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asian. news of the shooting sparked a new round of fear, a fresh round of fear across the country given the rise of anti-asian hate crimes since the start of the pandemic. the white house says president biden is monitoring the developments out of georgia. attorney general merrick garland and fbi director chris wray are set to brief the president on these developments throughout the day. let's start this hour in georgia with the latest from the shooting scene. ryan young is joining me right now. ryan, that police briefing just wrapped up. they did release quite a lot of information. >> reporter: kate, i'm just surprised by how much information we've gotten so far in this case. you can really see the coordination that was involved in bringing the suspect to justice in terms of being able to capture him yesterday. this entire area was put on alert after the shootings occurred. we are standing in atlanta. the original shooting happened in cherokee county which is about 47 minutes away from here. i can tell you this busy road behind me was shut down as investigators started to conduct this investigation. if you think about this, the cherokee county sheriff's department which released that picture and suspect description and a vehicle description, they were aided by the suspect's parents apparently, and they were able to give them pest meant information so they can start this tracking process. we were then told that they thought the suspect was moving toward florida. they were able to set up in a county for the georgia state patrol could get behind that car and perform a pit maneuver, basically putting that car against another one and spinning it out of control. this area behind me is saddened by what happened. so many people around the country are focused on spas like the one across the street where three women were killed. we learned that, of course, six of the victims are asian women and two of the other victims are white males. the names haven't been officially released just yet. hopefully we'll learn more about the victims in the coming hours. you can see the coordination between the police department, making sure other massage parlors throughout this area were sort of shut down and lock their doors. they believe the suspect was going to florida to commit more crimes, and they talked about the fact that they did get that 9 millimeter handgun out of his car. he indicated to him that he suffered from a sexual addiction and the reason he was doing these shootings was because he was hoping to stop some sort of thought process about that sexual addiction. none of this makes sense when you think about how all this was coordinated and you had eight people shot. it's sad denning. you can see the community coming out with the thought process of why this happened. to think now, less than 24 hours later, police giving us all this evidence and talking about just what had happened bit by bit, it's surprising we got so much so far. >> more to come. thanks, ryan. joining me is cnn law enforcement analyst charles ramsey, former police chief in d.c. chief, what's the most important thing you heard in this briefing? what's your take? >> there's a lot that came out of this briefing. before i get into this, let me acknowledge the terrific work of the cherokee coinity sheriff's office. the coordination was exceptional and no doubt probably avoided many more tragedies from occurring. it looks like this is a single shooter. they did recover the gun. so a ballistics check will definitely confirm that. it's interesting that the motivation may not be a hate crime. they still don't know for sure, but apparently he has some kind of sexual addiction and he associates massage parlors with that addiction, and he was trying to take out the source of what he considered to be his addiction for whatever reason. >> motive, obviously, is something that everyone was asking about and wants to know about. they're leaning away from it being racially motivated, is what it appears. they're very careful to say it is too early on. they do continue their investigation. this guy has spoken to them. they have had at least one interview with this guy where he acknowledged -- took shonlt, and in that interview is when it came out that he has issues. they talked about porn, talked about a sexual addiction. somehow he places blame on businesses like this for that problem. they also say this is possibly targets of opportunity. while while there's clearly a lot to learn still, what from your -- with your experience, what needs to be looked at. what is needed now for them to come forward with a clear determination of motive? >> well, they'll continue the interviews. i'm sure they're looking to see if he social media pages. they'll go through that. they'll interview the family that's been very cooperative, and they'll ask questions about some of the conversations they've had. obviously they probably knew he was troubled which is why they contacted the police so soon. they haven't gotten totally away from the hate crime aspect of it. they're going to follow all these leads through. this has taken them down a slightly different path. it's important that they really have a clear understanding of what the motive was before they publicly announce it. i know a lot of people want to draw that last line to that one dot, but that may not be the case here. so we need to be accurate, and that's going to be based on the evidence and the facts that they uncover. >> you touched on it. but talk to me about the fact that it is striking for anyone to hear, and important that they learned he was identified by his family. i think they even called him his son. he was identified by his parents from the surveillance video that they put out on social media really quickly. >> yeah. that's really fairly unusual, but not as unusual as some would think, that parents that know they have troubled children or have a relative and they identify him, they will contact the