Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

tweeted this. quote, there are no words to convey my shock and sadness regarding the tragic accident that took the life of helena hutchins, a wife and mother and deeply admired colleague of ours. i'm fully cooperating with the police investigation to address how this tragedy occurred and i'm in touch with her husband and offering my support to him and his family, my heart is broken for her husband, their son and all who knew and loved helena. step stephanie elum is covering the development and you have breaking news from the local prosecutor in new mexico. what is happening. >> because we have not heard anything about whether or not charges would be filed. we know the investigation is very much open. and that they continue to talk to witnesses there in the sante fe area. but the new statement from new mexico first judicial district attorney said it is unclear if charges will be filed but said we will look into all facts with great discretion and have further information at a later time. our fothoughts are with all effected by it tragedy. at this point we're starting to hear more from people who knew hutchins and knew her work and saw she was a rising star as many have referred to her to be. including the agency that represented her, they put out a statement on social media saying, quoting all those in her orbit knew what was coming, a star director, of photography a force to be reckoned with. all of us at innovative artist are heartbroken. we mourn for her family and hope to reveal new lessons to better unsure safety for every crew member on set. which is a big topic of discussion. and you could see people who were there on the set are starting to remember her. if you look at francis fisher, an actor in an multitude of shows from titanic she's also part of the production of "rust" and she posted this picture of her with helena and said rest in paradise, i loved watching you work. alisyn. >> devastating. thank you for all of that breaking information. so one crew member just posted this, this is an image of a safety meeting during production of the film just two fridays go ago. joining me now is steve wolf, a firearms safety expert who has investigated multiple on set accidental shootings including the killing of brandon lee during the filming of the crow" and with us areva martin. i have always appreciated being able to call upon you for the past years. you've taught me some gun safety and i've appreciated it. so you've been on sets like this. how does something like this happen? >> well, the physics of how bullets enter people has been flown for about 5,000 years so there is no excuse for something like this to happen. in order to shoot one, you have to have a firearm capable of discharging a projectile. you have to have a casing. you have to have primer and a bullet. and you put those things together and if a bullet comes out and enters someone, that is exactly what it is designed to do and you have to figure out how you make that doesn't happen. one, you could make sure by looking inside of the cylinder that there is nothing in the gun that could come out. and of course you want to make sure that there is no bullet on the end of the ammo that you're loading into the gun. so you have to break several rules. even if you have a real live gun, a real live ammo and you don't point it at somebody, you're not going to put a bullet in them. >> but steve, hold on. i have a question. because when you just showed us the barrel an you could make sure it is empty, if there are blanks. >> i'm telling you the resolver that you could see right through and there you could see there is nothing in there. >> so what about i blanks. if you put a blank in there, don't you see something in there. >> if you put a blank in there and you make sure there is a blank, no bullet on the end of it. it is hollow. it is just gunpowder and a piece of paper that holds the powder in. and you could then load that in there and all that will come out are hot expanding gases and flame and smoke and a noise. and that range is also lethal at a distance. not so lethal. >> i want to -- hold on, you're saying that a blank could also be lethal depending upon the distance. and so from what you know -- >> that is correct. >> -- what we know what happened on the movie set of "rust" do you any sense whether there was a blank or a real bullet in there. >> a projectile came out of the gun and projectile. >> and steve -- >> and if you point it off camera rather than pointing it at camera or at somebody, a bullet will whiz past them and you won't kill anybody. so you have the wrong kind of gun, and the wrong kind of ammo and not following proper safety procedures of not pointing guns at things you don't want to see a hole in. >> areva, this sounds like a horrible tragic accident. could kmarjs be filed against someone? >> well we know in the state of new mexico, where this occurred, they do have a excusable homicide statute which allows for someone not to be charged when they are engaged in a lawful activity such as this, shooting a movie and something terrible happens, an accident happens where there is no intent to cause harm or intent to kill the person and the question of reasonableness comes up. whether there were appropriate actions taken, steps taken to prevent this kind of unforeseen event. and you mentioned that safety meeting, the tweet from someone on that crew who tweeted out that safety meeting. so a lot of questions are going to be asked by the sheriffs of what was said in the safety meeting and what kind of information was provided. we heard steve talk about what was inside of this gun. was it a blank or something more deadly than a blank. so i think there are a lot of questions to be asked before we get to charges. we know the john landis case, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter. that was a helicopter accident and in brandon lee there were not any charges when he was accidentally killed by a bullet on set. so we have two prior cases that we would look to, two very different outcomes but a lot of questions about who knew what about what was in the gun and the safety training provided to alec baldwin. >> steve, you reported the investigative team in the brandon lee killing. whose fault is this and is there something similar from that experience that will inform this horrible case? >> several things. was there live ammo in the gun? was the gun supposed to be pointed at anybody? was alec properly trained? and told don't point this at anyone or your going to kill them and he did that. well then i would say there is some criminal liability there. but benefit of the doubt that he didn't intend that, then the responsibility would lie with the prop coordinator or the armor who was on set who would is supposed to make sure that nothing could come out of the gun that will hurt anybody. >> with the brandon lee thing, was that a blank or live ammo? what happened. >> that was a combination. so sometimes you want to see someone loading ammo in a gun on a movie set. somebody is getting ready to shoot something and they take the ammo and you want to see it being put into the gun. so since we don't want actors handling live rounds, we give them a casing that has no powder in it, no primer on the back, but it does have a bullet. so on the outside it looks like live ammo. if you put this into a gun and then say we're done with that now we're going to the blanks. you pull this out of the gun and if the bullet unseats from the casing, the bullet could actually be still sitting inside of the cylinder and then when you take a blank and you put it behind the bullet inside of the cylinder, you now have primer, casing, powder and the bullet that you didn't realize was in there and that is how brandon lee was killed. so they brought all four components of a cartridge together in the gun unwittingly and that is how that homicide occurred. >> and steve, because you've been involved in this, how long do these investigations take? when will we know the answer to this. >> it should only take a week or so. and we've got to see the gun and the ammo and see the medical information on the coroner's report. if they recover a bullet, you could say that there was live ammo there. whether it was a complete cartridge at the time or whether there was a bullet in the gun and then someone loaded a blank behind it, we'll just have to wait on the investigation to know that. >> areva, alec baldwin has tweeted out that he's cooperating. what is the potential next move for him? >> well hopefully he's answering all of the questions that steve just raised in terms of what was actually in the gun. what happened during these safety meetings, what kind of training he received, who was on set at the time that he was handling the gun as this scene or this rehearsal was taking place. fortunately for the family and for i think for the entire industry, alec has expressed his remorse, there have pictures of him crying outside of the sheriff's department and him nowsying he is cooperating fully. you should expect a lot of lawyers to get involved. lawyers on behalf of the family as well as those on behalf of this movie set. but there are lots of questions to be answered and i'm happy to hear that alec baldin at this point is participating in the investigation, responding to those questions, a lot of questions for the proper gun person who was there and responsible for the safety of everyone on that crew. unfortunately, obviously things weren't sufficiently learned from the brandon lee tragedy because no one should die while shooting a movie. >> steve wolf, areva martin, sorry we're out of time and appreciate you and your expertise. thank you so much for being here with us. >> thank you. to this. house speaker nancy pelosi is hopeful there will be a vote next week on infrastructure after president biden revealed new details about the long going negotiation about democrats in last night's cnn town hall. plus pfizer, modern or johnson & johnson, you could take your pick. the cdc signs off on all three vo vaccine boosters toer all eligible adults. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. - [announcer] welcome to intelligent indoor grilling with the ninja foodi smart xl grill. just pick your protein, select your doneness, and let the grill monitor your food. it also turns into an air fryer. bring outdoor grilling flavors indoors with the grill that grills for you. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at you could wait... all night... for an email response from steve, who will sign back in at 9 am tomorrow morning. orrrr... you could find the answer right now in slack. and give steve a break. slack. where the future works. ♪ darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪ (vo) subaru presents... the underdogs. they may have lost an eye, or their hearing, or their youthful good looks. but there's a lot of things these remarkable dogs haven't lost... like their ability to lick, wag, and love with the best of them. join subaru in helping underdogs find a loving home and celebrate all dogs during our third annual national make a dog's day. negotiations on president biden's social safety net plan are moving ahead today. we're told, the president had boulevard are nancy pelosi and we've also learned that chuck schumer joined by zoom. the president pulled back the curtain on these negotiations at cnn's town hall last night. he listed the sticky points, climate change, paid family leave, medicare expansion, drug pricing and revenue. those sound like a lot. joining us now, we have cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox and kaitlan collins. so lauren, where at this hour, do the talks stand? >> reporter: we caught up with nancy pelosi a short time ago and asked her what are the state of the conversations. here is what she said just a little while ago. >> is there a drug price negotiation compromise you're working on, is that accurate? >> many have to been made but i would say that more than 90% of everything is agreed to. >> again, it is that remaining 10% that has consistently been a problem for the democratic party as they've tried to resolve issues surrounding health care, surrounding medicare negotiations and surrounding climate change. that has been a key sticking point for moderate senator joe manchin of west virginia. you also have this larger issue behind the scenes where kyrsten sinema from the state of arizona has been opposed to increasing the corporate tax rate. that has been a key pay for for the democrat party. but that negotiation is also playing out. one of the big problems here is even if you could agree on what to spend, $1.5 to $2 trillion, you have to find a way to finance this bill at this point it doesn't look like there is a solution that is imminent. >> president biden made a lot of news at our town hall last night. what are his next moves today. >> there was the details of what was going on behind the scenes in those closed door negotiations and so today really what it revealed was just the reality of whether or not they're going to come to an agreement today which is what we know democratic leaders were hoping for. an jen psaki is briefing reporters talking about some of the concessions about what the president made about what is in the bill and not likely going to make the cut and the alternative is not a larger package, it is no package at all given what the president said last night. >> you're also proposing for the first time ever federal paid parental leave. at one point you talked about 12 weeks, now there is reports it is down to maybe four weeks. >> it is down to four weeks and the reason it is town down to four weeks, we can't get four weeks. >> democrats are looking to expand medicare to include dental and vision and hearing. will all three of those still be covered. >> that is a reach and that is the -- i think it is a good idea and it is not that costly in relative terms but here is the thing. mr. manchin is opposed to that. so mar mr. manch ip and one other person has indicated they will not support free community colonel. >> there are a lot of democrats in the house and senate who are confused about where senator sinema stand oz things. >> she's smart as a devil, number one. number two, she's very supportive of the environmental agenda in my legislation. where she's not supportive is she said she will not raise a single penny in taxes on the corporate side and/or on wealthy people. >> reporter: so those are the details, alisyn, and the president saping paid leave is going from 12 weeks to four weeks and the medicare expansion is likely going to be much more limited in scope. the free years of community college is out and raising taxes on corporations which is a popular part of the bill also likely not going to make the final cut as they search for alternatives. now when it comes to whether or not they're going to come to an agreement today, which is nun unofficial deadline that democrats have set, it does seem unlikely based on what the white house is saying that the president will continue to have conversations with lawmakers throughout the weekend but they don't have any new deadlines to set right now. >> thank you. joining me now is cnn political commentator charlie dent, a former republican congressman and ron brownstein, the senior editor at the atlantic. and the new line said democrats stair to the abyss. so what do you mean by that and what is your sense of where the negotiations are now after everything president biden said last night at our town hall? >> yeah, what i mean by that, is that if you look at history, it is clear that big legislative accomplishment is not a guarantee of success in the midterm election. it comes next year. but it is pretty clear that big legislative failure is a guarantee of electoral failure in the election that comes the next year. an i think democrats have rounded that corner where even manchin and sinema seemed to have reached point that allowing this all to collapse would be catastrophic and they are trying to reach a deal. and look, it is -- the president last night was extraordinarily candid and i thought serene. you have basically every democrat in both chambers except one willing to undo the trump tax cut, tax rate cuts that they all voted against. and he said, i got to find a way around it. you have every democrat in both chambers except one willing to establish a clean electricity standard. and he said i've got to find a way to work around it. i thought it was very revealing when he said if you look back at history of social security the program as we know it today was not what franklin roosevelt passed in 1935 and the key is to move the ideas forward to anchor them in law and then try to improve them as you go down the road. >> so charlie, while democrats haggle over all of these details and ron just laid out, republicans, some republicans at the state level are quietly and it seems methodically dismantling some of the aspects of democracy as we know it. just yesterday, in texas, the governor greg abbott named an election denier, this was -- this is an attorney who worked very briefly for president trump, this is a guy named john scott and he was part of donald trump's big lie of denying his election loss. he's just been named secretary of state in texas. by the way, texas also just gerrymandered the heck out of their congressional districts. and so what is the answer for this? >> well let me quickly say, when you negotiate big spending bills like right now in congress, nothing is agreed to until everything is greed to. so they still have a ways to go. with respect to texas and secretary of state, my experience has been with these folks you