Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

injuring another. police say baldwin fired a prop gun during the filming of "rust," the name of the film, in new mexico. the film cinematographer died and the director was wounded. no charges have been filed. police are investigating. we are also following new developments in a very different story. president biden's domestic agenda. speaker pelosi is at the white house this morning after cnn's town hall last night where the presidents revealed specifics of the negotiations with democratic lawmakers on his massive spending plan. the president also made his most forceful comments yet in support of scrapping the senate filibuster in order to protect voting rights. much more on that and the path forward in washington in a second. but we begin with the breaking news. stephanie elam is live in los angeles following all of this on the deadly movie shooting involving alec baldwin. stephanie, what is the latest that you're hearing this morning? >> reporter: there's still a lot of questions on how this could happen, a lot of people wondering how exactly could have this fire -- prop fire gun been used and been directed toward the director of photography and also the director. here's what we do know, that this happened just before 2:00 p.m. local time, that there was a 911 call saying there was a shooting on set. the santa fe sheriff's department did respond to the shooting. they said there was a prop firearm, it was discharged by alec baldwin. this is on the set of the movie "rust," a western based in the 1880s in time, a film about a 13-year-old boy who goes on the run with his long estranged grandfather after the boy is accused of accidentally killing someone. that's the plot of the film there. we do know that halyna hutchins, who was the direct forof photography, that she was hit, airlifted by helicopter to the university of new mexico where the hospital pronounced her dead. we also know that the director, joel souza, was also hit. we know that he was taken by ambulance to a different hocht. still no word on exactly how he's doing at this point. what we do know is that this investigation is ongoing. no one has been charged. we also know that they are asking everyone who was a witness questions about what could have gone on here. we've seen these pictures of alec baldwin looking completely distraught after this incident yesterday, kate. >> absolutely. those pictures are really heartw heartwrenching. great to see you, stephanie. joining me for more on this is cnn's chief made ya correspondent, anchor of "reliable sources," brian stelter and charlotte strigs, managing editor for "people digital." brian, do we know more about how this actually could happen? i'm curious how two people got hit. >> right. and it makes you wonder if this was literally during production when they were actually filming, whether this was something that happened elsewhere on the set on this western lot in santa fe, producing a western movie. you know, for some reason, this was able to hit two people and kill one of them. the reality is we know very little, and i think it's revealing how little we know right now. it's been more than 12 hours since this death was confirmed, since baldwin was speaking with authorities and was not charged and was not held. and so there's been radio silence overnight into the morning, and now as the dawn rises there in new mexico, baldwin has not said anything publicly, nor have representatives for the film. so there are -- you know, there's chatter in hollywood communities about whether this was a live round that was fired from the gun by accident and, you know, maybe that helps explain what could have happened here. were they shooting a scene where the gun was pointed at the camera? that would be a logical possibility given that the cinematographer was killed. but we just don't know. i think unfortunately in an environment like this, where there's a void of information, that's where rumor and speculation and innuendo end of filling. so the sooner that authorities can give us more details the better. >> yeah. so true. there are very strict guidelines and protocols for weapons on any set. i heard one expert this morning say that -- a weapons expert who's worked on multiple movies -- say he had no idea this was possible unless the gun was, like, one foot away from the camera and, you know, the cinematographer, they would both be near the camera, which he says was highly unlikely that they would set it up that way. what does a prop gun include? what should people know about this? >> well, so there's really a lot of protocols when it comes to even dealing with fake firearms on set. the prop master is typically in charge and they'll present the weapon in front of the actor, give them a tour of how it's used, show it to the directors. everybody on the set gets comfortable with it, understands how it works. that being said, blanks are dangerous and if you are shooting it at close range somebody could be injured. however, the local union that remits prop masters on movie sets sent a letter, and in their letter they indicated that there was one live round in the prop gun. how that could have happened, nobody knows, but apparently the bullet actually hit both the cinematographer and the director in one shot. that seems to indicate that it might have been rehearsal scenario unless, like, live-action shot. >> i want to be careful because there are those reports of that letter, but we, cnn, has not independently kind of confirmed that, as that would be a big deal when it comes to a live round being in there. a lot of moving parts early on in this, so we are trying to weave through it as carefully as we can. we can all appreciate that. brian, i heard the local sheriff's department said yesterday -- let me read the quote from "the times," saying we're trying to determine right now how and what type of projectile was used in the firearm, which leads to, look, adds to questions, why was the gun loaded with project times? everything you always hear is, you know, they use dummy rounds during filming. they wouldn't have black powder in it. or they use blanks. there's just a lot of questions unfortunately in this tragedy right now. >> baldwin has some of the answers but probably not all of them. the prop master has some answers but probably not all. and the cinematographer, no longer alive to tell us, may have the answers -- may have had the answers and cannot share them. it's a tragedy all around. it reminds us of the case of brandon lee from the 1990s, killed on a set, and his family, more than 20 years later, saying no one should die, obviously no one should die from a weapon on a movie set. that's obviously a simple truth and something that is taken so seriously in all these productions, yet this tragedy still, you know, nowen folds before us. >> it does. much more to come on this. thank you both very much. i want to turn to our other big story. cnn's news making town hall with president biden. the president made headlines on key issues like the filibuster, defending taiwan from a chinese attack, and. the negotiations on his massive spending bill. take a listen. >> are you close to a deal? >> i think so. you know, look, i was a senator for 370 years. [ laughter ] and i was never -- i was relatively good at putting together deals. it's all about compromise. compromise has become a dirty word, but it's bipartisanship and compromise still has to be possible. >> you're also proposing for the first time ever a federal paid parental leave. at one point you talked about 12 weeks. now there's reports it's down to maybe four weeks. >> it is down to four weeks. the reason why, i can't get 12 weeks. >> one of the other things that democrats are looking to do is expand medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing. will all three of those still be covered? >> that's a reach, and the reason why it's a reach is -- i think it's a good idea, and it's not that costly in relative terms, but here's the thing. mr. manchin is opposed to that. so far, mr. manchin and one other person has indicated they will not support free community college. >> there's lot of democrats in the house and senate who are confused about where senator sinema actually stands on things. do you know where she stands? >> first of all, she's smart as a devil, number one. number two, she's very supportive of the environmental agenda in my legislation. where she's not supportive is she says she will not raise a single penny in taxes on the corporate side and/or on wealthy people. >> joining me now, cnn's john harwood live at the white house, and cnn's manu raju on the steps of the capitol as people are heading for the exits on a friday. manu, you just heard from the speaker as she was coming back from the white house. what did she say about all of this? >> reporter: well, she did have a meeting with the president this morning along with chuck schumer, the majority leader. she sounded optimistic but also acknowledged they are not there yet. i asked her about the one thing that joe biden made clear last night, that perhaps the expansion of medicare, a central promise democrats had made, that may not get into the proposal. she acknowledged that there are still discussions ongoing on the health care issue. she said it is still possible, very possible in her words, that a deal could be reached but didn't commit to a time frame. she said those discussions are happening. they want to have a vote potentially by next week on both the separate infrastructure bill that has already passed the senate but is waiting action in the house, as well as this larger package. but there are so many details that need to be sorted out. i asked her about manchin and sinema and whether or not there was any agreement between those two members who have raised a number of concerns as negotiations are ongoing. she punted that issue to the white house saying that is up to the white house and the senate to decide. clearly, there's still a lot of discussions and moving parts. still positive tones right now, but does it amount to a law is the big question. >> exactly right. definitely giving a signal there is forward motion. john, manu's laying out a lot of details came out. we learned a lot about a lot last night, but a lot of details still need to be worked out. from the white house perspective, why do you think president biden spoke out so publicly about what has been until now behind the scenes of these negotiations? >> well, i think a couple things, kate. one is that the white house has faced a long period of stories in the press about gridlock and how hung up the democrats are with their infighting and speculation that maybe they'll never get a deal. he decided i think last night to pull back the curtain and explain what was happening but also explain the way he saw getting to the finish line. i think the president reflected some rising confidence that he feels