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the last couple of days. we've also seen so many people with vigils and people have outreached directly to some of the victims' families. so we do know that there's this overwhelming support as well. >> you have received hate mail in the last few days, since these shootings? >> yes. >> i don't -- yeah, i mean, what nature of things, and what does that tell you? >> i think what it shows is that the anti-asian hate has not gone away since this incident. it's still alive and well. and those individuals feel really still emboldened to outreach and to attack asian women in particular. >> what do you want to hear from the president and vice president today, and what needs to be said to them? >> i think i want to hear in the same way that former president trump consistently called it the china flu, the wuhan flu. that actually is something that i want biden and harris administration to do differently. consistently come out and negate that. consistently come out in favor of the asian-american community. and create policies that really make a difference. for us, i would like to see -- i would like to say to them that they need to be consistent in their messaging in the same way that it was so damaging that former president trump consistently berated and harassed the asian-american community in his entire presidency. >> we -- there was a hearing on capitol hill yesterday. we played chip roy turning it into a defense of his rights to criticize the nation of china. we also heard from republican congressman rodney davis who had this to say, i think, about the type of language you're talking about from the former administration. listen. >> it's all political correctness. that's what the american people are sick and tired of the d.c. bubble wanting to determine what is politically correct and what is not. >> so what do you say to people like congressman davis? >> i've heard that before. and i think that it sounds also like a d.c. rhetoric kind of situation that he's saying as well. i think racism is alive and well. and it's targeting so many different communities of color. and definitely in the south, being in atlanta, we see it every day. and so right now, these attacks are really centering on asian-americans but they've been centering on other communities of color for years. so when we look at the future, i think, you know, it's really to be -- this is the time to speak up, even if people, you know, give you that hate mail. it's time to speak up. even when there's, again, people at the highest level -- >> stephanie cho there. the leader in the asian-american community in atlanta. let me see if her feed unfreezes there. obviously -- okay. stephanie cho is back with us. we heard from fbi director christopher wray yesterday saying that he has seen no evidence yet, although he wants the investigation to continue, that the attack in his words were racially motivated. now that is something we'd also heard from certain county officials. what's your level of confidence now in the investigation? >> i think that they are still investigating, and i am not law enforcement so i don't know how they are doing it, but i do feel like it is racially motivated, as does most of the country. >> and the whole debate over whether this qualifies as a hate crime or not, how important is that discussion to you? >> i think that that's a prosecutory term, is it racially motivated? yes. was it targeting primarily asian-american women? yes. that is definitely a fact. >> stephanie cho, we appreciate you being with us this morning. i'm so sorry that you continue to get this hate mail, even in the days after people were murdered in your area. i hope that changes. but thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> erica? later today, the biden administration will hit a milestone. 100 million shots of the coronavirus vaccine in arms. in the first 58 days of this administration. let's discuss with dr. sanjay gupta, cnn chief medical correspondent. good to see you, as always. >> good morning. >> there was some talk, was this a little too much, then it wasn't enough. look, the bottom line is, 100 million shots in 58 days is a good thing. and john berman did math this morning. he double checked it with his calculator. we're averaging 2.5 million shots a day. we're on a great pace here. >> yeah, we could essentially double what the original sort of aspiration was with this, which is great. and people always talk about this idea of trying to get enough immunity in the community and you are starting to talk about 250 million or so people that you'd want to have vaccinated. or immunized in some way. part of it is through the vaccine. some have natural immunity because of previous infections as well. so it is a good pace. and as the weather gets warmer, the virus doesn't transmit as well. so hopefully this confluence of events will start to come together to address the trajectories we've been seeing. >> one chart, though, that concerns me is the hospitalizations in the united states because one thing i think you taught me over the last year is hospitalizations are the one sort of indisputable