Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon : comparemel

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon

this is a tough night. we mark one year of our nightmare collectively, right? here at cnn and our family, it's not just tough because what we've all lived through with covid. the president was right. we need to be the answer for one another, and that is brought home in such painful variety today. yeah, it's a year for all of us. but there's something else today should have been. today would also have been the first birthday for a very special little girl to us, francesca, known forever as beans. that's what they called her. the daughter of our dear friend and colleague, the brain behind the k-file, investigative genius. his wife, rachel, beans smiled bravely in the face of another health monster, a rare form of brain cancer. she fought. they fought. they moved. they did everything. they believed. they loved. inspired all of us. with what they were clear eyed and committed to. she didn't make it. she fought. she died on christmas eve. i remember it. i remember hearing about it and the heartbreak. and then soon after, the hope that andrew and his wife had that they could do something for somebody else. bean's short life would inspire a long commitment to what people at dana farber cancer institute do. i want you to be on team beans. now, this hat, cnn put together for us. it's a really good thing to do, by the way, unusual in my business. team beans. now, i am going to start a little action on social media. and whoever wants this hat the most will get it and i will send you everything that we do for my show as well, and i will owe you one. if we can raise money and help another family, what a beautiful thing. you go to i'll tweet out the link. if you want this hat, make me an offer. thank you for watching tonight. let's get to the big show. "cnn tonight" with the big show d. lemon. -- captions by vitac -- a wore this today. i wore this one as well. this is scott beagle. he died in the marjory stoneman douglas school shooting. so, the mask makes us remember covid. and this for really amazing colleague and his entire family, team beans. i went there today. so, make sure everybody, you go there, you support it and it goes to supporting cancer foundation. and not one more child should have to deal with this. not one more family should have to deal with it. >> kids are going to lose but we can make a difference. and the reason we did is, look, we care about our own always. but andrew and his wife, special people that fought a hell of a fight and really did it in an inspirational way. i've never seen people come together around their kid any better than they did and made all of us them and beans. make me an offer. highest offer will get the hat and everything i offer on the show. i'll tell you, this is an emotional time. we all lived through such horrors this last year. everybody lost something or someone. and now we're trying to figure out how to mark mark life going forward, whether the loss is permanent as it was with beans or temporary like with me with the long haul thing. my daughter turns 18 tomorrow, my biggest one. >> oh, wow. yeah. >> you know, it really makes you think. everybody says it went by in a blink. no, it didn't. no, it didn't. it's 18 years is a lot of time and it just makes us all remember -- >> joe biden, before he was president, first time in the white house as vice president, he lost two children. he lost his wife. and you could feel in his speech tonight the compassion that he had -- that he has. and i think for the time that we're in right now with covid, with people suffering so many losses, with just what's happening in the country, the right person, the right time at the moment, that's not political. that's coming from a place in the heart, a compassionate place of the heart. i have to tell you, we're thinking about everybody who has suffered from covid, all the losses we've had, and especially the kusinski family right now. chris, i love you. i'll see you tomorrow night. >> i love you, don lemon, especially tonight. team beans. >> make sure you go to the site and check it out. this is cnn tonight, i'm don lemon. thank you so much for joining. so, we have breaking news. i think it is fair to say, and i think you'll agree, most of you, the country is at a turning point tonight and the president of the united states speaking to the american people in his first primetime address on where we stand after a year of covid. this has been a long tortuous year. don't you think? a long year. think about everything we've gone through. the quarantine, the lockdowns, the misinformation, the crazy statements, fighting over masks, all of that. but right now where we are, this president is promising every one of us, every adult will be eligible for a vaccine no later than may 1st, urging americans not to let masks divide us. condemning hate crimes against asian americans as wrong and unamerican. and demanding they stop. >> too often we've turned against one another. a mask. the easiest thing to do to save lives, sometimes it divides us. states turning against one another instead of working with each other. vicious hate crimes against asian americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated. at this very moment so many of them, our fellow americans, on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives, and still -- still they are forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in america. it's wrong. it's unamerican. and it must stop. >> compare that to the racist memes names for the pandemic that the other president called. none of it tonight, none of it, not a trace. how refreshing. how human. how compassionate. how american. president biden acknowledging it won't be easy, saying, i need you to get vaccinated and wear masks to get us to something close to normal by the 4th of july. >> i promise i will do everything in my power, i will not relent until we beat this virus. but i need you, the american people, i need you -- i need every american to do their part. this is hyperbole. i need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity. and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well. because here's the point. if we do all this, if we do our part, we do this together, by july the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighborhood and have a cookout or barbecue and celebrate independence day. >> what the president is saying is, help is on the way. that's how the preacher says it on sunday morning, right? help is on the way. come on, everybody. help is on the way. if you just do your part. right? there was no, i alone can fix this. no, no. no, i know better than the generals. how about, we're all in this together. i need your help. we're all americans. whew! ham lieu i can't. hallelujah. how different is that. how different from the me, me, me, me, me. me, me, me that we heard for four years. i need you. now the president has to deliver, though, on his promises. and on the monumental covid relief bill that he signed just today. all that as we mark one year of covid. a year like nothing we have ever seen really in most of our lifetimes in this country, nothing. the deadliest year in the recorded history of the united states. think about that. the deadliest year in the recorded history of the united states, a year of covid and a year of lessons about leadership. exactly one year ago the then president of the united states said this. >> the vast majority of americans, the risk is very, very low. >> now here we are after a year of denial. of downplaying the virus. of saying it would just go away like magic. saying, we can inject disinfectant. after a year of lies. that cost the lives of more than 530,000 americans. we can never, ever, ever forget those who we lost. but if president biden is making his promise to keep covid relief his first priority, the gop or the gqp is completely failing to meet the moment. republicans are hard at work trying to disenfranchise americans in a voter suppression effort, the likes of which we have not seen since jim crow. there are more than 250 bills nationwide to roll back voter access. 