Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon : comparemel

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon

the johnson & johnson vaccine. let's discuss now. joining me, john harwood and cnn political analyst, john avalon. i have to say last names now, since you gents have the same first man. mr. avalon, this is a new cnn poll that shows this bill increasingly incredibly popular with the american people but zero republicans, not one voted for it. we had jen psaki on a short time ago. she said they're going to keep pushing for bipartisanship. do you think they know the score? >> the mere fact no republicans voted for a bill in which some of the contentious items were taken out says it will be a tough road. i don't think it is impossible and i don't think biden should simply couldn't seed it is impossible. it is critically important. can something be done on immigration? on infrastructure? should not give up the ghost on that just yet. the republicans have a problem which is that very often, their fetally is to the far right. not only what their voters believe. that's a disconnect with democracy that they'll have to deal with. >> we're learning about another call where the former president tried to pressure a georgia official in the election. this is part of the interview. >> i won georgia by a lot and the people know it. and something happened. i mean, something bad happened. you go back two years, if you can get to fulton, you're going to find things that will be unbelievable, the dishonesty. it never made sense. and, you know, they dropped ballots. they dropped all those ballots. stacey abrams, really, really terrible, a terrible thing. and i will say this. hopefully, you know, when the right answer comes out, i don't know why, they make it so hard. they will be praised. people will say, great, because that's what it is about. the ability to check into it and to make it right. everyone knows it's wrong. there is just no way. >> can you imagine? listen, with the time that we've had, it gives us some perspective. can you imagine living in that misery, the toxicity and the desperation in that phone call? of course, all of that is a lie but this is similar to the call that we heard between trump and the georgia republican secretary of state brad raffensperger. he was so desperate to stay in power, and the republicans in power. and now they're desperate to restrict voting. this is the next big battle. >> it definitely is the next big battle and it goes to the point that you were just discussing with mr. avalon which is that if the republicans are pressing these aggressive attempts to suppress the vote in states around the country, and if republicans are not willing to cooperate with democrats in governing the country, that could have the effect of driving democrats together. they were already extraordinarily united with very small majorities behind this covid relief bill, may create suff sufficienty. to scrap, alter, adjust the filibuster so they could pass voting rights legislation for registration and voting procedures that would prevent republicans from suppressing the vote. that would enable them on pass large infrastructure climate, health care legislation. we don't know if it will go there. we don't know if the unity they displayed was a one-shot feel can only happen in the first 50 days of your party and you're trying to support him and get his program through, or is this a moment where democrats realized that governing the country is up to us and we're going to have to both protect democracy and govern the country and solve national problems. we don't know which way it will go. >> we certainly don't. i do appreciate having both of you johns, both of you gentlemen this evening. thank you, i'll see you soon. now i bring in collin allred of texas. i appreciate you joining us. i know it is a very busy time for you. let's talk about what's happening. president biden will sign this $1.9 trillion relief bill on friday. what is this, i don't know, what's the big deal part of this for your state? >> well, thank you for having me on. this is one time where i can come on your show and smile about something. because the american rescue plan is to, quote, president biden, a big freaking deal. it will put shots in arms. money in people's pockets. it will put airline workers back to work. keep restaurants open. it will help strengthen the aca, it support small businesses. texas has been extremely hard hit both by covid-19 and by the storm that hit us a few weeks ago, and the neglect of our statewide leaders. this will allow to us recover and get through this crisis. >> i want you, your response to this, congressman. this is a republican congressman glen grothman, what he said about the bill and then stacey plastickin's response. >> the increase in income tax credit for single people has a marriage penalty in it. i bring it up because i know the strength that black lives matter had in this last election. i know it is a group that it doesn't like the old-fashioned family. >> we've been able to keep our families alive for over 400 years, and the assault on our families to not have black lives or not even have black families. how dare you say that we are not interested in families, in the black community. >> what is your response here? >> well, i think congresswoman plaskett did a great job pushing back on that. what my republican colleague said is unacceptable. it doesn't make any sense because in this bill, we have the biggest expansion of the child income tax credit in our country's history. this is going to have a guaranteed income program for families with kids. i've got a young son, another one on the way very soon here. for middle class, lower income families in the united states, they're going to get $3,000 per child. if you have a kid under 6, it will be $3,600. it will be made in payments. we're already taking care of you in a way that none of our republican colleagues are doing because they didn't vote for it. so the black lives matter movement is making sure we keep brac folks alive. to say that's not an american val, that we don't believe in family in the african-american community. it has no place in the congress. i'm glad she spoke up against it. >> neurodallas now and this mask mandate was lifted in texas today. are you worried this could lead to another big spike? already the rangers are planning to open the stadium at full capacity. that mean more than 40,000 seats. >> i am worried. i'm very worried. i'm worried because the experts are worried. the cdc has told states that we're not there yet. we are a couple months away from being able to get vaccines to every single adult who want one. we are 48 out of 50 states in terms of vaccine distribution here in texas. and the one thing we know that protects folks during this is wearing a mask. to say you're going to open up all the businesses to 100% capacity and not require masks, means we will have increased transmission of covid-19 in texas. what does that mean? it means essential workers are out there trying to work and serve and make sure they can take care of their families will be exposed to covid. our front line health care workers who have had the worst year of their lives, who have been making the most enormous sacrifices to get through this, will be put under increased strain and it is unnecessary. we're almost there. with these covid variants that we know we have in texas, because we've identified them. they're more transmissible so it makes no sense. i love the rangers. i grew up wanting to play center field for the rangers. to everyone, to every texan watching, whatever the governor says, continue to wear your mask and protect yourself and your family. >> what is that number? 56 over your right shoulder there? >> i think i'm the only linebacker, former linebacker in the congress right now. so i had to put that up. >> i like it. i want everybody to give him a ten for having his linebacker jersey in his shot at home. thank you. always pleasure. i'm glad, it is good to see you smiling. hopefully we'll see americans smiling more after they start getting these checks. thank you. so. >> thanks. meghan and harry shocking the world by talking honestly about race right out loud. harry's racial awakening since he met meghan and what it means for the royal family. you can try to predict the future or you can create it. we're driving it. everywhere. we emit optimism, not exhaust. we plug in our vehicles as naturally as we charge our phones. we. we are generation e. we want smart. clean. and safe. to also be fun, easy and powerful! ultium! a battery that charges fast. runs long. it fits everyone. nobody will be left out. and that, changes everything. ♪ ♪ that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use 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those three like that one.