police. i wish it happened more often, but it's really not all that unusual. thank god they did. by doing that, they were able to get his cell phone number, able to track him, get his location. he was quite a ways from cherokee county and atlanta when he was arrested. that might not have occurred had they not provided that information. it's a unfortunate the thing to do, but thank god they did it. >> and he was headed to florida. you often hear, chief, and i know you know this, at the top of -- after an arrest at the top of a press conference you often hear the agencies complimenting the coordination. it seems they were particularly proud of the coordination this time. do you think it is possibly because of what they -- what would have happened had they not been able to stop him and locate him and get him in custody? >> i think it's a combination of a lot of things. they should be proud of it, because they were able to apprehend this person in a relatively short period of time. they would have put a bolo out, a be on the lookout around all the states around georgia. so if he did happen to leave the state, other agencies would at least be aware that there's a wanted subject for homicide in the state of georgia. the coordination would have continued. fortunately he didn't get that far. it is troubling to learn and he admitted he was on his way to florida. why florida -- they'll find out why florida -- to commit similar acts. again, this is a deranged individual that would have caused additional harm had they not been able to bring him into custody as quickly as they did. >> thank goodness for that surveillance video. he was not smart enough or didn't care enough to try to hide his identity when he was heading into these businesses. thank god for that. chief thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. while law enforcement has indicated the shootings may not be racially motivated, they said it is too early to draw conclusions so we have to say that as well. we also know that asian-american communities across the country are on high alert and have been on high alert since the start of the pandemic. we have seen a big rise in crimes against asians. now cities like new york and like new york city and seattle, they're increasing police presence and police patrols after last night's shootings as a precaution. joining me is cynthia choiu, co-founder of stop aapi hate serving asian-americans and pacific islanders. thank you, cynthia, for coming on. we heard from law enforcement that it's too early on and we're going to get to speak yet if they believe this is racially motivated or a hate crime. while we don't know all the facts there, one thing we know is an indispewsable fact is the fear in the asian-american community that has existed and is increasing and is very real. what do people need to understand about this moment? >> first of all, thank you for having me. first and foremost, i want to take this moment to express our condolences to the families who are mourning this loss and that we are really encouraging and demanding that they receive the support and resources that they're going to need at this t time. i think it's important, as i'm learning about the facts as well on your program, that over the past year brought on by the pandemic, our center alone has received close to 3,800 incidents of verbal and physical attacks against members of our community. we also want to note that women were more than two times likely to report that they were subjected to hate and animus. so i think it's really important to really investigate this thoroughly, that regardless of whether it's racially motivated or not, at this time, if there's no proof, we can't rum it out either because of the fact that covid was racialized, the fact that a majority of the victims were asian women. i think it's going to be really important to fully investigate and understand the facts of this case. >> and i also think it's important to just understand that this isn't just a local story. this gets to the broader fear that, look, it is your work and why your work is so needed right now, because of the fear, because of the fact that hate incidents against asian-americans have clearly jumped since the start of the pandemic, have clearly been on the rise since we started hearing from the donald trump white house spreading misinformation about the virus and the labels that they were trying to apply to it. even if this incident turns out to not be racially motivated, what has this incident already done to the pain and fear that is real and being felt? >> this tragedy is really devastating news for the asian-american community, many of whom have already expressed extreme fear and anxiety for their safety in public spaces, and now in workplaces, our asian businesses being targeted? again, we don't know if this incident is racially motivated, but you have to understand the deep seeded fear that our community is experiencing, and we know that, again, we have vulnerable members of our community who are essential workers, who are on the front lines, who are going about their daily lives and are being subjected to extreme forms of hate at unprecedented levels. i think this is something that we have to really take very, very seriously. >> cynthia, thank you very much for your advocacy. thank you for coming on. this just in to kn, i'm going to watch it along with you. vice president kamala harris speaking about the shooting incident -- these shootings in atlanta just now. let's listen together. >> before i begin, i do want to talk about what happened in georgia, in atlanta. it is tragic. our country, the president and i, and all of us, we grieve for the loss. our prayers are extended to the families of those who have been killed. it speaks to a larger issue which is the issue of violence in our country and what we must do to never tolerate it and to always speak out against it. the investigation is on going. we don't yet know, we're not yet clear about the motive. but i do want