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ideas around which america is built, it was abraham lincoln. >> politicians recognized the power that his name still has and use it. >> and that vision of lincoln's of a generous, inclusive america has driven this country for more than 200 years. >> president lincoln not only understood the heartbreak of his country, he also understood the cost of sacrifice. >> abraham lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. the president said, and i quote, if my name ever goes down into history, it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it. my whole soul is in it. >> generations of black people named their children lincoln, because lincoln freed the slaves. >> but it's a lot more complicated than that. >> a lot of people think lincoln was a fiery opponent of slavery from the day he was born, and that's not quite true. >> turns out that a great way to put down the rebellion is to yank the enslaved africans out from under his enemies. and the guy really was freeing the slaves, hope thanksgiving would go back to africa. they don't tell you that in second grade. >> the sin of slavery has loomed over america for centuries, and it was not absolved with emancipation. >> lincoln died close to easter, so this made it easy for people to imagine that he died for the sins of the nation. >> the martyr narrative made it possible for us to think of lincoln in a simplistic way. >> we live in a culture where everybody either has to be a hero or a villain. and the reality is great politicians are both. >> part of the challenge is to recapture him from all that bronze and limestone into which he has been cast and see him as a person. >> lincoln had experiences, and most people evolve as they have more experiences, and it is not a criticism of lincoln to say he involved. it would be a criticism to say he was man who never changed his mind, never learned anything. >> we can become better versions of ourselves. we can change over time. lincoln was evolutionary. and in being evolutionary, he became revolutionary . ♪ ♪ >> in 1809, america is a country in its infancy. a nation toils to pay off its revolutionary war debts and make a name for itself on the world stage. despite the legal end to the slave trade in 1808, the man for american-made cotton and the enslaved men and women who farm it blooms. the new country's growth is not only intertwined with slave labor, it's entirely dependent on it. >> it is absolutely crucial for understanding what went on in the country, that before the 1860s, most of the first presidents were off of the south. the slave power controlled the country. >> at lincoln's birth, we are still in the final weeks of the thomas jefferson presidency. so we are really in the founding era of the united states. >> you had this immense territory that the united states had gained with the louisiana purchase. and so there is this whole question about the expansion of the nation, how it was going to expand, where slavery would exist, and this is the moment when abraham lincoln was born. >> abraham lincoln arrives on february 12th, 1809 on the far edge of the western frontier in hodgenville, kentucky. >> as much as story writers and image makers romanticized lincoln's boyhood life, he never did. >> everybody was poor in the frontier. the lincolns were really poor. >> he spends his first few years in a cabin that has a dirt floor. there are wild animals, roofs that leak. just think of what the nights were like. >> in 1816, when lincoln is 7 years old, his father thomas runs into trouble with his land title and loses his farm and moves his family to the free territory of indiana. >> there were not a lot of people in southwestern indiana when the lincolns first arrived there. they really had to carve their existence, their livelihood out of the wilderness with their own two hands. and so young lincoln and his sister sarah would have had a tremendous amount of responsibility. chop wood, farm. it was very rough. lincoln and his sister have to rely on each other for so much at such an early age. >> his mother, nancy hanks lincoln was a very beautiful woman. >> lincoln believes that his mother is his angel. >> but just as the family begins to settle into their new home, tragedy strikes. >> in a period of drought on the frontier, cattle would eat something called snakeroot, and that's a poison. so that gets into the milk. >> lincoln's mother drinks milk that's diseased. >> and she gets sick. >> and she dies. >> young abraham helps his father nail his mother into the coffin that will take her away from him for the rest of his life. >> from modern psychological studies, we know if the surviving parent is emotionally available and supportive and nurturing, that the damage done by the other parent's death is largely offset. but thomas lincoln does not fit that description. >> there is little time to grieve on the frontier. 