Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer

oversight. more than 100 million administered doses of the covid vaccine. this just in, another mayor development. new calls for the new york governor andrew cuomo to resign. both new york democratic senator, the majority leader chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand saying cuomo should step down after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. let's begin our coverage at the white house. jeff is joining us. the president earlier today, he was cautiously optimistic during his address over in the white house rose garden. what else can you tell us? >> reporter: cautiously optimistic but optimistic in deed given the last year that america has endured. president biden says he believes this 1.9 trillion dollar bill is historic in transformational for millions of american families. he said the first signs of the stimulus checks will begin arriving in the bank accounts of americans this weekend. even as he says he still has work to do to sell this bill to rest of the country. >> help is here and we will not stop working for you president president biden celebrating his first legislative success hailing the american rescue plan as a triumph to lift the nation from crisis. >> together with you, we're showing it's possible to get big important things done. that's what america does. >> reporter: it was a rose garden victory lap with biden soaking his first official visit as president. >> tit changes the paradigm. for the first time in a long time, this bill puts working people in this nation first. it's not hyperbole. it's fact. >> reporter: he made clear the jubilation over the law that will touch the lives of millions of americans who have endured economic pain and hardship from the coronavirus pandemic came with deep responsibility for his new administration. sdplp we have to get this right. details matter because we have to continue to build confidence in the american people that they're government can function for them and deliver. >> vice president kamala harris praised biden's commitment to seeing the historic bill become reality notice the focus on helping america's poor and middle class. >> help has arooifd, america. this landmarked legislation will get relief to families, get support to communities and make sure more shots get in arms. >> the president's often repeated campaign mantra. >> help is on the way. >> reporter: will be put to the test as the first stimulus checks start arriving in american's bank accounts as soon as this weekend. for the white house it's something of an audacious gamble. effectively circling date ons the calendar when normalcy may start returning. march 21st, 100 million shots in arms since taking arms. may 1th, all adults eligible for the vaccine and by july 4th, americans can safely celebrate in small gatherings like backyard cook outs. white house press secretary trying to set expectations for the optimism. >> we're not talk about a july 4th celebration on the mall. this is a step more toward the kind of socialization and engagement with friends and family that he knows as a human being people have been missing over the last year. >> reporter: the white house is launching an extensive sales pitch next week with the president an first lady, vice president and members of the cabinet traveling to points across the country to explain how the law can help americans. >> we're going to be traveling the country to speak directly to the american people about how this law will make a real difference in their lives. >> reporter: the kpcampaign is first step to try to make permanent some provisions of the law. aid to working families and others left behind. >> this law is not the end of our efforts though. i view it as only beginning. >> reporter: this 1.9 trillion dollar spending bill that's sprawling effecting so many part of the government, it is expected to touch 85% of american families. president biden says his administration will appoint someone to oversee the implementation of all of this to make sure the money is spent properly. there's no question this historic legislative achievement for president biden sets his term off on the course of a positive direction. now the question is can any bipartisan bill ever be passed? this was democrats only. you saw democrats in the rose garden. of course, no republicans. >> no republicans in the house or the senate voted for this bill. jeff, thank you very much. let's get details in the fight against the coronavirus. more than 100 million doses of the covid vaccines have now been administered here in the united states. that according to fresh data just released by the cdc. this is a big step toward crushing the pandemic. >> reporter: after one long year, grandparents able to hug their children and grandchildren. >> my daughter and granddaughter came to my apartment to give me a little gift they said and the gift was the prescription from the doctor and it said you are allowed to hug your grand daughter. >> reporter: more reunions like these are on the horizon with greater numbers of people getting vaccinated with the record 2.9 vaccinations reported. planning to implement president biden's call to be eligible for vaccinations by may 1st. >> it doesn't mean every one will get the shot in their arm but on may 1st you should be able to get date in which you'll have a shot if you haven't had one already. >> reporter: the death toll from covid-19 will near 600,000 by july 1st with fewer people masking up. maryland is reopening businesses, including restaurants, gyms and places of worship at full capacity. though mask mandate and social distancing requirements will remain in place. new orleans also allowing some businesses, including restaurants to increase to 75% capacity with masking and social distancing still required. it seems licenes like these. maskless spring breakers in crowds. they expect the highest number of tour is since the pandemic began this weekend and next. >> everybody keeps saying covid doesn't exist down here in florida. >> i think we're going to get fooled. you'll see as we enter the summer months, number will go down and people will think great. we're good. they will be less interested in getting vaccine. >> reporter: concerns over spring break travel propting the superintendent of atlanta public schools to move the district to virtual learning for one week after students return. the tsa reporting a spike in air travel. the tsa screened 1.28 million people making it the third busiest day at american airports since the pandemic started. >> we must remain individual lants. >> reporter: the cdc is cautioning against travel saying it will consider revising the guidance once more people get their shots. >> we're very worried about transmiable variants. we're being extra cautious with travel. >> reporter: there's been some push back against the cdc no travel guidance for the fully vaccinated. our cnn medical analyst says she believes it's safe for the fully vaccinated to travel. that could serve as an incentive to get shots. >> keyword, fully vaccinated. thanks for that report. let's get some analysis from the brown university school of public health. >> it's wonderful. it's terrific. we got to keep going. we have more vaccines coming. we should celebrate but focus onramping up vaccinations even more. >> i think that's strong advice. the president now says all american adults will be eligible to get the coronavirus vaccine. every one 18 and older by may 1st. will removing the eligibility guidelines that all of us have been going through the past several months, will it help states get vaccines into arms more quickly. >> i think they will. i think that may 1st deadline or that benchmark is right. right now we got to get high with chronic comorbid iticomorb. after that once we get into may, let's open it up for every adult. i suspect that any adult who wants one should be ail to get one some time during the month of may and then finish up their full vaccination by june. >> i think that would be great in that happens. stand by. i want to bring in our senior political correspondent. how important that he has the support of the american people? >> i think it's extraordinarily important. the e republicans will argue cut out the possibility of bipartisanship but they did that because they believe that the upside of it, which is a