to stay to our asian-american community that we stand with you and understand how this has frightened and shocked and outraged all people, but knowing the increasing level of hate crime against our asian-american brothers and sisters, we also want to speak out in solidarity with them and acknowledge that none of us should ever be silent in the face of any form of hate. and with that, i am very excited to -- >> the vice president is continuing there. but as you heard, shocked and outraged -- first and foremost, noting the tragedy, and also noting shocked and outraged regardless of the motivation in this attack, what is determined to be, shocked and outraged by the increased violence we have been seeing across the country against members of the asian-american community in the united states. we have much more on this to come. but also coming up for us, as the crisis on the border is getting worse, president biden has a message for migrants. don't come. plus, a new warning from the cdc, why health officials are increasingly concerned about two covid variants first detected in california. we'll be right back. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser-drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. tylenol rapid release gels. there he is. remember when you recommended that i go with the general for my auto insurance, so i moved your desk into this janitor's closet? 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on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. as the white house scrambles to contain a growing crisis at the southern border, president biden answered to the criticism his administration's policies and messaging have led to the spike. here is biden in a new interview with abc this morning. >> first of all, the idea that joe biden said come -- i heard the other day that they're coming because they know i'm a nice guy -- >> they're saying this. >> yeah. well, here is the deal. they're not. >> do you have to say quite clearly don't come? >> yes. i can say quite clearly don't come. what we're in the process of getting set up, don't leave your town or city or community. >> don't come, he says. >> the president also says he doesn't have plans to visit the southern border at this time despite calls from republican officials to do so. joining me is cnn's john harwood at the white house. how big of a problem is this for joe biden and the ambitious agenda he wants to take on when you know that republicans very clearly see a political opportunity here that's separate from the crisis that's also at hand? >> it's a big problem, kate. look, these surges happen from time to time. they happen ued under president obama, they happened under president trump. there's no fact that, if you advertise under, i regard the previous president's policy as inhumane, and i'm going to have a more inhumane policy, that's going to incentivize more people to come. that doesn't mean the biden team has done anything wrong, but it means they need to act quickly to mitigate the consequences. that means both finding new facilities to house these children, finding ways to speed up the disposition of their cases and in the medium and longer term, dealing with the root causes in the countries where they're coming from. he's trying to articulate that message. this is a divisive and difficult issue for democrats, a unifying and galvanizing issue for republicans. one of the reasons president biden doesn't want to go there, he's trying to stay focused on his top priority, which is dealing with this pandemic. >> i was quite interested in the interview, the president's direct approach. he also made news on the complicated but very important issue of the rules that dictate how the senate is run, john. >> reporter: this is going to be a critical issue to the success of his presidency. republicans have made clear in the pandemic relief vote, providing zero votes for his policy, that they're going to have blanket resistance to his priorities. they've already said so in terms of the infrastructure bill. they don't want -- joe manchin has said i want an infrastructure bill, i want to pay for it. republicans say if you pay for it with tax increases, we're not going to be with you. so the question is, does the senate stick with this 60-vote threshold filibuster that is required for legislation that isn't about the budget. joe biden is opening the door by saying, if we go to a talking filibuster, that might make it more difficult for republicans to hold up his priorities. it doesn't mean all his priorities will go through, whether it's infrastructure, voting rights or immigration, but it does means he opens the door to a possibility for more possible democratic action if he can keep his party unified. >> good to see you, john. thank you. >> you bet. >> the cdc sounding the alarm about two covid variant first detected in california, plus a rise in cases across 14 states. we'll have the very latest coming up next. eliminates 99% of bacteria and moisturizes for hours two for one! can i keep it? 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be more transmissible and may not respond to some treatments. this comes as more than a dozen states are seeing a significant rise in covid cases over the past week. let's get the very latest on where things stand with cnn's elizabeth cohen joining me right now. elizabeth, let's start in california. what can you tell us about these variants? >> reporter: kate, people -- i think we've all heard about the uk variant and the south african variant, but i don't think people know there are variants popping up in the united states. let's take a look at the california variants that the cdc say are, quote, of concern. what the cdc is telling us is they are 20% more transmissible, these variants are 20% more transmissible than the coronavirus than came out before the variants. there's al an eli lilly antibody drug that's been used for quite a while that may be less effective. they say there's a moderate reduction in the