Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

the president seeing this. but i think some of his top aides have tried to tamp down expectations. you heard from a top climate adviser saying that they know other leaders know that the u.s. is headed in the right direction on climate and other aides, including the national security adviser saying these world leaders understand domestic politics as well. >> the president had a clear message at the g7 several months ago. america is back, he said. can the same message still resonate on this trip? >> i think it's being challenged a little bit, jake. we'll see how these world leaders receive the president. you saw how the french president responded to president biden after the diplomatic feud they had over that scuttled submarine deal about six weeks ago. so warned publicly they had a pretty frank discussion with cameras in the room. but it's a broader scale. not just saying america is back. when that happened with the french deal, the french were likening president biden to former president trump saying he was adopting his tactics of catching allies by surprise. and that's something obviously president biden did not take well to. we'll see how the world leaders receive him on the afghanistan withdrawal and other issues as well, jake. >> kaitlan collins traveling with the president in rome. thanks so much. here in washington, d.c., democrats bought themselves a little more time to work out their differences on the so-called build back better act. roughly $1.75 trillion in social safety net programs on everything from clean energy to universal pre-k to affordable housing. cnn's manu raju is on capitol hill where a brand-new self-imposed deadline for democrats yet again now looms. >> reporter: with president biden overseas, his agenda at home is stuck. months of democratic bickering over this strategy. ultimately forcing speaker nancy pelosi for the third time to delay a vote on biden's $1.2 trillion plan to pump money into public works projects across the country forcing an extension of highway programs until december 3rd and prompting anger in the ranks. >> i'm more concerned about the message it's sending to the world right now. that it's looking at our system of governance with increasing concern about its viability. >> reporter: the reason for the delay? progressives who are demanding joe manchin and kyrsten sinema endorse biden's larger plan to expand the social safety net and combat climate change. >> it's really important that we pass both of these things together to make sure the united states is not a net emitter on fossil fuels and making climate change worse. >> re >> reporter: progressives were forced to compromise, slashing their $3.5 trillion plan in half. leaving out priorities like paid leave and broader expansion of medicare to appease manchin and dropping community free college to win over sinema. still $1.75 trillion with preschool for all 3-year-old and 4-year-olds. more than $500 billion to fight climate change. medicare expansion to include hearing coverage. and year-long extension of the child tax credit. in a boon for biden, progressives are endorsing this slimmed down plan. >> we are really proud of the president and of our progressive caucus and our progressive allies for getting so many of our big priorities into the framework. >> reporter: manchin has refused to take a position on the bill. but he told cnn that he's okay with the price tag, which is more than he originally proposed. >> 1.72, is that a victory? 1.75 too high? >> that was negotiated. >> sinema did not endorse the bill but democratic sources are confident that after conversations with her, the senator will ultimately be a yes. so even though joe biden came to capitol hill yesterday and called for the passage of both bills, he faced some criticism from democratic moderates who wanted him to be more explicit in pushing for the final passage of the infrastructure bill yesterday. dean phillips of minnesota told me this is the commander in chief of the united states. when you spend political equity in front of a caucus two times a month, i think it's got to be awfully explicit, and he has to be more forthright. >> manu raju on capitol hill, thanks. let's bring in democratic congresswoman pramila jayapal. congresswoman, let me start with what congressman dean phillips said, criticizing president biden for not more directly telling house democrats, i want you to go out there and vote for the bipartisan infrastructure package so i can go to this global summit with this in my hand. and when we come back, we'll then do the build back better act and we're going to make everybody happy. would that have done the trick? might that have gotten the infrastructure bill passed? >> jake, it's good to see you. look, i think the president did a fantastic job. in fact, such a fantastic job that progressives, that's a 96-member caucus, by the way, not always easy to all vote together. we enthusiastically and unanimously endorsed the framework that the president laid out. and that is a big deal. it was not the full bill text but we endorsed it in principle despite the fact we had things we wish were in there. so that's what we wanted to send him off to europe with because as kaitlan said, the prpt thing is the build back better framework -- build back better act has over half a trillion dollars investment in climate. it finally makes us a country that has universal child care and pre-k. big investments in housing. really transformative investments in almost every arena, and that's what we wanted to make sure we sent the president off with. now we also believe, jake, that we do need to make sure that we see the bill text, that everybody kind of has an opportunity to make sure the framework is translated well and that's what we were waiting for. because we insisted on that, the legislative text was released finally yesterday. we are combing through a 1600-page bill right now. and i really believe that within a few days, we will be able to pass both these bills through the house. and that will be an enormous accomplishment of the president, of all of us across the democratic caucus and certainly of progressives who are bold enough to say we're not going to leave anybody behind. >> but it's not a secret that house speaker nancy pelosi wanted to bring the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the floor this week and then have the build back better act voted on when that is ready. and that did not happen and you heard moderates like congressman dean phillips and others saying president biden should have told the democrats, go vote on infrastructure. we want that now, and then we'll come back and do build back better. i'm just asking if you think if biden had done that, if the president had done that, would that make a difference? would your caucus, enough members have voted for the infrastructure bill? >> i'm not sure that they would have, jake. we have said for months anybody that has been listening to us would know that we have been very clear that the two bills need to move together. now we've made a lot of compromises. we've been at the negotiating table. we've backed off the idea of a senate vote which many of our members wanted. and we have said clearly and i even signaled to the speaker, to the white house, to everyone several days ago that we were not going to have the votes for just an infrastructure bill. the president recognized that and he also recognized that it's important that we get both these bills done. that was his message to us. get both these bills done and everyone should vote for both of these bills. and i think that at the end of the day progressives will actually be delivering both of these bills, and i know that the majority of our caucus will be excited that we are getting this done. >> do you think, based on your conversations with them, although you have to tell me who you've talked to in terms of senator sinema and manchin, do you think they'll vote for the build back better act as it has been outlined and written? >> well, i've been speaking with both of them. i'm not going to go into the conversations i've had but i will just say that my conversation with senator sinema yesterday was incredibly productive. and i believe she is really operating in good faith. i'm going to circle back with senator manchin. the key thing is the progressive caucus took a leap of faith yesterday when we endorsed this proposal and also said we want both bills to move forward at the same time. when we said the president told us that he has every confidence that he will be able to get 50 votes for this -- for the build back better act in the senate. we do have to trust our president at this point because i think that if he says to us he is going to get the 50 votes, and he's confident he can get the 50 votes, then we'll do everything we can to feel as comfortable as we can with it but that's a bit of a leap of faith. he's also making a big commitment there, public commitment that he's going to get this done, and i believe him. i trust him. he's done a tremendous amount of work to get to this point and he's worked very closely with us because he understands that the progressive caucus is a significant portion of the democratic caucus. we are very clear. we have been straight shooters. we haven't tried to hoodwink anybody. every time we've said we don't have the votes we don't have the votes, and people should start listening to us when we say that. we're just looking forward to getting both bills done and getting these transformative