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>> announcer: live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with robyn curnow. despite condemnations from the u.n. and major world powers, myanmar's military crackdown on protesters is only getting bloodier and more dangerous. a human rights group says as least 38 demonstrators were killed on sunday. it is the deadliest day so far since last month's coup. and there could be more deaths we just don't know about. the military junta has now declared martial law in six districts of yang orngs which is myanmar's largest city. i want to go straight to our paula hancocks who's been monitoring all of these latest developments and of course this increase in violence on the streets against protesters. what more can you tell us? hi, paula. >> reporter: well, robyn, it's very clear to everybody that the level of force that security forces are now using against protesters is increasing. it is definitely on the rise. as you say, yesterday being the deadliest day so far that we know of since the february 1st coup. the aaap, which is an ngo which is trying to keep a tally of how many people have lost their lives say at least 126 have died since february 1st at this point. but activists and the ngo itself say that that number could actually be a lot higher. it is very difficult to keep a running tally of the deaths at this point. hundreds have been injured. well over 2,100 according to aapp have been arrested, charged or sentenced. so the level of violence that we are seeing on the streets of myanmar is undoubtedly increasing. as is the criticism that the international community is leveling at myanmar. but at this point the military leadership seems completely unmoved by any international condemnation. we have, though, heard from the u.n. special rapporteur for human rights. he tweeted "junta leaders don't belong in power. they belong behind bars." lights u.n. special envoy saying that she had heard from contacts in myanmar about "heartbreaking accounts of killings, mistreatment of demonstrators and torture of prisoners over the weekend." but as i say, the level of international condemnation may be increasing but it is not moving the military leadership to do anything different to what it has been doing at this point. certainly action rather than just words is being called for by many countries. robyn? >> paula hancocks there. thanks for that update there. we'll continue to monitor this moving story. thank you. so covid vaccinations are ramping up across the u.s. and after a year of troubling milestones it's a promising sign in the fight against the virus. now, the cdc says more than 107 million vaccine doses have been administered across the u.s. so far. nearly 6 million doses were administered just over the past weekend. that's an 11% jump from the weekend before. but the u.s. is still in a very vulnerable place even though nearly 37 million americans are now fully vaccinated. dr. anthony fauci says the virus is still spreading and is urging americans to keep up their guard and to continue safety measures if we want life to get back to normal as soon as possible. >> by the time we get into the early summer, the 4th of july weekend, we really will have a considerable degree of normality, but we don't want to let that escape from our grasp by being too precipitous in pulling back. >> now, apparently, crowds departing for spring break haven't received that message as you can see from these images. these are out of florida, miami. beaches are packed. as you can see, not a mass nic sight. here's joe johns with more on that. >> reporter: spring break in south florida where college students might not be the only ones hitting the beaches. experts fear covid-19 and variants of the virus are coming too. as the decline in cases across the country starts to level off. >> even though the numbers have gone down, over the last couple of weeks they've plateaued. and when you see a plateau at a level as high as 60,000 cases a day, that is a vulnerable time to have a surge to go back up. >> reporter: adding to the concern, air travel is setting pandemic records. more than 1.3 million people screened at airports on friday. the highest number since march 15th last year. but it's not just spring breakers causing concern. in arkansas the republican governor says there's trouble in his state with loyal followers of the last president, who don't want to get vaccinated. >> we are seeing that problem. and the poll numbers are troubling because in arkansas it's a very pro-trump state in terms of the last election. and so we see that resistance whenever we are opening up eligibility for the vaccine. we're moving through it very quickly because we're not having everybody sign up to take it. >> reporter: if you think it's just arkansas, you'd be wrong. only 50% of republicans say they've gotten a dose of the vaccine or plan to get one, according to a new cnn poll. for the record, then president donald trump himself quietly got the shot before he left office. maryland's republican governor says trump's failure to participate in the joint covid messaging campaign didn't help. but -- >> you can't pin all of it on him. there's a lot of disinformation campaigns out there from the right and the left. a lot of people who are vaccine hesitant. we're doing everything we can to overcome that with public information spots. >> reporter: though governor larry hogan is defending his own decision as of this weekend to relax capacity restrictions at bars, restaurants, gyms and other businesses. while keeping in place social distancing and face covering requirements. which was the message of the day from the current president on twitter, encouraging americans to keep masking, social distancing and washing hands. on cnn today dr. anthony fauci suggested some cdc recommendations on travel and the workplace could be revised soon as more people get vaccinated. >> they just want to make sure that they get it right. >> reporter: the good news is that across the country there are signs that for now people are still keeping their guard up. st. patrick's day parades in many major cities have been canceled this year, though a bit of the tradition survives as the city of chicago once again dyed the river green. and a bit more good news. as of the weekend, 107 million doses of vaccine had been administered in the united states. 