24 of them in arizona alone since january. where one arizona republican is really -- he is taking saying the quiet part out loud to new heights, or maybe probably better, new depths. senator kavanaugh, arizona statehouse, putting it right out in the open here. listen to this, okay. he says, quote, everybody shouldn't be voting. i'll say that again. he says, "everybody shouldn't be voting. not everybody wants to vote. and if somebody is uninterested in voting, that probably means that they're totally uninformed on the issues. quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes as well." do you believe it? he actually said that out loud. now you know the thinking. everybody shouldn't be voting. you mean like when voters had to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar, like that kind of stuff? like when black folks were turned away? like that kind of stuff? like poll taxes? you know what i'm talking about. suppression. you mean like when literacy tests were used to keep people of color and sometimes poor whites from casting ballots? what he is saying is the definition of voter suppression. because you know why? everybody should be voting. that is the american way. that is the foundation of our democracy. free, free, free and fair elections. not quality of votes. free and fair. if you care about democracy, then you want everybody to vote. everyone is equal under the law. come on. everyone is equal under the law. not the quality of this person's vote is better than the quality of this person's vote. that's not how our democracy works. and if joe biden vowed to open up vaccines to all american adults by may 1st, his predecessor is trying to take credit 0 for it. look, the vaccines were developed under the trump administration. the former president who was secretly vaccinated, by the way, in the white house, for him to now want to take credit for vaccines is really something. is it any wonder he is the only living president who wasn't photographed getting vaccinated? the only one. is it any wonder he's not part of the president's club urging americans to get vaccinated? >> in order to get rid of this pandemic, it's important for our fellow citizens to get vaccinated. >> i'm getting vaccinated because we want to end this as soon as possible. >> we urge to get vaccinated as soon as possible. >> so roll up your sleeve and do your part. >> now it's up to you. >> ah. there's one in every bunch. or in this case, there's one not in every bunch. and over at the fox propaganda network, the people who brought you the gop outrage machine with dr. seuss, mr. potato head and neanderthal thinking, now we have tucker carlsson single handedly managing to turn the military against him. really. this is how you appeal to the gop base, by infuriating the military with slurs against women in uniform? okay, i hope everyone is sitting. turn up the volume because you have to hear it to believe it. rolling. >> so we've got new hair styles and maternity flight suits. pregnant women are going to fight our wars. it's a mockery of the u.s. military. while china's military becomes more masculine as it assembles the world's largest navy, our military needs to become -- mr. biden says, more feminine. whatever feminine means any more since men and women no longer exist. the bottom line is it's out of control, and the pentagon is going along with this. this is a mockery of the u.s. military and its core mission, which is winning wars. >> i told you. a mockery. a mockery. pregnant woman in uniform a mockery. how do you think he got here? can i tell you what's a mockery? let me tell you what's a mockery. a host on the fox propaganda network who never -- never served in the military mocking women who do. that's what a mockery is. the pentagon incensed at the disrespect of women in the armed forces, pentagon spokesperson john kirby said, secretary of defense showed the same revulsion as many military leaders. >> we absolutely won't do is take personnel advice from a talk show host on the chinese military. maybe those folks feel they have something to prove. that's on them. >> mr. secretary, certainly he shares the revolt of so many others to what mr. carlsson said in his opening statement. >> new jersey congresswoman mikey cheryl said, who spent almost ten years on active duty in the navy, by the way, tweets that she served with women who risked their lives to protect our country. tucker carlson did not. and over on the propaganda fox propaganda network, he is playing the victim after getting called out for mocking the women who served in our armed forces. who risked their lives to protect our country. the pentagon won't stand for it. and we shouldn't either. we shouldn't stand for any of it. not the propaganda, not the voter suppression, none of it. we shouldn't. america is at a turning point right now, as i said, and the president is making some big promises. now he has to deliver on those promises. >> there is hope and light of better days ahead. if we all do our part, this country will be vaccinated soon. our country will be on the mend. our kids will be back in school. and we'll have proven once again that this country can do anything. future. it means healthcare for all. even in places where doctors are scarce. enter medibus, a state-of-the-art clinic on four wheels, powered by cisco, dispatched from the cloud to create a 21st-century lifeline. and all because one company dared wonder if the road to better healthcare could literally be the road that runs through town. cisco. the bridge to possible. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle, and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. president biden addressing america tonight marking one year of the deadly covid-19 pandemic saying the virus has taken a terrible toll, but often messages of hope. the president it will states to make all adults eligible for vaccine by may 1st. we have a lot to discuss. chief correspondent dana bash is here and kaitlan collins as well. let's start at the white house. president biden addressing the pain of the nation for over a year, but with an eye toward the future, setting some big goals over the next few months. what did we hear? >> yeah, officials said that he really wanted to strike that balance, acknowledging that, yes, you are still seeing 1500 people die every single day. but look ahead to what's going to come. so he was setting some goals tonight. we have dates from president biden and one of the biggest i think and most significant that people are going to be looking at is that may 1st date. saying this is when he's going to direct all states which the white house says he has the authority to do via the health and human services department to make sure all americans are eligible to get the vaccine no later than may 1st. they are talking about tolls to find a way to schedule vaccine points. they're going to have a federal website to look at where the closest vaccine to you is. they'll have a call center for those who don't have access to internet. the other thing i think so many have asked about is when are schools going to reopen and reopen the way we saw them before. they were talking about the money they're going to be investing in doing that as well. looking at that, expanding also as the vaccinations are going forward, who can actually conduct these vaccines. so you saw several steps coming from this, but i think at the end, what you heard from them was saying this is not just on the federal government. it's also on individual americans to make the decision, go out there and get the vaccine when it's their turn. i think he spent part of his speech actually addressing that vaccine hesitancy which you've heard from so many federal health officials which is a concern. when supply is here and people can get it, they will be reluctant to do so. you saw him take time in tonight's speech to address that part of that. >> dana, i want to play a little more of the president tonight and then we'll discuss. here it is. >> it's the details of life that matter of most. and we miss those details, the big details and the small moments. weddings. birthdays. graduations. all the things that needed to happen but didn't. the first date. the family reunions. the sunday night rituals. it's all exacted a terrible cost on the psyche of so many of us. we are fundamentally a people who want to be with others. >> dana, there was compassion, there is empathy there. this is what president biden does very well. what did you think of his tone and message? it wasn't until the end that he touted his rescue plan. >> yeah, that part was vintage joe biden. taking the realities of people's humanity, the realities of what people need and want in their everyday lives and relating to it and making it clear that he understands it. and, you know, that is something that is so basic that we had become, until the last four years, used to seeing and hearing from presidents, you know, the kind of sympathy factor, the empathy factor, and the relatable notion of somebody who is, yes, in the