investments in front of people as quickly as possible. >> we've been listening to you for months, congresswoman. you know that. so let me -- >> i know you have, jake. >> so you are the chair of the progressive caucus. you are leading this fight for universal pre-k and affordable housing and more climate action, expanded health care and the infrastructure bill also on the line. will you at all feel responsible because you fought for all or nothing, if you end up -- if the democrats end up with nothing ultimately? >> we're not going to end up with nothing. we're going to get this bill passed. and we're -- >> both of them? >> -- very soon. >> both bills? >> oh, yeah, both bills. we're going to get both bills passed very soon. and we will do our part in the house and then, obviously, the two senators have to stick to what they need to do to deliver. and just remember, jake, 96% of the democratic party was on board with a much bigger bill, but we understand that we have only 50 votes in the senate. it's a very thin margin. only three votes to spare in the house. and we all have to work together. so i think we've pushed and pushed and pushed. we got to the best possible place we could get to and now we're ready to pass both bills through the house. >> i hear on the 96%. it's that 4% that makes you the majority. pramila jayapal, thank you. thanks for joining us. >> thanks, jake. prescription drug reforms are out of the biden agenda for now leaving so many americans continuing to struggle to cobble together enough money for life-saving medicine. we'll bring you that story. plus, the fda now clearing pfizer's vax for kids as young as 5. we'll talk to an expert next. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ (phone beep) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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>> yeah, you know, i think my message is reach out to your pediatrician or health professional you trust to have your questions answered. i'm also a mom of two teenagers and before my kids got their covid vaccine i made sure i had my questions answered. there's a lot of information out there and it can be really hard to filter through. >> a lot of bad information. >> a lot of bad information, yeah, absolutely. and so reach out to your pediatrician. talk through your questions. tell them what your concerns are so that they can address those concerns. and actually what we've seen with adolescents, it's been a little slow going but as parents are talking to their pediatricians, getting their concerns addressed, each week more and more are getting immunized. we'll see the same thing with our younger kids as well. >> i think it's about half of 12 to 18-year-olds are vaccinated. so it was one-third. it's improving. the white house, for this rollout, is saying they want to rely on pediatricians. previous rollouts have been going to your cvs, rite aid, your school, your city or state where they're holding vaccine centers. but for this, they are doing it -- they are leaning more on pediatricians. was that your idea? like why? >> yeah, i think it just makes sense. absolutely was something that we, you know, have recommended. pediatricians know the families in their practice. we also know that families -- the youngerior child is the more comfortable you feel getting your vaccines in your pediatrician's offices. and we want to make sure that we're available. we're there to ask questions. children's hospitals are going to play a important role in this, particularly for children with complex medical conditions. they're very helpful with that. so, yeah, pediatricians are really excited about it. we've been following the data and enrollment and probably three quarters of pediatricians are signed up tor covid vaccine administrators. many have already been doing it for adolescents and parents. >> so i'm the son of a pediatrician and pediatric nurse. so i'm -- you don't have to convince me of anything. when my son turned 12 we got him the covid shot. we also got him his flu shot. do you recommend that or should they be spaced out? >> yeah, absolutely. it's perfectly fine to get them at the same time. it will save you a trip. it will save you, you know, two visits for pokes. you can get them at the same time. and we are in flu season. so it's time to get your flu shot. >> get your shots, people. get them for your kids, too. dr. savio beers, great to have you here. compensation for separation. families separated at the border under the previous administration could soon be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in a settlement with the biden administration. that's next. side of mayonnaise. 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"the wall street journal" reported the federal government is considering $450,000 per individual. now a source tells me that number has been raised but different figures have been raised over the course of this negotiation. and that is what these are. ongoing negotiations. it's still unclear, for example, how many families and who would be eligible for these payments. and all of this dates back to 2018 when the trump administration separated thousands of families at the u.s./mexico border. outside groups called it torture. government watchdog groups detailed drama among children. the biden administration coming in, providing services and engaging in settlement talks. >> also another attempt to do away with the remain in mexico policy. remind us what that is and where does this stand? >> that's a policy put in place in 2019. it required non-mexican migrants to wait in mexico until their u.s. immigration court date. it left many, thousands, waiting in dangerous cities along northern mexico. the biden administration came in in june. they terminated that policy but in august, a federal judge required the administration to bring it back. so today the administration is announcing a new termination memo to try to pass legal muster, but the big caveat here is that in the interim, they still have to restart the program or at least try to restart the program. so the case will continue to proceed from here. >> priscilla alvarez, thank you. coming up -- a tight race and a commonwealth that president biden won by ten points. we're out on the trail with both candidates for virginia governor. that's next. of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... 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>> i think it hurts him some, but i also think that the issue of education is really important here. and so while democrats don't really have something to run on, republicans are rallying their base up. not necessarily on trump, but on cultural war issues like crt, like abortion and -- >> critical race theory. >> yes. and really making it -- education used to be a strong democratic issue and republicans have been able to pivot it and make it their issue and really get parents and teachers feuding with one another. and i think that is the issue that will rile the republican base up and ultimately hurt terry mcauliffe. >> it seems obvious that parents would care about education. especially in a place like virginia. and yet somehow the democrats just let glen youngkin take the issue away from them. >> you can really see that in "the washington post" poll. the one that had it as a dead heat. a month ago, mcauliffe had the traditional democratic advantage on the issue. but now the number of voters who are citing it as their top issue has grown and they've swung heavily behind youngkin. you have to wonder whether this changing issue makes the mood of the electorate is not just going to help youngkin but republicans down ticket as well. >> absolutely. a competitive lieutenant governor race and attorney general race. >> and the house of delegates can go back to the republicans after being for the democrats. >> and jackie, punchbowl notes echoes of 2010, democrats were engaged in a months-long battle over obamacare, the affordable care act. the tea party was gaining power and then, quote, losing the virginia gubernatorial races were the first signs of the gop wave when they ended pelosi's reign as speaker. the new jersey governors race not particularly competitive as we can tell but is that what's brewing here? >> that sounds like a scary story to tell in the dark at a halloween party right now, to use the time of year. but i think it really depends if mcauliffe can pull this out because across the country, you are seeing democrats particularly in those swing districts get really nervous. you heard the backlash after they failed to pass these bills that the progressives aren't thinking about districts where that aren't like theirs. the frustration for the moderates was very evident. so, yes, but i think the alarm bells that are going to ring, whether or not it's warranted. there's going to be no matter what happens on tuesday, there's going to be a effort on both -- not even an effort. an inclination on both sides to overpronate among what it means. but certainly if mcauliffe loses, that scream you hear will be from the democratic caucus. >> i want to show you something. we have a bunch of staffers and producers who live in northern virginia. a very competitive part where democrats have to rack up a ton of votes. so this is endorsement announcements, a leaflet. donald j. trump, youngkin will do all the things we want a governor to do. this is from a rally. glen has my complete and total -- et cetera. looks like a traditional mailer. except if you look very closely, lavender on blue. almost illegible. this is put out by the democratic party