69 million people have gotten at least one shot. joe johns, cnn, washington. and the netherlands and ireland are joining a growing list of countries pausing the use of astrazeneca's covid vaccine after reports of blood clots and other possible side effects. but astrazeneca says its analysis shows no evidence of an increased risk in vaccine recipients. cyril vanier has the latest on that. cyril. >> reporter: more than a third of european countries have now partially or fully suspended astrazeneca vaccinations. after a report from the norwegian health authority of patients developing blood clots after inoculation. concerns have been emerging throughout the week. eu countries reported three deaths and multiple incidents. a 49-year-old woman in austria died as a result of blood coagulation. and several countries then banned that particular batch of astrazeneca doses. then denmark went a step further, suspending its entire astrazeneca rollout for two weeks after a vaccine recipient died of a blood clot. norway and iceland immediately followed suit. it is important to note that those countries acknowledge there is no proof the incidents are connected to the vaccines. but they do want more information. meanwhile, a majority of european countries including germany, spain, and france among others are preegd with the rollout. astrazeneca responded that data from more than 10 million vaccine recipients shows no evidence of increased risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis for any age group, gender or country. and the european medicines agency seems to agree and says that the number of such events in vaccinated people is no higher than in the general population. the e.m.a. is investigating the incidents but advises that in the meantime vaccines can continue to be used. cyril vanier, cnn, london. and italy is imposing new restrictions starting monday as covid cases there continue to rise. and the entire country will actually be considered a red zone and will be under lockdown during the upcoming easter weekend. here's delia gallagher with more on that. delia. >> reporter: italians are preparing once again to head into lockdown starting on monday. half of italy's 20 regions including cities like rome, milan, and venice will be on full lockdown. easter weekend will ee see a national lockdown. although italy's hospitals are still able to manage, we are not in an emergency situation. they are seeing their daily case numbers rise. the latest case count was just under 26,000 cases daily. that is a record since november. and they are particularly concerned about the presence of variants which increase the rate of transmission. so the prime minister, mario draghi, said on friday that these measures are necessary to avoid a further deterioration of the situation. prime minister draghi is also promising to accelerate and expand the vaccination program. italy got off to a slow start, like many european countries. they are now vaccinating about 170,000 people a day. the prime minister saying he wants to increase that to 500,000 a day. the covid commissioner saying this weekend that the plan is going to be helped by the fact that italy now has approved the johnson & johnson vaccine, which only requires one dose. so that should enable them to reach their goal, they say, of vaccinating all italian adults by the summer. delia gallagher, cnn, rome. >> thanks, delia, for that. to hong kong now and fears that a fifth wave of the pandemic could be descending on the city. and the government is locking down 11 residential buildings as new cases emerge. residents will not be allowed to leave and must undergo mandatory covid testing. let's go straight to hong kong. will ripley joins us now to tell us more about these 11 buildings and the folks inside them who were surprised by a knock on the door. >> reporter: yeah, it was surprising not because it hasn't happened here in hong kong, because it has in more densely populated lower-income neighborhoods. but we are now in the heart of central hong kong. the rent is high. and people here have almost had this feeling of immunity from the pandemic. they felt kind of separated from the front lines until this weekend when for the first time hundreds of health workers and police cordoned off entire neighborhoods in this area of hong kong where i'm standing and also in the mid levels. and people were taken by surprise when health officials in hazmat suits knocked on their doors, told them they had to line up for mandatory covid testing and stay locked down in their apartments until the results came in. this is all happening, robyn, after a cluster of cases, a superspreader event occurred at a gym not too far from where i'm standing right now. a gym frequented mostly by foreigners. at least 100 cases and possibly more are linked to this one fitness center and then hundreds more people in close contact with the infected have been sent to mandatory government quarantine camp, some of them with young children sparking concerns about the mental health of these young people who are kind of being uprooted from their homes and having to spend the next two weeks isolated in a single room perhaps with just one of their parents with only -- the only contact with the outside world being a knock on the door for three meals a day. but that is the reality of hong kong's current covid situation as they try to get a grip on this potential fifth wave of the virus which despite three weeks of mandatory quarantine for many incoming travelers and this 14 days of mandatory isolation for close contacts has not managed to completely stave off the wave of infection that's this city is seeing once again, robyn. >> okay. live there in hong kong, will ripley. thanks so much. good to see you. so coming up on cnn, the toll of ten years of war on a generation of children in syria. that's next. when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. my cat really needs me right now. y'know, i'm trying to be less popular these days. now? i use differin gel. take the 90-day challenge now and you'll get consistently clear skin too. do things differin. itchy? scratchy? family not getting clean? get new charmin ultra strong. and you'll get consistently clear skin too. it just cleans better, so your family can use less. hello clean bottom! enjoy the go with charmin. ♪ for every idea out there, that gets the love it should ♪ ♪ there are 5 more that don't succeed ♪ ♪ and so are lost for good ♪ ♪ and some of them are pretty flawed ♪ ♪ and some of them are slightly odd ♪ ♪ but many are small businesses 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squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum... and caked-on grease from oven doors. now mr. clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. they're perfect for icky messes on stovetops... in microwaves... and all over the house. for an amazing clean, try mr. clean magic eraser, and mr. clean magic eraser sheets. hi, i'm a new customer and i want your best new smartphone deal. well i'm an existing customer and i'd like your best new smartphone deal. oh do ya? actually it's for both new and existing customers. i feel