white house who is the most powerful person, you know, in this country and, you know, in the world. but somebody who understands the struggles people are going through and there are few politicians who really get that at their core like joe biden. and, you know, that was a good part of what he was doing tonight. in addition to the policy prescriptions, in addition to the promises that he made that kaitlan was talking about. >> let's talk a little more about the promises. he relayed a story about a woman he said he met on the campaign trail this past summer who said, i just want you to tell me the truth. just tell me the truth. i can handle it. he believes americans want the truth. so, having said that, from the very beginning, dana, president biden has been managing expectations and trying to exceed them. now people are going to be very excited about may 1st and getting life back to normal soon after. is that a risky promise? >> yes, it is a risky promise. but, you know, the fact that this president, who understands the expectations game when it comes to politics and when it comes to leadership felt that he could say and his advisers felt that he could say may 1st, speaks to the competence he clearly has with regard to the supply. there are all kinds of problems with regard to finding a way to get the vaccine, each state, here in d.c., processes are cumbersome and certainly not uniform. the big thing is supply. and the fact that the deal that he helped to bring together unprecedented deal between two major competitors, merck and johnson & johnson, that is one example. and just the fact that there are three really good vaccines on the market of why he felt like he could say that. but to go back to your original question, is it risky? yes, because if he can't get that done, then that's a bar he set for himself. >> kaitlan, we talk about a study in contrasts here. president biden condemning the rise in violence targeting asian americans -- listen, i remember when he -- i'm sure you were there as well. i know you were there as well when he would get into, you know, skirmishes with asian-american reporters at the white house. so talk about a different message than the former president who used to use racist language to describe the virus. >> reporter: well, and just a few days ago when former president trump put out a statement trying to take credit for the vaccines, basically there is a sense in trump world the biden administration is taking credit for operation warp speed, the programs that they started. he called it the china virus and that is something that several times the white house was pressed on, which is why is the white house so regularly referring to it as that given what we've seen play out over the past year, which is this rise in bigotry and violence towards asian americans because of terms like that and terms people use i won't repeat here. what you saw president biden do tonight was take a moment to address that specifically head on which i think is notable he did do that in a national address, where millions of people are watching to say thats was unamerican and it was wrong. and really just try to address that in a sense that you did not see with the last white house, where there are several instances we can bring up where it was not only president trump, but some of his senior white house aides doing that as well. i think there is a difference in talking about that and talking about holding the chinese government accountable for how they responded to the initial outbreak of the pandemic and what they could have done differently. i think that's something that you'll see the biden administration deal with going forward, which is how are they going to navigate a relationship with them on that. but he did take time-out of that tonight to address that and tell people they need to stop doing that. >> kaitlan, dana, thank you so much. i appreciate your time and your reporting. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> president biden sending a message of unity. but with republicans focused on division, are they missing the mood of the country? tonight, i'll be eating the al pastor burrito from boca burritos right here in aurora. 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they haven't had much of one so far. >> as i listened to that speech tonight, don, i was struck by the fact i felt like i had gone back to earth after being on mars for four years and being able to breathe normal oxygen. >> i'm glad you said that. i felt like i was in another country than i had been the last time we saw someone speaking from the white house like that and not saying china virus and i alone can fix it and it's not a big deal. >> well, yeah. and it's funny. as i listened to it, you know, it reminded me that he presented a trifecta of leadership, right, and a trifecta is competency, honesty and empathy with a dash of humility mixed in. that's all the decent leaders in the world do. they are able to combine all those things. it's interesting to me what the republicans are going to do. i don't think they have an ability to respond to that type of leadership because they've gotten so entrenched in the way trump was. and trump has basically become the republican party. so i think their only response is not a vision. they don't really have a vision that they have that they can tell to a majority of america. it's tactically, you see what they're tactically trying to do across the country. they know what they're doing isn't popular and what president biden is doing is popular. so what do they do tactically? try to prevent a majority of americans from voting and that's what i think the response is. >> i said that last night. a lot of this stuff, last night -- i can't remember, a lot of this stuff i think they're just distracting the american people with dr. seuss and mr. potato head while they're trying to restrict voting rights from many americans, especially black and brown people. let's look at tonight, though. let's listen to the president, what he said about unity. >> even if we devote every resource we have, beating this virus and getting back to normal depends on national unity. and national unity isn't just how politics and politicians vote in washington. what the loudest voices say on cable or online. unity is what we do together as fellow americans. >> matthew, this is a call to action, but isn't he also reframing what unity is, taking partnership out of the equation? partisanship, excuse me, not partnership. >> well, to me that's one of the most important things i think they can do, which is the way it's been defined in so many conversations around washington is that unity is somehow trying to get somebody's vote who will never vote with you. as that defining unity as opposed to unity is where the american public is. i think that's really smart. i've always thought that leaders should define unity as what the voters want, not what somebody in washington is willing to block and not do. you can't invite somebody, you can't get in a situation where you invite somebody to a party. they refuse to come to the party, and then you give validity to their complaint they never were included in the party had they never wanted to come anyway. and so i think this is the way to go. i think the american public we know a vast majority of democrats supported, vast majority of independent supported, plurality of republicans support it. redefining what he's doing, redefining partisanship, not what's going on in washington, d.c. or what mitch mcconnell or somebody in that republican and the house is doing, but redefining what the american people wants and that's the way to go because that's what we want. and the other part of unity is shared sacrifice, and the president, though he didn't use those words, basically called on each of us to be part of the shared sacrifice. and how little it is, maintaining 6 foot distance and wearing your mask, and we think of all the sacrifices that have been made by the civil rights movement by people during world war ii throughout our history, where they gave their lives in order to push america forward, all we're being asked is these little things and the president is doing that. it's not just promising things. it's asking us to be involved and that's part of unity. >> isn't it don't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country? that was a moment. but listen, you said something, and i've been thinking about it as you've been talking, when you said, when you talked about the response from the republican party and what they're doing. they really are stuck. don't you think they're stuck in