effectiveness of antibody from covid-19 survivors, and that this variant is not responding as well as some other types of coronavirus to that particular treatment. kate? >> also, as we were talking about, the significant jump in cases, there's a rise of covid cases in 14 states right now. perhaps the most concerning elizabeth is likely in michigan, right? >> reporter: that's right. we've been relieved to hear the cases came down from where they were at the post holiday high. unfortunately, there's a chunk of states where they are going up. in green, what you're seeing is states where it's going down. in yellow you're seeing the rates are holding steady. the orange is where it's going up, and then michigan is in dark red because the rates are going up at a particular high rate, more than 50% when you look at seven-day averages. now let's take a look specifically at michigan. the cases came down to a low in mid february and have been climbing since. now there's more than 2,000 new cases a day there. we don't know quite why michigan seems to be having this trouble. one of the reasons might be is the variants that we were just talking about. michigan has more cases of the uk variant than any other state except florida, and we know that that variant spreads more quickly and can be more deadly. kate? >> elizabeth, thank you very much. there's also a puzzling phenomenon that doctors and scientists are racing to understand better, long-haul covid. we're talking about people infected with covid and seemingly recover from it. yet they continue to face months of symptoms like persistent and severe fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches and brain fog, as they describe it, just to name a few. it can range from mild to debilitating problems that just won't go away. again, lasting weeks or even months after recovery from covid. listen to how one long-hauler has described it. >> i'm almost nine months into this nightmare that i'm living. i've seen 40 doctors. i've been to the er five times. it's been hospitalized twice. i still don't have answers. >> now, n hinchtsh has launched a billion dollar study to uncover answers about this, to get to the bottom of some of the big question, even as small as how many people are even suffering from this and who is most likely to fall victim. joining me is the director of nih, dr. francis collins. thank you for coming on. i've been really wanting to talk to you about this. you launched this study in february. long covid, it's really a mystery. it's obviously early on. what can you tell us about the study so far and why it's so important to get answers here. >> it's very important. we didn't really expect that on top of all the other ms. stris that covid-19 would create, that there would also be this problem of people who just don't get better after a couple weeks of illness. most respiratory viruses you can get pretty sick. but when you get better, you get better and go back to where you were. at least for a significant fraction of people infected with covid-19, that doesn't seem to be the case. we have organized, with additional support from the congress, the most major kind of cohort analysis you can imagine to try to understand who gets into this long covid syndrome situation. are there predisposing factors that put more people at risk for this, and what exactly is the cause of it. we don't think these are people still chronically infected with the virus. you can't find the virus anymore, but they're still quite ill. you mentioned the symptoms, the brain fog, the fatigue, the shortness of breath, sometimes gi symptoms. and sometimes the inability to get back to normal life experiences because of this exhaustion which sounds a lot like chronic fatigue syndrome. maybe there's an overlap here as well. is this the immune system that got fired up by covid-19 and hasn't been able to get back to normal? is it because of the blood clotting issues we know covid-19 can cause? we have to sort all that out and do so as quickly as possible so we can figure out how to prevent this and also help people who are affected which may be hundreds of thousands of people in the united states, because this is not a rare syndrome at all. >> it's really a mystery. i look forward to all of the work that comes from it. in the midst of all of this, you're also at the forefront of the vaccine rollout and getting more people to get vaccinated in this country. i'm struck by how polls are showing that vaccine hesitancy breaks down along political lines these days. republicans far less likely than democrats to want to get a vaccine. joe biden was actually asked about how do you get politics out of vaccine talk. doctor, i'll play for you what he said. >> i honest to god thought we had it out. i honest to god thought once we guaranteed we had enough vaccine for everybody, things would start to calm down. well, they have calmed down a great deal, but i just don't understand this sort of macho thing about, i'm in the going to get the vaccine -- >> this macho thing he says. doctor, do you think it's possible that as a nation we don't reach herd immunity because of vaccine hesitancy? >> oh, i certainly hope not. it is our best hope forgetting beyond this really awful global pandemic, and the vaccines have come along very quickly in record time with amazing characteristics of safety and efficacy, and based upon rigorous data that anybody who wants to look at it can actually see for themselves why we're saying this is such a great opportunity. and yet there's all this overlay, and some of it is politics, and some of it is social media conspiracy theories, and some of it is distrust of anything the government has anything to do with. we have a long way to go to overcome that. i'm astounded as well that we haven't gotten further in overcoming that hesitancy. i was part of the event last night at the national cathedral here in washington trying to encourage church leaders to take a larger role in spreading the word about why this is really