statistic. it's just a data point. cases lead to hospitalizations. hospitalizations lead to death. you can see the hospitalizations dropped a lot. every day for weeks and weeks and weeks. they're not dropping anymore. it's leveled off. it's static. and maybe the first signs of an uptick there. how concerned are you about this? >> well, i'll say that i hope that's not the case, obviously, as everyone else does as well. the reason hospitalizations are so important is because with regard to testing and cases overall, still not doing enough testing so it's hard to know really how many people are diagnosed positive in any given point. and hospitalizations, obviously, so crucial for communities because if they become really overwhelmed, then that was the whole flatten the curve thing. it becomes harder for hospitals to be able to function. so we've got to keep an eye on this. i've got to say that the vaccinations, especially vaccinating people who are the most vulnerable to getting sick and hospitalized, that has also been a bright spot in the sense that a third of people over the age of 65 now are fully vaccinated. two-thirds received at least some immunization. by the end of this month, hopefully close to two-thirds fully vaccinated. those are the people most likely to be driving those hospital numbers up. we'll have to see. do hospital numbers go up? do they go up at the same proportion of cases as we've seen in the past? we'll have to see. i hope not. again, we -- john, it's been keeping it real over the last year, but i think when there has been optimistic news to share, i think we want to share that as well. i'm still optimistic going into april and may that we'll get, as you point out, enough people vaccinated and that hopefully these hospital and death rates don't go up proportionally, even if cases do. >> i'm with you on that. also some encouraging news for parents out there to see this new cdc guidance that you can safely be back in school with three feet of distance, and masks, as opposed to six feet. this could be a game changer. >> one of the big challenges for school districts across the country as we've been reporting on this was just how do we get the square footage to be able to do six feet of distancing for people? so this could go a long way. it's part of the reason the cdc decided to change these guidelines in response to a study out of massachusetts. basically in this massachusetts school district, they said you should distance six feet. but if you can only do three feet, we'll allow that as well. and then they basically looked at the data and they didn't find big differences between schools that had done three feet versus distancing versus six feet of distancing. there was an increased viral transmission. there wasn't increased county hospital zagsss so that was good news. but there are still caveats here. obviously for schools they'll put more people into a classroom. are they going to still ensure that you have good enough ventilation in those places? our reporting has shown 41% of school districts around the country needed upgrades to their ventilation. either big wholesale vent ventilation, with their hvac or smaller changes but that's going to continue to be a priority. obviously, masking going to continue to be a priority. all those things. yes, great news. it's going to open the door for a lot of schools to be able to reopen. but don't forget the basics still. masks, ventilation, all of that. >> the masks are huge in this case. only three feet if you're wearing a mask. sanjay, you starred on jimmy kimmel live earlier in the week and now you're expanding your entertainment portfolio. you've done a psa for warner media. i haven't seen it yet, but i've been told it may very well be the most amazing piece of video i'll ever see, so let's play it. >> sanjay, you there? >> hey. >> listen, i have some questions. >> what's on your mind. >> this vaccine, i'm nervous. i've got songs to write. will i still be able to do that? >> it will be fine. science is what you need. the vaccine is safe, my friend. it's going to bring this pandemic to an end. see what i did there? >> yeah, okay. i trust you, thanks. and sanjay, don't do that again. >> davide? davide? i don't know. i thought i was spittin fire. >> you know what you needed? your accordion. i think that would have really sold it. we've learned a lot about your talents, sanjay. >> that was fantastic. >> look, i'm -- >> go ahead. explain yourself. >> i'm just trying -- i'm a -- that was a warner media psa. i'm a company guy trying to reach people where they are. >> i love it actually. i think it's fantastic. >> i think it's wonderful. obviously, davide diggs. played jefferson, right? >> yes p. >> i think he was truly upset. i don't think he was acting. >> you actually really offended him. deeply offended. >> he was probably star struck. that's all it was. >> good for you. >> i'm pretty sure it was not. especially not after the rhyme. >> no limits. >> can i ask you one quick question. i thought it was great. are your kids still talking to you after that? >> no, they're not. they're not. there are so many reasons my kids have not been talking to