of virginia. the democratic party of virginia put out -- honestly, you could put this in rural virginia, this would be great for glen youngkin but they're hoping for the opposite effect in northern virginia. >> the same way republicans are trying to make this more of a national referendum around certain cultural issues. democrats are putting this in a national context by tying youngkin to president trump because they believe that a rejection of the former president and trumpism is going to help drive turnout among democratic voters. and you see terry mcauliffe trying to drive home that message. you saw former president obama do it. youngkin hasn't outwardly fashioned himself in president trump's likeness but he's still trying to court trump supporters. and the big question for democrats is, this was a strategy effective for them in 2018 when former president trump was in office. in 2020 when former president trump was on the ballot. is it as effective when he is not himself on the ballot when you're talking about other republican candidates down ballot? can the entire election still be a referendum on trump? that's, i think, what democrats are betting on in part in virginia but both this year, the elections in virginia, new jersey and midterms next year will be a big test of that strategy. >> i want to -- really quick. if glen youngkin does win you'll see his strategy, keeping things local, exported to republicans in districts where trump isn't the most popular around the country. if that is successful. >> especially since trump is not going to virginia. >> as far as we know. >> virginia is such an anti-trump state. and if a strategy of tying all the republicans to trump doesn't work in virginia, there are a lot of congressional districts around the country that are not as anti-trump as the state of virginia is where the strategy will work even worse. so even if mcauliffe hangs on by one or two points, i think that's actually not a great result for a lot of democrats. and a lot of democratic political polyfluoroalkyl profe make that conclusion. >> president trump continues to have a presence in the political party. just today an outspoken trump critic, congressman and veteran adam kinzinger, member of the january 6 committee, announced he'll not run for re-election. you can listen to part of his reasoning in this video he put out. >> because to prevail or survive, you must belong to a tribe. our political parties only survive by appealing to the most motivated and most extreme elements within it. and the price tag to power has skyrocketed. and fear and distrust has served as an effective strategy to meet that cost. >> so we should note that the democrats that control illinois just did their redistricting map and they put kinzinger against lahood who is a -- congressman lahood. they'd have to battle it ot. lahood is a much more trumpy republican. that would have been a tough fight for kinzinger. but i have to say, i am surprised. i am surprised that kinzinger is retiring. >> absolutely. and even if the restricting is a part of the calculation, there have been a wave of republican retirements, both during the trump presidency and since that have largely comprised of more of the moderate voices, the prominent critics of former president trump because they've been pretty clear that they don't really see themselves having a place in the republican party as it currently stands. kinzinger alluded to that in this video. one of the few house republicans who voted to impreach former president trump after january 6th. and trump and his allies have also made it clear they were going to primary any of these republicans who either voted to impeach him or were critical of him. so it's very much still donald trump's party. >> and after kinzinger announced this because one of -- there are ten republicans that voted to impeach donald trump. congressman gonzalez who was at one point thought to be the shining light and a star in the republican party, maybe some day the first cuban american president, he has announced he's retiring after trump said he was going to challenge him with a congressman -- would-be congressman max miller. now kinzinger dropping out. that's two of the ten dropping out. and donald trump put out a statement, two down, eight to go. >> they called them traitors which tells you about the mood of a certain segment of the republican party. >> donald trump's endorsement. >> absolutely. but the -- one of the interesting things about this, i do think there's a certain shortsidedness on the part of the democrats in illinois. they did what a traditional normal political party does. gerrymanders aggressively to help itself and get rid of some of the other team. if you really believe the things a lot of democrats say about the threat to democracy, i think that it means you need to have some applies on the other side. and they have just eliminated one of those potential allies. >> i have to admit, i have heard this argument before. illinois lost a congressional seat. they could have kept kinzinger in a seat that was reasonable and rational so that there are non-trumpy republicans who exist which is important theoretically we'd all agree. and yet they were ruthless. we don't oopt we don't know how slim the maurgei majority is go be. we don't care. we only want to give the republicans one congressional seat of the 19. >> i'm not going to blame the democrats for the reason kinzinger is not running again. two down, eight to go. i think we know why he took a step out of the race. the thing that's interesting about him and those aligned with the belief of why trump lost. where do they go? are they going to vote for terry mcauliffe? the people who voted to certify the election, are they going with the democrats or are they forming another type of party? he says this is not the end of his political career. so what is next? because they clearly don't have a home in the republican party right now. >> thanks one and all. have a great weekend. have a great halloween. tuesday night is election night in america. cnn will cover the races in virginia and new jersey and the new new york city mayor's race. i'll be anchoring our live coverage at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. some americans are forced to stretch their life-saving medicine just to get by. that's next. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ going to fall flu the floor. >> how many of you know somebody who has had to sell things just to get the drugs that have gone up exponentially. >> blasts from the not so distant past bringing us to our money line. convincing americans that slashing the cost of prescription drugs would be a top priority of his administration. he would allow medicare to negotiate prices with drug companies. b but now that is a plash point and one progressives are finding to get back into the plan. one american is deciding went paying bills and for paying for her life-saving medicine. >> all of this is insulin. >> reporter: donna has been on insulin for nearly two decades. >> this is long-term. this is short-term. >> reporter: her dosages prescriptions and monitoring. routine and like clock work until she got a bill for $3,000. >> well i can't say what my emotion was on tv. but i couldn't believe it. it is unbelievable. >> reporter: the two drugs that cost her $100 a month through medicare, skyrocketed to $1,000 a month. >> i can't afford it. >> this week, president biden failed to reach an agreement on lowering prescription drug prices in his economic package. which would have allowed medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies. >> no one got everything they wanted, including me. >> reporter: but an issue critical to the 18 million americans who can't afford their prescription medication. >> it is been an issue for honestly for decades tl, there a real risk that to t could be many years before they could come back to the table and do something about it. >> leaving americans like miller taking drastic measures. >> why have you changed your dosage. >> because that helps you stretch your insulin out. >> reporter: and party lines support the negotiation with drug companies an dress agreeing it would effect funding for drug research. >> what i hope that i would be confident in is that people from all sides of the political party understand that this is not a democratic issue and a republican issue, it is a people issue. >> my friend just gave me this because her aunt no longer needed them. >> without that pile from your friend, though. >> then i would have had to buy insulin. sfr >> reporter: with this, miller has enough insulin to last through the end of the year but spends her days looking for discount programs to bring down costs. >> without this insulin, what would happen to you? >> i would probably die. i'm telling you, i mean, i'm so sure that insulin is a life sub staining drug. you will die. >> reporter: now there are two other key provisions that did not make into the build back better framework and those are paid family leave and dental and vision coverage under medicare. hearing coverage under medicare did make it in. but jake, these are two compromises that the president said that he had to make in order to push his economic and social plan forward. >> vanessa, the biden administration said because it is not in this bill doesn't mean they're not going to try again. but if these provisions never make it into this framework or the next, what will that mean for those families? >> reporter: that means they'll have to wait many, many more years. we've heard on