sort of the way things were and joe biden just ignores them and just continues on with his agenda? that has to be really frustrating for them. and i would imagine -- well, i want to know what you think. what happens to them if the economy comes roaring back? if the virus is manageable within, you know, by summer or by fall? what happens with the republican party? >> well, i think they're -- i would say -- i would often say they need to do soul searching. but i think the soul of the republican party is so dissipated that it's even going to be difficult to find at this moment in time of who they are and what do they stand for in this. and so i think -- i mean, if the economy, which is expected by wall street and other business people to come back because there's a pent up demand and pent up ability of people to want to get out and do things again. i think it looks like the covid situation will be under control as best as possible and as speedily as possible now that president biden has put in scientific leadership and speaking truth. i don't know what, don, i don't know what they fundamentally do. that's why they're stuck in this culture war, meaningless things talking about things that don't matter to average americans in this. but this is the problem we're in because they don't -- do not have an ability to speak to the majority of the country. the only part of america they're speaking to fundamentally is the part of america that is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, which is white christian, mainly white christian males in the country which is now 30% or less of the country. as that diminishes, they become out of step with the demographic change of america, and that's the fundamental problem. i thought, you know, i worked for george w. bush. he pushed and pushed and pushed to be as inclusive as possible because he knew how that would mean, what it would mean for america and how to be a legitimate leader for the country. republicans basically have ceded the ability to win the national vote to never win it again. so i guess they try to win case-by-case basis and maintain some semblance of power. project five years from now, don, they have no ability to win elections across the board. >> unless they suppress the vote. >> unless they -- >> yeah. thank you. >> yeah, unless they go againsted fundamentals of our democracy and that's what they're doing. it shouldn't be a partisan issue as you know, don. it shouldn't be about who is going to win or lose. it's about what our democracy is, which is every person ought to have an ability to vote. >> amen. i really enjoy our talks. thank you, matthew. i'll see you soon. >> take care, don. >> the republican congressman insinuating black lives matter doesn't have family values, but my next guest isn't letting him get away with that. delegate stacey plaskett is here and she's next. that's a very good question. will there be an ev for me? 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here's the facts. only 6.4% of americans are black. is enough being done to get the vaccine to communities of color and encourage people to get these shots? >> well, i believe that the president has the tremendous rollout plan to get all of us vaccinated by may, to have the vaccines in place. i think it's incumbent on us as elected officials along with the government to continue in an aggressive messaging plan to make african americans, people of color feel comfortable about the vaccine, to overcome many reticence within each of our communities that are keeping individuals from being vaccinated, some of the most vulnerable communities. i'm so excited to see an individual like dr. nunez smith who is heading up this work for the president, who is actually from the virgin islands. there are people of color who are involved in this work. and i think that they are going to send out the right message and essentially we'll come up to speed. >> we have to discuss your conversation with republican congressman after he made an outrageous claim about black lives matter and family values. let's listen to it. >> i know the strength that black lives matter had in this last election. i know it's a group that it doesn't like the old-fashioned family. i'm disturbed we have another program here in which we're increasing the marriage penalty. >> how dare you -- how dare you say the black lives matter, black people do not understand old-fashioned families. despite some of the issues, some of the things that you have put forward that i've heard out of your mouth in the oversight committee, in your own district, we have been able to keep our families alive for over 400 years and the assault on our families to not have black lives or not even have black families. how dare you say that we are not interested in families in the black community? that is outrageous. >> what is going on? what do you think about the state of the gop, especially the leadership right now? is it about -- is it about the policy of white grievance? >> well, i don't know what their policy is. i just feel that they're becoming more and more emboldened in what they're willing to say. the fact that the gop leadership does not respond to individuals within their caucus making these kinds of statements is just as difficult to contain myself about than the individuals themselves who are making the statements. the fact that there were those individuals in leadership on the gop side that were right there, who never said anything, who smirked, who listened to individuals not just grothman but other members of their caucus making outrageous claims and they're never checked on it means they have a level of comfort, in their entitlement, that needs to be checked. i did not intend to go on the floor to have a discussion about black lives matter, about black families. i was there to talk about how this rescue plan was going to lift up tens of millions of children out of poverty, that is creating equity within black communities, that is going to support our restaurant, our hospitality sector, that there are small business set-asides for minority communities and that are going to allow our children to get back to school. that's what i was there to talk about. and yet we get segued. and, you know, i am not going to let someone, particularly a white man, assault black families who have for the past 400 years in this country been able to maintain themselves, maintain a semblance of community, maintain a semblance of family after the assault on our very existence. black lives matter was there to ensure that black lives could exist, so that we could have fathers and brothers and husbands in our households. >> delegate plaskett, it's always a pleasure. thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. an alleged oath keeper says that it was just locker room talk when he stormed the capitol screaming "take this. hang the traitors." stay with us . you're not using too much are you, hon? charmin ultra soft is so soft you'll have to remind your family they can use less. charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at take this. new details about alleged members of the extremist group the oath keepers and their activities surrounding the january 6th capitol attack. in court, an fbi agent identifying alleged oath keeper joshua james as a driver for close trump ally roger stone for an event the day before the insurrection. stone denies any advance knowledge of the capitol attack. another alleged member of the group charged in the attack with an audacious excuse, prosecutors say thomas caldwell kept a, quote, death list and messaged others saying that he wanted to, quote, hang the traitors. caldwell's lawyer defends those threatening messages in court as off-color jokes saying it's locker room talk and mail bravado not meant for public consumption. that sounds familiar. where have we heard it before? >> and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the pussy. you can do anything. >> this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologize to my family. i apologize to the american people. certainly i'm not proud of it, but this is locker room talk. >> oh, yeah. the old locker room defense right out of the trump playbook. president biden addressing the country tonight, laying out steps to get life back to something like normal. telling americans that he needs their help. stay with us. what if you could e the perspective to see more? at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. ♪ we see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. we see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. we are morgan stanley.