a love-your-neighbor opportunity that everyone would want to take part in. that's another place where there are credible voices that aren't the government that could begin to turn this around. i've got to say, the political part makes the least sense at all. how could it be that what political party you're on that allows you to decide whether this vaccine is good for you or not? this doesn't seem like a sensible framework, and yet it seems to be where we are. it's rather unfortunate commentary on our nation and where we're going, if we can't, even for a medical situation like this where the data is so clear-cut, set aside those political situations and do the right thing. >> i do think the event you took part in last night, the intersection of faith, religin and science and vac teens was really important. astrazeneca, all the reports are they will soon be applying for review and authorization here in the united states. do you think the actions by the european countries that we've seen in pausing the use of the vaccine over concerns regarding clotting has jeopardized its chances of being authorized here in the u.s.? >> certainly everybody wants to know exactly what is the evidence based upon that concern about clotting. everything i have hairedeard so we're waiting for the report tomorrow, would indicate this is one of those things where clotting is a common medical problem. when you have 17 million people getting a vaccine, some will have various medical problems just because that was going to lap to them anyway and to try to draw a cause and effect would require much stronger evidence than some coincidences of those experiences. but let's see what the data looks like. i will tell you the fda is going to look with great care and strin genesee at what strz's trial has resulted in here in the united states. we do expect in the next little while that information will start to be revealed and the company will go to fda with their requests for emergency use authorization. that will take some time for fda to go through the data. then there will be a public meeting where all the data will be out there and a whole day of discussion will happen for anybody who wants to watch. this is our system, and it's a really good system. everybody will know what the pros and cons were and they'll be able to look and see what was the safety data in the u.s. for a rigorous trial of 30,000 people. >> did you think the reaction from those countries was overblown considering, yes, we do know there are risks with some vaccines? >> i was a bit surprised that so many countries decided to put pause on the administration of the vaccine, especially at a time where the disease itself is so incredibly threatening in most of those countries. again, i don't have access to any of the primary data that might have caused them to be alarm. one of the things that's been mentioned, this is a particular blood clot on the brain, called a cerebral sinus thrombosis which is less common to happen. maybe they're looking to see is this possibly connected. it seems at the present time fairly unlikely that this is something that has been in any way caused by the vaccines. let's see what ema says tomorrow. >> let the science drive it as you have long, long said and your life's work shows. director, thank you for coming on. thank you for your work. >> glad to be with you. ask me any time. >> thank you. coming up, a disturbing new report showing white supremacist propaganda has doubled in the past year. the head of the anti-defamation league coming up with what is behind this new report they have on the sharp rise in hate. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at after my dvt blood clot... i was uncertain... was another around the corner? or could things take a different turn? i 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worth waiting for. ask your doctor about eliquis. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body what's around the corner could be worth waiting for. from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good a new report from the anti-defamation league found there were more incidence of white supremacist propaganda across the country last year than ever before. according to the adl, over 5,100 cases in 2020, nearly double the year before which saw just under 3,000 reported incidents. on average, about 14 incidents were reported every day. this marks the highest number of white supremacist incidents of propaganda ever recorded. joining me is national director, jonathan greenblatt. thank you for coming in. i saw this report, so sad denning, though not surprising. i'm wondering from this, are existing hate groups more emboldened, are there more of them, a combination of both? tell me what you found. >> it's a great question. i appreciate you giving me the chance to be here today to share what we've seen. adl is the oldest anti hate group in the world. what we've seen in the past year is unlike anything we've tracked before. indeed, we saw at least 30 different hate groups spreading thousands of messages -- i'm talking about off-line activities, pamphleting, leafletting, fliers, banners, flash mobs, you name it. this happened all over the country in 49 states. the only one exempt was hawaii. we have indeed seen not only this surge over the past year, but it fits into this bigger pattern which gets to your question. these white supremacists, they don't just feel, if you will, emboldened in this environment. i will say they feel energized. you had elected officials at the highest level repeating their rhetoric, right? spreading around their scapegoats and stereotypes. it was unmistakable. there's never been a moment before in our nation's history where you had the president of the united states, when given the opportunity, told the white supremacists to, quote, stand back and stand by in a presidential debate. you had other aides orbiting around the oval office repeating these things. we should not be surprised that across the board, these