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time in nine months, restaurants can resume indoor dining in some parts of california, and museums, zoos and even sports stadiums can reopen for limited in-person crowds over the next few weeks. in just moments california governor gavin newsom is going to join me live to talk about his state's reopening efforts and the recall effort against him in part over his handling of the virus, but we're going to start today with cnn's nick watt in los angeles and a closer look at the push to roll back restrictions. >> bars and gyms will close effective midnight tonight. >> reporter: one year ago today california's pay area announced the first stay-home order in the land. this week a new dawn in the golden state. >> we're thrilled. we're thrilled to be back open. >> reporter: angelenos in limited numbers can now eat inside restaurants again. >> we hope that the state doesn't yank it us from again. >> reporter: some movie theaters in tinsel town reopened after 362 days. >> we've watching "tom & jerry" and, well, we know it's going to be really funny. >> reporter: meanwhile in mississippi, starting today anyone 16 or older can get a covid-19 vaccine. get your shot, friends, tweeted the governor, and let's get back to normal. moderna just injected the first children in a late-stage trial of its vaccine in the baby to 11-year-old demo. >> i think if we're going to get to 80% population immunity at some point children will need to be vaccinated. >> reporter: in part because nearly half of republicans say they won't try to get a shot. >> we've politicized mask usage which was obviously absurd and now we're politicizing vaccine, you know, taking the vaccine. it's -- it's crazy. >> reporter: something else the mayor of miami beach is worried about. mask-shy spring breakers. >> every time we open up without the mask mandate, we've had a surge that has caused more people to die. >> reporter: average new case counts are now rising in as many states as they are falling. a month ago nebraska was the one and only state where cases were climbing. the country now nearing 30 million confirmed cases. the real number of cases likely double that according to a study published today in a leading medical journal. how many more? now every time we hear a governor roll back restrictions, they say, well, we trust our people to make sensible decisions. exhibit a, the sweet butter kitchen here in los angeles, the governor says they are allowed to have people eating inside, but they say not yet. we don't think it's safe quite yet. now, listen, governor gavin newsom is getting it like all governors from all side. some people saying he hasn't been strict enough. more people saying he has been too strict. jake? >> all right, nick. thanks so much. let's take that up right now with the democratic governor of california, gavin newsom. governor newsom, thanks for joining us. you're facing a recall effort in part because of your handling of the pandemic. recall organizers say they have more than the 1.5 million signatures needed to meet tomorrow's deadline to get the recall on the ballot. i covered one of your recalls before in california, and at the end of it there was a brand-new republican governor. are you worried? >> yeah, i mean, look, we have the lowest threshold of the 19 states that allow a recall in the country and all you need is a quarter of the people that voted for donald trump getting this recall petition to the voters this november, so i'm an tis tis pating that it goes on. we're taking it very seriously. this is the sixth recall effort in just 25 months since i've been governor. this one appears because they got an extension from a judge to have the requisite signatures and absolutely we're taking it seriously. >> you've been characterizing your -- the recall supporters in a certain way. recall backers say more than 2 million people have signed the petition. you can't think all 2 million are, as you a characterize them, anti-vaxxers, qanon conspiracy theorists and anti-immigrant trump supporters, can you? >> just the lead proponents. the lead proponent -- the lead proponent of this recall effort, by the way, pre-dates the pandemic, is someone that believes we should microchip immigrants. you have people that are part of the lead coalition that started this petition that are avid proud boy members. they are part of the 3%ers, the right wing militia group. they are supporters of qanon conspiracy theorists, white supremacist groups, that's not -- that's factual. and so at the end. day that's the origins of this, and you combine that with newt gingrich and mike huckabee and devin nunes and now the rnc nationalizing this recall, time and money, you're going to get something on the sglalt what do you think of the 2 million or so californians who have signed this petition and i'm not talking about the leaders you just went after. certainly all 2 million californians who signed this aren't all trumpsters. i mean, we have interviewed people who were supporters of yours who are now supporting the recall effort in large part at least according to anecdotally from the interviews the reporters on the ground are doing because they think the measures you took were too harsh, too aggressive. >> look, i respect that. it's been a difficult year. in hindsight, you know, we're all experts. the reality it was a year ago this week california was the first state to initiate a stay-at-home order. i think we saved thousands and thousands of lives. at the end of the day though we're making progress now. i'm just at a school. 