♪ ♪ and that's 'cause personalized ads ♪ ♪ find good ideas for everyone ♪ so harry and meghan's bombshell allegations in the royal family sparking massive family debate in britain. their explosive interview with oprah winfrey sending shock waves through the royal family which is working to contain the fallout, so far without success. i want to bring in a critic for the "new york times" and a professor at rutgers university in newark, new jersey. thank you. i appreciate you coming on this evening. do you know what? >> thank you for having me. >> it is rare to see such brutal raw honesty about racism discussed so publicly. how damaging do you believe meghan and harry's comments were to the royal family? >> well, we're seeing the fallout, as you pointed out earlier, continuing. we have journalists in brit an writing letters, saying racism is endemmic to the media's coverage, not just the royal family and meghan markle but the way black british people are portrayed in the press. and then you have the ongoing relevancy of the monarchy. what does it mean to be a monarchy in the 21st century? part of what harry saw and what he believed was that his relationship with meghan, his marriage to meghan, reinvigorated the monarchy for a new generation, and for many years to come. so the fact that they experienced racism so quickly and it wasn't in any way contained just shows that the monarchy hasn't modernized. it is not bridgerton. it is not created for a modern people but steeped in old and retro grade ways. >> you wrote a piece for the "new york times." it is called prince harry finally takes on white privilege, his own. and you talk about harry's racial awakening. the second hour of the interview was a culmination of a process harry had been undergoing since the first date in 2016 when he was becoming more cheer eyed, confrontational and emboldened to take on the monarchy into which he was born. and the white privilege that has held it up and benefited him his entire life. how do you think harry did in addressing the issue of white privilege, both his own and that of the entire royal family? >> what i was struck by in that interview, is that for african-american woman like me, i rarely have the experience of seeing someone go through the entire arc of 15 years ago, harry was infamously known for wearing a nazi costume to a party, to someone now who leaves his family because of racism. that is a tremendous evolution of character and of political commitment. so what was interesting about that, that interview, what was compelling to me, stood out to me, he really showed how on the one hand, i don't think he ever thought he would experience racism. then when he married meghan and they were about to have a baby, i think he still thought he was fully protected from the racism that even she was experiencing. that their child would not experience it. even if they experienced it in the media, it wouldn't happen in their family. so when this happened in england when so many white family members are having these debates this their home across generations, young people are questioning their black parents' votes, this was on television, kind of a show case and a spotlight on the intimate conversations that people are often having behind closed doors. he put 30th for all of us to see. and i think it is important when white people expose their privilege and they try to telling a it. it is a very vulnerable thing to do. we should of course not just applaud them, that's what you should do, but it important to note it, to continue to have allies. when someone comes forth as an ally, that's a good thing. i think harry felt he sacrificed a lot and he was losing a lot if his wife and son were treated the way they were. >> we really appreciate having you on. we hope you'll come back. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> so i wrote something something that i think could help a lot of people. i wrote this book. this is fire, what i say to my friends about racism. it is coming out next week. you can pre order it now. next, around one in ten americans vaccinated so far. my next guest got vaccinated today and he's hoping influential people like lebron james will speak out more about it. >> things like that, when you decide to have that conversation between you and your family, not for everybody. so i'll keep it that way. the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? with xfinity mobile, you can. how about saving hundreds on the new samsung galaxy s21 ultra 5g? you can do that too. all on the most reliable network? sure thing! and with fast, nationwide 5g included - at no extra cost? we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction... ...and learn how much you can save at . lebron james is an outspoken leader in the black community on so many issues, but his reason comments about whether he'll get the covid-19 vaccine have people talking. listen to this. >> it's a conversation, you know, that my family and i will have, you know, and pretty much, keep to it a private thing. you know, the conversation about the vaccine and what not. things like that, when you decide to do something, that's a conversation between and you your family and not for everybody. so i will keep it that way. >> my next guest hopes the influential super star will change his mind. >> if you look at the hospitals, you look at people with pre-existing conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, things of that nature, clearly when you look at that, you see that the african-american community is disproportionately affected and something needs to be done. if you're lebron and you've been outspent on on so many issues and you've talked about yourself being a leader, you've talked about how you're proud to have this mantle, you've talked about your pro found ability to influence so many lives and all the things to get done, this is not the time to get silent. this is not the time to be private. not that. >> steven a. smith, espn, joins me now. also the author of two new documentaries called black excellence and why not us? stephen, let me start by saying, thank you for appearing on the show. what you're saying is so very, very important. and you're right. lebron is so influential. we know people lm listen to what he says. why do you think he's drawing the line, specially with communities of color that have been hit so hard. >> i think he's drawn the line in the sand, thank you for having me on the show, i think he's drawn a line in the sand because him like so many of us in the african-american community, we have our reservations about health care. considering history, some of the things that have transpired, some of the unethical and insidious behavior that has been exercised against the african-american community for so many years. it gives you a cause to pause. makes you am rehencive and highly skeptical about the advice emanating from the medical community. so i definitely understand where lebron james is coming from and i in no way want to castigate him in any way. i'm just pointing out, when you look at the data, the statistics, when you hear the information out there, that black folks are dying, like two and a half more black folks are dying than white folks and other ethnic groups in this country pause of covid-19, and you take into consideration, the pre-existing conditions like die beat, obesity and other things, we're definitely disproportionately affected. so because that's the reality, that same hesitation that lebron expressed that i know that i've had for various months, for many months. i just reached a conclusion that it was time to step up and stand up and not just take vaccine. but to make sure i acknowledged publicly even despite those reservations, it was the right thing to do because black folks are dying over this. and we're disproportionately affected by it. >> and let's put it out there. you just mentioned, you got vaccinated today. before you tell us about that, it was yesterday. before you tell us about that, i think it is important, what you're saying. many times, people think that it is a criticism. what you're saying is a call to action. it's not a criticism of lebron. it is a call to action from someone who is powerful, for someone who is powerful who can have a huge influence and save lives. there's a big difference there. >> well, absolutely. it needs to be said. in no way am i trying to be critical of him. he has stood front and central and taken on issues on behalf of black people across the nation. i applaud him form. i'm saying as dire as those circumstances were, this is certainly not less important when you consider the number of lives that have been lost and the number of lives in danger. being lost. former president barack obama took vaccine and he did it in a public fashion. tyler perry and a plethora of others. and i've seen do you so along with various others. we feel an obligation to step up and say despite the recommendations, it is not something we can run from. even though it took me a little while to get tom point, i have to fess up and own up to the fact that despite those