that they're going to get that deal. as manu just indicated, i think nancy pelosi feels that, chuck schumer feels that. there's difficult things they've still got to get. they haven't secured the votes of manchin and sinema yet, but they're pretty confident they're going to, and it's just a matter of figuring out, well, if not that kind of revenue, this kind of revenue, if not that length of a paid leave program, this length of a paid leave program. they seem to be in the process of fitting those jigsaws together. >> manu, biden on the senate tradition of the filibuster, not now but maybe in the future. what does he mean? what was he getting at last night? >> reporter: yeah, that has been the big question about what will happen to some of the signature initiatives that joe biden has pushed, namely to overhaul voting laws as well as a major fiscal deadline coming up in december, raising the national debt limit. to get either of those they need 60 votes in the senate to overcome a republican-led filibuster. that means 50 democrats with 10 republicans breaking ranks, on both issues neither of which they're close to getting, and that is raising questions about how they will accomplish those. biden signaled an openness to supporting changing the senate's filibuster rules to reduce that threshold from 60 votes to a simple majority. but joe biden does not have a vote in the united states senate. he noolds the support of joe manchin, who is steadfast against any changes to the filibuster rules, worry that would change the tradition of the senate, trample on minority rights, could harm the democrats if they fall back in the my joe torre. and kyrsten sinema and other moderates are opposed to changing the filibuster rules. there is positive discussion for folk who is want those changes but does not mean it will actually happen here. he indicated he didn't want to push on that because he didn't want to alienate some key votes such as manchin and sinema as he's trying to court them for the larger economic agenda. perhaps there will be more discussion about this in the weeks ahead. but as it mounts to legislative achievement, highly uncertain, especially on those two issues at this moment. >> fascinating. great to see you guys. thank you very much. coming up for us, new data from pfizer on the effectiveness of its vaccine on younger children as the fda is weighing recommending sholtds for 5- to 11-year-olds. the details ahead. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (vo) how do you know when you've found your team? 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by saying yes. yes to new inventions! yes to clean and fresh ingredients! and yes to living life to the flavor-fullest. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. we may be one step closer to getting younger children vaccinated against covid. the fda is meeting next week to consider vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11 years old. this morning they just posted the data from pfizer that they will be reviewing. pfizer reporting that its vaccine is 90.7% effective against symptomatic covid infection for kids in that age group. it comes as the cdc expands its booster program for adults to include now all three vaccines in the u.s. joining me now is cnn medical analyst dr. leana wen, the former health commissioner for the city of baltimore. 90.7% effective against symptomatic covid, dr. wen. what do you think of this data, and how does it compare to the vaccine's effectiveness in other age groups? >> this is good, kate. so i am reassured that there will at least be some real life effectiveness of this data ahead of the meeting next week. priestly pfizer said the vaccine was safe for younger children, which is great, and it appears to be effective based on antibody response, that there is a strong response. however, we didn't know how well it protected against symptomatic disease. so this new study in more than 2,000 children, the same study, but now they have results in these children, found there were six cases of covid-19 in children who got the placebo versus three cases in the children who got the actual sax. so more than 90% protective. although this is still a relatively small study, so i think we need to keep in mind that when the fda reviews the data next week, they may not come out with as full-throated a recommendation as they came out for older age groups and maybe a more limited recommendation once they look at the data based on the fact this is still a small study. >> there's also, dr. wen, continued questions about boosters for adults. who should get them and which shot. i want to play what dr. anthony fauci told john berman this morning. listen to this. >> it's generally recommended that you get the booster that is the original regimen that you got in the first place, but for one reason or other, and there may be different circumstances for people, availability, or just different personal choices, you can, as we say, mix and match. you can now mix and match one with the other. but in general, it just makes sense to go with what your original regimen was. >> now, in contrast to previous guidance with covid shots, which was pretty concrete, there's more wiggle room here with boosters, more kind of do what you want. why do you think that is? >> i'm very glad that there is a lot more latitude including to mix and match the second booster or the third booster, depending on which vaccine you got, because we're at a different point in the pandemic compared to before. in the beginning, vaccines were limited in supply, and we had very little information comparing one vaccine against the other so the recommendation was gets the first vaccine you have access to. now we have a lot more information. i think that the information dr. fauci gave was relevant for the mrna vaccine. if you got the pfizer or moderna vaccine, there's no particular reason to switch to a different vaccine unless there's something very specific, for example, you had a severe allergic reaction or you had myocarditis with the mrna vaccine, then you might consider switching to the johnson & johnson for your boosters do. on the other hand, if you got the j&j for your first dose, first of all, it's rally important you get the booster now if it's been at least two months. this is different from the mrna vaccines, which are the boosters recommended only for individuals in higher risk categories. now we know that j&j recipients, they probably did not get as much protection as the two doses of the mrna vaccine. so they really should be getting a booster dose, but the cdc very specifically yesterday in the recommendation did not say that people who got the j&j should then get the j&j second dose, that that's preferred. in fact, for women under the age of 50, they should really consider getting an mrna second dose instead of a second dose of the j&j vaccine. that's what i decided to do. >> you've wrot about it eloquently. folks can read about that and your decision and all your considerations, which is always so thoughtful. president biden was asked about vaccine requirements last night. i want to play what he said. >> should police officers, emergency responders, be mandated to get vaccines? and if not, should they be stay at home or let go? >> yes and yes. [ applause ] by the way, i waited until july to talk about mandating, because i tried everything else possible. the mandates are working. >> as we've seen with the requirements, we've seen requirements work for teachers, for health care workers, for the airlines. do you think there's something different here when it comes to police and emergency workers, or do we need more time? what do you think? >> i think for people who are protecting health health and safety and well-being as police officers, ems, and so forth, it's even more important for them to demonstrate and to model to the communities that they serve that their first priority is the other people around them. we really have to level set and talk about what the vaccines do. yes, they protect the individual, but getting vaccinated also protects other pool around you as well. if you are a paramedic, an ems personnel, police officer, and you're helping someone, you have no idea if that individual is someone who is immunocompromised, no idea if live at home with someone who has cancer or a kidney transplant and they need your help to protect them. i think it's important for all of us to be modelling that we care about one another, but especially important for people in health care, teachers, police officers whose job it is to take care of the most vulnerable. >> dr. wen, thanks for coming in. coming up for us, a haitian gang leader is now threatening to kill the group of missionaries that they kidnapped nearly a week ago now. so what does the united states do? a live report from haiti next. ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. - [announcer] with shark vacmop, nothing messes up a good time. powerful suction locks away debris. spray mopping tackles tough messes. all with one innovative disposable pad you never have to touch. shark vacmop, for when happy gets messy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ developing this morning, the leader of a haitian xwang holding americans and a canadian hostage is threatening to kill them if his ransom demands aren't met. they're demanding $1 million per hostage. cnn's joe johns is live in port-au-prince with the latest on this. joe, what are you hearing about this morning? what does the united states do? >> reporter: the united states is involved. they'ren the ground here in ha haiti. the fbi is as well. i can tell you that cases like these have numbered hundreds and hundreds over the past couple years tend to follow a familiar script, the abduction, the ransom demand, then proof of life, then there's threats against the individuals who were kidnapped. we've had all of that. proof of life, in other words, the kidnappers providing the authorities with proof that they have not killed the hostages, at least so far. so the main player in this, of course, is an individual named wilson joseph. he is the leader of the 400 mawozo street gang. he is the person who made that threat against the missionaries. he made it on a video that was shot apparently at a funeral of several gang members who he said were killed by the police. that's where we stand and waiting for authorities to tell us more. back to you, kate. >> all right. joe, thank you very much for that. turning to the crisis in afghanistan, the state department now says that it's in touch with more than 360 u.s. citizens still in the country. that's more than trip it will estimate given by the biden administration after the chaotic withdrawal this summer, and about half of the americans still there have indicated they want to leave afghanistan. kylie atwood is live at the state department with more. what are you hearing from the state department about