advocates for the provisions and they feel like if these items do not make it into this bill it will be many, many years before anything impactful is done to help these millions of americans like donna, you saw right there, get the help that they need, jake. >> thank you so much for that report. new doctors orders for queen elizabeth. that is next. support, and 5g included in every plan, so you get it all. ♪ your new pharmacy is here. to help you compare prices, and save on your medication. amazon prime members get select meds as low as $1 a month. who knew it could be this easy? your new pharmacy is amazon pharmacy. in our world lead, climate change activists from around the globe gathered to make voices heard today ahead of a international climate summit, in london greta thunberg demonstrated a few daves before the start of the climate conference in scotland which president biden and other world leaders will attend. the united kingdom reigning monarch will not be attending. even queens have to follow doctor's orders. she has been advised to rest for at least the next two weeks. the buckingham palace announcement comes more than a week after the queen spent a night in the hospital. doctors say she can continue to perform light desk based duties but not to undertake any official visits. to the state of the union on sunday, the guest sect of tate antony blinken and senator bernie sanders, that is at 9:00 and noon eastern only on cnn. until then follow me on facebook and instagram and twitter and the tiktok. and tweet the lead and catch our show on our own podcast. our coverage continues with one mr. wolf blitzer live from rome. see you soon. happening now, president biden's test on the world stage is under way here in rome. as he kicked things off he made a striking admission to the french president of a quote, clumsy move by the united states. was it enough to heal their diplomatic rift? i'll ask the french ambassador to the united states who was in the room. the president also had deeply personal talks with pope francis. the two most powerful catholics in the world bonding over their shared faith and discussing some of the world's

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Prompting , December 3rd , 1 2 Trillion , 3 , 2 Trillion , Progressives , Kyrsten Sinema , System , Reason , It , Senator Manchin , Delay , Governance , Ranks , Viability , Things , Both , Fossil Fuels And Making Climate Change , Net Emitter , Climate Change , Medicare , Compromise , Expansion , Priorities , Half , Leave , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Preschool , College , 4 , 500 Billion , 00 Billion , Hearing Coverage , Child Tax Credit , Boon , Bill , Framework , Price Tag , Caucus , Many , Position , Senator , Conversations , Sources , Victory , 1 72 , 1 75 , Bills , Moderates , Passage , Yes , Joe Biden , Criticism , Infrastructure Bill , Congressman Dean Phillips , Equity , Commander , Times , Front , Chief , Manu Raju On , Minnesota , Two , Pramila Jayapal , House Democrats , Summit , Infrastructure Package , Hand , Job , Everybody , Trick , Member , Way , Text , Principle , 96 , Thing , Act , Europe , Prpt , Investments , Child Care , Investment , Arena , Kind , Bill Text , Opportunity , 1600 , Anybody , Secret , All Of Us , Accomplishment , Floor , Others , Difference , Go Vote On Infrastructure , Lot , Compromises , Members , Listening , Negotiating Table , Votes , Speaker , Idea , Senate , Everyone , Majority , Done , Terms , Conversation , Senator Sinema Yesterday , Progressive Caucus , Faith , Circle , Leap Of Faith , Confidence , Proposal , 50 , Point , Commitment , Amount , Work , People , We Haven T , Portion , Shooters , Chair , Line , Fight , Health Care , All Or Nothing , Climate Action , Nothing , Senators , House , In The House , Margin , Three , Place , Prescription Drug Reforms , Kids , Story , Medicine , Expert , Biden Agenda , Now Clearing Pfizer , Plus , Vax , Fda , 5 , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Music , Phone Beep , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Phone Clicks , Music Quieter , 2 , Game , Weight , Oh , Cv Risk , Adults , Heart Disease , 7 , 12 , Risk , Type 1 Diabetes , Polls Don T , Events , Type 2 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Migrants , Policy Put , Attempt , Stand , Northern Mexico , 2019 , Judge , Immigration , Cities , Termination Memo , Caveat , Muster , Interim , Coming Up , Northern Virginia , Governor , Trail , Candidates , Points , Commonwealth , Ten , Billions , Fate , Season , Nfl , Connections , Line Touchdown , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Cisco , Team , Kenny , Boy , Koi , Truck , There S Heather On The Hedges , Coverage , Progressive , Small Business , Timber , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Advisor , Wealth , Picture , Balance , Generations , Reward , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , Classical Music Plays , Coast , New Orleans , Um Uh , Brass Band , Palm Springs , Cadillac , Weekend , Glen Youngkin , Race , Terry Mcauliffe , Contest , Campaigning , Poll , Kamala Harris , Heat , One Fox Poll , Correspondents , Dan Merica , Let , Leadership , Referendum , Eight , Turnout , Tying Youngkin , Issue , Enthusiasm Gap , Voting , What Mcauliffe , Congress , Life , Governors , Word , Stuff , Filibusters , Budgets , States , Prancing , Polls , Momentum , Swings , A Million , Supporters , Feeling , Republican , Eva , Feels , They Haven T , Enthusiasm , Battle , Taxes , Virginia Public Schools , Law Enforcement Message , Laws , Last Night , Voters , Campaign Stop , Event , 6 , 30 , Law , Ashley , Republicans To Trump Doesn T Work In Virginia , Trump , Education , Base , Cultural War Issues , Abortion , Race Theory , Teachers , Crt , Another , Advantage , Washington Post , Mood , Electorate , Ticket , Lieutenant Governor , Attorney General , House Of Delegates , Jackie , Punchbowl , 2010 , Wave , Power , Tea Party , Quote , Signs , Battle Over Obamacare , Virginia Gubernatorial Races , New Jersey , In The Dark , Halloween Party , Reign , Brewing , Swing Districts , Backlash , Alarm Bells , Aren T , Progressives Aren T , Ring , Frustration , Sides , Effort , Scream , Matter , Inclination , Loses , Endorsement Announcements , Producers , Staffers , Ton , Bunch , Donald J Trump , Glen , Leaflet , Rally , Total , Mailer , Looks , Et Cetera , Democratic Party Of Virginia , Rural Virginia , Lavender On Blue , Effect , Context , Trumpism , Drive , Rejection , Youngkin Hasn T , Big Question , Court Trump , Likeness , Obama , 2020 , Election , Ballot , Test , Elections , Midterms , Districts , Trump Isn T , Result , Polyfluoroalkyl Profe , Max Miller , Party , Adam Kinzinger , Presence , Committee , Critic , Conclusion , Re Election , January 6 , Video , Parties , Reasoning , Tribe , Cost , Distrust , Elements , Fear , Congressman Lahood , Redistricting Map , Illinois , Trumpy , Calculation , Critics , Presidency , Voices , Retirements , Republicans , Primary , Impreach , January 6th , Congressman Gonzalez , Cuban American President , Star , Statement , Put , Segment , Kinzinger Dropping Out , Down , Endorsement , Shortsidedness , Gerrymanders , Threat , Seat , We Don T , We Don T Oopt , Kinzinger , We Don T Care , Maurgei Majority Is Go Be , 19 , Belief , Lost , Type , Career , Mayor , Races , Halloween , New York City , Eastern Time , 00 , Drugs , Somebody , Prescription Drugs , Money Line , Priority , Blasts , Drug Companies , Prices , Plash Point , B , One American , Donna , Life Saving Medicine , Finding , Prescriptions , Clock Work , Monitoring , 3000 , 000 , Emotion , Tv , 100 , Prescription Drug Prices , Package , 1000 , Prescription Medication , Tl , 18 Million , Measures , Table , Dosage , In , Dress , Lines , Funding , Drug Research , Friend , People Issue , Aunt , Pile , Sfr , Discount , Costs , Provisions , Drug , Staining , Family Leave , Vision , Order , Vanessa , Bill Doesn T , Next , Advocates , Millions , Items , Report , Support , Doctors Orders , Queen Elizabeth , 5g , Pharmacy , Prime Members , Medication , Meds , Save , Low , Amazon , , Lead , Globe , Climate Summit , Climate Change Activists , Climate Conference , Daves , Scotland , London , Greta Thunberg , United Kingdom , Announcement , Queen , Doctor S Orders , Monarch , Queens , Buckingham Palace , Guest Sect , Hospital , Desk , Duties , State Of The Union , On Sunday , Antony Blinken , Tate , Doctors , Bernie Sanders , Show , Twitter , Instagram , Tiktok , Facebook , 9 , Happening Now , Podcast , Mr , Wolf Blitzer , Of A Quote , Admission , The World Stage , Catholics , Talks , Rift , Ambassador , Pope Francis ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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the president seeing this. but i think some of his top aides have tried to tamp down expectations. you heard from a top climate adviser saying that they know other leaders know that the u.s. is headed in the right direction on climate and other aides, including the national security adviser saying these world leaders understand domestic politics as well. >> the president had a clear message at the g7 several months ago. america is back, he said. can the same message still resonate on this trip? >> i think it's being challenged a little bit, jake. we'll see how these world leaders receive the president. you saw how the french president responded to president biden after the diplomatic feud they had over that scuttled submarine deal about six weeks ago. so warned publicly they had a pretty frank discussion with cameras in the