That trump subpoenaed apple for records of more than 100 accounts. Among them, two democrats, adam schiff and Eric Swalwell including their staff and Family Members, including a minor. There wug a gage order that expired three times after trump left office. This was all part f an effort by President Trump to find out who was behind the reports of contacts between Trump Associates and russia. I cant go into who received these subpoenas or whose records were sought. I cant say that it was extraordinarily broad, people having nothing to do with, you know, the Intelligence Matters that are at least being reported on. It just shows what a broad Fishing Expedition it was. Okay. So two Top Democrats are now calling on President Trumps former a. G. S bill barr and Jeff Sessions to testify about this. Cnns Senior Justice Correspondent Evan Perez has been digging into this story. What do we know at this point, evan. Part of what we know happened is the Inspector General here Just Announced a few minutes ago they have launched an investigation into these subpoenas that targeted the lawmakers, but also to look into the seizure of Phone Records and email records not only of Barbara Staar here at cnn, but also reporters at the Washington Post and the New York Times recently and any other Media Organization that may have been targeted as part of this league hunt that was going on in the Trump Administration. What you laid out, you and victor laid out just a minute ago is exactly what this was. Its essentially what appears to be trumps enemies list or perceived enemies list that included not only the News Organizations but also prominent democrats, Eric Swalwell and adam schiff, and ill go through just what the breadth of these requests were. It targeted not only these two democrats but also their staff, current and former staff, and in the case of adam schiff, he says even his personal office, not anything to do with the Intelligence Community as well as some Family Members. Were told that at least one teenager had their records also seized. And as you said, this began in february of 2018. It was under a gag order, and apple was not able to notify its customers. The gag order was renewed three times until finally it expired earlier this year. Curiously enough, alisyn and victor, it appears a lot of this had died out when Jeff Sessions was leading the Justice Department. Were told he was not involved because he was recused from having anything to do with the russian investigations which is what animated the president. Bill barr leaked a lot of investigations that had been ongoing, were going nowhere, and Curiously Enough this dissipates when the Biden Administration is about to take office. Thats when finally apple is able to notify its customers that their records had been seized. All right. Evan perez reporting on this for us. Evan, thank you so much. Lets stay on bill barr right now. These revelations the latest in what we call unorthodox moves with Attorney General bill barr. Also he ordered investigations into journalists from cnn and the Washington Post and the New York Times. Right before the Mueller Report was released, youll remember he put out a summary, his summary that many thought was aimed at clearing the former president of any wrongdoing. Mueller expressed concern that the summary took his report out of context. Barr also got involved in the criminal cases of two trump allies who were wrapped up in the allegations, drastically reduced the amount of prison time for roger stone, and then barr also got into the case against former National Security adviser michael flynn, completely dismissed even after flynn pleaded guilty to lying the fbi. So as if ujds mining the conclusions of the Mueller Probe was not enough, barr also ordered an investigation into the investigators. Youll remember commissioning a report on the origins of the russian probe and releasing preliminary findings of that before it was done. And interestingly right before the 2020 election. And through it all he repeatedly refused to testify before congress about his normbreaking behavior. So lets bring in judge alberto gonzales. He served as Attorney General under george w. Bush. Hes now the dean of the college of law in nashville. Mr. Attorney general, always great to see you. With this new news we have just learned about today, you do see any justification for why the Department Of Justice under President Trump would secretly collect the phone data from Democratic Senators who were on the Intel Committee and their staff and Family Members . Alisyn, its good to be with you. What we know certainly paints a damning picture of the Barr Department of justice, but theres a lot, i expect, we dont know. Thats why the Inspector General is going to do an investigation to get into the facts. I suspect there will be a hearing before congress to get to facts. We need to remember that. Having said that, i know based on experience and tradition, when youre talking about investigations or actions by the Department Of Justice, they involve the media or that involve members of a Different Branch of government, theres a high level of scrutiny and expectation. Youve got to show substantial need to be involved