reservations, it is something that i could no longer avoid. it is necessary when you consider it. i went down to jersey yesterday and took vaccine. and a gentleman by the name of denial it is pullan, the president and ceo of virtual health called. i've known him for quite some time. he called me a found days ago and he said why have you not taken this vaccine yet? i said i'm coming. he said you need to come now. it's time. you look at the hospital beds, the ic you weres. there are more black people in there than any other ethnic group. we are disproportionately affected. we need all hands on deck to address this issue. i speck you to be one of them and i knew in my heart of hearts that he was one of them. i felt the need to step up and republ publicize. >> how are you feeling after getting it? >> i'm feeling good. i took my first shot yesterday. my arm is a little sore but that's it. outside of that, no ill effects. i'm told the second dose, you'll feel a little bit but it will only last about 12 to 24 hours and then you'll be fine and all the evidence points tom. i'm comfortable with the decision i made. >> that's what people are concerned about. how will it affect me? you get the flu shot. you get a little sore. you get blood drawn. you get a little sore. let's talk about your two new projects. the first is called black excellence. it is about the impact on american culture. the other is called why not us? it looks at the north carolina central university basketball team. tell us about these projects and why it was so important to shine a light on hbcu? >> well, i'm a graduate of hbc you were. i made a promise to my coach many years ago that i would do all could i to bring attention to it. and one of the things that i came up with, the hbcu story is a story that has never been fully told in terms of its inception from over 150 years ago, to contribution that it has made in american society. not just sports and entertainment but even in politics. obviously, corporate america as well. so that story needs to be told in its completion. that's what i'm doing with black excellence. as pertains to why not us, collaborating with roadside entertainment to tell a story basically of that but through the lens of the north carolina central university basketball program, just one of the elite coaches in this nation despite the obstacles that he's faced. and i'll give you this little nugget. when you look at ivy league schools like yale and harvard, they get endowments. it was approximately $250 million. so we don't get nearly the level of support. still and all, slens ten to come out of there. i'm hell been on telling the story. that's what i'm going to do in concert with confluential films. >> long before there was a don lemon speaking out, you were here and i thank you for showing us the way. thank you for your candor. thank you for trying to get black lives to get vaccinated. i really appreciate it. >> i'm incredibly proud of you and the job you've been doing. keep up the great work. you're making us all proud. >> thank you, sir. tomorrow is march 11th. and exactly one year ago that the world health organization declared coronavirus a pandemic. remember, the not guilty covid really came home to americans, tom foreman does. >> the nba season calls a time-out after a player for the utah jazz tests positive. >> quite frankly sh was shocked. >> and everyone was wondering when we would see somebody famous. >> the world health organization declares a pandemic and on march 11th, 2020, covid widely dismissed by the president as a minor threat from distant china -- >> one day, it's like a miracle. it will disappear. >> comes crashing home. >> to keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days. >> overnotight, travel screams a lt had a. millions are told to stay away from the office and told to start grappling with zoom calls. children's schools are shutting down, too. >> it's like, this congress our last time going to school. >> panic buying strips many grocery stores of toilet payment, cleaning supplies, necessities. >> the only they know you have left is salami. >> food lines shockingly miles long. >> we're just trying to find the best way. >> confusion reigns. people are told to wash their groceries. and wear a mask or maybe not. the trouble will last a couple weeks. but then again -- >> the worst is ahead for us. it is how we respond to that challenge that will determine what the ultimate end possibly will be. >> how difficult is this? >> this is a war zonal. a medical war zone. >> in hospitals, the worst times come fast. through too many patients, too few supplies, trs and nurses pushed beyond exhaustion. >> today has been crazy. >> and more bodies than morgues can handle. many families must say farewell by telephone. >> one patient expired. it's very hard to lose a patient that you've been fighting for. >> before that crucial day in march, 782 cases and 28 covid fatalities had been recorded nationwide. by month's end, more than 192,000 cases, and over 5,000 deaths. including minister roddy hampton in who lou who was diagnosed and dies a day later. >> i want you to know that my faith has never wavered. >> now the number of fatalities in the u.s. is well over a half million, famous, influential, and regular folks. that's about one american dying every minute since march 11th one year ago. >> tom foreman, thank you. beautifully done. thanks. republicans making it harder to vote all across the country. but you may not know just how far their efforts go and how much is at stake. including little rock and even worcester. and tonight... i'll be eating the chicken quesadilla from...tony's tex katy. >> we've been to every 50 including little rock. ink they ? oh yeah. you clean dishes as you cook, to save time and stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. now there's dawn powerwash dish spray. the faster, easier way to clean as you go. it cleans grease five times faster on easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. on tough messes, the spray-activated suds cut through grease on contact, without water. just wipe, and rinse. get dishes done faster dawn powerwash dish spray. spray. wipe. rinse. to be honest...a little dust? it never bothered me. until i found out what it actually was. dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. the heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. when you buy this plant at walmart, they can buy more plants from metrolina greenhouses so abe and art can grow more plants. so they can hire vilma... and wendy... and me. so, more people can go to work. so, more days can start with kisses. when you buy this plant at walmart. ♪ it's the new jim crow. bills to restrict the vote passing in gop controlled legislatures. just how widespread is this effort? it's everywhere. sarah murray has that story. >> reporter: voting rights restrictions advancing this week in iowa and georgia as republicans champion similar efforts across the country. >> 29-20. >> reporter: stung by the 2020 losses and buoyed by baseless allegations of voter fraud -- >> you don't concede when there's theft involved. >> reporter: republicans have been rallying behind voting restrictions. >> the fact is there are americans across the state that have some concerns about what happened in this last election. >> reporter: according to the liberal leaning central for justice, this year more than 250 bills have been introduced to restrict voting access in at least 43 states. activists say those measures disproportionately hurt minority communities. >> what worries me most is this is the pat reminder of consistently suppressing the right to vote for a number of persons within our state. certainly in the black and brown and communities of color in general. >> reporter: in georgia, a state front and central for president trump's unfounded election fraud allegations -- >> they defrauded us out of a win in georgia and we won't forget it. >> reporter: the republican led state senate passed a sweeping package this week to repeal no excuse absentee voting. a method 1.3 million residents used to cast their ballots in november. a separate measure passed by the georgia house would limit weekend early voting. a blow to souls at the polls events and another hit to the state's black voters. georgia republicans say the bills simplify across the state and relieve stress on the workers. >> we should not be scared to do what needs to be done. >> reporter: even georgia's lieutenant governor boycotted the state senate debate. >> the senate will stand at ease. >> reporter: and activists slammed the measures. >> this is weaponization of trump's lies. >> they saw this record historic turnout of black voters in the state of georgia which ultimately led to a different outcome than what they wanted. >> reporter: kim reynolds signing a law that cuts the number of early voting days to 20 from 49. and closing an hour earlier, 8:00 p.m. rather than 9:00 pom election day. republicans have defended the