room. but it's a broader scale. not just saying america is back. when that happened with the french deal, the french were likening president biden to former president trump saying he was adopting his tactics of catching allies by surprise. and that's something obviously president biden did not take well to. we'll see how the world leaders receive him on the afghanistan withdrawal and other issues as well, jake. >> kaitlan collins traveling with the president in rome. thanks so much. here in washington, d.c., democrats bought themselves a little more time to work out their differences on the so-called build back better act. roughly $1.75 trillion in social safety net programs on everything from clean energy to universal pre-k to affordable housing. cnn's manu raju is on capitol hill where a brand-new self-imposed deadline for democrats yet again now looms. >> reporter: with president biden overseas, his agenda at home is stuck. months of democratic bickering over this strategy. ultimately forcing speaker nancy pelosi for the third time to delay a vote on biden's $1.2 trillion plan to pump money into public works projects across the country forcing an extension of highway programs until december 3rd and prompting anger in the ranks. >> i'm more concerned about the message it's sending to the world right now. that it's looking at our system of governance with increasing concern about its viability. >> reporter: the reason for the delay? progressives who are demanding joe manchin and kyrsten sinema endorse biden's larger plan to expand the social safety net and combat climate change. >> it's really important that we pass both of these things together to make sure the united states is not a net emitter on fossil fuels and making climate change worse. >> re >> reporter: progressives were forced to compromise, slashing their $3.5 trillion plan in half. leaving out priorities like paid leave and broader expansion of medicare to appease manchin and dropping community free college to win over sinema. still $1.75 trillion with preschool for all 3-year-old and 4-year-olds. more than $500 billion to fight climate change. medicare expansion to include hearing coverage. and year-long extension of the child tax credit. in a boon for biden, progressives are endorsing this slimmed down plan. >> we are really proud of the president and of our progressive caucus and our progressive allies for getting so many of our big priorities into the framework. >> reporter: manchin has refused to take a position on the bill. but he told cnn that he's okay with the price tag, which is more than he originally proposed. >> 1.72, is that a victory? 1.75 too high? >> that was negotiated. >> sinema did not endorse the bill but democratic sources are confident that after conversations with her, the senator will ultimately be a yes. so even though joe biden came to capitol hill yesterday and called for the passage of both bills, he faced some criticism from democratic moderates who wanted him to be more explicit in pushing for the final passage of the infrastructure bill yesterday. dean phillips of minnesota told me this is the commander in chief of the united states. when you spend political equity in front of a caucus two times a month, i think it's got to be awfully explicit, and he has to be more forthright. >> manu raju on capitol hill, thanks. let's bring in democratic congresswoman pramila jayapal. congresswoman, let me start with what congressman dean phillips said, criticizing president biden for not more directly telling house democrats, i want you to go out there and vote for the bipartisan infrastructure package so i can go to this global summit with this in my hand. and when we come back, we'll then do the build back better act and we're going to make everybody happy. would that have done the trick? might that have gotten the infrastructure bill passed? >> jake, it's good to see you. look, i think the president did a fantastic job. in fact, such a fantastic job that progressives, that's a 96-member caucus, by the way, not always easy to all vote together. we enthusiastically and unanimously endorsed the framework that the president laid out. and that is a big deal. it was not the full bill text but we endorsed it in principle despite the fact we had things we wish were in there. so that's what we wanted to send him off to europe with because as kaitlan said, the prpt thing is the build back better framework -- build back better act has over half a trillion dollars investment in climate. it finally makes us a country that has universal child care and pre-k. big investments in housing. really transformative investments in almost every arena, and that's what we wanted to make sure we sent the president off with. now we also believe, jake, that we do need to make sure that we see the bill text, that everybody kind of has an opportunity to make sure the framework is translated well and that's what we were waiting for. because we insisted on that, the legislative text was released finally yesterday. we are combing through a 1600-page bill right now. and i really believe that within a few days, we will be able to pass both these bills through the house. and that will be an enormous accomplishment of the president, of all of us across the democratic caucus and certainly of progressives who are bold enough to say we're not going to leave anybody behind. >> but it's not a secret that house speaker nancy pelosi wanted to bring the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the floor this week and then have the build back better act voted on when that is ready. and that did not happen and you heard moderates like congressman dean phillips and others saying president biden should have told the democrats, go vote on infrastructure. we want that now, and then we'll come back and do build back better. i'm just asking if you think if biden had done that, if the president had done that, would that make a difference? would your caucus, enough members have voted for the infrastructure bill? >> i'm not sure that they would have, jake. we have said for months anybody that has been listening to us would know that we have been very clear that the two bills need to move together. now we've made a lot of compromises. we've been at the negotiating table. we've backed off the idea of a senate vote which many of our members wanted. and we have said clearly and i even signaled to the speaker, to the white house, to everyone several days ago that we were not going to have the votes for just an infrastructure bill. the president recognized that and he also recognized that it's important that we get both these bills done. that was his message to us. get both these bills done and everyone should vote for both of these bills. and i think that at the end of the day progressives will actually be delivering both of these bills, and i know that the majority of our caucus will be excited that we are getting this done. >> do you think, based on your conversations with them, although you have to tell me who you've talked to in terms of senator sinema and manchin, do you think they'll vote for the build back better act as it has been outlined and written? >> well, i've been speaking with both of them. i'm not going to go into the conversations i've had but i will just say that my conversation with senator sinema yesterday was incredibly productive. and i believe she is really operating in good faith. i'm going to circle back with senator manchin. the key thing is the progressive caucus took a leap of faith yesterday when we endorsed this proposal and also said we want both bills to move forward at the same time. when we said the president told us that he has every confidence that he will be able to get 50 votes for this -- for the build back better act in the senate. we do have to trust our president at this point because i think that if he says to us he is going to get the 50 votes, and he's confident he can get the 50 votes, then we'll do everything we can to feel as comfortable as we can with it but that's a bit of a leap of faith. he's also making a big commitment there, public commitment that he's going to get this done, and i believe him. i trust him. he's done a tremendous amount of work to get to this point and he's worked very closely with us because he understands that the progressive caucus is a significant portion of the democratic caucus. we are very clear. we have been straight shooters. we haven't tried to hoodwink anybody. every time we've said we don't have the votes we don't have the votes, and people should start listening to us when we say that. we're just looking forward to getting both bills done and getting these transformative investments in front of people as quickly as possible. >> we've been listening to you for months, congresswoman. you know that. so let me -- >> i know you have, jake. >> so you are the chair of the progressive caucus. you are leading this fight for universal pre-k and affordable housing and more climate action, expanded health care and the infrastructure bill also on the line. will you at all feel responsible because you fought for all or nothing, if you end up -- if the democrats end up with nothing ultimately? >> we're not going to end up with nothing. we're going to get this bill passed. and we're -- >> both of them? >> -- very soon. >> both bills? >> oh, yeah, both bills. we're going to get both bills passed very soon. and we will do our part in the house and then, obviously, the two senators have to stick to what they need to do to deliver. and just remember, jake, 96% of the democratic party was on board with a much bigger bill, but we understand that we have only 50 votes in the senate. it's a very thin margin. only three votes to spare in the house. and we all have to work together. so i think we've pushed and pushed and pushed. we got to the best possible place we could get to and now we're ready to pass both bills through the house. >> i hear on the 96%. it's that 4% that makes you the majority. pramila jayapal, thank you. thanks for joining us. >> thanks, jake. prescription drug reforms are out of the biden agenda for now leaving so many americans continuing to struggle to cobble together enough money for life-saving medicine. we'll bring you that story. plus, the fda now clearing pfizer's vax for kids as young as 5. we'll talk to an expert next. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ (phone beep) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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>> yeah, you know, i think my message is reach out to your pediatrician or health professional you trust to have your questions answered. i'm also a mom of two teenagers and before my kids got their covid vaccine i made sure i had my questions answered. there's a lot of information out there and it can be really hard to filter through. >> a lot of bad information. >> a lot of bad information, yeah, absolutely. and so reach out to your pediatrician. talk through your questions. tell them what your concerns are so that they can address those concerns. and actually what we've seen with adolescents, it's been a little slow going but as parents are talking to their pediatricians, getting their concerns addressed, each week more and more are getting immunized. we'll see the same thing with our younger kids as well. >> i think it's about half of 12 to 18-year-olds are vaccinated. so it was one-third. it's improving. the white house, for this rollout, is saying they want to rely on pediatricians. previous rollouts have been going to your cvs, rite aid, your school, your city or state where they're holding vaccine centers. but for this, they are doing it -- they are leaning more on pediatricians. was that your idea? like why? >> yeah, i think it just makes sense. absolutely was something that we, you know, have recommended. pediatricians know the families in their practice. we also know that families -- the youngerior child is the more comfortable you feel getting your vaccines in your pediatrician's offices. and we want to make sure that we're available. we're there to ask questions. children's hospitals are going to play a important role in this, particularly for children with complex medical conditions. they're very helpful with that. so, yeah, pediatricians are really excited about it. we've been following the data and enrollment and probably three quarters of pediatricians are signed up tor covid vaccine administrators. many have already been doing it for adolescents and parents. >> so i'm the son of a pediatrician and pediatric nurse. so i'm -- you don't have to convince me of anything. when my son turned 12 we got him the covid shot. we also got him his flu shot. do you recommend that or should they be spaced out? >> yeah, absolutely. it's perfectly fine to get them at the same time. it will save you a trip. it will save you, you know, two visits for pokes. you can get them at the same time. and we are in flu season. so it's time to get your flu shot. >> get your shots, people. get them for your kids, too. dr. savio beers, great to have you here. compensation for separation. families separated at the border under the previous administration could soon be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in a settlement with the biden administration. that's next. side of mayonnaise. 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"the wall street journal" reported the federal government is considering $450,000 per individual. now a source tells me that number has been raised but different figures have been raised over the course of this negotiation. and that is what these are. ongoing negotiations. it's still unclear, for example, how many families and who would be eligible for these payments. and all of this dates back to 2018 when the trump administration separated thousands of families at the u.s./mexico border. outside groups called it torture. government watchdog groups detailed drama among children. the biden administration coming in, providing services and engaging in settlement talks. >> also another attempt to do away with the remain in mexico policy. remind us what that is and where does this stand? >> that's a policy put in place in 2019. it required non-mexican migrants to wait in mexico until their u.s. immigration court date. it left many, thousands, waiting in dangerous cities along northern mexico. the biden administration came in in june. they terminated that policy but in august, a federal judge required the administration to bring it back. so today the administration is announcing a new termination memo to try to pass legal muster, but the big caveat here is that in the interim, they still have to restart the program or at least try to restart the program. so the case will continue to proceed from here. >> priscilla alvarez, thank you. coming up -- a tight race and a commonwealth that president biden won by ten points. we're out on the trail with both candidates for virginia governor. that's next. of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... 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>> i think it hurts him some, but i also think that the issue of education is really important here. and so while democrats don't really have something to run on, republicans are rallying their base up. not necessarily on trump, but on cultural war issues like crt, like abortion and -- >> critical race theory. >> yes. and really making it -- education used to be a strong democratic issue and republicans have been able to pivot it and make it their issue and really get parents and teachers feuding with one another. and i think that is the issue that will rile the republican base up and ultimately hurt terry mcauliffe. >> it seems obvious that parents would care about education. especially in a place like virginia. and yet somehow the democrats just let glen youngkin take the issue away from them. >> you can really see that in "the washington post" poll. the one that had it as a dead heat. a month ago, mcauliffe had the traditional democratic advantage on the issue. but now the number of voters who are citing it as their top issue has grown and they've swung heavily behind youngkin. you have to wonder whether this changing issue makes the mood of the electorate is not just going to help youngkin but republicans down ticket as well. >> absolutely. a competitive lieutenant governor race and attorney general race. >> and the house of delegates can go back to the republicans after being for the democrats. >> and jackie, punchbowl notes echoes of 2010, democrats were engaged in a months-long battle over obamacare, the affordable care act. the tea party was gaining power and then, quote, losing the virginia gubernatorial races were the first signs of the gop wave when they ended pelosi's reign as speaker. the new jersey governors race not particularly competitive as we can tell but is that what's brewing here? >> that sounds like a scary story to tell in the dark at a halloween party right now, to use the time of year. but i think it really depends if mcauliffe can pull this out because across the country, you are seeing democrats particularly in those swing districts get really nervous. you heard the backlash after they failed to pass these bills that the progressives aren't thinking about districts where that aren't like theirs. the frustration for the moderates was very evident. so, yes, but i think the alarm bells that are going to ring, whether or not it's warranted. there's going to be no matter what happens on tuesday, there's going to be a effort on both -- not even an effort. an inclination on both sides to overpronate among what it means. but certainly if mcauliffe loses, that scream you hear will be from the democratic caucus. >> i want to show you something. we have a bunch of staffers and producers who live in northern virginia. a very competitive part where democrats have to rack up a ton of votes. so this is endorsement announcements, a leaflet. donald j. trump, youngkin will do all the things we want a governor to do. this is from a rally. glen has my complete and total -- et cetera. looks like a traditional mailer. except if you look very closely, lavender on blue. almost illegible. this is put out by the democratic party of virginia. the democratic party of virginia put out -- honestly, you could put this in rural virginia, this would be great for glen youngkin but they're hoping for the opposite effect in northern virginia. >> the same way republicans are trying to make this more of a national referendum around certain cultural issues. democrats are putting this in a national context by tying youngkin to president trump because they believe that a rejection of the former president and trumpism is going to help drive turnout among democratic voters. and you see terry mcauliffe trying to drive home that message. you saw former president obama do it. youngkin hasn't outwardly fashioned himself in president trump's likeness but he's still trying to court trump supporters. and the big question for democrats is, this was a strategy effective for them in 2018 when former president trump was in