in looking or investigating or asking for documents with respect saying in this particular case, i remember, in congress. So, again, its disappointing, quite honestly, if all the facts support the reality that the the Department Of Justice was politicized, weaponized, in order to hurt President Trumps enemies. Again, we have a way to go before we can confirm all that. Certainly what we know today, it paint as pretty dammning pictur. They insisted former a. G. Jeff sessions and bill barr come and testify in front of Senate Judiciary. You would encourage them to cooperate with those Senate Investigations . Well, im assuming if they have nothing to hide, theyre going to be very cooperative because they will want to clear the name and clear the reputation of the Department Of Justice. I would like, i would be hopeful, they would be cooperative. There may be issues with respect to president ial privilege if were talking about direct conversations between the Attorney General and the president of the United States. So these are all going to be issues that if not litigated, theres certainly going to be a lot of discussion about the sharing of information and what they feel comfortable with disclosing to congress. One of the things that cnn is reporting today and they have discovered is under Jeff Sessions, the doj launched this Collection Project and didnt find any tie to leaks, which was what they were supposedly looking for. And then when bill barr became the Attorney General, he sent them back and said keep looking. Does that sound like a Fishing Expedition . Thats a very damning piece of information, if, in fact true. You would typically rely upon prosecutors to give their best recommendation if theres a crime thats been committed they can successfully prosecute. The fact that he would continue when there are so many other needs, drains on other resources, it tells me that this should continue. If that occurred, it would be very, very unfortunate. Would it be beyond unfortunate . There are protocols in place that limit the level of contact between the white house and the Department Of Justice. President bush, for example, would never have told me or asked me about a administrator case. If, in fact, there were stories about the Department Of Justice when i was Attorney General looking into members of the media or members of congress would be heard through the counsel of the president who would say the president was concerned and asked questions about this. Theyre not saying do this or do that, but, you know, the president is curious about the motivation twienld behind this, and he wants to make sure youre staying on top of this. Again, the white house might direct the Department Of Justice in terms of what to do related to an investigation or prosecution or gathering information. Theres nothing wrong with that so long as thats what it is. This is one reason why, quite frankly, i was surprised by President Bidens comments that were not going to ask or demand information from the media. The truth of the matter is, the better approach respectfully and the president can do whatever he wants to, would have been for the white house to have a private conversation with the Attorney General, and, again, repeating the fact the president is concerned about these stories, tell me about that, and can you do an investigation and report back to me and that way i can inform the president whats going on. When you have the president directing the department to do anything, it races the possibility or accusations of possible politicalization of the Department Of Justice. Let me ask you how this gets started. We have sources for the former Attorney General Jeff Sessions who says he was not involved in taking this to a grand jury for subpoena because of his recusal from the russia investigation. How high would this have to go to get approval for something this broad . Again, i believe its going to differ with every administration, but as a general rule, when youre talking about the subpoena of records in possession of, say, the media or members of another branch of government, thats pretty serious, and i would expect that the Deputy Attorney general would at least be informed they would come to the Inspector Generals office and lay out the case and say this is something we have to do in order to gather information on a possible crime. At that point the Attorney General may have a conversation as to whether or not the Attorney General has any views on this. What does Attorney General Merrick Garland need to do now, today . I think two things that would be helpful, one, he needs to have a Clear Communication within the department to make it clear, listen, were not going to politicize the Department Of Justice. If it was a wrongdoing this occurred in the previous administration, we van obligation to the American People to find out what it is and make sure it doesnt happen again. That information is important because this kind of report is terrible for the morale of the department, for the career individuals. Its terrible. The other thing he might want to do is have some sort of public Announcement Statement on his views. If true, hes going to condemn them. Hes going to say, hes