me. i just keep adding to those. >> we're here for you. >> thanks for being with us. >> you got it. >> that was hilarious. >> awesome. so, a diplomatic display, the likes of honestly we haven't seen for generations. public, very public, very personal feuds between the united states -- there's u.s. secretary of state antony blinken with both china, in his case, and also a personal back and forth with russia. out in public for the world to see. we'll show it all to you and talk about why this is happening, next. still your best. and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a 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human rights abuses. this is how the chinese diplomats responded. >> on the chinese side, felt compelled to make this speech because of the tone of the u.s. side. isn't this the intention of the united states, judging from what -- or the way that you have made your opening remarks, that it wants to speak to china in a condescending way from a position of strength? >> joining us now, david sanger, cnn political and national security analyst and "new york times" white house and national security correspondent. david, the common thread or a common thread, these were both very public disputes between russia and china, the likes of which we really almost never see. they're also, in my mind, intentional. you don't do it publicly unless you mean to do it for a reason. so why? what is the biden administration trying to do? >> well, i think there are a few things going on here, john. the first is that the biden administration is trying to establish both for its home audience and abroad that it's not going to be a push-over here. and i think you saw that in the president's tone about vladimir putin being a killer. the subtext of that is the days of donald trump apologizing for or ignoring what the russians were doing are over. with the chinese, i think it's a little more complex. the chinese weren't really sure they wanted to have trump stay around. i suspect they probably preferred biden to some degree. but the degree of aggressiveness by the chinese in the past few years from the south china sea to the cyberattacks on the u.s. to hong kong, where they were oppressed, freedoms that were guaranteed under the handover agreement with the british. i think made the administration think it's got to start off this way. the question is, once the cameras went away, was there a more real conversation? and we don't know that yet. >> and they have certainly set it up. secretary blinken calling this relationship with china the biggest geopolitical test of the 21st century. as we wait to learn a little more, hopefully about what happened behind the scenes, how was the stage set, not just for that relationship, but for the message that it sends to the rest of the world? >> well, i think that the hard part for many in the united states here about this is that we've gone through two years -- two decades of dealing with counterterrorism, the iraq war, the afghanistan war. the efforts to get out of that. and we thought that superpower conflict was kind of asleep. and clearly that's not the case. you have got two very different kinds of powers that we're dealing with here, erica. in the russians, a disruptor. a country that can't produce very much, still very dependent on oil and gas for its revenues. but basically has found its role by disrupting what the united states and nato are trying to do. in china, it's a completely different case. the chinese are a rising power. they look at january 6th and they say more evidence that the united states is so divided that it won't get its act together and that china will emerge in a number of years or decades as the biggest economic, political and military power in the world. and i think that what you saw with secretary blinken was an effort to sort of push back at that. at one point he said outright, don't count out the united states. >> look, you say china is assuming that the united states is divided in ways that are irreparable. i think one area where there is increasing unity between democrats and republicans is china in attitudes toward china. josh rogin gets into this in his new book. he points out the assumption that it existed in some liberal -- and i don't mean like politically liberal. i mean national security liberally thinking, that it would change its behavior as its economy opened up. nobody believes that anymore. there's wide agreement that all china wants to do is dominate politically, militarily and economically around the world. so this might be a moment of unity in terms of the u.s. policy toward china. >> i think you are exactly right, john. and the days for the democrats of believing that the onset of the internet and so forth would liberalize china and basically erode the power of the communist party, that's done with. i mean, i remember going to china with bill clinton where he'd get to go speak to university students, and he would say the internet is your ticket to western-like freedoms. clearly that is wrong. the question now, though, is what leverage do we have to go push back? and what i think is interesting about the biden