bill that basically touches the vast majority of americans and gives them cash in their pockets is going to be worth it. americans will only feel that benefit, they will only believe they have benefitted if they are reminded about it. jb knjoe biden knows this well. those are things believes were not sold properly and ended up being part of republican argument against the obama administration in the midterm elections and in the 2012 elections. they don't want to repeat that mistake. >> that's important. do you think it's realistic to think rern e republicans will s anything that the president tries to do going forward? >> i think as i told you, i thought the package was a little too big. i think it should pass. i watched joe biden speak last night. i watched his speech in full. he did a ter riffic job. now think about how great it is for him to be able to travel all around and say to people, look, help is coming your way. sole judge of the help you already received. it's pitch perfect. you're going to see the people respond in many different ways. they respond positively. i think you'll see his numbers go up. the problem we have in politics today is if your side is for it, i'm not forit. i'm not going to give you any praise. i think that's a terrible mistake for the country. as i've said repeatedly and will continue to, we live in an i culture. what's in it for me. not a we culture. the quicker we can get to we, that would be great. going forward, the one thing i want to be clear about is at some point you have to start paying for this stuff. this is a little different. this is pandemic. as we move forward there's going to be a way foig out,000 pay for this package. we can't be having party and tell the kids they will have to pay for it. the national debt is real deal. you can't repeal gravity or the impact on massive federal spending that is not supported with spending reform. both parties love to cut ribbons when it comes to highway construction. we got o watch our spending before we wreck the economy. >> on that note, the house speaker nas nancy pelosi seems to be pursuing infrastructure spending as the next big legislative item, including highway construction and egg else. where do you think president biden will focus his next effort? >> i think we know joe biden is a big fan of american infras infrastructure. democrats have wanted to do a major infrastructure bill as a means of spurring economic growth and a vehicle putting into place some green job reforms that they think need to be supported by the federal government across the country. this is vehicle where bipartisanship could happen. republicans, some of them, want to do infrastructure as well. when you look at the private sector you see groups like manufacturing groups and business groups also wanting to push both parties towards an immigration bill. for joe biden, this may be the way to do it. all those other priorities are critical for democrats, particularly progressive but almost certain to not get any bipartisan support. i think that still remains something that is important to this white house. >> everybody stand by. there's more news we're following but first an important note to our viewers. be sure to tune in 8:00 a.m. eastern every sunday morning for inside politics sunday with abby f phillip. she'll be hosting inside politics this sunday, every sunday. new york's two democratic senators say governor andrew cuomo should resign but the governor is defients. he's denying any sexual misconduct. later, we'll have details on a major settlement reached by the city of minneapolis with the family of george floyd. stop at e or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. ♪ ♪ - [narrator] if you're 'thinking about going.. to school online, southern new hampshire university is where you belong. we've been online for more than 25 years and have helped thousands of students reach their goals. as a nonprofit university, we believe access to high quality education should be available to everyone. that's why we offer some of the lowest tuition rates in the nation, and haven't raised tuition in nearly a decade. so no matter where you want to go, snhu can help you get there. visit today. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. the new samsung galaxy s21 this looks different. it is. show me. just hit record! see that? you're filming in 8k. that's cinema quality. so... you can pull photos straight from video. impressive. but will it last a whole trip? you'll have battery all day. and then more. this is different. told you. ♪ president biden is touting the first major legislative achievement of his new administration. a 1.9 trillion dollar covid relief package as he cautiously lays out a new time line for the country trying to return normal. let's talk about that and more with the chairman of the house intelligence committee. thanks so much for joining us. you know the president held this celebration in the kwhous rose garden today for passage of this enormous relief bill. he will start to promote it around the country. what do you say to republicans who say he's taking a victory lap, arguing the foundation that was laid by the trump administration in. >> i don't know how they will give donald trump credit for a bill that they opposed that president biden and democrats in congress worked to achieve and to get help to american families that need it right now. i don't doubt they are unhappy the president will go out on the road and tell americans what's in this bill and what's in it for them because it's going to make it harder for them to depends their votes against help for small businesses, help for schools to reopen, help for vaccine roll out. i wouldn't want to be depending their position either. i think that joe biden recognizes the mistake that occurred during the obama administration and that is they didn't get out and sell the american recovery act. they didn't get out and sell the affordable care act the way they should have. n those things became more popular over time. i think joe biden is determined not to make that mistake again. >> they got to do this distribution of the billions and billions of dollars in a way that will avoid a lot of the fraud and abuse that occurred in earlier administrations. as you well know, that's not an easy matter. >> no, it isn't. you're right. there's been massive fraud in the unemployment system with the loss of billions and billions of dollars. we don't have money like that to waste. we don't have any money to waste. that happened under the prior watch but now joe biden is president of the united states. he will have the responsibility along with the rest of us to make sure that those funds are wisely spent and not diverted or defrauded. >> the house speaker, nancy pelosi says the next big ticket item should be infrastructure. do you support that ? >> i do. i think it's probably the most fertile ground for bipartisan work. our country needs it. we have had the experience of going to an airport in the united states flying abroad and landing in an airport that was far nicer than the one we left. traveled op roads that were far nicer than the roads back home. there's a lot of new infrastructure in terms of renewable energy and the super highway we neeld to build. the country desperately needs it. both parties have traditionally supported it. i'm hoping we can get to yes. >> maybe there be be some bipartisan cooperation. while i have you, congressman, on a very different note, i just want to get your thoughts. they have now joined 14 of your democrat house colleagues all from new york state in call for the governor's resignation. in light of these mounting sexual harassment allegations, what do you think? is it time for him to step down? >> i think my colleagues from new york are right. it probably is time for him to step down. they are closer to the situation than i am. if they made the judgment he doesn't have their confidence or the kofd of new yorkers to do that, then i don't think he can carry on. he should resign. i think they have reached the right judgment and they're in a position to know. >> thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. just ahead, the new york governor, as you hear, he's facing enormous purchase to resign after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. both new york democratic senators now say he should step down. also ahead, the royal tussle between meghan markle and piers morgan is escalating. an ev for this princess? 