9-year-old abraham and his 11-year-old sister sarah are too young to take on all of their mother's responsibilities, and winter is just around the corner. >> thomas lincoln needs a woman around the house. you can't do computer dating in this period, and he has to go courting. he picks up and heads to civilization where there are women folk and leaves these two children to fend for themselves. it was a risk that thomas had to under take and was not the first to under take. >> they were practically reduced to animal existence. >> their hair was not cut. they were unwashed. their clothes were peeling away. you're in peril every second living in this environment. it's something that would merit a prosecution and jail time today. it's a remarkable survival story. >> lincoln had to find a way to be self-reliant. he had to find a sense of courage and confidence in who he was because it's life and death. visible is wireless that doesn't play games. no surprise fees, legit unlimited data for as little as $25 a month. and the best part, it's powered by verizon. but it gets crazier. 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said that he should be working. he should be out on the farm. he should be learning useful skills. >> but abraham hates farm work. >> he wants to read. his father hits him when he reads. >> his relationship with his father was very, very complicated. he resented his father who was not literate and his father resented lincoln's own desire to embrace education, to move beyond his father's life. >> as lincoln gets older, his father grows more intolerant of his quest for education. >> lincoln's father needed money. so what did he do? he rented his son out to neighbors. in those days, your labor was the property of your father until you were 21. any money you made had to go to the father. and that was the law of the land and custom. >> he was in his own mind a slave to his father. >> so unconsciously i think lincoln identified with the slaves, identified his father with the slave holders, and that led him to early on hate and loathe and despise slavery. >> listen, i'm sure he was pissed off at his dad, but it didn't drive his politics. there are a lot of situations in which white americans when they feel like they're being oppressed as workers, they compare themselves to enslaved people. and they were just fundamental problems with this. these people are not being compelled to work in the same way that enslaved people are. their status is not inheritable. ♪ ♪ >> at 19 years old, lincoln accepts a job transporting goods to new orleans, where he gets his first life of beyond the prairie. >> it is enchanted, mysterious, daunting for a young man who has never seen the city. >> we are told that the thing that influenced him most was the slave auctions. >> he saw auctioneers out there selling slaves and showing them off as if they were horses, people crying as they were taken away, families separated, and money changing hands for human bodies. >> whether he took a life's vow to end slavery, at that moment we really can't imagine, but he is seeing slavery in a different way than he saw in indiana, which is slaves being marched across the cumberland trail. he is seeing the sale of slaves for the first time. >> lincoln returns home, determined to make a better life for himself. but his plans are thwarted. his beloved sister sarah dies in childbirth. this tragedy solidifies the somber associations that lincoln will have with his childhood for the rest of his life. >> we cannot exaggerate the sense of loneliness and fear that marked his boyhood. >> he moves away from his family and doesn't really look back. definitely moisturizer! antibacterial can i have both? new dove care & protect body wash eliminates 99% of bacteria and moisturizes for hours two for one! can i keep it? new dove care & protect, zero compromise! ♪ can i keep it? jackson hewitt knows times have changed... ...both how and where you work. and your taxes could have changed too. let our tax pros work for you and fight for every dollar you deserve. ♪ it's velveeta versus the other guys. clearly, 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[♪] new revitalift night serum looking to repair dry, damaged hair without weighing it down? try pantene daily moisture renewal conditioner. its color-safe formula uses smart conditioners to micro-target damage helping to repair hair without weighing it down. try pantene. ♪ ♪ ♪like an echo in the forest♪ [singing in korean] ♪another day will return♪ [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in 1831, 22-year-old abraham lincoln arrives in new salem, illinois, with little more than a bag of tattered clothing. >> new salem. it's a thriving river town outside of springfield. >> it's a place with a central road, cabin, tavern, a