9,000 plus schools have either reopened or about to reopen. we've administered 12.6 million doses of vaccine, 464,000 just yesterday, a record amount. we're investing billions of dollars to help get our small businesses back on their feet and now 47 out of our 58 counties have reopened. there's a bright light at the end of the tunnel, but i'm deeply mindful and deeply respectful to all the anxieties that people have felt over the last year. >> it's been observed that the recall petition had only around 50,000 signatures until you infamously attended that dinner with multiple other households at that fancy restaurant, french laundry or whatever it's called, a birthday party for a lobbyist no less all while you were telling californians that they should be staying at home. so 50,000, 55,000 signatures before you had that dinner and a month later that 50,000 signatures had become something like 500,000. i know, governor, you have apologized for that dinner. you called it a mistake to go, but what i was wondering at the time, and i don't think you've answered is what on earth were you thinking? >> well, as a friend of over quarter century, his having his 50th birthday, restaurants were open in the state. i wasn't suggesting people should not eat. where i was wrong and own this and held myself to a high level of accountability, the critics, too many people at table. this petition recall was aided not just by that but aid by a judge who ultimately doubled the amount of time that they could get this recall supported, and ultimately on the ballot, and they received almost $3 million of money, some coming from different parts of the country, not just from the state of california, so at end. day it's complicated as to why this is on, but that's not determinative. >> so you don't regret going to the dinner. you regret the fact that there were too many people at the table, like would you have gone if it had been six people or something or four people? >> restaurants were open in the vast majority of the state. that was neither here nor there. i should have gotten up to left when i sat down at the table and there were too many people at the table and that was inconsistent with what i was expressing. i've made this crystal clear ad nauseum occasions. it was a mistake and i haven't made had a mislike that before or since. i own that. we're human. i've been moving on doggedly to fight every single day to get our kids back into school, get people vaccinated and get this economy moving again. >> let's talk about the economy. california's unemployment rate is the second highest in the nation right now at 9%. before the pandemic the number was at 4%. do you think that any of your covid restrictions went too far. i understand that hindsight is 2020 and we're all experts a year into it and we weren't a year ago, but looking back ton were any of your covid restrictions too tough? >> we have 1.8 positivity today, that's lower than all but three states in the country. we have lower death rates than the vast majority of death rates, much lower than places like florida and texas. i believe we've saved lives. we're led by science and held and led by data, not ideological, open argument. interested in evidence. there's no question, jake, to your point, the hospitality and leisure industry, two industries i know well as a small business person myself, have been disproportionately impact and that's been reflected in the unemployment numbers. here's the good news. we're running record reserves in the state. we're running one of the highest surpluses in our state's history. we just led the nation once again in our innovation index and our economy is going to absolutely come roaring back. you talk to me in six months, those numbers will be radically different than they are today. >> recall supporters also fault you and your administration for presiding over $30 billion in suspected unemployment fraud while obviously so many californians were suffering economically. i understand you weren't signing off on all of that, but you are in charge as the governor. this was taxpayer money, apparently billions of it going to scammers. what went wrong? do you take any responsibility for this? >> yeah, it's happened all across the united states. international rings. it deserves a lot more attention than it's getting. the difference in california, we did an audit, and we present all of the evidence. most other states have not done that by no stretch of the imagination, mark my words, what happened in california unique to california. what was unfortunate, however, is there wasn't a focus on this and it had to come out of the pandemic unemployment assistance, unemployment insurance that there was a modest amount of fraud but the poa program was novel and new and this is something that every state, most states, that is, have experienced, and -- and the difference is we got ahead of it. we've been able to push back and at least push back against $60 billion of additional fraud. we put a program in called i.d. me. this is difficult stuff and i can assure you if we don't get our arms around this today and we made