this? >> reporter: listen, kate, the state department yesterday briefed congressional staffers, and according to my colleague, jennifer, what they told those stamps was there are about 363 americans who are still in afghanistan that the u.s. is in touch with, 176 of those want to leave afghanistan. now, this marks a far higher number than what the state department was initially tracking when the u.s. fully withdrew from afghanistan at the end of august. they said that they were tracking expecting about 100 to 200 americans to still be in the country who wanted to leave. those were in the words of secretary of state tony blinken at the time. since then there have been more than 200 americans and more than 100 green cardholders who have left afghanistan. those efforts have been facilitated by the united states. so what this means is that more americans in the country have come foert sayforth saying we e and want to leave. it's complicated for the state department. first of all, we don't know exactly how many americans were on the ground in the country when the u.s. withdrew from the country because those americans aren't forced to tell the state department that they are there. and then of course there are americans who have families in afghanistan, who are deciding if they want to leave, if they don't want to leave, some are on the fence, changing their minds. it's a complicated situation, but this does mark a large number of americans that are still there and want to leave the country. kate? >> even after the withdrawal, there's a lot of work still to be done. thank you, kylie. up next for us, president biden now says he's willing to go there, open to eliminating the senate filibuster if that's what it takes to better protect voting rights. so why isn't he ready now? that's next. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. they do things differently. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? visible. unlimited data, as low as $25/mo all-in. powered by verizon, 5g included. wireless that gets better with friends. when i break a long run i'm talking long long. that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. old spice works harder for longer. hey derrick man, you gonna be much longer? it's gonna be a minute minute. hey derrick, quit playin. derrick! ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. and here. and here, too. it's here to help you save time and money and trips to the pharmacy. it's here to get you the medication you need when you need it. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> hi, kate. so good to be with you. i call it a ray of hope. you know, i have long called the filibuster a relic of the past. it is an instrument of obstruction, and we are facing a number of enormous challenges as a country, whether it be climate, whether it be gun violence, whether it be an economy that hasn't worked for families, or whether it is threats to our democracy that run straight through states like mine with extreme partisan gerrymandering and voter suppression bills. and all of that gets stuck in the senate. and the holdup seems to be pinned on the idea or rather the fantasy that you need the filibuster in order to create bipartisan support and compromise. on the house side, we have shown that we can perform in a bipartisan manner without that instrument of obstruction of the filibuster. would love for senate to abandon it and move forward in a democratic process to work with us on solving our greatest challenges. the greatest challenges of our generation. >> if you want to get there, it comes to strategy a little bit. this is potentially linked to the debate over the spending bill, i kind of wonder. joe manchin is among those opposed to throwing out the filibuster. if you need to get him on board in order to modify the filibuster to get a voting rights bill passed, do you see value in giving manchin more of a scaled-back spending bill now? e, which is what he says he wants? is that how this all works? >> well, you know, we are wanting to work in good faith with senator manchin, with all of our colleagues on the senate side. we're all part of the same team. i think we ultimately want the same things. i know that voting rights and saving our democracy is important to senator manchin. that's why he worked so hard on the freedom to vote act. it's a bill that we're eager to vote on in the house. you know, we passed h.r.-1, the john lewis voting rights act, and we're eager to vote on the freedom to vote act. i know that senator manchin really holds dear the traditions of the senate, but i would argue that we are living in a very different era. and, again, those challenges that we're confronting are existential. and if we don't act with urgency, there's a lot we have to lose. >> let me ask you about something else the president spoke to last night. you represent el paso, texas. i want to play what the president said when he was asked why he has not visited the border yet since taking office. >> i've been there before, and i haven't -- i mean, i know it well. i guess i should go down, but the whole point of it is i haven't had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down. i've been spending time going around looking at the $900 billion worth of damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world. >> people listen to that and could have easily heard, this isn't a priority. isn't that a problem? >> you know, here's what i understand from my conversations with the white house and with folks who are doing their best to fix what has been a very broken system. i think the white house and i see the challenge we face on immigration not as a border issue. these are challenges that exist long before migrants get to the border. that's why i'm very supportive of the work being done by vice president kamala harris to address root causes. we have to do more than that, though. we've got to work with our hemisphere partners. congress has a role to play in opening up legal pathways. i will say, kate, i asked the president to come to the border when he was a candidate. i welcome him to the border. the border is about more than just immigration. we're also about commerce and trade. we are a vital artery for the economic health of the united states. and i look forward to welcoming the president to el paso. i hope sooner rather than later. >> you answered my next question. congresswoman, thank you very much for coming on. appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. this is cnn breaking news. >> we do have breaking news coming in just now. actor alec baldwin just tweeted out about his first statement, really, about the tragedy that took place on his movie set yesterday. police, as we talked about at the top of the show, say alec baldwin fired a prop gun, killing the film's director of photography, injuring the director of the film. let me read for you what alec baldwin wrote on twitter. "there are no words to convey my shock and sadness regarding the tragic accident that took the life of hitch hitch, a wife, mother, and deeply admired colleague of ours. i'm fully cooperating with the police investigation to address how this tragedy occurred, and i am in touch with her husband, offering my support to him and his family. my heart is broken for her husband, their son, and all who knew and loved halyna." that's the first statement we're hearing from alec baldwin on what is truly a tragedy all around. we'll have much more on that coming up. we'll be right back. for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. got directv stream. now we can watch live tv and on demand. serena... scary movie... serena... scary movie... serena williams ready to serve. ahh! quiet, please. triple match point serena williams... this is her moment. ahh! quiet, please. ahh! quiet, please! get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream, with no annual contract. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. a. a tiny percentage of people who got the johnson & johnson covid skraks even developed a rare neurological syndrome. the fda reports that it has happened in roughly 100 reports out of the 15 million cases who have gotten the j&j shot yet fears of side effects like this have driven hysteria among anti-vaxxers and information pushers online which is exactly why one man anthony flint was so reluctant to tell his story, but he is speaking out and his message remains. you still need to get vaccinated. anthony flint joins me now. it's so good to speak with you. thank you for being here. you've written so eloquently about your experience and your message. i just want to read one part because you write it was impossible to see how my experience would fit into any kind of reasonable conversation, skeptics would have their fears confirmed further fueling distrust if not hysteria, but you are, as you write, one of the unlucky ones who suffered -- who got -- who was diagnosed with guillen-barre syndrome. how are you doing today? >> i'm all right. i'm hanging in there, and it's been a bizarre experience. normally i'm a serial social media poster, but i held back and didn't tell my story, and this experience going through hospitals and rehab, but i decided to tell the story to try to get this more out in the open and be transparent about side effects and just put all the cards on the table that this is possible, but it's very rare, exceedingly rare, and we take a lot more risks with a lot of other things that we do all the days of our lives. >> and that is important perspective. and also, it's quite a statement coming from someone who was one of the unlucky ones to be suffering from this. i want to read for everyone because johnson & johnson gave a statement today that says while the risk of occurrence is very low, this does appear to be above background rates. we strongly support raising awareness of signs an symptoms of rare events to be sure they can be quickly identified and effectively treated. anthony, talk to me about why you were reluctant to tell your story. >> well, the conversation or what passes for a dialogue in the u.s. has gotten awfully twisted around and supercharged. i was worried that telling my story i would just exacerbate vaccine hesitation. the more i looked into it, most people i think who are hesitating or thinking about getting the vaccine are genuinely curious about it. they are concerned about side effects. they want to know how the vaccine works, and they are not so much believing these conspiracy theories and, you know, like how you could -- like implanting a microchip or infertility which are flat out not true, but this is an actual side effect, and i just thought it would be better to talk about it and be transparent about it, although i understand why the public health establishment doesn't really talk about it much because it is so rare for it to happen. >> right. >> and for someone who is still hesitating, they might, again, as you have said, your concern is they might see this and think, wow, this could be me, so what do you want them to take from your experience because your message is even if you look at me and what i've been through, you should still get vaccinated. >> yes. i really wrestled with it because, you know, this could easily freak people out, but you've got to come back and look at the numbers and just how rare it is. it's .0008% chance of getting the syndrome, and gbs is triggered by other things, too, not just vaccines. i think it reflects a rise in autoi moan disorders, so talking about all of this and how our bodies work in the context of the vaccine i think is -- is really important, and when people who are hesitating look at the chances, i think it -- it's better to talk about the side effects rather than appear to be hiding something. >> yeah. and the key is having a real conversation and dialogue which is more and more rare these days, but it's very good to meet you. thank you for coming on to have that conversation. >> thank you. >> thank you all so much for being here with me. i'm kate balduan. "inside politics" with john king begins after this break. i always protect my voice. it's how i make my living. and you and i make a country with our voices. your vote is your voice. but more than ever, our freedom to vote is under attack. so please: call congress. tell them to pass the freedom to vote act. to protect our ability to have our say on the issues that matter most. so, let's pass the freedom to vote act and protect all our voices. you have the best pizza in town and the worst wait times. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪oh no, babe girl, if i could only make you see♪ ♪and make you understand♪ get a dozen double crunch shrimp for $1 with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. hello and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing your day with us. full disclosure. president biden puts just about everything on the table at a cnn town hall. the president says he believes the deal will get done, but the obstacles are still big and the dynamics, well, difficult. >> when you're in the united states senate and you're president of the united states and you have 50 democrats. everyone is a president. every single one. so you've got to wor

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Boy , On The Run , Western , Grandfather , 1880 , 13 , Someone , Halyna Hutchins , University Of New Mexico , Hit , Helicopter , Hospital , Plot , Forof Photography , No One , Word , Point , Investigation , Hocht , Ambulance , Pictures , Witness , Incident , Correspondent , Sources , Stephanie , Brian Stelter , People Digital , Managing Editor , Chief Made Ya , Charlotte Strigs , Production , Two , Something , Reason , Western Lot , Producing A Western Movie , Authorities , Reality , Death , 12 , Chatter , Radio Silence , Anything , Baldwin , Representatives , Hollywood , Round , Scene , Communities , Gun By Accident , Information , Cinematographer , Camera , Speculation , Environment , End , Possibility , Filling , Void , Rumor , Innuendo , Don T Know , Weapons Expert , Protocols , Expert , Weapons , Better , Guidelines , Idea , Movies , Foot , Prop Master , Way , Firearms , It , Weapon , Blanks , Tour , Everybody , Directors , Charge , Actor , Being , Front , Union , Letter , Somebody , Nobody Knows , Rehearsal Scenario , Bullet , One Shot , Shot , Reports , Local Sheriff S Department , Quote , The Times , Everything , Type , Firearm , Projectile , Rounds , Gun Loaded With Project Times , Powder , U S , Answers , Family , Brandon Lee , Truth , Case , 1990 , 20 , Nowen Folds , Productions , Issues , Attack , Headlines , News Making Town Hall , Taiwan , Chinese , Senator , Deals , Listen , Laughter , 370 , Compromise , Leave , Time , Bipartisanship , Things , Vision , Hearing , Dental , Three , Medicare , Four , Senator Manchin , Thing , Reach , Mr , Terms , House , Person , Community College , Number , Agenda , Number One , Legislation , Devil , Smart , Side , Steps , Taxes , Penny , Exits , Capitol , John Harwood , Chuck Schumer , Meeting , Manu , Speaker , Expansion , Promise , Words , Discussions , Proposal , Didn T , Health Care Issue , Frame , Vote , Infrastructure Bill , Action , Package , Issue , Sinema , Saying , Members , Concerns , Agreement , Moving Parts , Big Question , Motion , Signal , Law , Tones , Perspective , Scenes , Infighting , Press , Stories , Gridlock , Curtain , Confidence , Finish Line , They Haven T , Votes , Kind , Matter , Leave Program , Process , Length , Revenue , Jigsaws , Some , Tradition , Question , Signature Initiatives , Voting Laws , Debt Limit , Republican , 60 , Ranks , Republicans , Openness , 50 , 10 , Joe Manchin , Filibuster Rules , Changes , Majority , Threshold , Discussion , Moderates , Trample On Minority Rights , Joe Torre , Folk , Mrna Vaccine , Priestly Pfizer , Coming Up , Guys , Achievement , Fascinating , Fda , Pay , Liberty , Sholtds , 5 , 11 , Team , Vo , Best , Lanes , Ideas , Dark , Go Bowling , Experience , World , Flexibility , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Parabens , Hydration , Moisture , Fragrances , Dyes , Skin , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Stop Rybelsus , Pill , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Isn T , A1c , Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Food , Ways , 1 , 7 , Help , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Lump , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Neck , Swelling , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Pancreatitis , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Stop Taking Eliquis , Stroke Risk , Warfarin , Treatment , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Trail , Risk , Bleeding , Cases , I Don T , Doctor , Both , Stroke , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Medicines , Procedures , Bruising , Classical Music Plays , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , New Orleans , Um Uh , Brass Band , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Life , Cheese , Yes , Grilled Cheese , Inventions , Flavor Fullest , Ingredients , Panera , Mac , Delivery , , Step , Vaccines , Pfizer Reporting , Covid , 90 7 , Cdc , Adults , Age Group , Booster Program , Covid Infection , Kids , Analyst , Leana Wen , City , Symptomatic Covid , Baltimore , Age Groups , Study , Safe , Response , Antibody Response , Disease , Results , Placebo , Sax , 2000 , Six , 19 , 90 , Recommendation , Mind , Boosters , Fact , Dr , Booster , Other , Place , Regimen , Anthony Fauci , John Berman , Match , General , Availability , Circumstances , Mix , Sense , Choices , Wiggle Room , Contrast , Guidance , Do , Covid Shots , Latitude , Pandemic , Supply , Information Dr , Beginning , Moderna , Example , Myocarditis , Dose , Johnson , Rally , Hand , Individuals , Doses , Booster Dose , Protection , Risk Categories , Recipients , Age , Second Dose , Women , Folks , Decision , Vaccine Requirements , Considerations , Police Officers , Emergency Responders , Stay , Home , Let Go , Applause , Mandates , Teachers , Requirements , Health Care Workers , Airlines , Emergency Workers , Health , Ems , Safety , Well Being , Individual , Priority , Ems Personnel , Police Officer , Paramedic , Pool , Job , Health Care , Modelling , Care , Another , Cancer , Kidney Transplant , Vulnerable , Group , Missionaries , Report , Thanks , Haitian Gang Leader , Haiti Next , Music , Projects , Project Managers , Phone Clicks , Candidates , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Nothing , Announcer , Shark Vacmop , Messes , Pad , Powerful Suction , Away Debris , Spray Mopping , Leader , Hostage , Joe Johns , Ransom , Canadian , Aren T Met , 1 Million , Million , Ground , Latest , Ha Haiti , Fbi , Port Au Prince , They Ren , Threats , Ransom Demand , Hundreds , Script , Abduction , Proof Of Life , Kidnappers , Hostages , Player , Proof , Course , Video , Threat , Wilson Joseph , Mawozo Street Gang , 400 , Gang Members , Kate , Funeral , Country , State Department , Afghanistan , Trip , Crisis , Citizens , 360 , More , Withdrawal , Summer , Half , Administration , Kylie Atwood , Staffers , Jennifer , Stamps , 176 , 363 , The End Of August , Secretary Of State , Tracking , Tony Blinken , 100 , 200 , Cardholders , Efforts , Foert Sayforth , Americans Aren T , Families , We E , Minds , Fence , Situation , Kylie , Work , Isn T He , Family Plans , 5g , Alberto , Verizon , Mo , 25 , Handle , Run , Save , Low , Friends , Visible , Mo All In , Derrick , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Gonna , Playin , Old Spice , Derrick Man , Pharmacy , Medication , Trips , Money , Amazon , Say , Subway , Refresh , All American Club , Fast Food Game , Level , Steak , Seasoning , Vinaigrette , Mvp , Parmesan , Logo , Game , Billions , Football , Fate , Season , Nfl , Connections , Line Touchdown , Line , Career , Room , Safelite , Opportunities , Lots , Singers , Difference , Cisco , Safelite Repair , Kimberly , Pain , Clearchoice , Dental Disease , Song , Bunch , Teeth , Dental Implants , Daughter , Publisher , Author , Book , Kit , My Life , Christian , Town Hall , Shift , Voting Rights Legislation , Whether , Notion , Congresswoman , He Dint , Texas Veronica Escobar , House Members , Chamber , Face , Restrictions , Patience , Challenges , Ray Of Hope , Instrument , Obstruction , Filibuster A Relic , Hi , Democracy , States , Hasn T , Economy , Gun Violence , Climate , Voter Suppression Bills , Partisan , Holdup , Gerrymandering , Fantasy , Manner , Generation , Bit , Wonder , Debate , E , Value , Part , Works , Colleagues , Faith , Bill , In The House , Freedom To Vote Act , H R 1 , Traditions , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Urgency , We Don T Act , Texas , El Paso , Border , Office , Hell , Hurricanes , Floods , Weather , Damage , 00 Billion , 900 Billion , Conversations , Problem , Isn T A Priority , Immigration , Border Issue , Challenge , System , Kamala Harris , Migrants , Root Causes , Call Congress , Pathways , Hemisphere Partners , Candidate , Role , Commerce , Trade , Artery , Statement , Breaking News , Pleasure , Director Of Photography , Top , Movie Set Yesterday , The Show , Mother , Shock , Sadness , Wife , Hitch , Twitter , Husband , Heart , Colleague , Loved Halyna , Worth , Employee , Party , Lifetime , Employees , Business , Wealth , Mike S Retirement Party , Demand , Serena Williams , Tv , Scary Movie , Got Directv Stream , Ahh , Match Point , Quiet , Stream , Directv , Diabetes , Contract , Vacations , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Libre 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Peaceful Music , Battle Sounds From Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , Covid Skraks , Percentage , Syndrome , 15 Million , Anthony Flint , Hysteria , Message , Pushers , Remains , Conversation , Ones , Fears , Distrust , Skeptics , Guillen Barre Syndrome , Poster , Social Media , Hospitals , Rehab , My Story , Cards On The Table , Risks , Lives , Background Rates , Occurrence , Symptoms , Signs , Events , Raising Awareness , Dialogue , Supercharged , Vaccine Hesitation , Thinking , Infertility , Vaccine Works , Conspiracy Theories , Microchip , Side Effect , Public Health Establishment Doesn T , Think , Concern , Numbers , Chance , 008 , Gbs , Rise , Disorders , Autoi , Chances , Context , Look , Bodies , Key , Hiding , Inside Politics , John King , Voice , Break , Living , Freedom , Voices , Ability , Times , Act , Town , Pizza , Visit Indeed Com Hire Limu Emu , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Liberty Mutual , Couple , Limu , Car Insurance , Bogeys , Bird , Woooooooooooooo , Kid , Looks , Darling , Love , Babe , I Don T Know , Babe Girl , Double Crunch Shrimp , Steak EntrÉe , Good , Neighborhood , Applebee S , Eatin , Politics , Disclosure , Obstacles , Table , Dynamics , In Washington , President Of The United States , Single , Difficult , Wor ,