law. >> this is a good bill. >> reporter: and they said the legislation strengthens uniformity by providing consistent parameters for election day. the iowa law already faces a fate as democratic election attorney mike elias filed litigation to try to stop it from taking effect. and we should note, developments in two other states. in florida, they're advancing a bill would ban drop boxes and over in arizona, the senate there passed a bill to impose new voter i.d. requirements on those submitting early ballots. neither of these has gone into law yet. neither has gone into effect. both are of concern to voting rights advocates. >> all right. thank you so much. i appreciate it. a top union official is calling it hell. 400,000 children at risk of dying in one country. cnn investigates next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. when i noticed my sister moving differently, i didn't know what was happening. she said it was like someone else was controlling her mouth. her doctor said she has tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medications she takes for her depression. her ankles would also roll and her toes would stretch out. td can affect different parts of the body. it may also affect people who take medications for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. we were so relieved to learn that today, td is manageable. learn more at the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at 400,000 children are in danger of dies right now in yemen as the country's civil war rages on. that's according to the un world food program. now an investigation shows just how dire the situation is. the biden administration says it wants to bring an end to the war which was partially funded by u.s. tax dollars by no longer backing the saudi-led coalition figh fighting. the fighting started under barack obama and escalated under the former president donald trump. it has been two months since the blockade has allowed tankers packed with desperately needed fuel for food and supplies to reach by docking in the port controlled by the m. 14 tankers are being held off the coast. this in violation of the un agreement is making the conditions on the ground desperate for innocent parents and children. we go directly into the territory of northern yemen to show what is really at stake here. we want to warn you some of what you are about to see will be tough to watch. >> reporter: the derelict coastline of the north of yemen. a story of war, blockade and devastation. for years now, the north has been increasingly isolated from the outside world. we secretly traveled by boat after our previous reporting here led the government to deny us entry. on the road to the port, we get a sense of the humanitarian disaster kept from the outside world. along the roadside, hundreds of stalled food supply trucks with no fuel to move. in a country in the grip of hunger, their cargo stands spoiling in the hot sun. the port is the supply gateway for the rest of the country. it should be bustling with activity, but today it is eerily empty. a result of the u.s.-backed saudi blockade. the last time it docked here was in december. in the echoing silence it dawns on us we are about to witness the terrible impact of this blockade. desperate patients and family members trying to get the attention of the chairman of the hospital. if he signs these papers, they get some financial relief for their treatments and medicines. he doesn't get far before he is stopped again and again. since the yemen war started six years ago, families have been in financial straits. this is the main hospital and we're surrounded by doctors and nurses rushed off their feet. >> is this a normal day? is it this busy all the time? this is not a busy day? he wants to show us some of his critical patients in the they are pewter feeding center. a ten-year-old girl whose growth has been so stunted by starvation she can no longer stand. >> he says every hour of every day, they are receiving more and more cases of severe malnutrition that are this advanced because the parents can't afford to feed their children. they can't afford to bring them to the hospital to treat them. >> the un says pockets of yemen are in famine-like conditions. he thinks the reality on the ground has out paced the un's projections. the saudi fuel blockade is biting. malnutrition numbers are spiking. at the same time, this hospital is running out of the vital fuel that keeps its generators running, which means that babies like this who doctors say at two months weighs the same as a newborn would die. yemen has been devastated by a civil war which pitted them against the government and a u.s.-packed saudi-led coalition. some of these officials have been designated as terrorists by the u.s. we have been granted a rare interview with a leading official. we must meet in an undisclosed location was his aids say of the threat of a assassination. >> not true at all. the battle is continuing. it has not stopped. >> do you trust america to take forward negotiations to bring peace here in yemen? >> so far we have not seen any concrete decisions being made. >> you have spoken ant being subjected as a nation to international terror, but three of the leaders are designated by the u.s. as terrorists. one of your key slogans talks about death to america. how do you see this as pushing forward the negotiation and the possibility for peace in the future. >> when we say death to america, they effectively kill us with their bombs, rockets and blockades. they provide logistics and intelligence support and their actual participation in the battle. who is bigger and greater? the ones that ware killing us o the ones that say death to them. >> the biden administration has withdrawn support after six long years of war. for the children dies of hunger it still hasn't brought peace any quicker. peace and help can't come soon enough. >> over half the hospitals in this district are threatened. this is one of them. they need urgent support, urgent help. can you imagine what it would do to this community if this facility was shut down. look at the chaos that there is already here and that's while it's functioning. >> for years now, the un has been warning that famine is coming to yemen. doctors tell us famine has arrived. another hospital witnessing wave after wave of children in the red zone, severe malnourishments. mothers are forced to make harrowing choices. >> just to get to the hospital, i stopped eating and drinking, not even water just to get him treated. >> these doctors are keeping track of the numbers spiking beyond what they ever imagined. >> the doctor is saying that in 2020 this population 23% of the children under five here were severely malnourished. in 2021, think they that number will go over 20%. there is no doubt in his mind that they here are in famine. nearly three years ago, the un security council condemned starvation as a method of warfare demanding access to water and fuel be kept intact. here and in other conflicts. that clearly hasn't happened. >> what's more, the world has stopped caring. the un needs almost $4 billion to staunch this crisis. they received less than half that from donors. numbers don't lie but numbers also don't reflect the full tragedy. ten months and struggling to breathe, he came into the hospital six days ago. he keeps losing weight, even with the critical care he's receiving. hours after he left, he died. one more child in yemen that represents so much more pain. the doctors here are desperate for the world to see and to help. cnn, yemen. >> thank you so much for bringing this to us. i want to mention that cnn reached out to saudi arabia for comment but hasn't gotten a reply yet sgl. thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon

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the johnson & johnson vaccine. let's discuss now. joining me, john harwood and cnn political analyst, john avalon. i have to say last names now, since you gents have the same first man. mr. avalon, this is a new cnn poll that shows this bill increasingly incredibly popular with the american people but zero republicans, not one voted for it. we had jen psaki on a short time ago. she said they're going to keep pushing for bipartisanship. do you think they know the score? >> the mere fact no republicans voted for a bill in which some of the contentious items were taken out says it will be a tough road. i don't think it is impossible and i don't think biden should simply couldn't seed it is impossible. it is critically important. can something be done on immigration? on infrastructure? should not give up the ghost on that just yet. the republicans have a problem which is that very often, their fetally is to the far right. not only what their voters believe. that's a disconnect with democracy that they'll have to deal with. >> we're learning about another call where the former president tried to pressure a georgia official in the election. this is part of the interview. >> i won georgia by a lot and the people know it. and something happened. i mean, something bad happened. you go back two years, if you can get to fulton, you're going to find things that will be unbelievable, the dishonesty. it never made sense. and, you know, they dropped ballots. they dropped all those ballots. stacey abrams, really, really terrible, a terrible thing. and i will say this. hopefully, you know, when the right answer comes out, i don't know why, they make it so hard. they will be praised. people will say, great, because that's what it is about. the ability to check into it and to make it right. everyone knows it's wrong. there is just no way. >> can you imagine? listen, with the time that we've had, it gives us some perspective. can you imagine living in that misery, the toxicity and the desperation in that phone call? of course, all of that is a lie but this is similar to the call that we heard between trump and the georgia republican secretary of state brad raffensperger. he was so desperate to stay in power, and the republicans in power. and now they're desperate to restrict voting. this is the next big battle. >> it definitely is the next big battle and it goes to the point that you were just discussing with mr. avalon which is that if the republicans are pressing these aggressive attempts to suppress the vote in states around the country, and if republicans are not willing to cooperate with democrats in governing the country, that could have the effect of driving democrats together. they were already extraordinarily united with very small majorities behind this covid relief bill, may create suff sufficienty. to scrap, alter, adjust the filibuster so they could pass voting rights legislation for registration and voting procedures that would prevent republicans from suppressing the vote. that would enable them on pass large infrastructure climate, health care legislation. we don't know if it will go there. we don't know if the unity they displayed was a one-shot feel can only happen in the first 50 days of your party and you're trying to support him and get his program through, or is this a moment where democrats realized that governing the country is up to us and we're going to have to both protect democracy and govern the country and solve national problems. we don't know which way it will go. >> we certainly don't. i do appreciate having both of you johns, both of you gentlemen this evening. thank you, i'll see you soon. now i bring in collin allred of texas. i appreciate you joining us. i know it is a very busy time for you. let's talk about what's happening. president biden will sign this $1.9 trillion relief bill on friday. what is this, i don't know, what's the big deal part of this for your state? >> well, thank you for having me on. this is one time where i can come on your show and smile about something. because the american rescue plan is to, quote, president biden, a big freaking deal. it will put shots in arms. money in people's pockets. it will put airline workers back to work. keep restaurants open. it will help strengthen the aca, it support small businesses. texas has been extremely hard hit both by covid-19 and by the storm that hit us a few weeks ago, and the neglect of our statewide leaders. this will allow to us recover and get through this crisis. >> i want you, your response to this, congressman. this is a republican congressman glen grothman, what he said about the bill and then stacey plastickin's response. >> the increase in income tax credit for single people has a marriage penalty in it. i bring it up because i know the strength that black lives matter had in this last election. i know it is a group that it doesn't like the old-fashioned family. >> we've been able to keep our families alive for over 400 years, and the assault on our families to not have black lives or not even have black families. how dare you say that we are not interested in families, in the black community. >> what is your response here? >> well, i think congresswoman plaskett did a great job pushing back on that. what my republican colleague said is unacceptable. it doesn't make any sense because in this bill, we have the biggest expansion of the child income tax credit in our country's history. this is going to have a guaranteed income program for families with kids. i've got a young son, another one on the way very soon here. for middle class, lower income families in the united states, they're going to get $3,000 per child. if you have a kid under 6, it will be $3,600. it will be made in payments. we're already taking care of you in a way that none of our republican colleagues are doing because they didn't vote for it. so the black lives matter movement is making sure we keep brac folks alive. to say that's not an american val, that we don't believe in family in the african-american community. it has no place in the congress. i'm glad she spoke up against it. >> neurodallas now and this mask mandate was lifted in texas today. are you worried this could lead to another big spike? already the rangers are planning to open the stadium at full capacity. that mean more than 40,000 seats. >> i am worried. i'm very worried. i'm worried because the experts are worried. the cdc has told states that we're not there yet. we are a couple months away from being able to get vaccines to every single adult who want one. we are 48 out of 50 states in terms of vaccine distribution here in texas. and the one thing we know that protects folks during this is wearing a mask. to say you're going to open up all the businesses to 100% capacity and not require masks, means we will have increased transmission of covid-19 in texas. what does that mean? it means essential workers are out there trying to work and serve and make sure they can take care of their families will be exposed to covid. our front line health care workers who have had the worst year of their lives, who have been making the most enormous sacrifices to get through this, will be put under increased strain and it is unnecessary. we're almost there. with these covid variants that we know we have in texas, because we've identified them. they're more transmissible so it makes no sense. i love the rangers. i grew up wanting to play center field for the rangers. to everyone, to every texan watching, whatever the governor says, continue to wear your mask and protect yourself and your family. >> what is that number? 56 over your right shoulder there? >> i think i'm the only linebacker, former linebacker in the congress right now. so i had to put that up. >> i like it. i want everybody to give him a ten for having his linebacker jersey in his shot at home. thank you. always pleasure. i'm glad, it is good to see you smiling. hopefully we'll see americans smiling more after they start getting these checks. thank you. so. >> thanks. meghan and harry shocking the world by talking honestly about race right out loud. harry's racial awakening since he met meghan and what it means for the royal family. you can try to predict the future or you can create it. we're driving it. everywhere. we emit optimism, not exhaust. we plug in our vehicles as naturally as we charge our phones. we. we are generation e. we want smart. clean. and safe. to also be fun, easy and powerful! ultium! a battery that charges fast. runs long. it fits everyone. nobody will be left out. and that, changes everything. ♪ ♪ that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use 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those three like that one.♪ ♪ and that's 'cause personalized ads ♪ ♪ find good ideas for everyone ♪ so harry and meghan's bombshell allegations in the royal family sparking massive family debate in britain. their explosive interview with oprah winfrey sending shock waves through the royal family which is working to contain the fallout, so far without success. i want to bring in a critic for the "new york times" and a professor at rutgers university in newark, new jersey. thank you. i appreciate you coming on this evening. do you know what? >> thank you for having me. >> it is rare to see such brutal raw honesty about racism discussed so publicly. how damaging do you believe meghan and harry's comments were to the royal family? >> well, we're seeing the fallout, as you pointed out earlier, continuing. we have journalists in brit an writing letters, saying racism is endemmic to the media's coverage, not just the royal family and meghan markle but the way black british people are portrayed in the press. and then you have the ongoing relevancy of the monarchy. what does it mean to be a monarchy in the 21st century? part of what harry saw and what he believed was that his relationship with meghan, his marriage to meghan, reinvigorated the monarchy for a new generation, and for many years to come. so the fact that they experienced racism so quickly and it wasn't in any way contained just shows that the monarchy hasn't modernized. it