administration is that while trump tried to contain the chinese, stop huawei, the communications company from putting 5g around the world and so forth, i think the view of the biden folks is, we have to outcompete them. and that may require a fair bit of public investment, as well as private investment as well. >> also, it involves relationships with japan and south korea, which the u.s. has already started to repair which really did seem to upset the chinese as well. this is really important stuff. complicated but super important. david sanger, appreciate you coming on and helping explain it. >> great -- >> as important as it was, we're done with him. today, president biden heading to a battleground state that helped deliver him the white house. hear what georgia voters have to say about the job he is doing so far. that's next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ ♪ ♪ we're made for. these days you need more than an education. so that's what we give you. introducing career services for life. learn 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atlanta area spas. this is the president's first visit to a state that played a big part in his election victory and was everything in terms of the democrats taking over the senate. chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny live in atlanta. good morning, jeff. >> hey, good morning, john. no doubt that georgia played a key role in the election of joe biden and kamala harris, but it played an even more important role in their agenda so far. namely, that american rescue plan. the president and vice president were planning on holding a rally here in atlanta this evening to talk about the benefits of that plan. they did change their plans because of the shootings here this week in atlanta. they'll be meeting with members of the asian-american community. at the two-month mark almost of the presidency, we talk to georgia voters about what they think about the biden administration. >> you still just feel the relief in the air. >> mariana davis is watching president biden's first two months in office with hope and gratitude. >> we actually are about to head back to somewhat of a normal situation that we were used to before. so honestly, i'm satisfied. >> reporter: she's among the voters who not only helped him carry georgia but helped democrats win control of the senate. a triumph that paved the way for biden's agenda. inside the beehive, an atlanta boutique, her sister owns and she manages, davis is already feeling the effects of the american rescue plan. >> this week alone, we have been g gloriously overwhelmed by the numbers we've had. >> reporter: biden and vice president harris are visiting georgia on friday, the first time since taking office. a trip to promote the covid relief bill taking a somber turn as they canceled a rally and will instead meet with asian-american leaders after a rampage here this week killed eight people, six of asian descent. for biden and harris, there's no state like georgia. >> one state, one state can chart the course, not just for the next four years, but for the next generation. >> reporter: in november, georgia went blue for the first time in a quarter century. >> well, hello, atlanta, georgia! >> reporter: in january, that win made even sweeter for democrats after raphael warnock and jon ossoff swept their runoff races ending republican control of the senate. >> i shutter to think what would happen had georgia not come out in historic numbers and flipped the senate. >> reporter: her jubilation has been tempered by backlash as republicans are trying to pass new laws to make voting more difficult here. she hopes biden will prioritize federal election reform which may only happen by eliminating the senate filibuster. >> i think that the president could clearly and forcefully say that there are no both sides to this debate. >> reporter: she echoes the sentiment among progressive democrats who like biden but are eager to hear concrete plans on his promises such as a fan $15 main mum wage. old signs of the biden/harris campaign remain. >> much more peaceful. you come out here and everybody is smiling again and it's just like a weight lifted off because you come out and you're like, oh, i guess, tony morrison, you can breathe again. >> that's how you felt when president biden -- >> definitely. you can see it in town. everyone was so excited and so elated. >> reporter: it's that elation that comes to life in conversations with biden supporters like davis who understands the urgency in the minds of some democrats, but she's willing to give him a bit of time. >> just be patient. like, it's coming. everything doesn't happen overnight, folks know that. >> reporter: georgia is also, of course, at the center of efforts to change voting election laws in the country. republican legislators here trying to roll back some of those early voting laws that helped lead to the victory for president biden last fall. so that is one of the topics of a meeting the president and vice president will have with stacey abrams. of course, a leader of the movement here who helped register so many voters and really turned the tide of