store and a mill. it's a place with an economic opportunity. >> lincoln in his early 20s is establishing himself, trying to figure out who he is. >> the early new salem lincoln is, to coin a cliche, a jack-of-all-trades. he tries his hands at many different things. >> lincoln invests in a local grocery, which fails and leaves him saddled with debt. he works odd jobs in order to pay it off and eventually becomes postmaster. >> guess what came through the mail? newspapers. after a while, all of the subscribers began noticing that they were receiving their newspapers refolded and clearly read previously. what they soon learned is that their village postmaster was so hungry for news that he was reading the papers before they called for them. >> as postmaster, lincoln is a public figure. he becomes quite popular and known around new salem for his good humor and colorful stories. >> he used wit and comedy at his own expense to connect with people. he had a lot of fun with the fact that he was not a good-looking guy. i like stories where he's making fun of himself. there is that famous one where he was riding along and a woman is riding the other way and stops him. >> she aimed a rifle at him, and he said, he said ""madam, why are you pointing that gun at me?" >> and you can see lincoln like buster keaton, just staring. >> and she said "because i always resolved that if i ever met a man that was uglier than i am, i would shoot him." and he looked at her and said "madam, if i am really uglier than you, then fire away." this is a guy who had seething ambition always. he realizes men like him. men vote. and so he runs for office. >> in 1834, the american political system is dominated by two major parties. the democrats support states' rights, and the whigs believe in a strong federal government. at 25 years old, lincoln wins a seat on the illinois state legislature as a whig. >> joining the whig party when he does really reflects an investment in the capacity of government to improve people's lives. the whig platform is all about improved transportation and public education. >> this is why he was a whig early on. he saw the utility of things like roads and railroads improving the economy of the small towns in the west. >> in the illinois state legislature, lincoln faces what is quickly becoming the biggest issue of the day, slavery. the missouri compromise of 1820 dictated that maine would be admitted as a free state and missouri as a slave state. after that, slavery would be prohibited in all other states north of the 36-30 parallel. the controversial ruling set off a bitter national debate over which states slavery rhode island should be limited, standard, accepted or abolished. >> in 1837, the state of illinois legislature was asked to condemn the abolitionist movement. it passes by an overwhelming majority, 77-6. one of those six was lincoln. that was fairly courageous. most of his constituents were people from kentucky who hated abolitionists. people thought radicals, the abolitionists, they're fanatics, they're irresponsible, they don't really know thou get things done. >> but you could be anti-slavery and not be an abolitionist. lincoln was no abolitionist. >> lincoln was a modern anti-slavery advocate. and what that means essentially is that he was a person who said that slavery was wrong but didn't believe that it was really important to actively end slavery immediately. >> the institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but that the promulgation of abolitionist doctrines tends to increase rather than abate its evils. >> his evolving anti-slavery position was that slavery is fine where it is in the south, but it should not be expanded into the west. >> he believed that the founding fathers had intended for slavery to die a natural death, and that if they aren't allowed to expand, then the institution is going to die a natural death and that that's why you don't see the word "slave" or "slavery" in the constitution. >> he talked a lot about the fact that slavery shouldn't be allowed to expand because there were constitutional prohibitions on that. he talked a lot about the idea that slavery was harmful to free white northerners. >> he believed that free white folks who were workers could not compete with slave labor. he just thought it was bad economics. >> it's not about recognizing the humanity of enslaved people. rather it's wanting to secure territory where white men who were not slave holders would not have to compete against slave holders. >> he was willing for there to be gradual emancipation. mostly, he believed that those persons free shod be colonized outside of the united states. >> it doesn't quite fit with the image of the great emancipator we have. pick up a lot of books on lincoln, and you're not going find the fact that he avidly promoted colonization. he was