Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera : compare

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera

the cdc now reporting more than 107 million people in this country have received at least one dose. and the average over the past week is about 2.3 million people getting vaccinated every day. let's begin with cnn national correspondent natasha chen for us in florida. visitors are there in huge numbers for spring break despite the pandemic. are people taking precautions? >> reporter: anna, most of the people we are seeing walking along ocean drive here are not wearing a mask. and you have mentioned there is not a lot of social distancing going on, especially with the evening crowds. here's video that someone took from friday night. this is an incident that happened a few blocks from where i am standing where there was a very large crowd. miami beach police tweeted about this saying two of their officers got injured in the situation as they tried to disperse the crowd with pepper balls. a couple of officers had to be sent to the hospital. that's just one example of the rowdiness that happened over the weekend. we did talk to some visitors from out of town saying they are not only trying to escape colder weather. they are trying to escape more stringent covid restrictions where they live. one woman we talked to is visiting from new orleans. she said, in comparison, this place feels a lot freer. she says she is jealous and want to move here. >> i have enjoyed it. and i haven't felt in harm's way at all. i have been being safe as restricted. have my mask. it's fine. it's cool. >> reporter: do you feel like the crowds around you are behaving or keeping safe? >> yes, uh-huh, i feel very safe. >> and we know of at least a couple of colleges and universities in florida that actually canceled their spring breaks or extended their winter breaks longer, basically avoiding people taking a week off and traveling. but that hasn't stopped a lot of people, as you can see, from coming to town anyway. the mayor told me, you know w the cheaper airfare and discounted hotel rooms that there are a lot of folks here in higher numbers certainly than last year, not quite to 2019 numbers. and the city of miami beach said they welcome visitors to enjoy their beaches but the motto is vacation responsibly int. >> looking at those images you can see people are out in full force. it sure looks beautiful. president biden talked about fourth of july barb accuse. dr. anthony fauci said me might be able to look ifrd to more than that. >> if by the time we get to the fourth of july with the rollout with vaccines we get the level of infection so low i am not going to tell what you the specific guidelines from the cdc will be, but i can tell you for sure they will be much more liberal with what you can do. >> with us, a cnn medical ana analyst. dr. nguyen, what would much more liberal restrictions look like? >> i am excited about the summer that's coming. i think what dr. fauci was referring to is we can already be gathered outdoors in small groups spaced at least six feet apart. i think we need to look forward to something more than that. what the cdc is seeing, i think their guidance this week is a good start is that we can get together if we are fully vaccinated ourselves with other fully vaccinated people. i would hope that by july enough americans in america have been vaccinated that we can get enough herd immunity effect in some places and that would allow gathering indoors, including people with children, who are not able to be vaccinated but with enough immunity in the adult group that it would protect the kids as well. >> are you worried about the setbacks that might happen after spring break? >> i am. i am worried about images of people gathering, not about gathering on the beach outdoors. but they might be going the bars not wearing masks, getting together for socials with parties and people. i think we are at ast crossroads. on one hand we are getting vaccines out at a record pace. we also have variants and we have seen outbreaks surge after spring break the previous year. >> i want to play what dr. scott gottlieb said this morning. >> all of the evidence across all the vaccines now is pointing in the direction that these vaccines reduce asymptomatic infection and reduce transmission. we have always believed they were having that effect. we didn't know the full magnitude of that benefit. all of the evidence coming out suggest the impact on reduction in transmission could be quite strong. if that's the case the vaccine creates what we call deaden end hosts meaning people will no longer be able to transmit the infection into that sounds like huge news. if that's the case should vaccinated people have more freedoms than what the cdc guidelines say? >> well, i believe so. there is growing evidence again this is great news that people who are vaccinated not only are protected themselves from getting severely ill but also protected from transmitting coronavirus the other people. maybe not 100% but a study from israel shows they are 94% protected. incredible news. i think the cdc needs to come out stronger with saying here are all the things you can do when you are fully vaccinated. we should get away from the idea of stroh percent save or 100% safe. nothing