groups exploited the moment and leveraged the pandemic and the fear it caused. the presidential election n the way the candidate tried to discredit our democracy, and flooded to that vacuum to spread their toxins. >> jonathan, i think we need to name it, name him. we've seen donald trump since he had taken office and throughout his term, his refusal to speak against white supremacy, his dog whistles, his bull horns appealing to these hate groups where he would ignore or feign ignorance when called out. is he the main reason behind this jump? >> i think it's fair to say that hate existed before donald trump and will persist after donald trump. white supremacy wasn't only a problem on his watch. but it is unmistakable that the willingness of his white house to credential white supremacist media to cover events. again, for him to tweet out their messages from the presidential social media feed, and on top of that, the relentless demonization of his opponents, the discrediting of institutions, delegitimizing our democracy, these fed into an environment where these people felt energized. we're still, i would say, sifting through the rubble of the wreckage of his remarks and his rhetoric, because right now we're dealing with a surge of anti-aapi hate. we're seeing it play out today in horrible and terrifying ways. >> i did want to ask you about that, following the killings in atlanta. we do not know the motive there yet. they held a press conference just moments ago and said it is too early to say what it is. regardless, we do know that the fear in the asian-american community is very real. facing hate speech and violence especially since the pandemic began, what are you seeing here? >> i think you're absolutely correct. we don't know, as you said, the shooter's motives. yet, let's acknowledge the asian-american and pacific island community has been terrorized over the past year plus since the president started talking about the wuhan flu. unlike past presidents from the republican and democratic side, instead of saying we recognize our asian-american and pacific idea lander citizens, we're part of one american family, there was none of that. there was on divisiveness. why that's important today in this moment is according to stop aapi hate, there have been 3,800 incidents of anti-asian racism, harassment, vandalism and violence over the past year. groups like asian-americans advancing justice are dealing with the impacts on the ground through their chapters across the country. so whether or not the shooter intended, the effect is still the same. there's anxiety and fear in that community. look, i'm a white jewish american, and i still stand with our asian-american brothers and sisters, because we're all in this together. an attack against them is an attack against me. >> jonathan, thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. coming up for us, president biden says president putin will pay a price after an intelligence report shows that russia tried to interfere in the 2020 election. opportunities are all about timing. so if you're turning 65 or retiring soon, it's time to take advantage of a plan that gives you more for your medicare dollar: an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. call unitedhealthcare today to get $0 copays for all primary care doctor visits, $0 copays on preventive dental, . in 2019, members saved an average of $7,200 on prescriptions. you'll even get free annual eye exams, and free designer frames. don't miss your shot. if you're turning 65 or retiring soon, learn about our wide choice of plans, including ppo options, call unitedhealthcare today. we'll walk you through your choices and find the right plan for you. catching a good opportunity is all about timing. so, enroll 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report was just released from the office of the director of national intelligence that said russia engaged in a massive disinformation campaign in 2020 and points the finger directly at vladimir putin. kylie has the details. layout for us what the report says. >> this report looks at a number of countries that were seeking to influence the u.s. election in 2020. i want to focus in on russia because the report says that russia was trying to dem agrade joe biden, and it was doing that not only to support trump but to undermine public confidence in the electoral process in the united states, to sew division in the u.s. which we have seen russia do time and time again, and this is part of their playbook. the report lays out in more details that t, a key element o moscow's strategy this election cycle was its use of proxies linked to russian intelligence including misleading or unsubstantiated allegations against president biden to u.s. media organizations, u.s. officials and prominent u.s. individuals, including some close to former president trump and his administration. so this report really does layout just how influential russia sought to be. they did not impact the vote tally or try to, but they were influential and the biden administration is saying russia will face consequences. i also want to point out on iran, the report says they sought to undercut president trump but they didn't actively seek to support biden, so that is important. then on china they thought about getting involved but didn't, that's completely at odds of what trump and his allies were saying in the final months of his administration. >> thank you for that report. we'll be right back. >> announcer: inside politics with john king, next on cnn. hello to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i am john king. there's horror and heartbreak in georgia today. a gunman kills eight people, including six asian-americans. these murders come as hate crimes against asian-americans spike across the united states, but the authorities working the case in georgia say the shooter confessed and insists race was not his motivation. >> even though we have mad

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