who carry out elections, whether at the county or the state level, they saw themselves as more of an administrative agent, lk clerks. they didn't want problems. they want to run a clean and fair election, run the election and count and tabulate the votes and announce a winner. what is frighten is when you appoint people to those positions who have a predetermined outcome in their minds, that is dangerous. it sounds like they want an outcome. and that is not their job. and that is i think is a bigger threat to democracy than just about everything else. we could talk about all of the bills that are out there and early voting and drop boxes, but at the end of day if you have people in places who don't understand what they're role is, as to run a clean and fair election, without showing any favoritism, that is what we run into trouble. so i'm very concerned about what i've heard in texas. >> ron, i mean, what democrats think, one answer would be, is this sort of federal voting rights legislation but that would require getting rid of the filibuster basically for democrats. and last night president biden sounded different than he has in the past. so listen to this. >> well, that remains to be seen. exactly what that means. in terms of fundamentally altering it, whether or not we just end the filibuster straight up, when it comes to voting rights, just so i'm clear, you would entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue, is that correct. >> and maybe more. >> how about that, ron? >> that was far beyond anything he has ever said and i think it reflects the urgency that many, many democrats, civil rights groups and voting rights groups feel about the changes that we're watching underway in the red states, both the efforts to make it tougher to vote and what charlie was talking about, the efforts to increase partisan control over the administration and counting of votes and democrats have only -- the supreme court has made clear, it is not going to intervene. democrats don't have the votes in the states. one option they have to try to push back against this is the ability to pass a federal legislation establishing a nationwide floor of voting rights and creating new protections for the administration of elections. all 50 democrats have signed on to the legislation. it is blocked again by republican filibuster. so in the story that you mentioned today, i note that however reconciliation ends, they are going to be a lot of docks annoyed at manchin and sinema over everything they forced to be removed from the package. so maybe the way to resolve all of this and get momentum into the midterm would be a kind of grand bargain in which progressives would agree to a smaller footprint that they are demanding for reconciliation and ma manchin and sinema drop their rights because its clear there is no other path. manchin was given the summer and not a single one supported it and none of them will vote for it. maybe one, lisa murkowski when they bring up the voting rights act itself and i think the path forward is now clear. either they act unilaterally or they allow the red states to make unparalleled i think enkurgss on the ability of americans to vote. >> charlie, is the answer to change the vote rights in the country. >> if they're going to make any changes in a filibuster, it must be done on a bipartisan basis. i wish you could have been in the house republican conferences that i sat in during my term and i would hear the most conservative members of the house republican conference say we need to get rid of the filibuster. i was one of those who push the back because i knew their agenda. they wanted to pass extreme legislation and hope the senate would just concur. i've felt that that filibuster is the only mechanism in wash that compelled some level of bipartisanship. is the filibuster abused and over used in, of course. should they reform it, yes. but they have to do it on a bipartisan basis. >> [ inaudible ]. >> and look at what happened because they rued the day because republicans did what they did on the supreme court. >> but then what do you do about the voting challenges that you scare you. >> you get a consensus in the country. i think they should reauthorize the voting rights act but i'ming to pick on new hampshire, has very high participation rates. i'm told those officials don't like this. i served in the legislation for 14 years and some of these changes truly are in the purview of the states not the federal government. now i get it with respect to the discrimination against african-americans and that is whyef a voting rights act but this could create some problems in state where's there aren't that many. >> and we're going to talk much more about what could be done in texas where they are trying this. ron and charlie thank you very much. >> thank you. now to this, pfizer released new promising data on how effective their vaccine is in young children. so what this means as the fda weighs recommending shots for 5 to 11 years olds. and follow the money. house investigators are targeting the financing associated with the january 6 attack on the capitol. we have new details on this ahead. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. just get together and save! we look goooood! visible. wireless that gets better with friends. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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[ applause ] and i waited until july to talk about mandating. because i tried everything else possible. the mandates are working. >> reporter: but the pushback continues. more than 130 municipal workers in chicago filing a lawsuit claiming the city and state vaccine policies are unconstitutional. and some new information on the de delta variant, we have been talking about the fact that it is considered a more transmissible variant but we're learning based on a new cdc study that the outcome are not more severe, this is an analysis of hospitalized patients in the hospital before the variant and after. however we should point out that this study does not include pregnant women so we can't speak to their outcome when it comes to this point. >> thank you. great to see you. the steve bannon fate lies with the justice department after he's held in contempt of congress. what will the attorney general do now? and a lot going on today. here is what else to watch. ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. and here. and here, too. it's here to help you save time and money and trips to the pharmacy. it's here to get you the medication you need when you need it. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> i certainly think this is at least as important as any other issue, alisyn. >> and because if they could figure out who paid for travel and who paid to organize the folks who showed up at that pro-trump rally, that will tell them what? >> well, i think one thing it could tell them is that this was not a spontaneous event. but it is one that was planned and organized and i would imagine that the committee wants to know who did the planning and who did the organizing. >> i don't know if you've heard the podcast that steve bannon did the day before. but he sure seemed to know that something was going to happen the next day. he seemed, you know, almost a promo he was giving on his podcast for buckle up, stay tuned, this is doing to be much different than what you think it is. he seemed to be telegraphing that he knew something. i understand that you could see both sides of whether the attorney general should prosecute steve bannon for context because he's not cooperating with the committee. so give me both arguments of whether he should be prosecuted and not prosecuted. >> when the attorney general and his staff make the decision, they're going to look at a number of factors. remember, in a way this is derivative. the house has worked up this case. they've already researched it and had reported and we've had floor statements. and so this isn't a case where doj on its own is in ishlly deciding to take some action. it is informed by everything that the house has already done. we have to remember there are very serious constitutional principles that are involved here, way beyond the politics. the decisions that could come out of this case will effect not only this administration, for its remainder, but for every presidential administration that comes thereafter. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. if you and i didn't cooperate and if we were subpoenaed and we didn't cooperate, there would be consequences. what is the argument for not having accountability for steve bannon? >> well, the argument is based on the constitution. he is made a claim of executive privilege. now, whether he has executive privilege or not is a question for courts to decide. but he is making that claim and the attorney general is going to decide whether that is a valid claim, whether they could win the case, if they lose the case i don't think they would, but if they were to lose the case, the white house, the executive branch would have lost some standing if you will in its ongoing battle between congress and the executive over information. so, yes, i mean, we could hear anecdotally in a nonlegal, nonconstitutional sense that he's making certain claims but again ultimately a court will have to decide whether his involvement is protected by executive privilege, which he is claiming that it is. >> but to be clear, you think that they would win against steve bannon? >> well let me say this. he's claiming absolute executive privilege. no court has ultimately ruled that that exists. executive privilege is nuanced, it does exist. there are some instances where it does stand and there are other instances where it doesn't. and so by not participating at all, and by just claiming executive privilege, in a way that is a big gamble. because typically what happens is there are sort of a negotiation. you find out maybe what you want to say and give a little on that. the other part you say, no this is protected and it is that kind of negotiation quite frankly that typically happens and that courts encourage. by just saying no, it is absolutely -- i'm absolutely privileged, youly sort of paint yourself in a corner. >> okay. thomas spill acthank you for the expertise. >> my pleasure. yet another water crisis in michigan. this time in benton harbor. high levels of lead contamination prompting a state of emergency. so we have a live update from there next. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! 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>> look, there's a lot of frustration here. not only do they have this ongoing emergency for the last three years over lead in the water but to have the water main go ouct. this was an old water main. this is coincidental, but it underscores the need and fragility of water systems in places like benton harbor. over the last three years, they have been dealing with a lead situation here. several samples across town, and they found that the lead levels in the drinking water was over the federal government limit, which is 15 parts per billion gallons of water. not a huge amount over, but enough over to raise concerns for people who live here. especially people who have kids because lead can cause very very serious problems in younger people. here's how one pastor leading a community effort to deal with the situation puts it. >> nobody, nobody should have water that they can't drink and have to pay for it. nobody should have contaminated water, you know, you shouldn't have to tell people not to brush your teeth, not to drink the water, not too cook with it, not to bathe with it, not to make baby formula with the water. this is america. this should not be happening to any community. >> reporter: and unfortunately, it does happen in far too many communities, and there are still lots of lead pipes out there. the governor of michigan, clearly this is a state very sensitive to this because of the flint crisis many years ago that has raised concerns. there are other towns right now that are also finding lead in their water still. she has asked the state legislature for more money. they think it costs $30 million to replace the lead pipes in benton harbor, and so far the legislature, which is republican has responded by opening investigations into her role in the water crisis here in benton harbor. not raising a lot of confidence for people who live here. >> miguel marquez, thank you for the reporting. tragedy on this movie set after alec baldwin fired a prop gun during a scene killing the film's cinematographer. we have new details on whether anyone will face charges. unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. that's how we've become the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support, and 5g included in every plan, so you get it all. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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tweeted this. quote, there are no words to convey my shock and sadness regarding the tragic accident that took the life of helena hutchins, a wife and mother and deeply admired colleague of ours. i'm fully cooperating with the police investigation to address how this tragedy occurred and i'm in touch with her husband and offering my support to him and his family, my heart is broken for her husband, their son and all who knew and loved helena. step stephanie elum is covering the development and you have breaking news from the local prosecutor in new mexico. what is happening. >> because we have not heard anything about whether or not charges would be filed. we know the investigation is very much open. and that they continue to talk to witnesses there in the sante fe area. but the new statement from new mexico first judicial district attorney said it is unclear if charges will be filed but said we will look into all facts with great discretion and have further information at a later time. our fothoughts are with all effected by it tragedy. at this point we're starting to hear more from people who knew hutchins and knew her work and saw she was a rising star as many have referred to her to be. including the agency that represented her, they put out a statement on social media saying, quoting all those in her orbit knew what was coming, a star director, of photography a force to be reckoned with. all of us at innovative artist are heartbroken. we mourn for her family and hope to reveal new lessons to better unsure safety for every crew member on set. which is a big topic of discussion. and you could see people who were there on the set are starting to remember her. if you look at francis fisher, an actor in an multitude of shows from titanic she's also part of the production of "rust" and she posted this picture of her with helena and said rest in paradise, i loved watching you work. alisyn. >> devastating. thank you for all of that breaking information. so one crew member just posted this, this is an image of a safety meeting during production of the film just two fridays go ago. joining me now is steve wolf, a firearms safety expert who has investigated multiple on set accidental shootings including the killing of brandon lee during the filming of the crow" and with us areva martin. i have always appreciated being able to call upon you for the past years. you've taught me some gun safety and i've appreciated it. so you've been on sets like this. how does something like this happen? >> well, the physics of how bullets enter people has been flown for about 5,000 years so there is no excuse for something like this to happen. in order to shoot one, you have to have a firearm capable of discharging a projectile. you have to have a casing. you have to have primer and a bullet. and you put those things together and if a bullet comes out and enters someone, that is exactly what it is designed to do and you have to figure out how you make that doesn't happen. one, you could make sure by looking inside of the cylinder that there is nothing in the gun that could come out. and of course you want to make sure that there is no bullet on the end of the ammo that you're loading into the gun. so you have to break several rules. even if you have a real live gun, a real live ammo and you don't point it at somebody, you're not going to put a bullet in them. >> but steve, hold on. i have a question. because when you just showed us the barrel an you could make sure it is empty, if there are blanks. >> i'm telling you the resolver that you could see right through and there you could see there is nothing in there. >> so what about i blanks. if you put a blank in there, don't you see something in there. >> if you put a blank in there and you make sure there is a blank, no bullet on the end of it. it is hollow. it is just gunpowder and a piece of paper that holds the powder in. and you could then load that in there and all that will come out are hot expanding gases and flame and smoke and a noise. and that range is also lethal at a distance. not so lethal. >> i want to -- hold on, you're saying that a blank could also be lethal depending upon the distance. and so from what you know -- >> that is correct. >> -- what we know what happened on the movie set of "rust" do you any sense whether there was a blank or a real bullet in there. >> a projectile came out of the gun and projectile. >> and steve -- >> and if you point it off camera rather than pointing it at camera or at somebody, a bullet will whiz past them and you won't kill anybody. so you have the wrong kind of gun, and the wrong kind of ammo and not following proper safety procedures of not pointing guns at things you don't want to see a hole in. >> areva, this sounds like a horrible tragic