is going to be 100% safe. people should be given good guidance that they can use in their lives. if you are not vaccinated here is the spectrum of safety for all the activities that you want to do, going to restaurants and bars and visiting family members. if you are fully vaccinated maybe many of those things that were previously high risk are now low risk. we need to help poem with practical guidance they can use in their lives recognizing even if the cdc is saying don't travel we are having regard travel days. we need to help people with doing things safe lesion reducing their risk, managing their risk, rather than telling people you can't do any of these thing. >> to your point of good versus perfect and evaluating things in that light, we have all become very accustomed to the six feet social distancing rule. here is dr. fauci on whether that could be reduced, especially as it applies to students going back to the classroom. >> the cdc is very well aware that data are accumulating making it look more like three feet are okay under certain circumstances. they are analyzing that and i can assure you within a reason period of time, quite reasonable, they will be giving guidelines according to the data that they have. it won't be very long, i promise you. >> i spoke with randy wine garden, she's the president of the american federation of teachers, about this yesterday. >> in this huge analysis school districts in indiana, virginia, and ma massachusetts they have all adopted a three foot standard rather than six feet distance in the classroom. those states haven't seep a surge in cases. we also know the guidelines also suggest three feet of distance in schools. is that more doable? >> i don't think so, ana. i think what you saw with the cdc guidelines is that if you have a lot of community spread, then you need to use the six feet or you need to have barriers because this is still a respiratory disease. >> so three feet or six feet? what makes sense right now based on the science? >> there is something that the cdc guidelines do not contain. and i think they need to start incorporating this into their next set of guidelines. that is what is the effect of vaccination? vaccines are another layer of protection just like masking and social distancing are. as more people get vaccinated -- i know children are not yet vaccinated but as more adults are vaccinated can we then say with this additional layer of protection, if all the staff in the school or even all the parents and caregivers, if most of them are vaccinated can you then peel back these other layers including this requirement of six foot distancing? otherwise if we don't peel back this layer we are not going to be able to get our children back to school full-time. i think that is our goal. that should be our goal, especially for the fall, and ideally even sooner. what other layers, if we have vaccines as a requirement, what is it that we can do to move the six feet to three feet. space is always a huge issue obviously with schools, public schools in particular with bigger classroom eyeses. italy, we are now seeing going back into lockdown. the country there seeing a surge in new cases causing the government there to really shut down the entire country over easter weekend. what lessons can we learn from italy? what did they do wrong? >> it's really hard to say in retrospect about what they did wrong. i mean we can look back and say probably what happened was that they opened too soon. they removed their restrictions too quickly. and then these more contagious rather yapts took over and that's why they are having to do the shutdown again. we could lock at italy and say maybe that's going to happen here, too. our vaccination rates are a lot higher than italy's are. we also have unfortunately a lot of people who have been infected by coronavirus and have immunity that way as well. will we go the direction of italy, it is possible. but i want people to know that where we go -- just like during the entire pandemic, where we go from here is entirely up to us. we can go in that direction, have a resurgence, have to delay the time to normality or we can go down a better path that requires people getting vaccinated when it is our turn. in the meantime keeping masking, physical distancing and avoiding indoor gatherings. doctor nguyen, we appreciate you so much. new today, the most powerful woman in congress house speaker nancy pelosi stopping short for calling for new york governor andrew cuomo to resign amid growing sexual harassment al gaegss. >> i do think that the women deserve to hear the results of these investigations, as does the governor, again -- >> can he be an effective leer r leader now? >> no tolerance -- no tolerance. this is a subject near and dear to my heart. no tolerance. >> but you are not calling on him the resign right now. >> i think we should see the results, and he may decide. hopefully the result will be soon. what i am saying is the governor should look inside his heart. he loves new york, to see if he can govern effective will he. >> i want to where i in cnn's athena jones in new york's state capital of albany. athena, what more are we hearing from democrats, potential colleagues of the governor? >> any ana, the majority of biggest names in new york politics are