is not bridgerton. it is not created for a modern people but steeped in old and retro grade ways. >> you wrote a piece for the "new york times." it is called prince harry finally takes on white privilege, his own. and you talk about harry's racial awakening. the second hour of the interview was a culmination of a process harry had been undergoing since the first date in 2016 when he was becoming more cheer eyed, confrontational and emboldened to take on the monarchy into which he was born. and the white privilege that has held it up and benefited him his entire life. how do you think harry did in addressing the issue of white privilege, both his own and that of the entire royal family? >> what i was struck by in that interview, is that for african-american woman like me, i rarely have the experience of seeing someone go through the entire arc of 15 years ago, harry was infamously known for wearing a nazi costume to a party, to someone now who leaves his family because of racism. that is a tremendous evolution of character and of political commitment. so what was interesting about that, that interview, what was compelling to me, stood out to me, he really showed how on the one hand, i don't think he ever thought he would experience racism. then when he married meghan and they were about to have a baby, i think he still thought he was fully protected from the racism that even she was experiencing. that their child would not experience it. even if they experienced it in the media, it wouldn't happen in their family. so when this happened in england when so many white family members are having these debates this their home across generations, young people are questioning their black parents' votes, this was on television, kind of a show case and a spotlight on the intimate conversations that people are often having behind closed doors. he put 30th for all of us to see. and i think it is important when white people expose their privilege and they try to telling a it. it is a very vulnerable thing to do. we should of course not just applaud them, that's what you should do, but it important to note it, to continue to have allies. when someone comes forth as an ally, that's a good thing. i think harry felt he sacrificed a lot and he was losing a lot if his wife and son were treated the way they were. >> we really appreciate having you on. we hope you'll come back. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> so i wrote something something that i think could help a lot of people. i wrote this book. this is fire, what i say to my friends about racism. it is coming out next week. you can pre order it now. next, around one in ten americans vaccinated so far. my next guest got vaccinated today and he's hoping influential people like lebron james will speak out more about it. >> things like that, when you decide to have that conversation between you and your family, not for everybody. so i'll keep it that way. the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? with xfinity mobile, you can. how about saving hundreds on the new samsung galaxy s21 ultra 5g? you can do that too. all on the most reliable network? sure thing! and with fast, nationwide 5g included - at no extra cost? we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction... ...and learn how much you can save at . lebron james is an outspoken leader in the black community on so many issues, but his reason comments about whether he'll get the covid-19 vaccine have people talking. listen to this. >> it's a conversation, you know, that my family and i will have, you know, and pretty much, keep to it a private thing. you know, the conversation about the vaccine and what not. things like that, when you decide to do something, that's a conversation between and you your family and not for everybody. so i will keep it that way. >> my next guest hopes the influential super star will change his mind. >> if you look at the hospitals, you look at people with pre-existing conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, things of that nature, clearly when you look at that, you see that the african-american community is disproportionately affected and something needs to be done. if you're lebron and you've been outspent on on so many issues and you've talked about yourself being a leader, you've talked about how you're proud to have this mantle, you've talked about your pro found ability to influence so many lives and all the things to get done, this is not the time to get silent. this is not the time to be private. not that. >> steven a. smith, espn, joins me now. also the author of two new documentaries called black excellence and why not us? stephen, let me start by saying, thank you for appearing on the show. what you're saying is so very, very important. and you're right. lebron is so influential. we know people lm listen to what he says. why do you think he's drawing the line, specially with communities of color that have been hit so hard. >> i think he's drawn the line in the sand, thank you for having me on the show, i think he's drawn a line in the sand because him like so many of us in the african-american community, we have our reservations about health care. considering history, some of the things that have transpired, some of the unethical and insidious behavior that has been exercised against the african-american community for so many years. it gives you a cause to pause. makes you am rehencive and highly skeptical about the advice emanating from the medical community. so i definitely understand where lebron james is coming from and i in no way want to castigate him in any way. i'm just pointing out, when you look at the data, the statistics, when you hear the information out there, that black folks are dying, like two and a half more black folks are dying than white folks and other ethnic groups in this country pause of covid-19, and you take into consideration, the pre-existing conditions like die beat, obesity and other things, we're definitely disproportionately affected. so because that's the reality, that same hesitation that lebron expressed that i know that i've had for various months, for many months. i just reached a conclusion that it was time to step up and stand up and not just take vaccine. but to make sure i acknowledged publicly even despite those reservations, it was the right thing to do because black folks are dying over this. and we're disproportionately affected by it. >> and let's put it out there. you just mentioned, you got vaccinated today. before you tell us about that, it was yesterday. before you tell us about that, i think it is important, what you're saying. many times, people think that it is a criticism. what you're saying is a call to action. it's not a criticism of lebron. it is a call to action from someone who is powerful, for someone who is powerful who can have a huge influence and save lives. there's a big difference there. >> well, absolutely. it needs to be said. in no way am i trying to be critical of him. he has stood front and central and taken on issues on behalf of black people across the nation. i applaud him form. i'm saying as dire as those circumstances were, this is certainly not less important when you consider the number of lives that have been lost and the number of lives in danger. being lost. former president barack obama took vaccine and he did it in a public fashion. tyler perry and a plethora of others. and i've seen do you so along with various others. we feel an obligation to step up and say despite the recommendations, it is not something we can run from. even though it took me a little while to get tom point, i have to fess up and own up to the fact that despite those reservations, it is something that i could no longer avoid. it is necessary when you consider it. i went down to jersey yesterday and took vaccine. and a gentleman by the name of denial it is pullan, the president and ceo of virtual health called. i've known him for quite some time. he called me a found days ago and he said why have you not taken this vaccine yet? i said i'm coming. he said you need to come now. it's time. you look at the hospital beds, the ic you weres. there are more black people in there than any other ethnic group. we are disproportionately affected. we need all hands on deck to address this issue. i speck you to be one of them and i knew in my heart of hearts that he was one of them. i felt the need to step up and republ publicize. >> how are you feeling after getting it? >> i'm feeling good. i took my first shot yesterday. my arm is a little sore but that's it. outside of that, no ill effects. i'm told the second dose, you'll feel a little bit but it will only last about 12 to 24 hours and then you'll be fine and all the evidence points tom. i'm comfortable with the decision i made. >> that's what people are concerned about. how will it affect me? you get the flu shot. you get a little sore. you get blood drawn. you get a little sore. let's talk about your