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december before we were sworn in to an average of 2.5 million shots a day. >> when he took office, they were almost at 1 million shots a day, we should note. right now, 12% of the population is fully vaccinated. experts estimate we need that number to be 70 to 85% in order for the u.s. to achieve something like herd immunity. the president is also still standing by his promise of enough vaccine supply for every american adult by the end of may. those life-saving vaccines could not come soon enough. progress in bringing down coronavirus cases are stalling. more states in the u.s. are seeing cases on the rise right now than a decline in new infections. and president biden is warning against dangerous variants of the virus. also today, some major news that could likely mean more children in classrooms sooner. an official tells cnn that the cdc is expected to update its guidance for physical distancing in schools tomorrow, changing the guidelines from six feet of distancing to three feet. we're covering all angles of the developments in the pandemic today with our correspondents. let's start with chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins. kai kaitlan, as biden is touting this major accomplishment, we're learning that the white house is considering sending some vaccines to our neighboring countries? >> yes, they are. first on the remarks you saw from president biden. he's touting this, citing their use of the defense production act and work with vaccine manufacturers as the reason they're hitting this goal so much earlier than they believed they were going to, when he first set this goal. of course, you noted what they were already on track to do when president biden took office. they're only counting the doses administered since he took office. if you look at the cdc data it's closer to 115 million doses have been administered since the first vaccine was approved here in the u.s. now that they are going to hit this goal much earlier than president biden anticipated, he says next week he's going to announce a new vaccination goal. we don't yet know what that's going to be, jake. we'll be waiting to hear from him on what that is going to look like. yes, right now behind the scenes, there are conversations going on between the u.s., mexico and canada for the united states to send astrazeneca doses vaccine to those two chris. they've been pleading with president biden with help on getting their vaccine supply up. they are currently in talks to send 2.5 million doses to mexico, .5 million to canada. that's a vaccine that's not been approved here in the u.s. it's basically sitting in these manufacturing facilities right now, not being used by anyone. the white house, we should note, is framing this as a loan, jake. you can read into that what you will, if that is going to be reimbursed or how it will be worked out later on between the three countries. >> kaitlan, thank you so much. appreciate it. dr. anthony fauci said we're in a race between the virus and vaccines. the challenge, of course, to vaccinate as many people as possible and stay ahead of these emerging new virus mutations as cnn's nick watt now reports. >> i think it's pretty clear that there are some states now that are pulling back, i believe, a bit more prematurely than they should. >> reporter: a couple of weeks ago alabama eased some restrictions. >> definite indication we're moving in the right direction. >> reporter: not anymore. alabama's average daily case count climbed 90% in a week. in michigan, up 50%, while hotels prep for spring breakers. >> a lot of the restaurants, of course, are available for seated dining again. >> reporter: average daily case counts now rising in 17 states. >> i think that we are on the cusp of a fourth surge right now. >> reporter: meanwhile on the hill, they're arguing over guidance that the vaccinated still wear masks. >> you won't be able to wear masks for a couple of years. >> no. >> you've been vaccinated and parade around in masks for show. >> no. masks are not theater. masks are protective. >> every day that goes by, the entire population hasn't been vaccinated sks you worry. >> it's a race. the virus and variants versus vaccines. >> a little prick. >> reporter: about one in eight americans are fully vaccinated. the president promptsed 100 million shots in 100 days. skrust might meet that tomorrow, day 58. >> we have got to get the schools reopened. >> reporter: quarter of parents with kids in online school reported harm to their kids' mental and emotional health. also, mitigation measures can, even in high schools, significantly slow spread. all this, according to cdc reports published today. >> when we discussed this issue recently, i really detected a lack of a sense of urgency on your part. >> we are actively looking at our guidance to update it to address that science. >> reporter: the cdc now expected to announce tomorrow that in the classroom, three feet of social distance, not six, will work. out here in california, we just heard april 1st, six flags magic mountain will open again with some restrictions, of course. the same day the oakland a's are going to welcome some fans back into the stands for opening day. all this adds fuel to the argument that if theme parks are okay, enough already with the school closures. jake? >> nick, thanks so much. let's bring in dr. sanjay gupta to discuss. let's start with president biden's announcement. retired