accident. could kmarjs be filed against someone? >> well we know in the state of new mexico, where this occurred, they do have a excusable homicide statute which allows for someone not to be charged when they are engaged in a lawful activity such as this, shooting a movie and something terrible happens, an accident happens where there is no intent to cause harm or intent to kill the person and the question of reasonableness comes up. whether there were appropriate actions taken, steps taken to prevent this kind of unforeseen event. and you mentioned that safety meeting, the tweet from someone on that crew who tweeted out that safety meeting. so a lot of questions are going to be asked by the sheriffs of what was said in the safety meeting and what kind of information was provided. we heard steve talk about what was inside of this gun. was it a blank or something more deadly than a blank. so i think there are a lot of questions to be asked before we get to charges. we know the john landis case, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter. that was a helicopter accident and in brandon lee there were not any charges when he was accidentally killed by a bullet on set. so we have two prior cases that we would look to, two very different outcomes but a lot of questions about who knew what about what was in the gun and the safety training provided to alec baldwin. >> steve, you reported the investigative team in the brandon lee killing. whose fault is this and is there something similar from that experience that will inform this horrible case? >> several things. was there live ammo in the gun? was the gun supposed to be pointed at anybody? was alec properly trained? and told don't point this at anyone or your going to kill them and he did that. well then i would say there is some criminal liability there. but benefit of the doubt that he didn't intend that, then the responsibility would lie with the prop coordinator or the armor who was on set who would is supposed to make sure that nothing could come out of the gun that will hurt anybody. >> with the brandon lee thing, was that a blank or live ammo? what happened. >> that was a combination. so sometimes you want to see someone loading ammo in a gun on a movie set. somebody is getting ready to shoot something and they take the ammo and you want to see it being put into the gun. so since we don't want actors handling live rounds, we give them a casing that has no powder in it, no primer on the back, but it does have a bullet. so on the outside it looks like live ammo. if you put this into a gun and then say we're done with that now we're going to the blanks. you pull this out of the gun and if the bullet unseats from the casing, the bullet could actually be still sitting inside of the cylinder and then when you take a blank and you put it behind the bullet inside of the cylinder, you now have primer, casing, powder and the bullet that you didn't realize was in there and that is how brandon lee was killed. so they brought all four components of a cartridge together in the gun unwittingly and that is how that homicide occurred. >> and steve, because you've been involved in this, how long do these investigations take? when will we know the answer to this. >> it should only take a week or so. and we've got to see the gun and the ammo and see the medical information on the coroner's report. if they recover a bullet, you could say that there was live ammo there. whether it was a complete cartridge at the time or whether there was a bullet in the gun and then someone loaded a blank behind it, we'll just have to wait on the investigation to know that. >> areva, alec baldwin has tweeted out that he's cooperating. what is the potential next move for him? >> well hopefully he's answering all of the questions that steve just raised in terms of what was actually in the gun. what happened during these safety meetings, what kind of training he received, who was on set at the time that he was handling the gun as this scene or this rehearsal was taking place. fortunately for the family and for i think for the entire industry, alec has expressed his remorse, there have pictures of him crying outside of the sheriff's department and him nowsying he is cooperating fully. you should expect a lot of lawyers to get involved. lawyers on behalf of the family as well as those on behalf of this movie set. but there are lots of questions to be answered and i'm happy to hear that alec baldin at this point is participating in the investigation, responding to those questions, a lot of questions for the proper gun person who was there and responsible for the safety of everyone on that crew. unfortunately, obviously things weren't sufficiently learned from the brandon lee tragedy because no one should die while shooting a movie. >> steve wolf, areva martin, sorry we're out of time and appreciate you and your expertise. thank you so much for being here with us. >> thank you. to this. house speaker nancy pelosi is hopeful there will be a vote next week on infrastructure after president biden revealed new details about the long going negotiation about democrats in last night's cnn town hall. plus pfizer, modern or johnson & johnson, you could take your pick. the cdc signs off on all three vo vaccine boosters toer all eligible adults. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. - [announcer] welcome to intelligent indoor grilling with the ninja foodi smart xl grill. just pick your protein, select your doneness, and let the grill monitor your food. it also turns into an air fryer. bring outdoor grilling flavors indoors with the grill that grills for you. sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at you could wait... all night... for an email response from steve, who will sign back in at 9 am tomorrow morning. orrrr... you could find the answer right now in slack. and give steve a break. slack. where the future works. ♪ darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪ (vo) subaru presents... the underdogs. they may have lost an eye, or their hearing, or their youthful good looks. but there's a lot of things these remarkable dogs haven't lost... like their ability to lick, wag, and love with the best of them. join subaru in helping underdogs find a loving home and celebrate all dogs during our third annual national make a dog's day. negotiations on president biden's social safety net plan are moving ahead today. we're told, the president had boulevard are nancy pelosi and we've also learned that chuck schumer joined by zoom. the president pulled back the curtain on these negotiations at cnn's town hall last night. he listed the sticky points, climate change, paid family leave, medicare expansion, drug pricing and revenue. those sound like a lot. joining us now, we have cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox and kaitlan collins. so lauren, where at this hour, do the talks stand? >> reporter: we caught up with nancy pelosi a short time ago and asked her what are the state of the conversations. here is what she said just a little while ago. >> is there a drug price negotiation compromise you're working on, is that accurate? >> many have to been made but i would say that more than 90% of everything is agreed to. >> again, it is that remaining 10% that has consistently been a problem for the democratic party as they've tried to resolve issues surrounding health care, surrounding medicare negotiations and surrounding climate change. that has been a key sticking point for moderate senator joe manchin of west virginia. you also have this larger issue behind the scenes where kyrsten sinema from the state of arizona has been opposed to increasing the corporate tax rate. that has been a key pay for for the democrat party. but that negotiation is also playing out. one of the big problems here is even if you could agree on what to spend, $1.5 to $2 trillion, you have to find a way to finance this bill at this point it doesn't look like there is a solution that is imminent. >> president biden made a lot of news at our town hall last night. what are his next moves today. >> there was the details of what was going on behind the scenes in those closed door negotiations and so today really what it revealed was just the reality of whether or not they're going to come to an agreement today which is what we know democratic leaders were hoping for. an jen psaki is briefing reporters talking about some of the concessions about what the president made about what is in the bill and not likely going to make the cut and the alternative is not a larger package, it is no package at all given what the president said last night. >> you're also proposing for the first time ever federal paid parental leave. at one point you talked about 12 weeks, now there is reports it is down to maybe four weeks. >> it is down to four weeks and the reason it is