a member of the board of directors of the illinois colonization society. this wasn't just a passing thing. why? well, because the white population doesn't want a new large population of free blacks. there is no place for them in america. now the fact is by this time most black people were born in the united states. the slaves were african americans. >> at that point up into his presidency, into the civil war, he has some deep-seated beliefs that black people should not be citizens. lincoln believes that blacks and whites cannot co-exist in the same nation. ♪ ♪ of l our most potent retinol. in a clinical test, 100% of women showed reduction of wrinkles, even deep ones. new revitalift night serum with pure retinol from l'oréal paris. losing a tooth didn't stop you but your partial can act like a bacteria magnet, putting natural teeth at risk. new polident propartial helps purify your partial and strengthens and protects natural teeth. so, are you gonna lose another tooth? not on my watch! 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. they should really turn this ride off. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ (burke vo) start with a quote at 1-800-farmers the early 1830s, lincoln makes a name himself as a politician, but stalls in his social life. still wounded by the loss of the women he's loved, he struggles in romantic relationships. >> his prominent and noted romance was with ann rutledge. >> this relationship has remained a matter of controversy among historians for years. >> he was always shy, and it was said that he was quite awkward with women. >> so ann rutledge who is engaged to a guy who has left town and said i will send for you. so she is a safe bet for him to maybe flirt a little bit with, but he is not expected to commit. >> but she fell for him and he for her. >> there is a theory that she was his great love. but she gets sick in an epidemic of fever and she dies. >> after the tragic deaths of lincoln's mother and sister, losing ann is a devastating blow. lincoln's fears surrounding mortality and abandonment worsen. and he exhibits the first signs of what will be a life-long battle with depression. >> there were reports that razors had to be taken from him, that he had to be watched after ann died. he stayed at her grave site in inclement weather. >> people worried that he was losing his mind. >> to his credit, he throws himself back into his professions. and since he's determined to become a lawmaker, it's a good idea to learn the law. >> lincoln borrows law books and reads them, masters them. >> he had virtually no formal schooling. so this is somebody who is an autodidact, self-taught. and it's amazing that he is able to read law books and make himself into a lawyer. >> he was able to transform himself. he was getting as far away from the world of his father as he could. >> lincoln accepts a job at a law firm in springfield, illinois and moves from the small river town of new salem to the bustling state capitol. >> he arrives there on april 15th, 1837. he's 28 years old and he has 28 years left to live to the day. he establishes his life in this new environment that's going to change him and which he is going change. >> lincoln was a lawyer. he got to be a pretty prominent one. >> he had some pretty big corporate clients, including the railroads. >> but even though lincoln practiced law, his heart was really in politics. >> this is when he starts serving as a stump speaker all over the region in support of whig candidates, in support of a stronger federal government, control over the economy. and abraham lincoln does become one of the rising stars of the whig party, but he writes to an old friend in new salem that there is quite a lot of bustling about in carriages here, but i'm quite as lonely as i have been any place else in my life. >> his colleagues urge him to attend society events and mingle with springfield's elite. >> springfield, because it's the sate capital, lots of young women are sent there to meet promising legislators. >> it was said that he was never more comfortable than on the stump, and never more uncomfortable than in a parlor. >> until a party in 1840 when the shy lawyer charms one particular socialite. >> mary todd was the daughter of a kentucky banker who was a slave holder. and so she's privileged. >> mary is by all accounts quite beautiful and charming. >> she was said to be vivacious and her ample display of her bosom was something that was quite attractive. >> mary could charm a bishop out of his vows. >> her 12 years of education was quite unusual at the time, and she fell into lively conversations. and that was where she met mr. lincoln. >> the attraction is immediate. and if it's true that opposites attract, then it's manifested in this meeting. >> she was petite, 5 feet, lincoln being 6'4". >> traditional southern bell, and in