it crystal clear with the biden administration through a national coordinated effort we'll see the international rings downto defraud the american people. >> you were heralding the vaccine progress you're making in california. you yourself have not gotten the vaccine. you say you want to wait your turn. i can respect that. i can't imagine the reaction if you jumped the line. but do you plan to get this vaccine, and when you do, will you show yourself taking it since hesitancy is frankly an issue all over the country, and in california it's not just the maga folks who are anti-vaxxer, but you have a bunch of liberal progressive anti-vaxxers in your home state so are you going to show yourself getting the shot? not different than most of the states, anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. i look forward to that. my turn comes up hopefully by may 1st, everybody's turn will come up by may 1st and i look forward to taking whatever vaccine isible have a. one of the vaccines i do look forward to taking to the extent that i will a choice by that time is the j&j vaccine, one shot and done. that said i think at the end of the day, politicians matter but no one matters more than peer to peer. no one matters more than someone that someone else trusts and we need to deal with hesitancy that is changing but also deal with people who are inclined not to do it, just declining the vaccines. that's a more challenging and vexing issue us a suggest and now that it's becoming more of a partisan and ideological issue as opposed to originally it was an issue based upon history of racism and ethnic and racial lines. >> and so you talked about that may 1st deadline. president biden has directed all states to open up vaccine eligibility for all americans by may 1st. some states have already done so. will you make the may 1st deadline? some states investigation seeded it. will you get there? >> we just increased the opportunities for everyone 16-67 who have certain pre-existing conditions as well as people with intellectual disabilities, and this is something we need to talk more about as well as it relates to vaccine allocations in this country, but, again, we're looking at scarcity still. 1.7 million vaccines were delivered dozed last week. we administered 2 million. our only constraint is supply, manufactured supply. as that manufactured supply over the next five, six weeks presents itself then i we can remove the limitations and hopefully we can do that before may 1st. >> you talked about schools reopening. you set the april 1st classroom for young children by offering financial incentives for schools. when do you expect most students, k-12, to return to in-person learning, and what do you see as the single most important holdup to that happening since we have seen so much science suggesting that with masks and ventilation, et cetera, there's no reason for schools to be closed. >> yeah. look, i've been a strong advocate for safely getting our kids back in person for instruction. i have four young kids myself. i've been living through zoom school and all of the challenges related to it. >> it's brutal. >> put out a detailed proposal to our legislature. it's brutal, and one has to be mindful, the social and emotional impacts, not only of the kid but the parents themselves, so we prioritized our teachers in terms of vaccines. one of the first states to do that, zo% of all of our first doses going to our educators. over 400,000 now have gotten at least one shot. we also provided 6.6 billion to deal with the issues of learning loss and to safely reopen our schools. we finally got that done. 9,000 of our 11,000 schools now either have a date or are open already for in-person instruction. we won't be satisfied until we close that gap and get all 11,000 schools open. >> governor newsom, stick around. i have more questions for you. i'm not going to let you go yet. i want to discuss senator dianne feinstein's response to some news you made about a possible replacement. stay with us. we'll be right back. plant-based surfactants like the ones in seventh generation detergent trap stains at the molecular level and flush them away. it's just science! just... science. seventh generation tackles stains. we're back with our politics lead and continuing our conversation with democratic governor gavin newsom of california. governor, thanks so much for staying with us. just one more question on the schools issue. the what is the reason that they are not open? is it because you haven't been able or the school districts haven't been able to provide the mitigation efforts with the masks and the ventilation? is it because of teachers very understandable fears that they are going to get coronavirus even if it doesn't hit kids as much and their unions are standing up for them and in some -- in the view of some people preventing this from happening? like, what's the biggest impediment? >> yeah, i think it's a combination of all of those factors. just consider the size, scope and scale of california. we have a thousand plus school districts, 11,000 schools in the state, unlike any other state in the united states and each and every circumstance, each district you have unique challenges and criteria of things you need to overcome, fear, doubt, anxiety. people are obviously concerned, not only teachers are concerned, but custodial