town down to four weeks, we can't get four weeks. >> democrats are looking to expand medicare to include dental and vision and hearing. will all three of those still be covered. >> that is a reach and that is the -- i think it is a good idea and it is not that costly in relative terms but here is the thing. mr. manchin is opposed to that. so mar mr. manch ip and one other person has indicated they will not support free community colonel. >> there are a lot of democrats in the house and senate who are confused about where senator sinema stand oz things. >> she's smart as a devil, number one. number two, she's very supportive of the environmental agenda in my legislation. where she's not supportive is she said she will not raise a single penny in taxes on the corporate side and/or on wealthy people. >> reporter: so those are the details, alisyn, and the president saping paid leave is going from 12 weeks to four weeks and the medicare expansion is likely going to be much more limited in scope. the free years of community college is out and raising taxes on corporations which is a popular part of the bill also likely not going to make the final cut as they search for alternatives. now when it comes to whether or not they're going to come to an agreement today, which is nun unofficial deadline that democrats have set, it does seem unlikely based on what the white house is saying that the president will continue to have conversations with lawmakers throughout the weekend but they don't have any new deadlines to set right now. >> thank you. joining me now is cnn political commentator charlie dent, a former republican congressman and ron brownstein, the senior editor at the atlantic. and the new line said democrats stair to the abyss. so what do you mean by that and what is your sense of where the negotiations are now after everything president biden said last night at our town hall? >> yeah, what i mean by that, is that if you look at history, it is clear that big legislative accomplishment is not a guarantee of success in the midterm election. it comes next year. but it is pretty clear that big legislative failure is a guarantee of electoral failure in the election that comes the next year. an i think democrats have rounded that corner where even manchin and sinema seemed to have reached point that allowing this all to collapse would be catastrophic and they are trying to reach a deal. and look, it is -- the president last night was extraordinarily candid and i thought serene. you have basically every democrat in both chambers except one willing to undo the trump tax cut, tax rate cuts that they all voted against. and he said, i got to find a way around it. you have every democrat in both chambers except one willing to establish a clean electricity standard. and he said i've got to find a way to work around it. i thought it was very revealing when he said if you look back at history of social security the program as we know it today was not what franklin roosevelt passed in 1935 and the key is to move the ideas forward to anchor them in law and then try to improve them as you go down the road. >> so charlie, while democrats haggle over all of these details and ron just laid out, republicans, some republicans at the state level are quietly and it seems methodically dismantling some of the aspects of democracy as we know it. just yesterday, in texas, the governor greg abbott named an election denier, this was -- this is an attorney who worked very briefly for president trump, this is a guy named john scott and he was part of donald trump's big lie of denying his election loss. he's just been named secretary of state in texas. by the way, texas also just gerrymandered the heck out of their congressional districts. and so what is the answer for this? >> well let me quickly say, when you negotiate big spending bills like right now in congress, nothing is agreed to until everything is greed to. so they still have a ways to go. with respect to texas and secretary of state, my experience has been with these folks you who carry out elections, whether at the county or the state level, they saw themselves as more of an administrative agent, lk clerks. they didn't want problems. they want to run a clean and fair election, run the election and count and tabulate the votes and announce a winner. what is frighten is when you appoint people to those positions who have a predetermined outcome in their minds, that is dangerous. it sounds like they want an outcome. and that is not their job. and that is i think is a bigger threat to democracy than just about everything else. we could talk about all of the bills that are out there and early voting and drop boxes, but at the end of day if you have people in places who don't understand what they're role is, as to run a clean and fair election, without showing any favoritism, that is what we run into trouble. so i'm very concerned about what i've heard in texas. >> ron, i mean, what democrats think, one answer would be, is this sort of federal voting rights legislation but that would require getting rid of the filibuster basically for democrats. and last night president biden sounded different than he has in the past. so listen to this. >> well, that remains to be seen. exactly what that means. in terms of fundamentally altering it, whether or not we just end the filibuster straight up, when it comes to voting rights, just so i'm clear, you would entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue, is that correct. >> and maybe more. >> how about that, ron? >> that was far beyond anything he has ever said and i think it reflects the urgency that many, many democrats, civil rights groups and voting rights groups feel about the changes that we're watching underway in the red states, both the efforts to make it tougher to vote and what charlie was talking about, the efforts to increase partisan control over the administration and counting of votes and democrats have only -- the supreme court has made clear, it is not going to intervene. democrats don't have the votes in the states. one option they have to try to push back against this is the ability to pass a federal legislation establishing a nationwide floor of voting rights and creating new protections for the administration of elections. all 50 democrats have signed on to the legislation. it is blocked again by republican filibuster. so in the story that you mentioned today, i note that however reconciliation ends, they are going to be a lot of docks annoyed at manchin and sinema over everything they forced to be removed from the package. so maybe the way to resolve all of this and get momentum into the midterm would be a kind of grand bargain in which progressives would agree to a smaller footprint that they are demanding for reconciliation and ma manchin and sinema drop their rights because its clear there is no other path. manchin was given the summer and not a single one supported it and none of them will vote for it. maybe one, lisa murkowski when they bring up the voting rights act itself and i think the path forward is now clear. either they act unilaterally or they allow the red states to make unparalleled i think enkurgss on the ability of americans to vote. >> charlie, is the answer to change the vote rights in the country. >> if they're going to make any changes in a filibuster, it must be done on a bipartisan basis. i wish you could have been in the house republican conferences that i sat in during my term and i would hear the most conservative members of the house republican conference say we need to get rid of the filibuster. i was one of those who push the back because i knew their agenda. they wanted to pass extreme legislation and hope the senate would just concur. i've felt that that filibuster is the only mechanism in wash that compelled some level of bipartisanship. is the filibuster abused and over used in, of course. should they reform it, yes. but they have to do it on a bipartisan basis. >> [ inaudible ]. >> and look at what happened because they rued the day because republicans did what they did on the supreme court. >> but then what do you do about the voting challenges that you scare you. >> you get a consensus in the country. i think they should reauthorize the voting rights act but i'ming to pick on new hampshire, has very high participation rates. i'm told those officials don't like this. i served in the legislation for 14 years and some of these changes truly are in the purview of the states not the federal government. now i get it with respect to the discrimination against african-americans and that is whyef a voting rights act but this could create some problems in state where's there aren't that many. >> and we're going to talk much more about what could be done in texas where they are trying this. ron and charlie thank you very much. >> thank you. now to this, pfizer released new promising data on how effective their vaccine is in young children. so what this means as the fda weighs recommending shots for 5 to 11 years olds. and follow the money. house investigators are targeting the financing associated with the january 6 attack on the capitol. we have new details on this ahead. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. just get together and save! we look goooood! visible. wireless that gets better with friends. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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[ applause ] and i waited until july to talk about mandating. because i tried everything else possible. the mandates are working. >> reporter: but the pushback continues. more than 130 municipal workers in chicago filing a lawsuit claiming the city and state vaccine policies are unconstitutional. and some new information on the de delta variant, we have been talking about the fact that it is considered a more transmissible variant but we're learning based on a new cdc study that the outcome are not more severe, this is an analysis of hospitalized patients in the hospital before the variant and after. however we should point out that this study does not include pregnant women so we can't speak to their outcome when it comes to this point. >> thank you. great to see you. the steve bannon fate lies with the justice department after he's held in contempt of congress. what will the attorney general do now? and a lot going on today. here is what else to watch. ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. and here. and here, too. it's here to help you save time and money and trips to the pharmacy. it's here to get you the medication you need when you need it. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> i certainly think this is at least as important as any other issue, alisyn. >> and because if they could figure out who paid for travel and who paid to organize the folks who showed up at that pro-trump rally, that will tell them what? >> well, i think one thing it could tell them is that this was not a spontaneous event. but it is one that was planned and organized and i would imagine that the committee wants to know who did the planning and who did the organizing. >> i don't know if you've heard the podcast that steve bannon did the day before. but he sure seemed to know that something was going to happen the next day. he seemed, you know, almost a promo he was giving on his podcast for buckle up, stay tuned, this is doing to be much different than what you think it is. he seemed to be telegraphing that he knew something. i understand that you could see both sides of whether the attorney general should prosecute steve bannon for context because he's not cooperating with the committee. so give me both arguments of whether he should be prosecuted and not prosecuted. >> when the attorney general and his staff make the decision, they're going to look at a number of factors. remember, in a way this is derivative. the house has worked up this case. they've already researched it and had reported and we've had floor statements. and so this isn't a case where doj on its own is in ishlly deciding to take some action. it is informed by everything that the house has already done. we have to remember there are very serious constitutional principles that are involved here, way beyond the politics. the decisions that could come out of this case will effect not only this administration, for its remainder, but for every presidential administration that comes thereafter. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. if you and i didn't cooperate and if we were subpoenaed and we didn't cooperate, there would be consequences. what is the argument for not having accountability for steve bannon? >> well, the argument is based on the constitution. he is made a claim of executive privilege. now, whether he has executive privilege or not is a question for courts to decide. but he is making that claim and the attorney general is going to decide whether that is a valid claim, whether they could win the case, if they lose the case i don't think they would, but if they were to lose the case, the white house, the executive branch would have lost some standing if you will in its ongoing battle between congress and the executive over information. so, yes, i mean, we could hear anecdotally in a nonlegal, nonconstitutional sense that he's making certain claims but again ultimately a court will have to decide whether his involvement is protected by executive privilege, which he is claiming that it is. >> but to be clear, you think that they would win against steve bannon? >> well let me say this. he's claiming absolute executive privilege. no court has ultimately ruled that that exists. executive privilege is nuanced, it does exist. there are some instances where it does stand and there are other instances where it doesn't. and so by not participating at all, and by just claiming executive privilege, in a way that is a big gamble. because typically what happens is there are sort of a negotiation. you find out maybe what you want to say and give a little on that. the other part you say, no this is protected and it is that kind of negotiation quite frankly that typically happens and that courts encourage. by just saying no, it is absolutely -- i'm absolutely privileged, youly sort of paint yourself in a corner. >> okay. thomas spill acthank you for the expertise. >> my pleasure. yet another water crisis in michigan. this time in benton harbor. high levels of lead contamination prompting a state of emergency. so we have a live update from there next. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! 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>> look, there's a lot of frustration here. not only do they have this ongoing emergency for the last three years over lead in the water but to have the water main go ouct. this was an old water main. this is coincidental, but it underscores the need and fragility of water systems in places like benton harbor. over the last three years, they have been dealing with a lead situation here. several samples across town, and they found that the lead levels in the drinking water was over the federal government limit, which is 15 parts per billion gallons of water. not a huge amount over, but enough over to raise concerns for people who live here. especially people who have kids because lead can cause very very serious problems in younger people. here's how one pastor leading a community effort to deal with the situation puts it. >> nobody, nobody should have water that they can't drink and have to pay for it. nobody should have contaminated water, you know, you shouldn't have to tell people not to brush your teeth, not to drink the water, not too cook with it, not to bathe with it, not to make baby formula with the water. this is america. this should not be happening to any community. >> reporter: and unfortunately, it does happen in far too many communities, and there are still lots of lead pipes out there. the governor of michigan, clearly this is a state very sensitive to this because of the flint crisis many years ago that has raised concerns. there are other towns right now that are also finding lead in their water still. she has asked the state legislature for more money. they think it costs $30 million to replace the lead pipes in benton harbor, and so far the legislature, which is republican has responded by opening investigations into her role in the water crisis here in benton harbor. not raising a lot of confidence for people who live here. >> miguel marquez, thank you for the reporting. tragedy on this movie set after alec baldwin fired a prop gun during a scene killing the film's cinematographer. we have new details on whether anyone will face charges. unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. that's how we've become the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support, and 5g included in every plan, so you get it all. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ever wonder how san francisco became the greenest big city in america? just ask the employee owners of recology. we built the recycling system from the ground up, helping san francisco become the first city in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. it's the top of the hour. i'm alisyn camerota, and we begin with the real life tragedy playing outs o