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>> we're at a point where we are counting the number of allegations we need two hands to do so. that is someignificant. it does speak volumes we're seeing yet another woman come forward and make these allegations. as the investigation go forward there's a constant drum beat of allegations coming against the governor and he's making a statement saying he didn't do anything wrong. that's not for him to decide. at this point i think it's really become a question of a significant volume of allegations that must be investigated. >> she said this was about power. how damaging are these latest accusations. as well as in the general public as for answers. at this point the investigations are working on two tracks not only the legislature but to the attorney general. the governor is yet to offer kind of concrete answers as to what happened in the instances. other cases he denied them. >> there's a legislative impeachment inquiry. that will be a public investigation. both would lead to reports that could lead to discipline. that's an allegation of a misdemeanor sexual assault. there's a lot of pieces moving. i think there's questions about how they handled the incidents as they a rose. there could be more people than just the governor who have to answer for what's happened here. >> cnn has not confirmed the allegation from the unnamed woman named in the albany times union story. we don't know who she is. we have not been able to speak with her. governor cuomo has lost the support of both democratic senators in addition to almost all, most of the rest of the new york democratic congressional delegations. a lot of local leaders, the mayor of new york wants him to resign. do you think he can resign as he loses this enormous political support? >> well, i think the one place every one should be looking tonight is the white house and whether president biden will make any statement calling on the governor to resign or back channelling that to the governor and saying perhaps it's time to go. certainly schumer and gillibrand saying it's time to resign is not a good indication. the word of the day was really defl deflection. most of the delegation in new york went against the governor today falling on the heels of albany lawmakers who have said the governor needs to go or needs to be i vnvestigated. it's not working in the governor's favor. >> these developments are moving very, very rapidly. thank you very much. there's more news we're following here in "the situation room." a huge settlement just approved by minneapolis for the family of yorj george floyd. ♪ ♪ (grunts when swinging) ♪ ♪ pnc bank believes that if you can get a pair of goggles that helps with your backhand... yeah! ...then you should be able to get a bank account that helps with your budget. 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>> reporter: yeah, wolf. they are pleased but they want this to mean something and translate to police reform. the city reached this $27 million settlement in this wrongful death civil lawsuit. this is the second settlement in less than five years involving a minneapolis police officer of $20 million. george floyd's brother knows this isn't everything but he recognizes for the moment this is a victory. >> everybody around this world who helped march with us on the front lines or on the couch, it doesn't matter. your heart was in a good place and i like to thank every one for that. thank you all so much. may george in live in power. >> reporter: of this money, $500,000 of it is going to the george floyd makeshift memorial site that has seen some violence at points this week but served as a central grieve point throughout all of this. the city council voted to approve the settlement on the same day they voted 11-2 to advance a proposal to dismantle the police department. this is the second time the city has tried to do this. the first time it stalled at the city charter step. it's important to note as well the civil settlement reached here is separate from the ongoing criminal proceedings we're seeing against the former minneapolis police officer dederek chauvin. we have 7 jurors. half of the 14 we need for trial. three are white men in their 20s to 30s. one is a white woman in her 50. one a hispanic man in his 20s. a black man in his 30s and the other a biracial woman in her 20s. we are at the halfway point of the 14 jurors we need including two alternates with court and week two of three in jury selection now set to begin on monday. >> omar, we'll stay in close touch with you. thank you very much. let's get some insight from cnn political commentat or. ben crump says this is one step on the journey to justice. do you think that resonates with the millions of people who marched and protested in george floyd's name last summer? >> i think it resonates loudly in is a singular step. this is a injourney for justice. we have seen the settlements across the country. this isn't the first time people have written checks after black blood has flowed through the streets. during this trial there has to been justice. listening to the demographics of the jurors where you have one mixed race individual and one black male, it gives me fauz. it gives he hesitancy. i go into this relatively cynical thinking we're not going to get justice in this trial simply because we never do. >> former police officer chauvin has been charged with third-degree murder. how could this new development shape the prosecution's approach? >> well, first of all, just as a criminal defense lawyer, i see these cases often. i represent individuals who face these charges often. one thing i can tell you is when there are a lot of charges out there, the prosecution has great leeway to figure out the intent behind many of these charns or behind the action. many of the differences or the difference, the major difference is the level of intent involved. now the prosecution ges to go out and say we want you to find this person guilty of first-degree murder. a jury can come back with a lat of charges to find him guilty for. anything less than first-degree murder in case like this is not full justice but as a prosecutor would probably tell you, that any guilty verdict they will take. >> attorney for the floyd family told me that they are bracing for the possible that the defense team will try to smear george floyd's character. do you think that's a laikely strategy in this particular trial? >> let me tell you one reason why i have a great deal of respect for you because the way you framed this case. you actually, unlike some, put the emphasis on the fact this is the trial of derek chauvin. when you walk on street, when you hear people on tv, radio, refer to this as the george floyd trial, it makes my skin crawl. it makes my stomach turn. imagine if we called it the nicole brown simpson trial. people would be livid. framing it as such. our language is so important because, they're going to try to put george floyd on trial and george floyd is not on trial. like his brother said, may he find some peace and rest in power. >> it's so hard to kwconvict a former police officer. you need a unanimous, you need all 12 jurors to agree. that is by no means an easy assignment for the prosecution. >> it's the highest stated in the land. when i'm giving closing arguments, i look at the jury and say you can't go back there and say i believe, it's possible, it's probably, he may have. you have to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. it's the highest standard in the land. it's extremely difficult because police go in there with the umbrella or the envelope of that blue shield. there's a great deal of respect that goes along with that. it's going to be very difficult for the prosecution to get a guilty verdict. that's why we need more tools in the tool box. i think if there was an opportunity to bring federal civil rights charges in case like this, but we know the standard is really high, that would help. this jury -- excuse me, this prosecution has their work cut out for them. i don't think that derek chauvin will be found guilty. i hope i'm here and proven wrong. >> we will stay in close touch with you. thank you so much. >> thank you, wolf. tonight, prosecutors say the january 6th capital siege