two new projects. the first is called black excellence. it is about the impact on american culture. the other is called why not us? it looks at the north carolina central university basketball team. tell us about these projects and why it was so important to shine a light on hbcu? >> well, i'm a graduate of hbc you were. i made a promise to my coach many years ago that i would do all could i to bring attention to it. and one of the things that i came up with, the hbcu story is a story that has never been fully told in terms of its inception from over 150 years ago, to contribution that it has made in american society. not just sports and entertainment but even in politics. obviously, corporate america as well. so that story needs to be told in its completion. that's what i'm doing with black excellence. as pertains to why not us, collaborating with roadside entertainment to tell a story basically of that but through the lens of the north carolina central university basketball program, just one of the elite coaches in this nation despite the obstacles that he's faced. and i'll give you this little nugget. when you look at ivy league schools like yale and harvard, they get endowments. it was approximately $250 million. so we don't get nearly the level of support. still and all, slens ten to come out of there. i'm hell been on telling the story. that's what i'm going to do in concert with confluential films. >> long before there was a don lemon speaking out, you were here and i thank you for showing us the way. thank you for your candor. thank you for trying to get black lives to get vaccinated. i really appreciate it. >> i'm incredibly proud of you and the job you've been doing. keep up the great work. you're making us all proud. >> thank you, sir. tomorrow is march 11th. and exactly one year ago that the world health organization declared coronavirus a pandemic. remember, the not guilty covid really came home to americans, tom foreman does. >> the nba season calls a time-out after a player for the utah jazz tests positive. >> quite frankly sh was shocked. >> and everyone was wondering when we would see somebody famous. >> the world health organization declares a pandemic and on march 11th, 2020, covid widely dismissed by the president as a minor threat from distant china -- >> one day, it's like a miracle. it will disappear. >> comes crashing home. >> to keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days. >> overnotight, travel screams a lt had a. millions are told to stay away from the office and told to start grappling with zoom calls. children's schools are shutting down, too. >> it's like, this congress our last time going to school. >> panic buying strips many grocery stores of toilet payment, cleaning supplies, necessities. >> the only they know you have left is salami. >> food lines shockingly miles long. >> we're just trying to find the best way. >> confusion reigns. people are told to wash their groceries. and wear a mask or maybe not. the trouble will last a couple weeks. but then again -- >> the worst is ahead for us. it is how we respond to that challenge that will determine what the ultimate end possibly will be. >> how difficult is this? >> this is a war zonal. a medical war zone. >> in hospitals, the worst times come fast. through too many patients, too few supplies, trs and nurses pushed beyond exhaustion. >> today has been crazy. >> and more bodies than morgues can handle. many families must say farewell by telephone. >> one patient expired. it's very hard to lose a patient that you've been fighting for. >> before that crucial day in march, 782 cases and 28 covid fatalities had been recorded nationwide. by month's end, more than 192,000 cases, and over 5,000 deaths. including minister roddy hampton in who lou who was diagnosed and dies a day later. >> i want you to know that my faith has never wavered. >> now the number of fatalities in the u.s. is well over a half million, famous, influential, and regular folks. that's about one american dying every minute since march 11th one year ago. >> tom foreman, thank you. beautifully done. thanks. republicans making it harder to vote all across the country. but you may not know just how far their efforts go and how much is at stake. including little rock and even worcester. and tonight... i'll be eating the chicken quesadilla from...tony's tex katy. >> we've been to every 50 including little rock. ink they ? oh yeah. you clean dishes as you cook, to save time and stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. now there's dawn powerwash dish spray. the faster, easier way to clean as you go. it cleans grease five times faster on easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. on tough messes, the spray-activated suds cut through grease on contact, without water. just wipe, and rinse. get dishes done faster dawn powerwash dish spray. spray. wipe. rinse. to be honest...a little dust? it never bothered me. until i found out what it actually was. dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust 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been rallying behind voting restrictions. >> the fact is there are americans across the state that have some concerns about what happened in this last election. >> reporter: according to the liberal leaning central for justice, this year more than 250 bills have been introduced to restrict voting access in at least 43 states. activists say those measures disproportionately hurt minority communities. >> what worries me most is this is the pat reminder of consistently suppressing the right to vote for a number of persons within our state. certainly in the black and brown and communities of color in general. >> reporter: in georgia, a state front and central for president trump's unfounded election fraud allegations -- >> they defrauded us out of a win in georgia and we won't forget it. >> reporter: the republican led state senate passed a sweeping package this week to repeal no excuse absentee voting. a method 1.3 million residents used to cast their ballots in november. a separate measure passed by the georgia house would limit weekend early voting. a blow to souls at the polls events and another hit to the state's black voters. georgia republicans say the bills simplify across the state and relieve stress on the workers. >> we should not be scared to do what needs to be done. >> reporter: even georgia's lieutenant governor boycotted the state senate debate. >> the senate will stand at ease. >> reporter: and activists slammed the measures. >> this is weaponization of trump's lies. >> they saw this record historic turnout of black voters in the state of georgia which ultimately led to a different outcome than what they wanted. >> reporter: kim reynolds signing a law that cuts the number of early voting days to 20 from 49. and closing an hour earlier, 8:00 p.m. rather than 9:00 pom election day. republicans have defended the law. >> this is a good bill. >> reporter: and they said the legislation strengthens uniformity by providing consistent parameters for election day. the iowa law already faces a fate as democratic election attorney mike elias filed litigation to try to stop it from taking effect. and we should note, developments in two other states. in florida, they're advancing a bill would ban drop boxes and over in arizona, the senate there passed a bill to impose new voter i.d. requirements on those submitting early ballots. neither of these has gone into law yet. neither has gone into effect. both are of concern to voting rights advocates. >> all right. thank you so much. i appreciate it. a top union official is calling it hell. 400,000 children at risk of dying in one country. cnn investigates next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. when i noticed my sister moving differently, i didn't know what was happening. she said it was like someone else was controlling her mouth. her doctor said she has tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medications she takes for 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has allowed tankers packed with desperately needed fuel for food and supplies to reach by docking in the port controlled by the m. 14 tankers are being held off the coast. this in violation of the un agreement is making the conditions on the ground desperate for innocent parents and children. we go directly into the territory of northern yemen to show what is really at stake here. we want to warn you some of what you are about to see will be tough to watch. >> reporter: the derelict coastline of the north of yemen. a story of war, blockade and devastation. for years now, the north has been increasingly isolated from the outside world. we secretly traveled by boat after our previous reporting here led the government to deny us entry. on the road to the port, we get a sense of the humanitarian disaster kept from the outside world. along the roadside, hundreds of stalled food supply trucks with no fuel to move. in a country in the grip of hunger, their cargo stands spoiling in the hot sun. the port is the supply gateway for the rest of the country. it should be bustling with activity, but today it is eerily empty. a result of the u.s.