staff is concerned, and obviously parents are still concerned, but, look, we provided three months of free ppe. put up $6.6 billion to address learning loss issues related to ventilation. we were the first state in america to get a waiver from the federal government just recently to provide testing through medicaid, through our medical system and prioritized our teachers 10% priority off the top for teachers to get vaccinated as well as educators. we think we're overcoming it. it's like a muscle. people have to start the small cohorts pre--k to 2 and forgive me to extending this. here's the critical point. we gave them man to reimagine the school year and continue the prospects of looking into the summer a little bit differently and moving away from the calendar and looking at the school day differently. we give them flexibility and resources. you add that to 16 billion coming from the federal government. i'm confident you're going to see things move pretty quickly here. >> i hope so because as you know the emotional and psychological damage, the kids that are dropping out of school all together because of remote education section acting its own health toll. i want to talk about the situation on the border. there are more than 4,000in accompanied my grant children in border patrol facilities. i'm not sure how much this is affecting california versus other border states. do you consider this a crisis? >> it's going to become one unless we address it head on. a few weeks ago i put $30 million in emergency appropriation because we started to see activity on our board earning the southern border here in california, and while it's impacted, you're right. texas disproportionately, we anticipating it impacting our bothered and we want to get ahead of it. here's what we got ahead of and here's what i consider to be concerned about, is not only providing for safe accommodations for these asylum seekers, but we have a lot of people that weren't getting tested and those that were being tested positive weren't getting isolated or karen teed so we put up state money to provide to jewish family services, catholic charities and other non-profits, wrap-around services and accommodations. we'll do everything we can with an open hand, not a closed fist, to support the biden administration. we're pleased to see them moving with fema who are experts in logistics and can help at least temporarily with the accommodations. there's $100 million coming from the next stimulus. that should help, but it won't be enough i think to ultimately address what will be a mounting challenge through the summer, and so we are looking forward to engaging the administration more collaboratively and closely, but this is a serious issue and it's not a partisan issue. we have to address it head-on. >> there's the increase in unaccompanied minors in the san diego sector, it's up something like 64% in the last year. the how much do you think this is because there's a new administration with more lenient border and immigration policies? how much is just because of the human rights crisis going on in central america? what more does the biden administration need do? i remember during the obama years the secretary of department of homeland security jeh johnson flew down to the triangle countries and said stop letting these people come to our country. we can't handle it. it's a crisis. these people obviously fleeing poverty and fleeing human rights issues, and fleeing violence in many cases but he tried to keep it down there with aid, with other efforts. what does biden need to do? >> i did the same thing. i flew down to el salvador to make the same case, and at the end of the day you've got to deal with root causes, issues related to the northern triangle and to start re-engage and reinvest in that area. by the way, when i was down there we saw china investing extraordinary amounts of money for geopolitical benefit for other benefits and i think we also should be mindful of that from an international perspective but from a humanitarian perspective we have a lot of work to do but nothing more impactful or important than that illusory thing called comprehensive immigration reform. we're as dumb as we want to be as a nation and i could care less who the heck is to blame. we have to infor the responsibility. no more theatrics at the border and no morphinger pointing. we have to deal with the root cause at the same time that we have to deal with the situational challenge that persists six weeks into a new administration. at the end of the day, jake, i'm not interested in, again, to assign blame, but the reality is i think it was inevitable coming from the last administration in particular to a new administration that we were going to see this kind of increase, and we're all going to take responsibility to do more manned do better but none more smorn in terms of that responsibility than congress to get off the dime and get serious about putting bill together that has bipartisan support. >> well, president biden obviously presides over a democratic white house and has a democratic house and senate so he really could take the lead in such an effort. do you think he needs to? do you think as part that have he need to visit the border? he says today he doesn't have any plans to. >> well, he has a plan for comprehensive immigration reform and laid