here in washington, the investigation is quickly ly becoming one of t largest criminal probes in american history as the justice department prepares for more than 400 defendants and imminent guilty pleas we're told. bryan todd is working this story for us. what's the latest in court today, first of all? >> a federal judge ordered the release of a top member of far right wing malitia group the oath keepers. the judge ordered his release because of concerns about his health. even the prosecutors argued that caldwell argued that he's dangerous. the judge also questioned the evidence against caldwell. he's charged with one of the more serious charges of conspiracy in this case. we have new information tonight on pressure that could be building on trump confidant roger stone because of alleged connections he may have >> ready? >> reporter: roger stone, a close ally of former president trump's on the morning of january 6th out of the williard hotel not far from the white house. he was flanked by men who appeared to be body guards wearing tactical gear. cnn has identified some of them from the oath keepers. tonight, two of the members of the oath keepers who prosecutors say worked security with stone. one of them, roberto was among the rioters in stormed the capital. he was captured in this video screaming at please. another oath keeper, joshua james, was a driver fehr stone as part of his security detail. the day before the insurrection. james is also charged in the capitol siege. with the charges against those who guarded him, federal prosecutors could be building a close against roger stone. >> here, you have the justice department, and why they came on january 6th, prepared for violence, and if you want to connect them to the the campaign or the white house, one of the people you look to do that through is roger stone. >> reporter: stone did speak at a rally in washington the right before the riot, claiming the election was stolen from trump. >> i will be with you tomorrow shoulder to shoulder. >> reporter: stone was convicted in 2013 of witness tampering and other charges n connection to russian interference in the 2016 election. but he was pardoned by trump. he denies any involvement in the capitol attack, and denies advanced knowledge of it. says he was not at the capitol that day. help was asked about his connection to the oath keepers. >> guilt by association. no real journalist would ask that question. >> reporter: still, the oath keepers provided security for him in washington. analysts say under so much legal pressure, the oath keeper's charge could turn on each other. >> it seems like those are these are people who really enjoyed wearing the uniforms. but it's going to be another thing when they face the combined strength of the u.s. government. >> roger stone's company would not comment but stone said he had no knowledge of my role. and the men expected to plead not guilty. >> brian todd reporting. just ahead. new fall out from meghan markle's bombshell interview with oprah. othing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ - [narrator] grubhub perks give you deals on all the food that makes you boogie. (upbeat music) get the food you love with perks from- - [crowd] grubhub. yet, there is more fall out from the expo sif interview, the duke of duchess gave an interview to oprah. max, tell us what you liearned. >> reporter: interesting. earlier in the week, i came on the show and talked about how the duchess of sussex made a come planlt to itv on piers morgan. he went on a tirade, saying he don't believe a word, including mental health and relation to the racism she experienced. she talked about it famously. now, she made a complaint that itv, there were also 40,000 complaints to the broadcast regulator in the country from viewers. and that launched an investigation. we now heard the duchess of sussex has raced a complaint. the person involved in the come planlt has made a complaint. so the investigation becomes a lot more serious into piers' morgan's tirade. people with piers, people against piers. we also heard tonight the couple's foundation has doubled down on a lot of issues. they are providing support and aligning with a number of new charities and they promote diversity, and racial injustice. so we're watching the woum, rather than stepping back after the interview, really increasing their support for a lot of issues that came out of it noncht more reaction from the royal family. is that right? >> no reaction from the the royal family. the queen has asked everyone to be quiet. they haven't been out in engagements. but there is a lot of frustration in the dallas. so we may here next week. >> we will continue to follow the story. thanks very much. from the uk for the viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blisser in the situation room. aa erin burnett is next. out front. will politics stop biden from getting shots in just about every adult arm? and both new york senators calling for the new york governor to resign. and we first introduced to a mother of three. she lost her husband to coronavirus almost one year pay go, and moved all of us in the face of unthinkable loss. tonight, she's with us again. let's go outfront. good evening. i'm erin

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, May 1st , On May 1st , Restaurants , Places , Gyms , Covid 19 , Maryland , Death Toll , July 1st , 19 , 600000 , Place , Distancing , Capacity , Masking , Mask Mandate , New Orleans , Worship , Requirements , 75 , Everybody , Number , Covid Doesn T , Crowds , Tour , Maskless Spring Breakers , Concerns , Florida , Students , Tsa , Travel Propting , Learning , District , Superintendent , Atlanta Public Schools , Reporting A Spike In Air Travel , 1 28 Million , Guidance , Airports , Lants , Travel , Cdc No Travel , Push , Transmiable Variants , Our Cnn , Safe , Analyst , Incentive , Thanks , Brown University School Of Public Health , Report , Analysis , Keyword , Focus Onramping , American , Guidelines , Advice , 18 , Benchmark , Adult , May , Chronic Comorbid Iticomorb , Correspondent , Vaccination , Stand By , Support , Cut , It , Bipartisanship , Majority , Upside , Cash , Possibility , Pockets , Benefit , Well , Argument , Obama , Jb Knjoe Biden , Mistake , Elections , 2012 , Anything , Package , Little , Rern E , Joe Biden , Speech , Ter Riffic Job , Last Night , Judge , Pitch Perfect , Ways , Politics , Problem , Side , Praise , Forit , Point , Thing , Forward , Stuff , I Culture , We Culture , Pay , Party , Kids , 000 , Deal , Spending , Debt , Spending Reform , Gravity , Impact , Parties , Highway Construction , Ribbons , Note , Nancy Pelosi , Infrastructure Spending , Item , Economy , House Speaker , Including Highway Construction , Egg Else , Effort , Big Fan Of American Infras Infrastructure , Vehicle , Infrastructure Bill , Means , Growth , Job , Some , Infrastructure , Groups , Business , Sector , Immigration Bill , Priorities , News , Inside Politics , Sunday Morning , Abby F Phillip , 8 , 00 , Senators , Defients , Sexual Misconduct , Sunday , Two , Settlement , George Floyd , Stop , Cloud , City Of Minneapolis , Safety , Astronaut , Customers , Technology , Hospital , Nothing , Destination , Journey , Voiceover , Wanderers , On The Road Of Life , Road , Riders , Matter , Announcer , Most , Coffee , Freedom , Coffee Shop , Nope , Hi , Uh , Progressive , Don T , Thinking , Narrator , Protection , Biker , Southern New Hampshire University , 25 , 79 , 9 , Everyone , Haven T , Nonprofit University , Tuition , Goals , Education , Tuition Rates , Thousands , Hotels , Priceline , Visit Snhu Edu , 60 , Trip , Samsung Galaxy S21 , Video , Photos , Battery , Filming , That S Cinema Quality , 8k , 8k , Chairman , Talk , House Intelligence Committee , Let , Relief Bill , Celebration , Passage , Kwhous , Foundation , Trump , Donald Trump , Credit , Congress , Position , Businesses , Schools , Wouldn T , Votes , Roll Out , Recovery Act , Affordable Care Act , Lot , Billions , Fraud , Distribution , Abuse , Loss , Administrations , Isn T , Unemployment System , Rest , Dollars , President Of The United States , Watch , Ticket Item , Funds , Ground , Airport , Op Roads , Roads , Landing , Experience , Home , Super Highway , Terms , Renewable 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Misdemeanor , Pieces , Questions , Rose , Incidents , Albany Times