calling on the governor to resign. you heard speaker pelosi in washington stopping short on that. but on friday arch chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand put out a joint statement saying it is time for the governor to step aside. they both reiterated that idea in remarks today. take a listen to first senator gillibrand. and then senator schumer. >> i commend the brave actions of the individuals that have come forward to speak of serious allegations of misconduct and abuse. it's clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners as well as the people of new york. that's why i believe that the governor has to resign. >> there are multiple serious credible allegations of abuse so that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and of so many new yorkers. so, for the good of the state, he should resign into remarkably similar messages coming from the two senators from new york. meanwhile, the governor has maintained that he has done nothing wrong, that he is not going to step aside, that he can continue to do this job. he has been asked -- you know, these investigations you are facing -- two of them. one of them by the state assembly looking into these allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct. another under the auspices of the attorney general's office of new york. they are asking, you know, these are going to be distractions, shouldn't you maybe step aside? he says, no, i have been able to deal with big things, with distractions. we had to negotiate the state budget last year during the height of the pandemic in new york state. we are going to do that again this year. he talks about teeding to head up the distribution of millions of vaccinations. he says that he is the best person to do so and that he can continue to govern effectively. i can tell you that some folks we have spoken with are questioning that. one will beyist here in albany -- this is somebody who had a good relationship with the cuomo administration who at this point is having trouble getting a call back to schedule a meeting to talk about important legislation. according to this person they feel like that it is because this is a top-down administration where tone top aides make decision force the governor and they are distracted and unable to respond. that's anecdotal evidence what some of the folks on the ground here think about the governor's ability to continue to lead. coming up, a signature senator's racist remark. >> had the tables been turn asked president trump won the election, and these were tens of thousands of black lives matter and an fifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. >> the statement now even more alarming considering what we have just learned about who was in that mob that attacked the capitol. the latest stunning arrest next. will there be an ev for me? 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we needed to make sure that, if they couldn't get to the food, the food would come to them. we can deliver for food banks and schools. amazon knows how to do that. i helped deliver 12 million meals to families in need. that's the power of having a company like amazon behind me. in a new court filing, prosecutors alleged that one of the rioters involved in the capitol insurrection was an army reservist who was a well-known nazi sympathizer as the navy base where he worked as a contractor. he even was rebuked for sporting a hitleresque mustache. you have been going through the documents what can you tell us? >> his name is cusanelli. prosecutors are revealing that the navy did its own internal investigation after he was arrested in january. their findings were shocking. 34 of this man's coworkers at that navy base says that he exhibited extremist or radical views pertaining to the jewish people, minorities and women. colleagues shared disturbing stories about his bigoted and racist comments at the navy base saying he made daily comments against jus and came into the office wearing a hitleresque mustache which drew a rebuke from one of his supervisors. they searched his cell phone. they found several racist comments. i want to be crystal clear, ana that we reached out to this man's attorney earlier today and he did not want to comment. but in previous court filings he has said that the reservist, cusanelli is not part of any extremist organizations and that when he spoke to the fbi, he denied that he was a nassy sympathizer. >> that's all very disturbing. marshal cohen thank you. joining us now, john avlon, and host of firing line on pbs margaret hoover. john, let's take that news and couple it with something that senator ron johnson just said about why he didn't fear the capitol insurrectionists that day. listen. >> i knew those were people who love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, and so i wasn't curbed. now, had the tables been turned -- joe, this could get be in trouble. had the tables been turn asked president trump had won the election and those were tens of thousands of black lives matter and antifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. >> we have all seen video of the riot that day. now we know among the crowd was this nazi sympathizer and johnson is basically saying these weren't people to feel threatened by. >> and he is said quite out loud