office. in 2020 when former president trump was on the ballot. is it as effective when he is not himself on the ballot when you're talking about other republican candidates down ballot? can the entire election still be a referendum on trump? that's, i think, what democrats are betting on in part in virginia but both this year, the elections in virginia, new jersey and midterms next year will be a big test of that strategy. >> i want to -- really quick. if glen youngkin does win you'll see his strategy, keeping things local, exported to republicans in districts where trump isn't the most popular around the country. if that is successful. >> especially since trump is not going to virginia. >> as far as we know. >> virginia is such an anti-trump state. and if a strategy of tying all the republicans to trump doesn't work in virginia, there are a lot of congressional districts around the country that are not as anti-trump as the state of virginia is where the strategy will work even worse. so even if mcauliffe hangs on by one or two points, i think that's actually not a great result for a lot of democrats. and a lot of democratic political polyfluoroalkyl profe make that conclusion. >> president trump continues to have a presence in the political party. just today an outspoken trump critic, congressman and veteran adam kinzinger, member of the january 6 committee, announced he'll not run for re-election. you can listen to part of his reasoning in this video he put out. >> because to prevail or survive, you must belong to a tribe. our political parties only survive by appealing to the most motivated and most extreme elements within it. and the price tag to power has skyrocketed. and fear and distrust has served as an effective strategy to meet that cost. >> so we should note that the democrats that control illinois just did their redistricting map and they put kinzinger against lahood who is a -- congressman lahood. they'd have to battle it ot. lahood is a much more trumpy republican. that would have been a tough fight for kinzinger. but i have to say, i am surprised. i am surprised that kinzinger is retiring. >> absolutely. and even if the restricting is a part of the calculation, there have been a wave of republican retirements, both during the trump presidency and since that have largely comprised of more of the moderate voices, the prominent critics of former president trump because they've been pretty clear that they don't really see themselves having a place in the republican party as it currently stands. kinzinger alluded to that in this video. one of the few house republicans who voted to impreach former president trump after january 6th. and trump and his allies have also made it clear they were going to primary any of these republicans who either voted to impeach him or were critical of him. so it's very much still donald trump's party. >> and after kinzinger announced this because one of -- there are ten republicans that voted to impeach donald trump. congressman gonzalez who was at one point thought to be the shining light and a star in the republican party, maybe some day the first cuban american president, he has announced he's retiring after trump said he was going to challenge him with a congressman -- would-be congressman max miller. now kinzinger dropping out. that's two of the ten dropping out. and donald trump put out a statement, two down, eight to go. >> they called them traitors which tells you about the mood of a certain segment of the republican party. >> donald trump's endorsement. >> absolutely. but the -- one of the interesting things about this, i do think there's a certain shortsidedness on the part of the democrats in illinois. they did what a traditional normal political party does. gerrymanders aggressively to help itself and get rid of some of the other team. if you really believe the things a lot of democrats say about the threat to democracy, i think that it means you need to have some applies on the other side. and they have just eliminated one of those potential allies. >> i have to admit, i have heard this argument before. illinois lost a congressional seat. they could have kept kinzinger in a seat that was reasonable and rational so that there are non-trumpy republicans who exist which is important theoretically we'd all agree. and yet they were ruthless. we don't oopt we don't know how slim the maurgei majority is go be. we don't care. we only want to give the republicans one congressional seat of the 19. >> i'm not going to blame the democrats for the reason kinzinger is not running again. two down, eight to go. i think we know why he took a step out of the race. the thing that's interesting about him and those aligned with the belief of why trump lost. where do they go? are they going to vote for terry mcauliffe? the people who voted to certify the election, are they going with the democrats or are they forming another type of party? he says this is not the end of his political career. so what is next? because they clearly don't have a home in the republican party right now. >> thanks one and all. have a great weekend. have a great halloween. tuesday night is election night in america. cnn will cover the races in virginia and new jersey and the new new york city mayor's race. i'll be anchoring our live coverage at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. some americans are forced to stretch their life-saving medicine just to get by. that's next. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ going to fall flu the floor. >> how many of you know somebody who has had to sell things just to get the drugs that have gone up exponentially. >> blasts from the not so distant past bringing us to our money line. convincing americans that slashing the cost of prescription drugs would be a top priority of his administration. he would allow medicare to negotiate prices with drug companies. b but now that is a plash point and one progressives are finding to get back into the plan. one american is deciding went paying bills and for paying for her life-saving medicine. >> all of this is insulin. >> reporter: donna has been on insulin for nearly two decades. >> this is long-term. this is short-term. >> reporter: her dosages prescriptions and monitoring. routine and like clock work until she got a bill for $3,000. >> well i can't say what my emotion was on tv. but i couldn't believe it. it is unbelievable. >> reporter: the two drugs that cost her $100 a month through medicare, skyrocketed to $1,000 a month. >> i can't afford it. >> this week, president biden failed to reach an agreement on lowering prescription drug prices in his economic package. which would have allowed medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies. >> no one got everything they wanted, including me. >> reporter: but an issue critical to the 18 million americans who can't afford their prescription medication. >> it is been an issue for honestly for decades tl, there a real risk that to t could be many years before they could come back to the table and do something about it. >> leaving americans like miller taking drastic measures. >> why have you changed your dosage. >> because that helps you stretch your insulin out. >> reporter: and party lines support the negotiation with drug companies an dress agreeing it would effect funding for drug research. >> what i hope that i would be confident in is that people from all sides of the political party understand that this is not a democratic issue and a republican issue, it is a people issue. >> my friend just gave me this because her aunt no longer needed them. >> without that pile from your friend, though. >> then i would have had to buy insulin. sfr >> reporter: with this, miller has enough insulin to last through the end of the year but spends her days looking for discount programs to bring down costs. >> without this insulin, what would happen to you? >> i would probably die. i'm telling you, i mean, i'm so sure that insulin is a life sub staining drug. you will die. >> reporter: now there are two other key provisions that did not make into the build back better framework and those are paid family leave and dental and vision coverage under medicare. hearing coverage under medicare did make it in. but jake, these are two compromises that the president said that he had to make in order to push his economic and social plan forward. >> vanessa, the biden administration said because it is not in this bill doesn't mean they're not going to try again. but if these provisions never make it into this framework or the next, what will that mean for those families? >> reporter: that means they'll have to wait many, many more years. we've heard on advocates for the provisions and they feel like if these items do not make it into this bill it will be many, many years before anything impactful is done to help these millions of americans like donna, you saw right there, get the help that they need, jake. >> thank you so much for that report. new doctors orders for queen elizabeth. that is next. support, and 5g included in every plan, so you get it all. ♪ your new pharmacy is here. to help you compare prices, and save on your medication. amazon prime members get select meds as low as $1 a month. who knew it could be this easy? your new pharmacy is amazon pharmacy. in our world lead, climate change activists from around the globe gathered to make voices heard today ahead of a international climate summit, in london greta thunberg demonstrated a few daves before the start of the climate conference in scotland which president biden and other world leaders will attend. the united kingdom reigning monarch will not be attending. even queens have to follow doctor's orders. she has been advised to rest for at least the next two weeks. the buckingham palace announcement comes more than a week after the queen spent a night in the hospital. doctors say she can continue to perform light desk based duties but not to undertake any official visits. to the state of the union on sunday, the guest sect of tate antony blinken and senator bernie sanders, that is at 9:00 and noon eastern only on cnn. until then follow me on facebook and instagram and twitter and the tiktok. and tweet the lead and catch our show on our own podcast. our coverage continues with one mr. wolf blitzer live from rome. see you soon. happening now, president biden's test on the world stage is under way here in rome. as he kicked things off he made a striking admission to the french president of a quote, clumsy move by the united states. was it enough to heal their diplomatic rift? i'll ask the french ambassador to the united states who was in the room. the president also had deeply personal talks with pope francis. the two most powerful catholics in the world bonding over their shared faith and discussing some of the world's