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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

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injuring another. police say baldwin fired a prop gun during the filming of "rust," the name of the film, in new mexico. the film cinematographer died and the director was wounded. no charges have been filed. police are investigating. we are also following new developments in a very different story. president biden's domestic agenda. speaker pelosi is at the white house this morning after cnn's town hall last night where the presidents revealed specifics of the negotiations with democratic lawmakers on his massive spending plan. the president also made his most forceful comments yet in support of scrapping the senate filibuster in order to protect voting rights. much more on that and the path forward in washington in a second. but we begin with the breaking news. stephanie elam is live in los angeles following all of this on the deadly movie shooting involving alec baldwin. stephanie, what is the latest that you're hearing this morning? >> reporter: there's still a lot of questions on how this could happen, a lot of people wondering how exactly could have this fire -- prop fire gun been used and been directed toward the director of photography and also the director. here's what we do know, that this happened just before 2:00 p.m. local time, that there was a 911 call saying there was a shooting on set. the santa fe sheriff's department did respond to the shooting. they said there was a prop firearm, it was discharged by alec baldwin. this is on the set of the movie "rust," a western based in the 1880s in time, a film about a 13-year-old boy who goes on the run with his long estranged grandfather after the boy is accused of accidentally killing someone. that's the plot of the film there. we do know that halyna hutchins, who was the direct forof photography, that she was hit, airlifted by helicopter to the university of new mexico where the hospital pronounced her dead. we also know that the director, joel souza, was also hit. we know that he was taken by ambulance to a different hocht. still no word on exactly how he's doing at this point. what we do know is that this investigation is ongoing. no one has been charged. we also know that they are asking everyone who was a witness questions about what could have gone on here. we've seen these pictures of alec baldwin looking completely distraught after this incident yesterday, kate. >> absolutely. those pictures are really heartw heartwrenching. great to see you, stephanie. joining me for more on this is cnn's chief made ya correspondent, anchor of "reliable sources," brian stelter and charlotte strigs, managing editor for "people digital." brian, do we know more about how this actually could happen? i'm curious how two people got hit. >> right. and it makes you wonder if this was literally during production when they were actually filming, whether this was something that happened elsewhere on the set on this western lot in santa fe, producing a western movie. you know, for some reason, this was able to hit two people and kill one of them. the reality is we know very little, and i think it's revealing how little we know right now. it's been more than 12 hours since this death was confirmed, since baldwin was speaking with authorities and was not charged and was not held. and so there's been radio silence overnight into the morning, and now as the dawn rises there in new mexico, baldwin has not said anything publicly, nor have representatives for the film. so there are -- you know, there's chatter in hollywood communities about whether this was a live round that was fired from the gun by accident and, you know, maybe that helps explain what could have happened here. were they shooting a scene where the gun was pointed at the camera? that would be a logical possibility given that the cinematographer was killed. but we just don't know. i think unfortunately in an environment like this, where there's a void of information, that's where rumor and speculation and innuendo end of filling. so the sooner that authorities can give us more details the better. >> yeah. so true. there are very strict guidelines and protocols for weapons on any set. i heard one expert this morning say that -- a weapons expert who's worked on multiple movies -- say he had no idea this was possible unless the gun was, like, one foot away from the camera and, you know, the cinematographer, they would both be near the camera, which he says was highly unlikely that they would set it up that way. what does a prop gun include? what should people know about this? >> well, so there's really a lot of protocols when it comes to even dealing with fake firearms on set. the prop master is typically in charge and they'll present the weapon in front of the actor, give them a tour of how it's used, show it to the directors. everybody on the set gets comfortable with it, understands how it works. that being said, blanks are dangerous and if you are shooting it at close range somebody could be injured. however, the local union that remits prop masters on movie sets sent a letter, and in their letter they indicated that there was one live round in the prop gun. how that could have happened, nobody knows, but apparently the bullet actually hit both the cinematographer and the director in one shot. that seems to indicate that it might have been rehearsal scenario unless, like, live-action shot. >> i want to be careful because there are those reports of that letter, but we, cnn, has not independently kind of confirmed that, as that would be a big deal when it comes to a live round being in there. a lot of moving parts early on in this, so we are trying to weave through it as carefully as we can. we can all appreciate that. brian, i heard the local sheriff's department said yesterday -- let me read the quote from "the times," saying we're trying to determine right now how and what type of projectile was used in the firearm, which leads to, look, adds to questions, why was the gun loaded with project times? everything you always hear is, you know, they use dummy rounds during filming. they wouldn't have black powder in it. or they use blanks. there's just a lot of questions unfortunately in this tragedy right now. >> baldwin has some of the answers but probably not all of them. the prop master has some answers but probably not all. and the cinematographer, no longer alive to tell us, may have the answers -- may have had the answers and cannot share them. it's a tragedy all around. it reminds us of the case of brandon lee from the 1990s, killed on a set, and his family, more than 20 years later, saying no one should die, obviously no one should die from a weapon on a movie set. that's obviously a simple truth and something that is taken so seriously in all these productions, yet this tragedy still, you know, nowen folds before us. >> it does. much more to come on this. thank you both very much. i want to turn to our other big story. cnn's news making town hall with president biden. the president made headlines on key issues like the filibuster, defending taiwan from a chinese attack, and. the negotiations on his massive spending bill. take a listen. >> are you close to a deal? >> i think so. you know, look, i was a senator for 370 years. [ laughter ] and i was never -- i was relatively good at putting together deals. it's all about compromise. compromise has become a dirty word, but it's bipartisanship and compromise still has to be possible. >> you're also proposing for the first time ever a federal paid parental leave. at one point you talked about 12 weeks. now there's reports it's down to maybe four weeks. >> it is down to four weeks. the reason why, i can't get 12 weeks. >> one of the other things that democrats are looking to do is expand medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing. will all three of those still be covered? >> that's a reach, and the reason why it's a reach is -- i think it's a good idea, and it's not that costly in relative terms, but here's the thing. mr. manchin is opposed to that. so far, mr. manchin and one other person has indicated they will not support free community college. >> there's lot of democrats in the house and senate who are confused about where senator sinema actually stands on things. do you know where she stands? >> first of all, she's smart as a devil, number one. number two, she's very supportive of the environmental agenda in my legislation. where she's not supportive is she says she will not raise a single penny in taxes on the corporate side and/or on wealthy people. >> joining me now, cnn's john harwood live at the white house, and cnn's manu raju on the steps of the capitol as people are heading for the exits on a friday. manu, you just heard from the speaker as she was coming back from the white house. what did she say about all of this? >> reporter: well, she did have a meeting with the president this morning along with chuck schumer, the majority leader. she sounded optimistic but also acknowledged they are not there yet. i asked her about the one thing that joe biden made clear last night, that perhaps the expansion of medicare, a central promise democrats had made, that may not get into the proposal. she acknowledged that there are still discussions ongoing on the health care issue. she said it is still possible, very possible in her words, that a deal could be reached but didn't commit to a time frame. she said those discussions are happening. they want to have a vote potentially by next week on both the separate infrastructure bill that has already passed the senate but is waiting action in the house, as well as this larger package. but there are so many details that need to be sorted out. i asked her about manchin and sinema and whether or not there was any agreement between those two members who have raised a number of concerns