fact a woman who has grown up being taken care of by enslaved people. >> lincoln is uneducated as a member of the frontier proletariat. >> but like lincoln, she loses her mother at a very early age. her father remarries incredibly quickly. she has a difficult relationship with her stepmother. >> she worships her father, but he's distant. he's often away. that exacerbates her desire for acceptance and love and her own family. >> mary saw that she could distinguish herself, secure her father's affection by being able to read the papers, to talk to men in their own language. not all men appreciated that, but she was willing to find one who did appreciate it. >> lincoln and mary connect deeply over the shared loss of their mothers as well as their love of poetry, literature, and most of all politics. >> she had strong political feelings. she was described as a violent little whig. mary sees the potential with lincoln, what sees it first. >> and she fell in love in the win it over 1840, and they were engaged. >> except that lincoln still has what we would now call a commitment problem. and i don't think lincoln is quite ready. so on what is called the fatal 1st of january of 1841, abraham lincoln leaves mary at the altar. he sends a message that he is not worthy and mary would be miserable. >> she went away broken hearted, plunged into despair. >> i think he was petrified of matrimony, he was petrified of sex. he was petrified of all of those intimacies and all of those things, and he was a little overwhelmed the most dazzling belle in springfield was on his heels, chasing him around town. >> the death of ben rutledge, and his sister and mother, the lesson he seemed to learn unconsciously is you can't trust women. they'll abandon you. >> and so they avoided one another for well over a year. >> however, in the fall of 1842, they find their way back to each other and begin to court again. >> i think they both found that they were missing one another. the newspaper editor gave up his parlor so they might meet without prying eyes. >> they get back together, and then they do get married, but this wedding takes place on one day's notice, which was highly unusual for somebody like a member of the todd family. >> their rapid reconciliation has tongues wagging around springfield. >> within nine months, eight months and three weeks actually, robert todd lincoln is born. >> people ascribe to it somehow that he was being shotgunned to the altar. i don't find evidence of that, and certainly their marital happiness, particularly in those first few years is quite profound. >> as the lincoln family grows, so do their political aspirations. mary knows lincoln is destined for stardom on the national stage, so she gets to work grooming him for congress. ♪ over 10 years ago, we made a promise to redefine everything a truck can be. ♪ and while we've made good on that promise by winning back to back to back motor trend truck of the year awards, the work is never done. ♪ the work is never done. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a 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though it kept him away from his home, when he goes out to practice law on the circuit, he stays the weekend to befriend people. he visits newspaper offices in surrounding towns. >> while lincoln's ambitious, mary is even more ambitious. and her ambition is for him. >> mary lincoln recognized that lincoln was a diamond, but he was a diamond in the rough, and she said that it would be both beautiful and brilliant to be daily engaged in polishing. but mary found it hard that in her very first beautiful parlor that she built, she would come in and find him on the floor with his jacket off. and when someone would ring the bell, he would go and get it without putting on his jacket, without waiting for a servant. he tried to listen to mary's entreaties about form, about etiquette, but he found it something he could laugh at. but mary, again, was very astute and she kept pushing and pushing. >> in 1846, mary pushed him to run for congress, and he won. >> when lincoln was elected to congress, mary didn't sit at home with her family, which was the custom. mary said we're going to washington. >> in december 1847, with his wife and two children in tow, 38-year-old abraham lincoln arrives in the nation's capitol for the first time. they move into a whig boarding house. >> it was not as luxurious and commodious as it is today for members of congress. the lincolns lived four people in a room. it was pretty crowded and pretty cramped. mary did not get along with everybody else in the boarding house. >> you had to be at the table at a particular time. mary was not so good at that. her social circuit was limited. her time with her husband was less than she had hoped. and the boarding house was not the life for two young children, and she got quite