ordered through his Attorney General ordered investigations to whats going on here. And congress is going to conduct an investigation. He will make resources at the Department Of Justice available so that congress can get to the bottom as well. Former Attorney General alberto gonzales. Thank you can. Always great to have you on. Coming up from capitol hill the weaponization and sitting members of congress. Also happening now, g7 leaders are about to pose. Maybe they just took the photography. A photograph with the queen. They had a session at the eden project. They welcomed newcomer President Biden. Well have Adminismore On G7 in moment. And still to come, two guests on the first major cruise hosting americans in more than a year, they test positive for covid19. The company says all passengers onboard were vaccinated. So how did this happen, and what does it mean . As your business changes, the United States Postal Service is changing with it. With ecommerce that runs at the speed of now. Next day and twoday shipping nationwide, and returns right from the doorstep. Its a whole new world out there. Lets not keep it waiting. So, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules to follow. No. You know what you want . No fettuccine. No fries with that. No foods you love. No added salt. No added sugar. In a can . You cannot. No pizza. Have that salad. Unless theres dressing. Then, no. Remember, no skipping meals. But no latenight snacking. 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I felt like i was finally out of this neverending trap of interest and payments and debt. Rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. Visit petmeds. Com today. President biden meeting with World Leaders today for one of the most consequential g7 summits in recent history. The first time the leaders of the worlds biggest economies have met since the pandemic began. Its a chance for the president to Restore Regional Allianceness and how to fight the pandemic and regrow the economy and deal with russia and china. Cnns Phil Mattingly is covering the g7 summit in england. A lot at stake. Whats coming out of it . Reporter if you look at the agenda, you see what the stakes are. Yes, theres warmth,y, theres smiles, yes, those things havent necessarily existed in the past four years with the previous u. S. President. But this is a united group. This Group Matters Going Forward and theres a need for tangible results to come out of this group. You saw the president announce they would purchase and donate 5,000 doses of the vaccine. Now theyre leveraging that up to a billion. So on the coronavirus, that is a key element of it. But its all tied together in some sense. Today, a lot of focus on the economic recovery. Thats a theme you continually hear from the leaders and top advisers that they want to be leaders in the Global Recovery as it comes out, hoping and thinking in a period of time across the world where the largest democracies have been under pressure and under attack, this can be a moment where they can come together and validate the existence, validate the strength they believe still exists. The World Leaders are now meeting with the queen of england. Its the first time the president has met with the queen since he was senator in 1992. Tonight it is a reception hosted by Prince Charles and this would be another key agenda item for the group. Yes, a lot of pomp and circumstance with the royals but a focus on climate change. So kind of as you go up and down the list, you realize the stakes are enormous. The hope when you talk to top advisers, at least to President Biden, is that they come out of this with tangible things to show that, yes, theyre unified, yes, theyre back together the way they want to be, but most importantly theyre rejuvenated to take on the issues that the entire world is grappling with, guys. Phil mattingly in falmouth. Thanks very much. Queen elizabeth joined President Biden and the other leaders at the g7. Its awfully formal for the family formal. It is. Mine never looked like this. Hands on knees. We know that The Royal Family will be hosting all of the g7 leaders for dinner. Earlier First Lady Jill Biden toured a school near the summit. She, hof course, hers is a schol teacher. Todays meeting with the royals is a warmup for when the president and first lead mean with the queen at the castle on sunday. Great to see you as always. Behind the photo ops, what should we be looking for in terms of the meetings and optics of it all . I think whats going to be interesting on sunday, when the bidens sit down with the queen. Lets not forget that jill biden is very one of her causes, return servicemen, which harry, you know, the queens grandson, is also very interested in. After all, he is one. And if you recall, the bidens were very closely involved with the inuvictus games, which prine harry put together and is at the helm of. Who knows. It could help build bridges even more between tprince harry and his grandmother, the queen. The bidens were the first to express their condolences after the doeskt Prince Philip when he passed away recently. I think theyve started off on a really good foot. They have a lot of links. Trisha, you know the