that out. two bills pending in congress, one on farm workers and dreamers. that should be low-hanging fruit for folks to move those forward so i think he's shown demonstrable leadership. in the six weeks that he's been president, i've talked to the vice president, i've talked to members of his administration. for four years we didn't hear from the trump administration except through the court of law and the court of public opinion in terms of some of the rhetoric that was hot and he have, but at the end of the day i have confidence in this administration. their approach, but the moment we're in, it's challenging, and i can assure you this. they have to take it -- i know they are taking it very, very seriously because i don't see this getting better in the short run. i see it getting much more challenging, not just for texas, arizona, california included over the course of the next few months >> you made some news last night. you said you would nominate a black woman to fill senator dianne feinstein's seat if she were to retire from the senate ahead of schedule, ahead of the end of her term. now say feinstein should stay in the senate and feinstein says she has no plans to leave, so given that, why did you tell msnbc that you had multiple names in mind to fill the seat given the fact that she doesn't plan on leaving that seat? >> jake, i did something that in politics everyone wants you to do but you're not supposed to do and i directly answered a question. it was a yes/no question at the end of a segment and the question was if she resigned, would you commit, and i said if, yes, i would, and so that led to this. if i was given a little bit more time and maybe i'll take advantage of it here, i would make this point. in anyone knows california politics they know the relationship that i have with senator feinstein going back to when i was a young child growing up in san francisco. she was an extraordinary mayor, extraordinary california -- san francisco supervisor and she's been a mentor of mine, not just a friend and i say that. when politicians talk about friends, you roll your eyes. she's a friend. i have enormous respect for her. she's not going anywhere. i talk to her all the time but in the context of that question about a hypothetical, yeah, i answered it, and i stick by my answer, but i have all the confidence in the world that i'll never have to make that decision. >> democratic governor andrew cuomo of new york who is the chairman of the national governors association rights now, he's facing multiple sexual harassment allegations as well as criticism over his handling of covid-19 deaths in state nursing homes. senate majority leader chuck schumer, senator kirsten gillibrand, i think something like 16 out of 19 house democrats from new york, they are all calling for him to resign, impeachment proceedings or impeachment investigations are beginning in the state legislature. i'm sure you've heard the firsthand descriptions of his behavior. there was a cbs interview with a 25-year-old former staffer charlotte bennett and he hasn't denied this. he asked her as a survivor of sexual assault if she was capable of intimacy. that -- these are the kind of questions i don't ask younger staffers on my staff. >> yeah. >> of course. >> does that sound like -- textbook sexual harassment to you, or do you not believe her? >> no. i didn't like anything i heard, not just in that interview but from many of the accusers. you know, one just has to applaud those victims, those that are accusing the governor of these acts. you've got to applaud them for their courage in doing so because they open themselves up to the conversation that we're having here at the moment, so i applaud them for that. they have the right to be heard and more importantly the government and everybody else has a responsibility to advance this truth and that's what this independent investigation should advance. on that basis that is what we're looking forward to. no one liked anything they heard and our hearts go out to each and every one of the victims. this is serious. i'm 3,000 away. i don't understand the domestic politics within new york that many of the people you just examled do that relates to should he or should he not resign? let's get to the facts and the bottom of this. >> finally, governor, if you survive this recall effort, are you going to run for re-election, are you going to run for president? what's next? >> no. i'm looking forward to defeating this recall, getting more shots in people's arms, getting this economy roaring again and watch, mark my word, california's economy is going to come roaring back and, yes, i do have a few months after we defeat this recall which i intend to do a primary and then a re-election which proves why this recall is such a waste of time and, yes, money, because there's an election just a few months after. >> all right. democratic governor gavin newsom, you took more questions from me than trump and cuomo have in four years. appreciate it. >> great to be with you, jake. >> good to see you. coming up a brand new intelligence report out on russia and 20920 election. we'll tell what you russia and other countries did this time. stay with us. i took out this personal loan with sofi and it significantly helped me lower the amount of interest i was paying. sofi helped me pay off $23,000 of credit card debt. and i just couldn't have done it without them. ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ karma-karma-karma- karma-karma chameleon ♪ ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ you come and go-o-o ♪ ♪ loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams ♪ ♪ red, gold -- ♪ [ tires screech ] [ crickets chirping ] for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. ♪ karma-karma-karma-karma-karma chameleon... ♪ we're back with our politics lead. moments ago president joe biden made his first stop on what the house is billing as the help is here tour, visiting a small business in chester, pennsylvania as part of his effort to highlight the popularity and to try to increase the popularity of the almost $2 trillion covid relief bill. this afternoon biden also said he has no plans to visit the southern border despite a migrant crisis getting worse by the day and a chorus of democrats and republicans pushing him for action now as cnn's kaitlan collins reports from delaware county. >> reporter: president biden is taking his sales pitch to pennsylvania. >> is there anything else we can be doing? >> reporter: at a small business in the city of chester, biden kicked off his coronavirus relief bill road show designed to build support for the nearly $2 trillion package that republicans voted for. >> you really made it work and more help is on the way for real. >> reporter: biden and his top aides will appear in multiple battleground states this week as they try to convince americans that further spending and possible tax increases are necessary next steps to rebuilding. >> we have to prove to the american people that their government can deliver for them. >> reporter: one place biden doesn't plan to visit for now, the u.s. southern border. >> do you have plans to travel to the southern border, sir? >> not at the moment. >> the president is facing new scrutiny as thousands of migrant children are stuck in border patrols facilities while his administration scrambles to find room for them. >> we are building the capacity to address the needs of those children when they arriving, but we are also critically sending an important message that now is not the time to come to the border. >> reporter: department homeland security secretary mayorkas says the u.s. is now on pace tone counter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years. top immigration officials blame smugglers for taking advantage of biden's pledge to reverse trump's anti-immigrant policies. >> they are exploiting people's hope and desperation. >> but even mexico's leader says biden is viewed as the, quote, migrant president. >> it's not the way we would put it. it's a more humane system, but it is not open borders. >> reporter: republicans are flocking to the border to blame biden for the recent surge, but he's also coming under fire from members of his own party. >> it has to be a strong message because with all due respect the administration's message is not coming through. that's the reality of it. >> reporter: and, jake, the president is still on the ground here, and we did just get some news from the white house that he is going to hold his first solo press conference next thursday. of course, that is later than some of his predecessors, several of his predecessors talley when they held their first press conferences upon taking office but he'll take questions in a formal setting from reporters in a little over a week from today. >> kaitlan collins, get busy writing the questions. you've got 11 days. thanks so much for being with us today. in our politics lead the office of director of national intelligence has declared that russia attempted to undermine biden's chances of winning the 2020 election. the declassified assessment found that russia's efforts were found at denigrating biden's candidacy and supporting president trump undermining public confidence in the electoral process and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the u.s. the department of homeland state in a statement while russian and chinese and iranian affiliated actors did impact security on some election networks there is no evidence, they say that, they manipulated the actual election results. more countries in europe suspend astrazeneca vaccine doses which could have consequences here in the u.s. even before it's been approved here. stay with us. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at in our health lead today the list of countries considering halting use of the at super-ga vaccine continues to grow over reports of a small number of patients developing blood clots after receiving the shot. more than a dod countries in europe have paused vaccinations despite the world health organization and the european medicine's agency saying there is no evidence of a link between the astrazeneca vaccine and blood cots. cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta joins me now. do you think whatever issue there is with the astrazeneca advantages own, whether or not it's legit, do you think that's going to worsen hesitancy for vaccines overall? >> well, it might, jake, and, i mean, it might worsen hesitancy for this particular vaccine if and when it gets authorization here in the country and the united states as well. the u.s. medical association is having this meeting on thursday, sort of an