admiral brent gireaux told me he expected the vaccine rate to increase about this pace when he left the white house. do we need to be doing more faster, and how do we do that? >> yeah. i mean, i think this race metaphor holds up. we're trying to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible, and make sure that the right people, meaning people who are going to benefit the most from the vaccines, are getting it first. people who are elderly, have pre-existing conditions or are otherwise vulnerable. you're seeing the strategies, jake, incorporating pharmacyies primary care officers, big vaccine fairs in hard-to-reach areas. there's still an issue of hes tans y and still an issue of what i call vaccine fade. not necessarily hesitant, but numbers are getting better. do i still need this? those issues still need to be addressed. i think overall, the trajectory, as you point out, is continuing to improve. >> the biden administration is in talks to send millions of doses of the astrazeneca vaccine, not approved for us in the u.s., to canada and mexico. it is possible that astrazeneca will be approved in the u.s. obviously, we still need more vaccine supply. what do you make of this potential deal? >> we've been stockpiling some of this astrazeneca vaccine in the anticipation that at some point it will be authorized. obviously, we don't have that yet. meantime, it is authorized in some of these other countries, so this is a question of sort of almost the obligation to other countries. we can show the vaccine supply that we're likely to have even without astrazeneca by may, as president biden has talked about when people will be able to get the vaccine. if you do the math there, that's 300 million people. 200 million between moderna and pfizer, and another 100 million with johnson & johnson. the kids are not yet eligible for the vaccine. there's 250 million adults roughly. we have enough vaccine potentially. but in the meantime, if astrazeneca does get approved there will be another 150 million of those doses and 300 million total of those doses have been purchase d. point is, we bought a lot more than we need, leaving aside what we may need for boosters and such. they've asked for it. it's authorized in these countries and not authorized here yet. i think it was just a decision. the united states has given $4 billion to covax to buy vaccines for other countries around the world. >> there have been concerns about whether or not astrazeneca is related to blood clots in some patients. you and i have been discussing this all week. the numbers are pretty small and it may be that some of these politicians, in polling the astrazeneca vaccine overreacted. today the european medicine agency said the astrazeneca vaccine is safe but cannot rule out a link with blood clots. that's not what you -- all week you've been saying that the european agency needs to is have a clear and definitive statement. that doesn't sound like a clear and definitive statement to me. what do you think? >> no. that's too bad. it's not clear and definitive. it's like, it's safe. the risks are outweighed by the benefits, but we can't rule that out. what is the average person to do with that sort of information? let me tell you, you said the numbers are small. let me tell you how small we're talking about jake. 20 million of these vaccine doses have been administered. there's different types of clotting disorders that they looked at here. overall, there was around 30 or so people who developed any kind of clotting disorder but one of them, clotting disorder of concern is a type of clotting that occurs in all these blood vessels in the body, disseminated coagulation. in the background rate you would expect that there would be at least one person who would develop that problem spontaneously. what they found among this population is that there was five. it was definitely higher than what you typically expect with the background rate but look how small these numbers are. they're fractions of percents. unfortunately, jake, the point you're making and i think it's accurate, this is going to affect vaccine hesitancy. these countries now are saying that they're going to go ahead and start resuming vaccinations, but you're hearing that a lot of people are reluctant. i mean, you can't rule it out. you can't rule out a clotting disorder in women under the age of 55 typically. i think it's going to be a problem. >> i want you to take a live to a tense exchange between dr. anthony fauci and kentucky senator rand paul earlier today. >> what studies do you have that people who have had the vaccine or have had the infection are spreading the infection? if we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? >> no. >> you have the vaccine and you're wearing two masks. isn't that theater? >> no. here we go again with the theater. let's get down to the facts. >> let's talk about the facts here, sanjay. if somebody has gotten both vaccines for moderna and pfizer or just the one for j&j and two weeks have passed, why does that person need to wear a mask if they go in public? >> well, you know, if you look at the science overall, you know, you have to sort of determine what level of evidence are you willing to sort of make these decisions on? it makes a lot of sense, i think, that if it's just the virus that's circulating that we've been talking about the last year, you take the vaccine, it should reduce the viral load that you could potentially carry, make