protocol better than i. This tea on sunday, im told its rare. Whats the significance of this . Its very cozy. Its very warm. But there still is as you say pro protocol. President trump didnt grasp all of those things. You dont shake hands with the queen. You dont anyway because of covid. About a courtesy and a bow. It marks the first facetoface meeting the queen has had completely on her own since the duke of edinburgh passed away. So she may be going about things in a different way. Lets not forget, shes 95 years of age, but those things you dont usually discuss when the queen invite yos u to tea, you dont go and talk about what the conversation was all about. It remains and should remain ver very private. This is her 13th president shes met. Thats incredible to see. I was wondering, trisha. The do you see after all of the meghan and harry stuff which was more than a blemish on The Royal Family, do you see this as rehabilitative as performing their important protocol . I dont know. Everybody talked about it being a blems. But we forget in the queens lifetime, there was a whole wall of simpson thing and princess margaret. Id like to remind people just because shes 95 doesnt mean shes sort of silly or innocent. The royal familys gone through a lot of other crises. Its just that these days because of the press and underlying stuff and social media, we think we know a lot more. But, you know, like any family, theyve faced a lot of crises. I think publicly, i think it sends out i hope it sends out a message to some of the more irresponsible Press Outlets that its not full on war with the family. Families are families. They have differences of opinions. They have difficulties and what have you. And i think the queen and especially the bidens have that in common, that they understand that families, no matter your role or your station in life, we go through things, but we come out the other side. Trisha goddard, thank you. Great to get your insight. I was having this conversation with my producer in my office that her first Prime Minister was winston churchill. Churve they signed the charter 80 years ago. And the queen is still alive to meet the new president. I think its remarkable. Up next, back to the bombshell news. Donald Trumps Justice Department seized data from House Democrats and their families including a minor. What if anything can be done to hold the doj accountable. Weve got reaction from capitol hill up next. Your mission stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some, rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive Immune System attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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I heard there was a discussion about what can be done now. A lot of democrats were, quote, animated, im told, about who was actually behind this effort to seize records, who in the Department Of Justice it was and they want to get answers on who else could have been targeted by the investigation. Right now all we know is Eric Swalwell as well as the chairman of the committee, adam schiff, those are two democrats whose records were seized after the Justice Department subpoenaed apple for the records. What theyre doing now, im told, theyre going to provide information to apple to try to get the information about whether they, in fact, too, were targeted. They dont know the answer to that because a lot of these notices that were sent were very generic notices that were sent to members starting on may 5th, im told. And then immediately in the aftermath of that, some of those generic emails could have been ignored. A lot of members dont know. Also what they dont know is because the Justice Department has not divulged the information despite the push by schiff and others to get that information from the Justice Department. Theyre not providing that information according to democrats. Theyre concerned about the efforts. Theyre saying there needs to be further investigation. It warrants a full investigation and heads should roll. Its one of the more serious things out of the Trump Administration, and thats saying a lot. I think as history looks on donald trump, they will see an effort to undermine this democracy in a way that it has never been before that it could be adam schiff today, but it could be devin nunes tomorrow if you dont have some norms that are abided by, whether its a republican or dimmick president. Now, the Senate Democratic leaders are calling on the top two officials in the trump area, jeff session and bill barr, have them come and testify before the Senate Judiciary committee, threatening them with subpoenas, but the house is still figuring their path forward. Mike quigley told me moments ago, i assumed a hostile government would do Something Like this. I just didnt think it would be ur our own hostile government. Wow. Laura, the breadth of this dragnet, not just members and their staff, but Family Members and a minor, one of more than 100 accounts. Is that suspiciously broad . Absolutely. So broad its called a Fishing Expedition, particularly after Attorney General bill barr said there was nothing and they said go back. Getting a subpoena as a prosecutor is not the most untoward