that he's not threatened by people who attack the capitol as long as they are mite white and republican. but if you flip the strict and all of a sudden they are african-american, blm protesters or an fifa, he's terrified. it speaks to the terrible drug, the sickness of group blame and group think. as johnson's is, it's not even a dog whistle, it is a frank admi admission. and as far as the rioters, i don't know how much you need the see. the guy wore a hitler mustache to work at a navy base. are these the patriots you want to stand beside and say you weren't threatened by, along with the militia and other members of other extremist groups that have been arrested for the riots at the capitol in it is pathetic? i think we have something more pernicious than ron johnson saying he wouldn't have been because they were white and republican. if any of the protesters came upon any senator none of them would have been spared. mike pence and mitt romney were whisked away within minutes or seconds of their lives what is pernicious is there is a burgeoning and exploding white supremacy, ideology that personal nated both law enforcement and the military. not personal nated. >> making -- >> but it is row growing in those ranks. the military has written about it. military times, many of the beat reporters who cover the military documented this during the trump years. the brennaner in has done a great job of documenting this. what these to be done is care needs to be given to identifying this ideology within the ranks and as individuals leave the military and law enforcement because so many of those were either active -- many active duty but exmilitary, like ashley bobity, the former air force official who succumbed to qanon theories and hos her life on january th. >> i can't help but think about the comments of ron johnson, he said it matter of factually like it was thoroughly to say those sort of things and acceptable to say those sort of things. >> he said what he absolutely believed. he's going to have to own that. actually it is revalue asking clarifying to hear him say it, the quiet part out loud that he is willing to excuse an attack on our capitol because he didn't think it is a big deal if they are republican and republican, folks from his side of theize. but he would have a different reaction if they were black or from the left. that's a sickness every republican in the senate should be asked whether they agree with it or whether they condemn it. president biden hets the road this week to sell the benefits of his stimulus deal to the american people. in a speech biden trumpetted the news that he is pushing for all adults to be eligible for a covid vax on by may 1st. maybe we will return to naturalsy, he says, by those july 4th barbecues. welcome headlines unless obviously you were watching fox news. >> the most disgusting speech that democratic has ever given. >> another garbage speech from a senile pemp who thinks they are ru

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New York , Cnn Newsroom , Ana Cabrera , People , Spring Break , Cnn , Crowds , Guard , Weed , Miami Beach Police , Miami , Health Officials , 100 , Distancing , Pandemic , Masks , Images , Many , Parents , Transmitting Coronavirus , Optimism Today For School Kids , Concern , Americans , Glimmers , Dr , Guidance , Feet , Schools , Anthony Fauci , Covid Vaccinations , Three , Six , Country , Cdc , Average , Dose , One , 107 Million , 2 3 Million , Mask , Visitors , Reporter , Numbers , Natasha Chen , Most , Ocean Drive , Precautions , Walking , Florida , Anna , Lot , Incident , Crowd , Video , Someone , Evening Crowds , Blocks , Friday Night , Officers , Example , Two , Couple , Police , Situation , Hospital , Rowdiness , Miami Beach , Pepper Balls , Woman , Covid Restrictions , Town , Weekend , Comparison , Weather , New Orleans , Wall , Safe , It , Place , Lot Freer , Haven T Felt In Harm S Way , Colleges , Uh Huh , Yes , Doesn T , Spring Breaks , Traveling , Universities , Winter , Mayor , Folks , Airfare , Hotel Rooms , 2019 , Beaches , Hint , Motto , Force , Vacation , Biden , Vaccines , Infection , Level , Rollout , Fourth Of July , Barb , Guidelines , Cnn Medical Ana , Summer , Restrictions , Analyst , Doctor Nguyen , Something , Start , Groups , Herd Immunity Effect , On The Beach , Places , Children , Setbacks , Immunity , Adult Group , Kids , Bars , Socials , People Gathering , Parties , Hand , Record Pace , Variants , Outbreaks , Ast Crossroads , Evidence , Direction , Reduce , Scott Gottlieb , Effect , Transmission , Case , Vaccine , Impact , Reduction , Benefit , Magnitude , News , Freedoms , Sounds , Things , Idea , Needs , Study , Israel , 94 , Lives , Activities , Save , Safety , Nothing , Spectrum , Stroh , Risk , Restaurants , Family Members , Poem , Point , Thing , Lesion , Don T Travel , Classroom , Students , Rule , Flight , Fauci On Whether , Data , Reason , Circumstances , President , Analysis School Districts , Won T , American Federation Of Teachers , Randy Wine Garden , Cases , Surge , States Haven T , Massachusetts , Indiana , Virginia , Distance , Community Spread , Sense , Respiratory Disease , Science , Barriers , Protection , Player , Vaccination , Masking , Set , Adults , School , Caregivers ,

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