it unlikely you're infected and less likely that you could transmit it to others. two points keep coming up. one, there's still a lot of virus out there. when you have that much virus out there, could you still actually be exposed? even though it's unlikely, become an inadvertent carrier? at some point when we get to a low enough level, a few thousand cases a day, not 40,000 or 50,000 cases per day, at that point the likelihood of someone being exposed is so small, we could start to not worry about masks. there's another point quickly, jake. people who are vaccinated, they get exposed to the virus. the virus learns then how to sort of adapt and mutate now to a vaccinated person. exposing vaccinated people to the virus, you could start to inspire more and more mutations, which is something you don't want to do. until the virus is contained, i think, you know, masks at least in public, will be recommended. >> the only theater was what rand paul was doing? that hearing? dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much. appreciate it. investigators released new information about the deadly spa shootings in georgia and what the gunman did before the killings. the latest on that, next. plus, one republican congressman is using racist imagery during a hearing on racism. why did he? we'll talk about that. then you may want to bundle up. things are getting chilly between president biden and russian president vladimir putin. stay with us. honey, i'm home from my really important job! scuff defense. honey! scuff defense. 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>> reporter: yeah, they sure did, jake. you're right when you said the atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms believes race played a role. six out of the eight victims were asian women. many officials believe this was racially motivated as well. we learned the suspect had frequented these two spas, he was familiar with them. as you mentioned, in terms of the investigation, they say nothing is off the table. as investigators take a hard look into what motivated the suspect to go on a mass shooting spree in the atlanta area that left eight dead, including six asian women, comments and actions from a captain with the cherokee county sheriff's department are creating backlash. the spokesman, captain jay baker allegedly posted an image of this racist shirt last april on a facebook page that's since been deleted, encouraging people to buy the shirt that reads "covid-19 imported virus from china." he also made these controversial remarks at a press conference wednesday. >> he understood the gravity of it, and he was pretty much fed up, kind of at the end of his rope and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. >> reporter: some in the asian-american community angry that a police official would diminish the motive for a k killing spree. >> this is not where we should try to downplay what happened. we should be speaking about it with the rawness of which it is, a mass murder. >> reporter: at the same press conference, baker saying robert aaron long indicated he had a sex addiction, claiming the attacks were not racially motivated. >> the fact that he's saying this is eliminating a sex addiction problem is dehumanizing and aimed at women working in this industry. >> we need to look at incidents and crimes with a wider lens and wider perspective. we hope that law enforcement are doing due diligence. >> reporter: meanwhile, the investigation continues. authorities have not ruled out hate crime charges. >> our investigation has not concluded and is still ongoing. nothing is off the table. >> reporter: long remains behind bars without bond in a cherokee county jail. he waived his right to a first court appearance. some u.s. cities have ramped up patroling areas in new york and seattle. the south korean consulate in atlanta issuing warnings for koreans to take extra caution due to the attacks. >> i am very cautious, but i am more concerned about my niece and my nephew and, of course, my parents who are elderly. i tell them, hey, don't go out unless you need to. call me. i'll run the errands for you. >> reporter: jake, in regards to those comments by captain baker that the suspect just had a bad day, the cherokee county sheriff's department released a statement earlier today. it reads in part, the comments were not intended to disrespect any of the victims, the gravity of the tragedy or express empathy or sympathy for the suspect. but, jake, i've got to tell you, these are the kinds of comments, especially coming from law enforcement, that really erode the trust within the asian-american community that already feels like the crimes against asians are not being taken seriously. and i'm told that this is one of the many issues that will be brought up when asian-american leaders meet with president joe biden and vice president kamala harris tomorrow afternoon here in atlanta. jake? >> amara, thank you so much for that report. appreciate it. let's talk about this with congresswoman missoui of california. we still don't have a definitive motive from the atlanta police, but this all, of course, has sparked a national conversation on hate crimes against asian americans, given that six of the eight victims were asian americans. you were born in an internment camp. do you feel any hope that the conversation that we're haveing the current focus on discrimination against asian americans could lead to change? >> thank you, jake, for