silly. but i do want the fastest 5g network. oh i want the fastest 5g network. are we actually doing this again? it's not complicated. only at&t gives everyone the same great deal. like the samsung galaxy s21 5g for free when you trade in. did you know that febreze air effects uses 100% natural propellant? cheaper aerosols use artificial propellants. that's why febreze works differently. plus, it eliminates odors with a water-based formula and no dyes. for freshness you'll enjoy. so ten years ago a series of peaceful pro-democracy protests against syrian president bashar al assad turned into a civil war that continues to this day. pope francis called it one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. this past sunday appealed for a sliver of hope for the devastated country. the syrian observatory for human rights estimates around 600,000 people have been killed in the war. the u.n. says more than 5.5 million have fled. more than 6 million people are internally displaced. now, the u.n. secretary general says syria may not be capturing much of the world's attention right now but that doesn't mean the suffering has ended. take a listen. >> after a decade of conflict in the middle of a global pandemic and faced with a steady stream of new crises, syria has fallen off the front page. and yet the situation remains a living nightmare. >> now, nowhere is the crushing toll of the war more heartbreaking than on syria's children. many have known nothing but war for their entire lives, and their children -- their childhood has been defined by fear, by loss, and by trauma. here's arwa damon with that story. >> translator: what do i do? use a bucket of water? a blanket? i tried using my hands like this to put out the flames. i couldn't. on my son's body was a ball of fire. sultan was playing on his bike when a rocket blew up fuel canisters nearby. an ambulance brought sultan to turkey. he and his mother have been there ever since. this is the last photo of sultan before the airstrike. no, you are not ugly. you are beautiful, amar constantly tells him. sultan has an utterly disarming smile with eyes that fluctuate between sparkling like a 10-year-old's should but at times darken as his past sets in. he has these nightmares where he's on fire, his whole body's on fire, even his eyes are on fire and he wakes up screaming, screaming for his mother to put out the flames. sultan is as old as syria's war itself, a life that carries the emotional and physical scars of a nation. when he was 5, his baby brother was killed in a bombing. when sultan was 6, his father died in a strike on the market. this is where sultan was born into unimaginable violence where he lost so much. a gray dusty town of childhood laughter stolen by war. nenad's family did not know that mines were daisy chained along the wall of her home. her grandfather shows us where the first one went off. she was swinging off the door with her siblings and then all of a sudden there was an explosion from a mine right there. she lost her left leg under the knee. she has a prosthetic now. she says her father disappeared a decade ago at the start of syria's war. she tells us he was blindfolded and she was thrown to the ground in a forest. it's the longest sentence she speaks. mostly she gives one-word answers or falls silent. her grandfather says he feels like she's just gone blank. she doesn't dream of a life without war because she can't even imagine it. it's been over a year since we were last here, covering russia and the syrian regime's most intense assault on what remained of rebel-held territory. there's been a ceasefire in place since then that has been relatively speaking holding. covid-19 peaked here late last year. now icu beds are mostly empty. it's all sandbagged underneath here just in case there's more bombing that resumes. this is a pediatric hospital, one of the few that remains intact. sayed is 2 1/2 months old and severely underweight. they've seen a threefold increase in malnutrition cases in this clinic alone. for a number of reasons. years of bombing and displacement leading to greater poverty and then further fueled by covid-19 border closures and humanitarian aid slowing down. we pass ramshackle camps. with each bombardment more of them blotted the countryside. a decade, for so many a lifetime of compounded trauma. the past permeates everything. for most there's not a month, a week that goes by that isn't the anniversary of the death of someone they loved. perhaps all that is left to save are the shreds of innocence of a scarred generation. arwa damon, cnn, idlib, syria. >> thank you to arwa for that powerful story. now, more than 4,000 unaccompanied migrant children are now in the custody of the u.s. border patrol. that's higher than last week's record, and it comes as a growing number of migrants are arriving at the u.s. border each day. authorities so far struggled to keep up with the influx. often they've been forced to leave the kids inside border facilities instead of moving them to safer shelters as required. the secretary of homeland security says he's sending federal teams to help with the process. and coming up on cnn, outrage from london protesters after a vigil for a murder ends in mayhem. that plus what british leaders are doing to address violence against women. that story after the break. also, clinging to power. new york governor andrew cuomo is under increasing pressure to resign including from members of his own party. coming up, president joe biden weighs in. at jackson hewitt, we offer safe and easy ways to file with a skilled tax pro. securely drop off your documents, have them picked up, or upload them, and work with a tax pro online from home. something great from mr. clean.e that work around you. stop struggling to clean tougho messes with sprays.e from home. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. and it's great for bathrooms! just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. it even works on stainless steel. it cuts through 100% of dirt, grease and grime. available with easy-to-swap refills. to get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. clean. each febreze car vent clip gives you up to 30 days of fresh air. so, you can have open window freshness... even with all the windows up. enjoy fresh, any time, with febreze. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. great to have you along this hour. it's 27 minutes past the hour. i'm robyn curnow live from cnn's world news headquarters here in atlanta. so outrage is growing in london at the police response to saturday's vigil for murder victim sarah everard. i want to show you the scene in parliament square. take a look at this. [ crowd chanting "how many more" ] >> the crowd there chanding "how many more". they also chanted "shame on you" to denounce the aggressive reaction to the vigil for everard. police broke it up on the grounds that it posed coronavirus dangers. meanwhile, protesters also gathered outside police headquarters on sunday. some are calling for the police chief to resign. and then later on today british prime minister boris johnson will be leading a special task force discussion on how to protect women from harassment and violence. the everard murder has reignited conversations about crimes against women and girls. nina dos santos has more from london. >> reporter: they gathered illegally outside of the headquarters of the very organization which had stopped them from holding a vigil to express their anger a day earlier. from there they moved on to parliament. taking a message that they had tried to express peacefully in a south london suburb all the way to the makers and enforcers of the country's laws. the upswell of indignation started less than two weeks ago after a young woman, sarah everard, was allegedly kidnapped while walking home in the dark and later found dead. the vigil for her highlighting many women's fears for their safety was aggressively dispersed by officers from the very force that the man charged with her murder served on. >> shame on you! shame on you! >> i think so many people have been told to keep up appearances and to shut their voices off so they don't anger people. but without the anger and without talking about it nothing can change. >> reporter: the metropolitan police said they hadn't wanted to break up the demonstrations but felt the need to protect people from the pandemic, which has left large gatherings banned for much of the past year. the women who had originally planned saturday's event said that things could have been different had the police allowed a safe moment's silence to take place. >> we were going to have covid marches. we were going to keep distancing. and we offered the police quite a few alternatives including staggered times so there wouldn't be a congregation at the same time all together. but we clearly were forced to cancel and we saw what happened. and this week of all weeks they should have understood that women needed a safe place to mourn and show solidarity. >> reporter: london's mayor called the met's handling of the vigil completely unacceptable. the home secretary ordered a review. but scotland yard's first ever female commissioner says she's not stepping down. >> i fully understand the strength of feeling, i think, as a woman. and hearing from people about their experiences in the past. indeed, if it had been lawful i'd have been there. >> reporter: the police's heavy-handed attempts to try and disperse crowds seems only to have prompted more people to come and lay floral tributes and to stand up for women's safety. peaceful mourning continues despite covid regulations. yet on saturday night this local landmark was the scene of ugly clashes as officers handcuffed women and pinned them down. >> i really think they should have been here in a much more supportive role. >> i appreciate so many people come to pay their respect and everything. yet on another hand this not so good so many people gathering during the epidemic and everything. >> reporter: to the many paying their respects emotions were no less raw as the weekend drew to a close. >> we're all the same age as sarah. she worked in my company. we live two minutes from here. so i think we're all -- >> we're all feeling very unsafe. >> i think it brought to the surface a lot of issues we may have buried before. >> buried, yeah. >> and that we've all been exposed to. and it's just -- i think we've said we've let a lot of things slip for too long. and suddenly -- >> yeah, we're feeling less safe than ever. >> i think everyone's angry. there's a lot of feelings coming to the forefront but we also have to remember there's a victim and a family at the heart of it. >> the uk parliament will this week debate new policing and crime legislation, further extending powers over protests. without profound amendments to better protect women a growing number of parliamentarians have made it clear that the bill is unlikely to pass. nina dos santos, cnn, london. the u.s. president is weighing in on sexual harassment allegations against new york's governor. joe biden was asked on sunday if andrew cuomo should resign. >> i think the investigation is under way and we should see what it brings us. >> although mr. biden isn't calling for the governor to resign, many top democrats are. athena jones reports cuomo is clinging to power. >> reporter: hi there. calls for new york governor andrew cuomo to resign are only growing louder and those calls are coming from fellow democrats. by friday the majority of the new york congressional delegation was calling for cuomo to step down, including both new york senators, senate majority leader chuck schumer and senator kirsten gillibrand, who put out a joint statement to that effect on friday and reiterated those calls on sunday. listen. >> i commend the brave actions of the individuals that have come forward to speak of serious allegations of misconduct and abuse. it's clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners as well as the people of new york. that's why i believe that the governor has to resign. >> there are multiple serious, credible allegations of abuse. so that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners 1/2 so many new yorkers. so for the good of the state he should resign. >> reporter: now, the governor is facing several investigations including one by the state assembly's judiciary committee and one being conducted under the auspices of the new york attorney general's office. both looking into multiple allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct. now, cuomo has said repeatedly that he has done nothing wrong and that he will not resign. he says women have a right to come forward and be heard but he is urging the public to wait for the investigations to play out, to wait for the facts. cuomo says politics didn't elect him, the people of new york elected him, and he's going to keep working for them. asked whether these investigations will distract him from being able to lead effectively, cuomo says no. he says last year he negotiated the state budget amid the height of the covid pandemic in new york and he can negotiate the budget again this year. he also stressed the need to oversee the distribution of millions of doses of vaccine. but one lobbyist that cnn spoke with took issue with this idea that cuomo can continue to lead effectively and efficiently. this person who says they had a good relationship with the cuomo administration in the past says these days something as simple as getting a call back to schedule a meeting is not happening because the handful of top aides to governor cuomo who make all the decisions aren't doing so because they're distracted by the scandals. this person calling the situation very frustrating. so we'll be watching to see what other reactions there are to the controversy surrounding the governor this week. athena jones, cnn, albany, new york. and a heavy blanket of snow is covering many parts of colorado. after the break we'll get the latest on just how much snow has fallen. when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. i actually am... writing a novel. y'know, i'm trying to be less popular these days. now? i use differin gel. take the 90-day challenge now and you'll get consistently clear skin too. do things differin. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn and youbefore it begins?tly clear skin too. heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. here's another cleaning tip from mr. clean. cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. there's an easier way. try mr. clean magic eraser. just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum... and caked-on grease from oven doors. now mr. clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. they're perfect for icky messes on stovetops... in microwaves... and all over the house. for an amazing clean, try mr. clean magic eraser, and mr. clean magic eraser sheets. millions of americans are now under winter weather alerts and blizzard warnings. that includes residents of colorado, a state that's been hit with heavy, heavy know and blizzard conditions. more than 26,000 customers we know are without power. well, let's go straight to tyler malden. give us a sense of what folks are having to deal with here. hi. good to see you. >> good morning, robyn. just take a look at the amounts here. nearly four feet of snow in parts of wyoming. denver international airport picked up two feet of snow. you factor in just a little bit of a wind. of course that's going to cause blowing snow, drifting snow, and terrible visibility. that's exactly what we saw. some of you may call this historic. and if that's you, you're absolutely right. this denver snow is actually the second heaviest march snow producer on record. so it's a top five snow for the month of march. and cheyenne, wyoming also broke a record here. picking up 36 inches. in just 48 hours. the system is moving to the north and east. we have winter weather alerts stretching from colorado all the way into the midwest. avalanche warning in effect for the higher elevations in denver around the front range mountains. so if you're hitting the slopes on monday, be ready for that. blizzard warning continues for portions of wyoming and the panhandle of nebraska. and then we have winter storm warnings up here across the midwest where heavy snow is now blanketing the area. heavy rain stretches down to the south, and a lot of rain at that. snowfall amounts look to be on the verge of a foot across portions of iowa and areas down into illinois. we could even see some accumulation in chicago. across the southeast we're looking at the potential for some heavy rainfall. the system that will be pushing this system out of the area is this area of low pressure across the west coast. that's going to be problematic for us in the days to come, robyn, because eventually that's going to lead to strong thunderstorms across the south once we get to mid-week. >> thanks for that. tyler mauldin there. appreciate it. stick around. "world sport" is up next for our international viewers. and for those here in the u.s., beyonce has made history at the grammys. more of the other headlines from music's biggest night. that's next. is skincare from around the world better than olay? olay regenerist faced 131 premium products, from 12 countries, over 10 years. olay's hydration was unbeaten every time. face anything. find out more at jackson hewitt knows your job description may have changed this year. to say... account manager... third grade teacher... and senior vice dog-walker. don't add tax preparer. let jackson hewitt do it for you, so you can be certain your taxes are done right, do you need help finding an apartment? guaranteed. with old spice clinical you can say “goodbye musty sweat, goodbye more sweat, and goodbye parents basement.” [old spice whistle] hi, i'm a new customer and i want your best new smartphone deal. well i'm an existing customer and i'd like your best new smartphone deal. oh do ya? actually it's for both new and existing customers. i feel silly. but i do want the fastest 5g network. oh i want the fastest 5g network. are we actually doing this again? 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it's added $10,000 per coin in less than a month. what are the key drivers here behind this rally? >> yeah, and it's doubled since the start of the year, robyn. that's something. it's in bitcoin we trust is what investors are telling us right now. let's give everybody the latest quote. we topped out at a record on saturday on the weekend trade at 61,074. as you can see now, it's trading below 59,000. so there is volatility there. but there are three key factors i would suggest that are driving this market right now. the most recent one is the concern about hyperinflation re-emerging because of all the stimulus we see being spent around the world, particularly in the united states. $5 trillion over the last year alone. and nearly 2 trillion here by the biden administration. even though the u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen says we have tunder control, if inflation picks up you have the dollars chasing the different assets that could undermine the u.s. currency at least until interest rates go back up again. there's wide corporate use now of it, or wider than we had three or four months ago. tesla with elon musk say they will support this currency. microstrategy, a technology company saying they'll do the same. we've even heard mastercard, visa, paypal say that it's okay for their clients to hold the currency, meaning this could be phased into operations as well. and there's a limited supply, robyn. this is very important. because there's 21 million apparently that have been mined. there's not a lot of transparency in this space. but 18.6 million in circulation. and the reason this was an important weekend, it crossed in terms of market cap all that currency that's out there and being held over a trillion dollars. and you say what's the match-up here with the u.s. dollar? extraordinarily so. it's half the rate of the u.s. currency circulating around the world. so it's come a long way in a very fast period of time. then it raises the question if there's unlimited supply that's out in the marketplace, say, 21 million