thing at all, absolutely. Its pretty much par for the kos. But the realization of why it was done, was it to weapon nice . You know, nixon had an enemies list. Trump apparently thought he had an enemies department to carry out whatever objective he wanted. The irony shouldnt be lost on anyone, victor. Someone so against the fisa warrants and accusation or spying on an american for any reason. We dont know if theyre just carrying out their checks as a coequal branch of government to investigate an abuse of power. Its crazy and appalling. Now that we know this information, john, doesnt it put into a whole new light the peculiar response that bill barr gave to then senator Kamala Harris during that Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing where he doesnt understand the suggestion of the word or words to that effect. Has the Department Of Justice suggested you open an investigation of anyone . I wouldnt wouldnt yes or no. Could you repeat that question. I will repeat it. Has the president or anyone at the white house ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone, yes or no, please, sir . The president or anybody else seems youd remember Something Like that, be able to tell us. Im trying to grapple with the word suggestion. There have been discussions of matters out there that they have not asked me to open an investigation. Perhaps they suggested . I dont know. I wouldnt say suggest. Hinted . I dont know. Inferred . You dont know. I mean it was crazy when it happened, but in light of all of this information, its so stu stunning. It is. You can hear some of the legalistic tap dancing in his head now where hes trying not to perjure himself in effect. That was a classic washington nonanswer, and now we know why. To think of this, by the way, as isolated, no, this is the tip of the iceberg. This is corruption from the president , trickled down through the department. Its not just the Attorney General acting as his personal lawyer but that the culture could be twisted so quickly to pursue partisan ends, and thats one of the many things thats so disturbing. This will not be the end. We cannot accept this as some kind of normal. Theres no historic precedent for this. You can vote nixon. He looks like pattycake compared to whats gone on here. Marek garland confirmed in early march. These were allowed to expire. Should he have, could he have ended these when he took over . Well, assuming he had the knowledge of it actually happening and the court was going to be amenable to it, i guess he could. This is larger than that. Its also the notion of, we dont get the full scope of what happened, who truly was impacted and the breadth of it, why . Because of the gag orders. Youre talking about an administration that was so vexed in being silenced or canceled in any way. Gag orders were not only asked for but we know in at least one instance extended it for different periods of time. You didnt have the recourse for people who were targeted to question the predicate to get the subpoenas for the Apple Company or minor children or anyone else who may have been involved. You have this idea of the gag order precluded the investigation, precluded the opportunity for people to know when they were being targeted, why they were being targeted, and whether it was an attempt for political vindication or political hench men. Thats the most concerning part. Were learning about this now, but is it going to trickle over and down . Again, why is this important . The idea of any investigation by anyone else, theyre going to have to have the information to know whether their investigation is fulsome and holistic enough. Piecemeal will not be effective. John, republicans must be up in arms about this overreach by the Department Of Justice and possible unmasking of sources. What have they said today . Crickets, and this is why. What weve seen over and over again unfortunately is a lot of these philosophical arguments about small government, about distrusting the government, dangers of overreach. Its all been a partisan football. I hate to say that because there are people who presumably believe those things. Ben sasse has credibility on this. And thats the problem with our politics. Trump exposed the fact that a lot of these principles that underlie president politics are expedient b. S. Another point that laura made thats really important. The way donald trump telegraphs what hes going to do, its all projection. Witch hunts, cancel culture, spying on people, its all just projection, folks. All right. John avlon, laura coates. Well continue to dig into this. Thanks so much. Up next, a Staggering Number on how many claims may have been bogus. Well explain. The lexus es. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Get 0. 9 Apr Financing on the 2021 es 350. 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Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjection. more than seven years ago. Listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ listen to this next story. The u. S. Government pumped out nearly a trillion dollars in Unemployment Benefits during the pandemic, and now some estimates find that about half of that money was stolen, likely falling into the hands of foreign criminals. So lets bring in cnns kristen holmes. 