emergency meeting. i think they need a pretty concludesive statement coming out of that. i thrill light now there's been a lot of sort of people drawing these correlations without any real evidence. you have 17 million people who have been vaccinated. about 30 people have developed these clotting problems which is roughly what just sort of the population develop in clotting problems even without the vaccine. they have to investigate it. our antenna is high looking for an adverse effect and then you find something. what does this mean? is it related or not? they need to answer that question quickly and hopefully that will not fuel any hesitancy. >> as it said, correlation is not causation. it might just happen. >> right. >> it might not be connected. we could see results from the astrazeneca u.s. trials very soon which means the fda could vote on emergency use authorization in the weeks ahead for astrazeneca. could that be derailed by what's happening globally? >> i think this will come up in the conversations. you remember the way this works is first of all no one other than the independent data monitoring safety board is seeing the data initially and then when they say they have enough of the data including safety data then it gets presented to the f-gay and that's the first time we typically hear about how effective this is and any kinds of concerns abouts a verse effects. with pfizer there was a concern about allergic reactions, and that got discussed at a subsequent fda advisory committee so it will come up. i know that for sure. i can guarantee that. the fda advisory committee may say not an issue. we don't think there's an association here at all or they may say, look, if you've had a history of clotting problems and x, y, z, have you to do the following things. we'll see. but, again, jake, this may be nothing. there may be no relationship to these clotting problems. it's just something incidentally found. >> and the people who had the allergic reactions and it's reversible and after people get the shot they sit and wait in the waiting room to make sure that they don't have that and need to be fixed, whatever they have. the cdc is warning that it the uk variant of the coronavirus could be the dominant strain in the u.s. in just a matter of weeks, and a new study found risk of death from that variant is about 55% more than death from other strains. how concerned are you about the surge of this uk variant? >> well, it's really interesting. we've been following this closely now for some time as you know, jake, and there are states where you see a -- certainly an increase in the variant. i mean, the variants becoming more dominant. florida, for example, the variant is more dominant but we've not seen a corresponding increase in cases so i don't think if the variant becomes more dominant that it will definitely lead to more cases, but, you know, you've got to be prepared for that possibility, and right now across the country 15 states have actually had at least a 10% increase in cases. is that variant-driven, or is there something else going on? we have to sort of figure that out, but i do think out of the two things, the transmissibility versus lethality, it's still transmissibility that's of larger concern. we can show you the numbers, but basically if something is 50% more lethal versus 50% more contamious. if it's 50% more contagious it's likely to spread to more people and as result be -- cause 11.4 times more deaths, that's from being more contablious. that's the concern. you know, we have 11%, 12% of the country vaccinated, so that still means that 88% of the country is not and we have to make sure that this variant isn't affecting them. >> got to get shots into arms. dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much. appreciate it. the push to make it harder to vote in the u.s. is growing. at least 250 bills in 43 states and voting rights advocates have a nickname for this effort. that's next. 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>> no. they would be trying to expand and enhance the laws that are on the book right now. that's an obvious question. listen, you answered it in your introduction when you said it was a big lie. this is all a big lie, this whole election integrity thing. it's a lie. if donald trump had won, republicans had done better in these places, republicans overall did better. trump is the one that actually didn't do very well. they would be trying to enhance these bills. simple as that. >> the republican governor of texas greg abbott defended his support for changing some of these laws. take a listen. >> we must have trust and confidence in elections and one way to do that is to make sure that we've reduced the potential for voter fraud in our elections, but the fact is election fraud does occur. >> it does occur in small doses here and there. nothing to change an election. i have to say the biggest most significant case of voter fraud that you and i have covered in the last few years was that republican operative in north carolina which required an entirely new congressional election. >> yeah. >> and it was on the republican side. >> yeah. >> he says, you know, he wants to enhance voter integrity, what have you. you know what the best way to do that, jake, is top lying to the american public about voter fraud. that's the best way to do