as negotiations are ongoing. she punted that issue to the white house saying that is up to the white house and the senate to decide. clearly, there's still a lot of discussions and moving parts. still positive tones right now, but does it amount to a law is the big question. >> exactly right. definitely giving a signal there is forward motion. john, manu's laying out a lot of details came out. we learned a lot about a lot last night, but a lot of details still need to be worked out. from the white house perspective, why do you think president biden spoke out so publicly about what has been until now behind the scenes of these negotiations? >> well, i think a couple things, kate. one is that the white house has faced a long period of stories in the press about gridlock and how hung up the democrats are with their infighting and speculation that maybe they'll never get a deal. he decided i think last night to pull back the curtain and explain what was happening but also explain the way he saw getting to the finish line. i think the president reflected some rising confidence that he feels that they're going to get that deal. as manu just indicated, i think nancy pelosi feels that, chuck schumer feels that. there's difficult things they've still got to get. they haven't secured the votes of manchin and sinema yet, but they're pretty confident they're going to, and it's just a matter of figuring out, well, if not that kind of revenue, this kind of revenue, if not that length of a paid leave program, this length of a paid leave program. they seem to be in the process of fitting those jigsaws together. >> manu, biden on the senate tradition of the filibuster, not now but maybe in the future. what does he mean? what was he getting at last night? >> reporter: yeah, that has been the big question about what will happen to some of the signature initiatives that joe biden has pushed, namely to overhaul voting laws as well as a major fiscal deadline coming up in december, raising the national debt limit. to get either of those they need 60 votes in the senate to overcome a republican-led filibuster. that means 50 democrats with 10 republicans breaking ranks, on both issues neither of which they're close to getting, and that is raising questions about how they will accomplish those. biden signaled an openness to supporting changing the senate's filibuster rules to reduce that threshold from 60 votes to a simple majority. but joe biden does not have a vote in the united states senate. he noolds the support of joe manchin, who is steadfast against any changes to the filibuster rules, worry that would change the tradition of the senate, trample on minority rights, could harm the democrats if they fall back in the my joe torre. and kyrsten sinema and other moderates are opposed to changing the filibuster rules. there is positive discussion for folk who is want those changes but does not mean it will actually happen here. he indicated he didn't want to push on that because he didn't want to alienate some key votes such as manchin and sinema as he's trying to court them for the larger economic agenda. perhaps there will be more discussion about this in the weeks ahead. but as it mounts to legislative achievement, highly uncertain, especially on those two issues at this moment. >> fascinating. great to see you guys. thank you very much. coming up for us, new data from pfizer on the effectiveness of its vaccine on younger children as the fda is weighing recommending sholtds for 5- to 11-year-olds. the details ahead. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (vo) how do you know when you've found your team? 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by saying yes. yes to new inventions! yes to clean and fresh ingredients! and yes to living life to the flavor-fullest. panera. live your yes. now $1 delivery. we may be one step closer to getting younger children vaccinated against covid. the fda is meeting next week to consider vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11 years old. this morning they just posted the data from pfizer that they will be reviewing. pfizer reporting that its vaccine is 90.7% effective against symptomatic covid infection for kids in that age group. it comes as the cdc expands its booster program for adults to include now all three vaccines in the u.s. joining me now is cnn medical analyst dr. leana wen, the former health commissioner for the city of baltimore. 90.7% effective against symptomatic covid, dr. wen. what do you think of this data, and how does it compare to the vaccine's effectiveness in other age groups? >> this is good, kate. so i am reassured that there will at least be some real life effectiveness of this data ahead of the meeting next week. priestly pfizer said the vaccine was safe for younger children, which is great, and it appears to be effective based on antibody response, that there is a strong response. however, we didn't know how well it protected against symptomatic disease. so this new study in more than 2,000 children, the same study, but now they have results in these children, found there were six cases of covid-19 in children who got the placebo versus three cases in the children who got the actual sax. so more than 90% protective. although this is still a relatively small study, so i think we need to keep in mind that when the fda reviews the data next week, they may not come out with as full-throated a recommendation as they came out for older age groups and maybe a more limited recommendation once they look at the data based on the fact this is still a small study. >> there's also, dr. wen, continued questions about boosters for adults. who should get them and which shot. i want to play what dr. anthony fauci told john berman this morning. listen to this. >> it's generally recommended that you get the booster that is the original regimen that you got in the first place, but for one reason or other, and there may be different circumstances for people, availability, or just different personal choices, you can, as we say, mix and match. you can now mix and match one with the other. but in general, it just makes sense to go with what your original regimen was. >> now, in contrast to previous guidance with covid shots, which was pretty concrete, there's more wiggle room here with boosters, more kind of do what you want. why do you think that is? >> i'm very glad that there is a lot more latitude including to mix and match the second booster or the third booster, depending on which vaccine you got, because we're at a different point in the pandemic compared to before. in the beginning, vaccines were limited in supply, and we had very little information comparing one vaccine against the other so the recommendation was gets the first vaccine you have access to. now we have a lot more information. i think that the information dr. fauci gave was relevant for the mrna vaccine. if you got the pfizer or moderna vaccine, there's no particular reason to switch to a different vaccine unless there's something very specific, for example, you had a severe allergic reaction or you had myocarditis with the mrna vaccine, then you might consider switching to the johnson & johnson for your boosters do. on the other hand, if you got the j&j for your first dose, first of all, it's rally important you get the booster now if it's been at least two months. this is different from the mrna vaccines, which are the boosters recommended only for individuals in higher risk categories. now we know that j&j recipients, they probably did not get as much protection as the two doses of the mrna vaccine. so they really should be getting a booster dose, but the cdc very specifically yesterday in the recommendation did not say that people who got the j&j should then get the j&j second dose, that that's preferred. in fact, for women under the age of 50, they should really consider getting an mrna second dose instead of a second dose of the j&j vaccine. that's what i decided to do. >> you've wrot about it eloquently. folks can read about that and your decision and all your considerations, which is always so thoughtful. president biden was asked about vaccine requirements last night. i want to play what he said. >> should police officers, emergency responders, be mandated to get vaccines? and if not, should they be stay at home or let go? >> yes and yes. [ applause ] by the way, i waited until july to talk about mandating, because i tried everything else possible. the mandates are working. >> as we've seen with the requirements, we've seen requirements work for teachers, for health care workers, for the airlines. do you think there's something different here when it comes to police and emergency workers, or do we need more time? what do you think? >> i think for people who are protecting health health and safety and well-being as police officers, ems, and so forth, it's even more important for them to demonstrate and to model to the communities that they serve that their first priority is the other people around them. we really have to level set and talk about what the vaccines do. yes, they protect the individual, but getting vaccinated also protects other pool around you as well. if you are a paramedic, an ems personnel, police officer, and you're helping someone, you have no idea if that individual is someone who is immunocompromised, no idea if live at home with someone who has cancer or a kidney transplant and they need your help to protect them. i think it's important for all of us to be modelling that we care about one another, but especially important for people in health care, teachers, police officers whose job it is to take care of the most vulnerable. >> dr. wen, thanks for coming in. coming up for us, a haitian gang leader is now threatening to kill the group of missionaries that they kidnapped nearly a week ago now. so what does the united states do? a live report from haiti next. ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. - [announcer] with shark vacmop, nothing messes up a good time. powerful suction locks away debris. spray mopping tackles tough messes. all with one innovative disposable pad you never have to touch. shark vacmop, for when happy gets messy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ developing this morning, the leader of a haitian xwang holding americans and a canadian hostage is threatening to kill them if his ransom demands aren't met. they're demanding $1 million per hostage. cnn's joe johns is live in port-au-prince with the latest on this. joe, what are you hearing about this morning? what does the united states do? >> reporter: the united states is involved. they'ren the ground here in ha haiti. the fbi is as well. i can tell you that cases like these have numbered hundreds and hundreds over the past couple years tend to follow a familiar script, the abduction, the ransom demand, then proof of life, then there's threats against the individuals who were kidnapped. we've had all of that. proof of life, in other words, the kidnappers providing the authorities with proof that they have not killed the hostages, at least so far. so the main player in this, of course, is an individual named wilson joseph. he is the leader of the 400 mawozo street gang. he is the person who made that threat against the missionaries. he made it on a video that was shot apparently at a funeral of several gang members who he said were killed by the police. that's where we stand and waiting for authorities to tell us more. back to you, kate. >> all right. joe, thank you very much for that. turning to the crisis in afghanistan, the state department now says that it's in touch with more than 360 u.s. citizens still in the country. that's more than trip it will estimate given by the biden administration after the chaotic withdrawal this summer, and about half of the americans still there have indicated they want to leave afghanistan. kylie atwood is live at the state department with more. what are you hearing from the state department about this? >> reporter: listen, kate, the state department yesterday briefed congressional staffers, and according to my colleague, jennifer, what they told those stamps was there are about 363 americans who are still in afghanistan that the u.s. is in touch with, 176 of those want to leave afghanistan. now, this marks a far higher number than what the state department was initially tracking when the u.s. fully withdrew from afghanistan at the end of august. they said that they were tracking expecting about 100 to 200 americans to still be in the country who wanted to leave. those were in the words of secretary of state tony blinken at the time. since then there have been more than 200 americans and more than 100 green cardholders who have left afghanistan. those efforts have been facilitated by the united states. so what this means is that more americans in the country have come foert sayforth saying we e and want to leave. it's complicated for the state department. first of all, we don't know exactly how many americans were on the ground in the country when the u.s. withdrew from the country because those americans aren't forced to tell the state department that they are there. and then of course there are americans who have families in afghanistan, who are deciding if they want to leave, if they don't want to leave, some are on the fence, changing their minds. it's a complicated situation, but this does mark a large number of americans that are still there and want to leave the country. kate? >> even after the withdrawal, there's a lot of work still to be done. thank you, kylie. up next for us, president biden now says he's willing to go there, open to eliminating the senate filibuster if that's what it takes to better protect voting rights. so why isn't he ready now? that's next. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. they do things differently. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? visible. unlimited data, as low as $25/mo all-in. powered by verizon, 5g included. wireless that gets better with friends. when i break a long run i'm talking long long. that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. old spice works harder for longer. hey derrick man, you gonna be much longer? it's gonna be a minute minute. hey derrick, quit playin. derrick! ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. and here. and here, too. it's here to help you save time and money and trips to the pharmacy. it's here to get you the medication you need when you need it. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> hi, kate. so good to be with you. i call it a ray of hope. you know, i have long called the filibuster a relic of the past. it is an instrument of obstruction, and we are facing a number of enormous challenges as a country, whether it be climate, whether it be gun violence, whether it be an economy that hasn't worked for families, or whether it is threats to our democracy that run straight through states like mine with extreme partisan gerrymandering and voter suppression bills. and all of that gets stuck in the senate. and the holdup seems to be pinned on the idea or rather the fantasy that you need the filibuster in order to create bipartisan support and compromise. on the house side, we have shown that we can perform in a bipartisan manner without that instrument of obstruction of the filibuster. would love for senate to abandon it and move forward in a democratic process to work with us on solving our greatest challenges. the greatest challenges of our generation. >> if you want to get there, it comes to strategy a little bit. this is potentially linked to the debate over the spending bill, i kind of wonder. joe manchin is among those opposed to throwing out the filibuster. if you need to get him on board in order to modify the filibuster to get a voting rights bill passed, do you see value in giving manchin more of a scaled-back spending bill now? e, which is what he says he wants? is that how this all works? >> well, you know, we are wanting to work in good faith with senator manchin, with all of our colleagues on the senate side. we're all part of the same team. i think we ultimately want the same things. i know that voting rights and saving our democracy is important to senator manchin. that's why he worked so hard on the freedom to vote act. it's a bill that we're eager to vote on in the house. you know, we passed h.r.-1, the john lewis voting rights act, and we're eager to vote on the freedom to vote act. i know that senator manchin really holds dear the traditions of the senate, but i would argue that we are living in a very different era. and, again, those challenges that we're confronting are existential. and if we don't act with urgency, there's a lot we have to lose. >> let me ask you about something else the president spoke to last night. you represent el paso, texas. i want to play what the president said when he was asked why he has not visited the border yet since taking office. >> i've been there before, and i haven't -- i mean, i know it well. i guess i should go down, but the whole point of it is i haven't had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down. i've been spending time going around looking at the $900 billion worth of damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world. >> people listen to that and could have easily heard, this isn't a priority. isn't that a problem? >> you know, here's what i understand from my conversations with the white house and with folks who are doing their best to fix what has been a very broken system. i think the white house and i see the challenge we face on immigration not as a border issue. these are challenges that exist long before migrants get to the border. that's why i'm very supportive of the work being done by vice president kamala harris to address root causes. we have to do more than that, though. we've got to work with our hemisphere partners. congress has a role to play in opening up legal pathways. i will say, kate, i asked the president to come to the border when he was a candidate. i welcome him to the border. the border is about more than just immigration. we're also about commerce and trade. we are a vital artery for the economic health of the united states. and i look forward to welcoming the president to el paso. i hope sooner rather than later. >> you answered my next question. congresswoman, thank you very much for coming on. appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. this is cnn breaking news. >> we do have breaking news coming in just now. actor alec baldwin just tweeted out about his first statement, really, about the tragedy that took place on his movie set yesterday. police, as we talked about at the top of the show, say alec baldwin fired a prop gun, killing the film's director of photography, injuring the director of the film. let me read for you what alec baldwin wrote on twitter. "there are no words to convey my shock and sadness regarding the tragic accident that took the life of hitch hitch, a wife, mother, and deeply admired colleague of ours. i'm fully cooperating with the police investigation to address how this tragedy occurred, and i am in touch with her husband, offering my support to him and his family. my heart is broken for her husband, their son, and all who knew and loved halyna." that's the first statement we're hearing from alec baldwin on what is truly a tragedy all around. we'll have much more on that coming up. we'll be right back. for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. got directv stream. now we can watch live tv and on demand. serena... scary movie... serena... scary movie... serena williams ready to serve. ahh! quiet, please. triple match point serena williams... this is her moment. ahh! quiet, please. ahh! quiet, please! get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream, with no annual contract. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. a. a tiny percentage of people who got the johnson & johnson covid skraks even developed a rare neurological syndrome. the fda reports that it has happened in roughly 100 reports out of the 15 million cases who have gotten the j&j shot yet fears of side effects like this have driven hysteria among anti-vaxxers and information pushers online which is exactly why one man anthony flint was so reluctant to tell his story, but he is speaking out and his message remains. you still need to get vaccinated. anthony flint joins me now. it's so good to speak with you. thank you for being here. you've written so eloquently about your experience and your message. i just want to read one part because you write it was impossible to see how my experience would fit into any kind of reasonable conversation, skeptics would have their fears confirmed further fueling distrust if not hysteria, but you are, as you write, one of the unlucky ones who suffered -- who got -- who was diagnosed with guillen-barre syndrome. how are you doing today? >> i'm all right. i'm hanging in there, and it's been a bizarre experience. normally i'm a serial social media poster, but i held back and didn't tell my story, and this experience going through hospitals and rehab, but i decided to tell the story to try to get this more out in the open and be transparent about side effects and just put all the cards on the table that this is possible, but it's very rare, exceedingly rare, and we take a lot more risks with a lot of other things that we do all the days of our lives. >> and that is important perspective. and also, it's quite a statement coming from someone who was one of the unlucky ones to be suffering from this. i want to read for everyone because johnson & johnson gave a statement today that says while the risk of occurrence is very low, this does appear to be above background rates. we strongly support raising awareness of signs an symptoms of