of the bill could be introduced as soon as tomorrow with some revisions, and then the rules committee, it has to go through the rules committee procedure here on the house side, could take up the rule on this bill as soon as monday which means a vote could happen as soon as tuesday. but i do want to emphasize, fred, that this has happened before. we've been told that there's going to be a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the house many times by democratic leaders, as many as three times. and house speaker nancy pelosi has pulled that vote because if there's one thing about house speaker nancy pelosi, she never puts a bill on the floor to fail. but look, this comes after a lot of drama on capitol hill. house progressives withheld their vote on thursday on the bipartisan infrastructure bill when they were planning to again put it on the floor because they wanted to vote on that bill and this separate economic bill together. that was what they wanted. there's about 50 of them that had this rule that they wanted to follow, and as a result, now democratic leaders are scrambling to try to do this, and that appears to be the new timeline. as of now, of course, not finalized. fred? >> all right. every minute, every day counts up until that tuesday and beyond. thank you so much. appreciate that. all right. now to the breaking news out of rome. president biden and other g20 leaders say they are convinced it is possible to quickly restore the iran nuclear deal despite talks stalling out over the summer. the u.s. withdrew from the agreement in 2018. it's one of several key issues these important meetings hope to address at the g20 summit. president biden just attended mass at st. patrick's church in rome. and you're looking right now at live pictures from a cultural event where in the next hour president biden is expected to arrive with other heads of state. for more let's go to rome. sundown has happened, and chris cuomo is there anchoring from our set there in rome for coverage of the g20 summit. chris? >> reporter: hey, thank you very much. i got cnn senior white house correspondent phil mattingly with me. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson. we'll be join bide some other, global affairs analyst kim dozier also. he's coming out of mass, one of the interesting parts -- they have a lot of latin in the mass in rome. there's one part that probably has extra meaning for the president right now -- in latin it's agnes de -- [ speaking foreign language ] lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. what that's they're saying here collectively now. we've got to try and figure out a way through our problems. how big a boost for the president of the united states is the news that he may actually be able to deliver at home on tuesday? what will that resonate here as? >> you know, i think it underscores the urgency more than anything else. when you talk to white house officials, they've said it a couple times in the sense that they feel like the world leaders that are gathered here and will be gathered in eed in glasgow understand, they're sophisticated and understand the u.s. political system. they may not understand why people are blowing through deadlines. but they get that this is a process. and it takes time. i think the most important element from the white house officials' perspective is they have kind of concrete elements of the plan laid out. so the $555 billion for climate, that is something the president is absolutely going to be talking about when discussions about climate come up. when you're talking about supply chains, the president's going to hold a critical meeting on supply chains tomorrow at the g20. there's stuff for longer term, shifts to the supply chain and the infrastructure package, and another piece of legislation they're considering, that will be cited. i think -- we talked about this the other night. i think it's important -- this is such a different environment than it was in june where it was all about america's back, all about hopeful, all about we've turned the page on the prior four years. i think there are very real questions right now when you talk to diplomats from various european countries. not about whether or not president biden means what he says, but whether or not what president biden is saying right now is going to matter after the next presidential election. so if the president can point to we have a new deadline, we think we're going to be able to deliver, democracy works, we can show government works, it's a critical part of his message always, perhaps this boosts that a little bit. >> let's bounce to david gergen. we got him, cnn senior political analyst joining us. the report is nancy pelosi doesn't put a bill on the floor lose -- except when she does. this has not been a good run for the democrats. hous howe big a deal is it that if they do something tuesday it actually has to happen? >> well, if they do something on tuesday and it fails, they can't get the vote or whatever, i think that would be another significant blow. as it is, right now, chris, you know, he's not getting much help. if anything there's a lot of questions in europe about his capacity, his authority to get things done. and you know, he went -- the real damage was done because he didn't bring a victory to europe with him. now he's playing catchup. and you know, they get back, but i -- yes, i think it would definitely help him if he gets the deal done. there's a question of reliability among americans. can you deliver? if we get in a conversation with