georgia. so there are many democrats who, yes, are satisfied, but there is also a question of when the biden administration will do a bit more, particularly speaking out on voting rights. and that is something also on the agenda here today. erica? >> jeff zeleny, great reporting as always. good to see you. new this morning -- one of three former staffers accusing new york governor andrew cuomo of of sexual harassment met with officials on thursday. she detailed the toxic, retaliatory workplace where young women in the statehouse. >> i believe that my story provides contextual, environmental evidence of the really abusive workplace environment that disproportionately hurts women. >> two other women also accuse governor cuomo of sexual harassment and also met with investigators this week. cuomo has repeatedly denied the allegations of sexual harassment against him and has rejected calls for his resignation. in texas, authorities are looking for a man who allegedly stabbed a restaurant manager after being told to wear a mask. police say the man refused and when the manager turned his back, the man tackled him and stabbed him repeatedly before getting away on a bicycle. police issued an arrest warrant for a homeless man living in the area. the manager was treated at the hospital for three stab wounds. thankfully released. how horrible. new coronavirus restrictions in effect in france and italy. this is a major development across europe. obviously, a concern of what may -- may be to come in the united states if things take a turn for the worst. that's next. hmmm... where to go today? la? vegas? no, the desert. let's listen to this. louder. take these guys? i mean, there's room. maybe next time, fellas. now we're talking. alright. let's. go. just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars of credit card debt. they helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. they make you feel like it's an honor for them to help you out. i went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. so thank you. ♪ if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. tougher new coronavirus restrictions now in effect in france. italy in lockdown. cnn has reporters covering the pandemic all around the world. >> i'm jim bitterman in france where new covid restrictions will go into effect tonight. after sluggish rollout of vaccines, infections and hospitalizations here have grown at an alarming pace. now from the paris region of the english channel and the nice area, new rules go into effect that have people carry written reasons of why they are out and about and close nonessential businesses. 20 million people will be affected. critics say the measures still don't go far enough. >> i'm melissa bell in rome. the rollout of the astrazeneca vaccine resumed here in italy as in other european countries after several days of suspension and after the european medicines agency verdict last night that, in fact, it was safe to use and was not linked to blood clots. here in italy, it's day five and half of the country's regions have a strict lockdown yet to translate in any improvement in the covid-19 third wave figures. the number of new cases, over 20,000 still at the end of this week. >> i'm matt rivers in rio de janeiro on a day where brazil recorded its second most deaths ever from the coronavirus. president jair bolsonaro has still found a way to make himself the victim. speaking on thursday, he said, quote, here it became a war against the president. it seems that people only die of covid. he went on to question how many people in these icus are dying of covid versus other illnesses. these icus are not collapse think because of other illnesses. state after state after state says it is, in fact, because of this wave of covid-19. in fact, the latest data shows 16 of brazil's 26 states have icu capacities at 90%. >> well, in the year since the pandemic swept across the world and in this country, close to 30 million americans have contracted coronavirus. more than 539,000 have died. tomorrow a cnn special report "the human cost of covid." miguel marquez is going to be sharing some emotional stories of loss and survival. good to see you this morning. you're here with a preview. and you have brought us so many of these important stories over this last year. >> yeah. i mean, erica, the last year, i mean, we are ptsd nation, ptsd world in many ways. so many people have died. we tried to do with this thing, with the enormous help of michelle and jim, is to focus on one place emblematic of what the country went through. dalton, georgia is the place we found. it's a small town. small city, big town. it's the flooring capital of the world. a very wealthy town. largely latino. big latino workforce there. also african-american. is in georgia. but the amount of loss, the amount of fear over this virus. the conspiracy and the disbelief about what this virus was bringing. here's a little piece of one story that we covered there. >> my dad worked his entire career for the public health system of georgia. >> when covid-19 came along, he took it seriously? >> he did. he'll tell me that if him or my mom got covid, it was not