having me on. i'm sorry it has to be under this topic. i must say that it's really important that we have this conversation. yes, i was born in an internment camp. it took many, many years and decades in order for the government itself to recognize the harm they've done to japanese americans who were citizens and put into these internment camps. what we've seen today is more of a realization, particularly among asian-american community that things are happening, particularly last year with the so-called china virus that president trump started, in a sense, blaming china for this and also, you know, relating that in some way to people in this country who happen to be chinese-americans. you know, leadership, it counts a lot. what he said really did affect americans of asian ancestry very much. it doesn't matter what generation, first, fifth, sixth, or ethnicity. you feel like, wait a minute, now. it's happening. and i really feel like among asian-americans and asian-americans who really have the ability to stand up, it's important to ensure that the asian-american community know that they have people who will stand up for them. and that's why it's important that we have a hearing today. >> have you, yourself, felt an uptick in prejudice against you or people in your family? >> you know, honest ly, i have not, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist at all. i see what's going on in my community in sacramento. they are -- small businesses are being targeted. people are being called names. those are the things that are happening. so you know that can be, generally speaking, it can be applied to anyone who is asian-american heritage. so, you know, i am not, in essence, special in that regard at all. i could be like anyone else. among the asian-american community, we're in solidarity, because it could be any one of us. >> you testified in a house hearing on hate crimes against asian-americans today, texas republican congressman chip roy was trying to make a differentiation between people who commit evil acts and people who say evil things. during that discourse, he said something that upset a lot of people. i want to play that clip. >> old sayings in texas about, you know, find all the rope in texas and get a tall oak tree. you know, we take justice very seriously, and we ought to do that. round up the bad guys. >> and, again, i don't think he was -- i'm not going to justify what he was saying. i don't think he was trying to invoke a lynch mob in order to justify lynch mobs, but obviously i know it hit people very -- people didn't like what he said. what was your reaction? >> i felt the same way. it was very hurtful. and i believe it was hurtful to anyone who has, any community that has felt discrimination in any form, that felt that people were judging them in a way that they shouldn't be judged at all. that kind of talk cannot happen. i mean, it's not about free speech or anything like that. it really is about the respect we have for our fellow citizens and human beings. >> do you think that asian-americans have been left out of the conversation on racism in recent years? obviously, for obvious historical reasons, they've focused a lot on african-americans, black americans because of the race of slave richlt it's focused on latinos because of the immigration issue and the way that has been demonized, continues to be demonized. do you think that asian-americans have been left out of the conversation? >> i believe that to a certain degree, they have. when they take data, statistics, it seems to me that people feel like they're a very small part of the population. but the population is growing and they're spread all over the country. they've been very active in politics now. look what happened in georgia, with the election of two senators. a lot is happening now. and besides that, what's been happening now with the awakening of the fact that there's been inequity in the system and the fact of what's happened with george floyd, what's happened with covid. there is a sense today that our country needs to address this. and i believe they are. and more people are getting involved in this. we have allies across the world. and allies in our country. to me, it's a very important moment. and i believe there's something that we need to do now. people are standing up. my father once said to me that he felt that if people had stood up at the time when they were put into internment camps, maybe they wouldn't have, you know. so, it's so important now, the discussion that's going on today. >> they didn't putty talian-americans or german-americans into internment camps back then. >> right. new video of maga terrorists beating police officers with bats, smashing officers' heads in doors. now the fbi wants your help. stay with us. ♪ over 10 years ago, we made a promise to redefine everything a truck can be. ♪ and while we've made good on that promise by winning back to back to back motor trend truck of the year awards, the work is never done. ♪ the work is never done. i'm a verizon engineer. we built our 5g nationwide so millions of people could do what they love in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. ♪ ♪ this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... ...with humira. humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage and clear skin in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira. go to to see proof in action. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. ♪ ♪ like an echo in the forest ♪ ♪ (singing in korean) ♪ ♪ like an arrow in the blue sky ♪ ♪ (singing in korean) ♪ ♪ on my pillow, on my table ♪ ♪ yeah life goes on ♪ ♪ like this again ♪ (customer) movie night. ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ (burke) should have been watching the stove instead. ♪ like this again ♪ (customer) tell me something i don't know. 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ in our national lead today, the fbi released graphic new videos of the capitol insurrection, hoping members of the public can help them identify rioters who viciously attacked law enforcement. these are just four of the people the fbi says are suspected of carrying out some of the most violent attacks on police officers on january 6th. more than 300 people so far have been charged in the capitol attack. the investigation is far from over, as cnn's jessica schneider now reports. >> it is up close, violent video. showcasing ten more suspects the fbi is seeking, all accused of attacking police. the scenes show officers under siege. one suspect seen pushing through the police line. another, lunging at officers with a stick. another man unleashing chemical spray on police. there are 10 videos in all. and freeze frames of the suspects line the side of each screen. some clips are particularly graphic and disturbing. like this suspect, grabbing a police officer's helmet and face mask, bashing his head into the door jamb. captured by police body cam, throwing punches at police. now two months after the january 6th insurrection, the fbi is pleading for the public's help. they have faces for the people that attacked fors but no names. >> we are coming to you again because we know someone out there, somewhere, will recognize these individuals. committing appalling crimes to officers who devoted their lives to protecting the american people. >> reporter: the fbi has received more than 200,000 tips. some have led to key arrests, including earlier this week when julian cater and george thanios were charged with assaulting police officers, including brian sicknick, who died a day later. the official cause of his death has still not been released. more than 300 people have been arrested for the capitol attack and 65 have been charged with assaulting law enforcement officers. the fbi says some of these most violent still can't be identified. >> these individuals are responsible for assaults on law enforcement officers who were protecting the capitol and our democratic process on january 6th. >> reporter: it is a chilling scene that's played out many times. now with the spotlight on some of the perpetrators, the fbi is asking the public to help identify. so right now, the identities of these ten suspects are being sought. the fbi also says there are still 250 unidentified individuals involved in the capitol attack, that they are looking for. they're renewing their calls for the public's help and information. jake, they're directing people to their website,, hoping to get more answers here. jake? >> all right. jessica schneider, thank you so much. if you have any idea who those treasonous terrorists are, check out the fbi's website. also on capitol hill today, partisan battle getting even uglier. it started with iowa democrat rita hart asked the democratic-led house to investigate her november election loss. her republican challenger in the congressional race won by six vo votes out of nearly 400,000. house democrats agree to investigate. now house republicans are crying foul, arguing that democrats are trying to overturn the will of the voters, which is an argument that might have more credibility, had the majority of house republicans, including minority leader kevin mccarthy, not lied over and over about the election that trump lost. cnn chief congressional correspondent manu raju is live on capitol hill for us. you had an extremely contentious exchange with mccarthy about this today, who was characteristically dishonest about his various efforts to overturn the election. >> i was trying to ask him how the situation involving this iowa race in which democrats are trying to overturn it in congress is different than donald trump trying to overturn his election laws that kevin mccarthy supported. in a contentious exchange, he pushed back and exchanged in a significant amount of revisionism, suggesting what he was doing would not have overturned the election, even though he even sign ed on to a texas lawsuit with 125 other republicans that would invalidate millions of votes across several battleground states and republicans tried to object to six states and ultimately got votes on two of them in which he supported throw ing out those electoral results. he ultimately failed. nonetheless he did engage in revisionist history about everything that occurred in the run-up to january 6th. >> the iowa race, in your view, what is different between the efforts there to overturn the elections in the house versus donald trump's efforts to overturn elections in congress that you support? >> well, i disagree with the premise of your question. okay. so, if you challenged arizona and pennsylvania, would that have changed and lowered president biden's numbers below 270? >> you supported the texas lawsuit. >> you ask me questions every week. i just asked you a question. if you removed arizona, but you weren't removing it. you were just asking a question about it. if arizona and pennsylvania were removed in the electoral