iranians, will you go to a deal that really will stick, that, you know, even if somebody from another party is elected, will that deal still stick? you can't get the iranians to agree to very much unless they have some sense of reliability. and that's true of other hard issues that are coming. like the environment. >> kim dozier, looking at the iran deal, the word is it's possible. that's not a helpful word to me because anything is possible. it's about probabilities. and what do you think that america's role is moving forward with iran? >> you know, yes,'s possible to get them all in the same room again in november, as both sides have hinted. but the fact of the matter is the iranians want to return to the deal as it was, and the biden administration has said no, we've now seen you ceseveral aspects and we need t add other things to the deal. if iran refuse that's which it said it will refuse, and the biden administration caves and goes with the weaker deal, the republicans will use that to beat them in the midterms and the next election after that. >> well, kim, that's the intelligence of it, no question. nic, here's one of the political things i don't understand, and phil, you should jump on this, as well. the idea that why is the right driving the ball of -- boy, if biden screws up this deal -- they screwed it up by getting out of this deal in the first place. it was the only ability to keep iran in check. and we see what they've done since america withdrew. so what are the stakes? >> i think you have to deal with the situation that you're in clearly, and biden's behind the eight ball on this because he has set a high bar. the high bar being not only do we get back into the jcpoa, but we want to limit your ballistic missile capacity and want to dial back provocations and interference and destabilization in the region, be it yemen, be it syria, be it lebanon, all those countries. the iranians since president biden said that have elected a more conservative, more hard-line president, that's signaling that they are distancing themselves from that u.s. rhetoric. there's going to be -- it's going to be harder to get them to let the united states back into the jcpoa, come into the terms of compliance of which they are out with massive ly at the moment, and then agree to this extra which they've already said that they -- they won't have, that they won't see their ballistic missile systems dial back in the way that we want them dialed back. or you know, they already say,i the region. the bar has changed for president biden. and i see that cost for him domestically, politically. and this i think is why we're hearing from the europeans saying, yes, this is within reach, this is within grasp, let's try and do it. the iranians in this context see it as the sort of go between to the united states to try to say, hey, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it. in the back of president biden's mind it's clearly the cost of doing it may be the level that the europeans are willing to go for which is probably less than what the republicans would hold president biden to. >> phil, isn't the natural move for biden to say, well, trump screwed this all up, you know, the deal wasn't perfect, but it's all we had, and now everything has gotten worse. let me see what i can salvage. isn't that the way to enter it? we're not hearing that. >> to some degree, when you talk to officials around the president, he didn't view this as an all-encompassing, wonderful deal. he recognized there were holes to some degree, maybe differing to some degree from the former president that he served as vice president underneath. it's why, as nic notes, they are deciding to go after a wider scale deal, particularly when it comes to ballistic missiles and trying to expand in terms of influences. they understand the original jcpoa wasn't as wide as it perhaps should have been. and so to that extent, they're acknowledging the republican complaints about it. the republicans pulled out entirely and decided maximum pressure would get iran to the table. that did not work in any way, shape, or form. and so that -- i think there is a great point that you made, it's why president biden's in such a difficult spot here. you have very different political dynamics domestically. you obviously have the europeans in a different place than the united states is in terms of what the president wants. and you have the iranians who have given no sense whatsoever over the course of several months to even reenter the original jcpoa to some degree. certainly not expand it. and so when you talk to administration officials, they recognize the best of a series of bad options is to figure out some way back into an expanded jcpoa. do they think they're going to get there? i'll tell you, despite the statement we saw today, i have not heard optimism that that's coming. they are very ready to take steps outside of that deal in terms of sanctions if they feel like a deal isn't within hand. they understand how important it is to the european allies, they understand the necessity of trying to get something back in control when it comes to iran's nuclear capabilities or program. and so they're going to pursue it. i just -- we were talking before we came on air, i was surprised at the optimism that was in that statement given discussions i've had with u.s. officials. >> kim, what's your read on it? is this about biden saying the right things to the allies and kind of rebuilding the dynamtake that i'm here for you, too, it's not just what i want? but that the united