going to be good. >> why was he extra worried about himself and his wife? >> my dad had some pre-existing conditions. he knew that it would not be good because of his respiratory situation. >> april 2019, my mom, in a single day, had two brain aneurysms. >> oh, dear. >> and then she had a stroke in the surgery to fix the aneurysms. it left her with left side paralysis. my dad was her primary caregiver. since that happened. my dad put a sign on the door. it said no visitors. >> but there was at least one, which may be how the couple got covid. >> my dad did a great job nursing my mom back to health, but all the while his health was going down, quick, with covid symptoms. he knew that he had it, but he wasn't going to leave my mom. and it finally got to the point when i said, dad, i need you to go to the hospital. well, who is going to be with your mom, and i said, i'm in the car right now. and i'm headed from new jersey to dalton. and my dad drove himself to atlanta, two hours, to the hospital. >> just hearing that and hearing that interview, it was so difficult to talk to andrew. on one side, people like andrew marsh. i was in tears, he was in tears. the photographers were in tears. everybody at that shoot was in tears. on the other side you had families who were immediately affected by covid as well. people dead. people who got very sick. dozens of people in some families. and still don't believe that it's a real thing. believe that it's a creation of the government. believe that it's something else. there was one epidemiologist we spoke to at the hospital there. the other interesting thing about dalton, georgia, it suffered at a much greater rate than the rest of the state and the rest of the country. more people got sick. more people died in this area per capita than other places. an epidemiologist at the hospital said this was a warning. as bad as it was, that it wasn't as infectious as it could be. it wasn't as deadly as it could be, and he felt this was a warning that, in the future, we'll see more pandemics ahead. great news, right? back to you guys. >> miguel, i have to say, you have done such an amazing job the last year going around the country and telling stories about people, people who are suffering. just off the top of my head, new york, florida, texas, iowa. and now georgia. and i know you do -- literally, it's the opposite of wanting this to be about you. you do it to make it be about the people and the stories and the lives they're going through. but i worry about -- i really do worry about how much loss and heartbreak that you have seen. i mean, how has this affected you? >> we both covered iraq, afghanistan. this is the closest thing i have ever seen or felt to what covering overseas conflict feels like. it's the entire government that is focused on this thing. part of the reason that we are ptsd nation, part of the reason it's important for me to go out there is that the country was also torn by this. this country and the world has been through hell in the last year. this hour special gets at a piece of that. but it is going to take years and years to unravel all of this and for people to cope with what we've been through in the last 12 months. and it will probably go on for a bit longer. right now it's that vaccines versus the variants. how quickly can we get to a point where we can stem the number of infections and stem the number of people dying because that number, 539,000 today, it will be higher by the end of this. >> this is really the beginning, too. we're only starting to understand just how deeply this has affected so many people on so many levels. appreciate it. always good to see you. and especially to see your reporting. you can see miguel's emotional hour about loss and survival this saturday. the new cnn special report, "the human cost of covid" begins tomorrow, 9:00 pm. up next, the singer/songwriter who just found out he's related to jake tapper. long lost cousin. >> thank god there's some talent in the family p.. >> oh, snap. >> berman's been working on that all day. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ 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liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ millions of people have used online services like to find distant relatives. this week kaa canadian musician received a tweet from our very own jake tapper. we're third cousins. we share winnipeg mayor as an ancestor. what a fun discovery. love your music. hi to the dysons. joining us now, the dysons. one you know as jake tapper. the other his newly discovered third cousin. nick, isn't this amazing? you found out you're related to jake tapper. but i think the real question is, jake tapper, you're related to nick dyson. this is huge. how are you feeling? >> yeah, this is -- this is such a great discovery. i guess in this time of pandemic, we're all searching for connections in different ways. ever since 2013 when cnn had that partnership with ancestry i've been really involved in searching for relatives. a few days ago i found this branch of the dyson family, and what a thrill to find out that i'm related, third cousins with nick dyson who is this