exhausted and actually left, went back to lexington, kentucky, her hometown, where her father lived. >> and then of course lincoln is lonely. he was unhappy when she was there, and he was unhappy when she was gone. and maybe that's the story of their marriage. they never quite figured out a way to balance. >> with mary and the boys gone, lincoln is completely consumed by his political career. >> lincoln goes to washington in the context of the mexican-american war, which brings into the union this really rather large chunk of the southwest. and the question was where slavery was going to be, where it would not be and how could it expand or not expand. >> lincoln had been staunchly against the expansion of slavery. but while in congress, he makes his first attempt to eradicate it right on his doorstep. >> washington was very much a slave city. slavery was not only legal, it was thriving. if you looked outside the windows on the upper floors of the house chamber, you could see a slave pen below where human beings were kept in cages. >> lincoln comes off with a plan for the abolition of slavery in washington, d.c. kind of moderate plan. slave holders would be paid fair market value for their slaves. slaves who were already enslaved with stay enslaved, but the youngsters who were born would become free. >> ironically, he is stopped by fellow whigs . he said that the provision in lincoln's bill which would require slave holders in washington, d.c. to approve the e emancipation. >> the historical record does not show lincoln as somebody who's taking too many risks. >> as the uneventful term and congress comes to an end, abraham lincoln scrambled to his next political term. >> lincoln would serve one term and another whig would be named and succeed him. >> he was a war hero who had no political background, no political interests and no stance. he was a slave holder from louisiana, he was regarded as a whig candidate who could win. >> lincoln abandoned his principles to support taylor for the no, mminomination. >> he's a lot better than the democrats. on election day, zachary taylor wins and abraham lincoln says i want to be commissioner of the land office, i will be supervising federal land. he thought taylor owed it to him because he supported taylor and he campaigned forte li taylor. >> lawrenczachary taylor had to him they're really sorry to secure the post. lincoln is totally humiliated. >> 1849, after a short and non-distinguished term in congress, lincoln heads back to springfield, he believes his political career is over. legit unlimited data fees, for as little as $25 a month. and the best part, it's powered by verizon. but it gets crazier. bring a friend every month and get every month for $5. which is why i brought them. two $5-a-months right here. hey. hey. plus the players of my squad. hey. what's up? then finally my whole livestream. boom! 12 months of $5 wireless. visible, as little as $25 a month or $5 a month when you bring a friend. powered by verizon. wireless that gets better with friends. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made 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(doorbell) rock on. tonight i'll be eating lobster thermidor au gratin. really? sh-yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt. make it two calzones! in 1849 abraham lincoln returns to springfield with little to show. his political aspirations are crushed. >> so this is a rough time for lincoln. he's just 40 years old. it should be the peak for his political career. he comes home with no imminent political prospect and with a legal career that had founder because he had not paid attention to. not only he did not have political aspect, he did not have many income prospects. he's a lucky man that his wife/father is wealthy. >> mary was pretty disappointed. she wanted to be a president's wife. it was a tremendous strain on their marriage. if there is a midlife crisis and professional life, this was the moment their their marriage was tested. holding a log on the fireplace and throwing things. she had quite a temper and lincoln just walked out of the situation and she got angrier. >> and as the lincolns wrestled with disappointment, they are dealt with another devastating blow. in december of 1849, their three-year-old son, eddie cont cont cont contracts tuberculosis. >> it was 52 long days watching every single moment of his fading. and then, eddie, their beloved younger son died in february of 1850. >> the lincolns go into very deep protracted mourning. >> lincoln was distraught. he says if he had 20 sons, he would never get over mourning this one. >> mary lincoln was so distraught she would not eat. >> she talked about doing herself in. but, way in which many couples dealt with losing a child was by having another child. so their beloved willie was born in december of that year. >> eddie's