states is in no rush to put this on the front burner? >> look, you can say you're going to show up for talks and it's like saying we're going to investigate and there will be a report later. you can drag talks along for a very long time to see if by being in the room you can get some sort of movement that then you can turn back to your base within the u.s., within the democratic party, and say, see, we tried, we got this. though we didn't get all these other things. so they've got to make these motions even though, as phil was saying, i have heard the same skepticism. i haven't heard anyone predict that they think they're going to get a deal, a new deal. >> kim dozier, nic robertson, phil mattingly, david gergen, great collection. david, was there something you wanted to add before we go? >> i just -- look, yes, i do. you talked about that biden ought to say i'm going to salvage what i can, he has to lower expectations. he's not going to succeed on this deal. as you remember when obama got the deal to start with, there was not one single republican who would support him on the floor of the congress. not one. so if he now goes to his left on this issue and softens, he's going to pay a huge price in 2022 and 2024. >> thank you very much. appreciate you all. back to you. >> all right. chris and everybody, thank you so much. still ahead, good news for parents. young children are one step closer to getting the covid vaccine, and it could happen as soon as next week. plus, a new court filing reveals a long list of documents president trump, former president trump is trying to keep secret from the january 6th investigation. details straight ahead. ♪ and pardon when i shine ♪ ♪ hands to the sky, all mine ♪ ♪ woah woah no ceiling woah woah good feeling woah ♪ overnight the u.s. house told a federal court that donald trump has no right to hide documents from the january 6th committee. and now we're learning more about just what the former president is intent on keeping secret. we have more now from washington with more. what's in these papers being held by the national archives? >> reporter: well, until midnight last night, fred, we did not know the documentation that the white house, of the trump presidency, had about january 6th. donald trump was trying to protect documents from his administration saying they should be privileged, that he as a former president should assert executive privilege, keep documents from his presidency private. but then the national archives last night in a court filing very late at night said we have a list, here is an itemized list of the types of things that donald trump currently is trying to protect and keep secret from the u.s. house january 6th committee. so this is the list. it's 700 pages from the closest advisers of trump up to and on january 6th. that includes files -- records from then-chief of staff mark meadows, there's handwritten notes from meadows, there's lists, there's briefing note, there's calls, there's notes there the press secretary from the white house, there's also white house visitor logs, there's call logs, switchboard records, 30 pages of trump's daily schedule. now this is a lot of detail on paper that the house has been pursuing for its investigation, and donald trump has gone to court to sue to block them from obtaining that, and so there is a court fight that is ongoing over this. it came out in a court filing last night, and trump is going to be in court this thursday along with lawyers from the biden administration and from congress to try and argue that these documents could be blocked before they're set to be turned over to the house on november 12th. he will need a court order in order to stop the house from seeing these actual pieces of paper. >> and then, cnn's k file team also uncovered a radio interview with one of trump's former attorneys named john eastman who was pushing the vice president to overturn the election. listen -- >> are we to assume that this is going to be a climactic battle that's going to take place this week about the very question of the constitutionity of the electoral -- constitutionality of the electoral count act of 1877? >> i believe it will take the courage and spine of those involved. >> the courage and spine, is that a nice way to say a good day named vice president mike pence? >> yes. >> what else do we know about attorney eastman and what he was doing at about that time? >> reporter: so john eastman was in the orbit of donald trump before and up to january 6th. he's an outside lawyer who was preparing a plan that he had previously said was sort of a weak option for mike pence to essentially throw out the popular vote of the nation and instead let republicans in congress who would have been able to vote potentially install donald trump as the president for a second term. now in this -- excuse me -- in this information that the k file reported last night, that was something that was much more direct from eastman than we have ever heard before. fred? >> all right. thank you so much. all right. still ahead, take a look at these live pictures from rome. global leaders and their spouses attending a cultural event after a day of high-stakes meetings. we're live from rome. company and wait for back and forth e-mail, or a call to be rescheduled for the third time. orrr... you could use slack. and work faster with everyone you work with, together in one place. slack. where the future works. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. ever wonder how san francisco became the greenest big city in america? just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. new york city is scrambling to avert a potential crisis over its vaccine mandate for municipal workers. by manned, unvaccinated employees will be place odds unpaid leave if they haven't received at least one dose of the covid vaccine. that includes thousands of police officers and firefighters who have yet to get their first shot. a short time ago a department official told cnn that some firefighters are taking medical leave because of the mandate. i want to bring in now dr. mike sagg to talk about this. so good to see you. so police and firefighters are there to help protect and serve the public, and themselves now being asked at least in new york city to help protect the public by being vaccinated. so what is the best argument that many of these police and firefighters are able to make to say that they cannot be mandated to -- to get a vaccine? >> well, there's been a lot of discussion about freedom and choice, and that exists for sure. but the question becomes when does someone exerting their freedom impose on the freedom and choice of others. and i think part of the argument for a mandate is that first off it's going to protect the first responders themselves, but secondarily, if a first responder is infected and gets called to a scene, that person could spread this to perhaps someone who's very vulnerable to the infection. so it's not just protecting the first responder, it's also protecting all the people they come in contact with. so i understand the arguments, but i think -- i come down on the side of this is about the freedom and the ability to choose for the public. >> uh-huh. i want to also now turn to some pretty big news potentially for parents. the fda has granted emergency use authorization for pfizer's covid vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. and then the cdc will be weighing in. in your view, is this a potential game changer? why is it so potentially important? >> yeah, fred, it's very important because we suspected that the vaccine would be safe and effective for children. but we always need to get the data to prove it. and pfizer now has presented those data. and i think moderna will be on its heels with its data, as well. and pretty soon, i'd say by january, we'll have approvals for children six months and older because i think it's going to be proven safe here. here's news that i think underscores the need for this vaccine -- cdc released a study that examined people who had previously had covid and didn't get vaccinated versus people who had never gotten covid and then they got vaccinated. what they showed is that the people who were vaccinated were five times less likely to get a breakthrough infection than those just relying on natural immunity. that's huge news, especially for people arguing, well, we don't have to worry about the kids, they're not likely to get sick, and by the way they don't transmit as much, and that's really not true. and now that we see that natural immunity is not as good as the vaccine, i think that argues even more strongly for vaccinating the kids and for that matter the first responders. >> then there's new polling that says only about a third of parents want to vaccinate their kids right away. those who would be eligible in this 5 to 11 range. the rest either want to wait and see or don't want to do it at all. so what's your message to them? >> well, i understand the hesitancy. there this -- this is all so new. covid is a threat to all of us. the data now are overwhelming that someone who is not vaccinated is at substantially greater than 90% to 95% higher risk for death if they do get very sick with covid. wouldn't we want to prevent that? and especially for our kids. the other point is we want to send our kids back to school. we'd love to have them go back to school without masks and go back to life as normal. our ticket to get there in the fastest way is to have all of us vaccinated, and that especially includes the kids. so i understand the hesitancy, but these vaccines are remarkably safe and very, very effective. they are a gift so we should move forward with this now if we can. >> and what are the potential side effects for those ages 5 to 11 who get vaccinated versus the effects of kids in that category getting covid? yes, there may be the antibodies, that argument. but how does a parent then weigh the potential side effects versus the consequences of being infected? >> fred, i think you laid this out perfectly. it's not a question of vaccine yes, no, it's a question of the relative risk to your child if -- the relative risk of getting the vaccine and side effects. if your child gets covid, there have been over 500 deaths in the united states, children who have died from covid. that's unacceptable. those are preventable deaths. and so when you're weighing this out, children are not dying from the vaccine. the one concern that people had was a so-called myocarditis, very rare, and usually short lived and just goes away. and so when we're weighing this out, the covid itself can create myocarditis. so we would like to avoid that. a final point -- if we're thinking about this as a global pandemic, this is everywhere around the world. it's not going away. it's going to be with us for years to come. ultimately we will all be getting vaccinated. so i would say just expect that this is going to become the norm, and you might as well adopt it early and protect your child now. >> all right. great advice always. dr. mike sagg, thank you so much. good to see you. stay well. >> good to see you. >> we'll be right back. 