incredibly talented musician in canada. and it's just been so fun making the connection. >> you always used to tell me your girlfriend was in canada. so this is -- this is way different than that. having an actual talented relative in canada is way different. so, nick, i mean, it isn't every day that you just get out of the blue a message saying, hey, we're third cousins. how did it hit you when you first saw it? >> well, originally, he messaged me from a private facebook account, which i thought was fake, honestly. i mean, it's the internet. but when he started spinning facts about my family, i was like, okay, well, there's got to be something here. and then when he tweeted my music from his verified account i was like, okay, this is very real. honestly, i'm just in shock and awe and just riding the wave at this point. >> i have to say, it's really great. these days especially, it's just so great to have a lovely story that makes you smile. and that it comes with fabulous music doesn't hurt. i have to say, nic, count me among your newest fans. your friends call your music acoustic sad. that's totally my jam, just for the record. it's fabulous. i think we can play a little bit of it, too. ♪ ♪ nothing tangible ♪ ♪ if you say that you'll stay i'll believe you ♪ >> i love that you're fanning this platform. you have connected jake with your grandmother. what are you learning from nic's grandmother about your family? >> well, i haven't called grandma joan yet. i will. i want to have all the family tree stuff in front of me and get ready to download because apparently she's a huge resource. but, you know, it's -- not to be a commercial for ancestry, we're not being paid for this, but it's really amazing the algorithms and what you can find out and the discoveries you can make. and now there are all these cousins that i didn't even know i had, foremost among them nic. nic has a bunch of other cousins as well. and i am really excited to make the connections. not only to the canadian history i have and our shared great, great-grandfather, the short-lived mayor of winnipeg. he lost a recount and was only mayor for four days. but all these other people alive and thriving in addition to the ones who fought in world war ii and the rest. so it's just a great connection. >> nic, i have to say, jake referred to this. he actually said something which i take to heart which is in this pandemic age when we're all so separate, any chance we can actually have to feel closer to people is such a wonderful thing. nic, talk to me about maybe what it means to have this new, albeit somewhat awkward, family member. >> it's unbelievable. i've been in awe of his selflessness through this whole thing and he doesn't have to do any of this, and he's just been so generous with his platform and his time talking with me and doing shows like this. it's absolutely beyond anything i could ever imagine, really. and hopefully, when this is all over, we've talked about this, hopefully when covid is all over, we can connect, you know, face to face. >> that would be wonderful. it really would be. look, the music is terrific, nic. congratulations to you on the work that you continue to do musically. and, jake, it's a great story. thank you for making us smile. >> well, it's been such a treat and so heartwarming. and i can't wait to meet my new cousin face-to-face. >> maybe canadian thanksgiving next year or this year. >> you don't even -- when is canadian thanksgiving? >> it's the first monday in october, isn't it? >> it is. >> for $500, the daily double. >> nic, you and i will chat offline. >> thank you, jake. >> erica is invited. >> yes, i'm invited. berman's not. 1 in 5 children in this country has a learning difference. this week, cnn heroes understands the challenges because he lives it. he was diagnosed with adhd at age 11 and struggled throughout school. his nonprofit pairs middle schoolers with those who have similar learning differences. >> eye to eye provides a safe space that's constructed around what's right with kids so they can talk about their experiences. >> do you get scared during tests or nervous or no? >> i have anxiety. like, i shake a lot. >> yeah, that happens to me sometimes. >> people's hearts sing when they are seeing -- >> really cool. i like how you use duct tape as a handle. >> my moment that i'm wishing for is when the problem of stigmatizing kids because they learn differently goes away. i want them to know that their brains are beautiful. i want them feeling like they know how to ask for what they need, and they can do it, and that's what we give them. >> all right, daniel! >> to learn more about david, log on to and nominate someone you think should be a cnn hero. we expect to see president biden leaving the white house shortly as he heads to atlanta. cnn's coverage continues, next. ♪ (car horn) ♪ (splash) ♪ turn today's dreams into tomorrow's trips... with millions of flexible booking options. all in one place. expedia. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. very good friday morning. i'm jim sciutto. >> i'm poppy harlow. so glad you're with us.

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