Union Story , Delegations , Leaders , Addition , Word , Indication , Defl Deflection , Lawmakers , Developments , Favor , Pair , Backhand , Grunts , Goggles , Bank , Yorj , Bank Account , Wallet , Banking , Avoid Overdrafts , Budget , Finances , Alerts , Smarter , The Big Picture , Pnc Bank , Piano Music , Extreme , Comfort , Rinvoq , Mission , Suvs , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pill , Symptoms , Lincoln , Joints , Nra , Immune System , Attack , Rinvoq Relief , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Stomach , Infections , Intestines , Ability , Tuberculosis , Blood Clots , Lab Results , Changes , Tears , Cancers , Lymphoma , Bloodwork , Rheumatologist , Itching , Dog , Medicine , Treat , Outing , Abbvie , Skin Condition , Treatment , Don T Wait , Veterinarian , Itchingforhelp Com , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Jury Selection , Officer , City , Police Reform , 27 Million , 7 Million , Police Officer , George Floyd S Brother Knows This Isn T Everything , Death , Lawsuit , 20 Million , 00 Million , Five , Victory , Heart , Lines , World , Couch , Doesn T Matter , George Floyd Makeshift Memorial Site , May George , 00000 , 500000 , Violence , City Council , Central Grieve , Proposal , City Charter Step , Police Department , 11 , 2 , Former , Proceedings , George Floyd Trial , Men , Jurors , Man , Half , Dederek Chauvin , Their 20s To 30s , 50 , 30 , 7 , Three , 20 , Black Man , Alternates , Omar , Insight , Political Commentat , Ben Crump , Name , Settlements , Injourney , Blood , Isn T The First Time , Checks , Listening , Demographics , Streets , Individual , Race , Me Fauz , He Hesitancy , Murder , Prosecution , Approach , Chauvin , Charges , Intent , Individuals , Criminal Defense Lawyer , Leeway , Level , Differences , Many , Action , Prosecution Ges , Case , Jury , Prosecutor , Lat , Verdict , Character , Attorney , Defense Team , Respect , Trial , Laikely Strategy , Emphasis , Reason , Street , Skin , Radio , Tv , Nicole Brown Simpson , Framing It , Peace , Language , Brother , George Floyd On Trial , No , Highest , Assignment , Unanimous , Land , Closing Arguments , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Standard , Police , Umbrella , Envelope , Blue Shield , Rights , Tool Box , Opportunity , Tools , Wolf , Prosecutors , Fly , Probes , Washington , January 6th Capital Siege , January 6th , 6 , Justice Department , Release , Story , Latest , Defendants , Member , Pleas , Court Today , Bryan Todd , 400 , Group , Health , Wing , The Oath Keepers , Malitia , Roger Stone , Pressure , Evidence , Conspiracy , Information , Connections , Rally , Williard , The Morning Of January 6th , Gear , Hotel , Oath Keepers , Driver Fehr Stone , Roberto , Security , Joshua James , Capital , Security Detail , Rioters , Video Screaming , Insurrection , Capitol Siege , Close , Campaign , Election , Riot , Connection , Interference , Witness Tampering , 2013 , 2016 , Knowledge , Involvement , Capitol , 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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer

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oversight. more than 100 million administered doses of the covid vaccine. this just in, another mayor development. new calls for the new york governor andrew cuomo to resign. both new york democratic senator, the majority leader chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand saying cuomo should step down after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. let's begin our coverage at the white house. jeff is joining us. the president earlier today, he was cautiously optimistic during his address over in the white house rose garden. what else can you tell us? >> reporter: cautiously optimistic but optimistic in deed given the last year that america has endured. president biden says he believes this 1.9 trillion dollar bill is historic in transformational for millions of american families. he said the first signs of the stimulus checks will begin arriving in the bank accounts of americans this weekend. even as he says he still has work to do to sell this bill to rest of the country. >> help is here and we will not stop working for you president president biden celebrating his first legislative success hailing the american rescue plan as a triumph to lift the nation from crisis. >> together with you, we're showing it's possible to get big important things done. that's what america does. >> reporter: it was a rose garden victory lap with biden soaking his first official visit as president. >> tit changes the paradigm. for the first time in a long time, this bill puts working people in this nation first. it's not hyperbole. it's fact. >> reporter: he made clear the jubilation over the law that will touch the lives of millions of americans who have endured economic pain and hardship from the coronavirus pandemic came with deep responsibility for his new administration. sdplp we have to get this right. details matter because we have to continue to build confidence in the american people that they're government can function for them and deliver. >> vice president kamala harris praised biden's commitment to seeing the historic bill become reality notice the focus on helping america's poor and middle class. >> help has arooifd, america. this landmarked legislation will get relief to families, get support to communities and make sure more shots get in arms. >> the president's often repeated campaign mantra. >> help is on the way. >> reporter: will be put to the test as the first stimulus checks start arriving in american's bank accounts as soon as this weekend. for the white house it's something of an audacious gamble. effectively circling date ons the calendar when normalcy may start returning. march 21st, 100 million shots in arms since taking arms. may 1th, all adults eligible for the vaccine and by july 4th, americans can safely celebrate in small gatherings like backyard cook outs. white house press secretary trying to set expectations for the optimism. >> we're not talk about a july 4th celebration on the mall. this is a step more toward the kind of socialization and engagement with friends and family that he knows as a human being people have been missing over the last year. >> reporter: the white house is launching an extensive sales pitch next week with the president an first lady, vice president and members of the cabinet traveling to points across the country to explain how the law can help americans. >> we're going to be traveling the country to speak directly to the american people about how this law will make a real difference in their lives. >> reporter: the kpcampaign is first step to try to make permanent some provisions of the law. aid to working families and others left behind. >> this law is not the end of our efforts though. i view it as only beginning. >> reporter: this 1.9 trillion dollar spending bill that's sprawling effecting so many part of the government, it is expected to touch 85% of american families. president biden says his administration will appoint someone to oversee the implementation of all of this to make sure the money is spent properly. there's no question this historic legislative achievement for president biden sets his term off on the course of a positive direction. now the question is can any bipartisan bill ever be passed? this was democrats only. you saw democrats in the rose garden. of course, no republicans. >> no republicans in the house or the senate voted for this bill. jeff, thank you very much. let's get details in the fight against the coronavirus. more than 100 million doses of the covid vaccines have now been administered here in the united states. that according to fresh data just released by the cdc. this is a big step toward crushing the pandemic. >> reporter: after one long year, grandparents able to hug their children and grandchildren. >> my daughter and granddaughter came to my apartment to give me a little gift they said and the gift was the prescription from the doctor and it said you are allowed to hug your grand daughter. >> reporter: more reunions like these are on the horizon with greater numbers of people getting vaccinated with the record 2.9 vaccinations reported. planning to implement president biden's call to be eligible for vaccinations by may 1st. >> it doesn't mean every one will get the