college, would president biden's number lower below 270? >> no, but president trump said that congress could overturn -- >> i'm not donald trump. you're asking me the question. i'm answering your question. let me answer your question that you asked me. let me follow through. you gave a premise that's not true. >> donald trump tried to overturn the results in congress and you supported that effort. >> now you're saying something that's not true. so, let me answer your question and show you how your premise is not true. >> the losing candidate didn't organize a rally and say stop the steal. we can overturn the certification of the electoral college on january 6th? >> do you want to talk to trump or ask me the question? i'm here right now. >> you supported him. >> i'm showing you where your question doesn't hold merit. let me show you another answer. >> you supported the texas lawsuit, too. do you regret supporting that lawsuit? >> no, i don't. >> did you not support donald trump's effort to overturn the election in congress? >> no. didn't we just answer this the first time you asked it? you even asked two -- how many electoral votes does it take to get to 270? >> he's so dishonest. it's really flabbergasting. one thing that's so amazing here, manu, first he argues that it was okay that he supported that insane texas lawsuit that the supreme court just threw out and threw to the curb that would have completely overturned the election, taken away the votes of voters in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin and georgia, just given those states to trump. and he says that's okay that he did that, because that's the right way to do this, in courts. in courts. and then he justifies doing it not in courts, doing it in congress. and, yes, they only did two states and not six states that they were planning to do, because there was a deadly insurrection. i mean, it's just maddening. >> reporter: it is. look, in the run-up to january 6th, i asked mccarthy a number of times, do you consider joe biden the winner? he would not say. i said, do you have any concerns about what donald trump is doing here? he would not raise any concerns. as part of that exchange, i tried to ask him, why didn't you raise concerns with what donald trump was doing? he would not address that. instead, suggesting opposite, that he was not trying to overturn the election when it was pretty clear of what he was intending to do, jake. >> he's so dishonest, it's just stunning. manu raju, thank you. appreciate it. latest volley that would have led "nightline" back in the day or moved the doomsday back a tick. vladimir putin inviting president biden after what appeared to be a veiled threat against him. next. t iis such a hassle. same with my boat. the insurance bills are through the roof. -[ sighs ] -be cool. i wish i could group my insurance stuff. -[ coughs ] bundle. -the house, the car, the rv. like a cluster. an insurance cluster. -woosah. -[ chuckles ] -i doubt that exists. -it's a bundle! it's a bundle, and it saves you money! hi. i'm flo from progressive, and i couldn't help but overhear... super fun beach day, everybody. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes and i couldn't help but overhear... are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. people taking rybelsus® lost up to 8 pounds. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. the world lead, vladimir putin has invited president biden to hold talks in a live, virtual chat. the offer coming after putin responded to biden, calling him a killer, by wishing the new american president, quote, good health without irony, as cnn's kaitlan collins reports. >> reporter: long-simmering tensions between president biden and russian president vladimir putin reaching a boiling point today. >> president biden has known president putin for a long time. >> reporter: russians officials erupted after biden referred to putin as a killer, a statement that the white house says he stands by. >> does president biden regret calling vladimir putin a killer? >> nope. the president gave a direct answer to a direct question. >> reporter: biden's answer has morphed into a full-blown transatlantic feud as putin responded saying biden is the killer. >> when we evaluate other people and nations, it's always as if we look in a mirror. we always see ourselves. we always pass on to another person what we ourselves are, in essence. >> reporter: the russian leader also dryly wishing biden good health. >> what would i answer him? i would tell him, be healthy. i wish him good health. i say this without irony, without jokes. >> reporter: russian state television often portrays president biden as confused and out of touch, which putin hinted at while inviting biden to talk on the condition it be broadcast live. >> i'll have to get back to you, if that is something we are entertaining. i would say that the president already had a conversation already with president putin. >> reporter: lusha has taken the rare step of summoning its ambassador to the u.s. home to, quote, analyze what needs to be done about the u.s./russia relationship, a step russia hasn't taken since 1998. biden insists russia will pay a price for meddling in u.s. elections, but hasn't said how. >> some of the responses may be seen, some may be unseen. he did make clear that the russian government will pay a price. >> reporter: russia isn't the only global challenge on biden's plate. >> it was important to our administration