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Prompting , December 3rd , 1 2 Trillion , 3 , 2 Trillion , Progressives , Kyrsten Sinema , System , Reason , It , Senator Manchin , Delay , Governance , Ranks , Viability , Things , Both , Fossil Fuels And Making Climate Change , Net Emitter , Climate Change , Medicare , Compromise , Expansion , Priorities , Half , Leave , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Preschool , College , 4 , 500 Billion , 00 Billion , Hearing Coverage , Child Tax Credit , Boon , Bill , Framework , Price Tag , Caucus , Many , Position , Senator , Conversations , Sources , Victory , 1 72 , 1 75 , Bills , Moderates , Passage , Yes , Joe Biden , Criticism , Infrastructure Bill , Congressman Dean Phillips , Equity , Commander , Times , Front , Chief , Manu Raju On , Minnesota , Two , Pramila Jayapal , House Democrats , Summit , Infrastructure Package , Hand , Job , Everybody , Trick , Member , Way , Text , Principle , 96 , Thing , Act , Europe , Prpt , Investments , Child Care , Investment , Arena , Kind , Bill Text , Opportunity , 1600 , Anybody , Secret , All Of Us , Accomplishment , Floor , Others , Difference , Go Vote On Infrastructure , Lot , Compromises , Members , Listening , Negotiating Table , Votes , Speaker , Idea , Senate , Everyone , Majority , Done , Terms , Conversation , Senator Sinema Yesterday , Progressive Caucus , Faith , Circle , Leap Of Faith , Confidence , Proposal , 50 , Point , Commitment , Amount , Work , People , We Haven T , Portion , Shooters , Chair , Line , Fight , Health Care , All Or Nothing , Climate Action , Nothing , Senators , House , In The House , Margin , Three , Place , Prescription Drug Reforms , Kids , Story , Medicine , Expert , Biden Agenda , Now Clearing Pfizer , Plus , Vax , Fda , 5 , Ideas , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Music , Phone Beep , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Phone Clicks , Music Quieter , 2 , Game , Weight , Oh , Cv Risk , Adults , Heart Disease , 7 , 12 , Risk , Type 1 Diabetes , Polls Don T , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Isn T , Death , Heart Attack , Stroke , Reuse , Pens , Share , Needles , 1 , Help , Side Effects , Family , Reaction , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Provider , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 25 , Feel , Personal Loan , Move , Sofi , Rate , Loan , 10 , 0 , Step , Health Lead , One , Vaccine , Parents , Dr , Doctor , Dose Covid , Emergency Use Authorization , Lee , American Academy Of Pediatrics , 11 , Last , Shot , Cdc , Parent , Pediatrician , Vaccinate , Community , Hearing , Couple , Pediatricians , Some , Places , Communities , Offices , Preplanning , Appointments , Kaiser Family Foundation Survey , Plans , Vaccination , Surveys , Running , Calendar , Polling , Like , Plays Out , Wait , Seers , Hell , Questions , Reach , Health , Teenagers , Mom , Information , Covid , Concerns , Adolescents , More , Improving , Rollout , Immunized , 18 , State , City , Rite Aid , Vaccine Centers , Rollouts , Cvs , Families , Child , Youngerior , Practice , Sense , Children , Vaccines , Hospitals , Conditions , Role , Vaccine Administrators , Quarters , Enrollment , Data , Tor Covid , Anything , Son , Pediatric , Nurse , Visits , Flu Shot , Flu Season , Pokes , Administration , Thousands , Border , Shots , Compensation , Hundreds , Separation , Savio Beers , Settlement , Mayonnaise , Side , Fries , Rings , Little Judgy , Don T You , Ground Up , Employee Owners , San Francisco , Recology , Program , Composting , Starts , Businesses , Recycling , Residents , Making A Differene , Negotiation , Government , Payments , Priscilla Alvarez , Lawsuits , Number , Individual , Source , Figures , Wall Street Journal , 50000 , 450000 , Wall , Example , 2018 , Groups , Settlement Talks , Watchdog , Services , Mexico Border , Drama , Policy , Migrants , Policy Put , Attempt , Stand , Northern Mexico , 2019 , Judge , Immigration , Cities , Termination Memo , Caveat , Muster , Interim , Coming Up , Northern Virginia , Governor , Trail , Candidates , Points , Commonwealth , Ten , Billions , Fate , Season , Nfl , Connections , Line Touchdown , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Cisco , Team , Kenny , Boy , Koi , Truck , There S Heather On The Hedges , Coverage , Progressive , Small Business , Timber , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Advisor , Wealth , Picture , Balance , Generations , Reward , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , Classical Music Plays , Coast , New Orleans , Um Uh , Brass Band , Palm Springs , Cadillac , Weekend , Glen Youngkin , Race , Terry Mcauliffe , Contest , Campaigning , Poll , Kamala Harris , Heat , One Fox Poll , Correspondents , Dan Merica , Let , Leadership , Referendum , Eight , Turnout , Tying Youngkin , Issue , Enthusiasm Gap , Voting , What Mcauliffe , Congress , Life , Governors , Word , Stuff , Filibusters , Budgets , States , Prancing , Polls , Momentum , Swings , A Million , Supporters , Feeling , Republican , Eva , Feels , They Haven T , Enthusiasm , Battle , Taxes , Virginia Public Schools , Law Enforcement Message , Laws , Last Night , Voters , Campaign Stop , Event , 6 , 30 , Law , Ashley , Republicans To Trump Doesn T Work In Virginia , Trump , Education , Base , Cultural War Issues , Abortion , Race Theory , Teachers , Crt , Another , Advantage , Washington Post , Mood , Electorate , Ticket , Lieutenant Governor , Attorney General , House Of Delegates , Jackie , Punchbowl , 2010 , Wave , Power , Tea Party , Quote , Signs , Battle Over Obamacare , Virginia Gubernatorial Races , New Jersey , In The Dark , Halloween Party , Reign , Brewing , Swing Districts , Backlash , Alarm Bells , Aren T , Progressives Aren T , Ring , Frustration , Sides , Effort , Scream , Matter , Inclination , Loses , Endorsement Announcements , Producers , Staffers , Ton , Bunch , Donald J Trump , Glen , Leaflet , Rally , Total , Mailer , Looks , Et Cetera , Democratic Party Of Virginia , Rural Virginia , Lavender On Blue , Effect , Context , Trumpism , Drive , Rejection , Youngkin Hasn T , Big Question , Court Trump , Likeness , Obama , 2020 , Election , Ballot , Test , Elections , Midterms , Districts , Trump Isn T , Result , Polyfluoroalkyl Profe , Max Miller , Party , Adam Kinzinger , Presence , Committee , Critic , Conclusion , Re Election , January 6 , Video , Parties , Reasoning , Tribe , Cost , Distrust , Elements , Fear , Congressman Lahood , Redistricting Map , Illinois , Trumpy , Calculation , Critics , Presidency , Voices , Retirements , Republicans , Primary , Impreach , January 6th , Congressman Gonzalez , Cuban American President , Star , Statement , Put , Segment , Kinzinger Dropping Out , Down , Endorsement , Shortsidedness , Gerrymanders , Threat , Seat , We Don T , We Don T Oopt , Kinzinger , We Don T Care , Maurgei Majority Is Go Be , 19 , Belief , Lost , Type , Career , Mayor , Races , Halloween , New York City , Eastern Time , 00 , Drugs , Somebody , Prescription Drugs , Money Line , Priority , Blasts , Drug Companies , Prices , Plash Point , B , One American , Donna , Life Saving Medicine , Finding , Prescriptions , Clock Work , Monitoring , 3000 , 000 , Emotion , Tv , 100 , Prescription Drug Prices , Package , 1000 , Prescription Medication , Tl , 18 Million , Measures , Table , Dosage , In , Dress , Lines , Funding , Drug Research , Friend , People Issue , Aunt , Pile , Sfr , Discount , Costs , Provisions , Drug , Staining , Family Leave , Vision , Order , Vanessa , Bill Doesn T , Next , Advocates , Millions , Items , Report , Support , Doctors Orders , Queen Elizabeth , 5g , Pharmacy , Prime Members , Medication , Meds , Save , Low , Amazon , , Lead , Globe , Climate Summit , Climate Change Activists , Climate Conference , Daves , Scotland , London , Greta Thunberg , United Kingdom , Announcement , Queen , Doctor S Orders , Monarch , Queens , Buckingham Palace , Guest Sect , Hospital , Desk , Duties , State Of The Union , On Sunday , Antony Blinken , Tate , Doctors , Bernie Sanders , Show , Twitter , Instagram , Tiktok , Facebook , 9 , Happening Now , Podcast , Mr , Wolf Blitzer , Of A Quote , Admission , The World Stage , Catholics , Talks , Rift , Ambassador , Pope Francis ,

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