-backed saudi blockade. the last time it docked here was in december. in the echoing silence it dawns on us we are about to witness the terrible impact of this blockade. desperate patients and family members trying to get the attention of the chairman of the hospital. if he signs these papers, they get some financial relief for their treatments and medicines. he doesn't get far before he is stopped again and again. since the yemen war started six years ago, families have been in financial straits. this is the main hospital and we're surrounded by doctors and nurses rushed off their feet. >> is this a normal day? is it this busy all the time? this is not a busy day? he wants to show us some of his critical patients in the they are pewter feeding center. a ten-year-old girl whose growth has been so stunted by starvation she can no longer stand. >> he says every hour of every day, they are receiving more and more cases of severe malnutrition that are this advanced because the parents can't afford to feed their children. they can't afford to bring them to the hospital to treat them. >> the un says pockets of yemen are in famine-like conditions. he thinks the reality on the ground has out paced the un's projections. the saudi fuel blockade is biting. malnutrition numbers are spiking. at the same time, this hospital is running out of the vital fuel that keeps its generators running, which means that babies like this who doctors say at two months weighs the same as a newborn would die. yemen has been devastated by a civil war which pitted them against the government and a u.s.-packed saudi-led coalition. some of these officials have been designated as terrorists by the u.s. we have been granted a rare interview with a leading official. we must meet in an undisclosed location was his aids say of the threat of a assassination. >> not true at all. the battle is continuing. it has not stopped. >> do you trust america to take forward negotiations to bring peace here in yemen? >> so far we have not seen any concrete decisions being made. >> you have spoken ant being subjected as a nation to international terror, but three of the leaders are designated by the u.s. as terrorists. one of your key slogans talks about death to america. how do you see this as pushing forward the negotiation and the possibility for peace in the future. >> when we say death to america, they effectively kill us with their bombs, rockets and blockades. they provide logistics and intelligence support and their actual participation in the battle. who is bigger and greater? the ones that ware killing us o the ones that say death to them. >> the biden administration has withdrawn support after six long years of war. for the children dies of hunger it still hasn't brought peace any quicker. peace and help can't come soon enough. >> over half the hospitals in this district are threatened. this is one of them. they need urgent support, urgent help. can you imagine what it would do to this community if this facility was shut down. look at the chaos that there is already here and that's while it's functioning. >> for years now, the un has been warning that famine is coming to yemen. doctors tell us famine has arrived. another hospital witnessing wave after wave of children in the red zone, severe malnourishments. mothers are forced to make harrowing choices. >> just to get to the hospital, i stopped eating and drinking, not even water just to get him treated. >> these doctors are keeping track of the numbers spiking beyond what they ever imagined. >> the doctor is saying that in 2020 this population 23% of the children under five here were severely malnourished. in 2021, think they that number will go over 20%. there is no doubt in his mind that they here are in famine. nearly three years ago, the un security council condemned starvation as a method of warfare demanding access to water and fuel be kept intact. here and in other conflicts. that clearly hasn't happened. >> what's more, the world has stopped caring. the un needs almost $4 billion to staunch this crisis. they received less than half that from donors. numbers don't lie but numbers also don't reflect the full tragedy. ten months and struggling to breathe, he came into the hospital six days ago. he keeps losing weight, even with the critical care he's receiving. hours after he left, he died. one more child in yemen that represents so much more pain. the doctors here are desperate for the world to see and to help. cnn, yemen. >> thank you so much for bringing this to us. i want to mention that cnn reached out to saudi arabia for comment but hasn't gotten a reply yet sgl. thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's 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Dose , Feeling Good , 12 , 24 , Sore , Points Tom , Flu Shot , Blood , Decision , Projects , Impact , Mother , First , North Carolina Central University , American Culture , Basketball Team , Graduate , Coach , Hbc , Promise , Shine A Light On Hbcu , Story , The Hbcu Story , Attention , Inception , 150 , Corporate America , Contribution , Entertainment , Politics , Completion , Sports , American Society , Lens , Basketball Program , Collaborating With Roadside Entertainment , Ivy League , Endowments , Coaches , Obstacles , Nugget , Harvard , Yale , Level , Slens , 250 Million , 50 Million , Concert , Confluential Films , Don Lemon Speaking Out , Candor , Sir , World Health Organization , Work , March 11th , Doing , 11 , Pandemic , Time Out , Player , Positive , Season , Tom Foreman , Coronavirus A , Nba , Utah Jazz , Somebody , Sh , March 11th 2020 , Cases , Threat , Miracle , China , 2020 , Travel , Shores , Travel Screams A Lt Had Millions , Europe , Overnotight , Children , Grocery Stores , Zoom Calls , Schools , Toilet Payment , Office , Down , Panic Buying , Food , Cleaning Supplies , Salami , Necessities , Trouble , Worst , Groceries , Confusion Reigns , Patients , Supplies , End , Challenge , War Zonal , War Zone , Trs , Patient , Telephone , Exhaustion , Morgues , Bodies , Fighting , Fatalities , 782 , 28 , Roddy Hampton , Deaths , Who Lou , 192000 , 5000 , Faith , Efforts , Stake , Dishes , Quesadilla , Little Rock , Worcester , Tony S Tex Mex In , Katy , Oh Yeah , Dawn Powerwash Dish Spray , Messes , Mess , Faster , Five , Contact , Grease , Suds Cut , Water , Dust , Dusters , Sweeper , Feet , Dust Mite Droppings , Swiffer , Duty , Skin Cells , Gross , Ewww , Trap , Clock , Grab , Matter , Reach , Floors , Cloths , Grooves , Dust Bunnies , Swiffering , Nice , Heebie Jeebies , Phhhhew , Plant , Plants , Wendy , Art , Walmart , Metrolina Greenhouses , Vilma , Kisses , Jim Crow , Reporter , Bills , Effort , Voting Rights Restrictions , Legislatures , Sarah Murray , Iowa , Allegations , Voter Fraud , Losses , 29 , 20 , Voting Restrictions , Concerns , Theft , Liberal Leaning Central , Measures , Activists , Pat Reminder , Justice , Minority , Voting Access , 250 , 43 , Estate , Donald Trump , General , Persons , Election Fraud Allegations , Central , Senate , Residents , Absentee Voting , Package , Excuse , Led , Win , 1 3 Million , Measure , Events , Polls , Blow , Souls , Georgia House , Lieutenant Governor , Stress , Debate , Weaponization , Lies , Turnout , Kim Reynolds Signing A Law , Outcome , 8 , 49 , 9 , 00 , Law , Election Day , Uniformity , Parameters , Mike Elias , Litigation , Taking Effect , Fate , Developments , Florida , Drop Boxes , Voter I D , Requirements , Arizona , Concern , Voting Rights , It Hell 400000 Children At Risk , Union , 400000 , Piano Music , Extreme , Suvs , Lincoln , Sister , Doctor , Medications , Tardive Dyskinesia , Someone Else , Mouth , Depression , Ankles , Toes , Td , Parts , Bipolar Disorder , Body , Schizophrenia , Talkabouttd Com , Yemen , Civil War , Rages , War , Administration , Un World Food Program , Situation , Investigation , Saudi , Tax , Coalition Figh Fighting , Backing , Fuel , Blockade , Tankers , Docking In The Port , Ground , Coast , Agreement , Violation , 14 , Territory , Northern Yemen , North , Coastline , Devastation , Reporting , Hundreds , On The Road , Roadside , Port , Entry , Boat , Disaster , Hunger , Rest , Supply Gateway , Food Supply Trucks , Grip , Cargo , Hot Sun , Activity , It Dawns , Result , Silence , Hospital , Chairman , Papers , Relief , Medicines , Treatments , Six , Doctors , Nurses , Straits , Girl , Pewter Feeding Center , Growth , Starvation , Malnutrition , Stand , Malnutrition Numbers , Projections , Fuel Blockade , Generators Running , Newborn , Babies , Terrorists , Officials , Coalition , Assassination , Aids Say , Location , Peace , Negotiations , Decisions , Being , Want , Death To America , Terror , Negotiation , Slogans , 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