rare events to be sure they can be quickly identified and effectively treated. anthony, talk to me about why you were reluctant to tell your story. >> well, the conversation or what passes for a dialogue in the u.s. has gotten awfully twisted around and supercharged. i was worried that telling my story i would just exacerbate vaccine hesitation. the more i looked into it, most people i think who are hesitating or thinking about getting the vaccine are genuinely curious about it. they are concerned about side effects. they want to know how the vaccine works, and they are not so much believing these conspiracy theories and, you know, like how you could -- like implanting a microchip or infertility which are flat out not true, but this is an actual side effect, and i just thought it would be better to talk about it and be transparent about it, although i understand why the public health establishment doesn't really talk about it much because it is so rare for it to happen. >> right. >> and for someone who is still hesitating, they might, again, as you have said, your concern is they might see this and think, wow, this could be me, so what do you want them to take from your experience because your message is even if you look at me and what i've been through, you should still get vaccinated. >> yes. i really wrestled with it because, you know, this could easily freak people out, but you've got to come back and look at the numbers and just how rare it is. it's .0008% chance of getting the syndrome, and gbs is triggered by other things, too, not just vaccines. i think it reflects a rise in autoi moan disorders, so talking about all of this and how our bodies work in the context of the vaccine i think is -- is really important, and when people who are hesitating look at the chances, i think it -- it's better to talk about the side effects rather than appear to be hiding something. >> yeah. and the key is having a real conversation and dialogue which is more and more rare these days, but it's very good to meet you. thank you for coming on to have that conversation. >> thank you. >> thank you all so much for being here with me. i'm kate balduan. 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Boy , On The Run , Western , Grandfather , 1880 , 13 , Someone , Halyna Hutchins , University Of New Mexico , Hit , Helicopter , Hospital , Plot , Forof Photography , No One , Word , Point , Investigation , Hocht , Ambulance , Pictures , Witness , Incident , Correspondent , Sources , Stephanie , Brian Stelter , People Digital , Managing Editor , Chief Made Ya , Charlotte Strigs , Production , Two , Something , Reason , Western Lot , Producing A Western Movie , Authorities , Reality , Death , 12 , Chatter , Radio Silence , Anything , Baldwin , Representatives , Hollywood , Round , Scene , Communities , Gun By Accident , Information , Cinematographer , Camera , Speculation , Environment , End , Possibility , Filling , Void , Rumor , Innuendo , Don T Know , Weapons Expert , Protocols , Expert , Weapons , Better , Guidelines , Idea , Movies , Foot , Prop Master , Way , Firearms , It , Weapon , Blanks , Tour , Everybody , Directors , Charge , Actor , Being , Front , Union , Letter , Somebody , Nobody Knows , Rehearsal Scenario , Bullet , One Shot , Shot , Reports , Local Sheriff S Department , Quote , The Times , Everything , Type , Firearm , Projectile , Rounds , Gun Loaded With Project Times , Powder , U S , Answers , Family , Brandon Lee , Truth , Case , 1990 , 20 , Nowen Folds , Productions , Issues , Attack , Headlines , News Making Town Hall , Taiwan , Chinese , Senator , Deals , Listen , Laughter , 370 , Compromise , Leave , Time , Bipartisanship , Things , Vision , Hearing , Dental , Three , Medicare , Four , Senator Manchin , Thing , Reach , Mr , Terms , House , Person , Community College , Number , Agenda , Number One , Legislation , Devil , Smart , Side , Steps , Taxes , Penny , Exits , Capitol , John Harwood , Chuck Schumer , Meeting , Manu , Speaker , Expansion , Promise , Words , Discussions , Proposal , Didn T , Health Care Issue , Frame , Vote , Infrastructure Bill , Action , Package , Issue , Sinema , Saying , Members , Concerns , Agreement , Moving Parts , Big Question , Motion , Signal , Law , Tones , Perspective , Scenes , Infighting , Press , Stories , Gridlock , Curtain , Confidence , Finish Line , They Haven T , Votes , Kind , Matter , Leave Program , Process , Length , Revenue , Jigsaws , Some , Tradition , Question , Signature Initiatives , Voting Laws , Debt Limit , Republican , 60 , Ranks , Republicans , Openness , 50 , 10 , Joe Manchin , Filibuster Rules , Changes , Majority , Threshold , Discussion , Moderates , Trample On Minority Rights , Joe Torre , Folk , Mrna Vaccine , Priestly Pfizer , Coming Up , Guys , Achievement , Fascinating , Fda , Pay , Liberty , Sholtds , 5 , 11 , Team , Vo , Best , Lanes , Ideas , Dark , Go Bowling , Experience , World , Flexibility , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Parabens , Hydration , Moisture , Fragrances , Dyes , Skin , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Stop Rybelsus , Pill , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Isn T , A1c , Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Food , Ways , 1 , 7 , Help , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Lump , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Neck , Swelling , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Pancreatitis , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Stop Taking Eliquis , Stroke Risk , Warfarin , Treatment , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Trail , Risk , Bleeding , Cases , I Don T , Doctor , Both , Stroke , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Medicines , Procedures , Bruising , Classical Music Plays , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , New Orleans , Um Uh , Brass Band , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Life , Cheese , Yes , Grilled Cheese , Inventions , Flavor Fullest , Ingredients , Panera , Mac , Delivery , , Step , Vaccines , Pfizer Reporting , Covid , 90 7 , Cdc , Adults , Age Group , Booster Program , Covid Infection , Kids , Analyst , Leana Wen , City , Symptomatic Covid , Baltimore , Age Groups , Study , Safe , Response , Antibody Response , Disease , Results , Placebo , Sax , 2000 , Six , 19 , 90 , Recommendation , Mind , Boosters , Fact , Dr , Booster , Other , Place , Regimen , Anthony Fauci , John Berman , Match , General , Availability , Circumstances , Mix , Sense , Choices , Wiggle Room , Contrast , Guidance , Do , Covid Shots , Latitude , Pandemic , Supply , Information Dr , Beginning , Moderna , Example , Myocarditis , Dose , Johnson , Rally , Hand , Individuals , Doses , Booster Dose , Protection , Risk Categories , Recipients , Age , Second Dose , Women , Folks , Decision , Vaccine Requirements , Considerations , Police Officers , Emergency Responders , Stay , Home , Let Go , Applause , Mandates , Teachers , Requirements , Health Care Workers , Airlines , Emergency Workers , Health , Ems , Safety , Well Being , Individual , Priority , Ems Personnel , Police Officer , Paramedic , Pool , Job , Health Care , Modelling , Care , Another , 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Sayforth , Americans Aren T , Families , We E , Minds , Fence , Situation , Kylie , Work , Isn T He , Family Plans , 5g , Alberto , Verizon , Mo , 25 , Handle , Run , Save , Low , Friends , Visible , Mo All In , Derrick , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Gonna , Playin , Old Spice , Derrick Man , Pharmacy , Medication , Trips , Money , Amazon , Say , Subway , Refresh , All American Club , Fast Food Game , Level , Steak , Seasoning , Vinaigrette , Mvp , Parmesan , Logo , Game , Billions , Football , Fate , Season , Nfl , Connections , Line Touchdown , Line , Career , Room , Safelite , Opportunities , Lots , Singers , Difference , Cisco , Safelite Repair , Kimberly , Pain , Clearchoice , Dental Disease , Song , Bunch , Teeth , Dental Implants , Daughter , Publisher , Author , Book , Kit , My Life , Christian , Town Hall , Shift , Voting Rights Legislation , Whether , Notion , Congresswoman , He Dint , Texas Veronica Escobar , House Members , Chamber , Face , Restrictions , Patience , Challenges , Ray Of Hope , Instrument , Obstruction , Filibuster A Relic , Hi , Democracy , States , Hasn T , Economy , Gun Violence , Climate , Voter Suppression Bills , Partisan , Holdup , Gerrymandering , Fantasy , Manner , Generation , Bit , Wonder , Debate , E , Value , Part , Works , Colleagues , Faith , Bill , In The House , Freedom To Vote Act , H R 1 , Traditions , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Urgency , We Don T Act , Texas , El Paso , Border , Office , Hell , Hurricanes , Floods , Weather , Damage , 00 Billion , 900 Billion , Conversations , Problem , Isn T A Priority , Immigration , Border Issue , Challenge , System , Kamala Harris , Migrants , Root Causes , Call Congress , Pathways , Hemisphere Partners , Candidate , Role , Commerce , Trade , Artery , Statement , Breaking News , Pleasure , Director Of Photography , Top , Movie Set Yesterday , The Show , Mother , Shock , Sadness , Wife , Hitch , Twitter , Husband , Heart , Colleague , Loved Halyna , Worth , Employee , Party , Lifetime , Employees , Business , Wealth , Mike S Retirement Party , Demand , Serena Williams , Tv , Scary Movie , Got Directv Stream , Ahh , Match Point , Quiet , Stream , Directv , Diabetes , Contract , Vacations , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Libre 2 , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Peaceful Music , Battle Sounds From Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , Covid Skraks , Percentage , Syndrome , 15 Million , Anthony Flint , Hysteria , Message , Pushers , Remains , Conversation , Ones , Fears , Distrust , Skeptics , Guillen Barre Syndrome , Poster , Social Media , Hospitals , Rehab , My Story , Cards On The Table , Risks , Lives , Background Rates , Occurrence , Symptoms , Signs , Events , Raising Awareness , Dialogue , Supercharged , Vaccine Hesitation , Thinking , Infertility , Vaccine Works , Conspiracy Theories , Microchip , Side Effect , Public Health Establishment Doesn T , Think , Concern , Numbers , Chance , 008 , Gbs , Rise , Disorders , Autoi , Chances , Context , Look , Bodies , Key , Hiding , Inside Politics , John King , Voice , Break , Living , Freedom , Voices , Ability , Times , Act , Town , Pizza , Visit Indeed Com Hire Limu Emu , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Liberty Mutual , Couple , Limu , Car Insurance , Bogeys , Bird , Woooooooooooooo , Kid , Looks , Darling , Love , Babe , I Don T Know , Babe Girl , Double Crunch Shrimp , Steak EntrÉe , Good , Neighborhood , Applebee S , Eatin , Politics , Disclosure , Obstacles , Table , Dynamics , In Washington , President Of The United States , Single , Difficult , Wor ,

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