that the first meeting with chinese officials be held on american soil. >> reporter: the secretary of state and national security adviser sitting down with their chinese counterparts in alaska today, in what could be a tense first encounter. >> we expect it to be frank. they plan to cover areas where we have concerns, human rights, hong kong. >> reporter: jake, that meeting with the chinese officials is set to get under way any minute now in anchorage. one other tiny note, the russian ambassador is set to leave washington on saturday. >> kaitlan collins, thank you so much. up next a trail of diapers, children's clothing, discarded documents. this is what it looks like for children crossing the border alone. stay with us. proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. at panera, when we make a pizza... we don't just “make a pizza.” we use fresh, clean ingredients... to make a masterpiece. order our new pepperoni and four cheese flatbread pizzas for delivery or pickup today. panera. the national lead, the growing crisis for the biden administration, along the u.s./mexico border. thousands of migrants, many of them children without their parents, seeking entry into the united states. rosa flores joined them near the border for the last few miles of their dangerous journey. >> these are the south texas trails used by thousands of migrants, like these unaccompanied teenagers from guatemala, to make their way into the u.s. and sometimes they encounter deputy constable as he patrols the border with mexico. 16-year-old kevin gets emotional, as he shares that he has been traveling for a month, sometimes without food or water. his father waits for him in pennsylvania. 17-year-old aln's voice breaks as he explains his grandma, who takes care of him, stayed behind in his gang-ridden neighborhood. border authorities in the rio grande valley are encountering about 1,000 migrants a day, according to a source, many of them unaccompanied minors. evidence mothers and children are on the trail litter the landscape. diapers, children clothing and masks. documents left behind by some of the migrants tell part of their story. in this case it looks like a 34-year-old mom from honduras and her 2-year-old son, they both tested for covid before leaving their country, and tested negative. he looks down the paths that lead to the river for signs of life. >> this is an indication. >> reporter: he shows us the arrows posted by border authorities. >> homeland security. >> reporter: and this one that reads asylum. >> walk to the bridge two kilometers? >> yeah. >> reporter: what bridge? near the rio grande where immigration processing begins. this is as close as our cameras can get. border patrol is thot granting media access. but with permission from deputy constables who patrol alongside federal authorities. >> three constables officers are in charge of approximately 22 miles of the border. >> reporter: we've got our eyes and ears on the ground. did you come alone? this teen says he paid a smuggler after a recent hurricane flooded his single mom's home. how much did you pay? about $2,500. how did you get the money? was it a loan? when he sends the teens off to border patrol, the job ends here. for the teens, it's just another step in an already uncertain journey. i'm on the banks of the rio grande and the man in charge of this portion of the border is constable who tells me there's a dual challenge here. down river, the smuggling of people. upriver, the smuggle ing of dru. jake, the border patrol chief tweeting there is no end in sight. jake? >> thank you very much. we'll be right back. ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. you're strong. you power through chronic migraine-15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine check with your doctor if botox® is right for you and, if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95% of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox® so, text to see how you can save. botox is the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so, ask your doctor about botox® today. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa that's all the time we have. follow me on facebook, instagram or twitter @jaketapper f for @cnnthelead. our coverage continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we're following the investigation that left eight people dead. we asked if it is being charged as a hate crime. and i'm quoting now, nothing is

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Type 2 Diabetes , Flo From Progressive , Everywhere , Help But Overhear , Super Fun , 2 , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Food , Sunshine , Diabetes , Sugar , Don T Take Rybelsus , Pill , Ways , 3 , Type 1 Diabetes , A1c , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , 7 , 8 , Neck , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , 0 , Healthcare Provider , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Killer , Putin , Live , Chat , Offer , Irony , Kaitlan Collins Reports , American , Boiling Point Today , Tensions , Russians , Nations , Feud , Leader , Mirror , State Television , Out Of Touch , Jokes , Condition , Step , Lusha , Price , Ambassador , Step Russia Hasn T , Meddling , Russia Relationship , 1998 , Responses , Plate , Russia Isn T The Only Global Challenge , Meeting , Counterparts , On American Soil , Secretary Of State , Security , Encounter , Adviser , 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