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(vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. you know, sometimes even geopolitics gets kind of simple. you're in rome, you're going to eat. i'm chris cuomo, and we've had a big day at the g20 in the final stages here. this is a live look at dinner arrivals. biden is going. they're going to have leaders from around the world, their spouses, expected to attend. this is following the performance which you had with biden and other world leaders. but now, you know, as you might expect on a lot of levels of politics, getting together, sharing a meal. this matters. this is a part of bonding and showing relationships that hopefully will carry forward. so let's get some perspective on what -- what happens here could lead to or not. we've got nic robertson and phil mattingly. it is riome. you're going to have a good meal. you want to get together, you want to eat. nic, culturally, you know, you see this and be like this is what they do, these leaders, they're always having it easy. this matters -- sharing a meal, having the spouses, talking to each other. what is the hope when you're coming out of an event like this in the moment that we're in in this world right now? what's the best they can do to go forward? >> it's that you make the connection with the leader that you think -- leaders that you think are going to have the greatest influence on your agenda. i'll walk us back a little in time. the g20 in hamburg, i believe that was then-president trump's first g20. he went off and spent, what was it, 45 minutes by himself with president putin. there was a lot of comments at the time. i think there was one translator between the pair of them, and it was a russian translator. but you know, that's an extreme example of what you can achieve at these dinners. it's your moment to have the -- the more relaxed conversation, not the one that's scripted per se, not the brush past, not the bilateral. perhaps, you know, president biden might want to have a word with president erdogan of turkey who knocked up a spat and knocked it down last weekend. there is something structural expected on that coming. this will be the moment where these conversations can be had. or maybe you want to lean over to emmanuel macron and say, okay, we talked about -- talked about our problems, what is it with you and the british and the fish? how are you going to sort that out? because that's -- that's an issue. if you're boris johnson at the table near emmanuel macron, maybe you're going to want to try and dial back the rhetoric that's happening at home. >> for what they expected in the white house for success, it seems like the pope visit couldn't have gone any better. you know, we were all told no, there will be no more communion talk, no more reproductive rights talk. that's been done. according to the president of the united states, the pope made a point of saying you're a good catholic, and you should keep getting communion, which is really as much a finger in the face of his own clergy as it is a message to the president. they had jokes, obviously biden felt this was good. what are the optics and what is the readout coming from the white house about how they feel about biden's impact here? >> i think when you talk to white house officials, they feel like the meeting with emmanuel macron yesterday was both positive andabsolute necessities to some degree. it's not that everything's wonderful, but it was a demonstration of the work that the white house put in to the six weeks prior where they recognized they'd made a pretty big error and were going to work to try and fix it. it's not complete. there are a series of issues that the french made very clear to the u.s. that they wanted concrete delivery on. i think they're still working through issues. officials say that was a positive in terms of laying the groundwork for the next month or so. in terms of the days ahead, look, you don't necessarily talk about it a lot, but the 15% global minimum tax is a significant victory especially for the treasury secretary yellen. it slots in purely from a revenue side on their domestic agenda. but it was something they've been working on for several months. to be able to clinch that with the g20, to have nearly 140 countries signed on, they view that as a positive and something that they feel like the president led on. these next couple of days are significant. meeting with president erdogan, officials saying the issues with turkey, how the president views president erdogan, i think flushing that over the next 24 to 48 hours is big. the other thing -- again, you've been talking about there a lot, the supply chain, significant issue inside the united states, not just because of christmas gifts but because of just the realities of this moment. it's not just here. it's not just here, not just in the united states. it's international. it's globally connected. and the president himself unilaterally can't fix the issues on his own. it is a global issue. so the president will hold a supply chain meeting tomorrow. i think if the u.s. can come out of that meeting in particular with concrete deliverables, saying x country committed to do this to help with this issue, i think 15, 16 leaders are expected to come last i heard, that would matter. that would be something they would feel positive about heading into the next summit. >> it also means different things in different places, right? i mean, the supply chain is a very simple term for a