death continues to deepen the divide in the lincoln's household. lincoln hosp lincoln hides in his grief by burying himself in work. he becomes successful again. almost all the lawyers found a way to come home on weekends. abraham did not. he stayed out and far from home and mary is on her own. it is hard for her, she does the cooking and the sewing and disciplining. mary is bitter at what's happening to lincoln politically. now he has a troubled marriage. he feels like a failure. >> at 45 years old, lincoln is set on a path of soutobscurity. his political career is stalled and marriage is crumbling. if it was not for a contentious bill drafted in congress, abraham lincoln may have never been heard again . previously on lincoln "divided we stand." >> he was supposed to be the rock star, amazing politician of the day. after his one-term in congress, president taylor passes him over for this cabinet job. he feels like a failure. when lincoln and his family leaves

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, Folks , Economics , Humanity , Enslaved , It Doesn T , Shod , Great Emancipator , Member , Blacks , Colonization , Board Of Directors , Wasn T , White Population Doesn T , Population , Colonization Society , Whites , Beliefs , Citizens , Point , Civil War , Driver , Farmers , Auto Claims , Burke , Looks , Three , Bum , Being , Policy Perk , Bride , Farmers Policy Perks , Accident Forgiveness , Pa Dum , Quote , Burke Vo , 1 800 Farmers , 800 , Politician , Stalls , 1830 , Ann Rutledge , Relationships , Romance , Loss , Town , Controversy , Historians , Matter , Bit , Safe Bet , Love , Theory , Epidemic , Fever , Sick , Blow , Losing Ann , Deaths , Signs , Fears , Abandonment , Mortality , Razors , Depression , Battle , Weather , Grave Site , Credit , Professions , Law Books , Law , Lawmaker , Them , Somebody , Lawyer , Autodidact , Schooling , State Capitol , Moves , Law Firm , 15 , April 15th 1837 , 28 , Change , Heart , Clients , Speaker , Region , Stars , Candidates , In My Life , Bustling , Carriages , Society Events , Lots , Legislators , Elite , Colleagues , Sate Capital , Parlor , Party , Socialite , Stump , 1840 , Mary Todd , Slave Holder , Banker , Daughter , Accounts , Bishop , Display , Bosom , Attraction , Vows , Conversations , Mr , Opposites , Meeting , Feet , Southern Bell , 4 , Frontier Proletariat , Acceptance , Language , Affection , Connect , Mothers , Poetry , Literature , Feelings , It , Potential , Win , Commitment Problem , Fatal 1st Of January , 1841 , January Of 1841 , Altar , Message , Despair , Matrimony , Broken Hearted , Sex , Heels , Ben Rutledge , Another , Sister , Trust Women , Lesson , 1842 , Newspaper Editor , Wedding , Eyes , Notice , One Day , Reconciliation , Tongues , Is Born , Nine , Eight , Evidence , Happiness , Congress , Aspirations , Stardom , Stage , Promise , Everything A Truck , 10 , Motor Trend Truck , Awards , Chicken , Eforms , Jeans , Applebee S , Burger , Wings , Radio Up , Pair , Beer , Kind , Master S Degree , 14000 , 4000 , 14 , Career , Dream , Dream Job , Lavender Baths , Autism , Focus , Advisor , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Second Son , 1846 , Eddie , Circuit , Contacts , Boys , Newspaper Offices , Weekend , Diamond In The Rough , Polishing , Diamond , Someone , Jacket , Floor , Bell , Form , Servant , Waiting , Entreaties , Etiquette , Washington D C , Mary Didn T Sit , 1847 , December 1847 , Boarding House , Members , Capitol , Tow , 38 , Room , Table , The Boarding House , Four , Husband , Lexington , Marriage , Story , Goes To Washington , Context , Southwest , Union , Chunk , Mexican American War , Doorstep , Attempt , Floors , Slave City , Windows , House Chamber , Abolition , Human Beings , Slave Pen , Cages , Youngsters , Fellow Whigs , Market Value , Stay Enslaved , Provision , Bill , Record , Term , Risks , War Hero , Background , Interests , Stance , Candidate , Support Taylor , Principles , No , Louisiana , Mminomination , Commissioner , Wins , The , Election Day , Zachary Taylor , Federal Land , Land Office , Lawrenczachary Taylor , Li Taylor , Post , Lincoln Heads , 1849 , Data Fees , Martin , Hailstorm Hit , Tooth Didn T , Rock On , Au Gratin , Calzone , Monkeys , Sh Yeah , Doughballs In Aurora , Butt , Calzones , Prospect , Peak , 40 , Income Prospects , Attention , Founder , Aspect , Midlife Crisis , Strain , Log , Fireplace , Throwing , Temper , Situation , Lincolns , Angrier , Disappointment , December Of 1849 , Single , Eddie Cont Contracts Tuberculosis , 52 , Fading , Beloved , The Lincolns Go Into , February Of 1850 , 1850 , Mourning , Sons , Child , Couples , Divide , Willie , Lawyers , Grief , Hosp , Disciplining , Sewing , Cooking , Failure , Path Of Soutobscurity , Rock Star , Divided We Stand , Cabinet Job , Family Leaves ,

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