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White House , Speech , Vice President , Two , Country , Person , Place , Losses , Heart , Chris , I Love You , Don Lemon , Site , News , Turning Point , Address , Who Don T , Primetime , Statements , Masks , Lockdowns , Fighting , Misinformation , Quarantine , Vaccine , May 1st , Club Urging Americans , Hate Crimes , Adult , One Of Us , 1 , Asian Americans , Unamerican , Congressman Insinuating Black Lives , Each Other , Pandemic , Many , Lines , Scapegoated , Fear , Streets , It , None , Names , Memes , Trace , Saying , Human , Wear , 4th Of July , 4 , Virus , Power , Part , Friends , American , Turn , Opportunity , Hyperbole , Families , This , Chance , You , The Point , July , Neighbors , July The 4th , Help , Neighborhood , Backyard , Barbecue , Cookout , Preacher , Sunday Morning , Generals , Ham Lieu , I Need You , Four , Promises , Nothing , Relief Bill , Lifetimes , Lessons , History Of The United States , Leadership , Majority , President Of The United States , Risk , Denial , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon

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this is a tough night. we mark one year of our nightmare collectively, right? here at cnn and our family, it's not just tough because what we've all lived through with covid. the president was right. we need to be the answer for one another, and that is brought home in such painful variety today. yeah, it's a year for all of us. but there's something else today should have been. today would also have been the first birthday for a very special little girl to us, francesca, known forever as beans. that's what they called her. the daughter of our dear friend and colleague, the brain behind the k-file, investigative genius. his wife, rachel, beans smiled bravely in the face of another health monster, a rare form of brain cancer. she fought. they fought. they moved. they did everything. they believed. they loved. inspired all of us. with what they were clear eyed and committed to. she didn't make it. she fought. she died on christmas eve. i remember it. i remember hearing about it and the heartbreak. and then soon after, the hope that andrew and his wife had that they could do something for somebody else. bean's short life would inspire a long commitment to what people at dana farber cancer institute do. i want you to be on team beans. now, this hat, cnn put together for us. it's a really good thing to do, by the way, unusual in my business. team beans. now, i am going to start a little action on social media. and whoever wants this hat the most will get it and i will send you everything that we do for my show as well, and i will owe you one. if we can raise money and help another family, what a beautiful thing. you go to i'll tweet out the link. if you want this hat, make me an offer. thank you for watching tonight. let's get to the big show. "cnn tonight" with the big show d. lemon. -- captions by vitac -- a wore this today. i wore this one as well. this is scott beagle. he died in the marjory stoneman douglas school shooting. so, the mask makes us remember covid. and this for really amazing colleague and his entire family, team beans. i went there today. so, make sure everybody, you go there, you support it and it goes to supporting cancer foundation. and not one more child should have to deal with this. not one more family should have to deal with it. >> kids are going to lose but we can make a difference. and the reason we did is, look, we care about our own always. but andrew and his wife, special people that fought a hell of a fight and really did it in an inspirational way. i've never seen people come together around their kid any better than they did and made all of us them and beans. make me an offer. highest offer will get the hat and everything i offer on the show. i'll tell you, this is an emotional time. we all lived through such horrors this last year. everybody lost something or someone. and now we're trying to figure out how to mark mark life going forward, whether the loss is permanent as it was with beans or temporary like with me with the long haul thing. my daughter turns 18 tomorrow, my biggest one. >> oh, wow. yeah. >> you know, it really makes you think. everybody says it went by in a blink. no, it didn't. no, it didn't. it's 18 years is a lot of time and it just makes us all remember -- >> joe biden, before he was president, first time in the white house as vice president, he lost two children. he lost his wife. and you could feel in his speech tonight the compassion that he had -- that he has. and i think for the time that we're in right now with covid, with people suffering so many losses, with just what's happening in the country, the right person, the right time at the moment, that's not political. that's coming from a place in the heart, a compassionate place of the heart. i have to tell you, we're thinking about everybody who has suffered from covid, all the losses we've had, and especially the kusinski family right now. chris, i love you. i'll see you tomorrow night. >> i love you, don lemon, especially tonight. team beans. >> make sure you go to the site and check it out. this is cnn tonight, i'm don lemon. thank you so much for joining. so, we have breaking news. i think it is fair to say, and i think you'll agree, most of you, the country is at a turning point tonight and the president of the united states speaking to the american people in his first primetime address on where we stand after a year of covid. this has been a long tortuous year. don't you think? a long year. think about everything we've gone through. the quarantine, the lockdowns, the misinformation, the crazy statements, fighting over masks, all of that. but right now where we are, this president is promising every one of us, every adult will be eligible for a vaccine no later than may 1st, urging americans not to let masks divide us. condemning hate crimes against asian americans as wrong and unamerican. and demanding they stop. >> too often we've turned against one another. a mask. the easiest thing to do to save lives, sometimes it divides us. states turning against one another instead of working with each other. vicious hate crimes against asian americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated. at this very moment so many of them, our fellow americans, on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives, and still -- still they are forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in america. it's wrong. it's unamerican. and it must stop. >> compare that to the racist memes names for the pandemic that the other president called. none of it tonight, none of it, not a trace. how refreshing. how human. how compassionate. how american. president biden acknowledging it won't be easy, saying, i need you to get vaccinated and wear masks to get us to something close to normal by the 4th of july. >> i promise i will do everything in my power, i will not relent until we beat this virus. but i need you, the american people, i need you -- i need every american to do their part. this is hyperbole. i need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity. and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well. because here's the point. if we do all this, if we do our part, we do this together, by july the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighborhood and have a cookout or barbecue and celebrate independence day. >> what the president is saying is, help is on the way. that's how the preacher says it on sunday morning, right? help is on the way. come on, everybody. help is on the way. if you just do your part. right? there was no, i alone can fix this. no, no. no, i know better than the generals. how about, we're all in this together. i need your help. we're all americans. whew! ham lieu i can't. hallelujah. how different is that. how different from the me, me, me, me, me. me, me, me that we heard for four years. i need you. now the president has to deliver, though, on his promises. and on the monumental covid relief bill that he signed just today. all that as we mark one year of covid. a year like nothing we have ever seen really in most of our lifetimes in this country, nothing. the deadliest year in the recorded history of the united states. think about that. the deadliest year in the recorded history of the united states, a year of covid and a year of lessons about leadership. exactly one year ago the then president of the united states said this. >> the vast majority of americans, the risk is very, very low. >> now here we are after a year of denial. of downplaying the virus. of saying it would just go away like magic. saying, we can inject disinfectant. after a year of lies. that cost the lives of more than 530,000 americans. we can never, ever, ever forget those who we lost. but if president biden is making his promise to keep covid relief his first priority, the gop or the gqp is completely failing to meet the moment. republicans are hard at work trying to disenfranchise americans in a voter suppression effort, the likes of which we have not seen since jim crow. there are more than 250 bills nationwide to roll back voter access. 