400 billion stolen from the u. S. Government . Tell us about that. Yeah, victor. Also, that is such a shocking number. Now, it is important to note this is one estimate made by someone who helps states with its issue. But what we do know is this. Benefit fraud has gone ram pant during the pandemic, and just how bad it is widens. We still know this is staggering. Now, many of the experts i talk to say part of the reasoning is the state doesnt want to give out the benefits and because of that, its harder for the government to track those numbers on a national level, but i want to give you some of the numbers we do know. Some of them are incredible. California reports that 11 billion in fraudulent claims was paid out. Colorado, 19. 4 million. Ohio, 330 million. And that list continues to go on. The big question is, here, again, how bad is it. Is there a system that can be put in place to track this on a national level, and what can these state be doing better to help with that identification process. Kristen, its sickening to hear about all of this wasted dollars. There has to be a way to stop it. Are you saying the states dont know how at this moment . What we know is theyre trying. Theyre implementing new tools on vary if i indication. Theyre talking with the Department Of Labor whos issued guidance on this. But it doesnt seem as though this is a solid solution. Just enabling the verification isnt stopping it. These are dollar meant to help people going into the hands of bad actors. Kristen holmes, thank you very much. We know youll stay on top of that. Coming up, two guests aboard a vaccinated cruise ship have tested positive for covid19. Two passengers on the first cruise from North America since the pandemic shut down the industry have tested positive for covid19. Now, the passengers were rooming together on the Celebrity Millennium that left st. Martin on saturday. The cruise line says theyre asymptomatic and in isolation. Its not clear where they contracted the virus. A Company Statement said all guests had to show proof of vaccination and negative covid test before departure. Great to see you, doctor. This is actually good news vaccine story because these two passengers had reportedly been vaccinated, so they have no symptoms, theyre feeling fine, they wouldnt have known that they were carrying the virus somehow around had they not been tested by the cruise ship before departing. And so the vaccine is working. The vaccine is absolutely working. I think some people will take the two cases and run with it and say, well, whats the point of getting vaccinated if im still going to contract covid . But nothing in medicine is 100 effective. From the very beginning, pfizer and moderna, have given us ranges from 90 to 95 in terms of the efficacy of their vaccine. What is important is not only were these two passengers asymptomatic, but no one else on the cruise ship who had been in contact with those passengers tested positive for covid. Definitely a vaccine success story. The good thing is theyre being tested, so we know as soon as those positive cases arise. Lets turn to something else. The question over children being vaccinated. Theres a disagreement in within the medical community. Some say that Young Children especially so rarely get sick that its not urgent. Others say that if theres a resurgence, then children certainly should be vaccinated. Where do you fall on that line . Well, i will tell you, victor, low risk doesnt equal no risk. At the very beginning of the pandemic, children made up about 3 of covid cases. That number has slowly increased to peak about 13 . However, at the end of may for that weekending on may 27th, children made up almost 25 of new covid cases during that time period. So children are getting sick more often. They are still at risk of hospitalization and they are still at risk of having adverse side effects. Kids have been isolated for a large proportion of time, but as School Starts back in the fall and theyre in classrooms, theyre in Group Activities and school sports, its going to get colder so people are going to start moving inside. Their risk is going to increase if theyre not vaccinated. Dr. Bicette, great to talk to you. Thank you. We have a Programming Note now. Cnns drew griffin talks with people who were in Washington On January 6th and discovers new details about what happened there. Dont miss assault on democracy the roots of trumps insurrection sunday, june 20th at 9 00 p. M. On cnn. The Justice Department watch dog Just Announced it will investigate the House Seizuresdy Donald Trumps doj. Well bring you the very latest. For your sensitive skin. N its velveeta shells cheese for your sensitive skin. N versus the other guys. Clearly, velveeta melts creamier. Hello summer. Meet bud light seltzer lemonade. Bud light seltzer lemonade. Perfect for summer. Bud light seltzer lemonade. Ive pricked my 3,000 time and my a1c was still over 9. Then i got the dexcom g6. I just glance at my ph theres my glucose number. Ye i feel like im calling the theres myshots,se number. Not my diabetes. 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