eventually that can come out of bitcoin, the attention will shift to those other 10 that are trading pretty widely right now and 4,000 that have been in circulation. so we do expect a shakeout, and you have to raise the question as well, will they ever mine more bitcoin? again, we don't have the transparency, but it's apparently capped at 21 million. >> okay. good to see you. john defterios live in abu dhabi. thanks for that update. >> thanks. so the coronavirus is spiking again in parts of europe. still, the head of british airways is pushing for air travel with no restrictions. shawn doyle, who's the ceo, says people who have been vaccinated should be able to travel freely and those not vaccinated should be allowed to fly if they test negative for covid. well, doyle says health apps can be used to verify a person's status. the uk government is expected to announce new international travel rules next month. and another sign of the times. some employers are telling workers they need to be vaccinated if they want a job. anna stewart takes a look at the thorny legal issues that this raises. >> reporter: for the founder of pimlico plumbers it's a no-brainer. >> i believe that's the way the future's going. no jab no job. no jab no travel. no jab no fun. >> reporter: he wants all current and future employees to have the vaccine, and he'll add it as a clause into their job contract. >> going by the response we've had from staff, 99.9% of them are up for it and you know, at the moment they'll crawl across the snow naked to get the vaccine. >> reporter: i guess the question is, though, are you prepared to go to court if it comes to it? >> according to our lawyers, we're doing nothing wrong. we're actually safeguarding people. >> reporter: adding a no jab no job clause into a contract isn't illegal in the uk. but if an employee refuses to accept it they could take legal action. >> if someone doesn't want to get the vaccination and their employer insists they do in order to undertake their role, then the basis on which they would challenge it is because perhaps they have medical reasons for not having the vaccination or they have ideological, religious reasons for not having the vaccination. they would then argue that by putting in place a requirement they be vaccinated and other employees vaccinated the employer's policy is disproportionately affecting people like them who share that characteristic or the medical condition and that that is therefore a form of indirect discrimination. >> reporter: the arguments may be strong where lives are at stake. care homes were some of the hardest hit by covid. one of the uk's leading chains, barchester health care, have set april 23rd as a deadline for staff to be vaccinated. allowing for some exemptions including pregnancy. they say they are aware of discrimination concerns but they say they're doing everything possible to ensure fairness while also delivering on their duty to protect residents, patients, and staff. vaccine passports could be rolled out far more widely than the workplace in the future. you could need proof of a vaccine to go abroad, to the ci cinema, or even to the pub. it's something the uk government is actively considering. >> there are clearly some quite complex issues, some ethical issues, issues about discrimination and can government either compel or indeed forbid use of such certification. i think all that needs to be gone into. >> reporter: while the government considers its position, some british businesses are forming their own. no jabs no jobs. anna stewart, cnn, london. >> and one of american football's all-time greats is hanging up his cleats. new orleans quarterback drew brees says he's retiring after 20 years in the nfl. the 42-year-old is the league's all-time leader in passing yards and completions. he also led the saints to a super bowl win in 2010. he told his fans, "we shared some amazing moments together, many of which are emblazoned in our hearts and minds and will be forever part of us. you've molded me, strengthened me, inspired me and given me a lifetime of memories. my goal for the last 15 years was striving to give you everything you had given to me and more." and it was certainly also a star-studded night at this year's grammy awards. a bit different of course due to the pandemic. but till featuring a few live performances, acceptance speeches and some history being made. four women won the top four awards on sunday night. and on top of that beyonce broke the record for all-time wins by a female artist. actually by any singer, male or female. with 28 grammy wins. and dua lipa took the award for best pop vocal album for "future nostalgia." she also performed on the show, singing her hit "levitating." ♪ ♪ i need you all night ♪ ♪ come on dance with me ♪ >> well, "the daily show's" trevor noah hosted the event, which put a big emphasis on diversity and race. one of the highlights was her winning song of the year for "i can't breathe." >> and the grammy goes to -- "i can't breathe." h.e.r. >> we are the change that we wish to see. and you know, that fight that we had in us the summer of 2020, keep that same energy. thank you. >> well, i spoke earlier with segn oduolowu host of the syndicated show "the list." and he gave us his take on music's biggest night. >> this was the first grammys show that i can remember watching all the way through, loving the performances. heavy on the performances, less on the awards. and let's remember that art is subjective. it's inherently biased. if you like rock and roll, you might not like hip-hop, and if you like hip-hop you might not like country. so awards in themselves is antiquated. but good music, great performances, that's key. these grammys allowed us to enjoy ourselves with the performances. i mean, megan thee stallion and cardi b. performing "wap" on a grammy stage, this is very chill and very watchable. >> but at the same time we also saw a thread of social justice throughout this. and after the year that we've seen in the states i think that's a good thing, isn't it? it reflected what had happened in america. >> it's a necessary thing. >> "i can't breathe" was song of the year which of course referenced the death of george floyd. there was also da baby's performance "rockstar." i want you to take a look at this and talk about it afterwards. ♪ ♪ like i'm a cop ♪ ♪ >> was this the performance of the night or perhaps the most impactful? >> i loved it. but for me i would raise you from da baby to lil' baby. i thought lil' baby's performance in the streets of l.a. with an actual depiction of a cop shooting, for me that was the performance of the night because it brought home with its many elements what the people were feeling during the black lives matter protests, during the atrocity of