24 of them in arizona alone since january. where one arizona republican is really -- he is taking saying the quiet part out loud to new heights, or maybe probably better, new depths. senator kavanaugh, arizona statehouse, putting it right out in the open here. listen to this, okay. he says, quote, everybody shouldn't be voting. i'll say that again. he says, "everybody shouldn't be voting. not everybody wants to vote. and if somebody is uninterested in voting, that probably means that they're totally uninformed on the issues. quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes as well." do you believe it? he actually said that out loud. now you know the thinking. everybody shouldn't be voting. you mean like when voters had to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar, like that kind of stuff? like when black folks were turned away? like that kind of stuff? like poll taxes? you know what i'm talking about. suppression. you mean like when literacy tests were used to keep people of color and sometimes poor whites from casting ballots? what he is saying is the definition of voter suppression. because you know why? everybody should be voting. that is the american way. that is the foundation of our democracy. free, free, free and fair elections. not quality of votes. free and fair. if you care about democracy, then you want everybody to vote. everyone is equal under the law. come on. everyone is equal under the law. not the quality of this person's vote is better than the quality of this person's vote. that's not how our democracy works. and if joe biden vowed to open up vaccines to all american adults by may 1st, his predecessor is trying to take credit 0 for it. look, the vaccines were developed under the trump administration. the former president who was secretly vaccinated, by the way, in the white house, for him to now want to take credit for vaccines is really something. is it any wonder he is the only living president who wasn't photographed getting vaccinated? the only one. is it any wonder he's not part of the president's club urging americans to get vaccinated? >> in order to get rid of this pandemic, it's important for our fellow citizens to get vaccinated. >> i'm getting vaccinated because we want to end this as soon as possible. >> we urge to get vaccinated as soon as possible. >> so roll up your sleeve and do your part. >> now it's up to you. >> ah. there's one in every bunch. or in this case, there's one not in every bunch. and over at the fox propaganda network, the people who brought you the gop outrage machine with dr. seuss, mr. potato head and neanderthal thinking, now we have tucker carlsson single handedly managing to turn the military against him. really. this is how you appeal to the gop base, by infuriating the military with slurs against women in uniform? okay, i hope everyone is sitting. turn up the volume because you have to hear it to believe it. rolling. >> so we've got new hair styles and maternity flight suits. pregnant women are going to fight our wars. it's a mockery of the u.s. military. while china's military becomes more masculine as it assembles the world's largest navy, our military needs to become -- mr. biden says, more feminine. whatever feminine means any more since men and women no longer exist. the bottom line is it's out of control, and the pentagon is going along with this. this is a mockery of the u.s. military and its core mission, which is winning wars. >> i told you. a mockery. a mockery. pregnant woman in uniform a mockery. how do you think he got here? can i tell you what's a mockery? let me tell you what's a mockery. a host on the fox propaganda network who never -- never served in the military mocking women who do. that's what a mockery is. the pentagon incensed at the disrespect of women in the armed forces, pentagon spokesperson john kirby said, secretary of defense showed the same revulsion as many military leaders. >> we absolutely won't do is take personnel advice from a talk show host on the chinese military. maybe those folks feel they have something to prove. that's on them. >> mr. secretary, certainly he shares the revolt of so many others to what mr. carlsson said in his opening statement. >> new jersey congresswoman mikey cheryl said, who spent almost ten years on active duty in the navy, by the way, tweets that she served with women who risked their lives to protect our country. tucker carlson did not. and over on the propaganda fox propaganda network, he is playing the victim after getting called out for mocking the women who served in our armed forces. who risked their lives to protect our country. the pentagon won't stand for it. and we shouldn't either. we shouldn't stand for any of it. not the propaganda, not the voter suppression, none of it. we shouldn't. america is at a turning point right now, as i said, and the president is making some big promises. now he has to deliver on those promises. >> there is hope and light of better days ahead. if we all do our part, this country will be vaccinated soon. our country will be on the mend. our kids will be back in school. and we'll have proven once again that this country can do anything. future. it means healthcare for all. even in places where doctors are scarce. enter medibus, a state-of-the-art clinic on four wheels, powered by cisco, dispatched from the cloud to create a 21st-century lifeline. and all because one company dared wonder if the road to better healthcare could literally be the road that runs through town. cisco. the bridge to possible. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle, and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. president biden addressing america tonight marking one year of the deadly covid-19 pandemic saying the virus has taken a terrible toll, but often messages of hope. the president it will states to make all adults eligible for vaccine by may 1st. we have a lot to discuss. chief correspondent dana bash is here and kaitlan collins as well. let's start at the white house. president biden addressing the pain of the nation for over a year, but with an eye toward the future, setting some big goals over the next few months. what did we hear? >> yeah, officials said that he really wanted to strike that balance, acknowledging that, yes, you are still seeing 1500 people die every single day. but look ahead to what's going to come. so he was setting some goals tonight. we have dates from president biden and one of the biggest i think and most significant that people are going to be looking at is that may 1st date. saying this is when he's going to direct all states which the white house says he has the authority to do via the health and human services department to make sure all americans are eligible to get the vaccine no later than may 1st. they are talking about tolls to find a way to schedule vaccine points. they're going to have a federal website to look at where the closest vaccine to you is. they'll have a call center for those who don't have access to internet. the other thing i think so many have asked about is when are schools going to reopen and reopen the way we saw them before. they were talking about the money they're going to be investing in doing that as well. looking at that, expanding also as the vaccinations are going forward, who can actually conduct these vaccines. so you saw several steps coming from this, but i think at the end, what you heard from them was saying this is not just on the federal government. it's also on individual americans to make the decision, go out there and get the vaccine when it's their turn. i think he spent part of his speech actually addressing that vaccine hesitancy which you've heard from so many federal health officials which is a concern. when supply is here and people can get it, they will be reluctant to do so. you saw him take time in tonight's speech to address that part of that. >> dana, i want to play a little more of the president tonight and then we'll discuss. here it is. >> it's the details of life that matter of most. and we miss those details, the big details and the small moments. weddings. birthdays. graduations. all the things that needed to happen but didn't. the first date. the family reunions. the sunday night rituals. it's all exacted a terrible cost on the psyche of so many of us. we are fundamentally a people who want to be with others. >> dana, there was compassion, there is empathy there. this is what president biden does very well. what did you think of his tone and message? it wasn't until the end that he touted his rescue plan. >> yeah, that part was vintage joe biden. taking the realities of people's humanity, the realities of what people need and want in their everyday lives and relating to it and making it clear that he understands it. and, you know, that is something that is so basic that we had become, until the last four years, used to seeing and hearing from presidents, you know, the kind of sympathy factor, the empathy factor, and the relatable notion of