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Firearms Safety Expert , Filming , Us , Killing , Areva , Shootings , Areva Martin , The Crow , Something , It , Gun Safety , Physics , Sets , Casing , Projectile , Primer , Bullets , Excuse , Firearm , Order , 5000 , Bullet , Someone , Cylinder , Things , Doesn T , Gun , Ammo , Nothing , End , Course , Rules , Somebody , Question , Blanks , Resolver , Hold On , Barrel , Blank , I Don T , Powder , Gunpowder , Range , Piece , Paper , Noise , Smoke , Flame , Gases , Distance , Sense , Kind , Anybody , Bullet Will Whiz , Camera , Guns , Procedures , Hole In , State Of Emergency , Homicide , Activity , Statute , Person , Intent , Actions , Reasonableness , Harm , Lot , Questions , Event , Sheriffs , Tweet , John Landis Case , Cases , Helicopter Accident , Manslaughter , Team , Alec Baldwin , Outcomes , Safety Training , Fault , Brandon Lee Killing , Case , Experience , Prop Coordinator , There , Anyone , Responsibility , Liability , Benefit , Doubt , Thing , Armor , Combination , Movie Set , Someone Loading Ammo , Actors , Rounds , Back , Out , Cartridge , Components , Four , Answer , Investigations , Coroner , Report , Terms , Move , Place , Scene , Safety Meetings , Rehearsal , Training , Pictures , Industry , Remorse , Department , Lawyers , Behalf , Lots , Sheriff , Gun Person , Expertise , Biden Forcefully , Democrats , Details , Negotiation , Vote , Nancy Pelosi , Infrastructure , House Speaker , Adults , Cdc , Plus Pfizer , Vo Vaccine Boosters , Johnson , Pick , Last Night S Cnn Town Hall , Signs , Three , Food , Grill , Protein , Ninja Foodi , Grilling , Feeling , Announcer , Little Fleet , Doneness , Big Relief , Grills , Air Fryer , Flavors , Smile , Patients , Set , Gift , Sharing , Exam , X Rays , At Aspen Dental , Insurance , Treatment Plan , Options , Obligation , Savings , Payment , 20 , Book , 7 , 800 , 1 , Response , Email , 9 , Slack , Love , Works , Break , Orrrr , Babe Girl , Darling , Hearing , I Don T Know , Vo , Good , Neighborhood , Eye , Applebee S , Subaru , The Underdogs , Eatin , Ability , Home , Looks , Best , Underdogs , Lick , Wag , Remarkable Dogs Haven T Lost , Dogs , Dog , Negotiations , President , Boulevard , Biden S Social Safety Net Plan , Zoom , Chuck Schumer , Cnn , Town Hall Last Night , Points , Sound , Family Leave , Drug Pricing , Curtain , Revenue , Climate Change , Medicare Expansion , Reporter , State , Lauren Fox , Talks , Lauren , Congressional , Kaitlan Collins , Conversations , Drug Price Negotiation Compromise , Working On , Everything , Problem , Issues , Health Care , Medicare , 10 , 90 , Issue , Joe Manchin , Scenes , Sticking Point , Kyrsten Sinema , West Virginia , Arizona , Problems , Pay , Tax Rate , Way , Bill , Solution , 5 , 2 Trillion , 1 5 , Trillion , Agreement , Whether , Reality , Closed Door , Package , Some , Alternative , Reporters , Leaders , Concessions , Given , Cut , Jen Psaki , Leave , Time , 12 , Town , Vision , Reach , Reason , Mr , Idea , House , Senate , Smart , Ip , Community Colonel , Devil , Senator Sinema Stand Oz , Legislation , Number , Agenda , Taxes , Side , Number One , Penny , Expansion , Saping , Part , Alternatives , Nun , Scope , Corporations , Final Cut , Community College , White House , Lawmakers , Deadlines , Charlie Dent , Ron Brownstein , Republican , Line , Abyss , Stair , Atlantic , Town Hall , Guarantee , Failure , Accomplishment , Election , Success , Corner , Deal , Chambers , Tax Cut , Tax Rate Cuts , Serene , Electricity , Standard , Social Security , Program , Democrats Haggle , Ideas , Key , Road , Law , Franklin Roosevelt , 1935 , Level , Democracy , Texas , Aspects , Election Denier , Donald Trump , Greg Abbott , Attorney , Guy , John Scott , Big Lie Of Denying , Secretary Of State , Districts , Election Loss , Heck , Folks , Respect , Greed , Spending Bills , Ways , Votes , Elections , Winner , County , Count , Agent , Lk Clerks , Outcome , Job , Threat , Minds , Positions , Everything Else , Places , Role , Voting , Bills , Favoritism , Drop , Boxes , Voting Rights , Sort , Trouble , Filibuster , Last Night , Notion , Changes , States , Rights , Efforts , Groups , Urgency , In The Red , Administration , Counting , Control , Supreme Court , Option , Protections , Floor , Story , 50 , Docks , Reconciliation Ends , Momentum , Reconciliation , Progressives , Midterm , Footprint , Bargain , Ma Manchin , Path , Summer , None , Lisa Murkowski , Americans , Red , Enkurgss , Country , Basis , Conferences , Vote Rights , Term , Members , Mechanism , Wash , House Republican Conference , In , Bipartisanship , Yes , Inaudible , Consensus , Rates , Officials , Purview , Voting Rights Act , I Ming , New Hampshire , 14 , Government , Discrimination , African Americans , Whyef A Voting Rights Act , There Aren T , Money , Vaccine , Fda , Data , Children , House Investigators , Shots , Financing , 11 , 5 , Capitol , Attack , January 6 , 6 , Family Plans , Group , Alberto , Save , Mo , 25 , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Customization , Friends , Dj , Throwback , Visible , Liberty Uh , Brain Performance , Tv , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Six , Neuriva , Recording , Beep , Birds Chirping , Clapping , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Times , Pizza , Visit Indeed Com Hire Ray , Diabetes , Job Description , No , Vacations , A1c , Mystery , Glucose Levels , Visit Freestylelibre Us Tech , Ray , Libre 2 , 2 , Couple , Chip , Trust Safelite , Windshield , Cost , Woman , Farmers Market , Tech , Singers , Safelite , Service , Safelite Repair , Boosters , Dr , Dose , Millions , Fauci , Moderna , Paving Wait , Rate , Transmission , Research , Alexandria Field , Arms , Covid , Booster Plan , Protection , Roll Out , 19 , Booster Shots , Age , Chief , Booster , Recommendations , Match , Preference , Plan , Women , Vaccination , General , Nursing , Pregnantwomen , Eyes , Five , 91 , Vaccinating , Instance , Dose News , Field , Trial , Myocarditis , Vaccines , Mandates , Emergency Responders , Nagtion , Let Go , Pushback , Applause , City , Policies , Workers , Fact , Lawsuit , De Delta Variant , Chicago , 130 , Learning , Study , Variant , Analysis , Transmissible , Steve Bannon , Fate , Attorney General , Justice , Contempt Of Congress , Pharmacy , Medication , Trips , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh , Zone , Amazon , Weight , Cv Risk , Game , Events , Heart Attack , Risk , Heart Disease , Death , Stroke , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Needles , Share , Reuse , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Help , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Car , Company , Car Vending Machines , Prescription , Carvana , 3 , 100 , Techno Wizardry , Spot , License Plate , Offer , Value , House Reels Committee , Areas , Rally , Zeroing , Developments , Ryan Nobles , Investigation Groups , Teams , Focus , Capitol Hill , Money Trail , Jamie Raskin , Congressman , U S Capitol , Planning , Play , Meals , Buses , Hotels , Electoral College , Staffing , Accommodation , Funding , Rallies , Addition , Trump , Campaign , Tie , Council , Partner , King , Thomas Pillac , Spaulding Law Firm , Travel , Podcast , Organizing , Sides , Buckle Up , Promo , Telegraphing , Context , Arguments , Isn T A Case , Floor Statements , Factors , Staff , Decision , Doj , Action , Is , Ishlly , Decisions , Principles , Politics , Remainder , Argument , Consequences , Accountability , Constitution , Executive Privilege , Claim , Courts , Executive Branch , Standing , Nonconstitutional Sense , Court , Executive , Claims , Battle , Nonlegal , Involvement , Instances , Stand , Gamble , Little , Michigan , Levels , Water Crisis , Benton Harbor , Paint , Pleasure , Youly , Thomas Spill Acthank , Lead , Contamination , Em Boy , Update , Walter , Twelve O Clock , Cows Moo , Twelve , Workspace , Tailgate , Step , Cat , Adventures , Find New Roads , Chevy Silverado , Strength , Mission , Energy , Nutrition , Vitamins , Minerals , Chevrolet , Whoo Hoo , 27 , 30 , Ahh , Serena Williams , Demand , Match Point , Scary Movie , Quiet , Got Directv Stream , Stream , Directv , Water , Community , Residents , Contract , Plea , Mayor , Example , Lives , Washington , Miguel Marquez , Infrastructure Bill , Ground , Frustration , Water Main , Emergency , Need , Water Systems , Fragility , Water Main Go Ouct , Situation , Drinking Water , Limit , 15 , Concerns , Over , Amount , Kids , Nobody , Community Effort , Pastor , Shouldn T , Teeth , Baby Formula , Pipes , Communities , Governor , Crisis , Flint , Towns , State Legislature , Legislature , 0 Million , 30 Million , Reporting , Confidence , Cinematographer , Leader , Thinking , Customer Support , 5g , Career , Room , Opportunities , Song , Music , Difference , Battle Sounds From Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Dragon Roar , Paul , Phone , Glucose , Choices , Spreadsheets , Ocean , Kayak , Visit Indeed Com Hire Limu Emu , Bogeys , Limu , Bird , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Kid , Employee Owners , San Francisco , System , Composting , Ground Up , Starts , Recycling , Businesses , Recology , Making A Differene , Top , Real Life Tragedy Playing Outs O ,

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