very complex set of economic factors. it has as much to do in america with our labor market and what we're dealing with pre and post covid as it does anything on the corporate side. nic, let's give people a little bit of a lesson they wouldn't get anywhere. i have to believe most of the american audience when you say the british, the french, and the fish, that's it -- they don't know what the hell that means. so give us a little background in terms of what that controversy is and why it matters. >> so, we have, the british and the french, have a very small gap of water between the two countries. i think it at the narrowest like 20-something miles -- >> people swim it. >> the problem is it's not just people in the water, it's the fish in the water. when the uk got out of the european union with brexit, one of the stickiest issues was fish -- who was going to get the fishing rights? boris johnson had said that we'll stick up for the british fishermen, that's the most -- a huge important thing. we'll go to the fence on this one. yet it's only a tiny, tiny part of the economy. so what happened a couple of days ago -- a british fishing vessel fishing too close to france scooped up scallops too close to france and got hauled off into a french port. the captain got taken to court, accused of fishing without a license. the french are saying that you brits are not giving us enough licenses now post brexit. the brits are saying, yes, we're giving you enough licenses. the french are saying we might dial back the amount of electricity that we put across the channel. we're going to make it harder for trucks to cross the channel. all the pretty fishing boats can only now come to three our four french ports to offload their fish. so the rhetoric's ramping up. and it doesn't appear to be being dialed back. we are expecting boris johnson and emmanuel macron to have some kind of conversation here. macron's on an election drive at the moment. boris johnson has got to make deliverables on brexit. he told the country it was there, the deal was done. but we're still wrangling over elements of it years after. >> can i just say it's a really great -- we chuckle about it, but i think this happened in june in g7, there was a fish tiff -- >> i went to jersey to cover it. >> every time i flip on bbc, there's a fish issue going on. it underscores that we often look through the prism of what's the u.s. going to get, what does there mean for president biden? you come to these summits, and the realities of, you know, bilateral issues, of regional issues, of how countries are working ting together, who has specific issue and what's driving it starts to underscore how important these relationships are. and yes, maybe everybody's focused on a global tax proposal or they're focused on gas prices and perhaps what can happen on that front. but when you have all of these leaders together in one place, the opportunities that come from that in terms of whether or not you're in a side having an off-the-side bilateral on fish or, you know, if you're president biden you made clear that you think on energy supply it needs to be more balanced, which is kind of a euphemism for we would like more supply, please, opec plus, if you would like it contribute at any point. those dynamics play a huge role into what the overarching result of any one of these meetings are. and so you don't ignore them, you pay close attention to them. and i think what's interesting in terms of how the president and the white house use this from a u.s. perspective is, a, understanding those dynamics, and b, if there are places to help, you perhaps can get some leverage for something in the future, and i'm not saying they can't on this one in particular. but being able to identify those areas where perhaps president biden or another leader can come and say, i think i've got an idea here. maybe we can work through this. maybe i can help. maybe the u.s. is play a role in this. can possibly create some opportunity. >> and there were no additional tensions in the french/british relationship created when the united states led the way that barged france out of the sub deal with australia, britain became a partner with with the united states and australia. so all these tensions are interlinked, yet there you have earlier this evening president biden in the same room with boris johnson and emmanuel macron wanting to work together on iran. every leader wants to walk out with positive headlines that resonates at home. boris johnson, it's going to be fish. emmanuel macron, that is on a good track with the united states, and he still has the upper hand -- >> hopefully. >> you know where the conversation is on the australia sub deal started? the g2, in june, on the sidelines, between the three leaders. that's where they started. >> hopefully there's no scallops on the menu tonight. right? >> we'll see. >> you hope. >> throw a napkin over the scallop real fast. thank you so much. let's take a quick break. please stay with cnn. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. ♪ pardon when i shine ♪ ♪ hands to the sky, all mine ♪ ♪ woah, woah no ceiling woah woah good feeling woah woah ♪ ♪ i might send it up ♪ ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a 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rights giant died earlier this year. his late wife in tears from the honoring of him. hank jr. was joined by family throwing out the ceremonial first pitch, game on. and the braves making hammer hank proud. lewis garcia in the third, that was the only run. the 23-year-old untouchable last night. a no-hitter through five innings, the highest by a rookie in the fall classic since 2012. you know he had eyes on maybe getting that second no-hitter in world series history, but it wasn't meant to be. the manager pulling anderson after 76 pitches. handshakes and high-fives all around the dugout. the bullpen was stellar but they weren't able to keep the no-hitter alive. pinch-hitter diaz gets one to drop just inches in front of eddie rosario's glove. the pop-up in the eighth, causing just enough confusion, landing in the perfect spot. just like that, the no-hitter is done. but the braves relievers didn't crack, keeping arguably the best lineup in the league from scoring all night. braves win 2-1, taking a 2-1 series lead. after the game anderson spoke about being pulled with a shot at making history. >> obviously you want the chance to compete, especially on the biggest stage like this is, but, yeah, i knew he wasn't going to budge. >> luke jackson didn't know, and then after i got done with my inning, they went up and said, did you know you gave up the first hit. yeah, i did know, like i paid attention. >> this braves team had a losing record at the all-star break, now they're a perfect 6-0 at home in the postseason. if they keep this up, they could be champs by the end of the weekend. game four is tonight. former president donald trump is expected to attend. >> coy wire, thank you so much for that update. the tell-all book, the accusations and breakdown of a royal marriage, it's a new episode of the cnn original series "diana". here's a preview. >> there's a real pressure cooker atmosphere as diana is planning for the publication of the book. it's at least a year in the making, and she's doing all this literally under the noses of royal officials. diana was effectively planting a bomb underneath the royal family. >> diana knew the minute the powers found out about this, it would have been stopped. >> at one stage diana felt all her conversations were being listened to, so we decided to get some scramblers. each time we used them, we would have a conversation for perhaps half a minute and then the line would be cut, completely dead. >> she insisted that we have her rooms at kensington palace swept for bugs. >> diana trusted no one inside the royal system. >> my goodness. watch a new episode of the cnn original series "diana" tomorrow night at 9:00 on cnn. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. you could spend half an hour preparing for the half hour status meeting. orrr... you could cancel the meeting and share updates in slack instead. it's where your whole team is in one place so everyone can stay up to date. slack. where the future works. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ hello again, everyone. thank you for joining me in this saturday. i'm fredricka whitfield in atlanta. we're following breaking news on capitol hill, sources telling cnn democrats are pushing to hold votes on the infrastructure brand and the president's larger spending plan as early as tuesday. let's bring in suzanne malveaux on capitol hill. what are you learning? >> reporter: once again the goalpost is moving and this is pretty typical of the sausage making on capitol hill but it could be significant if it does not change

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, Countries , Election , Questions , European , Whether , Diplomats , Page , Four , Bit , Message , Democracy Works , David Gergen , Government Works , Let , Doesn T , Report , Run , Hous Howe , Help , Blow , Whatever , Things , Victory , Capacity , Damage , Authority , Playing Catchup , Iranians , Question , Conversation , Reliability , Somebody , Issues , Party , True , Word , Role , Probabilities , Administration , Room , Yes , Matter , No , Fact , T Add , Aspects , Republicans , Deal , Intelligence , Midterms , Caves , Place , Nic , Idea , Ability , Ball , Boy , Check , Bar , Situation , Stakes , Eight , Region , Interference , Missile , Destabilization , Provocations , It Yemen , Rhetoric , Conservative , Signaling , Lebanon , It Syria , Terms , Extra , Compliance , Ly , Cost , Ballistic Missile Systems , Sort , Saying , Grasp , Context , Go , Reach , Try , Move , Europeans , Isn T , Level , Biden To , Mind , Up , Degree , Everything , Wasn T Perfect , Nic Notes , Encompassing , Vice President Underneath , Holes , Jcpoa Wasn T , Complaints , Scale , Missiles , Influences , Extent , Point , Dynamics , Spot , Pressure , Table , Form , Shape , Optimism , Series , Best , We Saw Today , Options , Program , Allies , Steps , Deal Isn T , Capabilities , Necessity , Sanctions , Hand , Read , Air , Rebuilding , Dynamtake , Burner , Rush , Say , Movement , Base , Anyone , Skepticism , Motions , Haven T , Collection , Congress , Expectations , Single , Obama , Price , Softens , Left , 2022 , 2024 , Vaccine , List , Documents , Covid , Parents , Everybody , Step , Court Filing , Plus , Former , Hands , Sky , Secret , Trump , January 6th Investigation , Mine Woah , Details , Feeling Woah , January 6th , 6 , Donald Trump , Court , More , Intent , Papers , January 6th Committee , Washington , Presidency , Documentation , Midnight Last Night , The National Archives , The National Archives Last Night , Executive Privilege , Pages , Advisers , Types , U S House January 6th Committee , 700 , Notes , Files , Lists , Press Secretary , Records , Briefing Note , Calls , Meadows , Chief Of Staff , Mark Meadows , Paper , Visitor Logs , Call Logs , Detail , Investigation , Schedule , Switchboard Records , 30 , Court Fight , Lawyers , Court Filing Last Night , Order , Pieces , Court Order , House On November 12th , Cnn S K File Team , November 12th , Vice President , Attorneys , Radio Interview , John Eastman , Battle , Electoral , Count , Constitutionality , Constitutionity , Act , 1877 , Courage , Attorney Eastman , Spine , Mike Pence , Lawyer , Option , Orbit , Second Term , Information , File , Spouses , Company , Call , E Mail , Slack , Everyone , Works , Orrr , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Little Red House , Family , Edge , Forest , Norway , Kindness , Heart , Honesty , Fourth , Regina , Cadillac Lyriq , Inspiration , Comfort , Viking , Classical Music Plays , Coast , Um Uh , Brass Band , New Orleans , Palm Springs , Cadillac , City , San Francisco , Country , System , Composting , Ground Up , Recycling , Employee Owners , Residents , Businesses , Recology , Starts , Making A Differene , New York City , Potential , Crisis , Firefighters , Police Officers , Leave , Workers , Shot , Employees , Vaccine Mandate , Dose , Department Official , Odds , Unvaccinated , Manned , Mandate , Police , Dr , Mike Sagg , Argument , Public , Least , Freedom , Choice , Discussion , Sure , Someone , Responders , Responder , Others , Secondarily , Person , Arguments , Contact , Infection , Scene , Side , Emergency Use Authorization , Uh Huh , Fda , Potential Game Changer , View , Cdc , Pfizer , 11 , 5 , Data , Moderna , Heels , Safe , Study , Approvals , Need , Six , Didn T , Five , Kids , Immunity , Breakthrough Infection , Sick , Third , Polling , Don T , Hesitancy , Threat , 95 , 90 , Life , Risk , Back To School , Death , School , Masks , Wouldn T , Ticket , Vaccines , Gift , Side Effects , Effects , Category , Consequences , Antibodies , Parent , Child , Deaths , 500 , Myocarditis , Concern , Everywhere , Pandemic , Norm , Advice , Music , Phone Clicks , Phone Beep , Music Quieter , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Ocean , Kayak , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Description , Guarantee , Restaurants , Door , Announcer , Grubhub , Food , Restaurant , Promise , , Priceline , Hotels , 60 , Man , Trip , Screen Saver , Looks , Yodeling High , 2 , 1 , Vo , Yo De Le He , Adventure , Lower , Let S Go Lower , Uh , Sounds Good , Hm , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Love , Stages , Big Day , Geopolitics , Simple , Performance , Dinner Arrivals , Around The World , Relationships , Meal , Matters , World Leaders , Politics , Levels , Bonding , Showing , What , Riome , Each Other , Hope , Connection , Leader , Influence , Translator , Agenda , Comments , President Putin , Trump S First G20 , Hamburg , 45 , Dinners , Pair , Example , Russian , Per Se , Turkey , Erdogan , Coming , Spat , Fish , Conversations , Boris Johnson , Emmanuel Macron , British , Visit Couldn T , Better , Success , Communion , Reproductive Rights , Talk , Finger , Catholic , Clergy , Face , Readout , Optics , Jokes , Impact , Demonstration , Necessities , Andabsolute , French , Concrete Delivery On , Error , Positive , Yellen , Revenue Side , Tax , Groundwork , It Slots , Led On , 140 , Views , 48 , 24 , Realities , Gifts , Supply Chain Meeting , Concrete Deliverables , 16 , Places , Summit , Factors , Labor Market , Anywhere , Lesson , Audience , Pre , The American , Water , Controversy , Hell , Background , Gap , Two , Problem , Brexit , European Union , 20 , Fishing Vessel , Fishing Rights , Couple , Fishermen , Fence , Economy , Scallops , Fishing , License , Captain , French Port , Fishing Boats , Channel , Licenses , Electricity , Amount , Trucks , Brits , Macron , Emmanuel , Ports , Election Drive , Fish Issue , G7 , Fish Tiff , Prism , Bbc , Summits , Opportunities , Front , Gas Prices , Tax Proposal , Supply , Energy Supply , Bilateral , Euphemism , Opec Plus , Attention , Particular , Leverage , B , Areas , Tensions , Opportunity , Relationship , Sub Deal , Partner , Interlinked , Australia , Headlines , Track , Sidelines , Break , Menu , Napkin , June , G2 , Scallop Real Fast , Dairy , Isn T Real Milk , Lactaid , Mabel , Isn T A Real Cow , Woah No Ceiling , Money , Feel , Loan , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 10 , 0 , Hearing , Fullest , Miracle Ear , Store , Technology , Miracle Earmini , Difference , Obligation , Trial , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Thirty , No Hitter , Game , Atlanta Braves , Lead , Coy Wire , Staff , Houston Astros , Hank Aaron , Some , Tribute , World Series , Emotion , Legend , Famer , In Atlanta , Civil Rights Giant , Hall , 1999 , Wife , Tears , Honoring , Family Throwing , Game On , Hammer Hank , Ceremonial First Pitch , Lewis Garcia , Highest , Innings , Rookie , Eyes , 2012 , 23 , Handshakes , Pitches , Bullpen , Manager , Dugout , World Series History , 76 , Pop Up , Confusion , Glove , Eighth , Landing , Eddie Rosario , Series Lead , Lineup , League , Game Anderson , Shot At Making History , Braves Relievers Didn T Crack , Stage , Chance , Inning , Didn T Know , Luke Jackson , Team , All Star Break , Record , Know , Postseason , Hit , The End , Book , On Cnn , Weekend , Breakdown , Update , Marriage , Accusations , Diana , Publication , Making , Atmosphere , Preview , Noses , Pressure Cooker , Powers , Royal Family , Bomb , Scramblers , Rooms , Line , Goodness , Cut , Bugs , Kensington Palace , 9 , 00 , Status Meeting , Updates , Share , Spending , Infrastructure Brand , Suzanne Malveaux On Capitol Hill , Goalpost , Sausage Making ,

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