it. listen, 17 million registered voters in texas. texas attorney general just spent 22,000 hours, i'm sure you know this, looking at voter fraud. you know what they came up with, 16 cases of false addresses on registration forms, not people who had actually vote, and they are spending all of this time trying to prove that. what they should be doing is continuing what they did the last time and allowing as many people to vote as possible to take part in the electoral process. that's what they should be doing. >> us a pointed out that ended up working really, really well for almost every republican running in the kun tricks september for donald trump. let's turn to your book "in the fire." you say we live in a system of while supremacy and i'm talking about the innocuous mashed potato racism we go every day without chewing. it goes down easy until you notice it's full of broken glass. what do you say to your friends about racism? do you try to call out every blatant example? >> i don't -- because i don't think every exam s&l blatant. i think that people are imperfect, right. no one is perfect and people make mistakes and i think people should be allowed to do that in conversation and especially in relationships, and that's why the subtitle of the seabrook "what i say to my friends about racism" because i think we all need friends who don't look like us. we all need to do the work. now in this book, jake, i don't let people off the hook. accountability is very important, but it's also important to give people a space to be able to talk about these things. it's not up to black people to teach white people about racism. but it is up to all of us to engage in a conversation with people we know or people we should know or want to know, but, yes, it is about the mashed potato racism that happens every day without us even knowing it, and i think it's important for us to learn about that and to point it out when we do see it. >> so to me the most poignant moment in your book, and it's full of all sorts of emotional and provocative stories about southern history, about your family, but -- but to meet one that really -- that really just got me, you and your mother traveled to ghana to explore your roots. this is part of a thing cnn did a few years ago with ancestry.come, and obviously your family was taken in chains out of ghana, and there's a time when you guys, you and your mom are driving and you notice some kids playing in the ocean in a very carefree way, and then something hit you about that moment. tell us about that. >> well, i wondered if i was still there if i would be as carefree as those children, and i wondered about my experiences in america, had it given me a paranoia and that the -- those -- and -- and a lack of authenticity that those children had in that ocean, and in a way i envied them because they didn't have a care, didn't seem to have a care in the world and they did not know as we talked about just moments ago the mashed potato racism that we swallow every day until we realize it's filled with broken glass. even though those kids did not have the means that my mother and i have, they did not know the world and i the way my mother and i know but they don't know the racism and bigotry that comes from white supremacy in america and in a way i envy them for that. >> yeah. it was a really provocative moment. thank you so much, don lemon. the new book is called "this is fire, what i say to my friends about racism." it's out today. i just tweeted a link. don lemon -- >> i'm going to hire you, jake, as a book publisher. >> 2% is all i want. >> really appreciate, it jake. and i appreciate the conversations that we have about race and other things as well. thank you. >> always, buddy. >> follow me on facebook, ingram and tweet the show at cnnthe lead. our coverage continues on cnn right now. ♪ >> welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." we're following a landmark u.s. intelligence community briefing, a report giving the most comprehensive assessment yet of foreign threats to the 2020 presidential election here in the united states. it concludes that russia once again interfered in the race for the white house, this time trying to get former president trump re-elected by denigrating joe bid

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, Et Cetera , Teachers , Terms , Parents , Proposal , Legislature , Impacts , Kid , Issues , Educators , Learning Loss , Zo , 6 Billion , 400000 , Gap , Stick Around , Done , 11000 , Questions , Senator Feinstein , Stay , Response , Replacement , Generation , Surfactants , Trap Stains , Ones , Detergent , Stains , Conversation , Politics , Lead , Democratic , You Haven T , School Districts Haven T , Some , Coronavirus , Efforts , Fears , View , Mitigation , Unions , Doesn T Hit Kids , Thousand Plus , Factors , Impediment , Combination , Size , Scope , Scale , A Thousand , Things , Challenges , District , Criteria , Anxiety , Circumstance , Doubt , Fear , Staff , Ppe , 6 Billion , System , Government , Medicaid , Waiver , Top , Priority , Testing , 10 , Muscle , Cohorts Pre , 2 , Critical Point , Calendar , Prospects , Resources , Flexibility , 16 Billion , Damage , Education Section , Southern Border , Crisis , Border States , Situation , Facilities , My Grant Children , Health Toll , 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