somebody who is, yes, in the white house who is the most powerful person, you know, in this country and, you know, in the world. but somebody who understands the struggles people are going through and there are few politicians who really get that at their core like joe biden. and, you know, that was a good part of what he was doing tonight. in addition to the policy prescriptions, in addition to the promises that he made that kaitlan was talking about. >> let's talk a little more about the promises. he relayed a story about a woman he said he met on the campaign trail this past summer who said, i just want you to tell me the truth. just tell me the truth. i can handle it. he believes americans want the truth. so, having said that, from the very beginning, dana, president biden has been managing expectations and trying to exceed them. now people are going to be very excited about may 1st and getting life back to normal soon after. is that a risky promise? >> yes, it is a risky promise. but, you know, the fact that this president, who understands the expectations game when it comes to politics and when it comes to leadership felt that he could say and his advisers felt that he could say may 1st, speaks to the competence he clearly has with regard to the supply. there are all kinds of problems with regard to finding a way to get the vaccine, each state, here in d.c., processes are cumbersome and certainly not uniform. the big thing is supply. and the fact that the deal that he helped to bring together unprecedented deal between two major competitors, merck and johnson & johnson, that is one example. and just the fact that there are three really good vaccines on the market of why he felt like he could say that. but to go back to your original question, is it risky? yes, because if he can't get that done, then that's a bar he set for himself. >> kaitlan, we talk about a study in contrasts here. president biden condemning the rise in violence targeting asian americans -- listen, i remember when he -- i'm sure you were there as well. i know you were there as well when he would get into, you know, skirmishes with asian-american reporters at the white house. so talk about a different message than the former president who used to use racist language to describe the virus. >> reporter: well, and just a few days ago when former president trump put out a statement trying to take credit for the vaccines, basically there is a sense in trump world the biden administration is taking credit for operation warp speed, the programs that they started. he called it the china virus and that is something that several times the white house was pressed on, which is why is the white house so regularly referring to it as that given what we've seen play out over the past year, which is this rise in bigotry and violence towards asian americans because of terms like that and terms people use i won't repeat here. what you saw president biden do tonight was take a moment to address that specifically head on which i think is notable he did do that in a national address, where millions of people are watching to say thats was unamerican and it was wrong. and really just try to address that in a sense that you did not see with the last white house, where there are several instances we can bring up where it was not only president trump, but some of his senior white house aides doing that as well. i think there is a difference in talking about that and talking about holding the chinese government accountable for how they responded to the initial outbreak of the pandemic and what they could have done differently. i think that's something that you'll see the biden administration deal with going forward, which is how are they going to navigate a relationship with them on that. but he did take time-out of that tonight to address that and tell people they need to stop doing that. >> kaitlan, dana, thank you so much. i appreciate your time and your reporting. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> president biden sending a message of unity. but with republicans focused on division, are they missing the mood of the country? tonight, i'll be eating the al pastor burrito from boca burritos right here in aurora. 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they haven't had much of one so far. >> as i listened to that speech tonight, don, i was struck by the fact i felt like i had gone back to earth after being on mars for four years and being able to breathe normal oxygen. >> i'm glad you said that. i felt like i was in another country than i had been the last time we saw someone speaking from the white house like that and not saying china virus and i alone can fix it and it's not a big deal. >> well, yeah. and it's funny. as i listened to it, you know, it reminded me that he presented a trifecta of leadership, right, and a trifecta is competency, honesty and empathy with a dash of humility mixed in. that's all the decent leaders in the world do. they are able to combine all those things. it's interesting to me what the republicans are going to do. i don't think they have an ability to respond to that type of leadership because they've gotten so entrenched in the way trump was. and trump has basically become the republican party. so i think their only response is not a vision. they don't really have a vision that they have that they can tell to a majority of america. it's tactically, you see what they're tactically trying to do across the country. they know what they're doing isn't popular and what president biden is doing is popular. so what do they do tactically? try to prevent a majority of americans from voting and that's what i think the response is. >> i said that last night. a lot of this stuff, last night -- i can't remember, a lot of this stuff i think they're just distracting the american people with dr. seuss and mr. potato head while they're trying to restrict voting rights from many americans, especially black and brown people. let's look at tonight, though. let's listen to the president, what he said about unity. >> even if we devote every resource we have, beating this virus and getting back to normal depends on national unity. and national unity isn't just how politics and politicians vote in washington. what the loudest voices say on cable or online. unity is what we do together as fellow americans. >> matthew, this is a call to action, but isn't he also reframing what unity is, taking partnership out of the equation? partisanship, excuse me, not partnership. >> well, to me that's one of the most important things i think they can do, which is the way it's been defined in so many conversations around washington is that unity is somehow trying to get somebody's vote who will never vote with you. as that defining unity as opposed to unity is where the american public is. i think that's really smart. i've always thought that leaders should define unity as what the voters want, not what somebody in washington is willing to block and not do. you can't invite somebody, you can't get in a situation where you invite somebody to a party. they refuse to come to the party, and then you give validity to their complaint they never were included in the party had they never wanted to come anyway. and so i think this is the way to go. i think the american public we know a vast majority of democrats supported, vast majority of independent supported, plurality of republicans support it. redefining what he's doing, redefining partisanship, not what's going on in washington, d.c. or what mitch mcconnell or somebody in that republican and the house is doing, but redefining what the american people wants and that's the way to go because that's what we want. and the other part of unity is shared sacrifice, and the president, though he didn't use those words, basically called on each of us to be part of the shared sacrifice. and how little it is, maintaining 6 foot distance and wearing your mask, and we think of all the sacrifices that have been made by the civil rights movement by people during world war ii throughout our history, where they gave their lives in order to push america forward, all we're being asked is these little things and the president is doing that. it's not just promising things. it's asking us to be involved and that's part of unity. >> isn't it don't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country? that was a moment. but listen, you said something, and i've been thinking about it as you've been talking, when you said, when you talked about the response from the republican party and what they're doing. they really are stuck. don't you think they're stuck in sort of the way things were and joe biden just ignores them and just continues on with his agenda? that has to be really frustrating for them. and i would imagine -- well, i want to know what you think. what happens to them if the economy comes roaring back? if the virus is manageable within, you know, by summer or by fall? what happens with the republican party? >> well, i think they're -- i would say -- i would often say they need to do soul searching. but i