shot in their arm but on may 1st you should be able to get date in which you'll have a shot if you haven't had one already. >> reporter: the death toll from covid-19 will near 600,000 by july 1st with fewer people masking up. maryland is reopening businesses, including restaurants, gyms and places of worship at full capacity. though mask mandate and social distancing requirements will remain in place. new orleans also allowing some businesses, including restaurants to increase to 75% capacity with masking and social distancing still required. it seems licenes like these. maskless spring breakers in crowds. they expect the highest number of tour is since the pandemic began this weekend and next. >> everybody keeps saying covid doesn't exist down here in florida. >> i think we're going to get fooled. you'll see as we enter the summer months, number will go down and people will think great. we're good. they will be less interested in getting vaccine. >> reporter: concerns over spring break travel propting the superintendent of atlanta public schools to move the district to virtual learning for one week after students return. the tsa reporting a spike in air travel. the tsa screened 1.28 million people making it the third busiest day at american airports since the pandemic started. >> we must remain individual lants. >> reporter: the cdc is cautioning against travel saying it will consider revising the guidance once more people get their shots. >> we're very worried about transmiable variants. we're being extra cautious with travel. >> reporter: there's been some push back against the cdc no travel guidance for the fully vaccinated. our cnn medical analyst says she believes it's safe for the fully vaccinated to travel. that could serve as an incentive to get shots. >> keyword, fully vaccinated. thanks for that report. let's get some analysis from the brown university school of public health. >> it's wonderful. it's terrific. we got to keep going. we have more vaccines coming. we should celebrate but focus onramping up vaccinations even more. >> i think that's strong advice. the president now says all american adults will be eligible to get the coronavirus vaccine. every one 18 and older by may 1st. will removing the eligibility guidelines that all of us have been going through the past several months, will it help states get vaccines into arms more quickly. >> i think they will. i think that may 1st deadline or that benchmark is right. right now we got to get high with chronic comorbid iticomorb. after that once we get into may, let's open it up for every adult. i suspect that any adult who wants one should be ail to get one some time during the month of may and then finish up their full vaccination by june. >> i think that would be great in that happens. stand by. i want to bring in our senior political correspondent. how important that he has the support of the american people? >> i think it's extraordinarily important. the e republicans will argue cut out the possibility of bipartisanship but they did that because they believe that the upside of it, which is a bill that basically touches the vast majority of americans and gives them cash in their pockets is going to be worth it. americans will only feel that benefit, they will only believe they have benefitted if they are reminded about it. jb knjoe biden knows this well. those are things believes were not sold properly and ended up being part of republican argument against the obama administration in the midterm elections and in the 2012 elections. they don't want to repeat that mistake. >> that's important. do you think it's realistic to think rern e republicans will s anything that the president tries to do going forward? >> i think as i told you, i thought the package was a little too big. i think it should pass. i watched joe biden speak last night. i watched his speech in full. he did a ter riffic job. now think about how great it is for him to be able to travel all around and say to people, look, help is coming your way. sole judge of the help you already received. it's pitch perfect. you're going to see the people respond in many different ways. they respond positively. i think you'll see his numbers go up. the problem we have in politics today is if your side is for it, i'm not forit. i'm not going to give you any praise. i think that's a terrible mistake for the country. as i've said repeatedly and will continue to, we live in an i culture. what's in it for me. not a we culture. the quicker we can get to we, that would be great. going forward, the one thing i want to be clear about is at some point you have to start paying for this stuff. this is a little different. this is pandemic. as we move forward there's going to be a way foig out,000 pay for this package. we can't be having party and tell the kids they will have to pay for it. the national debt is real deal. you can't repeal gravity or the impact on massive federal spending that is not supported with spending reform. both parties love to cut ribbons when it comes to highway construction. we got o watch our spending before we wreck the economy. >> on that note, the house speaker nas nancy pelosi seems to be pursuing infrastructure spending as the next big legislative item, including highway construction and egg else. where do you think president biden will focus his next effort? >> i think we know joe biden is a big fan of american infras infrastructure. democrats have wanted to do a major infrastructure bill as a means of spurring economic growth and a vehicle putting into place some green job reforms that they think need to be supported by the federal government across the country. this is vehicle where bipartisanship could happen. republicans, some of them, want to do infrastructure as well. when you look at the private sector you see groups like manufacturing groups and business groups also wanting to push both parties towards an immigration bill. for joe biden, this may be the way to do it. all those other priorities are critical for democrats, particularly progressive but almost certain to not get any bipartisan support. i think that still remains something that is important to this white house. >> everybody stand by. there's more news we're following but first an important note to our viewers. be sure to tune in 8:00 a.m. eastern every sunday morning for inside politics sunday with abby f phillip. she'll be hosting inside politics this sunday, every sunday. new york's two democratic senators say governor andrew cuomo should resign but the governor is defients. he's denying any sexual misconduct. later, we'll have details on a major settlement reached by the city of minneapolis with the family of george floyd. stop at e or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. ♪ ♪ - [narrator] if you're 'thinking about going.. to school online, southern new hampshire university is where you belong. we've been online for more than 25 years and have helped thousands of students reach their goals. as a nonprofit university, we believe access to high quality education should be available to everyone. that's why we offer some of the lowest tuition rates in the nation, and haven't raised tuition in nearly a decade. so no matter where you want to go, snhu can help you get there. visit today. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. the new samsung galaxy s21 this looks different. it is. show me. just hit record! see that? you're filming in 8k. that's cinema quality. so... you can pull photos straight from video. impressive. but will it last a whole trip? you'll have battery all day. and then more. this is different. told you. ♪ president biden is touting the first major legislative achievement of his new administration. a 1.9 trillion dollar covid relief package as he cautiously lays out a new time line for the country trying to return normal. let's talk about that and more with the chairman of the house intelligence committee. thanks so much for joining us. you know the president held this celebration in the kwhous rose garden today for passage of this enormous relief bill. he will start to promote it around the country. what do you say to republicans who say he's taking a victory lap, arguing the foundation that was laid by the trump administration in. >> i don't know how they will give donald trump credit for a bill that they opposed that president biden and democrats in congress worked to achieve and to get help to american families that need it right now. i don't doubt they are unhappy the president will go out on the road and tell americans what's in this bill and what's in it for them because it's going to make it harder for them to depends their votes against help for small businesses, help for schools to reopen, help for vaccine roll out. i wouldn't want to be depending their position either. i think that joe biden recognizes the mistake that occurred during the obama administration and that is they didn't get out and sell the american recovery act. they didn't get out and sell the affordable care act the way they should have. n those things became more popular over time. i think joe biden is determined not to make that mistake again. >> they got to do this distribution of the billions and billions of dollars in a way that will avoid a lot of the fraud and abuse that occurred in earlier administrations. as you well know, that's not an easy matter. >> no, it isn't. you're right. there's been massive fraud in the unemployment system with the loss of billions and billions of dollars. we don't have money like that to waste. we don't have any money to waste. that happened under the prior watch but now joe biden is president of the united states. he will have the responsibility along with the rest of us to make sure that those funds are wisely spent and not diverted or defrauded. >> the house speaker, nancy pelosi says the next big ticket item should be infrastructure. do you support that ? >> i do. i think it's probably the most fertile ground for bipartisan work. our country needs it. we have had the experience of going to an airport in the united states flying abroad and landing in an airport that was far nicer than the one we left. traveled op roads that were far nicer than the roads back home. there's a lot of new infrastructure in terms of renewable energy and the super highway we neeld to build. the country desperately needs it. both parties have traditionally supported it. i'm hoping we can get to yes. >> maybe there be be some bipartisan cooperation. while i have you, congressman, on a very different note, i just want to get your thoughts. they have now joined 14 of your democrat house colleagues all from new york state in call for the governor's resignation. in light of these mounting sexual harassment allegations, what do you think? is it time for him to step down? >> i think my colleagues from new york are right. it probably is time for him to step down. they are closer to the situation than i am. if they made the judgment he doesn't have their confidence or the kofd of new yorkers to do that, then i don't think he can carry on. he should resign. i think they have reached the right judgment and they're in a position to know. >> thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. just ahead, the new york governor, as you hear, he's facing enormous purchase to resign after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. both new york democratic senators now say he should step down. also ahead, the royal tussle between meghan markle and piers morgan is escalating. an ev for this princess? 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>> we're at a point where we are counting the number of allegations we need two hands to do so. that is someignificant. it does speak volumes we're seeing yet another woman come forward and make these allegations. as the investigation go forward there's a constant drum beat of allegations coming against the governor and he's making a statement saying he didn't do anything wrong. that's not for him to decide. at this point i think it's really become a question of a significant volume of allegations that must be investigated. >> she said this was about power. how damaging are these latest accusations. as well as in the general public as for answers. at this point the investigations are working on two tracks not only the legislature but to the attorney general. the governor is yet to offer kind of concrete answers as to what happened in the instances. other cases he denied them. >> there's a legislative impeachment inquiry. that will be a public investigation. both would lead to reports that could lead to discipline. that's an allegation of a misdemeanor sexual assault. there's a lot of pieces moving. i think there's questions about how they handled the incidents as they a rose. there could be more people than just the governor who have to answer for what's happened here. >> cnn has not confirmed the allegation from the unnamed woman named in the albany times union story. we don't know who she is. we have not been able to speak with her. governor cuomo has lost the support of both democratic senators in addition to almost all, most of the rest of the new york democratic congressional delegations. a lot of local leaders, the mayor of new york wants him to resign. do you think he can resign as he loses this enormous political support? >> well, i think the one place every one should be looking tonight is the white house and whether president biden will make any statement calling on the governor to resign or back channelling that to the governor and saying perhaps it's time to go. certainly schumer and gillibrand saying it's time to resign is not a good indication. the word of the day was really defl deflection. most of the delegation in new york went against the governor today falling on the heels of albany lawmakers who have said the governor needs to go or needs to be i vnvestigated. it's not working in the governor's favor. >> these developments are moving very, very rapidly. thank you very much. there's more news we're following here in "the situation room." a huge settlement just approved by minneapolis for the family of yorj george floyd. ♪ ♪ (grunts when swinging) ♪ ♪ pnc bank believes that if you can get a pair of goggles that helps with your backhand... yeah! ...then you should be able to get a bank account that helps with your budget. 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>> reporter: yeah, wolf. they are pleased but they want this to mean something and translate to police reform. the city reached this $27 million settlement in this wrongful death civil lawsuit. this is the second settlement in less than five years involving a minneapolis police officer of $20 million. george floyd's brother knows this isn't everything but he recognizes for the moment this is a victory. >> everybody around this world who helped march with us on the front lines or on the couch, it doesn't matter. your heart was in a good place and i like to thank every one for that. thank you all so much. may george in live in power. >> reporter: of this money, $500,000 of it is going to the george floyd makeshift memorial site that has seen some violence at points this week but served as a central grieve point throughout all of this. the city council voted to approve the settlement on the same day they voted 11-2 to advance a proposal to dismantle the police department. this is the second time the city has tried to do this. the first time it stalled at the city charter step. it's important to note as well the civil settlement reached here is separate from the ongoing criminal proceedings we're seeing against the former minneapolis police officer dederek chauvin. we have 7 jurors. half of the 14 we need for trial. three are white men in their 20s to 30s. one is a white woman in her 50. one a hispanic man in his 20s. a black man in his 30s and the other a biracial woman in her 20s. we are at the halfway point of the 14 jurors we need including two alternates with court and week two of three in jury selection now set to begin on monday. >> omar, we'll stay in close touch with you. thank you very much. let's get some insight from cnn political commentat or. ben crump says this is one step on the journey to justice. do you think that resonates with the millions of people who marched and protested in george floyd's name last summer? >> i think it resonates loudly in is a singular step. this is a injourney for justice. we have seen the settlements across the country. this isn't the first time people have written checks after black blood has flowed through the streets. during this trial there has to been justice. listening to the demographics of the jurors where you have one mixed race individual and