seeing someone kneeled on until their life expired. i think that encapsulated the rage, the horror, but the hope that people feel things will change. and you saw, look, trevor noah. you know, mixed race foreigner hosting the awards. you saw people of color. you saw foreign language performances. you saw beyonce break a record. you know, and then her billionaire husband helping her up the stage. you saw megan thee stallion again commenting on how she had seen beyonce perform at the rodeo and wanted to be her. like all of these elements added to a show that was entirely watchable but more importantly it hit home where a young girl can say i want to be h.e.r. and write a song in my room and play it for my father. like that's how impactful music can be. >> and thanks so much for joining me. i hope you have a wonderful week. i'm robyn curnow. you can connect with me on twitter and on inst instagram @robyncurnowcnn. rosemary church is up next with another hour of cnn. enjoy. wealth is your first big investment. worth is a partner to help share the load. wealth is saving a little extra. worth is knowing it's never too late to start - or too early. ♪ ♪ wealth helps you retire. worth is knowing why. ♪ ♪ principal. for all it's worth. as a repairman, i hear a lot of folks say they feel like they have to rinse off dirty dishes like these before loading them in the dish washer. but new cascade platinum changes all that. new cascade platinum, with 50% more cleaning power! it dissolves fast to start cleaning sooner, releasing the soaking power of dawn. then cascade's food-seeking enzymes latch on and break down food into particles so small they can flow right down the drain. and it's powerful enough for the quick-wash cycle! new cascade platinum with 50% more cleaning power! the #1 brand just got better! did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? 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Rapporteur , Accounts , Mistreatment , Torture , Killings , Prisoners , Countries , Update , Anything , Action , Words , Virus , Story , Vaccinations , Sign , Fight , Milestones , Doses , Cdc , 107 Million , 6 Million , 11 , Life , Place , Dr , Guard , Encouraging Americans , Safety Measures , Anthony Fauci , 37 Million , Grasp , Normality , Escape , Degree , 4th Of July , 4 , Message , Spring Break Haven T , Images , Florida , Miami , Not A Mass Nic Sight , Cases , Variants , Joe Johns , Decline , Experts , College Students , Hit By Covid , Ones , South Florida , 19 , Country , Numbers , Plateau , Down , 60000 , Concern , Air Travel , Records , March 15th Last , Surge , 1 3 Million , March 15th , 15 , Governor , President , Estate , Arkansas , Who Don T , Trouble , Followers , Problem , Republican , Resistance , Terms , Election , Vaccine , Republicans , Eligibility , Dose , Poll , 50 , Record , It , Campaign Didn T Help , Covid Messaging , Office , Failure , Donald Trump , Maryland , Everything , Information , Disinformation Campaigns , Left , Spots , Larry Hogan , Businesses , Decision , Capacity Restrictions , Restaurants , Face , Requirements , Gyms , Keeping , Workplace , Travel , Recommendations , Hands , Masking , Twitter , Bit , News , Cities , Patrick , Signs , Parades , Tradition , City Of Chicago , United , River Green , 69 Million , Use , Blood Clots , Astrazeneca , Side Effects , List , Washington , One Shot , Netherlands , Ireland , Latest , Risk , Vaccine Recipients , Evidence , Cyril Vanier , Analysis , Incidents , Woman , Patients , Concerns , Report , Health Authority , Norwegian , Inoculation , Eu , Austria , 49 , Three , Rollout , Denmark , Vaccine Recipient , Result , Blood Coagulation , Batch , Step , Two , Proof , Vaccines , Majority , Blood Clot , Suit , Iceland , Others , Data , Pulmonary Embolism , European , Preegd , France , Spain , Germany , Deep Vein Thrombosis , 10 Million , Age Group , Events , Gender , Population , Ema , European Medicines Agency , Restrictions , South London , Italy , Lockdown , Italians , Easter Weekend , Delia Gallagher , Half , Regions , Red Zone , 20 , Emergency Situation , Hospitals , Rome , Milan , Venice , Easter Weekend Will Ee , Mario Draghi , Rate , Case , Presence , Case Count , Transmission , 26000 , Situation , Start , Measures , Deterioration , Vaccination Program , Commissioner , Plan , 500000 , 170000 , Goal , Fact , Adults , Johnson , Government , Pandemic , Residents , Hong Kong , Buildings , Fifth Wave , Descending , Folks , Covid Testing , Knock , Let S Go , Will Ripley , Feeling , Hasn T , Door , Neighborhoods , Heart , Brent , Immunity , Police , Area , Time , Health Workers , Lines , Health , Levels , Doors , Officials , Results , Happening , Apartments , Hazmat Suits , Surprise , Cluster , Event , Gym , Foreigners , Fitness Center , Superspreader , 100 , Contact , Children , Some , Mental Health , Homes , Government Quarantine Camp , Infected , Kind , World , Covid Situation , Reality , Grip , Parents , Room , Wave , Travelers , Quarantine , Isolation , 14 , War , Syria , On Cnn , Generation , Infection , Ten , Things , Skin , Challenge , Acne , Excuses , Y Know , Cat , 90 , Family , Go , Charmin , Scratchy , Ultra Strong , Idea , Many , Tool , 5 , Everyone , Ideas , Cool , Ads , Cleaning Power , Cleaning , Dishes , Changes , Soaking Power Of Dawn , Repairman , Cascade Platinum , Dish Washer , Enzymes , Particles , Food , Drain , Cycle , Mr , Way , Magic Eraser , Messes , Bathroom , Sprays , Oven Doors , Kitchen , Cleaning Tip , Wipes , Struggle , Bathtub Soap Scum , Caked On Grease , White House , Clean , Sheets , Microwaves , Stovetops , Magic Eraser Sheets , Smartphone Deal , Customer , Customers , 5g Network , Deal , At T , You Trade In , Samsung Galaxy , S21 , Formula , Febreze , Propellant , Propellants , Freshness , Odors , Dyes , Aerosols , Air Effects , Series , Protests , Crises , Bashar Al Assad , Pope Francis , Hope , Secretary General , Sliver , Syrian Observatory For Human Rights , 600000 , 5 Million , Doesn T , Attention , Listen , Stream , Much , Conflict , Suffering , Middle , Toll , Living Nightmare , Page , Nowhere , Nothing , Trauma , Childhood , Fear , Arwa Damon , Loss , Sultan , Blanket , Flames , Translator , Couldn T , Body , Rocket , Water , Bucket , Son , Bike , Ball Of Fire , Fuel Canisters , Mother , Brought Sultan To Turkey , Of Sultan Before The Airstrike , Amar , Eyes , Nightmares , On Fire , Smile , Sets , Times Darken , 10 , Fire , Screaming , Nation , Oscars , War Itself , Bombing , Market , Father , Baby Brother , Strike , 6 , Gray Dusty Town Of Childhood Laughter , Barchester Health Care , Nenad , Home , Grandfather , Daisy , Siblings , Mines , Mine , Explosion , Knee , Prosthetic , Leg , Forest , Ground , Sentence , Answers , Blank , Russia , Assault , Regime , Territory , Holding , Ceasefire , Hospital , Sandbagged Underneath , Few , Sayed , 2 1 , Reasons , Clinic , Poverty , Displacement , Aid , Border Closures , Lifetime , Camps , Bombardment , Countryside , Someone , Isn T , Death , Anniversary , Innocence , Shreds , Custody , Unaccompanied Migrant Children , Idlib , 4000 , Kids Inside Border Facilities , Authorities , Migrants , Influx , Shelters , U S Border Patrol , Vigil , Murder , Outrage , Secretary , Leaders , British , Homeland Security , Teams , Process , Mayhem , Andrew Cuomo , Pressure , Break , Clinging , Joe Biden , New York , Party , Members , Coming Up , Work , Tax Pro , Documents , At Jackson Hewitt , Ways , Freak , Something , Times , Kitchen Grease , Spray , Clean E , Sprays E , Bathrooms , Jobs , Mist , Power Nozzle , Dirt , Grime , Refills , Burst , Grease , Stainless Steel , Window Freshness , Car Vent , Fresh Air , Windows Up , 30 , Jess , Internet , Tv Services , Lifting , Delegating , Friends , Xfinity , Wait , Sweat , Services , 27 , Response , Sarah Everard , Scene , World News Headquarters , Atlanta , Look , Shame On You , Crowd Chanting , Crowd , Reaction , Parliament Square , Boris Johnson , Coronavirus , Police Headquarters , Grounds , Dangers , Police Chief , Harassment , Girls , Crimes , Discussion , Conversations , Everard Murder , Nina Dos Santos , Special Task Force , Organization , Danger , Headquarters , Parliament , Upswell , Indignation , Suburb , Enforcers , Laws , Makers , In The Dark , Officers , Safety , Oman , Fears , Shame , Anger People , Hit Nothing , Voices , Appearances , Need , Demonstrations , Hadn T , Gatherings , Safe , Silence , Saturday , Covid Marches , Wouldn T , Congregation , Alternatives , The List , Handling , Solidarity , Mayor , Review , Home Secretary , Scotland Yard , Met , Hearing , Strength , Experiences , Mourning , Crowds , Attempts , Regulations , Saturday Night This Local Landmark , Tributes , Role , Respect , Clashes , Hand , Respects , Close , Age , Epidemic , Draw , Emotions , Issues , Company , Surface , Sarah , Buried , Feelings , Victim , Forefront , Bill , Powers , Policing , Parliamentarians , Crime , Debate , Legislation , Amendments , Uk Parliament , Allegations , Sexual Harassment , Investigation , Athena Jones Reports Cuomo , Biden Isn T , Democrats , Calls , Chuck Schumer , Cuomo , Senators , Delegation , Senate , Actions , Effect , Kirsten Gillibrand , Statement , Individuals , Governor Cuomo , Misconduct , Abuse , Confidence , Governing , Partners , Good , Serious , New Yorkers , 1 2 , Investigations , Auspices , Being , Has , New York Attorney General S Office , Judiciary Committee , The State Assembly , Didn T , Right , Facts , Public , State Budget , Height , Distribution , Issue , Budget , Millions , Lobbyist , Person , Administration , Meeting , Handful , Call , Aides , Relationship , Decisions , Controversy , Reactions , Scandals , Athena Jones , Albany , Snow , Parts , Novel , Colorado , Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Esophagus , Stomach Acid Refluxes , Youbefore , Stomach Acid , Source , Acid Production , Heartburn Protection , 24 , Zero Heartburn , Zero , Heavy , Winter Weather , Hit , Conditions , Blizzard Warnings , Blizzard , Know , Feet , Amounts , Sense , Wyoming , Tyler Malden , Four , Blowing Snow , Wind , Historic , Drifting Snow , Visibility , Denver International Airport , Second Heaviest March Snow Producer On Record , Month Of March , Cheyenne , Five , 36 , System , Midwest , Avalanche Warning , Least , North , Elevations , 48 , Winter Storm Warnings , Portions , Blizzard Warning , Mountains , Panhandle , Slopes , Nebraska , South , Areas , Rain , Foot , Snowfall Amounts , Verge , Heavy Rain , Illinois , Iowa , Rainfall , Potential , Accumulation , West Coast , Thunderstorms , World Sport , Tyler Mauldin , Music , Night , History , Headlines , Skincare , Products , Hydration , Olay , Olay Regenerist , 131 , 12 , Job Description , Account Manager , Third Grade Teacher , Vice Dog Walker , Olay Com Jackson Hewitt , Apartment , Taxes , Add Tax Preparer , Clinical , Old Spice , Let Jackson , Guaranteed , Goodbye Musty Sweat , Whistle , Goodbye Parents Basement , Metamucil , Isn T Working , Fiber , Gels , Trap , Waste , Blood Sugar Levels , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Energetic Metamucil , Metamucil Fiber Thins , Tasting , Bitcoin , Thigh , 1000 , 61000 , Currency , Abu Dhabi , Value , Per Coin , Drivers , John Def Teros , 0000 , 10000 , Trade , Investors , Quote , Bitcoin We Trust , Rally , Trading , Volatility , Key Factors , Hyperinflation , 61074 , 59000 , Janet Yellen , Control , Stimulus , 2 Trillion , Trillion , 5 Trillion , Dollars , Interest Rates , Assets , Inflation , Say , Tesla , Elon Musk , Supply , Microstrategy , Mastercard , Paypal , Visa , Same , Clients , Operations , Transparency , Circulation , Weekend , Reason , Space , Market Cap , 21 Million , 18 6 Million , Question , Match Up , Dollar , Around The World , Marketplace , Shakeout , Well , John Defterios , Shawn Doyle , Head , Ceo , British Airways , Job , Workers , Status , Employers , Health Apps , International Travel , Sign Of The Times , Anna Stewart , Raises , Founder , No Brainer , Pimlico Plumbers , Employees , Jab , Job Contract , Clause , Going , Fun , Staff , 99 9 , 99 9 , No Jab , Contract , Lawyers , Isn T Illegal In The Uk , Vaccination , Employer , Basis , Employee , Policy , Requirement , Discrimination , Condition , Form , Arguments , Stake , Care Homes , Deadline , Chains , Exemptions , Pregnancy , April 23rd , 23 , Vaccine Passports , Fairness , Duty , Pub , Ci Cinema , Certification , Drew Brees , Cleats , Greats , Position , Jabs , American Football , New Orleans , Leader , Completions , League , Win , Saints , Fans , Nfl , Super Bowl , 2010 , 42 , Hearts , Minds , Memories , Performances , Grammy Awards , Awards , Wins , Top , Sunday Night , Speeches , Artist , Singer , 28 , Award , Nostalgia , Levitating , The Show , Dua Lipa , Best Pop Vocal Album , Dance With Me , Race , Diversity , Emphasis , Highlights , The Daily Show S , Song Of The Year , Trevor Noah , Change , I Can T Breathe , 2020 , Host , Energy , Segn Oduolowu , Art , Hip Hop , Great Performances , Rock And Roll , Thee Stallion , Wap , Cardi B , Thing , Stage , States , Social Justice , Thread , Rockstar , Da Baby , George Floyd , Cop , Performance , Baby , Impactful , Da Baby To Lil , Lil , Depiction , Elements , Cop Shooting , L A , You , Atrocity , Horror , Rage , Saw , Foreigner , Color , Billionaire , Mixed Race , Language , Husband , Girl , Rodeo , In My Room , Rosemary Church , Instagram Robyncurnowcnn , Wealth , Worth , Partner , Investment , Load , Share , Extra , Tour , Benefits , Details , Coronavirus Variants ,

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