think the soul of the republican party is so dissipated that it's even going to be difficult to find at this moment in time of who they are and what do they stand for in this. and so i think -- i mean, if the economy, which is expected by wall street and other business people to come back because there's a pent up demand and pent up ability of people to want to get out and do things again. i think it looks like the covid situation will be under control as best as possible and as speedily as possible now that president biden has put in scientific leadership and speaking truth. i don't know what, don, i don't know what they fundamentally do. that's why they're stuck in this culture war, meaningless things talking about things that don't matter to average americans in this. but this is the problem we're in because they don't -- do not have an ability to speak to the majority of the country. the only part of america they're speaking to fundamentally is the part of america that is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, which is white christian, mainly white christian males in the country which is now 30% or less of the country. as that diminishes, they become out of step with the demographic change of america, and that's the fundamental problem. i thought, you know, i worked for george w. bush. he pushed and pushed and pushed to be as inclusive as possible because he knew how that would mean, what it would mean for america and how to be a legitimate leader for the country. republicans basically have ceded the ability to win the national vote to never win it again. so i guess they try to win case-by-case basis and maintain some semblance of power. project five years from now, don, they have no ability to win elections across the board. >> unless they suppress the vote. >> unless they -- >> yeah. thank you. >> yeah, unless they go againsted fundamentals of our democracy and that's what they're doing. it shouldn't be a partisan issue as you know, don. it shouldn't be about who is going to win or lose. it's about what our democracy is, which is every person ought to have an ability to vote. >> amen. i really enjoy our talks. thank you, matthew. i'll see you soon. >> take care, don. >> the republican congressman insinuating black lives matter doesn't have family values, but my next guest isn't letting him get away with that. delegate stacey plaskett is here and she's next. that's a very good question. will there be an ev for me? what about me? an ev for me? what about me? can i get one too? an ev for this princess? what's an ev? and there better be one for me. and what about michelle from michigan? me? what about me? us? will there be an ev for me? me? me? me? ♪ like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. president biden's speech tonight marking one year since covid upended life in the u.s.. the president directing all states and territories to make the vaccines available to all adults by may 1st and pledging communities of color won't be overlooked. so how will the covid relief bill help the hardest hit parts of the country? let's discuss now. democratic delegate stacey plaskett is here. she represents the u.s. virgin islands and was one of the impeachment managers in trump's second impeachment trial. thank you for joining us. let's get straight to what the president said tonight. he wants all americans to have access to the vaccine by may 1st. who has access now? here's the facts. only 6.4% of americans are black. is enough being done to get the vaccine to communities of color and encourage people to get these shots? >> well, i believe that the president has the tremendous rollout plan to get all of us vaccinated by may, to have the vaccines in place. i think it's incumbent on us as elected officials along with the government to continue in an aggressive messaging plan to make african americans, people of color feel comfortable about the vaccine, to overcome many reticence within each of our communities that are keeping individuals from being vaccinated, some of the most vulnerable communities. i'm so excited to see an individual like dr. nunez smith who is heading up this work for the president, who is actually from the virgin islands. there are people of color who are involved in this work. and i think that they are going to send out the right message and essentially we'll come up to speed. >> we have to discuss your conversation with republican congressman after he made an outrageous claim about black lives matter and family values. let's listen to it. >> i know the strength that black lives matter had in this last election. i know it's a group that it doesn't like the old-fashioned family. i'm disturbed we have another program here in which we're increasing the marriage penalty. >> how dare you -- how dare you say the black lives matter, black people do not understand old-fashioned families. despite some of the issues, some of the things that you have put forward that i've heard out of your mouth in the oversight committee, in your own district, we have been able to keep our families alive for over 400 years and the assault on our families to not have black lives or not even have black families. how dare you say that we are not interested in families in the black community? that is outrageous. >> what is going on? what do you think about the state of the gop, especially the leadership right now? is it about -- is it about the policy of white grievance? >> well, i don't know what their policy is. i just feel that they're becoming more and more emboldened in what they're willing to say. the fact that the gop leadership does not respond to individuals within their caucus making these kinds of statements is just as difficult to contain myself about than the individuals themselves who are making the statements. the fact that there were those individuals in leadership on the gop side that were right there, who never said anything, who smirked, who listened to individuals not just grothman but other members of their caucus making outrageous claims and they're never checked on it means they have a level of comfort, in their entitlement, that needs to be checked. i did not intend to go on the floor to have a discussion about black lives matter, about black families. i was there to talk about how this rescue plan was going to lift up tens of millions of children out of poverty, that is creating equity within black communities, that is going to support our restaurant, our hospitality sector, that there are small business set-asides for minority communities and that are going to allow our children to get back to school. that's what i was there to talk about. and yet we get segued. and, you know, i am not going to let someone, particularly a white man, assault black families who have for the past 400 years in this country been able to maintain themselves, maintain a semblance of community, maintain a semblance of family after the assault on our very existence. black lives matter was there to ensure that black lives could exist, so that we could have fathers and brothers and husbands in our households. >> delegate plaskett, it's always a pleasure. thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. an alleged oath keeper says that it was just locker room talk when he stormed the capitol screaming "take this. hang the traitors." stay with us . you're not using too much are you, hon? charmin ultra soft is so soft you'll have to remind your family they can use less. charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at take this. new details about alleged members of the extremist group the oath keepers and their activities surrounding the january 6th capitol attack. in court, an fbi agent identifying alleged oath keeper joshua james as a driver for close trump ally roger stone for an event the day before the insurrection. stone denies any advance knowledge of the capitol attack. another alleged member of the group charged in the attack with an audacious excuse, prosecutors say thomas caldwell kept a, quote, death list and messaged others saying that he wanted to, quote, hang the traitors. caldwell's lawyer defends those threatening messages in court as off-color jokes saying it's locker room talk and mail bravado not meant for public consumption. that sounds familiar. where have we heard it before? >> and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the pussy. you can do anything. >> this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologize to my family. i apologize to the american people. certainly i'm not proud of it, but this is locker room talk. >> oh, yeah. the old locker room defense right out of the trump playbook. president biden addressing the country tonight, laying out steps to get life back to something like normal. telling americans that he needs their help. stay with us. what if you could e the perspective to see more? at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. ♪ we see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. we see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. we are morgan stanley.

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