one black male, it gives me fauz. it gives he hesitancy. i go into this relatively cynical thinking we're not going to get justice in this trial simply because we never do. >> former police officer chauvin has been charged with third-degree murder. how could this new development shape the prosecution's approach? >> well, first of all, just as a criminal defense lawyer, i see these cases often. i represent individuals who face these charges often. one thing i can tell you is when there are a lot of charges out there, the prosecution has great leeway to figure out the intent behind many of these charns or behind the action. many of the differences or the difference, the major difference is the level of intent involved. now the prosecution ges to go out and say we want you to find this person guilty of first-degree murder. a jury can come back with a lat of charges to find him guilty for. anything less than first-degree murder in case like this is not full justice but as a prosecutor would probably tell you, that any guilty verdict they will take. >> attorney for the floyd family told me that they are bracing for the possible that the defense team will try to smear george floyd's character. do you think that's a laikely strategy in this particular trial? >> let me tell you one reason why i have a great deal of respect for you because the way you framed this case. you actually, unlike some, put the emphasis on the fact this is the trial of derek chauvin. when you walk on street, when you hear people on tv, radio, refer to this as the george floyd trial, it makes my skin crawl. it makes my stomach turn. imagine if we called it the nicole brown simpson trial. people would be livid. framing it as such. our language is so important because, they're going to try to put george floyd on trial and george floyd is not on trial. like his brother said, may he find some peace and rest in power. >> it's so hard to kwconvict a former police officer. you need a unanimous, you need all 12 jurors to agree. that is by no means an easy assignment for the prosecution. >> it's the highest stated in the land. when i'm giving closing arguments, i look at the jury and say you can't go back there and say i believe, it's possible, it's probably, he may have. you have to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. it's the highest standard in the land. it's extremely difficult because police go in there with the umbrella or the envelope of that blue shield. there's a great deal of respect that goes along with that. it's going to be very difficult for the prosecution to get a guilty verdict. that's why we need more tools in the tool box. i think if there was an opportunity to bring federal civil rights charges in case like this, but we know the standard is really high, that would help. this jury -- excuse me, this prosecution has their work cut out for them. i don't think that derek chauvin will be found guilty. i hope i'm here and proven wrong. >> we will stay in close touch with you. thank you so much. >> thank you, wolf. tonight, prosecutors say the january 6th capital siege here in washington, the investigation is quickly ly becoming one of t largest criminal probes in american history as the justice department prepares for more than 400 defendants and imminent guilty pleas we're told. bryan todd is working this story for us. what's the latest in court today, first of all? >> a federal judge ordered the release of a top member of far right wing malitia group the oath keepers. the judge ordered his release because of concerns about his health. even the prosecutors argued that caldwell argued that he's dangerous. the judge also questioned the evidence against caldwell. he's charged with one of the more serious charges of conspiracy in this case. we have new information tonight on pressure that could be building on trump confidant roger stone because of alleged connections he may have >> ready? >> reporter: roger stone, a close ally of former president trump's on the morning of january 6th out of the williard hotel not far from the white house. he was flanked by men who appeared to be body guards wearing tactical gear. cnn has identified some of them from the oath keepers. tonight, two of the members of the oath keepers who prosecutors say worked security with stone. one of them, roberto was among the rioters in stormed the capital. he was captured in this video screaming at please. another oath keeper, joshua james, was a driver fehr stone as part of his security detail. the day before the insurrection. james is also charged in the capitol siege. with the charges against those who guarded him, federal prosecutors could be building a close against roger stone. >> here, you have the justice department, and why they came on january 6th, prepared for violence, and if you want to connect them to the the campaign or the white house, one of the people you look to do that through is roger stone. >> reporter: stone did speak at a rally in washington the right before the riot, claiming the election was stolen from trump. >> i will be with you tomorrow shoulder to shoulder. >> reporter: stone was convicted in 2013 of witness tampering and other charges n connection to russian interference in the 2016 election. but he was pardoned by trump. he denies any involvement in the capitol attack, and denies advanced knowledge of it. says he was not at the capitol that day. help was asked about his connection to the oath keepers. >> guilt by association. no real journalist would ask that question. >> reporter: still, the oath keepers provided security for him in washington. analysts say under so much legal pressure, the oath keeper's charge could turn on each other. >> it seems like those are these are people who really enjoyed wearing the uniforms. but it's going to be another thing when they face the combined strength of the u.s. government. >> roger stone's company would not comment but stone said he had no knowledge of my role. and the men expected to plead not guilty. >> brian todd reporting. just ahead. new fall out from meghan markle's bombshell interview with oprah. othing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ - [narrator] grubhub perks give you deals on all the food that makes you boogie. (upbeat music) get the food you love with perks from- - [crowd] grubhub. yet, there is more fall out from the expo sif interview, the duke of duchess gave an interview to oprah. max, tell us what you liearned. >> reporter: interesting. earlier in the week, i came on the show and talked about how the duchess of sussex made a come planlt to itv on piers morgan. he went on a tirade, saying he don't believe a word, including mental health and relation to the racism she experienced. she talked about it famously. now, she made a complaint that itv, there were also 40,000 complaints to the broadcast regulator in the country from viewers. and that launched an investigation. we now heard the duchess of sussex has raced a complaint. the person involved in the come planlt has made a complaint. so the investigation becomes a lot more serious into piers' morgan's tirade. people with piers, people against piers. we also heard tonight the couple's foundation has doubled down on a lot of issues. they are providing support and aligning with a number of new charities and they promote diversity, and racial injustice. so we're watching the woum, rather than stepping back after the interview, really increasing their support for a lot of issues that came out of it noncht more reaction from the royal family. is that right? >> no reaction from the the royal family. the queen has asked everyone to be quiet. they haven't been out in engagements. but there is a lot of frustration in the dallas. so we may here next week. >> we will continue to follow the story. thanks very much. from the uk for the viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blisser in the situation room. aa erin burnett is next. out front. will politics stop biden from getting shots in just about every adult arm? and both new york senators calling for the new york governor to resign. and we first introduced to a mother of three. she lost her husband to coronavirus almost one year pay go, and moved all of us in the face of unthinkable loss. tonight, she's with us again. let's go outfront. good evening. i'm erin

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